lovesick-gxrls · 1 year
november 12th 2022 10:48pm
pairing: millie kim x code kunst, millie kim x aomg
genre: angst, fluff
warnings: swearing, smoking
description: millie and sungwoo finally acknowledged how they feel
word count: 1.4k
a/n: thank you all for the support, i don’t really speak on this account much but i really appreciate it 🫶🏻
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“HONESTLY ITS AS IF I HAVE ANOTHER DAD sometimes” millie laughed loudly nodding her head sideways towards kiseok who just wrapped his arm around her shoulders squeezing her tightly. the others stood around the high table laughed with them, however, sungwoo could only smile. he watched millie and kiseok interact, the constant bumping shoulders or the small inside jokes they had. he couldn’t help but feel a pit of jealousy in his stomach.
sungwoo knew that the pair were not remotely romantically interested in each other which annoyed him even more that he was so jealous. millie and kiseok were joint at the hip at these sort of events ever since he signed the girl to aomg. she was alone in korea when she joined the hiphop agency with her family still living in canada, so kiseok took it upon himself to take of the young artist and make sure she was living well.
the venue they were currently at was slowly becoming more busy as the party began, the atmosphere becoming busy and hectic whereas before it was calm. sunghwa stood across from millie and next to sungwoo, who had noticed his friend looking like a lovesick puppy when he watched millie talk. she was a quiet person usually but when she was around company that she felt comfortable with, she could talk for days, which was another thing that code kunst attracted millie to him.
sunghwa and wonjae knew all about the little workplace romance that was blooming between the producer and rapper. millie had drunkenly confessed to sunghwa of her attraction to cokun and wonjae had to sit and listen to his friend complain about how they will always be stuck as friends. as much as the pair wanted to interfere and make the oblivious friends realise that they share the same feelings they were both apprehensive of meddling.
millie took a small sip of her drink, her eyes meeting sungwoo’s. her heart felt as if it skipped a beat which she tried to ignore. he quickly averted his eyes and her heart dropped but she did well to hide the disappointment. “i’m gonna get another drink,” she muttered towards kiseok, he smiled rubbing her back slightly before she walked away. sungwoo’s gaze was now back on her, this time he was the disappointed one.
sungwoo stood watching her sadly causing wonjae to scoff and nudge him with his elbow. “you gotta talk to her hyung, before she gets with someone else,” he muttered. sungwoo sighed, at war with himself on what to do.
after squeezing her way through the crowd she made it to the busy bar. she waited, tapping her fingers against the table to the beat of the music. however her attention was soon on a familiar face standing a few feet away from her. junhoe was standing, scrolling through his phone, her stomach twisted the sight of her her ex-boyfriend. he was the last person she wanted to see tonight, especially since sungwoo was here.
unfortunately for millie, junhoe noticed her and smiled before walking over to meet her at the bar. “hey millie, didn’t know you’d be here,” he said awkwardly. millie laughed a little, “yeah i’m here with some of the guys,” she replied nodding towards where she was previously standing. junhoe looked over seeing some of the aomg guys at the table and how code kunst was watching the pair carefully. “ah i see,” he muttered. there was an awkward pause, the old couple hadn’t seen each other since the breakup which is what mille wanted but now here he was.
the pair spoke for a few more minutes with junhoe even offering to pay for her drink once she had finally ordered but millie declined. the conversation was strained and millie found herself laughing awkwardly most of the time trying to ignore the suffocating feeling. “i’m gonna get some air for a few minutes,” she told him not letting him reply as she left to quickly to hear it, but his attention quickly moved to someone else thankfully.
she made her way through the drunk crowd towards the front door - grabbing her jacket on the way out, in need of some fresh air and a cigarette. she wasn’t a big smoker but after she had a few drinks or felt overwhelmed with stress she would usually have a few. it was bad habit that she had been trying to kick since she was a teen, but to no avail yet.
outside the bar was quiet thankfully, a little group stood to one side of the door all smoking and laughing together. millie stood on the other side leaning against the brick wall while she began to rummage through her bag for her own pack. unfortunately she only found her lighter, “fuck,” she muttered, before checking her jacket pockets, she looked towards the door debating whether just to go back inside. as she continued to search of her pack, a hand appeared in front her offering a cigarette.
millie stopped a few seconds after registering what it was, her gaze lifted from the ground to meet sungwoo’s. “thanks,” she mumbled taking the stick out of his hand and placing it in between her lips. cokunst leaned on the wall next to the shorter girl, a silence settling between them. she quickly lit her cigarette and took a long draw, before exhaling the thick smoke. sungwoo stole a quick glance of millie who was staring at the nights sky admiring the stars she could see.
