97 posts
female additions l currently writing a choi san mafia!au l masterlist l main l requests are closed (formerly @/yourfeelsgiver)
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
eightinyz · 6 years ago
yourfeelsgiver → eightinyz
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eightinyz · 6 years ago
Quick update
I’m going to put several OC’s on hold, because either I don’t follow the group as much as I used to -tho I still love and support them 100%- or just that I’m not inspired anymore. 
I will try to mainly focus on my San Mafia!au for now 
As you probably noticed, i’m very into Ateez lately. I’m really inspired about a new OC but i don’t want it to be like my other OC’s -to stop after 2-3 posts- so i’m still not sure if i’ll do it. Please let me know what you think :) 
I’m thinking about changing my url, don’t like it as much as i used to -i mean i never really like it, but i needed something 🙈- 
or should i make a new blog about Ateez, and continue posting the Mafia!au there and other stuff about them? I feel like this blog kind of got messy idk..
And last but not least, we are over 600! I can’t thank you enough for your love and support 💜 i hope the following posts will be up to your expectations!
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eightinyz · 6 years ago
hi, sorry to bother you, i don’t know if anyone has asked this question before but how do you make your social media edits? love you work by the way!! 😊
thank you 💜 the very first edits were kind of hand made -i used to spend hours photoshopping this to that- but a lovely person recommended me an app “Social Dummy” :) -but i think it’s only available on app store-
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eightinyz · 6 years ago
OMG I love your San fic so much!!! Its such a joy to read. Thank you for sharing it with us! I’m dying for the next part but don’t rush your greatness.
omg thank you so much 💜 honestly you’re all so cute with those encouraging messages 💜 
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eightinyz · 6 years ago
love your san au !!!!!! ahh i hope you will keep updating :-)
Thank you 💜 I’m really happy you like it! i’m going to try to post the next chapter quickly
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eightinyz · 6 years ago
When will be the next chapter of San Mafia!au? It's sooooooo gooood and it's like drug. You read it and you need one more chapter ❤❤ i love your writing ❤❤❤
First of all, i’m really sorry for the late answer, i got many mishaps :/ but I’m going to try to post the next chapter quickly now! I really appreciate your comment, seriously, i still can’t believe the love i receive for this au 💜 but i feel like i will let down many of you because of the very VERY late and unorganized posting... I hope you’ll still like it 💜
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eightinyz · 6 years ago
omg i loved the new part of the san au !! its so good please keep updating
thank you so much! 💜 i’ll try to post it as soon as i can! 
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eightinyz · 6 years ago
vous êtes française? je parle un peu de français parce que école (six années lol.) c'est super! j'adore l'addition nouveau pour l'histoire aussi :^)
haha, en effet je suis française :) merci beaucoup 💜
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eightinyz · 6 years ago
3. Painful Revenge ↦ Choi San Mafia!au
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Pairing: Choi San x Reader (female)
Genre: angst, mafia!au (non celeb)
Warnings: some swearing, violence, mention of death.
Words: 2,6k
Summary: You’re a young law student who are happily dating the handsome San. Everything seemed to go perfectly well, until his 20th birthday.
A/N: So first of all, thank you for your love for this series! Seriously, I get so many private messages and anons, it’s heartwarming.
There is not much of the boys in this part, but don’t worry, they’ll be present in the next.
I’m not sure about a lawyer’s and a prosecutor’s studies in South Korea, so I’m going to write according to my country. If anyone has any idea, please let me know!
And, I’m not a native english speaker but according to my researches, we can call attorney both prosecutors and lawyers, right? Please enlighten me if you know!
I know those law things actually take pretty long, like the courts etc, but I will maybe shorten them for the sake of the au. And it’s just fiction so I think things have to be a little spiced up.
I truly don’t like to write Y/N, Y/L/N etc., but it’s sometimes needed, so I’m gonna have to deal with it.
I did take inspiration from the kdrama, Suspicious Partner. Go watch it if you didn’t, it’s really good!
Lastly, hope you’ll enjoy it! I’m going to try to post more regularly now, since I feel a lot better.
I 2 I    
“Attorney Y/L/N.”, the young assistant called from the end of the hallway, “There is a new addition to those mysterious murder cases.”
