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Can you name them all?
Answers under the cut
pine marten
kharza/yellow-throated marten
marbled polecat
stoat/ermine/short tailed weasel
least weasel
honey badger
european badger
river otter
sea otter
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The ambition of Elves
The principle source of stone during the rebuilding of Orsinium has come from Clan Tumnosh’s Graystone Quarry located to the south-west of the capitol. The quarry however has reportedly fallen well behind in their expected shipments of late. Indeed, by the time I arrive there is no work in the quarry going on at all.
According to Forge-wife Kharza their problems started when demand from Orsinium began to outweigh their production and they hired a High Elf who claimed he could improve their yield. Not long after the elf entered a mine-shaft a fog was said to have rolled out into the quarry, screams of the miners were heard and many never reappeared through the mists. Chief Ramash himself went down into the quarry to look for his workers but he came back alone, covered in blood. Now the rest of the clan refuse to go anywhere near the quarry.
Mining is amongst the most dangerous of all occupations, and miners have developed a stoic bravery that would put many warriors to shame. I myself have pierced the callous heart of Coldharbour, and endured the lunacy of the Shivering Isles, yet the idea of entering that dark mine shaft gives me pause. There are three things in that mine-shaft that all wise men fear, silence, darkness and the unknown; yet when else can a man truly prove his courage, then when he is afraid.
When the first earthquakes of the Soulburst shook the heartlands to its core, ripping the town of Chorrol in two; nobody at that time knew the cause. But I recall a blind old woman who would often beg for food outside our barracks who claimed it was but nature fighting back in her revenge ‘gainst the thousands of years that men and mer had tilled the land, mined the mountains, fished the seas, hunted the beasts and cut down the forests. For the record, no-one believed her, for she also claimed to have lost her sight reading a scroll. And I don’t believe that nature is taking her revenge here in this quarry either. I do believe however, just as that accursed elf Mannimarco was to blame for the Soulburst, whomever this blasted elf is, is to blame for this tragedy.
The longer I live the more convinced I am that it will not be the cruelty of daedra that will eventually end us all, it will be the ambition of Elves.
#720#the elder scrolls online#wrothgar#tamrieldrifter#rpg adventure#eso#screenshots#esorp#the elder scrolls#mmorpg
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Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GKMoLZN_KNA Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/episode/5KsrF9finFjv7KINssspB1 Artxmis is joined by Kazimir Kharza, an anarcho-primitivist from Slovenia. He has a Youtube channel under his name, & a website titled “The Revolutionary Primitivist” which is “an online publication dedicated to worldwide propagation of revolutionary primitivism. We believe that the emergence of organization-dependent technologies has resulted in unprecedented human suffering and environmental degradation. Our goal is to lay the foundations for a revolution that will undo this unfortunate historic development.” Artxmis and Kazimir discuss the context of the Balkans, contrasting Kazcynski’s conception of the anti-technology revolution with Kazimir's own view, and explore the myth of human weakness. The Revolutionary Primitivist: https://revprim.org/ Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@KazimirKharza Tags: Uncivilized PodcastAnarcho-primitivismanti-tech revolutionrevolutionanprim
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Avrupa’nın Ermeni katliamındaki tutumunu işleyen eser Aram Yayınevi’nden çıktı - Politika Haber
Avrupa’nın Ermeni katliamındaki tutumunu işleyen eser Aram Yayınevi’nden çıktı
Johannes Lepsius’un kaleme aldığı “Ermenistan ve Avrupa: Güçlü Hristiyan Devletlerine Karşı Bir Suçlama Metni” kitabı yerel otoritelerin merkezi gücün emirlerini yerine getirdiklerine dair önemli bir veri sunuyor.
