calladashi · 7 years
you. awe. vawid.
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calladashi · 8 years
Hello!..i've been keeping my head high u for this pairing and i still hope it's still alive..or is it only me? I dunno,i just couldn't get away from this two,♥️ #stilllivingships
It is still alive! It’s only this Network itself that has been inactive (and will probably stay inactive). You can contact any of us on our personal blogs though!
- @emile8
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calladashi · 9 years
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((A little late, but this was something @theroyalmarine suggested I do for a halloween pic. A clothing swap of our RP characters. Callaghan was the hardest. Hans is being a diva and hates the old man clothing he has to wear. They’re not even designer brand! Blasphemy.))
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calladashi · 9 years
wtf why are you shipping a minor with the adult who basically killed him
First Off, Tadashi is not a minor. At the youngest he’s 18, but as an American college student, I would peg him as an upperclassman, and most likely 21. He is an adult and can consent.
Second, we don’t know that if Callaghan started the fire or not. It was never stated out right in the film. Its quite possible that he did, no doubt that there. But even then, as much as it sucks to admit it, Tadashi was in no real danger until he made the choice to run into the building. Callaghan was the last one in the building, most likely because he got everyone else out first. Tadashi shouldn’t have run into the building, that was dumb, and his choice isn’t Callaghan’s fault.
Finally, we ship it because we like to. That’s that. I could go off on a giant spiel about why people like this ship, but I don’t think that that’s what you really want to hear.
Mod Darling
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calladashi · 9 years
Future, Past, Present
Calladashi Week 2, Day 7 (super, super, super late)
This is NSFW! Like, this is pretty much smut. 
Before Tadashi got with Callaghan, his sex life could be described with two words: blue balls.
But if you had to go through puberty while sharing space with a sibling, of course it would be a bitch.
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calladashi · 9 years
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Calladashi Week 2: Day 4; Mermaids
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calladashi · 9 years
Not The End
Calladashi Week 2, Day 8
Vampire AU this time. I literally just finished this, so I’ll go back and fix any errors tomorrow.
So this is what dying felt like.
Robert’s body felt like it was on fire, and his lungs were struggling to inhale air. Did he lie to him? Was this all just a trick? Was he really dying? The world around him began to grow dark, and he was afraid.
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calladashi · 9 years
Chaos of Stars
Calladashi Week 2, Day 6
Notes: This is mine and shinladyanarki‘s Steven Universe AU, of which you can find a fair amount of posts about here. As I’m writing this I’ve noticed the very first post aren’t tagged, mostly because I didn’t know yet it was going to develop so far as an idea.
Fire Opal, now going with the name ‘Tadashi’, sat on the roof of the abandoned cottage that he now lived in. Earth had undergone its nighttime phase, and he couldn’t help but to stare in amazement up at the sky. It was both a beautiful and sad view for him though. He was pulled out of his thoughts as he heard the sound of someone joining him on the roof.
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calladashi · 9 years
Professor Callaghan and his student, Tadashi Hamada, have a rather queer Teacher-Student relationship, one that is looked down due to the silent implications that their relationship has. One such implication is the abuse of power; the power to use his superiority of rant to the other, that the ‘junior’ of the relationship has no consent in whatever activity the couple does.
But those are just the implications, there is nothing in the actual relationship that suggests that the student, Tadashi, was forced into doing something he doesn’t like. Example.
(line break)
Tadashi had decided to stay at the lab for Baymax’s 68th test. He had just figured out what was wrong with the codes that his creation was turned into a sex-bot, for lack of better word, instead of his intentions, a health care companion. Of course there comes a time when the ‘sex-bot’ feature would come in handy but the sex function, for some reason, spread throughout the entire code.
What happened was, when Tadashi activated Baymax, the white robot immediately touched his neck and sent mild electric shocks to his body, for some robotic electro-foreplay. Heck the white marshmallow went so far and groped the Hamada’s clothed crotch and sent shocks to his genitals. Which made his already hard flesh go even harder. Not to mention  the shocks made him unable to resist the robot’s assault.
Luckily, Professor Callaghan came by and saw Tadashi’s predicament. So he quickly got inside  and tried to help his student.
“A-augh” Tadashi groaned in pleasure as Baymax started rubbing the bulge on his pants, still sending electric shocks to the hardened part.
The professor tried prying the wayward robot’s hand away from his student but to no avail.
The robotics major, in his world of blissful pleasure, noticed that his professor was trying to help.
