#kave art
nokaveman · 1 year
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Inktober 9: Astral
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keppylo · 3 months
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I wanted to post this art after some others, but I couldn't help myself guys i'm obsessed :(
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damare-draws · 1 year
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Homeless Architect 🏛️🌱 Kaveh is such an interesting charcter. We haven't seen much of him in the story yet but I hope that will change in the future. I am always excited to see more characters that work in a creative field, like Albedo or Xingqiu. What do you think?
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greycornflower · 8 months
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I saw them and couldn't help myself
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comehereduck · 2 months
Was anyone gonna tell me that Kaveh (bbygurl princess) and Nie Huaisang (bbygurl princess) share a CN VA or was I supposed to find out myself?
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berryblu-arts · 1 year
hi yall, drowning in homework as usual o(-(
posting my lil blender assignment bc i think it turned out rlly cute :D
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Coloured an oldish doodle entirely because I wanted to add that nineties sofa pattern.
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alteredalley · 1 year
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arthropod-diagnosis · 6 months
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Name: Malach Arctus
Skill: Suburban Warfare
Quote: "--< What is this?? >----< Yet another fool who knows not the art of subtlety?? >----< You should really learn that sometimes less is more.. >--"
(Image by kavee on iNaturalist)
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vibe-stash · 1 year
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Emma. (2020)
Director: Autumn de Wilde DOP: Christopher Blauvelt Production Design: Kave Quinn Art Direction: Mark Lavis, Andrea Matheson, Alice Sutton
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culxiaa-fn · 1 year
One of My pet peeves is, when I see a fanart of Kaveh and Al-Haitham to be the "parents" of Nahida. While the one who saves her is respectfully Al-Haitham and Cyno.
When I saw that kind of fanart I immediately blocked/muted the artist (the art of peaceful mind)
I already blocked Hai/kaveh & Kave/tham tags.... Why yhe fuck that it keep popping on my fyp...
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nokaveman · 10 months
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a sketch of my Goblin mech for an upcoming lancer game :)
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keppylo · 3 months
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boys being boys
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udretlnea · 5 months
A Slice of that Kingdom Life
1/2/3 (here) /4
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Words: 1.6k
The gorgeously built and beautiful town square was filled with citizens; people from all over who were invited to visit or just regular citizens walked around with vigor. In front of an arts and crafts store, a street performer was playing on a saxophone for tips. The doors opened and a blonde man and kid walked out carrying full bags in each hand. So far it was a nice day. The sun was out and the temperature was fair.
The man sighed. “Did you buy everything you needed Prince? I’d hate to return there again on the off chance you suddenly remember one last thing just when we get back home.”
The child beside him shook his head. “Uh-uh. I got all the decorations I need here.” 
He shows off the bags in his hands like some show-and-tell project. Kaveh nods. “That’s good. By the way, what do you want to eat for lunch? It’s nearing midday and the breakfast was light. Are you craving anything in particular?”
Without missing a beat, Prince opens his mouth. “Curry!”
Kaveh couldn’t help the small smile that formed. “Alright. Curry it is. I think we should still have some ingredients left…”
“And if we don’t, I can always just use this!” Prince reached behind his back and pulled out a fairly long green colored staff. Inserted into the slot at its top was an orange block with flashing lights. “Noraa’s magic staff is always a godsend. Wachaa!”
Kaveh watched Prince wave it around like a stick. Some bystanders catch on and smile; a few of them hide their laughs behind their hands. Kaveh rolls his shoulders and walks a little faster. Prince notices this and does the same. It’s a nice sight to behold. For anyone that didn’t know, they’d just see a man and his son spending time together; the idea crosses Kaveh’s mind and he feels his ears turn hot. At least Alhaitham isn’t here to see me like this.
When they get back to the tower, the sun is just past its zenith. Kaveh takes a moment to drop the bags, reach for the key in his back pocket, and unlocks the door. Immediately, Prince rushes in with enough excitement that it’s palpable. The blonde architect deposits the bags on the living room table then heads to the kitchen. He finds a metallic looking briefcase lying face-up on the counter.
Kaveh opens his mouth with a request spilling out. “Mehrak, could you grab the cookbook from the top shelf?”
The briefcase-actually a droid-boots up soundlessly and sounds out several beeps. Then it floats away and up to the shelf where it uses a tractor beam to get the book. Kaveh wasn’t idle while this was happening; he grabbed an apron and tied it around himself. He began taking out general cooking equipment he’d expected for curry. Kaveh was not a great chef, but he knew his way around a kitchen at least.
Soon, the house is filled with the scent of spices as Kaveh makes a delicious looking bowl of Curry Shrimp. He sets it down in the middle of the dining table just as Prince enters; the kid is wearing more casual clothing like brown overalls and a yellow-t shirt. He doesn’t say a word as he walks past Kaveh. Several seconds later he comes back with two sets of plates and utensils. Prince puts them on opposite sides; he goes back in and comes out with a bowl of steaming rice.
