#just need to stand on the overpass for a while
sage-nebula · 2 years
There's this overpass I used to go stand on in the dead of night when I was feeling mentally unwell in university, and while it'd be too inconvenient to go stand on it now . . . mentally, I am on that overpass.
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briefinquiries · 1 month
Tyler Owens x Reader: The Storm Inside Your Mind
Request: Anonymous said: "tyler x reader with panic attacks"
Word count: 2k
Warnings: panic attack tw
A/N: obviously stole some of Kate's trauma for this one... I feel like I've written a few fics where reader has panic attacks now, so sorry if this sounds repetitive at all. But as always, thank you all for the kind words, replies, and comments on my work. It's super encouraging and very appreciated!!
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The team isn’t chasing today. Instead, you set up the RV and some tents at a campsite, hoping to enjoy what little time you had left of tornado season. 
Tyler gets a fire going while Boone and Dexter drag the camp chairs around it. There’s only half an hour or so left of daylight, and the crew decides s’mores will do just fine for dinner. 
Boone makes a joke about s’mores meeting all his nutritional food group needs, everyone laughs. Tyler settles into the chair beside you, his knee gently grazing against yours to catch your attention. 
When you look at him, he winks. A silent toss of affection. A sweet reminder that it’s you and him, even amongst the chaos of all your friends. 
The sun sets, casting a thousand shades of pinks and purples through the sky. It’s mesmerizing– the evening is perfect. 
It’s amazing how quickly things can fall apart.
All it takes is one note– 
Dani grabs their guitar and begins strumming softly to no tune in particular. Then Boone shouts out a song request that makes your breath catch. You try to be subtle, but you notice Tyler’s eyes lingering on you, because he can read you just as well as he can read any storm. 
You offer him the best, most reassuring smile that you can– and it must be good enough, because he looks back towards the fire. 
You pick at the skin around your nails, because it’s always been a good distraction. But even that isn’t enough when Dani plays the first note– 
“Took my love and I took it down,” they sing softly. 
And then suddenly, you can’t breathe. All you can hear is your best friend asking you to turn up the volume to her favorite song when it had come on the radio only minutes before everything had gone so, so wrong. 
Normally, you can talk yourself down from these moments, you can practice all the grounding exercises your therapist taught you and move on. But you feel the sense of panic creeping up your throat and it’s strong and fast. You don’t think you can deep breathe your way out of this one without anyone noticing.
In a rush, you stand up from your camp chair and mumble something incoherent about needing to go. It’s not very subtle, but it’s all you can manage before stumbling into the RV– aiming for the bathroom. 
Tyler calls your name, but all you hear is the sound of your friend screaming it over the increasing winds as they reached for you. 
From there it only gets worse– 
It comes in waves– memories of Fleetwood Mac still playing from the radio while you sat in the car and frantically tried to decide which way to run– the realization that no matter where you went, the tornado was going to consume you– knowing that the overpass was the worst place to go, but your alternative was remaining out in the open. Your name tumbling from your friend's lips as she begged you to help pull her up the ramp because her shoes kept slipping. The sound of her scream when the chunk of debris sent her flying into the storm. You losing sight of her body after only a second– 
The bathroom door rattles. “Y/N?” Tyler calls with a knock. “What happened?”
“What happened?” your friend’s dad had asked with tears spilling down his cheeks after the officer told them that their daughter was dead. “What the hell happened?” 
“There’s no storm,” you whisper to yourself. “The skies are clear– there’s no storm.”
Tyler calls your name a second time and knocks harder– the door rattles. You grip the edge of the sink and bite down harshly on your lip to keep yourself from screaming. Because despite the calm conditions outside, the storm inside your mind is here– it’s rattling the door and shaking the RV– it’s creating dark clouds, and causing them swirling around in every corner of your body– winds are flying through your stomach and your chest, the air is heavy, it’s harder to breathe– 
You put your hands over your ears and sink to the floor helplessly. 
“Y/N, answer me,” Tyler’s panicked– you can hear it in his voice. “I swear to God, I’m gonna kick this door down–”
You try to inhale– to tell him not to do that– that repairing a door will be expensive. But instead of finding your words, all you can do is choke out a desperate sob. The storm has stolen all your air– it’s sucked it right from your lungs… 
Before you can try again, the entire bathroom shakes when the hinges on the door break loose with a bang. Tyler’s eyes land on you– huddled on the floor, gasping for the breath you can’t find. 
Except– it’s not Tyler. It’s your friend’s dad. He’s come to get you– to kill you like you killed his daughter. 
You attempt to push yourself backwards on the floor, but the bathroom is small and soon, you've only managed to wedge yourself between the toilet and the wall. You try to speak again– to tell him how sorry you are for getting his daughter killed– but you can’t. Clutching desperately at your chest, you heave and heave, squeezing your eyes shut. 
The storm inside your mind causes the clouds to start swirling around chaotically– 
The storm inside your mind rips trees right from the roots– 
The storm inside your mind destroys everything in its path– 
“Baby–” a familiar warm voice cuts through the fog. And then, suddenly, someone grips your knee, causing your entire body to seize. 
“It’s me,” a gentle voice murmurs. "Hey, it’s me.“
Through your foggy haze, you recognize Tyler’s touch– and when you open your eyes, you see him squatting down to get on your level. 
But your knees– you open your mouth to say, except all that comes out is a gasp– a plea for help. 
“Okay, it’s okay. Look at me, baby,” he says. “It’s okay– you’re okay.” 
“I– can’t–” you gasp, your own hands flying up to grip his forearms for some sort of lifeline to reality. “I can’t– breathe–” 
“Okay, okay, okay,” he says. He’s trying to stay calm, but you can hear the uneasiness in his voice. “With me.” 
He gives a deep, methodical inhale before letting out a slow, intentional exhale. “Just do it with me. Slow, like this.” 
He continues, and you try to match his pace– to breathe with him, but it feels like the storm has stolen your lungs– ripped them right out of your chest– 
“Tyler–” you beg, your voice hoarse. “I can’t–” 
“C’mon, with me,” he repeats earnestly. He’s looking at you with terror in his eyes, but you find comfort in their familiarity just the same. “We’ve done this before, you know how to do this.”
“I– I–” you stammer, but the words won’t form. 
“Shh, with me. Everything’s okay. I’m here. We’re both okay,” he assures you. His gaze is just so tender and soft and careful while his thumb grazes your cheek. 
“I- I can’t-” you choke again, “Please–”
“Shh-” he soothes. “Look at me, nothing else, just me.”
Your wide, desperate eyes meet his. You don’t say anything, just shudder and gasp frantically.  
“With me,” he repeats.
Tyler slow and calming, in and out breathes. After a few seconds, you latch onto the sound, mimicking it, and then finally follow along. 
“There you go,” he whispers.
Your facial features slowly start to relax as you’re able to breathe properly.  Without your loud, choking sobs, you’re able to hear your heartbeat pounding in your chest frantically.  
“Good job,” Tyler sighs. “Look, it’s just you and me, we’re okay, we're both safe–” 
But he can’t even finish his sentence before you lean forward and reach for him. Tyler takes advantage of your gesture and quickly grips under your arms, yanking you from the corner and pulling you forward. He sits back on the floor, back resting against the door frame while he rests you on his lap. As soon as he’s settled, you wind your arms around his neck– desperate and longing for some sort of comfort. 
Strong, sturdy arms wrap around you as you hide your face into his chest. You breathe him in, letting his familiar scent wash over you. The sound of his heartbeat races in your ear (bum, bum, bum, bum). It reminds you that you’re both here– right now. Not stuck in an underpass, not chasing a tornado. But here– on the floor in the RV bathroom. 
“It’s okay,” Tyler soothes. Upon feeling your shaky body pressed against his, he squeezes tighter. “It’s okay, baby. I’m here, I got you.”
You melt against him in response, bunching the fabric of his shirt into your fist, trying to communicate just how badly you need him to hold you right now. 
And that’s exactly what he does— until you can finally breathe on your own again. 
And then the wave of guilt comes.
Suddenly the realization of everything hit you– what a basketcase you’ve been, running off like that, having a meltdown in front of everyone– you probably scared the shit out of them. And then there’s the door– broken right from the hinges. 
Slowly, you pull back. 
“Are you okay?” Tyler says before you can even open your mouth. He brushes the strands of loose hair from your face.  
You exhale a deep, shuddering breath that you can feel down your entire body. “I’m okay,” you say, your voice raw. 
“Baby, you don’t have to run from me when you’re having a panic attack. I’m here for you, you know that.”
“I know,” you whimper. “I know– I’m so sorry– I didn’t mean to freak out–”
“Shh. Hey, hey, hey. It’s okay,” Tyler says. “You don’t have to apologize. I just– I want you to come to me when you’re struggling. I want to be able to help you.”
“I just—” you start, but you stop when you notice how choked up your voice sounds. You take a slow breath. “I can't think clearly when they come. All I could think about was getting away. I didn't want to scare you– I wanted to prove to you that I was doing better– that I wasn’t going to freak out all the time. But it–” 
As soon as you feel the tears burning behind your eyes, you dig the heels of your palms into them frustratedly, like you were physically trying to push them away. 
“It was the music. That was her favorite song.” You didn’t even have to say your friend’s name for Tyler to know what you were talking about. “I just… I heard that first note and I panicked– I just felt like I had to get away.” 
Tyler nodded in understanding. “You don’t have to hide from me,” he whispered. “Next time, you drag me to the bathroom with you and we’ll get through it together, okay? I think that’ll save us many doors in the future.”
You exhale a puff of air, your best attempt at laughter. 
“I’m just sorry you have to deal with me all the time. You have enough on your plate,” you groan, rubbing your tired eyes. 
Tyler sighs. “Baby, I drive around and chase tornadoes– shoot some fireworks into the air when I’m really feelin’ it. I think I can handle being there for you on top of that,” he says. “I love you. And I want you to be okay, always. That’s all I’ll ever want.”
Nodding slowly, you lean forward and rest your forehead on Tyler’s chest. 
Strong, warm arms anchor you to safety. You hold on to Tyler– letting the sound of his heartbeat (bum, bum, bum, bum) block out any noise from the raging storms inside your mind. 
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cameronspecial · 3 months
I need this brothers best friend https://www.instagram.com/reel/C6zJgc0PzA9/?igsh=MWV6aGtnYWp3c2x0eQ== and reader, Rafe, topper and Kelce are on the road he speeds up and comes by and makes sure she’s good, if she’s hungry or wants a sip of his water and when they stop for a break he comes over to her bike and zips up her jacket like he did in the video and gives the reader his jacket for her ass cause “her shorts are too tight” btw Rafe and reader arent dating it’s just a tension and fluff and you can add a kiss if you want
can I say that I admire your work and love how you respond to requests by like a day your my favorite account on here I wish I could give you multiple follows and sorry for the yapping 💗💗🫶🏼🫶🏼 (if you haven’t noticed I use 💗💗🫶🏼🫶🏼 on all of my requests)
Under The Moonlight, On A Motorcycle
Pairing: Rafe Cameron x Thorton!Reader
Warnings: N/A
Pronouns: She/Her
Word Count: 0.7K
A/N: Aww, thank you so much for the love! You are too sweet.
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Rafe thinks this is a terrible idea. She doesn’t even have a license. He doesn’t know why Topper allowed her to do it in the first place; Rafe told his best friend he shouldn’t. Topper doesn’t listen though because whatever the Kook Princess wanted, she got. So now, all Rafe can do is watch in judgment while the brother helps his sister get ready for her first solo ride on her own bike. She nods with a concentrated look on her face as her twin goes over the workings of the bike. Once she is ready, she places her purple custom-made helmet on her and swings her leg over the seat. Topper heads to his bike and gets on, jutting his chin in Rafe’s direction. 
