#justin finch-fletchley
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disorganizedkitten · 11 months ago
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overlord-of-fantasy · 6 months ago
Hufflepuff for the win!
I say this with a lot of respect for the other houses, but we need a Hufflepuff hero in Harry Potter fanfictions for once (I know rowling would never give this house the respect it deseves)! Give me the adventures of Susan Bones or Nymphadora Tonks's auror operations, let Justin Finch-Fletchley fight the death eaters or snatchers, who hunt him for being muggle born! Not only are Hufflepuffs loyal and hard working, as well as having a strong sense of justice (they are known to be fair), Badgers eat snakes.
I repeat:
How awsome is that? The Hufflepuffs are made to fight the Death eaters, who literally have a snake tattooed on them! We need more of them!
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tastaturean · 1 year ago
"¡Cinco años, Justin, cinco años! Pero de verdad que ha valido la pena la espera."
“Me ha costado un poco superar la congestión emocional, lo siento. Quería estar completamente seguro antes de dar el paso.”
“Mejor así,” asiente Ernie. ��Prefiero que te hayas tomado tu tiempo. Nunca he querido presionarte, pero también temía no mostrar el suficiente interés y que me dieras por perdido.”
“¡Y con razón! He llegado a pensar que te gustaba Hannah. Y que lo que hicimos durante el verano de segundo era solo experimentación, porque estabas confuso.”
“Qué va. Desde el primer día en Hogwarts he tenido bien claro lo que quería.”
“¿El qué?”
Ernie me sonríe:
“A ti.” AO3 Ffnet Wattpad
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shaddowsong · 2 years ago
New Story: When the Moon Calls (I will seek you, we will meet again)
Featuring Justin Finch-Fletchley, Hermione Granger, werewolves, fevers, and confessions
You can read it at FFN or AO3 or my Patreon.
Preview : “You shan’t die.” Justin attempted a bit of levity wrapped around a grim truth. “If you do, there’s a very real possibility that I might eat you. Think of the horrendous guilt and shame I’ll feel. You wouldn’t do that to me, would you? It isn’t decent.”
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humanoidalt · 5 months ago
Please, please, please give me fic recs, I'm an obsessed woman, I've been thinking about them nonstop for the last 3 days, and my brain is collapsing in on itself 😭😭
hey tumblr you wanna ship two white posh boys with an enemies to lovers au look no further than draco malfoy and justin finch-fletchley
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sincerely-wyvern · 1 year ago
Justin and wand
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Character: Justin Finch-Fletchley Prompt: (Object) Wand
Glancing at the parchment, Justin Finch-Fletchley was pleased to note that nearly everything was crossed off. Only one item remained – and it was the most important, according to Professor Flitwick. All Justin had left to purchase was his wand. He was certain a wand would make him feel like an official wizard. 
“Where to next?” Isabelle Fletchley, his mother, asked. 
“Ollivander’s,” Justin answered, “for my wand.” According to Professor Flitwick, Ollivander’s was the finest wand store in Diagon Alley. 
Isabelle made a noise of agreement as she looked at her watch. “We’ll have enough time to meet your father for dinner,” she stated.
Justin offered his mother a smile. His father had wanted to join them today, but he was detained by important business. “Hopefully we can return over the Winter Holidays,” he said.
His mother returned his smile. “That sounds wonderful,” she agreed.
The pair walked a few storefronts down, stopping outside of Ollivander’s. To be honest, the store didn’t look like much from the exterior. 
Without waiting for his mother to comment, Justin opened the door for her. Isabelle stepped in with Justin following a few paces behind.
“Welcome,” an older wizard greeted behind the counter. There were aisles of wands behind the man. His eyes fell on Justin. “First year, I presume?”
Justin nodded in response.
The wizard, most likely Ollivander, pulled his wand out. “Please step forward,” he requested. “Which is your dominant hand?”
Taking a few steps forward, Justin held up his right hand.
Ollivander switched his wand and a tape measure appeared. It quickly took various measurements of his hand, fingers, and wrist. 
When the tape measure was done, it disappeared and Ollivander was nodding before he disappeared off into the aisles. 
Justin and his mother waited in silence.
After five minutes, Ollivander returned with a few wand boxes. He quickly pulled the first one out and presented it to Justin.
Justin took the wand, eyeing the dark color. 
“Give it a wave,” the wandmaker ordered.
He did as the wandmaker ordered, and a shelf shut out.
“No, no,” Ollivander said, taking the wand back.
Over the next twenty minutes, Justin was handed five other wands. After waving each one, Ollivander took the wand back.
When Justin took the seventh wand, it produced golden sparks from the tip and he was filled with warmth.
“Eleven and a half inches with elm and dragon heartstring,” the wandmaker told him. “A sophisticated wand.”
Words: ~400
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dolcechild · 2 years ago
whoever invented the justin finch fletchley/ pansy parkinson tag on ao3 deserves to be a recognised mensa member for how ingenious that ship is 
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blorger · 3 months ago
Potter jumps again. "What're you still doing here?" "I wanted to know if you'd like to get a drink later." You'd think Draco had tried to Crucio the man (again). His face goes pale, mouth slack-jawed, and his glasses slip down his nose with such a slow, steady motion that Draco thinks someone's spelled them to fall off. "What." Draco really hates March 14th. "A drink, Pot—Harry. With me. After work." "Harry?" Potter puts the pile of paper onto his desk and pushes back his chair carefully. His hand dips towards his hip and the wand he has holstered there. "Okay, what's going on, Malfoy? What's wrong?" "Nothing is wrong," he says, forcing a smile to his face that makes his teeth grind together. "I'm just asking if you'd like to get a drink after work. You are welcome to say no." He isn't. "No." Damnation. "Look, P—Harry—" "There it is again." "Shut your mouth. I have very little patience this morning, so if you don't want to get a drink with me today—" "I don't." "If you don't want to get a drink with me today"—he can hear his teeth cracking, his jaw is clenched so tight—"then perhaps we can do lunch instead?" Potter stands up, glancing around the bullpen with worry etched on his stupid face. "Something is wrong. I need to find Hermione, she always knows what to do." "Listen, you idiot," Draco says, jumping to his feet, "I'm going to take you on a date, and we're going to have a lovely time, and so help me, if you don't fall in love with me, I will hex you into next week. Now, let's get a drink." Which is how Draco ends up in custody for threatening an Auror and sexual harassment of Ministry employee. When he wakes up the next day in his own bed, rather than a prison cell, he's only a little relieved.
