#just wanna make 2 additional notes tho LOL.....
aurumacadicus · 8 days
Do you follow a specific recipe for pumpkin spice syrup that comes out good each time? (And do you maybe have a link to it?)
I got it from a TikTok so I think it'll just be easier if I type it out if that's alright! (I can add a link if you wanna see the video tho)
Take all these ingredients and mix together in a pan: 1 cup sweetened condensed milk* 1/2 cup light brown sugar (I've used dark brown and it was also good, but I enjoy more molasses flavor so that might be personal taste) 1/3 cup pumpkin puree 1/2 cup water
Once mixed, set it to medium-high heat. Because there's dairy in it, it WILL boil over very quickly, so you'll have to keep a close eye on it (this is not the type of syrup where you can dash off to do something). I'm not kidding dairy does not fuck around on the stove DO NOT LEAVE IT even to pee. In fact, I'd even keep stirring it, because if you overcook it, it can be lumpy.**
Once simmering, add one tablespoon of pumpkin pie spice. The OP used pumpkin pie spice extract, which after some research, both McCormick and Watkins sell, but I have a huge can of pumpkin pie spice I'm trying to use up so I just used that. The only difference is it makes the syrup grainy, which is not a problem for me personally.
After it has simmered for a while and thickened up a bit, it's finished! I store mine in an airtight bottle in my fridge. He says it can stay there for a couple weeks, but it never lasts that long for me lol.
*The OP said if you wanted the recipe to be vegan, you can use sweetened condensed coconut milk. I haven't tried this but I'm sure it's delicious, although the coconut might change the flavor a bit. Someone in the comments added that sweetened condensed oatmilk now exists, so that could be an option, too.
**Some people who accidentally overcooked it said they hit it with an immersion blender, which returned it to a nice consistency. If you don't have an immersion blender, you can use a regular blender, but I would wait until the syrup cooled down to do so, personally.
Someone in the comments said she mixed her syrup with a quart of milk to make her own pumpkin spice creamer. You could probably do this with any dairy, though, if you prefer something thicker/thinner, or to nondairy options. I would add to taste rather than just dump all the syrup in it, but that's because up until it starts raining, I'll do pumpkin cream cold foam on top of iced coffee.
Speaking of, you can also make homemade pumpkin cream cold foam instead of paying Starbies six dollars for a small! The ratio I use is 1oz heavy whipping cream, 1.5oz 2% milk, and 1oz pumpkin spice syrup. It's also suggested to use a splash of vanilla syrup because SB uses their sweet cream as a base which has vanilla syrup in it, but I skip that. (Unfortunately depending on brand/whether you use nondairy items, you might have to adjust your measurements yourself. You can do it, though! Cooking is an adventure!) I use a hand frother to mix it together, just got a cheap one for ten bucks from Target. However, you can also pour the mixture into a small airtight container and shake it like a Polaroid picture until it's thick and frothy. Pour over the top of your iced coffee and enjoy!
I have not used this syrup in any baking but I HAVE added it to ice cream, and once even used it in a float with vanilla ice cream and cream soda. Crumbled some graham cracker on top and had a bomb ass pumpkin-pie-float.
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crowdsourcedloner · 1 year
have some scattered fanfest keynote thoughts
tural looks like it’ll be beautiful to explore, i’m loving the mayan/incan/aztec/south american vibes so far and the mamool ja look fun. valigarmanda showing up finally is neat. god only knows how much i’m gonna butcher the names though ;-;
i’m so gonna miscall this expac dawntreader instead of dawntrail, thanks narnia
beach episode expac is an excellent way to reset the stakes from endwalker and let some background schemes stew.
we get a caster \o/ i kinda want it to be geomancer, but i dont think it will be because geomancer has been portrayed as just eastern conjurer/astrologian in game so far (through the ast quests).
new melee is probably gonna be scouting (if my shirt prediction is right), i’m hoping its not corsair just because i’m not big on pirates and don’t want yet another sword job. tbf i’m not the target audience for a melee player anyways so don’t mind me lmao.
i’m really surprised we’re bringing all the scions along with us, i was expecting at least a few to be written out and do their own things. i’ll not turn down more g’raha, but the twins? don’t they have shit to do? and y’shtola? this isn’t exactly a complaint, i’m more confused than anything.
similar note, the whole “hey y’all will be divided” thing makes me wonder if we’ll have solo instances fighting against the scions as friendly fights or something. i’d love something like that lol, way back in arr thancred wondered how he’d fare in a fight against the wol and i wanna see it.
erenville tagging along is fun, one of my friends loves him so she’s happy
qol additions all sound great (in game toolbox! glasses and hats! holy shit 2 dyes!) 
the graphics update looks incredible so far, adding more density will help a lot to fleshing out cities and whatnot. the lighting especially looks way better, those shadows look great. hair textures looked way better too. it all looks great lmao.
i really don’t want another island sanctuary style addition, especially if it’s at the expense of exploration zone content. i’m very much not island sanctuary’s target audience and i do not enjoy that content, and conversely loved bozja/eureka. 
the little sidenote about deep dungeons is weird, it sounds like a small rework? i need more information, they only said it in passing and forget the exact words they used. deep dungeons are fun. (the slide says “new plans for deep dungeons” which is. slightly concerning. i’m probably overthinking this way too much tho)
all the concept art was gorgeous
new variant dungeons are gonna be interesting, i like the quality of the ones we have, i sure hope they adjust the rewards though.
more pvp stuff \o/ i suck at pvp but i love hopping in to games, happy to hear there’s more stuff on the way.
free trial through stormblood is fuckin wild, i wonder if they’ll make all of the hydaelyn/zodiark saga free in the future.
xbox still exists? wild.
no comment about the crossover stuff. i don’t like crossovers on a good day. 
from what i understand na fanfest is pretty barebones, so i’m pretty whelmed with what we got. i’m looking forward to future fanfests.
all that said, 0/10 fanfest no hrothgirls i’m in shambles ;-;
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shadlad24 · 2 years
More Funny Little Moments #3: Season 2, Episodes 1-11
Finally. Finally, it. Is. FINISHED! YAAAAAY!!! Like last time, this MFLM will only include one to two additional funny moments per episode.
2.1: Orphan of War 
This half of the season at least is SO reliant on characters being dumb! At least Xena gets to sass Gabrielle for once in my posts? heh
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2.2: Remember Nothing 
Perhaps remembering what dude did to her drumstick, Gabrielle thinks…
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Ooh! The realization behind the following collage was actually pretty good! What an endearing/intriguing little reversal, eh?
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2.3: The Giant Killer 
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Hee! My beloved goof. The only reason I left this unnecessary, dramatic stunt out in the main post is because the second of the FFLM points came a beat later. heh
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It really must be asked: GabbyWabs, are you blind? How could you watch this chick take a running leap into David’s arms like that, then stand with him in such a way, and not realize that they were romantically joined? LOLz Sorry, kid.
2.4: Girls Just Wanna Have Fun 
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This bit was more of a “Wut?” on my part. Did Xena’s killing Bacchus and reversing his curse somehow kill Orpheus too? No? But dude’s wifey-poo be dead. How can they be together if he’s still—well, whatever gods/immortals do that approximates being—alive?*
2.5: Return of Callisto 
Okay, this note probably needs a bit of prefacing. As you may know, I don’t see Xena or even GXe’s relationship as most other fans do. Given how domineering and protective yet dismissive Xena was toward Gabrielle in the beginning, I was seriously like, “Does Xena think she’s Gabrielle’s dad? I think she thinks she’s Gabrielle's dad…” 😆 Especially here…
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2.6: Warrior…Princess…Tramp 
Joxer is truly something else. Rather than finding his latest tale amusing in any way, I found it …eerie. First, he seemingly casts himself in the role of Perdicas; then he turns into Callisto. Then he is faced with Gabrielle, his friend (whom he apparently sees as a little girl to the point of being his surrogate daughter^) who just days ago lost Perdicas to Callisto. He laughs off his grotesque retelling, in her face. But that’s okay. She chuckles too. Again, despite being just DAYS off of losing her lifelong friend and puppy-love. And no, Joxer didn’t see Perdicas die, but he obviously heard what happened, and, and was inches behind Gabrielle when she professed her grief-crazed desire to kill Callisto herself! Well, GJ soon play the moment off as if he’s describing their first interaction with Callisto, but still …Can we just say yikes here? It’s so terrible it’s almost funny…
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2.7: Intimate Stranger 
Ahem. Next up we have another instance of really stupid decision-making on one character’s part and yet another glaring example of unobservant-ness from a second character, once more Gabrielle. Callisto does not know how to whisper. She also doesn’t know how not broadcast her plan to the masses nor stop mugging even at inopportune times. But that’s alright. Gabrielle’s hearing range does not extend beyond a four-foot radius, I guess. Same for her vision? Even if she can’t hear what Callisto’s saying, can she not see “Xena’s” face? Read her lips? Notice “the warrior princess” turning the dagger around, shoving it under her own chin, and then holding it there, all the while psycho-grinning at her worst enemy and recent peace-stealer? No? …LOL? 🥲
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2.8: Ten Little Warlords 
Ahem, part 2. I’ll just let Xena take over here.
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2.9: A Solstice Carol 
For crying out loud! So, dumb-butt Lynal really, truly thought Xena’s chakram was not just an accessory, but an ornament? Makes sense. I know I always go around with my Christmas-tree-topper star hanging on my hip during Christmastime. Particularly when I’m out and about in a decidedly extremely anti-Christmas town. You know, for the funsies. …But, like, even if we excuse the boy’s idiocy like we had to previously^, why did the chakram go along with it? The round-killing thing sliced Xena’s hand when she thought it was a toy. So why didn’t it cut the kid while he was demeaning it with those bows and all? What the? The chakram knows things, okay? Unacceptable, chakram! LOL!
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Quick bit surrounding an odd line:
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2.10: The Xena Scrolls 
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We can’t go a MFLM without mentioning Hope, right? Never! ’Tis tradition to give her a shoutout in these things now! Thus, Xena and I are on the same wavelength again because I said so. ...Dahak did steal Gabrielle’s innocence, goodness, peace, etc., and Gabrielle did abandon them both, after all. Huh! Wouldn’t that be something if Janice really was Hope reincarnated? Perhaps even the cover of a resurrected, immortal Hope? Heh/D’aw/Oh my!
2.11: Here She Comes… Miss Amphipolis 
We finish with a small, albeit obvious chuckle. How did the ladies know their ranking? It comes across as if they both knew beforehand and didn’t. Salmoneus at least seemed certain they didn’t, hence his early banter with Xena. And how great would it have been if he interrupted at least once and was like, “Uh, that’s great, Miss ____, but you aren’t who I was about to call”? heheheheh
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Welp, that’s that. At last! Yeyeyeyeyeyey!
Here go the…
Season 1 FFLMs (2's are^): #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #6 #7 #8 #9 #10 #11 #12 #13 #14 #15 #16 #17 #18 #19 #20 #21 #22 #23 #24 + MFLMs: #1 #2
Episodic Ficlets: #1 #1 (Truncated) #2 #3 #4 #4 (Alternate) #5 #6 #7 #8 #9 #10 #11 #12 #13 #14 #15 #16 #17 #18 #19 #20 #21 #22 #23 #24 + Google Doc
Also-also, this is my 299th post, completed almost a week after my 21st mensiversary (fully updated master post). What should I do for my big 300th post? Please send in some ideas ASAP! Thanks, all!
