daakureisaiko · 2 years
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The REAL plot hole of SNW S2E7 “Those Old Scientists” is that neither Boimler nor Mariner freaked the fuck out when they heard La’an’s last name
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countesspetofi · 5 months
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Today in the Department of Before They Were Star Trek Stars, Jonathan Frakes guest stars in "Queen of the Boston Bruisers," a segment of episode 6 of the second season of Fantasy Island (original air date October 28, 1978).
Frakes plays the future son-in-law of a roller-derby queen (Anne Francis!) whose fantasy is to appear as a proper lady in front of the well-to-do family her daughter is marrying into. NB the alternate spelling "Jonathon;" I don't know if that was a typo or just something he was trying on.
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Other Trek connections: KHAAAAAAN!
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kyliafanfiction · 1 year
It's not just you, I sometimes get Tumblr not letting me go any further back while on desktop too. I usually just take it as the hellsite telling me I've had enough for now.
But the Hellsite doesn't get to tell me I've had enough. I'm on TUMBLR, where do they think I am, a bar where the tender can cut you off?
*rages at the heavens. Screams TUMBLRRRRRRRRRR Like I'm William Shatner screaming KHAAAAAAN*
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eleftherian · 1 year
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the-firebird69 · 2 years
And yes the max are kind of after our son but not to do stuff to him right now controlling the situation they say this is hilarious cuz you're not in control and everyone's messing up their plan and their money and a code and all sorts of stuff is messed up and he is a certain race they don't like and a certain giant race they don't like and they're called the nephilim although he's not the clan they still call him that and he is a certain kind and he's our kind it's like a few strikes there. In certain races they don't like and he's a mixed race of all of them and it's very sharp and they don't like that. Here's in a nutshell there after him silently and they try and bother him all the time it's very annoying and we have to stop them. We're gaining power soon we will be extremely powerful. And apparently Jen is going to train him. This is huge it's not saying this funny stuff to her so it's two mutants together and she never answers them. Till later it's completely clueless so just wait a minute someone always helps me with the answers that's you because I'm simply not going to tell you you stupid idiot. She had a good laugh today when he said that to her we heard of laughing in a room it's kind of loud. It's a nice healthy laugh and everyone said what was that and said he's asking her to check up on her. There's a few more things happening and John Riva Lord has had it he's going to get fired but my son says hiring him to do it to take one ship and everybody will try and compete without orders and stuff and they're going to try it, but using Starfleet command and that's the gig and the trick and Mike is going ahead with it and he gets it. It did a bunch of work today and our son didn't see it it's looking around since I don't see anything and see his idiots bothering me the other people are off doing jobs and monitoring them and picking them up it's a bunch of them picking them up there's a huge amount of work going on today and it's preliminary stuff and it's going to start everything off and it's going to be nice because it's so damn boring here watch something happen and they're going to get a stuff to him and the missing stuff and it's going to be better it's got a contract today and he's got the whole thing good he says and it is good now there's other stuff for doing and we're going to notify everybody now.
