#justice society rp
golden-age-ask-blog · 29 days
Entry 19:Dick Grayson!
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Richard “Dick” Grayson is the adopted son of Bruce Wayne. His parents were killed during their performance as a circus trapeze duo. Early in his life he joined Bruce as an assistant in his war against crime as his ward known as Robin. But after years together he grew resentful of Bruce and eventually broke away leaving for Jump City. Being the founder of the group known as the Titans.
Becoming Nightwing thanks to inspiration from his best friend Kara. He has an off and on again relationship with Starfire.
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beesandhoney1219 · 2 years
Inspired By: Wanda Vision and Housing Complex C
Fawcett City. A beautiful place, with the lowest crime rate in the entire world. It seemed like a perfect place to live. A city where a demi-god roamed, stopping every criminal that dared showed their faces and even helping out around the city. His name was Shazam, and he was the most kind-hearted hero out of them all.
He gave out food in the local soup kitchens, took care of all the stray cats and dogs, and was happy to help anyone that asked for it.
Nobody expected him to do something like this.
It happened after the death of his friend, Scott. He was young, around ten years old. Shot down, mercilessly, while waiting for Shazam. His body was left to rot. Nobody seemed to care until Shazam showed up. The god became angry. No, more than angry.
And with Halloween right around the corner, his magic was at an all time high. He vowed that nobody would get hurt on his watch again, and with his powers, encased the whole of Fawcett City in a large red shield. Nobody could get in, and nobody could get out. He was determined to make his beloved city safe again, even if he had to be a little…forceful.
Which is where the reader comes in. It has been a week since Fawcett City had been cut off from the rest of the world, and the reader was one of many task forces sent to breach the wall. So far, nothing seemed to work. Climbing the bubble proved fruitless, and digging under would take ages. And now, they were trying something new. The government would send a high power laser to breach the shield, but only for a minute at most. They had to be fast, or they’d be sliced in half.
Equipped with a survival bag, and even a pistol to arm themselves, the reader and their crew watched anxiously as the laser pierced the shield and carved a small hole inside of it. Small enough to crawl through. But it wouldn’t hold for long. Already, the shield was trying to close in on itself, but the laser stayed strong.
“Go go go!”
The nearby guards yelled. The reader crawled, slithering through the thick red object. It was warm and soft…almost like it was alive, and cracks of electricity danced over head. The reader slumped onto the plush grass on the other side, but one other soldier didn’t seem to make it in time. The wall closed immediately, cleanly cutting the man in half, killing him instantly. His torso collapsed into the ground, a look of shock permanently carved into his face. Radio communications immediately caved as well, and so did their electronics.
On the other side, a young boy stood, waiting for them. He was around ten years old. Small and thin, wearing a red turtleneck sweater with multiple tears and ripped jeans. He was barefoot, his body covered in bruises, cuts, and scabs. His hair a tangled mess, with Lichtenberg scars running up and down his body, branching into multiple directions, as if he had been struck by lightning multiple times.
“Hello.” The boy said with a smile, holding his hands behind his back. “Welcome to Fawcett City. My name is Billy Batson; your new best friend.”
Originally this was a roleplay starter but Tumblr can have it too :)
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georgemiser · 2 years
RP List
OK, so. Here’s the breif. I’m a rper in my late 20s, heavily into comic book and superhero stuff. My skill in literate to semi-lit, and Paragraph to Multi-Paragraph.. Will rp with those 20 and over with similar writing skills and preferences. Mostly 1x1, mostly canon characters or au adaptions of canon characters. Looking for some long term story rps. Here are a few fav fandoms of mine. Young Justice X-Men: Evolution
X-Men: The Animated Series Legion of Superheroes Batman: The Brave and the Bold Justice League: Gods and Monsters The Boys (Comics) DC’s Kingdom Come James Robinson’s Golden Age DC: The New Frontier Stan Lee’s DC Universe (Thinking of doing a reversal with Julius Schwartz and the Marvel Universe. If you’re the storytelling type and feel up to it, please contact me.) DCAU Amalgam Watchmen __________________________________________ If you think you might be interested in any of these, please like or message me at @georgemiser or on discord at AllStarGP#9621 
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valtsv · 11 months
I'm going thru ur angelverse tag rn cuz I'm writing a bit about computer angels and you've got a lot of neat stuff in there and it's got me curious abt what that's about. 🎤
so angelverse is this original fiction setting i made up for an rp server that no longer exists. i lost the server in the divorce but kept all the lore and worldbuilding i came up with for it. which was pretty much all of it. it's an urban fantasy/cosmic horror story set in a universe where angels are these powerful eldritch machine aliens whose species is in decline due to their dysfunctional, heavily militaristic society, near-perpetual conflict between various political factions within that society, a mass lack of purpose beyond warfare, and dwindling resources available for the continued propagation of the species.
