#kesar 1 gm
anjalisesameoil · 11 months
CHICKEN BIRIYANI with sesame oil
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Ingredients :
Chicken — One & half kgs
Basmati Rice — One and half kgs
Oil (anjali sesame oil) — 600 gms
Ginger Garlic Paste — 300 gms
Chilli Powder — 50 gms
Green Chillies — 15 pieces (medium sized)
Tomato — 500 gms (Ripe NattuThakkali)
Mint — 1 small bunch
Coriander — 2 small bunches
Cloves — 8 pieces
Cinnamon — 1 medium sized stick
Cardamon — 5 pieces
Onion — 250 gms
Lemon — 2 nos.
Curd — 1 ltr.
Salt — as per taste
Preparation :
❥ Cut onion lengthwise. Divide into halves.
❥ Cut tomato into 4 pieces.
❥ Extract lemon juice and keep aside.
❥ Strip pudina leaves. Wash, cut, and keep aside.
❥ Strip coriander leaves. Wash, cut, and keep aside. Optional to include tender coriander stems.
❥ Wash the chicken, drain the water completely, and keep aside.
1. Place the bigger vessel on the stove. Allow the bottom of the vessel to be heated well.
2. Add oil(anjali sesame oil). Put cloves, cinnamon sticks, and cardamon pieces. Wait for a few seconds and as it splits add half the quantity of onions. Add a full quantity of ginger, and garlic paste.
3. Simmer and allow the onions, ginger, and garlic paste to cook. This should take less than 10 minutes.
4. Add chicken. Sprinkle 2 teaspoons of salt and mix well. Add the remaining onion pieces.
5. Close the vessel with an aluminum lid. Continue to cook in low flame. Using a ladle, stir the contents of the vessel. Allow it to cook for 15 minutes.
6. Remove the lid. Add chili powder, green chilies, tomatoes, coriander, pudina, lemon juice and curd. 7. Stir well, close the lid, and allow the contents to cook well. Continue to cook on low flame
8. Occasionally stir the contents slowly. After about 20 minutes you may notice the oil(anjali sesame oil) separate.
9. Wash the basmati rice and let it remain soaked in water for not more than 10 minutes.
10. At this juncture place the other vessel on the stove. Add water, 4 times the quantity of rice.
11. Allow the water to boil, add salt to taste. Remember you have added salt to the chicken gravy.
12. As the water starts to boil, transfer the soaked rice. Close with a perfect lid. Cook on low flame.
13. When the rice is half cooked, without delaying quickly drain out water. Do not throw the drained water.
14. Immediately, transfer half cooked rice (sprinkle kesar powder over rice if re[1]quired) to the chicken gravy. Slowly mix the contents. Ensure rice doesn’t get smashed.
15. Put a dosa tava on the stove and place the vessel. Take a neat newspaper and place it on top of the vessel and then keep the lid. On top of the lid, place the drained water. The vessel is now airtight.
16. Simmer for about 5–10 minutes. Wait for few minutes and open lid. The aroma of biryani would confirm that the cooking is completed.
17. Serve hot with onion raitha or brinjal tamarind gravy.
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For more details
Anjali Sesame Oil
Contact No: (91) — (452) 242 2765
Contact: +91 9994418270
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weblink-india40 · 1 year
Unveiling The Wonders Of Premium Saffron
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Saffron, commonly known as kesar, is a thread-shaped spice extracted from the stigmas of the flower called saffron crocus. It has a unique, earthy, floral, sweet, and subtle taste with a signature vibrant color. It is often used for culinary application in Indian, Moroccan, Middle-Eastern, and Iranian cuisines. It imparts a delicate floral flavor and a deep yellow color to both savory and sweet dishes. It is also used as a natural coloring agent for dyeing fabrics and threads, especially silk. Premium Saffron is one of the most costliest spices in the world but not everyone knows what makes it so expensive. Each flower has only three delicate stigmas which are collected by hand only. Additionally, it takes more than 70,000 flowers to process one pound of saffron threads. This labor-intensive process makes saffron the most precious spice. 