*No, but really. Orpheus must be dead right? If Eurydice passed so long ago, and her widow was still all bitter about it until minutes ago, that heavily implies that he and she were separated all that time. Now they’re together again? …How? Why? Ooh! Totally-aside-also, but did Eve need to exist since Xena was already killing gods years before the girl was ever conceived? Hmm…
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dullahandyke · 8 months
Ok hiii trial four part 2 yippeee... I am typing this one on my phone but I'm not posting it until I transcribe the first one so fuck knows when you're getting this ETA: getting it now lol. batch 2 of the case 2 liveblog bbyyyyyy
My God gregson can we go two sentences without saying something racist
Love susato continuing to envision ryuu as some sort of small purse dog who cant be let onto the road without being run over
Natsume said the only reason he got pinned was bcos of sholmes but now gregson is claiming there were 2 additional witnesses... hm
Istg if the reason bvz is taking an interest in this case is bcos natsume is Japanese I'll kill him dead
Gregson complaining the police r humiliated by sholmes... lol
Halp the way sholmes's address is public information... very sholmes move actually. Hope iris has a hell of a defense system
Halp they just let themselves in???? Is the door not even locked 😭
IRIIIIIIS ITS IRIS AGAIN!!!!! hiii iris :3
Hurley... such a cute nickname <3 tho the gaa parallels continue
Whenver sholmes gets mad he destroys a bust of napoleon and buys a new one 😭 we NEED to get him some stim toys
Ryuu wanting a typewriter bcos his handwriting is so bad hes jusr like me fr...
Susato playing the koto bcos her blorbo plays violin... I love her so much
Sholmes adhd the realest
Ginny... so cute
Iris's pout animation is also rlly cute
Also love how Iris is like sholmes is Not my dad I'm just his 10yo roommate
OMG IRIS LOGIC AND REASONING SPECTACULAR!!!!! love the data background
'Hurley is always stabbing his notes with a knife, hes so silly' love the dynamic those two have going on
Iris has such nice handwriting... yea girl threaten the police
Sholmes has fucking conditioned me, whenever I go back to the crime scene I make sure to pan around to see if hes hanging from a rooftop or some shit
Btw I've not said but I rlly like the layout of the move options thwyre really nice... no more going back 2 the detention centre whenever u wanna go somewjere
Also omg a cannon in a room this is just like Mary Poppins....
Conspicuous wedding ring on garrideb's finger... maid is called Joan... knowledge of a certain Joan garrideb.... hm
Why did sholmes just fuckig. Appear. What is he reading
Didnt realise I could pan in the garridebs room so I went to do it and there sholmes fucking is... teleportation
Can we stop making jokes abt Joan's weight >:( I'll kill
Also love how ryuu gets scared when sholmes turns out the spotlight... stop using the stage lights its scaring the hoes
I dont like hanging out w the garridebs it's not fun.... domestic abuse, fat jokes, etc... can we leave
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uniformbravo · 5 years
i kno its literally almost april but i didnt do this in january so heres some of my resolutions for this year bc better late than never???
1. i want to get! better at coloring!!
i’ve been working on a few pieces lately that are more involved than what i usually do, like things w/ composition & even simple backgrounds that i want to look nice, but in tackling these bigger projects i’ve come to realize that i have no idea what i’m doing w/ coloring so i want to! get better at that! 
specifically my digital coloring too like i think i’ve learned enough about color theory to hold my own with traditional supplies, and part of that is because i’m already given specific colors to work with in traditional, which helps to limit my options. but with digital art literally anything is possible and i find that i’m only able to make something look interesting when im already given a limited color palette. i want to be able to choose fun and interesting palettes on my own! so that’s something i’m gonna work on
but since it’s specifically my digital coloring im concerned with, that means my second mandatory resolution has to be:
2. figure out how to get back into digital art in a way that’s sustainable lol
im still dealing with my hand troubles which makes drawing digitally Very Hard but i don’t think it’s impossible?? last week i was drawing for like 3 or 4 days consecutively with no problems, i think it only started to become a problem when i started working on pieces for long periods of time w/o taking breaks, an unfortunate long-time habit of mine :/
so to tackle this resolution i think i’m gonna need to /really/ crack down on myself about taking breaks, like set timers and do stretches and shit, and then also i should make sure i’m not drawing every day for several days in a row, bc i think that weakens my daily stamina. so figuring out some kind of schedule is key i think!
3. finish At Least one of my fics!! and post it!!!
pretty self-explanatory!! this was one of my resolutions last year iirc and i didn’t manage it but i DID manage to actually write a lot more than i had been doing previously so i count it as a win!! this year i wanna take that progress and run with it and hopefully eventually have something to show for it! i know i Talk about my writing all the time but i feel like that’s all i’ve ever really done is TALK. so this year im hoping to FINALLY get something out there lol!!!!
also not exactly a requirement but if i could even do TWO fics that would be even better!! kind of want my goal to be two but if i only manage one it still counts as a win imo!
4. do one of my short comic ideas!
this kind of goes along the same lines as the last one but instead of a written fic it’s in the form of a comic! i have a couple ideas that have been rolling around in my head for a While now and i rly wanna get some actual practice in with comics this year so i want to try working on them! it would help improve both my drawing and writing skills and hopefully help me get a better handle on storytelling as it works through the comics medium, which is still v foreign to me! hopefully less foreign by the end of the year
ive said this before but i think doing studies by redrawing pages from some of my fave comics would be a big help in giving me a Feel for what it’s like to draw comics w/o having to start w/ a big scary blank slate so! one of my goals is to do some page redraws to help me feel better equipped to tackle this project
SO YEAH THATS IT i don’t wanna like overwhelm myself w/ too many goals for the year, i wanna feel like these are actually realistically achievable, u know? like, there are always other things i want to improve on like composition and backgrounds and stuff like that, but those are things i’m just gonna keep in the back of my mind as things to steadily improve on as i go- i’m not gonna tackle them specifically this time around. these four points are the Main Big Things i wanna work on rn so!! yeah!!! here we fuckin go!!!!!
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HAHAHAHA well ofc I didn't expect their love to be canon but djdjdkdk that's wild I stopped watching after learning L dies but never knew the events leading up to it
oh yeah it's absolutely buck shit wild lmao wildly recommend it but obviously i'm biased. If you ask for my opinion tho I think it's better to at least start with the manga rather than the anime, for a few reasons:
1- I think with the anime all their deductions happen too fast and you have no time to absorb the information, so it's harder to follow and to get into the plot. In the manga due to the nature of reading you can follow things at your own pace and make sure you actually understood all the information before continuing. Not that you need to think too deply to understand it or anything it's just that in the anime it is frequently an avalanche of information without pause. Death Note is VERY convoluted and dialogue/monologue heavy so it really makes a difference to be able to follow what's happening at your own pace
2- The manga treats itself less seriously than the anime, which paradoxically makes it easier to take seriously imo. Like the anime takes itself SO absurdly seriously that it cut off almost all comical moments and generally relief, so it just starts to get a little silly and overdramatic when all these characters are doing is overthinking everything they say 100% of the time. In the manga we get to see them being sillier too so it's easier to see them as people and actually feel like it matters when they are doing that whole crap (although it's still funny but again I don't think it was the creator's intention for it to NOT be ykwim?)
3- Although the anime is a very faithful adaptation, there's some stuff that just works better in the manga, particularly in the third arc. I don't really fault the anime for this cuz I think this was likely because they had a limited amount of episodes to fit everything in and again Death Note is VERY ["very" in caps] plot heavy, so they had to cut down some stuff to make it shorter. Nothing crazy and there are basically no additions but some things have been simplified or some details that I think really made the plots interesting were left out
The only downside to the manga as opposed to the anime is that there is no dramatic standing in the rain + foot wiping scene. This is literally the only thing in the anime that wasn't in the manga and they just made up, which in itself is also completely wild
But yeah I'd recommend starting with the manga if you wanna give Death Note another chance lol
TLDR: The Death Note manga is better than the anime because it's easier to follow, more interesting, and funnier.
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flockofdoves · 3 years
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made beef kidney with mushrooms and onions in a mustard sauce largely using this recipe last week!
added some cayenne
used some fresh button mushrooms in addition to the dried porcini bc i didnt have that much
i ended up doubling the amount of the creme fraiche and mustard sauce
i used a spicy dijon but also ground up a mix of black and yellow whole mustard seeds roughly along with some colmans mustard powder to give it a bit more texture and flavor
i dont really drink much wine and didnt want to waste opening a whole bottle just for this so i used some cheapo cab sauv merlot blend that came in tiny not even full serving bottles in a pack. maybe not the most economic by volume but worth it for how i use wine. also tbh i ended up liking just drinking the rest of the bottle so thats good too lol expected it to be more shit from reviews but im no sommelier so all the better i can enjoy it w/o being discerning
took out all the fat from the kidney then let it sit in milk in the fridge for 2 days (was gonna do one but then couldnt cook that night) it was so funny it was pink when i took it out even tho i rinsed it well before then
then i did the blanching with vinegar water as described in this recipe but then i couldnt really do anythin with it for a while anyway so i then soaked it in water with vinegar in it for like an hour or so on the counter afterwards too like id seen in other recipes
was kinda nervous when i started cooking it bc i remembered a thing i read from some julia childs recipe where she said you should cook the kidney whole so that the liquids dont all come out and just steam it but i just didnt know how to compromise that with other recipes saying to take out all the fat bc kidney fat increases the piss flavor lol. so a Lot of liquid came out and it def steamed a bit but i wasnt able to really slow cook it either so im sure it couldve been more tender if i could possibly find a way to balance both those needs or did a more slow cooking recipe but honestly it was barely an issue it still was plenty good imo as someone whos never had kidney before. recipes were making me so worried when they all hated on beef kidney as compared to other types of kidney meats
on a similar note ppl said that beef kidneys were much stronger flavored than other kidneys maybe besides pig and a lot of similar recipes said they would avoid beef kidney so that got me a bit worried about flavor too. especially when i read in one recipe to not trust recipes that tell you to cook in the liquids of the kidney instead of taking out the kidney and wiping out the pan or just cooking everything beyond the meat separately until the end. but since a lot of the liquids disolved anyway and i tasted it and honestly it was fine i just trusted this recipe and i dont think the flavor was too strong or anything even though i didnt cook it separately
as for the potatoes i used this recipe
and i kinda wish i had gone with my gut and avoided putting in the onions and garlic right at the beginning
the potatoes were very nicely crispy but the onions and garlic got absolutely burnt to a crisp (was not a problem with my oven temperature! i have a second thermometer to check that)
if i did this again i’d put the onions like idk maybe halfway through and the garlic only right at the end
but yeah!!! it turned out good! excited to finally have used up all the organ meat i got on sale literally a year to almost a year and a half ago that i froze and then forgot about bc i got so busy and didnt have the time to figure out something fun to do with all of it. also i really like the creme fraiche i wanna use the leftover of it on stuff this week
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ae0nx · 3 years
Yayyy! Season 3! Finally! I’m hoping this season will make me understand/sympathise with Akito and maybe even Shigure a little bit more because... honestly? My opinions on episode 2?... I might get some flack for my opinions on them...  😬
But, first: I’d like to appreciate how on the Funimation app we got a little interview/message from a few of the english dub VAs! Specifically Colleen Clinkenbeard, Jerry Jewell, Eric Vale, Ian Sinclair and Brina Palencia (Akito, Kyo, Yuki, Kureno and Isuzu). And it was nice seeing some of their opinions of the characters they play and how much they’re emotionally invested in the story. (Ian’s such a nerd ‘I wanna see giant mechs later this season’ 😂 - I lowkey stan him lol)
You should definitely check it out if you’re interested in what they would have to say!
ANYWAYS, let’s get into it...
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I really love this depiction of the original zodiac and how you can just tell from the tone of the scene how desperately the God of the Zodiac was clinging on to these connections that they had with the participants in the banquet. How much they clung on to and loved the cat... Also, interesting how Tohru’s narrating this scene... almost like she can relate to the desperation of wanting to keep things the same... but we’ll get to that later. But also, Tohru is a God
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This new opening is beautiful, I love the way that camera moves around the still illustrations and how the general tone just hammers down that... this season is gonna be some real shit lol (which makes me nervous for the opening for the second half 😳). It’s so warped and the general blue, grey and black tone that follows around every Akito scene we get in the anime has bled into every scene in this opening concerning the rest of the zodiac. Almost... like something is decaying. It’s great, it’s just very sad lol. I love the song tho, issa bop.
