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Tabbouleh 🥗

What do I need? 1,5 dl bulgur 1 onion 0,5 dl raisins 2,5 dl cucumber 2,5 dl cherry tomatoes 1 teaspoon salt 1 bunch parsley A handful of mint 1 tablespoon olive oil 1 tablespoon lemon juice 1 garlic
What to do? 1️⃣Cook the bulgur according to the instructions of the package. 2️⃣Chop the cucumber and the tomatoes. Sprinkle some salt on them. Chop the onion and the herbs. Crush the garlic. 3️⃣Mix cucumbers, tomatoes, onion, raisins, bulgur, parsley and mint in a bowl 4️⃣Mix oil, lemon juice and garlic and pour the mixture to the salad.
Mitä tarvitsen? 1,5 dl bulguria 1 sipuli 0,5 dl rusinoita 2,5 dl kurkkua 2,5 dl kirsikkatomaatteja 1 tl suolaa 1 nippu persiljaa kourallinen minttua 1 rkl oliiviöljyä 1 rkl sitruunamehua 1 valkosipulinkynsi
Mitä teen? 1️⃣Kypsennä bulgur pakkauksen ohjeen mukaan. 2️⃣Pilko kurkku ja tomaatti. Ripottele niiden päälle suolaa. Silppua sipuli ja yrtit. Murskaa valkosipuli. 3️⃣Sekoita kurkut, tomaatit, sipuli, rusina, bulgur, persilja ja minttu kulhossa. 4️⃣Sekoita öljy, sitruunamehu ja valkosipuli keskenään ja kaada salaatin joukkoon.
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koiranputket, kissankellot, leinikit, hiirenvirnat
#transl: cow parsley. bluebell. buttercup. tufted vetch#photography#finland#photographers on tumblr#nature#summer#flowers#ainakin näin luulen! en mikään kasvi-ekspertti ole#ihanat eläimennimet näillä kasveilla:)
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Blogi, päivä 30


Vissiin viimeinen päivä tätä blogia. Tänään kävin katselemassa kaverin kasvit ja sieltä menin metsään kävelylle. Käväisin kotona syömässä ja suihkussa ja lähdin kaupunkiin ostoksille etsimään lahjaa. Sade yllätti miut kesken kävelyn joten kastuin kokonaan mut onneks kesä kuivaa tai jotain. Loppupäivänä ei tapahtunut mitään sen erikoisempaa. Miun istuttamat siemenet alkaa kasvaa, en vaan muista mitä missäkin ämpärissä oli joten se olkoon yllätys.
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kasvi. teehee
#birdstuff.png#artists on tumblr#art#oc#original character#polar city (oc tag)#oc art#original characters#monster girl#angel girl#angel oc#kasvi ao (oc)#cain complex (story)#i litterally dont kno what 2 tag my shit as anymore lol
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I made a new Instagram account last night just for Käärijä stuff, I'll post pics from gigs I go to, I might clown in the stories sometimes. It probably won't be super active but it would still be nice to get some followers 👉👈
Kasvikaaryle on IG
#käärijä#jere pöyhönen#ngl kinda proud of my username. kasvi = plant in finnish + kääryle. kasvikaaryle#posted some pics from simerock just now#as my first post#literally made the account at like 2am last night instead of sleeping#pls give a follow I'll love you forever 💚
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talventörröttäjä on kyllä yksi suomen kielen hauskimmista sanoista
#joku: hei tää kasvi vaan törröttää lumesta talvella#mikä nimi meidän pitäisi antaa tälle ilmiölle?#tyyppi jolla on maailman isoimmat aivot: mulla on idea💡
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"Muinaistulokas eli arkeofyytti on kasvilaji, joka on levinnyt ihmisen myötävaikutuksella uudelle maantieteelliselle alueelle niin varhain, että saapumisesta ei ole muistiinpanoja ja jonka kulkeutumista ei voi päätellä muutenkaan suhteellisen äskettäiseksi."
Luin siankärsämöstä tarinaa varten ja kohtasin tämän termin.
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Vachete Suomi AU. Vesuri ja Vaski asuvat suuressa kylässä jossain sisämaassa kaukana suurista kaupungeista kuten Turusta. Kirkonkylän pappi, Vesuri, yrittää parhaansa mukaan vakuuttaa kyläläisiä kasvattamaan perunaa, koska se on satoisa ja ravitseva kasvi mutta kyläläiset eivät tahdo luopua nauriista. Vaski on kartanonvoudin poika ja yrittää pitää suhteita yllä kyläläisiin, että he olisivat suostuvaisia maksamaan veroja kuninkaalle eivätkä hyökkäisi hänen isänsä kimppuun.
