#kefir every morning
roastedcarrotcom · 29 days
The Power of Probiotics: My Morning Ritual for Better Health
Drinking kefir has many benefits and more and more people are drinking it daily to see how it can improve their health. Here's my take on this:
I’ve been reminded recently about the importance of probiotics. Somehow I’ve been neglecting this one part of my diet even if I should know better. So I decided to do an experiment, drink kefir each day (well, most of the days) and see what happens. I have been doing this for about 3 weeks now and that’s how it’s going: There are 2 days a week when I have to get up and go in about 20 minutes and…
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oranberrie · 1 year
At least I know my cat will be okay if I get bad again
#idk been taking care of myself differently#i don’t necessarily want to live but I don’t necessarily want to die. at the same time though I do want both of those things.#it’s contradictory and weird and I’m constantly in a state of limbo#but I drink strawberry kefir with flax chia and hemp seeds and blueberries and maple syrup and granola first thing in the morning#and I take ashwaganda to help my cortisol levels and anxiety#and I go to parks as often as I can#and I pet my cat#and I’m learning Spanish and ever so slowly writing two essays#and doing tattoos both on myself and others#and I brush my teeth every other day now instead of once every two weeks when I remember to#and I’m using a new face wash that I really really like#and I have athletes foot which isn’t fun or good but forces a routine on me to take care of it#and I drink peppermint tea with a pinch of salt and lots of honey before I go to bed#and also do word searches#idk things are. life is. uh#can’t say I don’t want to die but can’t say I don’t enjoy living atm#oh but yeah my friend and I had an awk convo about our mutual friends mental health and staging an intervention and the topic came up of#my mental health in - not comparison but in regards to it? idk offhand comment that turned into a whole side convo#but yeah basically she promised to take care of my cat and keep him safe should I ever try and succeed before he dies#so like that’ll fuck with me once I’m in a bad headspace again which is inevitable#seeing as my cat is literally my only reason for living during those times#but oh well
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needsmustleap · 2 years
bought this thing at the grocery store that is gross and i wish i had gotten the hint when i bought this same thing last week, realised it had been expired for a month, then when i went to the store and tried to exchange, saw that all the others on the shelf had also been expired for a month. girl CLEARLY no one buys this stuff, wonder why that may be????
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adviceformefromme · 4 months
Personal health hacks that have completely changed my life in the last 9 months.
Absolute number one is removing carbs from my diet. I had THE WORST crashes and lethargy every single day after my morning oat meal, after my carb heavy lunch, and carb heavy dinner. Despite being vegan my body lacked nutrients and calories from under-eating being plant-based and carb-overloading. 
Introducing grass-fed meat and high quality eggs into my diet. Red meat gets such bad press in the media, but personally it has given me energy, strength and I feel much better eating this in moderation. 
Little exercise each day. Not killing myself with a hardcore workout and then not being able to move for rest of the week (which I was doing previously). I now do a little each day. 1.5 - 2mile run most days, and daily stretches and weights at home. Nothing crazy, but a little goes a long way and I find it much easier to be consistent doing smaller bouts on my own schedule daily. 
Hormone health, ensuring I am keeping my hormones balanced. I make watermelon juice daily with 1.5 heaped tablespoons of flaxseed. Alongside that. I take omega 3, DIM, Selenium, Iodine, Vitamin D +K2, Evening primrose oil for womens health. I eat foods that support healthy hormones, broccoli, carrots, sunflower seeds and removed the foods that cause imbalances (carbs, sugars).
Removing all stress from my life. Including moving overseas, deleting social media and keeping my circle small but wholesome. 
Quit drinking alcohol. Initially I thought I would have the occasional drink but I truly have no desire anymore. My life is significantly better for not drinking. My body never responded well to booze. 
Sleeping properly for 7-9 hrs per night. Meditating for 1 hour before bed usually puts me in a completely zen mode for relaxation. That means my phone is switched off, I use a lavender pillow spray and light candles to set the mood for a goodnight sleep. 
Zeolite detox for heavy metals (currently in the process). I have Zeolith Med powder each day with water to flush out any toxins. 
Learning about gut microbiome, and probiotics..in the process of obtaining kefir grains to make my own batch. Making sauerkraut on weekends and introducing a wider variety of foods into my diet. 
These are completely personal and I can honestly say I feel better than ever. I wish I had done the above years ago, especially the carbs! I got a continuous glucose monitor of Amazon to see how my body was responding to carbs before I completely cut them off and I recommend doing this if you want to know more about how your body is reacting to glucose. 
