#kara danvers is a useless bisexual
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natalievoncatte · 2 months ago
Alex had been watching the man across the room for a while. If she’d been into men, he might have been her type- a little lanky and bearded, kind of a hipster air, one of those people who was born on the east coast and came west to fit in.
As she approached the bar she said, “You must be Alex.”
“Must I?”
He offered a genial hand to shake. “Jack Spheer. Lena invited me.”
Alex gave him a shake. “Oh, I know who you are. Lena and Kara both mentioned you a few times. Lena’s ex, right?”
He favored her with a dashing smile and saluted her with his drink. “Guilty.”
Alex turned and looked at Lena, seated across the bar at a table by herself, looking exhausted and overstimulated as she turned a drink between her hands and glanced furtively at Kara and Nia, who were animatedly playing Mortal Kombat on one of the barcade’s old game cabinets.
“Did she invite you?”
“Oh yes,” he said. “Can I swear you to secrecy?”
“Sure, why not.”
“She told me she feels a bit fifth-wheelish at these gatherings of yours.”
“That’s silly,” said Alex. “She’s sort of become the heart of our little band. She’s everybody’s little sister.”
“Nah, that’s Nia.”
Jack looked over at Lena and Kara. Nia lost the match and threw up her hands, and Brainy sauntered over. Nia put her arm about his waist and they fell into each other. Kara’s laugh looked a little strained, a little pained, as she turned to let the couple have their moment.
Kara was in fact staring at Lena now, leaning against a column and nursing a beer that lacked the potency to get her drunk unless she spiked it with the alien liquor in a flask in her purse, but Alex was sure she hadn’t touched it.
The only singles in the group tonight were Lena and Kara, and Alex remembered how Kara’s expression darkened when Lena mentioned he’d be joining them tonight to close out this new place they’d all be eager to visit.
“So are you two…” Alex said.
“No,” Jack laughed. Used to be, back in Metropolis. It ran its course.”
Alex turned and signaled the bartender to bring her and Jack another round.
“So you’re not thinking about making a move?”
Jack swirled his new drink and looked over at Lena, then down at the booze spinning in his hand.
“Thinking about it? Who wouldn’t. She’s gorgeous, you know. Obviously she has those model looks but it’s more than that, it’s deeper. She has the most soulful eyes of any woman I’ve ever met. You’d drown in them and never regret it. She’s a genius, she’s kind and driven. I’ve never met someone who’s so enthusiastic about kindness for the sake of kindness. She throws herself into goodness with such desperation.”
“Wow,” said Alex. “You have a way with words. You really must have deep feelings for her.”
“I do. I won’t say I love her as a sister, that’d be lie. I love her as someone who wants her highest happiness.”
“A girl would be lucky to have someone who sees her like that.”
“You would know,” said Jack. “Your Kelly introduced herself a while ago and had the same sort of high praise for you. By talking to your partner, you’d think you were Supergirl.”
Alex snorted. She glanced over at Lena and saw her still moping prettily, sighing into her drink with her cheek resting against her palm.
“She looks down,” said Alex.
“Unrequited love. Or so she thinks.”
Alex blinked. “What?”
“Don’t you see it?”
“I can’t say I do.”
“She’s in love. I know because she never really looked at me like that.”
“Like wha-“ Alex began.
Lena was looking at Kara, and suddenly Alex saw it. Lena practically radiated yearning, those big soulful eyes of hers so sad that Alex thought sappy music might start playing from nowhere. There was a deep need in that look. Every time Lena looked at Kara, she seemed afraid it was her last chance and she might never see her again.
“I dare say she’s quite in love with your sister.”
Now that Alex saw it she couldn’t unsee it. More than that, pieces began snapping together in her brain- how Lena had gone to absurd lengths to capture the attention of this klutzy, ditzy reporter that had come tumbling into her organized, minimalist, breakfast in California and dinner in Tokyo lifestyle, bringing friendship and a found family and all her bizarre quirks.
The billion dollar CatCo acquisition. The flowers. The look of pure relief in Lena’s eyes when Kara let her back into her life, let her come home.
“Jesus, you’re right.”
Alex took a long drink, then went completely still.
“Or so she thinks,” he’d said.
“Shit, they look like they’re in middle school. Every time Kara looks, Lena looks away.”
“And vice-versa,” said Jack.
Alex sighed. “Great. Just great.”
She suddenly realized that Kara was looking at them, now, and her eyes were wide, a look of unbridled shock on her face.
Goddamn Kara and her goddam bullshit super hearing.
Kara had locked eyes with Jack, and he looked back just as intently.
Then it happened.
Alex knew a bro nod when she saw one. Kara nodded back, pulled the flask from her pocket and took a nip for courage, grimacing as it went down, then turned, head down, and headed straight for Lena.
“Go get her, Supergirl,” Jack said softly.
“I’ll drink to that,” Alex said, offering Jack a toast.
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grtmnick · 9 months ago
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Lena “Wandering Emerald Eyes” Luthor
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ao3feed-supercorp · 2 years ago
devilish thoughts get the better of me
by dub_metric
Kara has some proclivities that she's ashamed of. Lena isn't so sure that her girlfriend really knows how to keep a secret unless it's from her. And even then, she's not really good at it.
