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covolobill · 2 months ago
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"I hope you all know Jesus. 'Cause it's about to get real!"
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theterrornaut · 1 year ago
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Dr. Hans Volter (pondering meme doodle agaon)
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official-magolor-archive · 1 year ago
Archival 7, 12th of November 2023
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Artwork of an angered Magolor featured in the menu for Single-Handed Mode in Kirby Fighters 2 (September 2020).
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grnriper · 8 months ago
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devileaterjaek · 6 months ago
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Killing Floor 2 (PC) //our community discord// //our ko-fi// //our twitch channel//
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krissiefox · 6 months ago
How (older) Skyboxes work!
My wife was asking what skyboxes are, so I thought it would be fun to make a post showing examples of how Skyboxes can be done in Unreal 2.0 and 3.0 games. For demonstration, I'm using Killing Floor 1 (Unreal Engine 2.5) and Killing Floor 2 (Unreal Engine 3.0).
Killing Floor 1 Skyboxes (Unreal Engine2.5)
In Unreal Engine 2.5, a common way of making skyboxes was to actually create the sky scene in a separate room that can't be seen from within the playable level. You'd You would then apply a setting to the walls of the "box" around any out-door parts of the level. In-game, these walls will displayed as a "view portal" into the skybox room, thus creating the illusion of a massive surrounding environment, thus making the world feel much larger and immersive.
Visual examples below!
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Using my "Zombie estate" map as an example, this is how the sky of the level looks in the editor. The walls are all set to be portals into the skybox.
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Here's the skybox room. The half sphere makes the initial cloudy sky, then there's a gradient black ring to give it some more darkness. The little question mark block tells the game engine where to have the skies center perspective from.
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The in-game result - Your map has has a nice, massive looking sky to make the world feel bigger and more alive!
Killing Floor 2 Skyboxes (Unreal Engine 3.0)
Possibly due to the increases in both engine power and average computer specs by 2015, making a skybox in Killing Floor 2 is a more straightforward process. The base game includes many "skybox" type models, including a simple massive sphere that you can place over the level you built. Much like in the first game, you can customize the sky area in many different ways, such as adding lighting, fog, distant trees, mountains, buildings, etc.
Visual examples below!
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I'll show a few examples of skies in KF2. Here's the sky from Nuked, which is quite massive! The lighting is dark and moody to reflect the aftermath of the nuclear explosion. It's also got some nice mountains, which unlike in KF1, are to scale with everything else.
The skies in the Outpost map are quite pretty, featuring mountains, northern lights and a cold snowy winds. In this clip you can see that the mountains and sky are objects you can click on individually in order to move, scale, rotate or change their texture.
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Here is my map Zombie High School, showing a smaller skybox, as only certain portions of the map are outdoors. You can see that I used flat "facade" textures to decorate the background, which look obvious and fake from the high above angle inside the editor...
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..But in-game, the background looks more natural and like part of the world!
Unlucky is being Develop in Unreal Engine 5.0, and I'm still learning how skyboxes work in this one. The third-person plat former game template comes with a nice looking built in sky that has animated clouds, and I have tested making Killing Floor 2 style sky spheres, which seems doable as well. I'm looking forward to learning more about how skies function in this version of the engine. :) -KrissieFox
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keystone8379 · 2 years ago
keystone you should talk about something in regards to kirby fighters 2 community edition
Oh you're right I haven't done that yet! Regarding Kirby Fighters 2: Community Edition, there is a metric TON of stuff to talk about here. The dev team is some of the closest friends I've ever had. Smash Tactics is a thing because I was able to test the game over and over again with the members of the dev team. We've spent many hours sharing progressively crazier character ideas. We have created some warcrime moves. (or, well, more warcrime moves. KF2 already has plenty of those) I think, however, the best place to start for CE on the KF2 lore account is probably just a development history.
So it's late September, the year is 2020. Kirby Fighters 2 was leaked, got a trailer, and released all within the span of 24 hours. Soon after that, firubii (you might have seen her before) shows her findings from a Twitter datamine, that being evidence of a 3D Kirby game. "Wow! Awesome! I sure hope it's nothing like Battle Royale!" I say at the time. But I digress.
A few months pass and eventually fish gets in touch with Firubii for I believe checking hitboxes and frame data? We get a few things for some of the weirder moves from characters like Ninja, but the fact that a modder was among us got people excited. The prospect of a balance patch mod was an undeniably appealing one and could breathe new life (and a time) into the game. And one that Firubii was interested in.
March 16th, 2021 rolls around and Fish pings everyone saying that they had set up a poll for balance suggested for Firubii to implement. They also got an all star cast of top players and fighting game expects and colgate and me. because I "have lots of opinions." We're all put into a dev chat and poll responses start flowing in.
