#just your steroid usage
certifiedbi · 4 months
Am I going insane or did Andrea Ianonne just debut a pride helmet?
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gothamite-rambler · 4 days
Duke and Jason getting along and both enjoying British shows and Duke teaching the man memes.
Bruce: Duke, you have to eat something you're wasting away.
Duke (giggling): So you think I'm skinnny!
Jason laughs surprising everyone at the dinner table. Stephanie crosses her arms upset.
Duke: All right, I made him laugh.
Jason (fake British accent): The heir to the throne is dead!
Duke mock cries.
Jason: Sorrows, sorrows, prayers.
Bruce: Would you stop quoting that show I have a headache.
Jason and Duke ignore him and quote another scene.
Jason: GET OUT!
Bruce: This book series has to get a show.
Duke: Brother turn the carriage around or I will bounce I will bounce and I will tell myself on this ridiculous corset and bleed to death!
Jason: Duke, please.
Duke: Are you on drugs? Are you fucking on drugs!
Bruce (on the phone): That last one wasn't even from the same show! Would you JUST GO INTO THE BUILDING!
Duke: Man, your dad ain't got no taste how is he not watch any of these shows or gets any of these references?
Jason: He's an uncultured swine you get used to it.
Signal: You still around?
Red Hood: I'm disappointed too.
Riddler: I am a master of riddles, don't judge me!
Red Hood: That's it I'm going for the knee caps!
Signal: Be nice.
Red Hood (lowering his gun): I'm finding it.
Duke meeting Bane in person for the first time when they try to save Batman and Robin.
Duke: Hold on, if 2 + 2 is 4 and 5 + 5 is ten... What the fuck is this?
Jason looks at Bane and then back at Duke.
Jason: Steroids.
Duke: Oh, so he got a small penis?
Jason (turns to Bane): He asked if you have a small penis from the steroid usage?
Bane (hurt emotionally): Hurtful.
Bane walks off offended.
Batman: What?
Signal: That's suspicious.
Red Hood: That's weird.
Nightwing: I wanted to wear a red suit today, don't judge me!
Signal chuckles.
Red Hood (chuckling as well): It's not funny.
Spoiler: Stop bonding through memes, that's my job!
Signal: Nobody knows what bepis is! It's a dead meme! Periodt!
Spoiler: It is not dead.
Red Hood (walking off): Not very demure.
Signal: Not very mindful.
Spoiler: They meme quoted me!
Nightwing: I'm officially too old for this.
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Imagine that Katsumi is in love with the reader, but she has a favorite partner whom she loves dearly and with whom she wants a family (Katsumi is a good friend to her, but that doesn't stop him from acting from afar)
The reader possibly has trouble conceiving (or the partner has sperm problems??) and they go for IVF or take sperm donation?
I'm just offering the idea that Katsumi infiltrates the sperm donation building and replaces it with hers
I kind of do and don’t. I really, really liked this idea so I made a short story.
Warning: this story is kind of messed up
Yandere Baki Short Stories: Family
Yandere Katsumi Orochi x Afab Reader x Jack Hanma
A young woman sat across from her best friend, Orochi Katsumi, at a cafe. The two enjoyed a hot cup of coffee together while they chatted. As of late, there had been trouble in paradise for (your name).
“I’m sorry to hear that you and Jack can’t have kids…” Katsumi whispered while his leg bounced anxiously under the table. Despite the sympathetic expression he had on his face, Katsumi was actually thrilled to hear this. He was happy that she wouldn’t be able to have kids with Jack because he was practically infertile from his excessive steroid usage. It made him happy that Jack couldn’t give her what she wanted… not like Katsumi could.
(Your name) was oblivious of Katsumi’s feelings for her. She had no idea her best friend was madly in love with her. That Katsumi was willing to do anything to ensure her happiness.
“I know… it really sucks…” (Your name) frowned while she played with her thumbs. “Do you think I should try IVF? It’s sort of a last resort but… I really want a baby.” (Your name) blushed in embarrassment to her admittance to her desire to be a mother.
“Well I actually know a doctor who specializes with that. I could hook you up.” Katsumi’s eyes sparkled. He did have a connection through Shinshinkai and if she accepted… both of their dreams could come true…
“You’d do that for me?” (Your name) smiled warmly at Katsumi. Her heart fluttered at his thoughtfulness.
“Of course I would.” Katsumi chuckled when (your name) ran around the table to wrap her arms around him in joy. Katsumi hugged her tightly and softly whispered to himself. “I’d do anything for you.”
“You want to… father her child?” The doctor asked Katsumi who gave him a sheepish grin. “But you’re not her husband…”
“You said yourself that her husband is completely infertile. I’d hate to see my best friend pay all this money and not be able to have a child come from it.” Katsumi tried to play the role of a concerned friend. Although what he said was partially the truth, Katsumi was doing this out of his own selfish desire to father (your name)’s children… Katsumi has been in love with her for years and this could bring them closer… maybe she’d realize what was right in front of her if he gave this small piece of himself to her.
“You have a point… she did seem to really want that baby… I’d hate to crush her dreams of being a mother. The birth rates are already so low...” The doctor sighed and set his clipboard down. “Alright. If you’re willing to do this for your friend.”
“I’d do anything for (Your name).” Katsumi smiled, his body trembled in excitement. Soon… soon he’d begin his perfect family with (your name).
Katsumi’s heart soared when he saw (your name) again after a month. Katsumi always texted and called her but to see her in person was even more magical…
Her belly had started to become round and cute and she had a bright smile on her face while she placed a hand lovingly over her stomach.
“Katsumi! The doctor was able to make it work for this little miracle.” (Your name) did a spin and beamed at him. “We don’t know the gender yet but I think it’s a little boy…”
Katsumi blushed at how happy she was. Katsumi reached his hand out to touch her stomach, his eyes sparkled in awe. His baby was inside of her. No… their baby.
(Your name) smiled at Katsumi’s awestruck expression. Katsumi seemed starstruck to see her pregnant which was funny since she never knew he liked babies.
“Two and a half more months and they’ll start kicking… I’ll also find out the gender then.” (Your name) smiled warmly at Katsumi whose hand rubbed her stomach in a daze.
(Your name) noticed how Katsumi seemed a bit off. His cheeks were flushed and he shook like a leaf. Was he okay?
“They’re going to be so beautiful…” Katsumi whispered which made (your name) smile.
If only she knew what he meant by that…
Jack stood with (your name) at the baby shower, the giant felt out of place amongst their happy peers. Jack’s brown eyes softened at his wife while she accepted various gifts from people.
Jack couldn’t believe all the people that showed up… even Baki and Kozue came. Kozue cooed over (your name)’s baby bump while she nudged at Baki to hint that she wanted a baby as well.
“Look how cute she is! They’re going to have a little boy!” Kozue hissed while (your name) laughed.
“Hey, get off my case. We’re too young for all that yet.”
“But Baki, look at these little shoes!” Kozue held up a pair of baby shoes up to Baki which caused (your name) and Jack to laugh. “Little baby feet are so cute… please?”
The group laughed together until Katsumi came over with a gift. The karateka smiled warmly at (your name).
“I got you a gift as well, (your name).” Katsumi had a red blush on his cheeks, his hands stared her round stomach in awe.
(Your name) smiled and accepted the gift. She opened the gift to see it was an omamori charm with a little tiger on it along with a tiger plush.
“This is so cute. Thank you, Katsumi.”
“I just can’t wait for the little tiger to be born.” Katsumi chuckled. (Your name) smiled warmly at her best friend. “He’s going to have such a wonderful family…”
She had no idea that this baby was actually Katsumi’s.
Jack noticed a strangeness in Katsumi’s behavior. The karateka hovered over Jack’s wife like a surveillance drone. His hands constantly reached for her stomach to touch and Jack could tell (your name) had started to become a little afraid of him.
Jack started to tag along when (your name) would meet up with Katsumi. She has reached the eighth month mark and she was constantly being kicked by the baby inside of her. Jack could see little bumps on her stomach frequently, that kid was going to be a fighter… Jack felt horrible for (your name).
Katsumi’s eyes sparkled when he felt the many kicks on his hand. (Your name) nervously chuckled at his thrilled expression. Katsumi’s touchiness had started to make her extremely uncomfortable… but Katsumi was her best friend. She trusted him.
“He’s going to be a fighter… how about I teach him karate once he can walk?” Katsumi offered, he pressed his ear against her stomach. It was when he attempted to kiss it that caused Jack to get up.
Jack couldn’t take it anymore. The blonde grabbed the scruff of Katsumi’s shirt and dragged him out of their house. (Your name) sat in her rocking chair in confusion but she knew better than to interfere. Jack would get it sorted out..
Once they were outside, Jack picked Katsumi off the ground to glare at him. His fist balled up the front of Katsumi’s shirt.
“What the hell is wrong with you? Why are you all over her like that-“
“Can’t I be happy about my son being born soon.” Jack felt his blood run cold at Katsumi’s words, the blonde dropped Katsumi in pure shock. The baby wasn’t his… it wasn’t Jack’s…
“But we did IVF-“
“You don’t have any sperm Jack.” Katsumi clicked his tongue and glanced at the house’s window. Katsumi spotted (your name) bouncing on her exercise ball with one hand on her stomach. “How could I not allow her to have the chance to be a mother-“
Jack slammed his fist into Katsumi’s face, the Japanese man tumbled to the ground with a broken nose. Blood splattered all over the grass.
“You fucker!” Jack hissed. The blonde stood over Katsumi with a heated glare. “You did this on purpose! I always thought you felt something towards her but to do this… I’m going to fucking kill you-“
A loud squeal was heard from the house. Jack rushed over to (your name) to see that her water had broke.
“They’re coming early, I guess.” (Your name) tried to joke while her body was wracked with contractions. “They just can’t wait to meet us…”
Jack called an ambulance while Katsumi sat on their front lawn. The karateka smiled while he held his bloody nose.
His baby was finally going to be here…
(Your name) was shocked at the mess of dark hair on top of her little bundle. Why was the baby’s hair so dark? It should have been blonde like Jack’s… and that’s when she noticed how similar this baby looked to a certain karateka… and then it all clicked. This wasn’t Jack’s baby. It was Katsumi’s.
Jack held her hand while the two of them cried together. She finally had her baby but Katsumi finally had his family.
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tinyidle · 2 years
Too Good - JYH
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literally based on a vision i had + something i watched at night 🤫
wc: 4k ( min reading time yay 😁)
WARNING: smut, pw/op, sex work au, foreplay, slight edging, oiling, safe sex (all sex workers must do this!!), rough sex, public(ish) sex, constant usage of the nickname "baby" (idk why av stars do this but they just do), multiple positions, multiple orgasms, degradation, praise, begging, dumbification, slight daddy kink, p*rnstar!yunho, bigd¡ck!yunho, charming!yunho, charismatic!yunho, dom!yunho, petite!reader, p*rnstar!reader, bigchested!reader, sub!reader, fem reader, yunho × reader, all fiction ofcofc
a shortish man yelled loudly, jumping you right out your mindless daze. "alright, that's a wrap. thanks, folks!" you inwardly cringed from the amateur videographer's choice of words.
you've been in the adult film industry for five years, so you're basically considered a pro. you've heard how all types of av staff speak, and -- to be honest-- all of them have been nothing less than cringeworthy. ever since you started working at the young age of nineteen, you've also seen all types of "actors" and "actresses" come into and go from the av world. unfortunately there was a growing ratio of said actors and actresses leaving than staying. you, however, were one of the loyal ones who stayed, no matter how small the dick was or how unsatisfying the tongue felt. the job paid well, you've made some good friends, and you never had the urge to leave.
you always experimented and craved for more, though. you went from your more solo and vanilla scenes to kinkier scenes by the end of the third month of working. by the first year's end, you had three dps, five threesomes, and your first-ever "big dick". air quotes on the big dick because, even though it looked "big", it in no way felt big.
you knew that most men in this industry, like most women, feel insecure about their bodies and get work done. in the guys' case, they get steroidal drugs or penis enlargement surgery to get ridiculously huge. your body, however, knew real from fake, and your first big dick was fake. it was like a 'slim jim' in nature, and when you got it all in, it immediately felt limp by the second thrust. nothing close to how it felt with the dragon dildos and huge strapons you ventured with in the past. after the third year, you opted out of "monster cocks" and stuck to doing huge dildo solo shots instead.
it's now your fifth year, and you're being met with yet another amateur videographer and newbie producer who has begged you to do a monster cock special, with you refusing immediately. when they showed you the actor, however, you suddenly became interested. he looked much taller than the other men you're used to, and when seeing nude shots of him, you were surprised to see that his dick looked big even while flaccid. and he was handsome. you've never focused on the faces of the actors you worked with; only the actresses. but with him, he looked different. he seemed different.
"this guy," you started to inquire while hovering your painted fingernail over the picture. "this jeong yunho guy. how long has he been in the industry?"
"yunho's been with us for three years now. he tried finding success in the more popular companies but all the actresses there kept complaining about how he was too big. we thought they were exaggerating until he came to work for us. every actress he's worked with left sobbing about how he 'tore them apart'," the producer emphasized with air quotes emphasized by his rough-appearing fingers, clearly unamused from the past complaints. "we heard that you specialize in taking more than what you can handle, so we thought you'd be the perfect fit-"
"im in," you said cutting the chatterbox off which, to your surprise, made him smile widely. "this guy sounds like a challenge," you continued, "and i like challenges. when's the shoot?" you did impromptu filming, and you hoped that you'd get your hands on this man as soon as possible. you really wanted to see if he could give you what no other actor could provide.