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One of my favourite things in stories is when we get a bigger villain than the ‘pronounced’ villain of the story. Ren’s introduction through a manicured outstretched hand towards Kureno and Hatori is so weirdly gross in what it insinuates (especially when you apply her connection with Shigure) but again... I wanna know why she’s such an asshole to Akito specifically besides the bad mental health management within the Sohma compound. I have an inkling of what it is through memory of the manga, but like Akito and Shigure... I just wanna understand why.
Also, Ren is gorgeous and I’m sorry for simping. 
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I mean... she’s kinda got a point? She just didn’t need to be so mean about it lol. It’s pretty clear that the connection the zodiac have to each other is real and something they cannot control. BUT, wouldn’t it be easier if this connection wasn’t perpetuated by outer circles of the family and if Akito herself wasn’t so cruel about it? But, I guess Akito - through her relationship with her mother - kinda doesn’t know how to genuinely show love and affection. (Which brings me into my thoughts of how the manga ends and how I kinda... have a few problems with it which I will get to... when that comes lol)
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Lol - weeeeeeeee! (flashes back to Tohru being yeeted into the river). Is this a part of Akito’s god-like powers?!
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Again. She’s got a point! They’ve both got a point. But, they’re both the source of the problem. It’s really painful to see two mentally ill people duke it out. This whole institution is just rotten.
- I am super curious about what Akira’s relationship was like with the zodiac and if it was just as dark. I’m gonna assume it slightly already was, as the exclusion and degradation of the cat curse is already dark in itself but maybe the rest of the zodiac were just fine with how things were? I dunno if we actually will get the full backstory of Akira and his zodiac but I’m definitely intrigued
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Ok, but if four crying children came up to me after I’d just consummated with my partner to reach out at my stomach chanting ‘we’ve been waiting for you’. That would disturb me and scar me for a while too so... 😂. I know it’s supposed to be ethereal and spiritual but... dude, wtf lol
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...I don’t like how much I’m into Ren being such a Villain™  😅
- Akito being seen as a crying child by the older zodiac members has always been interesting to me because yes, they could see her as that through mainly the age gap, general empathy and the way she sometimes irrationally acts out. But, also the depiction of Gods being seen as children having tantrums has being reflected in many different beliefs and myths (especially Greek Mythology) and I just like the fact that this all powerful, all knowing being would be compared to a child. It gives you a different perspective on power.
- Is the paper note in the CD case that Kureno gave back to Tohru an extra addition or was it always there?...
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Mannnn... I really wanted Isuzu to fuck shit up after seeing Tohru so upset but... *le sigh* (outfit’s still on point)
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But, I’m so glad we get an equal Ethereal Goddess to save Tohru! HANAJIMA! We love her, we stan her. <3
- ‘Tohru will be in my custody’ 🤣 I personally think Hana’s bluntness was a kindness in her conversation with Yuki because if I found Tohru upset? I’d automatically start firing metaphorical shots at everyone in that house
- Shigure fearing Hana makes me sleep better at night <3
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Hana’s just like ‘hmm... sounds like someone I know... 👀’ I’m here for this parallel between Tohru and Kureno in the hopes that Tohru doesn’t ever get in as bad a situation as Kureno. Ahhh... Kureno... (Also, Laura Bailey was killing it in this scene as always)
- Hmmm... there’s something terribly poetic about Kyo saving Tohru’s scarf from oncoming traffic... but also, Kyo can’t help himself aha
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KWEEEN! I love this look for Uo, it’s very Kyoko. I already said this in Season 1 but I STILL need to get wool-lined jacket. Outfit Appreciation goes to her - 3.5 stars.
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<3<3<3 Friendship is magic!
- Megumi is such a good egg as always! From him going to get Uo to him being so wise with his outlook on love and how it takes time to really flourish. The best!
- This whole episode ends really nicely from Tohru’s return home and Kyo washing and returning Tohru’s scarf and Yuki being happy to see Tohru and Shigure being somewhat decent. It was nice to get a bit of relief after the tornado of emotions
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Also, this was a nice screencap! Even Kyo is smiling!!! :))))
*takes sip of wine* ...ok.
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👀... later lol
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This scene really highlighted how Tohru is starting to see Shigure and the whole zodiac curse in a new and darker way. For the first time, it felt like Tohru was a little bit more guarded around Shigure and I hope they delve more into this season. Her description of her feeling around the curse being like a ‘dark well with no bottom in sight’ is pretty spot on. Ugh.
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Aw! Is this the last we’re getting of Small!Momiji?! I love them :3 (Momiji’s shorts look a little shorter too, like he’s growing out of them ahaha)
- I haven’t found the Yuki fan club funny since their first scene in the anime but their poor disguises made me chuckle
- Yayyy! Kyo has an obsessive fan club too? ...Yay?? 😅 haha
- ‘I won’t kill them but they can go to hell’ why is Kyo speaking like me?! 😂
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The fact that we got a scene of Yuki kinda admirably looking at a group of friends (boys and girls) playfully physically interacting and he unconsciously reaches out to Machi almost like he forgot about the curse? Heart eyes... 🥰
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Again. Relatable. 😂 God, Yuki. You really are an airhead. Bless your soul. <3
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And that look says it all. Damn. Kyo’s sense of hopelessness is heartbreaking but I still stand by it being understandable considering his circumstances.
Kyo freaking out about Tohru being visually upset was super cute but I couldn’t even appreciate the fluff because the whole scene had such a morbid tone to it, despite it being so visually romantic:
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KYO’S FACE!!! 💔 Ahhh, my emotions!!!! Also, that shot from Tohru’s perspective under her bangs is great.
- Poor Mitsuru, I’d ask for extra pay just for dealing with Shigure’s ass.
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Hahah - what a great metaphor!
- Now that Shigure’s ‘true form’, so to speak, has been fully exposed all his comments that are supposed to be teasing come off so much more awful. Him insinuating Mitsuru wasn’t ‘upper class’ enough for Ritsu was awful
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COLLLDDDD. AS. IIIIIIICE. But seriously, Shigure this whole episode was cold in many different ways but I definitely felt this personally since I’ve been told something like this by a family member before... 😕 Also, it’s just gross how both Shigure and Akito are taking their own personal issues and mistrust of each other out on to other people. The curse and the institution behind the curse complicates a lot of feelings for sure, but there’s a difference between wrong and right and I get the general feeling that they both are just using the muddy waters to their advantage. Although, I feel like Shigure is taking more advantage of this than Akito but I’ll get into that in a bit.
- There’s also something about this episode that made me sympathise a lot more with Kureno in a more understandable way. But, it also makes me question the ending of this whole story and the resolutions that happen and what life for the whole Sohma institution/family looks like after the curse has broken.. I guess, I should read ‘Fruits Basket Another’ after this, huh?
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😳... Shigure is so petty, man. Really?!
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I hate this relationship. I’m sorry. I know there are loads of people who like this relationship. And I’m still giving myself space for the show and the story to convince me why it’s worth it. But... I really don’t like this relationship. It’s so toxic. In so many ways. And in a weird way, this scene made me feel a LITTLE bit more for Akito than Shigure. It feels like Shigure gaslights everyone in his life but none no more than Akito, herself. I hate the fact that he keeps saying he loves her while hurting her or disregarding her. You know, almost like he’s treating her like a child. But on the other hand, I hate the fact that Akito has lowkey gaslighted herself into thinking she can treat people however she wants because she is ‘God’. I understand this is part of the way she was brought up and it seems like life in the Sohma compound has been very isolating for her so there’s been no one really to show her better (or have the confidence to show her better). But, at least I can be a little bit more sympathetic on her side than Shigure’s. I dunno... it’s just all very ugly and toxic and I’m hoping that it’ll turn around somehow.
I just hope it’s not one of those relationships that are ‘so good cos it’s so bad’.
...I’ll briefly talk about the ending theme to end this on a good note lol:
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I really like this ending! I dunno if they’re gonna have two endings and two openings for this season but this ending definitely feels like it should’ve gone in the second half as it’s almost spoiler-y? But, then again what anime opening and ending isn’t packed with spoilers lol
All the illustrations are gorgeous, I’m assuming they were drawn by Takaya-sensei herself as it seems very much in her current style of artistry but my favourite illustrations are definitely the ones shown above! <3
Ahhh! Fin! Sorry, about this one being super long and you probably having to scroll past a whole lot on your dash 😝 As usual, I had a lot to say. I’m open to hearing from people who actually like Shigure and Akito’s relationship btw, it’s just that everything before and episode 2 just really didn’t sail the ship for me, personally. I do want to understand! Haha
See you soooon!
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kamotoshi · 3 years
so here we are on day 2 of what I thought was gonna be a week long break bc I had an epiphany that I suddenly felt the desire to share! so if you wanna read maybe like settle in bc I kinda wrote a lot (but is that new? no)
my brain! she doesn’t understand how to like... take something she likes and just enjoy it. everything always has to be a project or a task to be finished or a goal to reach. I’ve never been like hey my name’s fran and I like writing fanfiction! it’s always been hey my name’s fran and I like writing fanfiction so I'm gonna force myself to constantly come up with fic ideas and push out content bc I must be a workhorse and I don’t understand that not everything has to be methodical and meticulously planned and perfect!
I literally took writing (something I enjoy) and turned it into work (something I very much do not enjoy) all bc of this restless brain of mine and my extremely present anxiety that almost requires that I do something to prevent a crisis like every second of the damn day. I'm v tired of agonizing over both what I am doing and what I'm not doing. it’s exhausting when you’re already waiting for the time when you can go back to bed again the instant you get up lol
so I’m just gonna change my perspective here! I'm gonna try to stop guilting myself for every wip that sits without any additional progress being made, and for each one I knock off the list bc I'm just not that into it anymore. I'm gonna try to stop telling myself I HAVE to make content in order to make y’all happy. I'm gonna try to silence the little negative voice that always pops into my head each time I read or see something great that says “damn what happened with you, huh?” I'm gonna stop trying to measure my success by how many followers I have or how much work I do bc this is literally FOR FUN and it’s something I do IN MY FREE TIME bc it’s meant to be ENJOYABLE. 
and! I'm gonna stop takin this blog so damn seriously! like shit! if I'm here, I'm here and I'm chattin/writin, and if I'm not, I'm not! who tf do I think I am like damn!!! we’re all just out here! doing our own things! goin for it! doin that! it’s all good! (like we really owe each other nothing in the grand scheme of it all if we're bein 100% honest here)
anyway I went thru a similar revelation with the whole notes crisis (in which notes became another success metric for me) but now I dont give a rat’s ass which is saying A LOT (bc I'm secretly an attention whore. maybe not as secretly as I think tho). I write my fics and I send em out into the cyberspace to be free bc as long as I enjoyed it then we’re good! and the whole reason I'm here in the first place is to share things in the hopes that maybe someone else likes it too! whatever happens happens! bc I sure as hell know I'll go back and gas myself up on somethin that only got like five notes!!
the productivity loop that I am stuck in (as well as many other members of society) is seriously powerful. and I know it’s gonna take a LOT of effort on my part to wrestle the controllers to my life away from bully! fran who’s stubborn and angry like the lil bull she is, but! I have hope bc I'm at least willing to try.
so, after I've just said I aint gotta explain shit to nobody, here I am explaining my shit to y’all *head in hands* BUT I'm writing this bc I felt like it, bc I'm ready to hold myself accountable, and just to put things into perspective for a sec. if you read this far I'll say “damn you must kinda like me huh 🥺” at the risk of sounding like the dude who says “in the shower? without me?”