Johannes Lepsius’un 1896 yılında yayımlanan “Armenien und Europa: Eine Anklageschrift wider die” eseri, Aram Yayınevi tarafından “Ermenistan ve Avrupa: Güçlü Hristiyan Devletlere Karşı Bir Suçlama Metni” ismiyle Türkçe’ye çevrilerek yayımlandı. Memet Baytimur’un çevirisini yaptığı kitap, Lepsius’un ilk önemli çalışması olarak gösteriliyor. Kitap, 1894-1896 yılları arasında Osmanlı İmparatorluğu’nun farklı vilayetlerindeki Ermeni katliamını; bilgi, belge ve raporlarla ele alıyor. Kitabın isminden de anlaşılacağı gibi Avrupa’nın bu katliamlardaki sorumluluğunun da belge ve bilgilerle ele alındığı eserde, bu durum sert bir şekilde eleştiriliyor.
1895 yılını 1896 yılına bağlayan sonbahar ve kış aylarında yakılıp yıkılan vilayetleri dolaşan, yaşanan katliamlar hakkında Türk kentli ve köylünün görüşlerini dinleyen Lepsius, ülkesi olan Almanya basınının olayları çarpıttığından ve Ermeni halkının hükümete karşı ayaklandığına yönelik haberlerle halkı yanılttığından emin olduktan sonra; tanıklıklarını, katliamlarda yer alanların beyanlarını, derlediği belge ve raporları, bölgede bilgi toplayan Avrupalıların görüşlerini Avrupa’nın her köşesine taşımayı amaçlıyor. Lepsius, şöyle diyor: “Seyahatim esnasında Anatolie’de karşılaştığım Müslümanların hepsi Ermeni halkının katledilmesi ve yağmalanmasının kendi nazarlarında gayet doğal olduğu nedeniyle hükümet tarafından Sultan’ın iradesine dayanarak organize edildiğini beyan ettiler. Kırsal alanlardaki Türk nüfus ayrıca ve kuşkusuz bu kıyım ve talanların camilerde mollalar tarafından verilen vaazların sonucu olduğunu, imamların Müslüman dünyasının tek dini lideri olan şeyhülislamın, Ermenilerin öldürülmesine cevaz veren fetvasına dayandığını söyledi…”
1895 yılının Ağustos-Eylül aylarında İstanbul’da; emekçi, zanaatkar, hizmet erbabı, hamal ve ağır işlerde çalışan 6 bin Ermeni’nin Boğaz’da demirli Avrupa savaş gemilerinin suskun top mermileri gölgesinde öldürüldüğünü vurgulayan Lepsius, başka vilayetlerden de ardı ardına katliam haberlerinin gelmeye başladığını belirtiyor. 30 Eylül 1895 tarihinden 1 Ocak 1896 tarihine kadar periyodik bir şekilde önce İstanbul, sonra da ardı ardına Akhisar, Trabzon, Erzerom, Kıği, Hadjin, Çorum, Mereş, Erzingan, Gümüşhane, Bedlîs, Elbistan, Bayburt, Şebinkarahisar, Payas, Riha, Mersin, Adana, Meletî, Sêwereg, Wan, Semsûr, İskenderun, Eğin, Xarpêt, Talori, Sêwaz, Gürün, Kharza, Tchok, Merzemen, Dîlok, Tokat, Mûş, Mersivan, Amasya, Yenicekale, Sêrt, Pasinler, Ova, Zile, Kayseri, Samsun, Tarse, Ağcagüney, Akbes ve Bêrecûk’ta onbinlerce Ermeni’nin katliamdan geçirildiğini ve yüz binlercesinin yerinden yurdundan edilerek açlığa ve sefalete mahkum edildiğini raporlarla anlatan Lepsius, buralardaki yerel otoritelerin merkezi gücün emirlerini yerine getirdiklerine dair önemli bir veri sunduğunu kaydediyor. Lebsius ayrıca katliamların borazan sesiyle başladığını ve cami minarelerinden okunan dualarla ve şükür namazıyla son bulduğunu belirtiyor.
