#i love kirishima so much omg
kibble-2 · 3 months
one hug from kirishima, except it’s not a hug you get from a stranger but a hug you get from your best friend you haven’t seen in years whos love language is physical touch and squeezes you so tightly and doesn’t pull away until you pull away first, would cure over half of my problems rn.
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naladrawssss · 2 months
Nala we all need to know
(Besides aizawa) How many husbands do you have?
hmm lets think for a second
in mha, there's aizawa, duh
then there's hawks, shinso, edgeshot, sir nighteye (rip ily bbg) togata, twice, and maybe a few others I cant think of rn baby girls will include: shinso, todoroki, denki, kirishima, iida, aizawa, aizawa, aizawa, a few others maybe and aizawa !!! :3 (I LOVE AIZAWA SO MUCG ASKDJHFLKASHDLFKJHAWLKJHLAKJDHLFK)
but ya !! thanks for asking !!
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justauthoring · 6 months
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because bakugou katsuki is a jerk but he's also unfortunately your soulmate.
a/n: wooooooohhhhh i love soulmate aus so much omg
pairing: bakugou katsuki x f!reader
part two. part three.
You’ve known he was your soulmate from the first day at U.A. 
When he’d bumped into you, steaming with anger in that way he regularly was and had spat at you; “move it, extra, or i’ll make you” – and you’d known then because those were the words written across you hip since you’d turn five and it had manifested with your quirk.
Because that was how the world was. Nowadays, it was odd to find someone without a quirk and even harder to find someone without a soulmate and you’d grown up your whole life having those awful words written on your skin. Had grown up knowing that for whatever reason, the soulmate you’d been given didn’t say warm, intimate words to you or even just simply generic words. Your friends had always had such nice sentences from their soulmates, with pretty words or a happy greeting.
And in yours you’d been called an extra.
Whatever the hell that meant.
You’ve never been excited to meet your soulmate. Not once. Not when you were five, or eight or twelve or when you started noticing people in a way you hadn’t before, more romantically. Not when you started maturing and growing up. Those words glared at you every time you stared at them and you didn’t want a single thing to do with your soulmate.
Not ever.
That is only doubled when you realize who your soulmate is. Maybe there was always a small part of you that hoped the words were misunderstood; you’d make scenarios up in your head about how those words could be teasing or even just a misunderstanding. 
When they’re spat at you by an intimidating blonde man that looks like there’s actual steam pouring from his ears, with piercing red eyes that cut into you like you’d done some horrible thing to deserve his anger… you understand then that they weren’t teasing and they aren’t a misunderstanding. They’re cruel and they’re mean and dismissive and hurtful and every horrible thing piled together by a man who is even worse beyond just his first words to you.
So you make it your goal that he never finds out you’re his soulmate in return.
You avoid him. Desperately. You’re barely a person in his own head so it isn’t all that hard to do. Even as the rest of the class grows closer and bonds, it seems Bakugou is just as content to ignore everyone else as you are to be ignored by him. Sure, some worm their way into his heart, like Kirishima or Midoriya and Shoto, but nobody else really seemed to matter. At least, you didn’t. You had the same friends, you were in the same class, and eventually, you ended up sleeping in the same building. 
You saw him everyday. You ate in the same kitchen and relaxed in the same living room. You trained in the same gym and overall, were consistently near each other. But you didn’t speak to him and he’d never tried to speak to you after that first day. Months pass and it continues on this way and you’re sure he doesn’t even know what your name is.
Or that you really even exist.
And you’re happy with that.
Because while the idea of a soulmate was romantic and heartwarming and something you dreamed about, him being your soulmate sounds horrible.
And it was best he just never even knew.
He was so focused on becoming number one, you’re not sure he even cares about finding his. 
Which is fine. Works better for you in the end.
“Y/L/N and Bakugou. You two are teamed up for combat practice today.”
You freeze at Aizawa-sensei’s words, body tensing as your eyes instantly shoot towards Bakugou. He’s already looking at you, brows furrowed and eyes narrowed as he lets his eyes drag across you; it’s clear he’s assessing you. Maybe trying to remember your name or if he’s ever seen you before.
It wouldn’t surprise you if he was.
Somehow, in all your months of being in the same class as Bakugou, you’ve never once been partnered up with him for anything. You think once you may have been put in a group with him, but that was with several others so it'd been easy enough to avoid him.
One on one though? That was going to be harder.
Way harder.
“Good luck,” Mina calls from beside you, squeezing your shoulder before she moves to meet up with her partner; it looks like she’d gotten Jirou. Lucky. 
Watching everyone else disperse tells you that you can’t just stand there like an idiot anymore. You take a deep breath, ignoring the nerves that course through you as you make your way over to Bakugou. As you make contact with him again, you realize he’s not moving; obviously he expects you to come to him.
When you reach him, the two of you just stare at each other and since you’re certainly not going to speak first, there’s a moment of awkward silence before Bakugou grunts; “ready?”
You nod and he isn’t confused by your silence so the two of you walk off to an open area in the gym. He stands across from you, gives you a look and then is racing towards you. You’re not sure why Aizawa-sensei teams you up with Bakugou because your quirks definitely don’t mesh well together and it’s clear Bakugou is stronger, but you’re able to hold up well enough on your own.
You even manage to land a hit on Bakugou once that clearly surprises him and you take it as a win.
And a little payback for being such an ass.
Then, when the class is over and you’ve promptly been knocked on your ass in return, you’re surprised to see a hand stretched out in front of you, invitingly. You blink, eyes drifting upwards only to meet Bakugou’s as he stares down at you. He’s not smiling and he doesn’t look all that friendly, but he nods his head in recognition.
“Good job.”
The words are such a shock your brain short circuits for a minute. Not only are the words the nicest thing you’ve ever heard Bakugou say (which is saying a lot) but his voice wasn’t gruff or aggressive like it normally is–it was… soft, almost? Maybe not soft but… normal. Just… calm.
Your heart is lurching at the sound before you even realize and then you’re pushing yourself up to your feet, basically smacking his hand out of the way and running out of the room without another word.
After that, Bakugou doesn’t seem to leave you alone.
He’s everywhere.
And not everywhere in the way he had been before. He’s not there in passing or just across the room from you, he’s asking to train with you or deliberately making sure he’s the only one left for you to partner with. He seems to always be in the kitchen when you want to eat or in the living room when you want to vedge after a long day.
He’s constantly there.
Not to mention, gone are his glares or looks of indifference. He’s always looking at you, making sure you know he knows you’re there; even if the two of you are in class or with a group of classmates. He makes note of acknowledging you. The others seem to notice too because the girls start asking what you did to get Bakugou’s attention and you promptly tell them you have no idea.
Of course, they don’t know Bakugou’s your soulmate so they don’t really get the scope of your panic. And it’s not that you don’t trust them, especially after all you’d been through as a class, but more because the less that knew, the less likely Bakugou was to know.
But now? Now it was getting hard to avoid him and it was even harder not to say something without it looking obvious why you weren’t.
You were promptly fucked.
You are able to stall it for all of two weeks before you’re cornered by Bakugou.
“Do you think I’m stupid?”
Your wide eyes fall on him, not only shocked by his presence but panicked by his words because there were few things a sentence like that could mean. 
A quick glance around tells you there’s no way to get past him without Bakugou being able to block him and since it had already been made clear that he was in fact stronger than you, you knew there was no escape. Everyone else was gone since you’d snuck out of training to grab a bite to eat and it seemed like Bakugou had snuck out the same to follow you.
So yeah, you were screwed.
Bakugou lets out a huff at your silence and he takes another step towards you, further crowding you and you swallow thickly when he steps into your personal space. You move to walk back but then your back is pressing against the wall of the kitchen and Bakugou is completely shrouding you, it's hard to look anywhere but at him.
“Do you think I don’t know why you won’t speak to me?”
Inhaling sharply, you turn your head to the right, determined to avoid his steely red eyes that feel like they’re piercing into your very soul. You focus on the handle to the cupboard to your right and try to ignore the growl he lets out in response.
He takes another step forward and suddenly he’s inches apart, close enough you can feel his breath drift across your skin, warm to the touch.
“It wasn’t hard to figure out after you ran from me that day when we were partnered up,” Bakugou continues. “Especially when I started to realize you’ve never talked to me. And then? Avoiding me for the last two weeks? It’s not hard to figure out.”
You halt, freezing, waiting for the words—
“You’re my soulmate.”
You refuse to look at him. You won’t look at him. 
Maybe if you just ignore him, he’ll go away. He’ll just… leave. He doesn’t like being ignored, that much you’ve gathered and so if you just refuse to–
Suddenly his hands are on your arms and his chest is against yours and he’s way too close. “Hey,” he huffs, “look at me.”
You don’t listen. Even as you tense beneath his grip, you refuse to do anything, to give him any sort of reaction. If you give him a reaction, he’ll get what he wants. And you’re not thinking straight. You need to just wait, wait until he’s bored and then you can think—figure this out because surely–
“Y/L/N,” he calls and you’re surprised he even knows your name, “look at me. Hey. I’m right, aren’t I? Why else wouldn't you fucking looking at me.” You continue to remain silent and Bakugou lets out a low growl. “Fucks sake. I’m not leaving until you say something so you might as well—”
“—I’m not saying anything to you because you’re a jerk!”
Well, that certainly could’ve gone better.
The words leave your lips before you even realize you’ve said them. The second you’re done, your chest is heaving and you finally turn your head, eyes snapping to Bakugou’s, fearing his reaction at your rather blunt and rude words.
But, a second later, instead of being angry like you’d expected, Bakugou starts… laughing.
You’re not sure you’ve ever seen the boy laugh, certainly not that genuinely. His lips are parted and his eyes have squeezed shut and the laugh that leaves his lips is pure and genuine and loud and it’s so unlike anything you’ve ever heard from him you’re stunned stupid as you stare back at him with your lips left parted, jaw slacked.
As his laughter fades, Bakugou meets your gaze.
“I’ve been waiting to hear those words for years,” he starts, still smiling–actually smiling this time. Not a smirk. But an affectionate grin. “Wasn’t sure what I did to deserve those words, but it seems fitting.”
Blinking, once, twice, you sputter, snapped out of your stupor. “I–I… You jerk!”
“I think we’ve established that already, babe.”
You barely even notice the nickname. If it wasn’t for the way your heart races at the sound, you’re sure your stupefied mind wouldn’t have caught it because seriously, what the hell?
“You… this is exactly why I didn’t want to say anything!” You cry out, not sure if you’re defending yourself for him or more for yourself. Why are you even defending yourself? And what against? “You’re insufferable. And rude. And cocky. And a jerk.”
Bakugou just snorts. “What are your words?” He asks, smile fading slightly as his expression turns more serious; almost solemn. Regretful. “Must’ve been bad if you had to avoid me.”
You’re surprised by the guilt in his tone, but it gives you the confidence to answer. “‘Move it, extra, or I’ll make you’,” you mumble, fiddling with your hands. “You said it the first day we started here at U.A.”
“Shit,” Bakugou curses, running a hand through his hair. “So you’ve been avoiding me for months?”
Your eyes flick to his before lowering and that gives him his answer.
He shifts. “L-Listen… uh, sorry about… about cornering you like this.”
Blinking, you tilt your head up. You’re shocked to see a red tinge to his cheeks. 
“I just needed to know,” he finishes explaining. “And I’m sorry about that shit I said to you. My soulmate doesn’t deserve that crap but I can’t take it back, so I’ll just make sure I make up for it.”
You’re positive now that you’re hallucinating this whole thing.
He blinks down at you at your screech before smirking.
“Well, I mean, as we get to know each other,” he says, like it’s obvious. “I’m shit with words but I’ll try for you. I'm good with showing though,” and he looks a little too pleased with himself.
But you can barely focus on the very blatant meaning of his words, you're still trying to catch up. “You…” and you hesitate, not sure if you’re hearing this correctly. “You want to get to know me?”
And he looks at you like you’re dumb.
“Duh,” he shrugs, “you’re my soulmate.”
“What about being number one?”
“What about it?” he argues, shaking his head. “That’ll still happen. You think I can’t do that while also dating you?”
Your eyes widen; “dating?”
“Yeah,” he says, again like you’re dumb. He takes a step towards you, once again closing the gap between you and his hands falling on your waist, pulling a gasp from your lips at the touch that causes him to smirk, as if proud. “You’re my soulmate. Of course we’re going to date.”
“I barely know you!”
“That’s why we’ll get to know each other.”