Loose translation:
Finnish Vaschete AU.
Vesuri (a type of pruning knife/billhook) and Vaski (brass/copper/bronze) live in a big village somewhere inland, far away from the country's populous cities like Turku (Finland's oldest city and former capital located in the southwestern coast). The village priest, Vesuri, is trying his best to persuade the villagers to start farming potato, a high-yielding and nourishing crop, but people are reluctant to give up their turnips (one of Finland's most important staple foods up until 1800's when potato finally took over). Vaski is the son of a local lord of the manor (or maybe you'd call it bailiff? Or even jarl?) and is doing his best to get along with the villagers so that they would continue paying their taxes to the king and wouldn't turn against his dad.
#I'm not sure how you'd translate kartanonvouti#an official who governs a piece of land and is responsible for collecting taxes for the king you know the deal#I would've called Machete kassara which is a synonym for vesuri#but then you could call him “käsikassara” which is a derogatory term for a person who does someone else's dirty work#and that's what he does and why he's called Machete#I don't know if you're aware anon but Vasco was named that because his colors reminded me of vaski#anonymous#answered#Vaschete scenarios#Finland was converted from catholicism to protestantism in early 1600's and potatoes were first introduced here around 100 years later#so in this case he's either catholic and a true potato trailblazer ahead of his time#or this takes place after the reformation and he's lutheran but potatoes are slowly being adopted it's the villagers who are anti-potato#I don't know what I'm talking about
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This can't be explained without some audio (as I was never taught phonetic alphabets) so I did some recordings. So, here we go, @vineee2000 (and all other Russian speaking people)
I had some Russian studies in my teens but I was able to attend only a few times and it was ages ago, but I remember teacher saying that learning how to pronounce Russian is easy to East-Finns due to our similarities in dialect vs Russian.
All Finnish words ending with i-sound will in my East-Savonian dialect turn into j-sound; like vesi = vesj (water). This final j pronounces a bit like й in Russian, at least the idea is same, like Сергей = Sergej.
The words are first in Finnish and then 3 times in my home area dialect. I have put an extra emphasis on the J-sound mimicking й because in the real spoken language it is subtle and thus mimickers miss it. The letter before j changes the pronunciation a bit.
The words are
Vati = Vatj (Washin bin, deep plate) Vesi = Vesj (Water) Veli = Velj (Brother) Äiti = Äetj (Mother) Lasi = Lasj (Glass) Kasvi = Kasvj (Plant) Peti = Petj (Bed) Regional differences within the dialect area do exist to such extend that when Kalevala was translated to Savo dialect, the translators had to settle to "generic Savonian dialect" which they made up themselves. So, I'm speaking only as an native East and North-East dialect speaker.
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Verb of the day: rönsyillä
rönsyillä - to go off topic (when talking) / to ramble on
Älä rönsyilee - meillä ei ole tarpeeksi aikaa tänään. - Don't get off topic - we don't have enough time today.
A more literally meaning is "to off shoot", for example a plant which forms new shots can be described with this:
Kasvi rönsyilee. = The plant is forming new runners/off shoots.
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Myrkkykeisoon ei saa koskea, sitä ei saa syödä, eikä sen ympärillä olevilta vesialueilta saa juoda vettä. Jos kasviin koskee, tulee käsiä pestä huolellisesti 10–15 minuutin ajan, kertoo Janakkalan kunta tiedotteessaan. Kasvin torjunta aloitetaan Janakkalassa vasta uimakauden päätyttyä, sillä erityisesti sen juurista erittyy myrkkyä. Kasvualueet Rahitun uimarannalla rajataan ja niiden läheisyyteen laitetaan varoituskylttejä. Ruokaviraston mukaan kasvi on tappavan myrkyllinen. Kasvin kaikki osat sisältävät kikutosiinia, joka on hyvin myrkyllistä. Kasvi voi aiheuttaa jo pienissä määrissä syötynä kuolemanvaaran. Mikäli kasvia on nielty, tulee välittömästi hakeutua sairaalahoitoon. Hoitoon on hakeuduttava myös, jos kasviin on koskettu ja kosketuskohta alkaa oireilemaan.
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Katti kokkaa - lihapullakastike
Hyvät naiset ja herrat, tervetuloa uuden kokkiohjelmamme pariin. Koska näkötöllötin hajosi heti ohjelmamme päätähden nähtyään, saatte kuvitella itsenne aikaan ennen töllöttimiä.