This poll was crazy. You had Ninja downplaying Mag like crazy. You had Celica Trying His Best. You had nonsense adjustment suggestions like "Not really that effective." But my favourite would have to be probably Qwertz saying to EVERY balance suggestion box "The game needs no balance changes, only quality of life changes."
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So we all in the chat start throwing around ideas while not really getting anything done. This will be a running theme. About a month later I was like enough is enough and starting pinging people for proper balance discussions and locking in changes. There's a few notable things we did for v0.1, including making Sword a LOT faster, giving Hammer Palutena's Lightweight, (the s4 custom move) making Bandana Dee's spears stick into the ground for a few seconds, and making Cutter's boomerangs bounce off walls. That last one was our first real criminal change, as Cutter could effortlessly lock down the entire screen. I spent hours labbing counterplay only to find none and grew to despise the character and suggested massive overcorrections for v0.2. Oops.
Overall v0.1 was pretty good! It had some iffy stuff and launched with a Whip desync in game but other than that it was a success I think. It came out during July of 2021, a little under 4 months from the initial announcement. There's a few public tourneys with good turnouts but run via Parsec and Parsec makes me want to commit violent crimes. Progress on 0.2 also goes fairly well. There's some bad ideas in there like making MK not very fun but overall it's not so bad.
Until development just HALTS. To my understanding, I believe it was something personal Firubii was going through but I don't have all the info. Then again, I didn't ask. Like sure, I'd like to have the new CE versions as soon as possible, but ultimately the well being of the people actually making the mod is the top priority, it's why it's so irritating when people are jerks about CE's slow development. Obviously I want the new versions out. But we all have lives outside of this and sometimes other things need doing.
Eventually 0.2 gets out, at the start of Febuary 2022. It's solid but still has some things that irk me. After a few months, we ask for player feedback on overall balance and specific changes and get not many results. Granted, CE doesn't have much players so balance discussion is somewhat meaningless for a game this unexplored. I think 1.0 fixes all of the glaring flaws though.
At some point, once again, development freezes, and this one was rough. No communication from Firubii led to a lot of dooming, especially with how close we got to actually launching 1.0. We DO actually know why she vanished for so long this time, it's because her house caught fire. It didn't burn down don't worry! But this still caught us all SUPER off guard.
Anyway, CE resumed development and went for a little while, but hit a brick wall when trying to add training mode. I'm not an expert on the inner workings of KF2 but I know Firubii talked to Ryn (yes, the goku in strive Ryn) about it a little bit. I actually posted about this to my Threads account but who gives a shit about threads. That's more or less where we are now. It's been a while since the last tester build but what can you do.
There's also a few other things but there wasn't really a good place for them. Colgate thought it was a good idea to make a tierlist video for a game no one could play. It wasn't. I had to spend the days after that video doing damage control. There was a playlist where people could suggest songs to add to CE, but tbh it was more just an excuse to listen to music in VC while we could still do that. We were gonna move off Gamebanana because the site is run by N*zis but this was during the fire arc so didn't happen. AV also thought it'd be a good idea to shittalk CE and ask to join the dev team in the same day. There was also the time we had to rush out a trailer for Savi's Dream Display but I have a few criticisms about that which I'll share with him one day.
I think that's it? If you wanna download the mod I'll link it right here: https://gamebanana.com/mods/303920
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plowie45 · 1 year ago
killing floor
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icyzoie · 18 days ago
Weird Killing Floor 2 Dream
You're going to have to sit down for this one. Also it's a bit graphic.
Okay, so in this dream, Killing Floor 2 (KF2) was released in 2011, and KF2 had slightly better graphics and gameplay than Killing Floor 1 (KF1). KF2 worked like Fortnite, where the graphics and gameplay evolved over the years to the point that, by 2024, KF2’s graphics looked like Killing Floor 3, but it still played like KF2. In this dream world, KF3 was never announced because KF2 was so successful that it didn’t need a sequel.
But in the current year (2024 at the time of writing this post), the developers released an alpha build of KF2 from 2010, but with updated graphics as an anniversary event. Their only message to the community was, “We’re sorry.” It was really weird and ominous, but okay. So, I launched the alpha build and clicked “play.” I was dropped into a random server with 30 other players, and I noticed that the map was very dark and gloomy.
I then realized I was holding some kind of birdcage as a weapon. The bottom was open, with jagged spikes around the inner circle that could snap shut instantly. There was also a large, sharp pin in the center of the cage, reaching about halfway down. The cage seemed designed to hold a creature’s head in place so the jagged spikes could rapidly close and open, loosening the head and eventually cutting it off.
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Fig 1: This shows the cage, which is designed for a head to fit inside.
Fig 2 (highlighted in red): This is the large, sharp pin... thingy.
Fig 3 (highlighted in green): These are the jagged spikes that open and close automatically; you don’t need to press a button or anything.
