#just thinking abt the weight of their food alone
pulquedeguayaba · 1 year
I can't believe they're making a case for the ponies.
They just don’t make any sense, null, zero. Even before I didn't know the logistics in-depth, it still sounded dumb af.
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johndonneswife · 5 months
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#just need to vent rq lololol#my wedding lehenga came out so freaking beautiful#but it needs to be taken in a lot like. i lost 6 inches on my waist since i initially had it made for my body#and everyone at the shop was like ohh wow good job great you look so great now you look awesome#and my mom was like oh wow good job that’s good you did it#like lol#i wanted to just be like#‘thanks i had to go to iop therapy at an ed center where they literlaly taught me how to eat food. like a toddler. thanks’#like i didn’t lose weight for an intentional reason but thanks for confirming you thought i looked horrible before lolol#idk i have been like every size in the book but seeing how much better ppl treat me when im smaller#i’m just like. :)#if my mom says anything about her body or mine tomorrow i will probably fucking lose it and if you see a woman in nj killing ppl on the news#it’s me. lol#it just really took me out of the experience bc i’m trying sooooo hard to be neutral about my body. and like. i don’t need to hear your#thoughts abt what i look like lmao#whatever my dress is beautiful and i’m so beautiful and i’m excited but i really do think i should be able to hunt ppl for sport#leave me alone#nothing you do can please ppl#when i was 20 and 100 lbs and killing myself and sick and miserable every single day my mom was also just like#wow you look great#meanwhile i was balding and fainting at the gym and failing my college classes bc i was obsessed w my body#text#also look at these cats that are just in luis’s apartment’s hallway like rofl who let them out of their apt!!!! so cute#my mom saying ‘you did it’ as if i was trying to do something made me lol#i wasn’t TRYING to do anything i just am healing my relationship w food and my body#bc i refuse to waste my entire life being bitter and miserable and ashamed of existing#like SOMEONE i know….#anyway this could be you too! if you went to fucking therapy!#i ate ny pizza out of spite after all of this#sorry some of you can’t enjoy a fucking carb !!!!!
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neptunescore · 6 days
hi pooks! can you write for brocedes with the random word hotel 🙈 lysm mwah mwah congrats on 600!!
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Prompt word: Hotel | Pairing: Brocedes
The scene in front of him is breathtakingly beautiful.
A cacophony of blues, pinks and reds that intertwine and blur into each other, casting hues of gold into the sea as it begins it’s slow embrace of the sun.
Nico could stay here forever — watch the honeyed sunlight melt into deep waters till there's nothing left, and then wait right there as a new day passes and the cycle starts all over again — endless.
He shifts a little; his back sore from the uncomfortably-shaped balcony chair he's seated on, he knows Lewis is going to be cross with him later, is probably going to lecture him about self-care and what not, but the world champion is too tired to care about anything right now — let alone Lewis’ weird protectiveness over his health.
Nico sighs, he missed Lewis.
For all his infatuation with the sight before him, the blonde haired man would give it up in an instant if it meant having Lewis by his side again — the slow dance of blues and pinks and reds may take his breath away; but the soft golden-brown of Lewis’ skin, the infinite black of Lewis’ eyes, that— that left him with no air at all.
He’d been cooped up in this hotel room for a week now, lazily shifting between the bed and the balcony — an occasional trip outside sometimes; walking down streets shaded by never-ending trees, sitting on benches wrapped in leafy vines as he licked drops of melted ice-cream off his fingers.
Nico never wanted to leave. Wanted to spend the rest of his life like this. Didn’t even want to think about the plane ticket he’d placed in the bedside drawer.
A quiet ruffling draws the man out of his thoughts, blue eyes moving upwards as he tries to find the perpetrator of the noise.
There are two birds a few metres in front of him, brown feathers brushing against white ones, their wings stretched out and tense while loose talons tear against the clouds surrounding them. There is something wrong with the white one, it’s left wing crooked and bent, yet—
Oh. Nico’s eyes crinkle, lips curling softly. What a wonder it is, he thinks — watching where the brown sparrow had placed itself. To live. Right below the lower left side of it’s counterpart’s body. To love. Holding up the extra weight that the other could not.
“Man, what are you doing?”
The retired driver looks behind him, musings of wings and feathers vanishing immediately as a pout falls on his lips, “I missed you.”
“Nico-” A chuckle, I was gone for ten minutes.”
Nico sniffs haughtily, “ten minutes too long,” he frowns.
“Babe! I literally asked you if you wanted to come with me!”
“Yes. Well-”
“Oh shut up and come inside before the food gets cold. And don’t think I haven’t noticed how you’re sitting on that chair again.”
Nico rolls his eyes, pulling himself up and arching his back as he steps inside — groaning in pleasure as he feels a few satisfactory pops, “I want a hug.”
“Oh my god, you are so clingy.”
Yet there are arms wrapping around him instantly, blanketing him in a cocoon of warmth and love that he lets himself melt into.
“You okay, babe?” Lewis asks quietly. And Nico can feel the sincerity, the care; he can already feel the tears forming, can’t really believe that he has this now — will have this forever. Maybe.
“You won’t leave me when we go back home, will you? When the season starts? I won’t be on the grid anymore.”
“Oh Nico. I’m not going to leave you ever,” Lewis murmurs into his hair, “I know I can’t change the past few years, but that's never going to happen again, okay?”
“Yeah. Okay.” A nod, beaded braids brushing against the skin of his face, “Never again.”
Dark lips graze against his closed eyes. Nico’s grip on Lewis’ sweater tightens, a sudden lightness in his chest.