-we have 10 gigantic companies coming down here of ours that are newly ours and their construction companies Morrison condition is one of them floor Daniel no not Bechtel Turner construction and no not perini, and a few others that you might recognize and bar and bar is not one of them there's a few companies that are big and we have them there are others that are big that we don't truthfully but we have about 65% of the industry and we're trying to acquire the rest and we do own 95% of the equipment companies and factories and more. There are a couple more companies out west people might recognize but he can't think of it right now he went up against him a lot and bidding. They're coming down in the to do work and they're coming down to do a lot of work huge projects okay giant apartments and they won't let us do the upside down stuff and so nuts and they said we're nuts and they wouldn't let us do it with it right side up either and it's a stupid idea to form up the building so forms in the dirt and cast the roof it's like a solid very thick roof and then raise the building up using the concrete for the footers and the wall really for the wall I'm not sure if that would save time or take more time and you leave the you leave the forms in and you can attach stuff to him and somehow get the dirt out which should be able to suck out pretty quick there's two ways to do it and you can put forms on the inside and you could use a structure to hold them and we just reuse them an oil filter and using the forms on the inside as fast but not that fast use the dirt and just put forms in the dirt is extremely fast and the building would rise so we have to test it and the stupid idea works and it doesn't break the building because it forces the building up at the same time you just want your pressure it's almost effortless and it looks so damn weird you would not believe how stupid it looks with this building coming up out of the ground solid walls you just cut windows in I guess this is all you can put the pump house and it works another block outs, it pops up and some of the concrete springs out and you lock it up there on the form and it sits on the concrete for a couple days and then you fit the whole thing out the only problem is they said it's sitting on concrete that's not cured at least said no you lock it out and it's resting on a structural form and they said why the hell would you do that and it became obvious that they don't get it you're for me the building and you're raising the building using one set of forms that you don't have to move relocate or do anything else with and we got it up to eight stories and it's got eight stories below for a parking garage and we're going to use it and you can block out and have these big beans you just reuse the beans and it takes to take some part in a day while you're doing the finishes on the upstairs oil is curing even now he can't wait yeah you can you can take out most of the forms and it takes really half a day to cure so we did it and we tested it and it takes 1/3 of the time of a regular building and you have to put some bracing in and some steel in the building but it doesn't take long it comes out really well cuz it's like one piece even the foundation is kind of melded to the building and you have to put stuff in it so it comes together but that's another story so we figured out how to do it and there is nothing wrong with our son okay these things are crazy but if you make the system and you make the forms modular everything is the same size you can add and track the track to it easy enough just add another panel but really make it in 10 ft sections and you don't stress about it and somebody said they want one right now and it was actually Jason he said I could make apartments like crazy and you think it's a crappy technique when it's like very high tech.
Jason said the meeting he wants five city blocks as her son was showing him and he wants to have a viewing position and everything so they showed him where and he said here yes and we gave him the price tell him how many inhabitants it says can you have more than 80 stories but you're going to have that many below in there our son says it's not really necessary you can just add to it and we said okay you just keep pumping it up like Plato wait a minute does that make sense yes the way to get those in there so we decided something there's a way to do it you pump it up and you put the locks in but then the windows would have to be in already so you'd have to block a section structurally and how did you do that well I figured out how to do it and you just keep pumping it and putting a section in pumping it there's a way to do it and you're right so we know how to do that and it's a technique and he said no way so they go up to like 80 stories and if you wider like about half mile wide and then they go up 80 more and they go to 80 storey lifts and the wall will get thinner no and then you go to about a maximum of 300 stories which is about 4,000 ft high it's almost a mile and he liked it and we said we can build about 10 cities in about 3 days all at the same time they go up and they come out of nowhere and even considered to be like a God. They're all about maybe about a mile almost a mile and he said no s*** and he said now so over there and we're getting ready to build and we're doing it with one of our sons favorite building construction companies floor Daniel cuz they wouldn't let him in and this is going to be a huge achievement for him and us and me and Hera and Freya and several others are helping design silently it's spring Castle hardcastle obviously and Duke Nukem Blockbuster and I'm not telling him how he did the lift after the lift but he will have to find out and we know what to do with the cold joint too
Thor Freya
They're arresting tons of these people here for tons of crimes, it's the real one for tonight
