#katerina d campbell
funkyboxofinterests · 2 years
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Dgm is a story about parenting prove me wrong
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cinammonelles · 6 months
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is this anything
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metiredlr · 1 year
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Text: “I hope death is like being carried to your bedroom when you were a child & fell asleep on the couch during a family party. I hope you can hear the laughter from the next room”
by petfurniture(on twitter)
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onomatopagu-et-cie · 1 year
Cyrus, Katerina, Campbell
First impressions after re-reading DGM Some theories and observations Notes on Link, part 1 & part 2
Have a nice week-end!!
Again I'm sorry for the awkward english!!!!
▶ « Cyrus » and Cross
After focusing on Skulls and Link’s names, I wondered if there was something for Cross and Katerina, two enigmatic characters!
In volume 24, サイラス (‘Sairasu’), which is localized as Cyrus in the English translation, Mana and Neah’s ‘uncle’, is mentioned. This could add to the ‘Cross = Cyrus’ theory:
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Cross’s name in Japanese is クロス, which is pronounced ‘Kurosu’. The ancient greek form of Cyrus is Κῦρος, pronounced ‘kuros’ (like how you would pronounce ‘hybris’).
Is Cross the name Cyrus adopted after whatever happened at the Campbell mansion (and also, a symbol of the heavy cross he has to bear for Mana, Neah and Katerina)? Though it’s interesting to note Neah calls him Cross in ch215.
Now in the French translation, his name is localized as ‘Silas’, and the Japanese prononciation could lead to both localizations so I don’t really know if this holds any meaning!
▶ « Katerina »
Katerina is a variant of the name Catherine.
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The name became attached to the ancient greek adjective καθαρός, ‘pure’. Also, « Marian Cross » might be a reference to a kind of religious cross:
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A SAINT, you say....................
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A side note: on the miraculous medal, there were twelve stars, symbolizing the twelve tribes of Israel and the apostles. There are two hearts on the medal. One heart bears a crown of thorns — the Christ’s Sacred Heart —, the other is stabbed by a knife — the Immaculate Heart of Mary —. Joined together, the two of them represent the Christ and Mary’s love of the world.
I don’t know if it’s relevant or not, but in ch121, Lavi managed to get out of Road’s dream by stabbing Allen’s illusion in the heart, which ends up piercing through Road’s own heart. And volume 13’s cover features a colorful focus on Lavi and the knife spilling blood in the foreground, which contrast with Cross, two crosses and the coffins coloring the background.
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Not to mention:
1) Grave of Maria accompanying Cross: her dress is adorned with roses which are associated to Mary, sometimes represented with a rose crown (the rosary also originates from them). The ‘saint’ from Luberrier’s family is drawn wearing a (presumably) white rose, symbol of purity, innocence and devotion. The black ribbon that covers Maria's head ends up in a butterfly-shaped bow. In christianity, butterflies symbolize rebirth after death like the Christ’s spirit. Though rare, Mary has been represented with butterflies (I also saw that butterfly in spanish is 'mariposa' and its etymology was sometimes supposedly linked to Mary, I wish I could read in spanish ;;).
2) The association of Maria to what looks like a memory of Katerina:
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3) In volume 13, Allen says Maria is the corpse of a parasite-type accommodator that is now controlled by Cross’s magic. Though it’s a forbidden spell, he was granted an extraordinary permission from the Order.
On the other hand, Cross suggested that Allen searches for Katerina in the mansion. This leads to the belief that she's pretty much alive, so perhaps Maria and Katerina are unrelated and Cross just remembered Katerina because the two are similar in personality. Their association is really tempting, though.
Especially since her whole face is concealed by her ribbon and we were recently given this page linking the two together!
Or who knows, maybe her soul got separated from her corpse or some other magic happened? We know so little so anything could happen!
It's a great stretch in all this, but Katerina’s name origin has also been linked to Hekate, a goddess of, among other things, liminality between spaces/worlds (entrances, exits, city walls, doors, gates, boundaries and crossroads, the living and dead realms ; one of her epithets was Enodia, ‘she of the road’), the underworld (she was considered the guardian of Hades’s keys, served as a guide), witchcraft (eg. in greek tragedies) and the night. Throughout history, she was also sometimes confounded with other divinities eg. Demeter, Artemis, Persephone. The dog was one of her sacred animals (represented accompanying her and also her sacrifice).