He nods, “Alright, let’s go.” Four engines rev and the motorcycles are propelled forwards. Wind breezes past them as they navigate the streets under the glow of the moonlight. They don’t have a destination in mind. They never do. Their late-night drives are about the atmosphere. 
The leader of the group’s head swivels, spotting Kelce and Top easily beside him. His eyebrows furrow behind his helmet when he can’t see Y/N. He eases his fingers off the throttle and his speed begins to decelerate. The boys quickly overpass him, which reveals her location at the back of the group. Rafe passes his gaze over her figure and notices the way the sides of her leather jacket trail behind her because it is unzipped. His right hand lifts for a second to motion to the next exit and he hopes she understands what he means. 
The duo finds a dirt clearing on the side of the road and pulls into it. Their engines turn off almost in synch. She remains straddling her bike and observes while he gets off his and takes his headgear off. “Why did we pull over?” she questions. He doesn’t respond immediately. Instead, he gets signs for her to hop off her bike. She follows his orders and kicks the stand down so she can lean against her belt. She doesn’t take her helmet off but does when she sees he is waiting for her to do so. “See, talking is so much easier when we can all hear each other,” he mumbles, standing in front of him. He reaches down for the bottoms of her jacket and brings them together by the zipper. “Now, we pulled over because your jacket wasn’t zipped. It’s cold and it could distract you while you ride.” Her head bobs at her words and she thanks him after he finishes. “Are you okay? You’re training behind us. Are you hungry? Thirsty?” he interrogates. She doesn’t need to think about her response, “I’m okay. I don’t need anything. I just need to get used to the feeling. I think.”
“If you’re sure, then okay. We can get back on the road. I’m sure Kelce and Top are waiting for us,” Rafe announces, stepping back to head back to his motorcycle when he processes her full outfit. “Damn it. This is exactly why I told your brother this was a bad idea. You can’t even wear the right clothes,” he mumbles to himself. He approaches her again, removing his protective jacket. “What are you doing?” she objects, feeling the material wrap around her waist. He gives it one final tug and stands back in satisfaction. The sleeve of his jacket carcass her waist and the back of it brushes against the back of her knees. He subtly bites his bottom lip at the sight. 
“Your shorts are too short. If you get into an accident, your legs aren’t protected,” he informs, resuming his path to his vehicle. Her hand darts out from her side and her fingers wrap around his wrist. He spins in her direction with concern in his eyes, “Is everything okay?” She gives him a warm smile, stepping forward to place a kiss on his cheek. “Thank you for your advice and concern. I know you don’t like this idea,” she whispers. Her helmet slides back onto her head and she gets onto her bike. He turns away to hide his smile, muttering a “You’re welcome” under his breath. 
Rafe sits on his motorcycle and the two of them get back onto the highway. It doesn’t take them long to find their other riding companions, who were clueless about the sweet moment shared between them and the feelings growing between them.
Taglist: @winterrrnight @loves0phelia @thelomlisrafecameron @wickedlovely121 @thepatriarchykeychain @drewsmusee @starkowswife @maybankslover @forstarkey @loving-and-dreaming @magicalyoura @rubixgsworld
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knightyoomyoui · 5 months
[SMUT COMMISSION] TWICE Jeongyeon x Male Reader - "Just The Way You Are"
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Word Count: 15,169  Tags: virgin sex, BODY WORSHIP AND POSITIVITY, dominant and submissive, roleplay, honeymoon, rough sex, vanilla sex, angst, fluff, smut etc. WARNING: contains smut, R+18, mature and sexual content, curse words
Here's my very first commissioned fic featuring our lovely angel Yoo Jeongyeon of TWICE requested to me by @devittobushi, a huge thank you once again for giving me the opportunity to write a commission for you! This has one objective in mind, and that is show lots of love and appreciation for Jeongyeon's current appearance through YN who will stand as Jeongyeon's best man in this story , so for those bitter body shamers of her... yall ain't allowed here with us who will still support her all the way along, unless yall wanna change. In addition, this marks my LONGEST one-shot work EVER, surpassing my Dahyun x Male Reader oneshot "Everlasting Love" from TWICE: Book Of One-Shots x Reader with 13,056 word count. Enjoy reading and I hope I did well on my first commission fic!
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It was 9:29 PM in the evening. You are a veterinarian who is operating the only open and available pet clinic through a street in Seoul. Tonight,you are entertaining your last client who happens to visit your place to seek some assistance regarding his pet dog who is a chihuahua having some stomach issues.
“How is he, doctor?” The owner named Mr. Park asked nervously after you finished checking-up his dog, putting down your stethoscope.
“She is stable now. Nothing need to be worried about, sir.” You calmly said. “It wasn’t that life-risky, but it could’ve went worse if you didn’t happen to rescue her on time.”
“Yeah, good luck that it was my day off today that’s why I got to stay home and be with my Blossom for today.” The owner explained how was he able to atleast send her dog to the clinic. “Anyways, how is the result doc?”
"So, like I said, it was that much worse, but this isn’t a joke either. This has to be treated immediately,” you said as you felt sympathy for Blossom. “May I ask you something? Do you happen to notice something unusual about your dog that made her be like this? ”
He shook his head after quite a while of posing himself and thinking deeply. “No, Doc, I don’t remember at all. She was just fine to me, as from what I can see about her, how she moves from the last few days, but unlike earlier... she just started moaning and barking deeply enough to make me panic and scared for her.”
“Hmmm okay.” You nodded, but your theory wasn’t satisfied yet. “Did she occur to inspect something from outside your place?”
“None. My dog is too meek and quiet. She wasn’t that kind of pet that is so active enough to be a pain in the ass.” He replied. “Why, was there something wrong about it?”
“What about his eating habits, still nothing?”
You remained silent as you watched Blossom sleeping while free from pain. “She eats a lot. I mean literally SO MUCH that she exceeds the average amount of dog foods she had to consume everyday.”
“How much she ate in a day?”
“Four? Sometimes it gets higher than that.”
“Jesus, now it makes sense.” You cursed under your breath. “Oh you hungry softball, you better chill a little bit.” 
You patted her belly and caressed her head before you returned your focus at her owner.
“Blossom has stomach issues, Mr. Park. It may have not been for their overexposure to waste and mess but instead for her overpassing the limit on how should a dog in a breed like her should regularly eat.” You revealed to him the specific details of your findings.
“She may have eating delicious and fitting dog food for her body but that doesn’t mean she can just take it all as much as she wants.” You continued. “Blossom’s overeating made the symptoms to form and turn into gastroenthritis.”
“I really thought at first she is pregnant.” He gasped.
“No, sir. Her belly bloated because of too much intake of food, and the undigested inside her stomach causing it to pile up and not letting the blood and the oxygen flow around their body. Their digestive system might got disturbed the more this keeps going on. It might also get infected with bacterias from the waste of all those she took and could make her gastric worsen.”
“And now that she’s here, that should mean it got prevented, right?”
“You have to less worry for her, I made her comfortably rest because I couldn’t imagine how painful it is for her to hold it in.” You said, glancing at Blossom’s sleeping state. He huffed in relief at the good news.
“I just have one advice for you, monitor and control what she eats next time. It might lessen the risk other having stomach issues, okay?” 
“Got it. Thank you very much, doctor.” He nodded and bowed down in respect for you. “I’m really glad that there’s a place here already where I can go and prevent travelling far away just to search for a pet clinic.”
“You’re welcome, sir.” You humbly responded.
“Actually, lucky for you I was about to start packing up until you showed up. Talking about perfect timing.”
He chuckled and shook his head. “Yeah, it was really fortunate of me to have something like this located nearby at my place, and it is the only pet clinic too.”
Those words effectively motivated him, and you preached of them because he felt like he had a bright purpose that had to be done in a place where something like this unique of a service, especially for the residents who own pets at home to go through once there was a sudden emergency.
“Anyways, I’ll just gonna pick up the papers to seal this deal up. Please wait for a while.” You gently said as you left the owner have some alone time with his beloved pet.
You returned back from your office carrying the clipped papers containing infos about Blossom’s condition, consent from the owner that the patient must stay here for continous check up and lastly the bills of the medication he has to pay for.
He signed all of them and ended their brief meeting with a mutual agreement. He lavished you again with lots of gratitude before he bids goodbye to his let and left the place, leaving you alone again in your own personal space.
“Cmon, Blossom. Let's get you somewhere safe and comfy,” you said as you carefully carried the chihuahua and placed her in one of the vacant cages filled with blankets.
After you successfully didn’t disturb her peaceful rest, you decided to divert your attention now to prepare yourself for going home. You switched the placard from "Come in, we’re OPEN" to "Sorry, we are CLOSED" so that no more clients would appear and beg to make another request at the very last second.
While putting back all the things to their necessary spots, your vision garnered attention by the appearance of a black van stopping from your client. It became more familiar when a woman stepped out and bid farewell to her fellow staff. 
She turned around and started walking towards the door. Sporting furrowed brows and a confused smile, you had to witness her figure becoming more visible as she opened the door and removed her bag to be placed on one of the seats.
There she was, your girlfriend, standing in front of you. One of the idols and members of the worldwide popular K-Pop girl group TWICE is Yoo Jeongyeon herself.
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“Good evening, my YN! ”She slowly walked at you, and you were startled when she immediately hugged you while in her baggy coat. She buries her head on your shoulder, and you watched her submerge herself into your contact.
“Hey, my Jeongie.” You rubbed her back. “You look really tired. You should’ve gone home already and gotten a rest rather than coming here, especially since you’re doing dance practices for your group’s comeback. Save some more energy. ”You reprimanded here with pure concern audible in your voice, as you mentioned how busy and working hard for their new single More and More.
“Ehh, why do you sound like you don’t want me to be here.” she sulked. “Well that’s why I came here for, you’re my battery YN.” Her voice was muffled, but you can already guess that one of your girlfriend’s usual behavior is to either tease you or she gets easily sulk and sad at whatever that has something to do within her actions that wasn’t entirely right makes her disturbed.
“No, ofcourse I love to see you too and I’m glad you’re okay. I just hope you could’ve thought of yourself for now because you needed it. I just care about you, Jeongyeon. You know that because that’s how I love you so much.” You caressed her long blonde hair, feeling her silky length sliding between your fingers as you pressed the side of your head against her.
“Sweet as always, heh.” Jeongyeon smiled and wiggled her face more at the broadness of your shoulder and seethed in your fragrant scent. “But you said it anyways that what’s important for you is my own sake and what should I do about it. Well, I decided to come here and see you because I can’t be alone there at the house while waiting for you. I can’t rest at ease without having you on my side, you know that.” Your clingy and soft girlfriend spoke about her defense.
“Do you really miss me that much? We just saw each other earlier in the morning.” You chuckled.
“That wasn’t enough, okay? We haven’t been able to spend some time together because of how busy we’ve been. You can’t blame me for needing you.” She reminded you why she was this eager tonight to have your affection. You smiled, as you appreciated how you felt so important for her life right now.
“I love you, Jeongyeon.” The only words you can reply at your loss of other words to tell. You hugged her tightly and kissed her temple.
“Love you more, my YN.” She giggled kissed you in the cheek.
“You good now?”
“Alright, we can continue this at home sp lemme fix these up and we’re all good to go.” You said, breaking your embrace with her.
“Let me help you-”
“Nope, you stay here missy and rest. I can handle this.” You know how much of a clean freak your girlfriend is and you appreciate her consideration to help you, but like you said, her own sake is what that matters the most for you.
She must be really exhausted. You can feel how her heartbeat and her breathing were all racing. And if you say that, you mean that at all because obviously you and anybody should not underestimate how hard it is to be a K-Pop idol, and you have always alluded Jeongyeon for carrying such a heavy career.
Although before she was able to reach the seat, she paused and asked you again. “Uhh YN-nie where are the boys?”
