#key west 2017
boerum-dodge · 7 years
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everglades national park // key west 2017
with US Hwy 41
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pinkpinkmermayyy · 5 months
thinking of lana del rey in the cars universe being a 1990s miata…
@gaystappen @champmorado @penguinotaku
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thelostdreamsthings · 30 days
{Why is Telegram a big headache for the Jews, USA and France?
Why did they decide to literally kidnap the owner Pavel Durov at the Paris Airport?
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Pavel Durov, founder and CEO of Telegram, was arrested today in France, there are different charges against him.
Telegram is the main source of information about the Israeli genocide and massacre in Gaza.
Thousands of videos of Jews massacring children have been posted on Telegram channels by journalists living in Gaza.
Israel is trying to stop that flow of information and that is why it has killed over 100 journalists in Gaza alone.
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The most accurate information about the situation on the ground in Ukraine comes out on Telegram, and NATO can't control it.
Many people use Telegram as their source of information because the information comes directly from the field.
Many dead NATO soldiers appear on Telegram and the CIA and NATO command can no longer hide their direct involvement in the war broke out in Russia.
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Telegram did a lot of damage to the French army in Africa.
The Africans organized all their protests, resistance and everything else against the French occupation forces through Telegram.
Russian mercenaries, obviously, use different platforms, but Telegram played for them an important role in accelerating the deterioration of France's military posture, especially in Africa.
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This is a famous photo of Telegram founder Pavel Durov giving Putin his middle finger.
In 2011, Durov said that the Russian government had requested him to cancel the accounts of anti-government figures on his social media platform.
Durov not only did not follow, but also publicly released this photo of "raising the middle finger to Putin" in the media, which received cheers from the West.
After the 2014 Ukrainian coup, Durov refused to provide the Russian government with information on users involved in the Ukrainian colorful revolution.
In the same year, he left Russia, claiming that Russia was "unable to keep up with the information age". Shortly after, he acquired French and UAE citizenship and stated that he had no plans to return to Russia.
Today, Durov was arrested by France on charges of using the platform to "support terrorist activities" and "pedophilia" after refusing to provide user information to the United States and Israel, facing 20 years of imprisonment.
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Durov helped Ukrainians stage a coup d'état in 2014.
Then the whole West glorified him.
He also trolled the Russian FSB and sent them the “encryption keys” to telegram in 2017.
Back then the west cheered his fight on.
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The founder of Telegram has been detained by French intelligence services at Le Bourget Airport in Paris while exiting a private jet.
He is expected to be presented to a judge later this evening, facing multiple charges, according to TF1.
Potential charges include terrorism, drug-related offenses, complicity, fraud, money laundering, concealment, and possession of child exploitation content.
The main concern of EU authorities regarding Telegram is its encrypted messaging, as reported by TF1}
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{And despite Durlov helped NATO in the 2014 coup in Ukraine, Russia is working to free Telegram founder Pavel Durov after he was arrested in France.}
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If Pavel Durov could be arrested on these charges, then any country can arrest the leaders of Facebook, Google, Apple, Microsoft… any tech company that helps people communicate!
France is a 🤡 puppet of USA and Israel, who are mad at not having backdoor to Telegram.
Regarding Pavel Durov, Julian Assange, TikTok, Scott Ritter etc. etc. ⬇️
"The illusion of freedom will continue as long as it's profitable to continue the illusion. At the point where the illusion becomes too expensive to maintain, they will just take down the scenery, they will pull back the curtains, they will move the tables and chairs out of the way and you will see the brick wall at the back of the theater." Frank Zappa
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the-monkey-ruler · 9 months
Do you know what other Chinese media have the Six-Eared Macaque and the Macaque King as the same being?
I only know that the Lego Monkie Kid has this take like officially. Like it is far more popular to have the Six Ears as Wukong's brother, adopted or sworn, but they are never given the title 'King', and in fact a lot of movie plots are were the Six Ears is mad that he isn't the king and wants to take over wukong's life. The jealous brother trope. Let me make an updated list of Macaque in media that I am aware of!