Kara has kinks! And they will not! be! ignored! but she will be remorseful for them.
Lena is horny!!! and mad! and horny!!!!
Everyone wants to fuck Andrea Rojas.
Words: 3620, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Supergirl (TV 2015)
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/F
Relationships: Kara Danvers/Lena Luthor, Kara Danvers/Andrea Rojas, Lena Luthor/Andrea Rojas, Kara Danvers/Lena Luthor/Andrea Rojas
Additional Tags: Exhibitionism, Voyeurism, Nude Photos, mistress!lena, switch!Kara, Sex Tapes, Kara Danvers Has a Penis, Useless Bisexual Kara Danvers
from AO3 works tagged 'Kara Danvers/Lena Luthor' https://ift.tt/iOupBSn via IFTTT https://ift.tt/iOupBSn
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argyle-s · 7 years ago
Things I have written this weekend...
Alex asking Cat for dating advice. Maggie and Kara arguing over who’s going to take one for the team and watch The L-Word with Alex Maggie and Alex both being complete gay disasters A short set of notes describing a simple, logical way kryptonian reproductive biology could work that would result in a species where women can get each other pregnant, even though I have no intention what so ever of writing a “Cat knocks Kara up” fic.
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The Straights™: Girls can be just friends!
wlw shippers: gUrLs CaN bE jSuT fRaNDs
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thevoidfishsminstrel · 4 years ago
Alex Danvers wasn’t phased by much. Had she expected to get an alien sister? No. But she went along with it (eventually) and was a good sister. Had she expected to get recruited by a government agency? No. But that was fine, and she was good at her job. Had she expected to be gay? Also no. But she accepted it and she was… well she was a disaster on that front, but she was happy.
The one time that she possibly, maybe, perhaps faltered a little, and thought, ‘this cannot possibly be my life now’, however, was during the months after the arrival of one Lena Luthor to National city.
“Alex! I broke Lena Luthor’s chair!”
Alex whirled around to see Supergirl anxiously striding towards her through the DEO, whisper-shouting her name. “You did what?”
Kara came to a stop in front of her, nervously wringing her hands. “I broke Lena Luthor’s chair.”
Alex blinked. “How? I thought you and Clark were just interviewing her?”
“We were! I was just standing behind one of the chairs in front of her desk and holding the back of it and then she looked at me and I wasn’t expecting it and a bit of the chair just kind of broke off in my hand. I tried to squish it back into place and tucked the chair under the desk but I think you might be able to tell if you looked too closely.”
Alex sighed. “Okay. Don’t worry, I’ll get it fixed.”
Kara deflated with relief and grinned. “Thanks Alex.”
Ten minutes later, Alex phoned the L-corp lobby with an excuse to get Lena down there while J’onn phased through her balcony door and swapped the very obviously hand-shaped-dented chair with a new one that would hopefully go unnoticed. She had naively thought that that would be the end of it.
A week and a half later, Alex got a panicked phone call from Kara claiming that she had seen Lena at a restaurant and stayed to have brunch with her but there was now a large chunk of table missing from where they had been sitting, caused by Lena laughing at one of her jokes. Suspicion had begun to creep into the back of Alex’s mind but she was too exasperated to pay it any attention.
Kara said she had managed to cover it up with an empty bread basket and persuade Lena they should go to see the crepe stand that had been at the park recently.
Alex, Winn and James had arrived at the restaurant half an hour later in fake uniforms and a fake van, claiming a table replacement had been ordered by the restaurant management. They quickly set up the new table and took away the cornerless one along with the piece of wood that had Kara’s fingerprints permanently embedded in it.
Over the next few months, they replaced glasses, vases, windows, tables, chairs, various cutlery, and an array of annoyingly abstract decorations that had to be specially 3D printed because no replacements existed.
A new section of the DEO budget had to be put aside, labelled ‘Cleanup’, and the superfriends became unofficially known as ‘The Cleanup Squad’ (although Winn only said it out loud once, given Alex’s thinly veiled threat afterwards).
It wasn’t until Alex witnessed one of the events that preceded the need for The Cleanup Squad that her subconscious suspicions hit her like the ton of bricks they would have to fix.
It was a standard game night with a shot too many and a brain cell too few, all of them shouting over a game of two truths one lie, when the delivery guy arrived with their food.
Kara went to get the door while Lena had her go. That was the first mistake.
Kara had been sneaking alien alcohol into her drink for the past hour.
Lena’s third sentence was ‘I’m more often attracted to women than men’.
Kara’s foot went through her floorboards with a crunch and she stumbled into her front door, making the whole wall tremble worryingly. Alex shouted out one of the other sentences as a guess to distract Lena from looking behind her to see what the noise was. That was the next mistake.
Kara took the food from a slightly confused looking delivery guy, thanking him and checking the bags as he walked away, as Lena cheered, wine sloshing around in her glass.
“Alex wins! Women are hot and I like to kiss them.”
The door came off its hinges in Kara’s hand and as she went to correct her mistake she smashed it into the doorframe with enough force to bring down a plane. The door, doorframe and half the wall collapsed to the floor, leaving a shellshocked Kara among the rubble, holding a useless doorknob.
