#kara is talking
heavensong · 1 year
With ppl coming here from Twitter (cool!) I’d just like to try and talk here more bc I really just post and go, and I get very little engagement. I find interacting with other artists first, and by being genuine about it, fosters a community that actually interacts with and comments on art, which is what we all want!
So many ppl I know irl just ignore my work, I’m being honest. They like it and that’s it. No reblogs, no comments, and like, you can’t address it irl bc it’ll be awkward, but it’s like??? Who can you count on to support your passions but ppl you love and trust? I know it’s drawings of stuff you don’t care about or OCs but like… if you like the art, share it! Spread it around!! Why do you care so much about your blog being aesthetic or “clean”? Clean from what??? Is your friends’ art and passions and interests so ugly to you? Idk I don’t get it 🤷
If you’ve supported me at all, interacted with me at all, over these years on tumblr, I really appreciate you and I’m gonna make an effort to support you more too. If I want to see change, I have to be part of that effort right? Let’s grow together 🌱
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ckducky · 2 months
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it seemed like a good idea at the time...
inspired by this panel in Action Comics 1067 (2024) art by Eddy Barrows, Cian Tormey, and Danny Miki
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natalievoncatte · 2 months
Lena tipped back the last of her scotch and savored it, letting the smooth, piquant insistence of it roll across her tongue and sting between her teeth. She’d poured herself three fingers of a thirty year old single malt from the Macallan and had tasted it every drop, letting it stay a while. Indeed she’d indulged so slowly that she was barely buzzed.
A distant memory struck her. The sting of heavy smoke in her mouth, acrid and unpleasant but as rich and complex in flavor as her single malts. The effect was ruined by her idiotic decision to breath it in rather than allow a brief visitation in her mouth before being set free into the night air. She had been thirteen and Lex had given her a puff on a cigar he’d stolen from their father’s humidor while he and Lillian were away.
“This is a Dominican,” he’d told her. “I’ll give you a Cuban when you have enough experience to appreciate it.”
She turned the glass in her hand before setting it in the sink. She thought of Lex almost every day- not the raving, incoherent loon who’d tied her to the chair or the bitter shell of a man he was when she fired five bullets into his chest, but the boy he was, about to go off to college, full of adolescent bravado that matched his genius. She thought of the man he might have been if he hadn’t let his base jealousy consume him, if he’d had enough empathy to follow a better path. Her path.
It was a hard one to walk, but-
There was a tap at her balcony door and she nearly jumped out of her skin, wheeling.
It was Kara.
Lena motioned for her to open the door and she did, stepping inside.
“Can you ever use the inside door like a normal person?”
Kara shrugged. “I went for a fly to clear my head and I ended up here.”
Lena sighed. “I was just heading to bed, darling. It’s late. Too late to watch cartoons on my couch.”
“Will you fly with me?”
Lena quirked a brow. “You know it’s not any fun for me. I really do hate flying.”
“I know but, I was just… would you?”
Lena looked at her. Kara looked back, her eyes soft, expression hopeful and fearful, inviting. It made Lena fight the urges that dogged her. She felt a need to stride across the distance between them and tuck away a few wind-tossed locks of Kara’s hair, cup a warm hand to her cool cheek, soothe the pain that always seemed to hide in her eyes, like the reflection of something dark in the gloss of a family photo.
She got her jacket first to protect herself against the night chill, then wondered how to do this. She was used to Kara flying her, but it was usually after being caught from a fall or scooped from danger and whisked to safety. Casually flying hadn’t really been their thing.
She settled on looping her arms about Kara’s neck.
She hesitated. “Lena, are you sure? Your heart is beating pretty fast.”
“You won’t drop me?”
Lena nodded and Kara swept her arms under Lena, one arm under her knees, the other curled around her waist. Of course it was effortless- for Kara, raising a cement mixer over her head was effortless. She stepped up to the railing of the balcony and paused when Lena tensed.
Lena closed her eyes as Kara stepped into empty air. She realized that she didn’t know how Kryptonians fly; she suspected Kara didn’t know either. It just happened.
