#kf2 lore
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keystone you should talk about something in regards to kirby fighters 2 community edition
Oh you're right I haven't done that yet! Regarding Kirby Fighters 2: Community Edition, there is a metric TON of stuff to talk about here. The dev team is some of the closest friends I've ever had. Smash Tactics is a thing because I was able to test the game over and over again with the members of the dev team. We've spent many hours sharing progressively crazier character ideas. We have created some warcrime moves. (or, well, more warcrime moves. KF2 already has plenty of those) I think, however, the best place to start for CE on the KF2 lore account is probably just a development history.
So it's late September, the year is 2020. Kirby Fighters 2 was leaked, got a trailer, and released all within the span of 24 hours. Soon after that, firubii (you might have seen her before) shows her findings from a Twitter datamine, that being evidence of a 3D Kirby game. "Wow! Awesome! I sure hope it's nothing like Battle Royale!" I say at the time. But I digress.
A few months pass and eventually fish gets in touch with Firubii for I believe checking hitboxes and frame data? We get a few things for some of the weirder moves from characters like Ninja, but the fact that a modder was among us got people excited. The prospect of a balance patch mod was an undeniably appealing one and could breathe new life (and a time) into the game. And one that Firubii was interested in.
March 16th, 2021 rolls around and Fish pings everyone saying that they had set up a poll for balance suggested for Firubii to implement. They also got an all star cast of top players and fighting game expects and colgate and me. because I "have lots of opinions." We're all put into a dev chat and poll responses start flowing in.
This poll was crazy. You had Ninja downplaying Mag like crazy. You had Celica Trying His Best. You had nonsense adjustment suggestions like "Not really that effective." But my favourite would have to be probably Qwertz saying to EVERY balance suggestion box "The game needs no balance changes, only quality of life changes."
So we all in the chat start throwing around ideas while not really getting anything done. This will be a running theme. About a month later I was like enough is enough and starting pinging people for proper balance discussions and locking in changes. There's a few notable things we did for v0.1, including making Sword a LOT faster, giving Hammer Palutena's Lightweight, (the s4 custom move) making Bandana Dee's spears stick into the ground for a few seconds, and making Cutter's boomerangs bounce off walls. That last one was our first real criminal change, as Cutter could effortlessly lock down the entire screen. I spent hours labbing counterplay only to find none and grew to despise the character and suggested massive overcorrections for v0.2. Oops.
Overall v0.1 was pretty good! It had some iffy stuff and launched with a Whip desync in game but other than that it was a success I think. It came out during July of 2021, a little under 4 months from the initial announcement. There's a few public tourneys with good turnouts but run via Parsec and Parsec makes me want to commit violent crimes. Progress on 0.2 also goes fairly well. There's some bad ideas in there like making MK not very fun but overall it's not so bad.
Until development just HALTS. To my understanding, I believe it was something personal Firubii was going through but I don't have all the info. Then again, I didn't ask. Like sure, I'd like to have the new CE versions as soon as possible, but ultimately the well being of the people actually making the mod is the top priority, it's why it's so irritating when people are jerks about CE's slow development. Obviously I want the new versions out. But we all have lives outside of this and sometimes other things need doing.
Eventually 0.2 gets out, at the start of Febuary 2022. It's solid but still has some things that irk me. After a few months, we ask for player feedback on overall balance and specific changes and get not many results. Granted, CE doesn't have much players so balance discussion is somewhat meaningless for a game this unexplored. I think 1.0 fixes all of the glaring flaws though.
At some point, once again, development freezes, and this one was rough. No communication from Firubii led to a lot of dooming, especially with how close we got to actually launching 1.0. We DO actually know why she vanished for so long this time, it's because her house caught fire. It didn't burn down don't worry! But this still caught us all SUPER off guard.
Anyway, CE resumed development and went for a little while, but hit a brick wall when trying to add training mode. I'm not an expert on the inner workings of KF2 but I know Firubii talked to Ryn (yes, the goku in strive Ryn) about it a little bit. I actually posted about this to my Threads account but who gives a shit about threads. That's more or less where we are now. It's been a while since the last tester build but what can you do.
There's also a few other things but there wasn't really a good place for them. Colgate thought it was a good idea to make a tierlist video for a game no one could play. It wasn't. I had to spend the days after that video doing damage control. There was a playlist where people could suggest songs to add to CE, but tbh it was more just an excuse to listen to music in VC while we could still do that. We were gonna move off Gamebanana because the site is run by N*zis but this was during the fire arc so didn't happen. AV also thought it'd be a good idea to shittalk CE and ask to join the dev team in the same day. There was also the time we had to rush out a trailer for Savi's Dream Display but I have a few criticisms about that which I'll share with him one day.
I think that's it? If you wanna download the mod I'll link it right here: https://gamebanana.com/mods/303920
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Someone remind me to download my KF2 lore posts in a publishable format
CEO of Tumblr, Matt Mullenweg, has started openly harassing tumblr users on other platforms. This dude is actually incredibly scary and malicious and should not be involved with this website going forward. Theres just no excuse for this behavior.