the story mainly focuses on exiles from this shattered civilization; fallen angels banished to earth, usually for heinous crimes or extreme miscarriages of justice, and angels who were considered unfit for active duty due to personality or utility flaws and "reassigned" there under the pretense of some kind of nebulous greater purpose, but actually just abandoned for being weak links without the disgrace and ceremony of being officially exiled.
these malcontents, misfits, murderers and weapons of mass destruction, and how the people of planet earth interact with their presence, create most of the central conflicts that drive the story - death, rebirth, the horror of having a body, the existence of free will, machiavellian schemes, supernatural turf wars, epic love stories, bloody revenge tragedies, cycles of violence, and those who seek to break those oppressive, infinite loops - but the threat of the various powers of the republic of angels finally resolving their differences and turning their attention to the unresolved issue of their discarded toys, or being called to war once more, this time by the increasingly frustrated human population that has unwillingly hosted the angels' castoff scraps for the past few thousand years, remains an ever-present threat that hangs over all like a sword.
i already answered an ask where i linked all of the worldbuilding info documents before, so i'll just tack that on here in case you're interested in knowing more
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agronzky · 1 year
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⠀⠀⠀Anyone who knows me or has rp with me knows how much I love building ambiguous — or grey, if you prefer — characters or villains. The drama, the chaos, the complex plot… It all makes everything more interesting, especially once you get bored of characters who are exclusively nice, naive and suchlike. Even so, it's a construction that needs to take several factors into account and be very delicately written so it doesn't become a trigger rather than a character.
⠀⠀⠀For this reason, below I've provided some tips on how to create villainous characters for rp, taking into account various traits, setting and also demystifying the fact that not every villain is a soulless monster. Anyway, on to the guide.
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Deep and personal motivations.
⠀⠀⠀Convincing villains usually have compelling and understandable motivations, even if their actions are highly questionable. It's the premise of them being right in their quest, but using the wrong means to achieve it and ultimately losing their reason. This brings a sense of humanity and it's even possible to feel connected to what led this person to become a villain. You can truly see how they lost the way.
⠀⠀⠀Another point is the fact that not everyone wants to conquer the world, nor do they have the ambition to have a lot of money or power. Think of plots about revenge, twisted love, the quest for justice or fear. Generally, a character's deepest motivations give them more determination to fulfill their goals because it comes from something much more internal and traumatic. Give them a proper reason and make them lose the way, this is gonna make everything feel real, convincing and interesting to developed.
Moral complexity.
⠀⠀⠀The simple truth is the days of people liking completely cartoonish characters are long gone, and nowadays many people don't like those who are evil simply for the sake of being evil. This is because it's too out of touch with reality. Obviously there are people who are like that in real life, but the vast majority is more complex than this. Humans, in the end, are very complicated and, probably, will never truly understand why we are the way we are.
⠀⠀⠀To get away of this cliché and cartoonish form when creating your character, try to develop moral nuances and internal dilemmas which can explain their actions. Put a small fragment of morality in the character, make them question themselves a few times as to whether they're on the right path… Remember yin yang: there's a little tiny good inside the evil. This tip can be used for any character, when you think about it, but it's very important for those who want to create villains.
Human traits, personality and vulnerabilities.
⠀⠀⠀Like any human being, provide your character with traits unmistakably human, such as fears, insecurities or personal relationships that will impact them, to make them more realistic. Just because someone is doing something morally wrong doesn't mean they've lost all touch with their humanity, especially since not every villain is a psychopath who has no empathy for anyone. It's always very interesting when a character believes they're doing what's right or good for someone else, and this is their motivation. 
⠀⠀⠀Also bring some weaknesses to the character, whether physical, emotional or psychological. This provides room for development and also ways for other characters to access them in a more specific way, either to get to know them better or to retaliate against them at some point.
⠀⠀⠀You know that line "Do you like my personality? I created it especially for you!"? Well, consider how the character behaves and bring in more layers when making the personality. Take into account how they behave in different situations and with different people.
Charisma and a magnetic nature.
⠀⠀⠀The fact is that bad guys aren't unbearable one hundred per cent of the time, they need to know how to live in society and captivate people. So define unique and appealing traits for the character, whether they're genuine or merely a façade. It's always interesting when, within the plot, most people don't know about the evil or wrong side of a character because it gives them more room for development. Maybe make them ashamed of what they're doing and try to hide it as best they can. And just think about real life: do we truly know the people around us?
Connection with other characters.
⠀⠀⠀Nobody lives completely alone since we're in a society and this makes us having connections, for more simple they can be. Thinking about that, create connections with other characters to bring more motivation and drama to your muse, such as an old rivalry, a complicated personal relationship or a surprising connection which generates tension. You can also create connections that actually bring their good side to light, you know? It's also always good to add a certain complexity, to have troubled moments, wounds that haven't healed fully, secrets being revelead, etc.
Questions for creating villains.
What are the character's main motivations?
What is the character's origin story? What led them to become what they are today?
What are the past traumas or events that have shaped their worldview?
How does the character justify their actions morally? Does they believe they are doing the right thing?
What are their weaknesses and vulnerabilities?
