#kenobi x ventress
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what-i-meant-to-say · 2 years ago
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As future Boba might tell them,
Now go. Find a room. Make baby Ventrobis. Go! You're free to roam each other's bodies.
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carmilllaofstyria · 10 months ago
if only the authors got over themselves and let the characters be queer in peace ... or violence. whatever they're into.
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magical-gifts · 2 months ago
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obimaulartfire · 1 year ago
Dave Filoni thought he was giving Obi-wan one love interest (Duchess Satine), but what he really did was give him like, 8. (Quinlan, Maul, Satine, Ventress, Cody, Grievous(???), etc etc)
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garagesesh · 1 year ago
thunder // anakin skywalker
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★ pairing(s): anakin skywalker x (f!)reader ★ summary: you and anakin had a falling out and now you’re forced to reconcile after a mission gone wrong. ★ warning(s): sexual content! graphic descriptions of wounds! blood! enemies to lovers? ★ a/n: enjoy :) this shit long af sorry lmfao title is from thunder by miss lana
␛ to masterlist
When you received the encrypted message this morning by Master Mace Windu, you were confused. Sent in the middle of the night with barely any explanation given other than a time and place to meet. It wasn’t unlike Mace to send abrupt messages at all times of the night, but it was strange to have no details given whatsoever.
You struggled with the message all day, going over and over in your mind what was going on, what could happen. You weren’t exactly the most obedient Jedi in the Order and there was recently an incident on Lothal where you had taken some of your men to quietly gather some intel of the Separatists who held Capital city.
Except it didn’t exactly happen quietly and a full blown incursion had broke out. General Kenobi and his fleet had to step in and evacuate you and your men.
While forever grateful for Obi-Wan saving your skin, you were forever guilty of your incompetence.
“There’s been an emergency.” Was the first thing that slipped out of Mace Windu’s mouth the moment you crossed the threshold into the meeting room.
“What emergency?” Silently relieved that this was not what you believed it to be.
“Master Kenobi has already been debriefed and will arrive later to discuss intimate details of the plan with you.”
“How secret of a mission is this that it’s just me and Obi-Wan? No reinforcements?”
“It’s not just you, Master. We’re waiting on one other.”
It was at that moment the doors slid open revealing Anakin, the third member of the small secret trio of the mission. His blood boiled, his jaw clenched, and his stomach churned at the sight of you standing at the other side of the room, avoiding his gaze.
Why? Why were you here? A million reasons as to why ran through his head and none of them sounded good.
“General Skywalker.” You smiled, trying to ignore the way Anakin’s hands curled into fists. Now you knew why you weren’t privy to who exactly was on the mission.
See, you and Anakin didn’t exactly get along. Once, years ago, but now it wasn’t possible for him at least, to be around you.
“What is she doing here?” Anakin’s voice dripped with annoyance.
Your heart panged at the slight but you swallowed it away instead, smiling at him. “Charming as always, Skywalker.”
“She, General Skywalker,” Windu snapped, pointing to you at the opposite end of the room. “Is a member of the Jedi Order and you are in no position to question on why a fellow Jedi is at any meeting. Do you understand?”
“But-“ Anakin started but was quickly shut down.
“Do you understand, Anakin?” Windu’s tone didn’t allow Anakin to choose no.
“Yes, Master Windu.” He grumbled.
“Good.” He pushed the green button on the dashboard, illuminating the room with the soft blue glow, map of Ajan Kloss. “We have reports of a disturbance in the force on the outer rim moon of Ajan Kloss.”
Windu motioned toward the small blue moon. “We have reason to believe that the Separatists are scouting the moon for a new base to begin expanding their efforts further out in the Outer rim.”
“So what is the plan?” You asked.
“Find the disturbance and hopefully stop the expansion.”
“Simple enough.” You nodded.
The door slid open once more, this time Obi-Wan quietly entered. Chin in his hand, circling the table evaluating every inch of the map.
“Master Kenobi.” You called out to him, smiling.
“General.” He nodded. “I’m happy to see you could help. Anakin and I both appreciate your help and expertise on this matter. Don’t we?”
Anakin grumbled, but nodded anyway.
“Thank you, Master.” You smiled at the older man before you. “I’m happy to help.”