Kitabın birinci bölümünde Trabzon, Erzerom, Bedlîs, Wan, Xarpêt, Amed, Sêwaz, Halep, Adana ve Ankara vilayetlerindeki Ermenilere ilişkin önemli bilgiler paylaşan yazar, “Sinir sistemi sağlam okuyucular için yazılmıştır” başlıklı ikinci bölümde bizzat tanıkların anlattığı insanlık dışı uygulamalara yer veriyor ve Avrupa basınını kastederek şöyle diyor: “Yalan yanlış yayınlarla onurlu insanları itham altında bulunduranlar sonuna kadar herkesi kandıramazlar.” Lepsius, Sultan Abdulhamid’in kendi adıyla kurduğu Hamidiye Alayları’nın düzensiz Kürt birlikleri, Çerkes birlikleri, yedek askerler ve jandarmanın “hayranlık uyandırıcı bir düzen içerisinde” katliama başladıklarını ve önceden belirlenen zamanda da bitirdiklerini şu sözlerle vurguluyor: “Yetkililerin tepeden tırnağa silahlandırdığı bu ayak takımı güruh bir bayrama gider gibi katliam yapmaya gidiyordu…”
Johannes Lepsius’un kendi tanıklıklarının yanı sıra, Osmanlı İmparatorluğu’na ait resmi belge ve raporlarına, diplomatik yazışmalar, Ermeni topluluklarının mektupları, misyoner, konsolosluklar ve yardım kuruluşlarının raporları ve gazete haberlerine dayanarak kaleme aldığı 269 sayfalık kitap, geçmişin karanlık sayfalarını aydınlatmanın yanı sıra bugüne ve geleceğe dair de önemli dersler sunuyor.
Lepsius, 15 Aralık 1858’de Prusya Krallığı’nın Potsdam şehrinde doğdu. Münih’te matematik ve felsefe eğitimi aldı. 1880’de ödüllü bir çalışmayla doktorasını tamamladı. Misyonerlik ve insani yardım çalışmalarına yöneldi. Kudüs’te Süryani Yetimhanesi’nin yönetim kurulunda görev aldı. “Ermenistan ve Avrupa: Güçlü Hristiyan Devletlerine Karşı Bir Suçlama Metni” adlı eseri, yayınlanan ilk önemli çalışmasıdır. Birinci Dünya Savaşı sırasında Osmanlı İmparatorluğu’ndaki Ermenilere yönelik soykırımı titizlikle belgeledi. “Ermeni Halkının Türkiye’deki Durumu Üzerine Rapor” adlı eseri bu dönemde yayımlandı. Raporda Enver Paşa ile yapılan bir röportaj da yer aldı. Türkiye’nin Alman İmparatorluğu’nun müttefiki olması nedeniyle resmi sansür uygulanan bu rapor, gizlice 20.000’den fazla kopya olarak dağıtıldı. Diğer önemli eserlerinden biri de “Almanya ve Ermenistan 1914-1918: Diplomatik Belgeler Koleksiyonu”dur. Bu eser daha sonra “Ermeni Soykırımı Hakkındaki Ana Belge” olarak kabul edildi. Lepsius 3 Şubat 1926’da İtalya Krallığı’nın Meran şehrinde hayatını kaybetti. Anısına Potsdam’da 2011 yılında “Lepsiushaus” adıyla bir ev müzesi açıldı. Bu müze, aynı zamanda bir “Soykırım Araştırmaları Merkezi” olarak hizmet vermekte.
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Dost neh Kharzaa Liya Tha, Dost Kharza nah Wapas kerne ki Wajah se Kharzdaro neh usskeh Dost ko hiAagwaa Karliya tha, Falaknuma PS Limits
Kdnp Kerke Gulbarga Lehkeh gaye the merekuQtttttl karne keliye, Lekin Falaknuma Police aur Karnataka Police neh meri Maadath ki, Suniyeh Tafsilat
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Компания ИнноДрайв ответила на вопросы об отечественных сервоприводах ХАРЗА
В начале 2023 года компания ИнноДрайв запустила серийное производство отечественных высокоточных интегрированных сервоприводов ХАРЗА. Одной из ключевых особенностей линейки сервоприводов является модульность конструкции. Она подразумевает гибкую адаптацию стандартных моделей под запрос заказчика с минимальными конструкторскими доработками. Благодаря особенностям конструкции сервоприводов их адаптация под широкий круг задач не требует существенных временных, ресурсных и финансовых затрат. https://www.elec.ru/news/2023/05/16/linejka-otechestvennykh-servoprivodov-kharza-vy-sp.html
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that there was a ferocious cat-sized weasel-like beast roaming around Asia capable of killing and eating deer?