1928 True and False Sun Xingzhe 真假孙行者 - evil self
1950 How Nazha Thrice Tricked the Six-eared Monkey 哪宅三戲六耳猴 - some guy
1952 Journey to the West 西遊記 - evil self
1983 Real and Fake Monkey King 真假美猴王 - evil self
1986 Journey to West 西游记 - evil self
1996 Journey to the West 西遊記 - adopted brother
1999 Legends of the Monkey King 西游记 - evil self
2009 Monkey King 美猴王 - sworn brother but not a king
2010 Journey to the West 西遊記 - evil self
2011 Journey to the West 西遊記 - evil self
2015 Journey to the West: True and False Exchange - 西游之偷梁换柱 - evil self
2015 The Grow 2 金箍棒传奇2:沙僧的逆袭 - some guy
2016 A Chinese Odyssey Part Three 大话西游3 - some guy
2017 Journey to the West The Legend of the Merman 西游鲛人传 - some guy.
2017 A Chinese Odyssey: Million Years 大话西游之爱你一万年 - some guy
2017 Winning Buddha 斗战胜佛 - evil self
2018 The New Legends of Monkey - evil clone
2019 The Monkey King: The True Sun Wukong 美猴王之真假孙悟空 - adopted brother.
2020 The Real vs. Fake Monkey King 真假美猴王之大圣无双 - some guy
2020 Monkey King 大圣 - evil clone
2020 Lego Monkie Kid 乐高悟空小侠 - Macaque King
2020 Golden-Banded Staff 降妖伏魔之定海神针 - some guy
2021 Monkey King: The One and Only 大圣无双 - evil clone
2021 Six-Eared Monkey 六耳猕猴 - clan members? adopted dad?
2021 Marvel Monkey 六耳猕猴之妖王重生 - some guy
2021 The Legend of Flower Fruit Mountain 花果山传 - twin brother
2022 Journey to the West: True and False Monkey King 西游记 之真假美猴王 - adopted brother? Maybe sworn but not a king?
2022 King of Confusion: The Rise of the Great Sage / Four Monkeys in Confusion 混世之王:混世四猴 /混世之王之大圣崛起 - clan member?
2022 Dislyte - twin brother
2022 Wukong Returns (2022) - evil self
2023 The Legends of Monkey King 凌云志 - some guy
2023 I’m Not a Great Sage 我不是大圣 - some guy
2024 The Monkey King: True and False Monkey King 齐天大圣之真假美猴王 - adopted brother? Maybe sworn but not a king?
2030 True and False Monkey King / Dare to Ask the Way: Apprentice Chapter 西游记真假美猴王 - some guy
Evil Self - 10 (Just Wukong but Evil) Evil Clone - 3 (Created by an outside force) Some Guy - 11 (Just villain, no previous connection) Adopted/Twin Brother/Clan Member - 6~8 (Family connection) Sworn Brother - 1~3 (Friends) Macaque King - 1 (Literally says that they are the Macaque King)
I see a lot more fan content per say that has the Six Ears also have the role of the Macaque King so is it more on a low-key scale where you see the theory really being popular. It is a really fun theory and has a lot of people that enjoy it, but narrative-wise it wouldn't fit in a casual Xiyouji tv show/movie without making major changes. Most mainstream or individual projects have it that Wukong is facing his literal brother/family member, or that he is just facing SOME GUY that he has never met before. Or that it is his evil clone or physical embodiment of his violent thoughts which is what a lot of the older movies do since that aligns with the book's symbolism and narrative meaning of the story.
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my-vanishing-777 · 1 month
Cho Nam-Joo’s 2016 novel, Kim Jiyoung, Born 1982, is a devastating read. It relates an everywoman’s daily experiences of relentless sexism, inequality and misogyny in contemporary South Korea. It is also a book that helped kickstart the country’s 4B Movement. Because, like Nam-Joo’s heroine, South Korean women have had enough. 
Worn down by the gender discrimination that inhabits all corners of their society, 4B Movement followers don’t just want to fight against patriarchy, but move away from it altogether. As well as Nam-Joo’s novel, 4B drew inspiration from the Escape The Corset campaign that took shape in the country in 2017, thanks to pioneers including Jeon Bora, who photographed women who had shaved their heads as an act of rebellion, and Summer Lee, who filmed herself without makeup, and wearing baggy, ‘boyish’ clothes. Both were documenting South Korean women’s attempts to throw off male domination and helped to attract a growing following for 4B.  
4B is based on four principles: Bihon (no to heterosexual marriage), Bichulsan (no to childbirth), Biyeonae (no to dating), and Bisekseu (no to heterosexual sexual relationships). The movement’s proponents such as YouTubers Lina Bae (a beauty influencer who shares her experiences of unattainable beauty standards) and Baek Ha-na and Jung Se-Young, post updates on its aims and progress. “After studying feminism and non-marriage I’ve started to live my life more focused on myself,” says Ha-Na, while Se-Young’s decision not to marry was influenced by seeing how her mother and grandmother have been treated as “subordinates” in her family. Protests take place online and in cities across the country. A 2018 women’s rights rally in Seoul lasted 33 hours as one woman after another took to the stage to relate their experiences of gender abuse. 
The West often views South Korea through a candy-coloured lens. It’s a country built on dignity, respect, smiling K-pop bands and innovative technology. One that’s certainly more liberal than its Northern neighbour. Yet South Korea has a long record of female subjugation.  
During the 1950-53 Korean War, soldiers made women walk over roads they thought might contain landmines to check for safety. Between 1953 and 2021, abortion was illegal in most circumstances. A 2015 South Korean government study revealed that almost 80% of women had been sexually harassed at work. Digital crime, including stalking and sexual harassment, such as molka – the act of upskirting and secretly filming women in bathrooms – is rife. Under current legislation, men accused of stalking can ask their victims to drop charges. Last year, a man murdered his former colleague after she refused to do so.  
The World Economic Forum’s 2022 Global Gender Gap Index ranks South Korea at number 99 out of 146 countries for gender equality. A January 2023 article in South Korean newspaper The Sisa Times reported that 65% of women in the country do not want children. Some 42% do not want to get married, with over 80% of those citing domestic violence as their key reason.  