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Liv!!! Finally done with this for you, and honestly, I just had to do fluff bc I have read way too much angst abt them😔✋🏽. I hope this matched ur expectations, meri jaan💗 ALSO, in the time it took me to write this, I gained a 100 (A HUNDRED😵‍💫🤭) more followers!! So the happiness just keeps going<3
I have also just given up on finding aesthetically matching pics of the drivers😭 (I scoured pinterest for an hour bfr ending up on nico's YouTube vids and taking ss's from there🙂🔫)
ANWAY, FEEL FREE TO DROP BY WHENEVER POOKS (this goes to all of you)🫶🏼😘
Divider creds to @cafekitsune as always♡
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Rules and details☆°•~
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nephilimbrute · 7 months
ur agents in particular FASCINATE me so so much i love your interpretations of them. could u tell us more about them and their stories? particularly 8, theyre so interesting!!! why do they hate marina? what happened between them and 3? what’s their relationship like with 4? anything you wanna say abt them, i’d love the infodump
a few days ago i wrote a thing that like. detailed stuff about major events with 8. i'll paste them here
agent 8 during the entire course of Octo Expansion was extremely shaken up. they couldn't think straight at all, leaving them vulnerable. sanitized cap3 wasn't much different too, she still had some control over herself and she never wanted to fight 8, making the battle between them long and confusing. eventually 8 gave up and walked up to her, ripping the sanitized goop right off her head (which, to cap3, felt like shoving a screwdriver into her eye)
during the inner agent 3 fight, was unconscious, so this was more like a a made-up battle. this 3 (dubbed enigma3) was formed out of cap3's repressed traits of herself and how 8 sees her, rather than being the 3 that 8 saw fight octavio. she's quiet, cold, confusing, and only wants to play mind games with 8. she never really left 8's conscience, but only appears when agent 8 is deathly worried about cap3
after the events of Octo Expansion, 8 absolutely adored marina. they were still a little shy though, so when marina wanted to talk to them they would kind of freak out. marina didn't mind though, and they were able to get to know each other somewhat, with 8 adapting some of marina's traits and behaviors. 8 had nowhere else to go other than sleeping behind crusty sean's food truck and park benches, so pearl let them stay with him and marina for 2 months. after those two months, pearl got in touch with agent 4 via marie (making him fawn all over meeting off the hook) and asked 4 if he could let 8 stay over (since pearl felt like they were watching him in his sleep) and fortunately, 4 said yes
after 8's mind finally clears up they start to question what's wrong with them and feel the weight of overthinking, which sends them spiraling down for the years to come (presumably the effects of tartar messing with their brain). 8 relentlessly questions cap3, rarely leaving her alone, and in turn it affects their relationship with cap3 in a negative way. when asked why they're so curious, 8 goes silent and refuses to answer
(small bit about cap3) cap3 feels like she's at fault for how 8 turned out since they started breaking after OE. she tries to make it up for them but she thinks she's only ruining them. her expectations for herself are set higher and higher, yet nothing she does is good enough. she won't give herself a break, beating herself up over every little detail and being highly critical to the point where she's stuck in a loop of self-destruction and loathing
8 slowly loses their trust in things and those they love, becoming scared and paranoid. it wasn't until side order that this was more prevalent.
in side order (AU), 8 has lost most of their memories, and the moments with the other agents and idols still remain but just barely. 8 is afraid of marina and has a deep dislike for her, but this was due to them not thinking for themself, instead listening to their gut. their brain fog is back more than ever, and whenever they try to walk for prolonged amounts of time they end up stumbling to their knees.
they can no longer tell the difference between reality and fiction. it's all a blur to them. they can feel marina's eyes everywhere. they can barely remember if who or what meant something, anything, to them. though having a deep dislike for marina, they want to be held by her. to be loved like a child. they never ask her of anything, instead just letting it burn into their brain until it breaks them completely. they want attention but they fear they'll be seen as needy and annoying. they want to apologize for everything and be forgiven. 8 doesn't know who is who, they've been copied so much they're just deemed a blank slate to be imprinted on. they watch everything disappear from their hands, unable to do anything about it. from being excited about what's to come in the near future, to being scared about losing the present and wanting to go back to the past
and then here's another little bit about 8 in side order: represents a crumbling mental state, begging for reassurance, desperately trying to hold on to fleeting memories. their trust is lost in everything but they want it all to return to normal, struggling to accept the fact that it never will
then about marina: represents a mother figure somewhat, but even she still fails to live up to that role fully. she distances herself from 8 who is always going after her just to be comforted, yet she denies it for them. she has the same goals as 8, clinging on to the present and never embracing change, but doing so only harms her and others and this behavior continues on and on
+ marina doesn't want to interact with 8 because she sees her younger self in them, she refuses to go back to that era of her life and 8 keeps promising her they'll be what she wanted to be. anything for them to be accepted, to be held in loving arms again. the lack of communication between them makes their relationship even more strained. but clearly marina still cares about 8, they were the only one to be let out of her mind control. she wanted to check on them and make sure they're okay, but what she got in return was someone that hated her
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^^ their relationship is basically like this. constantly wanting to communicate with the other but being pushed away, they never fill each other's voids
onto agent 4 and 8... they have a relatively healthy relationship. 4 is 8 (and cap3)'s shoulder to cry on, he always tries his best to help them with whatever. since him and 8 both like off the hook, they'd talk about them non stop. 8 likes to give 4 details about how oth are off-stage since 8 frequently hangs out with them and stuff
4 appears as parallel canon in side order, but instead of other copies of himself, the other robots resemble agent 8 and cap3. they all circle 8 and mock them for forgetting everything about themself and their significant others, much like inner agent 3
nd i don't think i got anything else to say about those 3......that's all^_^ i'm soooo normal i'm normal
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chihirolovebot · 6 months
being so normal and regular abt modern domestic physouma . he makes sure phys takes their antidepressants every single day. he knows when theyre having a bad day , when they curl up on the bed or sofa under the weight of a bunch of blankets, head turned against the sunlight , and he's just sort of there, hovering ,never leaving them alone. quietly opens up all the windows and brings them food under the guise of having leftovers . holds them a little tighter when they sleep. and you know he kicks up a fuss if phys doesnt want to share the bed ( or couch, or wherever because ouma can sleep anywhere ) .
like whatever . phys likes buying flowers and plants to look after because it gives them a routine and something to get out of bed for even on days when they dont feel like it. they make ouma sneeze but he'd die before he says anything about it.