Uses of saffron-
Cook savory dishes such as biryanis and curries
Prepare saffron milk and tea
Make desserts like kheer, gulab jamun, halwa, ice creams, and cakes.
Add to your skincare routine
This expensive herb is largely cultivated in India, particularly in Himachal Pradesh and Jammu & Kashmir. The commercial usage of premium saffron includes cosmetics, food, and pharmaceuticals. It is one of the essential and luxurious spices traded across the globe. The demand for premium saffron 1 gm in the Indian markets is expected to grow rapidly. The leading suppliers of premium saffron ensure to offer high quality and authentic saffron in the market. Get the best variety from the top supplier with the following attributes- 
It is carefully cultivated, harvested, and processed by a team of experts in the valley of Kashmir. 
It is produced in compliance with the set industrial norms and standards. 
The premium saffron is fresh, free from harmful chemicals, and artificial color.
It is popular for its pleasant aroma, distinct taste, natural flavor, delightful taste and fragrance. 
It is available in air-tight glass containers to ensure long shelf life and retain its natural flavor.
The market drivers for the demand for saffron in India are- 
The increasing application of saffron into numerous beauty, cosmetics, and medicated products due to its amazing skin benefits.
The popularity of various e-commerce platforms and grocery stores has made saffron more accessible to consumers. 
The thriving usage of saffron in the food and beverage sector including confectionary and premium drinks. 
The increase in preference for natural and environmentally friendly dyeing methods in the textile industry.
Benefits of Using Premium Saffron- 
The active compounds in saffron like Crocin and crocetin have anti-cancer effects. 
It also has anti-inflammatory properties which help in arthritis treatment and heal wounds. 
It has soothing properties which improve sleep quality and treat insomnia. Hence, drinking saffron milk before bedtime is highly beneficial. 
Saffron tea provides relief from menstrual cramps and pain. 
The presence of thiamin and riboflavin helps in preventing cardiovascular issues. 
It improves skin tone, texture, and appearance due to its complexion-enhancing properties. 
It also removes sun tan, and treats acne, and hyper-pigmentation. 
It has anti-ageing properties that keep your skin wrinkle-free, radiant, and youthful. 
Conclusion Therefore, it can be stated that the popularity of saffron has not dwindled even after ages. Apart from rendering flavor and color to your dishes, it has some amazing benefits. Buying dried threads of premium saffron 1 gm is enough to explore this magical spice.
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healthymakhana · 1 year
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skinrangeonline · 2 years
Best Dr Piles Free 3 in 1 Pack in india
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Dr.Piles Free would facilitate best results for recovering from piles, fissures and fistula. It is a three in one pack available on the online store of SKinRange at an affordable price. Using it regularly, you would not require surgery or prescription medicine.
Piles are the swollen tissues that develop around or within the anal area. It sets your life in horrible state as it makes you suffer from symptoms like:
1)     Inflammation
2)    Bleeding and bright red mucus in the stool.
3)    Itching
4)   Swelling
5)    Pain
6)   Difficulty in sitting or standing or moving anywhere.
7)    Discomfort due to the swollen tissues around the anal area.
Piles sets in due to prolonged constipation.
Fissures around the anal area arise due to constipation. It is a form of crack developing in the anal canal due to discharge of large size stool. Its major signs are:
1)     Pain before or after the stool discharge retaining for longer time.
2)    Blood in the stool discharge.
3)    Lump of swollen tissues near the anal crack.
Fistula is far worse than the fissures and piles. It connects the two non connecting tissues in an unusual way in the anal area. Irritation, pain, inflammation and bleeding follow up with the problem of fistula disorder.
Till now, people have used surgical method or prescription medicine for getting rid of piles or any form of anal disorder. But it had:
1)     Proven to be quite expensive.
2)    Causing relapse of piles disease or any other anal disorder.
3)  Side effects seen like diarrhea, wounds not healing easily and retention of pain. 