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seriously long post about dark souls, kings field, and why ds1 is the only fun good game in the series imo
the more we play the RPG side of dark souls, the less frustrating the action part gets, we really appreciate that. we dislike elden ring and bloodborne a lot because we struggle to grasp this aspect in those games and knew we needed to put ourselves into easy mode in them, sekiro was a comfortable non starter for this reason. disclaimer: we are pretty great at first person shooters and fighting games, we have our gaming skillset, but im not gonna act like this isnt a skill issue. its just ... like... we have a job, so we're not really willing to waste our precious time off "getting good". sorry. but here in DS1 its made fun simple and intuitive to water the difficulty down. to be honest: kings field 2 is still a better and more enjoyable game in every aspect we seek solo experiences out for. the atmosphere, the storytelling, the gameplay even. it is not remotely bad. kings field 1 was a phenomenal first try but it is hard to have patience for a slow maze crawler like that. kf2 is juuuust right. just beautiful enough, just mysterious enough to overcome technical limitations. our only kf2 complaint is that the tunnel system thing is a major copout vs having a sensible interconnected world, DS1 actually implements this stunningly well and it shocks us how much this game is literally just modernized kf2 with last ditch effort to save a studio level budget. it succeeds in so fucking many of those aspects so well, its just that modernization imo is not improvement by default so this action combat is just notttt my style. kf2 was modern enough it just needed the map layout overhauled. but obviously we understand fully that this is a retarded thing to expect any game studio trying to stay afloat to do and we are never going to argue against DS1's success. but we will argue against the rest. real time first person dungeon crawling should make a return, lunacid proved it's got serious legs. we still think about lunacid a lot. that game just needed a better plot and lore. the world was so pretty though.. the music was pretty fuckin tight too... real time combat dungeon crawlers are best when viewed as walking sims with passable gameplay for the sake of pacifying the player while they soak in atmosphere and aesthetics in my opinion. dark souls left the genre fromsoft pioneered behind to try for mainstream success and it won, at the cost of king's field's memory, and that history will taint the soulslike genre for us forever hence why this post is less about the actual video game we're playing and more about the video games we cant stop thinking about
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Happy birthday to love!
#lumi.txt#I'm talking about my hero and the King of Dreamland ofc!#they look quite nice together!#apparently their coupling started with... something about a tower...#>happy anniversary to KF2! weird lore but. Metadede<
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Okay, so, the Kirby "Encyclopedia" should really have been called the Kirby "Directory."
I mentioned I would translate it, but there's not much worth translating in here. Most of it is less interesting than your average pause screen lore. Thus, I'm not doing the whole book…
Here are translations for all the ones I found interesting though!
[Mid-Boss, Helper, Ally]
A girl whose hobby is painting. She seems to have come from some place quite far away to study painting. She has the power to bring the creatures and food she paints on her canvas to life.
[Re-appears as a Dream Friend]
Adeleine, who had been on a journey to someplace far away, appears alongside Ribbon to support Kirby.
//Interesting that they imply she was on a journey elsewhere between 64 and Star Allies...
Bandanna Waddle Dee
[Mid-Boss, Helper, Ally]
A Waddle Dee recognizable by their trademark blue bandanna. They were an enemy in the past, in service to King Dedede, but in recent years they've made more appearances as an ally of Kirby's. Can perform a variety of techniques with their spear.
[Boss, Helper]
A mischief-loving jester. Manipulated Kirby in his very first appearance in an attempt to make everyone's home, Popstar, his own. When it's time for a fight, he shows his fangs and spreads his large wings to attack.
Marx Soul
The form that the defeated Marx takes after he is resurrected by the power of the Galactic Nova. Appears at the end of the True Arena after defeating all other bosses.
//I like the phrasing “resurrected by the power of the Galactic Nova :files away in my “Clockwork Marx” theory file:
[Boss, Helper]
The "magician of falsehoods” who came from another world aboard the spaceship called the Lor Starcutter. He meets Kirby and the others after crash landing in Dream Land. In truth, he planned on acquiring the Master Crown Landia was guarding to take control of Halcandra.
//I normally translate “magician of falsehoods” as “lying wizard” based on the English game, but they put it in quotes here, so magician of falsehoods felt more appropriate. Also, Magolor? Did you REALLY want to take over Halcandra? You know that planet's awful, right? (Ticks another box in the "Magolor isn't as smart as he makes himself out to be" checklist.) The rest of the stuff on his page is completely useless, btw. Just saying Kirby et al help gather ship parts and that you can recruit him in KF2 at Rank 39
Magolor Soul
This grotesque being was once Magolor, before he was swallowed up by the limitless power of the Master Crown. He is saved when the crown is destroyed.
[Helper, Ally]
The droll jokester Kine looks identical to an ocean sunfish. His speciality is moving in water. Normally, Kirby can't inhale enemies in water, but with Kine, that's not a problem.
[Helper, Ally]
Flying is his specialty, and he can even fly through strong winds and gales. Grabs Kirby in his claws when he and Kirby unite. Is apparently quite the star in Dream Land.
[Helper, Ally]
A friend who looks just like a hamster. Kirby can hop on top of him to travel across land. Rick doesn't slide on ice, and he can climb sheer cliffs by continually jumping. And he jumps quite high. Has a girlfriend named Pick.
//Found it interesting that they go out of their way to say they resemble these animals but are NOT these animals.
[Helper, Ally]
Kirby's friend. The same species as Dark Matter, but Gooey does not possess a wicked heart. Can catch and swallow enemies using their long tongue, but Gooey can't use inhale.
Nightmare Wizard
Arrived to bring bad dreams to the residents of Dream Land. Takes this form after you defeat Nightmare Power Orb.
//It seemed up in the air as to whether Nightmare was keeping Dream Landers from having dreams, or actually giving them bad dreams. Turns out, he was actually giving them bad dreams.
Dark Matter
A member of the Dark Matter tribe. Starting with Popstar, where Kirby and friends lived, Dark Matter spread a dark fog over the star to turn it into a world of darkness, so it would be more hospitable to their tribe. Dark Matter's name refers to the substance known as dark matter.
//Interesting that Dark Matter was trying to...terraform Popstar? Sounds like Necrodeus, to be honest. That last line about the name is mostly there for Japanese speakers who might not connect the word with the concept, because the concept is written in kanji.
