#kara: morning
flowerakatsuka · 4 months
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so I personally needed a compilation of the Kara “I can be subtle” Danvers moments from @supergirlpolls and I made this
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eqt-95 · 11 months
a new kind of romance, pt 2
part 1 | s'mores
🖍️ | purple
“Mmm, purple,” Esme said after her tiny scowl scrutinized the coloring page and definitely didn't register Kara's pouting lip.
“Not red? Blue?” Kara offered with a pot-turned-scowl ping-ponging between her niece and the superhero cartoon sitting between them.
“No,” Esme continued with a confident head shake, “purple.”
Kara sulked, holding the uncapped red and blue markers in either hand. It didn’t matter that it was Esme’s turn to choose, but it did matter that Esme was choosing a very not Supergirl color palette. 
And so Kara sulked. She sulked and sulked as more and more of the super suit was scribbled in a deep purple that she didn’t want to admit complimented the green eyes Esme had chosen.
And, honestly, Kara was about to label the whole afternoon ruined.
But then. Then, her sulk softened by the growing proximity of a familiar heartbeat. Even Esme’s eyes glanced toward the door, and Kara wondered if her niece noticed the uptick in Kara’s own pulse. She hoped not.
Seconds later jangling keys, creaking hinges, and heels clicking against Kara’s hardwood floors were met by Kara’s second-favorite sound: 
“I’m so sorry,” came Lena's hurried voice, a little breathless with flushed cheeks to match. 
And Kara, crouched and bubbling with excitement, rocked on her heels between the instinct to jump up and pull Lena into a koala hug or to keep her cool at the coffee table surrounded by crayons, markers, and a very very un-Supergirl superhero.
Esme was definitely less chill, climbing to her feet with the excitement of a sugar rush, and Kara felt a little envious.
“I didn’t think I’d get held hostage by that-”
“Hey, language,” Kara warned, spinning to peer over the back of the couch.
“Sorry,” Lena said with a small eye-roll hand draping her jacket over the back of a bar stool. “I didn’t think I’d be ‘stuck’ in the meeting.”
“Better,” Kara said with a nod, a smile, and absolutely zero interest in coloring a silly superhero cartoon because Lena was here. Lena, who Kara hadn’t seen in two whole days if you didn’t count the fly-by hello she gave the night before or the coffee date they had that morning.
“It’s no problem-” Kara began, watching a squealing Esme run into Lena’s arms, and Kara swallowed down a tiny pang of jealousy. Because it was fine that Esme would want a hug from her godmother. It just so happened that Kara wanted one too, but Kara was trying to be cool and chill because Alex had told her in a not-so-subtle-way that Kara was maybe giving off creepy attachment vibes around Lena.
“Aunt Kara picked me up and we had ice cream and now we're coloring.”
“Ice cream?” Lena asked over Esme’s tiny back-stabbing shoulder. One perfectly sculpted eyebrow arched in question toward Aunt Kara.
“Yep,” Esme nodded vigorously. “It’s our secret.”
And Kara’s eyes narrowed because, yes, it was their secret.
“I think we need to discuss what a ‘secret’ is, little bug.”
“But we tell Aunt Lena everything,” Esme said with a small frown and nervous expression. She glanced up at a now standing, stunning, smirking Lena and Kara’s crouched, cramped, confused form. “Right?”
“Uh, right,” Kara said with a quick spin and flop back onto the floor, eyes glued to the heinous purple superhero monster Esme was probably going to make her stick on the fridge.
Because boy did Kara feel a bit conflicted about all of that. She stuttered, feeling the weight of Lena’s presence from the kitchen, guided by Esme’s tiny hand, now moving to the couch. 
“Aunt Lena, you can help us finish!” Esme exclaimed, settling back down next to Kara who had subconsciously picked up a blue crayon.
