The Nation of Nordgis
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The official tumblr of Ulina's Nordgis, created by @toki-wren, from the national News Network. || Ofisiar tumblr ga Urinane Nordgis'a gare, Nordgis Sangdog Fanmensang'to. Se'o @toki-wren'a gare.
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nordgis · 2 years ago
People claiming to represent the Hawk Organization are congregating around the Capitol. Many of them are soldiers and guards, and security is confused and sparse. Among them is not Hirasin, not even Darhav. Perhaps that is who they are looking for. They are remarkably well organized.
A representative of a Sparrow Group sits under a great old tree nearby, humming to themself. In the tree's branches lie many more unseen, dressed in white and green and brown. Many are used to violence. They wait with bated breath.
Houses are left empty, their inhabitants gone somewhere few know. They will go somewhere much less lonely than the homes they leave behind. After all, you are always welcome in the Tern Family.
Atop one of these empty homes is a figure, looking down through binoculars. They speak into a small metal device. They don't expect to need the knives sheathed down their thighs.
From their homes, the cityfolk listen to these echoes of a new era. Some turn up their nose at this insanity. Others await their own calls, understanding this is the only way.
Every moment, the thin membrane between the world of the living and that of the Others becomes thinner in Gadburg. Chaos reigns.
Far beyond the city, far beyond even the state, a different force collects. A group of criminals, murderers, assassins. An ancient thing, half-human, and their chosen heir.
Sokir Joru smiles behind his mask.
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nordgis · 2 years ago
The Silver Administration has been returned to their seats, and our alliance with the Effective are broken. President Sadiv has tentatively agreed to let Darhav keep their place in the Council. I am... I have been prohibited from holding a place in this government. That does not surprise me. But let me get to the point.
They have been lying to us. To all of us. And you deserve to know what they have been hiding.
A long, long time ago, our people served five gods. These gods held the domains of Order, Wisdom, Love, Growth, and Destruction. In a time long forgotten, these domains were kept in a balance, as they should be.
The balance was broken. A great civilization was reduced to nothing but ruin in moments. So, too, could be our world. So the Old Way was buried for our safety.
But it was not sufficient. These gods still live. In recent years, they have been accumulating power in secret. In recent years, they have been awakening, one by one.
You may have read in the Silver Times that there would soon be a time to know your values. Now is that time.
The time has come to restore the Old Way. This is the only way.
Choose a faction before your enemies choose you.
My name is Hirasin Herv of the Hawks. I have been chosen to serve and to speak for Kosuj, god of Order. In the days of Old, it was the Hawks' responsibility to maintain balance. It was our responsibility, sometimes to our own detriment, to ensure that no single faction became powerful enough to bring upon us that terrible fate that our ancestors faced. We failed then. We resolve never to fail again.
Soon, you will be approached by somebody just like me, and you will need to make a choice. May you choose well.
It is our duty to our land, our duty to our world, to maintain the balance.
You will hear from me again.
May the stars guide you.
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nordgis · 2 years ago
The Gold Reign is over. A new era begins.
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nordgis · 2 years ago
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"Good evening, Satori Sasamsir. It's good to finally meet you."
"You... how did you do this? Who are you?"
"I am called Sokir Suhir. Or, to my associates, Sokir Joru. Others simply call me the Owl."
"And why have you come to me? I was... How did you know where to find me?"
"Irrelevant. My understanding is that you are a skilled... instigator. You've caused a lot of destruction, a lot of death."
"I did it for the people. My people. The rightful heirs."
"That's right. Understand: I like that. I like it very much. But there is much you still do not know."
"What do you mean? Speak plainly."
"Your understanding of Sornsasam, your treasured talent, is flawed. I intend to teach you."
"Do it here and now, then. Or..."
"No. You will come with me."
"How the hell did you do that? Just... gone..."
"Reduced to ash at my fingertips. Isn't it beautiful? It would be a shame if I—"
"No! Don't touch me. I'll go with you. Just... tell me how you did that. How I can do that."