Fig 4 (highlighted in gray): This shows the top handle, which the player holds with their right hand. The second gray part, where the player rests their left hand, helps them lift the cage above their target because of its weight.
Fig 5 (highlighted in yellow): This is the battery thingy that powers the jagged spikes.
By the way, everything is made of rusted metal.
So, equipped with this odd weapon, I started exploring. The map looked like a mix of hell, a prison, and a sewer system. I then spotted what looked like a zombie from COD: World at War, but with an absurd amount of detail. It was moving at walking speed, which didn’t seem scary at first, until I realized my only weapon was the cage. So, I trapped its head, and the electricity from the jagged spikes' battery stunned the zombie. I was able to keep moving, but slower, because I was dragging the zombie (imagine how a mother would drag someone by their ear). I then realized it takes about 6-10 seconds to cut the zombie’s head off, and another 3 seconds to drop the head out of the cage.
But remember, while you’re killing a single zombie, you’re being chased by 20 others.
I also realized there are a LOT of traps around the map, which can kill large groups of zombies—and players as well. This leads me to the next part: players. So, remember how I mentioned there are 30 players on the server? It’s also free-for-all, but there are 3 factions: blue, red, and neutral. Everyone who joins the server is part of the neutral faction by default, and you can’t hurt anyone else in the neutral faction with your cage or traps. However, if you kill a player from one of the factions using a trap or your cage, you’re automatically placed in the rival faction, where you can attack members of the opposing faction, but not neutral players.
Anyway, I was about to try killing another player because the animation from both points of view was really detailed and cool, but then I woke up. You might think this was a nightmare for me, but it wasn’t. I was actually disappointed when I woke up because the gameplay was so interesting, and I wanted to see more.
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knightshade-gaming · 3 months ago
Hahahahahahaha shotgun pistols go brrrr
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official-magolor-archive · 1 year ago
Archival 24, 29th of November 2023
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Two versions of an artwork of a cliff with Bandanna Waddle Dee, Beam Kirby, Ninja Kirby, Magolor and an indeterminate Kirby shaped being (possibly Shadow Kirby) on it. Featured on the Main Menu button for Single-Handed Mode in Kirby Fighters 2 (September 2020).
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Bonus: Magolor removed from the rest of both cliff images.
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grnriper · 8 months ago
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devileaterjaek · 7 months ago
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Killing Floor 2 (PC) //our community discord// //our ko-fi// //our twitch channel//
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miniiinebulaee · 2 years ago
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Metadede Week day 1 - Sworn Partners! (free day)
(+ bonus redraw of this)
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keystone8379 · 1 year ago
Frame Imperfect
Regarding Kirby Fighters 2, when the game was relatively new, many YouTubers were trying to cash in on the new "kirby smash bros" hype. During this period I remember Mew2King coming into the KF2 server with interest in running a tournament for the game.
Wow! I couldn't believe this! Mew2King from funny YouTube compilations and competitive Super Smash Bros Melee (I had watched very little melee at that point, except for EmpLemon's There Will Never Be Another Melee Player Like HungryBox) was interested in our super cool Kirby game? Awesome!
At this point the game had garnered a rep as a pretty unserious competitive game, with many fake infinites being discovered and one real one as well. There was also Alpharad's video on the game that made it look...unflattering. It was unflattering for reasons other than just being a 'smash clone' but we didn't know why exactly yet. This was before 20XX, the first real KF2 tournament, for reference.
But Mew2King wanted to take a chance on us! He believed in our game and wanted to take a chance on a new, unique, exciting platform fighter! We were starstruck, plain and simple.
Which is why when M2K suggested MOBA style character bans everyone just kinda went with it????
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Keep in mind this was before the first tourney, we didn't know shit about fuck, as fish would say.
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They didn't go through with this.
So fast forward a couple months, and KF2's first appearance at Frame Perfect Series is upon us. As you'd expect, the community is really excited! This was one of the biggest brackets the community had ever seen, with a bunch of new faces! Mostly people we'd never see again but it was exciting at the time.
As for the commentator's bench, we were looking at M2K, who knew nothing about the game but was on comms for every game so whatever...and in the KF2 corner...Super Citrus. Who hadn't commentated an even since 20XX. Oh god. M2K was sprouting nonstop nonsense and Citrus just didn't have the game knowledge or confidence to debunk any of it. The VODs were a little painful to watch. Poor guy.
So FPS doesn't make the game look...great. It wasn't help that M2K was ridiculing the players he determined were 'lame' and I mean I don't like Ninja11 or Poyo but come the fuck on man. Commentary basics here. I could do a better job.
