#justice for jack
twst-hottest-takes · 2 months
Okay, TWST. If you are finally giving us THIS. . .
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Then there is no excuse for you to not also give us THIS!
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Real talk, I am so glad to finally get the twins' merforms as cards. We've been waitimg for years! A lot of that time was spent saying, "They already have the models made and rigged and everything, so give it to us already!"
(Never satisfied, I know.)
The current word is that the mer-tweels are in the next story update/dream cards (correct me if that's wrong). With this in mind, I WILL BLOW A GASKET IF THEY GIVE THE DREAM CARD AFTER THAT TO RUGGIE! THAT BROKE BOY HAS TOO MANY CARDS AND JACK IS STARVING FOR ATTENTION! I think that giving us a wolf-Jack card is a copout of trying to give him something more worth while to his character and story, BUT I WILL TAKE ANYTHING OVER ANOTHER FRACKING RUGGIE CARD! If it's Ruggie AGAIN Jack officially becomes the most neglected character in the game. STUCK IN R-CARD HELL, AND CAN'T EVEN GET ANOTHER EVENT FOR HIM! Guys, they aren't even doing Port Fest II, they don't care to give Jack more cards so they are just rerunning the same ones! This is crimminal.
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alsworld-litg · 6 months
Calling it now that they are going to Molly Marsh it with your Li and bring them back during casa. Until then, fusebox PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF GOD give me an attractive new boy🙏🏼😭
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mrs-jamesbbarnes · 1 year
Okay I’m enjoying One Tree Hill but I will never forget Chad Michael Murray as the iconic Jack Thompson in Agent Carter.
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subatomic-duck2 · 2 years
i’m with jack on this one, tentative mistrust is justified.
look what has van helsing given as evidence really? a disease that effected lucy now effects some kids (could be anything at all that isn’t just vampire). lucies corpse is missing (could have just been stolen). lucies corpse is young looking (we already know somethings been fucking with it, doesn’t only mean vampire). her canines are long? (yeah we know in the real world that vampires mean teeths but here its just something weird that has happened also to the corpse). seeing the white figure zoopin around the grave (could have been an owl) the missing child showing up in the yard without bites (could just be where the missing children are running off too and its just a coincidence, and the disease hasn’t set in enough for the bites/pox to appear)
vanny has not showed jack jono’s diary, he also has barely told him that lucy was eaten by a different vampire. jack has read exactly no folklore about vampires. all he’s got is a rant about parrots being immortal which is connected to this case in the thinnest of thread possible just “weird things are possible”.
jack is totally right to suspect vanny is the culprit. it makes way more sense and explains everything he’s seen without any leaps in logic
justice for jack
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thebubblesareevil · 2 months
Villain Jack and Maddie (with a twist!)
Danny realizes that his parents would be in serious danger if they were caught harboring a “fugitive ghost” by the guys in white.
So under the guise of hanging out with friends Danny runs away.
He runs into the Justice league and after a small misunderstanding they put him on the team with the other teens (he’s toned down his powers so he doesn’t get caught) and they agree to help him take down the prejudice laws against ghosts!
Great right????
Except Phantom is seen on the news fighting alongside the Justice League and well….they are know to work hand and hand with the government.
A week later the Justice League meets their most formidable villains yet! The newest members of the light Drs Jack and Maddie Fenton.
The league it keeping it under wraps from Danny, not wanting him to find out that his parents have decided to hunt him down. It would break him.
Unfortunately one day while both Batman and Superman are at Mt Justice, the Fentons blast their way in.
The Fentons start demanding for the hero’s to turn over Phantom or else when the broken voice of Danny interrupts them.
He’s bleeding.
Danny had never heard his parents curse but the language they threw at the league for hurting their precious baby boy was on a level that would make Sam shed a tear.
They immediately jumped in front of Danny announcing to the team that they were gonna make sure these villains would never exploit their baby boy ever again.
Even after Danny convinces them not to blow up mt Justice, Maddie scolds superman and Batman about the morals of letting teens fight villains without proper parental permission.