Wow this is awesome we're getting a lot of movement we're getting a lot of help and we're building a lot of stuff and we're doing a lot of things and we're also getting their weirdos out of our hair and we're getting to the meat and potatoes and we're doing lots of work and I love it it's awesome I got Mac on the line so I'm going to take it
Duke Nukem Blockbuster
I know what his role is he started saying when I just keep going with it and you're thinking in it anyways but he knows how to do and be our technique and it's different this is awesome it's a new way of doing up down and it's really down up if you want to think of something you can do that and you can dig down and drop it down in now because you can dig the dirt out in the middle of a huge bunker and just build the walls and the Indian Castle floor in and the roof he said why don't we do that and you can do that without doing the funky design sort of because you have the forms on the outside edge and you just drop the forms down as it drops in the same why the hell do that cast it and then drop it cast It drop It cast it drop it then they said this why would you do that in the first place so I don't know if people would see where it is I said yeah that's one problem but you could you can make a tunnel and suck it up suck the dirt out they said okay you have to have openings in somewhere like you can do it in the top so then started to say something you just keep dropping it down and what you're doing now is they support it and they build under it and when you say is you just suck it all out at the same time and it slides down so the last thing I'm thinking it comes up with one piece it can go down with one piece
There's a number of people who think he's nuts it is like building bunkers there's a way to keep the foundations normal sized and it's a way to keep the buildings going up but really we're going to say what's going on here
Frank Castle hardcastle
I said the last part but we're going to get back to it Thor Freya
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thegreaterlink · 3 years
Star Trek Wallpapers/Header Images
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mckaymccoy · 3 years
Khan: I think you underestimate the... sympathetic nature of Dr. McCoy
Kirk: well, then, you underestimate Bones
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yentotajaan · 4 years
Repercussions II: Wasp’s Nest
Yen’to wandered up to the library with a sense of foreboding. The reason for the meeting was unclear, but with Khan anything was possible. As he entered the library proper, he spied Strega and Khan already present. Damn... thought I would have some moments of peace to prepare for the drunken rambling that is sure to ensue. They engaged in a bit of small talk as they waited, much to Yen’to’s annoyance, but it was not long before the others who saw the posting started filtering in. Annoyance shifted rapidly to surprise at the steadily increasing number of attendees: Alyona, Alaric, Kouronne, Silf, Luka, Ghost, Lalatua, and Ramius. A mixture of new and old employees.... but Alaric does not even work for Lady Faye, does he? How did Khan rope him in? 
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The lingering questions were soon cleared up -  Ramius indicated that he was the one that called the meeting rather than Khan. Oh good... maybe this time the briefing will actually be coherent. A strange screen popped out of a device on Ramius’ back, some sort of video feed from one of his drones that apparently captured sight of a suspicious person frequently loitering in the hills around the Shroudrose. Ramius wanted everyone to go out and attempt to find, capture, and interrogate the suspicious target. There were transmissions that potentially linked him to Garleans. I would say this sounds easy enough, but every time I have said that the complete opposite was true. Nothing involving Khan is every that simple.
As they began leaving the Shroudrose grounds, it was not long before Ramius spotted someone suspicious on a path up a nearby hill, leaning against a tree. At his suggestion, they split up to approach from different directions and hopefully catch the person in a pincer. Yen’to took about half of the group while Ramius took the remainder, and upon his signal they approached a visibly panicking miqo’te. He could not be more suspicious even if he was trying...
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The unlucky miqo’te was sweating and fidgety, and cracked under pressure almost immediately. As he was not so gently prodded for answers, some in the group began remarking that they smelled smoke. That is odd... did something spark out in the forest? It is not storming, though. The sounds of bells clanging and shouts from Wood Wailers began filtering in from the south, where smoke was streaming into the sky. What in the... that looks like houses are on fire! Before anyone could figure out exactly what was happening, the twang of bows being drawn nearby forced everyone to take cover. Arrows loosed found their target easily - the poor panicking miqo’te spy. Strega and Alyona attempted to keep him alive while Yen’to and Kouronne returned fire with their gun and bow.  Their targets were dressed like Wood Wailers, complete with wooden masks. Oh no... saboteurs?!
The two saboteurs went down quickly, a bit too dead to question. Ramius began picking up strands of chatter from the wounded spy’s linkshell, prompting him to scan for aether currents with his goggles. I swear, that man has a gadget for every occasion. The linkshell chatter made it clear that they were dealing with Garlean infiltrators. Yen’to barely had time to absorb this information before Ramius pointed them north. The band cautiously made their way forward before pausing at a bend in the path.