“i thought you were quitting,” he finally spoke, millie hummed at his words taking another puff. “i remember using the word trying,” she murmured, tapping off the ash. the silence came back.
“done ignoring me now i take it?” millie asked trying to sound as nonchalant as possible but there was still a hard edge to her voice. the words came out before she had realised what she had actually said, the rapper was usually quite good at hiding her jealousy or annoyance towards code kunst but the tension between them was becoming increasingly more apparent. millie was sick of feeling like a lovesick teenager around sungwoo, constantly overthinking every little detail of their relationship.
sungwoo cleared his throat awkwardly, “i.. i wasn’t ignoring you,” he stuttered out. millie rolled her eyes in annoyance, finally turning to look directly at him. “you have sungwoo, every time i looked at you you’d look away or if i came up to you in there you’d find an excuse to leave, what have i done?” millie rambled angrily suddenly she was thankful that the group who was next to them had gone back inside a few minutes earlier leaving the pair alone. “i’ve been trying all night to talk to you, but you’ve been with that ass for the past half hour,” sungwoo argued back and millie scoffed loudly.
of course that was why sungwoo had all of a sudden decided to leave her alone. it angered the girl more that sungwoo thought she wanted to be talking to junhoe for the full night. that he hadn’t made the effort with her. sungwoo had watched the two exes together at the bar, laughing and to him looked like millie talking excitedly while junhoe grasped her hand. they looked very happy to see each other and sungwoo was jealous to put it plainly. “so what? we we’re catching up. it’s what people do,” she exclaimed. sungwoo’s gaze hardened as the argument became more heated between the two.
“sorry for not wanting to interrupt you with someone you clearly still like,” he huffed pushing himself off the wall. millie scoffed in disbelief watching the taller guy with her eyebrows furrowed, muttering “you’ve got to be kidding me,” to herself. she stomped out the end on her cigarette with her boots, taking a moment to reply. without thinking her words left her mouth quickly. “i don’t fucking like him like that anymore we ended it… it’s you i fucking like,” suddenly it went very quiet between the pair. the only noise that could be heard was the loud music coming from the bar.
the tension could be cut by a knife as the pair stared into each others eyes, millie breathing heavily after her sudden confession. “please just say something,” she said just above a whisper, feeling like she could cry at any moment. instead of replying, sungwoo cupped her face and brought her in for a deep kiss. startled by the kiss, it took millie a second to register what was happening but soon relaxed. her eyes fluttered shut, her arms hanging around sungwoo’s neck.
sungwoo grasped her waist gently while they moved in sync. millie pulled away, smiling to herself as she tried to hide her face in his chest. “i like you too by the way,” he murmured softly.
millie m.list | masterlist
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gh0stingalone · 1 year
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hello! i’m searching for a long-term roleplay partner who’s down to do a 1x1 rp either on through dms or discord (preferred!!)
i’m fine with mxm/fxf/mxf. i prefer to use oc’s but i’m completely okay with anything you want to use!
i’m over 21, so i’d prefer if my roleplay partners would be over 21, as well. i will not be interacting with any minors, since i do like to add nsfw themes in my roleplays.
i am interested in a few different subjects, mainly kpop/khh/kdramas. but i’m also interested in twilight, the hunger games, the last of us, etc.
if you’re interested, please do interact with this post or send me a dm and i’ll contact you as soon as possible!
thank you ♡
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findroleplay · 1 year
hello! i’m searching for a long-term roleplay partner who’s down to do a 1x1 rp either on through dms or discord (preferred!!)
i’m fine with mxm/fxf/mxf. i prefer to use oc’s but i’m completely okay with anything you want to use!
i’m over 21, so i’d prefer if my roleplay partners would be over 21, as well. i will not be interacting with any minors, since i do like to add nsfw themes in my roleplays.
i am interested in a few different subjects, mainly kpop/khh/kdramas. but i’m also interested in twilight, the hunger games, the last of us, etc.
if you’re interested, please do interact with this post and i’ll reach out!