Galacta Knight
The strongest warrior in the galaxy, who, out of fear of their tremendous power, was sealed in crystal long, long ago. Galacta enjoys strife. Summoned by Galactic Nova when Meta Knight made a wish to fight the strongest warrior in the galaxy.
//Interesting about Galacta actually LIKING strife/conflict. Don't know if we'd heard that before.
Four dragons living in the depths of Halcandra, and the last boss you face there. They normally take the shape of a single large dragon with four heads. Attacked Magolor's ship, the Lor. They can fly and spit fire and move about freely at high altitudes.
//So Landia are in fact four dragons that just enjoy chilling as one dragon? That's cool.
The boss of the Skull Gang who plotted to cover the world in darkness. At the beginning of the story, he uses his staff to split Kirby into 10, defeating 9 of them.
Fecto Elfilis
An invasive species from outer space that invaded the forgotten land. Possesses the ability to travel through dimensions. After an accident, they were split into Elfilin and Fecto Forgo. Called "ID-F86"
//I always thought the "Elfilis was an invader" might have been narrator bias from the Forgotten Landers, so it's interesting to have confirmation they were a hostile invader.
Chaos Elfilis
A new life form born when the souls of Soul Forgo, Morpho Knight, and the primeval beasts mixed together.
//...Where is Morpho Knight now, I wonder...? :files in the “multiple Morpho Knights” theory file:
Fecto Forgo
What was left when Fecto Elfilis's benevolent heart split off. Kept in Lab Discovera, they were controlling Leongar.
A magic user riding a broom. Attacks by hitting people with their broom. Followed by their three companions, Sugar, Salt, and Pepper.
The queen of Ripple Star where Ribbon and the other fairies live. She's a bit of a scatterbrain and not always the most reliable.
Shopkeeper Magolor
Magolor, only he runs a shoppe. If you buy all of his equipment, the shoppe gets an upgrade and he dresses like Magolor.
//I translated this because the writing was hilarious. "He dresses like Magolor." Also, the first line could also be read as "A Magolor who runs a shop." I’m just imagining all these different Magolors now…
#Kirby#kirby series#Adeleine#Fecto Elfilis#Magolor#Marx Kirby#Galacta Knight#Animal Friends#Gooey Kirby#Gryll#Nightmare Kirby#Necrodeus#fairy queen kirby#Landia#dark matter blade
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Killing Lore: Killing Floor’s Story
this video explains most of the story pretty well, I really like it. Give it a watch if you’re interested.
#i watched it long ago but ive decided to share it#kiling floor#killing floor lore#kf#kf2#kf1#killing floor 2
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In Killing Floor 2, in the Map "Desolation", there's a uniqur background Zed which we don't get to fight or interact with. It's some sort of Gorefast with both arms still, a green appearance like it's filled with chlorophyll, and a vine attached to the back of its head dangling it from the ceiling. It just presses its hamd against the glass window to the room its in. The Killing Floor 2 Wiki calls it a "Vinehead Gorefast". Sometimes it's head is even replaced with a blooming flower. What do you think the Vinehead Gorefast would be like as a new Gorefast variant, like the Gorefiend?
fun fact i asked my friend who still has kf2 installed to check it out and when he found the place, he killed a zed next to it and the glass got all splattered w blood so when the wave ended we could barely see the thing haha
anyway im not sure, it looks more like an unfortunate specimen caught by vegetation, most likely unable to move or function at all. if plants are gonna be our enemies as kf lore progresses, i'll be happy to see the vineboi around but without that i don't believe it would fit (however i as well don't think matriarch fits the lore atm and she's still a part of it, so who am i to decide. it's more of an opinion)
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hello! i noticed u said you were confused abt the opposites angle when it comes to mirror worlder characterization and i wanted to explain my pov as someone who does ascribe to that (with all respect, it’s cool if you disagree! i just wanted to clarify my point of view if it’s np - also, you don’t have to answer this ask if you don’t want to, i’m just rambling lol)
- I’d take TV Tropes pages for Kirby w/ a grain of salt (& i say this as someone who tends to frequent them a lot) bc they tend to have a lot of inaccuracies, confusing hcs/fan theories with canon and the like
- The thing about Mirror Worlders being born from the darkness of the originals is that it’s p much only stated in non-canon spinoffs (Clash, KF2, etc.) so it’s kinda dubious. Burade’s pause screen is a tad ambiguous so I wouldn’t say it necessarily it means he’s inherently Dedede’s worse side - esp since he’s heavily implied to be possessed during the fight, much like Dedede was in the past (stomach mouth, blank eyes, his connections with a certain eyeball who makes a hobby out of bodysnatching, etc)
- HiAD’s Parallel counterparts (the canon ones, created via the Jamba Heart) already serve the purpose of being the characters’ inner demons, given that they represent their negative traits magnified tenfold, so I prefer the Mirror Worlders as opposites bc they otherwise seem kinda redundant lol
- Dark Meta Knight liking being called cute would be really, really funny.
Ramble away! I do that too. (and I respect your headcanons. I just like my own more because bias XD)
-Yeah I know that, I've read through the pages before and seen stuff. I only quoted it because I find the pages fun to look at (and sometimes they make me realize things I didn't notice before) and I saw that one paragraph on Shadow Dedede and was like "hey, this basically sums up what I already wanted to say about him but couldn't think of the right words for because I suck at wording!"
-I think I remember something about a manual for Amazing Mirror stating it?? And I couldve sworn it was stated somewhere else that Shadow Kirby was good because Kirby is good good, like in a game, though I can't find it in Amazing Mirror's transcript. Maybe I'm misremembering it, I should probably go looking for it when I get the chance. however, I DO have Burade's Japanese pause description, which ends with, from my understanding:
"The opponent the king must overcome...
