#andrea iannone
certifiedbi · 19 days
Am I going insane or did Andrea Ianonne just debut a pride helmet?
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lozcoche · 19 days
i didn't expect this at all but wow thank you so much iannone
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flyingfabio · 6 months
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motogp throwbacks
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motocorsas · 2 months
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boanerges20 · 5 months
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Andrea Iannone
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himsza · 8 months
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I’m fucking crying 😭
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raulfernandez · 1 year
Andrea Iannone has such a serious case of gayboy face
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waru-chan8 · 2 years
I'm going to confess, I would have loved if Aprilia had taken Rins and Joan. Their line-up would have been like a reunion of the ex-Suzuki riders. And it still has the feeling of family that Suzuki is so proud of.
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lastonthebrakes · 2 years
seeing iannone always feels like whiplash and i can't explain why
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certifiedbi · 19 days
I've given ianonne a lot of shit for his past shortcomings but considering he is the only rider in modern racing to take a public, pro-lgbtq+ stance he gets my vote
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riderswithdogsblog · 2 years
Ahsjjdd the turkish commentator bursting into laughter upon seeing Iannone is the highlight of my day
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formulapookie · 19 days
boh guys it’s my first time watching SBK and I honestly have no idea who to root for.
I’d go for Iannone because ✨Elodie✨ but nah
so maybe the aruba team? with bulega and bautista? idk
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42bakery · 2 months
Why is Iannone at Parc Fermé as an independent rider when Remy is there? I'm confuse
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boanerges20 · 1 year
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Suzuki GSX-RR Collection 2015-2019 2015-2016.- Aleix Espargaró / Maverick Viñales. 2017-2018.- Andrea Iannone / Alex Rins. 2019.- Alex Rins / Joan Mir.
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marquezian · 2 months
Dovi has beef with iannone? What's the tea
YES dovi hated that man. rightly so imo, iannone is a cunt. goes into it in his biography in detail. i cant give you the exact nuanced details from 2015 bc i havent gone much into the external factors of the 2015 season but it roughly goes like this, iannone comes into ducati in 2015 after two years at pramac being primed for that factory seat. ducati for some reason is betting on iannone over dovi to lead the team, to be their new Talent. which. wild bc while iannone is aggressive and a risk taker, results wise this never really translated afaik. hes not aggressive in the skilled way that translates to results.
anyway, iannone has a marginally better 2015 season than dovi, theres like a 20pt deficit, iannone is on the podium 3 times with dovi 5. iannone finishes 5th in the standings and dovi 7th. all in all not too shabby right but dovi details that this makes everyone at ducati start banking on iannone even more. dovi loses relationships hes been building up within ducati to iannones side. iannone is at this point lobbying Hard inside ducati. and ducati have always been lukewarm on dovi from everything ive read so the lobbying works really well. dovi spends that 2015 off season extremely stressed.
and i do have to say i can understand the circumstances that would lead ducati to banking on hot new talent. bc younger dovi was not championship material in ducatis eyes (or many others) so. thats why that happened like that. i dont agree with it but i do understand why they thought it.
from his bio: "In a way, Iannone is the perfect metaphor for this age in which it is often not what you do but the narrative you make up that counts. The image, in other words. And I dont say the image off track, which at the end of the day is irrelevant and I don't feel like judging. I say the image on the track, made up of unnecessary aggression, exaggeration, recklessness that theoretically should be very Ducatista, but in reality has little logic. Iannone is undoubtedly one of the fastest riders on the scene and has a good handle. But his quick laps in practice are not an indicator of our potential in the race, but rather smoke in the eyes of technicians and the media. Against me he wants not only to win, but to humiliate me. And so, if it happens to be me in front, he ends up losing focus. One day even in Ducati they will understand this. Today, though, I seem to be the only one who sees the king naked" (cate is "mi sembra di essere l’unico che vede il re nudo" an italian expression? i love it!!)
thats basically it, ducati bank on an idiot. dovi rightfully finds this insane bc even outside of personal grievances you cannot develop a bike properly with a guy like iannone. plus by 2015 dovi has put in an inordinate amount of work to get the ducati back in shape. but ducati are ducati. dovi was very close to losing his 2017 contract to iannone as well, they really wanted iannone over dovi. even going so far as to tell simone, dovis manager, to start looking for alternatives in qatar 2016, the very beginning of the season. since the deal with lorenzo had already been done by then and ducati knew they wanted iannone. its something dovi never really got over. not to mention the disrespect in paying jorge that much all the while decreasing dovis salary. but he had no negotiating power so he had to accept the terms or theyd take iannone over him. this was really hard to swallow for him, not the money thing, but that they treated him like this.
"The episode remains on record as an example of poor technical vision and misrepresentation of reality. I will never forget it." via his bio
dovi also says the following about his 2017 contract "Ducati gave me a lot of money when the bike was not working. Today, if it gives me so little, there is a bike that is going strong and growing." via his bio. which is of course what ducati are still doing to this day.
Paddock speculation at the time was that Dovizioso signed up to the reduced money [note: dovi confirms this in his bio], only to then be t-boned by team-mate Iannone at the 2016 Argentinian Grand Prix as they fought for a podium. That gave Ducati a reason to chop Iannone – but without that decision being reflected in Dovizioso’s new contract. The pay cut still went ahead.
argentina incident
"I think if I jumped on him no one would say anything to me. The sports court would talk about a clear case of self-defense. But that's not my nature. Which instead drives me to ignore him, get the bike back up and push it to the finish line, where I finish 13th and take three points." via his bio
+ after the argentina incident gigi tells them theyre not allowed to respond with overtakes for one lap after the other overtakes you. like if dovi overtakes iannone, iannone is not allowed to respond until the next lap. which is CRAZY
by the end of 2016 dovi was openly in the media talking about not liking iannone and YET dovi also always highlighted the positives iannone did bring lol.
Asked if he would miss Iannone’s input at Ducati, Dovizioso replied: “No. One on the hand, he served as a stimulus for me, since he is a very fast rider and I liked having him as a teammate. For me, respect for people is important, and [Iannone's] entourage, and especially him, do not have it," said Dovizioso.
all of this is also what completely breaks his relationship with dalligna bc gigi was a huge iannone supporter. i think gigi should be put down like a sick dog
so, basically it was the usual ducati stupidity coupled with their personalities completely clashing.
+ BONUS fun jorge/dovi quote. genuinely theee hottest thing ive ever seen him say, look at this. again from dovis bio
"The basis of 2017 has thus been written, I don't forget that, in all this mess, it is clear that Ducati does not care so much about who is in the box next to Lorenzo. Or does it? Some, in fact, will write that I would be more accommodating, weaker in a sense. It seems to me a vulgar way of confusing the decent person with the loser, I will laugh and I will laugh even more more when Lorenzo and I enter the track on the same bike. I will never have any doubt that I will be ahead of him: whether it was me first and him second, or me 20th and him 21st. This Ducati is mine. And nobody takes it away from me."
and he was right. he was ahead. and it was his. and nobody could take it from him.
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leathercollectionus · 11 months
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