“At the back, sleeping.” You pointed with your thumb.
“Owkieee” She went first to head through the direction to your office. You returned all the things back to their respective locations before you followed her and watched her from the doorframe.
Jeongyeon has cautiously opened the cage and pulled the tray to expose her two boys, which are technically her two pet dogs named Nanan and Peanut, both quietly sleeping, along with the rest of the pets here slated to be under your supervision and care while they are receiving treatment.
She has entrusted it to you to take care of them since her other pet, a cat named Bomb, is already with her parents. She was supposed to take them to her sister Seungyeon, who usually guards them, but sadly, as an actress, she is currently busy filming her upcoming TV show. Her other sister, Seoyeon, couldn’t do the same since she’s mostly focused on officework.
Fortunately, she has another special person in mind who has this quality that he shares with hers and finds it a huge green flag for her ideal man that she can trust for her pets. That’s one of the ways you were able to win her heart one day.
Unbeknownst to her, as you continue to watch your loving girlfriend act like a mother to her two kids, it makes your mind travel back to that one unforgettable memory that serves as the beginning of how you and her ended up to what you two are now currently in your relationship status as a couple.
You were busy treating one of your patients when the chime rang, signaling that the door had been opened by somebody. Your head turned to the open pathway as it stole your attention.
Leaving your medication station, you left to see your new client.
Stepping out of the doorframe, you stopped as you saw that the client turned out to be a woman. She was wearing a mask with an outfit composed of a mint-green t-shirt with leggings and some clean-looking rubber shoes. Her dog was in her arms.
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“Good morning, maam. Are you gonna set an appointment?” You greeted the lady.
“Good morning too, doc. Ahh yes, please.” She nodded and slowly rocked her pet dog in her arms.
“How can I help you?”
“My dog is sick. He’s burning in fever and I don’t have anyone else to take care of her. I’m a busy woman these days.” Her voice was fully of softness and worry as she looks down at her poor dog.
“Wait a second, please. I’ll just gonna return my patient back to her cage.” You said before you made an instant action regarding her concern.
After doing what you said, you returned to the woman and instructed her. “Follow me, please.”
You and the lady ended up at the medication station to conduct a brief check-up on her dog. After removing the thermometer, you checked to see the temperature, and the result got you worried for the dog too. 
“104 degrees Fahrenheit. That’s high. She does have a fever,” you said, placing the back of your hand against its body. “She’s very hot at the moment; we have to give her medicine immediately to decrease the heat in her body.”
The woman nodded, and she just let you do your own thing as part of your expertise as a veterinarian. You injected something into the dog, and its speedy breathing somehow calmed down.
“This should do. It’ll get her to take it again after 7 hours.” You informed the lady.
“Thank you so much, doc.” She bowed in gratitude.
“Okay, follow me so that you can log off and we can process the papers.” 
You and her went to your desk next. She was sitting in front of you at the guest seat. “May I clarify something? Are you perhaps alone right now in your property?”
“Yes, but actually I somehow stay sometimes on my other houses than my own dorm, my sisters and my parents.” She answered. You muttered to yourself that this lady is very rich.
“Are your sister and your parents aren’t available to manage her… oh wait, what’s your pet name?”
“Cute. I see why you came up with that name.” You joked as you remembered her color, and you immediately understood the point of the origin. She also chuckled at how guilty she was.
“Okay so why was there nobody to atlesst assist Peanut for the meantime? Are all of them unavailable?”
“Yes, doc. My sister is busy also at her work and my parents… well they also do have business on their own but mostly my mom is already guarding my two other pets. I just don’t want to bring more burden at them so I decided to take Peanut here.” She explained.
“Good idea. I can assure you that Peanut will be back on her good condition again.” You said confidently. Her cheeks widened, indicating that she must be smiling behind the mask at your positive words.
“Can I get your name, maam?”
“Y-Yoo Jeongyeon.”
You were about to land the ballpoint of your pen onto the chart when your brows furrowed as it clicked on your sense that hearing that name hit you a familiarity. 
“Come again?”
“I know you heard me, doc. You must be recognizing me now.” She giggled shyly.
Your mouth agaped and let out an ‘ooh’. “What a pleasant surprise. This has to be the first time I get to face a famous celebrity visiting my clinic.” You laughed. “You’re Jeongyeon of TWICE, am i correct?”
“Pleasure to meet you.” 
“This won’t do help anymore anyways.” She removes her mask. Her full visual is now visible to you, and wow she must be also the most beautiful client you have ever encountered so far in your time here. 
The hand that you’re presenting at her for a handshake flinched as soon as you saw her face in full display. Jeongyeon accepted your hand, and your body shivered at her warm touch passed on you.
“Pleasure to meet you too, doc. I could tell this might be your first time… or you’re a fan?”
“Ahh… sorry for this but I’’ll go with the first one.” You cautiously said on her, fearing that she might get offended at your explaination after. “Not actually to consider myself a fan, I do have listened to some of your songs and it’s pretty good but I’m just not that invested much at K-Pop” you said in an apologetic tone.
“No, it’s fine doctor. I’m actually glad that I can atleast be able to have a conversation with somebody by just being simply as myself and not this famous image that I’ve built for myself.” She said. 
“You’re right, and if that’s what makes you comfortable, then I would be willing to give you that, Ms. Yoo.” 
You and Jeongyeon proceeded to finalize the necessary informations before you made it clear to her that Peanut must stay here for an estimated 3 days since you still have an available slot left for pets to remain at your workplace for stricter guidance and medication.
Jeongyeon agreed on that and appreciated your service again before she bids your farewell. Once she left, you breathed out deeply, astounded that you had just interacted with an idol and, at the same time, had such an attractive lady like Jeongyeon.
The next day, Jeongyeon went to visit again at an earlier time compared to yesterday to gain an update on Peanut, and fortunately, you brought some good news. Although Prsnut is still sick, you informed her that she is now stable and that her temperature has improved.
After getting to look at Peanut, who is resting, Jeongyeon decided to spare her breaktime from her work by engaging in some conversation with you, away from the honorifics, and rather as two people genuinely getting acquainted with each other.
They explore topics like Jeongyeon sharing her interest on opening a pet clinic too if she wasn't an idol because she likes animals too, particulary dogs and cats, you being not that much of a K-Pop fan, and some other common and difference between each other.
That’s where she learned as the mood shifted when you brought up about the fact that he's unsure if his clinic will remain here for long when Jeongyeon expressed her interest to come back here again because you told Jeongyeon that his rent exceeded due and he already got a warning from the landlord. He wanted to pay but he is struggling to attain the required money, now that it gotten higher than the previous amount of rent.
You also added that you are currently trying to search for other vacant places where you can move your clinic to escape the heavy rent. 
Jeongyeon was saddened by it and hoped that things would go well for him. Little did you know, though, that when she returned again for the last day to pick up Peanut, she actually took note of it and surprised you with a reward for helping her.
“Uhm n-no Miss Yoo thank you so much for this but… I can’t accept this. This is too much, I’m just doing my work.” You respectfully refused her offer.
“No, you deserve it, that’s why, and I can see that you are a gooand easygoing with. We can be friends if you’ll even like that more.” Jeongyeon grinned and shrugged. Her invitation to welcome you to a much more explorable and closer connection with her has shocked you to the core.
You must be one of the luckiest people in the world because, despite being a stranger, you had no idea that, as you crossed paths with a huge name like Jeongyeon, you didn’t expect at all that you'd be able to make friends with her. All you knew at first was that this whole thing was just going to be a one-off experience.
“That’s why I’m doing this. I can respect your refusal, but you know I would like it better if you’ll give it more time to think and… accept this.” She smiled and handed you a card. “This is my number, contact me when you make up your mind.”
She just left you speechless as she exits your clinic. You gulped and let out a gasp as you view Jeongyeon’s business card in your possession. Remembering her advice, you did contemplated about the offer for the entirety of the night. The next day, a one call away was all it took for Jeongyeon to get the go signal.
You and Jeongyeon visited the place, and it did match your liking. What she did after overwhelmed you when she said that she'd be the one to buy it for you, and all of the embarrassment and humbleness overflow at Jeongyeon’s initiative to help you.
But you have no choice but to accept; after all, this is already such a wonderful free treat coming from a kind-hearted woman like Jeongyeon. You accepted it, and Jeongyeon made the payment. Now she has also assisted you to relocate with the help of some movers and establish this place your official new clinic.
Because of this wholesome exchange that you and Jeongyeon made possible, this became the gateway to an opportunity when, as days went on, their bond grew until they started to feel something more for each other. That’s when Jeongyeon realized that there was another reason why she was so open to getting closer to you: she finds you interesting.
Then one day, being a true man, you were the one who submitted and initiated the first move by confessing what you feel for her despite anxious and fear. It was all washed away when Jeongyeon shockingly accepted, marking the beginning of their relationship as a couple. BACK TO THE PRESENT
You took Jeongyeon home right away after closing the clinic. Reaching your own safe haven together, you act through your words that you will help your exhausted girlfriend relax by giving her a proper massage before joining her on the bed for a deep slumber.
A week later, they have already reached the D-day for their comeback release titled More and More. You attended their first scheduled music show performance to promote their new title track and the album, belonging to the ones who were committed to appear at the studio very early in the morning since that’s the scheduled time for the idols to tape their performance before the live voting hours later.
As much as you wanted to accompany your girl at the moment, you knew that she’s getting assisted right now by her staff. You were feeling so enthusiastic and motivated to do everything for Jeongyeon today, and what came after surely didn’t have yourself to blame for why you’re being like this.
Exactly as they achieved their first win based on the combination of both live voting and the other criteria's result, it also coincided as your first anniversary together, making this day with her even more special.
Rushing through the backstage after one of the managers helped you to pass through the guards, you met Jeongyeon and greeted her with a tight hug and a proud kiss for her additional achievement today.
“Congratulations, Jeong. Oppa’s so proud of you, darling.” You said very close to her ear after kissing her in the temple and stroking her hair from behind. Jeongyeon’s breathed deepened and you felt her body trembled at her chuckle.
“Thank you, YN. Another thing for us to celebrate, isn’t it?” 
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“Yeah we will. So better wrap up your schedule for today because we are going to spend this day really well.” You said, staring at her with an excited grin. “Have you already told your managers about it?”
“Yeah I did. They allowed me. However, since they’re gonna move the rest of what we’re supposed to do today onto the next day, our schedule will be heavier.” Jeongyeon frowned at the consequences.
“O-oh no… wait, are you sure you’re still up-”
“Don’t worry about me, and us oppa. The girls are fine with it. They know how important this day is for us. Right, girls?” Jeongyeon acknowledged her sense of having others listening to your conversation with her at the moment and she was right. As she turned her head around, you and her caught the girls peeking at the door with their busted reactions.
They all gestured with thumbs ups and nods, even sending their congratulations for your first anniversary with Jeongyeon. You thanked them before facing your girl back.
“Time is running, let’s get going shall we?”
Jeongyeon hurriedly went to their dressing room and packed her things before she joined you and left the studio along with the bodyguards to shield you both against the fans who might trap you two in a stampede.
As you escorted Jeongyeon to the car, you thanked the bodyguards before entering too and awakening the engines to drive off through your first destination.
From afternoon to evening, you and her went to Gwangjang Market since her request was that she would love to have a food trip with all the street food they could get. You understood immediately her love for street food, so you granted it, taking her there and letting yourself get dragged along to wherever food stalls could attract her.
In the middle of a cold evening, you and Jeongyeon strolled along the uphills, where the scenery of the city was almost visible. Standing on one of the balconies, you savored this peaceful moment with the most precious woman in your life with some random talks about topics that can amuse both of you until it went to the most important aspect of why you brought her here.