from Boats, but Not the Ocean by p1013
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elisedonut · 20 days ago
saw someone say
"Do we know that they(Colin and Justin) didn’t get extra tutoring during POA to support them?"
in response to someone asking why they weren't held back and 👀👀👀 i don't know why i never really considered it but for alot of the same reasons you can argue Percy would end up tutoring Marcus you could claim the same for Colin and Justin
Or Justin could be with one of his house's prefects because blah blah houses but you know
Percy's head boy and it's not like 1st or 2nd year class material would be difficult for him and he's 100% the type to be like yes ofc i will take on more responsibility Professor
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pompom-prince · 1 year ago
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Seriously cant get over this. Watch Puffs its SO GOOD
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disorganizedkitten · 11 months ago
This Is The Road To Ruin Chapter 2
Harry Potter | 2022 | 3,862 | Ao3 | Prev | Masterlist | Next
 I had a nightmare last night. It was another one about the stone room and the people in masks. I wish I knew what it meant. I wish I understood how my Sight works.
 I think the dream has to do with why I’m here, in the muggle world, instead of home, but I still don’t understand it. If I hadn’t met Tansy, I think I would have assumed that my memories of home were imaginary - they fit into fiction ever so well. But Tansy is real, and she has magic, which means my childhood was too.
 I just wish I understood it. I wish I remembered what caused the change. Hopefully I will one day.
Hopefully it wasn’t as bad as the nightmares make it seem.
 Clemencia is off at a placement, officially, but she came to Aletris’ today Freaking Out. It’s… a lot.
 Tansy, Hawthorne, Hana, and Clem all have magic. I’ve mentioned this before, because we’ve had to grow around it. I remember growing up around magic, so I knew that we weren’t… as isolated as it seems, I guess, but I didn’t expect this to be our way in. Back.
Clemencia got accepted to a Magical Secondary School. It’s called Hogwarts - they won’t tell us where it is, but the teacher who came to deliver her letter took her on a tour of what sounds like a magical mall. She’s going to take us there tomorrow; she chose to accept the acceptance/invite.
 I’m going to talk to Mrs. Calmiris tonight. Apparently, school starts at eleven, and I remember her asking me about letters around my eleventh birthday. The next year I got Hawthorne. She’s always been very calm about our magic; if she’s like me, or like Clem, I want to know. I know she’s not like Tansy, though.
 Speaking of Tansy-
Justin hadn’t meant to go school shopping during the apparent pre-school rush. He’d been hoping to beat it, actually, but his summer had taken a sort of nosedive when he got his letter. Not intentionally! It had just been… derailed. They’d had everything scheduled already, from ordering his textbooks to his uniform fitting. All under the impression that Justin would be attending Eton, come fall.
 Which was not going to happen.
 Instead, a week before his birthday, they’d had a guest over who informed him he’d have to spend the next seven years at a Magic School unless he wanted to become a human bomb.
 Which, obviously, he didn’t.
 The professor has offered to escort them while shopping, but Justin had been having a slight breakdown at the time, so his mother had gotten directions and gently shooed the professor out. Which lead to now, three months later, exploring the Wizarding World by way of Diagon Alley, in London. 
 Justin was sure it was going to be super cool, as soon as he could stop hating it for tearing apart his life. If he’d had more warning the change might not have been so jarring.
 He had hoped that coming to Diagon Alley would show him something cool, something to make it seem less horrid, but they’d entered through a dingy tavern that gave his parents headaches, had to get help entering the alley and were given condescending looks when they asked, and the they were greeted with less of an alley and more of a mosh pit. A magical mosh pit. Lovely.
  Justin knew he was being unfair, but he didn’t particularly care. He had to go to a school where he’d have none of his friends, because of something he had no control over. He was allowed to be bitter.
 Professor McGonagall had also failed to inform them that they’d be using an entirely different currency; luckily Dad had noticed while they were in the tavern and before they were actually trying to buy something.
 That would be embarrassing. So very embarrassing.
 Of course, then they had to hope that the bank, once they found it, offered exchange services. Thankfully, the bank was huge, visible when they entered the Alley (through a brick wall that vanished when it was tapped, which was actually pretty cool, Justin had always wanted a secret room in his closet) and bright white, so it was easy to find. Getting to the bank was another matter, as the alley was crowded, with an air of anticipation, as though they were all waiting for something big to happen. It, alongside the constant thrum of noise, put Justin on edge.
 They tried, rather unsuccessfully, to make their way through the masses, until they noticed the crowd shying away from a pair of young adults - who were also heading towards the bank. Justin grabbed his mom’s hand and followed them.
 The man called out once they had a direct line of sight, and got an enthusiastic wave back from someone much closer to the bank. The couple seemed to be hunting for friends or children in one of the few places that wasn’t packed beyond belief.