Is  Dr.Piles Free treatment than surgery or prescription medicine?
Combination of Dr.Piles free capsules, powder and oil taken regularly will bring recovery from the root cause. You need to use this 3 in one pack regularly.
What are the significant Dr. Piles free uses?
1)     It is 100 % ayurvedic medicine. Kutaj, nag kesar , tamra bhasm and vidanga are the major ingredients that have powerful astringent and pain relieving properties.
2)    It will balance the doshas.
3)    It will heal the wound and reduce swelling.
4)   It will bring relief from other symptoms of piles, fissures and fistula which are inflammation, irritation and bleeding.
5)    Regulate bowel movement.
6)   It will cause lubrication in the anal passage and make stool discharge easy.
7)    It will promote overall wellness.
8)   Not cause any relapse
9)   No side effects.
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Within a week, you will experience improvement and relief from piles, fissures or fistula.  It is certain that you will not require any way of recovery from any form of anal disorder. Eating a high fiber diet along with drinking 10 to 12 glasses of water will show faster recovery results.  But you must control your urges to eat spicy food, drinking alcohol and smoking. You must not forget about practicing exercise daily. Running, jogging and skipping daily for 15 minutes will quicken the Dr. Piles Free treatment. It will boost blood circulation, regulate bowel movement and bring relief from constipation and any anal disorder.
  Direction to use the 3 in one pack .
Capsules : it is recommended to consume one capsule twice a day with a glass of water.
Powder: You can have 2 gms of Dr.Piles Free powder after dinner daily.
Oil : Depending on the intensity of pain, inflammation and irritation, you can apply Dr. Piles Free oil on the affected area as many times a day. 
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manivelife · 3 years
Add Saffron To Your Diet To Improve Health And Make You Feel Better
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Kesar is also known as saffron is a highly coveted spice that has been an essential part of our rich culinary heritage. This exquisite, expensive and ancient commodity was once the premium possession for Royals and Elites alike from Greece all way down to India where its legacy can still be seen today in many dishes across this vast continent.
Saffron is the most expensive medicinal spice in existence, but why? And what makes this age-old miracle so special. Find out why people have been using saffron for centuries in our post today.
What is Saffron?
The scientific name for saffron is Crocus sativus. It's extracted from the flower and has a rich color with a texture that can be used in cooking to add fragrance or flavor.
The spice, saffron gets its name from Arabic word Zaffran. Widely used as a flavor and color for delicacies all over the world because of how much it adds to dishes without tasting like anything else in particular which makes this plant very versatile.
Use Of Nutriherbs Afghani Kesar
Afghan Kesar is known to be of the finest quality and has tremendous health benefits. This saffron original has been used since ancient times as a medicinal herb and in food preparations. Nutriherbs Afghani kesar consists of pure Afghani Kesar and nothing else. These beautiful strands of Kesar add an amazing fragrance to your food that makes it appetizing and tasty.
Organic saffron is also known to be highly beneficial for the skin and mixing it in a few drops of milk and applying it to your skin may be a great home remedy.
Benefits of Using Saffron
Saffron, the miraculous spice has been a great spice to boost immunity and keep seasonal ailments at bay. As we are battling deadliest pandemics, the need for staying fit becomes more important than ever before.
Adding immunity-boosting foods to the daily diet can help in improving health. Last but not least, what makes this spice a magical herb is that it has been proven as an aphrodisiac and diaphoretic with many medicinal properties including carminative property which helps relieve stuffiness due to bacterial imbalance within your respiratory system.
Here Are a Few More Reasons Why You Need This Magical Herb in Your Daily Diet
Help Reduces Depression
The hectic lifestyle and increasing stress have pushed people to a point where they suffer from several physical issues. Where there’s always been an easy solution for dealing with these ailments, finding the cure to mental problems does take time as seen in books written on Ayurveda which includes Kesar being one ingredient used within antidepressant medicines.
