#karmic blockage
ashtarchannelings · 2 months
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sefinaa · 2 months
❝𝐏𝐀𝐂: 𝐏𝐬𝐬𝐭, 𝐡𝐞𝐲? 𝐇𝐞𝐲? 𝐂𝐚𝐧 𝐈 𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐞 𝐢𝐧𝐭𝐨 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐥𝐢𝐟𝐞 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐦𝐚𝐤𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐰𝐡𝐨𝐥𝐞 𝐚𝐠𝐚𝐢𝐧? 𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐤 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐜𝐚𝐧 𝐭𝐫𝐮𝐬𝐭 𝐬𝐨𝐦𝐞𝐨𝐧𝐞 𝐨𝐧𝐞 𝐦𝐨𝐫𝐞 𝐭𝐢𝐦𝐞? 𝐈’𝐥𝐥 𝐦𝐚𝐤𝐞 𝐢𝐭 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐭𝐡 𝐢𝐭.❞
Who is the next person coming into your life?
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Pac summary!
🦋 Who are they?
🦋 The reason they are coming.
🦋 End results of it.
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Moodboard | Divider
Pile I
Who are they?
King of pentacles reversed and death. 
Uptight. The person coming into your life after you heal some open wounds is uptight. Good grief, they are stubborn as hell. Intuition tells me this person is here to end a karmic cycle for you. This person is very ambitious with what they want. So if you are in the way, best believe you aren’t going to be saved. They do not care about other people’s feelings if it means they can have what they want. So if you want to be kind to someone like this (as you always have to others), then go ahead, but remember that this is to end a cycle. So make sure you are aware of this. Intuition tells me they are successful, they have a lot of wisdom in the material world, and they give me lex luthor vibes, but healthy? Ironically, I am hearing they are a healthy person but can be immature when it comes to their goals. You are someone who doesn’t like change, and you always resist the change coming into your life because you are scared. That fear will be removed with this person. I do advise you to be alert around them since they aren’t a ray of sunshine. The death card explains that this person will make a meaningful change in your life, but you must take it. 
The reason they are coming.
Change. Card came out so quickly. They will appear in your life quickly, kind of like a spontaneous decision on their side since they know you. And you know them damn well. I keep hearing about a breakup, so it’s possible that for some of you they are an ex, and for the rest it’s an old acquaintance. 
The lovers and ten of pentacles.
The lovers confirms the ex coming back into your life if you resonate with it. As for the rest of you, it is possible that it’s a relative you stopped speaking to out of disrespect or a third party you left for a relationship. I feel a lot of third party energy, it’s possible it’s someone who didn’t approve of your relationship or marriage or wanted to steal your lover or you. So the reason they are coming into your life isn’t for forgiveness or that they are sorry, it’s for their own security. Having you in their life provided them material wealth or some type of abundance. They were able to leech off on you and they want to do the same. This is why intuition mentioned a karmic cycle. You must end this and not allow them to come into your life. Intuition tells me, ‘’leeches, leeches. Always coming back for more. Do not be your past self. Acceptance is key. Leave them.’’ 
End results of it.
Seven of cups reversed, knight of wands reversed, and the moon reversed.
You have all three reversed cards. Ouch. This is about a blockage in your life, and this person is truly not interested in you in the way you hope. Stop seeing the good in people, especially those who hurt you. It’s fine to see the best in people, but not those who hurt you, love. They aren't good for you and surely, your healing shouldn't go in vain, right? There are two pathways here. 
You let them into your life: if you decide to let them into your life, all your hard work of healing goes in vain. You will be miserable and become restless. You will struggle to keep up with your life and fuck up your bedtime routine. Fuck your grades and start gaining weight from stress despite having a good metabolism. I also see acne breakouts, and you are crying constantly. Some hair loss and a lot of fear are running through me which is how you will feel. This person will be arrogant and stubborn, as mentioned, and make you lose your self-worth again. You will be stuck in the same cycle again, and that’s not worth it. Unless, of course, you are interested in being your own enemy? Don't be, and do not let your past self hard work in healing go to crap. 
If you don't let them in: you will be slightly happier. Not in a bad way, but you are still healing, and you will feel guilty for not allowing them to come back. But you will find the clarity you need and realize many things about yourself. You will start to become stronger and learn that your intense emotions are not your enemy. You will start becoming creative again and start to draw, animate, read, exercise, etc. Right now, it’s kind of distant with your hobbies, but that’s okay because healing takes time, so stop being harsh on yourself. Anyway, your control over your mental diet will improve, and everything will become positive for you. You will eat healthier and, overall, become healthier. You will find your passions again and find a new job in your hometown, and it will give you the abundance you need to start anew. 
Pile II 
Who are they?
The cards came out so fast that one of them almost fell on my floor. Their energy is wild. I feel fast-paced and on pure adrenaline, as if I were Superman. 
King of cups, reversed ace of wands, and reversed five of wands.
You have two reversed of wands in your pile. Intuition says this person is afraid of planning ahead and always does things spontaneously; I keep hearing rule breaking. They like to do things to the extreme and make things fun, but they struggle with being decisive. I also hear ‘’fire, fire, fire—help, there is a fire! Just joking.’’ They like to joke around a lot; everything is a playful banter with them, and they will help you ease up a bit. This pile is honestly so beautiful. The king of cups is about compassion and empathy, and that’s the overall energy. A lot of people who are troublemakers get a bad rep and that’s the same with your pile. Make sure to be gentle with them, because underneath all that badass energy, they are a pile of goo and sensitivity. They are amazing at communication and honestly remind me of Ace from one piece. Intuition says, ‘’the sweetest people always get a bad reputation.’’ I hear that sometimes they ruin an opportunity for themselves because they do not have the motivation to keep going, and I hear that depression is something that they have dealt with or will deal with. And yet, with your energy, you make them want to improve. (psst, a love interest). 
The reason they are coming.
Aside from the love interest, I’ll come back to that later. Intuition says they will bring your life pure happiness, but it will be a wild ride. 
Queen of cups, the tower reversed, the chariot, and judgment.
Oh wow, wow, wow. Hey guys, so you are in your spiritual awakening right now? Congratulations on that! That's a huge accomplishment, so I'm proud of you. Moving on, so they are coming into your life because you ended a painful cycle in your life that has caused you to have a glow up both mentally and physically. Congratulations on the weight loss or weight gain too!! You should be proud of yourself and show more compassion to yourself with the queen of cups. Tarot says you need to realize how hard you worked to get where you are and understand that you will gain or lose weight more, but you cannot do that without accepting the progress you made. Stop looking at the big picture and focus on the smaller details. Our bodies change all the time, just as a plant grows into something beautiful, but it takes time. Everything needs patience, unless it’s a gut feeling and you have to make a spontaneous decision. They are coming into your life because you ended a cycle in your life. You found something you wanted, and you decided to make an inevitable change in your life. This change has made you stressed out, but it has also made your body healthier. I need you to stop worrying about the bigger picture and focus on the smaller details. Intuition says, ‘’love. I am proud of you. The hardship you went through to get where you are is amazing. Have more compassion and self-love for yourself. This person cannot appear and be your lover in the near future without this. Love is necessary within before it’s given outward. ’’ They are coming to make you feel warm and loved. They want to be your rock and your knight. They want to see you happy and lively. They want you to stop being so rigid and focused on your hobbies. They want you to travel with them and fall for them, just as they will fall for you. Some of you are hopeless romantics, and so are they. I keep hearing a ‘’match made in heaven.’’ Congratulations on a healthy relationship. 
End results of it.
The reversed eight of swords came flying so fast, fell on my floor, and the first word to appear was, ‘’that’s too much love.’’ This person is going to be so loving, oh my god. So damn cute. I see a bunch of flowers on your table with love letters written on each of them, always saying how much they adore you, but all with details. This person loves you so much, and the amount of time they take to show you both with words and action is so mesmerizing. 
Eight of swords reversed, five of pentacles, and the empress. 
Awh, okay. So basically, a lot of you struggled to believe in the idea of love after encountering a lot of shitty people who shamed you for your weight. This caused you to hate yourself further, and you stopped caring about your emotions and yourself. The idea of loving yourself made you feel grossed out, and whenever you saw confident people with your body weight, you judged them internally, never outwardly, because you found it wrong. Because you have learned to heal yourself, you were able to find freedom within. You were able to heal yourself from those thoughts as they haven’t appeared since, but they are resurfacing in your obsession to become skinnier or gain more weight. But the person coming into your life is here to teach you how to harness your emotions into something beautiful. ‘’I want you to blossom into the beautiful flower that you are.’’ That is what I heard from them, which explains the imagery. They want you to release your limiting beliefs about yourself and help you understand that you control your life, not these thoughts. They will teach you how to become more confident—not falsely confident, but genuinely confident. You're going to feel so good, and I'm so happy for you. In a way, they will teach you how to take care of yourself without being so harsh on yourself. And make you feel happy. With them, you will have a happy, healthy relationship with them, amazing communication, and you both will be so loyal to one another.
Pile III
Who are they?
There are multiple people coming into your life. As I was shuffling, so many cards came out, and one card flipped, indicating it was your card. Intuition tells me, ‘’a lot of people are coming, but you will be able to spot one person to come. It will be magical.’’ Someone is coming into your life, but you have a lot of people stopping you from allowing them to come, hence ‘’multiple people coming in.’’ This person will teach you a lot of things, but truly bring out your inner child and help them heal. Lots of tea parties, and I had an urge to listen to Alice’s theme song. 
Two of pentacles reversed, ace of cups reversed, and the lovers.
