#keys and coins [ reblogs ]
hephaestuscrew · 1 year
Who says the episode title phrases in each episode of Wolf 359?
I've created a spreadsheet to show which character says the episode title phrase (i.e. the words which form the name of that particular episode) in every episode of Wolf 359. Graphs summarising this data can be found below, but to look at the full spreadsheet in all its glory, and see the progression through the series, you can follow this link: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1cQLkhxbDAItU6rdiUAYGn54FXXxYC-JXlCmP_Dqe9FA/
(Please note: I’ve focused here on which character first speaks the exact title phrase within the episode itself. In some cases, this is not the only - or the most significant - time that the title phrase is spoken.)
EDIT: This post previously stated incorrectly that "the devil's plaything" is not said in Ep57. In fact, it is said by Pryce (through Minkowski). Thank you to @yaghoulghosty for pointing this out!
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Season breakdown graphs below the cut...
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canniboyi · 4 months
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Jirai Kei Achillean : a flag for those who are Achillean and feel connected to the fashion style Jirai Kei or are Achillean and Jirai Kei
Coined by Moe ノ @canniboyi
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ALT version
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The gentle sound of rain hitting softly against the windows could be heard throughout the whole hotel. It's oddly calming to those who have never been this place before. A blue light illuminating from under a door would catch anyone's attention, as a gentle voice could be heard by your side.
Greetings, Dear Travelers. Do not fear, I am not an enemy. I am here to help you.
Fellow my lead, won't you?
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The Guiding Light from the Roblox Game "DOORS"
Semi-Selective & Semi-Literate | Crossover/Fandom, OC and Duplicates friendly.
DNI : Proshippers, Pedos/MAPs, Anti-LGBTQ+, NSFW/Porn Blogs, and people of this type.
Rules :
No NSFW, Suggestive is fine, but still.
Please leave conflict out of this place. Major/More Serious topics are to be treated carefully and most likely be ignored. This is not a therapy section.
If you wish to rp, please do so by reblogging. It gets a bit claustrophobic having to continue by ask only.
Anon hate will be ignored.
I have every right to ignore asks if it makes me uncomfortable.
More may be added.
Other then that, go nuts.
Main/Mun : @fandomandangstlover , call me by Engie.
About Guiding Light :
Feel free to call them by whatever pronouns you like.
Mostly Headcannon based.
Give whatever nicknames you wish to them. So long they're appropriate.
Not interested in any romantic relationships.
The Guiding Light is a fused group of people who have gotten lost and are trapped within the hotel's walls. They only wish to guide travelers on their journey, and to protect them.
Some people that's apart of the Light can separate to help aid the Light in helping the Travelers (Players).
More may be added.
You may now Ask the Light whatever it is that you wish, or ask for advice about the Entities or about the Hotel.
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sweet-as-an-angel · 7 months
A Gift for Simon
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Warnings: No Thoughts – Only Fluff, No Pronouns Used For Reader Except ‘You’.
Imagine you go up to Simon and you present him with an Altoid tin wallet. “I remember you saying your wallet broke the other day, so I thought maybe you could use this one until you got a new one :-).”
And you pass him a tiny little tin that, initially, leaves Simon both curious and confused. When he opens it, however, his breath catches in his throat, his heart stutters.
It’s perfectly furnished inside, tailored to his exact tastes based on morsels of information you’ve either discovered by accident or Simon has told you. You’ve made a little velvet pocket in the lid, the material Simon’s favourite colour, “So you can put your emergency money in there. I always put my coins in mine in case I need to get the bus home or buy some milk,” you tell him.
The idea of you doing something so domestic and, in some vein, humble, only endears you more to Simon. He should be taking you places; you shouldn’t be using your own money when you have him.
He says none of this, of course.
The other half is decorated with a quote cut out from his favourite book, stuck behind a fresh tube of chapstick and an elasticated hoop for him to put his house key in.
He wonders if you know his lips are chapped, whether you’ve looked at them as often as he finds himself watching yours whenever you accost him, privilege him with your time.
Regardless of how close the two of you are, whether you’re just acquainted neighbours or the closest of lovers, all Simon wants to do is wrap his arms around you and hold you as tight as you’ll allow. He wants to keep you all to himself, keep your kindness all for him, selfish in his endeavour to hide it from everyone else.
He knows it will be his undoing — this act of generosity you have bestowed unto him. But he can’t bring himself to fault it, even down to the idea that perhaps you expect something back from him. He’ll gladly give you anything you want if only you ask.
But you didn’t. You just smiled, bade him goodbye, and left to go about your day.
Not that you’d notice, but Simon held off on getting a new wallet for some time after that. Whenever you asked him, he’d tell you it slipped his mind, that the wallet you gave him is doing a good job anyway. Why put all the time you spent on it to waste, he thinks. And one day, he hopes he can say it, tell you to your face how his heart flurries, stutters whenever his fingers brush over that tiny tin wallet, whenever he holds it, Thumbelina in his behemoth hands. He feels your fingers there, painstaking piecing together a dream into this physical form, gossamer in its beauty, perishable in its disposition. Warm, warmth like he’s never known, and care. It’s visceral, palpable, and Simon holds it in his hand and never lets go. Not so long as he has breath in his body.
Reblog for more content like this! It helps creators like myself tremendously and it is greatly appreciated :-)
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hotvintagepoll · 4 months
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Ingrid Bergman (Gaslight, Casablanca, Notorious)—A lot of the time hotness in a movie is just about words and framing. "You're the most beautiful person here" [vaseline lens] well I sure hope so because that's who you cast. But when, in Casablanca, they call Ingrid Bergman the most beautiful woman in the world... they were not fucking lying. And such a dynamite actor too!! I'd only seen Casablanca up until last year, and there she's confined to love interest. But in Gaslight she was maybe one of the most incredible actors I've ever seen!!!! Goddddd shes so fucking hot and cool.
Lauren Bacall (To Have and Have Not, The Big Sleep, Key Largo)—"Just put your lips together...and blow" excuse me ma'am i'm briefly going to turn into a kettle. She's the quintessential Femme Fatale who may betray me in the end but I'd let her it'd be worth it
This is round 6 of the tournament. All other polls in this bracket can be found here. Please reblog with further support of your beloved hot sexy vintage woman.
[additional propaganda submitted under the cut.]
Ingrid Bergman:
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God, she's fantastic. She's both beautiful and a compelling actor who's more than capable of putting the whole movie on her shoulders if necessary. It's worth noting that while her beauty is conventional, she was seen as refreshingly "natural" with more eyebrows and less makeup than many other leading ladies of the time. She's well known for her role in Casablanca, but in Notorious, Spellbound, (both available on archive.org ) and Gaslight (1944) she shows how immensely capable she is.
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I mean...she's Ingrid Bergman. I feel like that should be enough, you know? She's physically beautiful (her eyes!) but watching her is like a transcendent experience. Her voice, her expressions... beautiful woman, beautiful actor.
I'm a gay man but even I understand her appeal. I'll watch any movie she shows up in. Gorgeous woman.
Just try and watch her movies without sighing wistfully, then get back to me!
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Choosing 1-3 movies where Bergman was at her hottest was agony because, of course, she was always at her hottest. Not just because she was beautiful but because she was absolutely willing to go up against the bs women in Hollywood were constantly dealing with. When exiled from Hollywood for having an affair with Roberto Rossellini, not only did she refuse to apologize at any point, but she went on to say that Hollywood's films had grown stagnant and boring to her. Though she said she appreciated her time working there, she wanted to try new, different techniques (hence starring in Italian neorealist films, working on stage, and acting under directors like Ingmar Bergman). She was not afraid to chase after her artistic ideals and go outside the box regardless of what society had to say about it. From her first movie to her last she killed it. There's so much more to say about Bergman's career and life, but I've already written five million words so I'll stop at that.
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One of the most incredible actors I've ever seen on film. Her facial expressions are so intricate and poignant that I cannot look away. I'm either ace or straight, but damn she made me question that.
SEVEN TIME OSCAR NOMINEE QUEEN. Girl also PULLED, having affairs with famously hot men Gary Cooper and Gregory Peck IN ADDITION to her three marriages...sexy
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She has a very natural beauty to her, and she's from Sweden!
She left Hollywood and only became more beautiful. You could drown in her eyes. She can look innocent AND like she's seen it all. She is effortlessly elegant. She's played Joan of Arc (automatically hot) AND was in the movie that coined gaslight as a term. And where would we be without that!
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She was known for being a breath of fresh air on the movie scene at the time with her windswept hair, dreamy smile and soulful eyes. I have loved her in every movie I have seen her in - she was just magnetic!
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Where do I even start. There's a neighborly quality to this beautiful, talented actress that makes her hotness one of a kind and her looks impossible to forget
With a career spanning five decades, Bergman is often regarded as one of the most influential screen figures in cinematic history. Known for her naturally luminous beauty, Bergman spoke five languages – Swedish, English, German, Italian and French – and acted in each.
She's hot, don't get me wrong, but I've always found her very approachable, like she could easily be a member of my friend group
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Where do I even begin with Ingrid Bergman? I fell in love with her with her astounding performance in the 1956 version of Anastasia -- the best Anastasia movie in large part due to her wonderful and touching performance. She's got this amazing, fascinating intensity to her in whatever role she's in. She commits 100%, and she's got this light in whatever she's in that's stunning. She's utterly convincing no matter what she plays, from an amnesiac possible lost princess, from a nun, from a woman taking her revenge on the town that wronged her, to light romantic comedy. She's never missed in any role I've seen her in! Also she became quite the MILF.
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Lauren Bacall:
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"She is soooo neat. And hot. And everything. That one scene in To Have and Have Not where she says "you know how to whistle don't you? You just put your lips together and blow" altered my brain chemistry during media archaeology class and here we are."
"The VOICE, the SLINK, the EYES. Woof."
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"Lauren Bacall was a major lesbian awakening for me. Every picture of her makes it look like she’s about to destroy you physically and emotionally (why is that so hot, I may need help). She had incredible long running chemistry with her husband, Humphrey Bogart, but was an absolute star in her own right. I’ll never be over my crush on her."
"She's got that confident, no-nonsense air about her. She's a boss babe who knows what she wants and gets it DONE. Staunch liberal Democrat her whole life. Campaigned for RFK. From Wikipedia: "In a 2005 interview with Larry King, Bacall described herself as "anti-Republican... A liberal. The L-word". She added that "being a liberal is the best thing on Earth you can be. You are welcoming to everyone when you're a liberal. You do not have a small mind."" Beautiful hair. Beautiful eyes. Beautiful lips. She's just beauty. LISTEN TO HER VOICE. TELL ME THAT'S NOT THE STUFF THAT DREAMS ARE MADE OF."
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804 notes · View notes
megamindsecretlair · 1 month
Hypnotized By You
Pairing: Husband!Mother's Milk x Wife!Black!Fem!reader/plus size reader
Warnings: 18+ only. MINORS DNI. You are in charge of your own reading experience. Daddy dom Mother's Milk, Cursing, PIV, SMUT, FLUFF, fingering (fem receiving), oral (male receiving), D/s elements, Sorry if I missed others. Season 1 MM, no spoilers for the show.
Summary: Marvin had an incredibly tough day, running behind Butcher and making sure they survived the night. When he gets home, you know exactly what he needs to release that pent up anxiety and adrenaline. You take care of him as well as he’s always taken care of you.
AO3 Link
Word count: 3,511k
A/N: I swear, I'm always getting in trouble while zooted because of @planetblaque! Everybody say thank you lol. Toss a coin to your blogger by leaving a comment, reblog, or unhinged ask.
Taglist: @planetblaque @chaos-4baby @00aijia00 @amethyst09 @ciaqui @we-outsiiiide @browngirldominion @iv0rysoap @thecookiebratz @harmshake @judymfmoody @multiversefanfics @tvchi @twocentuar @soft-persephone
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You sat on the couch and rubbed lotion into your aching feet. You had been committed to relaxing all week, but you never could until Marvin came home. Lately, he was staying out later and later with that Butcher character. 
Marvin didn’t keep secrets from you. You knew exactly the kind of man you married. Your past wasn’t all sunshine and roses either. You didn’t have it in you to judge Marvin for any of it. At the end of the day, he was a hero in your eyes. 
You watched your Lifetime movies, the red throw blanket slipping from your shoulders as you bent over and dug into the arch of your heel with your thumb. You moaned softly, digging in deep. 
The sound of keys in the door tore your attention behind you. Marvin walked through the door, took off his shoes, and then closed the door with a quiet huff. He locked the door, placing his hand on the back of it and leaning against it for a moment. 
The wide expanse of his back moved and shifted beneath his dirty white T-shirt. Gold flashed across his neck. He pushed away from the door, rubbing the back of his neck, and stepped further into the house. 
“Hey baby,” you called out. 
Marvin huffed, barely a smile on his lips. He changed course, heading away from the stairs and into the living room instead. His feet padded softly on the plush brown carpet. He stopped beside you, leaning down to kiss your forehead.
All the stress and worry from earlier evaporated from that small act. His kiss sent waves of relief cascading down your body, all the way to your toes. You wished you could bottle that feeling and give it to him ten fold. 