But what if I could actually? When FPS 4 was announced, we learned that KF2 would be making a return for it. I was more involved in the community at this point with one tournament under my belt (...which was New Generation) and did 2 major things for this FPS. Firstly, early on, KF2 wasn't looking great in the entrant count side of things. So, I got in touch with some of the folks in tourney committee and we talked about running a tourney where top 8 would get free entry to FPS4.
And this is where we talk about the unsung hero of this story, Thank You motherfucking Domo. When sponsoring Road to FPS, Domo offered to handle the free entry of anyone who we couldn't get people to pay for a gift sub for. In later Road to FPS events, he flat out offered to give any KF2 players free entry because he liked the game...and it makes for better content obviously but still. What a god damn legend. Rest in Power. (he lost his account in a phishing scam)
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I realize that came off as kinda sarcastic but I was genuinely upset when his account got hacked. Shit sucks, I don't want to hear about phishing scams from Bool ever again.
OH, speaking of Domo, second major thing I did was apply for commentary! I had more tourneys and more experience under my belt at that point and I felt pretty confident all things considered! So I sent domo a few videos of my comms work, including a video where I have to make Bell look like a well designed interactive character for 30 minutes.
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I didn't end up getting picked, but I thought to myself "well as long as it's not Citrus again we should be fine." lol. lmao. This time we did actually have a bit of time to give Cirtus a crash course in the current KF2 environment but it still wasn't great. In fact, it was maybe the worst video game commentary I'd ever seen.
For a long time, P47 had been seemingly untouchable. He was a KF2 expert, his Magolor inspired me to pick up the character fully, he was a lorehead, and a great guy to be around. The clip of him using Ultra Sword to push Nuggetz off a platform into an apple explosion is absolutely as iconic as it deserves to be. This was P47's last big tournament.
Now, remember how I said Mew2King was an asshole to anyone who he deemed lame. M2K was a Marth player in Melee by the way, I don't know if that's considered a lame character but I hope he is. P47 received the full force of this with constant hate from M2K's live chat, not to mention that Citrus also wasn't a Magolor fan. I'm not quite sure how bad it was exactly, but it was bad enough to lead to him quitting the game. Looking back on it, the whole situation is infuriating to me.
That was Citrus' last time commentating FPS, when FPS5 rolled around we had gotten Winters on comms, who was easily the most consistent commentator we had and also the person...you know...keeping the game alive. She was able to debunk a lot of M2K's bullshit and also was able to tell him that P47 quit because of M2K being an asshole last FPS. I don't think I ever told her how much I appreciated that.
Good time to mention that Mew2King also used he/him for EVERYONE. It led to me making this stupid fucking image.
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But it gets worse. Of course it always gets worse. In top 8, Ninja11, one of my least favourite top players, was up against SoothingRuby, one of my favourite top players. Ninja11 kinda hates everyone in the community and Ruby hates people who are Like That so as you can expect these 2 get along great. This was reflected in the set between them.
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It was a lot of this. Ruby would throw Kunai and Ninja would just crouch them. This matchup isn't even that bad for Magolor, I thinkj Mag wins it, Ninja's just an asshole. He ended up winning the set, of course he did. Great time was had by all, especially the twitch chat and M2K, who both already hated the game. Yikes.
So this brings us to FPS6, the final Frame Perfect event. Messages from M2K implied that Metafy, the main reason the tournament was being run, was on it's way out, but not before M2K was doing sketchy things in his own time.
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Turns out Metafy still exists. Not sure what he was talking about with the whole final sale thing. Maybe it's an MLM thing. (Multi Level Marketing) Was I not supposed to think the platform was closing?
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So the tourney rolls around on, of all days, the 4th of July. As a Canadian I don't give a shit, but as you can imagine, most people were not available. Zet ended up winning the whole thing. However there is one potentially sketchy set in there.
Somehow, before bracket, Qwertz had performed a coup d'etat and became TO of the bracket despite being on the other side of the globe. The actual TO didn't wake up in time, and all Qwertz used his power to do was changing the timeslot without communicating.
Then, when Zet "applied a taco to his router" (thank you Justin for giving my posts the rawest fucking quotes) Qwertz just said to play it out, though everyone knew this was mostly just because Qwertz didn't like Justin. Why do we let this man near any administrative privileges.
The stream also ended with Winters having to tell chat to have a happy 4th of july. She is a trans lesbian.
And that was the last FPS event. By the time the 3rd KF2 tournament had rolled around, we already knew M2K was doing more harm than good, but no one had the guts to tell him off. I think we were worried that he'd just run the game like a dumbass if we didn't stick around. To be fair, it happened with Kloudchasers.
So what's the moral of the story? Never meet your heroes? No, that's what we learned from Chuggaaconroy. Is Mew2King even my hero? Never meet a competitive Smash player is what we learned here. Though hopefully you all already knew that.
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fmasha-l · 1 year ago
I have a sort of couple crush with the Fosters
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MR FOSTER!!!!!! my love..
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