A lot of you repress your emotions and wonder why the things you want won’t come into your life. I was telling someone today, ‘’if you do not heal with your repressed or bottled up emotions, then you cannot get what you want. Your thoughts create your reality; the things you say to yourself are what come towards you.’’ This is what you needed to hear. You honestly struggle to believe in yourself and lack confidence and self-love. A lot of people have mentioned that to you, but you ignore them. The person coming into your life will say the same thing. I am hearing they can be a teacher? Something with a nurturing vibe or mother nature; someone very calm, perhaps a bit too calm and very sweet. I feel drowsy, but in a relaxed way; that’s how you will feel with them. They are going to be honest with you and could never lie to you unless it’s to protect you. Intuition says they will teach you a lot about the world since you’re always in your room or feel caged in. a lot of overbearing and/or overprotecting parents/guardians. And they will teach you how to balance your intuition and feelings because you mistake your intuition for your anger or sadness. 
The reason they are coming.
I feel suicidal energy with all of you. And I feel so empty inside. At first, I thought it was with me until I saw your cards. 
Reversed ace of cups, reversed ten of cups, and reversed four of cups. 
Awh, love. You are so worthy and loved; maybe you don't see it with others, but here with me, you are. I love you lots, and I am very proud of you that you are moving forward in life despite the struggles you are facing. Understanding your emotions is hard, isn’t it? Everything is a mess with you. You think of yourself one way, then it changes a lot, and you feel like you are lying to other people, but guess what? You are not. Change is about to happen, and you are figuring out who you are, and that’s okay. It’s okay to not know what you want in your life, that’s what it means to be alive. I hear that some of you are part of the furry community and do not feel loved or accepted, but you are accepted here, and the person coming in will feel the same. So they are coming into your life to show you that you are loved and accepted. With the four of cups reversed, tarot tells me you are struggling to find motivation in your life and find new opportunities. Remember, a flower cannot grow without sunlight, water, or patience. So you cannot find opportunities without patience, self-love, and acceptance of yourself. The person wants to show you that and give you what you need. And I keep hearing discord. Since a lot of you have broken families, the person will be coming online, but mainly on Discord. 
End results of it.
Happiness, so much happiness. Your future self is happy and fulfilled. They are comfortable with who they are and express themselves better because their family also accepts them. But this was done with a lot of patience and understanding. Communicating and understanding one another, teaching each other about their cultures, traditions, etc. 
Three of pentacles.
This confirms it for you. The three of pentacles are about positive endings, and you are on the right track. The opportunities you have been craving will come as you speak to this person. They will teach you so many things without expecting anything in return. They remind me of the dad or mom friend, always showering their friends with so much love and yet not caring for themselves. So teach them how to let go of being so selfless and teach them how to take care of themselves. After all, this isn’t a one sided friendship; things should become equal. I know that you guys will get a lot of rewards after this person meets you. Like the things you wanted before? You already have them. You will feel so relaxed and happy; a lot of you haven’t smiled, and if you have, it was fabricated. It will be genuine with them. They make your life better, and your family will know about them and think about allowing you guys to meet up. I hear that you have mentioned it or that both of you are comfortable with it. Either way, both of you would be down for it. 
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toomanydreamers · 8 months
astro observations (i)
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sagittarius risings with chart ruler (Jupiter) in the 7th house – people with this natal chart placement will navigate and grow through close, personal karmic interactions. it is important that they let their views be challenged and unpacked, without excessive deference to other people. inner development/reflection will arise from close relationships and personal exchanges. people are innately generous with their energy. this is a lifetime of understanding your uniqueness and individuality. reflecting on how you choose to self-present to close partners, learning boundaries and addressing people pleasing tendencies is integral to maturation and growth, and this all comes from self-love and finding fulfilment outside of relationships.
venus in the 6th 🤝 neptune conjunct ascendent in an earth/water sign – romanticizing daily activities and finding small moments of joy
watch how libra sun men tell stories according to a close script, especially if they have an earth sign moon/mercury. often they will repeat stories or experiences carefully using similar, language, structure, pacing etc. based on the group of people they are talking to and the responses they expect their stories will elicit
cancer rising women are highly reflective but sometimes struggle to determine their own role/causality in relationships as they are led by intuition/emotion and responsiveness so identifying their distinctive properties and identity in close partnerships can be a challenge
chiron in the first house or conjunct the midheaven – people with either of these placements tend to struggle with self-belief in relation to building trajectory/long term planning in their life. finding a vocation that imparts positive impact to the lives of other people is essential to the mission of these people, but gathering the inner strength and faith to pursue a meaningful career or lifestyle objective can take time and may involve a process of discovery.
third house stellium 🤝neptune in gemini 🤝 mercury in the ninth – getting very easily distracted
sun conjunct mars – when people with this placement are motivated, they are a driving force with clear, direct velocity, especially with a commitment to achieving externally impressive goals
moon in an earth sign in the 2nd or 8th house – people with these placements can fluctuate between self-indulgence or extreme luxury, and restraint around finances to the point of hesitating before every purchase perceived to be unnecessary
virgo moons can struggle with unhealthy attachment to their routines, habits and even addictions, which can be difficult to break without external pressure and guidance
aries mercury 🤝 mars in the 3rd house – struggle with having attention directed to someone else in a larger group and may compete for attention, take a loud and bold stance to cast themselves as the entertainer within the group
chart ruler in the first house (especially aries rising with mars in the first house and scorpio rising with pluto in the first house) – people with this placement carry a profound desire to prove themselves/define their purpose in the world
gemini moons – people struggle to form deep and consistent emotional connections with gemini moons as they are fleeting with their attachments at an intimate level and their vulnerabilities are difficult to uncover as gemini moons prefer to be light rather than deeply below the surface. many gemini moon learn to self-regulate their emotions at a young age and can become immersed in distractive/dissociative tendencies
capricorn moon 🤝 mercury square moon in a fire sign – emotional blockages that lead to outbursts
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cooki3face · 8 months
what you need to hear right now: channeled from spirit
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message: I love this type of art, I have tons of it on my Pinterest but anyway that's sort of beside the point, I feel called to do a message but I feel very low on energy within as of late. I want to try and keep this one short, sweet, and clear. As you know, especially if you're a light worker or intuitive, shifts within the collective, within energy however it comes are always felt first by us. If there is a symptom of change, I'm feeling it 10x over so that I can prepare to relay that information to the collective because I would honestly consider myself to be a vessel. As I cope with my life and my own human experience I am also in the process of collecting important information so that I can guide the collective effectively and let me tell you, I've been through some SHIT with the opening force of 2024. Anyways, enjoy the reading and I pray that you find what you're looking for and what you need with me in my space today.
"we've been watching you juggle both the physical and the spiritual within your hands for the past couple weeks, you may feel as though your worlds are colliding your the sky and the ocean has folded over with you in the center. There comes a time in one's life when the elements that make up their world must come into alignment and fuse with one another. You were told to learn what it meant to be a balanced individual, and so as you completed and closed off karmic lessons and overcame blockages you became closer and closer to equilibrium and these moments now are crucial as what you had needed all long is on its way to be delivered to you. You've been learning what it means to manage your time, manage your energy, and spread yourself where needed to obtain the results you desire. You have one foot in the spiritual realm and one foot in the physical world. Your development as of now is so incredibly important and we're supporting you in your journey forward.
Things may appear to be slow, backed up, or difficult at this time but movement is coming in quickly and to be expected soon. You've planted your seeds to receive and as you deserve, you shall. within the next two weeks for some of you and even a couple of days for a select few of you, things will begin to move forward or pick up momentum. Set your intentions straight and make sure that they are unwavering. there is success on the horizon, whatever is difficult or isn't working out for you that will change. You've grown so much, and your only job at this time is to nurture yourself and your manifestations, show yourself grace, ask for healing, ask for closure, and ask for the necessary tools to care for yourself as one should. And become clear and aligned with whatever you are manifesting, and put yourself in the position to receive by doing the work on your end and meeting us in the middle with your will and your gratitude. If there's a will there's a way even if you don't have everything in the world to offer in exchange. Come to terms with your power and the part you play in your world.
A select few of you are royalty within the spiritual realm you are kin of spirits who are highly respected and praised in the beyond and that is why the pile you chose depicts the divinity of a matriarch holding her child. Look for gold jewelry and gold trinkets and items if you choose to go out shopping or collecting. You feel called to build something or may have an idea, honor your ideas, and put actions behind what you desire to reap. Those of you who know that you are divinely protected are being heavily watched over and shielded, there could potentially be gossip by those of whom you've left behind or parted from but their tongues will be stilled when they speak of you they summon your spiritual court ( your ancestors, your spirit guides, guardian angels and all deities who call out to you and respect you.) their karma is sharp. Pay no mind to any negative energy sent to you by others. They talk only because they want to be paid great attention to but the audience lies in front of you and the universe's love and support is more than evident on your side.
You are about to succeed heavily, many things will be given to you, prosperity and congratulations are in order, the people will see. you are in a position to receive well in your finances, so well you will be able to give to others or keep your abundance in full cycle forward and back to you. We once told you that you would be compensated greatly for your hardship and the spiritual council has spoken and reached a solid verdict on your reward and the size and volume of the gifts you're about to receive. Do nothing but nurture thyself and expand from this point forward. be easy with secureness in your good fortune, do not let your fear or your anxiety eclipse you there is no purpose for any of it."
"You asked to be free of the things that threaten to hold you hostage and one of the biggest of those things happens to be you. It's time for change and it's time for growth. As you step into the new year you have no choice but to be reset now after years and months and weeks of being broken. You need to be able to heal properly. It's time to come clean and be honest. There are many things within your life that have made lasting impressions on who you chose to be or what you chose to do for your survival even at the expense of others, even those you held dear to you. The process of living an honest life is not an easy one. It is easier to be deceptive, to use your pain as a weapon, or to do what you need to do to survive even if it means stepping on others in the process or not meeting the needs of those you've awoken to you. It is hard work to be in alignment, it is hard work to always take accountability, it is hard work to look at your shadow and truly acknowledge it, you know more than anyone."
interception: I'm getting the energy of the film "warrior" with tom hardy in where he plays a character named tommy who ends up having to fight his brother for a large reward in a wrestling championship. He was a marine in the military and has childhood trauma that shapes the way he presents himself to others and navigates in his interpersonal relationships and of course what his goals and purpose are in the film, I'm not going to spoil it for you but if this is your pile, I recommend you watch it. it's on Netflix. it also really does a good job of highlighting an aspect of ourselves that we carry in our spirits to marry ourselves to our trauma or particular factors of it to hide from troubling or conflicting emotions or circumstances. things that are "inherently" bad or negative in theory but can look "desirable" or "acceptable" to us because our motivation for accepting it happens to be a heavily skewed one.