*this all took time and effort, but once I removed the distractions, the meaningless socialising, the boozing, the scrolling I’ve had time to invest in myself + my health
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unhonestlymirror · 9 days
now I'm curious. what would a standard ukrainian breakfast look like for you? is it very different from the types of breakfasts you've had in lithuania? :D
Ohhhhh I'm really glad you asked!
In my family, it was usually:
Any porridge/smashed potatoes with good butter;
Necessarily meat (chicken fillet, pork, beef, turkey, sausages, etc.) /fish/seafood, fried or baked but not with too much oil;
Fresh vegetables!! Tomatoes, carrots, cucumbers, beetroots, etc. Sometimes, in forms of salads + a piece of dark bread;
Some fruits (apples, oranges, bananas, etc)
A glass of kefir or a few spoons of sour cream for better digestion and extra Ca²+;
Tea (with milk or lemon juice). Sometimes with a light dessert: carrot&apple salad, pancakes with honey, a cookie, a few pieces of cheese (yes, cheese is a dessert and it goes quite well with milk tea) - but NEVER chocolate. Unless it's an emergency, chocolate in the morning is a big no-no.
N.B. It was never a soup, tho. Soups are for lunches and dinners. And we NEVER drink coffee, because it's VERY bad for your stomach and kidneys. We avoid mushrooms in the morning and evening, too, they're too heavy to digest. Occasionally, we had complex dishes like baked apples with sugar or draniki or zucchini pancakes but only when mom was in the right mood.
Lithuanians are also very good cookers, thus, they have high quality food in the stores, too. However, I don't have time to cook properly sometimes, so I finish the yesterday leftovers or just drink tea with some hot bakery, vegetables and nuts, or make myself a light salad... but I still do my best to continue routine and eat the porridge+meat/fish every breakfast. :> I don't understand my classmates, who wake up and go outside without eating anything... If I don't eat properly in the morning, especially if I try to breakfast with a cup of coffee + croissant, for the rest of a day, I feel like I'm about to die.😅
Although different people have it differently even in Ukraine, ofc, it is generally acceptable to have a nice breakfast, not rich in oil but just good for your guts. Thus, when Ukrainian kids start going to schools abroad, e.g., in Germany, France, Sweden - and they see how people breakfast there, they just assume these people are really poor. XD
What about you? :D
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freakscircus · 3 months
i've been making milk kefir every morning for months and i ran out of milk yesterday and stopped by a farm store to get more and they had cream top milk which i have never had before and it is so good i want to cry..... i can never go back to regular milk. it makes such good kefir, especially if you make some flavoring with honey and squished up raspberries
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knownhag · 1 year
I pooped three times before 11AM should I stop having kefir every morning
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khaleesiofalicante · 2 years
Magnus asking Alec to cook him gourmet breakfasts every morning knowing fully well David was the chef all along
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Alec: Sure, baby, anything for you!!
Also Alec huddled on the phone in the pantry: ‘David, wtf is kefir butter?!?!’
Okay but I can confirm this is canon. Magnus 100% knows Alec can't cook.
ps - i lost my shit at 'wtf is kefir butter'.
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anoriathdunadan · 2 years
Five drinks to get to know me.
Was tagged by @gellalaer lover of nature and fellow Tolkien fan *waves*
Cold filtered tap water during the workday; I've got a long, narrow brita filter jug that I fill up every few days and keep in the fridge. Often with ice in the summer because I DO NOT HAVE A/C IN MY APARTMENT, if I remember to refill the trays.
Cold tea; see cool filtered tap water and add some type of fruit-flavored tea bag to it in a pitcher.
Coffee early in the morning, espresso shot mid afternoon. I don't even know what kind of coffee to call it. I've got one of those single serving copper Turkish coffee pots with the long handles, but basically, I'm just boiling water in it on the stove, adding an overabundance of finely ground coffee and letting it sit for a minute or two. With half/half. Basically I like my coffee thick enough to stand up a spoon. (Not really, but not far off either)
Infusions. See cool filtered tap water? Put it in a pitcher and add fruit - especially watermelon and mint or apple and a cinnamon stick? Drink.