You just stare up at him.
“You really are insufferable,” is what you manage to say in the end, exasperated. Your shoulders fall and your body sags but you don’t pull away from his touch and even if you’re not fully aware of it, you’re pretty sure you end up leaning into him.
“You’ll learn to love it,” he shrugs, still grinning. “Now, let’s go back to training. We need to work on your defense.”
Blinking, you turn to him as he shifts the both of you, guiding you forwards. “Hey!”
“What,” he shrugs down at you. “It’s true. You were barely able to block my hits when we fought.”
You can’t find the words to say so you simply let him lead you along, trying to ignore the way his hands make your skin tingle and your heart race. Or, really, the way that despite everything, you really don’t mind.
If anything, you actually like it.
Fuck—he really is a jerk.
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bkgml · 9 months
Omg! Just found your profile and I literally fell in love with your writing, it’s AMAZING! That’s why I’m here to request a Bakugo x fem!reader where the reader has a telekinesis quirk and overworks herself during practice. After that Katsuki can’t seem to find her anywhere until he searches in her room and find her in bed with lights off and just enter protective boyfriend mode? Thank you so much, hope you’ll write it! 🧡🧡🧡
you felt your head pounding as you stare down at the gym mat. you’ve been training heavily all afternoon and you feel yourself getting closer and closer to your limit.
“yn, you good?” sero asks stepping closer to your hunched over form.
your eyebrows furrow and your ears ring. god your head is pounding.
“yeah.” you mutter weakly, breathing deeply through your nose.
“you’ve trained enough for today, go rest up for the test tomorrow.” he says sternly.
“no i’m good, one more round.” you say, standing to your full height in an attempt to mask your pain.
“you’re gonna fucking pass out. go upstairs.” he says, pushing you gently in the direction of the gym doors.
“fine fine i’m going.” you laugh weakly, stumbling outside.
“and drink some fucking water!” he yells.
“i’m gonna kick your ass.” katsuki snarls.
kirishima just knocked him down and katsuki is not happy.
“bro, you’re getting weaker.” kirishima teases, way to poke the beast.
katsuki launches into another attack, pummeling kirishima.
after your quick shower, you stumbled into bed and pulled out your phone.
*calling: katsuki <3*
straight to voicemail.
you sigh, trying to relax, but the stress of your combat test as well as your sore muscles are forcing you to stay awake.
*calling: serooo*
“yo, yn! this fight is crazy, kirishima and bakugou are killing it!”
“nice!” you attempt to sound excited, but you feel like shit.
“…so, katsuki’s still training then?” you say sadly.
“uh yeah he is, do you want me to get him though?” he offers.
“no, it’s okay. just tell him to call me when he’s free, okay?”
“yeah, course. bye, feel better!” he cheers.
“bye sero.” you mumble, arm flopping back on the bed.
you’re so frustrated. you just want to relax and sleep but you can’t manage to.
“hey bakugou.” sero says, running up to him after katsuki finishes sparring.
“hm?” he hums while chugging his water.
“yn told me to tell you to call her.” katsuki’s eyes furrow.
“where is she?” he asks.
“she’s in her dorm. she overworked herself during training, looked like shit.” he replies.
katsuki frowns deeply, pushing past sero and through the gym doors.
“fuckin told her… don’t overwork yourself… just can’t listen.” he grumbles, trudging in the direction of your dorm.
he creaks your door open slowly to not wake you.
“suki?” you murmur, head lifting to peer at your door.
“what are you doing up?” he sighs.
“can’t sleep.” you whine.
“yn i told you not to fuckin overwork yourself.” he grumbles, shutting the door behind him.
“i’m just really stressed out right now, kats. ‘m sorry.”
he sighs, walking over to thread his fingers through your hair.
“i know angel. we can train more tomorrow, you just need to rest properly in between spars, okay?” he says, kissing your forehead softly.
you nod and grab his hand.
“come here.” you whisper, eyes flicking up to his.
“i’m so sweaty. gonna have a quick shower.” he explains and you frown lightly.
“5 minutes. just rest, alright?” he kisses your head before walking into your bathroom.
you try to breathe and relax to the white noise of the shower but your headache overpowers your exhaustion.
“why aren’t you asleep?” he frowns, grabbing boxers from a drawer he occupies.
“i can’t, im too nervous for the test.” you frown, getting frustrated.
“you’re going to pass, i promise.” he says, dragging the towel over his hair while walking over to you.
your frustration builds tears in your eyes causing you to turn away from him.
katsuki sighs, climbing into bed and cradling you gently.
quiet sobs fill the room and you bring your hand up to harshly wipe at your eyes.
“let me kiss you.” he mumbles into your shoulder.
you turn in his grip and bury your face into his chest.
you remain there until your tears stop and you lift your head to look into his eyes, pecking his lips.
he stops you from pulling away by resting his hand on the back of your head, thumb rubbing up and down to massage your scalp.
you sigh into the kiss and feel your eyelids grow heavy.
“sleep now.” he murmurs against your hairline.
you nose at his jaw softly, tucking your face into his neck.
he cradles you in his arms.
“night.” he says, smiling against your scalp.
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t3ag3rs · 5 months
i loved your bakugo headcanons omg, the joy i feel when someone writes for characters and actually includes their canonical personalities lol idk if you write for any other characters, if you don't then you can just ignore this, but if you do then could you write similar relationship headcanons for Kirishima or Shinso? :3
hi! im so glad you enjoyed my Bakugou headcannons! I hope this kirishima one fits to your liking! sending lots of love <33
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i definitely think kirishima first ends up seeing you talking to mina on a random day. you and her are just talking about dance when you two are suddenly interrupted by the outgoing redhead inquiring about who you are.
he suddenly realizes that you had went to junior high with them but had never really hung out with the popular group due to having a close circle of friends- one of whom is mina.
"actually? I never saw you..!" he chuckled rubbing his neck with a slight blush, you just wave it off with a quick smile, "nah dont worry bout it.."
well fuck... now at least kirishima knows what exactly he likes the most about you. your gut wrenching, heart pumping, adorable ass smile.
would immediately try and get mina to help him out with you in every. single. way.
"mina, whats her favorite color? And chocolate? To add to that thought- flowers as well. god mina I sound desperate!"
poor baby is so whipped for you he actually cant even manage to hide it in front of you.
kirishimas the type of person to rant to his friends about you with absolutely no knowledge about his surroundings. so much so that he doesnt realize you can hear him occasionally..
do you mind? of course not! its not like you dont have a small- okay fine. major thing for the red head as well...
"kiriiiii..!" groans mina, "stop obsessing over her and just confess goddamnt!" she exclaims frustrated while throwing her hands in the air.
"tell who what?" you grin overhearing their conversation.
you look at the two confused before mina starts, "you see y/n, kirishima here has a-" until you see a hand slapped over her mouth.
"nothing!" grins kirishima quickly. you nod slowly before you see mina side eyeing him with a knowing glance. "fine.." sighs kirishima dropping his hands.
"as i was saying.. our little man over here has a fat crush on you" she says nonchalantly, shrugging her shoulders. you immediately break out a shit eating grin, "oh- yeah i kinda know.. he isnt very good at hiding things..." you chuckle.
"why didnt you say anything!" whines kirishima, "you couldve saved me so much time and effort!" completely forgetting that you hadnt given an answer to his confession.
"because i thought it was cute.." you admit with slightly flushed cheeks. you look away to avoid making eye contact before you feel kirishimas hands wrapping around your torso.
"so you like me back then right? please say that means you like me back.." he exclaims happily into your neck.
you just smile and wrap your arms back around him to give him his answer.
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captain-n-crunchies · 3 months
My Zuzu!
Izuku Midoriya x Reader
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Let talk about how Izuku would be the perfect boyfriend in the history of boyfriends. Like forgot Bakugo tough but soft love and Kirishima gym rat love and look at how Zuku is like total boyfriend material!
-- Izuku who when he first discovers your pretty face quickly asks you about your quirk and backstory even how you got your hero suit designed! Writing everything you say with a quickness, but he doesn't even notice himself writing notes about your appearance like how your lip pucker when in thought, your eyes simmer when you talk about your favorite thing about your hero design, and how quickly your face animates itself to a new emotion every few sentences. After meeting him he makes a huge effort to get to know you besides your quirk and heroic morals he wants to know everything about you even things about your parents (he used those facts for when you start dating)
-- Izuku after months of being your friend fighting alongside you and you tending to some of his scars he starts to have more unfriendly thoughts about, and no not any freaky stuff more of he hates how you laugh at every flirty joke Denki makes or how he love that you fuss over him and his recklessness he just eats up every new hairstyle you get, every new shoe, new dress he just hasss to complement you making you smiles at him so hard he blushes under that gaze you give him. Too bad it took practically a whole pregnancy for him to confess!
-- Izuku would when makes dates makes sure he gets everything perfect from a small date to a cafe he gets you a tiny allmight keychain as a momentum, dates at the aquarium? a jellyfish plushie is in your arms by the end of shark's exhibit, a concert for the two of you favorite band? Oh, baby got a favor from Bakugo to get you their new album. He makes sure any cuddle dates are so cozy and warm so you can't leave his arms; with pillow forts and fresh popcorn and a cute Disney movie with his strong arms around you warming you up nicely. Izuku who covers you up in his bed is you fall asleep fist and gets one of his allmight plushie and places it in your arms
-- Izuku who is always touching you doesn't matter if it's your leg on his thigh or his hand holding your pinky, he just needs to touch you if you're going to be close to him but what about far away? He has a whole keychain of allmight that everyone knows is his and he attaches it onto your bag and boom now everyone even your teachers know your " Zuzu Baby"
-- Speaking of Zuzu baby, he loves pet names and since his name Izuku has about fifty names in it you choose ' Zuzu' which when you first called him it he face reddens a bit since you always gotta call him babe or baby he naturally registers his name to be Zuzu. He's a boy who doesn't care if his friends hear you call him this name because you call him it out of love and he can't ask for more, I mean your his baby what the need to go getting mad because you didn't call him Midoriya he doesn't even call you by your real name you baby, pretty boy/girl, beautiful, pretty, anything he could think of that remind him of your called it
-- Now even though he's soft he ain't no punk he just doesn't really get bothered by mean commets anymore (he was quirkless majority of his childhood this dude got more thick skin than Bakugo) he just laughs awkwardly and when alone he talks all his shit
" And Bakugo gonna call me useless!?"
" Nooo baby why you didn't say nothing?"
" He got kidnapped and nobody wanted to save him but Kiri! I would be pissed everyday too"
" Omg! Izu stop!"
-- Like Zuzu is messy also he was a quite kid y'all so when you thought he wasn't listening HE WAS, and since your if s/o then bookie he is talking so much shit and gossip with you to the point you look at him differently like where did my softy go? He just said he would whoop Todoroki's ass if he called him a mutt
" Baby really?"
" It'll take a while but I could!"
" Shoto? The fire and ice combo package?? You could whoop his ass?"
" If I was called a mutt! He'll have two scars"
Yea... he talks too much but, he gonna back it up especially if it was about you. He cares about your mental a lot so if you ever tell him you're feeling a bit down simply because a hoe talking shit, he got 508 Instagram accounts to troll them, and you'll never know
-- Izuku who is only a boy so sometimes that cute miniskirt gets the gears in his head turning, in his room right behind the hero journal he got a little book filled with drawings of you so detailed it almost creepy, a small page of you drawn in many lewd styles. Every make out session you feel hi hand twitch trying to stop himself from touching our hips or to fondle your chest when you cuddle
-- Izuku who when the time is right will show you, he isn't just Zuzu baby all the time his mind evreytime you change clothes wondering what will happen if he takes a peek at your naked form?
-- 'That'll never happen though, Izuku is too much of a sweetheart to be a perv right?' You think looking at him scribble in his book today you're in his room studying, you ask to see his book and he blushes shaking his head and hides the page from. After a few minutes he gets up to go to the bathroom now your chance!
Getting up from your spot you take a peek at the page and it just a drawing of you listening to music from earlier with cute love notes along the side, smiling you hide the page again not looking at the page behind it with you drawn with your tits out glistening in the sun.
We love Zuzu!