The stigma of the saffron plant not only has magical antidepressant properties but also stimulates neurochemicals like serotonin and dopamine which can be beneficial in treating mild to moderate depression. These components are mostly found within traditional psychiatric medications, so they work well with other treatments for mental illness as well.
Help in PMS Issues
Saffron - one of the most highly-prized spices has been reported to have many benefits when consumed on a regular basis, including the boosting of mood, release from stress, fighting off depression, anxiety, and insomnia. It also helps in regulating one's emotions during PMS episodes as well as combating menstrual cramps without adverse effects.
Help Increases Sexual Drive
Saffron has been used for treating age-related erectile dysfunction, and it can have magical benefits on your health if taken in moderation. This little plant extract has been known for its amazing aphrodisiac properties. Enriched with the goddess of nature; saffron naturally increases sexual vitality both men & women alike! Not only does this spice increase male potency--it also helps improve female hormones like testosterone or estrogen levels. Adding saffron to your diet can have magical benefits on health, but it's important not to overdo the spice.
Saffron is a nutrient-rich spice that has been used for centuries as both an ingredient in cooking and medicine. Recently, research studies have shown how saffron can benefit the body by increasing immunity power among other things - making it effective at treating infertility. If you're struggling with your reproductive health please consider trying this amazing superfood to see if it might help increase conception rates of couples trying desperately hard. It is advised to take kesar saffron original 1g in a day.
Help Improves Heart Health & Reduces Blood Pressure
The goodness of potassium in saffron is what makes it so beneficial for your heart. This natural foodstuff helps widen blood vessels, which removes blockages from the arteries and reduces pressure on our cardiovascular system overall – may prevent hearts attacks or even strokes.
Help in Fighting Seasonal Ailments
Pure kesar saffron original is a magical herb that can keep seasonal ailments at bay. It has been used for centuries to help relieve cold and flu symptoms, which makes it one of the best remedies around.
Saffron has exceptional benefits and is not just used as a food coloring agent or to add flavor in one's dish. The quality of being high in antioxidants makes it a perfect measure to prevent one's cold and flu.
The presence of antioxidants makes this wonder herb a great remedy for seasonal issues or other respiratory problems. It also helps in boosting immunity, which is essential to sustain virus attacks as well.
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What Does Saffron Taste Like?
Kesar, Saffron original has a sweet, floral taste to it. It's earthy and has a complex nuanced flavor. On the other hand, saffron that tastes bitter, metallic, or plastic like are often cheap imitators of this unique spice and should be avoided.
Is It Safe to Take Saffron During Pregnancy?
Kesar saffron original for pregnant women is packed with amazing benefits. Consuming a small quantity of it is safe and very beneficial for your overall health. Apart from the unique flavor, Afghani kesar saffron original is highly recommended for pregnant women as it may help to enhance the immunity level and support the proper growth and development of the fetus. It has no side effects as long as it has been taken in the right quantities. It's advisable to consult with your healthcare professional.
Precautions and Dosage
Saffron is generally safe with little to no side effects.
As a dietary supplement, people can safely take 1 to 1.5 grams of saffron per day. However, only 30 mg of saffron per day have been shown to be enough to reap its health benefits.
Soak crushed saffron in 20ml of hot milk or water for 20-30 minutes. Add to your desired dish or simply mix with milk and drink.
On the other hand, high doses of 5 grams or more can have toxic effects. As with any supplement, speak to your doctor before taking saffron in supplement form.
Where to Buy Best Afghani Saffron (Kesar) in India?