Oh, here we go again.
You sighed, “Thank you, I’ll try to read it during my break. See you.”, you took the file from his hand, quickly bowed your head then headed to your car.
After coming back from England six months ago, you were excited to finally be able to exercise your profession in your home country. Although, you didn’t think you’d be given this very important case right after your arrival. Finishing your studies in a very prestigious British university, as well as having incredible grades might have helped you enter this well-known Prosecutors’ Office. Almost five years since you left everything behind. But it still feels good to be back home.
“Good Morning! Prince Charming is waiting for you in the corner, darling. At your regular place.”, the elderly woman smiled upon your arrival.
“Thank you, Mrs. Park.”, you patted her shoulder, smiling warmly.
“Hey, babe.”, Jiwook greeted you with a quick kiss, “How are you doing?”
“Already tired. There was another murder.”, you sighed, yet again. “I think I’m going to work ‘till late at night tonight.” Jiwook squeezed your hand, giving you a knowing smile.
Jiwook and you met at the university you went in England; he had also left the country around the same time as you and you ended up in the same school. He was three years older than you and was now a well qualified prosecutor. Occasionally with specs on his nose, a casual suit covering his muscular body, he was the man everyone dreamed to have along their side. But more than his looks, he was a sweetheart. He was nice, polite, gentle, funny. Your perfect boyfriend.
Your lunch was, as always, filled with laughter and loving smiles. Jiwook would always do his best to make you laugh and help you forget, even only for a few minutes, your stressful job. Working in the same field, he knew how some cases could affect you, mentally but also physically.
“I have to go, I have a thirty-page file to read, and not in font size twenty. Unfortunately.”, you joked, picking up your belongings. “I’ll try to text you throughout the day, yeah?”, kissing him goodbye, you went back to the Office.
“I don’t understand. I-He didn’t deserve it. He didn’t. He was an amazing husband, an amazing father.”, a woman cried to your colleague. She might be the wife of one of the men who got murdered. “Please find them, I’m begging you.”
The series of murders approximatively started over six years ago; at least, that was what you all thought from the little infos you’ve got. At the beginning, the murders were scattered, making it hard to connect them. But over the years, they got closer and were, indeed, connected. The victims were men, mostly in their forties, all once part of a gang, apparently. Well, when the police questioned their entourage, they all appeared as role models. Incredible husbands, friends, fathers. Nothing that seemed out of ordinary. But, when they searched deeply, they found a common thing. They were all in touch or they all knew a member of a well known gang. His gang. The Pirates.
Everything pointed at them. They had a reason to kill those men. Maybe they were scared they’ll reveal something about the said gang? Well, whatever it was, they were the suspect number one. But, they weren’t any material evidences. Which meant that the only way to catch them was that one of them spit everything out; the murders, the reasons, etc. It wasn’t going to be easy. 
People said that it might just be a coincidence. But you knew better not to believe these speculations. Everything always ended up being connected. And now that you knew they were firmly pointed, you were even more ready to put them behind the bars. You body was full on hatred towards them; they had to pay.
“Y/N, did you read the file? I had asked the assistant to give it to you.”, Chaeyoung entered your shared office, sitting down to her desk.
“Yeah, I just finished it. It’s the same.”, you stated. “A deep clean cut on the throat, then the body’s thrown in a ditch…”
“Seoul Metropolitan Police.”, one of the uniformed police officer declared showing his badge. He cleared his throat then continued, after giving a knowing look to his co-worker.  “We’re sorry to wake you this late, but,”, he paused, “could we enter? I think it would be better.”
“Just say it.”, your mother shakily breathed out. “What happened?”
The officers shared a look. “Is Mr. Y/L/N your husband, miss?”, one of them asked.
“Yes, he’s my father. Could you please tell us what’s going on? Did he drink too much again and ended up being a nuisance? I’m so sorry abo-”, you got cut of.
“It’s not that, miss.”, he inhaled deeply and continued. “We found him.”
The other officer took the lead when he saw that his younger colleague was having some difficulties. “I’m extremely sorry to announce it to you, but your father was found dead.”
“Y/N! Hey, I’ve lost you, yet again.”, Chaeyoung laughed. “You should ask for some days off maybe? You look a little tired lately.”
