#keeper of the lost cities headcannon
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Screw “pyrokinetics run hot because of their ability” give me pyrokinetics who naturally run cold so their bodies don’t overheat from using their abilities.
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sadandmessy · 11 months ago
This also reminds me that through basically all of Everblaze, she was really worried about the mind healing thing for Fintan, and when ever she brought it up to Fitz he was always like "no Sophie, it's fine, we got this yk" but to me it always felt kind of dismissive? And I actually liked Fitz when I first read it. But like, she's intelligent, she's smart, and maybe you should listen to the person who has done this before| cause she stinkin knows more then you do u cracker headed lima bean
KOLTC fans who do not like Fitz, this post is for you. Fitz fans who do not believe people have sound arguments about why they dislike Fitz, this post is also for you.
I will mention stuff that happened in Stellarlune, so if you are not caught up with the series you might not want to continue reading.
I will try to provide quotes, but I will likely just describe the scene and what book it is in when I provide my reasons.
Also, this post will be pretty long which may or may not be a good thing depending on who you are.
Anyway, let’s get to the reasons why I dislike Fitz. I have broken them up into three main categories, and I will be talking about aspects of Fitz’s character that I think a lot of people overlook (not the reasons that people do tend to mention: him having anger issues and being boring)
I don’t know if you guys have noticed this, but Fitz is really shady, Iike really shady (and not in a good way like our favorite shade Tam)
He has eavesdropped on Sophie and Keefe’s conversations before which I find so weird
In Lodestar, when Sophie and Keefe were communicating telepathically in that slimy location that Keefe picked out, Fitz started listening in on their conversation without their knowledge. He said it was because he was worried since he heard Sophie gasp. Personally, I do not buy this excuse. He can literally see Sophie so he could easily determine that she is not in danger. At the very least, why did he not immediately announce that he was listening once he knew Sophie was okay? In my opinion, it just feels odd, and if I were Sophie or Keefe I would feel a bit uneasy.
In Flashback, Sophie and Keefe were talking in the healing center about starting weapons training, and Sophie asks Keefe if he is down to do that (or something along those lines). Fitz immediately shouts, “I’m in!” The shady thing about this was that he was sleeping in his cot when they were talking. Now, I’m not saying that he is expected to cover his ears while they have a private convo in the healing center. But the thing is, he pretended to be asleep to listen to more of their conversation which is creepy.
The next very shady thing was the gift he gave Sophie in Legacy which was a painting he asked Keefe to make.
I always thought this was shady because, for one thing, he completely stole Keefe’s idea for a gift. Come on, a painting with a heartfelt message on the back?! That was literally what Keefe gave Sophie in Nightfall. Here comes the actual shady part though: why did he not just go to Atlantis or somewhere and have someone paint it for him? He purposefully asked Keefe to paint the confession scene between him and Sophie when he knows that Keefe likes Sophie. That is so messed up. This is made even worse by the fact that he paid Keefe when literally every elf is born with an unlimited birth fund so it was essentially worthless.
This next example happened in Legacy. I feel like a lot of people forgot about this or kind of swept in under the rug, but I think it is actually very telling of the type of person Fitz is. I am talking about when Fitz decided to search Lord Cassius’s mind to learn anything about where Alvar might be after he got away in Flashback.
There are several shady things about what happened in this scene. First of all, Fitz decided to do this even though he knew that it would make Keefe uncomfortable (Fitz would see the abuse/trauma Keefe suffered at home). Secondly, Fitz did this without even asking Keefe first or even letting him know about it. If you recall, he literally just showed up at Keefe’s house without any warning. Lastly, he tried to lie about it too. He tried to say “I’m doing this for Keefe” and “whatever I find will be helpful for Keefe”. Give me a break, we all know he did not do this out of concern for Keefe and he was caught lying in the act by Keefe himself. *I find it funny how he tried to lie about it to Keefe, when Keefe is literally the strongest empath in their world and is literally so smart even though he does not get enough credit for it.
