#dgm 242
arimiaromage · 2 years
Mana's "Death" Theory
Full spoilers for DGM up to chapter 244, brief mention of 245. Here's a crack theory I haven't seen around, despite new evidence.
Mana died and Allen brought him back as an akuma. Except Mana is also the Earl, both as his vessel and the doppelganger of the original/previous Earl. And the current Earl!Mana is changing emotionally, as if he still has memories from being Mana submerged deep under being the "Earl", despite his memories being wiped by Innocence in chapter 242.
I don't think it's a huge stretch to say that Mana, in some form, is still alive. Not only is he a pivotal character but given how much Earl!Mana currently has shifted his goals to want to be with Nea (something the actual Earl should not want), I wouldn't be surprised if we see Mana return in some way eventually.
Okay, but let's get back to Allen turning him into an akuma, cause that totally happened, right?
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We also (much later) have the Earl remember something similar to this...
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Let's note some things here, if this scene happened just as Allen & the Earl remember it:
Mana died in some way
Allen was able to bury him and buy a tombstone
Despite being 6 feet under, the Earl was able to appear to Allen
Allen called for Mana, bringing his soul into an akuma shell
Mana curses Allen- both an actual curse upon him and general yelling at him for doing such a thing
Allen invokes his innocence and destroys Mana
Earl leaves
Only Allen and the Earl / Mana were present for this (Cross appears afterwards, it's unknown if he witnessed it)
...With everything we know now, this sequence of events is kind of ridiculous, right??
For one, Mana died. We don't know how tough he is as a human, but the Mana that Allen knew was already the Earl for some time. It's safe to say he still had his Noah abilities that awakened around Nea's death.
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Being a Noah isn't something you can just turn off for good- even if you don't look like a Noah, you are still a Noah.
As Wisely says- "Noah are Noah. You cannot escape."
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Earl!Mana can get shot in the face several times and laugh it off but amnesiac Mana can just die off screen? Okay, sure...
I'm gonna skip over the idea that a broke orphan was able to properly bury and get a tombstone for someone. We'll let that pass since there's more damning stuff here.
In Allen's memory, the Earl was essentially in 2 places at once. He was both 6 feet under, in the grave, and standing behind him, by the tombstone. Of course, Allen didn't know they were the same person, but still- how is he there twice?
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Well, he already has been in the same place twice... Or has he?
At the circus, the Earl that appears is a shell. It doesn't say anything, it can only command akuma. Cross specifically refers to it as something akin to a shell or a husk.
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But the Earl that Allen meets is not an empty husk. It speaks to him, it encourages him to call on Mana like the Earl does to every grieving person.
Let's say that the Earl that Allen met was Earl!Mana, who, after dying, turned into the Earl and... escaped... somehow... idk maybe they buried an empty coffin or he just dug his way up.
If the Earl can essentially possess a dead body, why didn't he posses Nea when he died? Mana returned to his senses as Nea was dying- he had awakened as a Noah but he was himself for a brief time. If Mana had somehow overpowered the Earl to reclaim his senses, then why didn't the Earl try to possess Nea once he died?
There's a few more things I could nitpick, like how out of character akuma!Mana acts, but I think you get the point. Even if we accept that some things will have changed in the vision over the past almost 2 decades since Hoshino illustrated the scene of Mana's "death", there's still a lot of discrepancies...
So let's assume the Earl can't possess a dead body. That the Earl needs Mana or Nea to be willing to let him take over, at least somewhat. There's still one major part we haven't picked at yet.
Allen and Mana were the only ones there that day.
We've seen how, ah, hand selected Allen's recounting of his past can be. I don't think it's unfair to call him an unreliable narrator- that's not a bad thing, a most of why he glosses over or changes some details is because of his traumatic history.
We've also seen how easily the Earl can rewrite his own memories to accommodate "facts"- when the 14th is first mentioned, the Earl hated him. When the 14th is shown to be alive, the Earl can't live without him. When Mana fully awakened as the Earl, he couldn't be "Mana" anymore- the Earl was a 7000 year old sorcerer, not a 17 year old human, so Mana and Nea never existed in his mind.