“Is that you’re way to say I look like shit?”, you joked.
“You said it.”, she put her hands up in defense, giggling.
You laughed at her antics, “It’s just this case. It gets worse, and I feel helpless.”
“The police are investigating, you know. They’re working hard. And apparently, they are on someone. A certain,”, she went through her files, “Jung Woojin.”
“Jung Woojin.”, you repeated. The name sounded familiar.
“Again, apparently, he’s part of this gang.”
Oh. There it is. You did hear this name before. Jung Wooyoung’s older brother, Jung Woojin.
You shook your head, “Whatever. I’m going to visit my mom before going home.” You quickly tidied your desk, not forgetting to take with you the documents you had to work on. “Need anything?”, you asked grabbing your bag.
“Nope, say hello to her from me. And please, rest well, see you tomorrow.”, Chaeyoung smiled warmly, waving you goodbye.
“No worries, bye.”, you waved back, heading to your car.
Cheayoung was always like that; smiley, warm, bubbly. You sometimes felt like you didn’t give enough in return. She would always look after you, asking you if you slept well, if you had breakfast, and so on. Besides, she has to deal with your numerous mood changes. She was a good friend. 
You quickly arrived to your mother’s apartment that was in the periphery of the city. Doing the door code, you entered calmly, the warmth of the inside hitting you.
“Hi, Y/N.”, your mother’s nurse, Eunha, greeted you, coming out of the kitchen.
“Hey, how are you doing?”, you smiled up to her while you took of your shoes at the entry.
“Good, what about you?”
“Just a little tired. Is she asleep?”, you hanged your coat before heading to the living room. Your mother was normally in there, unless when she was sleeping.
“Yes, she’s taking a nap. She was complaining about a weak stomach and nausea earlier, so I gave her her meds. It knocked her out.”, Eunha explained. “But I think she’ll be up soon. You want some tea?”, she went back to the kitchen after your positive answer.
Your mother suffered from a rare disease that required constant nursing now. At the beginning, it only affected her muscles. Some cramps here and there, from time to time. But over the years, it started to propagate to her organs. She mostly suffered from stomach pain, and other digestive problems. Now, she needed the help of a caregiver, her muscle pains sometimes being unbearable. Eunha was a young sweet woman who willingly took care of your mother since you got back to your home country. She helped her to shower, to cook, and so on. Your mother wasn’t fully bedridden, yet; she still managed to do simple tasks.
“Are you staying for dinner?”, Eunha put your cup of tea on the coffee table and sat down beside you on the couch.
“I’m not sure, I’m really tired.”, you yawned. “But I want to see her so I’ll probably stay until she wakes up.”, you brought the hot tea to your lips, slowly drinking the beverage. 
“We cooked some sujebi, the way you like it, she said.”, Eunha tried to convince you stay, her lips slowly curling up. 
You laughed, “You sound like my mom. She would always persuade me with food.”
“She trained me.”, Eunha giggling. “She told me that bringing the notion of food in the conversation whenever we get opposite thoughts with you helps changing your mind. Just wanted to test the authenticity of her statement, not that I ever doubted her.”, she laughed raising her hand up defensively.
Eunha was a joyful person. She was a couple of years older than you, in her late twenties, but she probably looked younger than you; her bubbly personality and her sometimes childlike actions hiding the reality. She was kind of like Chaeyoung. 
You used to be like that. Carefree. You only cared about yourself, your family, your friends, your dog, and your boyfriend. But, you matured. Well, it was what you wanted to believe, what you always told yourself. In reality, you completely changed. Being bubbly and giggly didn’t mean to be childish but the things that happened in your life had a huge impact on you, more than you thought, and hoped. Now, you speculated everything, wanted every details of whatever happens. You always justified that side of you by saying that it was your job that required that. It wasn’t a total lie, but it wasn’t always intentional. You were always wary of everything. You were still very nice and warm, however you now mastered the art of coldness, when needed.
You spend the time conversing with Eunha, talking about your jobs, your love lives etc. She had this aura that helped people around her be at ease. 