It was the shadow of the king's own heart"
And this comes right after it says that Burade has appeared, so I feel like Ans personally I think the stuff about him looking possessed has to do with the whole "embodies what the king used to be" thing since Dedede getting possessed is the Princess Peach getting kidnapped of the Kirby franchise and I could see an argument that Kirby 64 was the real point where Dedede's redededemption began (or at least his friendship with Kirby since that's the first time the really WORK TOGETHER work together rather than just "Dedede yeets Kirby at a smelly wizard") but that's just my take. I guess I just feel like if he was being possessed it would've been a bit more... apparent. like it would've shown us what was possessing him. 'Cus otherwise it just kinda... amounts to nothing. I think?
Again, just my dumb perspective.
I also just feel like it makes sense and is cool. Like I made that entire post because if you interpret Shadow Dedede that way it adds some extra coolness points to the fight for being a high point in a character arc. Interpret the lore however you wish, I just always feel the stupid need to explain my perspective in excessive length.
yeah speaking of I should probably stop-
-and yeah I guess the Jamba Heart dudes are also like that in a way though I feel like there's a bit of a difference? Kinda?? i don't know how to describe it. I hate understanding something on my own sometimes because then it becomes a pain in the neck to explain and I could just be understanding nothing in the end without even realizing it XD
-110% valid reason and I completely understand and respect it. I like funny.
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I remembered why I uninstalled Killing Floor 2. I can barely run it online. I also kinda do miss the grimey horror aesthetic that is in the first game like Killing Floor 1 is more scarier than Killing Floor 2. Not saying KF2 is bad its fun and fast paced, but with KF2s new aesthetic and speed it takes the horror out of it. Also
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Why are you even watching KF2
I’m committed as a lore fiend.
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Frame Imperfect
Regarding Kirby Fighters 2, when the game was relatively new, many YouTubers were trying to cash in on the new "kirby smash bros" hype. During this period I remember Mew2King coming into the KF2 server with interest in running a tournament for the game.
Wow! I couldn't believe this! Mew2King from funny YouTube compilations and competitive Super Smash Bros Melee (I had watched very little melee at that point, except for EmpLemon's There Will Never Be Another Melee Player Like HungryBox) was interested in our super cool Kirby game? Awesome!
At this point the game had garnered a rep as a pretty unserious competitive game, with many fake infinites being discovered and one real one as well. There was also Alpharad's video on the game that made it look...unflattering. It was unflattering for reasons other than just being a 'smash clone' but we didn't know why exactly yet. This was before 20XX, the first real KF2 tournament, for reference.
But Mew2King wanted to take a chance on us! He believed in our game and wanted to take a chance on a new, unique, exciting platform fighter! We were starstruck, plain and simple.
Which is why when M2K suggested MOBA style character bans everyone just kinda went with it????
Keep in mind this was before the first tourney, we didn't know shit about fuck, as fish would say.
They didn't go through with this.
So fast forward a couple months, and KF2's first appearance at Frame Perfect Series is upon us. As you'd expect, the community is really excited! This was one of the biggest brackets the community had ever seen, with a bunch of new faces! Mostly people we'd never see again but it was exciting at the time.
As for the commentator's bench, we were looking at M2K, who knew nothing about the game but was on comms for every game so whatever...and in the KF2 corner...Super Citrus. Who hadn't commentated an even since 20XX. Oh god. M2K was sprouting nonstop nonsense and Citrus just didn't have the game knowledge or confidence to debunk any of it. The VODs were a little painful to watch. Poor guy.
So FPS doesn't make the game look...great. It wasn't help that M2K was ridiculing the players he determined were 'lame' and I mean I don't like Ninja11 or Poyo but come the fuck on man. Commentary basics here. I could do a better job.
But what if I could actually? When FPS 4 was announced, we learned that KF2 would be making a return for it. I was more involved in the community at this point with one tournament under my belt (...which was New Generation) and did 2 major things for this FPS. Firstly, early on, KF2 wasn't looking great in the entrant count side of things. So, I got in touch with some of the folks in tourney committee and we talked about running a tourney where top 8 would get free entry to FPS4.
And this is where we talk about the unsung hero of this story, Thank You motherfucking Domo. When sponsoring Road to FPS, Domo offered to handle the free entry of anyone who we couldn't get people to pay for a gift sub for. In later Road to FPS events, he flat out offered to give any KF2 players free entry because he liked the game...and it makes for better content obviously but still. What a god damn legend. Rest in Power. (he lost his account in a phishing scam)
I realize that came off as kinda sarcastic but I was genuinely upset when his account got hacked. Shit sucks, I don't want to hear about phishing scams from Bool ever again.
OH, speaking of Domo, second major thing I did was apply for commentary! I had more tourneys and more experience under my belt at that point and I felt pretty confident all things considered! So I sent domo a few videos of my comms work, including a video where I have to make Bell look like a well designed interactive character for 30 minutes.
I didn't end up getting picked, but I thought to myself "well as long as it's not Citrus again we should be fine." lol. lmao. This time we did actually have a bit of time to give Cirtus a crash course in the current KF2 environment but it still wasn't great. In fact, it was maybe the worst video game commentary I'd ever seen.
For a long time, P47 had been seemingly untouchable. He was a KF2 expert, his Magolor inspired me to pick up the character fully, he was a lorehead, and a great guy to be around. The clip of him using Ultra Sword to push Nuggetz off a platform into an apple explosion is absolutely as iconic as it deserves to be. This was P47's last big tournament.