How does the character present themselves to the world? Are they masked, manipulative or showy?
What do they want to achieve through their actions?
What are their emotional reactions to obstacles and challenges?
How do they justify their actions to themselves? Is there any sense of internal validation?
How do they relate to the authorities or the law?
How do they see themselves? Do they see themselves as the hero of their own story?
How do they react when their plans fail?
What do they feel when faced with the possibility of redemption or change?
Other small (and important) advice!
Corruption arcs are also super interesting, leading a good character to become bad over time and through traumatic situations. Redemption arcs are also sensational. The point is: nobody was born a villain and nobody has to die a villain.
Leave clues indicating your character before fully revealing your motivations. Also try to leave some motivations completely secret, using them when the plot calls for a surprise. In the best "surprise, bitch!" style.
Think about how environment and culture can influence beliefs and actions.
A villain doesn't have to be a psychopath or murderer. There are arcs of revenge and corruption which can be created without going to such extremes.
It's obvious, but always respect other players and the limits they impose. As I said, a villain isn't always doing evil and being a complete asshole, so make sure you know what kind of approach the other person will prefer.
Always be careful when approaching topics which are triggers and avoid them as much as possible. As I said, it's not necessary to go down this route, but if you do, always keep a firm grounding when writing, because triggers are complex real-life situations that always need to be handled delicately.
The end, for now.
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( Be with Morgana, my good girl gone bad ♡ )
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lovesick-joey · 2 months
I want to yap about my dc ocs because I can't keep them in my mind forever and I have to be annoying about it. so here's a post dedicated to them
▾ Sneakers / Crusader Cat
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OVERVIEW ▸ Sneakers is a heroic stray cat who gained powers after an encounter with a sorceress. He lives in Gotham City and is a protector to other stray critters inhabiting in the crime-ridden place. He has three wives; Queen, Bun Bun, and Loretta and has a total of 8 kids. He is a part-time member of the Justice League and a full-time member of the Legion of Super-Pets. Humans call him Crusader Cat.
DIRECTORY ▸ Extended Info ⇀ @sneakers-crusadercat (RP account)
▾ Eugene Amsel / Golden Condor
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OVERVIEW ▸ Eugene Amsel was once a former member of a cult (unnamed), but after it's fall he became a notorious vigilante from Gotham City going by the name of Golden Condor. On command, he had the ability to instill fear into his enemies just by touching them or being near them. His methods of fighting crime were cruel and brutal, and he lacked the empathy to give mercy. He will make a person's life hell if they go against him. He was a member of the Justice League and was in an on-and-off relationship with Batman. He is currently deceased.
DIRECTORY ▸ Extended Info ⇀ TGCS
▾ Chauncey the Green Lantern cat
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OVERVIEW ▸ Chauncey was a stray living in the streets of Jump City. He endured many challenges as he grew up, and after a near-death experience with saving a life, the Guardians granted him a place in the Green Lantern Corps. He was eventually adopted by Noelle Jonas and gained two dog siblings named Jumper and Duke. He is a close friend of Sneakers.
▾ Shrub / Super-kitten
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OVERVIEW ▸ A highly intelligent, shape-shifting alien who takes the form of a small kitten. His origins are unknown and so are his intentions. He is close friends with Sneakers and Chauncey, who are presumably the cause for his preferred form. While he can speak many languages, he prefers not to. He lives in the sewers of Gotham City.
▾ Cleo / Rascal
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OVERVIEW ▸ A six-year-old vigilante with superpowers in which the origins of getting them are unknown. She has superhuman reflexes and enchanted hearing that ables her to hear things in frequencies an average human can't. She can generate and manipulate electricity. She can also summon lightning, though this depends on how excited and hyper she gets. It is uncertain where she came from, as she doesn’t have biological parents nor other family members. She currently lives in Central City where she resides in a local hospital which she calls home. The staff serve as her found family.
now moving onto ocs that I haven't made art for, or expanded on their lore yet!
▾ Conroy
OVERVIEW ▸ Conroy is a 7-year-old boy who was an experiment by Lex Luthor. He was created using the DNA of half the founding members of the Justice League; Superman, Wonder Woman, Batman, Green Lantern, The Flash, and Aquaman. This makes him very powerful, as he had inherited their abilities and powers. Lex created Conroy with the purpose to obliterate the Justice League. However, Conroy had rebelled against him and escaped from his control. (Note: in the universe he's set in, he replaces Kon-El. Kon-El does not exist.)
▾ Gospel
OVERVIEW ▸ He was once a man named Joshua Rock, a poacher who hunted down animals for trophies and for the fun of it. Now he is a wolf-like creature who resides in forests, swearing to protect it's inhabitants. He stays far away from society and could only remember snippets of his original life as a human. He comes out at night from time to time to watch humans, and though he comes across as frightening, he is quite peaceful if him or wildlife aren't bothered. He is an ally of Swamp Thing.