"Everything in due time, Sasamsir. It's all nothing, in the end."
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nordgis · 2 years ago
[Na'o kjare! Ikaroa, I want to know one thing. How many of us are dead because of you? How many of us have you killed, Storinka? How many of us have we killed? We're done. You just left us to die. We're done. Goodbye, Ikaroa Storinka. May your reign be forever remembered as the bloodiest, and deadliest, and most unrespectable in all of Korlan's history. Just like I know mine will be.]
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nordgis · 2 years ago
The Redshae caravan has arrived, and with it hope for surviving the coming weeks. Hirasin has established a distribution company, who will be distributing the goods (including much-needed food) to your communities. They will ensure that distribution is fair as needed. Thank you all for your resilience.
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nordgis · 2 years ago
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"The world is falling apart, isn't it?"
Darhav thinks about it for a moment. "I guess so."
"It's my fault. They're dead because of me." Hirasin's voice is shaky. It's never shaky.
Darhav almost laughs. "Don't be ridiculous, Hirasin. You've never even been to Tokai." On the screen in front of them, a foreign broadcast; earthquake in Sludge, leagues away. They know that isn't what Hirasin means, though.
"Our people have been starving. What have I done? What have I done, Darhav?" Hirasin's voice is somewhere between a whisper and a whimper as they lift their head to look at Darhav.
"This isn't all your fault, Hirasin. It isn't. I promise. The Effective..." No support for months. Some Allies they are.
"They abandoned us. Left us to burn," finishes Hirasin, dropping her head back onto Darhav's shoulder. "Even Kosuj is nothing now. I thought they'd give me all the power," she scoffs bitterly. "Look where we are now."
"What will you do about it?" A genuine question. Darhav will not stagnate, not wallow. It is not their way. They are always doing.
Hirasin takes a breath, then thinks. "I'm going to change. I'm going to stop being Storinka. I'm going to care for the people. My people. Like I should have. And I'm ending this."
Darhav's tail bristles. "Don't do anything you'll regret, Hirasin. Or... No, you can't be thinking—"
"No! No, I wouldn't do that to you. I'll call for a ceasefire, maybe even a treaty. Something. Cut ties with Storinka, that snake. Left us for dead... I tried to be him in all the wrong ways. I became a machine of death just like him. All for nothing." And that's the other guy's job, remarks a silent voice in Hirasin's ear. She wishes Kosuj wouldn't do that.
Darhav cannot hear it, of course. "Hirasin, they're going to want normal democracy here. They'll want you out of power, at best. At worst..."
"I'll think of something." Hirasin says it without believing it. But what else can she do? Let the country burn?
Darhav begins, "Hirasin, you—"
"I love you, Darhav," interrupts Hirasin. Mjare, romantic love. She hasn't said it out loud before. "I really love you."
"I love you too, Hirasin," replies Darhav, tilting their head against hers. They quietly turn off the screen before closing their eyes. "We can fix this. Together."
They fall asleep in one another's arms knowing that tomorrow, some kind of hope arrives in a company of five battle-ready vehicles, and that some kind of change is coming. Things will change for the better.
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nordgis · 2 years ago
A letter intercepted in Jemi, 15 May, 2055.
Feri na, Kern’ko!  Kardar’a gare na’ko gare ka? Ban’ko se’a gare. Antsefir, voi ibinomonis sirn’ko kard’a ibir gare so… Nagomgis’a fejre, sefir mou’a gare. Voi mou’a nanni’ko garo. Ban’a na’i nare’o jore, sefir naginis’a gare ga moku… Entere. Gej sen’a ibir karmre, na’a sem’ko ere’o nemaje. Ban’a sem’o agisare: Naginis Kern’a ban’o, en banne sirgargis’o, mire. Jeje, nan’o Nomeregargis’mo kitinni mjore.  Ibir mjore,  Skrejsirfan
In Rutherish:
Hey, Crows!  Is it cold to you? It is to us. But, apparently to many it is much colder… The garden is good, so there is food. It seems there is no food for all of you. We wish we could share, but there is little to go around… Sorry. If it ever becomes too bad, you may come here. We know this: a few Crows don’t like us or our home. Regardless, you’re always loved at the Hostel.  Much love,  The Sparrow Group
If anybody has any information regarding the Sparrow Group or the Crow Society, please inform the appropriate authorities.