“Good.” He returned your smile and looked over to Anakin a moment, placing a hand on his former Padawan’s shoulder before turning back to you. “We’re both happy to have it.”
Anakin huffed his obvious displeasure, loud enough for you to hear it. He was not happy about the situation and no doubt felt blindsided by Obi-Wan’s lack of keeping him in the know of what was going on. You didn’t care, he was any other Jedi on a mission to you and you weren’t going to let his bad attitude and anticipated harsh comments let you from successfully fulfilling your duties and Obi-Wan seemed to thankfully on the same page.
“I trust you three will do this properly.” Windu’s piercing gaze bore into you.
“Yes, Master.”
“Good, you two may go.”
Anakin followed you out, sighing heavily as the door slid closed.
You swallowed heavily, the pressure of his gaze into the back of your head made you face him. “I don’t want to do this either, Anakin.”
“Good. Glad you agree.” He rolled his eyes. “Don’t screw this one up like you did on Lothal.”
“It wasn’t my fault.”
“Yeah, sure.” Anakin moved closer, his real hand wrapping around your upper arm. His lips brushed against the top of your ear, “Don’t get in my way.”
Anakin pulled back completely, letting you go and beginning down the hall away from you. “See you tomorrow, Y/n.”
Dawn was breaking when you arrived at the docking bay. Anakin was perched on a supply box, laughing at something one of his men had said.
There was a time you would be there with them, making him laugh. You swallowed hard.
“Where’s Obi-Wan?” Bag slung over your shoulder, you approached the men and Anakin.
Rolling his eyes, he jumped off the box. His demeanor completely changed back into seriousness and annoyance at your presence.
“Why?” Anakin hummed as he crossed his arms across his chest.
“Because I have to report to him, Anakin.” You matched his bite.
“He’s on the cruiser.”
You nodded, pushing past him purposely bumping your shoulder hard into his own. Hoping that maybe your bag even hit him as well as you entered in the small jumper ship. Putting your things into a locker before jumping into the cockpit and starting the pre flight procedures.
“I’m flying.” Anakin’s voice entered the cockpit. Of course. Jackass.
“Fine.” You released the pilots controls, not wanting a fight so early in the morning. Instead, you commed to Obi-Wan letting him know of your departure and soon arrival.
You two avoided each other on the cruiser during the standard weeks journey. Waltzing your ways down abandoned corridors and choosing odd meal times.
All of your efforts proved to be in vain when Obi-Wan let you know that Anakin and you were to go solo into the jungle in hopes to use Obi-Wan and his men as a distraction.
“We should head south. Towards the river, there should be small villages along there.” Anakin pointed at the map.
“That’s almost a four day hike,” Sighing as you disagreed with him. “And completely off track.”
“The Separatists will be in those villages, Y/n.” He shook his head, “And whatever Sith scum is on this rock will be there too.”
It began to not rain, pour. Your hair was completely drenched and so was Anakin’s. Thunder rolled in and the fog began to settle.
“If we follow my plan, we won’t end up dead like the men on Lothal.”
That was it.
You had enough of Anakin Skywalker. “Shut up!”
You pushed him to the ground, jumping on top of him and straddling his body.
“What is your problem!?” He choked out. Quickly flipping you over into the dirt, the wind knocked out of your lungs with a huff.
“Get off me!” You wanted to spit in his face. You began to claw at his face, but he quickly grabbed your wrists and grounded them in the mud.
Thunder clapped above. You pounded at his chest, “Get off me!”
Another boom from the sky had him off you. “We need to make shelter!”
You reached for the map in your belt. Feeling for the tech, you found none but scraps. The map was completely destroyed. You reached for the com, it was of the same fate. There was no hope of trying to salvage the tech in your hand.
“You fucked us over!” Anakin shouted over the thunder and rain.
“Shut up!”
“You’re the one who got us in this situation. If only you hadn’t blown up at me, we wouldn’t be in this mess!”
“I’m the one who got us here?” You scoffed. “Need I remind you that this was your idea?”
“My idea?” He pointed a finger at his face as his eyes narrowed at you. “You suggested that we divert completely!”
“And you suggested that we go this route! Plus-“
“Doesn’t make it my idea!”
“You didn’t let me finish!”
“And I won’t!”
“I have never met someone so infuriating, so narcissistic, and so downright arrogant as you in my entire life!”