And that… that got Kara’s problem-solving skills working overtime because here was the situation: The coloring page was standard letter format, and it was already cramped with one tiny-sized hand and Kara’s big grown-up hand. Add another hand? Even an Esme-sized one would be cramped and… well let’s be honest, Lena had larger than normal hands.
Not that it was a problem! Lena had great hands. The best hands. Her fingers were long and delicate and her nails always so clean and short and pretty and no doubt she could weave and maneuver in and around wherever they needed to get to all the right spots and actually maybe it wouldn’t be so difficult to-
Kara coughed to interrupt herself from her thoughts. Her thoughts which were making her cheeks feel a little warm. Was it a little too warm?
“I don’t think there’s enough room,” Kara choked out. "Where will Aunt Lena sit?"
“Oh I don’t know,” Lena hummed from the couch, and then… 
And then?
And then. It got even warmer.
Boiling hot.
Like, lava hot.
Because then two legs wrapped in fancy purple pants straddled and settled onto either side of Kara. And suddenly purple didn’t seem so bad.
Because then there was the press of Lena’s chest against her back. And then there was an arm extending over her shoulder to pluck up a purple crayon. And then there was a soft, warm breath on the back of Kara’s neck. 
“I think we can figure it out,” Lena whispered into Kara’s ear and it definitely tickled and it definitely sent a shiver up her spine and it definitely, definitely, didn’t help interrupt her thoughts.
- - - - - part 3 | zippers
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qrjung · 8 months
Y'know what would have really made dbh the sci-fi game it was trying hard to be? If they'd actually tried to discuss what makes artificial intelligence alive. Like we don't know yet, obviously. But they could still speculate
A lot of the characters in Detroit: Become Human speak about being "alive" alot and what it means to be alive but they never really answer it. We only get definitions of the word "alive" that is usually applicable to humans but never one you can apply to a sentient AI with a new perspective on the world. There's also a lot of trying to make androids seem like Humans 2.0.
We also have lines that try to explain why the androids are sentient but the fall very flat and meaningless. Like that "Empathy is a human emotion, Connor. You showed empathy." line. Ok ... so he's showing a "human emotion". Is that really what it means to be alive fr? Showing emotions?
David Cage was too focused on his racism analogy to even bother thinking about "What it actually means for an AI to be alive." so we're left with nothing but inconsistencies.
I believe Kara could have easily being a way to explore that. While the other main characters are pushing the overall plot, Kara's story could have been one about an android discovering the meaning of life for themselves. She already has the potential; even if we hardly see it in the game itself.
Kara is mostly driven by her curiousity and need to experience the world. It's the first thing she feels when she opens her eyes in the tech demo where she's absolutely fascinated by herself and everything around her. In the teaser trailer, she has a similar reaction.
There's a few little moments where she seems to enjoy the world around her. She stops at Rose's house to watch the snow fall and in the Pirate's Cove chapter, she tells Luther she's never seen snow before and it's so pretty.
Because it's already established that Kara would have loved to experience the world, there's a sort of tragedy that she never gets to do it. Especially since it did feel like that was the direction the game was heading in at first.
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fictiongods · 3 months
Kara in the stronger together (1x2) ending scene with Alura is actually the most heartbreaking thing you will ever see and they added it just so I would cry. “Whatever it is you wish you could ask Alura, you may ask me.” “I’d ask for a hug.” Oh okay. Okay. Okay, okay, okay, I’m fine. I’m good and fine. I feel so normal and fine and the mommy issues are un-quaked. Do you grasp this? All she wants IS A HUG FROM HER MOTHER. She wants to be held and protected by someone she loves and knows would hold her like she’s fragile, like she’s weak, and she wouldn’t be ashamed of that. She would be protected like she protects everyone else, but it’s a hologram so when she asks she can’t get it. She can’t hug her mother. Then in season three she got that hug. Finally, she got to be held and protected and safe and fragile and weak. She got her mother. And then she chose to leave that behind. Willingly. For the people she needed to protect. I hate it here Kara you precious little baby.
