#karube headcanons
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life-is-more-than-just-a-game ยท 2 months ago
โ™ ๏ธ AiB males in Mingle-Game with you โ™ ๏ธ
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A/N: I thought about this kind of headcanons while I was trying to fall asleep. ๐Ÿ˜ฌ
The game is part of the second season from Squid Game, so if you haven't seen it yet but want to watch it- This writing may contain slight spoilers! ๐Ÿ˜ถโ€๐ŸŒซ๏ธ
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Characters: Aguni, Arisu, Chishiya, Karube, Niragi
POV: gn!neutral
Warnings: Squid Game related; may contain Spoilers for season 2!
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A g u n i
That man really hates playing games with you together. He isn't showing, but he is afraid of losing you in one of those games especially when it comes to the thought of losing you 'cause he is not able to protect you ...
He has the will of a leader and he may be pretty strong, physically and psychologically, but not knowing which game you'll join together almost kills him ever and ever again.
That's why Aguni always tries his best to convince you to play different games but this time he lost the discussion.
Thanks god it's not heart game the two of you joined, but clubs.
Bro, that man breathes a sigh of relief, you wouldn't believe it.
No chances he will leave your side, he stands by you and follows you everywhere you go, no matter what.
And he is watching you the. whole. damn. time.
Standing on the circling plate, he will touch you with his elbow when you start moving your body because of the playing song.
"Don't forget, it's all or nothing. Stay focused and stop dancing, you need to concentrate."
... He is finding it pretty cute actually but who is he to confess?
Ah, the plate stops moving and the song stops playing. A voice tells the number of people each group needs before running in one of the rooms you need to hide to win this game.
Good for you, nearly everybody knows Aguni.
And nearly everybody is fine with whoever wants to build a group with them, I mean everyone is just trying to survive ...
"A group of 3 people?" "Can't be this hard to find one more- no time to lose!"
Be prepared, he will carry you over his shoulder without hesitation ... He just grabs you and flicks you over ...
"Wow, alright, calm down Aguni, I have legs myself, you know?!" "Daily dose of training."
A r i s u
Same as Aguni, Arisu wouldn't step away from your side, leaving you alone in the crowd of people you may or may not know by even their names.
He's a cutie pie. While standing on the moving plate, he would stand by you as near as possible, just to make sure he isn't losing you.
Plus he wants to make sure you know he will always be there for you and no matter what happens, he isn't going anywhere without you.
He lost the most meaningful people in his life already. It broke him. Losing you- it's hard to say if he would make it another time.
Still, different from Aguni , he wouldn't mind moving with you to the song a little.
Actually it would be pretty fun to him, dancing to the rhythm with you.
For a second he would forget why you guys are even here ...
Lord have mercy, he loves you for that.
If he is able to, he would even sing along, sadly korean doesn't belong to his strength ...
"Love, did you even know what the children are singing about?" "Actually no, but this song is both a curse and a blessing."
People will look at you as if you are a couple that is losing their minds- how can you have fun with the knowing this could be your last minute on earth?
Seriously, how?
"Oh, the song ends ..." "And we aren't moving anymore ..." "2!", the unknown voice tells the players.
Arisu grabs your wrist, not thinking about it twice, and drags you behind him, towards the door closest to you.
"Oi, don't be so rough on me!" "Sorry, gamer reflexes!"
C h i s h i y a
The strategist of this game.
Nobody would find a sample in this game as fast as he does.
Play with him the first and second round, and he will be able to guess the number of group members for every following turn.
"They will do everything to kill as many people as possible." "You don't say." "It's important to know. Based on that, the numbers are chosen." "Are you really trying to find a ... system behind this game?" "I'm not trying, I already found it. Just stand near me and everything will be okay."
Remembering the last games you played with him, you know he is right.
At first it was hard for you to trust him. He was always a mysterious person to you- calm, smart, ambitious. That makes him ... kind of a dangerous person.
But since you started "dating" him, it gets easier for you letting him take control in games you play both together.
"Promise you bring us out here alive ...?" "Not a big fan of promises, but this ... this is easy to handle."
He takes your hand you held out to him when you asked him that question. But not just to give you his word- he interlaces his fingers with yours instead, pulling you a little closer to him and making sure you stand by him.
Your face gets red like a tomato ...
"You know, you make the games a little more important to me, Y/N." "Huh? What do you mean?" "Your life matters more to me than my own life- so I'm willing to protect you. Even though it's just with my high level of intelligence." "... Well, who are you and what have you done to Chishiya?", you laugh while he is just giggling a little.
K a r u b e
Fun is important to him, he doesn't want to think about dying the whole time.
So he doesn't want YOU to think of dying the whole time, too.
I guess Karube could be the one dancing with like crazy to the song. Not just moving his body back and forth.
More like Thanos and Nam-gyu did in the series ... I was laughing so hard when I saw them dancing on the plate. ๐Ÿ˜ญ
Back to topic; he just wants you to feel comfortable and, above all, safe around him.
He loves having you close to him. As long as you are with him, he is sure that he can do anything.
He is also willing to achieve everything he has set himself as a goal.
Accordingly, if he has made it his goal to leave the game with you ...
... then he WILL leave this game WITH you!
Means, without ifs and buts, he stays with you. From start to finish.
We know how impulsive Karube can be.
Anyone who stands in the way of him and his plans will never be happy again.
For example, the player who tried to push in front of him when you two were running in a room together.
Then he is simply grabbing the clothes and pulls the foreign person out of the room again- with force and full physical strength.
If the stranger is lucky, he gets away with a broken nose.
If not, he will die- Karube has no mercy for people blocking his way.
"Well, you know, it's not necessary always punching people in the face when they are just panicking and fighting for their lives, Babe ..." "I know, but I was panicking, too. And I want to live. And I want you to live, too, y/n. I want a future with you, not with a-" โ€œUnknown human being!", you say, stopping him from uttering an insult. "You are too good for this world, love."
N i r a g i
Bro's kinda rough to everyone, not just you. We all know what a beast he can be, so when it comes to finding group members, he will use every method that comes to his mind to make people join both of you.
Niragi isn't good with words. He would provoke the other players or manipulate them making sure you and himself can leave this game alive.
Yeah ... he has a soft spot for you.
Can you imagine him having a heart!? ๐Ÿ˜ญ
Anyways, his life isn't as important as yours, for him at least.
That's doesn't mean he wants to die in here!
You are just his priority, so when the voice is telling a number and other players don't want him to join their group, he would do ANYTHING that you are able to join a group.
Yep, he would grab people by their collar.
And he would punch and kick them if necessary.
... His firearm could also be used.
"Listen here, you litte fuck. You will make sure that you team up with her and you will make sure that you end up properly in one of these ugly rooms, that she gets out of here alive. Otherwise-" Niragi points his gun at the unknown player, ignoring your "No, stop! Put that down, are you crazy?!"
Damn, he would kill everyone in here to make sure you will survive, it's insane ...
Funny to say, his method is working very well ...
1K notes ยท View notes
luvlyfandoms ยท 2 months ago
hey babe! i requested the AIB boys with a bratty gf! the characters i had in mind were arisu, niragi, karube, and chishiya! but you can add anyone u want, genuinely just wanna hear ur thoughts! <3
โ€ข definitely gives in to you and gives you whatever you want
โ€ข kind of a pushover
โ€ข does everythingggg for you
โ€ข โ€œeven though youโ€™re a brat youโ€™re still my brat <3โ€
โ€ข he knows youโ€™re a brat but he still loves you even if he gets irritated sometimes
โ€ข youโ€™re literally his whole entire world
โ€ข you annoy the FUCK out of him ๐Ÿ˜ญ
โ€ข he does not put up with your bullshit
โ€ข โ€œstop being such a bratโ€ as he rolls his eyes
โ€ข puts you in your place
โ€ข so sassy
โ€ข if he didnโ€™t love you so much he wouldโ€™ve been gone a long time ago
โ€ข you annoy him too sometimes but he doesnโ€™t let it bother him as much as it bothers Chishiya
โ€ข I think heโ€™d also put you in your place
โ€ข โ€œcan you like.. not?โ€
โ€ข spends all his money on you
โ€ข princess treatment
โ€ข are we surprised? no
โ€ข โ€œyou better quit acting up, bratโ€
โ€ข โ€œremember what happened last time you acted upโ€
โ€ข you know heโ€™s getting irritated with you when he tightens his grip on your shoulder when he has his arm around you
341 notes ยท View notes
myraniellejkelly ยท 1 month ago
Giving your hand to AIB boys and see what their reaction part 1
Authorโ€™s note: Got this idea from tiktok lol
This work includes: All images belong to their respected owners, grammar issues, headcanons, and fluff.
Part 2
Ryohei Arisu
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You were bored at your room while your boyfriend was playing his video games, so you walked into his room while Arisu was too focused on that aspect of progressing game into a victory. Then he noticed you and pause his game, removing his gaming headphones when you gave your hand to him.
At first, he would be very confuse with a big blank stare and he questions why youโ€™re taking your hand out to him. He tilted his head with confusion, like a little puppy as he stares at you.
For a moment, Arisu just caressed your hand with his thumb, then held your guysโ€™ hands together and he sigh. Afterwards, he considered you joining into his game when you sat beside him, then Arisu grab one of his extra controllers and give it to you so that you can play with him.
Daikichi Karube
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When you showed up at his bar, sitting down at the stool while your boyfriend was cleaning the bar table. You were smiling at him to which he adore you so much, he asked of you what drink do you want?
Then he gave your favourite alcohol beverages as you rest your chin on your palm, watching him continue cleaning the bar table and when you wave your hand to Karube and let your hand.
He would be so gentle with you into touching one of your fingers, then slowly held one of your guyโ€™s hands together as he squeeze for a moment, just a gentleman treating his lover.
Then Karube would kissing your knuckles then to your palm, and locked eyes with such gentle intimacy to you as he smiles telling you I love you.
Segawa Chลta
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Your boyfriend was talking to one of his friends, then you came into him as he was waving at you with a big smile.
Chota was looking at you and telling you how are you, just to check on you and showing he really cares about you.