Kaveh notices this out of the corner of his eye. I wonder who taught him how to be self-sufficient. Probably Noraa. I’ll ask him about it once he’s back from…what did he call it again? Festival something?
Prince’s cries for attention snap him out of it. Kaveh decides to save it for later. Right now it is chow time. Mehrak flies back to the counter and goes into standby mode. As both dig in with a healthy appetite, Prince actually moans in pleasure.
“‘Dish ish really good!” he says with a full mouth. Small chunks of rice and shrimp fly out. Kaveh cringes in disgust, promptly wiping them up with a napkin. 
“Prince, don’t talk with your mouth full,” Kaveh says with a tone. 
“Yes mom…” Prince says almost cheekily.
Kaveh makes a noise of uncomfortableness. “Don-don’t call me that!”
The kid merely chuckles, but Kaveh doesn’t say anything else. Lunch is soon over and Kaveh is busy washing dishes. Prince wipes the table and sweeps the floor methodically. 
Before long, they’re in the living room wiling away with Kaveh reading a random book he picked up. Prince had dumped the contents of the bags and organized them in piles; Kaveh’s eyes picked this up and he couldn't help but stare. The kid wastes no time in his task. He starts drawing shapes on sheets of colored paper, then cuts them out with scissors; next he pokes eye holes into them (he’s making masks Kaveh realizes) and draws on miscellaneous shapes.
In ten minutes he’s exhausted half of the art supplies and created two dozen stacks. 
Internally, Kaveh is slightly impressed. Prince’s efficiency is something to behold especially since he remembers the kid’s supposed to be ten.
Prince silently makes a third stack. He reaches for several bundles of yarn to tear them free from their packaging. Then he takes one end in one hand and a mask in the other to insert a string into the eyeholes. Prince does this for the rest of the first pile before moving onto the next. This time he uses a different colored string.
By the time Prince is done he’s made three banners of masks. After he lays them on the table, he disappears into the kitchen and comes back with a small box of milk. He took a long sip from the cardboard straw. For some reason, Kaveh is reminded of when he’d go the Lambad’s Tavern for a drink or two after working hard for so long.
Kaveh chooses the moment Prince sits beside him to open his mouth. “Hey Prince, if you don’t mind me asking what are those for?”
The kid looks over to him with a neutral expression. “‘S for a tradition back home. Ya wanna hear it?”
“Sure,” he replies easily. Prince is startled judging by how his eyes widen; he hadn’t expected Kaveh to say yes, but he quickly recovers. 
“Uh-okay. Well, since you asked, brace yourself because I’m gonna info dump on ya,” says Prince as he sits up. Kaveh puts the book to the side. “Okay general disclaimer: I was only half-listening to Noraa when he was telling it to me so I don’t remember it perfectly. I can at least give you enough to understand. Ready?”
Kaveh nods. Prince faces the architect with a serious expression that looks almost out of place for a child. “A long time ago, the first Creator opened a portal to the multiverse…”
Something inside Kaveh suddenly snaps to attention and he feels himself hyperfixate on Prince’s words. “...and made a long journey across the stars. He was a curious being and couldn’t be in all places at once, so he made a brilliant move and split himself in two. And then those halves split themselves, and those halves did it until there were enough. Finally, they aaalll went their separate ways, but only after promising to meet and catch up with each other.”
Prince pauses to take a sip from his milk box. “So, years pass. They all integrate themselves into different societies, experience different cultures, and some get into misadventures. It was great! And then the day to reunite arrived. For a week, everyone would prepare a celebration to commemorate this special day; over the course of it, new masks would arrive every day until everyone was accounted for. They’d gather around a food table filled with delicious and tasty dishes, say a couple things, and then dig in.”
Kaveh rested a cheek on his knuckles, slowly absorbing the info like water to a sponge. “Everyone would share stories, photos of wonderful sights, or maybe even a potential life-partner. Happy times. And then, there’d be games, competitions, sparring matches and…uh…um…” 
Prince scratches the back of his head. “I forgot the last one. It was too boring.”
Kaveh notices he’s flagging so he throws him a bone. “It’s alright, continue.”
“Right, uh, and then once everything’s said and done they’d leave again to continue traveling. The End.” Prince does some jazz hands. He looks up at the ceiling thoughtfully. “It all sounded so magical to me. Everyone is just coming together like a family to celebrate living. It sounds sappy, but I don’t care. I want my…my own happiness, and I think that the festival is just what I’m looking for.”
Kaveh points to the banner of masks on the table. “So…is that why you made those?”
Prince nods. “You don’t know this, but I’m not old enough to go yet. The adults made a stupid rule recently saying only sixteen years and older can attend. Which sucks because big bro was the one in charge of decorating this year…”
The blonde kid scowls. Kaveh can sense his disappointment, but at the same time realizes something. So Noraa wanted me to take care of Prince while he was away. “That’s rough. I’m sorry you can’t attend it kid. I imagine it looks as amazing as you told it to me.”