“I’m infuriating?” He snapped back with venom. “Have you ever met yourself?”
“You’re so-“ You stopped short.
“So what?” It was only then that you realized that the chipped deep blue armor that wrapped around his shoulders were mere inches from your chin. His chest was mere centimeters away from your own and that he towered over you as his deep blue eyes glowered.
“Just forget it.” You sighed, stepping back, trying to escape his
“No, go on, I’d love to hear it.”
“No, Anakin.”
“I don’t even know how I used to put up with you!”
The brush moved above you. “What was that?”
“What was what?”
The dark ripple of the force electrified your nerves once more. “There, did you feel it?”
“Stop it, nothing’s there. Let’s keep going.”
“Anakin,” His name stopped him dead in his tracks, you hadn’t used it in years. “There’s something following us. I can feel it.”
“It’s just the storm.”
“Anakin.” You looked at him with eyes wide.
“Hello, Jedi.” Ventress hissed from above. Her lightsabers hissed as the sith ignited the two as she towered over you.
“I’m so glad you could make it.” Her lips twisted into a sadistic grin that made you twinge.
Anakin ignited his blue to your green.
Ventress cackled, raising her double lights over her head to make a slash at the both of you as she dropped to the jungle floor. A master in her own right with dueling two at the same time.
Anakin lunged forward first, his blue clashing with red. Purple illuminating their faces, you saw this as your chance to enter the fray. Your green went for her side, trying for a swipe at her rib cage. Ventress easily blocked your move.
You and Anakin fought hard as you slowly made progress pushing her farther and farther into the jungle floor. At one point, the green blade of your saber made contact with her leg and Anakin’s sliced up her arm.
You were making good progress and might even capture the with.
That’s until you came upon the ravine.
Ventress’s leg came up, her foot square in the chest of Anakin’s plate of armor and pushed hard.
Anakin fell.
He tumbled over the top of the ravine and into the pit of darkness, his frame shadowed by the rain and fog that enveloped the depth below.
“Anakin!” Your lungs screamed for air, your grip slipped, allowing for Ventress to slice open your shoulder, searing your robes and the skin underneath. You fell to your knees, completely at the mercy of the Sith.
“Oops?” Ventress laughed. “Looks like Skywalker won’t be making it home.”
Your head hung in defeat. Wet hair falling in a curtain around you, shielding your shame. You failed. You failed yourself. You failed Anakin. The only thing that awaited you was death that came in the form of her twin blades crossed over at your neck.
But the blow never came. The hum of her lightsabers ceased and the only thing left was the rain, thunder, and your heavy breaths. Then you descended into the pit, screaming in agony as debris fell onto your wound.
The ravine was just as clear as it was from above. Holding onto the seared wound in your shoulder, your search became frantic noticing the stream was shades of blood. “Anakin!”
His body was unnaturally situated in the shallow water. His eyes were closed as you knelt in front of him.
“Anakin.” You whispered above his unmoving form.
“Anakin! Please!” He was alive you could feel that but his life force was fading. You scanned his body, looking for the wounds that ran the river red. Then you saw his leg.
His leg was mangled, bloody, and almost snapped in half.
It made you nauseous to look at it, but you needed to stop the bleeding or he would die. There was no way this would heal properly without medical attention and weeks worth of time in a bacta tank.
Your frantic hands shed your belt, practically tearing the dark outer robes off your top, leaving only the thin tank top underneath left. The blue fabric of his pants were slick with his blood, dyeing the blue, black. With every second passed, the more his blood poured from his leg.
You couldn’t wrap the wound successfully without straightening it out. The thought of maneuvering the bone back into a straight position was gross and something you had never done before, but you had to get him out of this ravine and get help immediately and with the com broken it wasn’t likely to be found anytime soon.
His unnaturally bent leg made unpleasant noises as you slowly moved it back into a e position, thanking the force he was unconscious to feel the pain. You felt bad for the pain he would feel when he would wake up, if he woke up.
But you couldn’t think like that, no, you would stop the bleeding, find help, and he would be fine. Everything would be fine. You two would go back to Coruscant and the endless fighting would resume.
You traveled for hours with him on your back. Taking only a few moments to eat from a bush or drink from a stream. You tried your best to find the way you had once come. But it was proving difficult with the cloud cover and the haze of pain from your shoulder.