Now that he was up close, your baby looked rough. His face was drawn, sad, corners of his mouth pulled down in a half grimace, half frown. Marvin caressed your face, running his thumb across your cheek before giving you another kiss on your forehead.
“What’s the matter, baby?” You asked.
Marvin shook his head. He looked away, looking down at the carpet. You grabbed his hand and squeezed, trying to duck your head to look him in the eye again. Marvin shook his head again, finally bringing his eyes up.
“Not right now, baby,” he said.
You tilted your head at him. Must’ve been really bad then. You stood up and let the throw blanket fall off of your shoulders completely. Cold air immediately hit your exposed skin in your dusty rose sleep short set. 
You lead Marvin by the hand up to your bedroom. You didn’t turn on the hall light, leading him by feel and not by sight to the bed you shared. You only let go of him long enough to close the door and lock it. Your daughter didn’t need to hear you busting it down. 
“Baby, you don’t–,” he said.
“Shh, shh, you just worry about feeling good,” you cooed to him. 
His silhouette was about all you could see, as faint moonlight shone through the curtains and into the room. It had the added benefit of being at the back of the house, where all was quiet and sounds from outside were muffled. With the windows closed, there wasn’t even the sound of crickets.
Your core heated up as you thought about what was about to come next. You dropped to your knees in front of Marvin, pulling at his belt buckle and zipper. Marvin groaned and sighed before he grabbed your hands.
“At least let me shower first,” he said.
“No,” you said, firmly and sharply. You nipped at his hands and he chuckled, releasing your fingers so you could push his jeans down. 
“Oh okay, you hungry, baby? You missin’ this dick?” Marvin asked. 
Your answer was a grunt, pulling his jeans past his thick hips and thighs. His dick sprang free. You felt the heat of it on your face. You leaned in, inhaling his inherent manly scent. You moaned, rubbing your nose into his balls. 
You couldn’t resist. Your tongue flicked out to lick between his balls. He groaned, hands flying to your bonnet and grabbing hold. “Don’t tease tonight. Suck that shit down,” he moaned.
You sighed. It was that kind of night. You opened your mouth and swallowed his dick down. His hot, thick length grazed across your tongue. The tip of his dick went a little too deep, making you gag a bit. 
Marvin moaned, low and deep in the back of his throat. “Just like that,” he encouraged. 
You released him, pulling your head back just to slide him back in. You drooled the more you did this, slobber coating his length and making it easier for him to slide down your throat. His grip tightened around your head, pushing you down quicker on his dick. 
“This mouth is perfect. Perfect. Open up wider, get more of me down there,” he groaned. 
You moaned, trying to tell him without words that you couldn’t. He couldn’t get any deeper. You used your hands to grab his base, stroking where your mouth couldn’t reach. Precum leaked from his tip, the taste of Marvin’s desire making you shiver.
It was quiet in the room, so every slurp was amplified. Every moan was like screaming in your ear. Every sigh and groan from Marvin shot arrows of pleasure to your pussy, making you turn gooey and dripping for him. 
Marvin pushed you further, his tip brushing against the inside of your cheek. You cried, scooting closer on your knees. You removed one of your hands from his shaft and placed it on his thigh for balance. Your nails scraped against his jeans, creating a neat little sound. 
“I wish I could see that nasty mouth sucking me down, baby. Need to see your eyes looking up at me. Hmm, need to see you cry on it,” he moaned. He hand slipped down your silk camisole, fingers searching for your nipples. When he found your left nipple, he squeezed.
You hissed. You were close to your cycle, your titties sensitive as hell at the moment. And he knew that. He knew your nipples became unbearable during this time, knew that twisting them was like an express train to your pussy. Each rub and tug was like the train’s whistle. You clenched around nothing, painfully, as he teased your nipples mercilessly.
You did cry, pussy throbbing in your panties. You were so tempted to slip your hand down there. Relieve some of the tension. Some of the ache. Some of the driving need to be filled up. 
Your eyes turned watery as you blink up at him. You swore that you could see him in the darkness. Could see the way his mouth would be twisted up, teeth sunk into his bottom lip, his chest heaving with his breaths. 
Drool dripped down your chin as Marvin finally slowed down. You cried, scooting closer but Marvin’s hands on your head prevented you from getting closer. He slowly pulled out of you, you licked the underside of his dick, and he gasped at the sensation. 
“That pussy wet for me?” He asked. 
You nodded against his dick. “Yes, Daddy,” you said. 
“Get on that bed and spread your legs. I think Daddy needs to check,” he said. 
The back of your thighs tingled as you eagerly stood up. Your legs had begun to fall asleep by putting your weight on it as you knelt before him. You shook them out, shook some of the nerves and anticipation from your limbs. 
You knew that your husband had disappeared into some secret, hidden space inside of him. A space where he needed to be in control. Needed to seek precisely what he wanted, nothing more or less. 
You bent over your bed, arms tucked against your sides. Marvin stalked closer, running his hands across your ass. You gasped, body on fire where he touched. Your shorts were tiny, so he had no issue pushing it to the side. He pushed his thumb against your panties, pushing the fabric into your pussy. You whimpered, knees bending.
“Stand up,” he growled. 
You popped your ass back up, whimpering louder. This was so unfair. His thumb felt too good but it wasn’t enough. A fire was burning in your thighs. You shook all over. Shook from the cold air still pumping through the vents. Shook from Marvin’s big frame against your back. Shook from the darkness and intrigue of fucking like this in the dark. Something nasty and primal, something deep between you and your husband. 
 Marvin placed a hand on your lower back, pushing you into the bed while he dug his thumb in harder. You cried out, rubbing your ass against his groin. He groaned, humping your ass while he continued to push and push, and rub.
You cried out, “Oh!” 
Marvin groaned, rubbing furiously at your pussy until you were making a neat puddle in your panties. Shit. There went another pair ruined. You could hear how much of a dripping mess you were. 
“M-Marvin…” you said, sounding a little nervous. You needed more but hell, could you handle more? Could you handle having his fingers on you, in you, fucking you, and driving you to new heights of pleasure? 
“Daddy’s not done, sweetheart,” he said. 
You hissed as Marvin teased and teased at your clit, rubbing with a tiny piece of fabric covering your pussy. Marvin was still hard behind you, dick lightly slapping against your ass. 
“Please, baby. Please, I want some dick,” you whimpered.
Marvin chuckled, almost evilly, as he leaned down over your back. He nudged your camisole up with his nose, exposing inches of skin on your back. He took a big bite, clamping down hard enough to sting. You jerked forward, Marvin following your movement. He licked away the sting and you whimpered, flooding your panties.
“Aww, you want some dick? I’m not done with my inspection. You wouldn’t keep a hard working man from doing his job, would you?” He asked. 
His voice was so deep, so raspy, so filthy in the dark. You focused on it, let it wrap around your body like the finest blanket. “But baby,” you moaned.
Marvin’s fingers stopped rubbing you long enough to smack across your ass. The sting was white hot against your cheek, the sound preceding the pain. You gasped and then breathed through the pain, breathed through the bloom of pleasure in your pussy. 
“Don’t ‘but baby’ me, you know better,” he said. 
Your fingers clutched the covers in a death grip. He was killing you. Breaking you down molecule by molecule and he hadn’t even fucked you yet. You bit the covers, growling to help give you a different way to release that energy. 
“You gonna behave?” He asked.
He waited all of a second before grabbing your short, gathering it into one hand, exposing the swells of your ass cheeks. He spanked your ass again, skin to skin. You jumped with a squeak and then cried. But the more he placed strategic, hard slaps to your ass, the wetter you became. Your ass was rising up to meet his strikes, moaning as he found new spots to light up. 
“I’ll behave,” you sighed, voice too weak to say it more clearly. If you didn’t get fucked right this second, you were going to chew through the bed. You needed his dick right now.
Marvin smoothed his hands over your flaming ass. You jerked, ass too sensitive. Marvin sighed as he yanked your shorts and panties down, low enough to trap your legs. He gripped your ass and then lined himself up, his tip at your entrance. 
“Fuck, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes,” you chanted over and over. 
He eased himself in, your wet pussy helping to accommodate someone of his size. The foreplay was necessary, needed to help guide himself inside. He groaned, low and deep as he sank further in.
When he couldn’t go any further, he stopped for a moment and panted. “What’s your color, baby?” He huffed.
You took deep, measured breaths. Your eyes were currently crossed, trying to think past the delicious feeling of being full. Stuffed. “Y-Yellow,” you moaned. 
Marvin moved his hands to your hips, meaty hands digging in for purchase. “You know what to say to get Daddy to stop right?” He asked.
“Yes, Daddy,” you moaned. Your mind was gone, focusing completely on his voice. You closed your eyes and gave yourself over to the pleasure. Your ass was still on fire and he made it worse by rubbing his rough jeans across your ass. The zipper teased your thigh, making you tingle and want to laugh at the same time.
No other words were needed. Marvin pulled all the way out of you and then started fucking you like you stole something from him. Like you were just a thief and he was going to fuck his way to retrieving his property. 
His dick rammed inside of you, relentless. He was a powerful machine, jackhammering. His grunts grew more frequent, moans escaping him in short, quick breaths. His gold chain clinked against his chest, thumped with the power of his strokes. 
You grunted, not enough air in your lungs to release a proper moan. Your fingers ached from holding onto the covers too tightly. He gripped your hips tighter, pulled you onto his dick without mercy. Without stopping. 
Your ass slapped against his thighs, sounded like gunshots. He fucked you so hard, your titties were heaving beneath you. “Oh sh-, sh-,” you cried.
Your belly was getting tighter, pussy squeezing around his big dick. Your limbs turned liquid, melting, drowning, slipping into a rough orgasm. You groaned loud, shaking, cries wobbling in the air. 
“Fuuuuck,” Marvin moaned, ramming into you one last time while your orgasm triggered his. His hot, sticky cum filled your pussy. He jerked and twitched, grunting, pushing further and deeper in as if he could fuck his cum deeper. 
When the last possible drop of cum leaked from Marvin, he stopped moving and huffed and panted behind you. His hands were glued to your hips. You had a slight burn on your thighs from his jeans that dug into your skin. 
Marvin’s sighs were deep and soul cleansing. It felt like all of the stress and negative energy that tore him up when he walked in, immediately left his body as he collapsed on top of you. You hummed, enjoying the heavy weight of him on your back. It was one of the only times that he let himself drop like this.
He softened inside of you and he slowly worked himself out. He didn’t speak as he stepped back, stumbling a bit. You didn’t say anything, didn’t want to ruin his climb back to consciousness. 
“Fuck,” he said. That one word was a plea, sigh, prayer, and expletive all at once. He gently released his hold on your hips and then rubbed the spot where he held on. He placed soft kisses to your back, arms, and ass. 
You whimpered and sighed. His cum leaked out of you, dripping down your pussy lips and down your legs. Your legs shook, that same type of bliss flooding your system as well. 
Marvin flipped you over onto your back. You whimpered. Fuck, you were sore and achy all over. But you also never felt more amazing. More alive. Fuck, you missed your husband. Missed this. 
Marvin rubbed you down, finally removing your shorts and pants completely. He did the same to your camisole, leaving you completely naked. He stripped out of his own clothes. You missed the heat of his body.
A rush of air fell across your damp chest. Naked as well, Marvin returned to rubbing feeling into your body. He helped you climb onto the bed so that you weren’t awkwardly bending off of it. He scooted between your legs, kissing your chest, breasts, stomach, jaw, neck, and lips.
You sighed against his lush lips, tongues dancing and learning each other. “Sorry, baby,” he said. “I’m sorry,” he said.
“Shh, shh,” you cooed and kissed him back. Your poor man. His anxiety was only outmatched by his guilt. Not for fucking you like that. But because he didn’t want to hurt you. Didn’t want to cause you pain. Silly man. 
Didn’t he realize that you loved him? That he was your sun in the morning and moon at night? That you would proudly accept everything he gave you? That you would always be his personal stress relief toy, free to use whenever he needed? 
“Thank you, baby, thank you. You’re so beautiful. You’re so amazing. I love you so fucking much,” he whispered against your skin, kissing each word deep into your body. 
“I love you, baby,” you said. 
Marvin’s dick throbbed against your leg. You moaned, gyrating your hips against him. “Please, baby, more,” you sighed against his kisses. 
You wanted nothing more than to kiss him for eternity. To kiss away every worry he had, every thought that caused him pain, every flying nag of anxiety. But you were always hungry for more Marvin. Hungry for his thick muscles, broad shoulders, and big waist. Hungry for the way you felt protected and cherished in his grasp after doing something so incredibly nasty. 
Marvin kissed down to your chest, tongue flicking across your sensitive nipples. You hissed, hands flying around his shoulders and holding him closer to you. Marvin stepped forward, grabbing his dick and sliding it back in you.
Your mouth dropped open at the sheer fullness of his dick. Your nails scratched at his back, scratched at his scalp, as he alternated sucking on your titties. He pulled out slowly and then pushed in, fucking you slowly and tenderly.
“Marvin,” you moaned.
“Say it again,” he commanded.
“Marvin, fuck!” You moaned.
Marvin groaned, digging into your guts. You could feel his tip kissing your cervix. Your pussy made wet, squelching, lewd noises as he fucked into you once more. He groaned against your titties, fanning warm breath across the saliva he left on your nipples. 