"well, we hoped that you'd like to get to know him tomorrow, and then by the afternoon, we'd start filming. how does that sound?"
"perfect," you said, glad that you could get to meet up with him so soon. "just perfect."
you woke up early to get yourself ready and prepared for later filming. once you made sure no stray hair was in sight, you drove to the studio where you were supposed to meet your costar. upon arrival you were surprised at how homey the place looked. it was as if the studio was a two-story house instead of an actual workplace. it made you feel comfortable. you walked in and found yourself a couch to sit on, taking out your phone and mindlessly scrolling online in search of more toys to use for your personal use, since that's what you would get for the lack of pleasure you've been constantly craving for.
"hi, im jeong yunho. you must be the wonderful woman ill be working with later on, correct?" a huge hand was extended your way.
you looked up, locking your phone and putting it inside the small purse you came with. yunho looked much more handsome in person-- beautiful even-- and he was much taller than what you expected. he wore a plain black tee, loose jeans and a high top converse, yet his attractiveness seemed to shine past his apparel. you felt glad that he dressed rather casually since you had one of your older floral sundresses that showed a bit of your cleavage. the dress caught yunho's eye as he glanced towards it before he landed them back on your own eyes. you don't mind, especially when you stared at his clothed bulge before meeting his eyes as well.
you noticed that he only looked a centimeter shorter when you stood up than when you sat down before. you shook his hand and greeted him, telling him your full name. "people call me all types of names, though. my favorite is chem, short for chemistry."
"really" he stated, clearly interested in the story behind the nickname. yunho seemed to be genuinely interested in you, something you haven't had happen in a while. it made you feel appreciated.
"because i like to experiment in the industry." he hummed in understanding. "so three years and no proper satisfaction?" you plainly asked to the man in front of you. being blunt is common place in this work field.
yunho sighed, nodding slightly before taking your smaller hands in his bigger ones. bold, you like it. "and i heard you've been in the industry for five years and had no proper stimulation." you, being a bit embarrassed, looked away and bit your lip before nodding.
the tall man noticed that and lifted up your chin towards his face with his thumb and index finger, looking into your eyes with slight lust and what could easily be mistaken for love. "i can help you find that satisfaction all those other men couldn't give you," he promised, "i researched all about you the night before and i bet i have what it takes to get you going."
you let out a small gasp in shock and slight flattery. no one's ever taken the time to find out what you liked, even when you had it written down in your 'about me' on your website and portfolio folder. you always made sure to find out about your coworker beforehand, and you let them know that, but them feeling the need to research on you seemed to not be mutual. up until now.
yunho smiled, knowing he stunned you. you forgot that, while searching him up, he was described as "one of an unexpected charmer" who could get you to clean his shoe using his charisma if he wanted. you also forgot his general description of being a big guy with a soft heart; you thought that part was all talk. turns out that part was as real as when it said he's 185 cm but looks like 190.
you shook your head, fighting hard to not turn into jello by your costar before the cameras were even on. with the two of you sitting down, you both started talking. as you got to know more about each other and had a few good laughs, you just knew yunho was the perfect guy for you to film with today, and you secretly hoped that you'd get to work with him again sooner than later after today.
after initial conversation, you decided to ask yunho questions about his family life, hobbies and what he does in his free time. he answered eagerly: he has a good relationship with his inner family, but his extended family acts as if he's not doing sex work; he has seven other friends who work in the business but don't work half as much as he does; his best friend also works in the same company with him; and he likes to go to local singing and dance classes as well as play video games. while he was talking, you were shamelessly touching his chest and thighs, slowly trying to work him up for tonight, which was only a couple of hours away.
"and what do you do for fun, sweetie?" yunho said while his hand was softly massaging the left part of your chest. you, being used to this treatment yet loving it, nonchalantly answered that you were into cooking and yoga. "hmm, cooking. i just know that id love having you around." he smiled, hands traveling from your breasts to your clothed center. you smiled and let out a heavy breath from his ministrations before asking one last question.
"so, yunho," you started to question again.
"hmm?" he was in a trance with your body: circling his fingers around your clothed center, barely reaching the pleasure point he so desperately wanted to touch.
you bit your lip while holding in any groans. "you have any dirty secrets to share?" you took his hand that was playing with your pelvis and interlaced the fingers with your own to get the man to focus.
yunho smirked, looking down and gripping his hand a bit tighter around yours before leaning in and whispering in your ear. "i like when small girls take me on their knees. face-down, ass-up is my favorite," he leaned back while you looked at him wide-eyed, shuddering yet forcing a small smile. "i know im big. it's obvious," his other hand motioned to his hardening member, "but knowing that my cock can be sucked in by a tight and obedient pussy and a wet small, wet mouth makes me impossibly hard."
he groaned, and you can tell he was getting impatient and was in slight pain from his boner. your eyes widened even more as you saw his bulge get impossibly bigger, stretching against his pants, causing him to groan out again in pain and small pleasure from the slight friction. he really wanted to fuck you, you could tell. the thought of such a fat, long cock being forced into you made you pool your panties in a way that you've never have before. you felt uncomfortable now in your own confinements.
you massaged the hand you took from your crotch earlier and leaned your head against his neck to help him get some form of relief. you, however, were deeply affected by his words, clenching wildly on nothing, legs rubbing together with a damp undergarment in between them. you let out a shaky breath. "i like the thought of a huge cock tearing my pussy apart, if that helps anything," you half joked. he responded with low laughter, and you laughed along with him.
minutes turned to hours, and soon it was 4 pm. "alright guys! look who we have here." a voice and a camera reached your peripheral vision and you turned to look into the camera as you were trained to do tons of times before. "can you please introduce yourself? or are we intruding on a private moment?" the cameraman joked.
you and yunho laughed a bit before you spoke up, knowing you'd have to since recurring watchers would already know your costar's name. "im chem. im 24 years old, and this is my first time taking a big dick in three years." yunho eyed you with lust and amusement as you felt his hand pull away from your own and rest on your thigh, massaging the inner part of it. damn, you just love his hands touching your skin.
"wow! that sounds amazing," the cameraman responded. "so is yunho's your first real massive cock or one of many?"
"first," you smiled, looking at yunho and feeling the need to kiss him deeply. he has such kissable lips, you thought as the cameraman did his best to make small talk.
"and yunho," the camera directed to his frame. "when was the last time you had someone this petite in size?"
yunho smiled and danced the pads of his fingers on your inner thighs, making you giggle. "a bit too long. i have a feeling however that she might be the only small girl ill ever fuck," he laughed. you laughed as well, hoping that after this session you could get to know each other more as friends since he seems to be such a loving guy.
"by the end of this, viewers would definitely want more of you two, that's for sure," the cameraman said, being turned on by the way yunho seemed to avoid any more small talk by giving you small neck kisses, surprising you from the pleasurable gasp you let out. "ill stop talking and let you two do your thing before you get blue balls," he joked towards yunho, now training himself to keep quiet and focus on recording the action.
and action began. yunho lifted his hand to place it on one side of your neck while continuing his assault on the other side, sucking softly in small attempts to arouse you without leaving any marks that would be hard to heal the next day. you breathed heavily and let out low moans, grabbing his biceps in an attempt to grasp a sense of reality while remembering to stay pretty for the camera. yunho, disregarding the camera entirely and only focusing on making a mini mess of you, quickly trailed his kisses from your now cold neck by the saliva left from the kisses down to your chest, stopping at your cleavage before looking up at you so that you can pull the spaghetti straps down.
once you did, he took your bra-less breast in his large hand and began sucking. "f-fuck," you sputtered out in a shaky breath. your boobs weren't small at all, with you sporting a good c-cup, but under yunho's hands they felt like small dodge balls. you rested your hands on his head as he suckled on your breasts and flicked the nipples with the flat part of his tongue. somehow you kept leaking in your panties even though by now you would've stopped. he was that good.
yunho plopped off your boobs before looking up at you with glossy lips. "your tits feel amazing in my mouth, baby," he said with that charming, captivating smile of his, making you let out a moan and a small giggle. you, being almost too impatient and too uncomfortable in your underwear, instantly pulled it down. yunho chuckled at your hastiness. "look at that," he said, "chem wants me to fuck her that bad," he commented as if you weren't there, causing the rest of the crew to chuckle. his small humiliating stunt had you blushing, and yunho saw it. "i cant wait to fuck this tiny pussy open," he stated with a lick to his already wet lips, making you whimper slightly. "but first i have to stretch you out more."
yunho took his index and middle fingers in his mouth and sucked on it, getting cocky by the way you looked at him with reciprocated lust. he slowly slid them out his mouth before running them up and down your aching center, causing you to jolt. after a few more teasing strokes, he pushed them in. "ooh- fuck! f-uu" you cried out. the stretch of his two fingers alone felt like more than whatever toy or other fingers you could ever have had in you. you had to let yunho know that. "shit, you're so deep." you said, mouth agape as he added his ring finger in before experimentally wiggling them inside to help stretch you out, immediately reaching your g spot and he curled them up. your head hung back on the couch and you couldn't stop your heavy breathing as he began to thrust his fingers in and out of you.
"you respond so well to my fingers baby," yunho praised, making you feel proud of yourself. he kept his pace until he felt that you've loosened up for him, slowly pulling out. "let's show them how much i stretched out this tight cunt so far." you groaned aloud when you felt the camera zoom in on your dark pinkish channel that was being held open by yunho's long digits, arousal still pooling out of it. when the cameraman felt that he got a good enough view for the future viewers, he stood back into his preview spot as yunho lifted you up and gave you the first proper kiss in the entire time you two spent so far.
his lips were as kissable as you hoped. better, even.
"now i want to make you feel good," you smiled at him. apparently that grin went straight to his pants. "you cant seem to stop growing, can you?" you smirked. yunho could only groan and help you take off your now sweaty dress while he pulled off his top. you went to his pants and pulled them down along with his boxers and was comically smacked in the face with a cock that was impossible to naturally visualize.
yunho, seeing the clear shock on your face, smirked and tapped your cheek with his thumb. "told you im big," he teased. you came to your senses and stuck out your tongue to lick his head. usually you hated giving blowjobs because the actors barely took care of themselves as their dicks always felt rough, like sandpaper. yunho's head alone, however, felt soft yet rigid, and the feel around your mouth made you want to suck on it all day. "please, baby. take all of me in your mouth," yunho breathed out as he pushed your head forward. you relaxed your throat as you let all his girth enter your warm cavern. he filled all your mouth, and even though you could, it was difficult to swallow on him.
soon enough you used one of your unoccupied hands to wrap around the base so you could properly bob up and down while your other hand played with his balls. grunting, yunho took the back of your head and started thrusting roughly in your mouth, causing you to cough harshly.
when you pulled off for some air, yunho immediately rubbed your back. "shit, sorry chem," he apologized. "you alright?" you were glad he didn't want to hurt you or cause harm, even for porn. once you nodded yes, he smiled and continued in that manner: fucking your mouth harshly, your gag reflex retaliating hard, and him making sure you were okay to continue.
soon enough his moans got louder and louder until you felt a warm substance fill your mouth without warning. it tasted-- sweet. not necessarily like candy, but you were addicted. it overflowed your mouth and spilled on the sides, making you wipe that part off with your arm. "i could suck on you all day," you praised him with a plop, seeing how his once softened length got instantaneously hard again for no other reason than to feel you inside.
"before you guys get to the main course!" the cameraman interjected. you frowned and were about to protest until you saw him hand yunho a bottle of oil and an XL size condom. you almost forgot that 'big dick' men can cum a lot without knowing, and judging from his girth and the load you took on earlier, it was best they gave him the biggest condom size there was.
after rolling on the condom, yunho maneuvered you on the couch to have your hands on the back edge of it and your knees on the sitting part while he stood behind you, the camera moving in front of you both. he then took the oil from earlier and poured it on your round ass, you humming at the cool sensation on your heated skin. once he felt that he poured enough oil, yunho massaged it onto your ass and lower back to give the viewers a small example of how sexy you look. you knew that once you saw the cameraman move to where you and your costar would soon connect.
licking his hand, the tall man rubbed your core to prepare you still for his cock.
"ready, baby?" he asked.
you never felt more ready in your life.
"please," you answered while pushing your hips back, begging to be filled.
yunho angled himself to your bare pussy, rubbing the head up and down to collect your leaking arousal before slowly pushing himself in with a grunt. you surged forward, scared by how hard he seemed to be pushing in until he leaned whispered to you with a kiss to your back shoulder. "it's just the tip, chem. i haven't even gone in yet". you relaxed and let yunho continue.
you gasped loud and let out a high pitched whine once you really felt him push in. "fuck! fuck, fuck fuck fuck" you repeated as you felt more and more of his girth enter you. it was so much, you thought it would never stop. you even assumed that with a sharp pain you felt that he 'popped your cherry' (stretching you to oblivion) once more. he was that good. and that big.
once yunho was all in, massaging your hips in the process, he looked down and let out a long groan. the camera zoomed in to see his huge cock disappear in your tiny core, and you just knew then that the crew was in shock and arousal. all that could be seen was your oiled ass and yunho's hands holding onto your hips. your core clenched onto him like dath grip.