theyre both bad at cooking but ouma can make a couple of basic meals and phys likes experimenting . i think phys makes breakfast and ouma makes tea/dinner and beyond that they Scavenge . phys drinks a relentless amount of tea and hot chocolate but ouma isnt allowed caffeine . neither of them like spicy food . phys likes making eggs in the morning but is finicky about texture and finds that the safest way for them to eat them is either as an omelette or hidden in something else ( ouma encourages them to keep making eggs because theyre good for you ) .
they have a strict laundry day because they both know they'd let it slip otherwise , ouma because he hates doing it and phys because they'd get distracted and forget.
phys starts working a salaried job with the professor as soon as they graduate university ( which they do at seventeen or eighteen ) and he buys them a cute little apartment in the city. ouma moves in not long after they get together ( maybe they met at hopes peak .. ? ) and they share the space . and phys watches this apartment with a nice view of osaka turns into Their Home. every time they come home from work exhausted , sensory overload with stuff sticking to their neck and shoes too tight and hair in their face , ready to throw their bag down and scream—they see him . curled up like a cat on the couch or experimenting (to detrimental effects) in the kitchenette or sometimes just waiting for them to come up and they just feel themself light up .
incompatible sleep schedules but once phys is asleep Theyre Asleep so its okay . they go to bed anywhere from 11pm-2am and ouma will go with them but not sleep for ages . combo of fucked up sleep schedule , undiagnosed insomnia and trust issues abt falling asleep in front of someone first . hes a creep and stares at them whilst they sleep bc he finds it kind of adorable and also , like , theres a person so close to him in a way that he never thought there would be , like theyre here and theyre asleep and vulnerable and they trust him and its so surreal he has to jam his fist in his mouth before he screams sometimes . hes a stick insect once hes asleep btw . phys wakes up at 7am and hes clinging to them like a koala bear.
the Big Light never get used . they have so many lamps and phys loves stringlights so much . ouma find fun and cute and creative ones with coloured lights and cute shapes and they hang them up everywhere , all over the doorways and walls, and instead of doors they have those beaded curtains that hang down because they both like how they swish and ouma loves using them to make dramatic entrances and exits .
casual touch . sleepy nights curled up on the couch watching shitty 70s spy flicks , ouma with his back to phys' chest with his head lolling on their shoulder whilst they fiddle with his hair to keep their hands occupied .
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imonanotherlebel · 8 months
Heey, i saw ur asks r open and i think i might need smtng abt hoshi or woozi helping their s/o coping with life stress fam stuff university and work at same time cuz i feel exhausted and i'm serious need of a delulu tap on my shoulder
Oooooo I love this ask, babes. Let me write about Hoshi. I hope it's okay!
Personal note to anon: I hope you're doing okay babes. Life is very stressful and hard. But I want you to know that every storm ends eventually, and a beautiful time will come by soon. Hang in there!<3❤️
Genre: Tooth rotting fluff with abhint of angst.
Requested: I feel like Hoshi would step up and take all your life stress away as a partner. Like, he is such a sweetheart omg my heart! 😭❤️
Pairing: Hoshi x reader
Warnings: Mentions of food, i guess? WARNING, LOT OF LOVE AHEAD!
Hoshi breezed into your shared apartment, a playful glint in his eyes, ready to infuse the space with his trademark energy. However, a subtle change in your demeanor caught his attention.
"Hey, love, something's on your mind. Mind sharing with me?", he asked, his voice etched with concern.
You, caught off guard, offered a tired smile. "Just the usual uni and work stress, Hoshi. You know how it is."
Leaning in, Hoshi's playful expression shifted to genuine concern. "I know you better than that, baby. What's really going on, Y/n? Talk to me."
You sighed, deciding to drop the façade.
"Alright, family issues are piling up, and deadlines at uni are suffocating. Work isn't making it any easier. I still haven't completed my assignment which is due in two days. I don't know Hosh, I feel like I'm drowning."
Seated beside you, Hoshi gently took your hand in to his, rubbing them softly. "You're not alone in this, babe. We're a team. Tell me what's specifically bothering you."
You hesitated a little, then opened up about the complexities of your family dynamics, demanding courses, and the relentless pressure at work. Hoshi listened intently, his expressive eyes mirroring empathy.
"I didn't want to burden you with all this," you confessed, vulnerability seeping into your voice.
You have always been the person your family expected to be responsible and strong. You have gone through so many painful and difficult times on your own, never burdening anyone with them. Your tears had always been in between you and your pillow and the four walls of your room.
Hoshi cupped your face. "Love, your struggles are mine too. We face them together. Don't ever think you're burdening me.", he said concern and love written all over his face.
Hoshi, although usually is a playful, childish and funny person, knew when he had to step up and take the wheel so that you could let your guard down and lean on him for comfort.
Over the next days, your interactions evolved into a symphony of shared moments. Hoshi was extra careful with you, always checking on you without bothering you too much.
Hoshi surprised you with more than just grand gestures – little notes carefully placed on the fridge or tucked into your books before heading to practices. Each note carried words of encouragement, love, and even a few goofy drawings which never failed to make you smile.
One day, as you got home after uni, you saw a pretty little bento box cake with a note next to it which read "Pretty cake for my pretty girl. Eat it all and regain your energy okay? And I know you get pretty stressed with your assignments at hand, so I have bought some of your favorite ice cream for you. It's in the fridge, okay? Love you baby! - Hosh<3"
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Oh I wish I could eat this but my face is bloated and I feel like I might have gained some weight, so maybe just one bite. You felt so insecure as the stress from being so overworked kept you away from taking care of your body as you usually do.
You pulled out the little spoon and took a little bite off the cake before putting it into the fridge. You went back to your studies after a small shower.
A few hours later, Hoshi was back from his practice.
"Hey my beautiful girl!", he said brightly as he headed towards the fridge to get some cold water. "Hey, Hosh", you replied barely looking up.
"Hey..... Why is this still here?", Hoshi asked, concern etched in his tone. He sounded very hurt, you looked up towards him to see what's wrong. And there he was, with the bento cake in hand, looking at you sadly.
"I had a bite Hosh", you said, trying to sound cheerful and trying to hide the fact that you are slowly falling back into your insecurities.