Lena kept her eyes shut. Kara flew, holding her gently but firmly. If not for the wind buffeting her, Lena wouldn’t have known she was hundreds of feet in the air.
Finally she felt the soft impact of Kara’s boots on the ground and opened her eyes as Kara lowered her to her feet.
“Where are we?”
Lena looked around. They were in a baseball diamond, probably for little league games, in a small park.
“The suburbs. No one bothers me at night if I stop here. It’s a good place to think.”
Kara walked over to the bleachers and sat down. She looked so forlorn, so terribly sad, and Lena quickly sat beside her.
Kara didn’t speak. She saw the slight tremor of Lena’s restrained shiver, and without a word unclasped her cape and swept it around Lena.
“Thanks,” said Lena. “This makes a good blanket.”
Kara smiled. “That is a blanket. Kal… Clark’s birth parents, my aunt and uncle, sent it with him to Earth. Martha made it part of his first suit. The one she made.”
Lena stared at her for a moment. She rarely spoke of her cousin, and when she did, it had an odd, detached tone to it. A kind of resentment. She sounded fond now, and familiar. Lena knew who he was, of course; once she knew who Kara was, deducing who her cousin was turned out to be a simple thing. Yet Kara had never dropped his name so casually in conversation. It was intimate. Familiar.
“Speaking of Clark,” said Kara. “He sent me a message today. He’s staying on Argo with Lois and their child. He’s not coming home.”
Kara caught herself, eyes wide. Lena waited, holding a tense breath.
“Kara, what is it?”
“I can’t remember when I started thinking of Earth as home,” said Kara. “Just like I can’t remember when I started thinking in English instead of translating my thoughts.”
Lena poked an arm out of the cape to rest a hand on Kara’s shoulder.
“You’re thinking about joining them.”
Kara looked down. “I almost did before, but I was needed here. I don’t feel needed so much anymore. There’s so many more heroes now- Bruce has a whole team he’s built, and there’s Diana now and of course Barry and Oliver and… they can handle a lot of it. I don’t even put the suit on every day anymore.”
Lena felt a terrible, frigid chill. Colder than the night, colder than death. She looked at Kara, really looked at her, lit by lamplight, a golden beauty in the dark. She was so hauntingly, achingly beautiful. Lena could still remember the feeling when she saw Kara for the first time in her office, how her face must have betrayed her. My God, who is this?
“Are you thinking about going?”
“Maybe. I’m not sure. I don’t know what to do. My people need every Kryptonian to come home and rebuild our culture and way of life. I have a sacred duty.”
Lena met her gaze levelly, feeling undone by it. Kara’s eyes were soft, full of an aching, unasked question.
“You keep talking about being needed, about duty,” Lena said. “The whole time I’ve known you it’s been about oaths and obligations and responsibilities. What do you want, Kara? What is your heart’s desire? Whatever it is, if you ask me, you deserve it. Whatever debt you think you owe the universe, you’ve paid it back in full with interest and gratuities.”
Kara looked away. “I know what I want, but I’m scared to ask for it.”
“I’ve never known you to be scared of anything.”
“I’m scared of being hurt. I’m scared of hurting someone else. What if I’m wrong? I’ve always been wrong about this one thing. I don’t want to lose you by asking the wrong question.”
Me? Lena thought. Why would…
Lena’s heart raced anew. The shock felt like she’d spilled cold water from her heart, racing down her limbs. She felt as heavy as stone and as light as a feather, and the flutter in her belly made her regret the scotch.
“I don’t want to go,” Kara sighed. “This is my home now. Krypton… Krypton is gone and it probably should be. I hope Clark can show the survivors a better way. There were a lot of things my people did wrong.”
“Kara, you can’t go. Okay? You can’t. You are needed here. I need you.”
Kara turned abruptly, eyes wide.
“Why did you wait so long?” Lena whispered.
“After everything I did, I… I was as afraid. I hurt you so much, caused you so much pain. Why would you…”
“Because you get so excited when you land on Park Place,” said Lena. “Because you sing to yourself when no one is looking. Because you’re bored to tears watching documentaries with me but you do it anyway. Because you always flex your muscles when you pop a cork from a bottle. Because you save me and cherish me and treat me like a queen, and you always have. Yes, Kara, you hurt me, but no one is perfect. I’m just as guilty.”