Water kefir: A new thing that I'm not so sure about yet. I like sour. It's really sour. It's kind of more work than I like, though, and I haven't hit on a reliably good recipe yet.
tagging @edoraslass and @idrilsscribe (though I have a suspicion hers is going to be 1. coffee, 2. coffee, 3. coffee, 4. coffee, 5. wat- no, I'm kidding, it's coffee)
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carencecarence · 25 days
How to cure Thyroid natural
source url:-https://ext-6616443.livejournal.com/418.html?newpost=1
The thyroid is an endocrine gland. Its location is in the inferior, anterior neck, and it is responsible for the formation and secretion of thyroid hormones as well as iodine homeostasis within the human body. The thyroid produces approximately 90% inactive thyroid hormone, or thyroxine (T4), and 10% active thyroid hormone, or triiodothyronine (T3). Inactive thyroid hormone is converted peripherally to either activated thyroid hormone or an alternative inactive thyroid hormone
Signs and symptoms of Thyroid
AnxietyThe signs and symptoms of thyroid dysfunction can vary depending on whether the thyroid is producing too much or too little of its hormones.
When the thyroid produces too much – a condition called hyperthyroidism – signs and symptoms can include:
Waight loss
Rapid heart rate
Heat intolerance
Difficulty sleeping
Remors in your hands and fingers
When the thyroid does not produce enough hormones – a condition called hypothyroidism – symptoms can include:
Weight gain
Cold intolerance
Dry skin or hair
How to check thyroid status
Blood tests: These tests can tell you if you have hypothyroidism or hyperthyroidism. There are several types of thyroid blood tests, including thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH), T3 and T4, and thyroid antibodies.
List of Home Remediey
Here are some widely considered remedies that may help with your thyroid treatment at home
Coconut oil
This has high content of saturated or healthy fat (healthy) and when used with the right combination of exercises and a properly balanced diet, it could be good for thyroid glands. You can also use coconut oil for your regular cooking once in a while
Apple cider vinegar 
This helps in the balanced production and expression of hormones. It also washes away toxins from the body and promotes absorption of nutrients. Apple cider vinegar can be added to water along with honey and can be taken every morning.
Vitamins help to fight the underlying causes of thyroid problems, particularly
Vitamin B 
h are essential for proper thyroid function. Vitamin B12 is especially instrumental in helping people with hypothyroidism. Including eggs, meat, fish, legumes, milk, and not in daily diet might help with a steady supply of Vitamin B.
Ginger helps combat inflammation which is one of the primary causes of thyroid issues. Drinking ginger tea is the best way to consume ginger. Apart from that, it can also be infused with coconut oil and applied on body.
Vitamin D 
Deficiency of this nutrient can lead to thyroid problems and since the body can produce it only when exposed to the sun, ensure that you get a minimum of 15 minutes of sunlight daily. Include foods rich in Vitamin D in your diet which includes fatty fishes like salmon and mackerel, dairy products, orange juice, and egg yolks.
Dairy products
As dairy products such as milk, cheese, and yoghurt are beneficial for thyroid as they have high iodine content. Incorporate these items in your daily diet, but be careful if you are lactose intolerance.
Almonds are a good source of protein, fibre, and minerals and are best suited for proper thyroid expression. These nuts have selenium which is a thyroid healthy nutrient and is also very rich in magnesium that can keep the thyroid gland working very smoothly.
Beans are high in fibre which helps to relieve constipation, which is a common side effect of hypothyroidism. Some ways to consume beans include adding them to side dishes, salads, stews and soups.
Iodine Supplements 
These supplements restore the balance of iodine in the body and help with thyroid health.
Probiotic food items such as kefir, kimchi, and miso has shown to have beneficial effects on thyroid problems.
Including asparagus in your diet is also a popular natural remedy for thyroid treatment at home as it has a lot of anti-inflammatories, anti-bacterial and antioxidant property
Physical activity
Regular exercising can help alleviate various symptoms of hypothyroidism. Also, specific yoga poses have seen to be effective in enhancing thyroid functioning.
While it is important to consult a doctor and follow the treatment prescribed to keep thyroid problems under control, but by trying above listed home remedies, you can keep the side effects of thyroid medication at bay.
One of the important components of our overall wellness is also being financially secured. Healthcare emergencies can happen any time, but a good health insurance policy can protect you from such uncertain situations. To know more about Wellness and other health related tips, visit the wellness corner.
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ashes-ink · 28 days
It’s all fun and games in the cottagecore life until your kefir culture splits again, leaving you with 5 mason jars in your fridge and a gallon of kefir every morning
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probiotics-blog · 3 months
The Probiotic Lifestyle: Integrating Gut Health into Daily Life
Embracing a probiotic lifestyle is about much more than taking a supplement; it's about incorporating practices that support the flourishing of beneficial gut bacteria crucial for overall health. This blog discusses how to weave gut health strategies into everyday life, enhancing both physical and mental well-being through a holistic approach. Discover practical tips and the benefits of making probiotics a cornerstone of your health regimen by visiting Nook.