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nordgis · 2 years ago
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"it'd be pretty funny if i killed you right now, i think"
Darhav Gandaganed (General Darhav) has been a strong fighter as long as anyone can remember. They were born into a fairly traditional Gadrudin family, and have led an active lifestyle in their play, training, and work. They joined the military at 17, quickly climbing the ranks and eventually being promoted to the office of General.
Darhav is one of the strongest Sornsasam users in Nordgis' history, having both natural talent and rigorous training from other great Sornsasamsirn. They tend to save their more impressive feats for more important times, though their control even in idle fidgeting impresses many experienced users.
Darhav rarely idles, typically spending their time pacing city streets or between barracks. When they do, they fidget, flipping coins, pens, flames, or their custom-made butterfly knife (Nord. barisong) between their fingers. They love their soldiers like siblings or children, and highly value loyalty. Darhav has a hot temper, though, which sometimes—combined with their plain way of speaking—serves them poorly in diplomacy.
darhav speaks directly without regard for propriety. they think sometimes hirasin should try it.
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nordgis · 2 years ago
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"It would do you good to listen. I wouldn't want you to miss anything important."
Hirasin Daganed (President Hirasin), known also in some circles as Hirasin Herv (Hirasin Hawk), began her career as a self-made entrepreneur. After her company became extremely profitable, Hirasin ran for a seat on the Council. She ran on a platform of freer markets in Nordgis, defeating a lackluster conservative socialist opponent in a landslide. However, her propositions were generally struck down by the other, more socialistic members of the Council.
Hirasin is interested in all sorts of magic and metaphysics, so when the Old Religion was rediscovered, she conducted her own secret research. Eventually her research led her to make contact with the Old God of control, Kosuj (they/them). However, former President Sadiv chose to leave the Old Way buried, making information surrounding it confidential, as well as its practice illegal.
When Ikaroa Storinka rose to power in Korlan, Hirasin took inspiration, staging a bloodless coup with the power granted by Kosuj. She adopted a totalitarian style of leadership in order to maximize Kosuj's influence.
Hirasin doesn't care for small talk, preferring directness. She admires strong leadership and takes great interest in anything magical. She takes pride in Nordne culture, while also embracing new ideas she thinks useful.
Her way of speaking is usually very proper and measured, unlike some of her colleagues.
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nordgis · 2 years ago
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"Aww, Hirasin, a candlelit evening? I never thought you'd ever do something so romantic." Darhav smirks, satisfied to be the first to flirt for once.
"That's not what I... well, I'll take it." Hirasin misses the joke. The power is out in the city, a relay downed by the bombings. Before realizing it, Hirasin asks, "What do you know about the Old Way?"
Darhav falters. They thought this would be a relaxed evening... Stars know they need one, after another day of report after report from the coast: Unit dead. Unit dead. Ship sunk. Another Five lost. The only successful movement, a careless airstrike personally ordered by Hirasin herself. A fluke.
"Basically nothing. I know that there was a crazy old storyteller in Jemi that said Jeram killed a god once." They look at the flame of the candle for a moment, make it dance a moment, and look back at Hirasin. "But there are no gods in Nordgis."
Hirasin looks away. "Yeah. No gods in Nordgis."
"But that's false, isn't it?" False: Antferamni, in Nordsang. Long ago, it meant peaceless. Darhav narrows their eyes harder than usual.
Hirasin says nothing.
"Because that mask you have in your pocket now," continues Darhav. "Open your suit, I know it's there."
"That won't be necessary. Yes, it's there. I didn't think you would know about vessel magic, Darhav."