Tänään kokkaamme lihapullakastiketta. Kyllä, kuulitte oikein. Erinomainen arkiruoka, joka kuulostaa työläältä. Ja se olisikin työläs, ellemme hyödyntäisi lähikaupan einestarjontaa. Ja kaikki aineet on vähän silleen et kokeilemalla oppii paljonko on liian vähän ja paljonko sopiva. Mutta laita mielummin ensin liian vähän, jooko. Se on helpompi korjata jälkikäteen. Tai siis sitä suolaa ja pippuria ei saa pois (tai no saa toisen mausteen avulla, mutta siis niin...), joten lisää vähitellen jookoskookos?
Lihapullakastiketta varten sinun tulee woltata tai hakea lähikaupastasi:
1 pussi jotain valmislihapullia (Katti käytti HK:ta, joka maksoi 1,09��, mutta vegepullistakin tulee hyvää) Vähintään 1 prk tomaattimurskaa (paseerattu on vielä parempaa, jos siis on varaa hankkia luksustuotteita) Vähintään 1 prk ruokakermaa (Katti käytti Pirkkaa, joka maksoi 0,59€) Vähän margariinia/öljyä/voita tms. Mausteita ja/tai liha/kana/kasvis/yrttiliemikuutioita Sipulikuutioita pakasteesta tai ole hullu ja pilko itse (Katti ei pysty, silmiin sattuu) Ketsuppia tai sokeria Sitruunamehua purkista tai jos oot rikas ja viitseliäs niin osta sitruuna
Ja nyt ohjeeseen:
Pilko lihapullat sopivan kokoisiksi tai jätä sellaisiksi. Katti tykkää kun ne on neljässä osassa.
Jos olet oikein reipas ja/tai paistinpannu on puhtaana, kuullota sipulit pannulla ja lisää joukkoon lihapullapalat
Jos paistinpannu ei ole puhtaana niin kattilassa pystyy tekemään ihan saman asian.
Kaada kattilaan tomaattimurska ja ruokakerma. Putsaa purkit kaatamalla niihin vettä ja kaatamalla vesi sitten kattilaan, niin tulee käytettyä kaikki mikä irti lähtee. Sekoita nesteet sekaisin.
Kaada sekaan lihapulla-sipulimössö ja lisäile vähän mausteita tai laita pari lihaliemikuutiota kastikkeen sekaan.
Lisää jossain sopivassa vaiheessa mukaan vähän ketsuppia tai sokeria. Katti käyttää ketsuppia, siitä tulee jostain syystä vain kamalan hyvää. Mutta sokerikin käy. Tomaattimössöihin kannattaa aina lisätä vähän sokeria.
Lisää vähän sitruunamehua sekaan. Usko pois, siitä tulee aika hyvää. Mutta ei tartte jos ei tykkää tai jos on köyhä. Välillä sitä on köyhä.
Sekoittele ja odota kunnes se vähän poreilee tai kiehuu. Sitten se on valmista.
Syö spagetin tai makaronin kanssa. Sopii yllättävän hyvin myös riisin tai pakastevihannesten kanssa. Ja ihan sellaisenaan, jos ei ole rahaa mihinkään lisukkeeseen.
Vinkkivitonen! Laita sekaan vihannessekoitusta, hemapaa tai puoli pussia pakastepinaattia, niin on vieläkin parempaa. Niin, ja mitä enemmän laitat veden sijaan tomaattimurskaa ja ruokakermaa, sen maukkaampaa ja vedettömämpää sun kastikkees on. Mut viiden litran kattilallinen onnistuu myös yhdestä purkista kumpaakin.
Vinkkikutonen! Jos teet viiden litran kattilaan (kuten minä joka pakastan usein osan kastikkeesta) niin osta Maizenaa (hinta about 3€ per paketti) ja suurusta kastike ohjeen mukaan, niin ei tule niin litkua. Sen voi tehdä myös vehnäjauhoilla (sekoita silloin jauhot jo lihapullien ja sipulien sekaan).
Vinkkiseiskanen! Tällä ohjeella teet myös jauheliha-, kana- ja makkarakastikkeen melko onnistuneesti. Jätä jauhelihakastikkeesta pois sitruunamehu. Se ei jotenkin vain istu siihen.
Ja tässä on tämän kertainen jakso, jossa Katti kokkaili. Koko ruoan ainesosat maksoi vajaa 5 euroa, jos on kaapissa vaan mausteet, sokeri/ketsuppi ja rasva valmiina. Sitten vähän enemmän, jos ne pitää hankkia.