Understanding the Importance of Gut Health
A healthy gut microbiome influences numerous aspects of health, from enhancing immune function and digestion to impacting mood and energy levels. The balance of this complex ecosystem can be disrupted by factors such as poor diet, stress, and antibiotics, leading to a range of health issues.
Key Elements of a Probiotic Lifestyle
Adopting a probiotic lifestyle involves several key components that contribute to gut health:
Dietary Choices: Incorporate a variety of fermented foods rich in probiotics, such as yogurt, kefir, sauerkraut, and kombucha. These foods help populate the gut with beneficial bacteria. Equally important are prebiotic foods like bananas, onions, garlic, and whole grains that feed healthy gut bacteria.
Regular Supplementation: While diet is crucial, probiotic supplements can help maintain the necessary levels of beneficial bacteria, especially for specific strains that may not be readily available from food sources. Choose high-quality supplements that specify CFUs and have research to back up their health claims.
Lifestyle Factors: Physical activity, adequate hydration, and stress reduction are all essential for maintaining a healthy microbiome. Regular exercise, for instance, has been shown to increase the diversity of gut bacteria, which is linked to better health.
Integrating Probiotics into Everyday Routines
Making probiotics a part of daily life doesn't have to be complicated. Here are some simple ways to enhance your gut health every day:
Morning Routine: Start the day with a probiotic yogurt or a smoothie that includes a mix of prebiotic fibers and probiotic-rich ingredients like kefir.
Meal Planning: Include at least one serving of fermented foods in your daily meals. Experiment with diverse cuisines that embrace fermentation, such as Korean kimchi or Japanese miso.
Snacking: Opt for snacks that support gut health, such as probiotic-rich cheeses or fiber-rich fruits and vegetables.
Mindful Practices: Stress can negatively affect gut health, so incorporate mindfulness, yoga, or meditation into your daily routine to help manage stress.
Probiotics and Women’s Health
For women, integrating a probiotic lifestyle is particularly beneficial in maintaining vaginal health and preventing infections like bacterial vaginosis or yeast infections. The right balance of gut and vaginal flora supports not only reproductive health but also overall well-being.
The Broader Benefits of a Probiotic Lifestyle
Beyond improving digestive and vaginal health, a probiotic lifestyle can enhance immune resilience, reduce the risk of chronic illnesses, and support mental health through the gut-brain axis. As we understand more about how gut health affects our overall health, the importance of maintaining a balanced microbiome becomes clear.
Adopting a probiotic lifestyle is a proactive way to support and enhance your health comprehensively. With each choice that supports gut health, you contribute to a foundation of well-being that can improve your quality of life significantly. For more insights and tips on integrating probiotics into your lifestyle, visit Nook.
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actimelcoconut · 3 months
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Diary entry
Yesterday wasn't my best day: I relatively binged. Alright. So what? I completely got rid of the "might as well..."/"all or nothing" mentality, and instead made today count as a way to get immediately back on track. I won't let one bad day destroy my progress. Especially after vacationing* has seemingly made me put on all the weight I'd managed to lost... Difficult to tell, while my weight loss was greatly noticed before I went, as I got back no around me sees me any different, and I should take body dysmorphia into account. Although I have eyes and I can see my thighs are huge. Doesn't matter: as I said, I won't backtrack in the name of nothing. This is my life and I won't allow a plate of noodles and a brioche to destroy it. So today, after an uneasy sleep (I'm not used to eating late, let alone this much after 8pm) I got up at 5am and instantly got to working out. I wasn't tired at all, and did about a hour of exercise. Later in the morning I went to the mall, where I bought the cleanser I've almost emptied (innisfree green tea foam cleanser, literally the only product that ever did anything for my skin.), a dress and a book, Choke by Palahniuk. It was on sale and since he's an author I've read a lot from when I was younger I'm very intrigued by it, I always was and could never find it in the store.
At home I had a delicious bowl of kefir with fresh fruit to cleanse my palate and stomach, accompanied by a pistachio flavored tea and a coconut protein yogurt I couldn't entirely eat. In the afternoon I was emailed by my manager, who sent me a piece to work on. I'm working as an editor for him and this was my first approach to the job; I spent a good two hours rereading and reediting, since I always felt like there was more to do, until I thought I'd changed too much. And yet, he said my job was "perfect". I could do this all day every day. It brings so much gratification, having immediate feedback to my writing and knowing I'm good at my job. I think I'll write some more of this new short story now, and I have an article from my manager to read as well. Overall I'm ultra determined and focused.