At first when you took your hand out to him, he would be confused then normally high-five so awkwardly or so doing one of your guysโ€™ couple high-fives. But if you attempt to still had your hand out then he would be very confused, just to look at you in the eyes and putting down your hand.
He would kissed your forehead and boop your nose instead, he would laughed at the sight of you and you were a little mad, but you loved him anyways.
Kลdai Tatta
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While you were helping out with your boyfriend, repairing up the car as he underneath the car and asked you to grabbed the tools he was asking.
You pick up the tools for him like the wretch and screw driver, then at that moment when he still asked you. You take your hand out without tools that he was asking of, just your hand without anything holding.
As Tatta felt the softness from your palm then to your fingertips, while his hand was oiled up and dirty as he asked you whereโ€™s the tool that he was asking. So, he moved the cart and get up as he wipe off his face, looking at you in confused while staring at your hand.
He glances at you and questions about handing your hand to him, then suddenly he would held your hand and laughs but still is confused.
Tatta puts your hand towards his dirty face, looking at you like a little raccoon grabbing your affectionate attention to him. He just laughs and smiles at you.
Shuntaro Chishiya
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I would say when you were trying to bring your boyfriendโ€™s attention. He would flee away when you were trying to give your hand, just to see his reaction.
Consider that he may have ignore your silly gestures, Chishiya just knew what youโ€™re doing and probably pretend in not knowing it.
No matter how long are you going to attempt to bring his attention, yet you failed but you were so determined to do it everyday.
So every time you approach to him: at the kitchen cooking your meal, busy talking on the phone with Kuina, too busy working at the hospital but had a break time lunch with you, or at the living room sitting down on the couch with his laptop while he was working.
Chishiya just likes to see how long are you gonna tired out of your silly little games. That every time you tried to see his reaction, it always backfires and you would be infuriated.
For a moment, after seeing your reaction as you were walking away, he always thought to himself on whereโ€™s the determined lover, who tried to bring his attention in given by their hand? And he would quietly laughed as he was teasing you for so long.
After ignoring your attempts, Chishiya just comes forward to you as he sat beside you in the couch, then grab your hand and kiss it as he hold your hands together into his. But you pout at him as he laughs, kissing you on the cheek, and apologizes while caressing your hand.
Keiichi Kuzuryลซ
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When Kuzuryลซ was back from work and you kissed him in the lips, he removed his tie as he came to sat down in the dinning room.
Since you make dinner for tonight as he was eating the meal that you just made, he looked at you and tells your day and how has it been. Kuzuryลซ hadnโ€™t been spending his time with you, and that heโ€™s been too busy at work all the time.
You think of something coming from your mind as you get off the chair, then you approach to him. At first, Kuzuryลซ was lifting his eyebrows at you and asked you what are you doing? And that you shouldnโ€™t be finishing your meal.
From you giving your hand out to him, you were smiling at him. But he just stares at you and to your hand thatโ€™s in front of him. He was resting his head on to his knuckles, then he gives a stare at you in silence as if he was likely uncertain of what were you trying to do.
Your boyfriend heavily sigh as he clean his lenses for a moment, then he look at you as he slowly held your hand together. Looking at your hand as his gaze softened and slowly smiles at you, he truly missed you so much that he pulled you into his lap. You were surprise as he was wrapping you by the waist, holding on to your hands as he kissed your cheek then to your knuckles. You laughed in clinging your hands around him and hugged him, he hugged you back and tells you that he misses you so much after work.
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daniwrld ยท 26 days ago
Arisu soft hc's ! <33
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103 notes ยท View notes
bangtaninborderland ยท 1 year ago
Risk It All (30)- Choose Life pt.1
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Genre: Chishiya x f!Reader| angst | eventual smut
Warning: mentions of injuries/blood/violence
A/N:lmao this is nearly the end of the first season yet I've been writing this story for YEARS???
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Neither of you stopped, weaving in and out of burnings, over and under rubble as your feet carried you as far away as possible. Ignoring the chance you were dragging yourself into more danger, you let Chishiya guide you.
โ€œIn here!โ€
It was a small hardware store, the windows were already broken and the shelves raided, no doubt for weapons but luckily hidden behind the counter was a set of stairs. You tripped up them still holding each other's hand. As much as you desperately wanted to slump against the floor and let your lungs replenish the mass amounts of oxygen that you had depleted due to your impromptu sprint you knew that safety wasnโ€™t guaranteed.
โ€œHelp me get this across the door.โ€ You gesture to a solid filing cabinet. Mustering up the last of your shared strength you locked yourselves in. Bullets wouldnโ€™t get through metal that thick.
The windows thankfully hadnโ€™t been smashed but there was no heat.
This wasnโ€™t like the home Chishiya had made.
โ€œDid you get hit?โ€ Chishiya asked through a pant. โ€œHow is your arm?โ€
โ€œFine.โ€ You check to make sure. โ€œWhat about you?โ€
He lifts his shirt before nodding. โ€œIt didnโ€™t reopen, itโ€™s okay.โ€
โ€œWhat the fuck was that.โ€ You drop your head against the wall. โ€œHow did he find us.โ€
Chishiya pulled off his backpack, handing you a bottle of water. โ€œI think he knew people would be heading there to join the game.โ€
You stilled, the bottle clutched in your hand. โ€œThe game Kuina and An left to join?โ€
โ€œYeah probably.โ€ He takes another swig of the water before recapping it and putting it back in his bag. โ€œWhy?โ€
โ€œWhat if they got shot?โ€
He shakes his head. โ€œTrust me Kuina is like a leech, she wonโ€™t die.โ€
โ€œBut what if-โ€œ
โ€œStop worrying about them.โ€ He cuts you off. โ€œThey werenโ€™t the ones that just nearly got shot to death, itโ€™s okay to care about them but you have to prioritise yourself. Stop being irrational.โ€
โ€œIโ€™m not being irrational, I'm worrying about a friend.โ€ You explain through gritted teeth.
He stares at you blankly. โ€œDo you think Kuina would want you to worry in this way?โ€
You hate how he makes a good point.
Kuina would be angered at the thought you were worrying about her when your own life had been in danger. โ€œNo, she wouldnโ€™t.โ€
โ€œThen forget about her for a while. Itโ€™s okay to do that. Itโ€™s okay to care for yourself.โ€ He assures you. โ€œWe need to figure out where we are.โ€
You peek out of the window, dropping back into your previous position when you see nothing. โ€œI didnโ€™t see any signs as we ran, itโ€™s too dark.โ€
He agreed. โ€œWe will have to wait until the sun comes up but whatever is going on, I think this is coming to an end.โ€
โ€œYou think the games are nearly complete?โ€
He sounds sure. โ€œI think that we have nearly won every card we need.โ€
โ€œI hope so.โ€ You wish. โ€œI donโ€™t think either of us will fare well against another game.โ€
โ€œWe should rest.โ€ He manages to find a blanket and a cushion, laying them down on the floor. โ€œYou sleep first we can take it in turns, Iโ€™ll wake you up in a little so we can switch.โ€
โ€œAre you sure?โ€ You eye the makeshift bed. โ€œYouโ€™ve just come out of a game one that was no doubt exhausting, mentally if not physically. Iโ€™m okay you want to sleep first.โ€
โ€œNo, itโ€™s okay.โ€ He declines the offer. โ€œYou get some sleep, I'm going to try and see if there is anything useful here, just let me know if I make too much noise.โ€
โ€œOkay.โ€ You agree, laying atop the blanket. โ€œGoodnight.โ€
Despite his warning about making noise you donโ€™t hear anything, it was hard to drift off at first. Your mind ran a world of its own as it had you picturing the masked gunman shooting down the door any second but eventually, the adrenaline youโ€™d worked up burned out and you were left depleted and exhausted.
This time there were no dreams, just a void.
โ€œHey.โ€ You felt yourself being sat up.
โ€œWhat?โ€ You grumbled, still disoriented from your nap. โ€œWhatโ€™s wrong?โ€
โ€œItโ€™s been a few hours.โ€ Ah, it was time to switch.
You sit up, huffing as you brush the stray hairs out of your face. โ€œOkay you sleep, Iโ€™ll take watch.โ€
โ€œOkay.โ€ He agrees, slipping onto the mat youโ€™d just moved from. โ€œI found a spare wrench, itโ€™s against the wall.โ€
โ€œOh thatโ€™s good.โ€ You yawn, leaning against the wall opposite Chishiya. โ€œSleep.โ€
โ€œGoodnight.โ€ He mumbles.
It didnโ€™t take him long to fall asleep, it made sense though. He hadnโ€™t exactly had time to rest after his game and it was unlikely he had managed to eat anything.
That was another pressing matter - food.
You quietly looked around, sifting through drawers and cupboards. Most of it was no good, perishable foods that were so rotten they looked as if they had been there for a millennia.
At this point they probably could have been.
It was hard not to wonder what was happening in the real world, if time passed different here then how long had you been gone? Years? Months? Days? It felt as though youโ€™d been here for at least a year but it was probably something more like a few months.
The sun was already rising, it seemed as though some days night lasted forever, an unending darkness accompanied by a few hours of dull sunshine but some days it was the opposite, a hot sun with little reprieve found in the minimal hours of darkness that coats the city.
Today seemed like the latter.
You peered over the windowsill, the city as always was dead but you took that as a positive rather than a negative, you dropped back to the floor with a thud.
It was probably weird to watch Chishiya sleep but it wasnโ€™t as though you had a variety of things to keep you entertained, you missed the small house and all of its perks. You forgot, even for a few days, what it was like to have absolutely nothing in a world where there was no permanency.
Your life in the real world - if it could be called that - had grown dull. There wasnโ€™t much variety in the things youโ€™d do, you were lonely and had grown accustomed to living alone but you missed how permanent things were. You had a home you could return to, you had a job, you had people youโ€™d interact with, the sun rose and set at a normal time, you could go to stores and not worry about the shelves being empty.
Nothing here was permanent, not even the people, thatโ€™s what hurt you the most.
From the corner of your eye you saw an object stutter in the sky, you scrambled up, your heart racing in preparation to run.
Only to see something that, for once, provided you comfort.
โ€œChishiya wake up!โ€ You slap his chest.