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homecookingshow · 6 years
Shrikhand 2 Ways Ingredients To Make Shrikhand Base Curd - 600 gms Powdered Sugar - 1/4 cup To Make Kesar & Elachi Shrikhand Shrikhand Base Powdered Cardamom Saffron Milk Pistachios Almond/Badam To Make Chocolate Shrikhand For Melted Chocolate Milk - 1 Tbsp Semi-sweet Cooking Chocolate - 50 gms Shrikhand Base Melted Chocolate Chocolate Chips Basundi recipe - https://goo.gl/wmgmms Beetroot Halwa recipe - https://goo.gl/EDspkC #Shrikhandrecipe #choclateshrikhand #kesarandelachishrikhand You can buy our book and classes on http://bit.ly/2R8N5hU HAPPY COOKING WITH HOMECOOKING ENJOY OUR RECIPES WEBSITE: http://bit.ly/2l7s73S FACEBOOK - http://bit.ly/1Ej2iQw YOUTUBE: https://www.youtube.com/user/VentunoHomeCooking INSTAGRAM - http://bit.ly/2kmxStn A Ventuno Production : http://bit.ly/1rUehhV by HomeCookingShow
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ajantafoodproduct · 2 years
How to make delicious badam milk at your home?
Refreshing badam milk is a popular Indian drink made with milk fresh almond paste and Ajanta cornflour powder. This badam milk recipe is easy to make and is loved by everyone during summer. In this blog, we will discuss how to make delicious badam milk at your home.
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.  20-30 Almonds
.  Chopped almonds
.  1 teaspoon cardamom powder
.  1 cup of sugar
.  1 cup of water
.  3 tablespoons of cornflour from Ajanta Food Products
.  1 litre of full cream of milk from Amul
.  10-12 strands of kesar
.  Pistachio
.  Pinch of yellow color from Ajanta Food Products
.  You should soak almonds for at least 4 hours.
.  You should carefully peel all the almonds (which is perfectly peeled).
.  You should transfer all the peel almonds into the blender.
.  Now, you should add water to the blender.
.  You should blend it at low speed for at least for 5-10 minutes.  It will become smooth and combined.
.  You should blend it till perfect texture of the almond-water mixture is obtained.
.  In a separate glass, add 3 tablespoons of cornflour of Ajanta Food Products into 1/3 cup of water.
.  You should add water in batches.
.  You should carefully mix it well until a uniform and smooth texture is obtained.
.  You should make smooth slurry of the cornflour from Ajanta Food Products.
.  In a medium saucepan, add 1 litre of full cream milk from Amul.
.  You should let it boil it medium to high flame.
.  You should stir continuously the boiling milk.
.  You should now add almonds mixture into the boiling milk.
.  Mix it well.
.  Now, in the boiling milk and almond mixture, you should add 10-12 strand of kesar into the mixture.
.  Add chopped almonds and pistachio into the milk and almond mixture.
.  Stir it continuously and mix it well.
.  Mix and cook for at least 5-10 minutes.
.  You should add 1 cup of sugar into the almond and milk mixture.
.  Add the cornflour slurry into the almond and milk mixture.
.  Mix and cook for at least 5 minutes at medium flame.
.  Add 1 teaspoon of cardamom powder into the milk and almond mixture.
.  Add pinch of yellow food color from Ajanta Food Products.  Food color will enhance the overall appearance of the badam milk recipe at home.
.  Mix and cool for 5 minutes.
.  Badam milk is ready.
.  Refrigerate for at least 4 hours.
.  Serve it chilled.
.  Garnish it with pistachio.
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Make delicious cake by trying out flipkart to buy Ajanta 2 Cocoa Powder (50g each) 2 Drinking Chocolate (100g each) Pack of 4 Combo (300g).
Check out https://bit.ly/3KXA7vy to buy baking combo from Ajanta Food Products. This combo contains Baking Powder, Cocoa Powder, Custard Powder, Vanilla essence.
Tip 3:
Click https://bit.ly/3Ilv8Dh to visit flipkart and buy Ajanta Combo of Baking Powder 100gm, Cocoa Powder 50gm, Custard Powder 100gm, Vanilla Flavor 20gm Combo  (100 gm, 50 gm, 100 gm, 20 gm).
All the products are ISI mark and are made from high quality ingredients. This combo is perfect for making any cake. All these products are FSSAI approved and with ISI marked to ensure high standards of quality.