Now, remember how I said Mew2King was an asshole to anyone who he deemed lame. M2K was a Marth player in Melee by the way, I don't know if that's considered a lame character but I hope he is. P47 received the full force of this with constant hate from M2K's live chat, not to mention that Citrus also wasn't a Magolor fan. I'm not quite sure how bad it was exactly, but it was bad enough to lead to him quitting the game. Looking back on it, the whole situation is infuriating to me.
That was Citrus' last time commentating FPS, when FPS5 rolled around we had gotten Winters on comms, who was easily the most consistent commentator we had and also the person...you know...keeping the game alive. She was able to debunk a lot of M2K's bullshit and also was able to tell him that P47 quit because of M2K being an asshole last FPS. I don't think I ever told her how much I appreciated that.
Good time to mention that Mew2King also used he/him for EVERYONE. It led to me making this stupid fucking image.
But it gets worse. Of course it always gets worse. In top 8, Ninja11, one of my least favourite top players, was up against SoothingRuby, one of my favourite top players. Ninja11 kinda hates everyone in the community and Ruby hates people who are Like That so as you can expect these 2 get along great. This was reflected in the set between them.
It was a lot of this. Ruby would throw Kunai and Ninja would just crouch them. This matchup isn't even that bad for Magolor, I thinkj Mag wins it, Ninja's just an asshole. He ended up winning the set, of course he did. Great time was had by all, especially the twitch chat and M2K, who both already hated the game. Yikes.
So this brings us to FPS6, the final Frame Perfect event. Messages from M2K implied that Metafy, the main reason the tournament was being run, was on it's way out, but not before M2K was doing sketchy things in his own time.
Turns out Metafy still exists. Not sure what he was talking about with the whole final sale thing. Maybe it's an MLM thing. (Multi Level Marketing) Was I not supposed to think the platform was closing?
So the tourney rolls around on, of all days, the 4th of July. As a Canadian I don't give a shit, but as you can imagine, most people were not available. Zet ended up winning the whole thing. However there is one potentially sketchy set in there.
Somehow, before bracket, Qwertz had performed a coup d'etat and became TO of the bracket despite being on the other side of the globe. The actual TO didn't wake up in time, and all Qwertz used his power to do was changing the timeslot without communicating.
Then, when Zet "applied a taco to his router" (thank you Justin for giving my posts the rawest fucking quotes) Qwertz just said to play it out, though everyone knew this was mostly just because Qwertz didn't like Justin. Why do we let this man near any administrative privileges.
The stream also ended with Winters having to tell chat to have a happy 4th of july. She is a trans lesbian.
And that was the last FPS event. By the time the 3rd KF2 tournament had rolled around, we already knew M2K was doing more harm than good, but no one had the guts to tell him off. I think we were worried that he'd just run the game like a dumbass if we didn't stick around. To be fair, it happened with Kloudchasers.
So what's the moral of the story? Never meet your heroes? No, that's what we learned from Chuggaaconroy. Is Mew2King even my hero? Never meet a competitive Smash player is what we learned here. Though hopefully you all already knew that.
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Some updates:
- KF2, Kirby Cafe, and Great Escape have been completed, Trouble in Patch Land has been picked up, and three new novels have been released / announced: Pupupu Train, Starlight Theatre, and Starcutter and the Lying Wizard!
- Starcutter and the Lying Wizard has been claimed— there’s word around that Starlight Theatre and Pupupu Train are being planned for translation but the people involved haven’t announced anything yet so I don’t wanna put words in their mouth
- Say hello and thank you to the newest two translators on the scene, @rosakikoza (translating Epic Yarn novel) and @starcutter-and-lying-wizard (translating RTDL novel)
A word of note that may impact how this list is set up in the future: Starcutter novel is not considered to be part of the same series as the other novels— it does not contain furagana, seemingly is intended for older audiences, has a lot more advanced vocab / sentence structure, and contains WAY more lore (and lor!) than the previous. From the test reads, it looks like it’s trying to be a bit more mature. As far as I’m aware this is a different continuity from the other novels— when I get official confirmation of this / figure out what the two series are called / figure out if there will be other novels released in this continuity, I’ll reformat the list accordingly (but for now I’m gonna wait until I get more info)
Kirby Novel Translations Masterpost
I’ll be updating this as more chapters are updated and translations are picked up!
Kirby and the Dangerous Gourmet Mansion
Kirby and the Big Panic in Gloomy Woods
Kirby Meets the Squeak Squad
Meta Knight and the Puppet Princess
Big Race in Pupupu Land
Kirby’s Labyrinth Rescue
Kirby and the Great Planet Robobot Adventure
Meta Knight and the Galaxy’s Greatest Warrior
Kirby Clash Team Unite
Kirby’s Decisive Battle! Battle Royale
Kirby Star Allies: The Great Friend Adventure
Kirby Star Allies: The Universe is in Trouble
Big Trouble in Patch Land (incomplete)
Save the Rainbow Islands
Super Kirby Clash Team’s Big Battle (incomplete)
Kirby and the Search for the Dreamy Gears
Meta Knight and the Knight of Hades
Uproar at the Kirby Café
Kirby Fighters: The Destined Rivals
King Dedede’s Great Escape Mission
Mysterious Incident on the Pupupu Train! (TBA)
Kirby: Welcome to the Starlight Theatre (TBA)
Starcutter and the Lying Wizard (incomplete)
Thank you so much to @friendship-ended-with-pokespe , @deafeninggardenerpanda , @theultimateultimateweapon , @hoshi-no-mahoroa , @makerofmadness , @starcutter-and-lying-wizard , @rosakikoza , and everyone on Twitter who I can’t tag for generously translating these for everyone!