"Liar.", he said furrowing his brows.
"Okay fine. Look Hosh, I've gained like five kilos these two weeks. I'm barely going to the gym. I think I should stop indulging, and cut my calories.
"Oh STOP IT!", he stormed towards you with the cake, looking mad as hell. One thing about this sweet boy, You never want to see him angry. He scary.
"Eat this. NOW", he said placing the cake infront of you with the spoon. He folded his arms and continued to give you a death stare. You slowly took the spoon into your had and picked at the cake. Bite after bite, Hoshi's anger seemed to fade away. When you were done with about half of it, Hoshi ruffled your hair.
"Baby, I know how important it is to take care of your body and be fit. But there are times in life when we can't prioritize it like before. But you should never be afraid of food. With more weight or not, you are you. You are working hard. You are trying your best. And you must eat, baby. That's all that matters. Okay?", he asked a hint of pain and lot of love filled in his voice.
"i'm sorry, babe. I just- It's just- I don't know...", you struggled finding words to explain your emotions.
"I know baby, I know.", he said softly as he came closer. Hugging you and pulling your head into his chest. Stroking it gently.
One evening on the balcony under a starry sky, Hoshi spoke softly. "You're resilient, Y/n. And it's okay not to be strong all the time. Lean on me when you need to."
Feeling a weight lift off your shoulders, you expressed gratitude. "Thank you for being my anchor, Hoshi. I appreciate having you."
He pulled you into a tender kiss, hugging you tightly afterwards. "We're in this together, always. Let's make this place not just our home but a haven where we face life's storms side by side. I want you to know that I will always be there by your side".
In the days that followed, Hoshi continued to shower you with affection. He would often sneak up behind you, planting soft kisses on your neck while you worked at your desk. "Just a little energy boost for my hardworking love," he'd say, leaving you smiling amidst your assignments.
One evening, as you prepared dinner together, Hoshi couldn't resist stealing a kiss, his playful tone accompanied by a mischievous grin. "Cooking is much better with a dash of love," he said, sealing the sentiment with another sweet peck that lingered just long enough to leave you blushing.
Your conversations became a blend of deep talks, deep connections and playfulness.... Hoshi, always the comedian, lightened the mood with silly jokes and goofy faces. He would sometimes try to pull you away from your studies, or overthinking a little bit and show his new dance moves or a choreo he just made with the boys.
"You're my favorite audience, Y/n. Your smile is the best reward," he admitted, punctuating his words with a tender kiss on your cheek.
Amidst the chaos of life, you both found solace in simple moments. One lazy Sunday morning, you both lingered in bed, wrapped in each other's arms. Hoshi traced patterns on your back, his voice, soft and filled with love. "You're my calm in the storm, Y/n. Let's stay in this moment forever." You can't lie, he is your only solace, your only medicine.
Your apartment echoed with laughter and the soft sounds of shared secrets. One day after you just finished completing yet another assignment, Hoshi, with an impish grin, surprised you with a spontaneous pillow fight. Amidst the feathers floating in the air, he stole a kiss, leaving the both of you breathless and laughing.
At night, as you curled up on the couch watching a movie, Hoshi whispered sweet nothings in your ear. "I love you so much, baby. Sometimes I feel like i'm going crazy. You're the script of my love story, and every moment with you is a scene I never want to end," he confessed, sealing his words with a lingering kiss.
Your love story unfolded like a beautifully choreographed dance, with Hoshi leading the way. You found comfort in him. You were there for him when he was vulnerable, and now here he is, being your knight in shining armor. The apartment became a part off of a movie screen; romance, painted with stolen kisses, whispered promises, and the shared warmth of your laughter.
As you guys were snuggled up in your bed, trying to fall asleep, Hoshi held you close, his eyes reflecting the depth of his affection. "Life is a journey, love, and I'm grateful you're my companion. You're the strongest person I know, y/n, and I would die without you." he declared, sealing the sentiment with a passionate kiss that left no room for doubt.
I hope you liked this babes!!<3 Take care!
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submissivekillers · 2 years
watch this: *stims* the lost boys: ...*stims*
the stimming never stops 💪
anon you are so correct and wise. i don't think this was a request but it made me think deeply abt how they would all stim so here have some headcanons. are most of these stims that i personally do? yes <3 also tw for scratching in point two of david's section - also based off a personal stim, but i know it can be considered a kind of sh so don't want to make folks uncomfortable
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Marko picks out the patches for his jacket not just for the aesthetic, but for their texture. He likes raised embroidery that he can run his nails over, but he's got everything from velvet to sailcloth on there in some form or another. Also likes to pluck at loose threads, which is why his sleeves are always fraying at the edges
He twirls his hair around his fingers, especially when he's deep in thought. Doesn't like when anyone calls attention to it - he was teased for having "girly" habits when he was a kid, and it still gets his hackles up
Lowkey feel like he's the one most likely to be into stimboards in the modern day
Dwayne is also very tactile, but tends to orient more around his jewelry than clothes. The charms on his necklaces are all hard materials like metals and bone, and in addition to just fiddling with them he'll tap them with his nails - the clicking sound is soothing to him. Also twists his earring a lot, and if you got him a spinner ring he'd fall in love with you (I mean he probably did already, but y'know)
When he's alone on the boardwalk, he'll repeatedly clench and relax his fists. If he gets irritated or overwhelmed, he'll dig his nails in the meat of his palm, often leaving deep indents
Would probably benefit from a weighted blanket. Makes do by always being at the bottom of the pile when you and the boys are cuddling
Paul has a lot of noise stims! He's always got music stuck in his head, so he'll hum, whistle, or outright sing whatever strikes him - and because he spends so much time at the boardwalk, sometimes you wake up at night to the carousel music being whistled outside your window. He also snaps his fingers a lot, especially if he's trying to remember something
So Much Energy! All The Time! All the boys can get pretty keyed up, but Paul in particular is bouncing off the walls - sometime's literally. If he's sitting down, he'll jiggle his leg or rock back and forth. if he's on his feet, he'll pace or jump up on elevated surfaces to test his balance. man's always on the move
David heavily values being the Calm and Collected Leader, so he's repressed a lot of his natural habits. The one that stuck the most? Popping his joints. His neck in particular, but he also cracks his knuckles so often that they feel stiff if he goes awhile without doing so. If you dislike the sound it makes, he'll lean in nice and close before he cracks his neck. Sit on him
He does strike me as the type to scratch or pick his skin when he needs grounding, at least when he was younger/less experienced. It's rare he does so now, and with a vampire's healing factor it's not a big deal, but he used to tear up the backs of his hands pretty bad - the constant leather gloves are a remnant of his efforts to shake the habit
Also I feel like when he was human he probably had some fussy behavior around food
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puffpuffmenace · 25 days
Hi hi!!