As your mother only woke up an hour after your arrival, you decided to stay for dinner, to spend some time with her. You stayed to help Eunha with the dishes, but left quickly after, your mother forcing you to. According to her, your under eye bags were way too visible for her liking for you to stay any longer. So that’s how you ended up in your house, at 9pm, in your pajamas, in front of a nice TV show. You needed that.
You fell asleep there, in a pile of fuzzy blankets and the tv still on. Your phone woke you up early in the morning. It was a new message. Groaning, you broke your warm blanket cocoon, against your will, and took your phone. Chaeyoung. Your frowned. Why would she call you this early? 
“Sorry, did I woke you up?”, she asked.
“Well, obviously, it’s 6 in the morning, Chae. What is it?”, you brushed your hair out of your face and sighed.
“I’m sorry, but I wouldn’t have called you if it wasn’t important. There are new infos about the suspect, Jung Woojin. Boss wants everyone in the office right now.”
You groaned, “Ok, I’ll try to be there as fast as I can. See you.”
After hanging up, you went to take a quick shower. The boss may want you right now, but your body needed to be cleaned up. You were way to tired the night before to do anything aside from stuffing your face with junk food in front of your favorite tv shows. 
“It’s been a good half an hour since I called you. Really fast, I see.”, Chaeyoung grumbled once you entered your shared office. 
“I’m sorry, I had to take a shower. And half an hour is pretty fast.”, you counter attacked. 
She shrugged, “Here are the new infos about him. They reserved you a meeting with the suspect. And we’ll have a meeting afterwards. I know normally it’s way slower, but it’s an important case.” 
“I know, I know. I’ll get ready.”, you quickly read the documents Chaeyoung handed you then headed to the office station, where the said meeting was going to take place.
“Mr. Jung is inside, you’ll have 30 minutes with him as a first meeting.”, a police officer reported, leading you to an interrogation room. 
“Thank you.”, you politely bowed. 
Opening the door, you saw him. Jung Woojin. He was the spitted image of his brother.
“Good morning, Mr. Jung.”, you greeted, taking the place in front of him, on the other side of the table.
“Morning, Miss Y/L/N.”, he paused. “I can finally put a face to the name. I’ve heard a lot about you.”, he smiled mischievously.
“It’s Attorney Y/L/N.”, you tried to sound confident, “And I’m glad.”, you coldly said. “But, we’re not here to talk about me. We’re here because of the monstrosity you made.”
“I already told everyone, Attorney Y/L/N, I’m innocent. I haven’t done anything.”, he leaned back on his chair, trying to look intimidating. You’ve seen worse. 
“They found your fingerprints on one of the crime scene. More so, on the murder weapon. A 6 inch hunting knife.”, you took out a picture of the said weapon out of your files. “How do you explain that?”
“It’s mine. But I wasn’t there.”, he straightened and look more serious, “Look, I know everything point at me, but I didn’t do it. I don’t how it ended up there.”
“Then just explain to me, give me evidences of your innocence.”
“I know you desperately want us inside, but, I didn’t do it, ok. It wasn’t me.”
“I know you didn’t do all of them, or at least, I don’t have proofs. But that poor guy was murdered by you.”, you declared, looking him dead in the eye. “And I’ll prove it. I hope you have a good lawyer.” 
“Don’t worry, she’s amazing.” 
“So,”, you regained your professionalism, “let me ask you some basic questions, where were you the night of the murder?”
And it went like that for twenty minutes; you asking questions, him answering them. He kept on claiming his innocence, but, even if you tried, many evidences proved the contrary. 
“Ok, thank you, that’s it for today. I’ll see in a couple of days again, probably with your lawyer. Have a good day.” What an absurd exclamation, regarding the situation. You shook your head and collected your belongings before getting out of the room.
The moment you got out, the police officer entered it. He led Mr. Jung out, back to his prison cell, where he stayed since his detention.
“Attorney Y/L/N!”, another police officer called out. “Mr. Jung’s lawyer is also here. Would you like to meet her?”
“Yes, please.”, you gave him a polite smile as he guided you to an office.
“Attorney Choi!”, he called, catching the woman’s attention. “Here’s Attorney Y/L/N.” 
The woman turned around, it was like those cliché drama scenes. But there she was. Choi Jiseon.