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lunaverrse · 1 year
jay: 🌌🎀🎵☄️
Jay Kang : feat. @greencruz 🐯
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🌌 MILKY WAY - what was the inspiration behind your oc? what was the first thing you decided about them?
Cara, essa pergunta é simplesmente maravilhosa, porque o Jay foi um imenso surto coletivo na minha cabeça. Quando eu pensei nele, primeiramente era pra ser outro personagem meu, que é o Max (aquele Lee Know que eu apliquei na mesma cmm, kkkkkkk). Só que eu não consegui o fc e nem a vaga que eu queria, que era o Minho mesmo e a vaga de main dancer e fiquei PISTOLA. Nisso, debatendo muito com a minha amiga, acabei escolhendo o Yunho de fc e pegando a posição de rapper. Foi aí que ela me sugeriu usar o Mingi como faceclaim e eu achei que seria uma boa. Devaneios à parte, ele nasceu de uma vontade que eu sempre tive de ter um personagem meio antagonista, que tivesse a moral toda desviada. Honestamente, eu acho que não deu certo, porque o Jay até achava que era muito fora da lei, quando na verdade é uma pessoa que se importa demais com a opinião alheia e é bem sensível, se parar pra pensar bem. Ele teve uma construção totalmente independente na minha cabeça e eu fiz ele na loucura mesmo, sem planejamento algum e só tocando a coisa no impulso. No fim das contas, ele tá no meu top personagens favoritos da vida toda e até hoje eu não posso dizer com propriedade como ele é, toda vez vou aprendendo alguma coisa nova, como se estivesse conhecendo um amigo mesmo.
🎀 RIBBON - how would they fit into other worlds / aus? what aus would you like to try out? what fictional world would they fit / not fit into?
Certamente não se encaixaria em um au desses de empresa, aquele lá é um bicho livre demais pra isso. Ao mesmo tempo, acho que consigo ver ele em um au pós apocalíptico de qualquer tipo. Talvez um universo semelhante ao de Akira ou Ghost in the Shell, até Blade Runner. Uma pegada meio cyberpunk, acho que combinaria. E um au de zumbis, né. Acho que, junto com a Haeri e o Ed, ele e a Jimmy teriam grandes chances em um universo desses.
🎵 MUSIC NOTE - what is their playlist like? their favourite artists? do you associate a particular song with them?
A playlist dele é uma bagunça organizada de khh e emo. Jamais esqueceremos dele e da Evie trocando indicações emo quando ambos estavam na fossa. Os artistas favoritos dele são o Epik High, Zico, Bang Yongguk, TigerJK e Penomeco. Dentro do universo deles, obviamente é fã #1 da Jimmy, e nem é por puxar saco, ele realmente acha a música dela ótima. Uma música que eu associo a ele é Meteor do Changmo, que na real, é um artista inspo dele. Vejo muito da trajetória do Jay nessa música, como artista e como pessoa.
☄️ COMET - what do people assume about them? are they right?
Eu tenho pra mim que as pessoas vêem ele como um babaca mesmo. Pelo menos as pessoas que estão fora do círculo. O ponto é que ele construiu uma imagem pública e não se esforça muito pra mudar isso, porque funciona como uma armadura. Se ele continuar parecendo pouco acessível, não vai ser tão atingido pelas situações ao redor. Claro que ele quer que pensem assim, mas as pessoas estão erradas, certamente. O Jay é uma pessoa muito mais sensível e exposta do que costuma mostrar, mas só a Jimmy e pessoas muito próximas têm esse acesso.