I skated to ask for damon or rasmus x gn reader who always has a camera like a hello kitty ones and will always have blackmail material on deck but won't use it >-<
Like imagine damon getting in the apartment and is asked abt it with a video of him the next day but reader doesn't really care and just says "take off your shoes next time" bs😭
I'm so sorry if this is weird or confusing:((
Anyway good night/evening/morning I hope you eat and drink well!!
I’m screaming I wrote this before but I lost it when I went to settings and came back?? I’m back now onto Tumblr! And I think that’s such a cute request, dw abt it! <3
Damon was used to playing into the Stalker Schmuck quite easily, feeling no harm when taking all those fotos from you when he had the chance. So imagine his surprise as he had stepped late at night into your home, he had thought you went asleep at this hour but it seemed like you fortunately unfortunately didn’t go to sleep! He didn’t realise his shoes where something you where bothered by, let alone have you whip out something so cute yet so awfully dangerous against him. It almost felt like a mockery and slight endearment to his professional camera when he looked down at the adorable hello kitty camera in your grasp, he didn’t exactly feel that threatened. Boy was he wrong.
He didn’t expect that from you, you—of all people—you had guts to go and take those pictures. Maybe he’s a hypocrite right now but he was right now too shocked to identify what’s which. And never in a million light years did Damon think he’d get such a threat just for being out of line in your eyes. He found it slightly attractive. Damon was hunched over your night stand next to your bed, you sleep soundlessly in the comforts of your blankets. He thought he could confiscate at that moment the hello kitty camera from your night stand, boy did he almost shriek when he felt your hand shooting out of your weighted blanket as it slammed into his, preventing him from pulling his hand and the camera from the night stand.
“Damon. One wrong move and I’m retracting the small brisket treats I leave for you when you come visit.” He froze at that. And sulked, retracting his hand. He caught you however looking through the files, the videos and pictures. You had a few pictures of him eating quite….unsavory. Saliva dripping and grasping the meat in his hand as he chomped down onto it.
His face went slightly red. That picture was taken when he came to visit a few weeks ago, he had forgotten to eat and saw you had laid out a plate of smoked brisket cooked to medium rare. And that’s where he lunged himself at. How silly, how cute. How embarrassing!
Damon’s face turned red, before feeling himself get pulled into the bed by force—he was now extremely extremely close to you! oh god this is perfect! So close to his Rosebud!— wait why are you pulling out the camera again?… OH NO! You wrapped yourself around him, keeping him in place and force him to watch the embarrassing fotos of him or videos of him you took, him even accidentally tripping in your home!-
“Rosebud please!-“
His pleas where ignored <3
The next day DG looked at him incredulously as he only looked tired, and sulky, like a wet puppy.
“God fuckin’ Damit Y/N!” He breathed out heavily as he tried to pull and tug and snatch the mockingly cute hello kitty camera out of your hands, he had previously teased and even slightly ignored you. So you threatened him with the most ungodly of embarrassing pictures and videos of him, that kind of dirt you had on him was a crap load! Him barfing into a fast food paper bag, high off on the crack that got sprinkled into his drink, him taking multiple shots and if he didn’t play by your rules you’d involve his dad and stepmom!
“Y/N!” He breathed pout heavily, you were so goddamn slippery that he just couldn’t grab you in place and take it from you. If he did you’d joust likely hang off on the other side of the camera like a keychain.
His face grew redder and redder in embarrassment and he breathed in heavily, grumbling has he stomped away into the staff room, that’s right, you’ve been fighting AT WORK about this! He can’t even go to a party anymore because you actually want him here for closing time!
From the corner of his eye he could see you looking through those pictures, he only grumbled more in embarrassment. He would make sure he’ll crush that darn camera if it was the last thing he’d do!
I hope you liked it :3 take care friend and make sure you go stay healthy ok? And if you request again, feel free to wishing for a nicknames, mx Anonymus!
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aataraxiiaa · 3 months
I’m trying out this new themed diet until my trip which I’m gonna hope I can just do OMAD for those 4 days cuz fuck.
Butttt I had a hash brown from McDonald’s:140 cals (cousin literally made me, she won’t leave me alone abt my weight. She’s steady gaining and her sisters are total assholes abt it and ig she’s trying to take it out on me?? Idk if it’s the ED talking but she literally tries to force food down my throat even when I constantly tell her I’m just not hungry. She’ll make me buy food and watch me eat and then won’t eat hers? And she constantly says that my new weight makes me look gross and that I have to gain some. I dropped down to a size 4 in jeans and she’s been at a size 4 for some years now but she’s shorter and younger than me so she always says that it’s weird. Same with my sister, they’re so weird. lmk what you guys think).
Ham and Swiss croissant: 320
Cup of chicken broth x3: 30cals
Total: 490cals.
The limit for the first day is 500cals so YAY ME
I’m gonna do a workout later today after I clean my room and do my hw, have a good day guys!!