You handed a box at Jeongyeon. When she opened it, her eyes lighted at the sparkling object laid neatly in front of her. It was a necklace that Nayeon recommended for you to buy when she shared that Jeongyeon was staring the most at this one while they were shopping. Even though she can buy it easily, she decided not to because their purpose on that time was to buy things that they needed the most in their dorm.
“YN… this is beautiful. I- I really appreciate this, you really searched for the place just to get this for me?” Jeongyeon’s expression went mellow for you. 
“You know I will do everything just to make you happy, Jeongyeon.”
Jeongyeon hugged you and kissed you in the cheek. “Thank you so much, babe. I’ll wear this often.”
“Oh you better be. It suits you.” 
“But wait, you think you’re the only one who has a gift prepared?” She smirked and slowly placed the box of the necklace on her bag.
“And what do you have for me too, missy?” You returned the same gesture as her.
“But first, let me drive this time. I want to show you it by myself.”
You had no issues with her request, and you just let her sit in the driver's seat while you’re the one on the passenger list this time. Jeongyeon parked the car in one of the parking lots in a hotel building, and you just kept yourself silent, keeping your questions as to why the two of you went here.
Reaching the final storey as they exit the elevator, you were perplexed as to why there’s only one room left. Jeongyeon pulled out the keys and unlocked the door. The interior of the unexpectedly huge and spacious room made your jaw almost drop to the floor.
“J-jeongyeon, w-what are we doing in here? Is this y-yours?” You said as you roam your eyes around the surrounding of the room.
“Correction: ours… but technically, it’s mainly for you, YN.” Jeongyeon placed her bag on the couch and gripped both of your arms. “Because this whole place was effectively bought and signed in for ownership under the name of… YN LN.”
“W-what?” Your eyes widened at Jeongyeon’s reveal. “You s-serious? Does that mean-”
“Mmmhhmm… this is all yours, mister.” Jeongyeon hummed and nodded. “You don’t have to travel farther from our house to your clinic because is this just few roads away from there. No more hassle for you.”
“This is… wow. This is awesome. Thank you a lot, truly. You’re making me feel like I’m the luckiest guy in the world.”
“Well you must be. Not only you own such a luxurious place like this but it will be never compared to that one rare and outstanding thing that you possess the most, and that is my heart. And I’m glad that you’re handling it with care, my love.”
“I just can’t broke it. I can’t seem to hurt you, Jeong.” You tucked her hair behind her ear. You and Jeongyeon shared a passionate kiss again before Jeongyeon pushed you to speak something in addition.
“Since we now live together here… that means we can do whatever we want here tonight, right?” Jeongyeon smirked as her voice slowly gets lower along with her touch from your shoulder slipping down to your chest.
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“And this place is yours, then that means you’re the one in-charge…” She starts to remove the buttons of your polo.
“Jeong, are you sure you want to do this?”
“Yes, I trust you, YN.” was her only response. She has fully spread your clothing open, revealing your pecs and toned abs. Her breath got stuck in her throat for a while before she licked her lips. “It will be my first time too with you, so be gentle for me oppa, please.”
Confirming that she is indeed prepared to initiate this kind of activity with you, you have decided to join along with her plan. “I promise you that, baby. Oppa’s going to take care of you tonight.” 
You pulled her head towards you to land another kiss, but it was still passionate until it got mixed up by some little intensity and heat built up from both parties. Reaching for the zipper on the back of her black dress, you pulled it down and slowly removed it from her body while your lips were still entangled with hers.
Dropping the dress on the floor, she is now only sporting a black laced bra on top, her warm, milky skin now in contact with yours. You released from the kiss, allowing her gasp from your hands wandered around her back and arm, along with some slight squeezes there.
Kneeling down on the floor, you unhooked the only button present that holds her waistband before pulling down her skirt onto her ankles. Looking up to her, you saw the distinct shy blush formed in her cheeks as she stared at your face on an equal level with her panty-covered pussy.
Helping her take off the skirt from her ankles as she lifts both her feet, your hands then ran through the length of her astonishingly sculpted long legs, enough to qualify for a model’s quality. The movement ended exactly at her bubbly ass, giving it a light squeeze and inserting your finger inside the hem of her pants, moving it again back and forth.
Jeongyeon yelped at your fingernails raking her sensitive ass. Standing back up to your feet, you cupped her cheeks and kissed her again shortly before you grabbed her arms and led her to join you on the bed. Sitting first on the mattress, you silently instructed her to stack herself next on your lap.
Facing you with her sexy body, Jeongyeon starts to grab both sides of your head to kiss you deeply and nuzzle onto your neck, peppering it with some sucking and licking, wanting to show you that she owns you. You did the same thing for her to return the favor, inhaling her pleasant smell and dragging your lips across the surface of her neck and her dazzling collarbones before you kissed each inch of her shoulders.
Your fingers tugged against the strap of her bra; it slid down to the cups until it located the clip on the front. Unhooking it, you set off the bra from the sides, revealing her perky B-cup-sized breasts for you, ready to be indulged by her admirer.
Not wasting any more time, you quickly sucked her pinkish nipples, giving them equal treatment as you gnawed her tits left to right. Jeongyeon mewled as she savors the feeling of your tongue coating her nipples with saliva. To add more satisfying feeling, you joined her hands in action by groping both of her milkers while you patiently devour them.
As you buried your face in her wonderful cleavage, your hands then went at her back and ass to massage them until the wetness forming under Jeongyeon’s pants encouraged her to start grinding at your crotch. 
Jeongyeon pushes you to the bed, laying you down on the mattress. Having her on top of you, she immediately had her sight next to your pants, still distractingly covering her prize. 
Unbuckling your belt and tugging your pants away, she left you with your boxers remaining.
The view of the outline of your hardened length made Jeongyeon dazed in lust and desire of having you to herself. To satisfy her craving, she finally unveiled your veiny thick cock standing at 8 inches proud for her. She licked her lips deliciously at its delectable size.
“Fuck, you’re so big, baby. Woah, I don’t know if this will fit inside of me.” She ran her finger nails on the underside of your shaft. You cursed out at how sensitive your cock is at the ticklish feeling of what Jeongyeon is doing.
She just cackled devilishly as she noticed pre-cum starting to drip out from your crotch. “Oh, no. We can’t just let it waste like that. Lemme clean it up for you, baby.” She starts to lift your cock with her slender hands and licked the puddle of pre-cum on your skin. 
Her eyes then marveled at the humongeous size of your cock around her fist, rattling it like she’s handling a toy.
“Mmmhh… so fucking big, baby. I always wanted to taste something like this. Now I’d love to definitely keep you by my side more.” She starts to lick your head, cleaning the remaining dripping pre-cum on its slit. Your breaths became heavy at her pervy actions.
“J-jeong.. ah shit, that feels so good.”
“Do you love this? Your hot girlfriend sucking off your long, thick cock?” She starts to gently pump onto your meat. 
“Yeahhh… ahmm” You nodded as you swipe some hair blocking her eyes.
“I’m going to empty your balls, baby.” Jeongyeon then began to take you inside her mouth, her mouth slurping around your girth.
You are floating into Cloud 9 until her loud gag snapped you back into reality, and as you looked down, Jeongyeon has now almost swallowing your entire length, a mission success still for an impressive deepthroat. 
“It fits both into my mouth and hands, can’t wait to feel our bodies mashed together.” She then starts to fasten her blowjob, spreading the mixture of her spit and your pre cum along the skin of your hardened cock.
Jeongyeon went under to also share her attention on your full heavy balls. She slobbered on each of your testicles, arising her anticipating to have your load get emptied for her. As she returned to give you more deep sucks and tight pumps, you felt that familiar tightening of your stomach and crotch.
“Fuck my mouth, baby. I know you’re getting close.” Jeongyeon mentioned it as soon as she felt your cock twitch inside her mouth. It urged you to hold her head as a handle and start moving your hips upwards as you fuck her face, her throat getting penetrated by your girth.
As she furiously tapped your thighs, you stopped moving and let your cock slip out of her mouth to give her a break, breathing deeply and tears forming in her eyes. However, she was still enjoying it. She even slapped your meat on her face, making herself look really needy.
She returned your cock back to her mouth, giving you a few more suckers before you alerted her that you were about to reach your end. “I’m cumming, Jeong! ”
Jeongyeon felt her mouth then filled with thick and creamy white substance or simply, your cum saved up for months of not ejaculating. As you take your cock out, Jeongyeon had some few cum dripping out from the side of her lips before she licked it off with her fingers after she swallowed your cum empty in her mouth.
“Damn, Jeongyeon you are so daring, aren’t you?”
“Only for you, YN. I just can’t resist how hot my boyfriend is.” She said and licked your still hard cock clean.
“Same thoughts we’re sharing, then.” You kissed her on the cheek before pulling her closer towards you and switch position, now she’s the one laying on the bed.
“My turn, baby.” You removed her panties down from her legs before you spreaded it, taking your first look at her glistening pussy ready to be taken and had its virginity invaded with the cock owned by man it adores.
You buried your face deep through her slit, tracing it with the tip of your tongue. Jeongyeon sighed loudly at the pleasure it provides. You flicked her clit repeatedly, tensing her lower parts more.
“Mmhhmmm… f-fuck, baby yeah that’s it, make that talented mouth of yours show how can it to me~” Jeongyeon bit her lips and gasped at the feeling of your sweet suckle on the fat borders of her pussy. Your tongue then went back to work inside her walls, wiggling it and bumping it on each sides.
“Oh god i’m cumming, haaahh I’m cumming on that handsome face YN!”
Jeongyeon lived up to her words, squirting her love juices straight at your face, while you try to catch some of the fluids to drink by your mouth. Sweet and tangy for your impression, it still paid off to witness your girlfriend now lost in the sensation of sex, riding her orgasm off with eyes shut off.
You kneeled between her legs and dragged the tip of your cock again to her slit. “Are you ready babe?”
Jeongyeon nodded whilst feeling a bit nervous. “P-please, YN be gentle…”
“I will, baby. Just say if you need to adjust okay? I don’t want to make you uncomfortable.”
“Yeah, but don’t get me wrong YN. I really love to do this with you. I want this to finally happen.”
“Me too, Jeong. Now we all have the time in the world to fulfill our desires.” You said before giving her one last nod as you start pushing your length slowly inside her pussy. Jeongyeon shuts her eyes off and groans a bit at the pain.
“Babe, you okay?” You asked her with worry.
“Yeah, just give me a bit of time to adjust.” You nodded and waited for her signal to proceed. She did, and you started to move once again. Her groans and yelps trying to take your size more transformed into moans and whimpers of pleasure as you performed your fifth and more gentle thrusts at her.
“Goddamn, Jeongyeon you’re so tight!” You grunted and gritted your teeth at how perfectly it strokes your cock as it compressed your girth.
“And you’re so fucking big inside of me, baby. You’re almost touching my womb, I can feel it poking me!” She said as she spreaded her legs even wider.
You held her ankles as you tried to speed up your jams, sending Jeongyeon delighted at your attempted aggressiveness while in a missionary position. Letting her legs wrap around your body, your hands are then planted on her bouncing tits.
“Ugh ugh ugh aghmm… yeahhh hnnghh~” Jeongyeon lets out melodies of delight out of her mouth at the heavenly pleasure of your cock banging her tight pussy.
Your strokes went slow as you tried to tease her next, making her whimpers louder. As you felt that curling feeling again, you laid your body on top of Jeongyeon and kissed her once again, your tongues dancing along to the rhythm of your movements.
You were now fucking her at such a rough pace, your balls slapping the bottom of her ass, sending her rocking crazily on the bed. Her breasts are now squished within your pecs.
“O-ohhh fuck yes there! You’re hitting the spot oh so deep, baby…”
“Jeongyeon, shit… I’m about to release it!”