" It's time you finally free yourself from your karma, from your vices, from your shadow, and from aspects of yourself or your life that threaten to keep you stuck or stagnant. You can't take with you all of these things into the new year, into the new world, into your new life. The devil is in the details and he has done nothing but hold onto your ankle this entire time. It is your responsibility to make the changes that you've been asking for or craving. You may fear loss or the reality of the damage you've caused, the opportunities you've put yourself in the position to lose. You will sit with yourself, you will look at yourself in the mirror or you will suffer and continue to do so under the hand of your own decisions. What you are owed in compensation for a hard life cannot be received if you cannot put yourself in the position to receive them. There's a need in life for personal given grace as well as accountability for the part we play in events and circumstances that take place in our lives, take time to self reflect, forgive yourself, show yourself grace and in turn find the courage to communicate with those you've wrong and/or begin your journey forwards.
In our lives, the consequence we bare the burden of however heavy the weight is never the full and eternal end there is always something after. You've proven yourself to be resilient, to be a force. Use your strengths and allow them to will you forward into the next chapter of your life. Someone significant in your past could've heavily admired you or seen in you things you could not see in yourself as they were able to sense higher beings in others however troubled their karma was. The love they had for you is the love you are about to receive from yourself. The things they saw in you that you could not see you are preparing to embody in full. Ace of pentacles upright for you here signifying abundance coming to you when you are able to open yourself up to receive it all. remain committed to your cause."
"You're seeking out personal closure or looking for solutions to an issue that you don't have on end. Don't make the mistake of running from completion or leaving doors ajar because it is difficult to close them shut you know what you need to do. You need to make the proper investments for your life, you need to work for your improvement or to receive the life you have felt you were entitled to all along but the mistake you've made along the way all this time is attempting to take short cuts and be strategic, deceptive or ingenuine in your method to try and deceive. You are used to putting on a mask or trying on costumes to appeal what others desire from you so you can receive the result you prefer from them, their approval, their support, their validation. Your biggest enemy is the closet full of masks you've accumulated they work against you, they push people away, they scare people of value, and they mislead as you've asked them to. Your life and it's events however unfortunate or difficult have existed to serve you a purpose and put you on your righteous path forward in alignment with your highest self and the life they live but instead you've sharpened it and allowed it to be used as a weapon against others and against yourself.
put your strengths and your adaptability where it's needed and not into being a sheep in wolves clothing or traveling through the night in such a way in which you won't be seen. Abundance will come for you and doors will open up for you where you set your intention and where you are unwaveringly honest and true. Reflect on your choices, your habits, and your behaviors in order to decide what needs to be changed and what needs to be improved and do it honestly this time and set the intention to change it not make another mask of it and store it away for another time. It is not your place to control the way everyone looks at you and how you are perceived or if they are willing to give to you or not. You control or manipulate what does not belong to you from places of fear you store deep within you and it is time to heal and ready yourself to move forward and leave a karmic version of yourself behind. Pack up the things you need to bring with you and be rid of the rest. Do not be resistant to change you must move."
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venusiancharisma · 1 year
Bad Luck/Karmic Placements in Synastry
Aspects & Overlays that may indicate someone's natal energy brings about bad luck, bad karma, or a new karmic into your natal energy. This is a topic I channeled because of my fascination with Neptune. As most of you know, aspects with Neptune can create illusory and fanatical connections in synastry and while most of us are just romanticizing our situations because something feels "fated," we may actually be doing ourselves a disservice by following a karmic, blindly, not realizing it's an illusion. Obviously, Neptune isn't the only indicator of these themes but it is the planet that I was interpreting when I became inspired to put this out there. Or maybe your situation trends more on the side of meeting someone you're head over heels with BUT ever since you started talking/dating, you've had nothing but bad luck and blockages meet you at every turn. I myself have experiences both, numerous times. I have accounted for the incidents and in reference to my knowledge of Astrology, I plan on giving you the most obvious signs of these red flags, hidding in plain sight!
Saturn Aspects: Challenging aspects (conjunctions, squares, oppositions) involving one person's Saturn and the other person's personal planets (e.g., Sun, Moon, Venus, Mars) can indicate areas where responsibilities, limitations, or challenges may arise. While these aspects can be demanding, they often present opportunities for growth and maturity. Saturn Square or Opposition to Personal Planets: These aspects can bring tension and challenges to the relationship. The Saturn person may impose restrictions or limitations on the personal planet person, which can lead to feelings of frustration or a sense of duty and responsibility. It may feel like the relationship is demanding and requires effort to overcome obstacles. However, these aspects also provide opportunities for growth, discipline, and maturity. Saturn Conjunct Personal Planets: When Saturn is conjunct a personal planet in synastry, it can create a sense of seriousness and commitment in the relationship. The Saturn person may take on a mentorship or authoritative role, and the personal planet person may feel a strong sense of responsibility toward the Saturn person's goals and values. While it can be challenging, it can also lead to long-lasting and stable relationships if both individuals are willing to work together. Saturn Square or Opposition to Venus: These aspects may indicate challenges in the area of love and relationships. The Saturn person may bring a sense of duty, responsibility, or practicality to the Venus person's romantic inclinations, which can lead to conflicts or feelings of emotional restriction. However, over time, these aspects can lead to a deeper commitment and a more mature approach to love. Saturn Square or Opposition to Mars: These aspects can signify challenges in the way the individuals express their desires and passions. There may be power struggles or conflicts related to assertiveness and action. While this can create tension, it can also lead to growth and better communication if both parties are willing to work through the challenges. South Node Aspects: Aspects involving one person's South Node and the other person's planets can suggest karmic connections or unresolved issues from past lives. These aspects may indicate patterns that need to be acknowledged and transformed. South Node Conjunct Personal Planets: When the South Node of one person is conjunct (close to) the personal planets (Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars) of the other person, it can suggest a strong karmic connection. This connection may indicate that the individuals have shared past-life experiences that need to be addressed in this lifetime. While this can bring up unresolved issues, it also offers a chance for healing and growth. South Node Opposition Personal Planets: Opposition aspects to the South Node from personal planets can create a push-pull dynamic in the relationship. The individuals may feel a strong attraction and a sense of familiarity, but there can also be challenges related to the past-life themes associated with the South Node. South Node Square Personal Planets: Square aspects to the South Node can bring tension and conflict related to karmic issues. The individuals may feel like they are working through old patterns and may experience resistance or challenges in doing so. South Node Aspects to Outer Planets: Aspects from the South Node to the outer planets (Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto) can indicate deep and complex karmic themes. These aspects may suggest that the individuals have a significant karmic mission or purpose in this lifetime. While it can be challenging, it can also be transformative. South Node Aspects to the North Node: Aspects between the South Node of one person and the North Node of the other person can indicate a karmic connection that involves working together to fulfill a shared purpose or destiny. These aspects may suggest that the individuals are meant to support each other's growth and evolution.
Chiron Aspects: Chiron represents wounds and healing. Aspects between one person's Chiron and the other person's planets can suggest areas where both individuals may trigger each other's wounds or provide opportunities for healing and growth.
Chiron Conjunct Personal Planets: When one person's Chiron is conjunct (close to) the personal planets (Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars) of the other person, it can indicate that the Chiron person may trigger or activate the wounds or vulnerabilities associated with the personal planet person. This aspect can create a sense of empathy and understanding, providing an opportunity for both individuals to work on their healing processes. Chiron Opposition Personal Planets: Opposition aspects to Chiron may create a dynamic where the Chiron person and the personal planet person have different approaches to dealing with wounds or vulnerabilities. This can lead to growth through mutual support and understanding, rather than bad luck or bad karma. Chiron Square Personal Planets: Square aspects to Chiron can bring tension and challenges related to healing and vulnerability. While there may be conflicts or difficulties, these aspects also provide opportunities for growth and transformation. Chiron Aspects to Outer Planets: Chiron aspects to the outer planets (Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto) in synastry may indicate complex dynamics related to healing and transformation. These aspects often suggest that the individuals have deep, soul-level lessons to work on together, but they do not imply bad luck or bad karma. Chiron Aspects to the North Node: Chiron's connection to the North Node can suggest that the individuals have a karmic opportunity to work on their healing and growth together. These aspects point to the potential for shared lessons and mutual support. Chiron House Overlays: When one person's Chiron falls into the same house as the other person's planets or points, it highlights a specific area of life where healing and growth may be focused. This can lead to shared experiences and learning opportunities.
Pluto Aspects: Intense aspects (conjunctions, squares, oppositions) involving Pluto in synastry can indicate power struggles, transformational experiences, or deep emotional connections. While challenging, they can also signify opportunities for profound change and personal evolution. 8th House Overlays: The 8th House is associated with transformation, shared resources, and intense experiences. When one person's planets fall into the other person's 8th House, it can suggest a connection that may involve deep emotional or psychological processes. 12th House Overlays: Planets in one person's chart falling into the other person's 12th House can create a connection that feels mysterious, spiritual, or karmic. The 12th House is associated with hidden matters and the subconscious. Vertex Aspects: Aspects to the Vertex point in synastry may indicate fated or karmic connections. These aspects can suggest a sense of destiny or significant life events associated with the relationship.
DISCLAIMER: challenging aspects or karmic connections do not necessarily imply negative outcomes. They often point to areas where personal growth, healing, and transformation can occur. Relationships, like life itself, involve a mix of challenges and opportunities for learning and evolving.