2. When he gets mad at Sophie, the first thing he does is belittle her or try to make her feel stupid:
This first example comes from Exile when Fitz was getting mad at Sophie about what happened to his dad. Now, a lot of people like to dismiss how Fitz acted in this situation because he was under a lot of stress, but I do not think this is right to do because it absolves Fitz of any guilt instead of addressing how his behavior was wrong. The specific scene I am referring to is when, I believe, Alvar suggests that maybe Sophie can help Alden and then Fitz responds with: “Please, she’s just a kid.” What I get from this statement is that he is making Sophie feel less than, and in the process he is putting himself above her “level”. Now, one can use the excuse that he wasn’t himself and that he was torn up with grief, but he says similar things to Sophie later on in the series (when his dad is not on his deathbed) which I mention below.
This next example happens towards the end of Legacy, just before Fitz and Sophie broke up. Sophie was defending her decision to search Lord Cassius’s mind for any important information even though Fitz was already doing that (she honestly didn’t even need to do this because everyone knew he was getting nowhere and that he would never have found anything useful). Anyway, Fitz responds with: “So you thought the Moonlark needed to swoop in and take over? The leader of Team Valiant? Lady Sophie Foster? The fact that he is trying to make her feel bad about her accomplishments is a major red flag in my opinion. As someone who supposedly cares about her more than anyone, he should feel the most proud of her successes.
This third example is from Stellarlune. It’s when Fitz and Sophie have their first telepathy session after the whole “Fitzphie’s not a thing!” debacle. So, Sophie is asking Tiergan what a Cognate Inquisition is and then here comes the interjection: “Better question,” Fitz jumped in using a smug tone that made [Sophie] wish one of the buttons on her telepathy chair would turn Fitz’s into an ejector seat and launch him out of the room. “Why were you hoping to spare us from it?” I just think this is unnecessary and uncalled for; why is he trying to embarrass/ one up her in front of their mentor? (Did he forget that he is the one who joined her session, not the other way around?)
3. The last major issue I have with Fitz is the fact that he guilt trips Sophie and Keefe a lot. And, just so everybody is aware, not about minor stuff. He tries to make them feel guilty about things that are completely out of their control, and as you are reading these examples I just want you to keep in mind that elves are not equipped to handle guilt. Their mind can literally shatter if they feel too much of it (like Alden), and that’s why I think it is so horrific every time Fitz does stuff like this:
Everybody knows this one, but I am still going to put it here because it is worth mentioning. In Exile, Fitz blamed Sophie for his dad’s mind shattering. I have seen a lot of people try to say it is justified because he was going through a lot at the time, but I disagree. I think we can all agree that just because someone is going through a tough time (no matter how tough it may be), it does not give them the right to bully an innocent person.
Moving on, in Flashback, towards the end of the book Fitz makes everyone search for Alvar because he thinks he is up to something shady. When they find Alvar and question him, Keefe says that he can tell that Alvar is telling the truth. Then Fitz retorts, “Like you could tell with your mom?” In this remark, he is referring to the fact that, before she revealed her betrayal, Keefe had no idea that his mom was evil. This made me so angry on Keefe’s behalf because everyone already knows that he blames himself for everything that his mom is doing. With every revelation about his mom’s plan he sees how much worse things truly are, and that sends him into a downward spiral of guilt. For his “best friend” to say this to him is so messed up.
This is not another example, just my own thoughts about what I said above so you can skip it if you would like. I never understood why people (namely the Councillors) expected Keefe to know that his mom was evil. For one thing, his parents are literally known for never showing any physical or emotional affection to him. So, how is he supposed to be able to read his mom’s emotions if he never is close to her? Secondly, I think people are forgetting that as an empath he can only read people’s emotions. He does not know the reason why they are feeling the way that they do unless he has context. Lastly, his mom was literally erasing his memories left and right so whatever information he could even manage to glean would be wiped from his mind. Meanwhile, Fitz is literally a telepath, and he had no idea his brother was evil (and I assume he must have read his brother’s mind at least one time) so I think he needs to lay off the judgment.