“Do it outside! I can’t get pregnant yet!”
You take out your cock. As an alternative way to make your cock feel like its still ravaging her pussy, you lift up her legs and pressed them together. Inserting your cock between her juicy thighs, you continued your pace and your length sliding through the surface of her cunt made Jeongyeon feel the satisfying effect of it too.
“Shit, I’m cumming again Jeong!”
“Give it to me!”
On one last push, you blow your second load, splattering around her torso, mostly at her breasts, lips, and stomach. You gave off a few strokes in her thighs before you let go, laying down beside her on the bed.
Jeongyeon scooped your cum on her body as much as she could catch and swallowed it once again with pure will. She hummed in delight at its delicious salty taste. You and she stared at each other, exchanging both amazed and hilarious chuckles.
“I can’t believe we just did that.”
“Yeah, me too. You were really serious about getting this moment happen.” Jeongyeon laughed at your joke.
“Thank you for being my first time, YN.”
“I’m much grateful as you are, Jeong. To have it with such an amazing woman like you, especially, the only one that my heart prefers.”
You kissed her again before Jeongyeon starts to sit up. “I have to clean myself. You really did made a mess out of me, huh.” She teased you as she points at your cum dripping on her tits.
“That’s what you to do me for being so hot.”
Jeongyeon rolled her eyes and playfully pushed you to the side. She offers her hand at you. “Come on, join me to the bathroom and get clean up.”
Well for that initiative, you have no intention to decline, especially when its an another opportunity to appreciate your bodies further. Stepping into the shower, you and Jeongyeon shared some more affectionate touches under the running water flowing down to your bodies, the lust and love you have devoted to your lives have became uncontrollable to resist.
During the bath, you and Jeongyeon helped yourselves clean up, rubbing your bodies with some sneaky squeezes at the intimate parts until it became sexual again. 
You cupped and massaged Jeongyeon’s breasts from behind with soapy hands while Jeongyeon knelt on your knees and gave you another round of blowjob before ending the shower and getting dressed back up. You and Jeongyeon then slept together on the bed to end your special day.
That was the last time you saw Jeongyeon at her full and sincere energy. Another week has passed since you suddenly noticed that something was wrong with Jeongyeon after you observed that she often complains about her neck and back aching a lot, even at some minimal movements.
Being a concerned boyfriend, you tried to investigate her workplace through her co-members, and you learned from them that they also noticed Jeongyeon enduring that pain. What’s surprising was that it was already happening since their preparation for More and More, and it just got more serious now that they were preparing for their next comeback.
Later that night, while she was using her phone, you decided to break the silence by confronting her about it. “Jeong. Can I ask you something? ”
“What is it?” She sounded dull.
“Is your neck giving you a hard time?”
Jeongyeon’s fingers stopped from scrolling through her phone as she got surprised at your question regarding her condition.
“H-how can you say so?”
“Jeong, I’m not blind, and I mean it when I often tell you day by day that I care for you.” You answered. “How would you think I wouldn’t noticed about it? I look at you, checking up on you time to time and then I often caught you wincing like you’re in pain. It bothered me and I decided to ask from your members if-”
Your words were cut off when you heard Jeongyeon sob. You rushed beside her and hold her hands. “Jeongyeon, why?”
“I-It hurts, YN…” she said between her sniffs, placing her face on your shoulder. It broke your heart to hear her poor voice clearly in pain.
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“Why were you not telling us about it? The girls even said you were holding it in since your preparations for More and More. Was that true?” 
“Good grief, that long?” You were astounded at her revelation. “Why did you keep it as a secret? You could’ve told us about it.”
“Because I don’t want to miss the promotions, okay! ”Jeongyeon’s voice rose, making you flinch. “I don’t want to disappoint the fans, and I didn’t want to stop because I don’t want to put all my efforts and hard work I poured into this all to waste.” Her cries begin to get louder.
You remained silent as you let her express the thoughts disturbing her. “These days, I feel like I haven’t been receiving much recognition for what I’ve been doing just to entertain ONCEs, to the point that I don’t even know if some are just too hard to please or if there’s really something wrong with me. But to include that possibility, then that means I have to do something about it in case it’s like that too.
So I practiced hard and cooperated with the staff and my members to the best I could, because I want to avoid myself getting seen as someone who's just not enough for the group.” You helped Jeongyeon wipe her tears off her eyes. “And now, it frustrates me that my stupid neck won’t want to get along with what I am trying to achieve, but I’m trying not to let it get in my way, even if it’s hurting me really bad every day.”
You sighed and rubbed Jeongyeon’s shoulder to comfort the weeping woman. “Jeong, if that’s what your perception is about what the other fans hold their opinion about you, then they are not real fans as what they claim themselves to be. You can’t force yourself to be the best because you’re already at your best at what you do. And do you know one of the indications why I am saying that? And that is because you have us who love and support you, along with those real fans that you entertain with your charms and talent.
So don’t get brought on with their negative comments or impressions about you, because it doesn’t matter as long as you are not stepping on other person’s reputation. You are doing a great job, Jeongyeon. Please, don’t stress yourself now okay?”
Jeongyeon continued to cry again after hearing your words. You resumed your comfort before voicing out your request.
“We have to get you look by the doctors tomorrow, okay?”
Sadly, it was found out from the results of the x-ray that Jeongyeon is suffering from a herniated disc on the back of her neck. The company then learned about it and advised Jeongyeon to stop attending practices for now, as one of the priorities of JYP Entertainment is their idol’s health.
They were unsure at first if Jeongyeon would make it until the promotions for ICSM, but unfortunately, it was confirmed that Jeongyeon wouldn't be able to participate when they went for a check-up again with the psychologists on Jeongyeon, and this time, it showed that she is much more likely suffering from an anxiety disorder due to the effect of her herniated disc.
Since her hiatus requires her to stay at home for now to began her recovery, you then saw how Jeongyeon was badly dealing about it as she became even more down everyday not being able to join the girls on the promotions. 
As usual, you have to do your role as a boyfriend by promising that you'll be there on her side always to help and console Jeongyeon.
And you were exerting everything to provide what Jeongyeon urgently needs right now. Thankfully, she is easy to instruct because she listens responsibly, like when it comes to taking her medications on time and trying to find some ways to distract herself while resting through some of her favorite hobbies at home: playing Legos with her dogs, cooking, and others.
However, occasionally the one thing she can’t avoid is her guilt and worry about her group being incomplete, and the fans missing her are killing her inside. She still holds herself responsible for the unfortunate circumstances that her group has to overcome because of her situation.
It was evident from you that there’s something that disturbs her inside. Her mood swiftly changes when she feels like the flow of the good mood you have been sharing with her has run out. It became one of your challenges for her that you must keep the ball rolling whenever you’re spending time with Jeongyeon.
Just like what she does for you, she was also following the doctor's advice that she must not tire herself too much from other heavy activities, restricting her more from going outdoors and performing some of her heavy interests like doing workouts, mountain climbing, etc. 
The unavailability of those had made Jeongyeon change plans during the course of her break; thus, she decided to find a solution to relieve her stress through some freak cleaning and frequent eating to satisfy and recharge her energy.
With the combination of medications and the amount of food she daily intakes, you can observe the difference that her anxiety and injury have brought to your girlfriend. Jeongyeon began to gain weight while her mood remained unbothered.
On the first week of January, Jeongyeon's mental health slightly improved thanks to your proposal to celebrate Christmas and New Year with you and her family.
She then made a request and the company tested if she is able to go back now on stage by granting her to participate in promoting with the members, and since they have an upcoming schedule to perform their recent comeback in an award show that will have no crowd in attendance due to pandemic protocols, that opened an opportunity for Jeongyeon to join her members at least once.
Hugely accepting the offer, the members were emotionally happy for Jeongyeon, brought by longing and their support for the recovering woman. 
“Unnie, I missed seeing you around!” Chaeyoung said as she ran through Jeongyeon and hugged her quick.
“You look like you’re getting better, unnie. How are you doing these days?” Dahyun asked her.
“Doing well. Thanks to YN.” Jeongyeon smiled shyly.
“Ahh, you’re so lucky that you have such a caring boyfriend like oppa.” Sana said as she pouted while letting out cute noises. 
Jeongyeon then noticed that Tzuyu was just smiling at watching her co-members reconciling with her. She probably guessed that Tzuyu is embarassed to check up on her personally while being surrounded with her unnies, as she knew her unnies usually teases their savage maknae to be such a cute softie baby instead.
“Tzuyu-yah.” Jeongyeon called her, snapping her senses back as she startled.
“Won’t you say hi to unnie? I’m sad, my Tzutzu doesn’t want to have me-”
Tzuyu’s eyes largened and her expression changed into fear. “Ehh!” She shook her head and dashed at Jeongyeon, not giving a damn anymore to her playful unnies but in her surprise, the girls just clapped and awwed at them. Tzuyu got slightly shy that her thoughts were wrong and the girls were waiting for her instead to make a move.
“Sorry, unnie. I just don’t know what to say, but it’s really great to see you again with us.” Tzuyu said. Jeongyeon understood her immediately. She knows that Tzuyu wasn’t that vocal on advices and sharing sympathy when in comes on consoling someone. She rather speaks louder using her affectionate actions.
“I missed you too, Tzuyu.” And the youngest member delighted at her words.
“We really didn’t expect that you’re gonna do this, Jeong.” Nayeon said, referring to the offer. “We’ve heard that you’re keeping progress on your health and we’re not forcing you to do this, okay?”
“I know, but I had this urge in me that I wanted to give it a try. I don’t know what it is, but I couldn’t stand seeing us incomplete and not the same OT9 that the fans adore much. I don’t want them to experience again what happened when Mina took a break before.” Jeongyeon said and looked at Mina who weakly smiled and nodded understandably at her.
“So don’t mind me with this, what matters is that we can give the fans what they want before we release another album again.” Jeongyeon motivated her members.
“You’re so brave, unnie. Thank you for doing the same thing what I always wanted for ONCEs.” Mina said to Jeongyeon, remembering the time she wanted to make a surprise appearance to see ONCEs in personal while being on a hiatus also during Feel special era.
“I guess it makes us the same too, huh.” Jeongyeon smirked and Mina grinned while nodding.
“Alright, we’ll be there for you, unnie. As a leader, I must do my responsibility to guide my members for safety, and if you have any instances that you feel nervous, just hold my hand during the show okay? I’ll stand by your side like I’ll always do.” Jihyo stared at Jeongyeon who started to blink her eyes rapidly and bend her head away.
“Agh Park Jihyo even you? Why are you guys being like this, I don’t want to cry!” Jeongyeon whined. The girls laughed and they locked their beloved sister in a group hug. Meanwhile, you just returned from claiming your orders at the delivery guy waiting on the outside of the building.
You stopped at the door of the dance practice room and smiled as you watch the wholesome sight of the group, not wanting to interrupt their moment.
The event has occured, and Jeongyeon’s surprise appearance definitely shocked the fandom to the core. Her return became even better when they also won an award too. While she is watching their performance, her curiousity led her to peek at the comments and they were all positive coming from the heartfelt fans.
Although, the ocean of positivity has met its shore when Jeongyeon landed next to the Naver site, she saw some articles about her return that wasn’t actually favorable from some netizens.
They have noticed that Jeongyeon's endurance and stamina decreased compared for before, reasoning it out due to her sudden change of figure, making Jeongyeon hurt and offended by some rude comments about them.
She shut her device right away and revisit what happened to her during the event. She knows also to herself that she’s not 100% but she gave her best because what’s important to her is to entertain the fans again like she loves to do.
She tried to forget it and acted like nothing happened when you returned to the living room to spend the night away resting with her.
She then accepted to return back from hiatus by joining her members promote Alcohol-Free. It only lasted short though when it was spotted that there are claims that she’s hurting herself from the way how she’s exhausting heavily while performing, giving the netizens a mixed reaction again based from her condition.