“Your pussy is my favorite place to be. All I wanna do is come home to this. Come home to your pussy, squeezing my dick,” he moaned against your skin.
“Marvin, please,” you sighed. He had to stop. Had to stop talking otherwise you were going to explode. Going to break down to your base atoms and never find your way back together again. 
“There’s times where I can’t breathe, but then I think about this. Think about being inside of you. Fucking you. Using you. Ruining you. And I find the strength to keep going.”
Your orgasm was intense but easier to withstand. Like the powerful swell of a wave rushing over your body. You cried and whimpered his name, tears in your eyes from the dichotomy of Marvin. The way he pushed and pulled. Took and gave. Sweet and savory. 
“Marvin, please, come with me,” you whispered.
“I’m cumming for you, baby. I love you,” he said. He leaned up and kissed you, wet lips slanting over yours. His beard tickled your chin. 
“I love you,” you moaned.
He increased his strokes, digging you out. “I love you,” he whispered.
“I love you,” you whispered. 
Marvin moaned, gasping as he released himself inside of you, pushing thick ropes of cum inside of you once more. You were a ruined mess, crying at the feeling of his throbbing dick. 
He grunted when he finished, working himself out once more. You yawned and shivered as he left, turning on the light in the bathroom. The harsh light burned your eyes a bit, but you blinked through the tears to get a good look at Marvin’s figure.
He was so thick in all the right ways. Gorgeous ass. Massive thighs. His dick swung heavy between his legs as he walked further into the bathroom to run a bath. You heard the water and sounds of him moving around.
You must have dozed for a second because Marvin was gently waking you up, telling you to hop in the bath. 
“Join me?” You asked sleepily.
Marvin chuckled. “Let me shower first, babygirl,” he said.
“Okay,” you mumbled. You sat in the water, sighed as the warm water eased aches and pains in your muscles and pussy. Marvin got into the shower across from the tub. You watched as he scrubbed himself clean, cleaning with a vigor that belied his racing thoughts. 
Clean, he slipped in behind you in the tub and helped clean you up. The quiet rumble of his hums were like melatonin. He played with your pussy in the water, sliding his thick fingers into you until you were cumming once more, cries echoing off of the subway tile on the walls. You weren’t quite sure what happened after that. You smooth passed out in Marvin’s loving, tender care.
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There will be more! The Secret Mother's Milk Files
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astarion-approves · 1 year
Astarion & Tav taking a bath together? Something gentle and intimate but non-sexual? ♥️
Astarion x Gender Neutral Reader (Tav)
Tag: 1.6k+ words, SFW, Fluff, Tooth-Rotting Fluff, Developing Relationship, Friends to Lovers, Confessions, Bathing/Washing, bathhouse, No Smut, Drabble, Short & Sweet
“I had no idea that there even was a bathhouse in Baldur’s Gate.” Tav mumbles as they followed behind Astarion, leaving their camp behind in search of a place for a fresh bath. They both carried their own bags, Tav carrying a change of clothes and a bar of soap. Looking at Astarion’s bag, it looked much heavier.
Astarion glanced back to Tav with a boyish grin. “There’s more than one, of course. I wouldn’t be caught dead in any of the free ones though. No, for us, we’re going to take a bath in luxury.”
Read below or on Ao3
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“I had no idea that there even was a bathhouse in Baldur’s Gate.” Tav mumbles as they followed behind Astarion, leaving their camp behind in search of a place for a fresh bath. They both carried their own bags, Tav carrying a change of clothes and a bar of soap. Looking at Astarion’s bag, it looked much heavier. 
Astarion glanced back to Tav with a boyish grin. “There’s more than one, of course. I wouldn’t be caught dead in any of the free ones though. No, for us, we’re going to take a bath in luxury.” 
“Luxury…,” Tav said with a wince. “How much is this going to cost me?” 
“Don’t worry your pretty little head. It’s on me.” 
“Wow, Astarion, it’s almost like a date.” 
“Hah!” Astarion barked a laugh. “You wish.” 
The bathhouse was huge, the outside painted a bright, flawless white with an emerald trim accenting the pillars and fencing that surrounded it. Two large gold doors signified the entrance, the level of elegance screamed ‘high class.’ 
Once inside, Astarion strode ahead, already reaching for his coin bag and requesting a private room for himself and Tav to share. Tav watched as the woman working the front desk counted the coin, a ridiculous total of 75 coins for a single bath. 
With a room key in hand, Astarion clicked his tongue for Tav to follow, apparently not even phased by the amount of coin he willingly spent for the night. This is the same man who haggled over the cost a black dye with a child two months ago. 
Tav supposed it was fine to splurge every once in a while, but they couldn’t justify this. “I could have split the cost with you,” Tav said. 
Astarion fiddled with the key, inserting it into their room and twisting his wrist to open it. “Nonsense. Besides, part of the reason I brought you here is to protect me while my head's under water.” 
“Right…” Tav nodded. Something that Astarion had admitted months ago.. nearly a year now. During a night of passion, their lips locked together in a heated embrace. But it didn’t feel right. The shock in Astarion’s eyes when they pulled away still pains them. Instead of moving forward and having one another… they talked. They’ve been close friends ever since, giving Astarion the freedom to be open with his fears, to admit why he attempted to seduce Tav in the first place. 
And even now, as Astarion stripped down to nothing, Tav smiled knowing that he felt safe with them. 
The room wasn’t massive, but still larger than any shower room Tav had ever seen. The walls were painted into a beautiful scene, one to trick your mind into thinking you were bathing in nature, surrounded by trees and a waterfall nearby. Tav swore they even saw the leaves move as a subtle breeze rolled through them and through the room.
There was a single shower and a very very large bath. Steam filled the room, the bath already filled to the brim with hot water, which flowed over the sides and into the drains on the floor beside it. 
Tav sighed happily as they undressed along with Astarion and stepped up to where the shower waited for them. The floor was hot beneath their feet. The air, although steamy, felt as refreshing as standing at the top of a mountain. 
Astarion began unpacking his bag, removing item after item and placing it beside the shower. 
After six different items were removed Tav just had to ask, “Wait, just how many products do you use for your hair?” 
“Products?” Astarion put his hands on his hips and shook his head. “Tav, these are just shampoos, conditioners, hair masks, oil, and a hydrating leave in gloss… do you not take these steps with your hair?” 
Tav runs their hand through their hair, shrugging. “No?” 
“What? Gods, you’re an absolute savage. Come here.” Astarion grabbed a large bucket that was resting off on the side, turning it upside down and making a temporary chair. “Sit.” 
“I can wash my own hair—“
“Sit, Tav. I won’t say it again.” 
Tav knew better than to argue and, with a sigh, they plopped down onto the bucket. Soon after, Astarion was turning on the water. It was hot and relaxing, pouring down the top of their head and running down their body. 
“Okay,” Tav whispered. “I understand the luxury bath now.” 
“Oh, darling. We’re just getting started.” 
Astarion poured shampoo into his hands, rubbing his palms together before sliding them into Tav’s hair. 
“Oh—“ Tav gasped, their head falling back and into Astarion’s chest. 
He chuckled, his finger’s massaging and scratching at their scalp as they worked the shampoo into their hair. “Do I dare ask how you’ve been washing your hair all this time?” 
“Cold water and a bar of soap.” 
“Like I said, an absolute savage. What ever would you do without me?” 
“Uh… Continue bathing with cold water and a bar of soap?”
Astarion tugged on their hair, laughing. “Smart ass.” 
Soon he was pushing their head back under the flow of water, rinsing out the shampoo and then continuing with the conditioner. 
Tav breathed in deeply, their eyes closing as they allowed Astarion to take care of them. And Astarion held them so gently, his finger’s threading through their hair, his nails pressing against their scalp and moving to the back of their neck. Each stroke sending shivers down Tav’s body as Astarion massaged the conditioner deep into their roots. 
“Feel good?” 
“Mh.” Tav hummed, shifting their head and resting the side of their face into his chest. 
“Ah, no falling asleep. Not yet. Rinse this out and jump in the bath.” Astarion pushed Tav forward, back into the water and let the conditioner wash out. 
“What about the other stuff?” Tav asked. They looked to the pile of other products, not wanting Astarion to stop yet. 
“Cute,” Astarion said with a small smile. “That comes after the bath. Now hurry up.”
Tav pouted as they stood, giving Astarion the space to sit down. “Do you want me to wash your hair—“
“Bahah! Absolutely not.” Astarion laughed and reached for his shampoo, one of many. “I have a very strict regiment.” 
Astarion sighed and looked back to Tav. “Maybe next time.” 
“There’s going to be a next time?” 
“By the Hells, Tav, just get in the damn bath.” 
Turning away from Astarion, Tav did as they were told. Hissing as their toe touched the water, it was even hotter than the shower. Soon they were sinking into it completely, moving to one edge of the bath where there was a bench under the water to sit and rest. They let their head lean back on the edge, their eyes closing as they allowed themselves to relax. 
They don’t know how much time passed before Astarion joined them in the water. The vampire sitting next to them and joking about how it looked like he was the one doing the protecting here. Tav simply reached for Astarion and pulled him into their arms, snuggling against him and pressing a single kiss to his shoulder. 
“Sleepy, are you?” Astarion slouched in the water, allowing Tav to cuddle him however he wanted, but he still felt a little stiff. “Looking for a cuddle?” 
Which they’ve never done before. Not since that night. 
Tav cracked open one eye, looking up and into Astarion’s deep blood red eyes that gazed back at them. “What are we?” 
Suddenly the tension in the room grew thick, Astarion saying nothing and only continuing to look back at Tav. 
Then he hummed, finally ripping his gaze from Tav. “Two friends, sitting in a bathtub, and they’re not in love.” 
“We’re not?” 
“Well..” Astrarion cleared his throat and continued, “I can’t speak for your lovely little self but—“ He paused, lifting a single hand from the water to cup Tav’s cheek. “Maybe I am? Honestly, Tav, I have no idea.
“We’ve been friends for so long… but I know that I would die for you. I wouldn’t die for the others. I would fight for them, but I wouldn’t die for them. And I miss you when you’re not around me. When you leave camp to go to Gods knows what— washing your hair with fucking sewer water—“
“—I use water from a lake.” 
“Or buying me avocados because I ask you too—“
“—What do you even use them for?” 
“My hair.” 
“Really? Avocados?” 
“Yes, it’s very good for your hair, Tav. Can I continue?” 
Tav laughed. “Sorry, yes.” 
“I don’t know what love is… For so many years, sex, lust.. any sprinkling of romance all ended in disaster… What I feel with you is different. It’s so much more than anything I’ve ever experienced, and we’ve never even fucked! It’s all so strange to me.” 
“You don’t have to have sex to be in love with someone, Astarion.” 
“Yes, I know that now, but… for the longest time— I didn’t. I want to explore this with you.” Astarion sat up, pulling Tav along with him. “Whatever this is.” He placed his hand against Tav’s chest, breathing in deeply and closing his eyes. “I want your heart to beat like this, only for me. I want to finally know what falling in love is truly like…With you.” 
Tav took Astation’s hand, gently pulling it away from their chest and bringing it to their lips, pressing a small kiss on the back of his knuckles. “I love you, exactly as you are, and I’ll never need anything else from you. We’ll take this as slow as you need to.” 
Astarion smiled, lowering his head and resting his forehead against Tav’s. “Thank you..” 
“Of course,” Tav replied and sank back into the hot water, taking Astarion into their arms once more. This time, Astarion let himself mold into their arms, closing his eyes, relaxing, and enjoying the protection and understanding that Tav offered. 
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alterhuman-resources · 9 months
↰ go back to the main master post
• What's "alterhuman"?
◯⃤Alterhuman is an umbrella term including any identity that derives from the standard human experience. Yes! this includes human identities!
◯⃤Not all alterhuman people identify as non human, some alterhuman people are human.
◯⃤The alterhuman symbol is the alt key : ⎇
◯⃤The original coining can be found here
☾⋆⁺₊✧ " Alterhuman is a term that refers to someone who does not fit the traditional standard of what is considered human, and/or does not identify as human. " ☾⋆⁺₊✧
[by lgbtqia.wiki, 28/12/23, sourced from alt-h.net]
• Identities & other terms
A few identities under the alterhuman umbrella are, but are not limited to :
Constellic || Daemians & Daemons || Dragons || Endels || Furries || Fictionfolk || Nonhumans || Otherkin || Otherhearted || Otherlink || Otherflick || Phytanthrope || Synpath || Therians
Links to each term will be added progressively
Note that :
The term alterhuman is opt-in, many people can identify with one or more of these identities but chose to not associate themselves with the term alterhuman or any other umbrella term their chosen label can be found under]
These identities, even if some are etymologically similar to others, refer to groups and communities sourced/anchored/found in this(these) reality(universes).