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jess-moloney-malarkey · 8 months
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I remember getting this weird ass reply from them on twt when I told them to stop saying weird shit abt Jamie’s weight and I STILL remember it now bc they were blowing something so SIMPLE as him losing weight for vecna into insane ass proportions of Jess somehow being behind it and stressing him out and crap 💀 -Jessica
I truly do not know what their deal is with the weight thing. For both of them. That Jess has an eating disorder and doesn’t eat the food she makes, and that Jamie is just soOoOo stressed by her and her alone that he is emaciated now. First of all, emaciated? Where??? He’s been working out, he’s posted pictures of him in a gym. He lost some (key word!) weight, sure. But emaciated? Yeah I think you need your eyes checked. Also stop commenting on people’s weight and eating habits. And YOU DON’T KNOW THEMMMMM
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tdusk · 11 months
not sure of my current weight and kind of freaking out bc ive pigged out the past few weeks :( all my progress disappearing…
but its ok bc lots of experimenting has led me to the following conclusions:
simple calorie deficit is too hard for me bc then i binge
the foods u eat when focused on weight? DO matter. sugars dont fill u or fuel u. fiber, protein, etc.? so much fucking better.
i dont know how to purge
exercise is EFFECTIVE since it makes me want to eat healthier (and suddenly, a bowl of egg whites sounds so so fucking good…)
fasting is easier than CICO
eating w others is actually harder for me than eating alone… but does not matter. will not eat alone, will eat w others (cant have them worried)
On that note, I’m implementing a new plan to lose weight by the time I come back home after exams (week of Dec. 17!) and finish off the rest of my weight loss by my return to college (January 10th — 48 days away!).
Here’s the deal. I’m estimating i’m at most 131 lbs right now. More likely than not, closer to 129, so let’s say 129. I want to lose 14 lbs. of fat and preserve the muscle that I have.
With that in mind, behaviors I need to work on:
drinking lots of water
high protein, lean meat foods (egg whites, chicken, whitefish) w/ occasional carbs when not fasting/after workouts
breaking fast w the RIGHT foods too!!
black coffee + lots of tea too
WEIGHT LIFTING and some cardio
Now, for some math…
14 lbs * 3500 kcal/lb = 49000 kcal (terrifying)
BMR: 1400 kcal
NEAT/Exercises: roughly 700 kcal
Planned TDEE: 2100 kcal
49000/2100 ≈ 24 days of fasting
So, if I can fit in 24 days of fasting (NOT consecutive… alternating!! 48ish days til goal day), and dont binge on other days, i could actually do something totally crazy and lose all this fat thats driving me nuts.
Cannot start my fast tomorrow or today since today at Thanksgiving, i had lunch w family, and tomorrow is my bday dinner. however, last thing i ate was at 3:30 today, and i plan on not eating until dinner tomorrow!
water fasting is soooooo much easier to me tbh. once im hungry, it eventually dulls and i forget abt food. just restricting all i can think abt is food, but the water fasting makes food almost seem like objects — inedible, not meant to be in my mouth. its PERFECT. so water fasting every other day should be optimal for my success!!
wish me luck 🫶🫶🫶
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thedvilsinthedetails · 3 months
dear tumblr I promised I wasn’t gna vent abt my grandma anymore but that was a lie 😭I can’t help it why is she such a specimen
She and my grandpa are visiting at the moment and apart from the fact that they hate one another so im waking up to the sweet sweet melodies of old people shouting matches she’s a pain in the ass for the usual reasons
litch TODAY I had lunch w just them bc my family hates me and has abandoned me with them as punishment [jokes jokes but it was a long boring and painful lunch] and she clearly seemed to think my lunch of bread and hummus was sub par because every two seconds she was like ‘are you sure you don’t also want this and that etc’ I’m like ‘no I’m good thanks’ but she just like wasn’t having it and ends up essentially force feeding me part of her lunch [which was just …more bread?] and then she proceeds to tell me I should have gotten it for myself next time if that’s what I wanted to eat or at least asked in advance for her to get it [AND I WAS LIKE BITCH WHEN DID IT SEEM LIKE I WANTED THIS] and THEN when I’m getting up at the end of lunch she tells me ‘I like ur jeans’ and I’m like ‘thanks’ and she’s like ‘but you know if you were to just eat a little bit less I think that would be very good because you eat too much and honestly you were much prettier when you were thinner’ GIRLIEPOP CAN U TELL ME WHEN TF I ASKED?
this is not the first time she’s said this to me this visit [she’s been here a few days and she’s literally said it every single day as per usual] but this is the second most notable occasion second to when she literally GRABBED me by the shoulders while I was going up the stairs to tell me that if I don’t lose weight i will die alone and hated and also bring about the end of the universe and all living beings with my wickedness and tendency towards what I think of as pretty average food habits
She’s so wild for that tbh 💀 i can’t even with her
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sumnantics · 4 months
After attending Once Upon an Elemntary together, and surviving Highs And Lows School (which everyone really just shortens to Middle School), they spent freshman year of highschool in different schools. Maisie went to Ever After High, and Neijiderick attended Beanstalk High, wanting to practice flying in the clouds. ...Not being a giant, he was ostracized and transferred to Ever After.
In the first year of her life that Maisie had not been locked at the hip with Neiji, she made close friends that werent him. ...And she realized that she wasnt feeling *best friendship* for Neiji, she was feeling *a crush.*
In the summer before Sophomore year started, Maisie confessed to Neiji.
It destroyed their friendship. He rejected her with GREAT vehemence. When they started school again, he completely ignored her in the halls. It was easy to avoid her-- being a villain, he had a completely different schedule than her, and being a Royal, he had completely different friends.
Maisie is an extremely perceptive girl. She may not be remarkable enough to make lasting impressions, but shes happy fading into the background. She does well in classes, but shes never perfect enough to shine. Graceful, elegant, scholarly, she doesnt need to try in her princess classes. Shes happy for that for the same reason-- she can people watch.
She's always been very mature. Perhaps its because she had to grow up too fast, shouldering her mother's emotional weight. This whole argument between royals and rebels all seems very silly to her-- The dramatics, that is. Because the moment she heard other students were planning to change their destiny, she wanted in.
She's never too worried abt Neiji. She *knows* him. She knows him better than he knows himself, shes perceptive and hes been all shes looked at for years. Shed answer his questions before he asked, shed figure out why hes upset before he even had a chance to feel it. She knows he needs time-- and she knows that, eventually, theyll both be in that tower. Alone. for years. And she figures theyll talk it out then.
As much as she retains her composure in most situations, theres one thing shes sensitive about-- her nobility.