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mrsluthordanvers · 7 months
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Kara Danvers inspired
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Kara Prince AU Pt 6(?)
Kara keeps a low profile. She has no need to be supergirl here, and she hits it off with Lena without her powers even coming into play. Until one day she sees Lena dart into the lane to snatch up a child who'd chased a ball into the path of a lorry.
Kara zips both Lena and child out of the way. The kid runs off none the wiser, but Lena knows. Lena knows she should have been crushed by the lorry. That Kara couldn't have saved them without special abilities.
Lena looks up at Kara with shock and confusion in her eyes. All Kara can do is softly say, "I'm Supergirl."
She expects some sort of backlash, but Lena simply takes her hand. "Come with me."
Lena leads her back to her own cottage, just outside of town. It's lush with plants in the yard and on the sills. Inside smells like flowers and fresh herbs. Kara stares as Lena selects a small potted plant from the sill, and places it in Kara's hands.
Kara does. She stares in wonder as Lena runs her fingers along the edges of the plant's leaves and stem, as fresh flower buds sprout and blossom in their wake. In moments, the plant is overflowing in its pot, and Kara doesn't know what to do with the realization that she's not the only special person in this small Irish town.
"I'm a witch," Lena explains. She smiles. "I suppose we all have our own little secrets."
With the plant still clasped in her hands, Kara leans in and kisses Lena, completely unaware of the plants continued growth as Lena enthusiastically kisses her back.
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sugarsnappeases · 9 months
i call this one ‘kara has like ten minutes to herself and starts losing it about lily again’
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spaceman-earthgirl · 2 years
Kara keeps touching her, and it’s slowly driving Lena insane.
A hand at the small of her back as Kara steps past her, fingers grazing Lena’s arm, her hand, shoulders bumping together when Kara stands close. And it keeps happening as they cook together, Kara sending her a smile with each touch, sometimes an added wink, and maybe Lena’s not so hungry anymore. At least not for food, anyway.
It’s the kiss to the back of Lena’s shoulder that does it, Kara’s mouth warm through her thin shirt, fleeting in its touch, the gesture both sweet and maddening.
Kara walks past her, picks up a knife, and starts chopping vegetables for the stir fry they’re making, but that can wait.
“What are you doing?” Kara asks, as Lena carefully takes the knife from Kara’s hand.
Lena doesn’t answer, instead, hands on Kara’s hips, she spins her girlfriend, crowds into her space, backing her up until they’re pressed against the kitchen island.
Lena crouches slightly, hands slipping to under Kara’s thighs, and then she lifts, intending to pick Kara up so she’s sitting on the counter.
But nothing happens.
Lena tries again, lifting as hard as she can this time, trying to pick Kara up, belatedly realising just how much her superhero girlfriend weighs, and her normal human strength isn’t going to do much against that.
“Did you want me to…?” Kara asks, looking amused as she points to the counter behind her.
Lena nods, cheeks red, embarrassed by her failed attempt.
Kara’s places her hands on the island before she easily lifts herself onto it.
“Better?” Kara asks, grinning now as she looks down at her girlfriend, Lena now standing between Kara’s thighs.
Lena groans, head tilting forward to bury itself in Kara’s chest.
Kara laughs. “What’s wrong?”
Lena pulls away so she can see Kara’s face. It’s a little unfair how good she looks, eyes crinkled, hair falling around her face as Kara tilts her head down slightly to look at her.
"I was trying to seduce you, but then I couldn’t even lift you and I ruined it.”
Kara’s still smiling, and it’s impossible to feel too bad when Kara’s looking at her like that.
Kara cups her cheeks, and Lena melts a little into the touch. “I thought it was cute.” She shifts forward a bit, so Lena is properly tucked between her thighs. “And I definitely like this.” Kara hooks her legs behind Lena, and ok, Lena definitely likes this too.