Itsepähän hylkeinen pyysi. Ole hyvä. Minä nautin tästä luultavammin enemmän kuin te.
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a mildly comprehensive post about cain complex
(this story contains pretty heavy themes but I will try to keep it vague for the sake of this post. if you'd like content warnings please check the tags! these are serious topics, please treat them as such.)
tldr: cain complex is a story about shrike vicario, someone who is still dealing with the after-effects of a heavily abusive childhood + young adulthood, after his abuser's sudden death by his hands, attempts to reintegrate himself back into society but finds the only way she knows how is via shady illegal means.
character descriptions below cut, if you are curious about the setting itself and the other stories that take place, please check out the carrd.
SHRIKE CAIN VICARIO - genderfluid man-adjacent thing (he/she/they/it) - 36 years old - Luciferian Chimera
Shrike is extremely quiet and reserved, seldom speaking unless it's called for. He comes across as very...Strange. He was raised in rural West Virginia, his father was a game hunter, and his mother too affected by postpartum psychosis to work. He is the younger of two siblings, his oldest sister is Cyta and his older brother's name is unimportant. His birth was completely accidental which led to a feeling of contempt from his parents.
Believe it or not, Shrike as a child was very meek and scrawny, not hitting that 'Luciferian growth spurt' that most children in his species type did. which, among many other things, made him a target for bullying by his peers, which caused him to drop out of school in just 1st grade and become heavily dependent on his siblings. He has never returned to school since.
As he grew into a teenager, his brother took on the 'role' so to speak of his primary abuser. Isolating him from the world at large. Due to this, he became emotionally, mentally, and physically stunted. As he matured, he began to rebel and would sneak out while his brother was at work to meet up with friends in the neighboring cities. Interacting with others like Ikurou made him start to see his brother for what he truly was - his abuser. One day, after a large explosive fight, Shrike killed his brother. Shrike's sister assisted him in covering up the murder as an accident. With that, he fled his old home to start his new life with his wife, Annette, and their son and is trying to pick up where he left off in developing his social skills. He operates a business under the label of a butcher but his real professional entails several dirty, illegal jobs.
ANNETTE MARY-ANN VICARIO - cis woman (she/her) - 38 years old - Human
Annette was born to two hoarders in Kentucky. Living In a trailer on a large patch of land, due to the sheer amount of stuff in her parent's house she really had no room to live comfortably. So she found herself escaping to the houses of her cousins (Plural, she has so many cousins.) She really has no possessions of her own, just her childhood cat and a backpack of things she hauled around with her everywhere, so she developed a habit of stealing from everywhere she went. The cops in that area were very well acquainted with her even as a teen.
As she grew up, she dropped out of high school. Feeling nothing but contempt towards the system she decided she did not care to partake and began stealing things to make ends meet. She would steal car parts, possessions, anything. Then she was drafted into the escorting business where she remained for a good number of years right up until she and Shrike decided to get married. She still has a habit of stealing to this day.
Annette cannot hold a job for the life of her. She bounces between new ones constantly because she impulse quits or gets fired because she's got a good awful work ethic.
IKUROU STEELE - cis man (he/him) - 39 years old - White Oni
A lot of Ikurou's childhood he downright refuses to elaborate on, but many signs indicate it was far from perfect if not downright harrowing. All most people know is that he was born in Indiana. He was a volatile teenager, lashing out at almost everyone around him and getting in deep shit with the law before he was only 16. Around 18, Ikurou dropped out of school entirely and cut contact with his parents. Being a skilled bassist he played a lot of shitty local shows to scrounge up enough cash to get his own dingy apartment but at these local shows, he was scouted by another musician - Ismael. He wanted Ikurou in his new, up-and-coming band. The two proceeded to form a long-standing toxic co-dependent friendship that was sure to lead to mutual destruction. Ismael got Ikurou hooked on several substances, namely cocaine.
After a few long years of harsh stress from Ismael and using Ikurou as a personal attack dog. Pushing him so hard he'd play until his fingers would bleed on stage. It lead to Ikurou finally snapping and freaking out which Ismael kickstarted a domino effect that lead to his freakout being heavily publicized, resulting in an industry-wide blacklist. It left him jobless and to top it all off he was evicted from his apartment and became homeless. In one last act of desperation, he called some of the few people he knew before he made it big and that was Shrike and Annette.
As of now, Ikurou lives in Shrike's basement bedroom as he attends rehab, deadset on bettering himself. His main goal is to finish rehab and get a job so he can finally get a cat.