this is the kharza or yellow-throated marten. Its babies are too cute for words:
In addition to deer, it eats rodents, hares, snakes, lizards, eggs, birds, small cats and fruit. It has few predators. It is very smelly.

The kharza hunts deer by driving them onto ice. According to Wikipedia, 2-3 of these martens can consume an entire deer carcass in a few days.

The kharza is found in Afghanistan, Pakistan, the Himalayas of India, Nepal and Bhutan, Korea, southern China, Taiwan, eastern Russia, Bangladesh, Myanmar, Thailand, the Malay Peninsula, Laos, Cambodia and Vietnam.
The tail makes up half of the kharza’s length, which is between 50–72 cm (19.7–28.3 in). Females weigh 1.6–3.8 kg (3.5–8.4 lb) while males weigh 2.5–5.7 kg (5.5–12.6 lb).
Like other mustelids (weasels, ferrets, mink) the kharza is capable of taking down prey many times its size, is fearless, powerfully built, and adorable!
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Commission for Tony Hernandez of their OCs Xolotl and Kharza in a dramatic scene Twitter | Tumblr | DA | Instagram | Patreon
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golden hour healing // yellow-throated marten
#moodboard#aesthetic#yellow#orange#yellow-orange#brown#green#black#white#blue#mammal#mustelid#yellow-throated marten#kharza#chuthraul#gold#bright#floral#clothes#multicolor
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Tolerable evil
Heading down into depths of Graystone Quarry I see no signs of the fog, except perhaps the steam from strange brass pipes that adorn the cavern walls. I do however hear a monotonous chorus of hissing steam, clicking gears, and scuttling metallic limbs. And then in the gloom I began to spot them lit up by the occasional furnace blast. Spiders, Spheres, Sentries, and Centurions, Dwemer automations of every variety. Of course, if one delves deep enough in the mountains of High Rock it is almost inevitable you will eventually uncover a lost Dwemer settlement.
It is of little surprise that the straightforward rural Orsimer hide behind wild conjecture and superstition, few are so brave that they are unaffected by the unexpected. Still, even now knowing what lies ahead in the gloom does little to douse my own smouldering fears.
Eventually as I delve deeper into the caverns I find the high elf allegedly responsible for the miner’s woes… Neramo. I had last met him at the mages guild in Sentinel where he was researching lost Dwemer settlements, I guess he found what he was searching for. I am a little disappointed not to find the enigmatic Vimy with him. He admits his offer of help came only because he believed that the lost Dwemer settlement of Mzindyne lay beneath the quarry.
The elf informs me there is a construct control centre nearby which may enable him to take command of the constructs. He babbles something about a giant Orb, kinetic resonators, lenses and rings. To be honest I don’t understand any of it, but when he tells me I need to start hitting things until they go ping, we are suddenly on the same page.
With Mzindyne's defences under his control Neramo offers the constructs to the Tumnosh Clan to help meet Orsinium’s demand. Forge-Wife Kharza is understandably unforgiving and is obstinate that it would be dishonourable if the stone were extracted by any other way but how Malacath expected, ‘With Orc sweat and Orc muscle!’
Kharza would have the machines destroyed or banished to Orsinium, which is essentially the same thing as Dwemer automations mostly cease to function away from their home. Yet I need to restore the Graystone Quarry to full working order before Chief Ramash will agree to attend Kurog’s Great Moot. Sometimes to survive in this world one must suffer necessary evils, even if it is just until ones need subsides, or overtime the evil becomes somewhat tolerable… or even palatable.