"We're at war with the starsdamned State Union, Hirasin. We've worked with a Nordne vjed'uma. You don't really think this little of me, do you?"
Hirasin silently curses Kosuj. Darhav hasn't been this lucid with her in months. Kosuj whispers an apology into Hirasin's mind, something about the veil becoming thicker. Aloud, she answers, "No, I… No. I'm just tired. I'm sorry. Yes, it's about time I tell you."
"Yes, it really is. I know you've done something strange to me, Hirasin. Not that I mind it. If anything, you've opened my mind and my eyes. But before, I hated you. Now..." Something strange indeed. Darhav blushes without realizing.
An advantage, thinks Hirasin, before she silently curses herself too. How callous she's become. "Yes, I have. I have. But this isn't Slavic vessel magic. And that vjed'uma we worked with... not quite."
"What the hell are you talking about, Hirasin? Speak plain for once. You were able to grant kjari Vilenka that." The candle-flames rise with Darhav's temper, and they exhale, letting them down again. Wouldn't want them to burn out early.
Hirasin looks Darhav in the eye for the first time tonight. "Don't give her that. I lost my temper. Don't let me lose it again."
"Speak, Hirasin. I listen." Darhav holds the candlelight still.
"Yes. Okay. Okay. There are gods in Nordgis. Not many.
"In the Old Way, the people served the gods. The Nordne vjed'uma we worked with then, served one too. I know not which. I don't even know how many there are. I don't care to ask. Don't know if they even know." Kosuj assures her that they don't.
"Ask who? Who knows?" interjects Darhav.
Hirasin fixes her gaze on the table. "I am in a pact with a god named Kosuj. And they don't know. Knowing isn't their strong suit. They don't really need to, after all; it is outside their domain.
"Long ago, in the Outerlands, there was a city that served these gods. Our ancestors."
Darhav frowns. "But nothing is left in the Outerlands."
"Yes. And that is why Sadiv thought it better to keep the Old Way buried."
Darhav understands. What happened there? "How long..." Darhav trails off, then tries again. "How long?"
"The Old Way has been dead for hundreds of years. First with the death of the Outerlands, then with Sadiv. I've been working on this for years. There was a lot to learn. Convergence points, the veil, vessels... Whether vessels even work is still to be seen." Hirasin glances at Darhav.
Fear flashes in Darhav's eyes. "You're going to go insane?"
Hirasin lifts a hand to her face. "Stars, no. I'm doing my best not to. I promise, what you've seen of Kosuj is all I have done. This is a new frontier, here."
"Why?" The short sentence hangs in the air for a moment longer than it filled.
Hirasin takes a deep breath before beginning. "Nordgis is behind. Our country was falling into poverty and irrelevance before Ikaroa came to power in Korlan. I took it as an opportunity. I didn't think it would end up like this... but I guess I should have seen it coming. I was drunk on what Kosuj gave me. A breakthrough, coinciding with an opening... Probably the closest to madness I've been."
"And me? You could have banished me like the rest. You could have killed me then, even, probably with little more than a word."
"But I wouldn't. Half because your people would be at my throat in an instant. The other half..." Hirasin takes a deep breath. "I never hated you, Darhav. I've always admired you. The people love you, and you're the best Sornsasamsir the world has seen in decades. Centuries, even. You're incredible. I've always thought so."
Darhav blushes. "And that's why you voted to have me thrown from the Council?" They raise an eyebrow, still pink.
"I did that because I was afraid you were better than me. And also because that was a stupid move of you. Shutting down the capital, Darhav? Really? What do they say? Rare Darhav L?"
Darhav laughs uneasily. "Yeah, okay. That was stupid. I let my temper get the better of me. Something I've been better with, working with you, actually."
Hirasin ignores the compliment. "So there it is. That's all of it. I'm sorry for keeping it from you, and I'm sorry for... bewitching you." She closes her eyes and sighs.
"Thank you, Hirasin. It brings me peace to hear truth." Feram'a ba'i fer'o nare. Truth, feram, and peace, fer, sharing a root in the Northern tongue.
