#kaz one shots
Pretty Girl and Her Hero || Lab Rats: Elite Force ||
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Requested: hey, could you create a story about kaz and reader (Female pronouns please). It can be a cute or hot story, it doesn't matter, at the moment it's very difficult to find a story about kaz around here, that is, I don't care about the style or plot of the story as long as it ends up being okay in the end 
You find yourself being saved repeatedly by a certain hero and he keeps teasing you for it. You start to find it annoying, but he thinks it cute. 
Pairing: Kaz x Reader 
Warnings: Near death situations, female reader, slight mention of assault 
Words: 3.7k 
A/N: Got a request done, finally! This one might be a little darker compared to others I’ve posted but I liked how it went. I’m trying to write these characters in a more aged up setting since my writing has matured a lot. If you guys don’t like it, I can try to go back to the original style. Let me know how you all feel! And I totally didn’t steal these scenes from spider-man.  
The first time you were saved by Kaz was a complete accident, you just happened to be at the wrong place at the wrong time. 
You were crossing the street, on your way home from the library. It was your turn, the little walk-man shining brightly on the crossing sign. How were you supposed to know you’d gotten in the middle of a high-speed car chase? With the bad guys directly heading your way. You didn’t even see them until they were inches away from where you stood. 
Your eyes widened and you panicked, frozen in your spot. You didn’t even hear the horns blaring or the people shouting for you to move. The music from your headphones was practically at full blast. And you did try to move, but your feet were glued to their spot. The only thought on your mind was how you were about to die. You closed your eyes, bracing for what you imagined to be a harsh impact. 
It never came, or at least not the one you imagined. Something did hit you, except it was softer than what you expected from a car. Not to mention the arms holding you firmly and the smell of men’s cologne hitting your nose. You open your eyes and you’re not in the middle of the street anymore, nor did you get hit by a car. Instead, you were quite literally swept away by some stranger's arms. 
You’re met face to face with a guy, around your age with pretty, brown eyes. Eyes that you were quickly entranced with, probably because he just saved your life. For a moment, your heart started speeding up and anxiety filled your being. You’ve never been in this sort of situation, rescued like some damsel in distress by a cute stranger. You suppose you have to thank him like the heroine does after being saved. But everything you were feeling quickly went away when he opened his mouth. 
“Don’t you look both ways before you cross?” he asks. 
You’re not sure if he’s serious or not, if it's an attempt to distract from what happened or if he’s genuinely asking. It pisses you off either way and instead of feeling thankful, you’re irritated. “Well, excuse me for crossing when the light was on. What? Did I interrupt your high-speed chase?” 
He looks shocked for a moment as if he wasn’t expecting that from you before a smile forms on his face. It’s cocky and smug, and oh so cute that it irritates you more and you want nothing more than to wipe it from his face. He looks like he wants to say something but a girl behind him interrupts, calling out to him. He waves her off before looking at you, still smiling that stupid smile. 
“See you around, pretty girl. Oh, and look both ways before you cross,” he says. 
You want to tell him that no, you will not be seeing him around or anywhere. But he’s gone before you get the chance and you’re left alone on the corner of the street you were originally crossing. 
The second time Kaz saved you, it was purely coincidental. It had to be. Anybody could have been in the situation you’re currently in, you just happened to be unlucky one. 
Some wannabe villain had crashed the Centium City festival, which resulted in utter chaos. Things were being blown up and rubble was falling, and once again you were in the middle of it all. You and your friends were watching the parade from one of the open balconies of the buildings. Whoever the villain was targeting just so happened to be on the balcony next to you. Whatever wreckage was caused to them bounced back onto you and your friends. 
Which is why you were currently pressed up against the railing of the balcony. It was cracked with half the base dangling in the air and threatening to break off. You happened to be on the wrong side with your friends safely by the entryway. There was a lot of screaming, mainly from you as you screamed for help. Your friends tried to help, holding onto each other while one of them reached out for you. But when you tried reaching back, the smallest movements made the balcony shake. You’d fall if you tried to move. 
So, you stayed put, or at least tried until the ground below you shook. That was enough for your broken part of the balcony to fully break. And suddenly you were plummeting down several stories, screaming until your lungs gave out. The universe must have had it out for your or something because there was no way this was the second time you almost died. Almost being the operative word. 
You were caught before your untimely date with the ground, whisked away from the chaos. You landed on a rooftop miles away from the chaos of the festival. Safe and sound. You were extremely grateful to your savior, that is until you saw who it was. 
“You again?” you shriek. 
It’s the same guy from before, the one who saved you from getting hit by the car. And when he sees you, he wears the same smile as before. “Oh hey. The girl who doesn’t look both ways.” 
“It was my turn!” you let out a noise of frustration, instantly annoyed. “What are you doing anyway? Who are you?” 
“A little gratitude would be nice, I just saved your life,” he feigns hurt and it only makes you glare at him. “Most people say thank you.” 
“And most heroes don't make fun of the people they just saved,” you scoff, crossing your arms over your chest. You were grateful, extremely so, but he ruined it by opening his mouth. 
“Well, I guess I’m not most heroes, pretty girl,” he flashes you that same smile. 
You want to say something snarky, but you’re cut off when you hear a voice coming from his ear. You notice the earpiece and figure it’s someone who works with him. The thought alone surprises you; you couldn’t imagine someone being able to stand him. 
“Stay out of trouble, okay?” he tells you before running, or rather flying, off. 
You’re left standing alone on the rooftop of whatever random building he landed on. And you realized how you got on that roof; your hero was an actual superhero. 
The third time it happens you think you’re cursed, you must be. There’s no actual explanation as to why you’re currently dangling on the edge of a building by a fucking phone cord. 
You’d come to your dad’s office, delivering papers he had left at home. Simple enough, right? Wrong. Because of course a construction crane would go haywire out of nowhere. And of course, it would come swinging into the building you just happen to be in. And better yet, your dad’s office was right by the window that said crane was crashing through. 
You would have made it to safety if you hadn’t pushed your dad out of harm’s way. Kind of ironic since it should have been the other way around. But instinct took over and you were paying the price for it. The floor below you caved in, and you were sent falling backwards. In your disarray, you grabbed the nearest thing to you. Which was the cord phone to the phone that had once been on your father’s desk. It unraveled and stretched as far as it could until you were hanging from the edge. 
You had a tight grip on it, screaming your head off as you looked below you. Bad idea, of course. You were several stories up and everything below you looked ant sized. This time you were sure you’d meet your end. There was no way you could be saved from a situation like this and there was no hero in sight this time. And when the cord started to slowly break, you whimpered and shut your eyes. This was it, for real this time. 
The cord snaps and gravity does the rest, sending you falling through the air. You didn’t even scream this time, the feeling of falling from so high up stopping you. Until you were caught, strong arms holding you tight and flush against someone. You kept your eyes shut, adjusting to the feeling and not yet wanting to see who caught you. Even if you already knew who it was. 
“You get in a lot of trouble, don’t you,” he says. 
His voice rings through your ears and you grimace as you open your eyes to look at him. This time he looks at you seriously, but you can see the corners of his lips twitching. You know he’s holding himself back from smiling. 
“And somehow you’re always there to save me,” you huff. 
He still irks you even if you're grateful to be saved and even more by him. Somehow it felt comforting, though you’d never admit it out loud. 
“Guess I’m attracted to you, pretty girl.” 
His smile is back, smug and full of the ego you’re sure he has. Your face feels warm, and you hope it doesn’t show, his words throwing you off. You know he means it differently but the way he looks at you says something else. You’re back to feeling what you did when you first saw him, but you aren’t sure it left in the first place. 
“Can you just put me down before I fall again,” you mumble, looking away in an attempt to hide your face. 
He doesn’t say anything, but he lowers you down and gently sets you down. You don’t know if he’ll say anything or not, but you beat him to it. “Thank you for saving me again. And that other time. That’s all you get.” 
“Fine by me, but as much as I like saving you, try to be more careful, pretty girl,” his tone is stern, like he’s trying to scold you but the glimmer in his eye says the opposite. 
You scoff and send him a glare. “I told you I wasn’t—Stop calling me pretty girl!” 
“Awe, is someone shy?” he teases, giving you a goofy smile to match. 
“No, I am not! Aren’t you supposed to be saving the world or something?” you scoff, sending a glare his way. 
“Eh, it can wait,” he shrugs his shoulders and you only stare at him. 
“You’re not a great superhero, huh,” you say. 
A smile threatens to crawl on your lips at the offensive look on his face when he says that. He looks like he wants to say something, but you’re interrupted. This time it's you who’s pulled away when your dad rushes over to you. You look at him briefly before you turn back to your unknown hero, only to see he’s gone. It upsets you for a moment, as much as you bickered, you weren’t ready for him to leave. You don’t get to think about it much before your dad steals your attention. 
The fourth time was your fault, really. After the first three times your life has been in danger, you should have learned to be more cautious. You should have known that of course some maniac would rip the brakes from your train. 
The train jolts and starts to speed up, causing everyone around you to start to panic. You don’t. Even if you should have been scared, everything was telling you not to be. You had a guardian angel or something looking out for you because he always showed up. He’d show up now too, you hoped. 
But as the train drew closer to the end—a dead-end cliff that led into the ocean—you were starting to lose it. Maybe this was the one time he wouldn’t show up, or so you thought. One by one, the few people in your train car were disappeared with only a gust of wind left behind. You were left alone and the train was getting closer to the edge. Whatever miracle was happening seemed to be taking a lot longer for you. 
Or maybe you had imagined it, and you were really just all alone in this part of the train. Your brain made you see others being rescued to keep the hope of you being rescued too. The thought only made you panic, and you tried looking for a way out. Outside, buildings sped past faster than you could make out. Jumping wasn’t an option. You were utterly and completely trapped. 
Accepting your fate came faster than you’d thought, maybe because of the few other times you almost died. You sat back down and closed your eyes, letting everything else play out. Until you felt a tight grip around your waist, familiar arms holding you tight. It didn’t even matter if he’s only held you three other times, you’d know him anywhere. Your own arms wrap around his neck and you’re holding on for dear life as he flies you off the train. Everything feels like it should. Almost. 
His grip is deadly around your waist, almost like he’s afraid to let go. You don’t dare to open your eyes and look at him until you’ve landed somewhere safe. Part of you still thinks it's in your head and opening your eyes would ruin the delusion. Your feet touch the ground, but you don’t pull away, arms glued around him. His grip doesn’t seem to loosen either, he still holds you close. 
“It’s okay, pretty girl. You’re safe now,” he whispers and this time your heart flutters at how he addresses you. 
He’s so soft and gentle with you this time that it feels odd, so unusual to the other times you’ve interacted. “I didn’t think you’d show.” 
His grip tightens for a moment before he loosens it, enough to let you pull away if you wanted to. You don’t, not yet. “You’re doubting me? Ouch, I always save you, don’t I?” 
“You cut it a little too close this time,” you huff, finally pulling away to look at him. 
You expected his usual cocky grin but this time his lips are set in a straight line. There’s no grin, no spark in his eyes, nothing but a blank look. It worries you and you miss his stupid smile, even if you’d never say it out loud. You almost reach out to him, stopping yourself short and clearing your throat instead. 
“Are you okay?” you ask but it feels off to ask that. Maybe because he’s a superhero and they’re always supposed to be in pristine condition. 
“I’m fine. Are you? Sorry about the train, but we managed to stop it,” he answers, his voice matching the look on his face. 
It makes you frown, lips pursed together, and brows furrowed in thought. You didn’t really know him, you’d admit, but you knew enough to know this wasn’t his usual self. Being goofy and aloof seemed to come naturally to him, this serious demeanor felt forced. You weren’t convinced he was okay. 
You feel the need to apologize, as if the runaway train was your fault somehow. It wasn’t but you do anyway. “Sorry for making you save me again. I guess I am a magnet for trouble.” 
“Don’t. Just... You’re safe, that’s all that matters.” 
Now you know he’s not okay when he doesn’t respond with a joke back. This was about the time he’d tell you to keep out of trouble with a stupid grin on his face. Yet it never comes, and you don’t know what to say. Was it in your place to figure out what was wrong when you hardly knew each other? Yes, you’d think after he saved you four times now. 
He speaks before you even get the chance to, almost like he sensed what you were about to ask. “I have to go. I’ll see you around.” 
You don’t get to say goodbye before he flies off, leaving you at a semi-empty corner of the city. Everyone’s gone to see the accident with the train, but you want nothing to do with it now. 
The fifth—and final—time you’d been saved had been months after the train incident. 
Your luck had finally turned around and you weren’t in life threatening situations anymore. Which meant he wasn’t around to save you like always. Nor was he around in general. Centium City was a large city, crossing each other’s path was almost impossible. Especially since you didn’t know if he looked the same as a civilian, or better yet, if he lived here at all. 
It feels nice not having to fear for your life all the time and everything’s gone back to normal. But there’s a dull ache in your chest when you actually think about it. You don’t even know why, it’s not like the two of you were close. And you hardly spoke the few times he saved you, only bickering with each other. Well, you bickered and he poked fun at you. It was limited interaction, but you missed it. 
After the first month, you tried forgetting about it since you were sure you’d never see him again. Not unless you were in trouble, and you weren’t going to purposely put yourself in harm's way. The thought did cross your mind, but you’d be crazy for even trying something like that. The only other choice was accepting that you’d never see the cute superhero again. Until you find yourself in danger once again, you should have known your streak wouldn’t last so long. 
This time you were walking home at night, which was already a red flag. The city was much more dangerous at night. You were coming home from studying at the library, losing track of time. You had headphones in, and you didn’t notice the guys following you. Until you stupidly when down an alley to cut your trip short. One of them appeared in front of you, saying something that didn’t quite reach. You panic nonetheless and try to walk around him. He grabs your arm before you can, and others join him. 
You’re ready to scream for help until one by one they’re all thrown off you. They scatter quickly, throwing obscenities your way until you’re left alone. Almost alone. Someone stands away a few feet away from you, their back to you. You don’t have to see their face to know who it is, and you run to him. He turns around in time as you wrap your arms around his neck. He’s quick to wrap his around you and you’ve never been so relieved to see him. 
“And here I was thinking you didn’t need me anymore,” he jokes but his voice is strained. 
“Clearly we were both wrong,” you say, trying to joke back despite your pounding heart. 
“It’s okay, pretty girl, I’ve got you,” his arms wrap tighter on your waist, and you lean into his touch. 
It helps calm you down and you find that you never want to let go. It’s kind of funny, you don’t even know his name yet he’s already the most comforting person to you. 
“How did you know?” you find yourself asking, knowing that if he hadn’t come when he did, things would have ended differently. 
He doesn’t answer for a minute before taking a deep breath. “My team and I were patrolling the city. I just got lucky being around here.” 
“I don’t know what would have happened if you hadn’t been here. I don’t—”  
“It’s okay, you’re safe now. That’s what matters,” he reassures you. 
“I don’t know your name. I want to at least thank you properly this time,” you say. 
You pull away from him to be able to see his face, warm brown eyes staring into yours. He looks hesitant for a moment, as if you’ve said the wrong thing. You almost think you did before he smiles, warm and genuine, and not at all what you’re used to. 
“Kaz, my name is Kaz,” he tells you. 
“It’s nice to meet you, Kaz,” you say before introducing yourself back. His name has a nice ring to it and falls nicely off your tongue. “Thank you for saving me, again.” 
“Don’t sweat it, pretty girl. It’s what I do,” he shrugs but his ears have a soft tint of red to them. 
It makes you smile how bashful he suddenly becomes, another side of him from his norm. “Still, five times is a lot. Is there something else I can do to thank you?” 
“How about your number, then?” he asks, quicker than you expected. “I-I mean, just in case you’re in trouble again and need me.” 
Your smile widens and you nod. “Sure. And if you want to go out sometime, that works too.” 
