uravityforall · 2 years
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“impossible.”  the word slips out immediately in denial.  “i just saw him in class, there’s no way he’s dead.”
there had to be a rational explanation for all of this, right? maybe a villain? some weird cosmic force at work? whatever the case, there had to be an answer. with her legs shaking with every step backward, ochaco steadied herself against a nearby desk, drawing in slow, deep breaths all the while, though there was no hiding the remaining panic on her features.
“he’s not dead, i just saw him, he can’t be dead–”
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in class? no. . . “zuzu died long before he could even apply to ua. . .”
but-- how would any of this be happening? someone that looked so much like her, that knew izuku and claimed her zuzu was just. . . alive. in the class-- 1a of all classes? no. this wasn’t right. one of them was out of place. and given that she had been here first while ochaco had been ‘defeated’ by a villain. . .
“i think-- i think something is very wrong here.”
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uravityforall · 2 years
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he’s not sure what’s wrong. izuku wants to help, but he’s not sure.
“y-yeah. are… are you sure everything is okay?”
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there was. . . too long of a pause.
“i don’t. . . think so. but there’s nothing we can do.”
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uravityforall · 2 years
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“i’m sorry.” that feels safe to say, right? he hesitates, but holds her close. it seemed like something she needed, right?
“you can talk to me, it’s okay.”
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“i. . . don’t think you’d believe me if i told you.” that was also safe, wasn’t it? oh, the hold feels so bittersweet she could sob--
“you know i love you, right?”
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uravityforall · 2 years
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well, consider him confused as all hell. was that a surprise? probably not. he tries to read her expression as she lets go but he doesn’t … doesn’t know what it means. he chews on his lower lip and looks. something wasn’t right, that’s all he knew.
“i… i mean i’m happy to see you too! but what brought this on?” he decides to ask, clearly missing the bigger picture. it’s not like he was on a dangerous mission or anything… huh. 
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she doesn’t. . . know where to even start. things were very wrong here. “it’s hard to explain. . . i just. . . it feels like i haven’t seen you in forever.”
that was safe, right?
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uravityforall · 2 years
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he… doesn’t know how to react. but he does smile at her, cheeks a little pink. “oh, i– thank you. i don’t know where i’d be without you.”
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“guess we better keep sticking together, then! i think we’ll always know where we’ll be if we do.” she’s a little flustered herself but trying to play it cool with a fond smile.
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uravityforall · 2 years
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ah… something izuku never told eijiro… he chews on his lower lip and hesitates. oh boy, this was going to be a problem. izuku hesitates and eijiro looks at him. he was struggling. izuku.. finally speaks. “no. he… it wasn’t entirely his fault. just… when i jumped, i turned into a bird and that’s how my quirk showed up.”
eijiro? speechless. horrified. 
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she never would have thought something so awful as she wished things were reversed, but she did find herself thinking about how badly she wanted things to have been like that for her izuku. that something, anything, could have saved him. she didn’t mean to out that story-- it probably wasn’t something he wanted to tell or wasn’t ready to based on kirishima’s expression.
“i’m sorry.” there was too much emotion, too much to say. it was the best she could do right now. it was. . . a different timeline. and maybe she should be more concerned but. . . “i’m. . . i’m glad you’re here. . . even if you’re not for me.”
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uravityforall · 2 years
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oh god they’ve both fucked up. both stare uselessly as she begins to sob. oh they fucked up. should they go get aizawa? probably should have first thing… fuck. well, eijiro texts katsuki to go get aizawa because he usually knew what to do best.
“what’s wrong?” izuku asks, kneeling in front of ochako. of course he was worried, and he probably asked the wrong question but…
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what was wrong? was. . . was it bad she wanted to laugh? not because it was funny but because of the pain ripping through her. why was the universe so cruel to her? what did she do to deserve any of this? slowly her hands lowered.
“kacchan. . .” it wasn’t right to blame it on him, but. . . “is this. . . a timeline where he kept his stupid mouth shut?” it wasn’t right to ask why he was alive. “did he never tell you to. . . ?”