The country’s incumbent (male) president Yoon Suk-Yeol has promised to close down the South Korean Ministry of Gender Equality and Family that supports women and victims of sexual assault, claiming it treats men like “potential sex criminals”. Last November, local media reported that Suk-Yeol’s government had removed the terms ‘gender equality’ and ‘sexual minorities’ from school textbooks. 
More From Service95
The Female Iranian Photographers Fighting To Be Seen 
September 14, 2023 | By Kamin Mohammadi In her new book, Flowers Of Fire, South Korean journalist Hawon Jung looks at the recent development of feminist movements. When I ask her what she thinks 4B might achieve, Jung points to a quote in her book from Lee Na-Young, a sociology professor at Seoul’s Chung-Ang University. “The patriarchal norms in South Korea, given its economic status and the educational level of its women, are so relentless that the resistance against it tends to be just as intense,” Na-Young says. “Movements like 4B are a message of warning that women would boycott romantic relationships unless society and men change.” 
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dustyy-angel · 9 months
The Best Newsies Thing Submissions 2024
Sky and Ben's handshake
The DeDancey
Jacob and Owen's curtain call dances
Triple M
Carrying The Banner
Matthew Ducketts closing outfit
Ryan and Bronte's "powmss"
King Of New York
King Of New York (92sies)
Michael Dameski spinning on a newspaper
Ryan Kopel
Finches slingshot
Les (92sies)
Mike Faist
Corey singing the Santa Fe key change four bars early
Kara throwing the broom into the orchestra pit
Christian Bale falling over every time he tries to dance
Jack Kelly
Jack Kelly (92sies)
Jack Kelly (Uksies)
The chair Mike Faist fell through
Mush’s front flip during Carrying The Banner
Matthew and Jacobs slingshot bromance
Davey and Les's being the brothers of all time (Uksies)
Ben Fankhauser riffing
Crutchie (Uksies)
Jeremy Jordan
Sarah Jacobs (92sies)
Sky, Josh and Ben trio
Ryan Kopels panicked “… for dinner I mean!”
Newsies at the Marriott Theatre (2017)
Jeremy back at Papermill and making newsies jokes on tiktok
Mike Samaras
Dressing Room 6 livestreams
Newsies Uk
Newsies Broadway
Once And For All
Brooklyns Here
Spot Conlon (92sies)
Newsies ice bucket challenge
Katherine Plumber
The Newsies fanfiction exchange
2012 Tony awards performance
Tumblr blogs being the "Resident *insert name of newsie* person"
KONY at The Big Night Of Musicals
Bad weather and shopping
Blood Drips Heavily on Newsies Square
Winning the best choreography category at award shows
Mukeni Nel
All the Papermill actors who didn't make it to Broadway
Ben Cook kicking himself in the face
“The poor GUYS head is spinning!”
Crutchie swearing in uksies
Jeremy Jordan almost falling on his face
Race (92sies)
Kid Blink (92sies)
“Hi i’m Andrew Keenan-Bolger and I play Crutchie in Disney's Newsies”
Sky Flaherty
Mush (92sies)
David Jacobs (92sies)
The money the movie didn't make
Tommy Bracco confirming one sided Sprace
Seize The Day
Zachary getting left behind on the first day of the national tour
All the Newsies actors who have also been in West Side Story
Newsies discord servers
The Brooklyn girlsies
Moscar Delancey
Davey Jacobs
Carrying The Banner (92sies)
The Broadway overture
Medda (92sies)
Santa Fe
Watch What Happens
Seize The Day (92sies)
The Delancey brothers
The headphone jack post
Itey picking up Tumbler and spinning him around
The alley scene in 92sies
The homosexuality of 92sies
Don Knotts
Race and Les's freindship
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vaporize-employers · 2 months
What Would a Replacement Nominee Mean for US-Israel Policy?
US-Israel policy under Kamala Harris would probably resemble that of the current administration. First thing’s first, Harris would have to decide whether to retain Biden’s trusted foreign policy advisors, National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan and Secretary of State Antony Blinken. Keeping two of Biden’s key staffers would suggest a continuity in US foreign policy. That said, even if Harris decided to shake up her cabinet and introduce fresh faces, her policies are not likely to diverge from those of her would-be predecessor. Harris would likely continue Biden’s work to reach a hostage/ceasefire deal between Israel and Hamas while maintaining ironclad support for Israel’s security, a position that she held even before the current war. During the 2020 election cycle, Harris promised that any administration she serves would continue unconditional security assistance to Israel despite disagreements with Israeli leaders. Harris’s experience as a US Senator from California also offers a glimpse into what her policies toward Israel might hold. Speaking in front of the American Jewish Committee, then Senator Harris reflected on her time serving on the Senate Intelligence Committee and the Homeland Security Committee, telling the crowd that she “will do everything in [her] power to ensure broad and bipartisan support for Israel’s security and right to self-defense.” Like many of her colleagues in Congress, Harris consistently rejected external efforts to apply pressure on Israel to reach a peace agreement. In 2017, Harris cosponsored a Senate resolution that objected to United Nations Security Council Resolution 2334, which condemned Israel for its expansion of settlements and disregard for a two-state solution based on the 1967 lines. While Harris said she opposed any Israeli effort to unilaterally annex the West Bank, the Senate resolution explicitly objected to the Security Council’s condemnation of Israel’s settlement policies in the occupied territory. Harris also gained attention for her stance on Israel in the lead up to the 2020 presidential election when she came out in opposition of S.1, otherwise known as the “Strengthening America’s Security in the Middle East Act of 2019.” The bill provided for security assistance to strengthen Israel’s military, among several other provisions. Notably, Harris was one of 22 Democrats who voted against the bill “out of concern that it could limit Americans’ First Amendment rights.” Though not a supporter of the Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions (BDS) movement targeting Israel, Harris expressed concern over S.1’s authorization to state and local governments to demand that contractors declare that they do not support BDS or settlements in the West Bank. A review of her previous positions on Israel and Palestine suggests that a Harris presidency would likely spell a continuation of Biden-era policies. Harris has shown a commitment to support Israel while exhibiting a willingness to use a more critical tone in public on occasion. For a Harris presidency to offer a radically different policy approach would be quite a surprise, and it is more than likely that there would be few substantive policy changes under her leadership.