It was nightfall when you found a waterfall with a pool of water. Just behind the curtain of water was a large enough cave that would easily fit the two of you and then some.
You laid Anakin to rest on the floor. Immediately going for water to wash your hands and then his wound. It took hours to delicately clean the break and skin, you didn’t realize you had fallen asleep until you saw the light streaming through the water.
On the first day, Anakin hadn’t awaken. He laid silently on the cave rock floor. You hadn’t left his side, only once every few odd hours to get more water to clean his wound.
You were reluctant to leave him but you need to find food and find something better to bind his leg and maybe find a way to get to Obi-Wan.
On the second day you made a make shift bed for him to lay on made out of palm ferns that you tied on your back for an easier climb.
On the third day, you meditated. Hoping that you could reach out and contact Obi-Wan through the force, but you weren’t lucky enough to have a bond with him.
On the fourth day, a cold front came in. It wasn’t anything like the chills on Coruscant but it was a significant drop in the average temperature for Ajan Kloss.
On the fifth day he woke up.
“Y/n?” You thought that the hallucinations from lack of sleep, food, and proper hydration began when you heard his voice for the first time. But the voice persisted, calling your name again.
“Don’t move.”
“What happened?”
“Have you heard from Obi-Wan?”
“Would we still be in this cave if I had?”
“Stop moving.”
“Stop telling me what to do.”
“Your leg almost snapped in half.”
“I know. I can feel it.” Anakin winced. “How long have I been out?”
“Five days.”
“How long do you think-?”
“I don’t know.” You unwound the scrap of red fabric that came from his robes. He tried sitting up again but groaned in pain when you poured water from a flagon you had made out of some hollow shell you had found at the edge of the river and onto the wound.
“Kriff!” He jerked his leg which only caused him more pain. “Fuck.”
“Sit still.” You wanted to slap his stupid face. “If you would just stay put, I could finish this faster and then you wouldn’t be in so much pain.”
“And you haven’t gone out and tried to find help?”
“Oh, I’m sorry! I guess I should’ve let you die then!”
“No.” He looked down at your hands, watching as you worked on wrapping his leg with the freshly washed makeshift linens. “I’m sorry for what I said before Ventress.”
“It’s okay.” You brushed it off. It hurt but you weren’t going to stew over it. Silence fell over you again.
“We used to be inseparable.” Anakin uttered one evening when the rain came down. His back was currently propped up against the cave wall, watching you as you cut into some fruit you had found earlier that day. Your hair was drenched, and beads of water rolled down your neck and bare shoulders. Your skin glistened under the shimmer of the waterfall.
“A long time ago.” You huffed. It was annoying to hear him try to bring up the past between you.
“It was only four years ago.”
“Yeah, a long time ago.” You didn’t really want to have this conversation with him.
“We stopped talking.” Yeah no shit.
Sighing heavily, you put down the small shard of stone. You couldn’t quite understand why he was suddenly bringing this up right now. After all, it was he who stopped talking to you, leaving you to wonder for months what you had done wrong. It left questions burning at the tip of your tongue every time you were in close proximity of each other.
“Why?” Why? The gaul of Anakin finally got to you.
But after everything that had happened in the last week, it was as good as time as any to ask the question that had been itching at the back of your mind for. “Was what happened on Corellia that bad?”
“Corellia. Plo and Obi-Wan took us to Corellia to help locals from the Pykes. We had tried to help annex them from the spice lords. We got split up and you and I were sent alone and then we had um-“
“Yeah, I remember Corellia.” He stopped you before you could finish the sentence, knowing full well what you were about to say.
“After that,” You continued. “You stopped talking to me. You started to act different around me, like you do now…I just didn’t understand. I still don’t understand.”
Anakin was silent for a long time. His head turned and he watched as the waterfall gushed down. “I remember when we were barely seventeen and you had training with Plo every morning from sunrise until noon but this time he was called away for an emergency on…I think it was Kijimi?”
“Where are you going with this, Anakin?”
“Let me finish.”
“Just listen.”
“Obi-Wan offered to train you himself when Plo was gone. He trained you hard for two weeks and I watched all of it. I sat behind the Uneti tree and watched you guys fight. It was like a sort of dance. I had never seen him and you flow so easy before. It was mesmerizing.”