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jureeh · 1 year
Hello to anyone who visited this web. I'm DeMille Jureh Cherokee, and too much information Cherokee is my husbu's name >______<. And all of my new name it was my boyfriend who gave it to me. Please gives him a big applauses ❤️ and goes by any pronouns, Pisces for my representative of zodiac! Very much indicative of a loyal and obedient ENFP also I have Slytherin as my house who has a looott of brave (I hope so). Prefer to be called by Emil or Millie it's okay and it is advisable not to call his old name pleek. Lastly don't call me Emilia except you are one of my closest friends (including my beloved sq, Treaversed and Treatek).
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Into K-Pop especially just for TREASURE + Mashidam and BABYMONSTER. The treasure maker garis keras since YGTB and my first love is Watanabe Haruto till this second, also Bang Yedam lover. But i do loves all of 12 Treasure's member, sorry if I say Treasure still 12 *can't move on broou T_____T and casually enjoyer of #1 YG galau's song, LANY, Taylor Swift, The Vamps, 5SOS, MCR, Yuuri, ONE OK ROCK, Keshi, Simple Plan, Oasis, Keenan Te, Secondhand Serenade, Yoasobi, Why Don't We, A Rocket To The Moon, Neck Deep, My Chemical Romance, XDINARY HEROES, Paramore, This Wild Life, NIKI, PRETTYMUCH, Noa Kazama, VIIN aka Ben ex Treasure, KHH, NewJeans, IVE, Le Sserafim, and any genre that calming my heart. Y'all also can recommend me some songs!
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My previous oc name:
Miller Elijah, Owen Theodore Cassius, DeMille Jureh Cassius and now is DeMille Jureh Cherokee
Was part of OA:
Haruto (Emil): FallinPetals (unver), HSInJakarta aka HSIJ, Theartstealer (unver), Meanochrome, CycleMinds
Junghwan (Jureh): TheYoungLuvs, JournalOfLove, Potternore open batch (lupa ke berapa, dah uv), OfTheNavillera, MoonBecomesYou, Thearstealer (pindahan dari haru, dah uv)
Was part of SQ all liner:
Haruto: Ladsses, Junghwan: Adorerity
Where we meet?
YoshiofGracias (NoiGratitude)
RahmatWillful (BeingWillful)
StandOutHaruto (WeTheProminent)
AuditeurJoca (PassTheLines)
NotIntoYoshi (OfHeartbreaking)
NotesofHaruto (PageofDiaries)
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cheonsans · 5 years
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the third album
Viewer Discretion Advised, or 03, is the third studio album released by Superbia Entertainment’s duo, X2. It was released on July 5th, 2016, several months after their second album release. There was no real title track on the album, and three music videos were released: one for Like it, Love it, one for Sweet&Sour, and one for Nylon.
Basically, X2 released an album full of sensual, sexy r&b vibes, giving their fans more content than they ever could have asked for. The boys told fans that production takes time, and because they’re almost entirely self managed, having consistent comeback schedules can be difficult, but they worked as hard as they could to churn the album out in a timely manner. They thanked their listeners extensively for their patience.
Album playlist (here)
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swim (ft. hijinx’s hyunae) - insp. hui&somin’s swim good
spoiler (ft. impulse’s nye) - insp. junny&lil gimch&eastk’s spoiler
like it, love it - insp. dean&dok2′s I love it
spend the night - insp. yelloasis& junny&holynn’s bed
cherry - insp. 누플레이&dmeanor’s 시선 
sweet&sour - insp. donguy&c.o.v.v.’s sweet & sour 
nonstop -  insp. jus2′s long black
you + me = ? -  insp. reddy&jay park’s think
melting -  insp. elo&colde’s melt 
gravity (rj solo) insp. jooyoung’s planet girl 
grapevine insp. junoflo&jay park’s grapevine 
sensational -  insp .junny’s feel that
weekend - insp. for the weekend - junny & paloalto
lovers - insp. love! dance! - haon
nylon - insp. nylon - haon, & ph-1
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The hair colors were NICE this era
RJ sported a lovely dark red hue
Junsik’s hair was dyed silver.
The styling continued with the trend of formal wear, though never quite perfectly poised. 
The music videos were all surreal once again, as a callback to their aesthetic roots. They were somewhat reminiscent of drug trips, saved from being too cliche by interesting text effects (lyrics, bar receipts, etc.) and imagery where colors blended and dripped.