Jack is standing guard in front of the team nodding along as he feeds the teens fudge.
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youcalledsworld · 2 months
How'd the story get so Twisted?
The JLD are briefing the rest of the Justice League of beings they should remember just incase they run into them.
They then come to Phantom who they say is basically the Superman of the Supernatural. The Justice League point out they thought Captain Marvel was Superman's equivalent but Marvel says he wishes.
JLD starts going over Phantom's history. They say he is hundreds if not thousands of years old (time travel), he is friends with a dryad (Sam when undergrowth possessed her) and magical pharaoh (Tucker being the reincarnation of a pharaoh), his sister is a mind healer (Jazz is a psychologist) and his parents are necromancers (Jack and Maddie studying ghost), his only surviving child is a free spirit (Danielle traveling and being the only surviving clone).
Intrigued by this the Justice League wanted to learn more about him and his adventures.
And the JLD proceed to go on to tell the story of Phantom.
How will the story of Danny Phantom be twisted.
I read the reblogs and thought of something.
Everyone believes Phantom and the Dryad got married because Phantom gave her a ring. Here is the twist, they all think the dryad cheated on Phantom with the Pharaoh and had a child (Lilith the flour sack). But the Pharaoh had other children with other women (flour sack baby test) and the Pharaohs mother cooked them. Fearing the mothers wrath the dryad then gave her child to a barbarian (ms tetslaff) for safety.
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Reveal gone right. Good parents Jack and Maddie.
Danny tells his parents that he’s Phantom and they accept him with open arms and hearts and the willingness to change their views. With this they start their research on Ghost culture, because that’s a part of their baby’s life (afterlife?) now so of course they’re going to make sure they understand their son so as to avoid potential culture clashes in the future.
(Did you know ghosts fight as a form of bonding?! Fascinating!)
At some point in their research they learn that the method of succession for the title of King of the Infinite Realms if for the former king to be defeated in trial by combat.
They learn that Danny defeated the former king tyrant Pariah Dark.
Their little Dann-o is the new King.
But he’s just a baby! Their baby! Cry his parents.
Danny is only 14, going on 15. Even if he’s a teenager he’s still their baby boy, and he is far too young to be forced to deal with politics alongside school and all the other dramas that come with teenagerhood.
They were young once, the Fenton parents remember how major some things were for teenagers and how stressful it could be. And Danny had already been through so much with protecting the town. And they wanted to make up for what they put him through before they knew it was him. Danny says it alright, they didn’t know but they do now and that accept him and that’s what matters! And oh do their hearts ache at the memories of shooting at their son and all the terrible things they said about him while he was right there.
No, they wouldn’t allow their son to deal with everything in his own when they could help him. Somehow. How do they help with this?
Then, Maddie demands an audience with the council. There, declares herself the King.
The Observants argue that she can’t possibly be the King as she is not a ghost, nor did she defeat the previous king to take the title. And anything else that they could use to oppose the idea.
Maddie counters that as her son isn’t even legally old enough to drive yet (the age is 16 in American right?) he cannot take on such responsibilities until he is of a certain age. Jack is nodding along enthusiastically as Maddie verbally eviscerates these floating eyeballs.
Clockwork is smirking in the corner. He likes Phantom’s mother. And he agrees with the Drs Fenton. He backs her up, and says that young Daniel had other pressing matters to attend to and that yes, he is in fact too young for the full responsibilities that come with being the King of the Infinite Realms. He is so young, and still of the living being a halfa that he would require education of the Realms laws before he could officially take up the crown.
But what about Maddie? She’s fully human, how could she possibly be placed in that position then without the same training?
Clockwork smiles as Frosbite or maybe Pandora, one of Danny’s other allies, states that the council could handle things until then, and that they would have had to have waited regardless for Danny to be up to speed before he could feasibly take on the role of King and confidently make decisions without the guidance of the council at every turn. With Maddie as a placeholder she could still sign off on things or act as a figure head, at least until Phantom could take on his role as the fully realised King.
Anyway, Maddie becomes the Ghost King. Or at least temporarily while her baby boy finishes high school and can decide what he wants to do. At least this is one less thing he has to worry about.