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princessjojo-x · 9 months
South & North Node Synastry
sn represents our karmic past, early life or where we often fall back to bc we’re comfortable there. when we try to fall back into our sn habits, we often find difficulties, blockages & frustrations.
sn conjunctions in synastry can manifest in a number of ways depending on the (nature of) planet. these rxships start off with a strong sense of family & comfort bc partners have a past life connection. they’ll feel like they’ve known each other for awhile even if they’ve just met. it's hard to leave each other alone bc they subconsciously remember the love the had from their past lifetime. sn feels like planet understands them the best but also feels like planet is holding them back. planet makes sn remember the "old" version of themselves which they thought they’d grown from.
partners may have a tendency to repeat certain patterns or themes in the rxship. these patterns may be rooted in past-life experiences & may require conscious effort to break free from. this can cause a sense of stagnancy or lack of growth in the rxship aka difficult to move forward.
partners have unresolved karma or unpaid debt with one another, which they work through in this lifetime. this may activate challenging & painful experiences but it elevates them as individuals. however, this doesn’t indicate the rxship is completely negative or doomed. the nature of the rxship will depend on the willingness of partners to work through their karma & debt. however, once it has been worked out, the intense connection completely fizzles out, followed by no-contact & possibly heart break.
nn conjunctions in synastry are powerful & fated. this is a green flag aspect & marriage indicator. rxship can be hard to sustain initially but can grow into intense passion over time. partners will always find each other no matter what.
planet will teach, push, lead or support nn in a particular area that nn needs development & depending on the nature of planet. planet has certain traits that nn can benefit or learn from. therefore, planet will teach nn who their meant to become in this lifetime. planet will help nn move forward, help nn each their potential & push nn out of their comfort zone.
however, rxship may make nn feel uncomfortable bc it’s causing nn growth. nn will be going into the “unknown” & feeling a sense of “new” in this rxship. planet is new terrain/experiences for nn. rxship may not work in this lifetime unless partners have other binding placements bc it feels very intense but uncomfortable, almost as if it’s setting you up to meet in another lifetime.
💝 nn conjunct moon - it’s difficult for rxship to take off but if it’s able to do so you will remain very attached to one another & have a very binding connection, the love will grow stronger & stronger overtime. initially, rxship will feel “wrong” bc it’s out of your comfort zone.
💝 nn conjunct venus - venus will find themselves being kind, sweet & affectionate with nn even without wanting to; venus will show their best face & will want to spend time with nn. nn will be fascinated by the presence & personality of venus. & a rxship that never fizzles.
💝 nn conj jupiter - soulmate indicator (gemini jupiter or cancer nn)
💝 nn conj juno - marriage indicator; nn represents our souls karmic destiny/future/goals & where we will be pushed by circumstance. juno represents our marriage & long-term rxships. their love puts you on your life path. (gemini juno or leo nn)
💝 nn opposite rising - you can’t get rid of each other & you’ll stay in each others life forever in some capacity. this is a very important rxship for house that’s going to teach many life lessons. (sag asc or cap nn)
💝 nn conj sn - difficulty sustaining longevity but you will learn from eachother.
💝 sn conjunct sun - sun is a male figure from the past life of sn, ranging from a superior, father, authority, employer, brother, cousin but likely a man south node looked up to.
💝 sn conjunct moon - moon is a mother, wife, sister, or woman in your life in which sn perhaps needed healing from in a past life. if you this synastry with a partner, he way start treating you like his mum, becoming bitter & rebellious for no reason.
💝 mars conjunct sn - indicator of violence in a past life (sag mars or taurus sn)
💝 sn opposite rising - a rxship that will teach house lessons. an indicator of being past life lovers. (gemini asc or cancer nn)
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soberpluto · 5 months
Know Your Soul Purpose With Your Big 3
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It's been so much time since I've been here, but it's amazing to be back! Now, here's a topic I was wondering about today...
All our configurations hold divine meaning, in that before we are born, our souls chose the type of experiences we needed to undergo as part of our next visit on Earth. What makes us "us" is perfect in design. And what we're "made of" can be neatly seen in our birth charts. No birth nor birth chart happen by chance.
While it’s accurate that specific karmic work (which is part of our life's mission) is indicated by studying the positions of Saturn, its aspects, planets falling in water houses and the configuration of lunar nodes, I feel we can also find great part our soul's purpose (our main lessons) by analyzing our Big 3. This is equal to drawing a picture of the blueprint of our unique navigation system, our compasses through our human experience.
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To make a draft of your soul's blueprint, take these steps!
Look at your chart to know your Ascendant, Sun and Moon signs and chart ruler(s). If your rising sign has two rulers, take them both into account. In my case, I always use whole sign system.
Identify the houses of your placements.
Start drafting your Ascendant, Sun and Moon signs' significations using the tables below, including both positive and negative traits. If we're moving through life based mostly on our positive qualities, it's very likely we're on the right track. Conversely, living constantly under the influence of our negative traits marks potential blockages to get where we need to be.
Add to your blueprint areas in which you naturally express your placement's traits (houses). This is important because you will know where your mission will be accomplished more easily or naturally.
Have fun!
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If you're having a bit of trouble to come up with yours, take my own example...
I am proud of myself when I present to the world as passionate, powerful, magnetic, and intuitive (positive Scorpio rising qualities). I realize that when I become vengeful, jealous, obsessive and/or mournful (negative Scorpio rising qualities), I am attracting unnecessarily challenging circumstances that hinder my lessons in my life. My personality (rising sign) projects most in my physical appearance image and identity, in my close communities and in the pursuit of my dreams (Chart Rulers in 1st and 11th house). I feel my life has meaning when I act as a nurturing, sensitive, creative and empathetic person (positive traits of Cancer sun), but when I become needy, emotionally instable, insecure and/or manipulating with others (negative traits of Cancer sun), I realize that I am blocking myself from living in my fullest potential. The area where my conscious self (Sun sign) shines most is in my path towards higher learning, distant travelling, truth seeking, legal affairs and spirituality (Sun in 9th house). I feel safe and fulfilled when I can be brave, independent, assertive and passionate (positive Moon in Aries traits). But, when I realize that I'm repeatedly reacting in a violent, selfish, impulsive and/or inconstant way (negative Moon in Aries traits), I know that am blocking my ability to be peaceful within myself and move ahead in life. My emotional needs (Moon sign) are best taken care of through my habits, health care, daily routine, service to others, jobs, and pets (Moon in the 6th house).
Now, what information can you derive from this description? What does this tell about my purpose in this life?
Naturally, I am pulled to creative, healing and spiritual work. I studied Industrial Design in college, but I've expanded my career in other directions, including developing and managing intermittently art and esoteric online businesses while also holding an office job in Change Management. I am also the eternal student, self-learning and passionate about higher knowledge. I like to share my insights with others and help them find their own truth, their own awakening. I am drawn to intense (and sometimes not so positive) experiences and relationships, and have drastically changed my own image, jobs and spiritual views along the years. I've certainly went through a lot of turmoil, but also have gained significant life lessons and valuable wisdom thanks to the way I approach life. I cannot help to be deeply emotional, empathetic, passionate, excitable, idealistic and inspired, for the good and the bad! Even though it's not been an easy road, I realize that little by little my purpose is being fulfilled... and I hope you all do!
What about you? Let me know what you find out about yourself!
Thanks for reading! 😘🖤
Written by @soberpluto
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talonabraxas · 2 months
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Violet Ray - Archangel Zadkiel
Archangel Zadkiel is the Archangel of Freedom, Benevolence and Mercy; and is the Patron Angel of all who Forgive. In the Bible and Torah, he is mentioned as the Angel of God. This is because Zadkiel appears to the prophet Abraham when he proves his faith to God by getting ready to sacrifice his own son, Isaac. Zadkiel stepped forward to stop this occurring as God would not wish for faith to be proven this way, however some believe it was Archangel Michael or even God who stopped Abraham.
In the sacred texts of Kabbalah Archangel Zadkiel and Archangel Jophiel follow behind Archangel Micheal in fighting the evil forces in the spiritual world. Hence he is often seen with a dagger or blade in religious images.
His name means ‘Righteousness of God’ and he is also known as 'Grace of God’ under the Hebrew name Hesediel. Zadkiel can also be written as Sachiel, Zedekiel, Zadakiel, Tzadkiel, and Zedekul.
Symbols of Archangel Zadkiel…He is often depicted with a small dagger or weapon but is most commonly known for his connection to the Violet Flame. This is his Archeia, the Holy Amethyst, and they work together for freedom, alchemy, transmutation and to clear negative karma. Surrounded by violet and sometimes violet coloured flames, Zadkiel will clear any old karmic debts or negative energy that is holding you back from true inner freedom. Clearing fears and obstacles with the Holy Amethyst to bring you magical transformations.
Roles of Archangel Zadkiel…His roles are to
Provides Forgiveness for the Self and Others Rid us of judgemental behaviours Aid memory or recollection of facts including helping students to remember what they have learnt Heal painful memories and past life attachments The name Sachiel associates him with helping people to earn more money and teaching them to donate to charity. Zadkiel can help us find our spiritual origins and the karma attached to our past With the Holy Amethyst; they will clear blockages, fears and concerns that are holding you back
Skills of Archangel Zadkiel…Call on Zadkiel when you are ready to let go of judgement, guilt, fear and heal through forgiveness and compassion. He heals any emotional wound! Archangel Zadkiel knows how to fix unhappy relationships by teaching you to feel mercy and compassion to each other. Enabling you to grow and understand one an others emotions and well-being.
Colour Associated with Archangel Zadkiel…Shades of Purple and Violet are the most commonly associated colours. White or flame colours have also been used as a clearing method and to start the healing process.
Crystals Associated with Archangel Zadkiel…Amethyst! It has to be this gorgeous crystal with its mix from very pale lilac up to deep, rich purples.Amethyst is a master healer crystal known for it’s peaceful qualities, calm under pressure and deep emotional healing. Alternatives are ametrine, blue lace agate, blue chalcedony and charoite.