▾ Nora Halsa
OVERVIEW ▸ Nora is a 12-year-old girl who grew up in a lab. Her father was the head of the lab and he had experimented with her as soon as her mother passed away, resulting in Nora having strange powers and abilities. She has telekinesis and could summon sharp shards of glass to protect herself and others, she also has healing capabilities. She has albinism. She is insecure, empathetic, and a people-pleaser.
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vvritingmf · 2 months
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RP Partner Search | 21+
Hello.ᐟ.ᐟ I go by V or my pen name, VV. I got recommended tumblr through a friend who also role-plays, so I’m here to see if I can meet some awesome writers. I’m 22 and prefer my partners to be around the same, however, as long as you are 18+, I’ve really got no qualms.
Experience details listed below:
I’m a very flexible person when it comes to writing, however I cannot say I am great at all. My main weaknesses are probably action and superheroes, but these are just some of the few topics I have done otherwise.
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Tropes & Themes that I love or correlate:
Greek Gods, Goddesses, Deities
Sci-Fi, Futuristic, Dystopian, Cyberpunk, Bionic
Opposites attract: Light>Dark, Sun>Moon, Fire>Water, Healer>Destroyer
Merfolk, Sirens, Pirates
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Tropes & Themes that I love or correlate:
Southern small town horrors: (20’s-80’s)
Medieval Evils: witch hunting, wounded>healer
Westward Expansion/Wild West: Bounty Hunter>Outlaw, Loner>Wanderer
Ancient Egypt/Japan/Rome/Greece: Assassin>Victim
WWI-II/Other: star-crossed lovers, enemies to lovers to enemies, woman guised as militia>unknowing comrade/enemy (mulan moment⚔️)
Mafia: 90’s realistic only, bodyguard>daughter/son
London High Society: Arranged marriage, Klutz>Pessimist
(While all of these are great, I am a sucker for new tropes and ideas, so please introduce me to some of your interests!)
More info about me and my preferences!
Dead Dove; Do NOT Eat — As much as I love writing goody-two-shoes characters, sometimes I simply want to write someone morally grey, or perhaps even a bit psychotic… Those who are familiar with dead dove know that it includes mature and sensitive topics, such as non-con, NSFW aside! That being said, I will never abuse this right and all topics are sure to be discussed with my RP partner before hand.ᐟ.ᐟ
Gender Preference: I often find myself writing male leads as opposed to female, but this is solely because I am having to compensate and or carry a plot by myself majority of the time. With male characters, I simply find arrogance easier to strike up interactions with, however I would love to actually be able to play a female character; it depends heavily on the plot. I’m predominately MxF, but with side characters I am open to MxM and FxF, (romance awakening/forbidden love subset mainly.)
NSFW: I am not strict on many of my rules but substituting plot for smut is not tolerated. I am willing to write it but in order for any sort of NSFW, things need to progress naturally. I would prefer a partner who prioritizes world building and plot planning first and foremost.
Requirements: As I am not daily active on discord, I am looking for a lax but serious role-play partner who is literate novella minimum. I frequently exceed the discord message limit, sometimes even four times over. However, this is not a standard for myself; I simply tend to write a lot when I am invested in a story. By no means do you have to match this; I simply ask that you give me something to work with and I will do the same in return. Trust me, I’m not always in the mood to meet a word criteria, I wouldn’t expect you to be either! I need a long-term partner who is willing and understanding of schedules and writers-block. These are two things I struggle with often, but I am writing this ad because I truly want to get on the grind again and meet someone who will bring fresh ideas to the table, as well as still pick up after a week of inactivity… :)
Other: I will not always use face claims, because sometimes celebrities and acclaimed actors just don’t do characters justice. Regardless, I will always give a description in writing or perhaps find some oil art or sketch that best represents my OC. I’m probably not very traditional in the sense that I do not follow all usual discord RP rules; I don’t even know half the jargon. Some more general tropes I love include age gaps, tragedy ending, anti-heroes, redemption, apprentice/mentor to mentee, & unique character impairments.ᐟ.ᐟ
Friend my Discord if you’re interested! (1x1)
(Ive a two role-play maximum so that way I am able to focus. Full currently but if you’d like to be friends I’m so down.) Current: 2/2
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nervarts · 28 days
Lilyana (II)
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Hey everyone! I'm back and feeling better! 💖 I am here to share a second drawing of Lilyana, singing. I think it's about time I share her backstory. Beware, this is going to be a long read. 📖☕
Lilyana Aretha Napoles is a character I made for a Sci-fi RP with @Mamsey . She was born in the capital city of Khose, from a small planet called Accilles— which is located three worlds away from the primary globe. She was raised as an only child in a family that reached the noble status shortly before her birth. Her father worked as a politician and her mother was a socialite. At the age of four, they moved to Ziherilia, the main planet and the Emperor's domain. Lilyana was raised in luxury and privilege. However, her parents were strict and educated her in politesse. From a young age, her singing talent manifested. She was taught and praised by her teachers for her voice. She seldom knew of hardships or what occurred beyond high society. That was, until Frederika disappeared.