This however results in instances of cults and all manner of people trying to summon the Ghost King for one reason or another. But instead they get one Dr Maddie Fenton.
Sometimes it’s some kids that were fooling around at a slumber party, and she warns them on the dangers of summoning unknown entities without doing proper throughout research before hand and ensuring they have the proper protective measures if something were to go wrong.
And then there are cults and magic users and everything in-between that are trying to summon the Ghost King for personal gain.
These individuals are more often than not met with the sight of a bazooka, pulled from seemingly thin air, aimed directly at them as the very ominous sound of the woman counting down echos in the air. The ones with half a brain would book it.
All of this while maintaining the midwestern politeness would be both hilarious and a little ominous.
Then one day the Justice League, or any of the other teams, are breaking up a cult ritual that they got wind of to summon a powerful being for the purpose of destroying something or someone. I’m not to fussed on their motives.
But just before they can stop it the summing is cast and the air is filled with such a heavy sense of forbidding that it makes the hairs on the back of one’s beck stand on end.
The room darkens, the shadows seemingly converging in the centre of the summoning circle. It feels hard to breathe, and there’s a hint of something other in the air around them that just keeps increasing in intensity. It feels like reality is being around them, and just as quickly as it all began a crack appears within the circle. And a toxic green (Lazarus green) glow seems out of it as it opens like the unhinging jaw of a predator. There’s a blinding flash of green and then there is a woman, judging by her build, in a teal spandex suit with goggles fastened on her face.
She scans the room in silence before her eyes falls on the heroes standing in defensive positions before her. The cultists are all tied up or knocked out, or just frozen in place because holy shit the summing worked.
It’s never worked before.
But who is this woman?
And where is the Ghost King?
The head cultist, whom was still yet to be detained, demands to know who she is and where is the Ghost King?!
Maddie smiles as she pulls out her Fenton bazooka and says, “Oh bless your heart, I am the Ghost King!”
Where this goes from here, I’m not sure. This was all I had when is tarted writing this and right now I’m too tired to think. I just hope someone likes it and if you do, feel free to add anything! And if you have any critiques feel free to tell me!
(My apologise if I leave out a chunk of information, I’m writing this in my pyjamas half asleep and just trying to get it all written down. Also I’m not from the US, and haven’t watched Danny Phantom in a hot minute, so if I got something wrong pls forgive me.)
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laxxarian · 7 months
Everyone thinks Danny is an alien or a ghost, so when the league tried to teach Danny on how to act like a human when he's in a disguise (clothes switched, contacts used and dyed hair for human disguise. Danny didn't tell them about his other half nor had he revealed it), Danny thought it was funny.
Funny that in fact, Danny is an actual human, a living person, a child who goes to school and acts normally when he's with the others.
So when they tried teaching him some lessons about how normal folks don't have the capability to lift a couch with a finger or punch a guy that creates a crater, Danny had to stifle a laughter.
He already knows this, he literally lives as a human but no one has to know that until Maddie came in on the Watchtower (let's imagine that she can be there), Danny became serious as Maddie stares at her SON who was supposed to be grounded.
And with that, Danny panicked and tried to leave by intangibility but Maddie was fast and used one of her ghost capture rope and tied Danny back to her. The heroes were then alarmed by the actions of the woman when they paused to hear the next few words of the said woman.
"Daniel James Fenton! Tell me exactly why you're here when I specifically told you, you were grounded?"
Danny just sheepishly laughed and thought up an excuse when his eyes landed on Batman, "Uhhh.... Batman said I could go here!" Danny pointed.
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snaileer · 5 months
You Don’t Know Me
“We’re so glad you’re showing an interest in our work here, Mr. Wayne!”
“Of course! It’s just all so new!” Bruce said through a hollow laugh, “It’s almost unbelievable!”
“Believing in ghosts is the first step to finally getting rid of them!”
Bruce fought to keep his face flat as the director enthusiastically continued his tour of their facility.
Their ghost hunting facility.