Her secret didn’t last long also when you caught her viewing the sites related to what happened earlier. You snatched the tablet and turned it off to spare Jeongyeon from what she have seen. 
“This is why I told you to stay away from engaging in social media apps too long, Jeong.” You said to her. “It won’t do no good to yourself.” 
“I didn’t even meant to see them, but I knew already that I’ll be receiving complains like I used to.” Jeongyeon said while she’s laying sideways, away from you.
“Jeong, just don’t get brought up by their useless pathetic comments. They just can’t appreciate people’s hardwork, that’s why.”
“That’s it. You said it yourself. How can they appreciate what I’m doing if maybe… my hardwork wasn’t enough yet.” Jeongyeon said before you noticed that she slept after while you are advicing her not to think like that.
You sighed and joined her to the bed, cuddling her into comfort.
She wasn’t lying when she said those words to you last time. It drove her to grind for improving herself on practicing their Japanese track Perfect World to prove herself, only to cost her getting affected too much by the comments she saw that not only lifted up her motivation to excel but caused her emotional state to be depressed, halting the progress rather.
Her condition got worse, with the doctors and the company putting her back for a short hiatus again, which caused her to miss the dance practices for The Feels. It was like something inside had snapped. Her behavior and mood also changed drastically for you; your kind words of assistance weren't working enough anymore to convince her that she’s going to be okay again.
Through the first two weeks of her hiatus, you can see from Jeongyeon that she’s acting differently whenever you try to interact with her. While yours were gentle and kind, hers was rather the contrast of how you treat her. 
She would just answer you with a blank face, minimal words, and a and a robotic and bland tone that would lose your enthusiasm to talk with her.
Sometimes you would just catch her staring into the unknown, and as much as you wanted to come up to her, you knew she'd silently request that you leave her alone.
This is not the Yoo Jeongyeon you knew and loved. It’s not right anymore, you thought to yourself. You know you have to do something to end this because this ain’t something she is incapable to do, both for her personal well-being and for the people around her who're impacted by it.
This urge has pushed you to confront  Jeongyeon regarding her unusual antics, unintentionally leading both into an altercation. 
Not because of what you said, but from what you have just heard from her when surprisingly, she was the one who initiated to break the silence during your dinner with her.
“By the way, I’m packing my things tomorrow, YN.” Jeongyeon said, taking one of her last scoops on her food.
“Packing your t-things?” You stopped moving your spoon through the plate. “Why, where you going?”
“Back to my parent’s house.” She blandly replied. 
“Oh. We better sleep right after this then. Let me escort you tom-”
“Not needed.” She simply rejected. Your brows started to meet.
“Jeong, you know it’s not safe for you to go outside on your own. You’re still not well, the fans and media can just-”
“It’s not your problem anymore.” Jeongyeon’s hands gripped tightly on the table. Your stare went deeper at your girlfriend.
“Not my concern? Jeong, I’m your boyfriend.” You huffed. “Come on, what exactly is wrong with you? W-why these days… I feel like you’re trying hard to… push me away. Was there a problem? Don’t you need my assistance anymore?” You made a direct approach. It has became impatient and insufferable already for you to hold these thoughts that’s bothering you everyday.
“Or was it still the same?” You sighed heavily and scratched your forehead.
“It’s not.” Jeongyeon muttered. You were barely able to catch what she said.
“Say again?”
To your astonishment, Jeongyeon looked up and gave you the same intense stare, but her aura was different from yours. Gazing into her eyes, you had the impression that you were witnessing her most vulnerable state of being tonight as she attempted to disfigure herself with this act of hostility and coldness.
“I want to break up with you.” 
Your body froze, looking at her in fright, heart and mind rambling and constricting at the same time just absorbing that sentence you thought you will never going to hear from her forever.
“We’re d-done.” She said to you and twitched her head away to avoid staring at you. “You don’t have to look up for me, I’m giving you freedom now to do whatever you want to do.”
She stands up and was about to enter her bedroom when you stood up and hit the table hard. “You can’t be serious, Jeong! Just like that?”
Jeongyeon stopped on her steps, her back facing you. “After everything I’ve done? Jeong, I’m not stupid. This isn’t the best of you, we both damn know you never want to say that.”
“I mean it, YN! Was I not obvious enough why I don’t need you now? What else you want me for you to understand!” She yelled as she turned around to look at you. You just stood there and stared at her bursting out her frustation at you.
For the first time, your eyes dwelled with tears made by the anguish in your chest after receiving those words of despise coming from someone you love the most out of anyone that you never know would express herself that she will end up hating you.
“Jeong…” You called her breathily. She was dumbstrucked seeing you emotional because of what she did. “W-what happened to us?”
She remained silent observing your stability shatter into pieces. “I’m not gonna be fooled by your acts, Jeong. You’re just saying that because you’re tired… but you don’t meant with all your heart because I know right there, I’m the one you will always love to be with.”
You slowly walked across her and Jeongyeon lowered her head to avoid gazing at your broken state closer. “You can’t just leave me with “why?”. How about me, huh? I do get tired, trying to fix you, but did you hear me wanting to break up with you?”
You raised your chin and made her look at you. “No. I didn’t stopped, I NEVER stopped, because I can’t abandon you. I can’t bear seeing you helpless because of the same thing. I love you, Jeongyeon and that… is what I mean a lot.
Don’t let me go, please. That’s all I’m asking for.” You cried as you held her hands and hold it tight. “Just tell me what’s the problem, and I’ll carry it too. We have to solve this together, I can’t let it cost you. You’re the only one I have left.”
Jeongyeon couldn’t control her own tears as she got defeated easily by your pleads of sorrow, demonstrating your unwavering and loyalty of your unbreakable love for her. 
She felt pity immediately thinking about you losing her, and knowing that she has became very important aspect of your life, it’s cruel for her to apply a worse circumstance on other people than her own suffering.
Jeongyeon raised your hands together and gave yours a deep kiss. She laid her head on your chest and sobbed heavily in your arms. “I’m sorry… I didn’t mean to hurt you too.”
You hugged her closer to you and keep yourselves soothed in your warmth creating by this burning affection you share for one another. “It’s fine. I know everything must be so hard for you, but please don’t ever consider removing me or others who are willing to stay by your side and guide you to recovery.”
“It’s not that I don’t want others who care for me, it’s just that… I’m just scared, that I might just hurt and displease you because of how I’ve changed.” Jeongyeon began to explain while you wipe your tears in her face. 
“That made me began to hate myself these days. I feel like I’ve losing my worth into people lives and rather becoming a burden. And I’ve tried to distance myself from you because I thought…  I might just making you suffer too much to take care of me, and i feel like I’m unattractive to be paired with you. You deserve better, so I made a plan to slowly make you quit.”
She said before she broke down again brought by guilt and regret. You continued to ease her emotions off, patting her head and caressing her back.
“Jeongyeon… everything that you said, that’s not happening at all.” You gave a feedback. “You may have confessed that people might probably dislike you  for how you look now compared from the previous that they’ve grown accustomed to recognize you… but I’m not. 
Jeongyeon, you don’t know the level of fear I’ve got when I heard you breaking up with me. Let’s say, one of those is because you think you’re not pretty as before in my eyes anymore that concerned you. But no…”
You traced her visuals with your fingertips, Jeongyeon felt chills as she stared at your eyes encapsulating primal desire as she felt her face being admired by the man she adore.
“How about I do something… to prove I’m not letting go easy, and to make you know how you will always be the epitome of my ideal woman in my eyes.”
You catched the back of her head and pushed her into yours, colliding your lips together. You walked and guided her through the bedroom, shutting the door with your feet before you continued engaging into a wild kiss with Jeongyeon.
You removed your T-shirt and pants, sparing your boxers as the only piece of garment left worn. Jeongyeon sought that as a signal to get rid of her own clothing too, but you hold her hands to prevent her from doing.
“Don’t. All you have to do is watch and submit. Because tonight… is all about you, my love.” You kissed her again before rotating the blushing Jeongyeon, facing her through your full body mirror.
“Look at you, such a masterpiece.” You whispered in her ear as Jeongyeon watched you stroking her hair from behind. Your hands went lower, sliding it across the sides of her figure. “Shall I start doing a breakdown of what I observe that makes you understand… how special you are?”
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Jeongyeon just nodded, very flushed at your sudden change of demeanor. You may have caught her response, but that wasn’t enough for her. “Cmon, baby. Don’t be shy, use that pretty voice of yours. Make me hear it.” 
You whispered to her ear while you wrapped her waists and pushed her closer to you. Jeongyeon whimpered as she felt her ass bump into your boner. “Yes p-please… let me know.”
“Good. Let’s start with your face, babe.” You squished her plump cheeks and gave it both kisses, making Jeongyeon’s blush intensely. “Back from the time I’ve saw you in my clinic, the first thing my mind commented was how exceptionally beautiful you are, Jeongyeon.”
“Sure, there may be other women around there who are also beautiful but… yours is just… unique. And I don’t lie when you’re the one I still wanted even after all this time, because my heart only prefers the beauty you possess.” 
Jeongyeon smiled at your endearing compliment. You kissed her on the temple before moving on. Your sight was on her neck, massaging and sniffing on her scent. “These smooth, milky neck and shoulders that you always expose from me. That’s why I love laying my head or burying my face onto your skin, makes it better whenever I miss having your touch on me.”
You peeked to see Jeongyeon shutting her eyes and savoring your touch. “Don’t close your eyes too long, baby. I want you to see everything.” She complied, and then she realized that you’re starting to lift her shirt up, holding the hem.
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You smirked as you teasingly slowed down your hands beginning to cover her cups before you planted them suddenly, yelping Jeongyeon. You kneaded her boobs gently through the bra. “So soft. Whenever I catch you changing up and get to see you in your favorite set of lingeries, not gonna lie, it makes you so hot, Jeongyeon… especially today.”
“These nice tits, so flawless and pearly, contrasting to the color of your enticing black bra.” Jeongyeon heard you groan while groping her boobs, turning her on.
“But ofcourse, nothing gets better when I see them uncovered, for my eyes only. .” You sensed the clip on her front and unclicked it, exposing her packed set of breasts laying neatly on top of her ribcage. “Goddamn, they’re so perfect.”
You resumed to knead them again, making sure that you give them equal attention. Jeongyeon starts to gasp and whine as your fingers twists and pull her nipples. “You say your body gets ugly, but it just became better for me Jeong. Look at your tits, they’ve became bigger… perkier… and heavier.” You said while playing at them, jiggling them in your palm.
“Makes me wonder, if I put a baby on you today and make your pregnant, wouldn’t these get even more bigger. And God… getting these huge jugs filled with milk, I’m afraid our baby won’t be getting everything of it, because daddy have to share instead, I may even couldn’t control and won’t spare a drop.” You whispered seductively as your hands circling her tits intensified, now matching it with your crotch humping the outline of her ass.
“Please… fuck YN I’m about to lose it, hurry…” Jeongyeon said as she felt her panties getting soaked now by her juices.
You understood what she meant, your hand went to her bottom. “Oh goodness, you’re really soaked down there. Couldn’t wait to fuck you, huh?”
“But hold it a bit longer, we’re not through yet, baby.” You chuckled devilishly. Jeongyeon whined as you left her crotch and slowly kneeled beside her, your hands went attention now to her tummy that gained some fat due to the effects of her medication.
“You call this ugly but I take it to be cute, instead. I can’t wait to lay my head on these fluffy tummy of yours whenever I’m bored, baby.” You said as you pinched her belly and wiggled it. “Those bodyshamers who will dare to berate you will definitely feel my wrath, Jeong. Nobody can insult you.”