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uravityforall · 2 years
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well, that just confirmed the exceptional weirdness of the scenario. this wasn’t right, this was very very wrong. starting a battle in the middle of the classroom wouldn’t have worked out well for either of them, so it was with great difficulty that ochaco kept herself rooted to the spot.
“that’s not– that–”  izuku never mentioned having a family member who looked just like her! had he kept that from his entire class? from his friends? he always told them the important things, didn’t he? but she had the hair … the eyes … she could practically be his twin.
“this … feels impossible. izuku is my friend, he’s never mentioned having a sibling, or anything.”  footsteps back up a few inches. to say she was stressed would be putting it lightly.
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“what. . . are you talking about?” she. . . what was happening? what the actual hell was happening?  “zu-zu. . . is dead.” she was trying not to get worked up, but. . . the pain was still fresh. she had no intention of fighting, but if she had to she was certain she could handle herself. all might and aizawa had taught her well enough. she tried to take a step back, ready to run.
“i’m. . . i’m not--” she didn’t even know what she was trying to say. ochaco inhaled and tried to calm herself down but it was hard. she was struggling.
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uravityforall · 2 years
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oh, there was no winning today. eijiro and izuku both go pale at the mention of toga. izuku was…. being mistaken for her? he panics and throws his arms up like a red panda. it seemed to be his defense mechanism these days.
“toga?! n-no! it’s me! i’m izuku! i just, i mean yes i have a shapeshifting quirk but it doesn’t work well for people because it looks like ditto mimicking a person where it’s them but slightly to the left and i hate pretending to be people because it’s hard and—” oh no. there he goes. muttering tangent. eijiro was still… perplexed.
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she. . . could feel herself breaking and shutting down. all might would be disappointed in her. she should be stronger than this. but the sobbing that left her was full of pain-- the grief she was trying not to feel. she wanted izuku. needed him now more than ever. the way he was panicking and explaining-- it was too true to izuku. someone that never met him before couldn’t mimic that so easily. she doubted toga could act that well, so. . .
she had so many questions. hands covered her face and-- the last time she cried this hard was when she felt izuku die. “zu-zu. . .” she hiccupped. she didn’t know what to do. what to say. she didn’t think she could speak until she got all this out.
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uravityforall · 2 years
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he’s speechless. he wasn’t trying to hurt her, but izuku was fine! he broke up a potential fight. but now he’s being accused of things he just wouldn’t do, like his moms might have done and he might be shutting down. awful defense mechanism, but… he’s silent. staring blankly.
thank gods izuku makes it down to the room fast. “eijiro? w-what’s goin’ on?” he asks, confused, looking around the room.
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she. . . really wasn’t herself. but it felt like she was being manipulated-- like some sick prank was being pulled on her and she didn’t understand. she didn’t want to hurt him but the accusations were the only thing that made sense, even if they didn’t fully.
at the voice she instantly froze. and looked to izuku. he. . . he was there. and. . . what kind of hell was this? should she be happy? she didn’t. . .  she was trying to rationalize this. “toga?” her voice was weak, villains had to be playing a sick game. this had to be a trick to break her and it was working. “how did you get his blood?” her voice was desperate, terrified and confused. “how did you get zu-zu’s blood!?”
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uravityforall · 2 years
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he doesn’t know what’s happening. ochako has never yelled at him before this. implying that the dead… that izuku was dead… eijiro’s face goes pale. he scrambles to find his phone, to text izuku to come down there because, well, he might have messed up. when he’s getting yelled at, he usually thinks he’s done something wrong.
chest heaves. just gotta wait for izuku. “i didn’t— i don’t— uraraka—- he… he’s not dead. he can’t be dead. i– he was in my room last night i—”
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she felt like she was unraveling. “why? why are you doing this to me?” he. . . he wasn’t a bully. “what did i do? did i do something to make you hate me? why. . . ?” she couldn’t wrap her head around it.
“stop. it’s not-- it’s not funny. you know how much i miss him. why are you trying to gaslight me about this?”
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uravityforall · 2 years
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“i should be asking you that!”  if either of them screeched any louder, a teacher was bound to investigate– and then they’d have to explain. ochaco wasn’t sure either herself or this stranger would actually have a solid answer.
within seconds, she’d moved to pull the other in towards a corner– away from the open doorway and from any potential prying eyes or ears. another option could have been toga again, but she wouldn’t have likely freaked out as much as the two of them were now.  “i– i’m ochaco uraraka.”