Nia slung her arm across Lena’s shoulders to stop her turning around again and cheered. “Woohoo! That’s great! Hey can you teach me how to win at Monopoly?”
Lena frowned. “But only half of us have had a go at-”
“Yeah! You guys set up Monopoly while I go get snacks with James.” Alex not-so-subtly dragged James up with her, glaring at Winn. “What about you, Winn?”
He jumped up with a nervous laugh. “I need the toilet! Yep!”
They all scurried off to where Kara was just standing and blinking. Alex took the food and doorknob from her hands, putting the food on the counter and the doorknob in a nearby vase while Winn and James started haphazardly piling bricks back up into a wall-ish shape. Nia and Brainy seemed to be going through every single Monopoly card and asking Lena about it in a kind of terrifyingly over enthusiastic pop quiz.
Kara snapped out of her daze and began helping as Alex sent a message to the DEO to get a new door there as quickly as possible. She dragged Kara out into the hall and made her laservision off the entire door and doorframe of her neighbour who was luckily currently on holiday. While Kara did that, she kicked the old bits of door and brick dust under a rug in the hall.
Kara fit the new door into the hole that James and Winn were leaving, blowing her freezebreath over the whole wall to freeze it all in place for the time being.
Before she could go back inside, Alex grabbed Kara by the arm. She raised an eyebrow at Kara’s confused look. “Want to explain what just happened?”
Kara blushed and glanced at (or probably through) the door. “I um… I just got distracted by the food.”
“So it was nothing to do with Lena openly admitting she’s bisexual?”
Kara blanched. “I- wha- pff no.”
Alex rolled her eyes and opened the door to let Kara through before she broke anything else.
They all moved back over to the living room area as casually as possible, Winn setting out the food.
Alex leaned down to speak quietly to Kara before she sat down herself. “You know you can talk to me right?”
Kara nodded shyly and she let it go.
The last operation The Cleanup Squad did, it was Nia that called.
Alex sat up in bed, having only just managed to fall asleep, and picked up her phone. “Hello?”
“Alex? Kara’s about to break Lena’s coffee table.”
Alex sighed and waved away Kelly’s questioning look. “Okay. I’ll call J’onn.”
Ten minutes later, Alex was hanging onto J’onn like a backpack as he hovered just under Lena’s balcony with a replacement table.
There was a crash from inside.
“What was that?” Lena’s voice came from somewhere further inside her apartment and J’onn floated up to peer through the windows.
“Nothing! Just… a video on my phone.”
Alex’s phone buzzed with what was presumably the panicked text she just watched Kara send.
Kara went further into the apartment, rambling to Lena about how they should get into their pjs before they watch the next movie.
J’onn alighted on the balcony and they quietly made their way inside. J’onn cleared the broken table into a bag and flew off to dispose of it while Alex set down the new one.
Just as she was putting into place, Lena wandered into the room. Their eyes met briefly before Lena turned towards her kitchen, filled a glass of water, and left again, as though she hadn’t seen anything.
J’onn was back in the next moment and they disappeared back out into the night.
Lena opened the door with a smile and stepped aside to let Alex in. “Alex. What can I do for you?” She shut the door and led her over to the kitchen. “Tea? Coffee?”
“Coffee please.”
Alex sat down at Lena’s kitchen island, thinking about how to phrase what she was going to say while Lena made them both a coffee.
Lena set a mug down in front of her and sat down across the island, waiting patiently for Alex to start talking.
“Do you know?”
Lena smiled, raising an eyebrow. “I know lots of things.”
Alex rolled her eyes. “Fine. Do you know about what we’ve been doing?”
“You’re going to have to be a little more specific, Danvers.”
She narrowed her eyes. “I know you saw me last night, Luthor. Why didn’t you say anything?”
Lena smiled and shook her head. “Alex, I have the most high tech security system in the world and an IQ that is most definitely higher than a five year old, and even a five year old would be able to notice you lot trying to rebuild furniture around them. Did you really think I didn’t notice? You replaced a $1000 chair with Ikea furniture.”
Alex went to defend herself but just deflated. “Yeah. Sorry.” She swirled her spoon through the coffee foam. “So why didn’t you say anything?”
Lena shrugged. “She’ll tell me when she’s ready.”
Alex watched her for a moment and smiled. Yeah. She was pretty sure she’d be her sister-in-law one day.
She pushed past Kara into her apartment. “I think you should tell Lena.”
Kara blushed and stuttered as she closed the door. “Wha- I- There’s nothing to tell!”
Alex frowned at the odd reaction before she realised what Kara thought she meant and rolled her eyes. “No not that. Well… that too. But that’s not what I meant. I think you should tell her about Supergirl.”
Kara gaped at her. “Really?”
“Yeah. She proved beyond a doubt that she’s trustworthy and I can see how much you two mean to each other.”
Kara bit her lip, looking down and wringing her hands together. “But what if… what if she hates me for it?”
Her eyes were so big and sad and scared when she looked back up that Alex immediately wrapped her in a hug. “That’s not going to happen, okay? And the rest of us are here for you whatever happens. You know that, right?”