In Legacy, Gisela leaves a note for Sophie to bring Keefe to Loamnore during the “showdown” (or whatever you want to call it). Anyway, Sophie does not want to do this because it is obviously a trap, and Keefe gives in and agrees to stay behind. When he makes this decision, Fitz says, “Wow, you really hate Tam that much? Because he’s the one who’ll pay the price if you’re not there—you get that right?” Is it just me or does that not sound so condescending? All I can say to this is how does he have the nerve to blame Gisela’s actions on Keefe, especially when Keefe is one of the people working the hardest to stop her? Also, it is crazy that Fitz is guilt tripping Keefe for deciding not to be bait and leaving his life in the hands of his (crazy) mom. I’m sure it’s easy for Fitz to say that because he is not the one who is being targeted by an evil mastermind who wants to experiment on him.
This last example happened in Stellarlune, so it is is quite literally very recent. Fitz and Sophie are in the school cafeteria, and they are disagreeing about next steps to take to stop the Neverseen. In that conversation Fitz says, “But sometimes it feels like you don’t realize that it’s only a matter of time before something you do gets someone else killed?” In my opinion this is a completely unfair statement to make against Sophie. First of all, since the beginning of the series she never wanted her friends involved in the fight against the Neverseen because she wanted to keep them safe. However, her friends (including Fitz) would not take no for an answer and insisted on helping. Secondly, Sophie is always going above and beyond (risking her life) to save that of others. Both times when she almost died fixing her abilities, she endured it all for the sake of becoming stronger and protecting her friends, family, and her world. That is why I think the way Fitz is trying to make her feel guilty, and put the entire weight of people’s lives on her shoulders, is so unjustified. She is literally a young girl trying to do her best to save her world from crazy powerful villains, cut her some slack.
If you made it to the end, thanks for reading. Honestly, there are many more examples that could be brought up that I’m sure a lot of you are thinking about, but I am too lazy to write all of that. I just wanted to share my thoughts because I have been seeing some people say that Fitz has had good character development throughout the series (which I just have not seen) and does not deserve all the hate so I just wanted to share why I believe Fitz is viewed the way he is by a majority of the Keeper fandom.
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alaydabug2 · 9 months ago
Wanna know what I'm excited about to see in book ten
Well a lot of things
But I mean cannon sokeefe being physically intimate with each other
Imagine it with me
Sophie running up behind Keefe and jumping on his back (ngl could be vise versa)
Keefe laying in Sophie's lap while she runs her hand through his hair
The forehead kisses
Nose kisses
Cheek kissed
Sophie in a hug burying her face in his neck or her head tucked under his chin
Him wrapping his arms around her from behind either by her waist or in a hug
The SNUGGLES 😭 (they take turns on being little spoon)
Sophie finally getting some much needed rest in his arms
Her cupping Keefe's face
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sophiefostersno1stan · 11 months ago
i know it’s inevitable but a part of me will die when sophie isn’t on the unravelled cover
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frizzle-mcshizzle · 10 months ago
random Dizznee family headcannons that are part of my personal cannon
that get progressively more detailed
Kesler has a Tattoo of the alchemy symbols for fire, water, earth, and air on his right arm.
Kesler has glasses and curly hair, Milo Thatch vibes.
Juline is the one with Dimples and is the reason all the kids are sound sleepers shes harder to wake up than Dex. the only person who can successfully wake her up is Kesler
Bex has periwinkle eyes while Rex and Lex have turquoise Bex's hair is curly while the boys hair is wavy.
Kesler and Juline wear elven wedding rings which are similar to Cognate rings except that theres only one and it goes on the weares dominant thumb glows when their spouse thinks about them.
Juline has to wear her wedding ring around her neck when shes in her disguise because Kesler thinks about her so much that it’s constantly glowing.
Juline has a lot of jewelry with periwinkles on them and Kesler has a lot of jewelry with Snowdrops on them, because they like to wear little thingd that remind them of each other
Juline brings home human snacks and Kesler's favorite human candy is nerds and constantly begs her to get some. when shes out getting snacks she also gets them stupid grapic tees to wear around the house
Kesler was way more upset about her lying to him for ten years when he actually properly processed what she did and he just held it together in front of the kids. but they have a deal to never fight in front of their kids and apologize to their kids if they do.