Her *Destiny* is being a PRINCESS in a tower. But, generations ago, her family lost their nobility-- they had to sell it, their family too poor, and needing food more than a title. And since her story calls for a *Dragonslayer*, not a *Prince*, her family has never had a chance to regain their title.
A classmate, in an argument during class about who's on what side: Maisie's a Royal, *obviously.*
Maisie: Actually, I'm a Rebel.
Classmate: What? But... youre a princess?
Maisie: I'm a *Maiden*.
Classmate: Well, but you've got a Prince Charming?
Maisie: No. My story has a Dragonslayer.
(She corrects this constantly. everyone thinks shes a princess, and its the one assumption she will never not correct)
Neijiderick had felt growing resentment towards Maisie through all of Middle School. She was better and better at reading him-- and she was a middle schooler, who wanted to show off, and didnt have too much social awareness yet. She doesnt remember doing this, or at least how often, but she would constantly tell him what he was feeling-- "He just ignored you! Even though you waved. You must be angry, and hurt. I think he's going to his friends. I dont think he saw you, Neiji." Which seems benign enough of a thing to say, except she did it Constantly. he wouldnt be able to FEEL THINGS, and certainly he couldnt figure out his own feelings on his own. he felt exposed. He used to be able to take pleasure in sniping back at her when she got something wrong, but that only ever made her better at it.
He chose a different high school than her to get away from it all. That... didnt work out. The giants were cruel, and the teachers didnt notice-- or, they pretended not to. It made him spitting mad!!! But, he didnt know how to handle that anger, because he had always had Maisie-- either she'd help, or she'd try to help and then he'd redirect that anger at her for reading him too easily.
(He knows something about her that she doesnt. He knows shes not *that* good at reading him. Cuz she never read the growing resentment towards her correctly.)
When she confessed-- he ran. he ran immediately, squashed any reaction, left before she could read him-- he needed to figure this out *himself*.
And he did! And hes FUCKING PISSED. She's been hurting him all this time-- but, well, he never told her she was hurting him. She shouldve figured it out! But, well, he's GLAD he can keep SOME secrets. She KNOWS what his destiny is!
And there it is, he thinks. destiny. Hes never once considered that shed like anyone before her Dragonslayer. He thought he'd die before she loved someone. Maybe that was stupid? Plenty of people date in highschool, before signing the book of legend.
But why *him?* She knows more than anyone that he *cant return her affection.* He's got a time limit! And, even then-- He's going to be a DRAGON. dragons dont *kiss princesses.*
Thats right. Dragons dont kiss princesses. Dragons are ruthless, and mean, and *fucking cool*. And HES a dragon. (Wyvern, actually, but semantics.) He's going to sign the book of legends, and then after graduation like all the other magical beast characters, he's going to wake up the next day permanently in beast form.
So he ignores Maisie. Like a proper villain, and to avoid her seeing through him, and because-- look. he doesnt like her back. And, being her friend now would be *weird*. Knowing that every time they joke, every time they hang out, she'd be thinking of.... *romance.*
He changes his nickname. Avoids anything the reminds him of Maisie, actually-- she calls him Neiji,
So he goes by Ricky now. Ricky Fang. And he aces his classes, and he learns cool things like firebreath and attacking knights, and how to hold a Maiden in his claws-- a *princess*, he means, how to hold a *princess* in his claws to fly away with her.
and in his Villain classes, he meets--
Ramona Badwolf. Transferred to the school halfway through the school year. Immediately began gathering extra credit in her classes to make up for missing it, and almost as quickly made herself *known.* She was proud, and she was sly, and she was confident. She had an unwavering strength in herself-- she growled *scram*, and the halls cleared. And she was *incredibly pretty.*
Ricky was very interested in her. And he was even more interested when *she was interested in him*.
Turns out they have a lot in common-- theyre both gonna turn into magical beasts, theyre both going to have to dodge hunters, and they both know that being a msgical beast is going to be so fucking cool that it will all be worth it. Ramona asks him out, and he almost thinks he says yes too fast.
Ramona changes him, but really not by much. He was already punk, she just taught him how to show it. He cut his jacket into a vest, he collected all the shiny baubles he didnt before.
He has cultivated a very specific persona at Ever After High-- he's aloof, and distant, and hes quiet. He HATES the idea of someone being able to read him. And its hard to do, but he painstakingly makes certain he keeps those walls up around Ramona.
They date for a year, and it ends in flames. Literally. Their breakup is known throughout the school because they MADE IT KNOWN. They consistently make it known every time they see each other in the halls.
Ramona had gotten sick and tired of the mysterious facade. Sick of the distance. in their first Big Fight, she told him "I KNOW YOU, Ricky!" She didnt know that it would immediately terrify him, that hed get so defensive.
Ultimately, she knew the problem was this: He didnt see them as "serious" enough to trust her with his secrets.
He knew the problem, too! She seemed to think they were gonna stay together after graduation. can you imagine a WOLF and a DRAGON kissing? obviously not.
really, he was scared. Why else do people hide? if you cant see this part of me, ill never have to see you reject it. and really, she was scared too. She was scared he was hiding from her because he didnt ever actually like her, that she had been vulnerable in front of someone who was laughing at her the whole time.
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oooo i wanna know more abt les amis camping trip!!!!!
:D Oh this is one of my favorites. All the Amis (and Marius and Gavroche) decide to go camping, and it's very chaotic, and reading over it, I think it's a part of my reincarnation au too. :0
Snippets below!!
Courfeyrac groaned. “Bahorel, why couldn’t you have picked somewhere closer?” Bahorel smirked, gently flicking the back of his head as he lifted himself back into a sitting position. “It’s supposedly really nice there, waterfalls everywhere.” “Where did you even get this place from?” Jehan asked, leaning over the seats to show Bahorel his phone, where he’d been looking up the State park they were going to. “It’s in North Carolina. North Carolina, Bahorel!” Bahorel scratched his head, a sheepish grin on his face. “Well, it turned out to be a recommendation from a friend of a friend of a friend.” Grantaire laughed, gently punching him in the arm. “It’s always a friend of a friend of a friend with you.” “What can I say?” Bahorel shrugged. “I have a lot of friends, who have a lot of friends, who have even more friends.”