#721#the elder scrolls online#wrothgar#tamrieldrifter#rpg adventure#eso#screenshots#esorp#the elder scrolls#mmorpg
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🆔️ The yellow-throated marten 🐿️🐾 (Martes flavigula) is a marten species native to Asia. It is listed as Least Concern on the IUCN Red List due to its wide distribution, evidently relatively stable population, occurrence in a number of protected areas, and lack of major threats.The yellow-throated marten is also known as the kharza, and is the largest marten in the Old World, with the tail making up more than half its length. Its fur is brightly colored, consisting of a unique blend of black, white, golden-yellow and brown.It is an omnivore, whose sources of food range from fruit and nectar to small deer.The yellow-throated marten is a fearless animal with few natural predators, because of its powerful build, its bright coloration and unpleasant odor. It shows little fear of humans or dogs, and is easily tamed. Although similar in several respects to the smaller beech marten, it is sharply differentiated from other martens by its unique color and the structure of its baculum. It is probably the most ancient form of marten, having likely originated during the Pliocene, as indicated by its geographical distribution and its atypical coloration.🐨🐾🐿️ 🌎🌎 📷 EOS Canon700D 55-250 mm 🐾❣ 1/125 ◆ F4 ◆ ISO ● 1600 W/B Auto 🗻🏕🌏 #himachalwildlifepicture #yellowthroatedmarten #chamba #martens #mammals #martens #redlist #wildlifephotography #kharza #wildlifeindia #animalsworld #natgeo #saveanimals #himachalpictures 🐒🐵🐵🐵😍😍 #birdsofhimachal #himachalwildlife #morning #himachalanimals #himachalpradesh #wildlife #animal #wildernessculture #india #indiawildlife # #wildlifeonearth #wildlifeconservation #CapturedOnCanon #wildlife_perfection #wildlifeplanet #wildlife_seekers @canon_photos @canonindia_official "Save Wildlife & Save World."🕊️❤️ @natgeo @natgeoindia @bbcearth @wildlifeindia @natgeochannel @natgeowild @natgeoasia @discovery @wild.planet @sanctuaryasia @lonelyplanetmagazineindia @natgeoyourshot @canonasia @indianwildlifeofficial @indianwildanimales @indian_forest_official @animalplanetindia @discoverychannelin @wildlifesos 🕊️🌲🌏🥀🦋 (at Chamba, Himachal Pradesh) https://www.instagram.com/p/CILPihcp5xc/?igshid=1fxvx2bqnpuwt
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Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GKMoLZN_KNA Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/episode/5KsrF9finFjv7KINssspB1 Artxmis is joined by Kazimir Kharza, an anarcho-primitivist from Slovenia. He has a Youtube channel under his name, & a website titled “The Revolutionary Primitivist” which is “an online publication dedicated to worldwide propagation of revolutionary primitivism. We believe that the emergence of organization-dependent technologies has resulted in unprecedented human suffering and environmental degradation. Our goal is to lay the foundations for a revolution that will undo this unfortunate historic development.” Artxmis and Kazimir discuss the context of the Balkans, contrasting Kazcynski’s conception of the anti-technology revolution with Kazimir's own view, and explore the myth of human weakness. The Revolutionary Primitivist: https://revprim.org/ Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@KazimirKharza Tags: Uncivilized PodcastAnarcho-primitivismanti-tech revolutionrevolutionanprim
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got playing skyrim again and got thinking about how my dragonborn probably went beast mode in their first few days as a vampire and their bff serana had to babysit them & make sure they didn’t eat the mailman or smth
#skyrim#tes#elder scrolls#my art#my oc#kharza gro-yralak#serana volkihar#orc#vampire#this is NOT ship art btw#they are just friends!!
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“ then again, with the way this place works, i suppose far more people than usual could technically be classified as ‘undead’ - since they’re resurrected here after death, right? ”
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