Use any of these crystals by holding them and saying a prayer or message to Archangel Zadkiel will assist in your connection. Pop them in your pocket, bra, car, office desk, by the front door and wherever you feel you need Zadkiel’s help
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cosmictulips · 2 years
There's something there that wasn't there before ... (PAC)
This is part two! of a series that I am working on.
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These photos are not mine though now that I think of it, I could have used mine because I literally worked for Disney and go there enough. but why would I think about that lmao.
Choose a belle and beast! and let's talk about what brings you two together. things you'll find endearing and things to be aware of in your future relationship uwu
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Pile one
What Brings You Together ::
Judgement, King of Pentacles, 08 of Wands, 05 of Swords,04 of Pentacles, Ace of Cups
So the biggest thing that I am seeing here is your motivation of each other in pursuit of ones desires. you both admire how hard you each have had to work to get to where you wanted to be. and you both see the potential in the other.
This is honestly giving me strong power couple vibes. you both seem to want the same things and you're both ready to create that stability. I honestly, see the both of you bringing a lot into the physical realm. I think you both have the same fears and have the same kind of pain.
I would say you two are probably soulmates. mirrors of one another. -and no, I will not use twin flames. I've explained why before.- You both are here to complete life lessons together and to literally build an empire. You both are stubborn, willing to make even the roughest ideas work.
there is genuine love here. but I think you both are together because of the stability you have. Like your love languages are the same and you find comfort in that essentially. I keep seeing this beautiful garden so I truly think that you both are going to "water" each other and help each other blossom. like two cute missing puzzle pieces coming together.
What Is Something Unexpected That You Love About Them ::
Page of Cups, Knight of Pentacles, 08 of Cups
Well, this is kind of cute actually. I think something you'll love about your future spouse that you didn't really see coming is just how slow and dedicated they are. given that we did see the 08 of wands, you both may be tempted to move quickly with things. but remember, the king of pentacles was also there and we now also have the knight.
so at first, you may not like how slow they are. how dedicated they are to making sure everything is right. heavy capricorn energy...and taurus lol. they will literally walk away from something they don't deem as perfect.
they are a visionary and might be too hard on themselves. but you love that about them. You love how they have to execute everything to the best of their ability. they may even nag a lot about the details. but it also shows through in how they love you. everything is given in the details to them. they will show that.
Something To Watch Out For ::
The Hermit, Justice, King of Swords, King of Cups, 08 of Pentacles, 04 of Swords
Indecision which isn't a surprise. But also, I think there's a bit of brains over heart happening. one of you will want to be more logical. doing things because they make sense to do things. and the other is more sensitive to the world around you. and it may cause a bit of a blockage in the beginning. with the 08 of pentacles and the 04 of swords in particular, you both will workon that. you two WILL meet in the half way point.
I think there's also a bit of fear that one of you isn't on the same page when it comese to life goals. but again, you'll both help each other grow. you two may naturally be opposites but I'm finding and seeing here that you both balance each other out. it may take a minute to see that, but it's there. allow yourselves to be challenged by the other but also allow the emotions to flow and do things that just come to you both.
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Pile two
What Brings You Together ::
The World, The Empress, King of Pentacles, 09 of Swords, 02 of Swords, 02 of Cups
To put it simply, to end karmic ties and to finally have someone worth loving and feeling complete in this lifetime. You both bring this energy of past pain, but also that of true, unconditional love. you two understand the pain of the world and your shared pasts essentially. not trauma bonding. You heal each other. One of you may put the other on a pedastal a little but it's not ... anything too problematic.
You both are coming together to have the life y ou both wanted. whether that is kids, pursuing dreams, having your own family that you both bring in together -like through community and friends or pets- you both are here to express your freedoms.
You both are also coming together to ease past wounds and to ease anxiety. there are tough choices that are going to have to be made but you both will walk the path of healing. you both are going to choose each other everytime.
it's quite literally a love story where neither of you thought you'd ever have. It's gentle, passionate and romantic. you both are each others lovers, both from past lives and this life. You are healing. point black period. starting new chapters and ending old ones. you are both meant to thrive together.
Something You Find Endearing Unexpectedly ::
King of Swords, The Chariot, The Star
their attitude lmao. No but seriously, you'll love how much this person is just a grounded, maybe slightly arrogant, go getter. this person is independent and somehow so loving to you. you admire this person as much as they admire you.
This person knows what they want, how to plan and how to achieve it. they're very smart, very witty and... can be kind of cold when they have to be. but they do all this so they can have the future they dream of. and of course they're taking you along.
Something To Be Aware Of ::
The Moon, The Magician, King of Pentacles, 06 of Cups, 06 of Pentacles,02 of Swords
Well, I think it's going to be a small issue of codependency and perhaps... some secrets that one or both of you are keeping hidden. it's not so much bad secrets that are being kept hidden, I think you two are just private. you will sacrifice a lot for one another. Sometimes you may even start to hate how much you two have to give up in order to achieve the balcne you both want.
but with that, you both will learn that there is a give and take to any relationship. while yours may be more than the average, with that sacrifice comes great rewards. there might be a bit of... stagnation. maybe you two develop a stable home life but you lose some of that imagination. so to try to counter that you both start to do sponatenous things together.
really, the issue is balance. you both feel strong love for one another and communication is going to be required on both ends to say hey, I'm happy. a lot of ideas and creativity will come to you both but don't do everything all at once. ya know what I mean?
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Pile 3!
What Brings You Together ::
The Hanged Man, The Star, Judgement, Page of Wands, 10 of Wands, Ace of Cups
Well, defintely the pile where you weren't expecting to find love and here they are. you both may not have really thought of each other as match potential. and yet somehow, through your combined efforts -perhaps a work place love story?- you two just... fall in love. you both share a lot of the same morals and with that you both really develop a world of your own.
I think your person is going to be older than you and that's because I'm getting strong vbes that this person is going to be here to help you learn something. whether that's helping you grow financially, or with education. they will show you how life is. they're here to protect you and to guide you. to change your ways essentially.
and you will be the same to them but perhaps on a lesser scale. you give this person a lot of peae of mind and it's actually very cute. you both will have to work hard to gain balance in this relationship because I think the romantic feelings will be subtle until whatever the challenge is passes. but after that, you both will really blossom.
Something You Find Endearing Unexpectedly ::
10 of cups, 06 of Swords, 05 of Pentacles
To keep it simple, how this person is so positive and loving despite having a very ruggid appearance. Yea, like I said, this relationship is going to have its fair share of challenges but this person is so determined to make things work because of you. they're going to be a completely different person by the time this cycle ends.
you'll be surprised by just how much this person is willing to transform to get to that happy ever after. it's almost like they don't care what they have to do. they just want to keep you happy, and keep the peace in their lives. if that means cutting out toxic family, then so be it. they are so sacrificing.
Something To Be Aware Of ::
The Hermit, 09 of Pentacles, 07 of Cups, 07 of Swords, 04 of Cups, 02 of Pentacles
Independence. I think one of you will be very much in your heads and wanting more freedom and the other is going to want to spend a lot more time than the other may be willing to give. there needs to be a balancing act between the two of you. it could just be a difference in love languages but there's also an element here of miscommunication.
I also think, one of you will constantly be trying to give gifts or surprise the other person and it'll start to feel more like a challenge as to who can "woo" the other person more. Your FS is a very emotional person so they'll probably be like wicked intuitive and pick up on your needs. and you may struggle to figure out theres. so just be open to them about it.
they'll spend a lot of quiet time with you. I think that's really all they want which is why you'll probably be like, but why go all out for me? they just enjoy having you around. like, they like doing something in silence with you sitting next to them doing something else. they just like to be grounded with you. very cute.
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thequeenskeep · 3 months
Fuel the Fire of Your Soul ❤️‍🔥
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“Sometimes you gotta bleed to know, that you’re alive and have a soul.” -21 Pilots, Tear in My Heart
Oftentimes, when met with our deepest desires, we get high off the feelings of ecstasy they present. Like a quick hit we are swept away to a fantastical land where life is our oyster and we are the pearl. However, the come down is as harsh as the high. Reality seems meager and bleak compared to “what could be”. We fall back asleep, shifting through a dull, monotonous life waiting for another high high.
This rollercoaster keeps most entrapped; repeating the ride continuously even when you fall ill or feel you’ve had enough. We all sense within the deepest parts of our being that we are destined for more. Yet the ride is familiar, some so accustomed to it they’re ignorant to their suffering. We’re aware of the amusement park surrounding us but fear of exploration keeps us buckling our seatbelts.
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To act on desire one must locate their heart. Upon discovery, we embark on a journey through the heart space. Everything you experience leaves an imprint on your soul, the record is kept within the heart. We prioritize lightening the heart; freeing up blockages from past trauma and betrayal. Forgiveness of Self and others is the soul resolution.
A portion of healing often forgotten is process. There is a sequence of events, steps, that must be completed to qualify for your manifestation. Some refer to this as karmic retribution. I simply see it as the buffer between “zones”. The work you do on yourself is the commitment you conduct into your desires. Humans are fickle creatures; if we could manifest instantaneously we’d be our own destruction. This buffer zone gives us the opportunity to fine tune ourselves and our desires. Everything in life is a journey, the destination is death, but in the meantime we can curate the life we want for ourselves.
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My blog is written in such a way that every step of healing is sprinkled throughout; if you struggle with this concept, it may help to read some of my older articles. Fire is a pure energy. It creates and it destroys. It harms and it heals. Allow yourself to be engulfed in flames. One must walk through hell to make their way to heaven.
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eatmangoesnekkid · 8 months
To be a soul participating in the human experience is a miracle. Each of us are miracles with unlimited potential, spiritual beings having human experiences. How we express that potential will look differently for us all. The aim is to unwind and release the parts living in our cells, tissues, and organs that have been exposed to or impacted by energies and entities that have gained control or dominion over our energy body, and as a result, created blockages that reduced or weakened our capacity to fully optimize our bodies at the levels they could be functioning at, karmas and the accompanying karmic clearings included.— India Ame‘ye
Important to note the riddle that what is living in us is part of us and if it is part of us, it is ESSENTIALLY us. It’s always "YOU" versus "you." There is nothing “out there.” It’s all holographic, you see.