"im gonna move, chem. you feel so good that i might cum right away if i don't," yunho said rather breathlessly. you felt glad that you were affecting him as well as he was affecting you. he slowly slid in and out, small inches until he fucked half his length into you at a fast pace, with you screaming.
the more he fucked into you, the harder he bruised your spot, and your responses to his actions only made him go harder. "yunho! yun, baby i can't- im-- im-" you were slurring your words until you felt your more rare orgasm rip through you. "FUCK!"
yunho felt his thighs get wet and smirked once he saw the mess you made. he quickly pulled out and frantically rubbed your clit for you to squirt harder, which you did with a high pitched groan. you tried to push his hand away, but he just hooked your arms behind your back and continued his assault on your clit until you gave no more. he gave a slap to your ass and you moaned at the stinging feeling.
yunho turned you around and rested you on your side. he leaned forward and squished your cheeks between his fingers. "this pussy's mine for now, understand?" you nodded, whimpering once you heard him respond with "good girl". you wanted nothing more than to be a good girl for him and have his thick cock back inside you.
yunho oiled your ass again and rubbed it over you before lifting your leg up over his shoulder and once again breaching your hole, making you moan out loud. you were glad this was a studio and not an actual house. as the tall man went back to his brutal pace, he started to taunt you.
"i bet no one's ever made you feel half as good as this, have they?" he said. "such a tight little pussy that barely gets properly fucked. no wonder you're all over the place fucking different guys-- you needed dick from a real man. don't worry, baby. ill be the only man you'll want to ever fuck you."
yunho's dirty talk along with the delicious drag from his cock along your walls made you go completely dumb, nodding to whatever he said. you babbled incoherently, and a thin line of drool left your red lips. the crew were equally as turned on, very happy that they paired you two. he has to fuck you at least more than once now; you're too good to him to not.
yunho wiped off the saliva that left your mouth and wiped it on your erect nipples, making you whimper. "aww, is chem getting close from yunho's fat cock inside of her?" he angled his thrust to directly slam into your spot, causing you to jolt and cry out. "i want you in tears before you cum."
he again pulled out, making you whine at the loss. yunho smacked your reddened ass before sitting on the couch and lifting you on his lap. after re-oiling your ass for the third time, he allowed for the cameraman to move where the viewers could see where your shiny bottom would sit on his juice-covered cock.
you hummed and grunted a bit at how he didn't fit from you sitting by yourself, so when he forced himself all the way in you by pushing you down by your hips, your hands flew to his shoulders and shook violently. "yun, baby. fuck me, please. i need your cock," you begged.
your begging made yunho immediately fuck up into you as you began to incoherently babble again, along with your high pitched whimpers. despite your attempts to hold off, you found yourself wanting to let go after two minutes of yunho's thrusting. "i wanna cum," you whined out, brows furrowing from the intense pleasure. "please let me cum. daddy, please."
yunho almost stopped then and there. once he heard that word, his brain short-circuited as he then started thrusting roughly like a mad man. "cum for daddy, tiny."
"shit, daddy~~," you whined out while you felt yunho brutally assaulting your spot. you breathed out a satisfied moan as you felt yourself clench and cum once again on yunho's cock.
the grip your core had on yunho's lower self made it hard for him to move, causing yunho to feel the pleasure of your pussy practically trying to milk his cock dry. although he felt himself cumming, he needed to let go on your body for the camera view. he pulled out the best he could, discarded the condom in the near trash bin and jerked off to your spent body until he came with a loud moan. you felt ropes and ropes of thick cum land on your chest and pelvis. you were so glad he didn't cum in you unprotected. yet, since you plan for him to some day.
the cameraman allowed a few more moments to pass before speaking up. "so you're both spent, huh?" you and yunho both chuckled before nodding. "let's see the results of big boy here," he joked. you opened up your legs while the camera zoomed in once more. your pussy was red and a bit agape, your engorged clit visibly throbbing. "he fucked you good, didn't he." the cameraman commented mindlessly.
you nodded and chuckled before closing your legs. "yeah, he did." yunho sat next to you and pulled you up for another kiss. "no way am i leaving him. that cock was way too good," you stated half jokingly.
yunho laughed before rubbing your hips. "im glad because i don't want you to leave either." you both made out with each other until the producer wrapped up the scene.
you both got blankets from to wrap around, and after asking how the session went, yunho invited you to lunch. you were excited to see if his friendship skills were as good as his sex skills. but you had a feeling that they'd be better than you'd expect.
would you believe me if i said that ive had this in the drafts since late july? yeah, and i kept revising it... hope you liked it!
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starlostwhiskers · 3 months
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Kitties like milk, right?
Male!Sandeoki × Gn!Reader - [ fluff, suggestive ]
After taking steroids for quicker gym gains, Sandeoki finds out that the extra hormones may have some... dairy consequences...
contains!: [ Friends to Lovers, Lactation, body changes, nipple play, breastfeeding, usage of feminine terms (at Sandeoki, such as "tits" and "mommy"), massaging, some mommy kink, gender headaches 'n' just overall lots of weird fluff 'cuz I'm a weirdo :p ]
word count!: 2.7k (wow!)
very much inspired by this post by @gigi-paleta !
!! enjoy !!
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            It had been some time since you and Sandeoki hung out. You two had been friends for a good while, and although you guys were comfortable spending periods of time away from each other, it wasn’t common, as you’d always make an excuse or reschedule something to make some time for the two of you.
           When you were discussing the location and activities of the get-together, Sandeoki suggested something simple at your place
    “What? No, let’s just do something simple, like getting some takeout at your place.” He said over the voice call, “I’d like to just chill for a while and chat, i mean, if that’s good for you”
            Sandeoki is a relatively tall purple cat, with whitish cheeks and an eye smile so cute you sometimes wonder how he manages to see when he smiles. He has a very compassionate soul, and doesn't think twice before helping someone in need. 
            But the most noticeable trait from him is his body. Large shoulders adorned with tight neck muscles, well defined arms and a waist outrageously small, he was quite the hunk. 
            He wasn’t always like that though, being a very skinny, shy but kind cat in his teenage years. After much careful consideration, he decided to pick up bodybuilding as a hobby, and oh boy how he excelled at that! 
            You frequently joked that he had to grow bigger to handle his even bigger heart, words that always managed to make that large tom blush and giggle.
            He really had a big heart! And by heart I also mean boobs. His pecs were growing larger and larger every time you saw him. You wonder if he was going on some kind of special diet or training, cause the growth has been so noticeable lately, with some shirts getting visibly tighter at every meet-up.
Just as you finish drying the last plate from the sink, you hear your doorbell ring.
     “Hold on, I’m coming!” you said, half jogging to the front door. You unlocked it, opening the door absentmindedly, distracted by some water stains on your shirt from doing the dishes. It was when you looked forward to the cat in front of you.
             Holy shit he had gotten huge.
           Those biceps and triceps almost doubled from the last time you had seen him, his thighs looked as thick as tree logs, like, they always were kinda defined but now? actually rock solid! But what really took the cake was his chest. My goodness that thing bulged in his shirt, looking both soft and defined at the same time, nipples slightly outlined by the overstretched fabric, looking rather sinf- ughk!
             You couldn’t finish your thought before Sandeoki decided to give you a tight bear hug, squeezing you well with his new big arms.
            “Oh it has been so long, I have missed sooooooo much!” he squealed, attacking your cheeks with quick pecks. When Sandeoki got close to someone, he wasn't shy with physical affection, often hugging and kissing his best friends without much thought.
            Although you expected the hug to last longer, as you knew how clingy he got when he was, as he worded, “bestie deprived”, the moment you hugged him back he let out a small yelp and released you rather awkwardly, like he had realized he did something he shouldn't do. 
            Weird, you thought, but paid further mind, being too static about finally having your friend come to your house after so long! 
             He sat down on his friend's couch, the one frequently proclaimed as “the best nap spot ever”, stiffly, not being able to relax even a single muscle fiber after what had happened. 
            “holy fucking shit, why did i hugged them so hard, if they had squeezed me just a bit more i totally would have started leaking, Jesus fucking Christ” he was having a pretty serious internal monolog, tail flicking pretty hard, even though he was trying his best to control it. 
             Sandeoki had a secret, you see. 
           The reason he was able to grow so big in so little time was that he was using steroids. Usually he wouldn't even think about using that stuff. But hey, one of his big gym buddies was talking about how when he used them everything went just fine, no side effects! So… he got curious
           It wouldn't hurt to try some weeks right? Well, he quickly realized it would. Although most men that use regular steroids don't get any side effects, there's a chance the user will develop a type of hormonal imbalance, where, shortly summarized, there would be so much testosterone from the steroids that the body has to wildly boost the estrogen to match. That high of a level of estrogen in a body naturally triggers prolactin, the lactation hormone, therefore, making lots of male bodybuilders regularly leak milk. 
          That was exactly what was happening to him, and he, foolishly, had taken so much of those enhancers. The result now was him with his aching tits full of milk. 
             Sandeoki was zoning out so hard he didn't notice his now worried bestie sitting next to him. 
            “Sannie? You alright? You look so tense…” you said to him, gently placing a hand on his shoulder. 
           The tom cat yelped, slightly jerking his body away from your touch. Looking at your worried face, he decided to patch it up with a half-true explanation, hoping to mask his real situation 
            “Oh, sorry, yeah I'm kinda tense from the gym, i think i pulled a back muscle, that's why i'm so jumpy haha” Sandeoki said, nervously smiling, analyzing how you'd react. 
           “That's fine, I totally get it. Hey, what about I give you a massage? i mean, they always managed to help you relax before” You answered 
           Massaging Sandeoki’s sore muscles was almost a tradition of you two at this point, as he often whined about back or chest pain when you two got together. The first time you massaged him, Sannie got so, so, so red and embarrassed when he realized he was purring and making biscuits when you touched his back, but nowadays he starts purring even before you touch him. 
           Just play it cool, they won't realize anything’s wrong, and the rest of the day will go smoothly, he reassured himself as he laid down on the sofa belly down
           You begin your massage by his waist, dragging your thumbs up and down his back dimples. You would never admit it, but you actually looked forward to these little private massages sessions, it was nice to be able to touch his body, feel his fur and hear all the pretty whimpers he released as you worked on his sore muscles. 
Slowly raising your fingers to the middle of his back, you apply mildly strong pressure, exactly how he liked, expecting to get one of those pretty noises out of him, but there was something wrong, he still was very tense, and, most worryingly,
He wasn't purring. 
Sandeoki tried his best to relax and enjoy the ways your hands touched him, but the pain of being chest down was just too much, his tits were very full, and by the time you started to press down harder, they were hurting so much
          “Sannie, what's wrong, did i do som-” “Stop.” He winced.
          “Hey, hey, nothing’s wrong, no, it's just…” He slowly raised his upper body, putting his weight on his elbows “It's just, it's…” he continued to babble nervously. That's when you noticed the
wet spots
on the couch. 
          You slowly raise your gaze from the spots to his chest, confused about how he even got it wet, when you see the white gold dripping from his puffy teats. They were red and swollen, like someone had played with them for hours. Even with all the muscular definition he got from working out, they still dangled with the gravity, their contents sloshing at every labored breath Sannie took. 
Sandeoki’s eyes were shining like he was about to cry. The state he was in shouldn't make you feel this way, all hot and bothered, it shouldn't water your mouth this much. Your mind started to picture those mounds inside your mouth and the rich cream filling up your stomach, drop by drop. But you quickly snapped out of your dirty thoughts when you saw a tear roll down his cheek.
         He realizes that you caught on to what was happening, giving up trying to explain himself and he just whines shyly, starting to cover up his chest with his large paws. that's when you gently grab his wrist and pull it away, keeping him exposed
         “Ah…! Y/N please, it's… ok, I'll be honest with you. This is only happening because i…” he tried to swallow his spit, but he couldn't, his mouth was completely dry. His head hangs low and he tries his best to keep eye contact with you, ashamed of the path that led him to this moment
“i… used steroids to get where i am. but something went wrong and this-” he points at his chest “started to happen, i looked up online and it says its hormonal but i-” You cut his sentence by bumping your nose gently against his muzzle, nudging his whiskers 
              “Hey, hey, calm down, I'm not judging you, I don't care if you used them or not, I just want to know if you are ok. Does it hurt? Have you seen a doctor already?” You release his wrist, placing your hands on the side of his ribs. Although they weren't cold, the contact itself made him jump on his seat.
          “N-no. I don't want to see a doctor, they will tell me to stop using my steroids, and… I'm so afraid, what if the treatment reverses all of my gain?” He shook his head, feeling like a spoiled kid making a fuss after their favorite toy gets taken away.
“i… don't know what to do anymore, i tried everything from suction cups to ignoring it, but everything i do either hurts or is useless!”
          “Have you tried those milking thingies pregnant ladies use for excess milk?” You try to reason with him “i mean, if you don't want treatment i think you'll need a way to deal with this constantly”
           He pulls his face away from you, looking at you with furrowed eyebrows. “Y/N do you think that as a young man i could simply buy one of those machines? People already treat me like a pervert when I try to buy plushies!” Sandeoki exclaimed upset, not at you, but at the whole situation “And i don't even know if it would work. Being milked I mean.”
           His last words wiggled around your brain like little worms in a rotten apple. What if milking him did work? What if you could just place your hands around his boobs and make him squirt out all of that richness? With half lidded eyes and a mind full of graphic visions, you offer to help. 