KASVI AO - trans woman (she/her) - 36 years old - Angel
Unlike the rest of the cast, Kasvi had a very loving upbringing. Born to two loving parents who were immigrants from Las Paradeisos who settled down in Upper middle-class Ohio. Nothing horribly eventful happened to her as far as she can remember - That was until her father was diagnosed with brain cancer, the severity missed several times over by his doctors resulting in a life expectancy of 2 months. As she visited her father in hospice she made a promise to him that she'd carry out her dream to be a teacher just like he was.
As Kasvi started attending college, she grew into a social butterfly of sorts. Big into parties, making lots of friends, and even had a few boyfriends here and there...But when she was just about ready to graduate, she got involved with another man who she split from after just around 2 months due to his massive array of red flags that popped up as their relationship progressed. Little did she know that after their breakup he became deeply infatuated with her to the point of obsession and began to relentlessly stalk her. After his obsession peaked, he attacked her in her home. The attack was so brutal she lost a wing and an arm, the other wing becoming non-functional due to trauma, leaving her unable to fly. She was thankfully found after her attacker fled the scene which resulted in her survival however she was now disfigured and became deathly afraid of the world around her.
With the resounding support she had gotten from others, especially her friends, her coworkers, and her family, she decided after years of staying inside she wanted to finally get out there. Kasvi's attacker was put to death after he murdered & attacked a string of other women, Kasvi herself was present at his execution, and seeing him finally die cemented that she was no longer afraid. She now is back working full time and involves herself heavily with Ikurou. They sleep together often but insist they are 'just friends'.
SIDE CHARACTER TIME (keeping these short)
Cyta Dolores Vicario - cis woman (she/her) - 41 years old - Luciferian Chimera
Shrike's eldest sister. She is wracked with unspeakable amounts of grief. Turning to religion and painkillers to cope with the tragedy that was her family and how she couldn't do anything to stop it despite being just a child herself. Believes her primary worth is taking care of others. Vacillator love style. Many, many ex-lovers.
Ismael Jacob Desdemona - cis man (he/him) - 33 years old - Vampire-Incubus hybrid
A self-absorbed dickhead. Portrays a loveable, quirky e-boy persona to his many fans but in reality, a silver-tongued manipulator with the media and his bandmates wrapped around his finger. His parents are industry veterans meaning he is a nepo baby who was spoiled rotten his entire life. Hooked on lots of party drugs and is a chronic sex addict but believes it'll never catch up to him because 'Rockstars never die!'. God should kill him.
Beryl Eve Locke - cis woman (she/her) - 42 years old - Sparkle Demon
A long-time friend of Cyta. Spiraled into drugs and harmful sex work after Cyta was forced to move for college and just recently managed to crawl her way out. Lives with Cyta as she's terrified of the outside world. Met Ikurou in rehab and is like a 2nd older sister to Shrike.
Maxwell Vicario - dumbass Fortnite baby (he/him) - 10 years old - Cambion
Shrike and Annette's son. Despite who he was raised by he has had a very loving childhood so far. Every person in his life is dedicated to making sure Maxwell has a proper, fun childhood like they never did. He fucking LOVES Pokemon dude.
Everyone is FUCKED UP in some sort of way, yet they all love each other very much. except for Ismael fuck that guy #Ismaelisoverparty. Expect some more of these for my other stories. Much less text-heavy because a good few only have a small main cast. Thank you for reading! I would love to continue doing lore dumps like this. asks are also appreciated if you feel like it 👍
#birdchirp.txt#cw abuse#cw drugs#cw stalking#polar city (oc tag)#cain complex (story)#shrike vicario (oc)#annette vicario (oc)#ikurou steele (oc)#kasvi ao (oc)#maxwell vicario (oc)#cyta vicario (oc)#beryl locke (oc)#ismael desdemona (oc)#long post
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Mun kasvi on tehnyt hidasta kuolemaa koko talven... viidestä varresta yhdessä on enään lehtiä.
Tänään mä löysin tämän:

Siihen kasvaa uusi lehti!!! SE ELÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ!!!! MUN CRUSTY POIKA ELÄÄ!!!!!
Vedin saksilla kuolleet pätkät pois noista varsista siinä toivossa et se lähtis uuteen loistoon. Kevätsiivouksen yhteydessä vedän kaikki talven kuonat pois tuolta purkista...
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miks vitussa tammikuussa täällä pihalla kasvaa vihreä kasvi?
vuotaaks tosta talosta jotenki läpöä vai mitä
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