He jolts up, body rigid. โ€œWhat?!โ€
โ€œLook!โ€ You point out the window at the mass ball of flames falling upon the city.
โ€œIs that the blimp?โ€ He squints. โ€œItโ€™s the king of spades. If Iโ€™ve worked it out correctly and Iโ€™m sure I have, that means after Kuina and Ans game finishes thereโ€™s just one game left.โ€
โ€œWhat one?โ€ You ask, a part of you relaxing at the blimp crashing into the ground.
โ€œThe queen of hearts.โ€
โ€œWe should go.โ€ He stands, brushing his clothes off.
You quickly pack up, both taking a few sips of water and halving an oat bar before setting off.
The journey to the final blimp was thankfully a short one, the game stationed relatively close to the hardware store you'd hidden in the day prior. It made sense, you were practically in the heart of the city.
โ€œIs that-โ€œ You were shocked to see so many familiar faces. โ€œArisu? Usagi?โ€ You called out.
They both turned to you at the same time, eyeing Chishiya cautiously before approaching you. โ€œYouโ€™re alive?โ€
โ€œClearly.โ€ Chishiya scoffs under his breath before turning to you. โ€œIโ€™ll be over here.โ€
You nod as he walks away. โ€œHow are you both?โ€
Arisu smiles although itโ€™s strained. โ€œAs well as can be, are you going to play?โ€
โ€œNo.โ€ You shook your head. โ€œI have enough days on my visa.โ€
Usagi shrugs. โ€œWe played a few, I think we all just want this to be over.โ€
โ€œYou can say that again.โ€ Arisu laughs. โ€œHeart games are never good.โ€
โ€œThey arenโ€™t.โ€ You agree, the memories of your own horrifying experience with the card were always on your mind. โ€œHave you seen anyone else?โ€
โ€œLike who?โ€
โ€œ An? Kuina?โ€ You ask.
โ€œNot for a while.โ€ Usagi answers. โ€œI saw them both after we split up at the train station they were doing okay.โ€
โ€œWe were staying together.โ€ You explains. โ€œOnly for a few days but they both had to leave to join a game.โ€
โ€œThe Queen of Clubs?โ€ Arisu questions.
You make a noise of affirmation. โ€œHow did you know?โ€
โ€œI saw the blimp pass over, I also saw it crash.โ€
If the game was over and they werenโ€™t here that could meanโ€ฆ.
โ€œDidnโ€™t you say you were staying together?โ€ Usagi seems to notice your train of thought and intervenes. โ€œDid they know you were coming here?โ€
โ€œNo.โ€ You purse your lips. โ€œWe were hiding out at a small house type hut but the king of spades turned up and quite literally blew it up.โ€
โ€œIโ€™m sure they are fine.โ€ Usagi rubs your arm. โ€œThey probably went back there first.โ€
You truly hoped that was the case.
โ€œThanks.โ€ You smile at her. โ€œIs there anyone else here?โ€
The atmosphere around you turned into something solemn.โ€œTataโ€ฆhe passed away during a game.โ€
โ€œHow?โ€ You werenโ€™t close with him but he wasnโ€™t a bad person.
Arisu looks at you with unbridled guilt. โ€œHe died helping us win.โ€
โ€œIโ€™m sure he wouldnโ€™t regret that choice.โ€ You reassure him, it was never easy when you were the reason for someoneโ€™s death even when you werenโ€™t directly involved in it. โ€œIโ€™m glad youโ€™re both okay.โ€
โ€œLikewise.โ€ He doesnโ€™t make an attempt to smile, you can understand why. โ€œI think the game is starting.โ€
You look back to find the gates surrounding the large building open, something they hadnโ€™t been when you arrived. โ€œIโ€™m gonna go get Chishiya.โ€
He seems to have the same idea as he walks towards you. โ€œHappy?โ€
โ€œJust peachy.โ€ You retort sarcastically. โ€œLetโ€™s go.โ€
โ€œWithout us?โ€ You could scream as you turn back to see Kuina and An walking towards you, both worse for wear with various cuts and bruises littering their pale bodies.
โ€œFuck.โ€ You curse as you run towards them, your arms wrapping around their waist as you help them stay upright. โ€œChishiya!โ€
He understands and wraps Ans arm around his shoulder. โ€œYou owe me, both of you owe me.โ€
โ€œStop complaining.โ€ You hiss at him. โ€œWhat happened to you two?โ€
โ€œWe won our game but it was hard.โ€ Kuina says tiredly. โ€œI need to sit.โ€
โ€œHere.โ€ You help them both slump down against the set of stairs beside the building. โ€œYouโ€™ll be okay, you will. Chishiya do you have anything to help?โ€
He looks at the pair before grabbing your hand and pulling you aside. โ€œIโ€™ll be honest. I donโ€™t think they are going to make it.โ€
โ€œDonโ€™t say that.โ€ You felt the colour drain from your face. โ€œYou can help them.โ€
โ€œThereโ€™s too much blood.โ€ He shakes his head. โ€œIt will be pointless.โ€
โ€œChishiya please.โ€ You bat away your tears. โ€œI canโ€™t lose them.โ€
He groans but pulls the bag off his back. โ€œWhat one first?โ€
โ€œHer.โ€ An nudges Kuina. โ€œShe has it worse.โ€
โ€œTake this.โ€ Chishiya shoved a small bottle of cleaning alcohol into your hands. โ€œClean as much as you can. Iโ€™ll deal with Kuina.โ€
โ€œWhat happened?โ€ You glance at Arisu before tuning back to An.
โ€œThey were in a game.โ€ Your voice wavers as you carefully dab at the large gash on Ans leg. โ€œWe need to finish this and get out of here, they need a hospital.โ€
โ€œUsagi and I have decided to play.โ€ He informs you. โ€œIโ€™ll do my best.โ€
You hear him turn away. โ€œArisu?โ€
He turns back to you. โ€œYeah?โ€
โ€œI know you can win this.โ€
You watch as he and Usagi disappear inside the building, both of them limping as they go, clearly sustaining their own injuries.
โ€œHey?โ€ An croaks.
You turn your attention back to her. โ€œYeah?โ€
โ€œItโ€™s okay.โ€ It takes her far more effort than it should to brush the tears away from your cheeks. โ€œItโ€™s okay.โ€
Arisu needed to win.
You needed to get out.
They needed to live.
You needed them to live.
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aly-writes ยท 2 years ago
Hi Aly! I love your writing so much! Can I request Arisu, Karube, and Chishiya headcannons with a smart significant other? Only if you feel writing it of course :) Thank you if you do - I look forward to seeing what you write next!!
y'all i finished revenge of others and i am OBSESSED with seok jaebum... anyways! i added kyuma and banda as characters i'll write for, so in the future feel free to request for them<3
there are a lot of different types of smarts in life (book smarts, street smarts, emotional intelligence, etc.) so i just had s/o written out as a combination of all of them. here you go nonnie!
warnings: none :)
arisu, chishiya, and karube with a smart s/o
arisu ryohei
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arisu is so boyfriend material haha, he's always sooo impressed with you.
he knew you had a decent amount of intelligence based off of the test scores you showed him from university, but the first time you were fully able to show it off was during a game
it was a diamonds game, which wasn't exactly his strong suit (literally)
arisu is actually pretty smart himself, but he couldn't keep up with you during the game. your mind was working so fast and figuring things out at lightning speed
the group managed to finish the game with barely any casualties thanks to your quick mind and brilliant strategies. naturally, arisu had to bring it up in conversation
this boy showers you in compliments! he's so so sweet
he's your biggest fan, always bragging about you and rambling on about how amazing it was that you were able to do something so quick
you're the first person he'll come to if he needs anything at all.
he truly does trust your intuition more than his own. if you have a bad feeling about something, he makes sure to look at it through your viewpoint to try and understand what he's missing
more often than not, your warnings come in handy and he dodges a bullet. when he doesn't listen, he tends to notice things usually go bad
arisu also has smarts, so when the two of you start talking about whatever, those specific talks can go on for hours and hours
you both bring up new perspectives and different opinions and it's just so great
he's really really thoughtful and it makes the two of you super compatible :)
before he dropped out of university, you two were definitely study partners.
sometimes he would get a little too reliant on your knowledge and found himself basically dumping his entire homework load onto you
you never really noticed though, and you managed to help him solve the problems with such ease that it didn't really feel like homework at all
this benefitted both of you greatly though, because each time he solved a problem with your help he got a kiss as a reward
oh, plus cuddle breaks in between
and if he managed to solve three problems in a row without much of your help? you basically pampered him with kisses all over his face
his family absolutely loves you
kind of sad, but his dad and brother really like you because they believe you have the potential they think arisu lacks
you never treat them disrespectfully, but you definitely talk shit about them behind closed doors with arisu
cause how dare they talk about your precious bf like that?
you're kind of a mediator for him, karube, and chota though
hate to say it, but putting these three together inevitably causes stupid ideas to come up
you try to be the voice of reason. sometimes they listen to you, sometimes they don't
karube will playfully call you a 'buzzkill' because you shoot down their dangerous adventures, but it's all with good intent
when you're not around them, karube and chota will definitely hype you up to arisu though
"how did you even manage to pull someone so smart arisu?"