with that being said, I'll be around when I'm around! come to my inbox whenever you want, I keep extra pillows and blankets and s'mores-building kits in there for whenever y’all wanna camp. I'm hoping my blog can continue to be a positive space for everyone to sit back and watch me clown myself unapologetically 😌 thank you for comin to my ted talk
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chaeryybomb · 4 years
𝐌𝐚𝐫𝐜𝐡 𝐂𝐨𝐦𝐞𝐛𝐚𝐜𝐤𝐬 𝐑𝐞𝐯𝐢𝐞𝐰
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it is really really catchy!! i immediately liked it after my first listen. it reminded me a lot of “dalla dalla”, like it has the same arrangement as “dalla dalla”. i really like the beginning of the song where it has the turning sound.
my favorite part is ryujin+chaeryeong rap part and lia’s “it’s none of your business, i do my own business”
it’s probably my favorite mv they have produced so far. the scenes were all very pleasing to watch and love the solo scenes of the girls. my favorite scene would be lia’s and ryujin’s scenes. like, w o w
the choreography is amazing!!! ryujin has the entire world at her feet because of the shoulder move, which by the way I still cannot understand how it works
the point choreography of it is also really nice, the one there they circle their face with their hand and where they slide their hand across their chest when they sing “i wanna be me me me”
i absolutely love the dance break! it is definitely my favorite part of the dance
bro ryujin is literally killing this era. p e r i o d
also I can see that the girls have improved so much! especially lia! she’s gaining more and more confidence and it looks amazing on her. as usual, yeji’s stage presence is a m a z i n g. yuna has definitely improved as well. and so has chaeryeong!
my favorite outfits of them is the mv solo scenes outfits. i just think it really suits them. and i love love love how they’re trying new hairstyles this era, unlike “dalla dalla” and “icy”s era when everyone had almost the same hairstyle for every stage.
i love how they actually let yeji perform with her hair down instead of the usual ponytail and that they gave it to yuna lmao. seriously, the hairstyles for this era is really diverse. and of course ryujin’s iconic blue hair. and I really like chaeryeong’s hair this era idk why but I do
also I love the fact that their outfits are mostly pants, they look so much more comfortable performing in them + yeji with a jacket is pretty dangerous
also, has anyone noticed that Lia has gained some weight?? which is a good thing! halfway through “icy” era, lia lost a lot of weight and I’m really glad she had gained some weight this era!
i know ITZY’s concept is about self confidence and the songs are more upbeat but personally I’m not a fan of it all
the album itself is catchy and nice but for me, the songs aren’t the type of songs that I’ll play on repeat
out of all of the songs, i don’t really like “ting ting ting”. i just can’t seem to like, vibe(?) with it
but my favorites of the album is “nobody like you” and “you make me”
+ lia’s iconic “you make me... speechless!”
overall, i felt that this comeback was definitely an improvement for itzy in dance and vocal wise. I’ve watched a few of their mr removed ( by the channel “lyma” bc it’s the only one I trust ) and their all quite stable, I’m surprised how stable ryujin can be she does the shoulder move. like I said before, lia has improved a lot in this comeback, she’s like jihyo where their voices doesn’t fit their groups initial concept, but with time, lia can improve like how jihyo did. yeji is really stable and i can understand why she gets most lines. yuna has improved and chaeryeong has been quite stable since debut, so i think she could get more lines. my only complain is that I wished that chaeryeong was the center during the dance break, considering the fact that she’s the main dancer
NCT 127: NCT #127 NEO ZONE
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TITLE SONG: 英雄;Kick It
fun fact! the Chinese word “英雄” in the title means “hero” which i think is quite fitting for this comeback’s concept.
i immediately for hooked on after the first listen, yes it's that catchy
lemme introduce you to some new thangs
as someone who learns taekwando, this is the song that u can work out to lmao. it's the fuel to ur flame and makes u wanna fight someone
also jungwoo baby!! he's back!! and bitch did he gREW I THINK HE'S ALMOST JOHNNY'S HEIGHT
the highlights: taeil's high note!!! yuta+haechan "baby we go wild, 127 squad"
also johnny!!! with lines!!
I just really love the entire music video okay
it's martial arts!!! it's like my hobby!!
and bruce lee!! who doesn't love bruce lee?? i absolutely love this concept in general and the music video does justice
like all the martial arts reference and bruce lee reference!!
my favorite part is when they were all dancing in the rain lol and when like behind the doors u can see silhouettes of someone fighting
i cannot stress e n o u g h how much I love this choreography, especially the dance break!!! it's so satisfying to watch!!!
and mark's "fight" scene in it!! bro!!
this has definitely became one of my favourite nct dances along with "black on black" and "cherry bomb"
also the part where taeyong does his "enter the dragon", the kick he does is called a side kick and lemme tell u how much I hate doing that shit so props to taeyong for doing not only, but two of it in the dance
++ center!! haechan!! the way he just smoothly slides into the center lmao
despite taeyong, yuta and johnny's really rude outfits from the mv, those are one of my favourites actually. they look like fighter outfits that came out from a bruce lee movie
and the bomber jackets outfits!! please I want one so badly!!! bc I'm a sucker for bomber jackets lol
bro yuta's hair colour + belly piercing
that's *chef's kiss*
and haechan's mullet!! it looks good on him!! he better start growing an actual mullet or so help me-
stage presence *inhales* were so so so so amazing
nct just has amazing stage presence in general tbh
also, johnny lowkey looks scary in this comeback besides the fact that he's also a giANT
you know despite the scary album cover, 70% of the songs are soft af
and yes I like it
my favourites are "sit down!" and "boom"
johnny's "don't get up, don't stand up, please don't put your hand up, and don't make me tell you again. sit down!"
bro the difference between nct dream's "boom" and nct 127's "boom" tho
johnny's rap in "dreams come true" tho
and jaehyun's high note in "day dream"
overall, I'm really happy to stan nct and be enjoy the comeback lmao
but yeah I really like this comeback as u can tell lol
i wonder if they're gonna release a "kick it" english version
but to be honest, this era would've fit winwin so well like, winwin himself can do flips and shit and it would've fit him so well
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okay I know that their comeback was in february but it was during late february and they promoted in march
and I finally know all of their names so u can write a proper review on them now lmao
so from what I understand, elris basically went m.i.a and came back with 2 new members
the song is definitely catchy and like I said, this is really solid group. they have a really good rap line and vocal line, plus they could all be main dancers and there's no visual hole
ej and chaejeong is a great addition to the group
plus hyeseong and sohee's vocals are!! really good!!
and bella's basically a triple threat y'all
the music video is really aesthetic
i like it a lot lol
the gambling concept they have on is really nice to see
ah yes the choreography
the choreography is really fun tbh
i like the chorus part the best and yukyung's bow and arrow move in between the chorus
ej and bella has really strong stage presence and I've watched bella on mixnine a few times
and chaejeong's purple hair stood out as well.
the one who caught my eyes is yukyung
and for the vocals, I'm quite surprised to see that karin is only 17 years old, I thought she would've been older
i really like their outfits despite coming from a smaller company, it's all bling bling and classy
i just wanna say chaejeong has a good set of lungs lmao, her vocals in the b-sides is really good especially in "this is me"
the entire album gave me a bit of a video game vibe like cherry bullet's "Q&A"
maybe it's because the soundtrack is like, upbeat and strong at the same time
my favourite is "this is me" and "like I do"
"this is me" reminds me of blackpink's "forever young" bc they almost have the same arrangement
both of the songs are like upbeat girl crush kind of song with a strong beat drop for the dancebreak
overall, elris is definitely underrated but I have a feeling they will rise to fame like everglow, if only they debuted this year, they could've been like monster rookies.
AleXa: Do Or Die
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okay so i feel like a lot of the english lyrics felt a bit out of place,,, idk maybe it’s just me. i think the song is quite nice, like for a sci-fi concept, i thought it’d have more heavier edm/beat drop but it actually feels light and nice to listen to it. i really like the chorus of the song and when she said “I’m a one girl army”
okay ngl, I zoned out from the song bc I was so immersed into the mv. like, it reminded me a lot of the movie “alita: the battle angel”.
also the cgi?? that’s some rlly good cgi lemme tell u that, the villain of the mv was rlly scary lmao
also I really like her fight scenes with the the bad guy
the choreography looks rlly complicated, and personally I feel like it doesn’t suit alexa?? like, I know she’s talented but she almost looked out of breath during her performance stages. the choreography looks like it suited a group song better cause alexa was constantly moving. she’s a solo artist and I feel like solo artists shouldn’t do such complicated choreography unless they have a really good control over their breathing and vocals
I really like her outfits, it suits her a lot, though I want to see alexa perform with her hair down
my favorite outfit of hers is the white outfit that she wore in the beginning of the mv
as for stage presence, she has good stage presence but I can see that there’s room for improvement. alexa is still quite new to the solo artist game, in time she can definitely improve on everything
overall, i feel like this is quite a powerful comeback. like I said, alexa needs to get a better control of her breathing. but other than that, i can see that she will be quite popular in the future.
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the song itself is so calming?? like, it’s the perfect song to listen if you want relieve stress or something. and her vocals are so beautiful and emotional. these type of songs fit her voice so much!!
the mv is literally the definition of “plant aesthetic”
it’s such a pleasing sight to watch and the mv itself is truly aesthetic
okay I know “plant” doesn’t have a choreography as expected but “swim away” does so
the choreography is so simple and it honestly fits the song. i also think that with the lack of an intense choreography, sejeong’s voice can be more clearly heard since “swim away” requires her to use falsetto a lot
so with a simple choreography, she can sing in falsetto without trouble
sejeong literally radiates emotions when she sings, when she performs “swim away”, there’s a playful and mischievous aura around her
when she sings “plant”, you can literally feel her raw emotion through her vocals
sejeong has the potential to be a really successful solo artist!! her voice basically suits almost any style, ranging from “semina” to “not that type”
her outfits for this is so cute, i love the white dresses she wears when she performs “plant” and her outfits for “swim away” is so so so so c u t e
feel stress? listen to the album
need to calm down? listen to the album
the entire album itself is calming and soft, like i have a playlist for soft/emotional songs and the entire album is in there
my favorite song of the album is “hopes for tomorrow”
if y’all have seen my post about songs where the music momentarily stops and just plays the idol’s vocals, yeah that song is exactly like that
it sent shivers down my spine when I first listened to it, seriously listen to it when you have the time cause it’ll be worth it
overall, this is a really nice comeback and one of my favorites for this month. sejeong really has potential to be a solo artist as big as chungha. and tbh, she should’ve went solo in the first place. she really reminds me taeyeon bc both artist produce very emotional songs. i don’t know gugudan is currently doing besides the fact that mina is still an mc, but sejeong really could blow up as a solo artist.
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this song is so playful and mischievous lmao. the entire mv gave me a scooby-doo kinda vibe idk why, maybe it’s bc the guard was chasing them. the song itself is really catchy, like, the entire album is catchy. also I’m really glad that daniel can now perform his songs bc apparently he was almost banned from doing so(?)
bro I feel like ex produce members are making a comeback SKSKSK
this song is like, a parallel of sejeong’s song. it gave me the same vibe okay. it’s really sad okay, I like sad songs
the mv reminded me of that BTS webtoon, you guys should go read it btw, basically in the webtoon jin has to save all the members in a day to change the future but whenever a member dies, the day resets itself. in the mv, it looks like ong was trying to save the girl from drowning and whenever he failed, the day resets itself, which I found rlly cool btw
STRAY KIDS: Mixtape: On Track
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my dudes, my only theory is that jeongin has a crush on hyunjin okay
bro changbin has a nice set of vocals, I stg the rap line is out to put the vocal line out of business lmao. the song gave me the same vibe as their ost from “extraordinary you”, both written by changbin, so basically, changbin is a romantic guy-
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okay ngl, I have mistakenly read the group’s name as McDonald’s way too many times
but nonetheless, I like the song
a lot
my favorite part is when the rap mentions the group members names, like yo that’s so cool wtf
also the group members are really young??? Win, the blue hair dude, is LITERALLY the same age as me wtf
( I can’t find a proper gif sksks )
these girls dropped “loca” and went missing since then lmao
“loca” is a bop tho
“lie” kinda has the same arrangement as “loca” and the same vibe with it
+ gaeul(?) the blonde, she’s really a full package, she can rap, sing, dance AND she’s the leader??? damn
also I love go ahra
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I love love love love the song and the mv, their so funny wtf sksks literal crackheads. I’m also really happy that AKMU’s Suhyun was in the mv, it makes me feel happy knowing we get YG Artists interactions okay
jinu’s voice is usually really soft and stuff but his voice in this song made me went like: tHAT’S JINU???
anyways stan winner y’all
ONEUS: A Song Written Easily
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tbh, I stanned ONEWE bc “regulus” is a fucking bop and now I might need to stand ONEUS. all I know is that I really like Hwanwoong’s voice and Leedo’s voice. and the rappers can sing too??? like nice that’s some Han Jisung kinda shit there. I really like the chorus of the song and someone said if “starry night” had a little brother, it would be “a song written easily”. which I 100% agree, and it’s also really suitable considering the fact oneus and mamamoo are from the same company. It also reminds me of a song that I can’t put my finger on???