“Okay? I don’t understand the point of this whole story?”
“Can you just be quiet? I’m trying to explain myself in the best way I can and you’re being rude.”
“That’s thick.”
“Whatever. Look, I just got nervous around you.”
“Nervous? Anakin, I thought we were closer than ever after Corellia and your explanation is that you became nervous?” Your eyebrow arched. Stars, he was dumber than you remember.
“You know what? Forget it.”
“No. I’m sorry, finish.”
He sat there in silence for a moment as he eyed you out of the corner of his eye, watching as you moved to sit next to him; propping your back against the wall, mirroring his position. Clearing his throat, his eyes fell to his hands, “I-I wasn’t freaked out. I was jealous and standing there only days after Corellia watching you two train in such fluidity I realized right then and there.“
The silence was loud as he looked back down at you. His eyes searched yours with a look you hadn’t seen since you were seventeen.
No. He couldn’t. This couldn’t be the reason to why your friendship had fallen apart.
The silence settled again in the cave as you watched him. “Anakin…”
“Don’t do that.”
“Do what?”
“Pity me.” He swallowed “You rejected me.”
“I didn’t reject you.” You weren’t even awake when you had left him laying in bed alone. You had thought it was for the best. You didn’t want Plo or especially Obi-Wan finding the two of you wrapped up in the sheets together. “I didn’t think it wise to stay and you took me leaving as rejection. You were the one who ignored me for months! You are not the victim here, Anakin!”
He fell silent, looking out at the undulating gushing water. It was moments before you spoke again.
“I liked you too. Once.”
“I know.” He smirked. “You were obvious.”
“I know.”
“It was endearing.”
“I didn’t quite grasp the concept of no attachments at ten.”
“I still don’t.”
You shrugged and stared at the raging waterfall, unwilling to meet his gaze.
“Do you…” Anakin’s voice trailed off, lingering in the air, allowing for the pounding water to take over the conversation until he was brave enough to finish it.
“Do I what?”
“Do you hate me?”
“No! Oh my stars, no.”
“So you still like me?”
“No.” You were telling the truth, you missed him sure, but it wasn’t love anymore. “I do not.”
“But you did once.”
“I was ten.”
“Ten, twenty, a hundred. Love just doesn’t die.”
“Wow, you’re a real poet Skywalker. A shame your flowery words of endearment will never be heard upon the ears of lovers.”
“Look, you are smart, funny, strong, and you paid attention to me. I just had misplaced my admiration into childish fantasies that had led me astray until I had found balance again.” He sighed. “And I don’t hate you. You hate me though.”
“I don’t hate you. I’ve never hated you.” That was all it took for Anakin to finally kiss you. Press his own to yours, in a fervor that was everything and nothing you had to said to each other.
His lips were warm.
“Anakin-“ You moaned into his mouth. It was electric, like the wire from all those years ago was plugged back into its socket.
He hummed into your mouth, his fingers were still entangled in your hair. Grasping at the base of your skull, pulling at the tendrils. Your lips moved in perfect sync as he began pulling you towards him, trying to position you on his lap.
“Your leg.”
“I don’t feel it.”
“Anakin.” You bit your lip. It wasn’t right. “We can’t.”
“I might die.”
“Don’t be dramatic.”
“I might never see the light ever again. Might never feel the warmth of another person ever again.”
He pulled you to him again, kissing you with all of the pent up anger, guilt, and want the past four years had built.
His warm hand slipped under your shirt, fingertips caressing the slick, sweaty skin that was a sea of goosebumps from the contact. Skating up your rib cage to find your breast.
Moaning into his mouth, you forgot what it was like to be touch, no caressed by him. It felt so wrong but that’s what must’ve been so good about it.
You retracted from him, pulling your shirt off completely. Baring yourself to him. His lips found your nipple, sucking lightly at the sensitive tip, your head rolled back in pleasure.
You could feel him at you clothed core, your hips rocking against his hard cock.
“Fuck.” His breath was hot against your skin but never relented. “If you keep doing that I’ll cum.”
“Then fuck me.”
His tip was swollen and leaking with pre-cum when you helped him with his pants. You wanted to take him in your mouth but wanted him inside you more.