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So Killing Floor Christmas event. I guess I gotta be fair and do the pros and cons like I did with the Summer Circus event. Let’s see!
- They brought back the Nut Cracker Fleshpound, my favourite Christmas variation back. While I still hold more love for the KF1 Nut Pound, the KF2 Nut Pound is growing on me.
- Omg the cute variations of the Nut Pound. I love them.
- The music is great! But there is a con here too.
- Robo Santa is back! And apparently he is in a bitch fight with Krampus. That is funny to me. (A con here too tho)
- The new map with its objective of protecting certain areas is neat! It beats just camping the same spot over and over again.
- The fucking Gingerfast is back! I’M DELICIOUS!
- I like the new Christmas Stalker design with her being all frosty. Looks good! (con here too with conflicting with the Scrake)
- The three variations of the Clots are great.
- The Freezethrower is really fun to use, as is the new SWAT UMP.
- The Christmas items. I WANT THAT NUT POUND HEAD MASK!
- The new boss... He’s fucking disgusting. Stop shitting everywhere, Krampus.
- The Naughty and Nice list with your name on it! Kind of a cool touch.
- As much as I like the new Christmas music... Like.. Three songs? Wtf. Also I still wish it was more industrial than heavy metal type shit ( Like KF1).
- I love Robo Santa... But where the hell are his Christmas themed lines? They did the same thing in the Summer event. BOO!
- As much as I like the stalker taking on the new frosty look... I miss the Scrake Frost look from KF1. The Scrake Deer is cool... But Scrake Frost was badass.
- I wish they would of remade Santa’s Lair along with the new Krampus lair.
- I kinda wish Robo Santa was the big bad guy in the event, as he IS the Patriarch. But I understand that they have to show off the Abomination (Krampus) boss.
- Why the fuck do I have a flower pot hat as a Christmas item?
- I wish during events you’d get more item drops... Cmon it’s Christmas. I don’t want 5 tickets to get one shitty flower pot hat.
- Give Ana new clothes item variations.
- I aint got a single purple ticket this whole time. Wtf Tripwire.
- Also.... ADD MORE LORE.
Uh that’s it for now.
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Never steal from women
I've been wanting to make this post since the tourney where it happened. I was going to wait for the person involved to leave the server or something before posting it but I've been DYING to talk about this story, it's so good. So you're getting it now.
So, regarding Kirby Fighters 2, every February 3rd (in reference to the finale of Persona 5 Royal) for the past couple years, I've run a KF2 event if I'm able. Last year it was the first low tiers tourney, but this year I decided to have a normal tourney...
...with the insane marketing gimmick of calling it Jay Eazy's Kirbification
To be honest, February 3rd kinda snuck up on me this year. University's been fucking me up, to be fair. But one day, this rando comes into the server and asks when the next tourney is.
No one had picked up on the Feb. 3rd thing yet, but I dropped a few hints to it here and there, like the intro music for last year and the graphic for this year. But this reminded me to get off my ass and run the Feb. 3rd bracket. Remember FreeStickman, he'll be important in this story.
One day, before the tourney, Stickman comes into general to argue for the legality of Dried Up Sea...using AI. This gave him a reputation of a chatbot that, like Mimikool before him, could not POSSIBLY be shaken off. As you'd expect, his argument was meaningless, weightless, passionless, and a joke.
But it was pretty funny.
So you have Stickman in the tourney, seeded last, in the same bracket as all stars like Schmeedor, AV, Claire, KirbybiM, Justinian, and, to everyone's surprise, Dougsauce! All things considered, it was a pretty good tourney if you played normally. Thanks Jay Eazy.
So my first few sets roll around, I beat Panini then get stomped by AV. Stickman gets destroyed by Claire and that puts me against him in the bracket. Then I get this DM from Kyochan.
Kyo had been gassing up Stickman all day, and for good reason: It was funny. I am not a fan of Stickman, but I like Kyo more than I don't like Stickman, so I go Bandana Dee and pretend to fight back. Stickman ends up "winning" the set 3-2, and they go onto fight Schmeedor.
So why did I throw? There's a few reasons actually. Firstly, I already knew Schmee could beat me. I also found a way to turn it into what I thought would be a good narritive moment...but no one paid attention to that. So Stickman plays Fighter Kirby, but can't do a quarter circle consistently, in the whole set he threw out about 6 input hadokens, which he only started doing after I TOLD HIM that was an option. If you remember the SOFG 2021 +R bracket, the only reason I was able to beat Winters was because of coaching Theo gave me. So I thought it'd be fitting to have that come back around.
So Stickman goes onto fight Schmeedor, and I'm not Schmeedor, so I can't tell you why, but she ALSO agreed to throw to Stickman. Likely in the same way I did, controlling the set to go to game 5. Special mention to Stickman saying he'd flip a coin to decide who gets to ban first and send the video. If you hate competitive integrity this is absolutely the tourney for you.
So Schmee goes on to fight Stickman and loses, and to the surprise of me and Kyo, Justin is sent to losers bracket by Claire. Justin does actually have a bit of honour unlike us 3 goobers so it was much less likely to get him to throw. He later mentioned on his stream about not playing to win and that there was no point in playing if you weren't playing to win. On his stream, he said "what would i be doing? playing to lose? fuck that"
But that didn't stop Kyo from trying.
So Justin stomps the "rawest Fighter he's ever seen" (he didn't use hadoken) in a set that isn't really close and Stickman gets really upset about it. Bro wins 2 rigged sets and let it get to his head. Though I guess he didn't know they were rigged.
Eventually, AV also learns that Stickman is a fraud and is devastated. I'm not sure who else found out. I did also make a pretty good graphic for Jay Eazy's Kirbification, check it out!