          “What?! You want to empty my pecs by drinking my milk?!” His eyes were now wide as saucers 
          “Well, if the whole suckling the milk away works this time, it will mean that buying a machine is worth it. I'll make quick work of it and if it's hurting too much you can just tell me to stop” You were using every excuse you could think of to taste your best friend’s milk. God it was so perverted to think about it but the opportunity was right in front of you, a breathless Sandeoki whose nipples were gushing out milk, so much that the cream was rolling down his abs, starting to stain his belt hoops
         Looking at your eyes deeply, he checked your face for any signs of sarcasm. You stared back at him, dragging your hands up to his tits, tenderly cupping them, all while licking your bottom lip.
you were serious serious. 
         He sat on his heels and puffed up his chest, presenting the goods to you. 
“How do you want me?”
“On my lap. Full weight, smother me.”
         Draping his enormous thighs around you, his fat ass sat completely on your crotch. There was no way you could escape him, his presence too muscular and heavy to fight off. Funnily enough, it was him who felt caged by your actions. 
         Leaning a bit over, his chest was at your mouth level. Gripping the sofa’s back with clawed paws, he dangled his nipple over your mouth
          You didn't waste any time, taking his teat into your mouth, sucking with medium strength. Feeling the sweet, sweet milk start to pour into your mouth, you grip his waist with one hand and you massage the base of his tail with the other.
That's when the real noises started to come out of his slacked mouth 
          He tried to keep his breath steady, but everything was just too much. He never thought that feeling your mouth on his body would make him burn up so much. He placed a paw over his mouth, afraid to look like a pervert while his friend selflessly offered to help him, but after a while he caught himself putting a finger in his mouth, tongue wrapping around it, he wanked it back to the backrest of the couch.
Was it really going to be this hard for him to keep it together? it looked like he would have an unforgettable hang out night with his best friend.
His arms shook so bad while you sucked the milk out with the fervor of a starved calf. He automatically started to purr when you clawed your fingers deep into his waist. Blushing wildly, he asked weakly between sighs for you go a little easier on him, but before he could finish his sentence you gently dug your nails in the insides of his thighs, making him change opinion instantly.
          The milk was flowing fairly well, but at the rate it was trickling down it would take the whole day to empty both breasts. That's when you had a genius idea. Kittens knead their mother's teats to get more milk, right? What if you just-
          “I can't be feeling this good, not with my friend helping me out”. He still was trying to not fall into the pure lust that permeated the room “I'm not feeding them, they are not my kitten, they aren't kneading me, I'm not- I'm not their-” 
          start to knead him? 
           “FUCK!” he screamed teary eyed when he felt the absolute waterfall of milk come out of his nipple. It filled up your cheeks to the max and you choked on it a bit, not expecting how much it would actually work. 
             “Glk! fuck, mommy, give me more” You breathe, the only thing floating on your mind being Sannie's body on you while he takes care of you. You wanted him whole, you needed everything he could give you
            Sandeoki went insane. Any barrier put up to block his desire was shattered down by these simple words.
He was your mommy. And mommy has to take care of her kitten. Meowing loudly and clawing up the backrest of your couch, he pulled away his now empty boob and just shoved the other on your mouth. 
           “Eat, eat, drink up everything, be good for me, be good for mommy” His mouth was fully gaped open and his tongue was out, getting drool everywhere. His was impossibly hard and he could feel how your hands worked around his crotch, but the thought of getting off didn't even cross his mind, all he wanted was to fill you with milk, and mommy would get whatever she wanted.
< Oh sacred feed me, divine fill me, the milk of a bare virgin >
           Sucking his other nipple with full force, kneading it good just like last time, you could feel his pulse on your tongue, it went bump-bump-bump, feeling his hips grinding down on you, hypnotizing you on both of the rhythm. You drank all you could suck, not sparing a single drop. You looked up at the big cat straddling you in place, he smiled at you with blown out pupils and blew you a kiss. Whatever you were feeling, he made sure to show it was mutual. 
           Feeling the milk volume drastically decrease, you detach your mouth slowly, choking on the now fresh air, heartbeat erratic and very short of breath. He also moved away, releasing the monster grip he had on the couch and slowly stretching out from your lap. 
           You couldn't believe what just happened. In a moment you were daydreaming about his body, then just now you had his tits in your mouth. But he didn't stop there. He grabbed your face with both paws and started to give you a cat bath, first licking your chin, then moving up to clean the leftover milk from your lips, dragging his flat tongue across your face. You started to open your mouth to protest, but Sandeoki just penetrated deep inside your mouth with his tongue, also licking it clean. You could only sigh at the act, feeling him pet your hair and hum at the taste of your lips. You never realized how pretty his eyes looked up close.
          Satisfied with the job, he pulled away with an adoring smile on his face. You had done so well. 
          “Hey, if we are still going to order takeout, can it be a bit later? I'm feeling pretty full right now-” you joked, thinking whatever you two just had was over. But Sandeoki was still purring loudly, staring at you with the same crazed blown out pupils from some minutes ago. 
           Before you knew it, he pulled your face down to his crotch
“hmm? takeout? Is my baby still hungry?” He started to grind his hips over your mouth 
          “Mommy has her own ways of feeding you, darling~♡” He laughed, now licking his lips. He undid his belt buckle. "Open your mouth and be nice, now i know how good you are with that golden tongue of yours~♡"
             It looks like you would have an unforgettable hang out night with your best friend. 
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Soooo there you guys go! i hope y'all enjoyed it, this idea was really eating my brain away lol.
feel free to request as long you follow my pinned post!
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My Roommates Ex - Chapter 4
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Hiiii peeps! So sorry for the delay, but finally got around to finishing the last bit of this chapter for MRE. There are still more to come, I think there's either one or two more chapters left. But if you've been reading the series, this chapter is where it starts to get good.
Pairings: Heeseung and you
Warnings: Yup here we go, drug/steroid usage, bullying, harassment, sexual harassment, threats, use of intimidation, physical assault, physical altercations, sexists remarks, sexists attitude, emotional instability, and implied stalking. I think thats it.
Summary: Trust me, read this chapter because it's getting good and next chapter is fire. Enjoy!
-Begin Read-
As you remained pensive on the stimulating thoughts of your moments with Heeseung, you hear a knock at your door. Thinking that it might be him, you made your way over to open it. Normally he would always send you a text, or phone call even, letting you know he was on his way over to pick you up or to come see you, but you paid no mind as you were about to greet a smile, and mention that he no longer had to knock since he has Vicky’s old key.
The smile never appeared, and the greeting never came. All your movements came to a sudden stop after seeing who was at the door.
Your eyes stung from the intense look you expelled as you saw your ex-boyfriend standing right outside your room.
“Hey kiddo!”
Hey kiddo?...
You remained speechless, firmly tightening your grasp on the knob. A plethora of questions were running through your head, you didn’t know which one to ask first. You weren’t sure if you were confused, shocked, or feeling slightly offended that he was here, casually greeting you as if he didn’t cease the growth of the relationship that no longer existed.
“You not gonna say anything? Ouch. Burn.”
He spoke his words playfully, like he always used to. Yet, this wasn’t a moment where it called for playful and friendly notions of familiarity, he shouldn’t be here, but he was. After hearing him chuckle from his last sarcasm, you finally calmed your nerves enough to speak.
“What are you doing here?”
“What do you mean? Didn’t we agree that I would come visit when we last face timed?”
You furrowed your brows and glared at him, the audacity he had in referencing a moment that you both shared before he crushed you, all the while being completely dismissive about it. Not willing to entertain the thought in figuring out why he was here, you shut the door in his face, rather harshly, as you locked it and took steps back, glaring at the wooden frame. Not knowing the reason behind his unannounced visit, nor did you care. You didn’t truly care.
He knocked, yet again. Finding the confusion of what was happening overwhelming, you walked over to the bathroom, closed the door, and sat on the floor with your back against the wall. After a minute or two, the knocking had stopped.
Feeling apprehensive, you remained seated in place. Finding the thought of standing in a wide-open space, such as the main area of your room, to be displeasing and uncomfortable, you stayed put and tried to find some level of comfort and wholesomeness in the enclosed space. Not able to put your finger on it, you had an instinctive reaction to remain hidden away for just a bit.
Unsure of how much time had passed, since your phone was left on your desk, your panic to rush in the bathroom enabled you to think of nothing else but to hide. Up until you started to feel less uneasy, you stayed put, unable to think rationally as the level of uneasiness was at its peak. Once you had felt your breathing was back at normal pace, you slowly opened the bathroom door and peeked out, remaining overly cautious despite knowing you were the only one in the room.
Wearily, you walked over to the door, your hand shook uncontrollably as you reached for the knob, your heart was pounding painful beats, as you subtly cracked an opening, being as quiet as you could.
Peeking through the crack, you didn’t see him, only the blank wall. You widened the opening as you slightly poked your head out and looked both ways to see if he was around. He wasn’t, he was gone.
You hurriedly closed the door and locked it; developing unsecured thoughts that increased your levels of concern. Grabbing your phone, you saw the notification of unread messages from Heeseung, all received when you had locked yourself in the bathroom. Asking if you were awake and if you wanted to try out the new café they built on 4th street, you felt a thread of relief and comfort weaving you back together.
Responding back, you gave him an affirmative answer. The thought of being anywhere, with Heeseung and away from this dorm is what you wanted, more so now than normal. As you were drafting a separate message to Heeseung, your phone notifies you of a text from an unknown number. The soreness in your chest shutters from within, you felt confident in figuring who it was from.
Of course, he would message you from an unknown number. He must have gotten a new phone, or a spare, after seeing that you had blocked his original number. It was done on the same night he sent you his email, although, it wasn’t initiated from the email itself that enabled your decision to block him. It was the wholesome act of rediscovering yourself, in the healed version that Heeseung presented. That became the only factor that haled yourself free from the past.
Opening the message, you read the contents of Samuel’s text.   
“Y/N, I didn’t want to bug you, so I left. But I would really like to talk to you. Please?”
The confusion grew more intense as you stared at his request. You couldn’t help but feel hostile towards him, but it wasn’t merely because of the email he sent, although it did break your heart. Yet, after Heeseung shined you with a method of love and understanding, to bless you with the mind to rationalize the situation, you looked passed the context of the email and Samuel’s newfound desires in life.
The hostility was emerging from him showing up unannounced and expressing a request to gain some sort of closure.
Questioning whether you should honor his request, you try to level yourself to make an effective decision that was worth your time. Calming your thoughts, you labored every thought process but found yourself growing heavily confused, causing a headache.
Wondering what Heeseung would do in this situation. The man knew of pain and betrayal, he experienced it with Vicky, yet he handled himself rather well and even expressed his understanding of her perspective. Which leads to the other reason on why everyone, not just you, but all his friends and peers, they all would come to him to gain his insight.
The workings of Heeseungs mind are well before his time, it truly was. Friends of his, such as Jake, would always call upon him whenever they needed the rightful guidance. He was very considerate and could point out factors in any situation that was exposed to him, leading people to re-evaluate and develop a better understand and solution to their issues.
Your mind was put at ease the moment you stopped thinking about Samuel and thought about Heeseung’s positive traits. Figuring it would be best, you decided that it may be a good idea to not bring up Samuel right away, and give your mind some clarity as you gradually think about the factors while enjoying the day with Heeseung.
You felt nervous when Heeseung came up to your room, afraid that Samuel was lurking around, unsure how severe the reaction between the two meeting would be, assuming it wasn’t going to be a positive one.
The early spring air started out refreshingly cool and warmed up as the day grew. After the café, Heeseung took you to an old town, it was very vintage and had all sorts of boutiques and shops, it was peaceful and lacked the over crowdedness that was present everywhere else. The stone walkways resembled the mid-western European architectural roads. He told you how it reminded him of his time in Europe, pleasantly surprising you since it was the first you’ve heard of mentioning this. He explained how he lived there for one year while participating in a student language and culture exchange program, where he lived in a host home.
“I was taking French studies at the time, so I went to Canada for one month, then to Paris, France.”
“Did you like it over there?”
“Not so much Paris. I liked the countryside better. You ever been?”
“No, not yet. I will someday, it’s on my bucket list.” You both chuckled at the mentioning of bucket list, walking side by side.
“Yeah, you should go one of these days.”
“Did you get to site see a bit?”
“Oh yeah. All the museums and cathedrals.”
“What was your favorite site?”
“I liked all of them. But honestly, my favorite moments were at the host house. The window in my room had a good view of the Eiffel Tower, and every night, starting at 9pm, the tower lights up every hour until midnight.”
“It lights up?”
You enjoyed hearing Heeseung talk about his experience in France. It made you wonder if his significant level of maturity was attributed due to his experience in living overseas. Thinking about it made you feel comfortable in bringing up Samuel, feeling confident that Heeseung would console you on the matter.
The paved walkway surrounded a large lake, coming across an empty bench that faced the water, you both sat and took a break from your walk to enjoy the expanding view of the water, and the trees that framed around it. You didn’t bring up the topic immediately, mainly because you wanted a few moments to appreciate the beauty of the setting with Heeseung. After feeling calm enough to word out the situation, you began to explain everything to him.
Heeseung, as you correctly guessed, remained calm and poised. His face expression didn’t even change, he was intensively listening as he observed the lake, sitting with his arms crossed and his legs spread, with his knee touching yours.