Some great alterhuman related blogs to check out : @frameacloud @who-is-page @liongoatsnake
& Plurality is also often considered to be under the Alterhuman umbrella, although not all systems might identify as alterhuman solely because of their plurality, or identify as alterhuman at all. But due to the complexity of plurality, terms, analyses, and other resources concerning that community and identities, any further information will be sorted, stored and can be found in our partner blog : @plurality-resources &
⚠ if reblogging please remember to refer to the original post, as very often these might be updated with new information
posted the 28/12/23
update log : [29/12/23; fixing terms; added link; added blogs; fixing wording; added plurality info] [30/12/23; added terms] [06/01/24; applied noting system; added bottom indented reblogging note; displaced links]
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simdertalia · 1 year
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🎲 ACNH Board Games Set 🎲
5 items | Sims 4, base game compatible
This item was all in one mesh, but I edited the main item to liberate the 3rd player pawn to be added or taken away as applicable, for poses/screenshots. The stack of coins has also been liberated, and I added the stack of cards myself 💗
Type “ACNH Board Games” into the search query in build mode to find  quickly. You can always find items like this, just begin typing the title and it will appear.
Always suggested: bb.objects ON, it makes placing items much easier. For further placement tweaking, check out the TOOL mod.
Use the scale up & down feature on your keyboard to make the items larger or smaller to your liking. If you have a non-US keyboard, it may be different keys depending on which alphabet it uses.
I hope you enjoy!
Set contains: -Board Games Board | 870 poly -Cards | 216 poly -Card Stack | 54 poly -Coins | 82 poly -Pawn | 114 poly (3 swatches each item)
📁 Download (SFS, No Ads): HERE 
📁 Alt Download (still no ads): HERE 
As always, please let me know if you have any issues! Happy Simming!
✨ If you like my work, please consider supporting me ❤️
★ Patreon  🎉 ❤️ |★ Ko-Fi  ☕️  ❤️
Thank you for reblogging ❤️❤️❤️
@sssvitlanz  @maxismatchccworld @mmoutfitters  @coffee-cc-finds  @itsjessicaccfinds  @gamommypeach  @stargazer-sims-finds  @khelga68  @suricringe  @vaporwavesims  @mystictrance15 @public-ccfinds
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vantaesfairie · 2 years
𝔭𝔦𝔠𝔨 𝔞 𝔠𝔞𝔯𝔡 : 𝔩𝔢𝔱 𝔪𝔢 𝔡𝔢𝔰𝔠𝔯𝔦𝔟𝔢 𝔶𝔬𝔲𝔯 𝔳𝔦𝔟𝔢 𝔱𝔬 𝔪𝔢
atlty’s tarot readings - dm for paid readings and prices!
choose a picture below:
this is a bit of a bigger scale pac rather than my usual 3 cards. please reblog and share, it helps a lot. enjoy!
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pile 1, flower sink:
an adventurous, passionate soul. always looking to expand, especially intellectually and mentally. constant action. red feathers, strong horses. moonlight on a dewdrop. hoping to be recognized. longing for development and change. hopeful. determined. quietly shy. fire burning in your heart ready to burst out in flames. main character headspace. coming of age. moving to a new city. university after-lecture discussions. 
pile 2, rose quartz sink:
a complex, growing soul. seeking for happiness, to escape a bad mindset and/or lifestyle. self-fulfilling negative prophecies. self-separation, hugging knees in the shower. jungle nature retreats with big leaves, learning the it-girl / boy way. disappointment. wanting internal happiness and satisfaction. regeneration. spring. sun rays coming out at sunrise. black cloaks. heavy weighted blankets. clouds surrounding your head. in bed. 
pile 3, amethyst sink:
a weather-worn, armoured soul. temptation, sex, lilith. alluring, seductive beauty especially your eyes. long elegant, simple gowns. inner passionate creative with a love for various artistic mediums. heartbreak, mending one’s heart back together alone. dangerously attractive. violet. longing for someone to come and treat you kind, love you like a fragile glass sculpture. thunderstorms brewing. a dove’s wing covering her chicks. trying again and again. bared teeth. 
pile 4, quartz sink:
a dominant, daring soul with a confident exterior. bright oranges and yellows. red capes. reading diplomatically from a royal scroll. golden staff on a throne, leadership. old knowledge. valued ancient texts. blue whales. social media high-technology aesthetic. fast heartbeat. anxiety, worry. self-blaming, isolation. binds that just wrap tighter every time you struggle. blindfolded. chained on the ground but the key is beside you. 
pile 5, geode sink: 
a protecting, nurturing soul. warm, soothing yellow. birds conversing and chirping in the sunlight. plump fruit. a life of leisure. marie antoinette. smart rectangular glasses. phone conversations with the bank. fresh markers on a whiteboard. canary. pink lovers. gentle hand holding. a giant golden coin. sewing at a countryside sunset. cottagecore. creating and cherishing love and partnership. 
please interact and give me some feedback on this 👀👀  it’s my first time working on such a topic so i’d like to know if i got some vibes right! 
likes and reblogs are heavily appreciated! check out my paid readings if you’re interested. have a nice day!
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lady-rose-moon · 8 months
Wildest Dreams || Loki x Reader || 18+
Hellooooo everybody this is the insight into the fic that I shall be hopefully really proud to post! I'm going to post the prologue for you to read in this, let me know your theories in the comments and reblogs about what might be going on <3 I'll be setting up a taglist for this as well so please do tell me if you want to be tagged!!!
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A golden castle always came to you in a dream, surrounded by beautiful gardens and bluer skies than you’d ever seen on Earth before. There were so many colours in the sky, so many beautiful reflections in your paradise that you could never find in your dull life on Earth. The greenest grass beneath your feet felt softer than any of the grass you’d ever felt before. The gentle breeze seemed to have a faint sense of magic if anyone would believe it as it brushed your hair away. This dream was your paradise, your little getaway from the boring, grey reality you lived in.
Waking up was the worst part of your day, leaving your little slice of paradise hidden away in a dream to return to the Real World. Sitting up in bed, you savoured those extra moments of drowsiness before swinging your legs over the side of the bed and rising to meet the day. After a shower and your hair and skin routine, you started to feel more like yourself but your mind lingered on the beauty of your dream as you counted the coins that would buy you your morning coffee down at your favourite shop a few blocks away.
You grabbed your keys from the dish by your apartment door and headed out into the world, turning the key in the lock before walking away. Stepping out onto the street, you were met with the usual bustle of London and quickly joined the crowd, head low and avoiding any kind of interaction with any other human being. It wasn’t far to the coffee shop but it was far away enough that your mind drew back to your dream, your walk becoming autopilot.
As you thought about the golden palace walls from your dreams, you heard a horn and felt a strong arm grab you around your waist, pulling you close and away from danger. Shocked, you froze as the car zoomed past, a faint ‘watch where you’re going, numpty’ being thrown out of the window with no care for stopping.
“Are you alright?” came a voice from beside you, startling you away from your thoughts and you stared up in shock at the man holding you, the man that had just saved your life. His eyes were a beautiful emerald green, his ebony hair reached his shoulders in beautiful curls and his suit. His suit. A simple one yet the green and gold accents all about it complimented him so well that you couldn’t imagine anyone else wearing such an expensive suit. “Hello?” the man asked, gaining your attention yet again and you startled when you saw a smirk form on his lips as your cheeks heated up with embarrassment.
“Sorry,” you replied instantly, pushing away from the man in a hurry, brushing your clothes off then offering him a polite smile, “thank you, for saving my life. Nobody else would’ve done it.”
The man chuckled, bowing his head as his shoulders shook with his amusement. You grimaced, not appreciating this man laughing before you as you assumed he was laughing at how pathetic you sounded. Yet, when he replied, it only shocked you more. “Darling, anyone who would not stand up to the Goddess of Death to save your life is no worthy man. Adieu.”
With that, the man turned on his heel and disappeared into the crowd. Immediately, you sobered and called out to him, “you can’t say something straight out of a fantasy novel then leave me on my own!”
But the man was gone.
Your day continued as usual after that experience. You grabbed your coffee, headed to your job and worked the 9-5 then proceeded on your way home. It wasn’t exactly an easy day. Angry customers calling up every few seconds, shouting abuse down the phone and you pretending to care as you sipped your long cold coffee and assisted them in the best way possible without hurling abuse right back at the disrespectful pricks.
With a sigh, you began your journey home. The trees were blowing in the breeze, cars filled the streets as was usual for London during rush hour – any hour really. That’s why you secured a job pretty close to home, so you could easily walk there and back in at the most around 45 minutes. You’d almost forgotten the man from this morning until you collided with a hard chest and long fingers reached out to hold you steady.
Looking up, your face paled with embarrassment as you realised that it was the same man that had saved you this morning. His hair was now tied up in a half up-half down man bun but even that suited the man. His suit was replaced with a nice dress shirt, waistcoat and black trousers but damn did he suit them anyway.
“Ah, so you’re the clumsy type, is that it?” the man joked with a grin as your cheeks tinted red and you avoided looking at him. Amused by your behaviour, the man cooed and continued, “don’t be embarrassed, darling, happens to the best of us.”
Scoffing, you pushed away from him and passed him, grabbing your keys from your pocket as you saw your apartment building not that far off. “I’m not clumsy, you just caught me at a vulnerable moment. Twice,” you shrugged and saluted him sarcastically, “adieu.”
As you walked off, the man simply stood watching you, his grin turning to a sad smile as he whispered, “adieu, darling.”
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tagging my friendos!! @holdmytesseract @anukulee @lokisgoodgirl @asgards-princess-of-mischief @fictive-sl0th @coldnique @stupidthoughtsinwriting @muddyorbsblr
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luvrsbian · 1 year
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A/N: thank you so so SO much for the support on part one. i did not expect that at all!! everyones likes, reblogs, comments, and tags made my whole day (especially the comments and tags, almost cried during class cause i was soft over some of y'alls fic reviews) um, anyway, still fluffy, still 4k words, still a little awkward eddie, and some very minor angst for plot movement. nothing to be scared about, i promise. also, this fic is very much not a slow burn, it's more akin to love-at-first-sight-but-were-both-awkward-idiot-dummys. and as always so much love and praise for mona @enam3l for making sure this fic is coherent and not just me rambling thoughts. please enjoy!
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Virginias letter sat heavy in Eddie’s pocket for the remainder of the day. Only being touched again when he took it from the deep, work pockets and folded it up to put in his jean pockets as he left for the day back home.  
Eddie didn’t see you the rest of the day, assuming you left around 2:50 like Virginia would, his own shift not ending till 4. This theory being confirmed when he did finally head out, there were only two cars left in the staff lot. One being his van, his baby that was on her last legs. A few spots down sat the second, Mr. Sinclair’s Honda Accord. Knowing the father of Lucas and Erica, an ex-elementary school teacher turned middle school principal, he probably wouldn’t be heading out till around 5:30 when Ron came in for the night shift and lockup. Mr. Sinclair was a kindly principle with a no-nonsense policy yet, still carefree enough for the kids to like him. He was way better than the principle of Hawkins middle when Eddie attended.   
Eddie parked the Mystery Machine - a name dubbed by Robin the first time he took her and Steve on a drive - in front of the small, blue house. Wayne’s car still parked in the driveway, his shift at the plant not starting till 6; giving Eddie enough time to take a power nap and make dinner for the both of them. Tonight was definitely a soup and grilled cheese kinda night. Maybe some steamed broccoli for a balanced meal or what not.  
Entering the home, he falls into his usual after work ritual of putting any change from his pockets into the coin-jar and his keys next to it. Then, his shoes come off and are placed by the door so he could slip them on easily in the morning. Wayne’s door was closed, presumably still sleeping, so he does his routine quietly. He keeps his shirt on but takes his jeans off to put on some plaid, loose fit pajama bottoms. Before discarding his jeans into the could-be-worn-again pile, he takes out the note. With a sigh, he sits on the edge of the bed with the letter clasped in his fingers.   
Eddie doesn’t even know why the letter was stressing him out so badly. He knew it wouldn’t be anything truly bad. Yeah, he was bummed he wasn’t warned beforehand about her sudden retirement to Florida, but at least she left him something to explain herself. That’s more than the other people in his life who upped and left with no warning could say.   
Man up, dude. It’s just words on some paper.  
With a few more seconds of memorizing all the curves and loops of his name written by Virginia on the back, he bites the bullet and opens the letter. He unfolds the parchment, noting the formal stationary with a huff of laughter, surprised it wasn’t just a loose-leaf lined page. Eddie begins to read the words left for him.  
Dear Eddie M.,  
If you’re reading this letter that means I’ve finally left this hellhole and jumped ship. (Jumped on a ship, that is. You know me and my affinity for cruises to tropical locations.)  
Eddie did know this, having heard a small handful of stories from Virgina about the cruises and summer beach vacations she would take with her son, Rick, and her roommate, Caroline. He even remembers a few years back, one of the first times he saw her out and about at the grocery store wearing this graphic t-shirt of a humanoid lady cat in a hot pink one-piece, lounging on a beach towel with the words ‘Bahama Mama’ in matching pink script above her. Eddie had walked up to her in the dairy aisle, Cheshire Cat grin on display, and said with his whole chest, “Hello, Bahama Mama.” To which Virginia promptly ignored him with a side eye glance and headed towards the produce section.  
But that also means you’ve met the lovely nurse who will be taking my place. She also has a great enjoyment of beach vacations, if you’re looking for topic starters. You’ve always been quite dreadful at small talk, but I won’t bore you with the reminiscing of our first meeting, you were there, and I hope you remember it like I do.  