 It wasn’t until they reached the open space that he realized there were two yards of white marble steps, on which the rest of the couple’s group seemed to be waiting. And they were the only ones - everyone else seemed to go up and down the steps as fast as they could, or stay off them altogether, as though unwilling to infringe upon bank territory.
 The Finch-Fletchleys watched as their unknowing guides met up with a group of younger teenagers and one he couldn’t tell if was an adult or a child. The shortest one’s features changed as he watched, and Justin felt a giddy bit of awe bubble in his chest before his parents herded him the rest of the way into the bank.
 The only superpower Justin had wished more for as a child was invisibility. If he could learn to do that, this whole charade would be worth it.
 The creatures that ran the bank were a little scary, less so inside than the guards outside were, but his dad treated them just like he would the bankers at home, and the conversion was quick and painless, minus the part where they had to calculate everything in seventeens and twenty-nines, instead of tens and hundreds.
 Still, it was easy to move on, until they realized they had no clue where to go for anything. Maybe they should’ve tried to reschedule with Professor McGonagall, or at least asked for a map.
 So this wasn’t their best planned trip. It was fine. His mother had immigrated (illegally, not that it was common knowledge) and had to learn Britain and London from the ground up; thus they could too. At least it didn’t look like he’d have to learn a whole new language.
 “Perhaps the bookshop?” Justin’s dad offered hesitantly. Flourish and Blotts sounded like a stationery store, but the display was full of books, so that’s where they went.
 Thankfully, the bookshop seemed to be more organized and less busy. It also smelled like books, which was a welcome change from the sunlight-and-burnt-sparkplugs of the rest of the alley.
 They split up, giving Dad the list to find the required books while Mum and Justin went on the hunt for anything that looked acclimation-y. Cookbooks, history, Mum even grabbed two fiction novels, and they continued on in that manner for a little while. Justin grabbed all three of the etiquette books he found and promptly plopped down to skim them.
 He didn’t want to accidentally insult someone’s family line, or ask them to marry him, or call them names. He refused to be engaged before he was sixteen, at the earliest.
 Justin jumped, looking up. There was a translucent person looking over his shoulder. “Um. Yes?”
 “Well, I’m glad to see you willing to learn. Have you tried Modesty and Magic, by Harold Sheppner yet?”
 Justin shook his head mutely. The… ghost? Astral projection? nodded. “You should, if you get a chance. It was my grandson’s final project for his History of Magic mastery, and while a lot of that’s gone out of style, knowing it can earn you points with some of them prissy purebloods.”
 “Yes, sir,” Justin said slowly, pretending he knew what half those words meant. He took note of the title, though, because it did sound useful. “Would I find that here?”
 “Yeah, sonny,” the man grinned. “It’s got a gold spine, in the S section. Want me to show you?”
 “Yes please.” Justin stood up, closing his current book around a finger. “What’s your name?”
 “Geronimo Harvester,” he said with sly grin. “Halfblood, if you were wondering.”
 Justin was not, but he’d take note of it anyway.
 Harvester turned out to be a great guide; Justin’s earlier guess was right, he was a ghost, and he’d been haunting Flourish and Blotts for around seventy years. He helped customers find their books when they weren’t being rowdy, but he was a bit of an open secret in the shop.
 “Necromancy is one of those magics people ain’t that fond of,” Harvester explained, pulling out a book on The Legality Of Tabooed Magics Throughout The 19th and 20th Centuries. “Not that I’m too much necromanced, but we ghosts ain’t supposed to be able to touch stuff. Can’t say I remember the whole reason, but people who die steeped in Dark Magicks tend to have a stronger presence if we stick around. ‘s why they don’t use the Death Penalty in the Magical World.”
 That was… slightly horrifying but good to know.
 Leonie had read through nearly an entire cookbook when she realized she’d lost Justin. He hadn’t wandered too far, and since the crowds outside had stayed outside, he was easy to find. Once she found him and they finalized their haul, they set out to find Caleb
 He was at the checkout desk, conveniently finishing at the same time. She leaned forward to kiss her husband and hand him their plethora of extra books.
 He hummed into it. “All done?”
 “Yeah,” she confirmed. “I do love these baskets.” They had to be enchanted somehow, with how many books she and Justin found, but once the books were inside it didn’t seem like they weighed much more than a single textbook, which, while a lot, wasn’t nearly as much as twenty should weigh. Her shoulders heartily appreciated the lack of strain.
 Caleb hummed in agreement, brushing noses, before turning to Justin. “Find anything cool?”
 “I found a book on something called blood magic, and the first three chapters look like an overview of various legal, illegal, and once-legal magics and why they’re considered such. It’s partnered with a book detailing the topic for the past two hundred years. It sounds interesting!”
 He sounded happy. Leonie smiled proudly at him, some of the guilt from this summer dissipating. She hadn’t helped him accept his fate as a wizard, griping about how many things had to change, and how she’d have to lie to her cousins, and every other thing she could, until their older son came and asked what they’d done to convince Justin he was cursed and should’ve drowned that time at Lake Windermere.
 It was a horrifying conversation.
 She’d been very careful to be as positive as she could be since, even though many of the obvious enchantments sent her head spinning and the people were rude and it had become very obvious humans were not the only human-adjacent species out there.
 That last one was not as much of a surprise, but she would admit she’d mostly blocked out those memories as a child’s overactive imagination and underdeveloped brain.
 After the bookshop they went to clothes, which was… a thing. Leonie’s fashion sense consisted of ‘is the texture okay’ and ‘does my daughter laugh at me’, so she was definitely no use there, but it looked halfway similar to their own with flowing regenmantels (robes, probably, but why fix what isn’t broke) thrown over the top, or occasionally worn alone, as she would a dress.
 They also seemed to do a lot with embroidery and ‘runic enchantments’ on the clothes themselves, something that she found thrilling. It made them shiny!