SUHO: Let’s Love
I feel when your ascend to heaven, Suho’s voice is what you hear at the gates. My dude has been underrated for too long. Remember when I said I have an entire playlist for emotional/soft songs? Yeah Suho’s album is in there. My favorites are “O2” and “Starry Night”.
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muwur · 4 years
hey y'all! my rules are quite simple c: (SORRY IT LOOKS LONG THO I TALK A LOT IFHOUFEJ. only the bolded text is rlly important tho)
current requests: open ♥
I. ‘tis a haikyuu reader imagines blog so pls only ask about a haikyuu reader insert! im still currently learning mor n mor about all the characters (ppl are ~complex~) and i will only write about who’s shown up in the anime. pls be patient w me if i needa do research LMAO i just wanna do my best n also feel free to give me headcanons about character personalities! lets all discuss our bbys >.>
II. pls check whether requests are closed or open before you send them in! if they’re closed, pls jot down ur ideas n pitch them to me as soon as they open again. i promise i want to get to you all n i will do my best, pls be patient ♥ i am slo writer and unfortunately college doesnt give me a break, even during the summer ;(((
II. as of rn, i don’t write straight up nsfw tho im oki w IMPLYING it bc im >///< babie i may reblog nsfw posts/blog content. i will also NOT write anything with abuse, incest, pedophilia, rape, nonconsensual, etc.
IV. i WILL write anything else that’s sfw tho ! angst, fluff, crack, u name it i deliver ;) i write headcannons, scenarios, fics, etc. currently not doing matchups, but i may reconsider in the future!
III. i will write everything as gender neutral (gn) unless otherwise specified/requested. i will also try to write everything neutral in appearance, unless otherwise specified/requested. that means i won’t make any indications about skin color, body shapes/sizes, etc. tho, like i said, that doesn’t mean i won’t take requests that asks for gender and/or appearance specifications, im totally fine w/ any of them! (ie. brown male reader with large hands; tall gn reader with long, dark, curly hair; etc)
IV. up to 4 characters for any headcannons, scenarios, etc ! only 1 for something a bit longer like one shots or fics
V. i will also do comfort/emergency requests. these are always open, 2 characters max, and i will do my best to get them done within 1-2 days. apologies in advance if im busy and/or happen to miss your request in my inbox. i may have discretion on whether or not to write, depending on how sensitive the topic may be (tho i will def compromise. i may tweak the wording as necessary, but i will try to stay tru to the OG request). pls msg/ask me if you’re unsure, i will for sure get back to u ♥ in addition, i am no expert, and i apologize in advance if i fail to do your request justice. i want to validate everyone’s feelings and i do not want to misrepresent anything you’re going through. also, if u just need someone to talk to, i am here. on top of that, if anything is triggering/problematic/misrepresenting/etc, pls lmk and i will act as needed.
okay thank you for bearing w me and reading all that if you made it this far ♥ feel free to chat as well im frenly i swear Dx also apologies if i text speak or abbreviate a lot and you can’t understand something, please let me know (lmk), this is literally just how i talk so LOL but i will adjust if i need to ♥
eggstra note: ill try updating my hp bar regularly, if you see it rlly low i aint doing so hot LOL
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louiserandom · 4 years
The MadaTobi adventure has been chosen...
AND IT’S SOULMATES EXCAHNGING POWERS WOOOHOOOO (purple and green are the same option i just edited the form like a dumbass)
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However, I’ve come to the inevitable conclusion THAT I WANNA WRITE ALL THESE FREAKIN PROMPTS or at least a couple more, so after this CYOA ends, I might just tackle the rest :D Thank you ALL so much for voting! I seriously didn’t expect this much feedback and I’ll do my best to deliver :3 *sends you all hugs, positivity and rays of sunshine during these trying times and hopes that each one of you is safe* Hopefully the story will provide some fun and distraction from the grim anxiety <3
Now, I couldn’t resist writing the first part before Camp Nano started so I’ll be posting the chapter a bit later today once I’m all done with work stuff :3 And as always, a few more notes on the rest of the survey questions~ 
Thank you for enabling my thotty side. Again ehehehehe
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+ Virgin Tobirama knows everything about sex; semi-feral tobirama who spends too much time with his summons; Hate to Love; A+ banter, maybe 1 combined w/ secret relationship; shameless Izuna - oh, 3 of these are definitely gonna be in the story ;)
Now, fair warning: it will be long because my brain made me add this huge plot and Zetsu’s fuckery to the mix which will result in his gruesome elimination from existence sorry for spoilers lmao and because I’m hopeless, expect some bijuu shenanigans as well👀👀👀 Granted, some of the plot points and tropes are going to be revealed in the story; like, Tobirama’s obliviousness level and the exact level of Hashirama’s over-protectiveness will depend on your choices :3 Hope y’all have fun with me!
And below the cut, comment responses <3 I’ve had to group some because I’ve got so little time right now but will hopefully be able to answer every question separately as time goes. Again, THANK YOU all for voting!!!
I would really like both options two and four, any chance? This all sounds incredible I am super excited thank you!
The third option also sounds good
I like Plot II and III too actually as well
I wish I could pick all of the story options ;)
I love your work and am so excited for this! I had so much trouble choosing answers in the poll because everything sounds so good!
Chose option I but strongly hesitated with option II cause it could be so funny.
All of these plots sound so awesome!!! It was super hard to pick one.
Argh! Why is choosing so hard? I want at least one of every option in every combination imaginable. That said, I chose plot 2 for the hilarious potential of put upon Tobirama with a sharingan but plot 1 was a very close contestant. I can't wait to see what you cook up. It's gonna be so great! - oz
DUDES ALL YOUR COMMENTS AND MY OWN EXCITEMENT ABOUT THESE PROMPTS MADE ME WANNA WRITE THEM ALL, FUCK IT!!! I definitely want option 4, it’s peak hilarity, tho I wonder if it would work more as a story proper, not a CYOA (I can think of a few interesting conflicts and choices in that verse tho, so we’ll see). But I do love option 1 as well; option 3 may be a little overdone? But basically, just lemme finish this one, try my best to deliver and then put the rest of the plots to another vote <3
p.s. Oz, you’re as always too kind <3
It would be funny if Tobirama was hilariously confident and actually decent at flirting with a flailing Madara but was actually a virgin. Like just completely and utterly shamelessly saying something like, 'yh I'm a virgin so you better make this good. I've got a lot to learn ;)' And of course Madara flails :D
THANK YOU. YES. THIS XD (Tobi would, wouldn’t he. And he very likely will, in this fic ;)
He is the dumbest Bitch alive with Tobi and Hashi running for second place. Bitch should have gotten some Senju dick to calm tf down.
No comments, only applause. You know what’s up
The fandom thanks you for doing God's work ;)
My insecure ass thanks you for your kind words <3
Hurt Tobi to show how protective Madara can be
Bold of you to assume I won’t hurt both of them and have them build each other back up again (lmao ignore my dramatic ass, as I said, nothing but light angst haha. But still some pain because plot said so :o)
Both being stupidly weak when it comes to kids
CLEARLY. Hashirama, Mito, Touka, and Izuna should all be one giant poly pile. 👀 Also it was impossible for me not to pick the option with Kurama. I love that grumpy asshole fox and I have... So many... Headcanons for him.....
HashiMitoTouIzu poly pile *stares* this... this.... MAYBE NOT IN THIS FIC BUT I WOULD LIKE TO TACKLE THIS IDEA AT SOME POINT LMAO THAT WOULD BE AWESOME :D (will maybe try to write a fic with them for camp nano ehehe)
Also, although ultimately, option 2 was chosen…. I couldn’t resist and added the possibility of Kurama appearing, I love his grumpy ass too much :D (Altho this will depend on the votes👀)
Maybe a child, adopted (kagami) or mpreg
Hmmm, no mpreg, just in this particular fic, but lots of interactions with children ;)
Wasn't he already? ://
Madara is clearly the dumbest (Hashi is a close second)
(Personally, I think Hashirama is the dumbest founder lol) But could you maybe make Tobirama and Izuna actually get along? They don’t have to be friends but just no active animosity. Maybe. You obviously don’t have to— would probably love it either way— but ‘tis my request
I may have to write that thesis about Madara’s dumbassery after all lol, be sure that I will convince you
And oh yeah, they definitely get along, don’t worry! Writing Tobirama and Izuna’s friendship warms my heart :3
I love flaily Mads and oblivious Tobes
Madara is not dumb, just a dumbass ^^ Also, bringing in Tobi's sensing is always a YES from me!
Nooooo HE DUMB AND A DUMBASS HOW BOUT THAT XD ehehe oh there’s gonna be a lot of sensing fuckery in the chosen option so I hope you enjoy! :3
At some point please let Mito and Tobirama befriend Kurama 'cause they're all powerful sassy bitches that will bitch slap you into your place and they all put the ultimate smack down on meddling Elders who've teamed up with Zetsu?
Although option 2 has been chosen… Kurama may appear in the story *shifty eyes* AND mf Zetsu lmao I need to kill that bitch. He’ll know pain^-^
Hashirama should be a smiling sociopath a la Symbol of Subjugation style. He knows there's something wrong but, hey, he wants to see his precious all happy :)
Oh, I considered that actually, I adore that fic! But imo it works better with a couple of other plots so I may consider writing him that way for a future CYOA :3 
I can already tell that this is gonna be one hell of a ride and I can’t wait!
Hell yeah go forth you funky lil author, you got this :D
Nope nope I have non good luck
Luv ya <3
Have fun
Thank you so much guys! <3 I’M EXCITED AS FUCK AND I CANNOT WAIT TO START :D
18 notes · View notes
ain-t-bovvered · 5 years
15x07 Commentary
Bunch of tired and caffeinated Europeans ( plus a sleepy American) scream together, and then die and try to get on with their day ( lol AS IF)
@smol-and-grumpy​ (Nat)
@dean-winchesters-bacon​  (Kat)  
@waywardbaby​  (Zee)
@ain-t-bovvered  (Giulia)
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Nat : 3
Nat : 2
Nat : 1
Nat : go
Giulia: Yas eileen
Zee: This thing with the bullet I still don’t completely get
Kat: So happy she’s back
Kat: It’s not a real bullet
Giulia: Us
Nat : do they always have to have a flashback tho
Zee: Future corpses
Kat: But it’s explained a bit more this episode
Nat : Tag yourself
Giulia: I know the blonde one
Giulia: I’m the brunette
Zee: I’m the brunette
Kat: Brunette for sure
Nat : I'm a mix
Kat: Nah babe you’re the blonde
Zee: I’ve only been the blonde once
Zee: Amazing
Nat : What
Nat : I didn't hear a car
Kat: At least the blonde didn’t get murdered
Zee: Bitch wipe the spit
Nat : Yet
Giulia: Oh no clean your lips yuck
Kat: Too much throw up sound
Nat : Ridiculous. You would still hear it
Giulia: Well ok wow
Giulia: I jumped not gonna lie
Nat : Ew What is that
Zee: Was that a werewolf ?