Once again, they didn’t give a fuck about how explicit some of their imagery was. To make fun of the censorship of media in Korea, they censored random objects like lipstick tubes and cars, but left imagery including far more suggestive themes untouched. 
Despite the varied concept this era, the uniting factors were the colors red and imagery involving cherries. Yes, countless jokes involving “popping one’s cherry” ran rampant amongst the fanbase. 
RJ commented on working with labelmate Hyunae ( @hihijinx​) and admitted that she scared him the entire time...he also said that he was scared of Impulse’s Nye. Junsik, meanwhile, bluntly stated that he found neither of them intimidating, and that RJ is just afraid of everyone. 
Promotions began as they always did for these fools. RJ couldn’t help but spoil a bit on his Instagram feed by posting very suggestive images of himself...AKA shirtless photos and mirror selfies where everything that needed to be covered was just barely concealed. His captions teased at the album title, with lines such as “a little too NSFW for you?”. 
After that, both he and Junsik began posting photo-spreads split up into individual posts that formed images of women’s lips, mysterious captions declaring “Coming Soon.” It didn’t take long for the X2 official accounts to begin teasing as well, until concept photos were released
.There were three sets of concept photos. The first was categorized by hazy, smoky rooms lit by sensual pink and purple lighting. Junsik and RJ were photographed sprawled in limos with their trademark lackadaisical affects. RJ wore an unbuttoned suit jacket with nothing beneath, and Junsik’s own formal wear was significantly disheveled, tie undone and hair mussed. They looked as if they had been through a hell of a night, the floor of the limo littered with empty alcohol bottles, women’s underwear, and glittery high heels.
The second set of photos had them at a house party. RJ was posed leaning against a wall by a poolside, keeping up the neon theme, with the addition of cyan from the swimming pool’s luminance. He remained shirtless, lipstick prints scattered across his neck and collarbones, and an over-exposed effect gave the image a candid feel. J
unsik’s photos were similar, though he was seated on a poolside lounge chair, eyes closed as he leaned back, a soju bottle dangling limply from his hand. 
The third set was by far the most interesting. Scantily clad women wearing odd animal head masks were included in the photos, including reaching behind a seated RJ to claw at his bare chest, and lying down with their heads in Junsik’s lap as he relaxed on a bed. In these, they were even less properly styled, hair wavy and mussed, and clothing disheveled beyond belief.
They claimed that the photos told a story, and the seemingly random choice of the animal masks on the women reflected the trippy but sensual feeling of the album, balancing between the viscerally unsettling nature of trance-like sound and the undeniably sexual undertones nearly every song held.
RJ was literally such a dork around all of the women in their video. There were clips of him apologizing and bowing to each girl after shooting scenes where he had to be touching them, or if they were on his lap. Junsik made fun of him for it, but fans found his affect endearing. 
Honestly...it’s pretty easy to guess how fans reacted. They were, understandably, completely feral. 
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ohprcr · 4 years
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[oc] --- just thought Seongjin and Yohan will totally vibe and bond through diss tracks during quarantine so here it is 😂😂😂
u can listen to them here! 🔥
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written-in-flowers · 4 years
Tormenta: Chapter 2
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Pairing: Jay Park x OC
Genre: Smut, Angst, Fluff
AU: mafia!au, parent!au, crime!au
Disclaimer: These works are completely fictitious and for entertainment purposes only. They are not meant to reflect or label the members of BTS or any other Band in any way. The events within never took place. Thank you.
Warnings: kidnapping, stockholm syndrome, gangs, toxic relationship, developing relationships, mental health issues, bdsm, dom/sub undertones, love/hate, implied/referenced character death, pregnancy kink, breeding kink, edging, spanking, choking, slapping, rough sex, public sex, semi-public sex,
Tormenta (tor.men.ta)
noun, feminine
violent storm, involving thunder and rain
disorder, agitation, one’s inner torment.
Yara’s life completely changes when a person from her past decides they belong together.