“What do you want, Lena? What’s your hearts desire?”
“I think you already know that and you’re just too scared to admit it.”
Kara swallowed, hard.
“Stay with me. Choose me,” said Lena.
“Can I kiss you?”
“I seriously thought you’d never ask,” said Lena.
Kara tilted in close. Sitting on the old faded wood of the bleachers with a blanket around her, she felt so young. She hadn’t been this giddy about a kiss since middle school. No; she’s never been this giddy ever, not a day in her life. Kara’s lips touched hers and despite the chasteness of it, she let out a soft moan.
Kara took it as an invitation and the kiss deepened, and she slipped under the blanket so they were both wrapped in it and her arms found Lena’s waist. When she tucked her head under Kara’s chin and pressed into her arms, she felt so safe, so sheltered. It was perfect, like finally finding home, and they were still there when the sun found them and Kara carried her into the morning sky.
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mamawasatesttube · 3 months
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i present: a brief guide on the different supergirls of the postcrisis era!!!!
this is NOT comprehensive by any means, but is intended as a primer for anyone who's not sure what's up with all the supergirls running around before kara returns. basically - pay attention to cover dates and costume designs and you'll be fine!
(*please for the sake of my sanity as op do not leave me tags about how this is just SO confusing or w/e 😭 it's really no worse than differentiating the male robins i prommy.)
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guhara · 4 months
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check out the detailed tweets here & here or you can see full bbc documentary here.
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lucyllawless · 4 months
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jirachuuu · 2 months
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the math is mathing?? maybe??
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fictiongods · 2 months
Honestly I’ve just realized that so much of the second half of season five was just Kara and Lena being angry at each other, but they hardly were ever in the same room. Like they have maybe three? scenes together after Kara got over her guilt and were angry together? Like so much of that is just them being gay disasters and bringing each other up all the time 😭 literally:
Alex: “So how was your date with Will—”
Kara: “Awful! You know I had to lie to him just like with Lena, and my relationship with her is ruined! She hates me and won’t talk to me!! You know I was only trying to protect her and she just won’t listen to me and…”
Alex, trying very hard not to out Kara to herself: “Yes, this must be very hard for you.”
Lex: “So, is Non Nocere working any better yet?”
Lena: “Not really but I’m still working on it, and y’know Supergirl has such a big problem with it. She is always thinking the worst of me! She lied to me, and is mad at me for me finding out! I mean what kind of deceitful person does that. She’s just so…”
Lex, venomously: “Yes yes very deceiving can we made the damn MIND CONTROL THING WORK SO I CAN RULE THE WORLD— I mean make people less violent that’s what I want :))
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senorpugbean · 3 months
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modded the girl
This was based on a design I did for her back in 2021 (porcelain doll Kara for those who know, I couldn't find it lmao) and I forgot about her until yesterday
Does this count as fanart, I technically just drew on her texture 😭
Love that I took almost 300 pictures of it and her eyes were closed in 80% of em 💀
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franollie · 5 months
Elaborate on your Kryptonian fashion headcanons please!!!
Of course!!
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I initially got inspired by these drawings of Jon by @jesncin the fabric, the patterns, the colors everything about it screamed krypton to me— in their AU Jon is part Indo because their Lois design is indo! Very very cute au you should totally go support them
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The base of all Kryptonian clothing is the suit. From there, you can layer shawls, sashes, robes, etc.
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Here’s some doodles I did exploring the fashion and meanings behind the robes.
Feel free to ask more questions; I’m always happy to share more of my ideas!
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My hobby is exploring relationships that aren't explored enough, and Finn and Susan is definately one of these cases. Both of them played a vital role in the other's self discovery journey, and they knew each other for years, and Finn seemed really sad for a moment when he realized they'd be parting ways, so I imagined this scene as their reunion, maybe the first time they see each other since Susan went to see the world with Frieda. She's surprised about how grown Finn looks, and he's bragging about his muscles. I also like how they kinda seem like gym bros.