While he had his methods that he used whenever he was helping other people work out their issues, with you, he had a different approach. His communicative methods in helping you figuring out the solution was entirely different. It was mainly due to whenever something was on your mind, you had already developed an approach to ease the situation, which would enable him to support you and trust your judgement, versus trying to help figure out a solution. Something he wasn’t used to but found refreshing.
“What do you want to do?”
“I think I should talk to him and establish closure, so he and I are in full understanding. I don’t want there to be any assumptions.”
You never responded back to Samuel’s email, at the time, you didn’t think it was necessary. You had developed an emotional response but never followed through in reaching out, seeing as how Samuel had, according to his email, clearly moved on. After this morning, however, you felt differently regarding your decision. Considering things can change, to include people’s minds, he needed to know that whatever guilt or regret that had surfaced on his conscious, he needed to figure out a way to ease his own pain, without you.
Heeseung continued to watch the lake, he nodded at your proposed resolve, but didn’t have any reaction to it, other than a small smirk and a simple nod as he remained seated with his arms crossed.
You found it peculiar that he remained oddly calm and relaxed towards the event, but then again, maybe he felt that there wasn’t anything to be worried about, and this may be a hint that his trust in you is beyond reproach.
Still, the pensive look he had as he admired the lake and the small smirk on his lips made you feel a bit strange, but you couldn’t narrow down as to why.
“What are you thinking about?” You asked him softly, smiling at him but he doesn’t look to see it. Instead, he shook his head subtly, breathed deep in through his nose, and shifted his shoulders never, breaking his gaze on the lake.
You weren’t fond of his short answer, or the fact that he didn’t look at you. Even though he was calm and relaxed and didn’t come off as annoyed or angry, it didn’t sit right with you on how he was being so focused in thought as soon as you brought up the situation with Samuel. Was he mad?
You caught yourself in mid thought and stopped. Trying to avoid the habit of overthinking it, you kept reminding yourself of Heeseung’s habit for being in touch with his mind, but it still was unsetting that he was coming off as a little distant.
You both decided to sleep in Heeseung’s room for the night, in the case Samuel tried revisiting your dorm. The frat homes contained private, and single rooms, unlike the shared space inside the dormitory. With Vicky being at a different college, and Heeseung having his own room, you both had two convenient options to choose from when it came to privacy and sleeping arrangements. Normally, the selection in regards to choosing which room to stay in, heavily depended on various factors that made sense of the current standing, one such as tonight.
Heading back to his room, the drive to his frat house was quiet, as Heeseung continued to look like he was deep in thought. You did some light reading on your phone, trying to avoid any awkwardness.
Normally you both would fall asleep while binge watching a new series or lay and talk at random, laughing, joking, and flirting with each other, but tonight was different and you began to regret bringing up the topic of Samuel.
Laying on his bed, you continued to read on your phone, occasionally glancing to see if was still deep in his train of thought, and he was.
He laid in his usual fashion, elbows bent, hands behind his head, while still wearing his cap. He continued to stare at the ceiling for hours, as you laid next to him and read chapters of a reading assignment.
It was only 8pm, yet you were ready to put this evening to an end. Locking your phone screen and setting it on the shelf attached to the headboard, you nuzzled yourself against him, and placed your head on his chest as your hair trails behind and drapes over the empty spacing behind you.
Resting your arm around his waistline, you closed your eyes and began to focus on falling asleep, when you heard the whispering sound that indicated he was smirking. A moment of relief swells within you but became even stronger when you felt him move his hands from under his head and wrap it around you.
Feeling reassured, and overjoyed at his display of affection, you continued to lay in his embrace and fell asleep shortly afterwards.
The next morning, you had Heeseung drop you back off to your dorm so you could take care of the remaining homework assignments, wanting to get everything done so you could leave yourself free for the entire afternoon to spend with him. There was also the talk with Samuel, which was more of a priority merely because you wanted to get it done and over with, refusing to have it sit on your shoulders much longer.
You opened his last message, wondering if he was even still around since you didn’t respond immediately. Asking him if he was available to talk this morning, hoping that you could get this situation out of the way before you start working on your assignments, you sent him your response.  
Samuel responded within seconds. You agreed to meet up within the hour to talk, informing him that you would like to carry the conversation in his rental in the dorm’s parking lot, trying to avoid him coming back up to your room.
You couldn’t help but feel strange that this was the first time you didn’t appreciate Samuel’s presence.  In high school, there was never a time where you felt uncomfortable with him, which is why it was shocking for you to feel that way now. However, thinking about it allowed you to point out that while Samuel had come off in a typically familiar manner, there was something about him that changed, but couldn’t narrow down as to what.
When Samuel texted you that he was in the lot, you walked down to meet him at the car. Sitting in the passenger seat, you looked over to see him smiling, looking concerningly too happy to see you. He was the first to speak, much to your dismay.
“So how you’ve been?”
You didn’t answer immediately, you raised an eyebrow and nodded your head with a simple response in telling him you’ve been good, never bothering to asking him the same in return, you really didn’t feel like opening that door.
There was a minute of awkward silence as you tried to figure out how to start the conversation and pilot it to how you wanted it to go. Just as you were about to speak, Samuel, once again was the first to get out his words.
“So…have you thought about me since we last spoke?”
“Last spoke?  You mean when you sent the email?”
“Yeah.” - “No.”
It wasn’t your intention to come out with your answer so quickly, however, it was the truth. He looked at you shocked and let out a nervous laugh.
“I can understand. I was a jerk.”
“Sam…why are you here?”
He stayed silent for a few moments, his posture was shifted towards you, leaning his side against the seat.
“I missed you.”
Wincing your eyes shut out of annoyance, and slightly shaking your head, you couldn’t help but feel offended towards his response. He was giving off a sense that he expected you to react a certain way upon hearing that he missed you. Absurd, considering that five months ago, he sent the email explaining he was lonely, lacking comfort and love, despite you being there to answer every one of his calls and messages and making yourself available to speak with him every single day.
“Don’t you miss me?”
“What happened with your fiancé?”
The question caught him off-guard. He shifts his body to face the windshield and places a hand on the steering wheel, and while avoiding eye contact, he tells you of what had happened shortly after breaking it off with you. Mind you, he had ended the relationship on his own accord much earlier on before he sent you the email. That made the experience much worse, considering while he was with someone else, unbeknownst to you, you were dedicating your time sending him messages, and calling in to check on him.  
“She and I just…you know. It didn’t work out.”
“What about your baby?” He scoffs as soon as you inquired about his unborn child.
“What about it? Is that a dealbreaker for you?”
“So, you came here because you guys didn’t work out?” You snapped back, not appreciating the look on his face as he squinted his eyes and formed a subtle smirk grazing the corner of his lip.  
“Is that a bad thing, y/n?”
What was with his attitude? He was being overly too ignorant with everything, you were starting to feel more annoyed than you intended.
“You shouldn’t have come here Sam. It’s been five months and I never reached out or responded to your email. What made you think that I was going to just receive you with open arms?”
His expression looked appalled at the harshness of your tone as he tells you that he flew all the way over to come see you, and that your behavior was rude.
“Look I messed up, and I’m sorry. But I’m back now. Remember all the times we spent with each other?”
Shutting his trip down to memory lane, you found yourself getting fed up with his dismissive attitude began explaining that you were no longer an a pursuable option for him, nor would you want to be even if you didn’t have Heeseung.
“Sam, I have a boyfriend, and it’s rude for you to come to my dorm so freely like this. Did you not consider that?”  The smile he had as he was about to bring up memories from high school faded quick, and his eyes stared at the steering wheel. He looked mad. Really mad. There was also a hint of disappointment in his expression as he became suddenly quiet and shifted his eyes between the steering wheel and a random spot on the windshield.
You didn’t want to create tension, especially after seeing the look of anger, it was strange, you’ve never seen him have a look like that while you two were dating. Trying to keep things from getting out of hand, you explain and appeal to his senses as the boy you knew as a teenager.
“I’m not trying to be harsh. I just think you need to find a different way to figure out your issues, I can’t be reachable for you, I don’t want to be.” He merely listened and looked at you before nodding.
“Can we at least be friends?”
You were slightly taken aback by his question, wondering why he was having such a hard time letting things go and moving on. You didn’t like the concept of remaining as friends after everything, perhaps if it had gone down differently, maybe. Overall, you felt it was best that the connection and history you both had, end here, just like your relationship with him. “I don’t think that’s a good idea.”
His expression didn’t change, he continued to remain calm, and his tone was mellow. “Why not?”
“Because I just don’t. I don’t want to revisit the past. It was good while it lasted but there is no reason for us to remain in contact. Let’s just wish each other well.”
He stayed quiet and pondered for a moment. “So, you really don’t want to try and get back together?”
By this point, you were starting to get angry. The vibe of his presumptuous attitude in thinking you were going to get back with him, all because he flew over to meet with you, was perplexing your mind.
“No, and I think you already knew the answer to that.” You leveled your tone to be lower and firmer, to put your foot down and letting him know that this conversation was over. You reached for the handle of the door and pulled the lever, but kept the door shut for a moment.
“Good luck with everything.” Before you pushed the door open, he spoke out “Wait.” Turning your head, you watch as he said his piece.
“I’m sorry. I really am and I never meant to hurt you, I was just being stupid. I just…I don’t want us to never speak to each other ever again, ya know? I thought about it, and I didn’t realize that you were my biggest support system. I was just lonely and going through some shit. But we should be good now, right?”
You didn’t exactly know what to make out of his piece, you merely nodded before saying yours.
“I’m sorry you went through a hard time, if I would have known I would have tried to make it better. But it’s done and in the past. I think that whatever had happened, you should take it as a lesson learned, and focus on yourself. I’m happy and I have someone that really cares about me-“
Unable to finish the last bit of your sentence as Samuel cuts you off, you noticed he grew slightly teary eyed. It was making you uncomfortable.
“But that someone is me, y/n! I care about you, I love you.”
The uneasy feeling ignited in your chest once more, just when you thought the conversation was coming to a smooth end, he takes it 10 steps back.
“Sam…just drop it. You need to stop.”
“But what if I can’t? What if I don’t?”
You looked at him with a perplex look, taking his question more as a threat than him inquiring his vulnerability.
“You need to. I don’t want to talk about this anymore, I have a lot of things to do so please just…you need to move on. Don’t call me or come see me anymore. Do you understand?”
Your harshness came back, you were beginning to lose your composure and lean towards anger as you watched him curse under his breath and speak with great annoyance.
“Whatever y/n. Whatever, if you don’t want to be friends then fine, go be that way. You know, you changed, you were a lot nicer before, but now you’re jus-“
You cut him off. You weren’t even going to provide an argument against his misguided statement, knowing full well that he knew what he was saying highly fabricated.
“Stop. No more Sam. Just…you need to leave.” He slammed both hands on the steering wheel as he made his remark. “Fine! I’m going and I’m never coming back.”
You were puzzled at his change of behavior; he was carrying traits that almost seemed borderline deranged. People do change, but he seemed entirely different, and his attitude was uncalled for. Avoiding any chance to entertain his tantrum, you simply got out of the car and went back to your dorm. You heard the roaring engine as he angrily backed the car out the parking space and drove off. Good riddance.
Or so you thought.
Later that afternoon, on the peak of evening time, Samuel had messaged you several times. Initially you didn’t respond and ignored the constant display of texts boxes coming in reflecting an apologetic and seemingly grieving Samuel.
“I’m sorry. Can we talk again?”
“I just am going through some stuff.”
“Please don’t ignore me.”
“You there?”
Fed up, you responded just once, telling him to leave you alone and that you were blocking his new number, to which he responded rather quickly.
“I’m sorry. I won’t bother you anymore. Gnite.”
You froze, you did feel relieved that he said he was going to leave you alone but the annoyance and frustration you felt lingered, between the conversation from earlier in the day and all his messages, today became a drag. Tossing your phone carelessly on your bed, you rubbed the temples of your forehead as you get back to your assignments.
it’s over now, finally.
The next few days you had completely forgotten about that whole piece with Samuel. You truly meant it when you told him that you wished him well, even more so now. You didn’t care for his attitude, but you figured that he had a lot of stress and wasn’t handling it well. Regardless, you hoped strongly that he would be able to figure things out and moved on.
Heeseung never asked you how your conversation went with Samuel, nor did he make any remark or inquiry about it. Considering how his demeanor was when you spoke to him about it at the lake, you didn’t bring it up at all, not that there was any reason to do so anyhow. You took care of it, and you felt relieved that Heeseung didn’t display anymore of those pondering moments where he became abnormally quiet, more so than he already was.
A week had passed since your talk with Samuel and you didn’t revisit the thought of him, the conversation, or his text messages since. Life was back to normal.
Today was Emily’s birthday, and Jake coordinated a surprised party for her at a private setting, organizing events and performances to take place in the evening. You and the girls all helped and participated in the set-up, speaking joyfully on the news of Vicky and her nuptials.
With so much time to spare before the festivities begin, everyone decides to split up and meet up at the venue later in the evening.
Jake offers you a ride back since Heeseung agreed to play a basketball game with a collected group of peers that share the same class as him.
The entire dorm was nearly empty, there may have been a couple of students on the first floor with no weekend plans, but apart from that, the dorm reflected a typical Friday evening.
Jake pulls up next to the building, he remarks at how creepy the dormitory and parking lot looked whenever the students abandoned it for the weekend, followed by him being grateful for living in a frat house, the same one as Heeseung.