Giulia: The wendigo feels
Nat : snorts
Kat: Red shirt of sex
Giulia: Oh look wallowing in depression again
Nat : Ah Deano
Zee: Weak
Kat: Yum
Kat: No surprise there
Zee: What’s that sound of his lips?
Nat : "Yeah"
Zee: Mostly
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Zee: Real bacon
Nat : Real bacon?
Nat : lol
E: We might've gotten just a little carried away with the margaritas last night.
Giulia: WOW
Kat: Fucking adorable
Kat: So domestic
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S: You're turning down bacon?
D: Mm, yes, yeah, I'm actually... I'm gonna head out.
Kat: Get out
Giulia: DEAN’s weird
Zee: I’m good Dean motto
Nat : "I'm good" I'M GOOD, GOOOOOOOOD
D: It means I got to... I got to get out of here, okay? I just... I got to...I'm gonna take a drive, clear my head.
S: Eileen and I have stuff to do.
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Giulia: Lol
Giulia: I BET U DO
Zee: Look at that face
Kat: Aw someone’s feeling like a third wheel
Zee: Aaagggggghhh
Giulia: MY GOD
Kat: The dimples
D: Um, okay, but if, uh, things go your way, just make sure you put the sock on the door so I know.
Nat : sock on the door
Zee: Sock on the door
Kat: The wink melts
Giulia: not only on the door
Nat : well that would be highly uncomfortable
Giulia: Oh shush you know what im talking about
Nat : What's with the hair
Zee: Can he shut his face ?
Giulia: The accent lol
Giulia: He weird
Nat : Jensen's jealous that the sheriff can have an accent and he doesn't
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Zee: Do you all talk like that Kat ?
Kat: Excuse you. I do not speak like that.
Giulia: Snort
Kat: Dean is not impressed
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Zee: Can we focus on the scruff for just a sec?
Giulia: And the crazy hair
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Kat: The blue steel
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Giulia: You’ve got the look
Zee: Is he hitting on him?
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Giulia: IS IT TIME
Zee: Swayze’s???
Kat: Roadhouse nod
Zee: Look at that strut
Giulia: Nice
Nat : Fun that there's only one parking spot left right in front
Giulia: I wanna go in a dump like that
Nat : Lots of Woo girls
Giulia: Hand it over
Nat : Get in line
Giulia: Lol i like her. Will she die
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Giulia: Oh well now she will
Zee: Nice
Nat : Ow
Kat: Damn girl
Giulia: Cute. They cute
Kat: Dean friggin Winchester
Zee: Is this ep filled with his close ups?
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Giulia: So cute
Nat : HE owns this joint?
Zee: I’m happy
Nat : Will this be the place where Dean will always end up tho. Because his friend owns the joint
Zee: Look at that couple
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Giulia: SO CUTE
Giulia: the stares
Giulia: Cute
Giulia: Why don t we do something fun
Zee: Do something fun
S: Yeah. Um... ideas?
E: I mean, a few.
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Zee: Go girl
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Giulia: NO. COME ON
Zee: Seriously ???
Kat: It’s not okay
Nat : Ah
Giulia: my bb has done nothing wrong in his entire existence,ever, shut yo mouths
Nat : Snort
S: So we've been looking for signs of Chuck and Lilith
C:  Lilith?
S: Yeah, uh, she's back.
Giulia: U should have read your messages cas
Nat : Hey, nobody can say that they've been cock blocked by an aNgEL oF tHe LorD
Zee: I think that Sam’s virginity might have grown back man
C: So there may be some of you inside Chuck.
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Giulia: Ew
Zee: Ew
Nat : Is that sexual
Giulia: Family business beers lol
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Kat: I think you’re right
L: I always liked that crusty son of a bitch.
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Giulia: Awe dad. Crusty sob lol
Kat: Oh.
Kat: No
Giulia: Ah well praises from dad Winchester
Zee: His crinkles are distracting me
Giulia: And his smirk
Kat: Aren’t they great
Giulia: ...ah that stare
Zee: So that’s how you felt last ep? @Giulia
Giulia: Yes. U get it now
Zee: He needs to shut up
Giulia: Awe dean. And now some zoom
Nat : Dean, you don't wanna do that
Zee: That head nod hurt my soul
S: Cass, are you sure about this?
C: No, but I am sure I can't heal the wound. Maybe I can probe it.
Giulia: Yes probe cas
Zee: Probe
Kat: Ew lol
Giulia: Im ready
Giulia: Same
Zee: This is gonna sting
Nat : This is gonna sting
Nat : snorts
Giulia: Sam are you ok
Nat : a little
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Giulia: Awe
Giulia: Oh wow
Giulia: Nice cas
Nat : AH
Zee: Amazing
Nat : Well he's not ok now is he
Kat: Poor Sammy
Giulia: Awe that cheek rub
Zee: Sam knocked out again
D: This is Dean's other-other-other-other phone. Leave a message.
Zee: Other other other
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Giulia: AH how does it feels now cas
C: Dean, I need you to call me back. Sam is hurt, and I..
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Nat : How many phones does he has
Zee: Jaggers
Giulia: Look at that tuff of hair
Nat : Ew
Giulia: Slutty
Kat: Everything about him is slutty
Zee: Can’t spell it
Zee: Love it tho
Nat : Split up Triplets?
Zee: He’s gonna get some me thinks
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Giulia: What a dumb stare
Kat: Ah I miss blushy Dean
Giulia: Oh him again
Nat : Who dat
Giulia: Sam winchester is hurt
Giulia: What else is new
Giulia: The one with gabe grace
Nat : A collecter
Kat: You think so huh
C: Let me rephrase. If you don't help me tonight,
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Zee: Cas is serious
Kat: A return of badass Cas finally
Giulia: Lol yellow fever
Nat : Cas has zero patience
Giulia: Same
Zee: We’ve been knew
Giulia: U have even less
Nat : No but I just don't think that he'll get any this season cuz it won't do anything to the plot
Nat : Plot of dying guest stars
D: Trust me, uh, bigger doesn't always equal better.  
Giulia: what she said
D: Besides, who's gonna look out after the little guy? God certainly isn't.
Giulia: Damn brother that’s rough
Zee: Rough decade
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Zee: No shit
Giulia: He has no idea
Kat: Ugh that smile
Nat : Dean has doubts. I hate that
Giulia: aw look that is future dean if he’s going on like that
Giulia: GIMME
L: Remember that old song your dad used to play us before we'd go out on a Hunt?
D: Oh, no.
All of us: Oh, yeah.
Zee: YAS
Giulia: come on BOI
Kat: I had to look the song up
Giulia: YEAH what song
Kat: I didn’t know it 😂
Kat: Dukes was a clue
Giulia: idk her
Giulia: still don’t know her
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Giulia: YEEEEP
Giulia: FUCK OFF
Kat: Exactly
Giulia: flips table
Nat : Better than Karaoke Demon Dean
Giulia: don’t let him hear you
Giulia: YAAAS
Zee: Wait in line
Zee: He’s so happy I’m scared
Giulia: AWE 20sec of happiness
Kat: NO
Nat : Ah
Kat: Damn I’m soaked again
Giulia: Me
Zee: Thank god don’t need my ovaries anymore
Kat: He sounds so Texan this ep
Zee: Oh fuck yeah
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Kat: Them bowlegs
Nat : What a concidence
Zee: Not the ghostbusters
Nat : I like Sergei. He's got attitude
Giulia: I hate him
C: Okay, that's enough. You're here for a reason.
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Giulia: Cas needs to tie his fucking tie because he slutty af
Zee: He’s following the mood of the ep
Kat: Poor Eileen so worried
Zee: Dying?
spn fandom: what else is new
Giulia: Not even surprised
Giulia: Of course he is
Nat : What else is new
Giulia: She loved jesus and america too
Giulia: So I’m a bad girl
Zee: It was a good car
Nat : lol it's the tom petty song
Giulia: me in the morning
Zee: You love Jesus and America in the morning ?
Kat: Love that song
Giulia: Am I too young for that shit?
Nat : Freeeeee Faaaaallin
Giulia: No, that whiskey in the coffee. Pay attention
Zee: Yeah. Like you paid attention last week
Giulia: Well I was on the important stuff
Kat: Okay children
Giulia: Look at my confused bb
Kat: Sergei is so dramatic
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Giulia: Nice shit
Zee: The legs
Giulia: Shot
Zee: Also correct
Nat : HE knows that the junkyard is NOT a runway right?
Giulia: Don t think he does
Kat: Everywhere is a runway for him
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Giulia: That haircut is bad ok
Kat: I saw it coming a mile away
Nat : He ded
Zee: Wait for it
Nat : Like I said, plot of dying guest stars
Giulia: They need to stop with these jumpscares
Giulia: SERGEI
Zee: Fucker
Nat : They need to find Amara. Think Amara is sick of her brother herself. she'd probably help them without even wanting anything in return
Kat: Don’t worry Cas takes care of him
Giulia: good
Giulia: Nice Eileen
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Giulia: The key to death. Psh fuck off
Kat: The key to death. That’s going to come into play I bet
Giulia: So dramatic
Zee: Cas still confused. And angry
Giulia: Look at that face
Nat : Sergei is so fucking extra
Zee: Suck it Sergei
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Kat: He called Bobby
Giulia: Oh the other bobby. Forgot about him
Nat : They should get the key and open the door to the empty. Bring Jack back. And death. Ah why am I babbling
Kat: It’s what you do
Giulia: Snort
Nat : The eye squint
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Kat: It doesn’t open the empty though I don’t think lol
Giulia: Wtf is in there
Kat: Aw Dean tied down. My fave
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Nat : What is that thing 
Nat : What she said
Giulia: But also
Zee: Shut up
Giulia: Will dean have to kill his fwriend
Kat: 😭😭😭😭😭😭
Giulia: Nice
Zee: He will huh?
Giulia: It won’t be a great addition to his mental health
Nat : Have you been watching the same show
Kat: All his friends die
Giulia: All their friends die
Kat: Well Eileen’s back lol
Kat: I know but my heart can’t take it
Nat : Every one who comes on the show die
Zee: Shush
Zee: Can blood really go up the tube?
Giulia: If there is vacuum yeah
Nat : I don't think they care
Giulia: The monster needs to suck
Nat : It doesn't suck
Giulia: He stupid
Zee: Oh stop please
Kat: Come on Dean get out
Giulia: What she doesn’t say
Kat: Nice
Nat : The monster will get out
Nat : what he said
Zee: And kill lee
Awe look at Dean’s repulsion towards his friend
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Giulia: Nah dean will kill lee. Because this is supernatural
Zee: Daddy’s home
Nat : Surprise
Kat: The head
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Giulia: Is that the sound of water 2
Kat: Ew
Zee: God bless Texas
Nat : Why does Lee do that for again? I missed it
Zee: His happiness
Kat: Money health
Nat : Feeding people to a monster makes him happy
Kat: Because fuck everyone else
Giulia: Ah saw it
Giulia: Oh yeah dean?
Kat: The monster gives him things for keeping it fed
Nat : Ah Nat : Dean distracts me
Kat: He yummy
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Zee: I kill monsters
Giulia: Awe dean . Well you become the hero or the monster you hunt i guess
Zee: Welcome to my world
Giulia: Ouch
Zee: Impaled
Giulia: That should hurt so much more
Nat : Ah, that's the cue he was talking about that didn't break at first and he had to "walk off the pain" Kat: What
Giulia: ?