She wasn’t originally associated to the moon, but it became one of her main attributes with witchcraft later, as well as ghosts. In wicca, she is related to the Triple Goddess, which is associated to the archetypes of life (birth, death, rebirth), the Maiden, the Mother and the Crone or the moons (waxing, full and waning).
She was also later said to have a great knowledge of plants, especially to make poison.
The story uses these symbols a lot. The symbol of liminality especially reminds me of Road. (Of course I don’t believe there must be a correlation, references can just be references for the sake of it and highlight meanings, but the research was very fun!)
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▶ « Campbell »
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A CROOKED mouth…...... ? It’s THE telltale characteristic of the Noah’s memory, while Noah’s physical appearance features golden pupils and stigmata!
Now I don’t know where the story is headed with the Campbells, but I’m really curious to learn more, especially their link to Mana, Neah and the Noah!
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idiotsticcc · 4 months
Katerina my beloved
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outsiderempire · 2 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: D.Gray-man Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Nea D. Campbell/Howard Link, Nea D. Campbell & Howard Link, Nea D. Campbell & Mana D. Campbell, Katerina Campbell & Nea D. Campbell, Katerina Campbell & Mana D. Campbell Characters: Nea D. Campbell, Howard Link, Mana D. Campbell, Katerina Campbell Additional Tags: Kid Fic, Crushes, First Crush, Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Alternate Universe - Elementary School, Elementary School, Bullying, Halloween, Halloween Costumes, Friendship, Developing Friendships, Cute, Cute Kids Summary:
“I wasn’t scared,” Nea lied. He slumped down into his seat with a little pout on his face and crossed his arms over his chest.
Mana bumped his shoulder into Nea’s. “You were too,” he said, “you just wanna act like you wasn’t.”
Nea bumped him back. “Shut up.”
“You so were, ‘cause you like him. Nea and Howard sitting in a tree, k-i-s-s-i—“ Nea jumped at his brother and slapped his hand over his mouth to shut him up.
“Stop it, Mana!”
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arkclipse · 1 month
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{ . starter for ; @innocence-impulse . }
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the days had been far too long — far too daunting. the circumstances of the current situation were indeed less that favorable, to say the least. having been on the run for what felt like eons, the bearer of crown clown wandered about without any true aim in mind ; there was only but one goal, and that was to survive. 
❝ damn it, cross... ❞ came a mumble, huffed from between palerose lips as a sharp pain scorched his left arm once more. apocryphos had been on the hunt, scouring the lands for a certain allen walker to no avail. alas, what could he do? the black order were his enemies, the church was his enemy, the noah were his enemies — allen walker — ... no, nea d. campbell, had no friends nor foes. the only one he had any confidence and faith in were rendered 'dead', for better or for worst, he was essentially alone right now. the 'old friend' had now since forgotten him. all he truly had left was his golden golem, timcanpy. 
gingerlycradling his left arm which ached due to a most unpleasant almost encounter with apocryphos, the noah could only walk aimlessly, trusty companion floating by his side. before he knew it, the young man would come across what seemed to be a place of respite — a cafe. it surely couldn't hurt. 
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opening the door, he stepped inside, immediately the beautiful aroma of baked goods and freshly brewed coffee filled his senses ; alongside, a tender droplet of nostalgia for a time long consumed by the claws of time. a place in time, wherein mana and he were bickering over who got to eat the butterscotch biscuits, as katerina laughed joyously as the two young boys fought over something so trivial... he hadn't realized how silly he must look, standing there with his eyes closed as he soaked in the cozy atmosphere. then, his mind shifted attention to the melodious tune of the piano being played. white lashes fluttered as his eyes opened once more, a curious gaze falling upon the piano, and the one who was playing it.
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allen-san · 1 year
Je vais vous partagez un site que je n'ai jamais penser à partager sur mon Skyrock . Sur celui-ci une personne parle des anagrammes dans DGM et leur importance ^^ Par contre, le site est en japonais et je vous partage la version "traduite " par Google ^^ Si vous voulez aller sur le site : le voici !