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honeipie · 3 months
little rant on the mha boys and relationships.
authors note: this was spontaneous word vomit that i needed to get off my chest. shoto's turned into a whole fic and i struggled writing for him the most omg..
boys included: izuku midoryia, katsuki bakugo, shoto todoroki
izuku midoryia
ouuu my baby.. first off, his love languages are words of affirmation and acts of service. we all know this boy goes leaps and bounds for people he barely knows. that’s what makes him such a great hero. after watching i just get the feeling that it would take the longest for him to get into a relationship. i’m thinking late twenty’s or early thirties. he watches as his colleagues and friends start to grow their families. getting married and having babies, while he sits back silently wishing that was him. he had so much going on in his life from after the war to becoming the number one hero that he simply lost track of time. it wasn’t his own doing that pushed him to start dating but his friends (mostly kirishima and mina). they tested the theory out first of course. inviting everybody over their house for a get together. the two made sure they got the chance to subtly corner the green haired man.
“hey izuku! would you mind holding rumi for a second? thanks!” mina placed the baby in the man’s hands making him a bit startled.
“oh! sure” they both stepped a few paces back into another group to analyze his behavior. it took a few moments but then they saw it. a genuine smile and sparkle in his eye that they hadn’t seen in a while. izuku was tickling the baby’s stomach emitting giggles that made him feel somewhat accomplished. kirishima came back up to him slapping his hand on the back of his shoulder.
“man you’re a natural! why aren’t you dating around? finding your person? clearly you wanna be a dad. do you want to adopt on your own maybe?” kirishima took the baby from a sheepish izuku.
“no, i definitely would want to get married first. but you know how hard it is to date when you’re a hero. you guys are lucky you have each other though. i just don’t want to put that person in danger, or have them just like me because i’m famous of have money. plus, they’d need to be ready to have a family right away.. not that i’d force them or anything! it’s just we’re getting older and-“
mina placed a hand on his shoulder “we get it! i think i know someone that i can set you up with”
now let’s say you and izuku hit it off, get into a relationship. this man needs someone who can pour back into him. someone who reminds him that it’s okay to feel overwhelmed from the kind of job he has. someone who tells him it’s okay to cry when it’s just the two of you. someone who’ll let him be izuku midoryia instead of the amazing, unbreakable deku.
he spends all day helping and doing things for others. when he gets home he’s absolutely exhausted. sorry for you independent working ladies but i think he needs someone who’s willing to take care of the house when he’s not around. someone who lets him come home to the warm meals and fresh sheets on the bed.
not that he’s lazy in the relationship or anything! this man will literally do anything to make you happy. on days he’s off or if you had a hard day at work (if you wanna), he’ll help with the cooking and other chores. it’s just for the most part he wears himself thin because of his job. so yeah, he wouldn’t mind someone who already has his dinner on the table when he gets home and gives his shoulder kisses as you two bathe and tell him how resilient he is.
as for kids? yeah get ready, this man wants at least four. plus like he said at this point you’re both getting older so he doesn’t care how yall become parents. whether you’re willing to have some kids, or if you’d rather foster/adopt! all he knows is that he wants to be a dad for sure.
izuku midoryia’s biggest red flag is just not telling you when he’s not feeling himself so you have to deeply analyze him to understand whenever he’s feeling upset. you have to start most of the communication, but when he gets into the groove he lets you know everything that’s going wrong.
katsuki bakugo
this motherfucker.
jk i love him! he just needs somebody that can match his energy in some moments, and be the calm in the storm in another. in short he needs someone with balance.
he would get into a relationship maybe early or mid-twenty’s i would say. i honestly think his love languages are everything but words of affirmation. just the non-verbal stuff. he would be the type to fall in love with someone in a work related context (more specifically his personal assistant). he always thought you were pretty, but if you think this man is going to tell you that you’re fucking delusional. in fact, he goes out of his way to be the sassiest man alive to you until you finally get tired of it. he had said some shit about you getting to his office faster because you were only one floor down.
“do you ever get tired of hearing your mouth? because i do” you placed papers down on his desk before turning around “you have a meeting in twenty minutes. the car will be here in five. wouldn’t want you to be late cause i know how busy the elevator gets” the slam of his office door got the gears in his head turning.
ooh, he likes youuu.
the next day, you took the elevator up to his floor but noticed some construction down the hall. you almost jumped when he appeared next to you.
“‘ts your new office. so you won’t have to take the shitty elevator anymore” you gave him a silent nod which acted as your thank you.
when you two started dating it’s pretty nice. y’all’s favorite pastime would have to be people watching. you sit outside of a coffee shop with baseball caps and sunglasses on talking about anything or anyone that’s interesting enough to bring up. when the press finally figures you two out all you do is find another shop and do the same thing.
now it's more of the opposite with katsuki than izuku. he loves that you keep yourself occupied with a job and will do anything to support you on any career goals you have. though if you do want to stay home he'll support that too. katsuki is going to need somebody who sticks with him through his good, his bad, and his mf ugly. someone who is able to know when to give him the space he needs. the love that he likely needs to receive the most is physical touch and words of affirmation, and it's really good if you do both at the same time. i think the most effective on him would strangely be the little doses. like a small squeeze to his hand and just saying "i'm so proud of you" or "you're my number one hero" would make him feral.
time for katsuki's red flag. he would absolutely put his job before you! just because he's in a serious relationship doesn't mean that he still doesn't want to be number one. and if you want kids that's going to be tricky. now here's the thing.. katsuki wouldn't mind having one or two kids, really, but you see right through him. he already cancels on a lot of your dates, and makes up for them eventually, so you get over it. but if you had kids you don't really know how it would affect them. you knew that he would support you at first, taking time off for maternity leave, but after that then what? kids wouldn't understand why he was choosing the world over his own flesh and blood. so you mightt just have to wait until he matures a bit more to have that conversation.
shoto todoroki
i had to work myself up to write him cause wheeewww. where do i start? to get into a relationship with this man you gotta be in it for the LONG RUN. not because of his job or anything, just because he's him. yeah, he's maturing beautifully as he goes through life but baby he still don't know what a real relationship consists of. his love languages gift giving and quality time. i think really heavy on the quality time because he never really got to spend time with the people he loved when he was younger so he makes sure to cherish those moments now. i couldn't tell you when specifically, because it'll just happen on one random day.
honestly, my best guess is that he would fall for someone he sees everyday while doing one part of his routine. for instance, he has his own personal gym, but he’s grown to like running in the park better than his treadmill. that's where he sees you for the first time walking your dog. you'll both smile politely as you pass one another every day. this goes on for about a month until you start to not show up for about a week.
after one of the hero meetings shoto decides to bring it up with izuku "there's this girl i see when i run, and i haven't seen her in a whole week. it's strange, but i'm kind of upset when i don't get to see her"
izuku smiled hearing shoto finally talk about someone he’s interested in "you've got a hallway crush!"
shoto scrunched his face in confusion "izuku, i run at the park near my house"
"no, that's not what i meant! it's just another saying for a crush on someone that you just see but don't really talk to" izuku tilted his head one finger on his chin "do you want to talk to her?"
shoto thought about it for a moment "yes, i think i do"
"i can help if you want!-"
"hah!?" katsuki's voice boomed throughout the room. as always, he had been listening into their conversation "you wouldn't know how to talk to a woman even if someone gave you cue cards!"
"kacchan, once again, nobody was talking to you"
"that's what i would say to you about women" he got up with a tsk "text me when y'all are going out for a run. i want to see this trainwreck live and in color"
so that's what they did. the next morning they all joined shoto for his morning jog. he kept an eye out until he saw you. he stopped right in his tracks causing katsuki to run right into his back.
"watch where you're going you icy hot bastard!" he yelled but shoto paid him no mind.
"there she is" he mumbled, watching as you unclipped your dogs leash.
"okay first off don't fucking stare at her you weirdo" katsuki grabbed his shoulder turning him away with izuku nodding in agreement.
"maybe you can compliment her dog!" izuku suggested but katsuki shook his head.
"nah, go for the shoes. chicks love shoes"
right as they started bickering shoto felt something jump up on his leg. he turned to see your dog had run up to him in an excited manor.
"bruiser!" you yelled out chasing after him. once you got ahold of him you smiled up at the pro hero "i am so so sorry about that. i thought he was finally ready to be let off the leash but i was wrong" you tried to stop your racing heartbeat. not only from the running, but maybe from the fact that the top three heroes were standing right in front of you.
"i like your dogs shoes" shoto blurted making both katsuki and izuku curse under their breath “and im glad you’re fine. i haven’t seen you for a week so i was starting to get worried”
"you noticed? i was on vacation. and i like yours.. too?" you said going to latch the leash back onto your dog's harness.
"thank you, but i don't have a dog" shoto stated rather bluntly making you chuckle.
"right, my mistake"
the two of you got into conversation rather easily forcing the other two to talk on the side. the only reason they were still there was to make sure shoto didn't fumble the bag "i like your dog's name"
"ah, thank you! i named him after the dog from legally blonde. have you ever seen that movie?"
"no, but it must be good if you named your dog after a character"
"yeah it is! i think they're actually playing it at this drive-in movie theater tomorrow. i was thinking about going"
the two men had subtly made their way behind you. as soon as you said that they both perked up making exaggerated motions.
'go with her!'
‘ask her out dumbass!'
shoto squinted his eyes trying to decipher what it is they were saying. when he finally got it he nodded looking back at you "i would like to take you there tomorrow on an official date"
your mouth slowly opened at his boldness before pointing to yourself "me? are you sure?"
"yes, i think you are very pretty and i like seeing your face every day when i run"
'o-okay then. i'll see you tomorrow"
right before you could leave izuku and katsuki dramatically held up their phones.
"oh right. can i take your phone?"
"are we going to have to go on this fucking date with him?" katsuki mumbled turning to izuku.
"might be a possibility"
i feel like once this man finally starts to get the grasp of what a relationship is truly about he gives in that he is head over heels in LOVEEEE. he doesn't care what you do, honestly. working? cool he's showing up there once or twice just to make sure you’re okay. wanna stay at home? the best part of his day is coming home to his true love and seeing what they made for dinner.
for the topic of kids he's so insecure about it at first. not wanting to end up like his father of course. but if you give him enough reassurance and time then after you have your first kid he knows he wants more.
shoto's red flag could easily be that he's emotionally unavailable but hear me out. at the end of the day he still grew up in the todoroki household and might've picked up some traits that aren't the best. we all know this man is blunt so he has no problem dropping snarky comments like "you gained weight" or "i don't really like your hair like that" and i don't even think he means to be rude most of the time?? homeboy just says what he thinks. though if it's really getting to you and you bring it up to him he will 100% start to think before he speaks.
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yuff7e · 3 months
okokok request hehehe:
katsuki x reader, they are in a secret relationship and he gets caught sneaking into her dorm by denki, he just chlillibg and thinks nothing of it when he suddenly sees y/n with a hickey the next day
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₊˚.༄ getting caught with katsuki bakugo !! ೃ - sfw + light nsfw (not rlly tho lol)
female reader
hii anon ! omg this is such a silly request i love it :3 LETS WRITE IT !!! RAAHGGGF !! (enjoy >_•)
the cuties song -> www.spotify.com
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katsuki treads through the dim school hallways, texting on his phone thoroughly. your messages lighting up his screen as he cuts corners, thumbs tapping the screen excitedly. “i’m comin’ gimme a sec” is all you see pop up on your phone as you set it down, hopping up to a small knock on your door.
you rush over to it, thinking it’s katsuki - until you open it and it’s denki. “denki? what are you doing here?” you ask, arm falling to your side as the door hangs open. “hey [name]! uh i was wondering if you wanted the last of these cookies from the party i was just at, i know how much you love these things so i thought id just stop by and give ya some.” he says, holding out a small baggy full of sugar cookies.
denki was one of your good friends, you’ve known him for a while now and you actually met katsuki through him. (him being in his group and all) you kindly accept, taking the baggy out of his hands and holding it as denki continues the conversation. your anxiety spikes a bit as the conversation carrys on, you checked your phone and saw how close katsuki had become.
“hey denki, sorry to cut the conversation short but i’m really tired! so i gotta go— sorry!” you begin to shut the door but denki stops you with his foot, “can i come in for a sec? my dorm isn’t on campus and i don’t have a ride, can i just hang in your living room so i can call a few people?” he pleads with these big ol’ puppy eyes and you can’t resist, letting him in.
instantly you whip out your phone and head to your room as he walks into your living room, typing at the speed of light so katsuki would get your message before he arrived.