Knowing you, though, you’re either jumping for joy to be rid of this old gal or confused on my sudden departure. I’m truly sorry I couldn’t say goodbye in person and to leave so suddenly. But let’s be honest here, Edward, if anyone could convince me to spend another 65 55 years in Indiana, it would be you.  
Caroline and I decided it was as good as time as any to finally do some traveling, just the two of us. Rick and the kids are in a good place now (but please still keep an eye on him when you can, I don’t trust him to be truthful about things, like you are.) You're in a good place as well, whether you care to admit it or not.   
I would never have left if I thought you truly still needed me.  
Eddie lets out a sardonic laugh at her truthful sentiments. Virginia wasn’t a liar, she had secrets like any normal person, but when she said things, she meant them. He furrows his brows noticing a small wet stain on the next line before another quickly appears. Bringing his free hand up to his face he realizes he’s crying. With a hard sniffle and another chuckle at his own emotions he collects himself and finishes the note. 
Enough of the sappy shit crap. You’ll be receiving various postcards in due time through our gorgeous new friend. Play nice and don’t fuck it up, Edward. I believe in you. You need to make friends now before you end up stubborn and old like me. Not everyone gets their own Caroline.  
I better here back from you. My replacement will know what to do with them.  
Love, Virginia Wagner  
Eddie folded up the letter, put it back in the envelope and tucked it in his bedside table drawer. Don’t fuck it up, I believe in you, echoing in his brain. He had no intentions on fucking up anything. Especially with you. You, the woman he just met not even 24 hours ago. He shakes you from his thought, not ready to jump  nto that obvious trap set up by a secret hopeless romantic. He needed time. His mind, body, and heart still processing the words he just read before an evil grin spread upon his lips.  
“I fucking knew that old witch was a lesbian.”  
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You didn’t come into work for the remainder of prep-week.   
Which was fine. So fine in fact that Eddie 100% didn’t even notice. He had his own work to distract him. How could he have known you weren’t there when he was so busy moving desks, cleaning floors, eating lunch outside with that sad, puppy dog look on his face because he’s never had to find a spot to eat outside of the nurse's office before. Your disappearance hit him like a freight train on Friday.   
With one of those old school paperback books from a second-hand shop in town in one hand and the other preoccupied with feeding himself. His brain simultaneously trying to read the small words whilst not overthinking every possible thing regarding you.  
Did Eddie just fuck everything up with one meeting? Was he so off-putting that the only reasonable response was to quit on your first day in order to prevent the chance of running into him again? Your ability to make people leave will forever astound me, Eddie Munson, he tells himself.  
The reasonable part of Eddies brain played quickly to shut down this intense negative thinking. Maybe you were just sick? Even nurses get sick sometimes! Or a family emergency! Or your car broke down! Or something evil that Eddie wasn’t sure he’d ever possibly be able to explain to someone who didn’t experience it first-hand like him and his friends was happening in Hawkins again and you just happened to be the first victim-  
Nope. No. No. We’re shutting this down here, traumatized and overactive brain. Eddie began doing his deep breathing exercises that he learned from his therapist (well, Steve’s, who had promptly told Eddie because mental healthcare was a luxury he could probably never afford.) Reminding himself he was going to be okay he decided that on Monday, if you were still M.I.A, he’d ask someone. Freaking out and thinking the immediate worst, wasn’t gonna help anyone, he needed to just chill. Not let his mind take control of him. Virginia was smart and could sense things about people, she wouldn't have forced the two of you to collide in such a way if she thought you’d up and disappear.  
Besides, even the kindest of people don’t share Swiss Rolls with people they hate, and Hawkins was no longer a literal gateway to hell.  
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Eddie’s weekend was uneventful.  
He finished his book. He went grocery shopping. Him and Wayne watched some rom-com film with Julia Roberts as a sex worker. In hindsight, a bizarre movie choice for both of them, next time Eddie thinks he’ll just let Wayne put on his beloved westerns. He worried just a bit about you. He kept his thoughts as realistic as he could this time. Although, he did at one point worry, whilst lying in bed Sunday night, whether you had gone missing and he was the only one to notice, meaning he’s now fucked up any chance of your rediscovery by not informing someone. But this was Hawkins. If you had truly gone missing without a trace, he would’ve heard of it by now. Especially from Pamela in Admin who did the attendance records and didn’t know how to keep things to herself.   
Point is, if you had an unexcused absence for the 4-days you were gone, she would’ve made it everyones business. Which gave Eddie some peace of mind that he’s heard nothing through the grapevine that runs through Hawkins.  
That Monday morning, Eddie was the first to traverse the halls of the first day of another school year at Hawkins middle. Or he thought he was. He wasn’t so sure because as he made his way to the main switch box that turned on all the hallway lights, a fluorescent glow was spilling out of the Nurse’s office.  
He slowed his pace as he approached the door left ajar, his head peeked around the corner of the entry. The lights were all on, there were various storage boxes on the beds, some filled with medical odds and ends, others empty. It was clear someone had been there organizing supplies.  
“Uh,” Eddie cleared his throat, the first use of his voice for the morning, “Hello?”  
“Good morning,”  
He whips around, startled by the cheery voice.  
“Jesus H. Christ, you gotta stop doing that,” his hand rubbed at his chest, face disgruntled and red from the jump scare.  
“Hey, you’re the one who keeps entering my workspace unannounced,” a look of innocence on your face. You step around him, bodies almost touching for just a second, causing Eddie’s heartbeat to increase embarrassingly so.     You’ve got a coffee mug held tightly in one hand, the other stuffed deep in your cardigan. The same sunflowers embellishing it, that greeted Eddie last time. Your scrub top today was black with various illustrations of Mickey and Minnie Mouse depicted as nurses.   
“I said hello,” he argues, hand rubbing at his chin. He continues to take in your appearance and any new details he can latch onto. You look the same, of course. It’s only been like what, 6 days since he saw you last. The only glaring difference being a sleepier appearance, even with the bubbly morning aura, your eyelids look heavy. You roll them at his defense, a resting smile never leaving your lips.  
You step over bins on the floor, take a long sip from your mug, and set it on the same table he put his lunch sack on last week. He smiles at the mug; it was off white and in red cartoonish font had the slogan ‘I ♡ my aunt!’. You begin to work on the boxes and talk as he stands in the entryway, not wanting to disturb the systematic mess you have in place.  
“I hope you didn’t miss me too much,” you snort, picking up a closed box and putting it in the storage closet by the office part of the Nurse’s Office, “I normally don’t disappear like that. You know, I just moved in town a few weeks ago, and I’ve been having problems with the house I’m renting,” you sigh after exiting the closet. Now stuffing labelled Ziploc bags with various bandages and over the counter medication into a new bin. You look focused even while speaking sporadically.  
He can’t move his eyes away from your hands as you work diligently on putting content into storage while still explaining about your absence. Vaguely, he catches something about landlords, repair men and having to take cold baths. He was listening but most of his attention was focused on your fingers tackling Ziploc bag openings. Your sleeves rising just enough for him to wonder if shadows were playing tricks on his mind, or there was a wrist tattoo he couldn’t quite make out from this angle.   
“Eddie, ya still with me?”  
He eyes snaps up from your stilled hands to look at the playful gleam in your eye from catching him staring, “hm?”  
“I asked if you’ve read the letter yet,” you decide to step slightly closer, most of the boxes now closed and in the closet. There weren’t that many to begin with but he’s still surprised with how fast you managed to finish the task.  
“Yeah, I did. It was sweet, for Virginia that is,” really sweet. You show your teeth in a wide grin.  
“I’m glad. I was afraid you might hold some resentment towards me for replacing her,” you do that snort laugh thing again, “I am nosey though, did she mention me?”  
Eddie smirks mischievously, hands coming to rest on his hips, allowing himself to incline, further closing the distance between you both.   “Wouldn’t ya like to know, Peach.”  
Your stomach did front flips from the use of that silly, little nickname again. 
“I would, I really would. That’s why I asked,” you say as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. One of your fingers he’d been watching intensely before, now coming up to give his chest a poke. 
Was this flirting? Eddie knew it was something akin to flirting, but was this a playful flirting or a serious flirting? He struggled between the two, often getting told off and read wrong for his natural charm. He’s like pretty sure he’s flirting with the serious intention, but were you? His heart felt like it was gonna fall out of his ass and he might throw up his own brain from all these emotions and thoughts.  
Before he could respond and remind his head and heart to start working again, a familiar voice spoke from behind his back.  
“What is happening here?”  
It was Eddie's turn to roll his eyes, another body squeezing past him to enter the nurse’s office. He takes a step back to let the young intruder have space to do whatever he needs to do here. You put your hand down and smile at the student you’ve yet to meet.  
Matty Sherman had a head of thick dark curls, a mole on his left cheek, and dark green eyes. He was wearing an obviously well-loved and a size too big Pantera t-shirt he had obviously cut the sleeves off himself to make into a muscle tee. He paired this with loose fitted, medium wash jeans, and some relatively new converse. Obviously wanting to make a statement and look his best for his first day of 8th grade. Both of his backpack straps were secured on his shoulder. His eyes looked between Eddie and you before landing securely on you.  
“Sup,” he smiles wide, dimples and braces on display.   
“Hi,” you smile widely yourself, a hitch in your voice from trying to not laugh at the situation. You glance over to Eddie, who’s looking at you with a pout on his pretty lips. Your eyes shift toward yet another, Ziploc bag that was in Matty’s hand.  
“That for me?” You ask, hand gesturing towards the bag holding obvious medication.  
“You the nurse?” The teen boy asks in a playful tone, as if you’re not wearing an outrageously patterned scrub top whilst standing in the nurse’s office.  
“I am the nurse.”  
“Then this is for you. I have asthma,” he hands you the Ziploc bag, curls bouncing when he turns to look at Eddie now, “Munson.”  
“Sherman, how was your summer?”   
“Dude, it was great. My dad felt so bad about not doing crap with us for Christmas that he took Me and Eli to see Megadeth in Chicago,” Matty excitedly responds, hands flailing around as he speaks. Beaded bracelets he had covering his wrist clanking together.   
Eddie couldn’t help but smile slightly at that. As much as he acted like Matty was a thorn in his side, he did genuinely care about him. In some weird turn of events, he had become to Matty what Virginia was to him. A safe haven at school. Even though Matty was far more popular than Eddie was at the same age, he obviously needed some sort of role model or trusted adult to just care. Matty had his mom at home and Eddie at school. Similar to how Eddie had Wayne at home and Virginia at school.  
Matty was waiting for Eddie's response, wanting some sort of confirmation that his ass of a father taking him and his older brother to see a metal concert was actually a cool thing to do. You were clearly taking your time putting Matty’s medication away to give them time to have this moment. Eddie smiles wide at Matty, to which he instantly perks up more.  
“Man, that does sound like a great summer. I spent my whole summer cleaning up after you kids,” he huffs and gives Matty’s shoulder a nudge.  
“You would’ve loved it, Munson, I’m telling you.”  
“Yeah,” he agrees before your make yourself known again.   
“I hate to break this up but class for you,” you gesture towards the youngest metalhead, “starts in about 5 minutes and I’m pretty sure we need to get back to work,” you give Eddie an apologetic smile. It’s probably the closest thing to sad he’s seen you so far and he’s not a fan. At all.  
“Yeah,” he agrees sadly, teeth nipping at his bottom lip, “We good for lunch?”   
“Yes.” You respond, quickly. Agreement coming out before he even got to the final syllable in lunch. Now his lips are being nipped to contain his full smile.  
“Good, I’ll see you then,” he moves his hand to grab the handle of Matty’s bookbag to lead him out.  
“You will! Bye guys,” You wiggle your fingers in goodbye.  
“Bye,” Matty waves to you as he’s being pulled out by Eddie. Your laugh following them out into the hall.  
Eddie keeps his hand secured on Matty’s bag until they’re a good few feet in the opposite direction from your door. He lets go and Matty takes a few steps to the side and adjusts his backpack to sit better on his back.  
“She’s hot.”  
Eddie is positive he gets whiplash from how fast his head turns to glare at the 8th grader. Disgust on his face, even though he said something factual, he shouldn’t be saying things like that at all. He’s like a baby in Eddies eyes.  
“Jesus, Matty, don’t say shit like that.”  
Matty gasps in mock shock, “Woah! Language, Mr.Munson, I have impressionable ears,” he dramatically covers his ears with both hands. Eddie shakes his head and gives his bookbag a gentle shove towards where he knows his home room is.  
“Get to class.”  
Matty laughs loudly as he runs down the hall to his first period. Eddie felt too old for this shit.  
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That Monday lunch went swimmingly. Eddie thinks. He hopes. It definitely felt like it went swimmingly?  
You laughed at his jokes. His actual jokes, not just his situational awkwardness. You asked about his week and he asked about yours. He left out the part of being fearful you quit cause of him. Whilst you delved more into your trouble with the handy men and your landlord; your stove still didn’t work but at least you had hot water. He even got to learn more about you pre-Hawkins by finally divulging the info Virginia had written about.  
“Well, she is right. I do love the beach,” You were talking with a grape stuffed into your cheek. It was endearing but Eddie was silently praying you chewed it well and didn’t choke cause he definitely did not know the Heimlich manoeuvre. “I think that’s what I’m gonna miss the most while here. Indiana doesn’t even have a coastline, how sad is that,” You’re shaking your head in disapproval.  