You give him your number and he saves it under ‘pretty girl’ despite your protest. Well, it’s not like you really minded, having grown used to it. And he walks you home, even as someone calls for him through his earpiece. He just turns it off, you’re more important right now despite telling him you’ll be fine. 
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5sospenguinqueen · 6 months
Y/N: Can I say something that will probably annoy you?
Kaz: Since when do you ask for permission?
222 notes · View notes
bookishdream · 2 years
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Kaz Brekker x fem!Reader Summary: Reader gets kidnapped by the Crows Word Count: 3k CW: swearing, abusive parent, blood
She used to live her best life; a daughter of a council’s member, an heir to the ground so big she couldn’t even begin to comprehend its vastness. However, when she finally came to the age where she was to come into own money and ground, she was kidnapped. By one of the gangs violating the streets of Ketterdam, nonetheless. 
“Who, the fuck, do you think you are?” she pulled on the ropes binding her wrists. The room was so dark that she wasn’t able to see a person standing by the wall opposite of her. When she’d been dragged through the part of the city she hadn’t ever visited, she’d been hearing two voices behind her, one female and one male, bickering back and forth about trivial matters. Yet, when the bag had been removed, she took notice of another girl, sitting on a window sill, her legs loosely dangling over the edge, her face didn’t convey any feelings, only cold indifference.  She also noticed two men, one looked as if he was Fjerdan with his blonde hair and strong face features, whereas the other had brown skin and a little smirk was pulling at his lips. He looked like he was having the time of his life. She counted four of her captors, but she quickly realized who had taken her. She sighed and when she felt her wrist start bleeding, she stopped trying to get free. 
“Well, well, aren’t you a little feisty?” the pale-skinned girl teased, her brown hair fell loosely on her back, and she was leaning against the brick wall of the warehouse. “I told you she wouldn’t be willing to cooperate.”
“Tell me one person who would be, if they were tied up and kept against their will,” y/n spat, sweat coating her forehead. She was trying to come up with a plan that would let her run, but not when all of their attention was on her. 
The girl rolled her eyes, “But for Kaz’s being late, you need to be patient, yes sweetheart? You will hear a reason soon,” 
“It’s ridiculous,” 
“Tell me about it,” the brown-skinned boy remarked, when he came closer to her, and the light from the street fell onto him, y/n noticed his belt with two revolvers, they shone. She swallowed a big lump of saliva, her anxiety spiking. “It’s never fun, when we kidnap someone,”
“So you’re telling me it’s not the first time?” 
“Love, we’re professionals, of course it’s not our first time,” the boy smirked into her direction, making her frown. What did they want from her?
Suddenly, she heard a rather loud clicking of something. The warehouse must’ve been empty, since the echo of the sound matched the loudness of her own heart beating in her chest. She cursed when she realized what Kaz the girl meant. Her father would warn her about the nightmare of Ketterdam, a boy who had deceived her father more than once, and the boy who was a top priority to her father. Since Brekker had robbed him for the first time, messing with his books, her father wanted nothing more than to catch him. He’d never accomplished that. Obviously. 
“You have her? Good,” his hoarse voice matched his looks. He had a sharp jawline and his brown eyes were set on the chair she was sitting on. “I hope you’ve heard of me, it will be easier to make an introduction. I’m sure your father has told you plenty of me.”
Y/n rolled her eyes, lifting her head so as to look at Kaz, who had taken a step closer to her. “Careful, because your hat might not have more room for that ego of yours,” she heard a surprised gasp of someone from behind Brekker. 
“She came for his hat,” the boy who had talked to her earlier whispered.
“I heard that, Jesper,” the other girl, who was sitting at the windowsill answered. 
Kaz didn’t look like her words made any impression on him, he simply leaned on his cane further, looking y/n into her eyes. She held his stare. 
“What do you want, Brekker?” she asked, her voice still. 
“We need a Squaller for our job,” he said, his eyes never leaving hers.
“Then go and find yourself one, I don’t see how this concerns me,” she still tried to keep her face as impassive as she could. 
“Oh, I think you know exactly how this concerns you,” Brekker smirked. “You and your mother are clever, I need to give this to you, but nothing goes past my Wraith. Your little travels to the countryside, your mom’s forged papers. I know everything,” he emphasized the last word, his unsaid threat making her shiver.
“And what would you possibly need from an untrained Squaller?” she asked, “Hypothetically speaking, of course.” 
“You are a descendant from a powerful line of Grisha, y/n. With a little more training, you could control clouds and weather, am I right?”
She kept silent, weighing Kaz’s words. She was fucked, no matter what path would she choose. Working with him and his gang came with a strong possibility of her father finding out and his wrath. However, not working for him and letting him go the stadwatch with the intel he had would put into jeopardy not only her, but her mother as well. 
“I don’t know if I could control the weather,” she finally whispered, giving up. She could hear breaths of relief from the others. “I haven’t really tried doing more than controlling and bending the wind.” 
“Well,” Kaz smirked, his cane clicking as he was walking toward the exit. “You’d better be a fast learner,” his final words echoed in her mind. 
Few days later, she still couldn’t get rid of Kaz’s words. The littlest sound startled her and she’d lost her appetite. She was in the library, when one of the servants came to her with a little note. The boy left the piece of paper on the table she was sitting at, and left.. She took the note, the paper was cream-white and the scribble looked as if it had been written in a hurry. The location that had been written told her nothing. She wasn’t familiar with other districts in Ketterdam. She sighed and got up to take a map. She had an hour to find the place and get there. 
After finally finding out that the location of the meeting was outside the city, she cursed at Kaz for leaving her such a short time to arrive there. She quickly changed for her outdoor clothes and left. 
When y/n eventually showed up, she saw that everyone was already there and she noticed a new face. He looked very young, his head full of red curls and a face full of freckles. He smiled kindly at her. 
“You’re late,” Brekker commented.
“And you’re unbearable, yet I don’t go around stating the obvious,” she remarked, her hair being lifted by the wind. “Of course I’m late, I live on the other side of Ketterdam,” 
Kaz wanted to answer her, but when he opened his mouth, the white-skinned girl interrupted him and clasped her hands. 
“I think we should begin,” she came closer to y/n, her hand outstretched, “My name is Nina, the one with the guns is Jesper, the one with the best arms is Matthias,” Nina winked at him, making the Fjerdan’s cheeks tint pink. “The redhead is Wylan and Inej is probably somewhere on the roof.” At the girl's last words y/n turned around and tilted her head up in order to see the Wraith somewhere. 
“Are you a Grisha?” y/n asked, letting Nina lead the way towards the area that was more vacant. They were on the field, only buildings that were in the close vicinity were factories or empty warehouses. 
“I am a Heartrender,” Nina replied, motioning for y/n to stay in her place. Then Nina took a few steps back and stretched out her arms. “Show me what you’ve got.” 
The weather was mostly sunny, with some clouds floating on the sky. It wasn’t very windy, but it was enough for y/n to work with. First she bent the wind into a small whirlwind at Nina’s feet. Then she made it a bit bigger, but still safe. She could feel her face getting some color on it. Her mom had said that she had been looking like a ghost for the past few days. At last, y/n gathered more of the air and she made a show of disheveling Nina’s hair, blowing wind under Jesper’s coat and, her personal favorite, she flew off Kaz’s hat. She heard Jesper and Nina’s silent laugh, however Kaz was looking at her with an indifferent expression. 
“How long until she can control the storm?” he questioned, his moves smooth as he used his cane to lift the fallen hat. He put it back on his head and shifted his way back onto the stick. 
“A week, tops, she has a huge potential,” Nina answered, her eyes glimmering with excitement. 
Y/n rolled her eyes, she could feel the troubles she was going to be in, were their little scheme be found out. 
It took much more than Nina assessed. Only after two and a half weeks was y/n ready to call a small lighting. It wasn’t big, hell, it couldn’t even hurt anyone, but it was something. And she was proud of it. Nina happened to be a good teacher, partially because she herself had been studying in the Little Palace once. 
“Good job, y/n!” She exclaimed, the wind created by the Squaller carrying her voice. “Now call for something bigger,” 
“Nina, you know I can’t,” she breathed, her heart beating so fast and loud that she couldn’t differentiate if the last thud was her heart of the strike of lightning she did. 
“One last time, you have so much undiscovered power! Imagine what you could do once you finally grasp it!.” 
Y/n breathed a pant, her forehead and the nape of her neck was covered in sweat. She could feel her eyes burning from it, even though she had been using the wind to cool her down. She called for the clouds above her head once more time, gathering the electricity sizzling in them. She pressed her palms together and focused on the tree standing mere meters from the pair. Then, y/n let out a small gasp and shot out her palm into this direction. Neither of Grisha expected what would happen next. Y/n didn’t think her powers could be so grand. The alone tree that was standing in the distance was now on fire and both of the girl’s eyes widened in shock. 
“Shit,” Y/n mumbled, she rushed to somehow pull out the air and put out the fire. It cost her even more energy than creating the lighting. Fortunately, the fire was extinguished and only dark strokes of smoke were coming into the air. 
“That was amazing!” Nina giggled, her face brightening in the smile. “Let’s go eat something.”
Y/n let Nina lead the way to the Crow Club, where hopefully they would serve her some food. She was starving. She had never used her powers so much that she felt famished. When the two girls finally arrived at the Club, y/n noticed how much commotion there was. People were everywhere, occupying the poker tables, playing black jack or sitting at the bar. She couldn’t glimpse much more, because Nina was pulling her to the staircase. Upon arriving on the first floor, where there was a room big enough to accommodate seven people she saw a couch and, with a long sigh, sat on it. 
“Any progress?” Kaz asked, while making his way into the room and then towards the desk that was facing the couch and two armchairs. Y/n looked at him and rolled her eyes, refusing to answer his question before putting food into her mouth. She first smelt then saw waffles, her head shot in the direction of the door that was being opened and closed by Nina and Jesper on her hills. Y/n smiled when the Heartrender handed her the plate with hot food and started eating it like she had never seen food in her life. 
“Someone would think that your father is starving you,” Brekker remarked, his voice hollow. 
“Someday, I will put this cane straight into your-’” she was interrupted by Jesper putting a waffle into her open mouth, shutting her up. She rolled her eyes again, but didn’t say anything more. She was focused on eating her lunch, zoning out when Nina informed Kaz what her teachings brought. 
After the afternoon and a part of the evening spent with the Crows, y/n got up and made her way home. She could glimpse Inej a few times, while walking down Ketterdam’s streets. She knew that the Suli was just making sure that y/n wouldn’t spill the secret, but it made her feel better that she had company, nonetheless. 
When she eventually came home, she was met with silence. Lamps were lit up, however she couldn’t hear any talking. She silently creeped over to the living room and she saw her father sitting in the armchair, looking into the fire. 
“My dearest daughter,” the man started, placing his cold gaze upon her. Y/n knew he somehow had learnt what she had been doing for the past weeks. She swallowed, but kept her face straight. “Do you want to explain why people saw you with those brutes?” He got up and made his way towards her. 
His breath reeked of alcohol, but he still came close enough to grab her chin and tilt it so she could see straight into his eyes. She tried to explain herself, but her father lifted his fist and punched her. She was blinded by pain, she could feel hot blood coming from her nose to her mouth. She couldn’t brace herself for another hit, this time his fist connected with her stomach. Y/n doubled over, breathing hard. Her father used this as an advantage and struck another hit to her face and the girl fell to her knees. 
“Get up, you pathetic girl,” he crouched and his face was at the same level as hers. She spat at him, saliva mixed with blood. Her father made a disgusting noise and wiped his face off with the sleeve of his shirt. He roughly took her arm and lifted her up. He swung once again, but his blow never met y/n. She used her desperation and power and hauled her father straight into the window that was behind him. There was a lot of shattered glass and she could glimpse a bit of blood on the pieces that stayed in the window. Y/n didn’t think longer, she made her way towards the door, stumbling. 
She didn’t know if Inej was still somewhere on the rooftops, but still y/n ran into the direction of the Crow Club. Her feet heavy and her face swollen, but she kept running until she saw the familiar building. She barged into the club, running for the staircase and making her way to the top of the stairs. To Kaz’s room. 
She opened the door, noticing the dimmed lights and Kaz sitting at his desk. He lifted his gaze and the only thing that indicated his surprise was his frown. 
“Rough night?” he asked, getting up from his desk. He walked closer to her, looking her up and down. “Please, do say that the other guy looks worse.”
She breathed a small laugh but only shook her head. “I didn’t know where else to go,”
Kaz sighed, going to the small, adjoined room, y/n suspected it was a small bathroom. A moment later, Brekker emerged with a small kit in his gloved hands, he handed her the kit and motioned for y/n to the room he had just left. 
“Go clean yourself, I’ll tell Inej to fetch you some clean clothes,” 
“Thank you,” it was the first time she let herself be that vulnerable in front of someone. She wanted to laugh at the irony of the situation. 
Y/n went into the bathroom, her limbs heavy and her head hurting. She took a look at herself and she spooked herself. Her whole left cheek was swollen, her eye nearly shut, her lip cracked and blood was marking its way down her chin and neck. She swallowed and started cleaning herself. When she mostly got rid of the blood, she lifted her shirt and saw a big, purple bruise on her ribcage. She had a hard time breathing. She felt the room swirling around her, but she strove to pull herself together. With as deep breath as she could take she left the bathroom. 
Kaz was sitting at his desk again. He lifted his head when she stepped into the room and observed her when she took the fresh set of clothes from his bed. She walked towards the door. 
“Where do you think you’re going?” his hoarse voice came from behind her. She turned around and saw him frowning even more than before. 
“I don’t know, maybe Nina has some room on her floor,” she remarked, hugging the clothes to her chest and turning her face back to the door. 
“Stay,” Kaz whispered, his voice barely audible. Y/n stopped in her tracks, her spine straightened. Did she hear correctly? “You can take the bed,”
“Kaz, you don’t have to,” she started, but was promptly interrupted by Brekker’s voice.
“Shut up and lay down, you stubborn girl,” he came back to whatever work he had, y/n heart grew and she smiled for the first time in hours. 
“Who would’ve thought there’s a heart underneath all of those layers,” she teased, laying down on his bed. 
“Such a pity your father didn’t knock your teeth out,” Kaz said, but the small smirk on his face hinted that he wasn’t serious. 
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jahayla-parker · 2 months
OMG another idea! what about freddy x wife!reader? where she is filming her morning routine (skin care, breakfast, mini workout or yoga or stuff like that, ya know?) and we see freddy in the background and he'll make small comments on stuff then just joins her half way through
Morning Routine : Freddy Carter x Wife!Reader
Descr: Freddy’s wife y/n is asked by Company UK (a British Magazine Agency) to film her morning routine for her fans and her husband ends up guest starring in it. Fluff
Warnings: mentions of exercise and medications., flirtations and relationship components, marriage, food/eating, I think that’s all!
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“Hi everyone! It’s y/n y/l/n Carter! This is the first time I’ve done one of these, so hopefully you like it!” Y/n chuckled shyly. She bit her lip bashfully as she saw her husband mouth ‘you’ve got this’ from behind her camera. She pulled herself together and grinned at the camera as she began to explain what she was going to be recording today. The magazine, Company UK, had requested that she film a morning routine video for her fans.
“We’re going to start off with my skincare routine,” y/n narrated as she steadied her phone in the corner of the bathroom counter. “But, first I’m going to brush my teeth.”
“Okay now that that’s done,” y/n commented as she dried her mouth. “Time for skincare! So, I start with y/fav/product and we’re going to put a little of this,” she said and showed the camera her next product. “I just rub it in nice and gently like this and it’ll help to enhance things!” She grinned over at the camera as she set the latest product down. “And just like that, we’ve finished my daily skincare routine!”
“Even though she doesn’t need any of it to look as radiant as she always does”, Freddy commented lovingly as he walked past the doorway to their bathroom.