Kara nodded against her shoulder. “Okay.”
Kara stood outside Lena’s office, trying to drag her courage back from where it had run to hide, and wiping her sweaty palms on her slacks.
The door opened and Lena hesitantly poked her head out. “You doing okay out here?”
Kara gave a strangled laugh and nodded unconvincingly.
Lena stepped out of her office to join Kara in the corridor. “Okay, well, do you want to tell me why you’ve been standing out here for the past ten minutes?”
She gulped, breathing getting a little faster.
“Hey, hey it’s okay.”
Lena took her hand, stroking her thumb across her knuckles gently. It calmed her down a little and she sighed, leaning back against the wall and sliding down it, hand slipping out of Lena’s.
Lena came and sat on the floor beside her, offering her hand again.
Kara gladly tangled their fingers together, smiling sheepishly. “Sorry, my hand’s a little sweaty.”
Lena laughed and bumped their shoulders together. “That’s okay.”
Kara sighed and brought her other hand up to her glasses. “Lena, I-” She closed her eyes and removed her glasses with a shaky hand.
She felt gentle fingers take them from her grasp and opened her eyes to watch Lena carefully fold them up and place them on the floor beside them. She looked at Kara with a soft smile. She reached up and traced the same fingertips across Kara’s cheek, making her eyes flutter closed.
“I know.”
Kara’s eyes snapped open. “You did?”
She nodded.
“Oh. Well now I feel like I’ve made you sit out here on the floor with me for nothing.”
Lena laughed, her eyes and nose crinkling adorably, and Kara couldn’t stop herself from smiling even as her heart beat faster.
“Well since you already knew I was Supergirl, I feel like I should tell you a different secret. Like how I think I’m in love with you.”
Lena’s breath hitched, eyes flitting between Kara’s as they subconsciously leaned slowly closer. “You think?”
Her tongue darted out to wet her lips and Lena’s eyes followed. “I know.”
“Good. Because I am definitely in love with you.”
Any other thoughts melted away when their lips met. Kara’s hand automatically slid to Lena’s waist as Lena pressed closer, soft and warm and perfect.
There was a crunch and Kara fell backwards a little, accidentally pulling Lena so she was almost in her lap, as she made a hole in the wall with her back. They broke apart giggling, resting their foreheads together.
Lena kissed her again but they were both smiling too much for it to last long. “At least you don’t have to call Alex everytime you break something around me now.”
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spaceman-earthgirl · 5 years ago
This fic was commissioned by @riversky based on the prompt:
"Linda survives and is taken into the Danvers family and superfam and she'll eventually be known as the third Danvers sister cause it's what she deserves!!!!"
Thank you again!
Read it on ao3
“What’s going to happen to her?” Kara asks.
Alex can see the worry in her eyes as they watch the woman currently curled up in the med bay, looking so small and fragile. Alex keeps having to glance at her sister to remind herself that it’s not Kara in the bed.
The urge to hug her still remains.
“I don’t know,” Alex says, her own eyes on Linda. The poor Kryptonian has been through so much in her short life, and now she’s here, thankfully unharmed, but to her, she’s lost the only person who ever cared for her.
“She can’t say here,” Kara says.
“No, she can’t,” Alex agrees, because she’s not a prisoner, she saved Supergirl’s life, and she deserves more than the shitty hand she’s been dealt.
“She could come stay with me?”
“You know that wouldn’t work, she looks just like you.”
Kara sighs. “I’m not leaving her here.”
Alex wonders if Linda can hear them from their place outside her room. She kind of hopes she can, only so she knows that she still has people who care about her. Alex would offer her own place, but it’s barely big enough from her and Maggie and there’s only one room. Maybe she could move-
“What about Eliza?” Kara asks. “Do you think she’d look after Linda for a while?”
Alex loves her sister, why didn’t she think of that? “She already took in one Kryptonian, I’m sure we could persuade her to take in another.”
Alex finds it incredibly disconcerting when she visits Midvale for the first time since Eliza took Linda in, to see her sister-who’s-not-her-sister in her childhood home.
She knows Linda isn’t her sister, she’s know they’re different, but she looks so damn similar and she’s in her house and it’s confusing.
“How’s she doing?” Alex asks as she watches Linda move around the kitchen. At least it looks like she can cook better than Kara.
“Good,” Eliza smiles. “It’s nice having her here. She really likes baking, though I think just likes the treat you get to eat at the end.”
Alex laughs, a love of food is something she has in common with Kara.
“She loves the beach too, she goes for a walk every day, though she hasn’t been swimming yet. She loves hearing stories about you girls too.” Eliza lowers her voice, glancing at Linda to make sure she isn’t listening in. “I think she might be lonely here with just me.”
Alex hadn’t wanted to overwhelm Linda, that’s why she came by herself this time, but maybe she’ll bring Kara and Maggie next time.
“Alex, would you like a cookie? Eliza said they’re you’re favourite.”
Alex smiles at the gesture as she takes one from the offered plate. Maybe she is a bit different to Kara, Kara never shares food.
“Alex, can you teach me to surf?”
The question surprises Alex on her next visit to Midvale. “Do you know how to swim?” Alex asks tentatively, not wanting to diminish the enthusiastic look on Linda’s face.