“We have lakes,” he tries to amend, taking a bit of his Swiss Roll that you, again, have shared with him.  
Your eyes shoot up at him in a glare, not amused by his suggestion, “Eat your sandwich.” You say it in a tone that Eddie imagines you would use while scolding a student, it makes him roll his eyes with a huff but he does as you say. Putting the half-eaten Swiss Roll down to actually eat the sandwich he brought, another concoction of various cheeses and deli meat and some lettuce for color.  
You smirk at him following your directions. You’re eyeing both your lunches once again, almost identical to the meals you brought on your first lunch. Two sandwiches, two Swiss Rolls, one bag of pretzels, another bag of grapes. You have a Coke can and he’s got Yoo-hoo in a glass. It kinda makes you sad that you’re both grown adults eating lunches teenagers would prep for themselves. You think, once your stove is fixed you may start bringing some better meals, definitely less peanut butter and more vegetables. Maybe you’ll even bring enough to share.  
And on Thursday that’s exactly what you do.  
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Outside of that first Monday morning, nothing eventful really happened for the rest of the week. You had your small group of after lunch medicine takers and a few kids in need of ice packs and Band-Aids. Your lunches were preoccupied with Eddie, getting to know him better.   
Part of your brain wanted to convince you that they were kinda like mini dates.  Unfortunately, your rational side reminded you that you were just two co-workers who didn’t really fit into any of the other staff groups, looking for some companionship during lunch. You were the replacement of his previous lunch partner. But then you remembered all the snippets of info Virginia had written to you once she began to send you letters after your acceptance to take on her job so she could retire. You probably would never tell Eddie you know this slice of information, not wanting to embarrass him, but she had made it very clear that Eddie was lonely. She knew you were lonely too.   
You two can be lonely together.  
When Eddie walked into your office that Thursday he was extremely confused at the second lunch box placed where he would normally sit. It was bulky and plastic like yours, but instead of Snoopy it was the Smurfs. You were writing something down in that nurses journal you had, your own lunchbox sat next to your resting elbow.  
A worried thought started in his mind, Did you find a new lunch buddy? Were his conversational skills not improving? But then you looked up at him, that kind little smile on your lips.  
“You gonna sit down or just keep enjoying the view?”   
He returns the smile and gestures to the blue thing before taking his seat, “What’s this?”   
“Oh, uh…” You’re flustered. It’s obvious and he’s enamored by it - like most things you do. God what’s gotten into him. “I hope it’s not too forward, but I made you a lunch. My stove got fixed and your, well our- please take no offense to this, our lunches were starting to depress me a bit.” You were talking faster the more you went on. Realizing the possible negative consequences of your actions. Eddie was nice but he didn’t have to entertain your too comfortable and too caring too fast behaviors.   
He quickly shut down your increasingly panicked explanation, “I’ve never had a girl make me a lunch before. It’s sweet. You're sweet.” He was honest. He hasn’t had a girl in this context make him any sort of a meal before and you were sweet. Sharing Swiss Rolls and ‘take as many as you like’ candy bowls with the expensive chocolate kind of sweet. 
You smile. A wide, closed mouth smile at his understanding. He taps his fingers against the hard plastic shell, right on-top of Smurfette's blue face.   
“I hope you like it and I hope you’re not allergic to anything.” You’re calmer now and anticipating him opening his lunch.  
“I’m not. Except, for like, pollen,” he chuckles and unlatches the box. Inside there was a Tupperware of spirally noodles with a mix of cut up: vegetables, tomatoes, bell peppers, onions, a few rogue pieces of broccoli and some halves pepperoni slices, an oil based Italian dressing covering it all. Your aunt’s pasta salad, that was the first recipe you ever learned. Next to it, wrapped in cling wrap was a fudgy looking brownie with peanut butter morsels spread throughout. When he looks back up you had taken out two Coke cans from the stash he knows you keep in the bottom part of your giant metal filing cabinet. A pretty hand holding one out to him.  
“I refuse to buy Pepsi, hope you like Coke.”  
“I love Coke,” he takes it from your hand.   
The food tasted as good as it looked, so good only the sound of chewing, plastic forks on Tupperware, and hums of appreciation being heard. It was similar to the first lunch but instead of the awkward, uncertain air, this moment was comfortable, relaxing. Two friends - because that’s what you two have become in this last week - enjoying a meal together.   
It happened fast, Eddie thinks, this comfort between the two of you. Maybe it’s the kindredness between you two, the various similarities you shared.   
“You know, I can cook too,” Eddie breaks the silence. You’re working on your dessert, always saving it for last. Eddie was impatient and devoured his first thing in the most polite way possible. There’s brownie in the corner of your mouth when you give him your attention, humming for him to continue his thought.  
Eddie’s not sure what possesses him to do it. He could play it off as his role of janitor and having a habit of cleaning messes, but he knows that’s not entirely true. He cups one side of your face with his hand, the rings are a nice cold on your warm face. His thumb swiping the crumbs from corner lip in such a natural way you’d think he would have done this to you often. No matter how hard you try, you'd always been a messy eater. You don’t flinch. You don’t even show any signs of this being unusual or unwelcome aside from a slight widening of your eyes.  
Eddie let's another wave of confidence take over him. “Maybe I can cook for you on Saturday night?”  
You nod, mouth still full of brownie and making the executive decision to not be gross and talk with your mouth full in this situation. He smiles and removes his hand from your cheek. Silently, you both find the skin that had just made contact now tingles. It's hard not to think about when you may steal another touch, but the pair of you hope maybe Saturday.  
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the clean up crew (taglist): @avobabe87 @bakugouswh0r3 @ms1oftheboys @rosaline-black @haylaansmi @adoringdanvers @wyverntatty @gaysludge @bebe07011 @boltonbritreads @hugdealer @gothvamp1973 @awhoreforeddiemunson @definitionwanderlust @billytalentleaves @aysheashea @pollenallergie @siriuslysmoking @heavymetalbabyy @killerbailey @sidthedollface2 @whenshelanded @hazydespair @mayhemicfordays @inocrazeh @thora-jane @varevaretostuff @vintagehellfire @chaoticgood-munson (strike means it wont tag)
comment or ask to be added to the clean up crew!
324 notes · View notes
Mise en Place 2
Warnings: noncon, coercion, manipulation. Proceed with caution.
Note: thanks all for reading and I hope you’re excited for this one. All feedback is more than welcome and loved and appreciated. Reblogs are most helpful.
Part of The Club AU
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The bar is surrounded by a wall of sound. Bodies crush together as voices call out over the music what they, other whooping or waving for attention. Your eyes nearly roll out of your head as you stare at the dozens of faces, the fluttering spectrum of colourful light limning their features as the bass thumps in the floor.
“Here,” Thor points behind him as he faces you, “those two. Corona.”
You get the simple ones. The ready to serves and the beer. You squat and twist to grab two bottles from the bottom shelf of the fridge and turn back to the bar. You hand over the drinks and receive a crumpled bill in return.
You shake as you punch the order into the touch screen. Thor showed you how to do that but it still takes too much thinking just to get two beers keyed in. When at last you get the total and type in the amount taken, you feel like you’ve been there for eons. You hand the change over and a few coins are tossed down as a tip.
You glance over at Thor as he mixes a drink. How does he do this every night?
Snapping fingers reach over and block your sight. “Sweetheart!” The boisterous man hollers at you, “pay attention.”
You face the stranger, affronted by his gesture. Your ear plugs muffle the raucous noise of subwoofer and crowd alike. Still, you can hear the fuzzy outline of his words.
“Gin and tonic. Chop chop!” He claps his hands before sliding his elbow onto the bar. 
You frown and look at Thor. What do you do? What do you say? You shrug and take a step back. The guy lifts himself up, you hear a stool scrape on the floor, and his arm shoots across the bar. He latches onto you before you can evade his grasp.
“How the fuck hard is it to make a gin and soda? Fucking bitch–”
“Eh!” You’re jolted as the man’s nails scratch through the sleeve of your shirt and he goes flying back. Several people gasp and squeal as he lands amidst a group men waiting behind him. “Don’t fucking touch her.”
Thor’s booming voice rumbles like thunder, putting to silence those waiting around the bar. He stands between you and the horde, shoulder rising and falling. He crosses his arms as his audience gapes in horror, no one moving to help the man writhing on the floor. Not until the bouncer comes to haul him up and out.
“Now, if you want a bottle, come here,” Thor points before him, “mixed drinks, with me.”
There’s a murmur along the bar. He faces you and leans in as you rub your arm. He touches your shoulder gently.
“Are you okay, fawn?” He asks.
You nod and flick your eyes away from him in embarrassment.
“I… I don’t know what I’m doing,” you call over the music.
“You’re doing well,” he pats your shoulder before he pulls away, “anymore assholes give you a problem, tell me and I’ll gladly break ‘em in two.”
He goes to take another order as you search around frantically. Fuck. Why did you say yes to this? Sonny probably could’ve stepped in. Maybe one of the bottle girls.
You step forward and greet a man with barely more than a mutter. Easy, Blue. You got it. You punch it into the till before turning back. As he presents his card upon your retrieval of a bottle, you grab the machine and get him to tap. Right, next.
You peek over at Thor. His confidence astounds you. He’s so sure. He’s buoyant and floating easily around. Smiling and laughing as he hands over prettily made drinks. You can barely get the cap off a bottle.
Focus. You can handle bottles. You take the next order and the next, directing only a few down to Thor. Your head is rattling with the chaos of it all. The fervour carries you, keeping you moving in fear that you’ll break down all together.
“Behind,” Thor startles you as he slides behind you, your body pressing to his for just a moment as he sidles in the tight space. He puts a hand on your hip to keep you steady as he reaches and retrieves a jar of cherries. As quickly he appeared, he’s gone again.
The rush slowly dwindles. There’s still a good stream of customers but more manageable. You feel like you can catch your breath as you use an open to pop metal lids. You’re almost out of Corona.
“Doing well,” Thor praises as he wipes his hands on a cloth.
“Er, thanks,” you gather up the last tip and drop it in the glass you’ve been shoving them in.
“That’s yours,” he points to it, “for your trouble.”
“I… I can’t–”
“You earned it,” he puts his hand on your back, a comforting gesture for any other, but only unbearably the opposite for you, “you ever think of a promotion, let me know. Happy to train you up, fawn.”
“Um, probably not,” you shake your head.
“Cute,” a drawl keeps Thor from replying, “two of ya make a cute pair.”
“Eh,” Thor recoils and approaches the bar, one of the bouncers on the other side, his leather jacket taut across his wide shoulder, “Pepsi?”
“Sure thing,” Lee nods, “‘preciate it.”
“On the house,” Thor says to you as he takes a glass from the shelf behind him and plunks it before you. “Soda.”
You grab a hose and fill the glass as the bouncer taps his fingers on the bar. You’ve run into him a few times. Him and Sonny chat now and then but you don’t really know him.
“You go to school?” He asks as he waits.
You shake your head as you’re careful not to overflow the glass with fizz.
“Ah, my girl’s in school. Young thing like you. Ain’t got too many friends though.”
“Oh,” you lift the glass onto the upper level of the bar, “there you are.”
“Thanks, honey,” he winks, “take care of yourself.”
“Alright,” you say, slightly confused.
You’re not that young. At least, you’re past your college years. It makes this place a little more intimidating. You missed out on all of this. Always just watching from the sidelines. Working while others play.
“Go catch your breath,” Thor says as he comes near again.
You look at him with frazzled eyes. It’s starting to get to you. The noise, the lights, the endless train of demands.
“Go on,” he softly nudges you towards the kitchen and grins, “go bother Sonny.”
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animentality · 2 years
Futanari and omegaverse are like literary cousins.
Honestly, you could almost call them symbolic pornographic sisters.
Women want men to have pussies, men want women to have cocks. Both ideas are inescapably homosexual, queer in some way, defying what could be considered the natural order of things, despite being rooted in heterosexual ideals. They seem very popular on the internet, but when explained aloud, to anyone, would only invite shame and unwelcome speculation. And yet, I am sure they're more popular than we know.
The key difference though, is that Omegaverse extends an olive branch by actually having women with dicks too, where futanari is regrettably favored by straight men, and thus does not extend the same emotional intelligence, although I will say this. femboys are on the rise. And the word bussy, linguistically or biologically determined, has exploded in the past two years.
These two are like yin and yang. Water and fire. Earth and air.
Dark and light.
It's not so simple as, they cannot exist without one another, but rather that they are one another. They exist on opposite sides of the same coin and cannot be seen together unless that coin is spinning, and then, only in glimpses of post nut clarity.
Please don't report me to Tumblr staff for putting this on your dash. It can stay our little secret.
No one reblog this. No one see it either, for that matter.