Co-written by Nessi98
She didn’t know where she was when she woke up again. Her head hurt like a mountain had fallen on top of her, and her eyes burned from the light coming from a nearby window. Her body ached when she moved, especially in between her thighs. She realized she was in nothing but a white sheet covering her. She furrowed her brow, confused and scared by the situation. She tried remembering how she’d gotten here, but everything came back blurry. A sudden movement from the corner snapped her attention and she grabbed the sheet closer to her chest. Jay stood nearby dressed in only a pair of boxers, strong arms crossed over his naked chest.
"Good morning, beautiful."
"How...How did I get here?" she asked.
"You don't remember?" Jay asked, brow raised in surprise. "We got a little drunk and we came back here to my place.”
“Oh god,” she groaned and flung back onto the bed. “I can’t believe I...No offense,” she said to him, “But it was my first time and I didn’t think it’d happen, you know, like that.”
“None taken. Though, you did look like you enjoyed yourself.” He saw her wince when she moved, “I think I may have been too rough last night though." He got closer with a sheepish smile, and she tried keeping her distance, "Sorry about that."
"Uhm, I'm gonna have to go now," something wasn’t right, she needed to leave. The expression on his face changed.
"Leave?" he tsks, coming closer to her like a lion on a hunt. She sure did feel like prey. "We barely even started yet."
She felt heat come upon her cheeks, “What?”
“Yeah,” he crawled towards her on the bed, carefully tugging the sheet off her nude form. “I only got a little taste last night,” he pushed her legs open and started kissing up her thighs, “And I want more.”
“I really should go though,” she said, trying to escape his grasp. His lips. She might not remember it all, but she remembered those lips. They’d caressed and kissed her; left marks on her neck and chest. “My dad is probably really worried about me,” she blurted. “I have my little brother too.”
He forced her down when she moved again. Fear set in hearing his flirtatious tone turn firm, “You’re not going anywhere. I’m not letting you go ever again.”
She frantically made to move, but he pinned her down and grabbed a cloth near the bed.
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reflectionssss · 5 years
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ace-angel-judas · 5 years
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Name: Kim Nari
Age: 25 (21/12/1994)
Race: Korean
Birth town: Honolulu, Hawaii
Home Town: Seoul, South Korea
Family: Father, Mother, Brother.
Born in Honolulu, Nari moved to Korea when she turned three with her father after her parents separated. At the age of seven, she debuted in a kids group as a rapper and dancer. Her music career continued until she was 15 and decided she no longer wanted to be in a spotlight.
Nari met Hwimin in high school when she was thirteen and the two became fast friends. Later, they met Gyujeong and the three became Groovyroom together.
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luvouz-blog · 5 years
— Lisa Trivia
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Lisa signed into Indigo Music on 2018 making her the second female under the label.
Her audition tape for the show hit over 5 million plays on Instagram and 7 million views on views on youtube.
Was a contestant of the Mnet hit show ' High School Rapper 2 '
Got chosen as one of the most expected contestants by the competitors. In the same show, Young B chose Vinxen and Kira B ( Lisa ) as strong candidates for the win.
In the first episode, this being the cypher round she impressed the judges and the other contestants with her ability to ride the beat and play around with it.
By the second episode, she had already built up an expectation among the contestants and the judges. For this episode, she had to talk about the real her she chose to talk about her personal hell ' her family ' and how this had built up demons around her and how making music and her art had saved her life.
For the group mission on episode 5, she was part of the Groovy Room to which she lost.
She was the first female to be part of the Alternative Youth Clan. The Alternative Youth Clan originally consisted of Young B ( Dickids Crew ) , Agunu ( Dickids Crew) & No: El ( Indigo Music Rapper ).
At the age of 16, she emancipated herself from her parents.
In 4th grade, she showed advance understatement of the lessons and was jumped a grade.
Growing up she was alienated by her peers do to her unique features, ethnicity and because her fashion sense was different. In other words, she didn't fit any of the stereotypes surrounding her race and this caused her to be outcasted.
She is a fan of Kim Haon's meditational mindset.
Lisa was born with bigger attributes compared to the average girls of her race.
Dropped out of school on the second semester of her junior year.
Moved to Korea in 2017 in hope of being as farther away from her family.
She worked at a convince store and as a barista at a small cafe.
She gathered a small popularity on Instagram because of her dark aesthetic and sexy photos.
During this time she became a model for streetwear fashion.