Y/n grinned widely and laughed giddily to herself. “Another part of my routine,” she winked and nodded her head backwards towards the door. “My hype man for life,” she beamed as she proudly lifted her left hand up to show her cherished wedding ring.
“So now that we’re back in the bedroom, I take my morning medications and supplements,” y/n informed her viewers as she walked to her dresser. “I like to take them with a full glass a water to start off my proper hydration for the day”. Y/n intentionally kept the bottles at an angle so that the names of her prescriptions wouldn’t be in view of the camera. “I won’t show what exactly I’m taking as I can’t give medical advice, after all, I’m not a doctor!” she joked with a careless shrug of her shoulders.
“Smart enough to be though,” Freddy murmured as he walked by. He gave y/n a quick kiss on her cheek as he continued on his route to their closet in order to grab some clean clothes out for himself for the day.
“They said to simply comment on my process and otherwise act as normal for the video,” y/n told the camera with a content smile. “And clearly, my sweet husband is taking that responsibility seriously”. It was true, Freddy was always loving on her like this.
“Mmm,” Freddy hummed and looked over at y/n due to hearing her mentioning him. “I can shut up,” he joked, blushing some. He grinned as his wife lovingly shook her head as she walked over to him. His grin grew as y/n relaxed in his arms and let him pull her in for a hug.
“I’m not complaining Freddy, but you know, they’re probably going to think it’s staged.”
Freddy shrugged, “let ‘em think what they will, love”. He brushed some hair from y/n’s forehead and looped it around her ear, his hand roaming admiringly over her cheek and jaw as she gazed warmly into his eyes. “I’m going to go change and then start brunch, alright?” He whispered softly. Y/n nodded making him hum softly and give her a tender squeeze before they parted.
“Uh anyways”, y/n spoke through her giggles as she moved closer to the camera. Focus. She blinked rapidly as she tried to guide her mind back to paying attention to her routine video and not on her sweet husband.
“So I don’t know if you guys could hear our conversation just now or not,” y/n transitioned, “but those of who have watched some of my husband Freddy’s more viral interviews will already know this, but he loves to cook breakfast slash brunch. Like loves it.” “I’m a very lucky woman,” she grinned. “So while he’s doing that,” she giggled, moving to grab her yfc yoga mat from the corner of their bedroom. “We’re going to do some yoga to get warmed up for a brief exercise a little later. But first, let me go change out of my pajamas cause this is a family show!” she joked showing her pajamas to the camera before pausing the recording. After changing into yoga pants and a loose comfy top, y/n resumed the video as she walked to the living room. “Alright, so let’s get going.” She began to narrate the process of setting up and starting her yoga. As y/n went through her yoga routine, she explained the poses and benefits of them for her fans. As she moved into her next pose, she noticed Freddy could be seen walking by behind her in the background. She concluded Freddy likely had no knowledge that he was in the shot as he stopped to smile at her, watching her silently for a moment. Y/n grinned and proudly continued to talk to the camera as Freddy resumed whatever he had been doing.
“Darling, you ready to eat?” Freddy called out as Y/n set her notebook down after having done some self care exploration/ personal growth work in it. She beamed excitedly as she stood up. She laughed at herself as she sprinted to grab her phone from its stand in order to keep the camera with her as she was to very eager to eat brunch with her husband.
As y/n made it to the table, Freddy pulled the chair out for her. Thanking him, she sat down beside him and kissed his cheek. He leaned over and reached around her as he moved to help prop the camera up.
“Wait, hold on,” y/n stopped Freddy. “They need to see the amazing meal you made,” she commented, momentarily taking her phone back. She turned her camera around as she showed the spread.
Freddy blushed proudly as he watched his happy wife. She was so precious.
When y/n was done showing off her husband’s cooking, she smiled at the camera, “okay!” She handed her phone back to Freddy and watched with appreciation at he set it up. However, when she checked to see what all was in the shot, she noticed Freddy wasn’t in it. She pouted lightly as she moved to adjust it. “You’re part of my routine, handsome,” she grinned, giggling as Freddy playfully retaliated to her flirting by attacking her sides with tickles before giving her a kiss.
After brunch, y/n stood up from the table, “I’m going to show them my morning workout. Wanna join, sweetheart?”
Freddy groaned dramatically but nodded his head in agreement. He pushed back from the table and began to gather the plates so he could wash them.
“Freddy,” y/n cooed. “I can get that, love” she argued, moving to stop his tidying up.
Freddy turned to look over his shoulder at y/n. “‘s alright, y/n/n,” he smiled. “Go on and get your camera and stuff set up in the gym, I’ll clean this up”.
Y/n tsked lovingly as she made her way over to Freddy. She hummed warmly and kissed his cheek as a thanks.
“Okay, so,” y/n explained after she finished stabilizing her phone in the gym. “Today is leg day,” she laughed as she began preparing each station. “I love leg day, but Freddy hates it.” Moving aside some random weights, she added, “I read somewhere that’s a common difference between men and women for some reason” with a shrug. “Truthfully, I didn’t remember it was leg day when I asked him to join, we’ll see if he’s still up for it,” she chuckled.
Freddy waltzed in with reusable water bottles for them both, a clueless smile on his lips. He winked as he made his way over to y/n. “All set up, darling?”
“Mmhm,” y/n hummed. “But, uh…” she trailed off. She pursed her lips as her husband stared back at her with his eyebrows raised in suspicion. She silently walked over to Freddy and batted her eyes at him.
“What did you do?” Freddy teasingly asked.
Y/n giggled innocently and shook her head, “nothing, but it’s leg day today”.
Freddy groans. “And cardio?”
Y/n softly nodded. “Are you still going to join me for both?” She pouted pleadingly.
Freddy smirked faintly at y/n’s overdramatic pout, looking away so as to not crack.
Y/n squinted in slight annoyance and gently turned Freddy’s head back towards her before she amplified her act.
A deep blush covered Freddy’s face as he nodded in acceptance.
“Yay! Thank you sunshine!” Y/n cheered as she kissed Freddy’s cheek. She then ran over to the treadmill. Unbeknownst to her, the camera picked up her husband grinning at her antics. “So we only have one the treadmill, so we’ll be alternating with each other,” she instructed, smiling over at her husband, “while I do an inclined sprint, Freddy will start with a circuit of mountain climbers, squatting burpees, and lunges”. “We’ll go for ten minutes then switch and repeat this cycle three times,” she explained.
As y/n and Freddy finished their last cycle of cardio, she sweetly dabbed Freddy’s sweaty forehead with a towel. “Alright honey, ready for some weighted, leg day exercises?” She inquired. When he begrudgingly agreed, she grinned and walked to her water bottle near her phone. “See, he loves me,” she said with a wink directed at the camera before smirking over at him.
Freddy chuckled as he made his way over.
“Boooo, you’re all sweaty,” y/n joked as Freddy gave her a brief hug.
“So are you, dear,” Freddy smiled, reaching up to fix some of y/n’s now-frizzy hair.
Y/n hummed quietly. She found herself leaning into Freddy’s hand for a moment as she caught her breath. “Don’t district me,” she gasped dramatically as she jokingly shook her head at him, stepping back.
“Are you sending this whole thing in?” Freddy questioned as he adjusted the metal bar so y/n could get up since she’d finished her reps.
Y/n shook her head as she took Freddy’s extended hand, letting him help her up. “No, I’m not going to make them watch us workout for an hour,” she giggled. “I’m gonna edit it first,” she informed him as she sat on the bench.
“Mmm, in that case,” Freddy murmured as he moved to pin y/n backwards against the bench.
“Freddy!” Y/n shrieked in surprise, as Freddy towered over her. Her eyes were wide as her laughter rang out around the room.
Freddy beamed and bent down to give his wife a sweet kiss. “That’s all I wanted,” he defended with an innocent expression. He stood up and helped y/n back up again.
“Mhmm,” y/n stated, side eyeing Freddy skeptically. “Behave yourself,” she teased with a light shove as she moved to grab weights for their next exercise.
“Alright, for a cool down we’re going to do some light stretching that’ll mostly focus on our legs to relax the muscles after weight training,” y/n told the camera.
“Ugh,” Freddy groaned. “Those are the worst,” he complained.
Y/n laughed. “You’re getting better!” She reassured, grinning when it caused Freddy to blush. “Now come on, you can do it.” She gave him an encouraging smile before moving to her yoga mat. “We’ll start with downward facing dog,” y/n instructed, getting into pose.
“My calves,” Freddy whined as he complied.
Y/n’s laughter made her posture shake a little. “Focus on your breathing, Freddy,” she advised, “each exhale, try to loosen those muscles”.
“Oh, this one’s not too bad,” Freddy observed as he sat in what y/n said was pigeon pose.
Y/n smiled over at her husband supportively. “See you’re doing it,” she commented sweetly.
Freddy nodded. “But I’m not doing that,” he stated dramatically as he watched y/n enhance her iteration of the pose by lifting her extended leg upward by pulling on her foot.
Y/n chuckled loudly. She glanced over at Freddy and took in the look of fearful disbelief he’d been making at her. She ended up laughing so hard she gracelessly dropped her foot back to the mat, “Freddy!”
“That wasn’t part of the instructions!” Freddy exclaimed defensively.
Y/n rolled her eyes playfully. “You didn’t have to do that part.” “I just didn’t feel a stretch without it anymore”.
“Show off.”
“Hey!” Y/n scoffed as she leaned toward Freddy and gently pushed him over.
After some more stretching, the couple finally finished. “Alright, whew. We’re done!” Y/n said, dusting her hands off. “And that means, all that’s left in my morning routine is a shower to get cleaned up, so yeah! I hope you all had fun watching this!” She paused and looked over to Freddy who was curled up on the bench and shook her head teasingly. “Bye everyone!”
Once y/n had turned her phone’s camera off for the day, she slid the device into her yoga pants’ side pocket. “Honey?” She asked softly as she made her way overtoher husband. “Come on, let’s go get cleaned up and then you can relax on the couch some until you have to be on set, huh?” She offered, gently helping guide him off the gym bench with a loving smile.
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Tag List: @ell0ra-br3kk3r @missdreamofendless @alex-kazbrekkersimp @historynerd7 @opheliaofficial07 @el-de-phi @nikfigueiredo @whistle1whistle @booklover2389
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thelittleangryitalian · 5 months
Chase: We’ve been meaning to tell you guys something. Kaz and I are dating
Bree, Skylar, Oliver and Kaz: *gasp*
Chase: Kaz why are you surprised?!
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delicatenightfury · 1 year
2022 Month of Writing: Day 20
Pairing: Kaz Brekker x reader
Prompt: "It's hard to bury your past."
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Word Count: 3k (this turned out longer than I was expecting)
Author's Note: please don't steal my work! you can choose to respond to the prompt as well, but don't steal my work
I'm not totally sold on this, but if you're interested in a part 2, please let me know!
I based this off the Netflix show Shadow and Bone (even though I liking the books better 😅) - just a heads up
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y/n pressed a damp cloth against her arm where she had gotten a long cut. She winced slightly but focused on cleaning the wound before it got infected. She and the other crows had just barely survived an encounter with Pekka Rollins and his men in what, unfortunately, was an ambush. Her abilities as a Squaller did help some, but one of the Dime Lions sliced her arms, making it more painful to control wind. She had been lucky with her injuries and required far less attention, thus why she was tending to herself. Nina needed to be focused on Inej instead of her.
She tensed slightly when she heard the familiar sound of footsteps accompanied by the thump of a cane. They stopped somewhere behind her, letting silence fill the room for several minutes. She knew it was petty, but she wasn’t going to be the one to speak first. Several minutes later, he finally caved.
“We need to talk.”
“I don’t want to talk to you,” she said lowly.
“It doesn’t matter. We need to talk.”
“Yes, it does matter, Kaz.” She sent him a glare over her shoulder. “You almost got us killed tonight.”
“We have to cut off Rollins’ resources-”
“Do we? You’ve been content just doing simple business for the Crows Club. Then, all of a sudden, you take a mission to saints know where and somehow manage to cross Rollins in the process. Now, we have been framed for murder. And I wasn’t involved in any of it, since you left me behind, yet I still got dragged into this mess.”
She threw down the cloth and picked up a clean one to press firmly against her arm. She held back another wince, glad that the bleeding had seemed to stop for now.
“The mission was need to know.”
She glared at him.
“And I didn’t need to know?” Kaz didn’t respond, but he didn’t look the least bit apologetic. “I had to go into hiding, Kaz, because Rollins added my name to that bounty before you even stepped foot onto the boat that brought you all back to Ketterdam.”
“It was never my intention.”
y/n scoffed.
Kaz slowly came closer, but still kept his distance.
“We were sent to Ravka to locate the rumored Sun Summoner,” he said.
That made y/n pause. She had heard the rumors. All of Ketterdam had. Especially when the Fold expanded and wiped out several towns. The Sun Summoner was a Grisha who was able to manipulate light, who might be able to use their power to help tear down the Fold once and for all.
“And?” she asked.
“We found her. The Darkling used her power to expand the Fold. We had several run-ins with her, but she didn’t come back to Ketterdam with us. Our employer was looking for answers.”
“About the Sun Summoner?”
“Amongst other things.” She glanced at Kaz. He was looking at the far wall, but was only a few feet away from her now. Feeling her gaze, he looked down at her. “He took a particular interest in you.”
“He saw your wanted poster in the street and made an inquiry.”
“That’s not much to go off of, Kaz.”
“He’s a privateer. Rich. Seems to be from Ravka. His inquiry was brief, since his main focus was on the Sun Summoner, but he seemed determined.”
“Again, not completely helpful. This privateer have a name?”
“He called himself Sturmhond.” y/n froze. She knew Kaz was watching her for a reaction, but she couldn’t care. “You know him.”
y/n tossed the dirtied rag aside. She nodded slowly.
“I used to. It was a long time ago.”
“Why do you care?”
“Because just hearing the name caused you to freeze up, y/n. I need to know if I can trust you to still function properly should we encounter him again.”
She looked at him.
“You’re worried about how well I’ll perform? Thanks for the vote of confidence, Kaz.” He continued to stare at her. She picked up clean bandages to begin wrapping her arm. “You don’t have to worry about it. It was a long time ago.”
“Not good enough.”
“Will you just leave it?”
“Drop it.”
“Tell me.”
She sighed.
“He’s my brother.”
There was a long beat of silence as Kaz took in her words.
“I wasn’t aware you still had family.”
She scoffed.
“As if I could call them that. I was the third child and therefore expendable. Being Grisha just gave them another reason to ignore me.”
She tightened the bandage she had put around her arm. It was a rough job, but it would hold until it could be properly looked at later. She began to clean up her supplies, sticking it in a corner for when it was needed again. As she moved, she caught a glimpse of Kaz. He was still looking at her, as if trying to find more answers.
“What?” she said. Her voice sounded more harsh than she meant it to.
“There’s more that you’re not telling me.”
y/n rolled her eyes.
“Just drop it, Kaz.”
“Not if you have information that will help us.”
“And how is my past going to help us with Pekka Rollins?”
“It will prove that I can trust you.”
y/n stopped. She set down the clothes she had been folding and looked at Kaz. His expression remained cold and hard. He rarely showed emotion as it was.
“You’re questioning my loyalty?” she asked. He simply stared at her, causing her to huff. “Thanks for that, Kaz. After all this time, I’m glad to know where we truly stand.”
She got up quickly and made her way to the door, passing by Kaz along the way.
“Don’t. Just don’t.”
She hurried outside to avoid him seeing the hurt on her face.
The following week was rather eventful. The Crows had created quite a bit of chaos after releasing false Firepox at all of Pekka Rollins’ businesses. In the same night, Kaz got Rollins to lift the charges he had put on the Crows and admit that he was responsible for the crimes. Rollins had been arrested and taken to Hellgate.