“Fuck.” He moaned deeply as you sank your wet cunt onto his pulsating erection. You couldn’t help but moan out in pleasure yourself as you felt him bottom out in you.
With careful undulating rolls you moved on top of him.
It was by no means romantic, this clash between you. Needy and primal, it was a release of everything. Every quick slash of the tongue. Every glance and every subliminal touch.
“I know about you and Obi-Wan.” Anakin’s fingers entwined within your hair, tenderly caressing your scalp as he braided small sections with your head laid on his bare chest.
There was no reason to deny what he said. You hummed against his skin.
“Do you love him?” He continued to play with your hair as he quietly whispered. There was no malice, no jealously, no discontent behind his question.
The next few days continued as they had prior to what happened between you and Anakin. There had been no mentions of you having sex and none of Obi-Wan.
Anakin’s leg wasn’t getting better but it wasn’t getting worse. Which you took as a good sign.
“I’m going to get more food.” You were running out of the little supply you had previously gotten and he needed as much energy and nutrients as possible.
“Please don’t do anything stupid.”
“Would never dream of it.”
You looked back once more before descending the rock and into the jungle floor. Purple fruit hung from low bushes that proved edible and somewhat sweet. Which was good enough for your empty stomachs.
You plucked a few into your makeshift satchel you had created from scraps of Anakin’s robes. It wouldn’t be enough if you were expecting to be here longer, so you moved deeper into the jungle. Hoping to find a piece of meat of any kind at this point.
You felt it first. A movement in the overgrown brush. Then you saw it.
A figure, no, it was definitely a man moved through the jungle alone. Whacking his way through the brush with looked like a vibroblade, as he tried to navigate the tricky, uneven floor.
“Obi-Wan?” Maybe you were tired, hungry, and downright delirious at this moment but for a fleeting second, the auburn hair was one thing it was the white and tan armor that was unmistakable.
“Obi-Wan!” The fruit dropped from your hands and squashed into the mud below, but you didn’t care. Obi-Wan had stopped his pursuit through the flora and spun around.
“Y/n?” His eyes widened and he dropped the vibroblade to the muddied ground. You sprinted towards the Jedi Master and practically jumped on him, wrapping your arms around his body. The warmth he radiated was comforting and familiar. He was sweaty and smelled a bit but you were sure you were ten times worse.
Obi-Wan’s mouth found yours as he brought your body closer to his in desperation and happiness.
He pulled back from your body but his arms were still wrapped around you. His cerulean eyes searched your face and his hand came to caress your dirty, sweaty cheek. He wasn’t sure you were really real.
“Yes, it’s really me.” You half laughed, half sobbed.
“You’re hurt.” His fingertips gingerly graced the surface of your wrapped shoulder. You had forgotten about your wound.
“I forgot.” You laughed through the tears, looking down at the disgusting unkept wrappings.
“You forgot?” He laughed, shaking his head. “I guess you’re okay then?”
“I’ll live.” You smiled, kissing him once more.
“Where’s Anakin?”
You hesitated, worried at how he would react to the news of Anakin almost dying and his leg needing extensive medical attention.
“Anakin is injured.” His eyebrow raised at the news. “Badly.”
“What happened?”
“Where is he?”
“A few clicks from here.” You began moving back towards the waterfall. “I can’t move him. Not by myself. He needs medical attention now or he’ll lose the leg.”
“I’ll com Cody.” Obi-Wan’s brow furrowed as he calmly talked to the Commander, detailing the extent of Anakin’s injuries and of yours.
You led him to the cave, detailing the events of Ventress and everything in between. “I cleaned the wound twice a day. I ran out of cloth so I washed and reused what I had, but it was running water. The bleeding has stopped and has begun to scab over but his leg is damaged badly, Obi-Wan. It’ll be weeks in a bacta tank before he can walk properly again.”
Stepping into the cave with Obi-Wan, Anakin was just as you had left him but now he was smirking at the sight of you two.
“Took you long enough.”
You were evacuated from Ajan Kloss.
The team was a sight for sore eyes. Anakin was brought to the medbay immediately, induced into sleep he floated around the bacta tank with his mangled leg suspended.
With relief, you found your quarters after a quick check up, proper meal, and a long shower.
Wrapped up in a blanket, you were sitting in the window ledge. Watching the stars go by, waiting for the jump to hyper speed.