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Half a dozen arrows whizzed by, forcing everyone to press up against the hill just before the bend in the path. Yen’to, Ramius, and Kourunne ran out to fire back at the archers, easily cutting the ambush short. Or so they thought. A shout came from the bushes nearby to “cut down the savages”, and more ‘wood wailers’ leapt out, flanking the party and trapping them in the middle of the path - lancers in the rear and more archers in the front. Damn it -- with the actual guards distracted by those fires we are on our own!
The fighting was brief but brutal. Yen’to yelped as an arrow embedded itself into his leg above the knee, avoiding the armored greaves he hoped would have protected him. Buckling down, he managed to level his rifle and return fire, felling his attacker. Most of the others managed far better, and the Garleans soon came to realize that underestimating tea house employees was a surprisingly bad idea. Lalatua used both fire and ice magic to great and terrifying effect, while Luka ended up burning and melting one of the wooden masks into a hapless soldier’s face. 
The other Garleans fell one by one, but they managed to also injure Alyona before being defeated. Most of the ambushers were dead, but a few laid wounded and moaning. As with the spy, Alyona called Khan over the linkshell to gather the wounded Garleans. Hmph, I say let them bleed out... but the dead do not give up secrets. Once again, Ramius utilized his goggles to pick up the trail and the group rushed in the direction of the ferry docks. Or all but Yen’to rushed, who could only do a hurried limp at this point.
As they approached the docks, they could see the Garleans’ sloop shrinking in the distance as it sped away. There was only one remaining boat at the docks,  with a goblin skipper drinking away the day nearby. He seemed wary at first of the anxious group, but a bag full of gil changed his tune. He promptly called over his own linkpearl to Khan that he was taking a break and that Khan could go fook himself. Oh gods -- this is Khan’s ship?!
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The little sloop had seen better days, and seemed to be held together by little more than rusty nails, rotting boards, and pure hope. ... Do I also smell liqour? It had a black flag emblazoned with red glasses, reminiscent of the pair worn by Khan. A kobold on deck gave them a happy little wave and nonchalantly returned to swabbing the deck.  This... both makes complete sense and is utterly stupid. At the urging of Lalauta and Strega, Yen’to sat down to take the weight of his injured leg. Strega once again took the opportunity to stab him with a magitek medical device, despite their previous discussion about advance warnings. At the direction of Ramius, the others grabbed what they could to use as oars and employed aero magic in an attempt to catch up with their targets.
‘Their’ ship came within a few dozen yalms of the Garleans before a shout came from behind some rocks in the river, and another boat slipped out and sped in their direction. Seven hells, how many ambushes are we going to stumble into?! The party braced for impact, and the two boats soon collided and locked into place. Belting out war cries, the Garlean boarding party swarmed onto Khan’s floating coffin.
Yen’to had managed to stand by this point, and upon seeing a saber swinging his way he managed to block it with his armored gauntlet, then returned the favor by slamming the butt of his rifle into the man’s head like a club. Alaric had ripped off one of the boards from the deck to use as a makeshift weapon; a vhan below deck looked up through the hole and simply returned to whatever it was doing.  Uh... I hope that bit was not important. Ramius finished off the remaining Garleans with his quick-firing pistol, and managed to free the boats by cutting entangled ropes. 
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Upon arriving at shore, they were met with a scene of carnage. Dockworkers and a few Wood Wailers were crumbled on the ground, seriously wounded but not yet dead.  A jumble of tracks led deeper into the woods. Alyona once again used the linkshell to inform Khan that there were wounded that needed tending, but his response was a complaint that it would take a while because someone had stolen his boat. ... Oops? Well, that is what he gets for being sloppy! One of the injured workers confirmed where the Garleans fled, and the group was soon hot on their heels.
