#katsu burger
cruella-devegan · 2 years
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Love Handle / Singapore
Menchi Katsu Burger - Panko-crumbed Impossible™ Beef and Pork patty, Love Handle mayo, thinly sliced cabbage, Bulldog sauce, fluffy buns, fries.
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awkwardbakugou · 14 days
long live the king 👑
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melontokkive · 4 months
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Chicken katsu burger
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morethansalad · 7 months
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Vegan Grillable Katsu Burgers with Wasabi Mayo
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smol-grey-tea · 1 year
It's my 20th birthday on Saturday!! Today I went bowling and just now finished eating a meal at restaurant.
What do the Nameless characters have at restaurant?
I think that Lance, Yeonho and Red are the kinda people who would order the exact same meal every single time (so me core)
Yuri would mix it up a bit, mostly having steaks, but any meal he has, he will always have with salad
Tei, being a passionate cook, would enjoy trying lots of different things then see if he'd want to make that at home. Yeonho also likes learning new recipes to make like Tei but in terms of eating them, he just prefers the same thing all the time
Eri likes trying every different thing on the menu so each time she goes she tries something different until she lands on a favourite. She'll still mix it up a bit tho but I think maybe she likes spicy dishes like chilli con carne.
The first time Lance went to the restaurant, Eri recommended him the chicken korma, so he has that every time
Yeonho likes his Mac n cheese with a side of chips
And Red always has pizza and cherry Coke
I think the only thing that would make this different would be if the restaurant was super fancy. And obviously. Options for food will be different in South Korea in comparison to England so I can't rly speak for Korean food but I'd say that's what they'd have over here
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just-jammin · 1 year
my brother and i got some MEATS
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they were ABSOLUTELY worth their price :DDD
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denimdepression · 1 month
still think it's hilarious that one of the genuine best burgers I've ever had was made by a Japanese restaurant
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hq-fantasies · 7 months
Katsu Fried Chicken and Rice Burger Honest Cooking
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tigertigertour · 1 year
Katsu Fried Chicken and Rice Burger Honest Cooking
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beingjellybeans · 1 year
Today's your last chance to celebrate Chuseok with Ball Katsu's Pick A Prize Promo!
As September draws to a close, so does the vibrant celebration of Chuseok, the Korean harvest festival. This annual event is a time for gratitude, togetherness, and indulgence in delectable Korean cuisine. If you haven’t seized the opportunity yet, there’s no better time than now to immerse yourself in the festivities and make the most of Ball Katsu’s Pick A Prize Promo. Ball Katsu, a brainchild…
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places-ive-eaten · 1 year
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Deep fried, on a bun with some bacon and a host of other things? Sure why not! I'm eating my feelings and chowing down at Katsu Burger.
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imagineannemorgan · 2 years
Recently made chicken karaage with my airfryer. Got a burger and chicken Katsu out of two chicken thighs.
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awkwardbakugou · 2 years
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my man just walkin’ an snackin’
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suicidedance · 4 months
BUCK-TICK Q&A (1987)
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Source: Limited_Night_ on X
Q1: Who is your family comprised of?
Sakurai: Mother, older brother, me, dog and two cats.
Imai: Grandma, dad, mom, aunt, younger brother, younger sister.
Hoshino: Father, mother, younger sister, older brother.
Higuchi: Father, older sister and older brother.
Yagami: Father, older sister, niece, younger brother.
Q2: Date and place of birth
Sakurai: March 7, 1966. Fujioka City, Gunma Prefecture.
Imai: October 21, 1965. Takasaki Hospital.
Hoshino: June 16, 1961. Fujioka General Hospital. 
Higuchi: January 24, 1967. Takasaki.
Yagami: August 19, 1962. Takasaki.
Q3: What are you called by everyone? Why is that?
Sakurai: Acchan, Atsushi. Why?
Imai: Imai. I’m Imai so that’s why.
Hoshino: Hide. Because I’m Hidehiko.
Higuchi: Yuuta. When I was a child, I was called Yuutan, which was shortened to Yuuta.
Yagami: Anii (big brother) by the other members because I’m older. (He’s U-TA’s older brother)
Q4: Height, weight, shoe size, eyesight
Sakurai: 177 cm, 57 kg, 26 cm. 1.5 on the right, 1.2 on the left.
Imai: 174 cm, 58 kg, 26 cm. 1.2 on the right and 1.2 on the left, I think.
Hoshino: 179 cm, 60 kg, 27 cm. 1.5 and 1.5.