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gazeofseer · 4 months
Psychic Reading 🔮🪞
Parents, Socials, Friends and Karmic they all are people you witness in your day to day life you even don't intend to but there is always a set of pattern, way and tonality to your dynamic with each other that occurs out of nowhere,
Which allows you to shape your life and choices you endear in it
Today this message is enrooted towards you to shed some light of truth that was blinding you beyond your ideology and thoughts around the people.
Pick an Image 🩷 🦢
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You are a summer walking around the alley of people's sight, while holding back the glooms of dull and sorrow behind that adjourning chuckles and churns of annoyance you dodge off by the sighs.
I can see you with open hair chirpy and on the edge to experience and meet new people but there is a time where you want to be nothing, just like the image naked, defense less and vulnerable, to feel nothing but everything at a spec of wind passing down by your ceiling fan
You want to feel the warmth of cold as you have burnt enough to cost the shine of sun by now.
Your family, especially your parents I see them as quite centred around religion whatever optimism they have comes from that core of belief I see a lot of white, and pastel hues..
While your social circle especially colleagues are quite vibrant on the other end with open mind system where every sin is just an mere experience for them but it can be overwhelming at times.
I see rarely any deep friendship here I just feel you know a lot of people and vice versa but nobody actually feels the way you feel..
There is a one hand distance between you and the people around you where nobody dares to be vulnerable and true beyond their set of knowings as if nobody wants to see the reality in the fear of losing optimism is the highlighted pattern here..
There is a time where you have these Intrusive thoughts to push people and walk away say no in the most rudest way to slap someone after something they have just said, but you hold back certain emotions which acts as an blockage further in your life to happen for real in abundance.
Because what your spectrum of people see as negative is an existing emotion too. So it is important to acknowledge the least it's existence to begin the healing and elevating process..
Guidance : Choose solitude as a part of your life by the morning or at the night take two to three hours only for being alone in every literal sense and means, listen to yourself I feel there is much inner voice is speaking upto you but like in a loud music playing around you the words can be heard but can't be felt what it means actually, so meditate and journal even right after this reading something will be said.
Signs : Sagittarius, Open Hair, Wind, Balcony, White, Ring on left hand, eyebrow mark, noise.
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You can feel it, who is yours and who is not your kind of person by the way they do themselves, but sometimes people are pretending and adding shades amidst changing few which can't be seen if your third eye is not awakened completely.
Your family is hiding something but it is not the matter related to you it something to do with your extended family regarding which they seem tensed and stressed too, they don't want you to become a part of this, at times you may feel abandoned by them but understand that it is just time being give them some time or maybe even an indirect talk to keep them relieved.
I see you have two to three knitted groups of friends who often hangout, one of them is busy or have been out of town for whom you are waiting.
Your interaction with people is straightforward so no such heavy transaction is seen but this indicated that your friends and family are your karmic bonds whom you spend a lot of time with so having distance is like matter of overthinking so try to ground it through facts in hand.
Guidance : Stop doubting people for who they put up as even a broke person has to try and act all made up so that no one cares to break them again.
Signs : Eye rolls, Taylor Swift, snake, ancestral blessings, confusion, river side, birds, nest.
: ̗̀➛: ̗̀➛: ̗̀➛: ̗̀➛: ̗̀➛: ̗̀➛: ̗̀➛: ̗̀➛: ̗̀➛: ̗̀➛: ̗̀➛: ̗̀➛: ̗̀➛: ̗̀➛: ̗̀➛: ̗̀➛: ̗̀➛: ̗̀➛: ̗̀➛: ̗̀➛: ̗̀➛: ̗̀➛: ̗̀
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There is a veil of truth behind the perceptions people see for who you are ; you have quite balanced energy and approach towards people, you know and get who wants what and why after a two minutes of talk down the lane as if people can't try to lie to you,
You might have met random strangers cussing and gossiping to you about anyone out of the blue and you wonder why did they tell you that..?
Well you are people's people, who understands that we are dependent because we are different we would fall apart if we would have been the same.
I see you have very pure and forgiving heart you seek answer before the question arises as if you know the reason would not harm your soul the faith in whatever you have is unbreakable keep going sternly towards it.
I see there has been a heartbreak toxic friendship and a ill minded family person that have stormed your inner soul to walk on a journey where you see people for what they are without losing to them on who you are.
Signs : Capricorn, Aquarius, Libra, Black, Deep Eyes, Intense stare, Blues, Midnight, Sleepless, Lana del rey.
I hope this reading resonated with you I am grateful to be able to do this 🙏🏽☘️
Thank you universe !! 💖✨
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seafoamreadings · 11 months
week of october 15th, 2023
these are written predominantly for the *rising* signs but they are also intuitively "channeled" enough that they should work for any dominant energy you have! (try your sun if you don't know rising, or more advanced readers can try moon, anywhere you have a stellium, etc and see what works best for you!)
aries: there is a lot of nodal activity this week affecting you and the way you see yourself, and are seen by others in the world. bolster your personal image without going too far into arrogance. it helps in that regard to also make others feel good about themselves. if you can do that, it all becomes quite karmically auspicious for you.
taurus: many good things will come to you if you can volunteer your services this week, or starting from this week. especially if you can travel a bit to do so. because of nodal activity in your 12th house, hospitals, prisons, and mental health are good avenues for this work.
gemini: we are in for a very mercurial period, which has its pros and cons. for you, mostly pros. but you'll have to get comfy with some intense plutonic energy. it starts this week and continues for a couple more. shallow interactions won't cut it, even if you're normally a fan of small talk. large talk only this week.
cancerians: don't mistake a week between eclipses to feel like a week off. you're on lunar duty even more than usual. your comfort is sought, even as you need to be comforted. give and take in good balance.
leo: northern leos entering the dark time of the year may feel a bit burnt out and southern leos experiencing longer daylight may feel more energetic. either way, your words and thoughts sparkle and glitter and radiate out of you, so try to use that to your advantage.
virgo: make this week about good discipline. not punishment! devotion! boundaries, not blockages. make a plan and stick to it as a way to honor yourself, don't make it torture.
libra: a whirlwind of nodal activity occurs. and it may really feel like a tornado passing through; quick but momentous, possibly damaging, yet strangely beautiful. just find yourself a good cellar and be patient.
scorpio: mercury reaches your sign just a bit ahead of the sun (who arrives next week.) this parade of ingresses makes for a series of friendly trines to saturn in pisces. saturn is feared by many but in a trine, he is much more benevolent. not the chronos who eats his children, rather the spiritual teacher. follow the light of the truth even as the world seems to grow darker.
sagittarius: the only significant mutability for a while is saturn in pisces, and saturn is not exactly known for his fluid nature. keep your mobility in good health, literally and metaphorically. don't forget to warm up and stretch.
capricorn: the week is cardinal and saturnine. in other words, very well suited to yourself, even without direct activity in your sign (other than a bit of pluto stuff.) others are sliding down the sides of their mountains but you scale upwards with graceful ease.
aquarius: mostly this week is not supportive to you but on the bright side it's not particularly antagonistic either. more saturnine aquarians also get a bit of a boost toward the end of the week.everything is still in flux between eclipses, so everyone's feelings are changing from one moment to the next. they will get their feelings confused with their thoughts or values, so be patient with them.
pisces: the sign of the fish may feel a bit bogged down in the mud this week. it means you have to start to evolve and adapt. this week is sandwiched between two eclipses, so it's a good time for using chaos to your advantage, which applies to these adaptations as well as anything else.
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cupiddivinearrow · 11 months
Please join my discord server:
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💔 PILE 1 💔
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🕊️ Key Indicators 🕊️
- Feminine Energy
- Wears jewelry/ Necklaces
- Might have short hair
- Likes dresses
- Brown eyes
- Suspicious of love
- May be healing from a heartbreak
- Involved with someone that you have a intense connection to and had it since Day 1
- Controlling
- Nostalgic, Reminiscing
- Person may be of foreign blood
- In separation
- Confused
- Clarity
- Ego death, change in perspective
- 9th House
#️⃣ Numbers of Significance #️⃣
- 1s (111)
- 9s (999)
- 10s (1010)
☄️ Astrological Signs ☄️
- ♓️ Pisces
- ♌️ Leo
- ♍️ Virgo
- ♐️ Sagittarius
- ♎️ Libra
💫 Animal Spirit Energies 💫
- Butterfly 🦋
- Jaguar 🐆
Both of these animals represent rebirth. Just something to be mindful off.
Pile 1, the saying, “Unrequited love does not die; it's only beaten down to a secret place where it hides, curled and wounded” comes to mind.
P1, I just want to give y’all a hug. A big one! I’m so sorry you’re having a rough time of it. It can be scary to love, especially when you’ve been hurt, even more so when it’s a love from the past that follows you into this lifetime…
P1, you may be in a relationship or have someone in your energy that you feel a strong connection or pull towards that could’ve been from your past life. This person could’ve caused you immense pain by betraying you with another or choosing someone over you, or etc. This pain, unfortunately, carried over into this lifetime and may be playing a role in how you react in your relationships.
P1, it’s time to let go of that pain. It’s time to open your heart once more and allow yourself to enjoy the process of falling in love and just going with the flow. I know it’s not easy to let down your defenses, but you must. Keeping this pain within can cause a blockage and/ or delays. It’s okay to have boundaries, but you must learn yourself enough to know when your Ego is trying to protect you, and when it’s doing too much.
Some of this pile is insecure and controlling. Some of you can be a bit clingy. Some of you self sabotage connections out of fear that you’ll be hurt. It’s time to stop. You’re blocking your blessings and causing a renewal in your karmic contract. Destined to repeat another cycle on Earth with the same energy that hurt you because you can’t let go.