[name] : “hey babe denki js got here and ik it sucks but can ya wait a lil until he leaves?? js for a sec he won’t be here long” 10:34pm
but right as you hit send, you hear denki start talking. “bakugo? what are you doin’?” your heart sinks. there’s no way. you throw your phone across the room and jump toward your door and press your ear against it, listening to what they’re talking about.
you hear katsuki and his voice gruff and persistent, he sounds irritated. “what the hell are you doing here?” - “what?! you know i’m friends with [name] bro! i’m just hanging here until i get a ride, i didn’t know you knew [name] like this!” the rest of the conversation seems to go muffled and you hear the door shut.
you’re confused because of how silent the room is until your bedroom door is swung open and you trip forward into someone, “oh shi— sorry!” is all you say before looking up and realizing who it is, your secret boyfriend - katsuki bakugo.
“why the hell is denki here?” he questions, shutting your bedroom door quietly behind him and wrapping his arm around you. “he said he needs a ride to get to his apartment off campus.. i told him i was really tired but he was persistent and i felt bad! you know im friends with denki, i couldn’t just deny him like that..” you cross your arms in defeat and katsuki just watches you.
“mhm, alright.” is all he says before taking you to bed.
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next morning rolls around and you’re strolling to first period, pretty giddy. (hmm i wonder why) you enter the classroom and look around, looking at each of the different groups. you walk towards yours which included denki, sero, kirishima, and of course katsuki.
“hey guys, what’s up?” is all you say before denki screams, “[NAME] WHAT IS ON YOUR NECK?!” denki and you have a sibling-like relationship, so it didn’t come surprise to you that he practically started freaking out. what did surprise you was that he noticed it so quickly and responded like.. this. “denki! wha— it’s nothing!” you quickly hide it with your hand, pulling up your shirt to cover it a little more.
“no! i know what i saw! show me tha— wh.. who did that to you?!” denki is asking you a billion and one questions and you become dizzy with all of them, “denki it’s nothing! i’m a grown adult i can care for myself, thank you.” kirishima stares at you and starts grinning, “mhmmm, we didn’t know you were like that [name]! hahahah! just kidding, right bakubro?”
kirishima hits katsuki in the side with his elbow and looks at him, but once he sees his face he notices his temper beginning to stray. and quickly. “hey denki you ever heard of buzzing off? yea, how bout you do that?” katsuki hisses, causing denki to turn around.
“hey! what’s with the attitude bro? you were in her apartment yesterday!! wait.. WAS IT YOU??” denki points his finger square in katsukis face and that’s when all hell broke loose. he grabbed ahold of denkis shirt and yelled at him for “getting in other people’s business that wasn’t his own” denki immediately calmed down but was still irritated. 
“why are you getting so mad anyway? you don’t even know [name] like that! so what’s with the defense?!” denki throws his arms up in the air in protest as kat clicks his teeth and looks away. your face is flushed with embarrassment as denki basically outed you to the whole classroom.
“denki seriously it’s nothing don’t get so worked up please.” is all you say and you look down, he notices your embarrassment and shuts up but still glares at you and katsuki. “whatever! i don’t even care anyway..”
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katsuki and you lie together in your bed in silence, “i can’t believe he noticed it like that..” he whispered, touching the purple hickey on your neck with his thumb - causing you to flinch back. “babe! stop touchin’ it! that hurts…” katsuki chuckles at your reaction, “sorry baby, you’re just too cute..” he wraps his arm around your naked torso and presses you up against him. “yeah, but that’s just denki for you i guess..” you stay silent and look into your boyfriend crimson eyes, he was so beautiful.
“when are we going to tell people.. y’know?” kat stiffens at your request, looking to the side - eventually, he moves a piece of hair out of your face and sighs “y’kno i’m popular babe…—” before he could finish you cut him off, “mhm, popular with the ladies~” you coo and he pushes you off playfully.
“shut up, y’kno what i mean. like, everyone’s gonna be in our business.. ya saw how denki acted.” you listen to his words and nod slowly, “right, well…” you sigh, outstretching your arms and falling on top of your boyfriend once more. “at least i get my privacy with you for now.” - “mhm.”
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STOPP THIS WAS SI CUTE TO WRITE TUSM FOR THE CUTEST REQUEST EVA !! and btw everyone im getting to yalls too !! dont worry !! <3
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sttm99 · 3 months
TW..? Mentions of oral
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Part 1
In as much as you loved summer for the long school break, beach days, and the opportunity to wear little clothes and even littler bikinis, you absolutely abhored the heat.
It was horrid.
And the store's air conditioning broke down the night before, so you had been stuck in the melting pot for at least three hours after you began your morning shift, three hours until the repair man came over to work on it.
And judging by the grunts he'd been making back there, you were certain you'd spend the next hour exactly how you were, sitting back in your chair behind the counter, one of the store's only three standing fans propped right infront of you and your magazine another makeshift fan.
"The fuck- I'm boiling already!"
You perked up just slightly at the groan, already recognising the voice. You turned around to face the door, a smile lighting your face as you caught sight of those four boys again.
"Yo! What brings you guys to the best sauna in Musutafu!" You sang out, still aggressively fanning yourself with the magazine.
"Sauna's definitely right." Bakugo grumbled out, slowly pulling at the collar of his shirt as he approached the counter, "Gimme some of that fan, will ya?"
"No, me!" Kaminari yelled and practically rushed forward.
"I've got high metabolism, I sweat quicker." Sero chimed in.
But you just scoffed at them, "Hello? I'm the one in here for a five hour shift. Get your own shit!" You scooted closer to the fan, soaking in all the air.
They all groaned, Bakugo louder than others, muttering something you didn't catch under his breath.
"What are you guys here for again, anyways? More drinks?" You raised a brow.
"Yep!" Sero said.
"And we wanted to invite you for a beach day." Kaminari grinned, hands on the counter as he leaned forward.
Kirishima stepped forward. "It's just us and like four other people - girls, so you shouldn't feel too overwhelmed."
You thought about it for a while. It's not like you really had any plans after your shift. So you just shrugged and nodded.
"Sure, I get off in like thirty minutes. What time?"
Which was how you found yourself near the back of the group next to Bakugo as you all made your way closer to the water.
Not only had they stayed until the end of your shift, when one of your coworkers came over to start their time, but then they'd followed you home and waited for you to take a shower and get changed.
Your mother was a bit apprehensive about having her daughter going to the beach with four guys she didn't know, but Kirishima was freakishly good with adults, reassuring her that she was in good hands.
That and they'd all pulled out their provisional hero licenses.
"Guys!" A pink skinned girl burst into your line of sight, hurling right into Kirishima. A group of three others - not pink skinned - joined in - not bulldozing the boys.
It was easy to recognise the other students of UA; their faces had become regulars on the news channel by now.
You didn't even have the chance to be awkward when Kaminari started aggressively showing you off to the girls like some action figure.
"This is YN!
She works at that convenience store we got those drinks at!
She's so cool!
Look at her!"
It had the girls laughing and greeting you, and had Bakugo scoffing, rolling his eyes as he marched away to lay down his bag on the sand.
"Hi, I'm Mina." She greeted, her hand around your wrist as she spoke. "This is Tsuyu, Jiro, and Ochako."
"YN," you responded. "I know you guys, by the way. 'Seen you on the news a few times."
"Seriously?" Jiro asked softly as she leaned into you.
"OMG- I'm literally famous now!" Mina squealed, wrapping her arms around you tightly and jumping a bit. "Did I look cute?"
You laughed, jumping with her. "Really cute. Badass, too."
"You guys! There's snacks!"
Most of you were seated now on Mina's very large blanket, the bag of snacks and drinks in the middle as you watched Mina and Kirishima have a chicken fight battle with Ochako and Sero.
"So...?" you whispered to Bakugo beside you, taking the bag of gummy bears he was currently fighting with. "How did it go?" You asked as you calmly tore the top of the bag and handed it over to him.
He glared at it for a moment, then at you, then the bag again, before snatching it and dipping his hand in.
It took him a while to answer you. "It was fine." He mumbled, willing the tips of his ears not to turn pink.
You hummed as you put your hand out to him for the gummy bears. He tilted the bag, pouring a couple into your palm. "You guys together now, or...?"
He shook his head. "Nah... just friends."
"Do you want to be together?"
Normally, Bakugo wouldn't even dream of engaging in such a conversation with someone who was practically a stranger. It was too private and too embarrassing for him to talk about. But for some reason, he couldn't help it. Your presence was too calming, too inviting even. You seemed so void of judgement.
It was what made him ask for your advice that first time, what made him ask for your number, too. And yet there was something about you that had him sweating and unable to text, had him deleting his words every time he typed them down in your chat.
"I don't know." He mumbled, eyeing how Kaminari pulled Jiro away somewhere, and how Tsuyu went over to stare at, or talk to, some of the fish, leaving only you two on the blanket.
"You don't know?" You raised a brow at him.
He huffed, keeping his eyes on the gummy bears, knowing that if he turned his head again, he probably wouldn't able to stop himself from glancing at your scantily covered skin.
"I just- out of everyone, she's the one I'd want be with. But... I don't know if I actually do." He frowned, trying to find better words to use.
But you seemed to understand just fine, reaching out your palm for another round of gummy bears. "Sounds like you like her cause she's the best option. Not that you really like her."
He was silent as he took in what you said.
"Yeah." He mumbled.
"Oi, you guys!" Sero called out to the two of you from where he was, running around in the water with Uraraka, Mina, and Kirishima. "Come on! Don't be boring!"
You chuckled at that, leaning forward to push yourself to stand.
"Hey," Bakugo quickly whispered to you, his hand reaching out to hold your wrist, stopping you just before you could get up. "Don't go yet."
And there was something in the way he said it, the intensity of his eyes, that had you stopping, relaxing back into your position before he pulled his hand away.
He looked back at Kirishima, "I'm not playing with you idiots!" He yelled in true Bakugo fashion.
"YN?" Kirishima called out to you.
You just offered him a wave and a smile. "Later."
He shrugged, going back to running from Kiri and Uraraka.
You turned back to Bakugo. "You don't want to join them?" You asked, collecting another round of gummies.
He shook his head, eyes on your hand as they dipped into the plastic bag. "They're idiots."
You hummed, laughing softly as you popped some gummies into your mouth. "And I'm not?"
He looked up at you, brows set low, and lips curled downwards. "You're not."
Maybe it was how he said it, or how he looked at you as he said it, but your stomach tightened a bit, and suddenly, Bakugo was attractive.
You looked at him as he pressed forward to grab another pack of gummies from the bag, watching the way the muscles of his back stretched and contracted, the flow of his hair, his jaw, his neck, his biceps and forearms.
He tossed you the bag instantly as he sat back down, and you smirked at him cheekily as you tore it open.
"Can't open a bag, Bakugo?" You teased.
He turned to glare at you, snatching the bag. "My quirk makes my hands sweaty." He scoffed, picking up some gummy bears.
Then he looked at you for a long moment before speaking up again. "I'm gonna go wash them. Come."
He stood up, and you followed suit, walking after him as he led the way to the washroom, both of you ignoring the looks you knew you were getting from the others.
You stood next to the sink as Bakugo washed his hands, eyeing the pale tiled walls and floors. "So... you sweat a lot?" You raised a brow.
He turned to glare at you as he dried his hands under the blower. "That's what you got from the explanation?" He'd just explained the entire mechanism of his quirk, and all you could say was that he sweats a lot?
You shrugged, an amused look on your face. "That's the backbone to it, honestly. Bakugo's a sweaty-palmed mess." You chuckled.
He shook his head in mock disappointment, sighing. "What am I going to do with you?"
You grinned. "Get me more gummies...?" You laughed.
He scoffs before looking down at his hands in distaste, thumbing at his palms. "This shit always makes them so fucking dry."
You glanced down at his palms before reaching out to hold on, rubbing aggressively on it.
"The fuck are you doing?" He says, but doesn't bother to pull away, he steps closer, so now you feel surrounded by him.
"I don't know. But my friend likes doing this when her hands are dry. She says it helps." You shrug, your mouth going dry.
"It's not working." He says to you. And his voice is lower than usual, breathier.
You let out a soft hum, your lower lip caught between your lips as you slow your ministrations. And just as you're about to let go of his hands, he grips yours, keeping you close and leaning down to catch your lips with his.
Your surprise is short, and you're immediately wrapping your other hand around his neck and kissing him back. His lips are soft, softer than what you'd expected.
And he's gentler, too. His free hand comes to softly hold your waist as he kisses you, mouth moving against yours so softly, so sensually, you're almost squirming.
He licks into your mouth expertly, tongue relaxed as he explores, drawing more mewls from you.