He told it once at a con I think? They had a fight with a cue and the cue didn't break like twice or three times and his back was blue
Giulia: Awe bb dean
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Kat: Aw his murder face. Now sad face
Giulia: CAS
Giulia: awe look at them
Giulia: Oh
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Nat : Awkward
Zee: That bed is too small
Kat: No, he’s just huge
Kat: What she said
Zee: What she said
Giulia: Everything is too small concerning to sam
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Nat : Preview?
Kat: Ya go watch
Nat : Adam snorts
Kat: Basically tells them to suck it lol
Giulia: you let me rot in hell. Well he ain t wrong
Nat : Can u blame him
Kat: From his view, they must
Zee: They left him there for ages
ee: I’m happy with this ep. Need to change panties but I’m happy
Zee: You can leave this out
Kat: No leave it in lol
sam and Eileen cute gif
Giulia: They kill me
Giulia: Ok but if that’s sam endgame i’m so good with that. My bb deserve it
Giulia: Hope it doesn’t end in smoke
Giulia: snort
Giulia: That was mean
Kat: Wow Giuls
Giulia: Ok but look at it from chuck’s eyes
Giulia: PLOT
Giulia: lol
15x08 coming soon
If you want to get tagged send an ask HERE or to @waywardbaby​ or a smoke signal, idk whatever I’m tired af.
TAGS: @wayward-angelgirl​  @destiel-honeypie​      @mariekoukie6661​      @dragontamerm​       @closetspngirl​    @rainflowermoon​     @mattiecat​       @bunnybaby121115​  @aliaitee2​    @jacks-word-of-the-day​     @4evamc​       @dammitsammy​     @legendary-destiel​   @winchesterprincessbride​    @destielhoneybee​    @castiellover20   @ravenhg​ @evvvissticante​ @emoryhemsworth​​ @markofdean79​s
27 notes · View notes
blackcloudbyjuly · 5 years
very scattered fandom thoughts and i’ll rate them songs (including bonus tracks)
i was so scared i won’t like this album but thank fuck it ain’t bad
notes: i’m not a big fan of song transitions, since i’m the kind of person who repeats the same song over and over
cherry red: sounds like i’m entering an aquarium. idk why the dramatic music makes me feel this way. 5/10
watch what happens next: the tittle is so difficult to type there’s too many “w”s, “t”s, “a”s, “h”s and “n”s my dyslexic ass is crying . aside from that, the song is solid, easily on of my faves from the album. i love the tempo change from verses to the chorus, also the drum breakdown in the final chorus is a nice touch. fucking love the main guitar rift. 9/10
dream boy: didn’t really like it at first, but i came to like it after a while. ngl probably bc i made a piano arrangement that imo ghlighted the underlying sadness... 8.5/10
easy to hate: very digestible song. fucking wish it was longer tho. i love the obvious guitar and the main rift. tho i wish the guitar solo wasn’t layered with electronics, i’d prefer the one in sleep alone. also the chorus harmonises are dope, awsten has never disappointed me in that department. 7.5/10
high definition: didn’t make me sad like never bloom again did... so it’s a meh for me since i’m not a big fan of slow songs. tho i really like the marimba sounds. maybe i’ll make a piano cover on this idk 6.5/10
telephone: THE PIANO IS SO FUCKING ANNOYING. if it had been toned down a bit i’d love this song. the fast tempo makes me feel 13 again jumping in my room, like a nice summer day (tho i hate summer so maybe spring), reminds me of taylor swift idk why like “i feel like 22″. the bass in the pre-chorus is good af and the guitar solo yes pls. also those “uw eh” sounds awsten makes are so cute it’s a nice touch. 7.5/10
group chat: lmao. saturday 7pm /10
turbulent: good song to head bang. why are there so many fucks. dog barks? tho this song brings back very bad memorises of mine so i’d skip this. 8/10
never bloom again: I LOVE THIS SONG SO MUCH IT MADE ME CRY MULTIPLE TIMES AND I DON’T USUALLY CRY boys don’t cry IT DUG UP THE SADNESS FROM THE PITS OF MY HEART AND MADE ME FEEL BROKEN AND USELESS. anyways pls look forward to my piano cover i’ll try my best to evoke the sadness and make you cry too :) 12/10
i miss having sex but at least i don’t wanna die anymore: i love the first verse and the pre-chorus, tho i like the acoustic version he played in slam dunk more. catchy af, but i don’t really like the repetitiveness of “but i think it’s fine it’s cool” like stfu lol 6.5/10
war crime: i fucking love this song, currently my fave from fandom. the “in my paradise” is so good and addicting omg. and the bass sounds a bit like bad guy lmao. i think this is the heaviest song in fandom. the drum bass, the piano, the heavy guitar and bass, awsten shouts(?), the chorus is extremely catchy. i love the chorus lyrics: “give back my halo you stole it’s sliver and cold” 13/10
[reboot]: has a sadness to it, and i’m a sucker for sad songs. i love the additional touch to the chorus part, but i can’t really explain it. anyways it’s really hard to recreate on the piano so sucks for me lmao 7/10
worst: idk i just don’t like it. the stormy rain was a nice touch. the bass feels like it has been added for the sake of adding it, you know what a mean? especially the first verse. can’t feel any sadness. i like the “pretty cool” tho 3/10
zone out: big meh :/ but i think it’ll work if it’s a music box version 2/10
i felt younger when we met: i finally know how to spell “met” which is good thx awsten. the guitars are good af, idk about the verse it erks me out. i somehow get a bruno mars vibe during the pre-chorus, like i’m on a plane or smth. but don’t fucking cut out like that no one asked for it ugh idk which is more unsatisfying the ending to entertainment because sleep alone hypes my up, or ifywwm because i’m begging for more 6/10
i felt younger when we met (home demo version): this is a good demo imo. i like the clear piano and bass. the harmonises are nice af. also the ending static noise is shorter so that’s a bonus 7/10
dream boy (acoustic in the bathroom of awsten’s apartment version): very cute of awsten thanking people. sadly i don’t like dream boy acoustic because the chords are too major aka sounding too happy, but the lyrics are sad af so they don’t really fit. 7/10
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guess-im-emo-again · 5 years
I Made Notes While I Listened To The New BMC Album For The First Time
More than survive:
- Wills signature whine translates really well to Jeremy
- It was weird to not hear the stretch in “good morning”
- “Hnn GHA I wish I had the skill”
- More dialogue!
- Wills “micheal!” Is a lot less gay sksksk
- Boyf!!!!
- MOTHERS!!!!!
- High notes?!?!?
- I really enjoy the high notes but I’m sad we lost the desperation in the last two “christine”’s
I love play rehearsal:
- I’m so happy with this! My biggest problem with the cast recording has always been that it makes Christine look boring so I didn’t like her till I started watching bootlegs. Finally my goofy queen gets the recognition she deserves!
- Honestly I went to right down every single line in this song I’m so happy about it!!!
- I have too much to say about this one lol
More than survive (reprise):
-“ At least I didn’t have a breakdown, and have to go to the nurse” me too man
The squip song:
- “So suicidal” sounds sadder oof
- Wills fucking anime voice on “yOu GoT qUiCk!?”
- Aw they cut the “picture this” verse :(
- The vocoder is supposed to be Rich’s squip holy shit
- Y’all behind the squip there’s his inner dialogue and it has a fucking lisp I’m so In love with this version.
Two player game:
- Tbh I’ve never liked this song a lot
- Micheal sounds high lol
- More 8 bit!
- How did “know that you’re my favorite person” go from “hey dude you’re my best friend” to “MICHAEL I LOVE YOU UWU”
- Honestly yeah I’m still bored by this song :/
The squip enters:
- Sexy anime girl is now sexy cat girl I see
- I....i completely fucking hate the squip.
- I cannot stand the new squid voice I want scary teacher man back
- “I do NOT”
- His singing voice is nice :)
- I hate the surfer/stoner voice so much
- Kinda a downgrade in my opinion
Be more chill pt.1:
- I do like the squips singing voice but I really really prefer to og
- I do appreciate Jason’s aggressions in the “take your hands out of your pockets” line
- Jeremy sounds so sad in this :(
- “Everything about you makes me wanna die” *hyperventilating*
- Is...is that George just doing a silly voice
- “Everything about you SUCKS”
- The looking sexy Brooke line is incredible
- -“she had a shirt just like this HEEH”
Do you wanna ride:
- Nothing is really different other than it’s a little faster and the “pink berry” but it’s already such a banging song so no complaints
- I can only think of the Boyfs version now oof
Be more chill pt.2:
- “everything about me makes me wanna die?
- “bE mOrE cHiLl....hehe~”
- Squip is a much better manipulator here, he’s not just scary
Sync up:
- “Come one go gGhAAAAA”
- This song is just a roast change my mind
- “You should ignore her” :( Jenna no
- The squip override is really funny to me idk why
- Overall a nice addition to the soundtrack
A guy that is kinda be into:
- Like “do you wanna ride” there’s not a big difference, but that’s okays because I love this song
- “I guess a part of me likes to- who knew?”
- The clapping is cute aww
- another song I don’t really like lol
- Brook got all “Janet from rocky horror” With her voice and I dig it
- THEY CUT “take me inside you forever” IM CANCELING JASONS SQUIP OVER THIS
- Jearbear? What is this fanfic?
- Jakes character development makes me so happy!
- “Sounds like” “an act? Yeah is not” oh my god they gave jake so much character
- “Player 2” Fuck Jeremy Heere, in this essay I will-
- “I’m tired of being the person that everyone thinks that I am” watch me caption an edgy picture with that in a week
Looser Geek Whatever:
- *chuckles* I’m in danger
- “I felt....in-cons-e*quential*”
- “I knew I had no....potential”
- The beginning of this song sounds like words fail form DEH
- “Being lonely is stupid tough” OOF me too
- You shut the fuck up about Michael
- “geEk”
- I hate this I hate it it’s so much meaner than the og
- “the problem Has Always BEen ME” *music cuts out*
- Out of context this song is so good but in context it makes me big sad:(
- “I’m player one” no you ain’t
- Micheals gentleness is “Jeremy, you coming?” And then Jeremy’s panic and fear in “optic nerve blocking on” is so much better than the og
- this is my favorite song so it better slap just as hard
- “Wo-a-o-WOO”
- New verse slaps
- RICH SAYING “and gasoline” IS NOT OKAY
- I still prefer the og but this was really good
Do you wanna hang:
- I HATE this song so much already
- The dialogue really helps explain that this song is borderline assault
- Bitch sound like Lola from big mouth
- Asweep uwu
- Yeah I’m fully done with this song it makes me uncomfortable af
Micheal in the bathroom:
- Xylophone is way more prominent wow
- Come through synthesizer
- The music matching to “I wanna dance with somebody” is a gift from god
- He really portrays the panic attack so much better here wow
- That chest voice on “wish I was never born” hit me hard
A guy that id kinda be into (reprise):
- no comment tbh
Smartphone hour:
- I love this Jenna wow
- The high voice for “this shit”
- “Yeah I know”
- “Jakes house” nice addition
- “Ignore >:(“
- Saxophone ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
- “For a tiny guy” “aww”
- That whistle tho
- The scream lol
The pants song:
- Oh new Mr. heere oof
- The dialogue underscore is Michael in the bathroom oh no
- He says pants so aggressively
- This song is another one of my favorites
- “He called me a looser-” “he called ME a looser”
- This dialogue is so sweet
The pitiful children:
- Woah new intro
- This version is....more threatening if that makes sense? Like this squip seemed genuinely dangerous
- “Oh and Mountain Dew” “okay 😋”
- The opera singer is singing smartphone hour lol
The play:
- That director is a big mood
- THEY CUT “to bad you don’t have one of those, anymore” IM LIVID
- Wills glitches without editing wow
- The dialogue is so sweet holy fuck
- “Hewwo jake will you make jwemy dwink this”
- The in sync screams lol
- The creepy twin dialogue is better
- The build up instead of harsh cut to Christine is interesting
- “oh god” “OW” Oh God” “GAH” OH GOd” “nooo” “OH GOD”
Voices in my head:
- New intro
- It’s faster
- Rich sounds like such a dork omg
- Everyone unfollow me this is all I’m gonna talk about for a while
- New girl lines!! I like these ones better
- I just wanna know who Rich’s squip is okay
- They pitched Michael up
- Holy hell Im living for the squip interactions
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applegelstore · 6 years
Hey! Just wanted to drop by and say I really love your art and seeing your content! Along with the ideas you speak of sometimes. It's so nice to see because it looks like you enjoy what you do. It's an inspiration, really. I also wanted to ask, what's your inspiration? And what keeps you motivated? And this next one might be a bit personal, but do you have moments of self doubt? How do you deal with it?