“I do, I saw some children swimming and it looked like fun. I like swimming.”
Alex drags Kara and Maggie to the beach with them the next morning, though Maggie doesn’t need much persuading, she’s been wanting to watch Alex surf since she found out she could. Kara takes a little more coaxing, not a fan of the way the sand itches against her skin, but she agrees after Alex promises to buy her way too much food when they get home. She mostly just needs Kara there in case Linda can’t swim, because there’s no way she’ll be able to drag a heavy Kryptonian out of the waves on her own.
By the time they make it back to the house, Alex is exhausted, cold and covered in sand, but the grin Linda has on her face for the rest of the day is worth it.
Linda and Kara are different, and Alex has learned to see them as two different people now, but they’re also similar in a lot of ways.
One way is that stupid pout and wide-eyes thing they are both scarily good at.
Another is their obvious love of food.
And third is Lena.
Alex hasn’t invited Lena to Midvale yet, they’ve talked about it, without Linda, unsure if she’s ready to see the sister of the man who treated her so horribly, who manipulated her and almost killed her. She’d told Kara not to bring Lena up when they’re in Midvale, unsure how Linda would handle the memories (she makes a mental note to talk to her mother about getting Linda into therapy).
But, Kara being Kara, she can’t go very long without bringing Lena up in some way, shape or form.
“Lena?” Linda questions, Alex glaring at her sister. Linda surprises them though, or maybe she shouldn’t be overly surprised, knowing her sister. “She’s pretty.”
Kara’s cheeks go red, her mouth falling open. She stumbles over her words for a moment before she finally comes up with a response. “She is.”
“Can she come visit next time with you?” Linda asks.
Kara looks like she’s about to say no so Alex cuts in before she can. “I’ll ask her,” Alex smiles. “I’m sure she’d love to.” She thinks she should ask the boys too, or better yet, invite Linda to the city of a weekend, she thinks she’d like that.
Kara shoots her a look that says “what are you doing?”
Alex raises an eyebrow, hopes Kara catches her meaning.
You better ask Lena out soon you useless bisexual.
If Kara didn’t get it, she’ll tell her again later.
Alex is excited for Linda coming to visit, not just because she’s going to finally see the city again, but because it’s Maggie’s birthday and she has a surprise party planned for her.
Maggie is surprised, or she acts surprised, Alex can tell when her girlfriend is lying and she’s going to find out who exactly let her secret slip, but that’s for later, right now is for celebrating.
And they do, they have fun, Linda seamlessly slotting in with the rest of their friends, Alex happy to see her smiling so much, a far cry from the alien they’d first taken to Midvale.
But then it’s Alex who gets her own surprise, who should’ve seen this coming, Alex who should’ve thought about this more, because Linda asks, “when’s my birthday?”
Kara’s the one who answers, quoting the date as the day the Harun-El was used, the day she materialised at the Siberian Border, since it’s technically the day she was ‘born’.
“Is it?” Linda asks, turning to Alex. Alex has noticed it before and she notices it again now, the way Linda seems to gravitate towards her, wants to know her opinion on things, wants to know more about Alex herself.
“I think so,” Alex agrees, realising it was last month, meaning they’d missed it.
Linda’s smiling though now, she doesn’t seem to mind
But Alex already has thoughts swirling around her mind, how to make it up to her now, and then how to make her next birthday even more special, she can see Kara thinking the same thing, because she deserves it, she deserves so much more than life has given her so far.
For Linda’s next birthday, they officially ask her if she’d like to become a Danvers.
She surprises Alex again by asking, “aren’t I already?”
Alex laughs, pulling her into a hug. She never thought she’d have one sister, and now she has two.
Kara crashes into them, arms going around them both. The only thing that stops them all tumbling over is Linda’s strength. “Of course you are!” Kara grins.
Alex loves her family as the rest of the superfriends pile into the hug. They’re an entirely unconventional one, and she has two aliens as sisters, but she wouldn’t change a thing.
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fanfictionfaberrycentral · 4 years ago
Chapters: 1/? Fandom: Supergirl (TV 2015) Rating: Mature Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Major Character Death Relationships: Kara Danvers/Lena Luthor Characters: Kara Danvers, Kara Zor-El, Lena Luthor, J'onn J'onzz | Hank Henshaw, Alex Danvers, Nia Nal, Kelly Olsen (Supergirl TV 2015), Brainy, M'gann M'orzz, Samantha "Sam" Arias Additional Tags: Kara Danvers Needs a Hug, Lena Luthor Knows Kara Danvers Is Supergirl, SuperCorp Sunday, Lena Luthor Needs a Hug, Lesbian Lena Luthor, Endgame Kara Danvers/Lena Luthor, Alex Danvers & Lena Luthor Friendship, Protective Kara Danvers, Bisexual Kara Danvers, Useless Bisexual Kara Danvers, Useless Lesbian Lena Luthor, Kara Danvers and Lena Luthor in Love, Minor Alex Danvers/Kelly Olsen, Alex Danvers & Kara Danvers Sibling Feels, I Wrote This Instead of Sleeping, I Will Go Down With This Ship Summary:
Just a few Supergirl/Supercorp Oneshots (Happy, Sad, Angst, Funny...)