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Saffola FITTIFY Gourmet Hi-Protein Slim Meal Shake - Alphonso Mango, 420 gm {BUY 1GET 1 FREE]
Saffola FITTIFY Gourmet Hi-Protein Slim Meal Shake – Alphonso Mango, 420 gm {BUY 1GET 1 FREE]
Price: (as of – Details) Meal Replacement, Up to 70% Less calories per serve vs. an average Indian mealBest Digestible Whey Protein, 18g to 20g protein and 2-4g dietary fibre per serveWith 5 Plant based superfoods plus 6 essential vitamins and mineralsAlso available in Swiss Chocolate, Kesar Pista, Vanilla, Coffee Caramel and No Added Sugar flavors Cookies and Cream and Pistachio AlmondCountry…
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thespdkitchen · 3 years
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Chicken shahi korma ʀᴇᴄɪᴘᴇ 👇(chicken sahi khurma) #chickensahikorma #chickenshahikorma #thespdkitchen #foodphotography #foodstagram #foodporn #delicious #foodblogger #foodpics #foodlover #foodphotographer #masterchefindia #masterchef #indianfood #northindianfood #theartofplating #simplisticfood #restaurant #recipes #foodgasm #foodie #foodphoto #foodtalkindia #foodtravel #chefsexcellentplates #foodartchefs #restaurantfood #instafood #instafoodie #kerala ɪɴɢʀᴇᴅɪᴇɴᴛꜱ 500 gm chicken 4 medium size onions, chopped 2 medium size tomatoes,finely chopped 1/2 cup milk 1 cup oil ½cup cashew nuts paste 2 tbsp Ginger-garlic paste 5 cloves cardamom 7 cloves 2 tej Patta 1 cinnamon stick 2 tsp red chilli powder 2 tsp coriander powder 1/2 tsp jeera powder 1/2 tsp turmeric powder 2 tsp chicken masala 1tbsp sugar Pinch saffron (kesar) 2 tbsp salt Handful coriander leaves 1/2 cup water 50gm paneer ɪɴꜱᴛʀᴜᴄᴛɪᴏɴꜱ Heat oil in a pan and add whole garam masala and onions and fry till light brown. Add ginger garlic paste and saute. Add tomatoes and cook for 3 minutes on high flame.Then add coriander powder, jeera powder, turmeric powder, chilli powder, salt and garam masala.Mix well Add chicken pieces and give a nice stir and fry on medium heat for 5 minutes. Then add water and cooked for 15minutes. Add cashew paste and mix well.Cover it and cook for 5 minutes on low heat.stir in between to prevent burning of masala. Mean while add saffron and sugar in milk and leave it for 1 min. Add milk in the gravy and give a nice stir.Cover it and cook for 5 minutes on low heat. Add sugar and light crushed the paneer and mix well and again cook for 2 min by covering it. Add coriander leaves. And Serve hot ʀᴇᴄɪᴘᴇ by 👉 @Tʜᴇ SPD Kɪᴛᴄʜᴇɴ https://www.instagram.com/p/CVvjuidKmcE/?utm_medium=tumblr
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lifehealthfoods-lhf · 3 years
Naturally boost the amount of protein in your shakes
Adults, teenagers, and children all need a sufficient amount of protein to keep their bodies healthy and functioning well. All nine amino acids are essential for a human’s good health. Protein is especially important to growing kids and teens because it aids growth and development by building muscles, bones, and tissues. That doesn’t mean that they are crucial to only growing kids, protein does much more than help with development. It also helps form blood cells and repair cells in your body and make new ones. It also participates in most processes of a cell and plays an important part in immune response and metabolic reactions. Unless you eat a good helping of protein-rich food with every meal, it is pretty difficult for someone to meet their daily requirement of protein with solely their regular food. A great way to ensure you never miss out on your daily dose of protein is to have a protein-rich shake like an almond milk smoothie every day.