During that time, Kaz and y/n had barely spoken to one another. They only spoke when necessary and even then, they did little to converse with one another. Jesper and Inej were quick to notice the difference. Even Nina and Wylan noticed but neither felt it was their place since they hadn’t known the Crows long.
y/n had been reading in her room when a sharp knock came. She stood and went to the door, finding Kaz on the other side.
“Can I help you?” she asked.
“Downstairs,” he said. “We have guests from Ravka.”
y/n sighed but nodded. She stepped around Kaz to make her way downstairs, letting him go to wake Wylan and Jesper.
She looked up sharply at the familiar voice, her eyes widening.
The dark haired Squaller smiled widely. She moved forward to hug her.
“Saints, what are you doing here? We thought you were gone! Not even Baghra knew what happened.”
y/n looked down.
“And who is this?” A tall man approached them, a smile on his face.
“Tolya, this is y/n. Nikolai’s sister.”
Tolya’s smile grew.
“You’re Nikolai’s sister? It’s wonderful to finally meet you. I traveled with him for many years. He’s spoken of you often.”
y/n was going to respond when a glimpse of Kaz caught her eye. He was standing by the stairs, watching their interaction. Her shoulders deflated when his eyes narrowed ever so slightly. She knew immediately that he had caught at least part of their conversation. She looked back at Zoya.
“It’s a bit of a story,” she said. “One that can be shared later. I assume you are the guests Kaz told us about?”
“Yes. We have a mission for you.”
Soon, the Crows were seated in front of Zoya and Tolya, who handed them a document. 
“The neshyenyer?” Nina said after they had explained the mission. “Sankta Neyar’s blade.”
“So you haven’t completely forgotten what you were taught at the Little Palace,” Zoya said with an almost taunting tone. “Just your loyalty to Ravka.”
y/n couldn’t help but feel like the statement was also directed at her.
“Ravka or Kirigan?” Nina countered. “It didn’t take him destroying a city for me to question my loyalty.”
“So, that we all know you two have history,” Jesper said, “what’s the payment for this particular job?”
“Name your price,” Tolya said. “It matters that much.”
“Is that the Lantsov family crest?” Wylan asked, looking over Nina’s shoulder at the paper.
“You know it is because it’s hideous.”
Zoya shot her a glare before glancing at y/n, who only smiled in amusement. She was never a huge fan of the Lantsov crest. To hear someone felt the same was a little refreshing.
Tolya looked at the group. “Prince Nikolai requests your services to retrieve and deliver the neshyenyer to Alina Starkov in East Ravka.”
“She’s returned?” Nina said.
“As has the Darkling,” Zoya replied. “With an indestructible army of shadow monsters.”
“Saints,” y/n muttered.
“I do not like the sound of that,” Jesper said.
“She needs the blade to kill them. It’s the only thing that might work.”
“Retrieve the blade, and the prince will pay you whatever you ask.” Tolya told them.
“But I like the sound of that,” Jesper said.
“I assume same goes for you?” Zoya asked Kaz.
“I’d welcome the chance to help your prince spend his country’s money.”
Nina quickly expressed how instead of kruge she wanted someone released from Hellgate. Zoya decided to poke fun at Nina for her attraction, but y/n nudged her arm to quiet her. Nina had told y/n of Matthias, the Fjerdan she had fallen for before she came to Ketterdam. She admired Nina’s determination to free him.
“The offer is the offer,” Tolya said. “And Prince Nikolai is a man of his word.”
“But we need to go now,” Zoya told them.
y/n looked to Kaz, who was scanning over them. His eyes lingered on her for a long moment before he pocketed the document.
“It’s settled,” he said. “We’re in.”
The group dispersed quickly after to begin preparing. y/n watching Kaz walk away. When he disappeared upstairs, she sighed.
“Well something’s going on with you two,” Tolya said suddenly.
“Excuse me?” y/n said.
“You and Brekker.”
“It’s nothing.”
Tolya hummed as if he didn’t believe her.
“I haven’t been here long, but I can sense the tension between you two.” He slid into the seat that Zoya had vacated and tilted his head at her. “What happened?”
Despite being much larger than her, he did not come across as intimidating. y/n felt herself relax.
“You said that Nik told you about me. Well, I’ve never talked about my family. But when Nik was in town as Sturmhond not long ago, he made inquiries about me. Kaz demanded answers I wasn’t ready to give.” She sighed. “He implied that he couldn’t trust me.”
Tolya nodded slowly.
“Have you tried talking to him?” he asked.
“Kaz is unbelievably stubborn.”
“And if Nikolai’s stories have revealed anything, I believe you are too.” y/n chuckled. “So why haven’t you told him?” y/n paused and looked at him. Tolya offered a small smile. “Perhaps the first step in receiving trust is showing it? Someone always has to take the first step.”
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y/n watched Kaz from the doorway of his room. He was going through various maps and documents spread out over his desk. She knew that he knew she was there. Somehow he always knew. Nonetheless, she knocked on the doorframe.
“Yes?” Kaz said.
“We need to talk.”
He barely glanced at her.
“It’ll have to wait.”
“No, Kaz. We need to talk now. We can’t keep working like this and you know it.”
He huffed and looked at her as she stepped into the room, shutting the door behind her. He leaned back against his desk.
“What is it?” he asked. “In case you’ve already forgotten, we have to leave for Shu Han soon.”
“I haven’t forgotten. But if this plan works, you need to know the truth.”
“Me.” She waited for him to make a quip or dismissal, but received none. So, she took a deep breath. “My real name is y/n Lantsov. I’m the third child of King Alexander and Queen Tatiana. I never made my society debut because once it was discovered that I was Grisha, I was taken to the Little Palace. From then on I was raised with the intent of identifying as Grisha, not a Lantsov.
“As a result, my parents basically forgot I existed. My eldest brother barely spoke to me as it was, so I was only truly close with my other brother. I wasn’t allowed to see him. Kirigan wanted there to be little to no reminders of our pasts so that we could separate ourselves from the otkazat’sya.”
She paused and looked outside. Ketterdam was bustling with activity, both legal and illegal, just as it always was. Ketterdam never slept. 
“Early on, Nik and I would sneak out at night to meet. We were children and would rather play than train and learn. Nik loved to play pretend. We had found an old boat and we’d be sailors. I’d use my powers to steer us. He’d call himself Sturmhond with the distinction that he was a privateer, not a pirate.
“But we eventually got caught. I was disciplined by my instructors and put through more rigorous training. More so than some of the others. At first I thought it was because I had snuck out, but time went on and I was still pushed harder. My powers are no where near Zoya’s level. I doubt even an amplifier could get me there. Unfortunately, it took me too long to learn why that was.
“Kirigan wanted me pushed because of my background. He was… almost giddy about the fact that I was a Lantsov. I started noticing his power plays against my family. When he would visit the Grand Palace, I was among his small entourage of Grisha. He would give me special tasks when we visited, as if flaunting the fact that I was under his command instead of my parents.
“One day, while a group of us were traveling, we were attacked by Fjerdans. Drüskelle. They ambushed us, their goal to bring us to the Ice Court for a supposed trial. But we knew better so we fought back.” y/n took a deep breath to calm herself and force back the memories. “When I realized I was the last one standing, I used my powers to knock the remaining Fjerdans unconscious. I couldn’t kill them, despite the fact that they had just killed my friends.
“But as I stood there, I realized that I was alone. For the first time in years, I was by myself. I realized that there was nothing tying me down in that moment, so I fled. I went to the nearest port and stowed away. I ended up here and chose to make a new life for myself. One where no one knew who I was, where I would have more freedom than I could have imagined. Then I met you. And you know the rest.”
Silence fell over the room. y/n didn’t want to admit it but she was nervous how Kaz would react. She could feel him watching her, staring holes into her back.
After a minute, she felt the air shift and heard Kaz push himself off the desk. He slowly walked toward her, cane thumping at his side. She continued to stare outside even as he came to stand next to her.
“So Sturmhond is the prince,” he said.
y/n almost wanted to scoff - of course that was what he chose to say first - but she refrained.
“Yes. Tolya confirmed it for me.”
“And when he came to Ketterdam and inquired about you, it was because he thought you were dead.”
She shrugged.
“I suppose so. I don’t know what got reported to the king or Kirigan after the ambush. At some point, I stopped caring. It wasn’t my problem anymore.” She looked down. “Guess I was kidding myself. It’s hard to bury your past.”
Kaz huffed.
“Not if you bury it somewhere no one will ever look.”
“And I thought no one would look in Ketterdam,” y/n said, finally looking at him. “The Darkling never left Ravka and I had no idea where my brother was. I hadn’t seen him in years. I didn’t even know he had gone to serve in the military until he had been gone for three months.”
Kaz studied her for a long minute. y/n wished (not for the first time and certainly not the last) that she could read him.
“When we retrieve the neshyenyer and go to Ravka to deliver it, what will you do?” he asked. “I have no doubt we’ll run into your brother at some point.”
y/n sighed.
“I don’t know. I suppose I should talk to him at the very least. He deserves that.”
“And after?”
She shrugged.
“I’ll figure it out when I get to it.” She looked him in the eye. She knew that her answer probably left him unsatisfied but it was the best she could offer in the moment. “What about you?”
“Last week you said that my past would tell you whether or not you could trust me. Now you know. What’s your verdict?”
Kaz’s eyes narrowed ever so slightly as he scanned her over. She refused to look away. Finally, he nodded.
“I trust you,” he said. “You’ve got our backs.” He stepped back, breaking eye contact with her so that he could gather various things off his desk. “Now finish gathering what you need. We leave for Shu Han in an hour.”
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green-typewriterz · 9 months
Kaz Brekker x gn!reader
Summary: Kaz struggles with affection and touch, but he has to do something to stop you from going on a heist that could possibly kill you. 
Warnings: Kaz being Kaz, maybe slightly ooc Kaz as its my first time writing, injury, talks of death, slight ptsd
word count: 1171
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Kaz sat in his office with the door closed, not a single sound escaping from under the crack. It was something you and the Crows were used to but it didn’t stop you from wondering if he was ok. While you and Jesper worked the bar - chatting happily with the pigeons that you liked to call your regulars, Wylan and Nina sat in the corner of the room, drawing out plans, Matthias had just gone outside to follow after someone who hadn’t paid and Inej was probably somewhere near - you just couldn’t see her.
The next heist was days away and both yours and Inej’s talents with staying quiet would come in handy. Though you weren’t a master spy like your Suli friend, nor could you fight in the same acrobatic way as she, you were nimble and silent, an intimidating quiet in a room full of leaders. That and you were amazing with knives. However, there was one flaw in every plan the group came up with, one that could prove to be life or death for you and Inej. The guards were never off duty and they always had guns. You’d have to fight to get past them.
It eventually got to two in the morning and the Crow Club was finally closing, yet there hadn’t even been the sound of Kaz’s uneven footsteps creaking across the floor. You sat on the other side of the bar as Jesper cleaned glasses, annoyed look in his eyes.
Eventually he turned to you. “I could use some help, you know?” Jesper spoke in mock annoyance, but any joking emotions on his face dropped when he saw the worry in your eyes. “Look, y/n, if you’re that worried about him, then go up there. Bring him tea or something.” You met his eyes and sighed, nodded slowly as you headed to the kitchens to make him a drink and some sort of food.
You headed up to his office with a hot cup of tea and a few pastries you had found in the pantry. You gently pushed open the door and the slithers of light from the hallway seeped into the room. Kaz sat at his desk, face lit only by a singular lamp that cast sickly shadows on his sharpened features. He looked tired. He glanced up as you stepped further inside, a tired frown on his features.
“Y/n, I’m busy,” he muttered quietly, head falling gently over his eyes. His attention returned to the plans in front of him. You placed down the plate and mug on the table and smiled softly.
He looked at the plate in confusion as you spoke, “I brought you some food, and a drink.” He didn’t respond so you sat down in the chair opposite him. “You’ve been here for hours, Kaz. You need to take a break.”
He put a gloved hand against his temple and sighed, “There’s no time for breaks. Every detail needs to be perfect, this has to go smoothly for us.”
You nodded in understanding, this was a difficult thing for any person, let alone a group of teenagers. “I know, Kaz. we’re all working hard.” Kaz finally looked up at you for more than three seconds and his eyes narrowed into an unreadable expression.
“You and Inej are crucial to this plan, it wouldn’t be possible without you. But-” He cut himself off, breath catching in his throat. His next words were a whisper, “But I don’t want you to go.” Your brows furrowed in confusion, why was he changing his mind now, so soon before the heist?
You sat for a while, not knowing what to say, eventually, you assumed it was him not wanting to lose his two best ‘spies’ in one go. “Kaz, we’ve done this hundreds of times, Inej and I are fully prepared for whatever happens. You don’t have to worry.”
He stood up abruptly, his chair scraping across the floor, scratching over the previous marks in the wood. His eyes seemed to hold a fervour to them you had never seen before. “It’s more than just the heist, Y/N. This job is dangerous. I can’t afford to lose anyone. I can’t afford to lose…you.”
You blinked a few times in confusion, not understanding where his sincerity had come from. He breathed out slowly and, almost as if it were against his human nature to do so, gingerly stepped forward, his eyes glued to your hands. “You’re important to me, Y/N.” His gaze flitted up to meet yours and his brows furrowed in what looked like pain as he stepped closer still. “Promise me you’ll get out if things get too dangerous.”
A sigh escaped your lips and you shook your head, “I’m not a child, Kaz. I’ve gone through worse, multiple times. You can’t expect me to stop now because you suddenly gained the ability to feel empathy.” You whispered. You hadn’t meant it to sound harsh, but the words sliced through him and his gaze lowered. Turning to the door, you began to walk away, aiming to get a semblance of a good night's sleep before the manic day of final planning began tomorrow.
Despite this aim, you only got part way toward the door when you felt cool leather grip your wrist. You gasped at the sensation and turned to see Kaz holding you in place. He breathed out shakily and his eyes closed for a moment, almost as if he were trying to calm himself. You gave him time. “Please.”
It was one word, barely a whisper above the sounds of Ketterdam from Kaz’s open window, yet it felt like a stone wall he had spent years building with his own scarred hands had come crumbling down. Heavy rocks he had cemented together with avoidance and fear fell onto his feet, pushing themselves against his chest and Jordie’s pained body lay on the other side. He withered there for a moment, trying to calm himself. He could feel the warmth of your hands through his gloves - the sensation blurring the memories of the cold bodies beneath him. He breathed in once more, eyes still shut.
You found yourself unable to breathe, not knowing how to deal with his vulnerability, it wasn’t something the Crows were known for. “Kaz…” You trailed off, moving closer and readjusting to hold his hand in both of yours. You worked slowly, trying to keep the both of you as calm as possible. His hand shook under yours and you released slightly, the ghost of your hand still gently touching his. “I can’t leave Inej to go alone.”
He met your eyes and nodded. He knew it would be how you'd reply. You were too good to all the people around him, too good for him. Eventually, Kaz pulled his hand away, the feeling of another person that close to him becoming too much. “I’m sorry.” He whispered, “I shouldn’t have asked that of you.”
He let you leave.
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wylanslcve · 11 months
I can’t stop thinking about how Inej tells Wylan that “we are not our fathers” after he apologises to her for J*n kidnapping her. Wylan has spent his whole life believing that he's the problem, taking responsibility for his father’s wrongdoings due to how much J*n shifted the blame to him (a behaviour typical amongst abusers). For instance, his immediate response to Inej's abduction is self-blame despite knowing that "he couldn’t have prevented his father from double-crossing the crew and kidnapping her. He knew that, but he still felt responsible." The guilt is eating away at him because he's so accustomed to taking the blame for J*n’s actions, then Inej reassures him that he isn't the man his father is and it's like something inside him shifts. Imagine the relief that would have flooded through him hearing Inej’s words: for the first time in his life, someone isn't dumping that responsibility onto him. Instead, someone is telling him that he isn't the problem, that he has no debts to pay, that he's only human and not defined by the faults of his father. All he's ever wanted is to do something right, to not be the problem he's been constantly told he is and believes himself to be. It's as though this suffocating weight he's been carrying with him his whole life has been lifted off his chest and he can finally, finally breathe.