"his dad must be paying her, huh chota?"
on the other side though, sometimes the two of you clash.
arisu undeniably thinks with his heart most of the time. especially outside of games
you tend to stick with your brains and rely on them to get you through tough situations. this can lead to some tough arguments
you think of things logically and he comes at it emotionally, so sometimes it's hard to see eye-to-eye
you both love each other a lot though, so you always figure something out at the end of the day
you trust in your head so you tend to be stubborn and need time to yourself, but he will always rely on his feelings for you to get through these types of things
expect a lot of praise and reliance from him
he finds you super trustworthy and levelheaded, so your his go-to for anything at anytime
chishiya shuntaro
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oh boy, i don't even know where to start with him? let's just say... things can get intense
chishiya is highly intelligent. you are also highly intelligent. this is where you both struggle
you can pick his brain a little too good for his liking and sometimes it bothers him. he can't really get anything past you, and the same goes the other way around
he can tend to get manipulative when things go south, and you match his energy
things that work on anybody else don't work on you, and it kind of freaks him out lol
he likes to be in control of everything around him, which includes the feelings of other people. you don't give him the chance to do this
this leads to a lot of passive aggressiveness and tension
but the tension is honestly the best part of your relationship
there is so much teasing and banter between the two of you
you both play the high-stakes game of 'who can get a smart remark past the other one first' and it makes things really fun
affection can get really exciting between the two of you because of this. after a day full of teasing it's quite interesting to see who breaks first in terms of relationship things
honestly? most of the time it's you, but when you decide to get stubborn and hold out, chishiya gets a little touchy and you find it cute
when you both have a common goal you make a great team
it's very true that two heads are greater than one
when one person makes the plan, the other will go over it and quickly catch any mistakes or holes that are missing
anything that you both work on together is almost unsettlingly perfect
while your smarts can sometimes lead to incompatibility, there are certain things that the two of you understand about each other that no one else does
you both can have really great conversations with each other. you don't have to hold back any of your thoughts because you know chishiya will always understand them, and it's great
you and him look at things objectively all the time, so emotions don't tend to get in the way of things you place higher priority over
both of you need your alone time, so codependency is never an issue
finally, you understand chishiya like nobody else does. you know how his brain works and you know how he views things. the best part about it? you send him no judgement
chishiya doesn't think of you as a chore because he's aware that you're probably the smartest person in a room full of people. he doesn't have to take care of you which is bliss for him
you guys have a lot of inside jokes as well, things so deeply exclusive to only you two that nobody dares to understand
you're a very intimidating couple
it's kind of difficult to make couple friends due to this intimidation factor, so double dates are off the table
chishiya was never much of a people person anyway, so it doesn't bother him
you're perfectly content mentally stimulating each other. things never get boring around him
you're able to perform the crazy feat of being seen as an equal by the one and only chishiya!
he's clever, but so are you. as much as it can be an annoyance, he actually finds you very entertaining
there's definitely a lot of trust between you two simply because you're one in the same. you know the saying 'don't do anything i wouldn't do'? basically your relationship in a nutshell
karube daikichi
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karube is such a showoff LMAO
as a bartender, he comes across a lot of aggressive drunk dudes that aren't afraid to diss him and the things he holds dear to him. his family, his friends, and you as well
as childish as it is, his favorite thing to hit them with is "i bet my s/o is smarter than yours"
he just absolutely loves to use you as bragging rights and it's great
he's constantly learning from you and is extremely interested in anything you say
karube didn't graduate high school. he will absolutely eat up any fact you tell him and loves to learn things from you
he thinks the way that you talk is so captivating and will continuously ask you to repeat yourself just so he can hear you speak
he shares the facts you told him with arisu and chota and feels so smart
when they ask him where he learned that, he will proudly tell them that he got it from you
he doesn't feel inferior to you at all lol, he absolutely worships you
at first you were a bit hesitant to accept how much praise he would give you, but you eased up to it
similar to arisu, compliments compliments compliments
they're all over the place
he will brag about you to anything that breathes, especially when you're around
he actually finds that talking about you to other people is more fun than talking about himself. you're truly his gem and he finds you so special
he really likes to see you in your element and could watch you for hours
whether it's math, science, art, or whatever you're good at
when you start to really get into something, you focus on it entirely and he finds it super interesting to watch
he likes to watch the little habits you do. the only one he's pointed out to you is how you tap your thumb on the pads of your other fingers back and forth
he likes to hear you get logical
he sometimes tells you about the people that come into the bar and spill their life stories
when he does this, he will purposefully ask you to break down your thoughts so he can get an understanding of what your brain is thinking
"well obviously the reason his wife is asking him to clean up the dishes is because she's trying hard to get a promotion at work and comes home tired everyday! how can he not see that? she's not working hard for nothing..."
"really, babe? i didn't think of it that way"
he especially enjoys it when you start to criticize people and get a little snarky with them. he witnessed it once when someone was giving you attitude and he thought it was the hottest thing he had ever seen
you basically broke down their emotions for them and matched their tone, but did it in such a cool way lol his heart was pounding
karube thinks your smarts are such an amazing feature
he can't match them but he's totally okay with it, because now he has a smart s/o that is totally better than anybody else's
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mxliv-oftheendless ยท 1 year ago
Alice in Borderland characters at Thanksgiving
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I am aware that this is incredibly dumb because Japan doesnโ€™t have Thanksgiving lol but I just thought this would be funny. So enjoy!
I could see Arisu not even being there because his family sucks and doing a little Friendsgiving thing with Karube and Chota instead
But for fun, letโ€™s say he does go
Heโ€™s become a master at finding places to hide and play his games and knowing when and how many times to resurface to make it seem like he isnโ€™t hiding
Sits at the kids table
The kids definitely love him more than the adults
He encourages his cousins to steal money to pay for Fortnite skins
He ends up being the one the shyer kids open up to about their interests, and lets them because he of all people knows how it feels to get put down for your allegedly stupid interests
He (begrudgingly) lets his little girl cousins drag him to the bathroom to raid the makeup drawers and put makeup on him
He dramatically gasps and tells the girls he loves it to make them happy though
Doesnโ€™t get involved in the family drama, but definitely loves to watch the shit go down
Avoids his more conservative relatives and their political conversations like the plague
Last to arrive, first to leave
Also sits at the kids table because theyโ€™re way more fun than the adults
He gets food with his shyer cousins so they donโ€™t have to go by themselves
His designated contribution is the alcohol (he also brings pop for the kids)
Sometimes heโ€™ll make a side dish and itโ€™s always surprisingly completely eaten by the time the nightโ€™s over
Tries not to get involved in the political debatesโ€ฆ but he almost always gets involved because of that one homophobic uncle
That one homophobic uncle always leaves with a black eye
He watches the family drama and definitely spills the tea to Arisu and Chota at their Friendsgiving
First to arrive and is immediately put to work in the kitchen
He helps cook everything and actually gets stressed out himself in the process
He texts Arisu and Karube that heโ€™s a horrible cook everything will taste awful this is a disasterโ€ฆ then two minutes later goes โ€œOh ok the puddingโ€™s thickening now nevermindโ€
His aunts love how helpful he is and always says heโ€™s such a Sweet Boy for helping them
Also sits at the kids table (letโ€™s just say most of these characters sit at the kids table lol)
Knows from being Arisuโ€™s friend that some kids will hide by themselves for a while, so he tries to make sure they donโ€™t miss out on dinner and dessert
Has become a master at guilt tripping his more conservative family members
If one of his uncles starts saying trans kids have something wrong with them, he turns to him with the look of a kicked puppy and tearfully asks him why he would say something so mean
He doesnโ€™t get involved in the family drama and doesnโ€™t know the context, but when the shit starts going down he texts Karube and Arisu live updates
โ€œOh shit Aunt Janet told Aunt Carol sheโ€™s jealous she doesnโ€™t have a husband OH SHIT AUNT CAROL THREW HER DRINK AT HER WHILE I WAS TYPING THATโ€
Doesnโ€™t like Thanksgiving because of both the history behind it and her family, but always decides to suck it up and go anyway
Arisu keeps inviting her to Friendsgiving, but she doesnโ€™t want to impose on the guysโ€™ little tradition
If nothing else, than at least she wonโ€™t have to cook dinner for herself for once
She quietly helps out in the kitchen
If she brings anything, she brings a side dish thatโ€™s not too difficult to make
Either sits at the kids table or sits by herself
She sadly becomes the relative that listens intently to everyone elseโ€™s stories and chatter, but gets cut off when she tries to talk about what sheโ€™s been up to
She doesnโ€™t get involved in any political debates, but has become an expert at humbling relatives who have awful takes with Judging Looks
She does get a little vindictive enjoy from telling her male relatives that politics makes them really emotional and she doesnโ€™t want to talk to them when theyโ€™re so high-strung
Shares the family drama that goes down with Arisu and they laugh about it together
Hates Thanksgiving and everything about it
Only goes for three things: the food, the wine, and the drama
Inadvertently ends up becoming the babysitter of his toddler-age cousins
He has no idea why or how, but at least the toddlers provide some entertainment
Never brings anything, except a bottle of wine that he exclusively keeps for himself
(And maybe his teenage cousins if he feels like being an enabler)
He could hypothetically destroy any of his conservative relatives in a political debate, but chooses not to because he thinks itโ€™s a waste of time
If thereโ€™s one thing he does live for at Thanksgiving though, itโ€™s the drama
Heโ€™s the one who keeps track of it all and fills family members in on the context of the powder keg thatโ€™s exploded this year
โ€œYes, Aunt Janet, weโ€™re all aware of your devotion to essential oils. Itโ€™s too bad you couldnโ€™t find one to keep Uncle Carl from divorcing you.โ€ he says, calmly taking a sip of wine.
Heโ€™s been designated as the one who brings the wine because he always gets the best
Always arrives fashionably late in a flurry of flashy yet tasteful clothes and cologne
He probably ends up drinking more wine than eating the food
Jumps between sitting at the kids table and sitting with the adults
Heโ€™ll sit at the kids table because he always manages to get the kids (or Little Gremlins, as heโ€™s affectionately nicknamed them) to spill the hot gossip to him
Heโ€™s become the relative that the younger queer relatives feel the safest coming out to
Because this man is as pan as the day is long and you cannot change my mind
Listen I genuinely feel like if I came out as non-binary to him he would cheer loudly, ask me my pronouns, then get me a celebratory drink
If any of the kids accidentally get drunk on Thanksgiving, itโ€™s entirely his fault
He LIVES for the family drama
He not only participates, but actively instigates it
โ€œTell me, Carol, is Ken having another affair or was it your bleached blonde head I saw blowing him in his car?โ€
Then he sends Aguni pictures of Kenโ€™s face as he tries to explain himself to a fuming Carol
Always makes sure to bring a main course dish to show off how good at cooking he is
If any of his relatives tell him his cooking sucks, he laughs and flips them off
The one all the other cousins are scared of
And yet the one the great-aunts and grandmothers all think is a nice boy
Somehow gets along with his youngest cousins the best (theyโ€™re not old enough to think heโ€™s weird yet lol)
Eggs on their roughhousing
His four-year-old cousin is kicking his sister, his sister is kicking back, and thereโ€™s Niragi on the couch with them going โ€œFight! Fight! Fight!โ€
Could outdrink his uncles and does
Absolutely hates football games. Only puts up with them because he likes to make bets with his relatives and win every time.