It’s time to go inside and heal P1. Ask yourself why it’s hard for you to let go. Also, ask what you need or want that can help you to heal? Try doing things that helps you to see your worth. And that you’re enough. Love hurts, but it can save us from more pain if we let it. Someone’s rejection is the Universe’s/ Divine’s protection! And sometimes, an unfair decision or event occurs because there’s more to learn. What would you do for your happiness? Deal with your insecurities or toxic ways (such as being too clingy or controlling) so you don’t pull the behavior into a relationship that could’ve worked otherwise.
Be like the butterfly, who faces many challenges to change into who they want to be. But they don’t give up. They keep eating and struggling along until they change into a Chrysalis, then a Butterfly. Butterflies represent change. Allow yourself to go within.
I hope you find your peace Pile 1.
🕊️🕊️🕊️ Blessings 🕊️🕊️🕊️
🙀 PILE 2 🙀
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🕊️ Key Indicators 🕊️
- Protection
- Royalty
- Feminine energy
- Witch, Spiritualist, Healer, Energy Worker, etc
- Clairvoyant
- Hiding your gifts
- Black sheep
- Scapegoat
- Wears scarves, hats, etc
- You stand out, Belle of the Ball
- Egyptian ties
#️⃣ Numbers of Significance #️⃣
- 7s (777)
- 8s (888)
- 13s (1313)
💫 Animal Spirit Energies 💫
- Scarab
- Butterfly
- Peacock
- Cat
☄️ Astrological Energies ☄️
- ♏️ Heavy Scorpio
- ♊️ Heavy Gemini
- ♓️ Pisces
- ♑️ Capricorn
Pile 2, the saying “No Good Deed Goes Unpunished”… or Joan of Arc — who was burned at the stake in 1431 in France for heresy after she announced that she was being guided by voices that she heard and believed was from the Divine — comes to mind…
Pile 2, have you always felt like the blacksheep within your family, friends, the community, etc.? Have you always felt like you were blamed for what others did or judged because you were different? And although you have either been treated or felt different, you still get a-lot of attention? Probably catch others looking at you often? You’ve probably have had to deal with a lot of rumors being started or gossip being had about you, or have a fear of this. Pile 2, I want to let you know that everything is all right. It’s okay. You’re okay.
I know it hurts to be judged, especially by those that you feel should’ve protected you. And you try to get through it by focusing on your faith, even though you may hold a fear of being judged for your beliefs. If people can’t accept you for you, forget them. They’re not meant to go along with you on this journey. And that’s okay. You’re not for everyone, and that’s beautiful! Who wants someone that everybody wants? Like a doorknob that everyone has access to. Embrace your uniqueness. Which is your true purpose. To be you. Unapologetically. There is beauty in being free. Free to truly be you, which is what most of society is too afraid to be.
In a past life, you were persecuted and faced a trial for being a healer or something of that nature. You were probably blamed for the crimes and misfortunes of others due to the community believing that you were a witch. This was a capital offense and most likely, caused you a very painful death. This has left you fearful in this current lifetime. A fear that causes you to hide showing others who you really are due to not wanting to be judged.
You may have the gift of clairvoyance, or may be a healer or energy worker. You were a sweet person then and still remains to be so in this current life. You may fear telling or showing people your gifts or talents, of who you really are.
Chances are, you were accused of witchcraft in a precious lifetime and you’re currently learning in this now, that it’s okay to be who you are. To show that you can do. Yes, you can be judged. However, whether you be you or live your life how others want you to, people are still going to talk. People are still going to judge. People are still going to try to make you feel that you’re doing wrong, so you might as well be you, unapologetically. You’ve come back to Earth to learn to free yourself of this fear. Times are different and healers are often admired then hunted.
It’s okay to be different. Different is beautiful. Different is authentic and real. Be real. Don’t fall for the matrix. Don’t let society block your growth and keep your from shining. And more important, don’t block yourself. You were meant to ✨SHINE✨baby! Put forth the effort to change your perspective so that you can move yourself out of this stagnant energy I see. You are being guided by the Universe. Trust in your intuition. You are destined to shine, don’t let your fear stop you.
Thank you Pile 2!
🕊️🕊️🕊️ Blessings 🕊️🕊️🕊️
💤 PILE 3 💤
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🕊️ Key Indicators 🕊️
- Native American
- Natural Healer, Shaman, Medicine Man
- Good at astral projection
- Repeating or Have Dreams; Gift of Premonition through dreams
- Overthinks
- Healing abilities
- Protection
- Unbalance
- Confusion
- Spiritual download
- Egyptian ties
- Codependency
#️⃣ Numbers of Significance #️⃣
- 3s (333)
- 6s (666)
- 7s (777)
💫 Animal Spirit Energies 💫
- Scarab
- Heron
- Lion
- Eagle
- Orcas
☄️ Astrological Energies ☄️
- ♌️ Leo
- ♏️ Heavy Scorpio
- ♎️ Libra
- ♋️ Cancer
Pile 3, have you ever heard the saying:
“Miracles start to happen when you give as much energy to your dreams as you do to your fears” by Richard Wilkins?
Pile 3, How do you say you’ve been sleeping on yourself without saying you’ve been sleeping? I think some of y’all have been wanting to turn dreams into reality lately but you’re holding yourself back with doubts. Overthinking things. Bullying / Gaslighting oneself. Some of you may want to open a business that allows you to use your gifts, but are unsure if that’s the path to take.
In a previous life, you were a healer, with very strong healing abilities. You may be having dreams where you remember this life but shrug it off, gaslighting yourself into believing that you’re not ready or not good enough, etc. It’s time to stop that.
Also, some of you may be in a codependent relationship that could be leaving you stagnant as well. Your denial is causing you to stay in a karmic connection that could cause further delay. Believe in yourself P3. You don’t need anyone and have the power/ strength to stand on your own. Find that inner strength P3.
You will never know what you can do until you try. And if you’re waiting for the perfect opportunity to give it a chance, then you’ll never be ready. It’s okay to be scared. But don’t let your fear stop you from trying. Let your work speak for itself. You just have to take the first step. You’re in competition with no one but yourself, so move as slow as you would like. I love the saying, “Slow and steady wins the race.” Success will come, just stay in your lane and keep persevering.
Also, just a side note. The fact that some, if not all, of you picked this pile shows that you’re meant to have a successful business doing this. You have a passion and a calling for this. Don’t let anything stand in your way and go for it! Success is technically guaranteed. Also, the more you work on yourself, and tackle your dreams, the more you’re likely to meet up with people that are part of your soul family, people meant to help you along your journey. As you work on yourself, remember to be patient and enjoy the process.
P3, you’re being advised to go out and explore! It’s time to explore who you are and become confident in yourself and your abilities. You have the power P3. And only you can do it. Make the decision to only focus your energy on things that allow you to focus on yourself and who you want to be in addition to, the future you would like to create for yourself. Maybe try journaling down what’s going on in your head. It could help clear up some of the confusion and insecurities. Take the steps to improve how you see yourself and your abilities. It’s time to step it up. Trust in yourself. And it’s okay to ask questions. Question everything. Anything unaligned with you must go. Success is only possible if you’re willing to work for it. Are you up for the challenge? Don’t let your denial block you from your success. You’re moving towards bigger and better things, including those in or getting out of a karmic relationship. Love yourself enough to believe in yourself. If no one cheers for you, cheer yourself on. Be your own biggest cheerleader and watch what happens. Blessings! 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰
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This concludes this reading loves!
Thank you so much in advance!
🕊️🕊️🕊️ Joy & Blessings to you all 🕊️🕊️🕊️
Below, my discord is attached above the title of the post.
There, I do these Pick A Card readings, as well as, give you a chance to request what kind of PAC readings you would love to see.
I will start releasing astrological weekly update readings in a few weeks, in addition to reiki healing sessions starting December.
🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽 Blessings to you all! 🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽
🕊️🕊️🕊️ Blessings 🕊️🕊️🕊️
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teopatra · 1 year
💙 Happy Blue Moon🌕 💙
Posts like these you don’t sea 👁️ often .. maybe once every blue moon 🧿👄🧿
Todays pick a pile messages are songs since Pisces energy and full moons are likened to mermaids whom are know for being sirens 🚨 🧜🏽‍♀️ 🧜‍♂️
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Message 1:
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During the full moon transit you’ll feel like there is a stillness in their air. Kind of like when the ocean gets eerily calm before a storm. A peaceful terror. You could feel the urge to be by yourself more or hermit in your own energy; it will befit you to turn off your devices and just listen to the sounds around you and your mind. The best thing you can utilize your phone for right now is noting your synchronicities and your feelings. If you notice people being distant don’t take it personally, but pay attention to how that makes you feel and the conversations people have with you especially your tone. Others you know are facing introspection and are delving into the deepest parts of their psyche. The intensity of repressed emotions may be too much for most to handle. I noticed my social media page engagements are lower than normal today, it reminds me of a ghost town with nothing but tumble weeds lol that’s the energy of this Pisces full moon. Work with quartz crystals, protect your immune system and indulge in a warm bath, shower, or foot soak since Pisces rules the feet.
