#astra in-ze
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lesbiansayaishii · 2 months ago
alex & astra and their relationships with older sister grief
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morgana-pendragon · 2 years ago
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happy birthday @benantis!
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icarus-to-your-certainty · 1 year ago
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ao3feed-generaldanvers · 2 years ago
cool about it
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/vB76EGb by Anonymississippi After an experimental teleport gone awry, Alex and Astra end up in a limbo-esque alien bar between dimensions. Several drinks in, Alex starts chatting with another girl blown into the bar by mistake, a red-head who's never heard of aliens and claims to be a witch. ...and also knows (and is apparently obsessed with) General Astra? Somehow? Long conversations over too many drinks lead to misunderstandings and interpersonal revelations for a pair of broody generals and the younger military women who gravitate towards them. Drunken confessions and happy endings ensue! Words: 8571, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Fandoms: Supergirl (TV 2015), Motherland: Fort Salem (TV) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: F/F Characters: Alex Danvers, Tally Craven, Astra (Supergirl TV 2015), Sarah Alder (Motherland: Fort Salem), Kara Danvers Relationships: Astra/Alex Danvers, Sarah Alder/Tally Craven Additional Tags: Crossover, two military women smitten with two troubled generals, they both drink about it, Pining, Requited Love, tally and kara are the same and Alex is their big sister, Smoochies, Fluff read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/vB76EGb
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the-antiapocalyptic-man · 2 years ago
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Sketchpage update that’s...mostly just a collection of sketches I did while watching Supergirl (1984) the other week
Got: Nigel, Ethan, Gus (from Superman 3, natch), ZALTAR, Selena (in a variation of Kara’s Kandorian Nun Habit from DKSA, Kara ofc, and Astra In-Ze masquerading as her twin sister, Kara’s mother Allura.
The Omnihedron is sort of the central facet here, functioning as Krypton’s equivalent to the Thanagarian Absorbacon as a kind of hyper-ancient god-computer.
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finallyafemalesuperhero · 2 years ago
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Just what IS an ecoterrorist anyway?
Supergirl Season 1 Episode 2 'Stronger Together'.
Also in this episode, Alex's First Gay Awakening.
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raan-miir-tah · 2 months ago
Astra In-Ze treasures the trigger finger of Alex Danvers like some treasure precious pearls. She kisses the skin there, with both the symbolism and absence of a ring.
My work for @supersantafemslash !
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randomthingsthatilike1 · 2 years ago
thinking about how in s1 Cat straight out says she doesn’t really pay Kara very much and Kara has a p nice apartment, no roommates, in the equivalent of LA, and eats a lot, we see her eating takeout quite a bit too.
After 2 years of Kara being the only assistant to the CEO of Catco Worldwide media, she’s probably also made a lot of connections in publishing and media and who knows what else. Probably by the 2nd month at her time at CatCo Kara has probably outlasted the majority of other assistants--definitely by the half year mark.
What I'm saying is every person who has to interact with Cat At All probably knows it's best practice to go through Kara first to get a guage on Cat's mood, or just simply a filter of no no. She's going to tear that apart.
People might scoff when they hear that from Kara at first but then surprise surprise Kara is right.
Cat loves it because she doesn't have to deal with as many morons in a day and other people love Kara because that means they're a lot less likely to be fired or verbally eviscerated, either at the office or whatever event Cat drags Kara to (in season 1 Winn called it "taming the beast"--how long did it take other people to start using that phrase?) Kara is the type to remember (and also hear bc thanks superhearing) small details about people, their favorite color, their spouses and children's birthdays, how their pet is doing--she also speaks multiple languages and yeah it's easier to coordinate with CatCo France or Brazil when guess what Kara speaks French and Portuguese. She makes connections.
Kara doing a favor for an executive at CatCo, maybe someone located in New York, and maybe deleting a drunk angry email that they call and Beg her to delete before Cat sees (Cat probably gets an ungodly number of emails a Day) and Kara reads it and relents and deletes it and then maybe a few months finding out that exec also owns an art gallery (let's name her Julie) and asking if she could look at some of Kara's art.
Julie agreeing, Kara just asking for her art to be looked at, not even displayed and oh, it's like nothing she's ever seen--Otherworldly and futuristic and animals and plants that are so clearly planned and detailed especially since there are repetitions on multiple paintings and sketches of the same flora and fauna but it's like nothing on Earth (Kara has been to 11 different planets before she was 13--she has plenty of experience)
It's not about the money--she cherishes her art and guards them possessively, like they're precious (because they are) but she wants people to know Krypton the same way she did, even if they don't realize it.