Jouer aux lettres avec Campbell.
La suite de l'article d'impression de la 221ème nuit n'a pas du tout été mise en ligne, mais cette fois c'est un petit détour. J'ai reçu un sujet intéressant dans les commentaires de "passing housewife". Le contenu est le suivant. Je vais présenter quelques extraits. J'aime aussi jouer avec les lettres, j'ai donc ajouté "DGM_Anagram" à la catégorie d'articles à partir de ce moment. Pensez-vous que cela signifie quelque chose que vous avez trouvé en jouant avec les anagrammes ? katerina campbell=timcanpee ark ball timcanpy est l'orthographe correcte que je connais...
Donc, je vais suivre ma propre méthode de mode et de hasard (rires) * Cependant,  je suivrai la règle de ne pas changer l'orthographe du mot d'origine. Cependant, il y avait une personne à proximité qui avait ce personnage dans son nom. Il s'agit de son petit frère « CYRUS » . KATERINA/CAMPBELL/CYRUS ⇒ Si vous supprimez "TIMCANPY" des noms des frères et sœurs Campbell , pouvez-vous écrire les caractères restants KAERABELLCRUS ⇒ "EARL" ? ⇒ Aussi, la « ARK » qu'une femme au foyer de passage a mentionnée . Comme c'est un gros problème ici, j'aimerais unifier le groupe de mots d'origine avec des mots qui correspondent au paysage. Ajoutez « CORNELIA » au « BELCUS » restant après avoir supprimé « EARL » et « ARK » de la chaîne ci-dessus . Ensuite, les caractères utilisables sont BELCUSCORNELIA ⇒
"SCORE" (score) est sorti. Elle chantait cette chanson, donc ça va.
Cependant, il est dommage que le Millennium Earl ne soit que "EARL". Si possible, j'aimerais trouver un "MILLENIUM " pour devenir un "EARL MILLENIUM"  . Je soustrairai avec force "MILLENNIUM" du reste "BLCUNELIA" . Les lettres manquantes sont "M" "N" "I" "M" . Après cela, la dernière personne restante est "A" "B" "C" ⇒ "ABC" (début). Donnons du sens aux personnages qui ne suffisaient pas à devenir EARL MILLENNIUM (Millennium Earl) à cette époque. Je ne sais pas si c'est une anagramme, mais c'est juste pour le plaisir . et Nea) Qu'en pensez-vous ? (^^; Réorganisons l'actuel. "KATERINA" = Mère "CYRUS" = Oncle "CAMPBELL" = Ma maison "CORNELIA" = Veille sur tout Taiki ou plus.
les mots tirés du paysage original de la mémoire de Mana nea sont
" . "MNIM" . Si vous réarrangez ça,
c'est "I'm Mananea (I'M M&N)"  Désolé d'être un peu insistant (;´-`) Et enfin, "ABC"
en bas de la boîte de Pandore = Début ! C'était tellement mauvais ~~~💛 ←La personne qui .l'a fait est la plus amusante De plus, je suis heureux que "Tim Campy" sorte quand les frères et sœurs "Caterina" et "Cyrus" "Campbell" sont ensemble. (Ce golem est-il rempli des sentiments des deux qui ont veillé sur Mana et Nea depuis leur naissance... ?) Il est également significatif que les personnages qui n'ont pas réussi à devenir "Millennium Earl" aient indiqué "La véritable identité est Mana et Nea ." n'est-ce pas. (← Selon la façon dont vous le regardez, c'est un exemple typique) Je ne peux pas m'arrêter de le lire parce que j'y lis trop.
"All e n" lu à l'envers ça donne" =n e a "
. "M A D A" ⇒ "crazy A (Adam)" Si "N (nea)" est installé dans la position (statut) de "D" ici , "M A N A" sera être restauré...? Oh mon Dieu Dans la 219ème nuit, quand j'ai appris que les deux prénoms de Mananea étaient identiques, "D", j'étais un peu confus sur ce que j'avais fait auparavant. C'est un peu un mystère quant à la signification de la lettre "D", donc même si je ne serais pas d'accord sans penser Nea devenait D, Je ne sais pas si cette "correction" est pour les humains.