Arab Center Washington DC, Jul 17, 2024
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angrylovelyheart · 25 days
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Marie Cosindas (American 1925–2017) Sailors, Key West, 1966
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brexiiton · 7 months
Dying man tells police he was on Japan's most wanted list for 50 years
By Mark Saunokonoko, 7:49am Feb 28 2024
A Japanese man's deathbed confession - that he was one of the country's most wanted fugitives and had been on the run for nearly 50 years - has turned out to be true.
The 70-year-old, who was dying of stomach cancer, told the police he wanted to die using his real name, Satoshi Kirishima, instead of his alias, Hiroshi Uchida.
Four days before he died, Kirishima revealed to police he was part of a radical group that carried out bombings in the 1970s.
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A wanted poster for Satoshi Kirishima, a fugitive long wanted for one of a series of terrorist bombings in Japan. (AP/ Eugene Hoshiko)
DNA test results processed after his death confirmed he was telling the truth.
Born in 1954, Kirishima was a university student in Tokyo when he became involved in extremism and joined the East Asia Anti-Japan Armed Front, a militant group that carried out a series of bombings targeting major Japanese companies in the 1970s.
Eight people died more than 160 were injured in the 1975 bombing of a Mitsubishi Heavy Industries building which was blamed on the group.
Kirishima was allegedly involved in a number of the bombings.
He was wanted on charges of setting off a time bomb in a building in Tokyo's posh Ginza district in April 1975 in which no one was injured.
Though not a key member of the group, he was said to be the only one of the 10 members who was never caught.
While on the run, Kirishima did not have a mobile phone or health insurance and had his salary paid in cash to avoid detection, according to NHK public television.
A photo on Kirishima's wanted poster shows him smiling, with long hair and glasses.
Two members of the group were sentenced to death, including founder Masashi Daidoji, who died on death row in 2017.
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Satoshi Kirishima had been a member of the extreme left-wing group East Asia Anti-Japan Armed Front. (AP / Eugene Hoshiko)
Two of the eight members of the group were indicted in the bombings are still at large after their release in 1977 as part of a deal negotiated by another radical group, the Japanese Red Army, when it hijacked a Japan Airlines plane in Bangaladesh.
Police are continuing to investigate how he managed to evade capture for 49 years, and whether anyone helped him build a new, second life.
The Japan Times reported Kirishima had been living in Fujisawa in the Kanagawa Prefecture, in Tokyo's west.
He had been employed at a building firm for around 40 years.
With Associated Press
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boerum-dodge · 7 years
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day 7—leaving // key west 2017
0 notes
syn4k · 9 months
digital media i watched this year that i really really enjoyed: a (non-exhaustive, non-ranked) list
hi everyone! ray keys here. i'm writing this on Dec 21st because I know I'll forget to post this on time if I don't schedule it beforehand.
i don't watch things on streaming services because i don't have any of the apps downloaded on my phone and most shows just aren't my thing anyways (ATLA has been the only exception) so all of the links here go to YouTube or other (free) sites
here we go!
Misc. Series and Standalone Videos
17776 is a multimedia webnovel (?) about American football in the year of, you guessed it, 17776, written in 2017 by Jon Bois. It's told through the communications of three space probes made by humans and it's genuinely comforting as someone who's generally terrified by the concepts of eternity and immortality. Trigger warning for unreality at the start.
20020 (the sequel, written in 2020 by the same author)
Code MENT is a YouTube series made by PurpleEyesWTF, of which the first episode was released in 2010. It's a fan-made abridgMENT of the anime Code Geass, voiced entirely by one guy (or at least i think so), and some parts of it have become legendary (see: Soup Store). Trigger warning for murder, infrequent use of the R slur, and depictions of blood and gore.
Code MENT playlist
Star Wars The Third Gathers: Backstroke of the West
Star Wars the Third Gathers: Backstroke of the West, uploaded to YouTube by GratefulDeadpool in 2017, is a video where somebody put the entire script of Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith in Google Translate, translated it to Chinese then back to English, and dubbed over it. Yes, it's the entire movie. No, it somehow hasn't been taken down yet.
