subbyhubby1983 · 3 months
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subbyhubby1983 · 3 months
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subbyhubby1983 · 3 months
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subbyhubby1983 · 3 months
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subbyhubby1983 · 3 months
a concept: clitwarming….. as in, we’re watching a show or reading books together and i casually snap my fingers and point to the floor, the signal for you to drop to your knees in front of me. i spread my legs and tug you by the hair facefirst into my pussy, but as soon as your mouth melts into me i order you to hold position, with your tongue flat against my clit, just like that. minutes go by and i grow hotter and wetter against your mouth, my slick mingling with your drool and dripping down your chin, all that sweetness wasted because you aren’t allowed to lap it up, you can’t move your head or tongue. you whine helplessly, dizzy off the smell and taste of me but unable to get your fill. this goes on for however long i feel like it. if you try to move, even slightly, without taking my eyes off the TV or my book i grab a fistful of your hair to jerk you to a stop, reminding you that you’re just a toy and toys don’t move on their own 🥰
but if you’re very good i’ll grind a little up and down your tongue, so you can swallow whatever you can of the juices dripping from my soft warm hole…..
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subbyhubby1983 · 3 months
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subbyhubby1983 · 4 months
Forced bi is a hard limit for me, but the #punishment and #humbler elements of this make me swell in my cage, not gonna lie.
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subbyhubby1983 · 4 months
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subbyhubby1983 · 4 months
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She likes my mouth but only for her orgasms.
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subbyhubby1983 · 4 months
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subbyhubby1983 · 4 months
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I will figure out what the right level is for us...
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subbyhubby1983 · 4 months
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352 notes · View notes
subbyhubby1983 · 4 months
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82 notes · View notes
subbyhubby1983 · 4 months
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440 notes · View notes
subbyhubby1983 · 4 months
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68 notes · View notes
subbyhubby1983 · 4 months
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subbyhubby1983 · 4 months
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111 notes · View notes