It's nerve wracking to give away these pieces of herself, She wants to be anonymous, and Julie agreeing. She knows these are going to do well. They're out of this world (literally) and Kara's perspective and use of color and just the sheer emotion pouring off the page on every one is just--brilliant. Either the sheer joy and wonder--or the absolute heartbreak of that one painting Kara brings in one day, the contrast between the two paintings
(one is the image Kara treasures of her view of Krypton when she's coming home from her travels with her Father--the other is the last time she ever saw her home.)
Art collectors and museums acquiring the pieces and every time Kara lets go of another piece it gets snatched up very quickly, a marvel--
And in one art gallery in Buenos Aires, a guest with distinctive blue eyes and a white streak in her hair recognizes the painting--it's been over 3 decades since she last saw Krypton but she'd know Argo City anywhere.
do you ever think about how kara was always into art, but once she got to earth, nothing but the clothes on her back and her pod (she doesn't know about Alura's hologram yet), she throws herself into drawing and painting with an almost crazed fervor bc she wants to be able to paint krypton and her family as soon as possible because what if she forgets?
what if things get blurry and years later she'll forget how her father looked when he laughed, how her mother's eyes sparkled when she's trying to be stern but kara knows she's amused or how Argo City looked in its glory, its flora and fauna that she'll never see again
(and on bad days those last few moments, the world shaking itself apart, buildings crumbling, the ground fracturing apart and her parents trying so very hard not to cry, the fiery, silent explosion she witnessed in space before sleep overtook her because there is no word in any language to describe the sound of a planet as it dies but the closest kara has found is heartbreak)
for the longest time, she's the only one remaining who remembers krypton. and she doesn't want to forget
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foxx-queen · 6 months ago
you left me in the dark - 15/17
Is it the nature of the universe for things to happen all at once? For chaos to continue, once peace has been broken? For things to tumble out of control with continuous events that plunge the world further into confusion?
‘I thought you’d be in the war room’. 
Cat’s office, or the war room as Carter dubbed it, is where they moved everything once their next move became clear. Kara adopted the phrase almost at once, and Astra was reminded with startling clarity of the many times she’d done a similar thing with Kara, when her niece was just a girl who loved to hear her stories. 
The memory doesn’t hurt as much as it might’ve, once. It’s oddly comforting, in a way, to know that no matter how much Kara has grown, no matter how much hardship the world throws her way, she’s still that girl that always laughed a little too hard at a terrible joke. She’s just also the one telling them, now. 
‘It has been some time since I've found myself without my powers’. Astra sighs, lifting her cup to her lips and taking a grateful sip of her tea. ‘I may have forgotten that going for hours without nourishment is not the most conducive way to stay focused’. 
Kara groans. ‘You’re forgetting to eat now? Maybe Alex is having a bad influence on you’. 
Astra glances at her niece to find her grinning, and the corner of her mouth quirks. ‘Why, little one, if one of us is a bad influence, surely it's me’. 
keep reading
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argyle-s · 2 years ago
I can't with this... I'm just sitting here, picturing Astra trying to seduce Alex after watching a bunch of Kara's RomComs...
(would also work for Alura/Lucy)
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LAURA BENANTI as LAUREN BENNETT GO ON — 01x07, Any Given Birthday
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ffiamgoku · 2 years ago
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I will never get over the headcannon of Sam Arias/Reign being Astra's daughter and thus Kara's cousin.
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icarus-to-your-certainty · 2 years ago
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ao3feed-generaldanvers · 1 year ago
To Be Desired Is Perhaps The Closest In This Life To Immortality
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/5A9S0eb by kynaware "What would it take?" Alex asks, as if begging. As if this entire situation made any sense beyond the four posts of their bed. As if she isn't dead. Words: 1535, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Fandoms: Supergirl (TV 2015) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Major Character Death Categories: F/F Characters: Astra (Supergirl TV 2015), Alex Danvers Relationships: Astra/Alex Danvers Additional Tags: Ghosts, Angst, Hurt No Comfort read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/5A9S0eb
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iamsuperconfused · 1 year ago
Merry Ficmas 2023 Edition!
The Twelve Shots of Christmas for @spaceman-earthgirl
Alex and Maggie experience a bit of holiday spirit on Maggie's own terms.
The Words on my Mind for @siewmai
Alex and Kelly get intimate in this Magical realism AU where they're both Telepath. Blue is the Strangest Color for @foxx-queen
Alex discovers a secret hobby that Astra has kept from her so far and indulge in the new experience with her. Includes this lovely piece by none other than @comickergirl commissioned by me!
Thanks to @supersantafemslash and @supergirlfemslashsecretsanta for holding the exchange again.
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mrowmrowmrow9 · 2 years ago
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singwhenyoucantspeak · 2 years ago
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Sorry not sorry
ahhhhhhhhhhhh 😍
thanks though, you are a real one for bringing back all the beautiful gifsets of my love (and also for making them in the first place 😆)
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