Star Wars the Third Gathers: Backstroke of the West
Mianite (S1)
At least some of you should be familiar with Mianite, seeing as how it has taken over my entire blog over the past month or so. The World of Mianite is a vanilla Minecraft SMP launched in 2014. It was streamed live, but the recordings of those livestreams were later uploaded to YouTube. The main members of the serverlist are CaptainSparklez, II_JERIICHO_II, SynHD, and OmgItsFirefoxx. Mianite has had three seasons so far, but I've only watched the first from one perspective so that's what you guys are going to get.
CaptainSparklez' Mianite S1 Playlist
MAMASb0y's Mianite Animations Playlist
Mianite Purge Highlights Playlist
Alan Becker (and his Team)'s Work
Hi! This channel gets a special section all to itself because I just finished the Animation vs Minecraft series and I'm pretty sure my life has been irreversibly changed forever.
Animator Vs Animation
Animator Vs Animation (shortened: AVA or AvA) is an animated YouTube series by Alan Becker. The first episode was originally posted in 2006 and was later reuploaded to the platform in 2018. I recently binged the entire thing and was NOT expecting it to be as fucking incredible as it was. This is the de facto best place to start if you want to jump into Alan's other works featuring these characters, which I highly recommend because all of them are fantastic!
Animator Vs Animation Series Playlist
Animation Vs Minecraft
The stick men play the block game. Do not read the comments of any of the episodes until you have finished the entire series. Do not go in with any prior knowledge if you're able to. Set yourself up with a bowl of popcorn and a big ol' glass of ice water, sit back, look really closely for continuity because it is there and it is GLORIOUS, and enjoy.
Animator Vs Minecraft Series Playlist
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paradoxicwashere · 1 year
The Flash makes no sense
As in the 2023 Movie, for many reasons that have been discussed elsewhere in far greater detail. But this is my personal Breaking Point.
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During the movie, Barry Allen (in name only) travels back in time and accidentally ends up in 2013, the year he got his powers a few days before the events of Man Of Steel.
This implies Barry was The Flash for a full 3-4 years before the events of Batman V Superman and, for the sake of continuity with the Chronobowl sequence, Zack Snyder's Justice Leauge.
During those 4 years he has apparently made no progress in either his personal life or his career as a Superhero, the only notable villain he ever encounters is Captain Boomerang, and is an urban legend until sometime after ZSJL. He also hasn't met Iris or seemingly any of his supporting cast and is for all intents and purposes an awkward loner. Fine.
THEN: We get to The Flash 2023, which marks the Cardinal Sin. When Barry goes back to 2013 he *specifically* states that his past self is 10 years younger than him. It's not a guess based on appearance, he knows he is in 2013. And It has been 10 years.
10 Years, and this Flash is still an awkward, insecure, loner who barley *meets* Iris at the start of this movie. What has he been doing FOR A DECADE?!
By Comparison: The Barry Allen of the Flash CW, near and dear to my heart as terrible as it may be in later seasons, has been around since 2014, and the show ended in 2023, about a month before the Flash Movie premiered. Here is a list of the things he has accomplished, by year.
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Time Travelled and Defeated the Reverse Flash (2014)
Saved his father from Prison and was given a Key to the City (2015)
His Dad died so he did Flashpoint, also got with with Iris (2016)
Got married to Iris West (2017)
Met his time travelling future daughter (2018)
Fought in CRISIS ON INFINITE EARTHS, met Ezra-Flash (2019)
Became faster than the Reverse Flash (2021)
Was doomed to destroy the world, saved it (again) (2022)
Went back in time to the night his mother died, now on the other side of the event as the Future Flash, AND beat his 5 fastest villains who all teamed up to kick his ass (2023)
CW Barry was MARRIED TO THE LOVE OF HIS LIFE, in LESS TIME, than it took Movie-Barry to take on The Flash as his name, BECAUSE CW BARRY TOLD HIM ABOUT IT IN CRISIS.
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God the DCEU is dumb.
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satoshi-mochida · 5 months
Tokyo Xanadu eX+ for Switch delayed to July 25 in the west
From Gematsu
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The Switch version of Tokyo Xanadu eX+ will launch on July 25, a delay from its previously planned June release window, publisher Aksys Games announced.
A four-CD set featuring all 88 songs from the Tokyo Xanadu eX+ soundtrack will be available exclusively via Aksys Games Online Store.
Tokyo Xanadu eX+ first launched for PlayStation 4 on September 8, 2016 in Japan, followed by PlayStation 4 and PC via Steam on December 8, 2017 worldwide, and Switch on June 29, 2023 in Japan and July 13, 2023 in Asia.
Here is an overview of the game, via Aksys Games:
In addition to the new scenarios and gameplay not included in the original PlayStation Vita version, this updated edition of Tokyo Xanadu includes all additional content for the game and a revamped localization of the story. A four-CD set featuring all 88 songs from the Tokyo Xanadu eX+ soundtrack is available exclusively on the Aksys Online Store. 10 years ago, a colossal earthquake devastated Tokyo and changed the lives of its inhabitants forever. The city has since been rebuilt and life has slowly returned to a semblance of normalcy. However, behind the veil of this newly rebuilt metropolis lies another world, one with a sinister secret. The earthquake that originally destroyed Tokyo was actually caused by the emergence of a mysterious and lethal shadow world known as Eclipse. Now, action must be taken to thwart the legions of Eclipse and ensure the protection of peace!