Where they had funded and government sanctioned labs purely for the persecution of an entire inter-dimensional species.
“-Truly, the Drs.Fenton were an inspiration to the entire field of ectobiology! We wouldn’t know half the things we know about ghosts if it wasn’t for their early research!”
Bruce forced a thin smile, “Oh? Will I get to meet them? Or can I at least see some of their work?”
The man faltered almost imperceptibly, “Ah well.. that might be a bit, Fentons can be a bit.. overzealous and-“
“I’m sure it would go a long way to understanding the need for such a large facility. If it’s worth it even, perhaps I could fund an expansion…” Bruce let his voice trail off.
The man’s eyes sharpened at the mention of his financials- of course, what more could you expect from a shark who’d joined an operation like this- and the man quickly smiled.
“But of course Mr. Wayne!” He turned around, leading them towards an elevator, “Our labs are just downstairs, easy access you know, and well.. with any new specimens it’s always best to start right away!”
Bruce’s eyes narrowed. They already had subjects? Their reports, their research had indicated they weren’t there yet, but if they were, this could quickly turn into a rescue mis-
“-It’s an absolute honor that we even have one of the Fenton’s themselves working with us!” Bruce sharpened his senses, one of them was here? The people who had laid every base for a hateful crusade against another dimension, all for their own ambition?
“Our labs are right through here,” the director said as he pushed open a door, “Dr. Fenton is working with our prize specimen right now, I’m sure!”
Bruce quickly scanned and analyzed the entire room. Testing tubes, jars filled with green, centrifuges, a sample fridge, glassware, plenty of counter space, all taken up by various tools and materials. And standing in front it was the reason for it all, dressed in a white lab coat over garish latex.
He turned around as they entered, “You know me too well, Director,” the young man spoke, ignoring the green splattered over his gloves, “My work with him isn’t finished yet.”
“Mr.Wayne, meet our frontier scientist, Dr. Daniel Fenton.”
Bruce Wayne scanned the young man, no older than 26, with a height similar to his own and shoulders only halfway less.
A scientist. An unknown. A threat.
Fenton smiled at him, “Tell me Mr.Wayne,” Daniel said, and his smile went sharp, “Do you believe in ghosts?”
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ditzybat · 7 months
i need a homo-magi tim drake au.
like, i find it very hard to believe that in that mausoleum of a mansion filled to the brim with ancient artifacts jack and janet drake collected throughout their travels, that not a single one of them was cursed —
— and that a nine year old tim didn’t use an ancient aztec macuahuitl as a baseball bat and now knows several dead languages with weird cursed powers from some ancient meso-american demon that camps out in his body.
but like tim has no clue that whatever is going on with him is not normal because he was never told it wasn’t not normal,
and then imagine other people’s reactions to this, especially other magic users like zatanna and constantine —
zatanna: i don’t understand why i can’t seem to get these runes right..
13 year old tim drake: because you’re working on them backwards, it’s supposed to be [fast paced nahuatl]
zatanna: how…?
tim (blissfully unaware of his abilities, smiling sweetly): the voices :D
and then i just imagine his shadow is some looming creature or something idk, kinda how in yj comics his shadow is batman’s silhouette
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r3ynah · 8 months
I love my woman Madeline Fenton so much, I love and hate the way people portray her as the villain, that will kill her own children because of her hatred for ghosts.
Like my girl would change sides the moment she finds out her son is a ghost, yeah she might lock herself up in a room for days or so, i mean who wouldn't, you just found out your son has died and you as his parents were nowhere to be seen, but after that she'll be so supportive about Danny's hero life and would do her best to help her little man. the same goes for Jack.
Maddie wanting to help her son and daughter more, she applied at the watchtower as a scientist and a doctor for extra money and a new hobby, she ofcourse got the job, i mean she was very smart and she knew it too.