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eightinyz · 6 years ago
oh you’re french that’s so cool!! i can kinda understand some french because my native tongue is spanish so i tie some words together and i know some words in french lol,, you have nothing to worry about,, any mistake that you make is very very minimal,,like sometimes you use the wrong tense but like i said before it’s something that even natives mess so really you have NOTHING to worry about,,really :) tu te débrouilles bien(ahdnj omg i just said you’re doing well right?? idk french sorry) —🐾
oh yes, that also, tenses -i already hate them in french, so it’s not much better in english 🙄 
aha, yep you wrote it well ! merci beaucoup 💜
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eightinyz · 6 years ago
dude seriously i have completely fallen in love with your writing like i literally dropped everything i was doing to read the next part of the fic😳😳😳
oh gosh please, i’m going to die from a heart attack 😩
you’re all so freaking cute 💜 seriously, thank you soooo much 💜
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eightinyz · 6 years ago
also!! your writing is amazing especially for not being a native english speaker,, i’m pretty sure if you hadn’t said that english wasn’t your native language i never would’ve know haha,, there have been minimal mistakes that i’ve seen but they’re even mistakes that a lot of natives make haha and if you don’t mind me asking,, what is your native tongue?? —🐾
haha, thanks! 💜 I try hard to make as little mistakes as i can, but it’s not always easy, especially in this au where i’m dealing with some themes that i’m not very familiar with. And btw i’m french, so sometimes i’m confused with some phrase structures etc. I’ll try harder for the next parts! 
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eightinyz · 6 years ago
aHH!!! omg i love your san mafia au,, ive never really read a mafia au because they never really interested me but i read your and i was INSTANTLY hooked,, i just made me freak all agndus so i guess thanks out for that and keep it up i’ve reads all the parts so far and i love them so much already lol ,, so thank you —����
dfkljhg thank you so much! 💜 i’m honestly blushing right now, i’ve received so much positive comments about that au, it’s unbelievable! i hope you’ll like the following parts 💜
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eightinyz · 6 years ago
Thanks to @codename-nyx, i finally managed to put back the links in my bio 🎉 
Could someone help me put links in my bio? I’m not sure how, I’m kind of blaming tumblr on that, but everything disapeared from there. I used to have a link to my masterlist, my main blog etc, but they’re all gone. I tried to put them back, like a good thousands of times, but it just won’t work. So if anyone has an idea on how to do it, pleeeease help me 😫
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eightinyz · 6 years ago
3. Painful Revenge ↦ Choi San Mafia!au
Tumblr media
 Pairing: Choi San x Reader (female)
Genre: angst, mafia!au (non celeb)
Warnings: some swearing, violence, mention of death.
Words: 2,6k
Summary: You’re a young law student who are happily dating the handsome San. Everything seemed to go perfectly well, until his 20th birthday.
A/N: So first of all, thank you for your love for this series! Seriously, I get so many private messages and anons, it’s heartwarming.
There is not much of the boys in this part, but don’t worry, they’ll be present in the next.
I’m not sure about a lawyer’s and a prosecutor’s studies in South Korea, so I’m going to write according to my country. If anyone has any idea, please let me know!
And, I’m not a native english speaker but according to my researches, we can call attorney both prosecutors and lawyers, right? Please enlighten me if you know!
I know those law things actually take pretty long, like the courts etc, but I will maybe shorten them for the sake of the au. And it’s just fiction so I think things have to be a little spiced up.
I truly don’t like to write Y/N, Y/L/N etc., but it’s sometimes needed, so I’m gonna have to deal with it.
I did take inspiration from the kdrama, Suspicious Partner. Go watch it if you didn’t, it’s really good!
Lastly, hope you’ll enjoy it! I’m going to try to post more regularly now, since I feel a lot better.
I 2 I    
“Attorney Y/L/N.”, the young assistant called from the end of the hallway, “There is a new addition to those mysterious murder cases.”
Oh, here we go again.
You sighed, “Thank you, I’ll try to read it during my break. See you.”, you took the file from his hand, quickly bowed your head then headed to your car.