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shinystarfishmoon · 1 year
letter to you by your heigher self
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Hi everyone welcome back to my new pac💗
I initially thought of making this about your grey side but thought my reading lately were getting too much into improving yourself and grey side.. I mean what about self love?so here We are ☺️
Also I am posting this pac Just 2 days before my College stats.. so it will take a while for other pac to come 😶‍🌫️
You can choose from the above animation of Jennie left to right . Take deep breaths and choose the plie.. ✨✨
if you like this reading follow and reblog for more such reading 💗
Non of this animation are mine . I found them on printrest
Plie 1
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Welcome to your reading plie no 1 🐥
Cards: queen of coins, the fool, 5 of cups, 8of wands ,king of Wands , the world ,4 of cups
Letter 💌
Hi sweetheart
I am your heigher self talking to you,.. I have so much to say but will start with compliments that I want to give you ... My dear your are such a good leader, it's admirable how you are really good at not only seeing how things benefits you but also considering about how they can benefit others . Your Practical approach towards the goals you have for future is admirable. But you need to understand that working is not only way that you are gonna grow sometimes you need to be having fun and enjoying your life because we may think that is not the last time that we are going to have fun or we there will be another times that we could have fun but I think that you need to start to live in the present I love that your working for your future but honey you need need to go out and need to have fun you need to be like a fool who loves life and is adventurous don't let don't play let the curiosity of a child that you have inside your heart die. You have came so far and when you look behind you will see that you have given given up so much for the things and the goals that you have for yourself at the end of the day you are making it work out but you need to know that balance is the key for healthy life and you may sometimes feel trapped because of the the overload of the work that you are doing I know you love work and you are practical about it but you need to go out and have fun touch some grass, and not always be on the laptop working . Do not feel that you are onworthy of all the things are the blessings coming your way because you have done the work you are doing the work and you are putting the effort that it needs to manifest your dreams and they are going to come true.. you need to exercise or at least to yoga or stretch your body wake up early because the bad habits of staying up all night and and not doing exercise are not good for yourself in your health so drop that bad habits girlll . Love yourself have self-care days . 💌💗
Messages: You are always loved and supported
Thats all that I have for you plie 1💗
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Welcome to plie 2😺
Cards: judgment, chalices, the express, the hanged man (in reversed) 2 of coins king of wands, strength
Letters 💌
Hello there.. you have come so far facing all the hurdles on your way and you are still afraid what are you afraid about? The thing in the past happened with you they were not something small you went through that and you still fine . What makes you think that the obstacles in future will terrify you or you are not going to make through them ? You need to love yourself to find someone who truly loves you it's not only about romantic relationships that you will be having in the future but it's also about the friendship that you are going to make , if you are not loving yourself enough you are not secure enough in yourself that will project in you manifesting people who are insecure and in you manifesting the same experience that you did in the past. You need to heal yourself and fill up your own Cup before you even start to look for love or friendship in others you need to be your friend and your lover first to find that in another people .Its not just about being loved but it's also about being able to love yourself. You need to be kind to yourself you need to say good things about yourself you need to say the things that you want to hear from your love from your friends why do you need other people to compliment you you can compliment yourself it's not crazy many people do compliment themselves and its not crazy you are not crazy!!. You are scared of changes but you still know that changes are important for you you know that changes are important for you and your still afraid of them your afraid of change is because you don't know what it brings with them you don't you are afraid of the unknown you don't have to be afraid of the changes girl it can be very beautiful why always think about the worst . focus on the good things that can happen with changes. You need to balance your life you need to find balance between being extra giving and saving it for yourself saving doesn't mean that you are being greedy doesn't mean that you are selfish no. Think about yourself before you think about others it's fine it's not selfish you this is you just balancing your life because you are a person who will think about others before you think about yourself and I really want you to think about yourself first . I want you to put yourself first and . All this will require a lot of strength and courage and I know that you have that in yourself I know you can do this I know you have that courage and strength to handle changes . Change is not always bad.
You are worthy or being loved, love yourself first, balance,change is good,
Thats all I have for you plie 2
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Hello plie 3
Cards: king of swords, queen of swords,9 of cups, Queen of wands, the emperor, 4 of swords , Queen of cups
Hi There ...so much I want to say to you right now lets get to the most imp thing first.. Stop letting people walk all over you !!!! Stand up for yoursel . if people think that it is rude of you to stand up for yourself let them think that you are rude but you need to stand up for yourself and not let people that are rude that are hurting you emotionally get away with that you need to be bluntly honest and if it's hurting someone's feelings that is none of your business they should not be rude to you when you are being so kind to them speak for yourself . You have work so hard and achieved many of you goals and you should be celebrating do not let people who are not kind to you ruin your celebrations because you have works so hard for all that you have achieved do not let them walk all over you because you deserve to be appreciated and you deserve to be successful. Successful Peoples speak up for themselves stand for themselves and do not take anybody is crap . You are really creative person who has lot of ideas and lot of things that they want to do in their life but for you to even start something you need to stand up for yourself you need to speak for yourself because without that you cannot even interact with people. In future you are going to be at many leadership roles and that's why you need this quality to make your life easier it's always nights to be a little bit rude when you are bluntly honest then to lie and be nice. We get aware of the things and the people around p around you because not all people are nice summer bluntly manipulative and not nice rude you need to have the ability to see through people's intention. And the last thing that I want to tell you is that you are doing so much and its working for you attend of they everything will be worth it but you also need to rest yourself heel yourself and do some kinds of like activities that help you dress or therapy to you it can be anything just get back into your hobbies rest for a while rest is very important. ✨💌
Speak up.! Be honest
That's all that I have for you plie 3 💗
Thank you so much for reading 🐥🐥
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megamindsecretlair · 2 months
Cold on Me, Part 2 - Final
Pairing: David Kane x Atlantean!Black!Fem!/ Plus Size reader
Warnings: 18+, Minors DNI, You are in charge of your own reading experience. Intentional use of AAVE. Plot with smut, cursing, fingering (female receiving) , teasing, orgasm denial, PIV, dirty talk, Atlantean reader. Established relationship.
Summary: On a mission to recover an artifact sacred to your people, you journey through Rome to meet up with your contact. When David steals the very item you came to collect, you make a plan to retrieve it. You never could trust easily.
Word Count: 4,494k
A/N: Sorry it's been so long, my loves. But I finally circled back to David. He's a hard character for me to get down, but I'm with it. Toss a coin to your blogger with a comment, reblog, or unhinged ask.
Taglist: @planetblaque @blackerthings @browngirldominion @we-outsiiiide @thecookiebratz @iv0rysoap @notapradagurl7 @sevikasblackgf @miyuhpapayuh @xo-goldengirl @kindofaintrovert @flydotty @judymfmoody @slippinninque @soufcakmistress @henneseyhoe @westside-rot @melaninpov @twocentuar @blackpinup22 @babybratzmaraj @theyscreamsannii @kiabialia @prettyisasprettydoes1306 @00aijia00 @hopefulromantic1 @lesbiantreehugger @longpause-awkwardsmile @badassdoll @kholdkill @cardi-bre91 @blowmymbackout @jay-mach @sageispunk @yourofficialgal @harmshake @ciaqui @liyaah02 @monaeesstuff @papichulojustice @tvchi @multiversefanfics @thecapodomme
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You waited until much further in the night before turning on the tracking device in your bag. You made it to one of the safe houses stashed around the surface world, for you and your sisters to conduct business when need be. 
You cleaned yourself up and changed into something more flexible. You wore an all black ensemble to help you blend into the night time. It was so dark here. Back home, you were never without some source of color or light. You missed it. You missed home. But you could not return home without the artifact. 
You were still fuming about David’s betrayal but you couldn’t fault a shark for baring its teeth. You sipped on water while you waited for the contraption to pinpoint his location. He was still in Rome, on the far edges of the city. Far from any kind of water source. He was learning.
You huffed as that eliminated a few of your plans for getting the knife back and returning to the water. You looked up the coordinates. He was in an abandoned warehouse. Your fingers flew over the keys, zooming in or out, studying the layout wherever you could. 
Why the hell would he go there? What was his goal? Why wasn’t he in the air, flying to a rendezvous point? 
You didn’t like this. Not one bit. But if it were a trap, it was a piss poor one. You gathered your weapons. A blaster from Atlantis and your dagger, a gift from the Elder when you graduated to become a Collector. You grabbed a few more items, just in case.
Satisfied, you left the apartment under the cover of midnight. There were less people out now. Less cars on the road or people spilling out of restaurants. Less tourists. Speed was the name of the game so you would take your bike, but keep it under the speed limit. At least, until you made it to the more industrial side of the city. 
The helmet went on smoothly as you fired up your bike and pulled away from the curb. You let the rumbling of the engine beneath you settle your nerves. You were not going to let him play you like that again. You would remain strong. No matter what he tried to say. That…part of your life was over. What you shared was over. Buried at the bottom of the unforgiving sea. 
Out of the inner city, you increased your speed and didn’t let up until you arrived at the warehouse. It looked familiar. Something about the shape of it, the placement of a particular beam, tickled your memory. 
You got off of your bike, taking off your helmet, and shaking out your hair as you glanced at the building. Why did this place seem familiar?
You knew you were wasting too much time standing outside of the building, but there was no sign of David. No car or motorcycle of his own. No sign that anyone was around. You debated on if it was worth going inside. For all you knew, he found the bug anyway and left it here while he was in a different city by now. 
But you had to at least follow all of the clues to the end. You secured your helmet to the back, keeping a watchful eye out for anything amiss. The abandoned yard had cracks in the ground, wild weeds and grass growing in between. The railing was filthy, caked up with layers of grime, gum, and who knew what else.
You took the short steps to the door and inspected it. Nothing out of the ordinary. Still, you took out your blaster and tested the door. It was open. Warning bells went off in your head. This was too easy. Too simple. Too mundane for the likes of David Kane. 
You were a daughter of Calypso, you better act like it.
You steeled yourself and opened the door, sweeping both sides with your blaster. There were no tricks. Inside, the corridor was dark. The red exit sign above the door illuminated enough of the space to determine that you were in some kind of office area. 
You took slow, measured steps towards another door. There was a window cut into it that overlooked a wide open space, filled with hundreds of empty shelves. You looked as best as you were able, searching for any sign of David. 
Seeing nothing, you entered the room, blaster still at the ready though you were starting to feel silly. If David had a trick up his sleeve, some dastardly plan, you couldn’t see it. Couldn’t anticipate what it was he had planned.
You swept across the room, going down aisle after aisle. Curiosity got the best of you as you passed by box after box. You stopped, using your left hand to open it while your right hand kept your blaster at the ready.
Inside the box, there was a funny looking mask. Painted in shades of red, blue, and orange, it looked old. Sacred. Realization dawned as you looked around with renewed interest. This was one of David’s storage facilities. Where he kept the spoils of his pirating.
Heat burned in your chest. Anger rising like the tide that he thought he could sell the Atlantean artifact. To some useless businessman who’d brandish it like a child playing with a toy. No respect.
Your teeth ground together as you moved deeper into the warehouse. It was becoming more and more apparent that you weren’t going to find him. You made it to the end of the last aisle, having peeked into more boxes. Jewelry, weapons, masks, pottery. There was nothing that his ass didn’t try to take.
Up ahead, there was a set of stairs that led to an office. Probably for the manager or something. The light was on and you could just make out a figure. If it was David, he either didn’t see you or was waiting for you.
You took the stairs quietly anyway. At the top, the door was cracked open as David sat in a chair, facing away from you. The room looked like an ordinary office, complete with a desk, bookshelves, chairs, and a sofa. 
No personal touches were left in the room, save for a stress ball on the desk. You nudged the door open and trained your blaster on David’s head. To his credit, he only lifted his hands.
“I was beginning to think you weren’t going to show,” he said.
You pushed the blaster into his head, making him bow forward. “I should kill you for what you did,” you said.
“For taking the knife or not finishing you off?” He asked. Only David could sound so fucking smug while a gun was on him. 
“Please, that was nothing to write home about,” you said and rolled your eyes.
“So the moans…were, what? For my benefit?” He asked.
“You seemed like you needed the ego boost,” you said.
David laughed and finally turned in his seat. You took a step back, staring down the length of the blaster. David looked at the weapon, but then flicked his eyes back to you. He smirked. “You were always a bad liar.”
“What the fuck is this, Kane? Why are you playing these games?” You asked.
David held up his hands, showing you that he was weaponless. He could still have a gun hidden somewhere. As if he could read your thoughts, he sighed. “You welcome to search me,” he said and winked at you. 
You sighed through your nose. He was infuriating. Childish man. You didn’t dignify his words with a response. 
“Where’s the knife, Kane?” You asked. 
David didn’t let his smirk falter as he stood up. He kept his hands palm side up, but brought it closer to his sides. “Close. Safe.” 
“It doesn’t mean anything to you. You can’t even sell it on the market.”
“That’s not why I took it,” he said. 
“Then why?” You wanted to shout. To scream. To hit him. His arms were longer and he would just best you again, super strength or not. You didn’t want to break him. You just wanted to be done with him. 
David licked his lips at your question, face softening. “I had to make you see. If I told you I’ve changed, you’d never believe me. Do you remember this place?” 
Oh yeah, you remembered. You remembered that nearly a year into your dalliance with him, he trusted you with this place. He thought you shared a love of artifacts. He thought you’d be impressed by his “collection”. You were not. You ripped him a new one. 
It wasn’t a secret that he was a pirate. He told you as much when you first met. In fact, you were here under similar circumstances, recovering a plate that belonged to Atlantis when you ran into him. The danger, the intrigue, the meet ups were all so exciting at first. But that argument spelled the beginning of the end for you.