Frederika was Lilyana's childhood friend and the child of her mother's abigail. Despite their social differences, the two girls got along together and behaved like sisters. In their sixteen years, a conflict broke out in Yulea, her friend's home planet. Not long after, she and her mother vanished. When questioned about their whereabouts, the nobility had to take a vow of silence by order of the Bureau of Principal Legitimacy (which are more or less the equivalent of the Thought Police in 1984). No one could question, speak about the women, or the planet itself. Yet Lilyana became restless and tried to uncover the mystery of Frederika's disappearance. After furtive attempts and risky bypassing, the truth turned out to be much darker and disturbing than she could imagine.
An insurrection took place in Yulea against the Ziherilia, which was quickly and violently put to an end. The planet became a slave labor camp with a high mortality rate. All Yuleans royalty were imprisoned and potentially executed. The Bureau of Principal Legitimacy had changed the entirety of its history, erased any traces of a revolt occurring, and wiped out important names from the Counsel. It had been done throughout the Emperor's rule. Whenever there was opposition, the Bureau was there to intervene. No one was safe from its scrutiny. Discovering and unveiling secrets was considered traitorous and carried a severe penance.
From then on, Lilyana had sworn to avenge Frederika. She joined the revolutionary group behind closed doors— whose locations varied from planet to planet and its members belonged in different social statuses. A decision that would forever change her life. In the meantime, as the years went on, she cultivated her talent in a regime where music was restricted. She became favorable not only to the ruling class, but also to the common folk. As she gained attention from the Emperor, she was allowed to perform for the people. She carefully introduced herself to politics in order to work in favor with the public— thus cementing her status as a lady.
Currently, she is working covertly as both the intermediary and agent for the Rebellion while establishing her influence among the court and the Counsel. At the same time, she is a prominent singer. She tasks in growing her reputation and the forces of the other side while avoiding the jaws of the Bureau. Particularly its leader (which is @Mamsey 's character).
Personality-wise: Refined and serene, Lilyana is described to be a cold jewel. Despite her congeniality, she maintains distance from people and avoids deeper relationships. As a result, there is an air of mystery around her persona. She would rather be addressed by her second name instead of her first. When it comes to diplomacy, she is silver-tongued and gracious. In truth, she holds passion for her beliefs and justice. She tries to resolve conflicts in her best judgment and help all those in need. However, because of her allegiance with the Rebellion, she is secretive and can be deceitful to anyone. Even those from her same class or higher. The young woman is aware of the consequences of her actions, yet she tries to remain as undaunted as possible.
If you made it this far, thank you so much for reading! 🥹 Lilyana is my new favorite child to draw (I have no preferences, though). I have a couple of WIPs of her that I plan to post soon.
Also, I haven't done this in a while, but if you like my art and wish to see more, consider supporting me on Ko-fi! 🙏🏼💖
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thequeenofterror · 2 months
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[ softly screams ] hello hello everyone! i am mira (25+, she/her) and i am INCREDIBLY HYPE FOR THIS RP! this is song sunyoung, aka the 2016's qe1 queen bitch. with a misguided sense of justice and righteousness and an unwavering, ruthless ambition to make the world a more equal place, she is hellbent on ensuring everyone suffers the same she's had to endure. okay, possibly more, but you won't catch her saying that out loud. you can find general information & trivia for sunyoung on this page, and i'll also leave some stuff under the cut! i won't post any possible plots/connections as of now because i have way too many thoughts just from reading other canon descriptions alone, but please feel free to LIKE THIS POST ♡ and i'll come to you for plots, or you can add me on d*sc @ soverenyi !!!!
1993 liner, scorpio sun aries moon. so basically a mess.
she comes from a conservative family that thinks women aren't cut for the big pants jobs, and is one of the first to truly challenge that. in time she's earned her father's trust and appreciation, and he paraded her around as the perfect child which earned her an easy invitation to the club.
has two younger brothers, and while the youngest looks up to her and was coached by her to join the club as well, the middle sibling never made the cut and is endlessly resentful of that.
has a weird relationship with her mother, sort of resents her for not trying to break the mold? but also understands her role in the family and takes solace in her comfort from time to time. her mother taught her to play the violin and they often bond over classical music.
speaking of! sunyoung plays the violin frequently, as a way to decompress. during her initiation process in 2016, an "accident" caused her to break two fingers and, because she wasn't able to play as her hand healed, she went ballistic. and that's why your muse hates her now!
she was a political science major, then went on to study law. she now works in the human rights policy division in the government, but she wants to eventually move to more hands-on roles such as investigators. which is actually a bit of a downgrade for her position, but she really needs that field experience to further her career - particularly when she works with a bunch of dinosaurs that won't listen to her and because half the time she doesn't really know what she's talking about
the thing about her working in human rights is probably very funny to your muse, considering how much of a bitch she is. the thing is that she's great at giving speeches and blaming society for everybody's issues. deep down she does believe in her cause, her views are just. skewed slightly from all that pretty privilege lol
in case you're wondering by now: yes, she is a hypocrite.