Maddie kissed her husband goodbye, as she teleported to the watchtower, using her own handmade teleporter gun, which came handy for all times.
green light surrounded her as she disappeared from her home, and appeared in the meeting room, she was called during her day off, and only told her that it was urgent and the scientist's help was needed greatly.
she expected and prepared for every worse scenario that'll she'll meet once she turned her head around, what she didn't expect was to see her son, in his phantom form taunting a certain grouchy boss of hers, it seemed like the sound of her teleporting got everyone's attention including the ghost boy, who stared at her with shock, and stopped his chaos before floating down onto the floor to stand and fidget awkwardly.
"Phantom" Maddie greeted.
"Dr. Fenton" Phantom greeted back with a nervous smile.
"What did you do this time?" Madeline sighed, she loved her baby but sometimes he can be too much.
"Hey! I didn't do anything this time." Phantom said offended "the amount of trust you have of me is so motivating" He dramatically added, which maddie just sighed at.
"Phantom, you know Dr.Fenton?" Batman questioned, his face even more grouchier because of this information that he didn't know
"Ofcourse I do, this wonderful and beautiful woman right here is Madeline Fenton, one of the most smartest woman I know" Phantom proudly stated, while circling the said Doctor.
"Flattery won't make me not tell your dad, that you've joined the Justice league without telling us." Maddie scolded him.
"Im sorry, please don't tell dad, mom"
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alsworld-litg · 4 months
Now that the season is over I can confidently say I hated almost ALL of the characters in one way, shape, or form. Like I have NEVER been so uninterested and so annoyed by all of the side characters like I was this season.
The only thing I enjoyed was Jack and getting to sass people out left and right.
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satoshy12 · 2 months
Isekai into a Novel
At a Gala
Nightwing looked at all the ones who are with him there: "So are we all here until we get the true ending of the story?"
Artemis: "Yes."
Nightwing: "Okay, who here has read the story?"
Kid Flash: "I have! It's a fantasy adventure story. The main villain, the Cold Archduke of the North, is like the worst villains we and the Justice League has ever fought. A truly evil, future cold-blooded tyrant who rules with an iron fist and blood. He never smiles and is an emotionally constipated, bloodthirsty god of war."
Zatanna: "We would see him right at this Gala and should be called next I think."
Speaker of the Room: "We call Archduke Daniel Fenthorne of Specterville and his daughter, Princess Dawn Fenthorne!"
Dick looked at his teammates: "Dawn?"
Kid Flash: "There was no one called Dawn in the novel."
The door opened and Danny walked in with little Ellie/Dawn holding his hand as he knelt before the Emperor.
Emperor: "My boy! You have a daughter!"
The Archduke smiled warmly and lovingly in the room. "Yes, that was the favour I came to ask."
Emperor: (jumping up) "Of course, I will legitimise her! Now let me see the young girl!" +
Kid Flash to the others: "This is also new. In the original story, the Emperor didn't like him very much. This looks like a father/grandfather and son seeing their granddaughter for the first time."
Aqualad: "So we have no idea of the original story. Except that this man later became the Greatest of all Evil."
Dick looked around and noticed his missing sister: "Where's Cass?"
Zatanna looked at the note and laughed, showing it to Dick: "I Can Fix HIM."
Cass made her way to Lord Daniel as he looked at Dawn talking to the Emperor.
+++ Because of Vlad, the Fenton family had been isekai'd into the novel.
Since they arrived here, Danny had enjoyed spending time with his family. He liked this place, and Dawn was adorable as a tiny toddler. His mum, dad and Jazz loved playing with her too. Coming here because of Vlad was a blessing in disguise.
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kettlefire · 5 months
It's not you, it's me. (DPxDC)
Long post, but short plot info or progression wise!
Danny loves his parents, don't get him wrong. They weren't perfect by any means, but they tried. As hard as it was for him to come to terms with, it's okay. Really.
It's okay that Jazz had been the one to raise him. It's okay that his parents talked about wanting to rip him apart during mealtime. It's okay they didn't notice the way ghostly things attached to Danny. It's okay that they never paid enough attention to put his secret together.
It's okay because they weren't bad parents. Not as bad as they could be. Yes, they could be a little reckless. Yes, they had their problems. But the good times were there.
Saturday morning fudge cooking with Jack. Late night self-defense class with Maddie. Tinkering in the lab with both of them. Even the normal embarrassing moments were good.