You pull away for a moment. "There's no way you were a virgin a week ago." You furrow your brows at, breathing heavily, your faces still close to each other, and your hand still clasped around the back of his neck. The way this boy is staring at you and breathing into your lips has you dizzy.
"I hadn't fucked doesn't mean I can't kiss. I'm amazing at everything." He retorts before he presses into your lips again.
"You practice kissing in the mirror, right?" You pull away again with a shit eating grin.
He glares and leans back in.
"Oh, I am so right, aren't I?" You pull away again.
"No, you just talk too fucking much." He spits out in frustration as he lets go of your hand, both of his palms now tightly gripping your hips and pulling you flush against him.
He crashes his lips into yours, backing you into the door and pressing his bare chest against your bikini covered one. Bakugo groans into your mouth when he feels your breasts flat against him, his lips growing greedy.
One of your hands is tracing the muscles of his abdomen, gliding up and down the hard ridges of flesh contracting with each deep groan from his mouth, whilst the other is in his hair, pushing his face closer.
You spend what feels like an hour in there, Bakugo's mouth attacking every inch of free skin his lips could reach, groaning at the sounds you made when his fingers were gliding down your stomach, dipping into your bikini bottoms and into you.
When you finally get back to the beach, everyone is on the blanket, and even Jiro and Kaminari are back. You'd cum once on his tongue, though it'd taken a while with his inexperience and you having to keep giving pointers on how to touch you with his fingers and his tongue.
But he was willing to learn and even more willing to make you feel good. And you'd rewarded him by shoving his dick down your throat.
"You guys took a while," Mina commented with a sly look on her face when you and Bakugo sat back down.
The latter just grunted, grabbing the last bag of gummies as he sat down next to Kirishima, shifting slightly so you could sit next to him.
You gave her a look before mumbling a quick lie about a long line and poor plumbing. Not like anyone believed. That and the fact that Bakugo just casually gave you the pack of gummy bears to open for him.
"Sure." Mina murmured.
You couldn't be bothered, really. And neither could he.
Tags: @lovra974 @khadeejanaur
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cvnt4him · 3 months
i would request monoma x reader bc I'm literally going crazy about him but idk-- OMG NVM MONOMA X KIND/SOFT READER
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You know you wrong as hell for that picture tho.. bc why he look so goofy, bones js doing my man wrong this season😞
*˖°My heart.°˖*
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"I don't get what you even see in him, my love."
Mina scolds as she finishes crocheting your last butterfly loc into your hair.
It was 4 AM, you both had school in a couple hours and she had been doing your hair since 12 o'clock. Your head was pounding and was going to be throbbing for the next week. You can only imagine how bad it'll be once you put your hair into a ponytail...
You sigh from relief knowing that was the last braid you had to endure. She puts muse all over your hair, the soft yet cold air like foam covering your hair as she gently slides her hands down each braid costing it in the pleasant and calming scented hair applicator.
You stand and stretch deciding to just put your bonnet on without putting your hair up so you can just head straight to bed, not that you'd get much sleep since school started in like what less than an hour and a half? What's the point in even trying to sleep.
"he makes me laugh. he's a gentleman, he--"
"gentleman my ass."
She cuts you off with a scoff straightening up all of the things she used to do your hair, putting them away and washing the icky foam texture off of her hands.
"okay first of all, don't you ever in your life; he's a sweetheart, really he is. and I don't need you questioning my choices, you're like a sister to me so please for the love of God just fucking trust my choices for once, yeah?"
She hums and rolls her eyes putting her bonnet on and getting under her leopard printed covers. She sighs and wishes you a good night as you leave and head back to your dorm.
All you could think about while getting ready for school was how rude mina was. Sure he was quite unpleasant to your classmates but he's a sweet guy to you!! Well no.. he's just less of an asshole. You noticed that Everytime he would say some smartsss remark to your peers he wouldn't say anything even remotely bad to you. He wouldn't even look at you. It's like there was something about you that just made him go silent.
The way you looked at him however, that was a game changer. He would get all stuttery over his words and just get flustered to the point he'd live without kendo needing to assist. (Knocking his hardheaded ass out)
You figured he had a crush on you which you were completely alright with due to you reciprocating his feelings! He was so beautiful and rather charming in his own way. He was distinguished and quite dashing!!!
You had no idea how people could just say such mean things to him!!
You finish off your look with a silver necklace that makes everything pop so beautifully. Your many rings matching indefinitely. You wore a white turtle neck and a pastel pink plaid skirt with white opaque tights on underneath. Baby pink Mary Jane's accompanying your soft aesthetic.
Being in college was fun for you, the party's the sleepovers the random socks on other people's dorm handles. It was an interesting experience, one of the greatest parts about it was how you could wear whatever you wanted! No dress code, no uniforms just your own unique style!
You walked with a sway to your hips as you made it to your class, to your surprise seeing how there were different students there than normal.
You look around and see groans and laughter coming from somewhere, you turn your head out the classroom door to see some of your friend and peers angry and uncomfortable whilst a manically laughing monoma boasts about something.
Mina sees you and lights up nodding her head in monomas direction telling you in girl talk or whatever the fuck to "get your fucking man before I have kirishima walk him like a damn dog."Her eyes saying more than enough.
You chuckle which catches others attention, including monomas. He turns with a raised brow to see you, his eyes widening and a pinky tint slightly becoming visible on his features.
"hello, neito."
He clears his throat and turns to you dusting off his outfit and giving you a small grin looking to the ground, unable to hold eye contact.
"hi y/- ahem. Y/n."
His voice cracked whilst he tried saying your name instantly making him get flustered and asking a loud and entertained kirishima have a belly laugh.
Monomas turns to them and instantly shouts at them calling them "Imbeciles" and "incompetent losers" and such, the way he spoke with such sophisticated mannerisms was just amusing to you, even while arguing and being angry with people he disliked he still manages to not use foul language and be somewhat civilized. It's quite neat.
You giggle catching his attention again, he turns to you and bows his head lightly with a smile as an apology.
"what are you up to, neito?"
You ask with a tilt to your head.
"who me?! I- uhm-- y'know the usual, classes are just taking over my brain at the moment, haha!"
He jokes, making you giggle again. God you were so cute to him, the way you innocently giggled or laughed at anything, the way you dressed to adorably like an innocent little girl was oddly compelling to him.
"i see you've gotten your hair done. It looks very nice, y/n."
He says to you nodding his head to your hair, the way you had little sparkles raying off of it and how you had little star shaped clips in your locs just completes your outfit.
"awh thank you neito!! You're so sweet!"
You jump into his arms with a hug, snuggling your nose into his shirt. He blushed intensively, getting stiff and tense underneath your touch. You did such foul things to him, making him flustered and blushy like this. He never felt this way for anyone, he always wanted to be a hero and show everyone that he was just as capable of doing things his former class rivals could.
He slowly wrapped his arms around your shorter figure leaning his head down and resting it on your head, his nose burying itself into your locs and smelling the sweet smell radiating off of them.
It was an unfamiliar smell to him, yet it was so intoxicatingly sweet. Like he'd smelled it before, or like it was just something he couldn't resist. A smell he was sure he wanted to take over his senses all the time. For the rest of his life even.
The hug lasted quite some time, an angry kirishima faux clearing his throat to end the long hug. Mina rolled her eyes and nudged him, she didn't like monoma really, but if you had then she'd just have to thug that shit out. For your sake.
You pulled away first, having monoma realize where he was, which was not in a perfect mansion with a beautiful rose garden, white picket fence, and a golden retriever running around with happy and cheerful barks.
He looks down at you ass you peer up at him with beautiful eyes, the way they shine so brightly even without sunlight raying into them, the way you bat your eyelashes at him and smile innocently.
He blushed while staring deep into your eyes. Fuck he'd just imagined a whole entire life with you, making you his wife and you have his kids.
You were evil and putting him under your spell. Your evil, wicked, enchanting, perfect, beautiful, absolutely breathtaking spell. Wait what?!
He got flushed and hid his face with his hand as he looked away, his other hand still on your waist.
You put one of your hands on his neck causing him to snap his neck to look right back to your face. You look down at his chest and rub your other hand up and down it and slowly look back up to him. You smile and move your hand that was once in his neck to his flushed cheek.
He wss going to kiss you. Fuck he was actually going to kiss you, finally, after having a huge crush on you for all these years you were going to kiss him. He'd finally make you his!
"AHEM. So yeah uh, we have to get to class, right y/n? Wouldn't want kids to catch you guys Frenching in the middle of the hallway while classes are in right? Right?"
Kirishima interrupts, making up an excuse to get you away from him.
Mina face palms herself while pulling kirishima away from the two of you. Monoma watching while he gives kirishima an evil, shit eating grin. Kirishima was practically foaming out of the mouth like a raccoon with rabies.
You simply giggle before letting him go. No no no, that's not what was supposed to happen! Why'd you let him go?!
"he's right, we should get to class."
You say quietly, never taking a step back still being rather close to him, peering up at him with wide eyes and offering him a smile.
He sighs and looks away. He was extremely disappointed. Why'd that shitty shark toothed fucker have to get in his way? You were finally going to kiss him.
"but, we can hang out later, if you'd like."
"yes!-- I uhm.. yes, I would like that, if you would."
He answers quickly, before stumbling on his words and saving himself from eternal embarrassment, not that toud ever make fun of him. He was cute, and flushy. Most people didn't get to see him like that not even kendo. You were honored and wnsted to spend more time with him. So you agreed. The two do you made plans and agreed to meet and have lunch, he'd take you to see a movie and you'd go out on dinner dates.
He had so many plans for the two of you. And once you start dating you better believe you're not allowed to be around anyone without him, not that he's jealous.. he's jealous. He's so jealous, he hates anyone that's not him being in your presence. He loves you! More than anything and anyone.
He holds you with grace, being so gentle with you throughout everything. Making sure you don't have tod I anything, not lift a single finger. He holds you tight at night making you feel safe and warm. He loves matching with you, and eating with you, and doing anything to ensure everyone knows you're his. He isn't insecure or anything but he's not oblivious to the rather hot people that swarm your school. He has a hard time reassuring himself that you only have eyes for him!
You're so kind and nice to everyone it's hard to believe you're his girlfriend. Seriously, no one believes you two, but you are. You're his and he's yours. No doubt about it, he'd choose you over the world.
He loves showing you off, boasting and bragging about how cute you are, how you're his girlfriend and how no one can ever even compare to you. How your skin glows in the sunlight without any help. How you're so strong and are better than anyone who ever existed. You can be a bit of an airhead at times, he even teases you about it, but let someone dare say some shit about you, he's ready to throw words. Something tells me hes not the best at hand to hand combat..
Anyways, he loves you dearly, he makes sure to tell you constantly. He doesn't want you feeling like you're less than perfect. He has standard, rather high ones too, and you meet them to a tee.
AN: this is x black!reader bc I js got my hair done and I've become kinda obsessed w him so. Yeah!!! I'm definitely making more monoma and tenya content bc they've recently been clouding my head. Anyways love laugh love monoma!!!
This is kind of all over the place so come back later for more and much better content including him.
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wolfstarwereinlove · 10 days
honestly even if izoch didnt become canon, i think they still had the best conclusion out of any relationships. the last climax of the final war was their talk, izuku basically calling ochako his hero and holding her hand? meanwhile we havent even gotten an actual talk between bkdk and izuku didnt even acknowledge anything bakugo did for him. thats why many people think hori chickened out from confirming izuoch and just left it soft canon/implied at the end.
i disagree with u, but i respect your opinion, i will show why i disagree tho
izuku and ochako are definitely important to each other this is canon and is beyond love relationship, they are friends first, like everyone in class 1A, this is the canon part that is not implied. Obviously if some people view more as love it’s ok too!
but now let’s talk about the importance of the acknowledgment of the hero thing and the hold hands in mha!
calling someone hero there is to show how this person is important, it’s not romantic at all. Izuku is kota and eri’s hero and obviously this is not romantic, it’s a way to show to that person how much their existence impacted on them. (and shoto also said something similar about izuku being he’s hero) And izuku calling ochako hero there make total sense, why? because she was struggling because she didn’t save himiko, that’s way he said that ochako was he’s hero, because even tho he couldn’t say that she was himiko’s hero deku needed to show her that she is important as a person, not as a friend, not as a lover, as a hero.