Your fingertips then reached the waistband of her jogging pants. “Ah yes, we’re getting closer to the main event.”  Jeongyeon continues to watch you work on her lower part, pulling down her pants. She stepped out from it and there she is, all left with nothing but her matching white panties.
“There’s another thing why I love your body even more, Jeong… is through these.” You ran your hands, inspecting her long legs and giving her thighs some squeeze, eliciting an ‘ahh’ from Jeongyeon. “You have gotten way even thicker this time, Jeongyeon. I think I’ll get addicted burying my face and willingly die onto these meaty, juicy thighs compressing my head.”
“T-that’s harsh. I-I still want to keep you.”
“Course you do, nobody can appreciate you better than I do.” Jeongyeon looked at you and blushed.
She watched you again at the mirror, caressing the length of her legs before you playfully bumped your finger at her core, letting out a lewd sound from her. “Y-YN!”
“And lastly, this.” You repeated it again, making Jeongyeon close her legs for a while before you removed her panties, and Jeongyeon is now fully naked in front of the mirror. 
You kneeled again, rubbing your face on her ass and burying it between her crack, sniffing on it. “Y-YN… it’s d-dirty down there!”
“I don’t care, but you still smell so intoxicating, Jeong.” You gave a kiss on each of her cheeks before spanking her. 
“Do you love me smacking these fruity butt you got, Jeongyeon?”
You slapped it again. “God you’re so perfect. Sculptured and blessed by the gods with a perfect combination of huge tits and firm ass. Thank heavens for making me the luckiest guy in the world, thinking that I can have this all by myself.” You whistled. “And you think I would have the guts to find another woman when I already have mine as the best.”
Jeongyeon’s heart is blooming at your continous praises for her body and beauty, effectively boosting her confidence.
“Spread those legs, baby. Let me see that dripping cunt of yours.” She followed you, and there she showed her pussy tainted with her pre-cum.
You traced it and catched some of her fluid, sending chills again on her body as she felt her folds scratched by your fingertips. Your way of licking her juices off your hand just makes Jeongyeon’s arousal even higher.
You cupped her pussy and inserted two of your fingers inside her, pushing and pulling it to trigger her walls. She started to hold on to you to maintain balance. “Ahhh mhhmm…”
“Say, Jeongyeon. You’re just begging to be fucked now, aren’t you?”
“Louder, say it clear.”
“PLEASE FUCK ME YN, I can’t take it anymore…” 
You speed up the face of fingering her cunt. “More. Give me more.”
Jeongyeon bit her lips and gasped at the feeling of her pussy being invaded by your slender fingers. “Ah I-I’m coming…”
“You do? Release it first. Don’t be shy squirting in front of your loving boyfriend.”
With few more rams, Jeongyeon sprayed her juices on the floor and onto your hand and feet. You felt Jeongyeon heaving deeply, but you didn’t let her rest as she suddenly felt your cock grazing her wet pussy, realizing you have stepped out of your boxers already, making both of you now naked on the mirror.
“Do you want me to fill you up so bad and make you a mommy, Jeongyeon?” 
“P-please, I don’t care. Just give em all to me.”
You catched her face and lean it closer to you, breaking character. “Control your hormones, babe. You can’t get pregnant yet, still have career to maintain right?” Jeongyeon got embarassed, realizing how horny you have turned her already. You chuckled. “But, I get you. Promise, I’ll give it to you in the future, I’ll give you as much cum as you want in any of your holes but first, I just know where to put it for now.”
You licked her jawline and nibbled at her earlobe before raising one of her leg and point your tip at her. Jeongyeon’s eyes widened before it transformed into arousal and delight that she’s about to get fucked by your enormous cock. “You’re gonna be loved tonight, Jeongyeon. All you have to do is watch me.”
You sink her into your length and Jeongyeon lets out her first moan as you begin to plunge into her slow in a one-legged standing position. 
She wrapped her arms around your head and kissed you. Your other hands went on playing her tits as you continued fucking her.
Your pace increased, now creating smacking sounds resonating around the room. Jeongyeon watched herself getting bounced feverishly in your arms. Few deep pumps and she was shocked that you released and drop her to the floor, releasing your cum into her face and her upper chest.
Jeongyeon understood what you have meant, you did have found some alternative technique to atleast not let your cum turned to waste. She scooped some of it and have a taste before you leaned forward and presented your still stiff cock on her.
Jeongyeon didn’t hesitated to put your cock inside her warm mouth, giving your shaft some cleansing with her saliva. She gave you a usual impressive blowjob, she looked at the mirror to see your satisfied expression while patting her head like a good girl, motivating her to perform better.
Jeongyeon lifts your cock and went next to your hanging full balls. She sucked gently on each testicles, nibbling on your foreskin and rolling her tongue at its roundness. 
Jeongyeon didn’t hesitate to put your cock inside her warm mouth, giving your shaft some cleansing with her saliva. She gave you your usual impressive blowjob, and she looked in the mirror to see your satisfied expression while patting her head like a good girl, motivating her to perform better.
Jeongyeon lifted your cock and went next to your hanging full balls. She sucked gently on each testicle, nibbling on your foreskin and rolling her tongue at its roundness. 
Entering her asshole, you fucked her slow which made Jeongyeon moan and grit her teeth at how big you are inside of her. You also joined her moans and curses because of her tight she is, but the perfect grip that she has around your girth is what effectively makes her ass stroking your cock even more pleasurable.
You started to fuck her faster, her ass id now being pounded against your crotch. Maintaining your hold on her waist, you took a short time to let go one of your hand to give some few smacks on her asscheeks again.
“Do you like me fucking your precious peachy ass, baby?”
“Yes, fuck! You’re about to tear me apart with your big cock, YN!”
“You can take it, right? You must be going crazy right now feeling my cock fill up your tight ass.” You said as you continued to hammer her. 
“Ugh yes, you can do whatever you want YN. Your cock is the only one I need fucking me.”
“I bet you do, because look at how compatible our bodies together. You’re so perfect around my cock, and I’ll be using it to please you whenever you want!” “Oh yes! Harder baby, pound me!”
You fucked her faster at full speed, testing your energy and Jeongyeon’s until you reached your climax, firing more seeds inside of her ass. As you released, Jeongyeon watched you smack your creamy dick in her cheeks before she felt that ticklish burst of your cum overflowing her hole.
Reaching for some tissue, you wipe off some of your cum before you pick up Jeongyeon and make her sit on your lap. To make sure she can still get a full view of the sexual interaction that both of you are engaging in, you positioned her as a reverse-seated cowgirl. Lifting her up, you slammed her, then back down on your cock, fucking her again into a nice slow introductory pace.
Jeongyeon just lustfully and gratefully watched you perform your intimacy stored solely for her, kissing her neck, playing with her huge breasts while caressing her tummy.
She was indeed feeling loved and honoured tocherish such an awesome man like you who is returning the same exact amount of how she wants to experience what love is supposed to be.
Her smile went wider and bigger as she has continued to cooperate and join with the flow of your intercourse with her. She is simply enjoying having her time alone with you tonight, appreciating your way of servicing her to overcome and forget her personal problems even for a moment.
On your observation, you sensed Jeongyeon beginning to add some movements of her own as you continue to penetrate her underneath. She was now grinding and rolling her hips to stimulate her walls and stroke your cock in other angles.
Her moans have gotten constant and repeated, lifting your hormones to encourage pleasuring her as much as you can provide for this wonderful woman sharing a bed with you tonight.
“You seemed like you’re liking this now, Jeong. I can feel you moving now on your own.”
“Yeah… fuck mhhmm you’re right. You never fail to get me hooked on with your big cock impaling me, baby. I can feel every inch of you filling me up so good. Don’t stop… ugh hngh~”
“Oh don’t worry, I still got a lot left in me, baby.”
You leaned back and laid on the bed, letting Jeongyeon now ride you on her own. Enjoying the view of Jeongyeon bouncing erratically on your lap, all you had to do is to gasp in amazement at how your girlfriend becomes even more skilled at sex when gets hornier.
“Fuck you’re so big, YN. I would love to have you invade me everyday.” Jeongyeon continues to praise how great your cock makes her feel. She twerked and rolled her hips more, eager to receive your load for her.
“Jeongyeon, I’m about to cum!”
She gets off from your lap and formed like a ball between your legs, she pumped your cock a few times before your seed aimed at her mouth and tongue, taking a taste of your addicting creamy load once again.
As she let go of your cock, she laid beside you to take a minute of rest. You still have enough stamina left. You repositioned Jeongyeon so that she could still be visible in the mirror. You turned her aside and slid underneath her body. 
Now in a 69 position, you have an excellent view of her streaming wet pussy and her freshly fucked asshole gaping with your newly unloaded batch.
You gave each peck on the flesh of her vagina’s exterior before flicking and poking her clitoral area to stimulate her on the edge. The more you kept on teasing her, Jeongyeon was matching your game with her hums around your cock and repeated hollow sucks on your mushroom head. 
Kneading her thighs and spanking her plump ass one more time, you lifted Jeongyeon a bit to signal her that you'd be moving again. She lay prone on her side, and you went behind her to insert your cock back in her pussy this time.
Fucking her again in a spooning form, Jeongyeon combs your head as she whimpers and refreshingly sighed at your mouth sucking her tits while you press her legs and fuck her pussy from behind. Your other hand was directing her boobs on your face to add more stimulation on her intimate part.
You paused to fuck her pussy when you come up of an idea that interests you. Jeongyeon suddenly felt the warmth of your shaft between her thighs, and just as she discovered, you have now ejaculating yourself between them.
You grabbed her hand and placed it in front of your tip. Moving your hips as your stomach begins to curl up for a familiar climax, you released your sperm with most of it landing onto her palm.
Jeongyeon made a show by staring at you as she licked your sperm through her hand, turning you on at her sexy and sensual gesture. Her mischievous smirk inspired you to get up from your knees and straddle her torso.
Squeezing and fondling her huge tits for a short foreplay, you grabbed your cock and sandwiched it to her succulent bosoms. Performing a titfuck while she’s under you, Jeongyeon tries to catch your head with her tongue to please you further. Thankfully, with your massive length and width, she was able to grab a taste of your irresistible meat.
Now giving a rough pounding on her abused tits, you didn’t give a damn anymore if you’re getting aggressive. You ain’t stupid to catch her needy look looking up at you, challenging you to give everything you have because she’ll fall for it more.
Couple more strokes and you mounted her face by pushing your cock deep in her, depositing your load that flooded her inside.
Jeongyeon swallowed again, ensuring that none would be left wasted as a way of replacement for not being able to have her pussy filled yet with your baby batter that would make her womb fertilized.
As you let Jeongyeon rest again for a while, you went your attention on her hypnotizing tits, sucking and gnawing at them like there’s no tomorrow. Having a glimpse of hee now watching you do your own thing, you sensed that she must be now back on track.
“Can you still keep up, baby? We can stop now if everything’s enough for you.” You said as you gently knead her breast.
“How about you?”
“Well I can still do more. You’re just so attractive tonight, Jeongyeon. How would I say this? Hmmm… oh yeah, I can’t stop me.” You winked at her before Jeongyeon wheezed and laughed.
“Witty.” She rolled her eyes at you and chuckled.
“That makes us even.” 
“You’re so good tonight, you know. You make me wanna say more and more, because I’ve been craving to have this again with you.” She said as she patted your face.
“Wait, is that another reference again?” You squinted your eyes at the guilty and sheepish Jeongyeon acting like she didn’t got caught. You pinched her nose. “Ahhh!”
“You dork.”
“It hurts!” She pouted and touched her nose. “Just continue eating my tits, you pervert.”
You wheezed and shook your head as you played again with her breasts until you remembered something. “But seriously, I’m happy that I can make you laugh again.” Your eyes went tender for Jeongyeon as she just watched you become serious.