(That's not to say that those words alone heal him entirely, because trauma doesn't work that way - nevertheless, it's a start. It's given him a gentle nudge in the right direction of his path to healing.)
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fanaddicted2000 · 1 year
Can we agree that Kaz takes naps?
He works so much with no regard for his health, and Inej obviously calls him out. This one time, as they were planning their latest heist, sitting on the floor with a mess of papers and files around them, she noticed him growing quiet at her side. His bad leg had been bothering him all day, and she guessed he had a headache from the slight twitching of his right eye. She says nothing, but begins to hum quietly a Suli lullaby she remembers from her childhood. Kaz nods off, his head slowly falling onto her shoulder - were they really sitting that close? She's wearing a light jacket over her shirt, so no skin is touching, but she stays still, just in case. His breathing is even, gently brushing her neck. Is it all right, he asks in a mumble, and Inej smiles softly. Yes dear, mene yaram, she whispers back. He breathes out and she continues to hum.
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Three’s Not A Crowd || Lab Rats: Elite Force ||
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Requested: i’m not sure if you write polyamory but i’m dying for a chase x reader x kaz fic please😭 i’ll enjoy literally anything that comes to mind if you do end up writing one❤️❤️
You help Kaz and Chase realize their feelings for one another, not realizing that you yourself felt the same way they did for each other. Unable to ignore your feelings, you decide to avoid them until Chase comes knocking on your door and everything spills out.
Pairing: Chase Davenport x Reader x Kaz
Warnings: Angst with a fluffy end, implied fem reader but I tried keeping it gender neutral
Words: 2.9K
A/N: This has been in the works for a while now and I hope it came out good. I certainly liked it and it was my first time doing a poly ship. Hopefully I did it justice, I love trio couples and this was fun to write for.
You sighed, walking around your kitchen as you made yourself a cup of tea. Your shoulders were slumped from slouching and your feet were dragging across the floor as you walked. You sniffled, a hand reaching up to rub your nose then at your cheeks that were stained with tears. You’d been crying for who knows how long now, probably days. You couldn’t help it, you were heartbroken. You hadn’t meant for it to happen but now you were isolating yourself while you got over your broken heart. All because you had realized you had feelings for your best friends.
It happened after you finally managed to get Kaz and Chase to admit they liked each other. Then after seeing how happy, they were, you felt an ache in your heart. At first you thought it was because of how much they adored each other, after getting together they couldn’t stop showering one another with affection. Maybe it reminded you of how much you wanted something like that for yourself. But as time went on, you came to realize it wasn’t just their relationship you wanted, it was them too.
It had been so easy getting them together, the way they argued and bickered so much was so obviously from all the sexual tension they had. Chase loved giving orders and Kaz loved defying them, it was a set match from the start. All they needed was a little push from someone and that’s where you came in.
You weren’t part of the team, but you lived in the building and became friends with them. Mainly because you were one of the few people there that was their age. Not to mention the only one who didn’t avoid them simply because of their ability and status. The bionic team—well bionic and superhero, but you were told that part was secret—that lived in the penthouse floor.
You ended up befriending Bree first when you met for the first time in the elevator. You'd come back from a small shopping trip, and she noticed one of the bags you had. A bag with a pair of shoes that she had been dying to get. It struck up a conversation between the two of you that lasted all day. So much so that she took you to the penthouse and introduced you to the rest of the team. You got along with them all well but more so with Kaz and Chase. Each had something unique to them that pulled you closer.
Which is why it was so easy to see how much they were attracted to each other. The way they bickered, Kaz always had to poke the bear and Chase fell for it so easily. But no matter how much they went at it, they liked it, as if it gave them a reason to be close. Then there was the way they bonded so easily when they weren’t picking on each other. When they found a common interest, neither one saw past the other. They smiled and laughed like no one was looking, only having eyes for each other. Even when you were the one who managed to pull them together after some silly argument. When they were all smiles and laughter because you were their grounding point. They looked past you and only saw each other.
So, one day you had enough and spoke out before your mind could catch up with your mouth.
“Can you please just shut up and kiss already?” you let out, huffing in frustration.
The two guys who had been previously bickering with one another looked at you in shock. Their jaws were slacked, looking between one another and you as either one figured out what to say.
“Please, don’t look so shocked. It’s obvious you two have a thing for each other. I mean, the room practically stinks of sexual frustration each time the two of you are around each other,” you continued.
“H-Hold on? What are you trying to say? There’s no sexual frustration between us, and I certainly don’t have feelings for Kaz. I mean I like girls—women,” Chase said, obviously flustered by what you said.
“Y-Yeah, what Chase said,” Kaz followed.
You rolled your eyes, noting the way their cheeks were tinted with the smallest color of red and how the tip of Kaz’s ears were turning red. “You can like girls, idiots. Doesn’t mean you can’t like each other too.”
“I don’t like Kaz,” Chase argued, voice slightly raised in defense.
“And I don’t like Chase,” Kaz shot back.
You rolled your eyes and shot your hands up, putting an end to the conversation. “Okay, whatever, you guys don’t like each other.”
A week later, you caught them kissing in mission command and all you could do was pump your fist in victory. You totally took credit for getting them together, if you hadn’t nudged the subject, they would have never made a move. And you were happy to see your best friends together, happy that they could now express their affection in the way they truly wanted to. Then you became a third wheel whenever the three of you hung out. Since you were the one who helped them figure out their feelings for one another, they didn’t feel the need to hide them.
Which you encouraged wholeheartedly, even when the ache in your heart started. You couldn’t help but long for the way they looked at each other, something of adoration in their eyes. You felt jealousy bubble up in the back of your throat from the way Kaz would cling to Chase. Said man would roll his eyes at his childish demeaner but would welcome the affection with open arms. And you were there to witness it all.
At first, you blamed it on the fact that you were third wheeling and needed a partner of your own. The more it went on, the more you realized that you didn’t want just any partner. You wanted them, your best friends who understood you better than anyone else. You didn’t know when it happened, you’d fallen for Chase and Kaz, but it was too late now. You’d gotten them together and they were happy, and that’s all that mattered to you.
The heartache you felt only grew the more you were around them, until you slowly distanced yourself. You took to hanging out with Bree and Skylar more, that way you had a reason to avoid them. You hung out with Oliver too, but Oliver came with Skylar, another couple. Hanging out with them only reminded you of Chase and Kaz, which brought on your broken heart. So, for the most part, you avoided hanging out with them alone. It went on until you only hung out with Bree, but even that lessened. Then you just stopped coming around altogether, which brought you to now.
You hadn’t seen the team in days, maybe going on a couple weeks now. After you completely shut them off, you did everything to avoid them. Leaving at different times during the day so you’d never get caught in the elevator. Some days you’d come home late, whether staying at a library or a café to just roaming the city. They blew up your phone with text and calls the first week, trying to get you to come out. Each time you’d make up an excuse about why you couldn’t go.
“Oh, I have an important test I need to study for.” “I’m hanging out with some friends on campus.” “Sorry guys, not feeling well.”
Some days, one of them would stop by your apartment and try to coax you out. Again, you made whatever excuse you could and sometimes you didn’t even say anything. Eventually they stopped coming around, getting the message and leaving you alone. Once they did that, you stopped trying to go out, holing yourself up in your apartment. The only times you’d leave was when necessary, school, groceries and such. Even then, that was always early in the morning to continue to avoid the team.
Today was one of your days off, you were spending it trudging around your apartment. You hadn’t even changed out of the shorts and t-shirt you slept in. Your hair was a mess, you were sure some parts were knotted and sticking out. You had your cup of tea in your hand, the heat warming up your cold hands. You were only holding it though, soaking up its warmth and watching it get cold. The liquid inside stood still in your hands, for a moment, until a tear dropped inside. It created a small ripple in your mug, then another and another as your tears well once mire. You lifted your head and used one hand to wipe your face of your tears.
They continued to fall the more you wiped away at your face, as if focusing on them triggered their downfall. Your chest hurt, as if your heart was breaking all over again. Which it was. It was one of those days where you wondered if you’d done the right thing. Distancing yourself from your friends, all so you could get rid of whatever stupid feelings you had. You missed them, you missed Chase and Kaz more than anything. It wasn’t even just because of your feelings for them, they were still your friends before you so selfishly let your emotions get in the way.
You missed hanging out with them, doing stupid things together because the three of you as a group was a terribly, wonderful idea put together. But it didn’t matter now that you pulled yourself away from them.
You were lost in your thoughts until a knock at the door broke them away. You stood still in your spot, wondering if you had imagined it or not. When another knock rang out, you set your mug down and walked over to the door. You didn’t open it, instead you looked through the peephole of the door. Chase stood on the other side of the door, waiting for you to open it. You didn’t, instead you pressed your back against the wall and stayed quiet. You hoped he would go away soon. This had been the first time in a while anyone had reached out to you.
It made you cry, more than you were already crying. You had to use your hand to cover any noises that threatened to come out.
“I know you’re in there. You don’t have classes today nor any errands to run. Please, open the door,” you heard his voice say through the door.
You continued to stay quiet, knowing that eventually he’d go away.
“I just wanna talk. Please, we haven’t seen you in over two weeks. We miss you... I miss you,” he pressed, his voice softening at the end.
When you didn’t respond, you heard him sigh from the other side. You were sure he was giving up now, leaving you to be alone with your broken heart. Or so you thought until you heard the lock of your door undoing. Sometimes you hated his bionic abilities, especially the one that allowed him to manipulate the molecules of any object. Which meant a simple door lock wasn’t holding him back. Once the door was unlocked, he didn’t hesitate to open it and step inside. You were met face-to-face with Chase, whose eyes widened when he saw you crying. He was quick to rush to your side, hands on your shoulders with one sliding up to your face. His hand cupped your cheek, the way he cared for you so delicately only made you sob more.
“Hey, what’s wrong? Are you hurt? Did someone do something to you?” he asked, and you could tell he was doing a scan of you.
His worrying made you cry out in response, making him panic and pushing himself away from you. You immediately noticed the lack of warmth, making you want to pull him back. “Hold on, I’ll be back.”
He left immediately after, leaving you alone in your apartment where you slid down to the floor. You tucked your knees to your chest, wrapping your arms around them. You stayed like that for a few minutes before you saw Chase come back, behind him Kaz followed. When he saw your face, he wore the same worried look that Chase did.
“Dude, what did you do?” he asked, looking over at Chase.
“Me? Why are you blaming me, I didn’t do anything,” Chase defended.
“Then what happened?” Kaz asked again.
“I don’t know, you moron. That’s why I went to get you, so you could help me figure it out,” Chase answered, you could hear how irked he was.
Even after becoming a couple, their bickering was still the same. It made you laugh for a second as you watched them, getting their attention. They kneeled beside you, noticing that you weren’t crying anymore. It had reduced to small sniffles and wet eyes, wiping away your cheeks with the back of your hand.
“Hey, you’re not crying anymore. That’s good,” Kaz said, giving you a goofy smile. One that almost triggered your tears again had you not been able to stop them.
“Can you tell us what’s wrong? And why you’ve been ignoring us for days?” Chase asked, his voice soft to not alarm you.
The last thing he wanted was to make you start crying again, especially since neither of them knew what was wrong. You didn’t want to say anything, but the looks on their faces caused you to spill everything. It all came pouring out, how you loved them both, and as soon as it did all you wanted to do was crawl into a hole. You didn’t look at them, scared to face them after what you’ve said. What would they think of you? Surely, they would be disgusted and leave any second now.
“You know, sometimes you can be a real idiot,” you heard Chase say.
Your head turned to look at him, confused by what he meant by that. You didn’t get to ask, instead your eyes widened when you felt a pair of lips on your own. It was Chase kissing you, his lips pressed softly to yours. You didn’t get to kiss back before he pulled away, lips feeling cold for a short second before another warmth took over. This time it was Kaz kissing you, a different feeling from Chase’s lips but still soothing all the same.
When they pulled away, you were left sitting in shock, your lips tingling from the feeling. Your mouth opened and closed like a fish out of water as you figured out what to say. In front of you, Chase and Kaz smiled at your confused demeanor.
“You could have told us,” Chase spoke first, head shaking at you, but he was still smiling so you knew it wasn’t in a bad way.
“Yeah, do you know how long I’ve been waiting to do that?” Kaz followed.
“I don’t--I don’t understand,” you said.
“We’re saying we love you too,” Chase explained. “Have for a while, even before Kaz and I got together.”
You were still confused; how could they have liked you before when they clearly had eyes for each other? Kaz further explained it for you. “Don’t get us wrong, we still liked each other too. And we dropped hints too, before and after. Hanging around you all the time, putting you between us whenever we were sitting.”
“Although, it probably would have been better to just say something,” Chase sighed out, scratching the back of his neck. “Especially if it would have prevented you avoiding us for so long.”
Guilt racked over you as you took their words in. “I’m sorry.”
“It's okay, it's over now, but if you’ll let us, we’d really like to stay with you,” Chase said.
“Yeah, you owe us for all the lost time. You have no idea how boring it is to annoy Chase alone,” Kaz joked, earning a smile from you and a roll his eyes from Chase.
You nodded your head, and they both held a hand out to you, helping you up. They didn’t let go after you were up, instead wrapping their fingers with yours. It made your heart flutter and lips tremble, wanting to cry again. Both from happiness and feeling so stupid for ever ignoring them the way you did. They led you over to the couch and sat you down, like Kaz had said, there was a lot of lost time to make up for.
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5sospenguinqueen · 4 months
Nina: Would you punch Kaz for ten Kruge?
Wylan: No!
Inej: Absolutely not! That’s too little.
Jesper: Sure, why not?
Y/N: I will pay you ten Kruge to let me punch Kaz.
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bookishdream · 2 years
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kaz brekker x gn!Inferni!reader
Summary: You and Kaz spending some quality time together
Word count: 1,1k
Being in love with the Bastard of the Barrel was like lighting up a ton of candles, throwing them into a pile and jumping straight into them. It wasn’t easy, it didn’t even look like it would become easy any time soon. But you tried and so did he. 
Kaz cared about you. He showered you with little gifts – a mug of your favourite coffee on your desk when you were working over hours, a compass on your pillow or a single flower in a vase that would always be replaced whenever it started to wither. He didn’t make it obvious that it was from him yet you knew and he was aware that you knew. 
It all started when you came looking for a job. You had been terrified of what could’ve been encountered on the streets of Ketterdam. Not only were you a teenager – already vulnerable because of your age – but also you were Grisha. Inferni to be exact. You had left your home in the western Ravka after you’d lit up your whole village, burning it to the ground along with its inhabitants. You still were scared of whatever untamed power was sleeping in you. 
However, nothing could’ve stayed hidden from Kaz Brekker. He controlled everything that happened in his part of the town, taking notice of a new Grisha roaming Ketterdam’s streets. He’d pulled some strings and somehow you’d wandered into the Crow Club. You’d been shocked, for in your small town there hadn’t been clubs like those you’d seen. Or like this that you had been standing in, exploring its wooden counters, tables for various hazard games, dimmed lights or a staircase that you could’ve only imagined where it led. 
“Are you y/n?” A hoarse voice had said from behind your back. You’d turned around and saw a man your age with his hand placed on a cane, its head looking like it used to belong to some stray crow. “I was wondering how long it would take you to finally come here.” 
“How do you know my name?” You’d questioned your voice no more than a whisper. 
“I have my secrets,” the boy had replied, his cold gaze looking you over. “All you need to know is that we are in need of an Inferni and here you are,” he’d smirked. 