A shocked alex finds out about their biggest secret
One last mission before...
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natalievoncatte · 6 months ago
Lena knew her pulse was racing, but Kara was either pretending not to notice or too tired to care. They were curled together tightly under the blanket, Kara’s head resting on Lena’s chest, the pair of them curled into each other with a desperate intensity.
An outside observer would see no difference between the way that Nia was tucked and folded neatly into Brainy, his head lolling against hers as they slept on the other side of the couch. Nor would they see any discrepancy between the way Kelly and Alex were stuffed together in the armchair next to it, curled up in one another like a pair of cats tucked in against a cold night.
The outside observer would see three couples who’d begun with a game night and progressed to an unplanned movie marathon and started to crash out and fall asleep, full of wine and mirth and too tired to get home.
One couple wasn’t. One of these pairings was just friends, and the knowledge of it was like a ragged gaping hole in her chest, where something had crushed and torn through her and left a gap that would never be filled.
Lena was terrified.
Alex and Kelly were married now. Nia and Querl were getting very serious. They were going to start building lives.
Kara’s coming out had gone well. She was truly growing into herself in a way that frightened Lena as much as it warmed her heart. The Girl was growing to equal the Super, Kara becoming more and more herself even without the crutch that her suit provided. She was uninhibited, free.
In her secret heart, Lena hated it. In the end, Kara had been right, damn her. The Secret had meant something. They once had a space that was uniquely theirs, where Kara was a person only Lena knew, that not even Alex ever experienced. Yes, the Secret frequently intruded, but in those moments where it hadn’t, where their mutual pining to be normal met and they used it to build a space all their own, the real Kara came out.
That space had been shattered by their falling out but rebuilt stronger, its foundations laid the day that Kara came home from the hell outside the multiverse, the first brick laid when Kara had leaned in as Lena broke their hug and stared at Lena’s lips.
God damn me, Lena thought, why didn’t I make the move? Why didn’t I do it?
The moment was lost.
She looked down at Kara now, purring away on her chest. Kara had begun embracing her alien self, slowly stripping away all the ablative secrets that she’d layered onto herself to pass for human. Lena was delighted to discover that Kara could do that; that if she relaxed it would happen on its own. It made Lena contented and sleepy, especially when they were close in like this.
God, she was so beautiful. Lena had never laid eyes on Kara’s equal and never would, and when she walked tall and smiled and flashed her easy, invulnerable confidence, the sight of her was almost unbearable. Looking at Kara left marks on Lena’s heart the way that looking at the sun left burnt streaks in her vision.
Fear, cold and merciless, clenched in her chest. One day it would happen. Someone would succeed where James and William had failed and Mon-El had come so close. They’d snatch her away and Kara would throw herself into it with abandon and Lena would lose her.
Lena pressed her eyes shut to fight back tears. She willed herself not to mourn a loss before its time, to savor the soft weight propped on her chest and the tangy scent of Kara’s skin but she couldn’t help herself.
“Lena?” Kara whispered.
With all the guilt of a thief found red-handed, Lena froze, her mouth dry.
“What’s wrong?”
Lena glanced around the room. The others were all sleeping soundly, passed out in each others arms. Lena wondered what that was like, to sleep with the joyful comfort of assurance that they would not wake alone, that the others would stay.
“Nothing,” Lena lied.
Kara knew. In the dark, her blue eyes seemed to emit a faint light, another peculiarity of Kryptonian physiology that Lena honestly just hadn’t noticed before The Secret was revealed.
Kara turned slightly, shifted, and tucked the blanket in close, wrapped tightly round them. It was chilly in her loft and Kara was like a living furnace, warming Lena’s cold bones. When Kara slipped a hand free, her skin was fever hot on Lena’s cheek. She leaned into the touch, greedy for it.
“It’s okay,” Kara murmured. “Nobody’s gonna get you while I’m here.”
Lena smiled sadly. Kara knew about the night terrors, about her fears and how she sometimes hated the dark, because the barriers of their friendship, the walls that defined it, were so bent and strained that they’d never return to shape, even as they refused to yield.
“That’s not what I’m scared of. I’m scared of when someone gets you.”
Kara blinked.
“Sooner or later you won’t have as much time for your best friend. You’ll find someone else.”
“Why would I want someone else?” Kara said, almost too loud. “I want you.”
Oh God, that hurt so much. It made the frayed edges of that hole in her ache, at once raw and fresh and old and desiccated. She couldn’t go on like this. Why did Kara say things like that?”
“Were you going to kiss me the night we got you back?”
Kara flinched, and now she looked the thief.
They were both silent. Kara stared.
“I was scared to. We’d only just… I was afraid everything would break.”
Lena swallowed hard.
“Kara, what the hell are you waiting for?”
She blinked a few times more, a storm of emotions clouding her angelic features. She flushed, eyes wide, and was looking directly, openly at Lena’s lips.
She tasted like cherry lip balm and red wine. Kara’s kisses were like Kara herself, ardent and gentle in equal measure, the chaste softness of pressed lips smoldering with the same alien fire that burned under her lushly warm skin. Lena moaned softly, and that from little more than a soft peck on the lips.