Fuels the fervor of political debates by being a troll, just sits there and grins like he thinks Uncle Jim is so fucking stupid for having such incorrect opinions.
Eggs on drama from the sidelines.
Aunt Carol and Aunt Janet are squabbling, and heโ€™s off to the side with a glass of wine going like โ€œOHHH, are you gonna let her talk to you that way, Aunt Carol???โ€
Just contributes to all the chaos and does not help fix any of it lol
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aguni-simp ยท 1 year ago
My aib headcanons ( some sad some random )
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Calls Arisu hot nonchalantly.
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Attempted before.
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notdoneintentionally-blog ยท 2 years ago
Atypical friendships: Karube-Maki-Kuina
Notes: ย I donโ€™t think this is atypical AT ALL, but I wanted to welcome Karube and Maki to the fandom! So Iโ€™m tagging @daikichixkarube @osmosistakumiโ€‹ and @kuinaoflightโ€‹ so they can tell me how many I got right.ย 
If you want to see the other parts of โ€˜atypical friendshipsโ€™, look under this tag in my blog. So far, Iโ€™ve got Kuina-Kuzuryuu, Chishiya-Usagi, Ann-Aguni, Yaba-Mira and Niragi-Lisa.
-ย The three of them share pretty similar traits: protective of their friends, big hearts, impulsive, love fighting and they seem like generally fun-loving people.ย 
- Makiโ€™s the more introverted out of the three of them, though itโ€™s not hard to seem introverted next to the likes of Karube and Kuina.ย 
- I think the reason why they didnโ€™t meet in the show is that at least one of them wouldโ€™ve died within a week of them knowing each other, because they kept doing increasingly stupid things. In these cases, Karube would usually be the โ€˜mom friendโ€™ who tries to keep Kuina and Maki from seriously hurting themselves, but he rarely accomplishes anything. Heโ€™d be mixing a drink at the Beachโ€™s bar when Chishiya comes to fetch him to try and talk some sense into Kuina. When he asks her what sheโ€™s doing she says โ€˜Maki and I are trying to bend this metal pole by kicking itโ€™. โ€˜And where is Maki?โ€™ โ€˜Heโ€™s at the infirmary with an icepack on his leg, but once the swellingโ€™s gone down heโ€™s going to try again.โ€™
- Karube uses them to taste new drinks he comes up with, and this ends with them having a drinking night. Maki has a surprisingly high tolerance to alcohol, while itโ€™s hard to say when Kuinaโ€™s actually drunk because she acts a lot like she does when sheโ€™s sober, but when she decides itโ€™s a good idea to climb onto a tabletop, itโ€™s time to cut her off.ย 
- Kuina constantly makes them bracelets and necklaces for them to wear. Since itโ€™s impossible to wear all of them, Karube and Maki have started tying them to various objects; their keychains, the bags for Makiโ€™s equipment, the hems of some trousersโ€ฆ
- Karaoke! Theyโ€™d love karaoke: Maki can actually sing pretty well, Karube is a decent singer, and Kuina canโ€™t hit a note to save her life. However, she puts on such a performance that they love watching her or doing duets with her. When the three of them are singing together, any and all attempts to stay on pitch go out of the window and they simply start screaming the lyrics of the song at the top of their lungs and laughing, leaving behind a horrified audience.ย 
- Karube and Kuina would be THE BIGGEST fans of the Sology. Theyโ€™d go to every concert and be the most enthusiastic people in the audience. Theyโ€™d also shout very inappropriate scenes to try and distract Maki. โ€˜Sign my tits!โ€™ Said by Karube. โ€™Sign my ASS!โ€™ Said by Kuina. โ€˜SIGN MY DI-โ€˜ You get the picture. However, the most embarrassed person in the room isnโ€™t Maki, but Kuzuryuu, quietly standing beside them and wishing the earth would swallow him.ย 
- I truly pity you if you mess with one of them, though if youโ€™re stupid enough to do so while being aware that the three of them know how to fight, thatโ€™s on you. A guy acts particularly sleazy towards Kuina and Karube jumps out of the bar, Maki puts his drumsticks down, and Karube starts saying โ€˜Listen up: first sheโ€™s going to beat you up, then Iโ€™m going to beat you up, then heโ€™s going to beat you up, then SHEโ€™S going to beat you up, then Iโ€™M going to beat you upโ€ฆโ€™ Sometimes this drags on for so long that either Kuina interrupts by sending a kick to the guyโ€™s face, or enough time has passed for Chishiya to go get his taser.ย 
- Maki and Kuina have skincare nights. Have you SEEN Makiโ€™s face? If I want to know his skincare routine, Kuina definitely wants to know it too.ย 
- The Beach actually has four rules, the fourth one is โ€˜donโ€™t speak the forbidden words (I dare you toโ€ฆ) in front of Kuina, Maki and Karube.โ€™ย 
- โ€˜The friends of my friends are my friends tooโ€™: this is something they take by heart and mostly, it works. Karube and Kuina get on with the other members of the Sology like a house on fire, Maki and Kuina like Arisu and Chota and make sure theyโ€™re protected in games, but Chishiyaโ€ฆ well, theyโ€™ll get along with him one day. Hopefully.
- Speaking of, they have gotten hurt in the past because they were defending one of their friendsโ€™ loved ones, for example, Karube getting hurt protecting Kyuuma and telling Maki thatย โ€˜itโ€™s alright, I know you wouldโ€™ve done the same for Arisu or Chota.โ€™ They all know how hard it is to lose someone close to them and theyโ€™d never wish that kind of pain on their friends.ย 
- They have the same reasons for making it out alive: Karube has his girlfriend, Kuina her mother, and Maki has the Sology. They understand perfectly what it is to love other people with their entire hearts and being willing to do anything for them.ย 
And hereโ€™s a meme I made:
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life-is-more-than-just-a-game ยท 2 months ago
โ™ ๏ธ AiB males playing "7 minutes in heaven" โ™ ๏ธ
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A/N: A friend of mine and I came up with this topic very randomly. Still, I think this can get interesting and also kind of funny, so I wanna give it a try at least. Are you in? of course you are, hehe! ๐Ÿคญ
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Summary: Everyone knows The Beach and of course next to parties, there will be enough time for some funny games you and the other members can play together. Beside dangerous games, someone mentioned "7 minutes in heaven".
7 minutes in heaven- Rules: Two chosen people are getting into a private, dark room. Doors are closed and now the both have to find a way to pass the time- that's it.
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Characters: Aguni, Arisu, Chishiya, Karube, Niragi
POV: gn!neutral
Warnings: Not given.
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A g u n i
Tatta: "..." Chishiya: "..." y/n: "... So ... you are playing with us?"
Literally everyone is in shock and irritated when Aguni is joining the group for playing this dumb game.
Niragi would like to say "How pathetic" but since Aguni is not only his leader, but also attends the game himself, he prefers to keep his mouth shut.
It should come as no surprise that hardly anyone don't want to be locked in a dark room with him.
He always exudes something threatening and the fact that he is extremely radical in some situations doesn't really make it any better.
Arisu and Karube aren't keen on spending seven minutes alone with him- that's how everyone feels, except maybe Niragi, "Last Boss" and you.
He never did anything to you.
However, you don't have much to do with each other either.
Which doesn't mean he didn't notice you.
He can tolerate your presence and you can tolerate his.
This is also the reason why the two of you are ultimately put in the room together.
An: "Sorry." y/n: "Don't be, I'm really fine with that."
You are not afraid of him, just very respectful.
The fact that he is so quiet and says so little about himself makes you believe that there is more to his character than most people would probably believe.
It's risky, but once you've arrived in the room - where you've both found a place to sit or lie down - you just ask him.
y/n: "Tell me โ€ฆ what actually made you the person you are now?" Aguni: "You really try to start a conversation with me?" y/n: "Sure. I have nothing left to lose."
It gets quiet between you for a moment.
Aguni: "Me neither."
Well, that hits differently, but:
Aguni: "Not interested in idle Chit-Chat. I don't need someone listening to me." y/n: "Alright ... I'm sorry." Aguni: "No ... I am."
You don't exactly know what he is sorry for but you can tell by his voice that he means it.
Deep down he would like to talk to you.
And he is pleased that someone is interested in him and his story.
But he doesn't want to show weakness- and anyway, it's just not the right time to open up to anyone about it.
A r i s u
He's a clever boy, but one has to explain the rules for him twice ...
It's so easy but, what? He? Alone in a room with someone who is allowed to do everything he wants?
Arisu: "Didn't you guys say this game isn't dangerous at all?" Kuina: "I ... don't think someone wants to kill anyone here." Niragi: "Uh-" Chishiya: "Please, do us a favor and keep your fantasies to yourself."
However, he breathes a sigh of relief when he realizes that he is being put in a room with you.
And after that ... he gets nervous.
Damn, he thinks you are so beautiful/handsome- you make him literally SPEACHLES!
Speaks to himself in his head: it's only seven minutes, time will pass quickly.
So, the both of you go in the room ...
Aguni: "Don't forget, the room is next to us- we will hear everything."
Yeah, actually, they will hear nothing, because Arisu and you are just sitting there, towards each other, in silence.
You both are so shy, that's cute! UwU
But he tries his best to start a conversation with you at least.
Arisu: "Well, this ... uhm ..." y/n: "I can't hear you, it's too dark ..."
With that, you finally got him- like, he's going to laugh, because he knows that quote exactly.
Arisu: "Did you seriously quoted Spongebob?!" y/n: "No, I quoted Patrick Star."
And that's it.
Yes, you guys are sticking to the Spongebob references and holy, time suddenly goes by so fast.
The others are simply shocked and can't believe the conversation they're hearing โ€ฆ
Well ... you can't take another fandom if you want to if you can't relate with it but, hm ... shame on you ...
C h i s h i y a
The calmest and most composed of all.
If you're nervous, rest assured: he's not.