You’d rolled your eyes. Obviously he hadn’t wanted to put you up for a night out of the goodness of his heart. You’d doubted he had a heart at all. 
Since then, you’d been irreplaceable to him. Grisha weren’t popular in Kerch. So you’d stayed, made yourself comfortable and started working with Kaz and his Crows. 
You closed your eyes, sighing deeply. Your head was pounding and your fingers were itching to use some of the magic in you. You’d been so busy all day that you hadn’t even thought about lighting candles in your room. You’d just flipped a switch and started working on the numbers. Not even, what look like ten minutes, the dusk has fallen and your eyes started watering. 
“If you stay a little longer over that, you might smudge the numbers with your tears, love,” the hoarse voice you’ve grown to love said from the threshold. You lifted your head to see Kaz leaning against the wall, his palm still on his cane. He looked like he just came back from whatever he was doing, his hat still on his head and the long coat he adored – even though he wouldn’t admit to liking something – still on his back, buttoned up. 
“It’s okay, I only have one page to finish and I’m done for the night,” you replied tiredly. Your head was still pounding. 
“You look like you’re going to be sick,” he commented, undoing his coat. His ruffled hair was all over the place and you could see the bags under his eyes. 
“The same can be said about you,” you remarked, smirking at him. Kaz only rolled his eyes at you, coming closer to your desk. 
He pulled out his hand towards you and you looked up at him quizzically. When he encouraged you with a slight nod, you took his hand and let him lead you to your bed. He motioned for you to lay down and he did the same on the other side of the bed. He took a deep breath in and started to peel off his gloves from his palms. you watched him in silence, trying to make sense of what he was doing. 
“Have you used your powers today?” Kaz inquired, letting his arm fall beside you, leaving some space between you. 
“No,” you made yourself comfortable on your bed, laying on your side and facing his profile. He looked at you, but remained sitting, propped up against the bedhead. 
“Show me, then,” he pleaded, his face fully turning into your direction. “Your powers, I mean.” 
“You’ve seen me using my powers, Kaz,” you laughed, closing your eyes a little. It felt so good to be close to him. 
“I’ve seen you killing with your powers, but i haven’t seen you just using it,” 
“Well,” you trailed off, lifting your palm a bit. You produced a small flame that was trailing your palm and then your forearm. You could feel the heath of the fire yet it didn’t burn you. It never burned you. You glimpsed at Kaz, and saw that he was in a slight awe. His eyes were widened and his lips were lightly parted. Then, he sent you a look and you knew he wanted to say something. 
“Can–,” Kaz cleared his throat, “Can I try?” 
“Sure,” you scooped a little closer to him, pointing your finger at his palm, “May I? Just say if you want to stop.” 
He nodded his head and lifted his palm, you placed your own onto his. When you heard a sharp intake of breath from Kaz, you were aware that not only you felt the electricity that went through when you touched. You continued looking at him, in order to know when or if you needed to stop. When Kaz was still staring at your connected palms, you constructed another little flame and let it roam around Kaz’s palm and shirt, carefully not to ignite anything. 
“You okay?” You made sure, his demeanour was still the same. He let you touch him for more than a minute now. You looked into his eyes and you saw light in his eyes. 
“It’s really, um–“ he cleared his throat again, “pretty.” 
You laughed at that then you extinguished the flame and came back to your previous position. “Fire has always calmed me down, that’s why I couldn’t produce even a spark after the accident,” 
“We all have our demons,” he replied. “Better for you that you managed to kill yours.”
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jahayla-parker · 1 year
Foolish One : Kaz Brekker x Reader
Description: 4.7k wc, angst set to the tale of Foolish One by Taylor Swift. Reader has feelings for Kaz and her wishful thinking results in her suffering from a heartbreaking realization when Inej returns.
Warnings: angst, heartbreak, sadness, crying, unrequited? feelings, SoC standard triggers/topics, no happy ending
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Y/n stifled her hopeful smile as she knocked on Kaz’s door. Upon hearing his gruff voice express she could enter, y/n took an anxious breath as she turned the doorknob leading to his office. “Morning, Kaz,” y/n greeted sweetly, stepping into his workspace.
Kaz looked up from his desk. While it wasn’t a smile, the edges of his lips did curl up faintly in response to y/n’s greeting. He knew of her feelings towards him. Normally that would mean pushing her away, but since Inej had left them, he’d been trying to be better at these things. As such, Kaz had been working on being warmer and less harsh towards y/n. He figured if he could, maybe he had a chance of one day being in a semi-normal relationship.
Y/n gracefully crossed the room and sat in the chair across the desk from Kaz. She was always careful to respect his boundaries. As such, y/n kept her hands in her lap instead of fiddling with the new set of pens on his desk.
Kaz picked up on y/n’s gaze and a smirk took over his face. “You can play with them if you’d like,” he offered civilly. “There’s no need to drool over pens,” Kaz joked in a monotonous tone.
Y/n felt her cheeks warm rapidly in embarrassment. She gave Kaz a small grateful smile before she reached across the space between them to grab one of the pens. As y/n spun one of the new pens in between her fingers -her eyes scanning the shiny device-, she couldn’t help but wonder if this was a sign from Kaz.
Y/n had developed a crush on her boss -and friend- Kaz Brekker about a year ago. She never acted on it, assuming it was one-sided and fruitless. But, over the last few months, things seemed to change. Kaz was friendlier, more open about things (albeit minor things, but it was still progress), sought her out to help on things she suspected he didn’t actually need her assistance with, and overall made it seem like maybe, just maybe, he was interested in her too. Y/n’s foolish heart clung onto that hope and belief from the very first sign. Now she was in too deep. After all, Kaz was only simply letting y/n play with the pens on his desk, and she was taking it as a small gesture of his affection.
Jesper had tried to keep y/n’s crushing heart more grounded, worrying her feelings towards Kaz wouldn’t end well. While he’d have to admit that he had seen the way the Bastard of the Barrel was softer towards y/n than he was to the other Crows or Dregs, Jesper didn’t want y/n to get her hopes up. He knew Kaz wasn’t capable of being clear about his feelings and didn’t want y/n to get caught up in all of that. He’d seen it happen to himself and Inej already.
Jesper knew y/n was an incredible person, and it wasn’t that he didn’t think she was worthy of Kaz’s attention or romantic interest. Instead, he didn’t think Kaz was worthy of y/n’s affection. Wylan had kept Jesper from interfering with whatever was transpiring between Kaz and y/n as of late. But, that didn’t mean that Jesper didn’t see it and worry about what was going on.
As great as y/n was, Jesper knew she wasn’t the exception. He knew Kaz would never be able to offer y/n what she was looking for, what he and the other Crows knew she deserved. Nevertheless, he saw y/n’s hope lift anytime Kaz showed her any attention or consideration. Jesper tried to warn y/n not to stitch her happiness to someone like Kaz, much less to Kaz’s cold and distant heart; but she didn’t want to hear it.
In fact, even when there were warning signs that something wasn’t right, y/n’s wishful thinking took over and brushed those fears away. For example, in the last few days, she’d been getting less and less from Kaz. Y/n had heard from Inej that she was returning to Ketterdam in the next few days. She knew Kaz was aware of this as well as their group had discussed it the other night over dinner. Yet, instead of connecting the dots between Kaz’s sudden shift in attention and this simultaneously learned fact, y/n ignorantly disregarded it.
Y/n didn’t often fall this hard. In fact, she had started to move past her crush on Kaz until he began treating her as if she had a chance. By now, he’d manage to give y/n just enough attention to keep her hopes too high and block out the voices of reason in her mind. She wasn’t usually known to be foolish, otherwise she’d likely have never been part of the Dregs; much less made a Crow. But, when it came to Kaz, things were different.
No amount of reasoning voices in y/n’s mind could keep her from falling harder and harder for the Bastard of the Barrel. She didn’t need Jesper’s friendly -yet protective- warnings about the situation. Y/n’s own mind had told her all of those same sentiments already. Yet, she nonetheless found herself sinking further into her wishful thinking more every night.
“You can keep that one,” Kaz offered, his rough voice cracking through the thoughts in y/n’s mind.
“Huh?” Y/n mumbled as she tried to refocus on the present moment. “Sorry, what?” She asked, looking up from the pen. Y/n’s eyes met Kaz’s for a brief second before he looked away.
“It’s nothing special,” Kaz muttered casually. “So you can have it,” he said, waving his gloved hand dismissively.
Y/n’s heart flittered with hope at the notion. Even if he claimed it wasn’t special, y/n knew Kaz only offered her the pen because of how she’d been staring at it for so long just now. The fact Kaz was freely offering her something of his, something so new and shiny no less, made y/n’s chest feel warm.
“Oh,” y/n smiled lightly. Truthfully, she didn’t care about the pen. It had merely been where her eyes had chosen to land as she daydreamed about her situation with Kaz. But, she cherished the sentiment from Kaz. “Thank you,” y/n replied, hooking her fingers around the pen tightly.
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Y/n sighed to herself as she watched the sun set. She rubbed her arms aggressively with her cold hands in an attempt to stay warm despite the chilly air. Y/n should’ve known she’d be alone tonight. She had invited Kaz to join her, hoping watching the sunset would help him decompress after their failed heist earlier today.
Kaz had agreed to meet her, but didn’t say when he’d be out. As such, y/n had been sitting out here for awhile before the sun began to set. Normally she wouldn’t have waited so long for someone to show up to an agreed upon event. But, Kaz knew how to keep her waiting. In fact, he actually said he’d come tonight. So, even as y/n watched the sun disappear behind the horizon, she told herself maybe something came up that prevented Kaz from joining her like he’d said.
When y/n made it back to the Slat, she quickly learned she was correct; something had come up. Y/n rounded the corner near Kaz’s office and heard Inej’s voice. She was back earlier than expected. Normally this would’ve made y/n happy as it had been awhile since she’d last seen her friend. Only, she could see the agonizing closeness between Inej and Kaz.
It wasn’t just a metaphorical closeness either. Kaz allowed Inej to stand mere inches from him, his gloved hand resting on Inej’s clothed arm. Y/n knew the two had been close friends, or what amounted to a close friendship for someone like Kaz. But, she couldn’t help but feel jealous as she witnessed the two sharing a look as if silently communicating something with just their eyes. As metaphorically and literally close as y/n had gotten to Kaz lately, both achievements were easily outdone by the scene before her.
Y/n went to back up, hoping to quietly flee the scene. Only, her heel smacked into the corner loudly. She winced as Inej and Kaz parted instantly and looked her way. She pasted on a fake smile as Inej grinned upon seeing her.
“Y/n, oh hey!” Inej exclaimed. She stepped away from Kaz and neared her friend, a smile gracing her lips as she did. Inej watched y/n’s eyes flicker to Kaz for a split second before looking away and then back at Inej.
Y/n hugged Inej as she acted like she was fine. It wasn’t the first time she had to seem bulletproof around Kaz. But, this time it hurt more as it involved her friend as well. She didn’t feel like she even had the right to feel this way. Y/n knew she couldn’t call Kaz hers. Yet, these last few months had her thinking one day he’d come around and that maybe, someday, when they were older, the miscommunication and longing was something they would laugh about.
Y/n ignored the way she could feel Kaz’s eyes on her as she greeted Inej with faux enthusiasm. She couldn’t wouldn’t show weakness or sorrow. She didn’t have the right to. And y/n had seemingly misunderstood the connection she felt she and Kaz were forming these last few months. So, she would act as if as if she were fine.
“We need to catch up!” Inej exclaimed, squeezing y/n’s arm lovingly. She slid her hand down until she reached y/n’s palm and then interlaced their fingers. Inej looked over her shoulder as she offered Kaz a soft smile before guiding her friend from the room.
Y/n kept a false smile painted on her lips as she silently walked with Inej. She felt bad for not being super excited to see her friend. But, she couldn’t help it. Kaz had once again given y/n just enough to keep her guessing and waiting, but not enough to know where she truly stood.
Was Kaz interested in y/n? Was he interested in Inej? Saints! Was Kaz even interested in anyone at all? Y/n didn’t know. But the voices of reason in her head kept trying to warn her that something’s really not right. Nonetheless, y/n’s foolish heart allowed her wishful thinking to cloud those warnings. Kaz simply missed Inej. Besides, Kaz and Inej had been friends much longer than Kaz even knew y/n, it made sense that they’d be closer. Surely it didn’t automatically mean anything more than that.
Or at least that’s what y/n’s foolish heart allowed her to believe. Even as she laid on Inej’s bed -the one Kaz left unoccupied even as the Dregs grew in size- listening to her friend catch her up on her adventures, y/n ignored the mention of how Kaz had written Inej multiple times during her trip. Kaz didn’t write or try to communicate with y/n when she’d been gone on a few week long trip for a personal matter. Y/n assumed it was because that just wasn’t Kaz’s thing. But now, it seemed like he was perfectly capable of doing it, he just hadn’t. At least not when it came to y/n. Y/n’s mind screamed at her that Y/n clearly wasn’t the exception to Kaz’s shutdown persona. But once again, she let her foolish heart and wishful thinking mute those voices of reason. Kaz was new to this whole romance thing, that’s likely all it was.
Y/n stuck to that notion even as she laid wide awake in her bed that night. She could faintly hear Kaz talking to Inej, their muffled voices seeping through the old floorboards of the room above hers. While she couldn’t make out what was being said, y/n could tell by her friends’ tones that they were both interested in whatever the discussion was. Y/n could tell they were both too intrigued with the conversation to even consider saying goodnight to her much less keep her company tonight. So, once again, the way she had during various times when Kaz would inexplicably shut her out again for a bit, y/n talked herself to sleep again.
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Unable to fall back asleep, y/n rubbed the fatigue from her eyes and rose out of her bed. She’d woken up to yet another nightmare. They weren’t foreign to her at this point, so she knew how to handle it. As such, Y/n groggily tiptoed down to the main level in search of some water and maybe a snack.
In her exhausted and still slightly on edge state, y/n hadn’t paid attention to the fact that there were a faint amber glow showing underneath the door to the kitchen. This meant, she unexpectedly came face to face with the scene on the other side of the door upon sleepily entering the kitchen. Y/n’s eyes widened and her hands instinctively lifted up in surrender as she took note of what she’d walked in on.
Inej was standing before Kaz in a tank top, her back to him. Kaz was behind Inej, a wet washcloth in one hand and a needle in the other. Both of Kaz’s hands were uncovered; he’d removed his gloves, for Inej. The slight maroon tint staining the washcloth told y/n that Kaz was attending to a wound on Inej’s back.
Y/n quickly glanced away from her friends, her eyes dashing to the grungy floor beneath her now shaking legs. “I-I.. I’m sorry,” she mumbled bashfully.
“It’s fine y/n/n,” Inej assured her.
Y/n could hear the slight disappointment in Inej’s voice loudly in the otherwise quiet room. It confirmed for y/n that whatever she’d walked in on was as intimate as it had looked. Y/n shook her head, trying to keep her tears away. She could do this, she could act bulletproof. She’d done it countless times now, surely she could do it again now even after witnessing how Kaz had pushed through his boundaries for Inej.
It wasn’t that y/n wasn’t proud of Kaz for being able to tend to someone’s wound, especially without his gloves no less. But, it was only a few days ago when y/n had gotten hurt on their failed heist and had to be patched up by Nina when Kaz refused to even look at her wound. So, seeing he and Inej like this tonight stung y/n more than any physical wound ever had.
As y/n glanced up from the ground, she chose not to look Kaz’s way. She didn’t want to see the indifferent and likely even frustrated look she expected to be on his face at her accidental interruption. “Sorry…” y/n whispered again, giving Inej a remorseful look.