Key Features
New Scenarios – Enjoy unique tales of the wielders that weren’t depicted in the main story. Once you’ve completed the game, get access to an all-new quest and carry on the adventure!
New Playable Characters, New Monsters, Dungeons, and Bosses – Play as the mysterious knight, White Shroud. Brandish unrivaled strength and the powers of light to take down vile monsters and vicious bosses! Plus, new dungeons filled with fierce new monster types and giant bosses to battle!
New Boss Battle Mode – Revisit battles with various bosses that appear in the main story. The time you spend on each battle is recorded; how fast can you defeat each boss? This mode also features Boss Rush, where you can battle bosses one after the other.
Watch a new trailer below.
Release Date Trailer
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jules-has-notes · 6 months
2017 VoicePlay winter activities — ch-ch-ch-ch-changes
With a new year came new projects and collaborators, as well as several personal milestones for the guys.
Auld Lang Syne
VoicePlay started the year on someting of a bittersweet note, finally making the offical announcement of Tony's retirement from the group. Fans had been remarking on his increasing absences from VoicePlay's content and concerts over the preceding year, so the formal confirmation that he had left was sad, but certainly less upsetting in knowing that it was an amicable decision.
Five years of frequent, extended travel had taken their toll. Tony wanted to spend more time at home with his family, and refocus his creative energies on new projects through PattyCake Productions, the studio he and Layne had been building over the previous year.
On a happier note, Eli and Ashley entered the home stretch in preparing for their wedding.
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Hot and cold
As they said in the audition video, the remaining guys didn't let a vacancy disrupt their other plans. They continued to alternate between Erik Winger and J.None as their stand-in baritones as they hit the road almost immediately.
First they picked up Winger and headed south for a stylish wedding in the Florida Keys.
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Then they scooped up J.None and returned to snowy NYC for the annual APAP conference after skipping it the year before.
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Once they got home, it was time for some more rehearsals before they performed at a couple local private events and filmed their next video.
This song wasn't fast enough already, guys? Yeesh!
Jacobson nuptials
And of course everyone gathered to celebrate at Eli and Ashley's wedding.
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From the road to the air
Toward the end of the month, Layne and Tony gathered up a few family members and friends and headed to southern Florida for their next PattyCake project.
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When they got home, VoicePlay snagged J.None again and flew out west to "crash Eli's honeymoon" and headline the annual Napa Valley A Cappella Extravaganza.
Part of the extended family
During their week at home between road dates, Earl got to meet Jodi Benson, voice of the animated Ariel, during a Nemo post-show meet and greet session.
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Round and round
The next weekend, the guys and Winger headed up to New Jersey for a show in Rahway with opening act Garden State Sound Quartet. The concert received some preliminary hype in the local press, and a very nice recap.
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photos by Love Imagery, via New Jersey Stage ; and by Garden State Sound Quartet
Then they popped home long enough to pick up J.None and Max Herskovitz for a five day trip to the Bahamas aboard the Disney Dream. While the other guys were at sea, Layne got into some tech geekery for an interview with Lens Depot as part of their customer spotlight series.
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Once they disembarked, they bade farewell to Max and scooped up Layne for a quick jaunt to Maryland.
Making a name
After a few quiet days at home, they met up with Winger again to sing the national anthem as the opening to Full Sail University's annual alumni Hall of Fame induction ceremony.
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During a shopping trip the next day, Layne found a hat with surprisingly accurate embroidery. He joked that it "should have a question mark at the end", and his sister noted that a needle and thread could easily amend it. I'd argue that, like a lot of performing artists, they're more "situationally famous".
Frozen treats
The weekend took VoicePlay (again with Winger) north to St. Joseph, MN for a show attended by several longtime fans and local gent Chris Rupp.
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sleepy Layne, Paul, and Erik heading north very early in the morning
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Home time
Over next week, Layne, Tony, and Earl were busy filming PattyCake's next project, "Beauty and the Bieber", at several locations around Orlando. Meanwhile, Geoff and Kathy took advantage of the slight lull in their schedules and had a babymoon date night at a Take 6 / Manhattan Transfer concert.
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But, of course, the VoicePlay momentum picked up again at their weekly planning meeting.
The week after that, they gathered up J.None and Max again for another loop around the Caribbean on the Disney Dream.
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When they got home, they headed over to a local art school to perform at a fundraiser for their theater program. The lineup for the evening also included Brian Fortuna from Dancing with the Stars and Orshi Horvath, and a newly formed local boy band called the Beatline Boys.
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VoicePlay accompany Brian and Orshi for a dance
Family time
The next few days were spent doing their own thing and marking some big milestones. Geoff and Kathy had their baby shower. Earl and Nick bought a new home.
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Back to work
The final weekend of the season was bookended by video shoots with new collaborators. Friday saw them team up with theme park pal Matthew Darren for a club jam mashup, while Monday brought a peppy breakup song with Broadway performer John Pinto, Jr.
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Once those were in the can, it was time to hit the road again, but that's a story for a another time.