she can be very impatient and stubborn, and set on her ways. you can talk sense into her and she's very open minded to change her opinion, she'll just. never apologize for being wrong. and might yell at you during the process so no one will fault you if you give up on teaching her tbh.
she is very intelligent and quick to pick up on things, and likes to play jigsaw with people and their connections. she will often introduce you to another member she thinks you can benefit from, mostly so that you can grow into whatever position she wants you to achieve. in turn, she will eventually ask something out of you to boost her own position.
i'm gonna cut myself off here because i wanna go read other people's intros lol SEE YOU SOON
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I am Iudex Neuvillette, the Chief Justice of Fontaine.
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I don't mean to condescend to humanity, but it is quite clear to me that society's concepts of justice, fairness, equality, and rule of law are not equivalent, and can never be.
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As Chief Justice, I can assure you that all matters in regards to which complaints have been formally filed will be handled with utmost care and urgency.
As for any situations involving our... ahem, Hydro Archon-- those will have to be redirected towards a later date as they require a far deeper analysis.
Working in close quarters with the Duke of the Fortress of Meropide, the Opera Epiclese can promise fortitude worthy of any legal system.
With the Oratrice Mécanique d'Analyse Cardinale on the side of the law, all judgements towards persecutors are sworn to be right and fair-- but may still be opposed by further truth or morality.
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Notes from the moderator:
Mod also runs the @hydro-eidolon-kaveh-official rp account, so the format is her own and is not plagiarized :)
~ Keep the asks sfw if you please, suggestive is okay!
~ No random links in asks
~ Be kind, please. Any hateful comments related but not limited to racism, sexism, homophobia, ableism, ageism and transphobia will not be tolerated here and you may be blocked.
~ All ships (age-appropriate) are welcome
~ Try to avoid sending DMs to the mod unless you are another mod
~ Anons are more than welcome here! You may have a personalized tag and everything :)
List of current anon signoffs here
Key (if applicable):
" " : for dialogue
* * : for movements
( ) : ooc
#hydro dragon don't cry 🌧️ : Art reblogs
#the rain will always come ☔ : Random thoughts and calm moments
#tides beckon 🌊 : Asks from anons and others
#fleeting as fate 🍃 : Interactions with Genshin blogs
#leading lady 💧 : Interactions with / mentions of Furina
#dearest duke ⛓️ : Interactions with / mentions of Wriothesley
#the sweetest remedy 💉 : Interactions with / mentions of Sigewinne
Masterlist post of Genshin-official blogs linked here
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golden-age-ask-blog · 28 days
”Me and Kara go way back. We called ourselves the worlds finest which Supes went along with.”
-Dick G.
“But B-Man just said it was a kids thing.”
-Chara K.
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puzzledmemories · 3 months
Send ✏ (or "PENCIL") for mun to write about a muse they thought about trying to roleplay or one they are already roleplaying outside Tumblr RPC ((accepting on Mondays!))
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((In the yugioh discord server that I'm in that has rp, I have a muse problem. I have so many muses in that server.))
((I'll stick to one on this post. I rolled a d20 (there's 20 characters I write in that server currently [i counted], some i write more than others), and the die picked season two Jun Manjoume from Yugioh GX!))
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(Jun here is pictured in the middle. Yes. That asshole.)
((This is an AU Jun, though he's very much still in the Society of Light, as he is for the majority of season two of GX. This is a group AU that like five or so people are part of, however, and what makes this an AU is that Judai was the first member inducted into the Society of Light, not Jun, which very clearly contradicts canon but was a really exciting concept that a bunch of us were into.))
((Judai is very physically weak, and can't really do much on his own. Jun, along with Asuka, Daichi, and Johan (we brought in the season three cast for fun) all help look after him. However, Jun is still out there recruiting people! He's still doing his thing! He just, along with Asuka and Daichi, tries to get Judai to fucking rest and not push himself in Society of Light activities. [Johan is actually only pretending to be a member, he's a spy, but this post isn't about him.]))
((Jun's favorite activities are wrangling Judai, spreading the word of the Society of Light, and uh, being in a cult, because did I mention the Society of Light is a cult? That's canon. It's a cult. Jun still likes to duel and stuff but he's pretty brainwashed, so,))
((I love this AU, one of the people involved is planning to write a fanfic of this AU and I cannot wait to see what they write. We call this AU Dream Mirror of Chaos.))
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((I don't write a lot of DM characters on that server, only an AU Yugi, so I feel obligated to also talk about a character I've thought about taking on for this blog from DM.))
((I have Ryou on this blog. Is it any surprise that I've thought about Yami Bakura, too? I even have icons downloaded for him [that I occasionally comb through in case any look convincingly like Ryou, I feel like Yugi and Yami have way better manga icons than Ryou lol], but I just. Don't know if I could do the guy justice? I'd have to reread Millennium World and research into Zorc and stuff.))