Kara leans forward and then they’re kissing, and then Lena has zero regrets because Kara’s tongue is in her mouth and Kara’s thighs are strong around her and it’s perfect.
It’s lucky they hadn’t actually turned the stove on yet, because with the way Lena’s distracted by Kara right now, her thoughts are definitely far from the meal they’ve been preparing.
Lena laughs into Kara’s mouth when Kara presses forward, right off the counter. In normal circumstances, Lena would’ve collapsed under the weight of Kara in her arms, but Kara floats, leaving just enough pressure for Lena to feel like she’s doing at least a little of the work holding her girlfriend up.
“Bedroom?” Kara mumbles against Lena’s mouth.
Lena doesn’t need to be asked twice.
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xeniums · 2 months
to have the ability to snap my fingers and smite todd instantly is my morning wish of the day
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wolfie-bee · 11 months
here's my one and only (late 😅) contribution to supercorptober 2023 for day 23: morning.
the crisis of dreaming this morn
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thebardisabird · 1 year
Mafia Kara would protect his s/o with his life! If anyone so much lays a finger on them, it’s on!
And the best part? He does it with finesse. So smooth with it most people don't even see the threat he truly is coming. He's not a tactician the way Choromatsu is, nor is he abrasive and headstrong like The Don (Oso), but he plays to his strengths of having a silver tongue and knowing exactly how to throw people off enough to get the upper hand. No one ever suspects his showboat-y persona has far more depth than what he gives them. For example...
You're minding your business at your workplace, taking care of the tasks assigned to you and thinking your day as normal as it comes. You take care of your customers, who thank you and move about their day when you've done all you can do for them.
Except one. One asshole who eyes you in the establishment, as he's done a number of times before. He strikes up a conversation with you, compliments you, very overtly flirts with you. You try to stick to your usual routine: stay polite and professionally aloof. Only this time - this time he grabs your wrist, asking where you're going when you try to excuse yourself to assist other patrons. He insists on getting your number, "C'mon, what's one date huh? I'm a lot of fun y'know!" before winking and dragging your toward him. The discomfort is visible on your face, and you move to take your wrist back, but his grip is nearly suffocating. You toy with the idea of smacking him off of you, but before you can even lay that to execution, he screams in sheer agony.
You blink, confused at first, but looking up gives you the answer you're looking for: the creep's opposite wrist is being bent back at a painfully awkward angle, the muscle and bone almost threatening to pop in the grasp of the man behind him. Dressing in a finely tailored black Italian cut suit with a royal blue button down to compliment it was your beloved. Second son to the Matsuno mafia family, Karamatsu. He yanks the guy away from you in one strong tug, whirling him around with his arm pressed behind his back to face the door of your establishment.
"Non non, speaking to my angel that way is reprehensible."
His tone is playful, almost like he's joking with the guy, but the press of cold, solid steel into his back is anything but. Karamatsu leans in, bachelor-esque bravado hardening into a deadpan stare straight ahead over his opposite's shoulder, ice crawling into his vocal chords. He speaks only loud enough for the man to hear him, "You'd bode well to never come back here...or the three in this chamber will go directly into your spine, capisce?"
The man takes off running, terrified of how easily his life just hung on the balance. As soon as he's gone, you're met with a look of pure adoration from Karamatsu, having done a complete 180 knowing that you're safe now. His hands cup your cheeks, his lips press a kiss to your forehead. "Light of my life, how happy I am to see your brilliance once more!"
You giggle at his poetic greeting, "Hi my love, you're back sooner than you said. Would you like some espresso?"
He takes a seat nearby at an empty table, "Ah, my darling, I couldn't spare another moment without your presence. If I'm gone from you too long, surely I would wither away, cara mia." You set down a cup of espresso for him, along with some sugar and cream (he takes his on the sweeter side, a characteristic his brothers poke fun at him for) along with a few biscotti. Leaning on your hand you smile softly at him, "Don't be silly Kara, you'd be just fine without me."