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[ID: a digital fanart of Susan Strong and adult Finn from "Adventure Time". Susan has one habd on top of Finn's head and is looking at him and smiling. Finn has one hand in his waist and flexing with the other, smiling proudly.]
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heavensong · 2 years
Hello! I've seen your oc Felicity and I am IN LOVE with her! She's very gorgeous and your art fascinates me!
Also I heard that you have another princess Oc that's also fucked up like Felicity, Is it alright if we could get a peek of her?
Omg thank you so much! I’m so glad you like her 🥰🥰🥰 I also think she is sooo pretty hahaha And I DO have another princess OC! Here’s some pictures of princess Cecily! I wrote up a long backstory underneath the read more if you wanna hear more about her. (Idk your interest level so feel free to skip!)
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I made her up for Disenchantment and she is less fucked up than Felicity (bc she’s a kinder person lol) but she is “cursed” in a way! Well, not necessarily but she finds out that before she was born, her parents so desperately wanted a child that they turned to a sorceress for help. She gave them a baby gosling to care for as if it were their own, and if they could give it the love they proclaimed they would have for their unborn child, she would grant them a baby of their own. Far be it from them to question a witch, they care for the gosling & the day finally comes when they find out if they’ve done well enough to be granted said wish.
The sorceress tells them they’ve done well, says she will perform the spell bring them their baby & takes back the baby bird, preparing to cut its throat as it is a spell ingredient. The king & Queen are horrified as they’re truly grown attached to the creature & demand she let it be, even if it means they won’t be granted their promised child. The witch, with a knowing look, happily returns the gosling to its parents, but not before transforming it into a baby girl with her father’s eyes and her mother’s hair.
Cecily finds this out as a young adult and is absolutely mortified… Mostly bc she finds out by being turned back into a goose and while trying to sort out the mishap, she finds out this is her true form. She’s always thought she was a genuine and “normal” person stuck in a kingdom full of weirdos and her love interest is just as ridiculous & absurd, so finding this out about herself really throws her for a loop & makes her question everything she through she knew about herself up until this point.
She’s eventually able to return to her human form, though her love interest also reverts back to the form of a pig that he’s been stuck in lol but she’s grown as a person, learned to be less judgmental and hard on others and herself. Her parent’s overprotective nature is also recontextualized and she’s able to recognize that she is still loved, despite not being naturally born or really “human”, whatever that means 🥰
There’s a bunch more to her story but that’s the shortest I could get it 😂 sorry! Thank you so much for reading and for asking to see more of her 💖
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misandriste · 2 years
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⤷ endless gifs of lena luthor ✳︎ 56/∞
o(*≧□≦)o lena talking to kara (♡‿♡✿) in supergirl 6.14 ⏤ “magical thinking”
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(◑ ‸ ◑) bonus: lena when she has to talk to anyone else
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Actually. I wish we could see more of Kara, I don't understand why the fandom says that 1) she's boring 2) she can do no wrong
One thing I find rather interesting in dbh is that you can decide what the character will do, but none of your options aren't something the character wouldn't do
So when Kara shoots that guard, although it's "you" making the decision, she already was driven to it. She had the gun, she was scared, she needed to protect Alice. She'll steal and threaten innocent people and kill
Just... I want Kara with prey animal rage, y'know? Murderous desperation, cornered but going down fighting, that will gut you if she needs to,,
How can that this is boring? Desperation for survival and . Love which is impatient and turns into rage and blood, it's dirty and gritty
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mamawasatesttube · 1 month
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supergirl (2005) #34
hi. do you ever think about kara wearing her dead cousin's glasses the first time she tries out a human identity? hi. her dead cousin who also started out as a full time hero with no civilian identity or private life? hi. yeah. her cousin who just died before she even had the chance to know him properly? yeah. hey. um. do you ever think about kara & kon. hey. hi. for the love of god hello
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flowerakatsuka · 2 months
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the first week of kara's temp job at yotsubana florals was a little rough, to say the least. [ original twt ]
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