This one always makes me giggle when I open it
"Are we stopping here for a long time?" Gavroche hopped out of the car, almost disappearing into the woods before Courfeyrac grabbed him by the back of his shirt and returned him to the car.  "Not so fast, bud."  "No fair! You all are out here!" Gavroche pouted, glaring at Courfeyrac as he crossed his arms. "We don't want you to get lost." Enjolras reasoned. "You have a habit of disappearing and we need you to stay close." "Why can't I explore close to here?" Gavroche demanded, climbing into Bahorel's lap. "I can be good! …..If I want to."
Morning found Combeferre in Enjolras’ hammock, the smaller man asleep on his chest, sprawled over him like a weighted blanket. Though he had insisted that he was to sleep alone, sometime during the night he’d crawled into his friend’s bed. Enjolras of course, didn’t mind, just snuggled up to him like he’d done many times at home, his head resting on Combeferre’s chest while the med student’s fingers tangled into his curls, their legs intertwined as they rested.
It took less than an hour for most of the others to wake up, smelling burnt coffee, which was quickly vetoed by Joly, who voluntold Bahorel to make the new drink, gingerly taking Courfeyrac’s disaster to dump, so no one would drink it and accidentally be poisoned. “I’m sure it wouldn’t be that bad,” Courfeyrac complained as Joly disposed of it. “It was just burnt!” “Better safe than sorry.” Joly brushed his hands off, going to settle on Bossuet’s lap while Courfeyrac pouted, sitting in a camp chair beside Marius.  “I drink your coffee every morning and haven’t died yet.” Marius stated comfortingly, reaching a hand out of the blanket he was wrapped in to pat the center’s shoulder.  “Thanks Marius.”
Random out of context quotes that always make me cackle:
"I found a toad, guys." Marius smiled sheepishly as he held up a small toad. "I named him Napoleon."
“Say thank you to my butt, R put Bossuet’s up wrong the first time.”  "Alright."
"Got it." Grantaire grinned and set aside a few hammocks to form the bottom layer of his masterpiece, a hammock city that was sure to be slightly dangerous for anyone trying to navigate it. But what was an Ami's trip without a little danger?
“You’re always starving.” Bossuet moved his sandwich away from grabby little hands. “And no, this is my food, get your own.” “Meanie.” Gavroche slumped back into his seat, crossing his arms.
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violetteheaven · 1 year
Okay its 1am im gna answer all of these #imnormal😋
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1. Cbmi 17.2 WTF🤬
2. I am 158cm / 5’2 i stopped growing a little after my ed developed so im kind of stuck at the height of little me😭
3. Idk but any weird and off putting doll like character my ed will EAT UP (ironic am i right) like just having a sick and off putting weird scary presence
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4. Boy idk
5. To be pure and cleaaaan and to distance myself from what ive been in the past, to not be desired by anyone except bf❤️❤️, to have people care idk
6. Nooo not really the closest is like i chew a TON of sweet and greasy shit i crave but i always spit it out so its kind of a “c/s binge” but obvi its not rlly the same
7. They noticed my behaviors at like bmi 23 and acted like i was dying like okay☠️☠️
8. Ballet class, occasional crosstraining, walking and pacing plus currently doing a two week everyday workout challenge loool for fun
9. Not sm but growing up chubby is like🙄🙄🙄 you know what people think abt ur weight
10. Idk but i used to love baking and i still sometimes do it but cant enjoy what i make that much 🤧 but its not rlly a big thing
11. Idk😭 i follow a ton of disordered ppl on here and twt so its hard to say
12. Idk anything
13. Unhealthy😭 (realizing now that this isnt necessarily a disordered question thing)
14. 35kg but its more of a gw atp, maybe 29-32 kg 🤷
15. No because i dont live alone and my meals are often not my choice, and my nutritionist wont let meeee but ive been planning on maybe going vegetarian asap
16. Probably when i was like 13 idk i dont remember 😭
17. Yes #queenana🔥
18. Anything sweeeeet and anything eaten with my bf bahshsh
19. This fine evening😊
20. The parasite diet!!! Or get worse diet or character ones
21. Usually XS-S, eur 34☹️☹️☹️ sizes in genreal are so triggering
22. 42,6kg rn!
23. Idk but I remember being super fascinated with ed content when I was younger 😭 it was hard to find though
24. eating disorders and mental illness should not be promoted!!! But they should be talked about more and there should be more harm reduction and awareness spread
25. Nooo i tried but got caught RIGHT IN THE ACT bahshsh so no not my thing
26. People looking at me worried and wondering if im okay🙁❤️❤️❤️
27. Depends on the people and the food but i try to be normal i do not want people to pay attention to my illness because i am very very normal looking not sick
28. YES because ive always been insecure abt my thighs and hips because theyre veeeery wide and ugly and i just wanna be thin and idk dolly jack skellington
29. Being creepy❤️
30. Boy im not doing all that
Thanks yall😋
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iimr3 · 2 years
im realizing that i am medium support but it's not "obvious" because my parents are & have always been super neglectful. the moment my mom stopped directing me to brush my teeth, bathe, washing my clothes for me, etc. i just stopped doing those things & she never did anything. i still can't cook. recently I had to go to the dentist alone for the first time bc my mom refused to come with me and it was so exhausting & mentally distressing each time. i can't drive or ride a bike at all, the idea of driving gives me panic attacks. & college is stressful for me because I can struggle to remember to do work or check my email or sometimes can't remember things that were just said. & my arfid is absolute hell ill literally be surrounded by food but unable to eat & it's causing me real physical illness + I don't notice when I'm hungry & forget about eating for hours. i struggle w making friends or doing any new activities without someone i trust with me. it feels more & more like im constantly near the edge of completely falling apart (sometimes better sometimes worse) and it's crazy thinking abt how my parents just. do not react to this. it's so tiring lmao i am pulling all of the weight to keep myself afloat and i literally cannot leave because I could not live on my own!!!! fuck!!!!!!
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