You couldn’t see past his greed. When would enough be enough? When would he be satisfied with his hoard? Satisfied with the money he made? Satisfied with himself? 
You only narrowed your eyes but David nodded. “Remember how full this place used to be? I had a pretty good operation here. Rome was critical to my business. Now look at it. Really, look.” He pointed out of the windows, down at the floor. Down to the aisles where you had searched through boxes.
“Some I’ve tried to return to where they really belonged. Some I’ve sold to fund my research into who should really own these items. Some can’t be returned yet. But I’m working on it,” he said.
You glanced at the floor below but immediately returned your eyes to him. You didn’t trust him. You didn’t trust his words. For all you knew, he moved his operation to a different warehouse in a different city. 
“What do you want, a cookie? I want what you stole from me so I can leave,” you said. 
“Can you acknowledge that I’m trying?”
“You did this for you. Don’t try to put it on me,” you said.
“I did this because you were right. This stuff isn’t important anymore. I just want you. I should have never let you go in Miami,” he said.
Just saying the name hurt you as if he had stabbed you in the chest. You didn’t want to think about that. Didn’t want to think about the hurt in his eyes as you jumped into the water and vowed never to speak to him again. 
“I mean, think about it. I thought I’d never see you again. Why would I bother with this? Seeing you tonight was unexpected but I knew that if I could just show you…” 
You sucked your teeth. Your arm was starting to cramp from keeping it in this position. You lowered the gun but you kept it pointed at him. He took that as a sign to lower his arms to his sides. You watched for any signs of betrayal, any hint of deception.
He used to be so easy to read. Full of life and energy, David was always quick with a word or a kiss. You glanced at his lips. David took one step closer and you lifted the blaster. If he couldn’t get close, he couldn’t confuse you. 
David pushed on, stepping closer until his chest was flush with the blaster. “Hand over the knife and maybe I’ll think about believing you,” you said. 
This was nuts. It took a year to get close to him, to feel any type of connection with him. In the years since you’ve seen him, you learned to forget what he looked like fresh from a shower. What he smelled like when he was wrapped around your body. The sound of his heartbeat as you fell asleep beside him. Now, in his presence, you were right back to the thick of it. As if you had merely suppressed the emotions. Cast aside the memories.
It all came flooding back, confusing you. Distracting you. You pushed him with the end of your blaster until he held up his hands again. David had his own agenda and he was not going to give you what you were looking for. Not until his goal was achieved. 
If you were an ancient artifact, where would you be? David wouldn’t be stupid enough to have it in a place he couldn’t get to easily. Somewhere near his person but not on it. The room had plenty of places to hide such a small thing. 
“Just tell me if I have any chance at all. If there’s any part of you left that cares about us,” he said. 
David was good. But not that good. At the mention of the knife, his eyes darted to the right. For the briefest of moments. You sighed and holstered your blaster. Your arm was getting tired anyway. If he was going to harm you, he would have done it already. 
“You really want to start this again? You really want to go back to the fighting, the differing ideologies, the fact that I live in the ocean?” You asked. 
David nodded once. “I’ll take all of that over all the money in the world,” he said. 
You sighed, regarding him. You let yourself remember. Remember his voice. The subtle growl in his throat when he first slid inside you. You bit your lip, getting closer to him. He wore black jeans and a black T-shirt. You placed your hand on his chest. Let the warmth seep from him. 
He tilted his head at you. You pushed on his chest, walking him backwards. He lifted an eyebrow at you, not quite trusting what you were up to. 
“Do you mean it?” You asked softly. You looked into his eyes. He nodded once again, his jaw flexing.
“Then kiss me and make me believe it,” you said. 
With no hesitation, David captured your lips with his own. He cradled your head in his hands, holding you exactly where he needed you. You moaned into his mouth, hands flying to his belt. You toyed with the hem of his shirt, grabbing at the hard expanse of his chest. 
David sighed against your lips. He kissed just like you remembered. Like you truly were the only thing in his life that he wanted. Needed. You took hold of his jeans, unbuttoning, and pulling his zipper down. He groaned, tried to break the kiss to see what you were doing.
You closed the distance once more, smashing your lips together. You palmed his fat dick, feeling it twitch beneath your hand. 
“You sure?” He asked.
You pulled away to look at him. Nodded. “I’ve never been more sure,” you said. You gave him a small smile. 
David grinned and returned to kissing you, renewing with an increased fervor as if he held himself back before. You walked with him until he hit the chair he was previously in. You pushed him to sit down. He flopped with a smirk on his face. 
You made a show of getting to your knees. David caressed your face, thumb tracing the line of your lips before pushing his thumb inside your mouth. You sucked greedily, offering him a little moan. 
He groaned and then removed his hand so that he could take off his shirt. Your eyes lit up as you got a closer look at his chest. He kept up with working out. Or maybe pirating kept him that well in shape. 
“Missed the fuck outta this,” he groaned. His eyes were half mast. Drunk on lust. Consumed by it. 
You rubbed his thickening bulge with one hand while you extracted your cuffs with the other hand. David was too blissed out to notice. He was having trouble keeping his eyes open as you pleasured him over his storm gray briefs. He gripped the arm rest giving you the perfect opportunity to cuff him to it.
Hearing the clink, David’s eyes flew open. He tugged on the cuff as he looked at you with horror in his eyes. You wrestled with his other arm, kneeing him close to his groin as you pinned it to the other armrest and cuffed that one as well. Knowing him, he probably should be restrained by his legs as well.
But you didn’t have time. He’d find a way to escape soon. You only hoped that you were back on your bike before then. 
“What the hell!” He growled. 
You smirked. “Gotcha bitch,” you said and flipped him off. You walked away from him, searching the file cabinets, desk drawers, and bookshelf for the knife. He wouldn’t keep it on him. That would be too stupid. And one thing David was not, was stupid. No matter how much you wished he was.
“Let me go,” he growled.
You hummed to yourself as if you had all the time in the world. But in reality, your nerves were shot. Getting close to him like that made you feel icky. Like you used him. He used you first, but even that was a cold comfort. 
Pulling out the ratty desk chair, you searched for hidden compartments. You felt along the underside of the desk, hand ghosting along a button. You pressed it. A soft popping noise alerted you to the secret drawer beneath the desk.There, in all its glory, was the death ritual knife. 
You sighed in triumph and opened the bag to reveal the knife still wrapped in its cloth. “Why didn’t you just tell me that I had no chance? I would have given you the knife.” 
You looked at David. He didn’t even look that angry anymore. You zipped the bag up, and slung it around your shoulders.
“No, you wouldn’t have.”
“Do you really think I’m a monster? That I’m not truly capable of loving you?” He asked.
It took effort, but you finally looked at him. Really looked at him. “I think you loved me once upon a time. But I’m not sure if you loved me or what I could do for you.” 
“How could you say that?” David’s voice cracked as he looked at you, jaw slack, eyes wide. Was this just an act? Was he serious? It was so hard to tell with him. 
“Do you remember what you said to me? That you’d rob the world blind if it meant that you got yours. That doesn’t leave a whole lot of room in your heart for anything else!” You didn’t mean to shout. But you never truly did get that closure you needed from years ago. “I trusted you. I loved you! I loved you with everything I had in me. But you were never going to stop. You just expected me to follow you to the ends of the earth with no consideration of how I felt. Like I was some prized pony that gave you clout. You had a real live Atlantean on your arm. You loved parading me around!” 
“Because I was proud of you! Of you! Because I felt so damn lucky to be with you that hell yeah, I wanted the world to know it! Let somebody say something! I would have burned everything down for you!” 
You…did not have anything to say to that. Your mind raced back to every interaction you had. Every time he introduced you. At the time you felt like a trophy. Was he really that damn proud at the time? 
“You were always showing me off. Even when I wanted to stay in,” you said. 
“I wasn’t perfect. Was there a part of me that liked having a super girlfriend? Yes. But I swear to you, all I wanted was you. You leaving…it just made me realize that I didn’t only want the money.” 
Your hands shook at your sides. The endless screaming matches. The lectures. You were no picnic either. Picking at this filthy world with its stale air, weird food, and strange customs. You were miserable because you missed home. But you did feel loved in his arms for a while. For a while at least.
“It doesn’t matter,” you said, looking away from him. Even if you wanted, you couldn’t go back and change the past. Couldn’t undo all the hurt and pain you’d caused each other.
“Don’t say that,” he said, just as softly.
“We can’t change the past,” you said. You walked over to the door. This was why you got in and out and left the surface world alone. It was too loud. Too messy. 
“We can change the future. Let me go, we’ll fix this.” He said.
“No. You’re just trying to get in my head,” you said. 
“If that were true, I’d be yelling and screaming now. All I’m doing is asking for a chance. Just one more. I can’t promise to be perfect. I can’t promise that I won’t piss you off. But I won’t do it on purpose,” he said. 
You fought with yourself. Head spinning with indecision. Could you trust him? Could you not? 
You looked at him. You would never be able to trust yourself around him. And that was the scariest thing of all. 
David widened his eyes as if he saw the decision on your face. You had to learn to school your features. You couldn’t be big and bad if you couldn’t maintain a poker face. 
“Sunflower,” he said suddenly. 
“What?” You asked.
David licked his lips. “When we first met. You had a sunflower in your hair. I asked you why, and you said that you’d never seen one before. So I always brought them to you. So many that the whole house had too much pollen and you sneezed so badly, you had tears running down your face. I’d never seen someone so beautiful as they were covered in snot.” 
Your heart thundered in your chest. He remembered that shit? Hell, you’d nearly forgotten yourself. As he spoke, you remembered everything vividly. You were miserable. You’d seen flowers before and knew their qualities, but you didn’t think it’d affect you so badly. 
You stared. He stared. “I swear by the goddess…”
“This isn’t an act. Damn, can’t you see I love you, woman?” He asked.
You crossed back to him and stood in front of him. “If you ever betray me again…”
“Let me go and I’ll show you that the thought would never cross my mind again,” he said. 
You hemmed. You hawed. But in the end, you were weak in the knees. You let him go from the cuffs. David remained in the chair, rubbing life back into his wrists.
Done, he took your hand in his and kissed the back of it. He kept kissing, flipping your hand over and placing it against his cheek. He kissed your wrist, pulling you closer. He pulled until you straddled him, legs on either side of his. 
He tilted his head and stared into your eyes. He pushed the sling bag over your shoulders and let it fall to the floor. Then, he unzipped your jacket and pushed it from your body, tossing it onto the couch. Your thumb moved back and forth over his cheek while he continued to undress you, pulling off your knife and blaster from your hip. 
He gripped the waistband of your leggings, pulling until he could fit his hand underneath. He found you soaking wet. He lifted an eyebrow at you.
“Don’t get cocky,” you warned. 
He smirked. “Wouldn’t dream of it.”
He began to caress your pussy, dragging your wet essence achingly slow over your clit until you were a shivering, desperate mess on top of him. He kissed along your jaw.
“You don’t have to fight it. Let it go,” he said.
“I can’t help it,” you said around your chattering teeth. His hands felt too good. He remembered exactly how you liked it. Exactly what to do to send your mind reeling and your moans escaping your lips. 
“Yes you can. You don’t always have to fight me. Let that shit go,” he murmured against your skin. His lips found yours as you slowly relaxed. Forced your shoulders to drop. Your hands to slide across his exposed skin. 
A tingling settled in your thighs as you felt the approaching orgasm. Usually your lovemaking was rough. Fucking just as rough as you fought. But this was different. More intimate. Scarier. 
You opened your mouth, eyes closing, as the sweetest wave of pleasure washed over you. You sighed and panted through it.
“There she is,” David cooed. “Let it all go. Surrender to it,” he said.
“I hate you,” you moaned, rocking your hips on his exploring hands. 
He bit your lip and chuckled. “I love you too,” he said. 
You stood up long enough to remove your pants and panties. He stayed seated as he scooted his pants and briefs low enough for him to release his fat dick. It was just as huge and pretty as you remembered it. Thick in all the right places. From tip to base. 
Your mouth watered. You climbed back on top of him. “I’m clean,” he said. But he still reached into his pants pocket for a condom. 
You couldn’t wait to get tested with him to ensure that was the case so that he could slide in bare, no barriers between you. Filling you up. He rolled it on and then lined himself up, pushing in with little resistance.
His hands roamed across your back, pushing your shirt up and off of you. He captured your nipples in his mouth, alternating between each titty while he gently rocked inside of you. Whichever nipple he wasn’t sucking, he used his hand to knead the other. Your arms wrapped around his neck, holding him to you while you both chased that freedom. Chased that pot of gold at the end of the rainbow.
You came first, lifting your head to the ceiling. It was all too much and overwhelming. And yet it felt incredibly right. It had been too damn long since you were with someone like this. Hell, who were you fooling?
No one else did it for you. The minute you swam away from him, he became the only one capable of stretching you out. Giving you what you needed without having to ask. Without having to think. You clenched around him and he groaned, dick twitching as he reached his own climax.
You stayed together for a beat, maybe two, as your heart settled. You kissed his cheek. 
“Now , about this knife…”
You chuckled. “Do not even play with me right now.” 
You rested your head on his shoulder and listened to your favorite lullaby, the sound of his heartbeat.
The end.
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The Secret David Kane Files
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