Reflecting on the past few weeks had brought peace. Happy with the loose ends now tied.
When Obi-Wan entered through the door with two cups of steaming tea, the uneasiness of guilt and embarrassment found you. He was so good to you, giving you the world and happiness. He didn’t have to know what happened.
“Hi.” You smiled.
“Hello.” Obi-Wan reciprocated, handing you the mug. “Are you alright?”
You hummed. “You?”
He laughed, shaking his head. “Yes, I’m perfectly fine.”
“Thank you for saving me.” You leaned your head on his shoulder, your eyes threatening to close from the lack of sleep catching up to you. You felt safe here next to Obi-Wan and for a moment you thought about what Anakin said, pondering for a moment before letting your body fully sink down. “Again.”
“Of course.” He kissed the top of your head, then leaning his cheek on your hair. Letting the quiet envelope the two lovers.
␛ to masterlist | want more anakin? check out this!
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is-there-an-echo-in-here · 2 years ago
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jadespiral · 8 months ago
Quinlan Vos 🤝 Cal Kestis, Psychometric Jedi with issues surrounding the dark side of the force who are in love with nightsisters and also survived order 66, later helping the hidden path.
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now-you-sound-like-a-jedi · 6 months ago
Star Wars Playlist Compilation
The High Republic:
Avar Kriss
Elzar Mann
Avar & Elzar & Stellan
Lourna Dee
High Republic Jedi
The Nihil
The Clone Wars:
Anakin & Ahsoka
Satine Kryze
Ahsoka Tano
Bo-Katan Kryze
Padme Amidala
Obi-Wan Kenobi
Asajj Ventress
Siege of Mandalore
Trilla Suduri (The Second Sister)
The Rebel Alliance
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nopynopa · 8 months ago
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Mace Windu : Jedi code !!!!!!😡😡😡😡😡😡
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halfagonyandhope · 2 days ago
rewatching tcw random eps and in SEASON ONE, obi-wan calls ventress “my sweet” and ventress calls him “my dear obi-wan” and then tells him she’s missed him - and then SHE PROCEEDS TO DO A VERY SENSUAL ROBE DROP. like WTF these two are absurd.
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jedi-lothwolf · 2 years ago
Codywan Week Day 1: Cody With a Lightsaber
Summary: Cody learns to use Obi-wan's lightsaber.
Warning: slight violence?
Note: Cyare: Mando'a for beloved/loved
A lightsaber is a Jedi's life. The crystal carefully calls to you, knowing you'll use its power for good. Who decided to trust it with was your decision.
Obi-wan carefully placed his in Cody's callused hands, "can you take care of this for me? I can't take it on my mission."
"Wouldn't you rather have Anakin hold on to it?" Cody was unsure. He knew how much lightsabers meant to the jedi. Was he really the one who should be the one to watch over it?
"No, I'm sure. It wasn't a hard decision. I'll be back in a few days." He smiled, hoping Cody understood how much this meant.
"Okay. It'll be here when you arrive." Cody hooked it to his belt in the pace he had hallowed out for it. Obi-wan seemed careless with his saber sometimes. Cody ended up holding on to it so he carved a place for it in his armor, altering his most personal possession.
After Obi-wan got back he taught him how to use the lightsaber. Turning it on and off, hold it correctly, and how to fight and protect. Cody picked it up quickly, the Jedi even joked that Cody was force sensitive. He even found a training saber for the commander when they sparred.
As time passed, Cody got better at using it. He no longer feared getting hit by the blade, knowing he wouldn't because of his skill. As he got better the general got closer to him. He stood behind him, wrapping his hands around Cody's body to guide him.
Obi-wan was so warm and inviting. He was patient and passionate. The two found themselves getting to close for the code to like. Lightsabers weren't the only thing to interlock. Hands and lips touched each other gently.
So much was going on. Fire rose on the battlefield and Cody watched Obi-wan. The Jedi fought with the sith apprentice Asajj Ventress. He was losing.
Not long after the sith struck him down. Cody didn't hesitate. He shot at her and rushed to his general's side. Grabbing Obi-wan's lightsaber and turned it on.
The memories of learning to use the saber filled his head as well as the fondness of the time they spent together. Cody looked down at Obi-wan, knowing he held his life in his hands. He would be damned if he would let his cyare's faith be placed wrong.