Kuina wouldn't have put you two in the same room if she didn't know he had a thing for you- but don't expect him to show.
Kuina: "Have fun you two!" Chishiya: "Be sure we will have." y/n: "Uh- will we?" Chishiya: "We will see."
Well, luckily everyone defines โ€œfunโ€ differently.
He laughed at you when you bumped into something as you entered the room.
y/n: "Ouch!" Chishiya: "Watch out." y/n: "IT'S DARK INSIDE HERE, I'M NOT AN OWL!"
He would be willing to help you, but he's no more an owl than you are.
Chishiya: "Ouch!" y/n: "Watch out." Chishiya: "Maybe I deserve that."
Once you have settled down somewhere, peace and quiet return.
For a very long time.
Chishiya doesn't speak if he doesn't have to.
And he is patient.
A person with lots of time.
But you aren't in here with him to remain silent.
y/n: "Haven't you told me we will have fun in here?" Chishiya: "Question is, what kind of fun you think of."
Thanks god it's dark inside here so he can see how your face is turning red now.
Chishiya: "Did you know: Owls can turn their heads by up to 270 degrees, as they have twice as many neck vertebrae as humans." Kuina: "You should give y/n compliments instead of boring them with your knowledge." y/n: "UP TO 270 DEGREES?!" Chishiya: "You know, Kuina- you aren't in the room, so leave us alone."
K a r u b e
The brother has no inhibitions. When he hears that you should go into the room with him, he stands up, grabs you by the wrist and pulls you behind him, no hesitation.
The other players already have a premonition of what's going to happen with you two, which is why they deliberately stay away from the door.
The only thing is, they are wrong.
You aren't about to start a wild make-up-session.
Instead, Karube simply leads you to the window of the room, where he quietly and secretly draws the curtains.
y/n: "You know, this is against the rules ..." Karube: "Rules are made to be broken."
In any case, the little romantic has a plan for how you can make the seven minutes pass quickly together.
Karube: "Have you ever noticed how brightly the stars shine outside at night in this world?" y/n: "Honestly, no. I โ€ฆ I've never really felt like looking at the stars in this world. I never had someone to do that with, plus ... it kinda makes me sad, 'cause of all the people we have already lost and kill ourselves." Karube: "But the deceased can be better remembered in the dark and in peace."
That leaves you speechless.
You know that Karube can be a bit of a jerk.
But you also know that he's not stupid.
And you really love like how kindhearted he can be if he wants to.
Karube: "So, seven minutes to just stand here and watch the stars getting brighter together- will you join me?"
You smile at him and this is your answer, before you turn your head in the direction of the window- whispering a quiet "Wow" while your eyes are getting a litte teary.
y/n: "You are a blessing, Karube ... you really are ..."
N i r a g i
Niragi is the most annoying partner you can get from any player.
Unlike Chishiya, he wouldn't talk about any 'useless' knowledge, but he would be nagging and complaining.
And above all, he would be offended because he doesn't get what he wants from you.
Niragi: "Come on, seven minutes would be enough for a-" y/n: "I said no and no means no!"
But who would he be if he just accepted it.
y/n: "And anyways, it wouldn't be much fun if we aren't able to see each other ... right?"
You can then hear a choking noise from outside, which is uttered by Tatta.
Nevertheless, Niragi gives you the point and just sits back from that now on.
At least for a while until he gets bored again.
Niragi: "And now? Are we just sitting here, doing nothing at all?" y/n: "We can play โ€œI see something you don't seeโ€." Niragi: "Are you fucking kidding me?" y/n: "Alright, then let's call it "Guess what I see"." Niragi: "Stop it." y/n: "Well, than stop nagging, you can't be bored enough then."
Just be happy about the fact he do like a lot.
We all now Niragi is none who is listening to a "no".
If he wouldn't care about you โ€ฆ just think about what he did to Usagi โ€ฆ
Still, he is happy when things are finally over.
Karube: "So, how does it feel like to be dumped?" Niragi: "You should know the best." Karube: "Sorry boy, none has ever rejected me."
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luvlyfandoms ยท 1 month ago
Can I ask which alice in borderland characters you write for? I had an idea, and just wanted to make sure I asked for the right people. ๐Ÿ˜Š
niragi is my fav (heโ€™s hot, okay?) but Iโ€™ve also written for arisu, karube, banda, and chishiya.
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luvingarisu ยท 2 months ago
headcanons | ryohei arisu
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authorโ€™s note: i started aib and ohmygod this man, smut hcโ€™s are definitely ooc but i just need him so bad so iโ€™m feeding my own delusions.
warnings: nothing much, just my first time writing smut hcโ€™s๐Ÿ˜ญ
synopsis: pre-borderlands hcโ€™s! also this is LONGGG, i have too many thoughts.
smut hcโ€™s are definitely ooc. realistically heโ€™s gonna be a nervous wreck but let me pretend.
not proof read
โœง๏ฝฅ๏พŸ: *โœง๏ฝฅ๏พŸ:* ใ€€ใ€€ *:๏ฝฅ๏พŸโœง*:๏ฝฅ๏พŸโœง
โ™ก pre-borderlands
โ™ก heโ€™s a loser, you know it, he knows it, his friends know it, and his father definitely does. but it makes him all the more endearing.
โ™ก heโ€™s so, so nervous at first, but once you both grow more comfortable in your relationship heโ€™s giving into your every wish, genuinely at your beck and call. youโ€™re his whole world and he just wants to make you happy <3
โ™ก heโ€™s a little gamer! mainly pc (unfortunately, iโ€™m a ps5 girly) but he knows his stuff. definitely uses emulators to play games like resident evil and the last of us.
โ™ก he prefers online shooters and stuff, but he doesnโ€™t mind story based games if theyโ€™re more action based, like re4.
โ™ก i think heโ€™d prefer a girlfriend who doesnโ€™t mind video games (or loves them like him) so you can play together and talk about games :(
โ™ก would definitely emulate it takes two on both his pc and yours so you could play together, itโ€™s such a cutesy little couple game! you guys would have a blast playing together! :(
โ™ก if you had a console best believe heโ€™s using it for at least an hour every time heโ€™s over, wonโ€™t admit itโ€™s better than his PC but you both know itโ€™s what heโ€™s thinking.
โ™ก loves it when you sit in his lap while he plays :( and you love it too.
โ™ก arms wrapped around your waist as he rests his controller on your thighs, chin on your shoulder as he plays, but he always gets distracted, giving you the attention you want so easily, kissing your neck gently, rubbing his hands up and down your thighs and hips as he whispers in your ear.
โ™ก i canโ€™t imagine he uses pet names often, if he does theyโ€™re classics like โ€˜babyโ€™ and โ€˜babeโ€™.
โ™ก โ€œBaby, you wanna hop on call for a bit?โ€ he texts you at least once a day every night you arenโ€™t together, he ends up screen sharing a movie or show you can watch together.
โ™ก is also a boyfriend that makes you watch him play iโ€™m so sorry but he just is. you see him rage far too often over COD.
โ™ก loves it when you call him โ€˜honeyโ€™, just does it for him.
โ™ก heโ€™s a nerd so that definitely extends to different parts of his life other than video games, when you go shopping you always end up browsing new posters, figurines, and mangas.
โ™ก AOT is my favourite anime/manga so iโ€™m gonna hc that itโ€™s his too! ;)
โ™ก his favourite character is eren. without a doubt, just thinks heโ€™s so cool, and absolutely loses his mind when he sees him turn into the attack titan for the first time, โ€œBabe! Fucking look, thatโ€™s so cool!-โ€œ
โ™ก thinks youโ€™re so pretty. while girls loved karube, the same couldnโ€™t be said for him. in the show heโ€™s in his 20s so i wonโ€™t say heโ€™s a virgin, but definitely not super experienced.
โ™ก just canโ€™t believe he has a girlfriend as pretty as you, no matter what you look like, goth, emo, a girl who loves to dress up and wear makeup, or if you prefer dressing down he thinks youโ€™re so stunning.
โ™ก โ€œyouโ€™re the prettiest girl ever.โ€ (literal heart eyes)
โ™ก โ€œyour makeup looks really nice, baby :)โ€
โ™ก *stares at you in the mirror while you brush your hair.*
โ™ก โ€œbaby can you play a game with me, iโ€™m bored :(.โ€
โ™ก dates are super lowkey! but you both love it that way.
โ™ก walks in parks, cinema dates, shopping dates, lazy days on the couch or in his bed watching movies are the most common ones.
โ™ก he does splurge on an actual restaurant for anniversaryโ€™s and valentines and your birthday with whatever little money he has.
โ™ก dresses up on those days too! Heโ€™ll wear a plain black shirt or white button up (whatever is more appropriate) instead of a graphic tee and some nice jeans or black slacks (he steals them from his brother.)
โ™ก for gifts he also keeps in lowkey, and so do you! you both canโ€™t afford much so you just appreciate what the other gets you.
โ™ก he gets you little figures and posters he thinks youโ€™ll like, or plushies! if you like makeup heโ€™ll splurge a tad and get you a nice lipgloss you said youโ€™ve been wanting.
โ™ก is definitely a boyfriend who gets gifts catered to your interests and things you like rather than buying you stuff he thinks all girls like.
โ™ก just over all very thoughtful, sweet, and very very handsome even though he refuses to believe it.
โ™ก pre-borderlands smut hcโ€™s
โ™ก isnโ€™t a virgin, but not experienced. one or two bodies before you iโ€™d guess.
โ™ก letโ€™s talk abt his dick ๐Ÿคญ
โ™ก heโ€™s above average, but not insanely big. 6 inches, decently girthy but not so much so that it would hurt. itโ€™s so pretty. a perfect size, two toned, a few veins and perfectly straight.
โ™ก i see far too many people hc him as a sub, but i honestly donโ€™t see that, heโ€™s neither and doesnโ€™t have much of an interest in power dynamics
โ™ก youโ€™re his equal, his baby, why would he wanna control you in anyway? :(
โ™ก such a titty guy. he isโ€™t picky about size, but loves the way yours sit so pretty.
โ™ก soft pecks slowly grow into heated and lustfully heavy touching above your clothes, his big hands and lithe fingers shyly manoeuvring under your top. Inching their way up your soft flesh, they always find your breasts, caressing them gingerly as he softly loves on you.