Prince just sighs tiredly. He gets off the couch and stretches. “Somehow I’m feeling sleepy. I’m gonna go take a nap.”
“Oh, sure,” says Kaveh. He goes with Prince, despite the latter’s protests, and tucks him in gently. The architect quietly closes the door. As he goes back, feels his head full from the info Prince told him so he doesn’t feel like reading. Instead, Kaveh sits on the couch, hands in his lap; he processes what he’s learned just now. 
His eyes fluttered for a few seconds. And then, sweet sleep. 
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KAVE HOME VILANOVA BOTIGA DE MOBLES. QUALITAT WWW.CASSONE.ES .  NOVETATS. SERVEI D'INTERIORISME al GARRAF. SERVEI PERSONALITZAT I PREUS AJUSTATS. Muebles y decoración de diseño para casas con personalidad. Hola. ¡Sígueme! Entra en nuestra casa, tu casa. Aquí hay espacio para todos. #KaveHome. Si no hay nadie más trendy que tú, esto te interesa. Te traemos nuevas piezas de diseño cada semana para que tu casa encaje a la perfección con tu estilo de vida. New in town! Una vez pruebes uno de estos sofás, no querrás otros. Relax, ponte cómodo y déjate llevar. May the style be with you! Para estar ante la TV te hace falta un buen sofá. Costará que te levantes de estos que te ofrecemos, no querrás moverte de tu nuevo sofá!. Aquí podrás encontrar sillas de escritorio y oficina, sillas de comedor, sillas plegables y sillas de jardín. Elige la que mejor se adapte a ti y a tu casa. Combina los diferentes materiales, colores y formas. ¡Siéntate y disfruta! Dicen que todo lo bueno sucede alrededor de una mesa. Por ejemplo, celebraciones y sobremesas que se alargan to infinity and beyond. La mesa que se adapta a tu estilo de vida existe y aquí encontrarás la tuya. Because no one lives like you! Y que mejor sitio que en una mesa. Sabemos que buscas muebles porque te gusta decorar las diferentes estancias de tu casa. Entre nuestros muebles destacan aparadores, muebles tv, muebles recibidor y consolas, cómodas y cajoneras, estanterías y librerías, estantes, mesitas de noche, muebles auxiliares, muebles de baño, percheros y colgadores. En época de frío, no olvides de poner el nórdico. Además, ya no tienes excusa para tener tu canapé o base. CASSONE KAVE HOME VILANOVA BOTIGA DE MOBLES. QUALITAT.  NOVETATS. SERVEI D'INTERIORISME al GARRAF. SERVEI PERSONALITZAT I PREUS AJUSTATS. Cassone Kave Botiga de mobles a Sitges Interiorisme i decoració. Qualitat i Servei. Truca ara mateix o visita la nostra web. #cassone #veneto #lagodigarda #sellamascheroni #valentine #mascheroniselleria #mascheronifamily #mobles #decoració #interiorismo #interiorisme #muebles #tallerdelmoble #restauració #antic #antigüedades #brocanter #decolovers #artesdecorativas #handmade #botigamobles #sofa #moblesamida #home #casa #moblesandorra #tiendamuebles #botiganadorra #tiendamueblesandorra #casasconpersonalidad #interiorismeandorra #mueblesandorra #mueblessitges #mueblessantperederibes #mueblesvilanovailageltru #zagzighome #mueblesnordicos #decoracion #escandinavodecor #interiorismobcn #instadecoracion #mueblesdemaderamaciza #interiorismomadrid #mesademadera #mesanatural #ecomesa #mueblesecologicos #mueblesbarcelona #mesitasdenoche #mesaderoble #mesamaciza #design #jardin #mueblesjardin #nordicdesign #decoracioninteriores #deco #sitges #decositges #instadecor #instadeco #mueblesmodernos #furnituredesign #decoideas #decoaddict #spanishdesign #maderanatural #wood #art #homeinspo #decohome #spainfurniture #mesa #mesareciclada #vintageshop #recycling #decoindustrial #recyclingfurniture
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fashionluxuryinfo · 2 years
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MOSTRA ARTE DA INDOSSARE FABIANA GABELLINI E KATYA VECCHI Domenica 11 dicembre dalle ore 16.30 presso la Galleria – KaVe Fluid Art- sita a Cattolica, in Via Pascoli 80,ha inaugurato la Mostra “Arte da Indossare “. Un connubio tra l’ Arte pittorica di Katya Vecchi e le creazioni sartoriali di Fabiana Gabellini che diventano l’una l’ispirazione dell’altra. Le due artiste hanno subito instaurato una forma di dialogo in comune, inaspettato, rappresentando un mondo a loro intimo, etereo attraverso le loro Opere.
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