Was the female protagonist of the MV for first Fxxk by Agunu in 2017.
Her relationship with Agunu got exposed by accident by Young B who busted into Agunu's studio/room while doing an insta live but did not expect to run into Lisa and Agunu making out (Instagram live 2019120).
Considered controversial because of the number of piercings and tattoos she has along with her ' provocative ' clothing.
Loves to show off her body
Has a total of 18 piercings and 7 tattoos one of them being the famous moon tattoo of Bloo from Mkit Rain.
She has featured in many songs two of them being the 119 remix Produced by Gray and the Killa B by Young B
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( this is the tattoo she has of bloo )
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viper--official · 5 years
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stage name; viper
birth name; cho jang-mi
english name; julian cho
nicknames; mimi, ian, chub
birthday; june 6, 1997
zodiac sign; gemini 
face claim; @ksj0129
sexual orientation; bisexual
professions; singer || rapper || dancer || songwriter || producer
place of birth; san francisco, california
nationality; american
languages (fluent); spanish, korean and english
voice (singing); melanie martinez, leebada
voice (speaking); melanie martinez, leebada
eye color; brown
hair color; brown
height; 157 cm || 5’2
weight; 44 kg || 97 lbs
blood type; O-
agency; h1ghrmusic
years active; 2018--present
debut; may 1, 2018
fandom name; vivis
unofficial color; dark olive green
vocals; 90%
dance; 90%
variety; 60%
acting; 85%
songwriting; 100%
production; 80%
choreographing; 55%
instagram; vijaju
twitter; sonotjulian
youtube; VIPERZONE
mother; maritza cho
father; jungmin cho
older brother; jerry cho
younger sister; malin cho
Cho Jang-mi was born in San Francisco, California. Her father was born in South Korea and moved when he went to study abroad. The family he was staying with was a nice, mexican family and during a barbeque with the family, he met her mother. They became really close friends and when her father left-back for Korea, she gave him her number. Once they both graduated they moved to California and had Julian. They then married and had Julian and Malin. As Jang-mi grew older, she developed a love for music. She began to sing at competitions and record videos of herself singing. Once she was in high school, she released an EP titled, VIPER. From there, she began to gain some attention and that is when she decided what she wanted to do. As she released her second EP, she was contacted by the company, H1GHRMUSIC. She accepted the offer and off she went to Korea to begin her career. She released a single under H1GHRMUSIC, announcing her addition to the family. Her stage name became ‘Viper’ to remind her where she started.
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eliteadditions · 5 years
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channy-mae · 5 years
MoonLight Entertainment
Greetings from MoonLight Ent! We are currently working ourselves to the bone preparing our first idol to debut! We are always free to answer any questions, take suggestions, and talk. Please support us patiently as we try to deliver on all your exceptions!
Acting CEO and MoonLight Ent rep 
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eightinyz · 6 years
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Belle’s 1st Mini Album, “First Step”, released on November 21st, 2017
01. 알아 I know
02. Why (ft. George)
03. 돌아오지마 Don't Come Back
04. Underwater
05. 내가 더 나빠 Didn't Know Me
06. Outro: Remember (Piano)
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cheonsans · 5 years
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★ XO
the second album
XO is the second studio album released by Superbia Entertainment’s R&B duo, X2. It was released on January 14, 2016, and featured the title track heaven. The album received a moderate amount of controversy for its explicit lyrics and content, though ultimately, X2 just didn’t care. After wonderful success with their first album, their comeback was timely and once again entirely self-managed; it was anticipated and well-received.
(playlist link)
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heaven (title) - insp. elo and penomeco’s oh i
heaven features a spacious instrumental complemented with strings, powerful vocals, subtle but driving percussion, and a gradual build-up into an airy and equally as strong chorus. Layered vocals from both of the members lend to an atmospheric sound to the song, and despite the song being mostly vocal-driven, Junsik’s rap portions provide a refreshing respite from the flowing nature of RJ’s vocals. The song is a seamless blend of their individual vocal flavors, and showcases their harmonic abilities in particular.