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*I kept active during my vacation, I walked miles upon miles every time I went out and incorporated some light exercise to almost every day, hence why my physical changes look even worse to me. No big deal though, they can be reversed. The reason why I gained weight was that, while I wasn't overeating at all, it was all food I'm not used to having, such as more carbs, especially bread and pasta which I never consume. Were they delicious? Yes. I'm just back to my disciplined high protein low carb diet now.
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adamgant · 4 months
7 Easy Ways to Boost Your Protein
7 Easy Ways to Boost Your Protein https://ift.tt/sMX3vKr Protein is an essential nutrient that plays a crucial role in building and repairing tissues, supporting muscle growth, and maintaining overall health and vitality. Whether you’re an athlete looking to enhance performance, a fitness enthusiast aiming to build lean muscle, or simply someone who wants to improve their diet, increasing your protein intake can offer numerous benefits. Fortunately, there are plenty of delicious and convenient ways to boost your protein intake without sacrificing taste or variety. Here are seven easy ways to incorporate more protein into your diet: Start Your Day with Protein-Rich Breakfast Foods Kickstart your morning with a protein-packed breakfast to fuel your body and keep you energized throughout the day. Incorporate protein-rich foods such as eggs, Greek yogurt, cottage cheese, or protein smoothies into your morning routine. Pair these with whole grains, fruits, and vegetables for a balanced and nutritious breakfast that will keep you satisfied until your next meal. Snack on Protein-Rich Foods Instead of reaching for sugary or carb-heavy snacks, opt for protein-rich options to keep hunger at bay and maintain steady energy levels throughout the day. Portable and convenient snacks such as nuts, seeds, jerky, hard-boiled eggs, edamame, or protein bars make excellent choices for on-the-go munching. Include Protein in Every Meal Make it a habit to include a source of protein in every meal and snack to ensure you’re meeting your daily protein needs. Aim to incorporate lean proteins such as poultry, fish, tofu, tempeh, legumes, or lean cuts of meat into your meals, along with plenty of fruits, vegetables, and whole grains for a well-rounded and balanced diet. Add Protein-Rich Ingredients to Your Meals Boost the protein content of your meals by adding protein-rich ingredients such as beans, lentils, quinoa, chickpeas, or nuts and seeds. These versatile ingredients can be incorporated into a wide variety of dishes, including salads, soups, stir-fries, and casseroles, adding flavor, texture, and nutritional value to your meals. Choose High-Protein Snacks and Supplements Consider incorporating high-protein snacks and supplements into your diet to help meet your protein needs, especially if you’re active or have higher protein requirements. Protein powders, protein bars, and protein shakes can be convenient options for boosting your protein intake before or after workouts, as meal replacements, or as a quick and easy snack when you’re on the go. Opt for Protein-Rich Beverages Swap out sugary sodas and fruit juices for protein-rich beverages such as milk, almond milk, soy milk, or kefir. These dairy and plant-based beverages provide an excellent source of protein, along with essential vitamins and minerals, and can be enjoyed on their own or incorporated into smoothies, shakes, or coffee drinks. Experiment with Protein-Rich Recipes Get creative in the kitchen and experiment with protein-rich recipes to add variety and excitement to your meals. Explore new cooking techniques and flavor combinations using ingredients such as lean meats, seafood, tofu, beans, and legumes to create delicious and satisfying dishes that are bursting with protein and flavor. By incorporating these easy and delicious ways to boost your protein intake into your daily diet, you can support your health, fitness, and overall well-being. Whether you’re looking to build muscle, improve athletic performance, or simply maintain a healthy and balanced diet, increasing your protein intake is a smart and effective way to fuel your body and optimize your health.   The post 7 Easy Ways to Boost Your Protein first appeared on Adam Gant | Athletics. via Adam Gant | Athletics https://adamgant.net June 11, 2024 at 10:31AM
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gaitskiller · 6 months
mango kefir hiiiiii every morning is so beautiful
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knownhag · 2 years
If I’m eating too many fermented foods I’m gonna be pissed. I have kefir almost every morning and a probiotic and a lot of days I have kimchi with my lunch. That sounds like a reasonable amount to me but i have this fucked up gas bubble and idk what else the problem would be
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