She was an addict who’d just tasted the ambrosia of her dreams and her head was spinning. In an instant everything had changed, though Kara had barely moved. There was something new in the way Kara’s arms snaked around her. A slight shift and Kara touched her forehead to Lena’s before kissing her again, deeply this time. Lena let her eyes drift shut and savored it.
“I. Am not. Going. Anywhere.”
There was a heavy, almost oppressive silence. A sob of relief choked out of Lena and she hugged Kara fiercely, freely, joyfully free to crush herself against her unbreakable love.
“I mean,” Alex said, “you could move to the bedroom. I think we’d all prefer that.”
Lena almost jumped out of her skin. Kara let out an equally surprised yelp, as they both realized that everyone else was awake and watching them get lost in each other.
Lena cleared her throat. Kara sat up. She was beet red, and Lena was sure she was, too.
“Guys,” said Kara. “Get out.”
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grtmnick · 5 months ago
Tumblr media
*Record scratch*
“I bet you’re wondering how I found myself in this situation? Well, it all started with a girl who was a super…”
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ao3feed-supercorp · 2 years ago
What If? Hawkeye: Project Red Widow
by OiiMerch
What If? Hawkeye: Project Red Widow consists of both the Marvel and DC world with favorites such as Kara/Supergirl, Jon/Superboy, Damian Wayne, Suicide Squad Harley Quinn, and many cameos to come. Kate Bishop discovers a dark past, a lost sister, falls in love, creates a superhero team and tries to save the world in Project Red Widow. (Possibly 100 chapters, it's a WIP atm)
Words: 1799, Chapters: 2/2, Language: English
Fandoms: Hawkeye (TV 2021), DCU (Comics)
Rating: Mature
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/F, F/M, M/M, Multi
Characters: Peter Parker, Kate Bishop, Yelena Belova, Natasha Romanov (Marvel), Loki (Marvel), Thor (Marvel), James "Bucky" Barnes, Pepper Potts, Sonya the Black Widow (Hawkeye TV), Susan Bishop, Eleanor Bishop (Marvel), Wilson Fisk, Maya Lopez, Clint Barton, America Chavez, Wanda Maximoff, Billy Maximoff, Tommy Maximoff, Kara Danvers, Lena Luthor, Jonathan Kent, Damian Wayne, Dick Grayson, Jason Todd, Tim Drake, Barbara Gordon, Stephanie Brown, Cassandra Cain, Duke Thomas, Harley Quinn, Poison Ivy, Wade Wilson, Alexei "Tater" Mashkov, Melina Vostokoff
Relationships: Kate Bishop/Yelena Belova, Jonathan Kent/Damian Wayne, Kara Danvers/Lena Luthor, Pamela Isley/Harleen Quinzel, Michelle Jones/Peter Parker
Additional Tags: Crossover, Aged-Up Character(s), Lena Luthor Knows Kara Danvers Is Supergirl, Crushes, Falling In Love, Domestic, Deviates From Canon, Idiots in Love, Family, Family Feels, Family Bonding, Female Relationships, Developing Friendships, Male-Female Friendship, Clint Barton & Natasha Romanov Friendship, Eventual Happy Ending, Attempt at Humor, Mild Hurt/Comfort, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, I Wrote This Instead of Sleeping, Bisexual Kate Bishop, Demisexual Yelena Belova, Bisexual Natasha Romanov, Bisexual Wanda Maximoff, Bisexual Kara Danvers, Useless Bisexual Kara Danvers, Kate Bishop Has a Crush, Kate Bishop Needs a Hug, Bisexual Lena Luthor, Gay Jonathan Samuel Kent, Bisexual Damian Wayne, Kate Bishop Has PTSD, Kate Bishop Has ADHD
from AO3 works tagged 'Kara Danvers/Lena Luthor' https://ift.tt/THIyMoz via IFTTT https://ift.tt/THIyMoz
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argyle-s · 7 years ago
Susan: Kara, can I be your roommate?
Kara: Uh, why?
Susan: Because sooner or later, all the hottest gay women in National City end up in your apartment.
Kara: Well, you're not wrong.
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ao3fanfic-supercorp · 4 years ago
by scvrletblake
Lena Luthor tries to save her broken relationship with her boyfriend by buying him the perfect Valentine's Day present, but a series of unexpected twists and turns lead her into the strong arms of Kara Danvers, a stranger who offered a hand when her boyfriend James didn't.
Or the Valentine's fic where Lena meets Kara one day before Valentine's Day and her feelings towards Kara confuse her because she's still in a relationship with James.
Words: 9205, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Supergirl (TV 2015)
Rating: Mature
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/F
Characters: Kara Danvers, Lena Luthor, James "Jimmy" Olsen, Kelly Olsen (Supergirl TV 2015), Alex Danvers, Lori Luthor, Samantha "Sam" Arias, Andrea Rojas, Winn Schott Jr.