Ventress was entertained. "You're going to fight me?"
Cody didn't answer. Instead he attacked. Intrigued Ventress held off killing him. When she got bored she would just cut his head off and be done with it.
Obi-wan awoke to lightsabers classing. He attempted to get off the ground. Failing the first time he looked up to see Cody fighting his enemy. He was in awe of his commander.
However he knew the sith was humoring him. Obi-wan had to get up. It scared him to think what may happen if he didn't.
The Jedi pulled himself to his feet, ready to do what was necessary to pull this battle out of the separatist hands. "Cody" he started.
The clone turned his head for just a moment. "Hey general."
"Can I have my saber please?" He joked.
"Of course sir." Cody smiled under his helmet and quickly, yet gently, handed Obi-wan back his saber. He grabbed his gun and stayed nearby.
The battle was just barely a Republic win. Cody helped the injured where he could and when he was no longer of any use went to find Obi-wan.
"Thank you." Obi-wan smiled upon seeing Cody come to his side.
"I'm just glad you're alright. Thank you for trusting me with your life."
"Thank you for taking time to learn how it works."
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sinclair-enterprises · 11 months ago
Changing canon to make it so that Ventress didn’t die during that whole Dark Disciple nonsense was the right call actually and I’m glad it was done. Easily the worst arc in what would have been The Clone Wars’s Seasons 7 and 8.
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s-c-g-s-c-g · 1 year ago
Friday Fics Recs
Now that the first four months of my 2024 are decidedly filled with Star Wars rarepair fic updates it feels appropriate to rec some rarepairs! Each rec features a different Star Wars rarepair from the prequels/clone wars era. They're listed in descending wordcount order which also happens to more or less put them in order of placement in the timeline.
The Soldier, the Queen, and the Hunter: Truth and Fiction by kj_keyburn - Padmé/Jango/Obi-Wan
Padmé and Obi-Wan arrive on Kamino and discover the clones together, it changes a lot. I love creative fix-its and this one's genuinely really fun. I love the way it flips back and forth between truth and fiction, it's really engaging and effective. Alpha-17's narration and inner thoughts were delightful! Overall, a very engaging and entertaining read!
In Which Anakin's Soulmate is a Lot Like Him, But More, and Worse by phoenixyfriend - Bo-Katan/Anakin, Padmé/Asajj
I think the title says a lot about this one lol. I love when soulmate AUs have some fun with the match-ups. Bo-Katan and Anakin work really well together here and I very much enjoyed the development of their relationship. Padmé and Anakin are wonderful disasters and I had a lot of fun with their support and encouragement of each other. I had a great time!
Your heart is in danger by blackkat - Padmé/Fox
“My brain is about to leak out of my ears,” Fox mutters, and the urge to bang his head back against the wall is incredibly strong. Padmé is pretty and competent. Fox's perspective is both delightful and entertaining, especially as he starts to realize he's doomed. I love their dynamic here and how Fox falls for her. This one's a delight through and through!
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what-i-meant-to-say · 2 years ago
she palms him
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she shakes him
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she slaps him
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she could maybe sorta want him
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ha ha ha, bless your soul
you really think you're in control
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jondrawsthings · 2 years ago
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Even in the heat of battle she could always catch him a little off guard
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nicolabarth · 1 year ago
A Secret Apprentice - chapter 11
Read on AO3
Pairing: Obi-wan Kenobi/Quinlan Vos/ Asajj Ventress
Rating: Explicit
They meet Asajj in an apartment in the lower levels of Coruscant.
She answers the door with a bored look and a hand behind her back. A faint smile quirks her lips when she sees them. “Interesting. I didn’t feel you approach.”
Obi-wan tips his head toward the jedi shadow beside him, who chuckles, shrugging. “I keep a few tricks up my sleeve. You know, for special occasions.”
Asajj rolls her eyes at Quinlan’s brag, moving away from the door to let them in. “Mhm.”
Sprawled on the apartment’s ratty couch is a zabrak with honey toned skin and a crown of horns more numerous than usual. He stands when they enter, about as tall as Anakin, but lean… very lean, actually. Perhaps a little under fed.
“This is Feral,” Asajj introduces him. She nudges the nightbrother towards Obi-wan. “Say hello to your future master.”
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