โ™ก positions are nothing crazy, he loves classic missionary sometimes, just staring into your eyes, watching your face contort as you whine and moan. god you just look so good.
โ™ก but he also loves prone bone, getting you on your stomach, sliding himself in, slowly, almost torturously so. he fills you to the hilt, groaning into your ear softly as your bodies press together, sharing their warmth. he props himself up on his elbows, thrusting into you gently and slowly. he wants to savour every moment. without a doubt, he always brushes your hair away from your face, putting a large hand under you chin to crane your neck around to him, kissing you slowly as he fucks you into the mattress.
โ™ก bro LOVESSS head. like so bad. he loves giving, of course, heโ€™s never been much of a ladykiller, so knowing heโ€™s able to please you drives him mad.
โ™ก but heโ€™s always down for you to suck his dick. he prefers laying with his back propped against the headboard, letting you work away. with a hand gripping your hair, or caressing the back of your head, and his other hand behind his own head, his mouth agape and eyes fluttering closed.
โ™ก on certain days, he thrusts up into your mouth, but poor boy always ends up feeling a bit bad :(
โ™ก ohgod and his fingers.
โ™ก long, lithe, slender. his hands are dexterous, soft and not overly calloused. anytime he uses them on you, he has you laying beside him whilst he leans over you, pumping them in and out, his thumb giving all itโ€™s attention to your clit.
โ™ก the dirty talk is light, just filled with praise and light teasing
โ™ก heโ€™s just too soft with you, he could never degrade you in the slightest.
โ™ก โ€œattagirl, baby.โ€
โ™กโ€doing so good fโ€™me.โ€
โ™กโ€you look so pretty, baby, my pretty girl.โ€
โ™กโ€makinโ€™ me feel so good.โ€
โ™ก and just strings of curses as he praises and loves on you
โ™ก heโ€™s just too good to you :(
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daniwrld ยท 17 days ago
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WHAT SHOULD I WRITE?? CAN YALL SEND IN REQUESTS FOR ONESHOTS?? i dont wanna do any hcs rn but maybe if i see one i really like i will๐Ÿ™๐Ÿป
Preferably alice in borderland pls bc thats what i'm currently writing most for!
Btw i made a new chishiya x oc fanfic called 'Ocean of emotion' and i recommend you go check it out hehe <33
Thank you all SO MUCH for the 3k+ reads on 'the curious militant' and the likes on my arisu+tatta hc post!!!!! Ilysm!!!
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myraniellejkelly ยท 1 month ago
AIB boys with their s/o whoโ€™s insecure about their heterochromia eyes.
Authorโ€™s note: random idea coming out from my mind, while trying to rewrite my part 3 A Bitterness Welcome. Just few characters that I only know of from my idea.
This work includes: All images belong to their respected owners, headcanons, and grammars ahead.
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First met:
It was during when he met you in the real world, likely when he was running into you an accident and then he sees you.
At first, he was so surprise to see you one of eyes were two different from each other. Arisu didnโ€™t see anyone with two different eyes, but the fact you avoid eye contact for a moment.
What they think of you:
Ever since you guys had been dating or likely stuck in the borderland, when you open about how insecure about the way your eyes were .
Arisu was so confused and thinks theyโ€™re very pretty despite taken it as being odd as usually thought to be, he was obviously getting distracted the way those different colours go along with you.
He was happy enough that he had someone to talk about it all day, and that Arisu never stop loving you and just to prove that you matter to him.
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First met:
You met him at the bar just as you were wearing fake contact lenses, you asked him a couple of drinks as he was there minding his own business.
That moment, he starts talking to you as if you didnโ€™t expected of questioning, the time you want a couple of shots.
You both start talking to each other and even outside, just as he was at your house and that you were at the bathroom, putting back your eye contact lenses. Without locking the door, he just comes by at the bathroom just as you looked at him, with revealing one of your different coloured eyes.
He was surprise at the sight of your eyes, but then you put back your eye contact lenses and you leave the bathroom as you walk past. Karube stopped you and tells you why you didnโ€™t tell him about it. In fact you explain directly at him that it gives everyone a weird look on you, to which his surprise was making you wanna avoid eye contact with him.
What they think of you:
Karube doesnโ€™t see you why your eyes bother you so much, rather he sees you as an individual and even he loves you.
Just because you think negatively doesnโ€™t mean Karube is going to accept how you felt that way, heโ€™s going on major positivity on you and see that every aspect of you including your eyes, truly he is admiring you so much to the point that he is gonna be beside you no matter what happens. If anyone ever gives you a weird look, he would glare at them as you guys walk past out of sight.
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First met:
You were at a working company, same as Chota, and it always says something about one of your co-workers, they would make fun of you because of how odd your eyes and would made such a fuss.
Or likely you would be uncomfortable, wearing your glasses as if itโ€™s gonna work or not to be notice. That time when Chota was there because of those co-workers were noisy, when he approached to you and you give up a glare on him as if he was like those co-workers.
But he didnโ€™t try to intend to make you uncomfortable, and more so that he kind of like your eyes besides that Chota felt awkward to start off like that.
Seemingly you appreciate the compliment, but somehow still feeling negative when your guysโ€™ workers always spoke of nonsense and rumouring murmur.
What they think of you:
Chota did care about you and for all I know, he does make an effort into joining you in and perhaps he was trying to make you fit in to his life.
He does love you, just lightly complimenting you all day just to make you feel comfortable, as possible as he wants to see you happy for once. Seeing that he felt lucky to have someone like you and doesnโ€™t care about your eyes, he only see as same as everyone else including himself.
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First met:
You were at the Beach just as you were distant away from anyone else, you putting hood over your head just to hide your eyes from everyone else.
Chishiya was there leaning the wall as he saw you walking past, you were at your room as the door was a slight open. Thatโ€™s when he saw you removing your hood and facing up the mirror, then he saw your eyes as Chishiya was silence.
He heard you nagging so much and mumbles while complaining about your eyes. In fact, he really did understand from the cause of your mutation, which he does study a lot from his knowledge back in the real world.
Which in that the case, he knows your problem about the other people in the Beach might stare at you, somehow he really approached to your door just as he enter. You look at him afraid as he slowly approach to you, then he tells you that he never expected of someone, so special from your eyes.
It catches his attention to you that he really is just looking between two colours of your eyes, Chishiya would find it just as special as you.
What they think of you:
Just by looking at your eyes, he really doesnโ€™t mind any of it. If you were having so much problem about how ugly it felt, Chishiya just considers you that he was the only person, who could only see that youโ€™re a human being.
His eyes always drags on to you whenever he pleases, he maybe waving at you, he may walk past to you just to look at your eyes, he may stare at you for almost half an hour. Looking how your expression makes with those eyes, really adds a special feeling in his heart to you.
He really canโ€™t stop looking at you in which he indeed love you.
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First met:
It was during when you first start at the beach, and that you join in one of Aguniโ€™s militants, you were just there feeling like you need a break.
Just as you start to remove your shades off and look at him, at first Aguni wasnโ€™t surprise and reveal your eyes to him from the moment. He tells you why wearing it and to your response, was that you thought you didnโ€™t want him to think you were weak and out of place.
Aside by looking at your eyes that you thought was out of place, Aguni thought that he was lucky to have someone whoโ€™s always beside him, along with the militants.
It didnโ€™t really matter to him about your eyes, itโ€™s what makes him feel in shifting his gaze on to you. He never saw you weak, he saw you as a tough and understandable person to be around with.
What they think of you:
He may not be open to most of all sorts, but he had a soft spot around you as Aguni thinks of you as his trusted comrade.
That those eyes really makes him see everyone to be aware or fear about you, if anyone dares to talk about you. He would know that no people would make fun of you afterwards.
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First met:
During you joined the Beach, you were one of Hatterโ€™s girls who sat down beside him. The fact he was just obviously laughing around, and having fun with the newcomers.
The moment after as you were standing there, hugging yourself and cried as your eyes avoided, he didnโ€™t really pay attention to you about your eyes at all. He was just too focused on himself and the people that you knew, you knew that you may not like being one of those girls.
But at that time when Hatter see you crying, he just came to you as he finally see your different coloured eyes. Hatter was surprise underneath one of his sunglasses, just telling whatโ€™s wrong as you didnโ€™t answer and shake your head. You wiped your tears and walked away but he was right in front of you, he wants to hear your problems.
Truly been told that you were the only person, who Hatter first laid his eyes on and that it have to be you. When you told him that you were feeling upset and insecure about the way people turn to you, which it distracts you even more about the newcomers kept looking at you so much.
What they think of you:
Hatter does care for some other girls including you, despite he never has attention with you and when you guys finally go eye to eye. Heโ€™ll just encourage you the most more than the other girls, obviously he would be mad about some newcomers and other people in the beach.
Letโ€™s just say he did kill most of them just intend, then Hatter just goes up to you and telling you no matter what happens in being with him at all cost, you would be the star of his show that he would be entertained and lay his own eyes on you.
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First met:
During at the borderland, you were playing the three of spades. Just as he saw you running, your two different eyes fall within him as he finally saw how mesmerized your eyes are.
The time he was standing there, just a blink of an eye and mostly kept sure you were still alive throughout the game. When you first were at the beach, the moment where people fear him and that he falls his eyes on you.
Niragi just took you just as if you were scared that he might do to you. But in private, he looked at you in the eyes as he was mesmerized. Just caressing your face until then, you were hugged by an infamous Niragi Suguru himself.
In spite of you thinking that he loses you during the game, he mustโ€™ve been thinking about the other players who mustโ€™ve been using you. Just you begin to cover your face on to his chest, you feeling upset as you begin crying that you were acting such a fool because people hated you because of your eyes.
What they think of you:
Okay, itโ€™s only straightforward because he is possessive and is protective of you. So, initially if anyone ever dare look at you weirdly, or started gossiping and pick on you, oh, theyโ€™ll die anyways.
The thing is Niragi just want to hold you close, just murmuring nicest things to you as if it make you feel better. He maybe a bit too cocky and an average asshole, but he really loves you and that your eyes should always be on his eyes.