Almond butter - Almonds are plenty rich in protein, and almond butter is pretty easy on the palate too. Each serving (about 1 tablespoon) of almond butter contains roughly 4gms of protein. This means if you add even a couple of tablespoons, you will be fortifying your shake with roughly 8gms of protein. Almond butter (unsweetened and unsalted) also contains a decent amount of healthy fats. Adding almond butter to your milkshake will transform any shake into a lovely scrumptious glass of almond milk shake. 
Flax seeds - Although flax seeds don’t provide a large number of proteins per serving, you need to keep in mind when it comes to upping your levels of protein intake, every little bit counts. Per serving of flax seeds, which is roughly 1 tablespoon, provides approximately 2 gms of protein. Like a lot of other nuts and healthy seeds, what’s great is that flax seeds are also a good source of healthy fats and other nutrients. Just make sure to roast or cook your flax seeds before dunking them into your grinder.  
Chia seeds - Similar to flax seeds, chia seeds aren’t a mega-house of proteins. But as we mentioned earlier, every little bit counts. A tablespoon of chia seeds has around 2gms of protein. It is worth noting that chia seeds are also a good source of fiber, with roughly 14gms of fiber per serving. This means it will aid in digestive and gut health as well. You can use it along with any of the other ingredients mentioned here as well to further boost your drink’s protein levels. You can even replace your milkshake or smoothie with a healthy chia drink. It will be equally filling and nourishing as long as you use nutritious ingredients.  
Peanut butter - Everyone knows that peanuts are a great source of protein, that’s the reason most store-bought shakes will usually include peanut butter. Each scoop of yummy peanut butter contains roughly 4gms of protein. That’s quite a bit compared to quite a few other protein-rich ingredients. Just make sure that when you buy peanut butter, you opt for brands that are sugar-free and unsalted. You don’t want to end up adding empty calories and sodium to your healthy shakes and make them unhealthy for no reason. 
Adding these protein-rich ingredients to your shake will also help minimize your cravings, will give you the energy to get through the day, and balance your blood sugar levels. All of the aforementioned ingredients are a healthy source of protein that you can add to your kesar badam milk shake or any other smoothie to give it a boost of protein without actually having to use unhealthy protein powders. 
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lets-grow-online · 3 years
Patanjali Kesar 1gm X 1
Patanjali Kesar 1gm X 1
Price: (as of – Details) Patanjali Kesar 1gm X 1 Package Dimensions‏:‎1 x 1 x 1 cm; 998 GramsDate First Available‏:‎13 January 2020Manufacturer‏:‎PatanjaliASIN‏:‎B07QZNFSPNItem part number‏:‎797079393743Country of Origin‏:‎IndiaManufacturer‏:‎PatanjaliItem Weight‏:‎998 gNet Quantity‏:‎1 gram Adds flavour to the foodQuantity – 1 gm
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akeshri12 · 3 years
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Saffola FITTIFY Gourmet Hi-Protein Slim Meal Shake - Royal Kesar Pista, 420 gm (Buy 1 Get 1 Free)
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healthymakhana · 1 year
Buy 1 gm pure kashmiri kesar (Saffron) online at best price in India - Healthy Master
If you are looking to buy organic kashmiri keshar online at best price in India, then Healthy Master is your stop point. Buy original and pure kashmiri saffron in 1g at best price. For more information visit our website:
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manivelife · 3 years
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Afghani Kesar is known to be the finest saffron in the world. Nutriherbs Afghani kesar is hand harvested and 100% pure. It is packed with antioxidants which may act as a mood elevator and help pregnant women feel happy. It is beneficial for your skin and may help reduce the appearance of fine lines for a more youthful radiant glow. This is pure kesar that is free from artificial flavours, colours, aroma and additives.
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waaglobal · 3 years
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*Rafael kesar Petha (1 KG)* *Size*: Free Size(Quantity (gm) - 1000.0 grams) Free Size(Quantity (kg) - 1.0 kg) *Ingredient Type*: Vegetarian *Packaging Type*: Tin Can This product is non-returnable ⚡⚡ Hurry, 8 units available only (at India) https://www.instagram.com/p/CPeX2OSJ5hK/?utm_medium=tumblr
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