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And what better way to alter their memories than the antagonist roaming around following them who has been known to fully alter people's memories??
Apocryphos can alter memories. He knew where Allen and Mana were and was actively following them. He's been shown to be aggressive towards Allen and Mana and doesn't care about their memories- he erased Mana's memories of Nea already.
But what did Apocryphos erase?
The Earl can't possess Mana or Nea just whenever. We saw this most prominently at the circus. But there's one thing that Cross said to the Earl that stuck with me.
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"You may have been summoned by Mana's grief, but it's not like he's fallen into despair."
"So long as Mana remains unwilling..."
In an earlier scene at the circus, Mana thinks something along the same lines:
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The Earl is summoned when people grieve. But for Mana and Nea, their grieving is a gateway for the Earl to take over them.
If they are willing and they are grieving, the Earl can possess them.
So how did Mana become the Earl again?
Theory: Mana did not die, but Allen did.
Specifically, Mana didn't die, but Allen either died or became extremely injured to where Mana thought he died. I've seen some people speculate as to Allen being dead/an akuma or such, but I'd like to posit this newer evidence.
I imagine the scene could have played out something like this:
Allen and Mana travel to that town and get separated briefly. Something happens to Allen- either he dies or becomes badly injured. Mana finds him. Mana is overcome with so much grief he inadvertently summons the Earl. Mana's memories have been erased so he doesn't know to fear the Earl, and willingly lets him take over. The Earl curses Allen and leaves when his Innocence invokes on its own and attacks him. Allen later wakes up, healed from possibly being a Noah, his Innocence reviving him again, a passerby patching him up, something. Cross finds him.
This sequence of events could provide answers for:
Why did Mana curse Allen? It was Earl!Mana, not Mana
How did Mana, a Noah, die? He didn't
How did Allen summon Mana into the akuma shell when his body was already there? He didn't
Why did Apocryphos go out of his way to erase Mana's memories at the circus rather than kill him? So Mana wouldn't fear the Earl and would be more likely to return to him
I feel the weakest part of this is Allen somehow reviving/being healed, but we've seen his Innocence revive him before so I feel it's not that much of a stretch that something would heal him, especially compared to the amount of leaps in logic the current sequence of events has.
To reiterate my evidence:
Not once but TWICE it has been explicitly shown in the past 10ish chapters that when Mana grieves, the Earl shows up, and is even further elaborated that the Earl cannot possess Mana without his consent.
Several parts of the "Allen turned Mana into an akuma" scene don't make sense with what we know now, even giving Hoshino some leniency that she changed some stuff over the past 2 decades
Apocryphos was following Allen and Mana. He can not only change memories but he's already done so at least once with Mana
What killed Mana, a Noah????
The sequence of events I've laid out is just an idea of how things could have played out- I doubt it'll be exactly what we see in the story. However, I do believe that Allen's memories have been altered or at least the way he's presented the akuma scene is not how it actually happened.
so yeah that's my crack theory on why my favorite character surely can't be dead ♥ if you read all of this wow, have a happy Allen & Mana for your time
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fro-chi · 3 years
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" " Don't stop . . Keep walking "
These are the words that Nea left for Mana "
- Road Kamelot
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reloaderror · 3 years
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ntz11 · 3 years
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candy-crackpot · 3 years
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simply-m-a-d · 3 years
can i just.
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this panel hitting real hard. I think this is the first time we’ve seen Neah with such a genuine, peaceful kinda happy look? he looks so soft, so young. idk man, this panel slapped me in the face in the best possible way
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pastaallen14 · 3 years
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goldenheartedfox · 3 years
I’m finally reading DGM chapter 242 and I’m barely a few panels in when I went “no, no no and no”
Nea tells Mana to keep walking
Keep walking are originally Nea’s words
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blushlolita · 3 years
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reloaderror · 3 years
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Keep walking, Mana
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pastaallen14 · 3 years
I can’t even spoilers below if you don’t get the references then look it up 😂! Courtesy of @candy-crackpot !!! 
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maskedjoker · 3 years
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Pt. 1
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