He wasn’t wrong. It did look unsettling, especially at night.
With all the students staying with friends and family who lived out in town, and all the spring and summer events taking place this weekend, the campus was left in a deserted state by the time you got back to your dorm.
The first time you witnessed the tradition of seeing the mass migration of students pairing up, and carpooling out of the lot, leaving the dorm hollow, it was your first weekend after moving in. Initially, you would take the girls and Vicky’s offer to go out with them for the night, avoiding being alone inside the vacant building, but eventually you found it peaceful and the prime time to work undisturbed.
Taking advantage of the silence and the last bit of daylight streaming in through the window, you didn’t waste any time and began working. Due to the extensive silence and hollowness in the building, the ringing of your phone sounded much louder than normal. The sceen displays Heeseungs name, you answer happily as you note the slight heavy breathing on the other line, indicating that he and his friends were still going at it on the court.
“Hey baby, you guys finished decorating?”
“Yeah, we finished about 20 min ago. How’s your basketball game?”
“Good, we won. What time does he want us to be there?”
“Eight. We got lots of time.”
“Ah, good. I’m going to go clean up and finish some work, you want to come back with me?”
“It’s okay, I’m already halfway through my work. You go ahead and do your thing; I’ll be ready whenever you are.”
“Okay, call me if you change your mind, I’ll come over.”
“Hahaha sounds good. I’ll see you soon.”
“Yeah, you will *chuckles*.”
Nearly an hour and half later, you wrap up what was remaining of this week’s syllabus, before taking a break as you stretch your arms. Noting that there was still nearly three hours to spare before the party, and that you were already dressed, you started to look over your to-do list and work on some tasks until Heeseung calls you.
Assuming he was heavily enveloped in his work, you didn’t want to disturb him. Dragging your finger down your list, you come across your reminder to send your dad an email, a weekly occurrence along with a phone call to talk with him and your mom and catching up.
You began drafting your email to your dad, talking about your friend’s birthday party and your roommate’s trip to Africa. They were already aware of the breakup with Samuel and that you had a boyfriend that attends the same school.
Your mother tends to show more excitement when it comes to the topic of boys, your father, while more reserved, does show some interest in his own way, such as asking questions and getting a full report. In the end, your father’s love and desire for your happiness was always his top priority, the moment he noticed your voice remaining calm and pleasant, even after the mentioning of the breakup, he knew that the man you were with was taking care of you in the way that you needed him to.
As you continued writing, you hear a knock at your door. It was soft and light, you looked down and noted that you had brought back the spare decorations with you, instead of leaving it unattended at the venue. You figured Jake came back to pick them up. You got up and walked over, without giving a second thought, you opened the door to see Samuel standing in front of you.
Ironically, you didn’t feel shocked to see him. What you did feel, was a whole twist of other emotions that made shock, more desirable. You stood there, unsure of what to say or what to think. He was just standing there, looking at you in the dark hallway, with a mellow facial expression.
His voice made your chest sore. You didn’t respond, all you could focus on was trying to figure why he was standing there, it had been a little over a week since he supposedly left. You didn’t ask him, instead, you kept asking yourself on whether he had left at all, if he was here the whole time, wondering what has he been doing, why he was here, and why he didn’t leave.
“Can you let me in?” Again, you didn’t respond, nor did you move, until he took it up himself to start walking towards you and through the entrance, you took a series of steps back, more than just a few so you could keep a full distance between you two.
He walked in and scanned around the room, remarking the empty half that was Vicky’s side.
“No roommate huh?”
You head for the door, but with him being closer to it, shutting, and locking it, your senses grew to a level of discomfort that you hadn’t felt before. It felt completely unsafe, threatening, and dangerous.
“Why are you here?” You felt yourself getting teary eyed, you were having a hard time keeping your breathing steady and calm, you had to keep your mouth open to access better air flow, and to ease the sharp sensation you were feeling in your chest.
“I couldn’t leave. What? You don’t care to see me?...You used to care.”
By now, even though you don’t know the entire story of what happened with him, it became obvious that something had transpired during his time in college that changed him, enabling him to conduct this current behavior.
After locking you both in the dorm, he walks closer towards your direction, taking a moment to look around, he sees off to the side and notices the corkboard with all the photos pinned on. He squints his eyes and approaches it, taking one of the photos of you and Heeseung, he removes it from the board. You reacted by reaching out and yelping a “Don’t!” only for him to slap your hand away and look at you offensively with bulging eyes.
“Don’t touch me. Do not touch me y/n.”
You stood away from him and started moving your sights to various parts of the floor trying to figure out what to do, how to calm the situation and resolve all of this.
“This the new guy? What is he like Chinese or something?”
You winced in anger at his remark at Heeseung, but didn’t say anything, knowing that it would only escalate the situation now that he seems triggered.
“You have a thing for Asian guys now, y/n?”
You stared at the wall, refusing to look at him. You wanted to scream, but that wouldn’t take you away from your environment. The crunching sound of your photo being balled up and tossed to the floor causes you to snap your head towards him. He walks over and closes the distance where he nearly is touching you.
“Why do women like to play games, y/n?” You didn’t think it was possible, but you felt your eyes grew even wider as you looked over to the wrinkled photo of you and Heeseung.
“You…always smiling and laughing over the phone, like you weren’t even bothered that we couldn’t see each other.”
Listening to him rebounding the same complaint he addressed in his email; you recall that the experience resulted in him harboring a hatred for you even though you were unaware of how he was feeling. He obviously took it as you intentionally dismissing it, offending him as a result.
“That bitch Julia…going to tell me I can’t see my kid.”
Judging by those words, it became apparent that Samuel had developed an attitude and misconception on women based off his experience with you and this other girl, Julia.
“I just wanna talk! Ya know?” He says with a smile and shrugged his shoulders, although it did not make the setting any lighter.
“We…already talked Sammy. I already told yo-“  you were cut off as he yelled, something you never heard him do. In fact, the way he’s been lately was nothing like how you knew him.
“We did not! Don’t give me that bullshit y/n!”  You started take more steps back towards Vicky’s side of the room, which made him laugh as he sneaked in a comment of the fear he was sensing within you.
“What? You scared of me now? You too?”
“What do you mean, you too?”
A theory is becoming easier to develop regarding Samuel, the more he was going on, the easier it became to understand that this newfound attitude and personality was something that he had developed while he was away.
He laughed at your question, it was a cynical laugh, as if he was just mocking every word that you spilled out.
“Oh man y/n…you have no idea. God…you really are just so….so fucking ignorant, you know?”
He walks over to you and begins to divulge everything that had caused him to go downhill.
“Like, did you even know that I didn’t get picked for the draft?” A confused look grew on your face, you wanted to remind him that he had informed you, because of his busy schedules, that he wanted to be left unbothered so he could focus on the audition and his exams to maintain his scholarship.
Not to mention, after receiving the email a couple weeks after, he disclosed that he had been seeing someone else. He was being completely one sided, yet you refrained, fearing that since he was a hair away from snapping, or maybe he already has.
“Yeah…you had no idea. You had no idea; you didn’t even ask me how I was doing. Not you, Julia, those cunts at GPT. None of you bitches did!”
You tried to use a psychological tactic in softening his anger by expressing sympathy for him. You felt you had no other option as you felt yourself backed into the wall.
“I’m sorry…Sammy. I’m very sorry. I should have been more attentive. Do…do you want to talk about the next audition or plans going forward?”
He stopped and looked for a moment before he smiled and chuckled laconically.
“Oh don’t worry, I’m taking care of that.” He rolls up the sleeve of his arm and you’re shocked to find evidence of what looked to be punctures from drugs or steroid injections.
You suddenly realized; Samuel’s built was bigger than when he left for college. You were so shocked at him being here in the first place, that you didn’t even realize the difference in size. Frozen and unable to comprehend what he just showed you, never in a hundred years would have never considered that he resorted to drugs to gain muscle mass.
You looked at him with a shockingly disgusted look on your face, as he stayed smiling and laughing. His comment earlier, in mentioning Julia not letting him see their child, you wonder if he had committed certain atrocities towards her, because of the effects in steroids.
“See next time, I’m going to get it. I’ve been working on it.” His comment was followed by him taking a second to show you his arms as he flexes, all in a taunting manner to scare you, not to impress. As much as you hated to admit it, it did in fact, scare you. You watched as several large, and protruding veins all over his arm, while the skin stretched tightly around the bulge of each muscle.
You wondered if there was a reasonable object nearby that you could utilize as a weapon of opportunity, considering that Samuel is acting in a manner that calls for it. Even though he did put on more muscle, he wasn’t intimidatingly large, and he wasn’t much taller than average height either. You don’t know if you were just being desperate or anticipating to really follow through the act of self-defense by studying his behavior.
“So y/n, tell me about this guy. What’s he like? Does he play football as well? I bet I can take him out.”
You didn’t entertain any responses to his taunts. You remained standing  at a distance and took the verbal abuse, knowing full well he wasn’t going to change his attitude. How could he? Research and studies have all shown that steroid and drug use alike all led to violent and sudden bursts of irrational and violent behavior. You felt it best to stay calm and silent.
“Did you guys fuck? I bet you have. Remember how we used to go at it, y/n? Remember? Man, I used to get at you every night in my car. That was fun.”
You kept wincing at his recollection of the moments when you and Sam had sex, they used to be a sweet memory for you but now, you find yourself ridden with disgust as he kept talking about it. You started to turn your face away, almost feeling shameful that the man before you was the one that you gave your virginity to.
“Yeah, you and me, those were the days, y/n. We had fun.” His voice trailed off as his smile slowly fades as he eyeballs your hips.
“I bet I can tear it up better than him. Especially now.” His words cut you deep, literally stabbing you in the heart as he slaps his palm on the flexed muscle group on his arm, making a loud slap.
“You don’t want to miss out on this y/n, just ask the girls at GPT.”  His last statement clearly indicated that he had been flourishing the campus grounds at his school with a selectable group of girls, you wonder if he had developed his distasteful attitude towards women from them as well.
“So? How about it? Do I get a little something for flying over here to come see you?”
You looked at him and felt yourself panicking but could not move. You shook your head, rejecting him as your eyes began to tear up more.
It happened so fast, and it took you a second to process what had just transpired as the sting on you cheek informs you, after you find yourself collapsed on the floor. You placed your hand on your face to apply a little pressure on the sting, hissing as you make contact on the skin with your hand trying to relieve the pain.
You look up to see his face as you scoot back to create some distance.
“I didn’t say you could move.” Feeling angered by you moving away, he launches over, picking you up by your shoulders and enforcing you to stand as he pushes you up against the wall once more, pinning you there. You tried to shift around to see if you could slip out of the grip in his hands as they press your arms against the wall. It only angered him. Watching as he lifts his hand, you try to avoid being hit directly this time as you tuck your head in, lifting your hands to try and shield it from sustaining any serious damage.
Amidst the shuffle of you moving and him trying to hold you still to get his point across, in a physically abusive manner, he curses your name, a list of names, a list of girls that you assume he had relations with since he arrived at his school.
You did your best to shield yourself against his hits, yet he still managed to get a couple in on the same cheek he hit the first time.
“Who you gonna hurt huh? You who gonna hurt?” He commits to another slap in between his words of tantrum.
“Tell me y/n, are you going to keep hurting me? Or are you done playing games?”
Your cheek felt like it was on fire. Your eyes were dreadfully teary, and you felt like a mess. His eyes were bulging once more, reflecting the deep discontent for all the girls he had felt done him dirty, though judging by the way things have been going, it’s very likely that he developed the discontent all on his own and became overexaggerated with his emotional anger.
The mirror that hung on the wall on the other side of the room pitifully displayed your reflection. A smear of your lipstick dragged on the corner of your mouth, and faded into your slightly swollen cheek that beamed red. Your delicate application of eyeliner and shadow for tonight’s event, left streaks as the tears streamed each time your face received impact from his hand. Your hair that was draped over your shoulders became messy, with pieces stuck to your face from the struggle and the hits you received. Red speckles were splattered on your collarbones and chest, applied by the busted lip that displayed a bright, popping red, that contrasted against the rouge you had on. One of the spaghetti straps to your dress was torn, hanging loosely, and entangled within your hair. Even though the dress was on the form fitting side, you could see the little bit of excess material along the sides, stretched and wrinkled as a result from the scuffle.
His voice snaps you out from zoning out as you found it hopeless to do anything but wish for Heeseung, Jake, or anybody to come through and start banging on the locked door, hoping that it would distract and scare Samuel.
“Answer me, y/n. I’m getting really pissed off.”
You taste the continuous flow of blood inside your mouth, at first you thought it was from the open wound heavily present on your bottom lip, then you realized it was from the cuts on your gums and the inside of your cheek that took all the hits.  No doubt the combination of the impact and harsh contact with your teeth caused the skin inside to split open.
Feeling hopeless, you don’t know what he intends to do next, but you already knew what he planned on doing at some point within the night. You hanged your head low, shook it, and looked up at him with tears building up in your eyes, a slight smirk in defiance as you spoke.
“I’ll hurt you, and I’ll hurt me, but I won’t hurt him.” You gave a saddened smile before hanging your head back low. You felt his grip loosened before he releases your arms, which displayed finger marks. He turned around for a moment to walked towards the center of the room, where he yelled out curses as he punched the flat surface of your bookcase, before walking hastily back to you and reaffirming his grip on your arms once more.