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day6source · 5 months
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DAY6: Retelling the paradox
DAY6 shows what makes them special on their new album Fourever by Kim Doheon
“I’m so moved by the stage, I won’t be alone any longer / Among all of the possibilities, thank you for choosing me.” The first song on DAY6’s Fourever, “Welcome to the Show,” which marks the band’s return to full strength after taking three years off for its members to complete their military service, is an anticipatory start. Along with Young K's lyrics, which directly express the overwhelming emotions of the members who did not give up music during the long hiatus as “moved,” the song opens with a synth riff that signals a new beginning for the band, followed by a bright guitar performance with a thumping bass drum. What comes next is interesting. “The future that you’re welcoming with me might be risky. But there might also be tear-filled emotions.” After a thank you reminiscent of an idol’s fan song, Sungjin warns of an uncertain future. Wonpil then creates a twist by saying, “Even so, if you won’t let go of my hand,” and their show begins in earnest. As all members sing the main melody heard at the start, Young K affirms once more in a firm voice. “I promise you this much. I’m going to give my all.” A warm hello from the returning band moves from anxiety and chaos to great joy, becoming a beautiful anthem of promise. Before the first verse of “Welcome to the Show” is over, we can glimpse DAY6’s path traversed, their identity, and a vivid musical surface that hints at the future they will embark upon.
DAY6 is all about paradoxes. They started out by internalizing the clash of values that come with being an idol band from a powerhouse agency. Despite unabated critical views toward the idol bands in the early 2010s, their agency chose to believe in the power of paradox instead of contradiction. To overcome the negative perception, the members, who had never held an instrument before, practiced for more than 14 hours a day, spent more than 100 hours a week performing together, and set a goal of debuting with their own music. Prior to their debut, the band performed small-scale busking gigs and rock festival stages, starting with Live Club Day on July 31, 2015, to get a feel for a real-life experience. Their debut showcase was held at the West Bridge Live Hall in Hongdae area, and they followed a real indie band’s schedule, announcing performance venues on Instagram, performing on the street, and communicating with fans instead of performing for televised music shows. Since 2017, the group started improving self-sustainability by releasing two self-written songs each month with the “Every DAY6 Project,” a steady stream of creative output. Naturally, the attention given to the new band was not as widespread, but through hard work, DAY6 has been able to chart a path to the seemingly incompatible idol band ideal. But the real key is that, in the process, DAY6 has established their own creative perspective and narrative delivery. Paradoxical situations and the process of resolving them are at the center of DAY6’s musical world. They capture universal moments in everyday life from a different perspective. Their debut song “Congratulations” marks the beginning of what is often called “running while crying,” an expression that refers to the songs with lyrics that go against the feel-good beat of the song itself. The person congratulating you for being so great is an ex-lover who coldly abandoned you. “You Were Beautiful,” an iconic staple of DAY6’s discography, also looks back on the good times with a past lover, but there is a dark sense of nihilism that it’s all over. The same goes for “I Smile” from their first studio album, Sunrise. The vow to be invariably cheerful is actually an expression of perseverance to clench your fists and bite your lip to avoid ruining an awkward reunion with a long-lost lover. “I Like You” goes, “The days that go as I wish, there weren’t many.” In “Time of Our Life,” which has become a generational anthem to youth, DAY6 confesses, “I’ll be honest with you. It wasn’t that easy for this moment to come,” in contrast to the bright melody. We can understand why Sungjin chose to share their uncertainty in “Welcome to the Show.” And nowhere is this formula more evident than in “Happy,” the second song on Fourever. DAY6 desperately cries out for happiness in a bleak reality where “Algorithms only apply to successful people” and “I'm sinking. I think I'm going to cry.”
Crises and climaxes are particularly prominent in the compositional stages of DAY6. In “Zombie,” where they are at their most precarious, their nihilism is taken to extremes. That’s why it’s all the more poignant and precious when they finally get their happy ending. They repeatedly question their beliefs about happiness and love, search for answers, and then defend those answers with unwavering faith. It’s a deep sincerity that only those who have fought to achieve and protect something can bear. It’s a journey that starts in “Hurt Road,” where they sing, “You knew and I knew that this is not an easy road. It’s not that you and I didn’t know that not many flowers bloom on this road,” and ends with, “But I can push through as long as I have your love,” in “You Make Me.” “Time of Our Life” says, “I waited so long for this day to come,” and encourages us to write together “a page of our beautiful youth.” “Sweet Chaos” sings of a good love that overcomes a chaotic disorder. This also becomes the case when we encounter the upbeat synth-pop “The Power of Love” as the next song for “Happy” in this album. DAY6’s music matured as their narrative grew stronger. While in the early days, DAY6 centered on Korean indie soft rock and embraced the trendy pop and rock music of the time, they continued to make musical strides by maintaining the appeal of straightforward rock music, adding electronic sounds, and expanding into various genres such as sentimental ballad and jazz. The expansion started with “days gone by,” which took on a 1980s new wave vibe and picked up steam with The Book of Us series, yielding rich musical results like “EMERGENCY,” “365246,” “Day and Night,” and “Love Me Or Leave Me.” The Book of US : Negentropy - Chaos swallowed up in love, their last album as a complete group before enlisting in the military featured a romantic blue-eyed soul song “Only” and an honest love song, “so let’s love,” while maintaining the electronic sound texture throughout. The project that took on a stronger pop feel was DAY6 (Even of Day), a trio sub-unit of DAY6 absent of Sungjin’s guitar and vocals. Wonpil’s keyboard-heavy production brought textures reminiscent of early 2010s bands like WALK THE MOON and Neon Trees, while Young K refined his talents as a singer-songwriter.