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First met:
Well it was a coincidences actually, it happened during in the real world where you were walking by in the streets, just as he was the serial killer who took the lives of four women. You were there just as he ran past to you as your guysโ€™ sight begin to link, Banda saw the most captivating eyes in his own eyes. Just as you were gone by the time when he came back.
The time you came back when you were playing the game, The Jack of Hearts, just as he showed up and when the game already started a while ago.
Banda sees you again just like the last time when he sees your eyes, the fact you were scared when you knew about him. That you avoid eye contact while he tilted his head and smile, just talking about your eyes really makes him feel allure those bright sparkles.
Somehow, he keeps thinking of pulling one of your beautiful eyes out as a souvenir, as he admire of what they are to you. But you were just afraid of him, afraid that he might kill you unlike those people found you odd.
It really bugs you but Banda does know that those eyes really bothers everyone, but not for him who usually start to get obsessed with you and that you donโ€™t have to worry about it anymore.
What they think of you:
As you know Banda usually likes to look at you, just seeing how captivating those eyes when you looked or when you look at him. He just thinks of you as a little stray puppy who society rejected you because of your eyes, the only thing you should look at is Banda.
He can make everything go away without a mess with his hands, just as much as he wanted to look at you alive and always be there on his side. Showing that he awfully loves you so much, that he wanted to keep those eyes for himself to see, no matter what your his now.
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princesssarahblog ยท 2 months ago
"obx" characters in "aib"
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characters: john b, jj maybank, pope heyward, kiara carrera, cleo anderson, sarah cameron, rafe cameron, ward cameron, big john b
warnin: murders, death, death games and just my headcanons
โ—‡ - intelligence โ™ค - physical โ™ก - psychology โ™ง - balance
author notes: I highly recommend watching "alice in borderland" there are spoilers for this series!
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John B โ—‡ Arisu
john b will lose many people, eventually losing hope for anything. but, with each day in the borderland, his hope for life and the will to get out of here will only become greater.
he is literally the brains of the whole group and always thinks through all the plans, and pope can help him finalize the plan.
his life is always on the line, but his friends and especially sarah are always by his side. he will play the last game with sarah and they will finally put an end to these games
โ—‡ In a way, john b is the equivalent of arisu. he loses people and hope but gains it back slowly. his plans and ideas keep the group together and help them survive. sarah and the others are his source of strength and support, and he does his best to protect and help them. In the end, he plays the final game with sarah and they finally overcome the games and return to the real world
JJ Maybank โ™ง Karube
literally almost died from a laser along with kiara when they both protested the games
he became more and more desperate every day but never showed it, he felt lost when he was separated from his group and had to play the games alone.
when jj needs his gun, it's never there. but jj always manages to survive and get out of the water dry.
jj will eventually meet pope and they will both continue playing together and look for the rest of the group.
โ™ง jj shares many similarities with karube. both are carefree and enjoy living life on the edge, constantly seeking thrills and adventure. however, jj also has a loyal and protective side, always looking out for his friends and ready to stand up for themhis quick wit and ability to think on his feet make him a valuable member of the group, but his impulsive decisions can sometimes lead him into dangerous situations.
Pope Heyward โ—‡/โ™ก Chota/Chishiya
the most dangerous of the group, it will literally be a red flag if you upset him and hurt his friends.
rafe felt the wrath of pope and to this day is covered in bandages because hayward burned him
pope has been to some of the most horrific games. his biggest turnoff would be the "beauty contest" where losing players had sulfuric acid poured on them.
โ—‡ pope will have the most emotional challenges in the borderland, struggling with the loss of friends and family. it's very difficult to define his character, so he is both chota and chishiya. his logical mind will help him deal with the games, but he will struggle with the psychological aspect of the situation. he will have moments of doubt and depression, but his love and loyalty to his friends will keep him going. he will work with others to try and find a way out of the borderland and back to the real world. โ™ก
Kiara Carrera โ™ก Saori
she almost died from a laser when she protested the games, but she was lucky
she will be negative towards newcomers in the group, especially sarah and cleo, and will try to get rid of them.
desperation got the better of kiara every time, and she unknowingly manipulated her own friends and family, turning everyone against each other and driving herself into a dead end
kiara was angry at everything in this world. at her friends and family, at sarah, at these games and even more at herself.. she thought that she did not deserve it and without noticing it resorted to manipulation
from extreme despair and stress, she died in a game of trust. she set everyone against each other, and it turned against her
โ™ก kiara's transformation into saori will be a reflection of her own despair and desperation in the borderland. her attempts to manipulate her friends and family will lead to a situation where everyone turns against each other, further increasing the sense of hopelessness and isolation. despite her best efforts, kiara's actions will lead to sad and tragic outcomes, both for herself and those around her.
Cleo Anderson โ™ง Kuina
the most experienced, fearless and ready for anything. she is very trained to survive and it was as if every day she was waiting for something to happen
the pogues met cleo on the "beach" and she immediately fought them and stabbed them from behind when they least expected it. but after.. she joined them and became part of the group
cleo has the greatest desire to live, when she met the pouges she made real friends for whom she is ready to give her life. she found love.. pope.
โ™ง fighting skills, strong will to live, experience to survive makes her similar to kuina. she also changes and chooses the best side for herself by making the right decision. she finds friends and a new meaning of life, ready to give her life for it
Sarah Cameron โ™ง Usagi
will have a lot of problems with her family and rafe, she will meet the pogues on the beach and will become attached to john b and after the house on the beach she will become part of their group
always ready to protect and help, she is literally the heart of their group and always keeps the group united and strong
sarah often encounters her brother who went crazy when he was engulfed in fire, she felt sorry for her brother and at every skirmish she tried to bring him to his senses
โ™ง sarah will likely struggle with feelings of helplessness and hopelessness like usagi. she will be emotionally vulnerable throughout the borderland experience, but her loyalty and resilience will help her push onward. she will stick with john b through thick and thin, and their relationship will be a source of strength for both of them. despite her struggles, sarah will ultimately find the strength to keep going, driven by her love for john b.
Rafe Cameron โ—‡ Niragi
will always be high on almost all games, he does this to forget about panic.
teamed up with barry and he sometimes tries to talk rafe down from doing so much cocaine. he also still holds a grudge against him for not giving him his money back
was furious after pope roasted him and he and his friends destroyed the entire beach. rafe is always trying to find pope and get revenge on him
โ—‡ rafe is likely to act similarly to niragi, as his selfishness and cruelty are likely to come out in the borderland. he will be confrontational and aggressive, and will prioritize his own survival over the safety of others. rafe is unlikely to feel much empathy for his fellow players, and will view them as opponents rather than allies. his actions and behavior will likely be selfish and ruthless, with little regard for the wellbeing of others.
Ward Cameron โ™ก Hatter
the main antagonist at the location "beach"
"the beach" is his own house where he gathered all the people he could gather, he did this not out of sympathy for them but to gather for himself and his family essentially slaves. he pretends to be kind to them, but of course he also does this to get out of the mud and make people trust him
in the final battle at this location, he will kill john b's father right in front of him because of the "betrayal" ward will be very sorry for what he did.
will die at the hands of john b himself and all the people will watch all this and will understand that: "ward cameron has not changed at all"
he did everything for his family and died.
โ™ก ward is a wealthy and greedy man who values material possessions above all else. he is willing to use any means necessary to achieve his goals, including manipulation and deception. this is similar to the hatter, who is also a wealthy and manipulative character. both ward and the hatter are willing to go to any lengths to get what they want, even if it means harming others.
Big John B โ—‡ Aguni
secret second head of the "beach"
tried to get out of ward's house all the time but it was very difficult for him. ward kept him close to him all the time and hid him from other people all the time
as a result, he will reveal himself in the finale right in front of everyone and his son, he will tell that eard attacked him but he miraculously survived. he will also tell about that very gold. but, in the end, he will die at the hands of ward himself right in front of his son's eyes.
โ—‡ big john b and aguni share some similarities in terms of their personalities and roles in the story. both characters are tough, experienced, and have a sense of loyalty and duty. they are also both highly skilled and capable. however, they differ in their motivations and actions, as big john b is motivated by the protection of his loved ones and the search for the truth, while aguni is motivated by vengeance and survival.
the main question... who is the queen of hearts? โ™ก
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hashslashgrl ยท 2 months ago
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Arisagi Headcanonsโ€ฆ ๐Ÿ‚ฑ
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Season 1 headcanons
Arisu x Usagi angst
โ™ค headcanon thatโ€ฆ when Usagi took care of Arisu after the seven of hearts game, she often admired Arisu in his solitude. taking care of his wounds, checking his temperature, and whispering affirmations as he slept in any attempt to comfort him without him knowing. when she left to hunt that morning she caught extra game for him and picked spices she might have thought otherwise unnecessary to somehow comfort Arisu.
โ™ก headcanon thatโ€ฆ Usagiโ€™s first impression of Arisu, Karube, and Chota was that they would not survive much longer. she is used to losing people and though she did admire Arisu at first glance, she figured it would be better for her to remain closed off and not get attached. when Arisu demonstrated his kind heart in the โ€œtagโ€ game, she decided to take a chance, despite her trauma associated with losing people in her life.
โ™ข headcanon thatโ€ฆ Usagi didnโ€™t find Arisu by chance after the hearts game. she actually had been keeping tabs on him after their first game together trying to decide whether he was worth letting her guard down for, little did she know she was already letting down her guard.
โ™ง headcanon thatโ€ฆ Arisu loves Usagiโ€™s haircut. he loves that he can see the nape of her neck when she walks in front of him. he thinks her posture is one of her best qualities because she holds herself with confidence and high self worth, something heโ€™s always admired in her.
โ™ค headcanon thatโ€ฆ Arisu and Usagi spent one night at The Beach before deciding to just stay back at their original base. not because they felt unsafe, but because Hatter had given them one room to share. Arisu insisted he would sleep on the floor, but Usagi insisted he needed well rest to recover for their next game. that night consisted of three times awkwardly rolling over and making eye contact, Arisu holding his breath to not show Usagi how tense he was from the idea of sharing a bed with her, and little to no sleep. they both agreed the next morning to sleep back at their base.
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