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she was startled by being pulled into a corner, not sure if she should be in fight or flight mode right now. as far as she knew toga hadn’t gotten her blood, and even if she did she would have to look exactly the same, shouldn’t she? of course, the name threw ochako off horribly. not even she was sure she could explain that one away. 
“uraraka?” she asked, tilting her head. what the hell had happened? what kind of quirk did that villain have? “i--i’m ochaco. . . midoriya.” she slowly offered her own name.
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uravityforall · 2 years
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he doesn’t know what he’s done wrong. izuku had eased the tension! it was okay, just an argument avoided. what did she mean that it wasn’t funny?
“i— i don’t know what you mean? izuku eased the tension, it was fine because he arrived on time. what… why– what’s wrong?”
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she knew he wouldn’t be so cruel. not to her. never to her. maybe this was some sort of villain trick but. . . no, her emotions were overruling logic-- she couldn’t think about villains or other timelines. she couldn’t ever remember snapping at him before or ever being angry with him but it felt like he was making a sick joke and twisting a knife into her wounds.
“why are you being such a dick!? not even kacchan would say something so fucked up!” there were tears in her eyes. “it’s not funny to lie about the dead still being here, especially to my face! what is WRONG with you!?”
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uravityforall · 2 years
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this was– not normal. though, maybe there was no real normal anymore with how the lives of 1A had been lately. ochaco had definitely not been sleeping as well as she could have been lately, not with how on edge everything had kept her. she’d stayed back in the classroom longer as everyone else left, her mind zoning out in her apparent exhaustion– until the noise from the door brought her back to reality.
and then … the person on the other side of the door. her– herself? had she actually fallen asleep this time? was this a nightmare? or was this madonna again? no, madonna wouldn’t have likely done something like that, even on accident.
“… are you my sleep demon?”  back up, had she said ‘again’?  “— wait, you mean you’ve done this before??”
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ah. now she was. . . registering things. that was. . . herself? but with brown hair and brown eyes? wack. so wack. oh no. all might and aizawa were going to have so many words for her but-- for now there’s a short, startled scream as she dropped the door. it’s cool. it’s fine! totally fine! sure, she knew she was a twin but, well, that twin wasn’t exactly here anymore and they weren’t identical. 
“i-- i mean-- a couple times?” nope. she was not going to be processing this normally. “who-- who are you?” that seemed like a valid question. a doppleganger! it had to be! maybe it was a transfer that just happened to look so much like her! that was the logical explanation, right?
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uravityforall · 2 years
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he doesn’t mean to stare like there’s not a single thought in his head. he’s just… eijiro is processing it. “i think that’s the nicest thing anyone has ever said to me.” oh, that sounded sad, didn’t it?
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“i’m sorry. . . you deserve to hear those things more often. . . you’re such a good person. i don’t know where i’d be without you.”
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uravityforall · 2 years
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oh man what had he gotten into. uraraka calling katsuki fucking kacchan? what the fuck? what the fuck. and a fight? well, shoto and katsuki were on their gay shit yesterday, but eijiro and katsuki didn’t personally fight… 
“ochako, i — i didn’t fight with kats yesterday. things got a little tense but izuku broke that up with shoto’s help.” aizawa come pick him up, he’s scared.
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oh. . . oh no. she knew what happened yesterday-- she knew that her memory wasn’t that bad. ochaco felt a sinking in her stomach. then his words registered. izuku. what-- what the hell did he mean by izuku breaking it up?
“i. . . zuku?” her heart wrenched. “what-- what do you mean izuku broke it up? that’s-- that’s not funny eijiro.”
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uravityforall · 2 years
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that was not an expected answer. he was not prepared for it. “i— i– i mean– i— oh. okay.”
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“well-- like-- it’s pretty easy to die for someone but kind of. . . painful for that person so-- i just kinda-- would do everything to protect you and make sure we’re both okay and--” god, she was awkward. why was she explaining? he probably got it. “you’re a really good friend. i. . . wouldn’t want you to hurt so that’s just, uh, my sentiment.”
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