 Justin laughed at her, but it was fond and he was finally smiling, so she had no regrets.
 Of course, then they managed to get dragged down a branch off, first by stepping in as it was another of those places that most of the crowd avoided, and then further when Justin saw a shop called The Cloak and Decoy and practically dashed to it, expecting… well she wasn’t sure, but he must have thought that it sounded very cool.
 Leonie felt her heart slow and then speed up again as they ventured deeper into the branch off. It felt distinctly similar to when they had to visit gang controlled areas. Still, they weren’t attacked on their way in, just eyed like prey.
 They probably seemed like it, so obviously unsure. Except Justin, because he was eleven and finally enjoying magic and didn’t have the experience Caleb and Leonie had to smell danger.
 That was why Leonie didn’t pull him back, as much as she wanted to. 
 Justin pushed open the door to the cloak shop and nearly stepped right back out. Unlike the one they found earlier, where they purchased only what was on the list because they weren’t sure what else would be useful, this shop’s lighting was pale white, giving off a heady, psychedelic feeling of being in-between worlds.
 More odd and unsettling, though, was the sudden chill, the smell of frozen metal sharper than that of fresh snowfall.
  Despite that, Justin persevered.
 His parents followed him in, and he split off to look around. Despite the lighting being dim enough to give him a headache, it illuminated the cloaks rather well. And boy was he glad they hadn’t gotten anything extra earlier. These cloaks were beautiful.
 Some of them were made out of materials he couldn’t recognize, thick furs and silvery leather and some fabrics that looked like they were cut out of a star. Dual layers, single layers, reversible, one even could adjust the length, operating as a cloak, a caplet, or a scarf.
 This was so cool! How many times had Justin wished he didn’t have to lug around a coat during winter events?
 “Mom, come look at this!”
 She did. They were discussing it (and the concerning note that said it could be enchanted with a command word if someone needed to be ‘eliminated’) when the door opened again, a familiar gaggle making their way inside.
 “Oh, it’s you!”
“As close to in the flesh as I can be,” one of the young women said brightly. Somehow, her presence seemed to make the room’s temperature fluctuate uncomfortably.
 Justin wondered if the theory behind keeping Cloak and Decoy so cold was that people would want to buy cloaks, even in the summer heat. If so, it was clever.
 "Yes well," the man behind the counter said, turning to duck into the back room. "I know your cloaks haven't worn out already, why the menagerie?"
 "But Gordan, we're not animals," said one of the teenagers, the one with blue tips, moving forward to drape herself dramatically over the counter. "We're flowers."
 "Of course," he called back indulgently. He was humoring them. "Why bring the greenhouse, then?"
 The older half of the group laughed.
 "Do you remember last year?” The blond young man asked, darkly amused.
 The proprietor reemerged, a mannequin and cloak floating behind him. “I suppose we don’t want a repeat, no.” With a flick of his wrist, and likely the wand held loosely in his hand, the mannequin landed in the middle of an aisle and the cloak settled prettily on top of it.
 “Alright, Florine, have at it, I think I’ve figured out the enchantments,” said Gordan.
 Florine, (Justin assumed the name went to the one with the most rapport - ad who responded) hummed doubtfully, looking at the seemingly expensive fabric. “You do know it’s going to be destroyed if you’re wrong, right?”
  Gordan shrugged. “And if I’m right, it proves I’m using the right materials.”
 “Almost,” hummed the other woman, with dark skin, darker eyes, and a ponytail. “It’ll only last one use.”
 Florine’s head snapped around so fast Justin thought he’d seen her neck vanish. “Oh really?” The slow, creeping smile that accompanied the words was the most unsettling thing they’d seen yet. Frankly, Justin didn’t hate it.
 Magic came with monsters. The question was what kind of monsters they were.
 Florine stepped forward, leaning as though she was going to do a flip, and then there was no woman, only an oppressive cloud of smoke. It started from her feet and pulled the rest of her body into nothingness, and whipped out at the cloak so fast mum shrieked beside him. Thankfully, it seemed to be largely drowned out in the cheers of the other kids.
 A moment later, the smoke meandered back their way and turned back into a girl.
 The mannequin had been reduced to dust, but there were fabric scraps left.
 "Holy crap, it survived," muttered one of the younger girls.
 "That's impressive," said the boy, moving to inspect it.
 Justin stepped closer to the ruins, accidentally falling in line with the shapeshifter.
 "Won't stand up against a second go," said Florine from behind them. "But, congratulations, Gordan."
 There was a sigh. "You still obliterated the mannequin. That doesn't say good things about the wearer’s chances of survival."
 "You can figure out the design once you have a working ward,” said the smoke girl, unconcerned.
 “That was awesome,” Justin said, crouching to look closer at the rubble. It felt like leaning into a commercial freezer, so cold it burned. He didn’t touch. “Do they teach that at Hogwarts?”
 “No,” said the boy beside him. “Florine’s self taught.”
 “You can do that?” If he could be self taught, maybe he could still go to secondary school with his friends.
 “It’s not advised,” said Blue Tips, dipping her fingers into the remains of the mannequin. She slid them lightly through the dust before yanking them back with a muttered swear. She pulled them up and made a face. “Ouch. If you’re eligible, everyone wants you at an actual school.” She wiped her fingers off on her pants and then stuck them in her mouth.
 “Oh.” Justin’s heart sank. “Why?”
 “Something about proper growth of a magical core. Florine’s exempt because hers is pretty damaged.”
 “Oh.” Justin paused. He wondered what that meant, what a magical core even was, and if it was rude to call what must be a chronic illness or disability cool. “I’m sorry.”
 “Thank you,” said the shapeshifter, standing from his crouch but still leaning down. “Anyway. I’m Harry, nice to meet you.”