So we played to lose, inflated a chatbot's ego, and still had a great time. What happened to Stickman was much more interesting than what would have happened if the tourney just played out normally, much like Happy Chaos's goal of making life as interesting as possible for humanity. Though tbh, looking at this graphic again, I don't really like how there's some character overlap...let me fix that...
#kf2 lore#kirby fighters 2#fighting games#fighting game community#kf2#kirby#tournament#rigged#chatbot
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You are not welcome here.
Regarding Kirby Fighters 2, with me being a mod in the server, I've had to ban a few people in my life. This is a bit of a follow-up post to the one about Celica's brother, as that's where I started my lovely ban message career. I wrote this with quite a bit of hatred, as I do genuinely hate Celica's brother. It came out quite well.
Fire. Straight FIRE. Get it? Because I'm straight? im funny.
This would start a beautiful trend of ban messages genetically engineered to make the ban recipient feel as bad as possible. If I may share a few highlights:
For a long while, my ban messages main goal was impact through hatred. As we all know, Anger And Hatred Are Supreme, so obviously this was the best way to write ban messages. Until I had to ban Max79.
Spoilers for an upcoming post, but when Max79 had to be banned, I didn't hate. Sure, he was annoying and unfathomably stupid, but I didn't hate him. When he threw out the f slur I had a feeling he didn't know what it meant, (didn't want to risk checking though) so I tried to emphasize that in my ban message.
And, more or less, this is the tone my ban messages have moved to in the modern day. Balancing impact with warning to attempt to have the banned person improve somewhere else. I've thrown in new enders to warn people who don't intend to clean up their act.
(as a sidenote, this is a kick messages because this person hadn't said anything in the server and just had a really bad profile)
Finally, one thing I want to clear up. For a long time, people thought my ban message creation process was as follows:
However, I am here to beat the mirror crying allegations. Firstly, I open my ban writing music. Secondly I analyze to ensure I have the facts straight in my ban messages. This includes cross referencing with other server members and mods. Finally, I state the reasons for the ban while comboing into my 'impact lines' as I call them. 'You are not welcome here' and 'there will be no place for you' are personal favourites of mine. I get credit for it, but I actually took it from fish when they were banning Ripple (known as Poyo at the time)
Thank you fish.
(as a quick footnote, there will not be a Poyo/Ripplepuff post on this account. For starters, the victims don't want the info public, and secondly, it's not funny. I may remake the kloudchasers post to include more of their involvement because oh boy were they involved)
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Oh I thank you so much for this post, I had some trouble writing SK into my lore because of how... vague some of their lore is?
Most of it is due to my own lore shenanigans, but I was always confused on how exactly they're a shadow AND a reflection?
Descriptions say that he can appear anywhere, anytime and vanishes again, implying that he can just,,, teletransport, yet we never see such powers in game?
Why is his music in KF2 in lower difficulties a remix of Taranza's theme?
Why did he suddenly become a Pinterest galaxy wallpaper?
Truly an enigma of a character.
hey guys gals and gamer pals. shadow kirby is so swag and cool. Originally a very minor character from Kirby and the Amazing Mirror, with only a small handful of appearances after that, there isn't a lot of information about him out there. And a lot of information about him is very contradictory (especially involving his appearance). However we have a small handful of concrete information which shouldn't be ignored. And I have kindly compiled a lot of it here.
to preface i'm making this post entirely because i see plenty of headcanons that directly go against canon information (often by people who just use him as an extension of DMK and don't care to look into him) but i will avoid my bias and just state everything I can find in the Game Canon. I will not include information from the various Mangas/light novels, as that is it's own separate canon and every iteration of him is drastically different (From what I've seen. Also a lot of it tends to contradict game canon.)
Despite being his debut game, Shadow Kirby isn't very present within KATAM. He only appears in one room in some of the mirror world's areas. Specifically in in Rainbow Route, Mustard Mountain, Carrot Castle, Peppermint Palace, and Candy Constellation. If you return to these areas later, he will appear there again.
While he does technically attack Kirby, he doesn't really try and goes away on his own if you don't kill him. (Interestingly, likely due to sprite limitations, Shadow Kirby doesn't have any hat to represent the copy ability he has.)
In KATAM he can be swallowed to gain the copy ability he has, and he drops either an invincibility candy or 1UP when defeated. However he shows up again regardless of any of that.
During the final fight against Dark Mind, if Kirby loses the master sword, Shadow Kirby will appear to throw it back to him. He can also toss him a 1UP during the fight. While nothing explicitly states that Shadow Kirby is a good guy at the end of the game, in the final cutscene it does say that Shadow Kirby will keep the mirror world safe.
"But they remain on guard… After all, who knows when another evil might arise? Don't worry, though… Mirror-world Kirby will be there to keep them all safe!"
interestingly while in the cutscene Shadow Kirby is referred to as 'Mirror-world Kirby', if you attack him the game says he is Shadow Kirby. I'm assuming this was done due to his lack of appearances in the game and to keep people who forgot about him from getting confused.
The most this game shows of Shadow Kirby interacting with Dark Meta Knight is him following after Dark Meta Knight through a door. There is no pause screen information directly characterizing him either, everything has to be assumed.
ok this is a short section.
Shadow Kirby is the final opponent in Kirby Fighters and is fought in another dimension. When he's defeated, unlike Dark Meta Knight and Shadow Dedede who shatter into glass shards, he floats into the air and 'disperses' instead of shattering. Notably, unlike in KATAM, he does wear a hat when using a copy ability. In a fucking miiverse post, Mr.Kumazaki stated: "In the version of the game in Kirby: Triple Deluxe, we wanted to emphasize that your worst enemy is yourself, so the final boss was a Shadow Kirby that had the same copy ability as you." Which is STRANGE WORDING but :shrugs:. Importantly, while he looks weird and different here, he is still called Shadow Kirby. We'll talk about how KF2 confirms this later. While none of the above is explicitly canon, it's still important to note. He also briefly appears in the front row of the Kirby Master video, which you get when you 100% the game.