hit me up - insp. sik-k and gaeko’s ring ring
shinin’ - punchnello and crush’s corona
expensive - simon dominic and jay park’s won and only
don’t be shy - crush and sik-k’s don’t be shy
Sheer filth. The song is upbeat and light-hearted, despite the very explicit nature of the lyrics. This song, while very popular, was regarded with particular distaste from listeners as people realized that RJ was only barely legal by Korean age when he wrote it. The lyrics featured lines such as “Tell me what you what you wanna do/I’ll take it off slowly/I can undo it with one hand/The tight clasp on your back/Till you ask for more/I won’t stop/Twice, three times, from the top, from the bottom/I wanna live inside” from RJ, clearly referencing not only undressing a girl, but much more than that. From Junsik, lines were more palatable, even if he had lyrics like “I wanna hear your moans/Let’s wash up/But keep the bathroom door open/Don’t be shy/girl I told ya/Let’s say the shower made you wet/and I slide/Between your thick thighs.” So, yeah, the song was obviously explicit as hell. When brought up in interviews, the two sort of brushed off the controversy, stating that music was about expression, and it was unrealistic to expect every single young artist to pretend to be naive to save face, especially when they aren’t idols. They hung out with a few YouTubers, one of which joked around with the two and had RJ show off his unhooking a bra with one hand skills (as many as he could with a time limit and on a mannequin), but he was laughing too much to do it more than three times and his hands were shaking because he was nervous.
don’t u know? - woo, loco, and gray’s we are
a moment of silence - loco and crush’s still 
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Just as they had done with their first album, all of the posts on the x2 instagram were archived. in their place were nine photos with white backgrounds and black graphics that formed the lewis dot structure of dopamine, as well as 011416 beneath.
RJ and Junsik both went mostly quiet on their personals, as well, though RJ’s last instagram post had the caption “baby, you’re like a breath of fresh air” and a photo of clouds taken from an airplane seat.
Junsik was obviously more comfortable behind a camera this time around, though clearly not at RJ’s level. Once again, teaser videos were released, one for each member.
Junsik’s featured him walking and looking seemingly bored on what looked like a mirrored sheet of glass, in a computer-generated sky of shifting colors, ranging from pink to dusty blue. His hair color was hidden beneath a baseball cap. He wore a loose white dress shirt, asymmetrically tucked in and with the sleeves rolled up on his forearms, black pants, and minimal jewelry.
RJ was filmed underwater, sitting cross-legged in dark water. he had one elbow on his knee, face resting in his palm as if he were finding something incredibly tedious, and glanced repeatedly at the rolex on his wrist to see when it would be over. He was styled similarly, though his jeans were heavily ripped and shirt half-falling off his shoulders to flow in the water around him, wearing nothing underneath. His hair color was hard to make out, but dark.
Overall, there was a dual color scheme for the music video. RJ was featured with mostly darker blues and greys, and primarily underwater. Junsik’s color vibe was silvery, pink, and dustier pastels. Along with that, RJ’s theme was underwater, while Junsik was framed with clouds, the sky, and more traditional “heaven” imagery. This dichotomy was used to represent the dual sides of love, or “x” vs “o”: when you’re so deep ‘underwater’ in love that you can’t breathe, and the flip side, where you’re on cloud 9 and all too blissfuly unaware of the lack of oxygen and danger in climbing higher and higher. 
The music video for heaven followed the same trend as the teasers and focused on the duality between the sky and water, and the need for oxygen in both. There were a lot of shots with CG that looked like paint on glass, whether in the sky or in a spacious apartment that was apparently entirely underwater, creative transitions, and a color scheme that shifted between the members’ individual aesthetics for the concept. The styling remained simple, as per their brand, though Junsik surprised fans at one point by having a scene in which he was sitting on the edge of the same mirrored platform as his teaser, shirt entirely unbuttoned, and singing/rapping almost lazily. His hair color was revealed to be silvery-grey in the video, and RJ’s navy blue with streaks of lighter color for dimension. In the scenes where the two are together in the CG sky with a time-lapse showcasing rapidly shifting clouds and colors of the sky with paint on glass effects, they’re back to back and feeding off of one another’s energy. They were praised for the sincerity of their expressions, and of course, the sex appeal in their unbuttoned shirts and lazy affects.
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