Higuchi: 167 cm, 48 kg, 25 cm. 0.9 on the right, 1.2 on the left.
Yagami: 170 cm, 48 kg, 25 cm. 1.5. 
Q5: Favorite foods
Sakurai: Sushi (toro ebi), chahan, corn soup.
Imai: Tempura udon, katsu curry, kimchi, reba nira, asparagus, burger with pickles, generic chips, miso soup, nametake, shiokara, oyster, sashimi, sushi, yakiniku, ham and eggs, natto, sea urchin, tororo, watermelon, turbo sazae.
Hoshino: Yakiniku, salad, ramen, pudding.
Higuchi: Vegetables.
Yagami: Pudding.
Q6: Foods you dislike
Sakurai: Eggplant, shellfish, scallion, shiitake mushrooms, bamboo shoots.
Imai: None.
Hoshino: Egg yolk.
Higuchi: Jellyfish.
Yagami: Liver.
Q7: What you want the most right now
Sakurai: Everything in this world.
Imai: Good songs.
Hoshino: Love, money.
Higuchi: Bass.
Yagami: Money. (Because I think I’ll become rich)
Q8: Blood type and self-analysis
Sakurai: Type O.
Imai: Type O. Extremely optimistic. My handwriting is messy, but I’m second rank in Japanese calligraphy.
Hoshino: Type A. Quiet, sometimes I’m stupid so I can’t grasp things.
Higuchi: Type A. Humble.
Yagami: Type A. Genius!!
Q9: What do you think you’ll be doing in five years?
Sakurai: Doing lives.
Imai: Playing guitar in BUCK-TICK and doing my best.
Hoshino: I think I’ll become a celebrity.
Higuchi: I don’t know.
Yagami: I’ll become a professional top-class musician.
Q10: What does manliness mean to you?
Sakurai: Be kind to the weak, be tough to the strong. Always be cool.
Imai: There’s no such thing.
Hoshino: Being strong and being kind.
Higuchi: Men are tough.
Yagami: Be strong and kind.
Q11: A movie that recently moved me.
Sakurai: Oedipus No Yaiba.
Imai: I watched Friday the 13th Part 6 on video. That idiot Jason needs to be punished once and for all!
Hoshino: I haven’t watched any movies recently.
Higuchi: Hachiko Monogatari.
Yagami: Back to the Future. (I like time travel stuff)
Q12: A person you aspire to be like
Sakurai: My ideal self.
Imai: There isn’t one.
Hoshino: John Lennon.
Higuchi: There isn’t one.
Yagami: Eikichi Yazawa.
Q13: Please tell us the name of the celebrity who is closest to your ideal woman
Sakurai: [Didn’t provide an answer]
Imai: Probably Miss Oginome Yoko .
Hoshino: Miss Yumi Aso .
Higuchi: Yappy, Nori-P, Skippy, Noriko Sakai. [Nori-P was Noriko Sakai’s nickname]
Yagami: Kaori Torii .
Q14: What was the first record you ever bought?
Sakurai: Maybe Carol?
Imai: «Technopolis» by Yellow Magic Orchestra.
Hoshino: Beatles. (He was tricked by his brother)
Higuchi: I bought a Beatles record for my late brother for his birthday.
Yagami: «Let it be» by The Beatles. (In 2nd grade of elementary school)
Q15: What was your first impression when you met the members?
Sakurai: Imai → Weird!
                Hide → What a superficial guy.
                Yuta → This bastard.
                Anii → Is he okay?
Imai: You should never judge someone based on first impressions.
Hoshino: Sakurai → Scary but interesting.
                 Imai → The yellow-green Converse are impressive.
                 Higuchi → Caring guy.
                 Yagami Toll → Rock n Roller.
Higuchi: Hide → A tall guy.
                Imai → Quiet guy.
                Acchan → Scary guy.
                Brother → I don’t really know.
Yagami: Imai → A silent and mysterious guy.
                Hide → A good young man.
                Sakurai → Seems like a disciplined guy.
                U-TA → Cute baby.
Q16: What do you think is your role in the band?
Sakurai: A person who can get other members on board. Someone who expresses a variety of things.
Imai: Guitar man.
Hoshino: People say I’m someone who makes things run smoothly.
Higuchi: A talkative person.
Yagami: A man of high spirits.
Q17: Teach us how to flirt with a girl!
Sakurai: Don’t flirt.
Imai: Please teach me how to flirt with a girl!
Hoshino: I think it would be good to be honest.
Higuchi: I’m not good at that.
Yagami: I don’t know how to flirt.