While Shadow Dedede makes his first appearance in the game, the two characters interact, and have no interactions in the future.
Shadow Kirby makes a brief appearance in Kirby Star Allies. In one graphic with DMK in Heroes in Another Dimension, and in the background of the Jambastion. He flies up close but distant from Kirby, and then flies off.
Originally, Shadow Kirby was planned to be a Star Ally. However a 'One character per main series title' rule was implemented, and Dark Meta Knight was chosen to be in the game over Shadow Kirby.
Also Zan swore at him on twitter.com canonically but it wasn't for any reason specific to him really.
Shadow Kirby appears again in this, and for once we have actual text about him. What a novelty!
In the Story Mode he appears three times, and has a stage exclusive to him which uses Taranza's theme. Importantly, every single boss before is always with a buddy. Kirby himself always also has a buddy (whether that be himself or someone else).
However Shadow Kirby, unlike everyone else, fights entirely alone. In the single-handed mode he also fights alone.
Due to Shadow Kirby not being able to mimic some characters exactly (Gooey, BWD, Magolor, etc) he copies the next best thing. (Whip, Staff, and Beam)
He has the same strange color palette seen in Kirby Triple Deluxe, however it is explicitly stated to be Shadow Kirby, and that he is from the mirror world, in the flavor text.
Here is all of the flavor text. Pre-battle tips:
Story mode, first fight: Shadow Kirby Appears "A naughty shadow has appeared. You suspect it was born from the mirror version of Kirby's innocent soul!"
Story mode, second fight: Another Shadow Encounter "Once again, you cross paths with the one who lurks in Kirby's shade! Send that naughty shadow packing!"
Story mode, third fight: Max Power Shadow Kirby"A third encounter with Kirby's shadow?! Its power is off the charts, but you can still win with your buddy's help!"
Single-Handed battle mode (regardless of difficulty): Kirby's Shadow "This naughty shadow can appear anywhere, anytime. After a long absence, it has shown up again to join the battle tournament!"
Pause Descriptions:
Story mode, first fight: "This naughty shadow was said to have been born from the mirror reflecting Kirby's innocently pure soul. He has all the power of the real Kirby and uses his mirror-copying technique to thwart you!"
Story mode, second fight: "Kirby's shadow is back for more! This stubby gray ball seems to think he's pulling a little prank, but he's way too powerful for that!"
Story mode, third fight: "The mightiest Shadow Kirby yet is back for another round! His devastating power suggests he is a guardian of the Mirror World, found far beyond the sky."
Single-Handed battle mode (regardless of difficulty): "Like Kirby's own shade, Shadow Kirby appears out of nowhere and vanishes again. This naughty shadow rejoins the battle after a long absence! Difficult though it may be, you must defeat this copycat!"
Vague random information:
In most of the artwork he appears in, Shadow Kirby takes on his Triple Deluxe/KF2 appearance, and is floating or flying on his warp star with a parasol. He is in the background of all of these pictures.
In his main plush, he is made out of tweed and has a basic Kirby face. (Blue eyes, red open mouth). This is the only time his eyes are shown as blue. In the smaller keychain plushes, he has light gray eyes and his mouth is closed. In the rest of the art for his merchandise, he is shaded with a light purple.
Between Kirby Triple Deluxe and KF2, the weird 'nebula' design was made to be less purple.
In a Dedede Directory showing off some of KF2, pictures of Shadow Kirby in every game he's appeared in are shown together. Further confirming these are all the same person. A translation of this directory is as follows: "Kirby! You again... hm? Oh, this is "Shadow Kirby"! This guy's a resident of the Mirror Land who appeared in Amazing Mirror - he loves to play pranks and is always running around when he shows up. He can use Copy Abilities, and in the new game Kirby Fighters 2, he'll challenge Kirby with the same ability as him! Well, too bad! The one to defeat him will be me!"
In KF2, Shadow Kirby will also copy the exact kind of hat Kirby is wearing. (Since some hats have customizable options). In multiple games (Squeak Squad, Kirby Fighters Deluxe, and Dream buffet) you can change Kirby's appearance to look like Shadow Kirby.
ok i said i wouldn't bring up the manga but I will bring up the one light novel I read. In the KF2 light novel Shadow Kirby gives Kirby a hat to fight him, and doesn't speak. This somewhat contradicts with some of his pause descriptions. Also, he is not invited to fight in the buddy tower, he just shows up and Meta Knight/King Dedede are surprised when he does.
Here is the very controversial section on what is absolutely canon about Shadow Kirby. All of this is based on what I’ve said within this post, and you can confirm it all on Wikirby or the fandom Wiki.
He is not explicitly good or evil, but wants to protect the Mirror World from threats. Making him the guardian of the mirror world.
He is a prankster, and is described as naughty.
He is inactive in KATAM and KSA for unknown reasons.
He willingly enters the battle tournament in KF2, and (according to the narrator) seems to view his fight with Kirby and his buddy as a prank.
He has "All the power of the real Kirby."
The Shadow Kirby in KF2, KATAM, Star Allies, and Triple Deluxe are all the same person.
so in conclusion: shadow kirby peace and love. Also don’t trust Wikirby or the fandom wiki entirely for him since whoever wrote the original stuff was biased and injected some of their own interpretations into stuff while stating it as canon.
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