#justice for hind rajab
notyourtoday · 3 months
In one of the most shocking cases of cold blooded mur der, 6 year old Hind Rajab was trapped in a car with the bullet riddled bodies of all of her family members for more than SIX hours, before she was fired on from a range of between 13 and 23 metres by savage is ra helli ter ror ists using an FN Mag machine gun on a Merkava Tank. A detailed forensic analysis of the mur der is revealed in an excellent report by @ajfaultlines, @forensicarchitecture and @earshot.ngo
Courtesy: @ajplus
Via: @socialintifada Watch the full documentary on YouTube by visiting Fault Lines
By @shahhatun on Instagram.
Link to post.
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alphyadventures · 7 months
Hind, her family, every family in Palestine will have Freedom and Justice for all of this.
I really tried to be respectful with this drawing for Hind Rajab. If there's any problems with it (NO ZIONIST SHIT) then let me know
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mirkobloom77 · 3 months
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‼️🇵🇸🎓 Prosecutors drop most charges against student protesters who occupied Columbia University building
[Plain text: Prosecutors drop most charges against student protesters who occupied Columbia University building]
🔸 Source: Al Jazeera
🔹 Note: These are the protesters who created Hind’s Hall, in memory of Hind Rajab, the 6-year-old murdered by Israel alongside her family and the people attempting to rescue her.
[Plain text: Note: These are the protesters who created Hind’s Hall, in memory of Hind Rajab the 6-year-old murdered by Israel alongside her family and the people attempting to rescue her.]
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sayruq · 5 months
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kaapstadgirly · 7 months
This is Israel's ambassador to Ireland, Dana Erlich.
All these zionists are sick in the fucking head I can not fucking stand these people.
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taviamoth · 7 months
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If she had white skin the world would've stopped for her.
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the-secret-garden1 · 5 months
Hind’s Hall
Columbia students have taken over Hamilton Hall, and renamed it ‘Hind’s Hall.’ In honour of, Hind Rajab. A young Palestinian girl who was murdered alongside members of her family in their car by the Israeli Occupation Forces.
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May she rest in peace, and let her story never be forgotten.
If you want to check out a snippet of the students protest I'll link the video below:
Student Protest Video
Free Palestine 🇵🇸
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newsfrom-theworld · 7 months
On international women's day let me introduce you to some of the victims of ''Isr@el''
1. Shireen Abu Akluh
On 11th of May 2022 around 6:30 the prominent American Palestinian Journalist was killed by Isr@eli snipers; they also attacked her funeral.
The shaky video, filmed by Al Jazeera cameraman Majdi Banura, captures the scene when Abu Akleh, a 51-year-old Palestinian-American was killed by a bullet to the head at around 6:30 a.m. on May 11.
She had been standing with a group of journalists near the entrance of Jenin refugee camp, where they had come to cover an Israeli raid.
While the footage does not show Abu Akleh being shot, eyewitnesses told CNN that they believe Isr@eli forces on the same street fired deliberately on the reporters in a targeted attack.
All of the journalists were wearing protective blue vests that identified them as members of the news media. ​
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2.Farah Omar
A Lebanese correspondent of Al-Mayadeen TV, was killed by an Isr@eli strike on Tayr Harfa, south Lebanon, on November 21, 2023, according to Al-Mayadeen.
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4. Heba Sami
Dr. Heba Sami Al-Jourani who was known for her intelligence and determination lived elsewhere she could have been working in a very important hospital as a physicians to help those people who were wounded in wars and accidents, But unfortunately Heba had to put her dreams aside and stand face to face with death.
Heba’s family home in Rafah was targeted by Isr@eli warplane, minutes ago before she lost her life, Heba was sending messages and checking telegram groups to know where is the bombing she’s hearing, unfortunately that was her last scene,
Heba’s family became the breaking news at 11:48 am, on November
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5. Walaa Saadah
A passionate filmmaker, writer, and blogger normally work day and night, travel, sometimes receiving awards but not if its a Palestinian woman in lives in Gaza and that’s the story of "Walaa Saadah, who was born in Beit Hanoun, Northern Gaza, in 1990.
Walaa since 2010, with too much passion worked in cinema and filmmaking, starting as a screenplay writer, she also worked in civil society organizations as a coordinator who directed several films that shed light on the suffering of the people of Gaza to the world.
Walaa was killed on March 2, 2024, in an Isr@eli airstrike on displaced people in Deir al-Balah city. walaa dream ended before having any chance to raise and shine as prominent filmmaker
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6. Asmaa Hamdan
Asma a beloved 22-year-old, brought joy with her infectious smile. In high school, she was the heart of our large group. After a beautiful love story, she married Shadi and welcomed Sham, the light of her life. As an engineer, she graduated days before war disrupted everything.
Despite the hardships, Asmaa's resilience inspired us. Tragically, on December 25th, Asmaa and her daughter Sham were martyred in a massacre caused by Isr@eli occupation rockets, which claimed the lives of 100 martyrs in Al-Maghazi refugee camp, leaving behind a painful void.
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7. Nagham Abu Samra
Nagham Abu Samra, 24 years old, was a professional karate player before Isr@el deprived her of that. She suffered from a critical head injury, and her leg was amputated after her home in Gaza was bombed by Isr@el.