Une personne sur le site à même fait le lien entre LENALEE et ALLEN ! Il est vrai qu'on retrouve ALLEN dans le prénom LENALEE !
Regardez bien je vais le décortiquer L E N A L EE > il y à bien le A, deux L et un E ( les deux autres on s'en fiche ) et un N ! ^^
encore une fois rien n'est dû au hasard ! quel est votre avis sur le sujet ?
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looniecartooni · 4 years
Nea: *throws a tantrum*
Katerina: *starts playing piano and singing*
Nea: *slowly stops crying and listens right behind her*
Katerina: Well look who decided to come join me! Here, have a seat.
He sits next to her and the two enjoy a moment together. Mana later comes to join now that the house is filled with peace.
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filia-floris · 5 years
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remindhimoflove · 2 years
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self indulgent smol Mana and Neah doods with baby Allen as their little brother
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mananea · 3 years
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"What do you want for your birthday, Mother?" "I have already got the greatest gift of all." "And what would that be?" "To be a mother."
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jasontoddiefor · 3 years
Summary: On the night of Mana's failed resurrection, it isn't Cross Marian who finds Allen, but Katerina Campbell. She is too late to save her son, but she's just in time to protect her grandchild.
Katerina’s back hurts, and she wishes she could take another pain killer, but she has long since learned that an overdosage won’t do her well. The medication doesn’t fog her brain – she’s a Campbell, she knows her chemistry – but it loses its effect too quickly. She can endure this pain now, stay strong for the child that needs her help.
Allen has stopped screaming, exhausted himself from it and now sleeps soundly for one. His body must be too tired to conjure up any nightmares.
His hair is white now and the parasitic Innocence will keep him from needing glasses.
Katerina has no proof that this child Mana picked up is in fact the very same young man who’d been so dedicated to helping her sons, but it doesn’t matter either way.
He is Mana’s son.
Katerina had buried Nea and she had buried Mana, certain that she wouldn’t see either of her children again after the Earl had claimed them so thoroughly, left her lying broken beneath Cornelia, damned to never stand on her own two feet again.
(Magician that she was, Katerina had thought of various treatments, but none would be worth the cost. What wouldn’t she give for Desires to lend her their strings.)
But there Mana had been again, older, but human again, kind and gentle with this child of hers. Had Katerina been only a few days quicker in tracking them down, minutes earlier in finding little Allen at Mana’s grave—
She has to stop considering the what-ifs, Katerina has a child to care for.
A poor, hurt boy, who was her grandchild.
Katerina moves her wheelchair closer to his bedside, thinking of how to help him heal and understand this world he’s been thrust into so ruthlessly. She has lost too much and too many to let Allen disappear into the dark.
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pastaallen14 · 3 years
I can’t even spoilers below if you don’t get the references then look it up 😂! Courtesy of @candy-crackpot !!! 
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monochrome-pierrot · 4 years
I keep thinking about the family relations in D.Gray-Man.. And my theory at this moment is this: I wonder if ‘'past! Allen’’ is the Millenium-earl's and Katerina's son or something. 
Age-wise i think it works since Nea has said before that Allen has ‘’become younger’’ since Nea is supposed to be like 17-ish when he died, doesn’t that mean that Allen is supposed to be older? It could be that the earl split when pasta! was a child maybe he helped raise/teach the twins alongside Katerina. Also being born in this family may be brought some abilities with him like the whole score writing thing.
Allen’s song
Maybe pasta was a gifted musician, and was the one that taught the Campbell twins everything. If he WAS their son, it seems fitting that the family (including Katerina) know everything about the situation (noahs, exorcists, the holy war). What if Allen taught them and they started showing signs of their past life. (being the OG earl).
Maybe when the earl split into two babies (the reason why is unclear) pasta! helped them as their teacher/friend, helping them alongside Katerina. Then maybe when shit hit the fan and Earl/Mana killed Nea. apochrypos was there too and gave him the innocence,(remember his line: you’ve become a beautiful exorcist, Allen?), i think he’s the one that implemented the innocence in his arm, and when the rest of them died/went insane. He woke up one day as a 5-year-old in Edinburgh....without memories.
I wonder when Apocryphos did implement the innocence if he knew about Nea's memories? 
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