He feigns an offended gasp, palm flat to his chest, "Bella! What man could possibly live without his heart?"
The laughter between you both is ripe with shared affection.
You leave him shortly after to continue your business while he sips his espresso. The cheer in his expression fades into something pensive and steely. Mid-sip he thinks of who of his brothers he should speak to first about the man who so disrespectfully put his hands on you this afternoon. He'd pay for treating you with disgrace - and Karamatsu would make sure he collects.
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fazedlight · 9 months
Three-day weekends are for fanfic-writing and fanvid-making, right? 😌
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sebaren · 1 year
This is Conrart Weller.
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This is Conrart Weller 4000 years ago.
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This is Conrart Weller, but he’s attempting to overthrow Hitler.
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This is Conrart Weller about 10,000 years from now. Probably more.
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flowerakatsuka · 1 month
i always find it funny when a character's signature color isn't even their favorite one. anyways, kuroba's favorite color is actually cornflower.
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eqt-95 · 1 year
like we're made of glass (excerpt)
“Jess?”  Lena had been nose deep in her tablet. She’d been walking - walking out of her office - walking to get another mug of tea before settling into her next four-hour marathon of work. She’d not bothered looking up when the small rustle of paper came from her secretary’s desk. “I thought you left-”
Until she did.
Lena blinked and felt the tablet slip from her grip. Her fingers fumbled to keep it from crashing to the floor, and in that distraction she was able to keep her mouth from plummeting open in shock.
“You didn’t have a terrace.”
She knew this day might come. Would come. She’d worried through countless hypotheticals and iterations of hypotheticals and versions of those hypothetical iterations. She’d imagined the good, the bad, the painful, and the words she might say to soften the blow. There was only one constant in each and every version: it wouldn’t be easy. It would be hard. It might even be impossible. 
It already was.
“How long have you been back?” Lena choked, carrying on like the cascade of blonde curls, piercing blue eyes, and a red cape appearing outside her office were a regular occurrence. Like it hadn’t just completely uprooted her life. 
She set the tablet down and ignored the weight of a stare that could scorch the earth. It was a stare that tracked her like she might suddenly disappear. Lena didn’t blame her - she’d already done it once. What she needed was a minute to organize her thoughts and steel herself from the confusion, pain, and hunger bound to be layered within that same stare.
“Not long.”
“You should be resting. The protocol-”
“I slept plenty on the ship.”
“Have you seen Alex?” Lena continued, hoping faux normalcy might elude the elephant standing behind her wife’s shoulder. That it might grant her another few seconds to brace for the oncoming battle.
“She can wait a minute longer,” came a reply edging toward frustration. Lena knew because she knew this voice; knew its wavers, inflections, and hesitations like the back of her hand. That knowledge didn’t stop her from staying the course.
“She’ll be relieved - excited, and Esme will just gush; you should call her at least-”
“You can borrow my cell-”
And the force of her name on Kara’s tongue dragged Lena’s unwilling eyes to the woman standing in front of her. She looked exhausted and war-battered; of course she would. She lacked the wisps of gray that interrupted Lena’s own long strands of hair, but Kara’s kryptonian genes couldn’t hide the warryness in her eyes or the prostration of time in her shoulders.
But of course all of these changes were expected - five years could do that. What Lena didn’t expect was the intensity of Kara’s gaze. Behind the tired was a scowl of confusion. Behind the confusion were walls cautiously being erected at what she surely had begun piecing together.
“You’ve been to the house.” It wasn’t a question; Lena already knew this as the answer.
“You mean the one in National City or the penthouse in Metropolis? Because last time I checked, we only had one home, Lena.”
Unable to look any longer at Kara’s penetrating stare, Lena’s eyes fell to the gold band twinkling around Kara’s left ring finger, and she subconsciously clenched her own bare hands into fists.
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