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and i love this part because shows a lot about uraraka’s development! and i will also say the importance of him calling her by hero and not heroine, as her japanese VA said, uraraka is a hero so she is a woman that goes there and worked for her own things as a HERO, she recived and sacrificed herself for that work, if hori used heroine so this would make them being implied because heroine is the love interest, the girl who is a hero but is always saved, and kidnapped, and used as a weapon of torture, to disturb the hero
and who recived that cargo? katsuki.
now the hand hold, this is way more symbolic because it’s like a izuku’s thing and iz//chas used that as the biggest reason just because the hand hold has more history with bkdk than with anyone else 💀, but in mha holding a hand is to support someone or/and asking if they are by someone’s side, just because someone hold the others hand this doesn’t imply nothing and i say that for bkdk too! Iida, kirishima, ochako, aoyama, tenko, all of them had their holding hand, kiri with katsuki and the rest with izuku and this just shows the importance of the “hold hands”
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but why this is important for bkdk? because katsuki rejected. Again this doesn’t mean that they are a romantic pair! BUT ITS MORE SPECIAL BECAUSE ITS THEM. the thing is the whole bkdk development was around that fucking river scene with the no hold hand, so the importance of this to bkdk is to show their development and their relationship, but not to say like omg they are canon, if was just because of this so half of mha would be canon. And the problem is that iz//chas misunderstood that and made this as the final point, but there was just two friends talking about how ochako was sad because of himiko (who i dare say had more impact in ochako’s life than deku did, because she showed to uraraka her importance and made uraraka understand more the villans and watch them with another eyes)
and obviously the reaching for izuku’s hand is one of the biggest reasons why the hold hand with bkdk is important in another level, this represents katsuki accepting izuku and he’s friendship, it’s when he decided to be different, to be better and be with izuku for the rest of their lives
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i’ll be sincere to you, i also missed a scene with a bkdk talk. But i do not agree when u said that izu//ocha had the best conclusion, because mha is about izuku and katsuki. The manga started with them and ended with them (and all might). Platonic, romantic, whatever they are, they had the best conclusion because the show revolves around them, without one there would not have the other.
All katsuki’s development was around izuku and he’s relationship with izuku, everything he did was to izuku or for izuku, he grow up, he died, he cried, he trusted, he changed because he understood through his relationship with Izuku.
And izuku didn’t have to acknowledge anything because he already trusted katsuki even from the beginning and izuku called katsuki he’s hero a long time ago, AND izuku saw katsuki crying because he lost he’s quirk so he knows.
they know eachother more than themselves so has no need to do such things.
izu//cha was not implied at all in the final, they didn’t even talked in the time skip, while bkdk talked before and after so, has nothing implied there is actually about iz//cha
but kacchan spending years saving money with their classmates and all might (with him being the heart of it) and working harder everyday so izuku and him could be heroes together for the rest of their lives? oh this is a romantic thing to talk about
and he finally reaching his hand back? i dare say CINEMA
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kayentokk · 1 year
If you can, I have a request for the mha boys reacting to their s/o rejecting their affection. Sorry to bother-
Never a bother, of course I can. Sorry it took me a while to reply. I hope this is what you had in mind.💕
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Pairing; Bakugo Katsuki, Midoriya Izuku, Kirishima Eijiro, and Amajiki Tamaki x GN! Reader(separate)
Contains;absolute fluff, attitudes, baby angst, misunderstandings, a lot of misunderstandings
wc; 2028
A/N; For some of my softie MHA boys lol. 
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Rejecting the MHA Boys affection
☆ Bakugo Katsuki ☆
Ik I said for my softie MHA boys which is why he seems out of place
But you can’t tell me
That this fool 
Won’t have a whole ass attitude 
Cuz you “rejected” his love
I mean seriously
Who do you think you are?
Bakugo “Great Explosion Murder God Dynamight” Katsukis hug
Just who?
I mean sure he didn’t really hug you-
He just stood there waiting
And waiting
Because you always hug him when he comes back from an assignment 
I mean he just can’t believe you
It’s outrageous that you would even do that to him 
So he sulks 
And sulks
And sulks some more
I mean he doesn’t get why you couldn’t just hug him back
I mean yeah sure you were doing a assignment for your art class
And yeah sure you had charcoal and ink all over your hands 
But you coulda hugged him back 😒 
☆ “Kats-“
“No it’s fine.”
“Are you really gonna pout the whole time?”
“M’not poutin.”
“Oh yeah? So why’s your lip poked out? Why are you slouched more than normal? How come you’re quiet in an awkward way? Why’s your right eyebrow slightly more furrowed than the left is normally? Do you want me to go on?”
“No. I told you m’fine,” he says unfurrowing his eyebrow, sticking his lip back in, and sitting up.
Goodness, why do you have to know everything about him?
“Do you really want me to hug you with ink and charcoal all over? You want me to smother you while I smell and-“
“No I don’t. Told ya I wasn’t waiting for a hug.”
“Then what were you waiting for?”
“Alright fine I was trying to be nice since I’m all messy, but since you wanna be stubborn you’re asking for it,” you replied getting up from your chair and pouncing on him.
“Hey get’offa me, said I ain’t want your hugs-“
“Oh shut up ya big baby.”
And he does, Bakugo Katsuki, shuts up. Even though the strong scent of the charcoals you use to draw is still on you, and the wet clay underneath your nails had made its way onto his black tee and the tips of his hair, he could care less. 
In fact, he could stay like this forever. ☆ 
 ☆ Midoriya Izuku ☆ 
okay he genuinely thinks he did something wrong
Like omg what’d I do?
The definition of a lost puppy 
Immediately goes to self doubt
He went to kiss you
And you dodged
down the drain.
Whole day?
Has like a cloud of thunder and rain above his head while he’s trying to figure it out
He mentally replays the day
Digging through his brain
He is wrecking it 
Until ur just like 
It wasn’t like that/it was a accident 
Misunderstandings much?
You hafta reassure him so much after
☆ It had been such a long day for him. Mentally and physically draining. What more could he possible want in life than to hang out with you? Nothing, he thought. 
However when he came to greet you, like he normally does, and he leaned in to kiss you on the lips, like he normally does, you dodged. His soft, and oh so ready lips, were met with your cheek. 
Your cheeks are great too! Don’t get him wrong, but…were you upset with him? Had he done something to offend you? 
He mentally sighed, scraping through his brain to find something, anything. Wracking the shelves of his mind. Well to be honest, he hadn’t really seen much of you today because you were both busy-
Was that why? Did you not want to kiss him because of that? He should’ve taken some time out of his day to text or call you, and maybe you wouldn’t be so upset, right? He had a lunch break for like 20 minutes, he could’ve checked in you then. Instead he chose to eat his lunch like the selfish, sick, bastar-
“Huh?” He questioned, quickly snapping out of his thoughts. 
“Izu, you okay? You seemed a little lost there for a moment..”
“Did I do something wrong?”
“What? No baby, why?”
“You- you dodged my kiss…”
“Were you like totally zoned out the whole time I was talking after that?”
“Kinda,” he said embarrassed.
“Silly, I said I was leaning in to kiss your cheek, sorry. I even pecked you back on the lips after, you don’t remember any of that?”
“N-no?! I’m sorry…”
You exhaled, “It seems you’re too exhausted today huh? Let’s go take a bath, yeah?”
He happily agreed, and was in utter bliss at you taking care of him the rest of the night. Gentle head pats were shared, sweet nothings whispered in the dead of night, and finally, peace hit when he fell asleep in your arms. ☆
☆ Kirishima Eijiro ☆
Lowkey breaks down into a very “manly” mess
Kirishima is a big affection guy
The best way he can fix things or lighten the mood is
High fives
And that’s always worked for him
So when he can’t really do that
…he’s at a loss
Words? He can be good at words…kinda?
He’s just not very sure 
He’s more of a physical affection 
So one day when you’re hanging out
He can tell your mood is off
That’s one thing he’s gotten really good at is reading you
You’re upset
so ofc he tries to give you a hug 
But you decline not wanting that
Ofc this is about you and he’s still gonna try his best
It just made him sad to think that that’s the only way he knew how to help you
…yet it doesn’t always work
☆ Honestly, you were just upset today. Things weren’t going the way that they were supposed to. Granted, they were small things but they still bothered you. Eventually building up to your soured mood. 
You’d tried talking to “friends” about it, but we’re just given responses like, “Do you know how minor that is compared to my day?” Or, “Don’t focus on the negative,” and the most common, “Why are you being so selfish?” 
After those you just gave up and tried to get through your day. Trying to get back in the excited mood because you were supposed to hang out with Kirishima today. So everything would be fine shortly, or at least that’s what you thought.
He showed up at your apartment to just watch movies, and you figured it would be okay. However, as the movie went on you found yourself not able to pay attention. Kirishima noticed this as well and immediately asked what was wrong. When you brushed it off with a “nothing,” he knew it wasn’t nothing. 
Normally cuddles always brought you out of your saddened state, at least a little. So he wraps his arms around you in a warm hug and tries to snuggle close. This simple but oh so caring act of affection was not able to bring you out of your mood, in fact it almost worsened. You nudged him off with the excuse that it was “too hot.”
Oh, he thought. 
You were really upset, and there was nothing he could do. The only thing he could do, the only thing he knew he excelled at in life, couldn’t help. So why was he even here? It made him feel useless, and stupid. 
Quickly realizing that his mood had changed, you started to feel bad. Gosh why couldn’t you just stop being so selfish? 
“Sorry,” he quickly stated before you could.
“What are you sorry for? I-I should be the one who’s sorry..”
“No I,” he sighed deeply, “I don’t know how to comfort you, and there’s nothing I can do to help so I’m basically use-“
You cut him off with a peck on his forehead.
“Wh-what are you-“
“Just you being here is helpful to me Eiji. I was just having a rough day today, okay? It’s not your fault.”
“But still I should be able to comfort you…”
“Well, I could seriously use someone to vent to,” his eyes lit up at that, “as long as you don’t interrupt me to say how much harder your day was, or tell me how negative and selfish I’m being.”
His eyebrows crinkled downward and his whole face shifted into a frown, “why would I do that?”
“Long story babe.”
“Well good thing I’m here to listen.”
Now he has a new way he can comfort you, and he’s an expert at listening as well. ☆
☆ Amajiki Tamaki ☆
Okay legit the definition of an awkward misunderstanding 
Even though his natural personality is shy and timid or quiet
He’s more comfortable around you 
But that doesn’t mean that he doesn’t get stuck sometimes
Like he’s gonna do something 
And then bam
Nvm 😅 🫠
He’s so disappointed with himself
He built it up and was so ready
So he just accepts it
This time though you don’t beat him to it
In fact you don’t do it at all
It causes him to think something is wrong
But you had noticed his frustration lately with something
After noticing it was his courage you decided you’d let him greet you today
So he builds himself up
Even stands in front of you 
While you wait patiently 
And then
He just gives a stammered out never mind and a defeated sigh
Because what if you don’t even want to hug or kiss him anyway?
☆ Tamaki comes home everyday, to your shared apartment, and everyday you’re the first person he sees. He always finds you where ever you are, normally in your study, and you hug and kiss him. Then there in the room you guys talk about your days and unwind, mostly him listening to you. 
Recently though, you had noticed him being more frustrated? You weren’t sure what if was but it was always after you hugged and kissed him, you could tell because his brow would slightly furrow and his lips would poke out in a pout. You weren’t sure why though, did your breath stink? No. Were you hugging him too tight? No Tamaki loves your hugs. So what could it be?
You called up the person who knows him second best, his closest friend, a friend of yours as well since you’ve started dating Tamaki. Mirio. You figured Tamaki might have said something to him even if it was just a mumbling her overheard, and you figured correctly. 
Mirio told you he had only heard Tamaki mumbling about courage and greetings recently, which was enough for you to put two and two together. You thanked him for his helpful information and waited on Tamaki to arrive home. It was his early shift today so at about 7 he’d be home.
You waited this time, in the living room. This time when he came in you simply gave him a, “hey ‘tama” and he greeted you back coming to sit on the couch with you. For a moment he stared, waiting, almost expectantly. 
He was building himself up, and you were giving him time. It wasn’t awkward silence, just expecting, patient silence. After a couple minutes you were about to speak when he kissed you. 
I did it! Was all he could think of, but he was a bit harsh and one of his teeth bit your lip causing you to break the kiss. 
Oh no, what if I was right? She didn’t want to kiss me at all! I should’ve just gave up-
“Tamaki? Are you okay?”
“I-I’m…I’m sorry,” he said in a hushed tone.
“It’s okay, accidents happen.”