After coming back from England six months ago, you were excited to finally be able to exercise your profession in your home country. Although, you didn’t think you’d be given this very important case right after your arrival. Finishing your studies in a very prestigious British university, as well as having incredible grades might have helped you enter this well-known Prosecutors’ Office. Almost five years since you left everything behind. But it still feels good to be back home.
“Good Morning! Prince Charming is waiting for you in the corner, darling. At your regular place.”, the elderly woman smiled upon your arrival.
“Thank you, Mrs. Park.”, you patted her shoulder, smiling warmly.
“Hey, babe.”, Jiwook greeted you with a quick kiss, “How are you doing?”
“Already tired. There was another murder.”, you sighed, yet again. “I think I’m going to work ‘till late at night tonight.” Jiwook squeezed your hand, giving you a knowing smile.
Jiwook and you met at the university you went in England; he had also left the country around the same time as you and you ended up in the same school. He was three years older than you and was now a well qualified prosecutor. Occasionally with specs on his nose, a casual suit covering his muscular body, he was the man everyone dreamed to have along their side. But more than his looks, he was a sweetheart. He was nice, polite, gentle, funny. Your perfect boyfriend.
Your lunch was, as always, filled with laughter and loving smiles. Jiwook would always do his best to make you laugh and help you forget, even only for a few minutes, your stressful job. Working in the same field, he knew how some cases could affect you, mentally but also physically.
“I have to go, I have a thirty-page file to read, and not in font size twenty. Unfortunately.”, you joked, picking up your belongings. “I’ll try to text you throughout the day, yeah?”, kissing him goodbye, you went back to the Office.
“I don’t understand. I-He didn’t deserve it. He didn’t. He was an amazing husband, an amazing father.”, a woman cried to your colleague. She might be the wife of one of the men who got murdered. “Please find them, I’m begging you.”
The series of murders approximatively started over six years ago; at least, that was what you all thought from the little infos you’ve got. At the beginning, the murders were scattered, making it hard to connect them. But over the years, they got closer and were, indeed, connected. The victims were men, mostly in their forties, all once part of a gang, apparently. Well, when the police questioned their entourage, they all appeared as role models. Incredible husbands, friends, fathers. Nothing that seemed out of ordinary. But, when they searched deeply, they found a common thing. They were all in touch or they all knew a member of a well known gang. His gang. The Pirates.
Everything pointed at them. They had a reason to kill those men. Maybe they were scared they’ll reveal something about the said gang? Well, whatever it was, they were the suspect number one. But, they weren’t any material evidences. Which meant that the only way to catch them was that one of them spit everything out; the murders, the reasons, etc. It wasn’t going to be easy. 
People said that it might just be a coincidence. But you knew better not to believe these speculations. Everything always ended up being connected. And now that you knew they were firmly pointed, you were even more ready to put them behind the bars. You body was full on hatred towards them; they had to pay.
“Y/N, did you read the file? I had asked the assistant to give it to you.”, Chaeyoung entered your shared office, sitting down to her desk.
“Yeah, I just finished it. It’s the same.”, you stated. “A deep clean cut on the throat, then the body’s thrown in a ditch...”
    “Seoul Metropolitan Police.”, one of the uniformed police officer declared showing his badge. He cleared his throat then continued, after giving a knowing look to his co-worker.  “We’re sorry to wake you this late, but,”, he paused, “could we enter? I think it would be better.”
“Just say it.”, your mother shakily breathed out. “What happened?”
The officers shared a look. “Is Mr. Y/L/N your husband, miss?”, one of them asked.
“Yes, he’s my father. Could you please tell us what’s going on? Did he drink too much again and ended up being a nuisance? I’m so sorry abo-”, you got cut of.
“It’s not that, miss.”, he inhaled deeply and continued. “We found him.”
The other officer took the lead when he saw that his younger colleague was having some difficulties. “I’m extremely sorry to announce it to you, but your father was found dead.”
    “Y/N! Hey, I’ve lost you, yet again.”, Chaeyoung laughed. “You should ask for some days off maybe? You look a little tired lately.”
“Is that you’re way to say I look like shit?”, you joked.
“You said it.”, she put her hands up in defense, giggling.
You laughed at her antics, “It’s just this case. It gets worse, and I feel helpless.”
“The police are investigating, you know. They’re working hard. And apparently, they are on someone. A certain,”, she went through her files, “Jung Woojin.”