Hi! First of all, thanks a lot for the ask, I don’t get personal questions about my art very often, so it’s very cool to see that some people are actual people and not porn bots, and are actually interested in the things I post!
Now for the actual ask, which I’ll totally have to divide into parts. I’ll also set a cut because it got hella long. Now, let’s go!
I have a very bad habit of word vomiting whenever I post art. It’s not only ever since I’ve started binge drawing Zesty fanart, I’ve pretty much always been like this ever since I started posting art on the internet about… 12 years ago at the very least?It used to be a lot of musing about the art itself (like, “what do you think, should I have tried this or that?” or “I had trouble with this thing” or “I actually like how whatever turned out”), which is probably due to the fact that teenage me had still a lot to learn and wasn’t afraid to admit that and ask for advice. I mostly posted my art online to get some peer advice.Nowadays, I am still aware of my shortcomings, but I don’t talk about the technical aspects of my art that often anymore. Nowadays, I have two reasons for posting art online: 1) I’m trying to make a living out of this shit, so naturally I’m trying to make as many people as possible aware of the fact that I exist. 2) I just wanna talk about the thing ™. Honestly. Never underestimate either of these points. That’s why there’s very often so much text and ranting in the tags. Because. I. want. to. talk. about. the. thing. I have an unholy amount of sticky notes on my desktop with ideas of things I’d either like to do because I think it would be subjectively cool, or because it might be a good addition to my portfolio. (spoilers: the former usually gets done like a decade earlier)I’m very glad that the sparks fly over and it shows that I love the things I love! ♥The result is novel-length descriptions for single sketches and tag vomit, though, lol.
“I also wanted to ask, what’s your inspiration?”
There’s no easy answer to that. First of all, it sounds a bit as if I was actively looking for inspiration. Which I am not. As I said, I rather have too many ideas and end up scrapping an unholy amount because even if I only do doodle shitpost sketches there’s no way I can do it all in a lifetime. I don’t know whether you had been implying that I actively look for inspiration or not, but if you did, let me tell you that I don’t. If you didn’t mean to imply that, no harm done.However, that doesn’t mean I don’t GET any. Because of course I get my inspiration from all kinds of places. I don’t watch a lot of movies, but I love going to the cinema and hearing the sounds and get eye candy (I love epic shots with the camera panning over landscapes and cool action scenes. Also, go watch The Secret of Kells, everyone). I always come out of blockbuster movies feeling like I wanna do something epic, too. I always listen to a whole lot of music, too, and there’s way too many songs that make me want to tell stories, and that plant pictures in the cinema in my head.(there was a time before Tales of Zestiria when I did original art and most of my paintings had some kind of musical inspiration lol. My stories, too).
Then there’s style and subject matter.Style first. I stopped aiming for a specific style pretty early on (like, late teens), and just accepted what came to me and works for me. The result is the weird anime not quite anime semi realism mixture that I have going, and the ratio usually varies depending on what I currently want to do. If I gave you a list of my favorite artists, you’d probably be surprised how little my own art has in common with theirs.Subject matter? WELLLLLL my original stuff comes from what I told you above, additionally, I studied medieval literature for a reason, and I loved mythological tales from my teenage years onwards. I’m much less enthusiastic about them now, but it used to influence my original art for quite a few years.…Also, I obviously like to do fanart. Like, a lot.
Also spoilers: I obviously love Zesty a tiny bit too much, because for no other fandom the streak of fanart has ever been holding up for two years and still counting without an end in sight, and I’ve never come up with any AUs, either. Usually my ideas went straight into original material, and this original material usually got top priority, but here it’s different, and I’m not sure whether it’s a good or a bad thing, haha. So basically don’t wait for my original stories* until I’m either a) done with the Zesty fandom or they’ve united and kicked me out or b) I’ve actually drawn at least four more full scale elaborate illustrations, have created the four or five AUs that I keep doodling for and ranting about, and I have finally run out of steam. Bets are up what happens first.
If you want specifics, it’s always easier to determine inspiration for a particular piece than in general. It can be so many different things.
* Although I still very, very much like some of my ideas and would actually love to do them. I just love to do low-effort Zesty fanart more XD. Shocking! But honestly, I am as surprised as anyone else that my muses shifted as much as they have, and mid-twenties me would never have guessed she’d fall into this rabbit hole in no time…
“And what keeps you motivated?”
I never… really needed to push myself to be motivated. It’s always been intrinsic. I had pictures in my head, I wanted them out. So I had to learn how, and do it. I have ideas in my head. I want to share them. I very much like this thing others have made. I want to tell the entire world how much I love it, so I do by drawing fanart. Simple as that.Positive responses (and asks like this!!) are a great motivator to POST art, but not to DO the art. The latter is intrinsic.Actually, probably TOO intrinsic. Because I keep drawing the things I WANT to draw and not those which would teach me new skills and thus help with “make money with art” thing. So I guess it’s a bit of a mixed bag, haha.I started drawing daily instead of just regularly at some point during my master’s studies, so roughly 8-5 years ago? Whenever I’m on the road or beaten by illness or bad feelings, I sometimes only manage very simple, super bad sketches, but it’s better than nothing. Luckily, it’s not like that every day (still more often that I’d like to, though).
If you’re wondering:Yes, I’ve had artblocks. Usually not in the sense of “I don’t have ideas”, but VERY MUCH in the sense of “I don’t feel like any of the ideas I have right now” and also “nothing I touch turns out the way I want it to turn out”. To all artists out there: it goes away. Believe me. Your stupid period will be over next week (to the guys out there: that’s not a joke. It DOES affect my general condition). It will be better the moment YOU feel better from whatever you’re currently suffering from.Yes, I’ve also scrapped ideas not because I didn’t like them after all, but because I tried and just failed repeatedly at executing them. Yes, I’ve had such bad times in life that I didn’t want to do ANYTHING. That included art. I just. didn’t. want. to. do. anything. Sometimes I still have these phases, but at least it no longer lasts for months straight without break.
“And this next one might be a bit personal, but do you have moments of self doubt?”
Pfft. Of course. Show me an artist who hasn’t. I’ve learned by now that you can acquire every skill you want. The question is whether you have the time and the will for it. If I had started drawing daily much earlier in life, and if I’d practiced more of the things I’m not good at instead of doodle shitposting, I’d be at an ENTIRELY DIFFERENT level than I am now. Even if I had STILL studied what I studied as I did (as I said, medieval literature, nothing art related). I’ve been drawing ever since I could hold a pencil and my parents have always been supportive, so that wasn’t a problem, I just wasn’t aware all these years that it could be something future me might want. Past me couldn’t have KNOWN. It’s okay, in a way. I can do the things I WANT to do by now. Not always as majestically as the ideas deserve, but it does the job. I don’t need to be able to do hyper realistic portraits, or hyper detailed interiors of space ships, for example. (it would be cool to be able to draw musical instruments tho. I’d love to learn 2D animation, too, but WHEN??) In short, am I aware that I’m not god and that my skills are limited in comparison to many other artists? Yes. Is that a problem? No.Do I doubt whether I can do my job, though? Very much yes. Because successful freelance artists don’t only need skill, they need to sell themselves, and I suck at that most epically. Do I miss the times when I didn’t even think about becoming better but simply drew for fun? Pretty much, yeah. Do I miss the times when I still had the ability to concentrate on elaborate, large paintings? Yes, I do. But I can’t turn my brain back to 10 year old. So I’ll have to deal with what I have now.
If you’re wondering whether I had moments of self doubt about my ideas, then, yes, very super much yes. I am convinced that the things you produce should be what YOU want to see. I want to draw what I want and tell the stories I WANT TO SEE AND READ. As I said, I’m doing it because I want these things to exist. Does it still hurt if nobody else likes these ideas? Yes, yes it does very much. It’s not even that I start thinking my ideas were bad, but that I start thinking “Nobody understands me and nobody will ever be able to like me because they don’t like my ideas, and my ideas are part of me”. Which is true, but it is ALSO true that you do not have to like every single idea some other person has to like them or be friends with them, I am aware of that, but if I may be honest here, it’s still a thought that I can’t quite get rid of, and still gets me angsty whenever I share some of my story ideas with anyone.
“How do you deal with it?”
I don’t. Ahem. Truth be told, I never really developed a proper coping mechanism for failures, and I don’t exactly like that about myself, but I still haven’t found a proper solution. As much as I stress that I do the things I do because I actually want to, I also told you that it scares me to see people disagreeing. It’s not only art related, whenever I feel I messed something up (school ie. marks, socialisation, whatever), it eats at me for days or even weeks until something positive happens (like, better marks, a compliment, anything). I don’t really like it, mostly because it starts a vicious cycle, but that’s how it is. I had surprisingly little problems with that during my university years because I had good marks, but I still mess up at least 50% of all the social interaction I do. It’s not always that easy with art, either.Story time.I remember one conversation with an artist who’s teaching art classes at my (ex) university, like, portrait drawings and flower paintings. So at some point when I started trying to live on art, I asked her whether she’d be interested in offering classes for other art styles as well, like comic drawing classes. She said she’d be interested, so I wanted to talk to her in person, but she never replied to that email reply. I decided to be bold for once, grabbed my portfolio, and went to her after one of her classes to show her what I’m doing. Put on the spot, she admitted that she didn’t reply any further because she didn’t like what I was doing. It was good from a technical aspect, but it seemed dull and uninspired to her, like something she had seen too many times already.I was devastated.I’ve always had to deal with underwhelming responses from peers and friends, too, but I also got some really sweet reactions and genuine support, so it was kind of a mixed bag, overall. I wasn’t used to that kind of harsh rejection of who I am.
Am I also very, VERY petty and jealous? Hell, yes. I get VERY jealous whenever I see people whose art is on my level or below but they still manage to make money with it, and have 10-100 times the amount of followers I have and/or get more enthusiastic responses online. It just makes me angry. The only way of coping I’ve ever found is stay the fuck away. I KNOW that it’s not these people’s fault if I’m jealous, and goddamn, freelance artist life is hard enough as it is. We don’t need to tear other apart. Surely they worked their asses off to be where they are. Heck, I’m friends with some. I keep away from those people so I can calm down and stop being angry, before I start lashing out at artists just because they get the attention they need and deserve. It’s not THEIR fault that I need money and also reassurance.
The only thing that ever worked for me to overcome any of these issues is just continue nevertheless. Keep doing what you’re doing. Remember what you love and why and JUST KEEP DOING IT. Even if you don’t see the point right now. Chances are you will see that point again. Maybe you never will. But IF you ever do, you want to make damn sure that you didn’t drop the ball in the meantime. There’s that saying that you can lose if you fight, but you can’t win if you never fight. It’s true. Be stubborn and show the world your middle finger.Spoilers: I’m teaching comic style drawing classes for the “rivaling” institute now. Always only in super small groups and it’s badly paid, so I don’t know for how long I’ll be able to keep it up, but it’s a start, right?
I hope that answered your questions!
Last remark: always remember, kids: you HAVE to produce the content you want to see yourself. Nobody is gonna do it for you unless you pay them. So. I’m doing it. Against better judgment, lol.…and watch The Secret of Kells.
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