((I'm just so iffy on Millennium World lore than I am the rest of DM, and I feel like that informs a lot of Yami Bakura's character...))
((But then again, I felt kinda iffy about being able to write Ryou well, too, but I pushed myself to take the plunge...))
((I'm very undecided about this. I've been very undecided about this for all, like, three weeks I've had this blog, and I'll continue to be undecided.))
((i've also thought about joey wheeler here and there, for reasons i cannot disclose. it would just be funny, is all i'll say.))
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klirk-hammurton · 4 months
New RP Server
In the aftermath of a devastating war that wiped out the Marvel and DC heroes and villains, the world was left in chaos and despair. Cities lay in ruins, and society was fractured and struggling to survive. However, amidst the rubble and devastation, a new era began to emerge as the world slowly started to rebuild itself.
In this post-apocalyptic world, new heroes and villains began to rise from the ashes. These individuals possessed extraordinary abilities and powers, but they lacked the moral guidance and sense of responsibility that the previous generation of heroes had embodied. As a result, conflicts between these new super-powered beings escalated, leading to a rise in crime, chaos, and destruction.
In response to this growing threat, governments around the world began to enact strict laws and regulations to control these new superhumans. The authorities sought to monitor and regulate the activities of these individuals, fearing the potential for another catastrophic conflict if left unchecked. The new heroes found themselves caught between their desire to do good and the oppressive regulations imposed upon them by the government.
As tensions between the government and the superhumans continued to escalate, a new era of conflict and uncertainty descended upon the world. The line between hero and villain became increasingly blurred, as individuals on both sides struggled to define their roles in this new world order.
Despite the challenges and obstacles they faced, a glimmer of hope remained as a few brave souls emerged to stand against the oppressive government and the rising tide of villainy. These new heroes, inspired by the legacy of the fallen Marvel and DC icons, sought to uphold justice and protect the innocent, even in the face of overwhelming odds.
As the world teetered on the brink of chaos and destruction, the fate of humanity hung in the balance. Only time would tell whether these new heroes would succeed in restoring peace and order to a world torn apart by war and strife.
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duckselshop · 8 months
Welcome to my Shop (Ask Blog)
Hi, I'm Ducksel. To access my shop, just make an ask!
Have you been told what this shop holds?
Feel free to send M!As.
I will only accept SFW (safe for work) asks. Feel free to shop, yell at me and leave, etc.
Money will be tracked using universal unit$, or just unit$. I will add a conversion table to this post if you dm me a currency. The money is made up, and only applies to add price, or if your rp blog/character tracks how much money they have.
We currently have TWO locations! The hidden Tumblr location, and one placed within the multiniko ( @society-of-non-cats). They both are rp'd through this blog, tho.
% Indicates OOC (out of character)
#duckshopping will be used for asks that want to shop. #duckshop ad will be used for ads for the shop. #duckshop info will be used for info posts, which are usually OOC. #cheetodustannon will be used for the relevant posts.
Useless notes:
I'm roleplaying?? A version of my online presence (Ducksel) and there's a bit of lore there, but not much.
Cheeto dust (aka CDA) is the justice-for-annons thing that I do here. (it's like a superhero... kinda.)
My main blog is @helloiamduck.
I also run @steamos-official, @society-of-non-cats, and [Currently Redacted...].
And Finally, CDA's annon safety advice:
If so, please try to be nice to the people of the internet. If you don't want to, remember that people (esp on this site) do not like being annoyed. Some (a few, but some) people will even try to kill you if you are too annoying. Be aware next time you send an ask.
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frenchojah · 6 months
In the heart of Tokyo, Japan, stands Academy Neo, a beacon of hope and opportunity for students across the nation. Established in 2024, it promises not just education, but a guaranteed path to success in life. On the surface, it appears as an idyllic sanctuary, offering a plethora of amenities and resources to its diverse student body. However, behind the façade of prosperity lies a darker reality. Within the walls of Academy Neo, students are ensnared in a web of competition, manipulation, and deceit. While the teachers strive to uphold the principles of education, the students themselves are the architects of their own corruption. The student body is divided into classes based not only on academic performance but also on socio-economic status. At the top of the hierarchy, the A-class students, wealthy and privileged, wield their influence with impunity. Meanwhile, those in the lower ranks, relegated to the D-class, struggle to navigate the harsh realities of poverty and marginalization. Within this stratified society, alliances are forged and broken, secrets are traded like currency, and betrayal lurks around every corner. The pursuit of success has become a cutthroat game, where the ends justify the means and morality is a luxury few can afford. Underneath the veneer of camaraderie and camaraderie, greed and ambition reign supreme. Students exploit their peers for personal gain, using underhanded tactics to climb the social ladder and secure their futures. The halls of Academy Neo are teeming with whispered conspiracies and clandestine dealings, each student vying for a coveted position at the top. Yet, amidst the chaos, a glimmer of hope remains. A small group of students, disillusioned by the rampant corruption and inequality, band together in defiance. United by their shared values and sense of justice, they seek to expose the truth behind Academy Neo's facade and bring about change from within. Welcome to Academy Neo, where the pursuit of success comes at a cost, and the true measure of a student lies not in their grades, but in their integrity and resilience. Will you succumb to the temptations of power and privilege, or will you stand up against the corruption that threatens to consume us all? The choice is yours to make.