Because his parents are awesome. They are absolutely cool, and they did their best. As best as they could.
That's why it hurt so much to leave.
It hurt to leave Amity Park, but it hurt more to leave his family. He felt it deep in his core, the pain of having to separate from those he loves. Those he needed to protect.
But it was time. If Danny wanted to protect them, he needed to leave. So, he did. He almost didn't say goodbye. Almost didn't want to face it all.
His friends were easy to say goodbye to, but it still hurt just as much. Sam and Tucker, they understood why he had to go. Same with Jazz. There were talks about other ideas and plans so that Danny didn't need to leave. But he had to. There was no other option.
But Danny needed to tell his parents everything. Tell them about his accident, tell them that he was Phantom. He couldn't just say bye and leave with no explanation. So he bit the bullet and did it.
It went well. Better than good, it was amazing. And Danny wished he could stick around to see the changes in his parents' work because of it.
Danny has cried enough times this past week than he was sure he cried his whole life. He had his fill, he doubt he could cry again soon.
For everyone's safety, Danny Fenton left Amity Park. Phantom had vanished from the streets. Amity Park was safe. The Anti-Ecto laws, the GIW, all of it. They wouldn't target Amity Park anymore.
It was a lot of work to get the other ghosts on board. But after Clockwork confirmed everything, it all set into motions. The world was free of ghosts, but Danny wasn't sure how long the others could stay away.
He needed a plan, needed to get the government to understand ghosts. But there was nothing Danny could truly do. He was just a kid.
He is just a kid. Just a kid leaving in a small apartment right by a place nicknames crime alley. But Danny liked it. Gotham had enough noise and ambient ectoplasm to keep him safe. It would be hard for anyone to find him.
He was safe. Safe for once. But Danny knew it wouldn't last long.
The problem here? Danny was all alone. He didn't have his team to contact. Didn't have Sam or Jazz to tell him that a plan was downright stupid. Didn't have Tucker to back up the stupid plans that could actually work.
That's how he ended up in space.
Danny loves space, and he wished he was visiting in better circumstances. Thankfully, the vacuum of space had no impact on Danny's ghost form. It was harder than he expected to find what he was looking for.
God, Danny wished Tucker was here. The techno-nerd was a wiz with the computer. Amazing at hacking and tracking in a way Danny couldn't understand.
But Danny didn't have Tucker. He didn't have anyone right now. He couldn't have anyone right now.
Even so, Danny found it. Found the secret space base for the Justice League. It was a struggle, but he found it. And for once, his luck was on his side.
The whole team was there. Well, the main ones you see on the news and in the paper. All sitting around a giant table, a whole meeting was happening.
Danny took one shuddering breath in before phasing into the Watchtower invisibly. He was honestly surprised when no alarms went off. No defenses were triggered. He made a mental note to give them some ghost detection equipment if things go well.
Except things didn't go well. At least not the way Danny had been hoping.
He silently made his way to the table, standing a bit of a distance from them. Just in case he needed to run. His eyes jumped between the different heroes.
Danny steeled his nerves, at least tried to. He stood directly across from Batman, in the perfect spot to be noticed instantly. Then he dropped his invisibility.
All eyes were on him in an instance. Danny never felt so terrified in his life. Not like this. His attempt at steeling his nerves failed immediately.
Maybe the anxiety and fear was clear on his face. Maybe it's because he is a child, despite glowing and being someplace he shouldn't be. But Danny vaguely heard a soft, gentle voice speak to him.
He couldn't make it out, not really. His ears were filled with the sounds of his rushing ectoplasm. A tremble settled in his hands, and Danny knew he needed to hurry up. He needed to speak before he lost all his cool.
"I... Sorry, I know I shouldn't be here... But, uh, my name's Phantom... And I... I..."
The words stumbled and spilled from Danny in a less than elegant and confident way. The shaking in his hands got worse the more he tried to speak. His voice shaky and waivering, even when he tried to sound strong.