It wasn’t a slam, but it was far from gentle, as his forehead makes a sudden impact against yours. The soaring pain above your brow line made you wince, resulting in the lids squeezing out the collection of tears that were building up over your iris’. With his forehead remaining in contact with yours, he shoves your head up against the wall.
“I fucking hate you. All of you!”
You closed your eyes as you heard the harsh whisper of his words smack your skin as his face remained plastered on yours. Unable to label what it is that you were feeling, it was just a state of total acceptance and hopelessness, and you stood maintaining your stance that whatever transpires in the night, whether it was physical abuse, bullying, hazing, sexual harassment, or worse…
Whatever it is that he was planning, you made it known that while he had the capabilities to do it, everything he does is all against your consent as you remained unwilling, not just for the sake of maintaining your virtues, but to make it known that the reason behind your willpower against Samuel, is all for the sake of Heeseung. So everyone would know that you weren’t the one that hurt him.
Opening your eyes slightly, they become reacquainted with the familiar blurred vision caused by the tears grouping over them, recreating those same diamond eyes that you had five months ago.
They remain open, just a sliver, as you see Samuel's incoherent silhouette through the overflow of moisture. You didn’t immediately process it at first, it felt like déjà vu, when you suddenly heard and recognize the pleasantly deep and calm tone that speaks from somewhere in the room.
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stankfella · 8 months
Killer (One Piece) vs Maka and Soul (Soul Eater)
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My first fic on here, and I'm excited to be posting it!
I usually have tons of ideas for these little one-shot interaction stories between my favourite series', so, why not kick it off with a crossover between my two favourites right off the bat!
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Without further ado, lemme know what you think!
The interesting thing about scythes, as weapons, is when fighting an opponent similar in stature, speed, or reaction as yourself, you'd need a great deal of preparation.
Positioning and timing are essential for the usage of a scythe. Very often the user of a scythe will spend a large fraction of an altercation dodging and parrying, avoiding the other, more swift weapon's attempts at tearing them asunder, before landing a final, climactic blow.
A large ratio of dodging to striking, and it wasn't hard to see why. Scythes are, originally, farming tools, sharpened enough that they could cut rows of grass or grain with a single pass. With sufficient force, one could cleave anyone in two.
These thoughts always ran through Maka's head when she came to collect another soul, almost subconsciously. The moment to swing her blade came to her like a sixth sense at points - When everything just so happened to line up, Maka knew exactly when to put her back into it and send whatever she was fighting to the underworld. The majority of her time cooperating with Soul was spent mindful, attentive, and patient. She supposed this was what made her current situation so perilous.
She couldn't get a read on this guy.
She'd met her fair-share of masked, crazy laughers on the job. Many humans who's souls fell past the threshold of normality couldn't help but constantly distract themselves with the humor of a punchline only they could see. That usually came with an air of distraction - Not many could see past it. 
Ergo it unnerved Maka that as her combatant dodged and weaved backward through the misshapen, uneven stone of Death City’s walkways, she came to understand that this man's hyena-pitched laughter was, in fact, NOT an indication of his lack of skill with a blade, in fact a betrayal that spat in the face of the very suggestion he would be unprofessional. 
Soul hadn’t even touched steel yet, let alone the opponent’s flesh. The maestro and weapon shared this focus, only interrupted when the masked man seemed to disappear from view.
Her weapon yelled in warning, knocking the confused Maka back into action in a heartbeat, as she sent the blue-clad attacker flying backwards with the momentum of his first attempt at striking the scythemeister. Something that prompted a pause in their altercation, if for a moment.
“You protect her as if with your own life, weapon… Are you sure you want to do that?”
The voice behind the mask spoke in a voice as deep as it was steady. Despite the downright intimidating feats of athleticism performed by him, he wasn't so much as breathing heavy.
Maka was halfway through digesting the mental dichotomy of actions and voice, along with his focus on Soul, so it was lucky for her that he took the lead when it came to replying.
"NOW you decide to stop for a chat?! What kind of steroids are you on to be running around like that?!"
The weapon’s statement prompted the other to look down at his extremely toned arms, but not much else. 
There was a sadness to his lack of reply that remained interesting, but remaining a pragmatist, Maka decided on a more productive angle of conversation. Even those with souls corrupted into Kishin eggs remained less athletically skilled than her combatant. Learning his true nature would benefit her severely.
"What even ARE you?" 
The question made the other one spit out another hyena-pitched laugh, then right back to his baritone, melancholic drawl. 
"Kheh-HIEH, HAAHGH! If you want an answer to that, maybe you should look in your hands."
“You’re not a weapon.” Maka rallied back. “By all accounts you’d seem like a fallen human, but…” 
The man seemed to notice as realization spread across Maka’s face. Closing her eyes for a moment, peering past the veil of the physical world, she saw his soul… Human. Not Kishin at all. Before she could barrage him with questions, the man crouched.
"If you want a name... It's Killer. Now show me what that boy REALLY means to you."
Before Maka had time to think, her arms moved to swing Soul in a circular motion - pure instinct. For a short bout of time, Killer seemed to be in many places at once, and attacking her three angles at the exact same time. But her placement was good. She had some time to breathe and try to understand her opponent more.
Panic struck maka’s face from this oppressive angle of attack, and Killer would take note. She wouldn’t guess it herself, but he was analyzing her every facial movement.
If Killer wanted to hurt this girl, he would have had no trouble. 
The troubling thing about scythes, as weapons, is that they very often end battles in a single strike. His own were sharpened over hours in order to accomplish this very goal. 
That was why he didn’t dare open them while fighting this girl.
Maka likely couldn’t tell due to his speed, but all he was really doing was hitting her scythe with the blunt instruments on his arms, similar to how one would use a set of tonfa. All he needed to do was seem threatening in order to question this girl on something.
She'd been talking to that scythe like it was sentient ever since he'd been threatened by her, and with that reverbed shout, he'd gotten his confirmation. Now he was curious. What were those two, truly? Were they tool, and craftsman? Or something more?
More than that - Why did he care? He could have sped off during their first attack and rid himself of the moral conundrum to begin with. 
Call it an itch, he supposed. They seemed so fluid in motion together that it had to be either extreme, and though he doubted the girl was that sadistic... It wasn't the first time he'd seen something like this from someone who didn't know any better. 
In the corners of his frenzied memory sat a man in a dark, damp, jail cell. Separated from the one he relied on most, all he could do to mitigate the hell of his forced inactivity was to curse Wano’s shogunate, and the rotten termites that resided in its mahogany walls. 
When the vile Orochi had offered Killer an out, he should’ve known it was a ruse. He guessed a small part of him did, at the time, but eating a defective SMILE fruit was the most immediate answer to his desires to protect his closest comrade. He bit down like the starving animal he was, in that cage. Laughed like a pained hyena partway through the cursed meal. 
After that it seemed like everyone was using him. Using him for cheap laughs, for training... Everyone except his captain.
So, that's why he decided to go through with this. This girl was either one of the laughing masses, or this scythe's version of his own captain, protecting one another like the yin and yang.
The logical way to test them was to separate them, then.
Maka flinched as more power was put behind a blow she didn't see coming from the right. She felt the attacker's weapons smash against the hilt of Soul, his smooth metal handle slipping from her gloved hands in slow motion. An involuntary gasp escaped her as she was now face-to-face with the significantly larger body she'd been dodging and parrying so far.
"Ther-There's no reason for us to fight anymore!" She spat at Killer like a curse.
 "You're human! I barely recognised it at first, but I can't take your soul! We can stop fighting!"
Killer tilted his head.
"We haven't BEEN fighting. I'm just getting a better look inside that mind of yours..."
"W-What?" Maka blinked, gaining a smidge more courage back from the claws of the golden-haired hyena before her.
Before he could answer, the man almost caught a blade in the back, turning around in the nick of time.
Soul's blade dug into the steel of Killer's arm-guard.
"Did you forget about me, ugly?" The grin of Soul's human form was unmistakable, Killer responding with a laugh in kind.
"Now we're getting somewhere."
Killer began an assault much the same as before on Soul, each being met with a stressed parry or crude boot to the face in order to avoid the next attack.
Maka was subjected to all of this, and yelled out for Soul to be careful. It seemed to fall on deaf ears, or... Was it a message he knew already?
Killer's attacks slowly began to die down as he distracted himself with his own thoughts. As much as he was in peak condition physically, he was far from perfect, which let Soul have the opening he was looking for.
Another jump using Killer as leverage, this time spinning into his full scythe-form mid-air. 
Maka's gloved hand was waiting, and as soon as Soul made contact, they both yelled in unison.
"Aha," Killer commented, standing upright and waiting.
The light of the moon seemed to completely envelop Soul's blade as a bright blue energy surrounded the pair. Soul's blade beamed and shuddered with power, extending into a perfect crescent, blue and beautiful and gliding through the air like a shark's fin parts water.
Maka, overflowing with energy, let out a mighty yell as Witch Hunter was sent surging through the ground, gliding through the misshapen cobblestone of Death City's backstreets and barrelling right for Killer, who let out a laugh of similar volume as the energy illuminated the gaps in his mask.
The attack wasn't sidestepped, but blocked by Killer, sent flying backwards through the streets, dust in his wake.
So it was loyalty.
Never in all his years would he have thought to give himself for the ones who would point and laugh at him. Even if they were in grave danger, he'd stand idly by. But at the mere suggestion his captain could be hurt, he'd jump in the way of any flame, any attack.
He'd take the heat off of his captain at any cost, even himself. Just as the scythe had done for this girl.
He'd gotten himself all quizzical for nothing, after all.
"Are you DONE now!?" Soul barked, powering down to his regular form. "We can kick your ass if we need to, buddy! We don't WANT a body on our hands!"
"You won't get one." Killer settled, standing up on weakened legs. "I've made up my mind with you two."
"Oh, great." Soul's cycloptic eye rolled in its hilt-socket. "I'm sure that it's great news."
Maka was less quick to disregard his words. "What did you mean by getting a better look inside my head? About what Soul means to me? About... All that?"
"...I don't think I really get how this all works yet." Killer shrugged, "But you... I wanted to see what kept you two together. People are glued to each other by malice, or by loyalty. I needed to see which it was."
Maka answered back after a short pause. "...Meisters and their weapons are together by choice. We don't force a weapon to be with us, and weapons can't force us to use them, either. That's... How it should be."
"I'm glad we see eye to eye." Killer nodded. "...You have a solid head on your shoulders, girl. What's your name?"
"...Maka. This is Soul." She admittedly didn't know this man at all, but something about him seemed more stable than before. Maybe it was his soul, or his mannerisms, but something pushed her to abandon her tense fighting stance.
"Maka, and Soul." He nodded. "I... Could use some help with directions."
"Yeah, no thanks, go buy a map." Soul grumbled.
Killer shrugged once more. Couldn't be helped.
"I'll see you around, then?"
"Not quite." Maka interjected. "There's not a lot of people who can move like you can without a powerful soul. How... Did you do all of that?"
Killer exhaled a laugh.
"Would you like me to teach you?"
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dykesynthezoid · 6 months
Oh the way those PANS/PANDAS parents talk about their children’s illness get my hackles fucking raised. It’s like every “autism mom” I’ve ever heard talk. I’m not even writing off the idea that there may be cases in which an infection leads to an autoimmune response that causes neurological mental health changes in children. I can totally conceive of that being a thing we don’t totally understand yet. But the way these people approach it…. God. I know it’s got to be terrifying for parents if their kid suddenly develops OCD, ED, and/or tourette’s symptoms, but the scientific data is so severely lacking, and the language these parents use to talk about those experiences is. Very specific.
The proposed biological indicators for PANS are often present in people without the disorder, without any of the related symptoms. The current proposed diagnostic criteria is extremely generalized and doesn’t very rigorously provide ways to rule out differential diagnoses.
The proposed treatments of long term antibiotics and steroid usage can have dangerous side effects and extreme consequences.
But there are thousands of parents online who will insist it’s 100% real, it’s an epidemic, and they’ll use their numbers to attack anyone online who disagrees with them. Some of these kids may have symptoms that did genuinely arise because of an autoimmune response linked to infection. I wouldn’t write it off. Further scientific study is clearly needed. But it’s also just as likely to me that there are parents out there that just refuse to accept that their kid could be mentally ill for no single curable reason.
I say this as someone who, themselves, developed severe mental illness as a very young child. It’s possible your kid just does have trauma, just does have ocd, just does have depression, just does have tourettes. But these parents see their kids “suddenly” present symptoms and insist on correlating it with extremely common childhood infections. And then manage to find some medical professional somewhere who will actually agree to put their kid on long term antibiotics, and insist their kid’s mental illness just totally went away afterward!
And like. Sorry. But there’s no way for me to hear that and not be reminded of the parents who think red dye makes ADHD worse. Or the parents who think their children’s autism is caused by intestinal parasites, and insist that since they started making their kid drink a bleach solution they bought online their autism has “improved.” The science is inconclusive, everywhere you look there’s confirmation bias, and also.
Every time I hear parents talk about this, not one of them mentions how their child felt about their experience. It’s always “they developed all these tics and compulsions, they wouldn’t eat, they were paranoid, they became suicidal, it was SO scary and hard for me!” and it’s like. As someone who was once a very mentally ill child. Why do every single one of you fail to address this. They seem more concerned about how “scary” it is and how “different” their child has become than their child’s own internal experience of suffering.