“A-accident?” He said confused.
“Yes, I’m assuming you didn’t bite me on purpose,” you said giggling.
Then it clicked in his brain, he was so excited he had finally done it, he accidentally hurt you in the process. It made him sad, a sullen look now appeared over his features. 
“I’m sorry. I- I just really wanted t-to-“
“I know Tama, and it’s okay,” you reassured him, “you can just keep trying.”
Smiling he asked hopefully, “really?”
“Of course.” ☆
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Hope this fulfilled your request!  @/cafekitsune for the divider
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bkgml · 1 year
PLWASE WRITE ABOUT BF KATSUKI BEING JEALOUS OF IZUKU SINCE HE LIKES US I BEG YOU😭😭😭😭 fluff please, also ur one shots are always so skillfully written like WHAAT
“skillfully written” OMG?? that’s such a delicious compliment I LOVE IT SM!!
katsuki will forever be a jealous man and aizawa knows it.
he knows it when katsuki tugs you to his side when he catches eyes with izuku.
he knows it when he catches him sneaking into your room at night.
and he knows it now, when his frown looks like it can’t get any deeper because you and izuku were made partners for a project.
the assignment was to teach your partner how to do one of your specialty moves.
katsuki was fuming.
and everyone could see it.
how his frown deepened so much you were confident he would have wrinkles after.
how you were trying to pull him away to calm him down.
how when sero tried to poke the beast by saying how izukus gonna ‘steal his girl’ and katsuki sprinted to explode seros face.
and aizawa was loving it.
“katsuki it’s just a training exercise, it’ll be done in a week!” you soothed, pulling on his arm to get him away from the class.
“it’s a training exercise with him.” he frowned.
you huffed, getting frustrated with your boyfriend. you finally managed to get him to the corner of the gym while everyone’s attention was focussed on aizawa.
“katsuki bakugou.” you spat.
his frown broke instantly and he straightened up at your tone.
“you shouldn’t be mad at all. you’re being ridiculous! if i wanted to be with him instead of you, i would’ve done so already! it’s not like he’s interested in me either. we’ve barely ever talked because of your insecurities! so if you want to prove to me that you can realize i’m trustworthy, i’ll be over there.” you rant before stomping off in the direction of the class.
katsuki sighed before jogging to catch up with you.
“hi.” he said, inching closer to you while you stood behind the rest of the class.
you cut your eyes over to his with a glare that could level one of his own.
he sighed again before bringing his hand up to brush against yours slightly.
“i trust you, okay? it’s just a training exercise.” he spoke with his subdued frown.
your face turns neutral as you look at him again and you don’t move away when his pinky locks with yours.
“come on, you still mad at me?” he speaks and his voice morphs from apologetic to smug instantly.
“get to work everyone.” aizawa finishes his lesson for the class as everyone breaks off into their pairs.
“we’ll see.” you send a sly grin to him as you walk to izuku.
“okay yeah, that’s almost it just move your arm up like… this!” izuku instructs while placing a hand on your arm to push it to the correct position.
“like this?” you ask as you try again.
“does he have to fuckin touch her?” katsuki grumbles to his partner, kirishima. aizawa decided not to torture katsuki too much with a partner he doesn’t like.
“i mean he is correcting her form, he’s being helpful.” kirishima reassures his friend.
“okay wait i wanna try it one more time to lock it in!” you cheer.
“go for it!” izuku encourages you.
you start to propel yourself into the air before knocking right into kaminari and falling head first onto the ground.
“yn!” “YN!” the boys scream simultaneously.
they bolted to your unconscious body, izuku reaching you first and katsuki falling soon after.
izuku got on his knees and placed your head on his knee to give you a softer surface to rest on.
“the fuck are you doing?!” katsuki yelled, arriving at the scene.
“just relax, i don’t want to rustle her head!” izuku tried to calm his childhood friend.
katsuki sighed while he looked at your unconscious body. it wasn’t a bad idea.
“okay, okay. fuck!” katsuki paced, mind filled with thoughts on how he could make this better.
you frowned as you felt yourself come to, looking up through blurry eyes and seeing a mop of green hair.
you whine, trying to push yourself off of the boy.
looking around for your boyfriend you see him in front of you. You can tell he’s stressing by the look on his face.
“sukiiii.” you whine, still delirious from your injury.
“hey, hey. you okay?” he breathes, crouching to your level.
you reach your hand out for him and he takes it in his before pressing it to his lips.
“scram.” he barks to the boy above you.
izuku places your head on the ground before going to return to training.
“kats, can we go to recovery girl?” you mumble with sleepy eyes.
he nods before gently lifting you off the ground, careful not to jostle your head.
you tuck your head into his neck and wrap your limbs around him.
“that hurt.” you whine, milking his attention.
“i know, baby.” he rubs your head sweetly.
“hate kami.” you frown.
katsuki laughs.
“uh huh. need to get him back for hurting my girl, don’t i?”
he feels you nod against him and he laughs again.
“i love youuuuu.” you pull back and start pecking his face.
he scrunches up his face when he hears his classmates laughing at him, choosing to head to recovery girl instead. he lets you kiss him though, only because you’re injured and he thinks it’s adorable.
“why aren’t you kissing me back, suki. love you.” you frown.
he laughs as he walks out of the gym doors, into the privacy of the hallway.
“love you too.” he says starting to kiss you back.
he pulls away so he can keep walking and you do the same, choosing to rest your head on his shoulder and trace your pointer finger over his face. around the frown lines of his forehead, down the slope of his nose, around his eyes, under his jaw, then onto the curve of his cupids bow.
you shriek and pull your hand away.
“ow!! no biting!” you frown, pulling your hand to your chest.
“that’s what you get for kissing me in front of all the idiots.” he grins.
you ‘humph’ and tuck your face back into his neck.
you start playing with the hair at the back of his neck instead while sighing.
“what’s on your mind, pretty?” you hear from behind you.
“nothin… just,” you sigh and he pays your back in encouragement.
“i wanted you to be my partner.” you whine, nuzzling into his neck.
he has a smile on his face now, now that he knows he wasn’t the only one upset with aizawas partnering.
“yeah?” he asks, hopefully.
he feels you nod against him and your arms wrap tighter around him.
“mhm. wanted to learn your signature move.”
his smile widens and you feel his arms tighten around you.
“i’ll teach it to you, sweets.” he says, pecking you cheek.
“you will?!” you cheer, smiling.
he nods and presses a kiss to your lips, smiling into it.
“mmph.” you whine, pulling away and pressing your forehead to his.
“what?” he asks, a hint of worry in his tone.
“my head hurts so bad.” you reply with scrunched up eyebrows.
“don’t be a baby.” he says, but fastens his pace.
you huff and shift to koala wrap yourself around him tightly.
“you kids and your accidents.” recovery girl huffs.
“thank you, recovery girl.” you smile sheepishly.
she smiles and walks out of the room to give you privacy.
“you kids and your accidents.” katsuki mocks.
you giggle, shifting forward to kiss him.
“thanks for bringing me here, kats.” you mumble against his lips.
“yeah yeah.” he reply’s before kissing you again.
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rainrot4me · 2 months
Whats the request you're most excited to write???? Also can you make a list of all the requests you've gotten so far? I just want to see how far down mine is LOL
So basically, I’m going to make it easier on myself to pump these out and fill requests so here’s what I’m planning on doing:
A lot of you have just requested simple “Can you write character x reader?” and left it up to me, but the other half of you (whom i could kiss on the lips ily all) have wrote a detailed, lengthy explanation of what you want and it makes it soooooo easy and enjoyable to just pump my brain to write without having to come up with a plot. So! I’m going to be combining requests and writing for requested characters, but using the specific prompts requested to actually post. I hope that makes sense… you’ll understand when I start posting lol
Anyways- here’s the current list! (I’ve shortened it down, as I look at my inbox I easily have 50 requests I’m just not going to write each individual one)
- Jeff the Killer x Female Reader (on her period) (currently writing!)
- Jeff the Killer x Female Reader x Ben Drowned
- Fluffy Kirishima x Female Reader
- Nina x Female Reader
- Clockwork x Female Reader (strapon yum)
- Hoodie x Female Reader x Masky (hunters x prey)
- Toby, Masky, Hoodie x Female Reader (this one is definitely the one I’m most excited for, already have a draft written up 🔥)
- Toby x Chubby Female Reader x Eyeless Jack
- Continuation of Just Relax (cockwarming and relationship building 😵‍💫 fwb turned deep)
- Kate the Chaser x Female Reader (more strapon YUM)
- Stalker Ben Drowned x Female Reader
- Hoodie x Female Reader (he chases you in a corn maze AHHHH)
- Toby x Clockwork (so excited for this omg)
- Slenderman x Female Reader (maybe a continuation of WITT)
- Toby x Transmasc Reader (clawing at the walls to write this)
- Bloody Painter x Female Reader (“let me help you love yourself” EEEE)
- Jeff the Killer x CVI Female Reader (basically reader is blind and isn’t afraid of him, it’s gonna be so fluffy)
- Jeff the Killer x Toby x Female Reader (Toby is whipped for Jeff and needs an excuse to get with him, so he uses you AHH)
- Toby x Female Reader (they’re childhood friends, major fluff in this one, lots of trauma too)
- Eyeless Jack x Medic Female Reader (basically Jeff and Jack fight over you, BUT JACK WINS!!!! gonna be a good possessive one trust)
- Jessica x Female Reader (very soft very cute)
- Tim Wright x Female Reader (christmas themed!!!!!!!) (might save this one for actual christmas cause it’s gonna be so good)
- Eyeless Jack x Artist Female Reader (you’re lonely, Jack thinks you’re adorable)
- Kagekao x Female Reader (i’m not very familiar with this character but i’ll do my research!!!)
- Jeff the Killer x Female Reader x Toby (heavy non-con)
- Ben Drowned x Tall Female Reader (climb that tree boy!)
- AFAB Jeff the Killer x Reader (considering i don’t want to be insensitive at all, i’m going to converse with the requester and get a more in depth feel of how they want this written! but i’m planning on t4t)
- X-Virus x Female Reader
- Toby x Female Reader x Masky (heavy power struggle)
- Eyeless Jack x Author Female Reader (he begs for your attention YUM)
- Evan/Habit x Female Reader (killer x stalker vibes!)
I’m sure this list will severely change before I know it, but I promise to work as quickly as I can and make all of you happy! I’m so excited for all of these!!!!! Thank you all so much for reading and requesting!!
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0prettygirl-jay0 · 1 year
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•~ context: you catch your best friend ejiro kirishima masturbating to you. ~•
•Tags•: masturbating, nicknames, degradation, handjob, msub, fdom, penetration, edging.
One day, you were walking through the hallways to your dorm room to relax and unwind after hours of training. You reach for what you thought was the door handle to your room, until you look at the name next to the door. Eijiro Kirishima it read. damn i must be really fucking tired. you were about to leave and head to the elevator until you hear loud groans coming from Kirishima’s room. Was he okay? the moans got louder and louder, maybe he was hitting his punching bag. it wont be bad to check in on your best friend. as you opened the door you were immediately shocked by the sight and slammed the door closed immediately.
“fuck. what the fuck.” you thought to yourself. you had just seen your red headed best friend, Kiri had sat on his bed moaning your name, while stroking his cock at a rapid pace. he immediately stopped when he saw you. his face turned as red as his hair as he had forgot to lock the fucking door.
“I-I can explain…!” kirishima said from behind the door as he scrambled to atleast put pants on and try and explain his situation. with that kirishima opened the door and grabbed your waist pulling you into his room to try and explain.
“listen..omg this is so unmanly…look i know its not manly to be acting out on my feelings like this, but we’ve been friends for so long and i’ve had these feelings from the first year of U.A. it was just too much and i needed to get you off my mind. im sorry Y/n, its so unmanly. are you uncomfortable? im sorry…” kirishima’s voice was shaky, as he explained his situation to his shorter best friend and looked down at her with doe eyes as he fidgeted with his fingers. Y/n was surprised by all this, she never would’ve thought that her red headed best friend liked her, to the point he couldnt get her off his mind. y/n couldnt say that she hasnt had thoughts about her goofy, kind and respectful best friend as well as when they trained together, the sweat dripping off of him and his muscular toned body.
“eji, you could have told me silly…you didnt think i would feel the same, hmm pretty boy?” i said as i looked up at the red head, with one eyebrow raised i gave him a smile and pushed him backwards on top of the bed.