It was the same look Jesper often gave y/n wherever Kaz would give y/n just enough attention to keep her foolish heart hanging on to a thread of hope. She knew what it was like to be in Inej’s position. Theoretically that is, since Inej had only been back a day and was already in a better, more romantically intimate situation with Kaz than y/n had made it to in the last several months. Nonetheless, y/n knew what it was like to be teetering on the edge of what felt like a moment where Kaz just might actually confess his love only for something or someone to interrupt and burst that moment. So even though her heart was breaking with every second she stood there in the kitchen, she still felt for Inej. Kaz wasn’t one to offer such a confession, but he knew how to keep someone on the ropes in search of one.
“Y/n,” Kaz’s voice echoed through the empty kitchen. When y/n’s reluctant gaze landed on him, he offered her his equivalent of a sympathetic expression. “Did you need something?” Kaz asked, making a show of looking at his pocket watch.
Instead of her eyes landing on Kaz’s golden pocket watch -he one she’d gifted him-, y/n’s eyes were focused on the paleness of his bare hands. Kaz had never so much as removed his gloves around y/n unless absolutely necessary. Yet here he was, practically touching Inej with his bare hands in the dimly lit kitchen in the early hours of the morning. Y/n swallowed thickly, hoping to ease the lump in her throat as she willed her eyes away from Kaz’s hands.
“I.. I umm…” y/n mumbled, panicking more when she saw Inej’s unspoken concern as to why she was so nervous. For once, Y/n let the voices of reason in her mind guide her tonight. You are not the exception, she told herself as she steeled her facial expressions. “I had a nightmare, I just came down for some water,” she explained, adding a ridiculously stiff nod as she sidestepped her friends.
“Are you okay?” Inej asked sweetly, moving away from Kaz to check on y/n.
Y/n gripped the glass in her hand tightly to keep from showing how much her hands were shaking from what felt like betrayal. She flicked the handle on and held the glass under the faucet for a few excruciatingly long seconds. “Yes, thank you Inej,” y/n replied shortly, turning the water off. She silently took a few sips of her water as Inej and Kaz watched. “I’m fine,” y/n added, boldly braving a fleeting glance at Kaz.
Y/n gritted her teeth with annoyance as Kaz wore what almost seemed like an attempt at an apologetic expression. She shook her head wordlessly before taking a few more sips of water. Y/n was still excessively thirsty, but every second she spent in the kitchen like this with Inej and Kaz was too much. She quickly dumped the remainder of her glass down the sink and mumbled a hushed goodbye to Inej before quickly departing from the room.
Y/n threw herself onto her bed, the tears bursting through the temporary dams she’d built minutes before. She didn’t even bother wiping them from her face, instead simply letting them cascade down her skin in all directions. By the time her mind had tired enough to let her sleep, her pillow was damp. The dampness only made y/n realize just how thirsty she still was, even more so after having cried for so long. But, she refused to leave her bedroom. While she figured Inej and Kaz likely had left the kitchen by now, y/n didn’t want to risk it.
Y/n wasn’t sure how much more she could take. Inej had only been home for a little over a day now and y/n was already crying herself to sleep. Truly it wasn’t Inej’s fault. Saints, it wasn’t even Kaz’s if y/n was being honest. Jesper and the others had tried to warn y/n about this. Y/n’s own mind tried to warn her about this. But it wasn’t until tonight that she truly started to realize those thoughts might be true.
Y/n knew that Kaz wasn’t a love confession type of person. And as much as she wished for one from him, she believed she’d somewhat accepted that it would never come. In reality, she just hoped to be the exception. Or, at a minimum to get a clear sign from Kaz that he authentically felt the same way y/n did when it came to this situation between them. She was foolish enough to think that maybe, just maybe, he’d come around. But as she felt her exhausted eyes drifting closed against her damp pillow, the voices of reason in y/n’s head amplified until there were louder than they ever had been before.
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Y/n rocked on her heels as she waited for Inej to answer the door. She knocked moments ago, but still hadn’t heard anything from the other side of the door. Y/n looked at the plate of waffles she managed to sneak away from Nina as they grew colder on the plate in her hands. She leaned her ear up against the door to listen carefully for any sign Inej had heard her. Only, the door creaked open from the pressure of y/n’s head resting against it.
Y/n cautiously pushed Inej’s bedroom door open the rest of the way. She quickly examined the room, promptly noting that Inej wasn’t there. Nothing seemed out of place or as if something bad had happened. So, y/n figured her friend had ventured out for an early morning walk along the rooftops of the Barrel.
Y/n sighed softly to herself as she set the plate of waffles down on the ratty desk by Inej’s window. That’s when she saw something was out of place. On Inej’s windowsill, there was… a handpicked collection of y/f/f. While it struck y/n as peculiar, the writing on the minuscule note tucked into their stems made her freeze in place.
There wasn’t any explicit confession of love for Inej on the note, but y/n would know that handwriting anywhere. She blinked through her now watery eyes as she re-read the note again. “The Crows are glad to have you back,” y/n whispered, her lip trembling. It was Kaz’s writing and the flowers and note were as much of a love confession as one could expect from Kaz.
Y/n’s cheeks dampened with tears as she hastily exited Inej’s room. She couldn’t believe it. Kaz had actually given someone flowers. He’d actually even seemingly utilized his Barrel-learned skills to sneak into someone’s room to do so.
But the worst part for y/n wasn’t any of that. It wasn’t even the indirect note Kaz had written to Inej. Although, that hurt too as y/n could easily read past his words and how he tried to cover up his own emotions. She could see the note for what it was. And Kaz had never said nor written anything of the sort to y/n.
Yet, it was the specific type of flowers Kaz chose that served as the final blow. The fact Kaz picked y/f/f to gift Inej was the kill shot, the bullet that pierced through y/n’s façade of a bulletproof heart and erupted once it made contact with her soul. After all, it was less than a full 24 hours ago when Kaz had asked y/n what the best type of flowers were.
Y/n had foolishly let herself read that inquisition as a sign. Her wishful thinking also had her momentarily believing that the fact Kaz had remembered it enough to bring it up in a later conversation with her was proof he cared enough about y/n to not just ask questions and listen to her response, but to actually memorize her answers, her likes and dislikes, her favorite things; her favorite type of flowers. If y/n was honest with herself, she’d even been foolish enough to think Kaz might one day get some y/f/f for her. In fact in her mind, y/n had foolishly seen it play out the way it seemingly had in real life to Inej; a vague note -not directly confessing Kaz’s feelings but enough to make her feel loved, her favorite flowers making her realize he cared about her interests and took time to show it -even if he tried to cover it up as to not be too vulnerable, the flowers and indirect love note left casually for her in her room unsigned and unannounced.
That’s what made it hurt so much, y/n hadn’t gotten kaz so terribly wrong. She just wasn’t the exception. Y/n hadn’t learned her lesson in time to prevent her foolish heart from shattering into an infinite number of tiny shards. She should’ve walked out a long time ago. She should’ve listened to her friends’ warnings and her own internal voice of reason. Y/n should’ve never expected anything from Kaz. She should’ve known that even though she made headway, she’d never be Inej. And she’d never get his heart.
Y/n only made it a few steps before she felt her miserable body crumpling towards the floor. She let gravity slide her down the wall just outside of her bedroom, her right shoulder grazing the corner of the doorframe. Y/N’s head dropped into her shaking hands as more tears poured from her tired eyes. “How could I not see the signs?" She sobbed quietly, her nails poking the skin on her forehead as she shook.
Y/n had been a stepping stone, a lesson, a pointless heist one uses to gauge their ability and the threats the real heist would entail, and nothing more. She wasn’t Kaz’s exception. Inej was. Inej always had been. As far back as y/n could remember, Inej was the exception. Yet somehow while Inej was away, y/n had let herself believe it was her; that maybe y/n was the exception. When in reality, Kaz had been trying to better himself for her; for Inej. Kaz’s exception was Inej; not y/n. The love confession from Kaz was never going to come. Not even in a Kaz-like manner. Not to y/n at least. Inej was the one who got Kaz, the one who he wanted by his side and maybe one day on his arm, donning his ring on her left hand. Not y/n.
Y/n had finally learned her lesson, but in the most painful way possible. Instead of walking out when she first started getting mixed signals from Kaz, she’d stuck it out. She held out thinking he was the one. Thinking she’d be the one to be able to get through to him. But she wasn’t.
Y/n learned the hard way that she wasn’t the exception, Inej was. And somehow, y/n now had to act as if her foolish heart hadn’t ever lead her astray. That she never had fallen for her friend and boss. That she never once believed her wishful thinking was anything more than that. Y/n cared deeply for Inej and so, she’d have to keep these painful lessons to herself.
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“Oh,” Jesper sighed heavily, sharing a knowing look with Wylan. He frowned and slid out of his boyfriend’s embrace as he slowly made his way to y/n’s broken form. Jesper slid his back down the wall to the left of y/n, resting his head in her shoulder.
Wylan gazed lovingly at Jesper for a moment before joining him and y/n. He sat on the other side of y/n, in front of her door. “Are you okay?” He asked rhetorically. It was obvious from her red eyes, tangled hair, and chapped lips that she was wanting but okay. Yet, Wylan didn’t know how else to see if she was okay talking about it without making it worse. He suspected mentioning Kaz would only drive the knife in further.
“I’m so….,” y/n whimpered, pinching the bridge of her nose. She sniffled and shook her head. “How could I not see the signs?” Y/n whined again. “I actually let myself be foolish enough to think that one day…,” she trailed off as more tears left her eyes.
Jesper sighed sympathetically, intertwining y/n’s fingers with his own. “He doesn’t deserve you,” He declared. “It’s not foolish to want someone to shout from the rooftop their feelings for you,” Jesper encouraged, “he just isn’t the one.”
“Or,” y/n’s voice cracked, “maybe I… maybe it was wishful thinking to believe I would ever earn someone’s confessions of love”. She wiped her wet face on the fabric covering her shoulder since both boys were holding one of her hands.
“The day is gonna come for your confessions of love,” Wylan encouraged with a sweet smile. “Don’t give up hope just because he wasn’t the one,” he added quietly.
Jesper smiled at Wylan and nodded in agreement. “Exactly!” He exclaimed, tenderly nudging y/n’s shoulder. “When all is said and done, he just wasn't the one,” Jesper told her.
Y/n nodded quietly. She appreciated what her friends were trying to do, but she could still feel her heart breaking. They weren’t wrong, Kaz wasn’t the one, not for her anyways. That much y/n had learned the hard way. But, it didn’t erase the pain in her chest and the self blame echoing in her mind. Hopefully time would.
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Taglist: @dil3mma @directioner5life @ell0ra-br3kk3r @b3kk3r-by-br3kk3r @winstonthecow22 @alex-kazbrekkersimp @wolfmoonmusic @phoenix666stuff @kentucky-criedfricken @twlegit @valeridarkness @shara-ne @crazyhearttragedy @opheliaofficial07 @historynerd77 @missdreamofendless @nikfigueiredo @el-de-phi
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1wishand1thought · 1 year
Kaz Brekker x Fem. Y/N
Here you have part 1, in case you haven't read it yet: part 1
Summary: Kaz struggles to keep y/n out of his mind, her absence making him worried about the possibility of losing his most secret investment. The uncertainty of her presence in Ketterdam forces him to get into deep waters, using his knowledge to get to where she lives, only to find himself lost in the sound of her voice.
Warnings: NSFW/ Nudity descriptions, naughty vocabulary(is that even the right word? I only see this as poetic writing lmao, OKAY SORRY. let's continue).
A/N: OH SAINTS THIS ONE WAS A WHOLE CHALLENGE GUYS. I had a clear path to write this, and then a million Kruge stepped in my way avoiding me to keep going. Seriously, I lost motivation like Jesper lost money when betting. Anyway I hope you like it, it's a bit longer than the first one, I'll put the word count later. LOVE YOU, TKYSM FOR 114 NOTES IN PART 1🫶🏻🥹
Wordcount: 3417.
A week had passed since the incident. A whole damn week where her inner struggles to not think of him just got worse.
The night washed over the city, only with the twilight and the stars flickers enlightening the dark and empty streets of the city. She was in her house now, an underground place in Ketterdam.
Y/n paced back and forth as if she was trying to solve a puzzle to finally ease her thoughts, but instead, failed every time. Her mind kept replaying his voice, as she had memorized every detail, treating it like a meticulous plan: no flaws or loose ends. All she wanted was to forget him, to comply with the words that left his mouth like a hundred bullets:
"You better keep your mouth shut and never bring this up in a conversation ever again, y/n... Or else you'll regret it for the rest of your days," he had warned her back then, as he covered his bare hands with a pair of leathery gloves.
She regretted everything about that night; the way his neck seemed so tight, as if he was a disguised thief, holding back a painful scream. She remembered how the vein on the side of his forehead pumped fiercely as if it was trying to break free from his face. Anger rose inside her.
Why did he let her watch?
Was that a sort of "taunting you because I know all your secrets" improvised joke? Because yes, she felt the heat and arousal bubbling inside her when he fidgeted with his shaft that night. She even felt as if she was the damn cock in his hands.
But did he know all her secrets? Did he know that she hadn't reached the climax in years? Perhaps he even knew where she lived. It aggravated her that he let her see him in such a vulnerable state, so intime, so... appealing.
A tattoo was carved into her frightened mind. Did he do it to taunt her, then? Does he know all about her?
She discarded every suggestion. The only personal information she had divulged to Kaz was her name and skills. She had also warned him to keep her recruitment a secret, and maybe she had even mentioned how she preferred to keep to herself rather than socialize with the people of Ketterdam. So all her personal information was deeply buried in her mind.
What she had yet to realize was that Kaz had her entire birth chart stored in a well-guarded section of his restless brain. He always found a way to know everything, as he couldn't bear not knowing it all.
He somehow, and with the help of his witty brain, managed to get her full name and the address to her place. He had also discovered details about her lineage and parents, who were long gone either to hell or with the saints. It wasn't much, but considering the time it took him to obtain such valuable information, it was certainly something.
Y/n hadn't even sneaked near the Barrel to eavesdrop from outside Kaz's office. Her eyes were glued to the stonewall in front of her now, and the cold moonlight brought back memories of Kaz's figure. His image haunted her like a nightmare, constantly invading her thoughts for the past seven days.
She needed to let go, but she was certain she couldn't do it. She hissed in frustration, her back landing on the bed behind her. The cold bedspread sent shivers through her warm body. She was only wearing her underclothes, as she was alone in her home.
The place had no walls dividing the spaces except for the bathtub and toilet in the corner, where no natural light reflected on the porcelain washbasin or bath other than the warm light of the candles she had spread there.
Her gaze drifted back to the long, narrow window that looked out onto the bustling street above. In the morning and through the murky glass, she could make out the feet of pedestrians as they hurried past. It was a small connection to the outside world that faded at night. No pedestrians were outside now, mostly because all the nearby buildings were full of early workers and showmen waiting for the early hours to head back to their workspaces.
A few candles illuminated the dining room placed a few steps away from the kitchen, the warm light spread only to the border of her bed and collided with the cold tone of the moon. Still, the kitchen was dark, as the candlelight reflected on the only tall furniture in the kitchen. The stone step separating the table from her bedroom space prevented her from having a clear view of the entrance.
Back at the club, Kaz's stress had accumulated in the last few days and had now reached its peak. He fidgeted with the crow head holder of his cane as he sat in his office, his eyes fixated on the wall, his breath coming out in short, heavy gasps. His free hand tightly gripped the edge of his desk, causing his knuckles to turn white beneath the fabric.
To his right, a half-empty bottle of brandy sat on his desk, and untouched papers and bills piled up in a messy tower before him. He couldn't focus on them, not with her image haunting his thoughts.
《Where are you?》 he wondered as his mind drifted back to her face. He could recall the subtle movements of her thighs, the panic in her blushed cheeks as she tried not to get caught. It was all too appealing.