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The party caught up to the remaining Garleans soon enough, who were busy at work doing something near a patch of trees. They did not have long to observe the enemy before being spotted, and a Garlean officer called for his troops to form up. They did so with alarming speed and precision, and soon let loose a fusillade of bullets from their gunblades. Thankfully, their aim was not as precise as their formation but a few in Ramius’ group were still hit. Damn it... if I die here I am killing Khan!
The gloves were off now, and no mercy was to be given. Yen’to finally activated his machinist aetherotransformer and spewed a gout of flame from the end of his rifle towards an unfortunate clump of Garleans. The others did not hold back either, letting loose with their fiercest techniques to utterly obliterate their targets in a storm of explosions and fire. I almost feel sorry for the bastards.... almost. As the smoke cleared, it was made apparent what the Garleans had been concerned with - a secret door leading underground. 
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Cautiously, the group made their way into the underground store room. It was unlit and barely any light made its way inside. Yen’to’s moon-keeper eyes quickly adjsuted to the darkness, but few of the others were so lucky. Lalatua used some aether to light up her staff, and what it revealed gave everyone pause.
There were numerous desks and cabinets filled with papers, and posters and flyers covered the walls alongside maps. Almost in a stupor, they fanned out to dig through the papers to figure out exactly what they were dealing with. It was worse than suspected. On the largest desk, there was a stack of flyers with names and brief descriptions, many from previous missions with Khan:
Faye Covington, Silf Silverwood, Mocking Bird, Yen’to Tajaan, Elyn Merielle, Mako, Strega, Deccan, Ramius Raske, Khuron Khan.
By the Twelve.... these are signed by tribunus Lucian. He knows so much! How?! Aside from Lucian’s signature, there were directives commenting on multiple phases and local assets. Some of the other posters had vaguely familiar sketches, but were lacking descriptions. Sensing time was of the essence, everyone gathered whatever they could carry and made haste back to the Shroudrose to disseminate the information later and lick their wounds.
All this from one little information gathering mission that went sideways almost a moon ago. If the Garleans do not kill us, Lady Faye just might.
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hotforjaneway · 5 years
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I was inspired, pls enjoy
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stra-tek · 6 years
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So I was looking at the cover for 'Trial of the White Worm'
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And all I could think of...
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tildytwo · 6 years
I had a dream the other night where I was trying to argue with someone that Star Trek III: The Search for Spock was the most boring film in the TOS canon (as opposed to, say TMP) except for a few little moments like the one-liners and Uhura locking some dude in a closet and how the heck did she even get to Vulcan anyway and how can anyone say Star Trek III was that good when it was bookended by Star Trek II: From Hell’s Heart I Stab at Thee and Star Trek IV: The One With the Whales and then DeForest Kelley walked directly into my ceiling fan and died.
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rugessnome · 6 years
crack found family ideas for Sidious
Gru-patine: adopts 2-3 children for some unworthy reason, cuteness and fluff ensues, heart melts/grows 3+ sizes, evil? naughty? badness? whatever it is Lilo talks about. level goes WAY down...
family science project: 1 "adopt" a physics or physics-adjacent person 2 do research into the actual power output of Sith lightning
the Doof[us] (~"G. Khan"): acquire adorable but suave Jedi nemesis. they become the closest thing you have to a friend. you start to care about them. And they about you. X') in flagrant violation of accepted conduct, get adopted into THEIR ~ family group
ksfshdsksfdgk Ohio "Damask" (his name. is too long. for the format. So invoking random Muun adoption that makes no sense for the plot.)/burglar: gets way too curious about weird artifact. Possibly gets seriously but not potentially fatally injured. Accidentally joins adventuring party who are just too good natured not to adopt one more and goes on Way More Adventure than intended.
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Anybody good at memes? I desperately need the myth of consensual sex meme with the characters from the Gengis Khan music video
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jimkirkachu · 3 years
Another Katamari / Trek crossover 😂🖖💙💛🌈⭐
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Gotta love that King of All Cosmos 😂😂😂
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