With all four members participating in vocals since their debut, they have now found the optimal combination that conveys different sentiments within a single song using their voices. Young K, who writes lyrics, is the vocalist who can most empower DAY6’s music. The range of his voice, which is as strong and cheerful as his bass, has expanded from the raps in their early days to the choruses that now promise the team’s sureness. Having released a solo album, Letters With Notes, with the composer Hong Jisang, who has worked with DAY6 throughout their career, and written “Rose Blossom” for the girl group H1-KEY, Young K is now a fully-fledged singer-songwriter. In contrast, Sungjin, the rough-edged main vocalist, is the pillar of the band. He retains the raw emotion from DAY6’s early days and adds a touch of rock in various areas of a song, from the run-up to the takeoff. The instantly recognizable voice of Wonpil is multi-dimensional. His clear voice creates a zone of coexistence between the innocent youth, the fragile and wounded youth of today, and the youth who desperately dream of the future. Wonpil, who delivered his unique lyricism and presented “A journey” in his solo album Pilmography, is truly a member who “runs while crying.” Dowoon’s drumming is the foundation on which all of this music can be stably unfolded, a vast canvas for DAY6. FOUREVER is packed with the quartet’s inner strength. After the sing-along-inducing “Welcome to the Show” and a cry out of “Happy,” which they must have dreamed of countless times during their long hiatus, they preach the power of positivity in “The Power of Love,” fix their shoelaces and try to forget a breakup with “Get The Hell Out” and run through the track once again with “Sad Ending.” After this youthful rush, the album calmly closes with the romantic “Let Me Love You” and the DAY6 (Even of Day)-esque “didn't know,” looking back on the past and staying true to DAY6’s music. As the quartet didn’t have much time after Wonpil’s discharge last November, they chose to take a style that fans are familiar with rather than bringing big changes, a choice made possible because they had confidence and faith in their masterful work. Tickets for DAY6’s three-day concert, “Welcome to the Show,” held at Jamsil Indoor Stadium from April 12 to 14, sold out in a heartbeat. Referring to their popularity, some entertainment outlets titled their articles “An urgent need of self-grasping.” Jamsil Indoor Stadium is the largest concert venue in Seoul following the Gocheok Sky Dome, KSPO Dome, and INSPIRE Arena, as the 60,000-capacity Seoul Olympic Main Stadium is being renovated. Mobilizing more than 30,000 spectators over three days for a team that hasn't performed as a full group in three years is no small feat. It’s a testament to the public’s support for them. When the articles were trending on social media with their titles, no one doubted DAY6’s status. It wouldn’t be out of place to see them on an arena or stadium-sized stage shortly. The band’s story of overcoming paradox and singing of love and the power in their voices bring them as “one” and make them invincible as their song suggests. In an era where the dark values of mistrust and individualism are spreading, it’s beautiful to see these four men reunited to brighten the world with their music. DAY6 never fails to deliver. I believe in the band and their sincerity.
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darkmaga-retard · 2 days
History is written by the victor. In the case of Russa and Ukraine, both sides are indoctrinating the next generation to believe in an extremely biased view of past results. The United States is injecting itself into Ukrainian history by overseeing the production of three million educational textbooks.
The US Agency for International Development (USAID) and European Union had begun printing textbooks from Ukraine in 2023 under the “New Ukrainian School” program. US National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan, a known Neocon, said that the next batch of textbooks will be delivered to over 12,000 schools across Ukraine before the start of the school year.
Russia allegedly attacked printing house Factor-Druk which supplied “a significant percentage of all books in Ukraine, including textbooks for Ukrainian children,” according to Sullivan, Yet, the West had already begun printing textbooks for Ukrainian children before the attack that occurred in May 2024.
“A key change for students concerns approaches to learning and educational content. At the Ministry of Education and Science, we are confident that this is the most important thing because the goal of the New Ukrainian School is to raise an innovator and citizen who is capable of making responsible decisions and respects human rights,” Ukraine’s government stated in regards to the “New Ukrainian School” curriculum that first circulated in 2017. “Instead of memorizing facts and definitions, students will acquire competencies. This is a dynamic combination of knowledge, skills, ways of thinking, opinions, values, and other personal qualities that determine a person’s ability to socialize well and to engage in professional and/or further learning activities. In other words, core knowledge is formed that will be supplemented with the ability to use this knowledge, with values and skills that Ukrainian school leavers will need in their professional and personal life.”
In other words, the school is focusing on shaping the next generation’s morals and values based on the government’s ideals. We see the same thing across the West, with students in the United States learning about non-educational topics such as gender identity at a young age.
I reported that Russia had also modified its textbooks to portray history as the government sees fit.
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