“Y-yeah, sorry… But I didn’t want to ruin our friendship… You mean so much to me…” He said quietly, blushing even more as i sat on top of his lap, with either of my thighs on the sides of his waist.
“you mean so much to me too, eijro…let me me show you how much, hmm?” i said to kirishima as i laid him flat out and pulled down his boxers to take out his cock, i didn’t quite touch kirishima yet as i wanted to take my time with him, and see how good he could be for me. pressing my soft lips against kirishima’s neck and leading my way down, the reaction i got was almost instant. kirishima was quite a vocal man.
“ngh…fuck…” the red head whimpered at my actions as he tried to pull me up to him, so he could run his hands all over my body, i was guessing 🤷‍♀️. I kissed kirishima’s plump lips sloppily and gained my way into his mouth with ease. i collected all his saliva and mine imto my mouth, as i spat the combined saliva onto kirishima’s bubblegum pink tip that flowed its way down to his long shaft. i kissed all over kirishima’s body, giving him hickies and love bites as i stroked his pretty cock. Kiri's eyes widened as he felt your soft hand around him, your warmth surrounding his cock.
"Ngh-mmmmm…!" he moaned loudly, his eyes closed as kirishima threw his hand back to focus on the handjob, i was giving him.
“thats right, handsome….moan for me.” i whispered softly into his ear as i grazed my nails against his rib cages.
Kiri cried out your name as he felt your nails grazing his ribs, leaving kirishima with goosebumps and the feeling surrounding his cock completely, his breathing becoming heavy and fast. "F-fuck...Y-y-y/n…" He couldn't complete his sentence as he came in your hand, barely able to keep himself from arching his back off the bed, and his body jerking from time to time.
i licked him up clean, and i smiled when kirishima looked into my eyes as i licked the tip of his dick. his whimpers were the best to hear. i just needed to get the sound etched in my brain. my hands held my weight on kirishima’s chest as my pussy hovered over kirishima’s growing cock.
Kiri let out a sharp groan as he felt himself being hugged tightly by me, his heart thumping wildly as he wrapped his arms around you tightly. "u-gh..mm..." He couldn't help but moan as he felt your warmth surrounding him, the longer he had to wait for me to get accumulated the shorter his patience grew, he tried to thrust up into me and take the lead, but who was i to let a little subby boy take charge of me.
“eijro…stay the fuck still…” i put on my stern mommy dom voice as a smile then grew on my face from kirishima’s reaction. Kiri immediately froze, his heart pounding in his chest as he tried to stay still. Kiri whimpered quietly as he looked at you biting his neck, feeling like he was about to pass out due to how much pleasure he was receiving. He had never been this sensitive before, especially not after cumming around four times already today, while masturbating to the thought of Y/n.
"Mmmh~ mo-mommy...please..” kirishima said with a shaky voice. now slamming her pussy down on kirishima, the slapping sound of skin was loud, but not as loud as kirishima’s moans. His eyes rolled into the back of his head as he began moaning loudly, unable to control himself anymore. His hands gripped onto your waist tightly as he arched his back off the bed once more.
"Aahhh…! Fuuuuck..!!!" kirishima exclaimed loudly, pretty sure the whole floor heard his slutty screams.
“moan my name kirishima, let these people know your mine now, that this cock belongs to me…..” i said as to kirishima as i continued to slam my pussy down on his dick repeatedly, over and over again. The sudden change from gentle lovemaking to rough sex caused him to gasp for air, letting out another long moan as he did so. He then started calling out my name repeatedly, begging me to keep fucking him until he could no longer stand it.
“y-y/nnnnnn…!” kirishima was whining and his voice turned raspy.
“you better not fucking cum, slut… dont you dare cum yet ejiro…” Kiri bit onto his lip hard, feeling like he might explode any moment. He did his best to hold back but he felt the release coming, his body shaking as he let out a loud scream of pleasure.
"MOMMY!!!! S-sorry..!!" he laid there panting, trying to catch his breath as he felt his softening member slip out of her pussy. he looked up at Y/n, still catching his breath. He then saw the anger in her eyes and immediately felt guilty for cumming, despite her command of him not too.
"I-I’m so sorry y/nnn…I-I couldn’t help it...!! you make me feel so fucking good. please mommy, i couldnt help it….”
“look at me..” i said with a stern voice as i grabbed kirishima’s chin and forced him to to into his dom’s eyes. Kiri looked up at me with those doe little eyes of his, trying to hold back the tears that were welling up in his eyes.
“you’re gonna take this punishment and you’re not gonna cum. understand?” i said now softly, as i hovered my pussy over his now growing erection
"Y-yes..." He said quietly, his voice breaking slightly. His face turning red with shame and embarrassment. I slid kirishima’s dick back inside me, making sure to stop every time that kirishima was to the brink of cummimg. i didnt let him cum for 2 hours, at this point i was fucking exhausted and wanted badly to cum as well, so punishment time over. His breathing became heavier as he struggled to keep control over himself. The pain mixed with pleasure made him feel dizzy and lightheaded. As much as he wanted to stop resisting, he found himself unable to move or speak.
"Pleas...pleaseee....mommy.." kirishima’s voice was whiny and broken as he spoke to me, looking up at my as his hands were tied behind his back, because he had a big problem with touching my body and trying to make me cum. so i did what was necessary 😉.
“please what slut, hmm? use those manners of yours..”
He closed his eyes tightly, struggling against the urge to give into temptation. Tears began streaming down his cheeks as he spoke through gritted teeth. "...Please don't make me do this anymore." his cock throbbed painfully as he waited for an answer. it hurt so badly. "p-pleas-"
“tell me how bad you want it, and ill think of letting you off easy..”
The words came out quick and in a frenzy, barely audible above the sound of his own heavy breaths. "...It hurts too much.. please just let me cum.." it was obvious he was close to giving in. he couldnt think straight, all he wanted was to cum, yet. he begged her again.
“how badly do you wanna fuck me ejiro, huh?” i looked down at the red headed slut that was laying underneath of me as i saw the stars glow bright in his eyes.
He nodded quickly, looking away from you as if ashamed by admitting such desires. "Yes... yes I want that so badly..." he whispered softly, biting his lip nervously. "I need to cum so bad.. please.." *he begged once more, feeling completely helpless before her now.
Y/n lifted her self from kirishima’s cock as she untied his hands and then laid down on the bed, face down, ass up, exposing her wet hole to kirishima. it felt good to relax now. while arching her back she spoke in a soft teasing voice, “go ‘head, i think you deserve it now….”
Without hesitation, he moved forward towards your exposed rear end. He placed both hands firmly onto either side of your hips, holding them steady while guiding his member towards your entrance. "Oh god...thank you mommy…fuck…” he groaned loudly, staring intently at your body as he pushed himself inside you. the sounds kirishima’s desperation was loud, and the way he pounded her into the bed showed how much he wanted her. hips bucking against you as he began to move inside you. His hips moved furiously as he pounded into you, he knew the rules, make me cum and then he could cum.
“you make me feel so good ejiro….y’know that dont you…?” i said in the moment of pleasure as i praised the red head for how good he was making me feel, physically and mentally. he knew all the right ways to fuck someone dumb, the neck kisses, the boob kneading, the hip grabbing, the dick fucking, all of it. His breathing became heavier as he continued thrusting deep within you, sweat dripping off his forehead as he tried desperately to hold back his orgasm.
"Mhm... yeah... mmhmmm~" he moaned quietly, panting heavily as he looked down at you with lustful eyes. “….god.. fuck you’re tight….” Without a second thought, he thrust his hips forward, slamming himself into you hard. His moans grew louder, his breathing labored as he quickened his pace, driven with the urge to make you cum. His hips moved furiously, pounding into you relentlessly.
"M-milk…oh god..." before kirishima said that Y/n had already let go of the huge knot shes been feeling the whole past three hours, the tightness of her climax left kirishima’s cock coming as well, in result ending up with a milked cock. As soon as he felt you climax around him, Eijiro let out a loud moan, his entire body shaking from the sheer pleasure of it all. He held himself up by grabbing onto your waist firmly, not wanting to lose his balance in this moment of ecstasy. the two of them were left breathless as the only sound that could now be heard was their breathing.
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https-milo · 21 days
I didn’t see him on your list of characters guide but would you ever do Fatgum for the Instagram series? If not feel free to ignore this! I just love him a lot!
anyways! thanks for the request!!
instagram posts w/ comments while dating Taishiro Toyomitsu(Fat Gum)!
a/n OBVIOUSLY these are just pictures off of pinterest, reader can be however you imagine!
main m. list / instagram m. list
y/nbakes · 13w
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5.1k likes Liked by bmi.fatgum, t.amajiki
y/nbakes new bite-sized pies at the bakery! come on down and let me know how they taste! :D Tagged: sugarcoatbakery
t.amajiki /bmi.fatgum you wanted a new bakery to visit, right? bmi.fatgum t.amajiki wow amajiki! this is great! if only you could speak out like this during work hours, huh? t.amajiki bmi.fatgum you're so mean. this is workplace harassment
bmi.fatgum · 10w
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21.7k likes Liked by t.amajiki, redriot, y/nbakes
bmi.fatgum I've been going to sugarcoatbakery every day for two weeks now, they never miss! The food is so good!
Tagged: y/nbakes
y/nbakes AHH OMG! HELLO?? Thank you so much, Mr. Fat gum! I'm glad you enjoy the food my staff and I make! bmi.fatgum y/nbakes ANYTIME! YOU'RE SO TALENTED! y/nbakes bmi.fatgum you're too sweet :,) <3 bmi.fatgum y/nbakes I should be saying that to you, considering you're the baker! :D y/nbakes bmi.fatgum well, you're the one that eats all my sweets! you inhale everything sweet, sooo YOU are sweet! ^-^ bmi.fatgum y/nbakes whatever you say ;)
redriot OH HEY! That's the place you took Amajiki and me to! t.amajiki redriot yeah... I showed it to him and he's obsessed with goin now. only when the owner is working though bmi.fatgum t.amajiki AHAHAH WHATEVER DO YOU MEAN, TAMAKI!? t.amajiki bmi.fatgum I feel your glare through my screen and it's scaring me. I wanna go home.
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bmi.fatgum replied to your story: we should do that again buttt without Tamaki and Kirishima!!
y/nbakes: I would love to!! that'd be so fun :D
bmi.fatgum: sooo it's a date? Read 18:26
y/nbakes: SORRY I WAS FREAKING OUT Sent 18:32
bmi.fatgum: of course, I'll pick you up Saturday?
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bmi.fatgum replied to your story: making me look big and for what :(
y/nbakes: taiiii you realize you eat my entire inventory during your patrols right ^-^
y/nbakes: no offense, but it is also kind of a part of your quirk!!
y/nbakes: besidesss it makes you strong, right? but I think you're already strong, skinny form or hero form!!
bmi.fatgum: you think im strong?
y/nbakes: well duh! why wouldn't I?
y/nbakes: you're not #58 for no reason, y'know? bmi.fatgum reacted "❤️" to this message
bmi.fatgum: thanks y/n :)
bmi.fatgum: are you interested in going out again?
y/nbakes: 1000000000%!!
y/nbakes: tonight was so fun <3
y/nbakes: thank youuu
bmi.fatgum: anytime! :DD
bmi.fatgum: how about a restaurant this time?
y/nbakes: id love that!
bmi.fatgum: great! I'll pick you up Tuesday night? y/nbakes reacted "❤️" to this message
y/nbakes: sounds perfect :)
y/nbakes · 9w
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6.3k likes Liked by bmi.fatgum, t.amajiki, redriot
y/nbakes me and the newly-appointed boyfriend had an amazing dinner <3 (the flowers smelt soooo good!!)
Tagged: bmi.fatgum
bmi.fatgum our past few dates have been so fun, I'm so glad we're together!! <33 y/nbakes bmi.fatgum me too!! I'm super glad you came into my bakery and ate all those apple pies a month ago ^^ bmi.fatgum y/nbakes I'd do it again 100 times y/nbakes bmi.fatgum for me or the pies? bmi.fatgum y/nbakes both!! 🥰🥰
redriot wow, I dont think i've seen Fat Gum with portions that small y/nbakes redriot don't let the picture fool you!! (he ordered 6 different meals and 2 whole cakes) redriot y/nbakes sounds more like it! 😭😭
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© https-milo. please do not repost, steal, copy, or modify my works!
Thank you so much for reading <3
me after adding variety for the insta posts: 😁😁
how do we feel about the story posts? :P
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