 “Justin,” he returned, taking the chimera handshake-hand-up. “You too.”
 “Justin, we’re ready to go, honey!”
 He glanced at his mum, who had apparently decided to buy the size-changing cloak. Awesome. “Coming!” He turned to Harry. “See you around?”
 “First year starts on September first,” Harry returned with a grin and a peace sign.
 Justin’s smile widened. Maybe Hogwarts wouldn’t be so bad.
 Caleb listened with a soft sense of foreboding as the man behind the counter of the Cloak and Decoy explained how the murder aspect of the cloak they’d just bought their son worked. He chose the code phrase option, and had it ‘keyed’ so it only activated if Justin himself said it. The last thing he wanted or needed was for Justin to accidentally strangle himself with magical tech they didn’t think through.
 Caleb had considered asking Mr. Gordan to leave it off. But they didn’t know what awaited their son in his new world, they’d just seen a girl turn into some sort of shadow monster, and Caleb did not doubt in the slightest that Wizards’ very wands were more dangerous than a loaded gun in the hands of someone with a grudge. He didn’t think a switchblade would work in this instance, thus Justin got the assassin cloak.
 He’d tell Justin about it when they got home. And inform him to never say “Loki would stab Merlin with excalibur for the fun of it.”
 He asked about the legality and how traceable it would be if the cloak did kill someone, and finally saw a glimmer of acceptance in those muddy eyes. They’d definitely walked into the magical version of the black market. Or mafia. Lovely.
 When they’d finally ushered themselves out, Justin carrying the folded cloak while Caleb took the books and Leonie held the clothing bags, it was nearly noon.
 “What next?” Caleb asked.
 “Drop these in the car?” Justin offered. It was a good idea, they wouldn’t be able to carry much more and anyway, lugging around this much shopping was already tiring. Caleb wondered how the wizarding folk stood it - did they levitate everything? He’d certainly seen plenty of floating objects in the main alley.
 Leonie stopped at the edge, looking at the crowd that seemed to refuse to so much as brush the side alley they were in. She was still carrying their clothes purchases, in a little themed bag that didn’t seem nearly big enough. Caleb hoped it wasn’t this busy everyday - how many wixen could there be in Britain anyway?
 “Aw,” said a voice that sent chills down Caleb’s back. He’d thought they’d done well enough at acting as though they belonged to keep anyone unsavory away. He shifted closer to Justin. “If you don’t want to brave the crowd of big bad wizards you could come join us for a game.”
 “I’m afraid we don’t have time, as much as we appreciate the invitation,” murmured his wonderful wife, turning as well.
 The old woman with galaxies behind her eye pouted. “I’m sure you could make time.” her other eye was scabbed shut, gray skin stretching over the socket in a hollow way.
 “Echo, don’t be an ungracious host.”
 Caleb didn’t jump at the extra voice, but it was a close thing. The smoke woman from the Cloak and Decoy walked up, unhurried, but the old woman backed away slightly. “What’s ungracious about inviting them to experience the magical world?”
 Smoke didn’t say anything, just tilted her head slightly. Apparently, that was enough of a threat. ‘Echo’ backed away with a side comment about how they’re welcome at any time, should they change their minds.
 “Sorry about that,” the shadow witch said, turning a much kinder smile on them. “Are you okay?”
 Justin nodded, slipping between him and Leonie. “Yeah, thanks. I’m Justin Finch-Fletchley.”
 “Florine Dupont,” she said, shaking the offered hand.
 Justin pulled his back a little fast, just enough for Caleb to worry. Still, he and Leonie introduced themselves as well. Caleb quickly learned why Justin’s handshake was too fast - her skin felt like frozen chicken on bare skin. The intrusive thought that flesh was technically raw meat was entirely unwelcome. Still, he smiled at her. “Caleb Finch-Fletchley, it’s nice to meet you.”
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spiralofdragonfanarts · 11 months ago
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A fanfic fanart for Jury of Hearts by @absumoaevum . Such a good fic and I’m looking forward to seeing where it’s going and I really wanted to draw the resident damaged cat Slytherin getting dog piled by golden retrievers Hufflepuffs. I don’t think this exact scene happens in the fic, but these are the vibes I got.
Go read the fic here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/52722472
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tastaturean · 11 months ago
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He empezado a publicar ¡Hufflepuff resiste! en Wattpad, edición-algo-retocada 2024. De momento, la edición más actualizada será la de AO3 y Wattpad.
Leer en Wattpad Leer en AO3 Fanfiction.net quedará como fósil de la edición anterior de 2020. Es que no me da la vida para editarlo a la vez en tantos sitios, sobre todo en uno tan complicado de actualizar. En la sección de Wattpad Prefacio y notas podéis encontrar un resumen de la historia del Universo Hufflepuff. La copio a continuación para los que no tenéis acceso a Wattpad, porque sirve también para AO3:
1. Sobre ¡Hufflepuff resiste! 2. Historia del Universo Hufflepuff 3. Nota sobre la edad de los personajes 4. Nota sobre el estilo entrecomillado 5. Créditos 6. El Universo Hufflepuff es lgtbi+ positivo
Esta historia es  la continuación de ¡Hufflepuff Existe!, fanfiction de Harry Potter donde se narra toda la saga hasta el sexto libro desde el punto de vista de Justin Finch-Fletchley, hijo de muggles del curso de Harry, alias el bardo de Hufflepuff, la mascota del equipo de quidditch, y gran fan de los Dire Straits, el Equipo-A y los Monty Python. 