Kesler runs warm and Juline runs cold (because froster) and they can’t sleep without each other
Juline badly picks her lips when she’s upset, along with frosting over whatever is around her because of her strong emotional connection to her ability.
when Edaline was a young adult she rasied Juline through teens because her parents deemed her difficult for not being able to control her ability, it resulted in Juline becoming very angry at everyone around her, and while she realized it wasn’t Eda’s fault she ended up taking it out on her often.
after making friends at school that didn’t call her defective, Juline’s mental health got to be a lot better and she apologized to Edaline profusely, Edaline was just happy to see her sister smiling again
Bex inherited her mom’s temper and is the ring leader of the triplets, shes the most outgoing has no filter and says what she thinks at all times, she likes to hang out with Lovsie because she likes having another girl in the house and was taught some basic fighting skills by her, while shes so much like her mom shes a daddys girl through and through and is the most skilled in alchemy second to Dex.
Lex is the prankster of the group and is the worst out of the entire family at alchemy, he goes out of his way to annoy people because he likes to get reactions out of people, his favorite uncle is the one who gave Juline and Kesler the Yeti as a wedding present and he looks up to him immensely. he also loves to create food abominations that he will eat as disgusting as they look.
Lex's full name is Alexander, he is the only triplet with a full name Kesler and Juline did this to confuse people and it works.
Rex is the mellowest and shyest triplet, he prefers to hide in his brother and sisters shadow, he is known as a troublemaker because people don’t care to tell the difference between him and Lex, he likes to spend time with Edaline at Havenfeild helping with the animals, after he doesn’t manifest he starts to isolate himself from his brother and sister and spend even more time with his aunt
Kesler and Grady where best friends before Jolie’s death and Kesler called him his brother, in reality he got along better with Grady than he did with his “real” brothers
Kesler and Juline where also broken up over Jolie’s death and constantly reached out to check on Grady and Eda, but when they seemed to want space they gave to them, Kesler and Juline still reached out every now and then to check up on them and let them know they loved them, but it wasn’t very often because they thought that was what Grady and Edaline wanted.
the triplets only met Edaline and Grady a handful of times in their memory because it was hard for their uncle and aunt to be around kids and the triplets high energy and overwhelming.
Juline and Jolie constantly exchanged letters, especially after she and brant where deemed a bad match Juline keeps all the letters in a box at the top of her closet and sometimes takes them out to read them when she misses Jolie.
Kesler and Juline where like the cool aunt and uncle to Jolie and they used to have family game nights once a week until she died, after her death the families drifted apart and didn’t get that closeness back until the kidnapping
Jolie was going to recruit Juline to the Black Swan and had written a note to her in her black cube that was kept until Livvy recruited her, she was given the box with Jolies note inside and keeps it in a locket
a lot of the black swan thinks Squall wants to be a homewrecker because of the way she talks about Kesler, not realizing he is in fact her husband and shes just so in love she can’t hide it even in a disguise.
part of Juline’s job is interrogating prisoners and shes lost coworkers she was close with whenever she has a hard day she comes home and cries into Kesler’s arms from anywhere from a ten minutes to a few hours.
Juline has a bunch of notebooks that she wrote to each kid, Kesler, and Edaline just in case she dies or has to wipe her own mind with the poison for her own peace of mind.
during the kidnapping instead of isolating themselves their families stuck together like glue over the two in a half weeks the kids where missing because they didn’t know what else to do 
they started their family games nights after they got the kids back, and started a new tradition of movie nights at Rimeshire, where Sophie would show the family her favorite movies and they would make pillow forts to sit in while they eat their movie snacks. 