“A-acce-auuggh-access port, o-oooh-only c-circle, on chest,” Tadashi managed to utter out in between his moans of pleasure.
Without having to be told twice, the pioneer of the laws of robotics, immediately dashed towards where the white robot was and pressed the access port and opened it.
The robot stopped moving, stopped giving Tadashi a dose of electrical foreplay and stopped sexually harassing his creator, but the student is still horny and in need of release.
Callaghan then helped his student up and assisted him to sit on a nearby chair and gave him a glass of water and a lustful look.
Tadashi gladly accepted the glass and drank the water from it, before saying “No”
“B-but.” Callaghan tried to reason but was cut off by his younger boyfriend.
By now Robert had a good look at his student. The handsome boy, barely 19, was wearing; a disheveled green shirt; maroon pants, that’s sporting a rather large tent and wet spot; and green shoes. Tadashi’s entire appearance looked untidy and horny.
Who wouldn’t be? Afterall he went through.
“I see” The professor relented, “You know where I am if you need me. This is afterall a consensual relationship.” He offered a smile before leaving.
Yes everything was –IS- consensual, everything they do, they make sure the other consents.
Publish this as a separate post and claim it as your own. make some edits, or whatever, just publish this. XD
I’m leaving this here. 
I’m not sure what else to do stranger? I’m just going to publish this as is from my submissions box, if you’re trying to stay anonymous I’ll just do something else in case your name shows. 
Edit: after talking with the submitter, they told me this was intended to be apart of the original Calladashi week, their words being:
my main intent when I wrote that was combining all 8 prompts… but… I entitled both parts as “Law of Robotics”
so I’ll tag it as such, and reblog it to the event blog. 
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calladashi · 9 years
More like Mermaids Part 2
Calladashi Week 2, Day 5
Robert decided to leave Tadashi alone for the next few hours. He didn’t want him to feel uncomfortable with his hovering presence. He probably would go to see him in a few minutes though to see if he needed anything to eat. What did they eat anyway? Raw fish? He should try to make him sushi.
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calladashi · 9 years
Calladashi Week 2, Day 4
Robert Callaghan wasn’t expecting much to be different the morning after the storm. He got up as usual, made himself a cup of green tea, and went to sit on the porch attached to his beach house. He lived on a secluded part of the beach, away from all of the tourists and other humans in general. So when he stepped out to see someone washed up on his shore, it made for quite a surprise.
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calladashi · 9 years
The last song.
Day 1, 3rd of August: Thinking out loud
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calladashi · 9 years
Burning Up
Calladashi Week 2, Day 3
Tadashi didn’t show up to class today. He didn’t show up, and he didn’t call ahead to tell him. He didn’t come into the labs afterwards, and none of his friends have seen him. He never skipped a class without sending something beforehand, and even then, it was a very rare occurrence. Hiro didn’t show up either, and no one has heard from him either. In short, Robert was completely worried.
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calladashi · 9 years
Tadashi survives the fire, but a lot has changed. When Krei offers to make the inventor walk again, the offer seems too good to decline, but how much is Tadashi willing to pay for it?
This fanfiction has been on pause for a while, but will be continued sooner than later. It’s not entirely Calladashi, but the ship will be featured in flashbacks and will be ingrained through the rest of the story.
Warning: this fanfiction will be more about storyline than shipping, so if you’re searching for shipping material only, this might not be your thing.
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calladashi · 9 years
Science and Faith
Calladashi Week 2, Day 2
Callaghan and Tadashi drank their tea silently and watched as Hiro talked to Baymax. True to his programming, Baymax’s AI grew and learned the more he interacted with people, all in the goal of making him a better healthcare provider. However Tadashi began to have some concerns and invited Robert to the café for observation.
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calladashi · 9 years
Thinking Out Loud
Calladashi Week 2, Day 1
One of the things Tadashi noticed very quickly about Robert was his tendency to think out loud. Whenever he was grading papers, or looking over a student project, or working on coding for his own work, one could easily hear him talking to himself as he thought everything out. Whenever it was just the two of them alone though, it ended up becoming one of the many ways Robert would show affection. It also ended up becoming one of the many ways he would also share his innermost thoughts, and when it came to that, Tadashi completely trusted every word, even if sometimes it made him a little flustered.  
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calladashi · 9 years
mollykaths, mikey-ho, nopetaking, coloringpencils, and professor-callaghan, since the “Members” page has broken on the blog, emile8 needs your preferred names and urls for the new members page. It’d probably help to resend avatar pictures and the like their way again too. 
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