En ella se narran los acontecimientos del séptimo libro, Las reliquias de la muerte, durante el fatídico séptimo curso en Hogwarts, donde ya no tiene cabida Justin, al tiempo que se rememoran hechos pasados desde tres nuevas perspectivas:
1. Ernie, que resume rápidamente desde su punto de vista todo lo ocurrido en ¡Hufflepuff Existe! hasta el asesinato de Dumbledore en sexto curso, y aporta información de escenas que no se vieron, hasta sumergirnos en lo que está ocurriendo en Hogwarts en tiempos de la rebelión contra Snape y los Carrow, justo cuando está a punto de regresar Harry para la batalla final. 2. Hannah, quien aporta su perspectiva sobre las relaciones entre sus compañeros y las suyas propias, tanto con Zacharías Smith como con el nuevo héroe inesperado de Hogwarts, quien poco a poco se va haciendo un hueco en su corazón mientras mantiene viva la esperanza de los rebeldes. 3. Seamus, desde cuyo punto de vista se narra la Batalla de Hogwarts hasta la victoria final. Es recomendable leer la historia corta Pecas  (disponible en Wattpad, AO3 y Ffnet) justo antes de este capítulo, para entender en qué punto quedó la relación con Dean Thomas antes de su exilio forzado.
El capítulo 4. Justin está ambientado muchos años después, en 2014, y retoma el punto de vista del narrador original para cerrar el círculo y poner el broche final al Universo Hufflepuff.
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- ¡Hufflepuff Existe! se publicó originalmente en Fanfiction.net entre 2003 y 2006. - Entre 2006 y 2011 me dediqué a trabajar en mis historias originales y no escribí absolutamente nada sobre Harry Potter, más allá de una entrada apasionada en inglés en mi otro Livejournal tras la publicación del 7º libro en 2007.   - En 2011 salió la segunda y última película sobre Las reliquias de la muerte. Nada más regresar a casa del cine, abrí un documento Word que titulé Pecas, inspirada por la última escena de Seamus y Dean con Aberforth. Estaba emocionadísima. Pero al final no escribí nada.
- Lo que sí llegué a escribir en 2011 fue la perspectiva de Draco Malfoy sobre el hecho de que Harry Potter se quedara con su varita. Ese estudio de personaje se puede leer en ¡Esa es mi varita, Potter!, disponible en Wattpad, AO3 y Ffnet.
- Después, seguí trabajando en mis proyectos originales y me alejé otra vez de Harry Potter. Cabe decir aquí que mis proyectos originales son novelas de fantasía y ciencia ficción protagonizadas por chicas, pero me los tomo con mucha calma, algo que algún día deberé cambiar, pero siento que todavía no es el momento.
- En 2015 estaba intentando quedarme embarazada sin éxito. De la frustración, con ganas de parir ALGO, decidí retomar la historia de ¡Hufflepuff Existe! allí donde me faltaba, en el séptimo y último libro, donde Justin ya no podía exponer su punto de vista, pero sí sus compañeros. Para ello, primero edité ligeramente todo lo escrito hasta la fecha y lo publiqué por primera vez en AO3.
- ¡Hufflepuff resiste! se estrenó el 26 de noviembre de 2015, en el 12ª aniversario del Universo Hufflepuff, con la primera edición del primer capítulo: ERNIE. Para entonces ya estaba embarazada.
- El segundo capítulo, HANNAH, lo publiqué el 26 de noviembre de 2016, conmemorando el 13º aniversario. Por aquel entonces ya era una madre feliz que, sin embargo, sufría una tremenda falta de sueño con un bebé lactante. Me costó horrores concentrarme en escribir y no me gustó mucho el resultado inicial, pero sabía que algún día volvería a dormir como una persona normal y podría editarlo mejor (como así fue).
-  El 4 de noviembre de 2018 publiqué por fin Pecas, mi anhelado Deamus. Fue un proyecto al que dediqué muchísimo amor e ilusión, y todavía recuerdo esas escapadas entre semana para poder editarlo tranquila fuera de casa mientras tomaba café de olla en un restaurante mexicano decorado para el Día de Muertos.
-  Resultaba esencial terminar Pecas y definir bien la relación entre Dean y Seamus antes de pasar al siguiente capítulo de ¡Hufflepuff resiste!, el 3. SEAMUS, donde se narra el reencuentro entre ambos tras el exilio de Dean y la Batalla de Hogwarts desde el punto de vista del pirómano de Gryffindor, para lo cual añadí escenas que sólo se ven en las películas, porque ME ENCANTAN. Con dos días de retraso, logré publicarlo para el 15º aniversario del fic, el 28 de noviembre de 2018. 
- El 4º y último capítulo se hizo de rogar. Quizá porque era el único no ambientado en junio de 1998, sino que daba un salto temporal al período que rodeaba el Mundial de Quidditch de 2014, narrado por Ginny Weasley y Rita Skeeter en Pottermore. Tenía una vaga idea sobre cómo hacerlo, al principio, e iba a ser mucho más sencillo de lo que resultó después. Finalmente lo abordé durante el confinamiento en marzo de 2020, en pleno encierro por la pandemia de Covid-19. Lo escribí rápidamente en un cuaderno, el esquema principal, la trama, los personajes, etc. 
Pero entonces sucedió una cosa: Al releer lo ya escrito para poder culminar la saga lo mejor posible, me di cuenta de que había demasiados puntos insatisfactorios  en ¡Hufflepuff existe! (el capítulo 17 pero, sobre todo, el capítulo 18 que con tanta desgana había escrito en 2006, antes de saber cómo terminaba la saga en el libro 7, que tardaría un año más en publicarse), y me puse a editar todo lo escrito hasta la fecha.