Q18: Have you ever cried because of love?
Sakurai: I have.
Imai: I haven’t.
Hoshino: I cried when I was heartbroken.
Higuchi: I have.
Yagami: I have.
Q19: Favorite word or phrase
Sakurai: Atsushi, come out!
Imai: Freedom.
Hoshino: A boy’s heart.
Higuchi: The characters that aren’t difficult. [Japanese characters]
Yagami: Love saves the Earth. The BUCK-TICK Phenomenon.
Q20: What kind of person you cannot tolerate?
Sakurai: A frivolous person. Someone who acts overly familiar with you.
Imai: Stubborn and insincere people. 
Hoshino: Liars.
Higuchi: A selfish person.
Yagami: The guy who sold a BUCK-TICK sample copy to a second-hand record store before it was released. If we ever find him, we’ll beat him up.
Q21: What do you not want a girl to do?
Sakurai: Cheat.
Imai: Be fake. Murder, robbery.
Hoshino: Cheat.
Higuchi: I don’t want her to cry.
Yagami: Don't talk like a man!!
Q22: If you were a plant, what would you be? Why?
Sakurai: A black rose. You wouldn't think of them as morning glories or sunflowers, right?
Imai: A pansy. Yellow around the edges and black towards the root.
Hoshino: Bonsai. Because that's what people often say.
Higuchi: I don’t know.
Yagami: Pineapple. (Hairstyle)
Q23: What is your favorite number and why?
Sakurai: Odd numbers.
Imai: 4. I just like it.
Hoshino: 2. For all six years of elementary school, I always came in second place at sports day.
Higuchi: 1. Because it’s the first one.
Yagami: 3. It’s Nagasaki, Nagashima.
Q24: Someone you would like to meet and talk to
Sakurai: Me from tomorrow.
Imai: Kiyoshiro Imawano, Beat Takeshi, John Lydon.
Hoshino: John Lennon.
Higuchi: Nori-P. [Noriko Sakai]
Yagami: Yuming. [Yumi Matsutoya]
Q25: Any final words!
Sakurai: Let’s make some noise together again!
Imai: We’ll keep on doing our best, so please come to our live show.
Hoshino: BUCK-TICK is immortal.
Higuchi: I’m Yuta.
Yagami: I think the genius group BUCK-TICK looked great at Madison Square Garden!
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rottenpumpkin13 · 4 months
What do you think Sephiroth’s diet is like? His metabolism coupled with his stature makes me think he’d be eating at least 6,000 calories and a crap ton of protein. I could just imagine him putting a whole chicken in a blender and liquidating it then throwing it back like a shot. (Inspired by what actors/bodybuilders say they do to get in shape for a role or competition.)
Sephiroth's diet is well known and marketed by Shinra to sell their protein supplements and dietary products. His diet emphasizes a high protein intake and a balanced array of natural foods, vitamins, and calories to maintain his build. Hojo ensures Sephiroth follows his diet by having him log his daily food intake. Sephiroth doesn't mind his diet, for the most part. It's strict, and he's grown used to it, but he also enjoys all the meals.
The problem is that Sephiroth's appetite is heavily influenced by his emotions, and too much stress causes him to lose his his appetite completely. Also, the independence he gained after moving from the labs and into his own apartment changed his diet completely, because now he has the freedom to, say, order takeout and keep an entire gallon of chocolate milk in his fridge.
So the things Sephiroth eats when he's not lying to Hojo include:
• He once ate nothing but sushi for a month and to this day nobody knows how he didn't get mercury poisoning.
• No, he's not obsessed with pasta. He enjoys his favorite food like any other person—eating 23 servings at once.
• Blessed be instant noodles and the cupboard space Sephiroth has to store them.
• "A chocolate bar is a meal, Angeal, judging one's dinner is distasteful."
• Forgetting to eat due to existential dread™
• "If I throw this burger into a bowl, it becomes a salad."
• You'd be surprised at what a person can do with a fork, fire materia, and a pack of marshmallows.
Genesis: I see you're having your protein shake of the day.
Sephiroth: You fool. This is a milkshake.
• "Red meat is unhealthy" too bad he'll eat an entire 80oz steak on his own.
• Coffee for breakfast, lunch and dinner until Angeal finds out and forces him to eat a meal.
• Angeal's katsu curry and Genesis' apple pie are the reason he believes in friendship.
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myonelian · 1 month
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back at komeda coffee!! ☕️
this time we got an iced au lait and locomoco burger + the garlic shrimp katsu sandwich 🥰
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