Message 2:
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At this time you will experience MORE lucid dreams. Pay attention to the people in your dreams and what these particular people may say to you in your dreams. It’s one thing to be lucid in the dream state but it’s another to wake up with dream amnesia. Why is that? Bc something in your waking life is not aligned with your higher self meaning you could indulging in bad habits like not getting enough rest and over saturating your third eye with too much media. You’re prob a creative person or a water sign so you should be clearing your mind. Create something that is visually stimulating for you to aid in your create process and ease/unload the mind; mercury rx is cashing a lot of mental tension rn. A salt bath, a foot soak with pink Himalayan salt or you may need to gargle with salt water to unblock throat chakra blockages. Try sleeping next to grounding crystals and dream enhancing crystals like blue apatite. Also don’t sleep directly next to your phone, turn TV’s, mirrors, phones, tablets, and other types of black mirrors away from your bed if you can. If not try covering them with a towel or something light. Work on protecting your aura and strengthening your auric field
Message 3:
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Worrying about an ex at this time is unhealthy for you. As much as you may think this person will change it’s not up to you to focus on them, pour into yourself wholeheartedly and you’ll see where your shadow work needs to be done and why you feel the need to give to someone who probably doesn’t have your best interest at this time. I see a lot of people from your past being nostalgic over you, but that is none of your concern anymore. Turn from the past and be open to all possibilities ( this is the mantra for piscerian energy). Your destiny is waiting for you, but you are holding on to your karmic energy. The moon has met up with Saturn as he’s been transiting Pisces since the beginning of the year, so challenge yourself to let go of the things that aren’t serving you and you know what they are. Also everyone seems to be on edge so it’s best to just be quiet stay out the way and mind your business until mercury retrograde blows over. If you’ve been overindulging in tarot stop, OR you may notice that tarot isn’t resonating with you lately like it used to. Try intuitive games to improve your own cartomancy or tarot skills if you’re into that
Message 4:
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I see you have done a lot of shadow work over the years and it has caused you to feel a bit isolated at times and that’s because others have not done ENOUGH self development therefore you are not resonating with most people. You are supposed to soar and it may feel lonely at the top but know that you are an example of Christ consciousness to those around you. you are a beacon of light that illuminates a path behind you. You are not a flash light searching for dark spots. Reward yourself for how far you’ve come and don’t stop because this is how you will romanize your life turning fantasies into reality. The full moon wants you to relax and to plan ahead so you can have a more fulfilled day. Pisces is a mutable sign meaning ever changing , therefore this energy can be a bit sporadic. Which isn’t always bad, BUT I see time can easily evade you if your daily intentions aren’t set properly. You’ll see what I mean if you haven’t already. I see you thinking back on this post weeks later like ohhhh now I get it. 🤭 also eat some more vegetables, try making more home cooked meals bc it’ll be therapeutic .
Message 5:
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Please be mindful that with most people in their late 20’s experiencing their Saturn returns with the moon currently in the same sign as Saturn may force you to observe people change for the better or for worse. It all depends on one’s karma and the work they’ve chosen to do or lack thereof. With the sun being n Virgo and Virgo being the sign of the hermit, the change of season will cause you and others to recluse and maybe even become lethargic. For example during this time of year most people go back to school, and as the older generation phases out and retires, the old “students” are the new teachers. I see a lot of millennials changing the dynamics of school systems compared to how we experienced it growing up. You are the future, help your inner child and inner teenager even if you’re an adult by connecting with those younger than you. If YOU are a teenager pay attention to those in their mid to late twenties. A lot of times we think our lives are going to go certain ways and end up something completely diff. Just know that if you’re aspiring to do something that may not need a traditional education don’t waste your money going to school for something you don’t even really wanna do or you’re doing it for just the money or to satisfy family. Find the moon tonight and do some moon gazing , stare at her and let your mind wonder off; your higher self will handle the rest.
Message 6:
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People want to know what you’re up to 👀 I see you have a magnetic energy like the moon. People stare at you like they do the moon, for some reason I see you’re a walking personification of a mirrored portal. You are a conduit of the higher dimensions, you see a person but they see you as a hypnotic metronome. Just like the effect the full moon has on mythological creatures like mermaids and werewolves, I’m seeing you know you had some time of power of psychic gift but you’ll begin to resonate with being other worldly as your gifts play out in front of you. Pisces energy is about illusions and for some reason you create an optical illusion that doesn’t play tricks on peoples eyes but their minds 😵‍💫 THIS message will only resonate with a small few but please comment if you experience any weird nuisances. With great power comes great responsibilities, be careful not to put people in trances at the wrong time, don’t stare at people back if they stare at you but if it’s a lover stare and you’ll both take an astral trip. Please move in silence at this time and work on grounding. Going into hermit mode will benefit you and please don’t get distracted by lust bc I see that being the side effect of this heightened power rn like a hungry vampire. Also stop trying to be captain sage a h*e and realize how earthly you’ve been, lighten your aura in weight.
🩻This is your time to illuminate the truth deep within you bc you already hold the answers you seek.. there’s no research to be done at this time because you have spent the time and effort. Now you are reaping the rewards
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spiritual-messages · 2 years
Blessings coming your way pick a card! ❤️
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Hey there! Todays reading is all about blessings that are coming in your life ... Which wish is coming TRUE ? What blessings are coming?
Before we begin ..I want you to take few deep breaths and center yourself .. Now pick a pile that you are attracted to the most
The pictures aren't mine and are
taken from Pinterest credit to the owners ❤️ thank yaaa bless!
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Pile 1 ---- pile 2
Pile 3
Pile 1
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Energy :
damn I heard " money " 👀 as soon as I connected .. Woohhhh strong sad vibes.. Experienced loss in wealth ? Wanna know about money ? Is this investment worthy ? Anything money related ? If you were concerned about these topics then Congo! you picked the right pile my dear!
Current situation :
So what i see is that there was a loss ... That was all of sudden... Smth happened that damaged your financial life .. And now all you are doing is panic panic and panic.. I see you over working .. Multiple jobs .. Trying to rebuilt what was torn apart .. Working with full determination .. Skipping meals and all wooooffff.. BITCH CALM THAT ASS DOWN .. BREATHE! I SAID BREATHE OKAY!? chill out pleasee u need to ..
Blessing :
Now .. Lemme tell ya good news.. Whatever happened.. Was needed.. Becz theres smth more bigger for you . let go love .. Please take time for yourself and relax.. I see there are blockages .. I see u stressed and worried for future but .. Trust me theres money coming in .. Possible new job offer.. Bonus.. Probably your boss give you a promotion .. Probably you'll start gaining success in your passion yess.. The universe is telling you to follow your passion and trust me they got you ! They got your back .. Just relax .. I see the blessing coming your way is definitely an ideal career .. More money and a happy life .. Things can only change once you learn to accept and let go of the past so please do .. I see the stuckness fading away soon so.. Chill out take a break.. Probably go on a trip ? Work on yourself .. And then take action .. See whats right for you.. There are alot of opportunities coming so be open to them.. Be positive .. Becz whats coming in future is more important than what has gone .. Trust the process have faith.. Money is coming for you babeee just let the clouds of panic and overthinking fade . watch the sun shine again..
Wishing you the best
These songs might be significant for you ! Do listen to these ❤️
Pile 2
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Energy :
So pile two .. " karmic " " heartache " I heard these words.. I see.. You must be broken .. Trapped .. And stuck somewhere not being able to move on.. Clinging onto the past .. Damn I feel heaviness on my heart like some sort of weight .. This is my heart broken pile .. You got cheated on ? Third party ? Break up? Cant move on ? Then this is your pile ..
Current situation:
So I see smth happened all of the sudden . everything was going good and this shit happened that left you numb and broken .. A tower moment.. A painful karmic relationship is what i see.. You gave so much love to this person and in return you got cheated on .. Now you are doubting your self .. Questioning yourself " am I worthy " and asking universe why they did that to you .. I pick on a lot of broken energy .. Yes you are worthy of love .. There is so much more better for you so stop .. Stop doubting yourself just let the past go .. The old progress must have fell down and got broken just becz of its weak foundation .. But try to see the positive .. Now you can build smth new .. Strong and better than before ..
I see that this was a tower moment in your life .. And right now you are in the middle of chaos .. Absolute chaos damn it .. I feel so stressed .. Alright.. Lets just jump onto the blessings..
So as a blessing I see you moving on .. Moving on from this painful shit that you didn't deserve .. I see you growing .. You might spend time with nature alot .. And now i see a new journey .. You will start a new journey that i'll come as a blessing .. The universe is telling you to let it flow and unfold naturally . becz on this journey you'll learn to love ans accept yourself .. I see you helping others . or receiving health... You'll definitely heal from the pain full past with help from someone (possibly a soulmate) I see you'll attract a soulmate into your life by working on yourself . that will love and accept you and will be grateful foe your work.. You will attract TRUE love you manifested this soulmate .. You asked for smth permanent thats why the old karmic shit has ended .. You can move on .. All you need to do is trust yourself .. Pay attention to signs love your angels are trying to help you .. Pay attention to angel numbers .. Songs and dreams .. That could be imp for you 👀 wish you best my dear
please listen to these songs these might be significant for y'all
Pile 3
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Energy :
So so so plieee 3 welcome to the reading . I feel happy so happy... Your energy is so positive .. So happy and feel as if im on the mountains and the sun is shining bright and feels good and warm on my skin ... Wow.. .. Are you manifesting smth ? Wishing for someone ? Manifesting a specific person ? this is your pile thennn
Current situation:
Alrightie .. Right now i see you manifesting smth and sending positive vibes to the universe .. But sometimes you feel doubts tryin to blur your vision but trust me you are a master in manifestation .. coolll I just wanna dance for some reason .well okay okay i feel it .. The vibe..
Blessings :
So guys .. Whatever you are wishing for .. Is gonna come into your life ... I see wish fulfillment .. You might be noticing angel numbers such as " 111 , 1111" I heard " bad romance " the song might be significant for you .. So if you are manifesting a relationship or a soulmate possibly a twin soul.. They are coming . in you damn life .. I see success and patience . i see you'll finally get what you have ever wanted all you have to do is accept the changes and be patient becz positive changes are coming . light is coming ( sun and light both cards are there wooohooo! Cheers to my pile three! You rock guys)
I see good luck and fortune coming along with money . you attracted that shit mhm mhm go get it .. I heard " delicious " well hello *eyebrows wiggling* whatever you prayed for or visualized about .. Is coming to you .. another song loveee .. You'll be on the best version of yourself.. Happy and healthy ..learning and growing .. Creating your damn reality .. Just how you wanted . here comes my bad bitches proud of y'all you got this lovee! So happy for yaaa .
Please listen to these song ls as this might be significant for y'all ❤️
Byeeeh 🦋🤍
So this was my veryfirst reading please show me some love and give me honest feed backs wish you a very best future remember y'all are devine beings and can create your own reality
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