Relationships: Kara Danvers/Lena Luthor
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - No Powers, Fluff, Fluff and Angst, Domestic Fluff, Bisexual Lena Luthor, Bisexual Kara Danvers, Useless Lesbians, Lena Luthor Needs a Hug, Eventual Smut, but not detailed bc my bestie doesnt like it, Happy Ending
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ao3feed-dctvfemslash · 4 years ago
Good girls are bad girls that haven't got caught
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/36l5Jdw
by Did_this_on_a_whim
This is my first fic... ever. Long time reader, first time writer. I thought of this by listening to good girls by 5sos ( you will get it later). This is a slow-ish burn for supercorp through the perspective of Nia Nal. This is going to follow Nia's transition so there will be assholes in later chapters. Nia is a first year, Kara, Lena and Winn are third years and Alex, Maggie and James are fourth years. Other arrowverse characters are going to pop up but you don't need to know everything about them. Be nice, please give feedback. I don't have a plan for this but I will try to update regularly. Also, if you notice me projecting my thoughts and actions onto Nia, mind ya business.
 Also I know Lena is more of a ravenclaw, but as a hufflepuff myself I think slytherpuff pairings are cute, and there isn't enough fic of them so yeah, deal with it bro.
Words: 1251, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Supergirl (TV 2015)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/F, F/M
Characters: Kara Danvers, Lena Luthor, Alex Danvers, Nia Nal, Winn Schott Jr., James "Jimmy" Olsen, Querl Dox, Barry Allen, Oliver Queen, Sara Lance, J'onn J'onzz | Hank Henshaw, Cat Grant, Maggie Sawyer
Relationships: Kara Danvers & Lena Luthor, Kara Danvers/Lena Luthor, Alex Danvers/Maggie Sawyer, Kara Danvers & Nia Nal, Querl Dox/Nia Nal
Additional Tags: My First Fanfic, Fluff, Alternate Universe - Hogwarts, Alternate Universe - No Powers, Hufflepuff Kara Danvers, Slytherin Lena Luthor, Protective Alex Danvers, Hufflepuff Maggie Sawyer, Bisexual Kara Danvers, Useless Lesbian Lena Luthor
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/36l5Jdw
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ao3feed-sanvers · 5 years ago
I Need You
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2UYSIzP
by Brynn_writes
Kara and Lena are newly married. They're expecting a baby girl, but they're also expecting a new buisness to run! Cat Grant has given Kara the entirety of Catco Worldwide Media to run and make her own. How will a very pregnant, very busy Kara Danvers manage everything. Sure, Lena's stepping up and running Catco alongside Kara, but she still has LuthorCorp, now renamed and de-Lexed, alongside her good friend, Sam Arias. Ruby is seven now and calls Kara and Lena her aunts. With their big family and crazy jobs, they're almost never alone together.
Even worse, right after Lorelai Mae Luthor-Danvers is born, Kara goes missing. How will they pick up the pieces?
Words: 3883, Chapters: 5/25, Language: English
Series: Part 2 of I Need You
Fandoms: Supergirl (TV 2015)
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/F
Characters: Kara Danvers, Alex Danvers, Lena Luthor, Lena Luthor's Biological Mother, Samantha "Sam" Arias, Ruby Arias, Cat Grant, Maggie Sawyer, Lillian Luthor, J'onn J'onzz | Hank Henshaw, Winn Schott Jr., Earth-X Oliver Queen, Felicity Smoak, Caitlin Snow, Barry Allen, Iris West, Lyra Strayd, Clark Kent, Lois Lane, Eliza Danvers, Original Sara Lance/Ava Sharpe Child(ren), Ava Sharpe
Relationships: Kara Danvers/Lena Luthor, Kara Danvers & Lena Luthor, Alex Danvers/Maggie Sawyer
Additional Tags: Kidnapping, Useless Lesbian Lena Luthor, Lesbian Lena Luthor, Bisexual Kara Danvers
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2UYSIzP
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spaceman-earthgirl · 5 years ago
how about 15 for the Danvers sisters?
Starting off this lockdown with a danvers sisters drabble with a sprinkling of supercorp. More to come too!
"Was that supposed to hurt?"
Kara doesn’t see it coming, which is a bit concerning with the array of superpowers she has, but, to be fair, she’s rather distracted by watching her best friend talk to Maggie in the kitchen.
There’s just something about Lena that always draws her attention, like a magnet, always pulling Kara towards her.
It’s only when the pillow hits her face a second time, that Kara finally turns to look at her sister.
“Stop staring.”
There’s no point in denying it, they both know she was, and three out of the four current occupants of her apartment know the truth about her feelings for Lena, she just hopes one day she’ll have the courage to tell the woman herself.
“I’m allowed to stare,” Kara says, blowing hair out of her eyes. Lena chooses that moment to glance up, meeting Kara’s eyes. She smiles, so soft, and Kara’s insides absolutely melt. She can’t help but smile back, wondering yet again how she got so lucky to have Lena in her life, to have found someone who really understands her, found someone who she thinks might love her back just as much.
The pillow that hits her this time, has a lot more force than the last two.
“Was that supposed to hurt?” Kara asks, grinning at her sister.
She hears Lena laugh across the room and it takes everything in Kara’s power not to turn towards the sound.
Alex’s only response is to shake her head, but Kara doesn’t miss the “useless bisexual” she mutters under her breath.
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