Darhav begins to stand, but Hirasin grabs their hand. It is hot in hers, the hot blood of a Gadrudin running through Darhav's veins.
"Please, don't go. Stay with me." She almost calls on Kosuj for the command to stick. Almost.
"Okay." Darhav sits back down, leaving their hand on the table in Hirasin's. "I stay."
They sit in silence a minute, then two, then four, as time falls away. They watch the candles burn down to the table together, Darhav's left hand in Hirasin's right. Hot skin against cool.
One wick is left, sputtering in the puddle of melted wax left on the tabletop. Hirasin opens her mouth, closes it again. When she tries again, all she manages is a whisper: "Darhav'a, na'a ba'toj ektere ka?" Darhav, will you leave me?
The wick burns out. In its place Darhav lights a tiny piece of starlight, the gift to their people long ago. Spoils of a dead god for the survival of their ancestors.
"Renro." I will not.
A clock chimes midnight.
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nordgis · 2 years ago
Attack on Donat
"We are not a force to be trifled with. We are not heathens, we are not uncultured, we are not empty. We are a nation under the stars, given their gift; our people borne by the deep earth, the sea, united by the sky. We trust no spirits, no gods; nobody but ourselves, the ground below us, and the sky above. Our language is among the most ancient in Ulina. Our ways are among the most sustainable. We will outlive you.
"Nan-kari'o sasamre en nanne krikn'a kard gare kitinni mas. Or, let me say it in a language you understand:
"Your spirits did not save them."
-Hirasin Daganed
After the delivery of this short speech, an Effective long-range stealth bomber flew low overhead, clearly visible. The pilot has been publicly identified as Sonha Herv, a decorated pilot with the Nordne Navy, and congratulated. A successful firebomb on the Donatese town of Rut was officially reported soon afterward.
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nordgis · 2 years ago
Some of your fellow citizens may run to the Outerlands. They are traitors to the country, and there is nothing there for them. Do not run to the Outerlands. It is a path to certain death. There is no resources, no food, no safety in the Outerlands. There is only death. There is only ruin. There is nothing for you in the Outerlands. Do not run to the Outerlands, for your own safety. There is a reason that there is no civilization in the Outerlands.
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nordgis · 2 years ago
Hirasin criticizes Kantouba's sugar initiative
Nordne President Hirasin has spoken out in criticism against Kantouban President Ikura Doufuya's sugar initiative. This initiative encourages immigration to work in Kantouba's nationalized sugar industry, promising housing and pay, which Hirasin perceives as socialistic.
"Are we sure this is who we want to ally with, Effective? This could be a threat to free commerce in Kantouba, in the Effective, and in all of Ulina. We will be watching Doufuya's sugar initiative carefully."
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nordgis · 2 years ago
The government is announcing exportation of prisoners to Korlan. The program will begin promptly. We believe that this will help allocate resources and space more appropriately.
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nordgis · 2 years ago
Nordgis is setting up a blockade of the Ernemanum Strait, General Anchorman Goin has announced. Aircraft carriers and aircraft will also be involved; the blockade applies to aircraft as well as marine craft. Imported Korlanic naval and air craft will be used for maximum efficacy. Regions marked with crosses will be closely monitored and patrolled constantly. Non-Effective craft will be intercepted if found in the shaded area, and all craft travelling to or from countries marked in blue will be immediately accosted. Craft identified to belong to any Effective nation will be escorted through the blockade.
Regions marked in yellow should henceforth be effectively regarded as Nordne waters and airspace. Highly trained officers are prepared to enforce this blockade.
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These actions are intended to strengthen alliances and limit potential adversaries. Fer'a nanni'i nare.
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nordgis · 2 years ago
President Hirasin, General Darhav, and General Anchorman Goin have announced that the Nordgis military will be working together with the Effective Militia in an effort to continue to promote peace in Nordgis and beyond. Fer'a nanni'ko nare.
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