Juline was pulling strings behind the scenes to keep Dex from going on missions and to just stay behind and work on gadgets, because she never wanted him to join in the first place, she didn’t want to lose him again
after revealing the fact that she was part of the black swan it took a long time for decks to trust his mom again because he was constantly asking questions she couldn’t answer, and he wanted to be let on more missions, but she wasn’t going to do either, so he was angry and upset (rightfully so) they had to work on their relationship for a long time afterwards
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silly little kotlc theory that the reason some humans have blue eyes is because they're all descended from one elf :)
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apixphiny · 2 years ago
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my favourite sillies !!
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corvidcrafts273 · 1 year ago
Keefe would totally have 'What makes you beautiful' by 1D in his playlist
It totally fits sokeefe
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fangirlingovernothingg · 8 months ago
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radishearts · 1 year ago
Based on a long time joke from unlocked map, I present Floridian Fitz, Aussie Keefe and Canadian Dex!
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They’re a boy band, I think,
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the-great-gullon-incident · 2 years ago
Elven Wedding Headcanons
The marriers wear dark blue while the guests wear yellow/gold
Only nobility can legally marry people
The rings go in their pointer fingers and normally have a jewel the color of the person’s partner’s eyes and an inscription on it
The marriers wear veils connected to circlets over their faces until they are officially considered married when they take them off
The veil circlets are often passed down through families and it’s a common way of the parents accepting the marriage for them to give their family’s one to their child’s partner
The marriers are walked from the sides in front of the guests by one, maybe two, honor attendants.
It’s considered bad luck for either marriers to see each other the day of the wedding and often stay in two different sets of rooms in the opposite sides of the house/castle
Weddings celebrations can often take weeks before the actual ceremony
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permanently-stressed · 10 months ago
Dexiana hcs?? (you're making me remember why I ship them)
He is constantly making her laugh. Like, 24/7
Sometimes he'll make a snarky comment and she'll be like "you can't just say that!!!" While dying laughing
They're constantly sneaking into the forbidden cities for dates
While in Foxfire, they ALWAYS leave a note on the others locker. It becomes a competition of sorts.
He loves to play with her hair.
Makes her jewelry every time and at some point her entire collection is just stuff made by him
He traces her scars absentmindedly
When he concentrates he frowns and she likes to "kiss the frown away"
Biana lives life like it's a game of "How Many Times Can I Make Dex Blush"
They hold each other's hands a lot. It's hard to find a moment where they're in the same room that they're not holding hands
She constantly tells him he's cute. Showers him with compliments like it's a second nature.
Biana will buy lipglosses and ask his opinion on them as an excuse for him to kiss her (and Dex certainly doesn't complain)
Even though they're very affectionate they're also very subtle??
Biana uses her vanishing to sneak up on him and after a while it stops working cause he can just. Sense her presence
That's all I have for now! Thank you again!
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alaydabug2 · 9 months ago
Omg so I found this on pinterest 😭
It's not even a kotlc post
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Guess who has a new headcannon for unraveled 😆
I might make a oneshot for this if anyone's interested
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sophiefostersno1stan · 9 months ago
someone write a fic where sandor and grizel get married and sophie flower girls
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frizzle-mcshizzle · 1 year ago
Sophie should flash her eyes red and creepy to scare people sometimes i think
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stunning-mess · 9 months ago
headcanons for platonic and/or romantic keefitz pleaseee? :D
OMGG yesss!!!
(platonic cause im a sokeefe shipper 🫶)
they have sleepovers on saturdays, and they prank each other alot
fitz and keefe became better friends after the great gullon incident
once when fitz went to a human city, he got some chips and pretended to say that he found it at his house and keefe ABSOLUTELY loved them
they learned baking together
keefe tried teaching fitz art but fitz gave up and they decided to play base quest again
keefe always used to win in tackle bramble but fitz always won base quest
there friendship started falling apart when sophie came
they stopped doing fun stuff after finding out after they found out lady gisela was in the neverseen
but they still talk alot
they always share everything except family problems and crushes
they stopped playing truth and dare with other people after what happened with biana 🫢
they have had popcorn movie nights where they watched a human movie, possibly superman, or any other D.C character, and fitz immediately regretted it because he'd start doing their impressions
I dont have anymore!! (sorryyy) lmkk if u guys have any more to add!!
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