Her uncle was pleading with the world to intervene and help Nagham travel abroad for treatment, but no one responded. Nagham was martyred, succumbing to her injuries from the Israeli bombing on January 12, 2023.
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8. Talal Baalusha
A high school student, creative in traditional dance (dabke), and a member of the "Asayel Watan" group She also owned a clothing store.
She bid farewell to her family after they were martyred, then others mourned her.
She was martyred with her mother.
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9. Hind Rajab
After she appealed to the world for help to save her, 12 days passed without communication.
On the 10th of February, the body of the martyr, the child Hind Rajab, and 5 members of her family were found.
Her Grandfather said: “We found the body of Hind and the rest of the family decomposed”.
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10. Ayat Khadoura
Ayat, a Palestinian freelance journalist and podcast presenter, was killed along with an unknown number of family members in an Isr@eli airstrike on her home in Beit Lahya in northern Gaza, according to the Beirut-based press freedom group SKeyes, the news website Arabi 21, and London-based Al-Ghad TV.
Ayat shared videos on social media about the situation in Gaza, including a November 6 video, which she called “my last message to the world” where she said, “We had big dreams but our dream now is to be killed in one piece so they know who we are.”
Ayat was killed on November 20, 2023, at the hands of the Isr@eli occupation.
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They aren't just numbers.
The UNRWA said 9.000 women where killed in this genocide.
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Your feminism is trash if you aren't speak up for the women of Gaza, who are using pieces of tends as sanitary pads.
And always,
Free Palestine
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moonlayl · 7 months
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يا روح قلبي
I can’t hear her crying like that. They killed her entire family, then her rescue team, then her. She was just a child. My blood id boiling right now. Justice for Hind!!
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fresh-snow · 3 months
Hind Rajab, may you rest in peace. This world failed you, hope your hereafter is filled with eternal peace. We'll never forget you.
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enjymemink · 7 months
Hind Rajab (6) was confirmed murdered by IOF terrorists after going missing. Not surprised, not disappointed just deeply saddened. Hope she's in a better place. I know the killers will pay for sure either in this world or the hereafter. Their time will come and when it does, no amount of regret will save them from hellfire.
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beardeddetectivepaper · 5 months
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sayruq · 5 months
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kaapstadgirly · 7 months
Hind Rajab, Yusuf Zeino, Ahmed Al-Madhoun.
We will remember.
And as our dearest Bisan has said, FUCK HUMANITY!
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The Palestine Red Crescent ambulance was discovered bombed the Tal al-Hawa area of Gaza City, resulting in the killing of crew members Yusuf Zeino and Ahmed Al-Madhoun, who had been missing since a rescue mission for the child Hind Rajab 12 days ago. The occupation deliberately targeted the ambulance upon its arrival at the scene, where it was found just meters away from the vehicle containing the trapped child Hind.
Hind was only 6 years old, murdered by the occupation forces.
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355 bullets. My heart breaks for Hind. I think about her everyday.
This is your daily reminder that Zionists are demons. Fucking filthy pigs.
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chaoticamelay · 7 months
I can’t stop thinking about Hind Rajab. 
I can’t stop thinking about a six year old girl sitting alone in the dark, in a car with the bodies of her dead family. 
I can’t stop thinking about how she would have watched her teenage cousin call the Red Crescent first, the two of them surrounded by her dead aunt, uncle, and cousins. That the last thing she ever heard from her cousin Layen was “The tank is next to me,” and more shooting, and she was the only survivor. How she probably had to take the phone out of her dead cousin’s hand. 
I can’t stop hearing her voice begging the Red Crescent to come save her, telling them she was scared, crying, for three hours. Hearing the background sounds of shooting. I can’t stop imagining how lost she must have felt when the phone line was cut and she was completely, utterly alone. 
I can’t stop thinking how she probably had a shred of hope that her waking nightmare would soon be over, because she asked an adult for help. That’s what little kids are supposed to do. How after three hours of torture, help was on the way. The Red Crescent finally got approval from the Israeli authorities to send an ambulance only for it to be bombed only a few metres from the car, killing the paramedics sent to rescue her. 
How she died alone, surrounded by the murdered bodies of her family, every second of her last hours  nothing but terror and anguish and pain. She was tortured before she was killed. How it took 12 days before they could find her body. What she would have been like when they did. 
She looks so small in the photos. She looks so proud wearing her graduation gown. Another, in a dress with purple ruffles and the flower crown. Her, standing with her hand on her hip, graphic tee and pink flower sunglasses. In that last photo, she reminds me of my younger cousin. She was a younger cousin. Her older cousin was killed in front of her. I am alive. 
She’s not. 
I’m sorry, Hind. I’m sorry you never got to finish practicing your handwriting in that little notebook. Your mother still has it, in the pink bag she was keeping for you. I’m sorry that the last few months of your life were so full of pain. I’m sorry that western media can’t figure out how to use active voice when speaking about your murder.  I’m sorry that you don’t get to turn seven. I’m sorry the world failed you. 
May your memory be a blessing. May your memory be a revolution. (What kind of world are we living in, if it isn’t?)
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