And Danny couldn't pull his gaze away from Batman. The cape crusader stood unmoving, unphased, and completely silent. The other heroes had a mixed of expression, but Danny couldn't read Batman.
That unnerved the teen so much. In that moment, he regretted ever coming here. He regretted leaving Amity Park. He regretted telling his parents. He regretted ever stepping foot in that damn portal to begin with.
Then something snap inside of Danny. The dam that was holding everything in just suddenly broke. In a split second, his vision grew blurry with tears.
Even though he didn't need to breathe, his breathing started to pick up. Fast and short. He could feel the phantom feeling of a heart beating rapidly in his chest. Or maybe it was his core warning him of the sudden wave of emotions rocking through him.
"I... I... Help."
The single word, the single plea, spilled from Danny in a pathetic whimper. Before he suddenly dropped to his knees. He curled in on himself. Arms wrapped tightly around himself, head bowed and white hair curtaining his face. Tears fell fast down his cheeks, leaving droplets on the floor, as choked sobs left him.
In that moment, Danny didn't feel like a hero. Didn't feel like Phantom. Didn't feel like the ghostly hero that was in charge of fixing everything.
In that moment, Danny felt like a scared little kid. A kid who was given too much too fast, with no real guidance. A kid that had to grow up fast and had people depending on him. A kid who was exhausted and terrified. A kid that wanted nothing more than to run home. To be wrapped up in a Jack Fenton Bear Hug. To feel his mother's hand combing through his hair as she whispered gentle reassuring words to him.
In the end, Danny Fenton was still just a kid. And it seemed the Justice League could see that.
Danny couldn't focus on the words he heard spoken around him. He couldn't focus on the moments either. He couldn't focus on anything.
Until suddenly, arms were wrapped around him in a gentle and warm embrace. He felt something draped over his back. Danny blinked the blurriness in his vision just enough to make out who was in front of him.
Batman. The hero that scared Danny the most seconds ago.
Except this time, even through the cowl, Batman looked softer. The man looked human and understanding. It made Danny's mind flash to his parents once again. Which only made him cry harder.
A glowing kid was wrapped up in Batman's arms, the two kneeling on the ground. Batman's cape wrapped around the trembling, sobbing form. The kid clinging to Batman like a lifeline. The rest of the Justice League stood around the two.
Nobody quite knowing what the hell they were supposed to do. Or what was really going on.
All those heroes needed to know was simple enough. There was a kid who went through all this trouble to end up in the Watchtower. A kid that's so hurt and exhausted, pleading for help. And helping was the Justice League's specialty.
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sadbisexualmusic · 3 months
I love Katie and Ally with my whole heart but the fact that Rehka Shankar gave us the icon that was Adjustable Side Table (Walnut) and got 0 billboards for it is an absolute crime
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youcalledsworld · 1 year
DP x DC prompt
The Justice League mistakes Danny for being older than he looks not because of historical texts but because they met him in the past.
Batman met Danny during his time as a pirate. Batman remembered fighting alongside Danny and an young African woman freeing innocent men and women.
Wonder Woman was sent back to ancient Rome and looking for a way back. While she was there she watched the fights in the Coliseum. She then noticed when one fighter lost his helmet and she saw her teammate Phantom. She was surprised to see him also fighting along side a tall redhead who fought like an amazon.
Barry met Phantom before he even became the Flash. It was a late night at work and he was walking home when a mugger attempted to rob him. Before he knew it the mugger was knocked unconscious and he was looking at a flying boy and girl with white hair. Barry was surprised and grateful when he was flown home by the strange duo.
The Bat family were sent back in time together when Ra's had just gotten control of the league. They also saw him trying to woo a redheaded woman while Phantom was beside her. When Ra's threatened to kill the woman's husband and raise her kids as his own, they watched the woman knee him in the nuts and heard Phantom ask the woman why she attracts creeps like him.
Zatanna and John Constantine were somehow sent back in time during the Salem Witch trials. They were both captured by a witch hunter and about to be set on fire. Then a man looking a lot like the witch hunter tackled the man and knocked him out. Phantom flew out of nowhere and untied them and took them somewhere safe.
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