“Jung Woojin.”, you repeated. The name sounded familiar.
“Again, apparently, he’s part of this gang.”
Oh. There it is. You did hear this name before. Jung Wooyoung’s older brother, Jung Woojin.
You shook your head, “Whatever. I’m going to visit my mom before going home.” You quickly tidied your desk, not forgetting to take with you the documents you had to work on. “Need anything?”, you asked grabbing your bag.
“Nope, say hello to her from me. And please, rest well, see you tomorrow.”, Chaeyoung smiled warmly, waving you goodbye.
“No worries, bye.”, you waved back, heading to your car.
Cheayoung was always like that; smiley, warm, bubbly. You sometimes felt like you didn’t give enough in return. She would always look after you, asking you if you slept well, if you had breakfast, and so on. Besides, she has to deal with your numerous mood changes. She was a good friend. 
You quickly arrived to your mother’s apartment that was in the periphery of the city. Doing the door code, you entered calmly, the warmth of the inside hitting you.
“Hi, Y/N.”, your mother’s nurse, Eunha, greeted you, coming out of the kitchen.
“Hey, how are you doing?”, you smiled up to her while you took of your shoes at the entry.
“Good, what about you?”
“Just a little tired. Is she asleep?”, you hanged your coat before heading to the living room. Your mother was normally in there, unless when she was sleeping.
“Yes, she’s taking a nap. She was complaining about a weak stomach and nausea earlier, so I gave her her meds. It knocked her out.”, Eunha explained. “But I think she’ll be up soon. You want some tea?”, she went back to the kitchen after your positive answer.
Your mother suffered from a rare disease that required constant nursing now. At the beginning, it only affected her muscles. Some cramps here and there, from time to time. But over the years, it started to propagate to her organs. She mostly suffered from stomach pain, and other digestive problems. Now, she needed the help of a caregiver, her muscle pains sometimes being unbearable. Eunha was a young sweet woman who willingly took care of your mother since you got back to your home country. She helped her to shower, to cook, and so on. Your mother wasn’t fully bedridden, yet; she still managed to do simple tasks.
“Are you staying for dinner?”, Eunha put your cup of tea on the coffee table and sat down beside you on the couch.
“I’m not sure, I’m really tired.”, you yawned. “But I want to see her so I’ll probably stay until she wakes up.”, you brought the hot tea to your lips, slowly drinking the beverage. 
“We cooked some sujebi, the way you like it, she said.”, Eunha tried to convince you stay, her lips slowly curling up. 
You laughed, “You sound like my mom. She would always persuade me with food.”
“She trained me.”, Eunha giggling. “She told me that bringing the notion of food in the conversation whenever we get opposite thoughts with you helps changing your mind. Just wanted to test the authenticity of her statement, not that I ever doubted her.”, she laughed raising her hand up defensively.
Eunha was a joyful person. She was a couple of years older than you, in her late twenties, but she probably looked younger than you; her bubbly personality and her sometimes childlike actions hiding the reality. She was kind of like Chaeyoung. 
You used to be like that. Carefree. You only cared about yourself, your family, your friends, your dog, and your boyfriend. But, you matured. Well, it was what you wanted to believe, what you always told yourself. In reality, you completely changed. Being bubbly and giggly didn’t mean to be childish but the things that happened in your life had a huge impact on you, more than you thought, and hoped. Now, you speculated everything, wanted every details of whatever happens. You always justified that side of you by saying that it was your job that required that. It wasn’t a total lie, but it wasn’t always intentional. You were always wary of everything. You were still very nice and warm, however you now mastered the art of coldness, when needed.
You spend the time conversing with Eunha, talking about your jobs, your love lives etc. She had this aura that helped people around her be at ease. 
As your mother only woke up an hour after your arrival, you decided to stay for dinner, to spend some time with her. You stayed to help Eunha with the dishes, but left quickly after, your mother forcing you to. According to her, your under eye bags were way too visible for her liking for you to stay any longer. So that’s how you ended up in your house, at 9pm, in your pajamas, in front of a nice TV show. You needed that.