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bi-kisses · 5 months
Idk why I expect the terfs getting up your ass to google any fact at all but "Males account for approx 20% of ppl with anorexia nervosa, 30% of ppl with bulimia nervosa, 43% of ppl with binge eating disorder, 55-77% of ppl with other specified feeding or eating disorder and 67% of ppl with avoidant/restrictive food intake disorder." They're so selective about their stats lmao
Not to mention how body image impacts steroid usage and associated health problems in men. But thank you for the stats, not that terfs care regardless, they're just worth sharing.
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helenofsimblr · 2 years
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Randall looks down the road at the siblings, 
Randall: Even Tris would agree I think if he weren’t so busy being her butt buddy. She thinks I’m just a meat head… but I have, you know.. thoughts and stuff.
Elita: It can be hard dealing with siblings. Or not, as the case may be for me… I get on well with my older brother Guy. 
Randall: She’s always got to be right about everything… It's cool though. If I’m a meat head then she won’t ask me to do anything challenging.
Elita: I'm sure you’re not stupid or a meat head, did you know the term meat head originated from gyms with people assuming that body builders had no brain tissue and were just all muscle. There is also a more urban slang inference at the usage of anabolic steroids the most common one being methandienone aka C20H28O2. And, yeah, She sounds like my brother, too damn intelligent for her own good. 
Randall: Um… yeah, too intelligent for her own good.
Elita: Randall shakes his head, and smiles at me.
Randall: Siblings…right? And, see! You seem pretty smart to me. You’re out here smoking instead of in a spot where your mom can find you at least. You know about chemistry and stuff…
Elita: Oh I... I shouldn't be smoking at all. I'm trying to quit, not very hard, but I’m trying!
Randall: Well, I hope you do well with it…. I’d definitely keep the jacket though. The jacket is really cool.
Elita: I'm gonna keep the jacket
Randall: and in a few years, you’ll be able to do what you want right?
Elita: yes! It'll feel like... mere weeks. Free! Like you guys.
Elita: see me there making jokes about my rapid aging?
Randall was now keenly aware of both his siblings frowning at him, though Tristan slightly less than Evie. He was just glad that he was the only one who could feel how angry Evie truly was.
Evelyn: Oh this is ridiculous! How much longer is this gonna take?!
Tristan: You know Randall… He can’t resist a pretty face.
Evelyn: He needs to learn! It’s bloody irritating to always be waiting… she’s too damned young too. 
Tristan: Sometimes Evie, we need someone like Randall to get people to talk. You’re too angry all the time and I’m too uncomfortable talking to strangers. Randall is better suited to talking to normal folk like this girl.
Evelyn *scowls*: I’m not THAT off putting, am I? Tristan declined to answer and looked back to Randall.
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Okay as anyone who’s been around for any amount of time since 2021 knows I have colitis. And I’m gonna run through everything that happened before and after my diagnosis. Under a read more to save your dashes.
I first started having problems after easter 2014. Constant diarrhea and constipation and it was switching between the two constantly. It started off by me only having bowel movements every three days and I found my bathroom usage got worse after either eating high fiber foods or pizza. And as I kept going through highschool it got worse and worse, I had a hard time going to school and staying in class, my guts were constantly churning and accidents were not uncommon. All throughout this I had no idea what I was experiencing was a bowel disease, I just figured it’d clear up eventually. 
My mom and me thought it was a diet thing, so we tried adding more electrolytes, these blueberry smoothies and I tried to add yogurt. None of it helped. So now we’re coming up to late 2018 the end of my highschool career and start of my failed college career. I went to my doctor, he sent me to a specialist. I filled out a form, said specialist told me to just take metamucil, I thought that was the end of it. It wasn’t the metamucil did nothing.
2019 I was still experiencing problems. Went back to my doctor, said hey I think this specific type of food is setting this off. My doctor agrees that I should cut it out. I find out on my own somewhere along all of this about the gluten free diet and celiac disease. So I decide to go gluten free, it helps.
2020 since our family doctor retired me and my mom go see a satellite doctor, a small little cubicle in our local pharmacy with a nurse practitioner and the doctor on video call. I tell him about the problems I’ve been experiencing and he writes up a recommendation to send to a specialist.
Late 2021 I receive a call from said specialist, I have been scheduled for a colonoscopy early 2022. Colonoscopy gets pushed back a month from late January to early February. I go for my colonoscopy and after I am told that I have ulcerative colitis. I was prescribed an enema for like 2 weeks and mezavant(big pills we started at like 4 daily) which was constant. After that I had to get a TB test to make sure nothing would affect any current or future medications. Went back in March for a sigmoid( get yourself knocked out never do it while awake.) We scheduled another sigmoid for May, this time I would be knocked out for it, things were looking better. Also throughout this whole time, I was getting bloodwork off and on. Went into my doc’s office in September and my levels were looking good but around that time I accidentally had non GF spaghetti. After September things got rough for me again.
Now in early 2023, I had my first sigmoid of the year in April. My doc told me instead of ulcerative colitis it was looking more like chron’s colitis. I was told to stop taking my mezavant and was instead prescribed a steroidal medication as well as calcium tablets and vitamin d tabs. I was also prescribed another steroidal medication that required constant bloodwork. About a week or two on the new meds I was told to stop taking the new steroidal meds because my liver enzymes were up. Makes sense because I was extremely sick and after I stopped taking the medication I started feeling better. Saw my doc again end of June so now we’re in July and I’m getting a chest x-ray done this Friday and if everything’s good probably starting my new medication treatment after. the medication is delivered through IV but can be given through a needle injection after, it’s called entyvio.
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otnesse · 1 year
TVTropes has largely been bad lately, from hugboxing to pushing some bad stuff to really inconsistent usage of tropes. I found one particular bit on TV Tropes extremely aggravating, which was the Unintentionally Sympathetic entry for Pokemon.
"There were numerous times when Misty and Brock would self-righteously claim that Ash only got his first two badges out of pity. However, they're exaggerating at best, and lying at worst. Misty's sisters gave Ash the Cascade Badge because he saved their gym from Team Rocket, who attacked in the middle of Ash and Misty's match- which, by the way, Misty technically cheated in. She coddled Pikachu so that it wouldn't want to battle against her, in other words- tampering with her opponent's Pokemon, which is both unsporting and frankly unprofessional. As for Brock, Ash had him and his Onix on the ropes, when Pikachu accidentality set off the gym's fire sprinklers and only relented because Brock's siblings threw a fit and guilt-tripped him into forfeiting. It was Ash who felt sorry for Brock, so he chose not to win when he could have. It's unfair to label Ash as a charity case, when all he did was be the better sportsman, which comes off as Unintentionally Unsympathetic for his two companions, since repeatedly saying that Ash only got their badges out of pity, when he simply showed better sportsmanship than them, can come across as sour grapes for Misty and outright hypocritical for Brock."
Quite frankly, this stinks more of someone who outright hates Misty than an objective analysis. For one thing, Misty never coddled Pikachu. I watched the episode as a kid, repeatedly in fact since it was frequently reruns, and can play it in my head thanks to near-eidetic memory and Misty NEVER coddled Pikachu at all (actually, Pikachu chose of his own volition to not fight Misty. The most Misty did was thank Pikachu for "being a Pika-Pal". Sure, might not have been one of her best moments in one sense, but she didn't convince him not to fight as an easy win. And even IF Misty had somehow coddled Pikachu, THAT'S not cheating, either, since it wasn't against League rules unlike two-on-one battles. And if that's cheating, so is Ash hooking Pikachu up to a run-down water mill plant to effectively give him electric steroids, which is EXACTLY what he did to nearly defeat Brock.). I might as well ALSO point out that Ash saving the gym, while commendable, is hardly a good qualification for actually earning the badge since the entire POINT behind fighting a Gym Leader for the badge, not to mention actually beating them, is specifically to prove your strength and ability to train Pokemon for the Pokemon Leagues, which is first and foremost a fighting tournament. To give a good comparison, in Pokemon Gold and Silver, the player character at one point has to convince Jasmine to resume gym duties, but she refused largely because she needed to care for an ill Ampharos who acted as the lighthouse's power source. The player obviously needs to get secret medicine to fix up Ampharos, and does so. Using the guy's argument, since the player obviously saved the Ampharos, not to mention prevented a full-scale disaster to Olivine City regarding constant shipwrecks as a result of the lighthouse potentially being permanently out of commission due to it possibly dying, Jasmine ought to just give the player the badge then and there. But no, instead, you're STILL required to go to the gym to face her in battle, and win, to earn the badge regardless. Using his argument, Jasmine was also sour grapes. In fact, Blaine made similar arguments later on in the same series, and even after Ash similarly saved at least Cinnabar Gym if not the ENTIRETY of Cinnabar Island under similar circumstances, Blaine made absolutely sure to state that while Ash definitely did a very heroic deed, he nevertheless was NOT going to give him the badge for that reason, and instead was willing to permit him with a rematch, which DID ultimately have Ash actually EARNING the badge in the proper manner. If anything, Misty was being professional regarding that bit, or at least attempting to be. Either way, at least her gripe was somewhat justified since her sisters did just hand Ash the badge and overruled her, and at least she was actually consistent whether sour grapes or not. I will agree in regards to Brock, however, mostly because that unfortunately DOES match up precisely as described, and also is ultimately consistent with my rationale with Misty being justified ultimately. I mean, yeah, sure, I might not agree with the term "pity badge" per-se (since they definitely weren't awarded regarding pity as a motivator. Ironically, Misty actually DID narrowly prevent an ACTUAL instance of pity badges being issued, hence their battle), but Misty's overall point was still very much valid overall since he still never actually earned it by beating the Gym Leader, Misty in this case (and speaking as someone who HATED the concept of "everyone getting a trophy" as a kid, even didn't feel at all good about it if I got a trophy despite literally quitting soccer beforehand, I actually am inclined to agree with Misty and to a lesser extent Brock regarding that bit. Of course, I will admit that if a trainer DID repeatedly abuse his pokemon in a match I don't think they're obligated to get a badge just because they won against a Gym Leader either, but I think that's the only REAL exception regarding winning badges).
It almost reminds me of Snaters right now from what people like @kahran042 pointed out (I myself am neutral to Snape as well as to the Marauders, but I can see how Snape can be considered positive regarding kahran's arguments. Besides, if Vader can be considered redeemed of his various transgressions in ROTJ, I don't see how Snape can't be considered redeemed, either.).
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jewelkhannk · 1 year
chatgpt Create Unique app within one second
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Health update
I am feeling much better and my skin is clearing up
I took a shower this morning and my face didn't turn tomato red. It did itch a bit but nothing that was too bad.
I have a new concerning rash on the back of my neck and my derm said to put steroid cream and antifungal on it for 2 weeks. It should disappear.
My hand was still infected as well, so I'm on oral antibiotics again and that should take care of the issue hopefully. I was also advised to apply antibiotic and steroid creams on my hands for 2 weeks. My hands are much better, and they are less inflamed. But I'm concerned about some infection and some areas that are still inflamed. So the antibiotic and steroid mix can help here.
My face, neck, and ears are much better.
I think my skin got better after my phone call this week as well as my official psych evaluations. It makes me realize that this all happened due to chronic stress.
I think my stress is a big thing that I need to work on because it's making me sick. I will get the support I need, but it will take time. I am still working on my diet and fasting and am doing great. I am working now on hormone balance and liver detoxification. I don't have any major hormone issues besides some minor estrogen dominance. I can manage that by taking DIM. I do want to eat well and drink filtered reverse osmosis water. Minimizing plastic usage and using natural self care and cleaning products helps too (which I already kind of do, I might look into kitchen and laundry and soap options). Also it is impossible to avoid "toxins" 100%, so it helps to do the best you can and to regularly "detox". When I say that I mean to support your key detox organs like the gut, liver, lymphatic system, lungs, skin, and kidneys. I'm not talking about weird and dangerous enemas and teas.
I've been taking a DIM detox supplement for liver support. I think the key ingredient it has that really helps is NAC/glutathione. I might look into that in the future when I finish my supplement bottle. Methylated B vitamins, sulfur, amino acids like taurine, glutamine, cysteine, glycine, NAC/glutathione, magnesium, flavenoids, and antioxidants. I don't know how much of these I'm receiving from diet and supplementation (excluding the DIM Detox supplement I just started) alone, but NAC/glutathione is very important for liver health in general. If I can get that, then that would be great.
Drinking enough water and eating enough fiber helps a lot here. Eating foods rich in sulfur like cruciferous veggies helps too. Dandelion root tea is excellent for liver and kidney health, which in turn helps with detoxification. I actually got some the other day and I like the taste. But I just had 1 cup which isn't going to make a notable difference. I want to drink that combined with an anti-inflammatory diet rich in fiber and drinking 2 L minimum of filtered/reverse osmosis water.
Also there is a key process within phase 2 liver detoxification known as methylation. Some people have a genetic mutation in the MTHFR gene where they are unable to do this efficiently. That's why doctors recommend a methylated B complex. So vitamin B9 (folate) and B12 should be in methylated forms. NAC/glutathione also help here. I've never been tested for this, though. But I do take a multivitamin that has B vitamins.
I'll figure this out as more time passes. At least I'm taking a supplement that helps with both hormone balance and liver detoxification, and I liked the dandelion tea. I'm also drinking aloe juice daily. I need to work on healing psychologically, though.
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