Al hacerlo, mi mente hiperactiva, encerrada en casa con un niño de 3 años, se puso a maquinar nuevas subtramas: la del equipo de quidditch de Hufflepuff; le buscó nombre a los secundarios; y, finalmente, se desvió por un par de spin-offs (El verano de Summerby, publicado en agosto de 2020,  y En la cama de Cadwallader, publicado en noviembre de 2020, celebrando el 17ª aniversario del fic) paralelos a los sucesos de dichos capítulos. Ambas historias se publicarán próximamente en Wattpad, en cuanto les pueda dar un buen repaso, que lo necesitan.
Para colmo, los spin-offs del romance entre los miembros del equipo de quidditch abrieron la puerta a otro spin-off que originalmente iba a ser una historia corta para darle novio y final feliz a uno de ellos, y que, finalmente, se ha convertido en otro universo entero: el Universo Slytherpuff, en el que llevo trabajando 4 años sin descanso, pero del que todavía no he publicado nada porque quiero redondearlo todo bien antes de compartirlo. Sin embargo, mucho de lo que sucederá allí se puede intuir en el final del Universo Hufflepuff, porque están estrechamente entrelazados.
- Ansiosa por ponerme a trabajar ya en el siguiente proyecto, tras reeditar los tres primeros capítulos hasta quedarme un poco más satisfecha (que no del todo), el 6 de enero de 2021, como regalo de Reyes, publiqué por fin el capítulo final 4. JUSTIN, retomando la perspectiva del principal protagonista de este universo en las semanas previas al Mundial de Quidditch de 2014, en un evento musical muy especial en El caldero chorreante, a cargo del bardo supremo de Hufflepuff y sus ayudantes.  
- En 2024 he editado ligeramente los capítulos en AO3 y Wattpad. De momento, la versión de Ffnet se queda como la edición fosilizada en 2020.
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Me cuesta mucho calibrar el nivel de madurez en el mundo mágico, porque no hay universidad y cuando salen de Hogwarts se ponen a trabajar y forman familias enseguida, de modo que tengo la impresión de que no se puede equiparar con la madurez en el mundo muggle, son como de otra época en muchísimos aspectos. Por ello, mi interpretación personal sobre la edad, y en la que baso la madurez de los personajes en mis fics se orienta de este modo:
Años 1 y 2: Educación secundaria, Jr High (eligen optativas para 3º) Años 3, 4 y 5: Bachillerato, Preparatoria, High School (TIMOS deciden estudios posteriores) Años 6 y 7: Universidad, facultad, College (EXTASIS deciden su futuro + oposiciones al Ministerio para los que quieren trabajar allí)
NOTA SOBRE EL ESTILO ENTRECOMILLADO: Los diálogos están entrecomillados al estilo anglosajón: Fue un experimento literario del momento; generalmente escribo con los guiones propios del idioma español, pero finalmente adopté las comillas porque así diferencio cuando escribo fic de cuando escribo una historia original.
CRÉDITOS: Las ilustraciones que aparecen en las portadas son obra de Artdungeon y se reproducen aquí con permiso explícito de la artista. Harry Potter y todos sus personajes son propiedad de J.K. Rowling. El Universo Hufflepuff es una declaración de amor a ese mundo mágico y sus habitantes de una fan para otros fans, sin ánimo de lucro.
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Este universo muestra una imagen positiva de las personas lgtbi+ en el mundo mágico, pese a los prejuicios de la época (1998), y hay mariconeo entre los chicos. Si los temas homosexuales te ofenden, por favor, no sigas leyendo. Si por el contrario esperas sexo en abundancia, te decepcionará. Aquí las cosas se hacen con calma. Avisado queda. Y el que avisa no es Slytherin (para los Slytherin irá dedicado mi siguiente universo, les he tomado mucho cariño).
Espero que sirva para extender el cariño a todos estos personajes secundarios tan maravillosos, al margen de las recientes opiniones personales de la autora original de la saga.
¡Espero que lo disfrutes! Me encanta leer las opiniones de los lectores, no dudes en dejarme notas y comentarios donde te apeteza. En mi perfil puedes encontrar mis redes sociales.
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letstrythisout4 · 11 months ago
Chapter 5: Blaise Zabini and the journey to the Hufflepuff common room
Series Masterlist
Blaise doesn’t frequently feel genuine hatred for people but there was no better way to describe 
how he felt towards Dumbledore when he heard him rumble, “Prefects, lead your Houses back to the dormitories immediately!” after learning that a troll was in the dungeons.
You know, where the Slytherin dorms are. 
Are you fucking kidding me?
Immediately all the Slytherins turned to their prefects, sixth years William Selwyn and Aliyah Fawley. “Where are we supposed to go?” cried Milicent Bulstrode from further down the table, as William tried to reach Professor Snape and Aliyah did her best to calm the terrified Slytherins. 
They settled on bringing everyone up to the seventh floor to hide in an abandoned classroom, which proved far more difficult than it should have been given the staircases moving at their own accord. By the time Blaise reached the fourth floor he was separated from the mass of Slytherins who didn’t notice his departure in their haste. The staircases then choose to avoid him, moving as far away from him as possible. Blaise rushed down a familiar corridor passing a stack of barrels and running to the portrait of fruit. He was suddenly dragged backwards by a hand pulling on his arm. Turning to see who on earth was holding him back from salvation in the kitchens, he met eyes with Isabella who continued to pull him back towards the barrels. She quickly tapped on the barrels which opened to reveal a winding staircase.
“Go go go go!” Isabella urged as she pushed him down the stairs following closely behind him. 
“Reyes, I’m 95 percent sure this is kidnapping.” Blaise said relaxing now that he was out in the open.
“Blaise shut up and keep walking before I drag you to the dungeons and feed you to the troll myself.” she threatened, keeping her hand firmly on his back, forcing him forward. 