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foundationhq · 8 months
Hey admins~ while I like you guys give a lot of freedom I'm a bit stuck with all the choices 😂 I'm indecisive what can I say lol. Any way you guys can give us hints on your vision for the opens? I'm struggling 😭
hello, thank you for your inquiry! i understand where you are coming from, since we have more of a sandbox approach to character creation. i imagine that there would be doubts if a character would fit the verse, especially if you're hesitating on a muse you've put your heart into. :< rejections are never fun and i will stress that during our review process, what we mainly look for is team composition, not what a muse "should be" about.
i avoid prescribing roles because i've ran a "skeleton" rp before (truth be told, it was more of a "bio" rp with detailed backstories) and it was really successful! however, in the end, i felt disappointed in myself because while i was able to see my vision come to life, i did not feel i had done enough to elevate the creativity of my players. i always want to improve not only as a writer, but an admin too in facilitating a supportive writing community.
however, i see lately that people want a little more guidance! so i hope no one minds if i draw the curtains on how we came up with these skeletons below. please feel free to use these as a guideline, but if you have another idea for your muse, go with what calls out to you! i sincerely hope this motivates the writing process for those working away on their apps.
every skeleton is, in a way, tied to an exploration of ethics and morality. each raises a question on how can one enact the concept of justice, when all the parameters for justice and fairness is wholly a social pact with an idea of "good."
[𝐶𝑂𝑊𝐵𝑂𝑌 𝐺𝑅𝐸𝐸𝑇𝐼𝑁𝐺]; what happens to the victims of the choices the foundation makes to keep the peace? is it right for them not to know what happened? how does the foundation know they're not leaving ghosts of people by forcing them to forget?
[𝐻𝐼𝐺𝐻 𝐹𝐼𝐷𝐸𝐿𝐼𝑇𝑌]; science is rife with historical and current-day ethical conflicts, all for "the betterment of society." what research goal are they pursuing that they feel justifies the experiment? how far will someone go to "advance" science? what personal reasons come into the mix?
[𝐾𝐼𝑁𝐺'𝑆 𝐺𝐴𝑀𝐵𝐼𝑇]; how far is too far when pursuing revenge, even if it would be justified? who should atone, and in what way? how does one measure vindication? at what point does the pursuit of justice become tainted by wrath?
[№2 𝑃𝐸𝑁𝐶𝐼𝐿]; in the act of wanting forgiveness, the desire of exoneration usually does not come from the victim. what are the pressures on the innocent for providing "absolution" to the guilty? what are the consequences of turning the other cheek? how can those who were hurt heal during the process of forgiveness?
[𝑃𝐸𝑅𝐹𝐸𝐶𝑇 𝑆𝑇𝑅𝐴𝑁𝐺𝐸𝑅]; how do those in a lower standing of "power" deal with the inequality they often face in their lives? what causes apathy in those affected the most by these unjust circumstances? is there anyone who is allowed to "look away" to keep going?
[𝑅𝐸𝑉𝐸𝑅𝑆𝐸 𝐸𝑁𝐺𝐼𝑁𝐸𝐸𝑅]; how does a moral exemplar deal with a huge mistake? can a single misstep overturn all the goodwill they've created? additionally, what ethical issues arise in the field of academia? whose efforts are recognized, whose work go on uncredited? what biases do those in power have when creating a "canon" of academic work?
[𝑇𝑅𝐸𝐸 𝐻𝑈𝐺𝐺𝐸𝑅]; what code of ethics do we as humans abide by? is that line of justice skewed by our anthropomorphic lens? what are things that exist in nature that conflict the interests of people? can one advocate for something that may harm people if it protects "the other"?
[𝑉𝐸𝐿𝑉𝐸𝑇 𝐺𝐿𝑂𝑉𝐸]; when negotiating opposing sides, what constitutes a "right" compromise? who are the people making these promises, and how do they represent the people they're making deals on behalf of? additionally, is it right to judge someone's social climb when they came from nothing? is it morally wrong to want to serve one's self-interests if those actions also help others?
[𝑄𝑈𝑂𝑇𝐸 𝑈𝑁𝑄𝑈𝑂𝑇𝐸]; where does liberty and freedom coincide and clash with the ideas of justice and equality? how does one navigate what to restrict and what to allow? who makes those choices for everyone? how does the dissemination and suppression of information influence public perception?
in conclusion, thank you for your feedback and i hope posting about our process when creating these skeletons helped you in your choice! i strongly suggest reaching out in dms with what you're envisioning so that we can assist you with resources or musing for your app! :>
> 𝚞𝚜𝚎𝚛 🅟
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