You fell asleep there, in a pile of fuzzy blankets and the tv still on. Your phone woke you up early in the morning. It was a new message. Groaning, you broke your warm blanket cocoon, against your will, and took your phone. Chaeyoung. Your frowned. Why would she call you this early? 
“Sorry, did I woke you up?”, she asked.
“Well, obviously, it’s 6 in the morning, Chae. What is it?”, you brushed your hair out of your face and sighed.
“I’m sorry, but I wouldn’t have called you if it wasn’t important. There are new infos about the suspect, Jung Woojin. Boss wants everyone in the office right now.”
You groaned, “Ok, I’ll try to be there as fast as I can. See you.”
After hanging up, you went to take a quick shower. The boss may want you right now, but your body needed to be cleaned up. You were way to tired the night before to do anything aside from stuffing your face with junk food in front of your favorite tv shows. 
“It’s been a good half an hour since I called you. Really fast, I see.”, Chaeyoung grumbled once you entered your shared office. 
“I’m sorry, I had to take a shower. And half an hour is pretty fast.”, you counter attacked. 
She shrugged, “Here are the new infos about him. They reserved you a meeting with the suspect. And we’ll have a meeting afterwards. I know normally it’s way slower, but it’s an important case.” 
“I know, I know. I’ll get ready.”, you quickly read the documents Chaeyoung handed you then headed to the office station, where the said meeting was going to take place.
“Mr. Jung is inside, you’ll have 30 minutes with him as a first meeting.”, a police officer reported, leading you to an interrogation room. 
“Thank you.”, you politely bowed. 
Opening the door, you saw him. Jung Woojin. He was the spitted image of his brother.
“Good morning, Mr. Jung.”, you greeted, taking the place in front of him, on the other side of the table.
“Morning, Miss Y/L/N.”, he paused. “I can finally put a face to the name. I’ve heard a lot about you.”, he smiled mischievously.
“It’s Attorney Y/L/N.”, you tried to sound confident, “And I’m glad.”, you coldly said. “But, we’re not here to talk about me. We’re here because of the monstrosity you made.”
“I already told everyone, Attorney Y/L/N, I’m innocent. I haven’t done anything.”, he leaned back on his chair, trying to look intimidating. You’ve seen worse. 
“They found your fingerprints on one of the crime scene. More so, on the murder weapon. A 6 inch hunting knife.”, you took out a picture of the said weapon out of your files. “How do you explain that?”
“It’s mine. But I wasn’t there.”, he straightened and look more serious, “Look, I know everything point at me, but I didn’t do it. I don’t how it ended up there.”
“Then just explain to me, give me evidences of your innocence.”
“I know you desperately want us inside, but, I didn’t do it, ok. It wasn’t me.”
“I know you didn’t do all of them, or at least, I don’t have proofs. But that poor guy was murdered by you.”, you declared, looking him dead in the eye. “And I’ll prove it. I hope you have a good lawyer.” 
“Don’t worry, she’s amazing.” 
“So,”, you regained your professionalism, “let me ask you some basic questions, where were you the night of the murder?”
And it went like that for twenty minutes; you asking questions, him answering them. He kept on claiming his innocence, but, even if you tried, many evidences proved the contrary. 
“Ok, thank you, that’s it for today. I’ll see in a couple of days again, probably with your lawyer. Have a good day.” What an absurd exclamation, regarding the situation. You shook your head and collected your belongings before getting out of the room.
The moment you got out, the police officer entered it. He led Mr. Jung out, back to his prison cell, where he stayed since his detention.
“Attorney Y/L/N!”, another police officer called out. “Mr. Jung’s lawyer is also here. Would you like to meet her?”
“Yes, please.”, you gave him a polite smile as he guided you to an office.
“Attorney Choi!”, he called, catching the woman’s attention. “Here’s Attorney Y/L/N.” 
The woman turned around, it was like those cliché drama scenes. But there she was. Choi Jiseon.
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eightinyz · 6 years ago
your san mafia au is so good! when's the next part coming out because I really want to know what happened!
omg thank you so much, i really appreciate it! I’m going to try to post it very quickly, stay tuned 💜
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eightinyz · 6 years ago
I can’t wait until the new part of the mafia!au !!
I’m happy you like it, I’m going to post it as soon as I can!  💖
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