It was for the best that he cut the emotional ties with her. He had a club to run, money to make, and he couldn't afford any distractions. But he needed her for the job. He needed her unique set of skills. The way she could vanish into the shadows of Ketterdam like Inej once did. The only difference between them being a few distinguishable features.
He considered going to check if she was there, fearing that she might have left Ketterdam after their last encounter. He needed to be certain of her presence, otherwise, he would have to find someone else to do her job, which he didn't want to do.
As time passed, his anxiety grew, and he was unable to shake the memories of her from his mind. His thoughts were in turmoil, and he knew he needed to find a way to focus before it was too late. It shouldn't have been difficult to concentrate, given that he didn't like her.
Kaz didn't even realize when he left his office, unconsciously stepping out and leaving his cane on his desk. He didn't scold Jesper for flirting with Wylan at the bar when he was supposed to be working. Of course, the couple wondered where their boss was going, but neither of them dared to ask him about it. He seemed lost in thought as his leg wobbled a bit from the imbalance. His frown was deeper than usual, and one of his gloved hands was clenched into a fist at his side.
Fortunately, her place was not too far from the club, but it was far enough that, as if by a miracle, her slightly warm body became warmer, her cheeks flushed, and eventually, after a few minutes, she found herself breathing heavily. Her hands moved in time with her thoughts, and the images of Kaz, so vivid in her mind, only served to fuel her fire. She had done this a few times in the last week to try to free her mind of the torture his image spur her to do, at the same time that she put all her efforts to release the moan fighting to come out. This time felt different, as if her body knew something she didn't.
Unbeknownst to her, Kaz was nearby, clenching his teeth so tightly that it made his jaw hurt. It made him wonder if it was due to her absence from work, or the way she made him feel that produced this sort of reactive action.
He knew a knock on the door would be odd, considering that she told him she was not a very social person, hence didn't have any friends.
So, he decided to use his brain. He made sure to see if there was any visible light reflecting into the streets from the visible lower window almost glued to the floor. No light was visible. Good.
He knew she lived unseen in Ketterdam.
Like a fox hiding from the danger, without knowing the danger it held inside. He new it though, probably why he called her that.
He would just leave an envelope with the tasks he had for her and then he would leave. If she read it, she would show up in his office. If not, then she had made her choice very clear.
His lockpicking skills gave him easy access to her place. He tried to keep his limp as light as possible so as not to make his presence obvious. He opened the door with little noise, which was surprising considering it was a wooden door. However, the floor was made of pure stone.
He noticed the dark, small kitchen and immediately took in the warm light of the candles illuminating the rest of the space.
He thought she might have left the candles on, so he didn't take a wider glimpse of the room. He left the envelope on the dark counter and right after reaching for the door handle, he heard it.
His feet locked to the floor, and his chest stopped. Kaz turned his head to the side to take in the sound more clearly. It was as if someone was having a nightmare, with uneven but barely audible breaths. The table and chairs of the tiny dining room obstructed his view, preventing him from seeing the full scene.
His feet moved as a reflex, after silently closing the door before him, he took some cautious and slow steps forward. And then, when he got a clear view, a flame that he feared had been extinguished was ignited from the ashes, burning fiercely inside him. Evaporating all his senses of destruction and vengeance, and replacing them with a gutting desire.
He took in the scene, his hands were sweaty, his mouth slightly opened, and his chest heaving.
He froze, not making a sound; like a sculpture, he didn't move a muscle. He just stood there, transfixed by the sight before him, his eyes locked on it.
On her.
She was caressing herself, one hand occupied with her breasts, fidgeting with her nipples, and the other under her panties. Her eyes were closed, portraying pain and torture, but deep inside her arousal increased with every touch.
She unlocked a part of her mind that allowed her to visualize Kaz in front of her. As she seemed to have found her only inspiration that may allow her to finally cum. Something she had avoided the last week.
She tried before touching herself thinking of something else, making up someone else’s face in her mind, failing relentlessly every time.
Now, in her mind, a bulge was evident in Kaz's usual black pants, his hands bare, and his cheeks flushed. The image made her wince from pleasure. Her lower lip was tugged between her teeth. Each brush of her hand made her body quake.
A few seconds later she opened her eyes, and she swore she saw her boss's face.
There, in the darkness.
He was staring at her intently, and for a moment, she stopped, bewildered. Her red cheeks acted like fire in her body, burning her entirely with embarrassment and excitement.
《Why are you stopping? I didn't stop when you caught me jerking off》 He thought. His brain took such action as offensive, breaking the pleasant view.
"Don't," the shadow spoke, panting, desperate, and begging almost.
Kaz Brekker wasn't the type of man who begged, not even when he was staring death itself in the face. But now his mind betrayed him, his words being a reflex to his needs.
His dark figure leaned closer to the bed, finally revealing his pale temple. Y/n's heart hammered in her chest as if it was trying to escape like a frightened child. "Don't... don't stop, y/n," There it was again, his voice roaring. His thoughts now sprinting out of an opened cage that would be too hard to lock again given the view. His hoarse and needy voice echoed along her soft gasps.
It took a few seconds for her to realize it wasn't a trick, it wasn't a hologram, something impossible to touch. Kaz Brekker was in front of her, his jaw looked tight, his expression sharp like a blade cutting trough her; his gaze taking in every inch of her skin.
He was like a starved animal waiting to finally get its prey after several failed attempts. He watched every movement, enjoying what he had craved several times where only his imagination was able to put it to work. Now, being real and having her in flesh and bones before him, he didn't want her to stop, nor would he allow it.
It felt as if the candles turned into a hundred torches. The heat around them was both pleasing and hurtful. He wanted to touch her, but somehow his hands were blocked to each side of his body. Loose strands of hair fell over his eyes, but it didn't act as a distraction, his focus being only on her figure. The drip of the several candles blended with the sound of her wet pussy.
His sharp blue eyes found their way to hers, an invisible string forcing to look each other, making it impossible for any of them to break eye contact.
Kaz made his way in front of the bed and sat in the nearby wooden chair. His Adam's apple wobbled as he swallowed hard. The bulge in his pants was evident now, just as y/n had imagined minutes ago.
"What...," her voice cracked, making it impossible for her greedy self to form a full sentence as she was overwhelmed by the intensity of the moment. He cut her off sharply, in a demanding tone.
"Shush," he growled, the usual gelid expression covering his face entirely. He was fighting the urge to take his glove off and replace her own hands with his.
Oh, he wanted to squeeze those tits and lick her nipples so badly.
However, his hands still wouldn't move. He felt like a prisoner in his own body, struggling to break free. The uncertainty of how his body would react when he touched her still lingered in his mind.
"Just keep doing it," he demanded, his eyes moving from her face to between her legs, as to try to send her an indirect message of what to do next.
She pushed her underwear aside, mostly due to the desperation taking over her entire body, and for the hint she caught in his eyes. Her wet cunt being visible now.
Y/n closed her eyes, enjoying how she felt when she fingered herself, just as he enjoyed watching her doing so. Her mouth gaped as the shivers she felt took her higher with every touch, the orgasm closer with every passing second.
"Open your eyes," Kaz urged, his voice growing deeper and more desperate. He felt his dick pumping, trying to break free and holding back the urge to cum right then beneath the black fabric.
An inner fight with his mind allowed him to move again a few moments later. A pair of eager hands unbuttoned his pants, showing his greedy bulge over his black boxers.
Y/n complied with his orders and opened her eyes, only to catch him with his gloved hands now full of his cock, just like the other night, adding the fact that she was also with her hands occupied doing the same to herself.
He didn't even bother in taking his gloves off; he just needed to stroke it.
It went on for a few more minutes, with him watching her thrust her fingers in and out of her pussy faster, and she watched him stroking his dick. Both of them, with their arousals and voices, provided the only sound that bounced off every wall, echoing in their ears and carving like an unforgettable memory inside their minds.
With their eyes locked onto each other, their hands fully occupied, and a layer of sweat on their faces under the warm light of the candles, they finally came. Kaz was the first one, and he was more silent this time given all he wanted to hear was her, as he'd imagined: her voice breaking, her legs squirting, her chest going up and down as if she had just run a marathon throughout all of Kerch. He wanted to hear her say his name.
Y/n came a few seconds later, her voice breaking, the sound louder than ever between the walls, she finally gave in, letting the moan out. Her eyes rolled to the back of her head, and the next words would carve in the deepest part of Kaz's mind, like a catchy song that only he could give himself the pleasure of repeating. "Fuck— Kaz!" She yelled, not so loud but enough to make Dirtyhands bite his lower lip.
He compared what he had imagined to the view before him, they were quite alike, except for the lack of Kaz's touch on her skin.
It took a few moments for Y/n to ease her breathing. Her eyes were fixed on the ceiling. Embarrassment washed over her as she didn't dare to look at the man in front of her.
His lips twisted and contorted into a crooked grin, revealing his satisfaction with what he had just seen. His usual dark eyes betrayed little emotion, but deep down he was afraid to accept the eagerness that burned within him. He wanted her and hoped to make her his right then and there, but the option of him panicking when touching her frightened his mind. It aggravated him: to have her in his gaze and not be able to feel her skin.
Hidden inside Kaz's heart, the flame was still on. He longed for the day when he would finally take his naked hands and feel how wet she was, with no intrusive thoughts in their way.
He took his right glove—now covered in cum– off, whilst still glaring at her body on the bed.
"I need your presence for the job," he muttered, ignoring the fact she was still naked, panting slightly, and her eyes lost in her thoughts.
She wasn't mad about him changing the topic. She hadn't yet found the words to say something anyways.
His normal façade cut sharp like a knife. He knew it was for the best. He tried to convince himself that there would not be a third occasion, given that, if he stood any longer, he would not cum over his gloves but on her stomach. And his hands would not be holding his cock but her hips, keeping her still in the bed.
"If you still want to work for me, I'll be expecting you tomorrow night at the usual time," he said, tilting his head toward her direction as he turned around to leave, taking her utter silence as a reply.
On the other hand, Kaz didn't want to say what echoed in his mind. An uncontrollable pull was trying to stop him from leaving, encouraging him to just give in to her. To finally betray his mind and let something other than revenge and money in his heavy heart, allowing his hands to touch someone else's skin.
He wanted to feel hers under his fingertips, to taste her breath in his mouth. Something that through the passing of months he never accepted until now. But words failed him as they often did, forcing him to repeat the same romantic situation he had with Inej years ago.
So, with the clicking sound of the door closing behind him, they gave an end to their interaction, which would allegedly be the last one, and both let out a long sigh of relief.
Putting an end to his torture of not being brave enough to touch her, and to her torment of not being able to feel his touch.
HII!! So, as I wrote at the beginning, writing this was a love-hate relationship considering my sudden motivation loss. I was so motivated writing this and then BANG, my mind goes blank as fast as Kaz's heart when he sees Inej haha.
Anyway, I really, reaaally hope you like it and if you don't then it's okay we can pretend that this doesn't exists 🫶🏻🤣
Tag list ( the lovely users that asked for a part two):
@outlawqueen17 @bunneex
@tiana76 @freddycarterswife
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kamwilliamsonn · 2 years
"I just don't understand!" - Karen Carney (part one)
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Kaz and y/n have to deal with y/n's sister getting pregnant while their IVF continues to fail.
Again. It was a negative again.
A tear slid down y/n's cheek as she stood in the bathroom, the pregnancy test facing the ceiling now, not pregnant, again.
Karen was due home any moment now, and y/n didn't want her to find out it has failed by finding her sat on the toilet crying, so she cleared everything away and went to the kitchen to start a cup of tea.
When Karen got home, she called out for her wife. "Y/n, my love, I'm home!"
"in the kitchen, I'm making a cuppa." Y/n stated, all sadness washing away for a split second when her wives arms circled around her waist and pulled her in against her chest.
"I missed you today. Everything is boring without you." She mumbled, placing soft kisses on y/n's neck from behind.
When the kettle finished boiling, Karen stepped away to finish making the tea for her wife, leaving y/n watching her with careful eyes.
"Babe.." y/n started slowly. "I did a test today.." If it wasn't for the sadness lacing her wives words, Kaz may have held a little bit of hope. Instead she finished the tea's in silence before turning around to face the other.
"That's okay." She muttered, pulling y/n into a tight hug and allowing her to let out a soft cry. "There's always next time, and the time after that. We won't stop trying okay. I want a baby with you. I don't care how long it takes."
But life really likes to kick you in the teeth.
The couple were out to dinner with y/n's mother, father, younger sister and her fiancé, when the her sister suddenly stood up. She cleared her throat and brought the attention to herself. "There was a reason we asked to have dinner tonight.." She started looking at her fiancé. "And that's because we're pregnant. We weren't really trying, it just happened and we're really excited." The two had no idea of the troubles that y/n and Kaz were facing, maybe if they did they'd have been more gentle with it.
Her eyes met her older sister's, craving her validation as she always had growing up, and y/n couldn't let her down. She let a fake smile grow on her face and tried to act as happy as she could. "I'm so happy for you, I'm expecting to be godmother, I don't care if I'm already the aunt."
"Of course." Her sister grinned happily.
For the rest of dinner, Karen kept her hand planted firmly on her wife's thigh, as y/n kept the fake smile plastered to her face.
It wasn't until they actually made it home that the smile dropped. Y/n's bottom lip began to wobble as her eyes glassed over.
"Come on, let's get you inside, my love." Karen spoke, wrapping her arm around y/n's waist and bringing her upstairs to their bedroom.
The tears let go then.
She broke down into sobs, backing against the wall and slowly sliding down it.
Kaz walked over to her and pulled off her high heels, before getting her out of the red dress she'd been wearing. She helped her get changed into a pair of shorts and one of her own Chelsea jersey's from the year prior, the year of her retirement.
Once she was sure you'd be more comfortable, she pulled you up into her arms, whispering sweet nothings into her ear until the cries became silent whimpers.
"I just don't understand!" Y/n whispered into the air, cutting through the silence that overtook them. "I do everything I'm supposed to, Kaz, why isn't it enough."
Karen sighed softly, letting y/n pull at the hem of the jumper she'd been wearing on top of her button up as she thought of what to say next.
"I don't know, sweetheart, I wish I had all of the answers and I wish that you didn't have to feel what you feel anymore, but I don't. All I can say is that you are the most perfect person ever, and one day, you will have our baby growing inside of you, and you'll somehow be more perfect than ever."
"I love you, Karen Carney-y/l/n."
"I love you too y/n Carney-y/l/n."
Karen fell asleep that night in suit trousers and a button up, it was arguably the worst sleep she'd had in ages, the clothes not comfortable in the slightest.
But with her wife pulled up into her arms, laying on her chest, she didn't care how uncomfortable she was. She had you, and that was all that mattered.
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pushing500 · 1 year
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This crazy dinosaur doesn't know not to attack the guy with the brawler trait, kickass melee ability, and the magic hammer.
And Irwin is not clever enough to realise that when his toes get bitten off, he should maybe prioritise going to the hospital over eating his lunch. Silly boy.
I wonder where he keeps Xanxalbur when he's working? I just imagine he does the Animal Crossing thing and pulls it out of nowhere with that cheery little jingle.
I can't draw dinosaurs I'm sorry
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Not sure how the genetics of two baseliners makes one yttakin, but I don't feel like questioning it right now. Anyway, turns out Wendy and Kawoo are related. That's kind of fun. Also, Wendy's dad is named "Liquid Science", which is the coolest name ever.
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The flu has taken my sweet babies :(
This was just an excuse to draw Zonovo with his hair out, and Kaz looking after baby Andy (because despite being sick himself, Kaz is still one of my more competent doctors and decided to look after the kid before himself and I thought it was adorable).
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Also, today I had a flat tyre and nothing to do but draw while I waited for it to get patched up, so here's what I accomplished with the sketchbook from my car (I have hidden sketchbooks everywhere just in case) and a felt pen I had in my bag. I liked it, so it gets to go on the blog. Enjoy!
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