After descending what Blaise could only describe as an ungodly amount of stairs, they reached a large wooden door which swung open as they approached. “Welcome to the Home of the Hufflepuffs.” Isabella sang with a smug tone as she saw Blaise’s eyes widen.
What lay before him was a large room, two stories with a high sloped ceiling. The walls were a light brown and had vines and plants naturally growing on them. Pillars from the first floor all the way to the second, wooden archways connecting them together are also overcome with vines. The second story was adorned with a balcony allowing for an outlook of the entire first floor. The balconies had plants dropping over their edges as well. The first floor had several black couches, armchairs, tables, and desks accompanied with many throw pillows and blankets ( some black others in varying shades of yellow). The second had several hallways which Blaise assumed led to the Hufflepuff dormitories and a vast window charmed similarly to the ceiling in the Great Hall. The center of the first floor had a fire pit with a gold fire that crackled gently providing plenty of warmth for the common room without endangering the plants surrounding the room. 
“The fire never dies, only decreasing and increasing as necessary.”, informed Isabella’s voice as she gently guided him into the common room and to a couch by his hand. “You can hide out here until we get word from the professors saying that it's safe.”
“Right.” is all Blaise could say as he realized he felt more comfortable in the seconds he’s been in the Hufflepuff common room than he’s ever felt in the Slytherin’s.
“I’m going to go let Noah know that you’re here, okay? Just hang out here and make yourself at home.”, with a soft smile she climbed the stairs and disappeared down a hallway. 
Now alone Blaise let himself sink into the couch and reached for a pastel yellow throw blanket, covering himself with it. 
If Malfoy saw me like this he’d make my life hell, Blaise thought to himself as his eyes drooped, falling into a deep sleep.
Blaise awoke to the sound of pages turning and Frank Sinatra's smooth voice declaring his love.
You are my way of life, the only way I know, you are my way of life
I’ll never let you go.
Opening his eyes he saw that he was now joined by Isabella who was reading The Tales of Beedle the Bard on the other side of the couch. “How long was I asleep?”
She looked over at a clock embedded into the wall, “Just over two hours. They found the troll by the way. Noah, that's our boy Prefect, told Professor Sprout about you. Professor Sprout let Snape know that you were here, she told me to make sure you knew you could stay for as long as you like.``
“That’s nice.” Blaise responded, settling back into the couch. 
“If you want you can stay and meet the others tomorrow morning.” 
“Yeah whatever you say Reyes.” he muttered as sleep consumed him again.
That’s how Blaise found himself here, in the kitchens at 6am (an hour before his scheduled wake up time) wearing the same clothes as the day before eating breakfast with some of the Hufflepuffs of his year. “How exactly do you all know the elves again?” Blaise asked as he blew on his porridge.
“Part of the induction into Hufflepuff is introducing yourself to the elves since we are so close to the kitchens.” clarified Wayne Hopkins, a quiet boy that Blaise had noticed was consistently overlooked in class.
“Everybody in Hufflepuff knows the elves.” Ernie Macmillan added unnecessarily, given that is just what Wayne said.
“Do you guys always wake up this early?” he questioned, rubbing his eyes.
“No,” Isabella said with conviction, staring intensely at her eggs with bacon “thankfully.” she added under her breath clearly offended by how early it was.
“Whenever we eat in the kitchens Megan likes to wake us up extra early so that we aren’t in the way of the elves.” Susan Bones explained.
Susan was a kind girl, the type of person to bring people into conversations whenever she felt they were being left out. Blaise could admire this trait… so long as she never attempted to do the same to him.
“It's only fair since we are asking them to cook for us separately from everyone else.” Megan Jones exclaimed indignantly. Everyone grew quiet at this, it seemed as though they had already had this discussion several times before.
“Where is Smith?” 
Zacharias Smith was the kind of person that Blaise didn’t like. Not to the degree of Malfoy but certainly getting there. He was obnoxious and the type of person to insert himself into situations he did not need to be in. 
“Oh, he didn’t want to come with us.” Justin Finch-Fletchley confessed with a mischievous smile that told Blaise he hadn’t tried very hard to convince Smith to join. Blaise quickly decided he didn’t mind Finch-Fletchley.
In fact, by the time they had finished eating Blaise decided he didn’t mind the group at all. He enjoyed seeing the group interact with each other, how the girls defended Wayne when Ernie kept repeating everything he said but louder, how Reyes would lightly make fun of them with no bite to her words and everyone seemed to understand that was just how she was. 
Maybe it wouldn’t have been the worst thing to be sorted into Hufflepuff, Blaise accepted as he dragged his feet back down to the dungeons and away from the welcoming Hufflepuffs.
Author's notes: this chapter is short as hell but I feel it is a good enough introduction to the Hufflepuffs and the common room. We are going to see a lot more of them so hopefully this was a good foundation. As always comment to share thoughts and like if you enjoy, thank you for reading. ALSO thank you for all the support, the comments, the likes and the reblogs are so encouraging so thank you.
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saintsenara · 6 months ago
justin finch-fletchley/draco malfoy. I feel like there is potential behind it. What are your thoughts?
thank you very much for the ask, anon!
in chamber of secrets, draco's snake makes a beeline for justin [until harry "perceptiveness is my middle name" potter gets in the way], so... canon.
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stabbyapologist · 2 years ago
Do I think that Hagrid would take care of a Basilisk? Yes. Do I think he'd be especially fond of it based on how vicious and dangerous his other creatures are that he's like in the past? Yes.
But did I believe for an instant that Hagrid (who nicknamed a three headed dog "Fluffy" and a dragon "Norbert") was ever responsible for releasing a bloody great snake onto Muggleborns? No. Literally, I was more convinced that Draco Malfoy did it.
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