“This is what I just want to see from you. Being here as my girlfriend while I’m convinced that you’re doing fine. Your smile is one of the things that calms me down and keeps me going through the reality of life. You can’t blame me why its such a big deal for me to lose it, how more if I… lose you completely.” Your tears escaped again from your eyes and Jeongyeon wipes it off.
“I’m really sorry, YN. I became selfish not thinking that you’re struggling as me too. And to involve others with my worries and fears only to get their feelings hurt… especially you. I don’t think I should have a nerve to pity myself for what I’ve done.” Jeongyeon apologized.
You reached for her hand and lock it in your grasp. Laying beside her, you cuddled her and laid her head on your chest where your heart only beats for her. “I don’t care how many times I would be going to make this known for you, I still and will love you in just the way you are, Yoo Jeongyeon.
Your body figure doesn’t matter to me too much because the reason why I  love you is because of how kind-hearted you are and I feel like I own you too much since the beginning.” You said to her.
Jeongyeon remembered that she was there for him in ups and down, to provide him that would require saving like for example: his pet clinic before. And now she also realises that you were doing the same for her. You also became the special person who will do anything to stay by her same most of the time, bringing her back to when they first met.
You didn't treated her as Jeongyeon from TWICE but simply as by herself, as a normal human and Korean citizen named Yoo Jeongyeon, like she always wanted to receive from anybody whether they may be part of the fandom or not.
“How fitted a woman’s body wasn’t my qualification to make you my girlfriend. Even if I marry you in the future, it’s not because I’m in love only because of the way you look, but because you fulfilled my dream and I devoted myself to give your soul and existence a meaning to my world.”
Jeongyeon kissed you directly through the lips and hugged you tightly. “I love you so much, YN.” That’s what all it took to show her utmost respect and value for your role.
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As you and her go on for another heated kiss, you felt your cock being woken back up by her thighs poking your shaft. 
Bumping into her folds, you spreaded it wide again as you inserted it back inside of her, fucking her passionately before you and her both go on into another multiple number of positions, basically them having sex around the house, shooting a gallon more of cum in her mouth and ass until you and her are too spent. You and her then slept together at dawn, with your dry flaccid cock still tucked into her snatch.
Because of that moment you shared with her, Jeongyeon slowly starts to recover from her anxiety, trying to be confident and love herself for her new figure and become not much bothered by the hate comments. 
She then goes to hang out more often with her family, members and her boyfriend. It made her successfully return and fully participate for the upcoming comebacks like Talk That Talk, Set Me Free and One Spark while also attending endorsements and doing modeling again to spread body positivity and break Korean beauty standards.
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And in April 2024, the media, the K-Pop community, and especially the fanbase of ONCEs across the world were surprised to learn about the announcement that Yoo Jeongyeon made. 
You and her officially tied the knot at a chapel in Ulsan, and many acquaintances, friends, and relatives from each other attended to witness the grand wedding. The couple were very honored and grateful for their attendance. The event became the headline of numerous news stories and articles.
Both excused themselves and rented a hotel room to celebrate their marriage in private during the honeymoon trip. There, they fucked each other's brains for hours, granting your sworn words that you’ll be making her a mommy in the future by finally pouring everything you have in store through her fertile womb, which ultimately led to Jeongyeon giving birth and welcoming your first child into the family.
Now that Jeongyeon has accomplished all the dreams that she has shared with you to come true, the idol is proud and fully assured that their love is truly unconditional and that she claims you as the perfect man for her who will always accept, believe, and stand by her no matter what happens that might attempt to bring her down.
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astropookie · 1 year
transparent placements?
I wouldn’t say transparent, they’re more obvious or expressive and for the second one yes, they’re. 👀
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Picture from Pinterest
*Birth chart placements
Moon 1H
These people show what they feel. They CANT hide their expressions and emotions that show their true intentions. Their reactions are ICONIC, exaggerated and funny. These ones move all the muscles of their faces: they often find age lines in specific places on their faces depending of the gestures and bc of the emotions they feel/externalize more: line between eyebrows (they often are defensive), lines around the lips (there first reaction is to smile), forehead lines (they often raise their eyebrows in disbelief) and more. THEY FEEL IN SUCH AN INTENSE WAY THEY CANT HIDE IT and what they show is the minimum of what they feel, even if they try to express themselves correctly, is difficult to them. Is hard for them to identify their feelings and to understand them. BUT HAHA their responses to everything are just 👌🏼They’re transparent, they “serve” you their emotions, their moods that change constantly -they’re unpredictable-, their sensitive nature that could be an insecurity they have to overcome trough this lifetime -in the past they have told them that being sensitive is synonym of vulnerability and that this one is seen as “bad”. OBVIOUSLY MY BABY THATS NOT TRUE, this people (that told you that) have their own insecurities that were reflected towards you, people tell you things without questioning themselves, whatever’s the reason is…FEELING IS HUMAN, SO REMEMBER THIS IF YOU FEEL BAD BC OF WHAT OTHERS HAVE TOLD YOU (this placement is sensitive towards the critique of others, of what they think)-. FUCK THEM, BE YOURSELF, JUST BC YOU FEEL IN SUCH AN INTENSE WAY DOESNT MEAN ITS LESS OR MORE IMPORTANT. Moon 1H have such an attitude, I KNOW YOU CAN DO IT -overpass this insecurity and OBVIOUSLY whatever you propose yourself, more everything-.
Ascendant conjunct Sun
These are what they present themselves. The first impression you have of them is that they are charming; they have an intense and magnetic aura WHY? bc they don’t hide anything or they don’t try to or they don’t seem to. Their self-confidence, goal oriented and motivated character -that’s enormous and this one explains why and how they overcome hard times and even become better- attracts and influence people just by having contact with them, they’re inolvidable. They have a beautiful and positive vibe, THEYRE SO MAGNETIC and stubborn. “Their behavior and nature are connected”. They’re who they present themselves. They don’t force themselves, they don’t have to. They’re leaders, they have and represent power just by being and believing in themselves.
Mercury trine Jupiter
They can be TOO OPEN, I’m tired. Jk but they end up mentioning things that are so personal that no one asked. They have the need, the URGE to mention them, so people know they’re not lying or bc WHY TF NOT? They just say it and at the end of the day 🤪 you know about this people, about their life, it depends how much they expose while talking. Besides that, they’re so kind and optimistic. If a stranger ask them “hi, do you know where is this place? Blblabla” in the street they’ll be like “of course, walk there and there but if you want another place that’s better there’s there and if you blabla. omg did you recently move into the neighborhood? do you know blabla? I’m her friend, yeah we were in the same class. Yes my mom lives in another country and…” the conversation never ends 🧍Imagine some baby standing in the street waiting for her mom to finish the conversation she just started with a stranger and ups! a hour have passed AND WTF YOU HAVE TO WAIT UNTIL YOUR MOM OVERSHARES EVERYTHING ABOUT HER LIFE INCLUDING HOW YOU DIDNT GO TO THE BATHROOM FOR DAYS SO SHE BOUGHT A SUPPOSITORY SO YOU CAN POOP.
❀ Based on my personal experience and what I’ve analyzed in my surroundings.
❀ English is not my first language.
❀ I’m not a profesional astrologer, I just love astrology and I’m willing to learn.
Thank youu. baibaiii🫣🫶🏼💋
Do not copy. Please give me credits.
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blackheartsclub · 2 months
Working out || Xaden Riorson
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You and Xaden hate each other... Or do you?
warnings: smut, reader has a female body, praise, dom Xaden, sub reader
word count: 2,6k
authour's note: ok sooo I loved fourth wing so I just had to write this... anyways enjoy
   The sky was blue for the first time in two weeks, and you decided to take a walk to clear your head. Threshing was finally over, and you had bonded a red scorpion tail rather quickly.  She was probably away hunting sheep or something at the moment, since she had cut you out mentally.
   The parapet was slightly visible in the distance. You had been on it several times after making it over the first time, (stupid, I know), but there was just something so peaceful about being there. Not to mention that it was one of the few places you could be alone. You liked your friends of course, but sometimes you wanted to be alone with your thoughts.
   You stepped onto the narrow stone overpass in front of you and immediately felt your body relax. Even though it was fairly good weather today, there were always some fog around the parapet. Which explains why you didn’t see the 6 foot huge man sitting in the middle of it until you were standing directly in front of him.
   Xaden Riorson.
   “What the hell are you doing here?” you asked and glared at his profile.
   He slowly turned his head towards you and fixated his onyx-colored eyes on yours.
   “Well, y/l/n, I could ask you the same thing,” he muttered and cocked his head to the side.
   “Ugh, just leave,” you pointed behind you demonstratively.
   “Is that the way you should talk to your wingleader, Little One?” he stood up.
   Ugh, you hated that nickname.
   “Riorson, please just leave me alone for once,” you muttered, not in the mood today for his teasing.
   “Alright, alright,” he threw his hands up and stepped towards you.
   You stared up at him, he was so freaking tall it was scary.
   “Move, Little One,” he said quietly and gently moved you by your waist so he could pass.
   “Don’t touch me, asshole,” you muttered, ignoring the butterflies in your stomach.
   You were just met with a laugh as he walked away, leaving you alone on the parapet.
   Xaden was your wingleader, and an annoying one at that. He loved to tease you for some reason, and you hated it. The nickname “Little One” came from when he had helped you up onto your dragon the second time you were riding. Now he saw you as tiny because of that, but on the other hand everyone must seem small to him.
   There was some tiny piece of you that liked talking to Xaden… and looking at him. But come on who could blame you?? The man was gorgeous, no doubt. Everyone basically swooned when they saw him, and that didn’t make you jealous… Not at all…
When evening came, everyone assembled to eat dinner. You sat down with your two friends and started talking about the day.
   “So, you disappeared for a while today y/n, where did you go?” Autumn asked.
   “Yeah, we looked for you,” Ian said.
   “Oh, I just needed to study some more,” you said.
   “You always say that,” Ian looked meaningly at you.
   Before you could answer there was something else that stole your attention.
   Xaden and his friends just walked in, and you couldn’t help that you stared. He looked so damn good when he had casual fits on, gosh.
   “You’re staring,” Autumn nudged you with her elbow.
   “I am not,” you shot back and quickly looked down to avoid eye contact.
   “Whatever you say,” she snickered.
   You couldn’t stop yourself from looking up again and was met by onyx eyes staring right into yours. Your heart skipped a beat, and you felt your cheeks heat. Shit.
   Xaden smirked at you, freaking winked and then looked away.
   “Are you blushing, y/n?” Ian blurted out.
   “SHUT UP!”
   The next morning started with sparring with the other first years. Occasionally you could fight someone from the second year. Imogen looked suspiciously happy today, which could mean she was fighting you…
   “Alright everyone, first pair for today is Simone Casteneda and Jace Sutherland,” Professor Emetterio calls.
   You try to focus on the fighting but it’s hard when the hottest brunette ever is staring at you. Like, really staring. Xaden hadn’t taken his eyes of you since you came in the room. He’s standing beside Imogen with his arms crossed and jaw locked, his gaze fixated on you. That can’t be good.
   When the fight is over and Simone wins by taking Jace in a headlock, Xaden walks over to the professor and whispers something.
   “Uhm okay, next pair is y/n y/l/n and Xaden Riorson,” Emetterio says.
   What the hell?
   “What?” Autumn whispers from beside you.
   “Whatever, I’ll try,” you mutter back and step onto the mat.
   You check so that you have your knifes strapped on where they’re supposed to be and look up at Xaden.
   “Hey, Little One,” he says.
   “Riorson,” you nod.
   “I’ll be a bit fair with you, okay? I took away my weapons. But it doesn’t matter anyways ‘cause I’ll still win,” he smirks.
   You feel the anger build in your chest.
   “You think I’m no match for you? Huh?” you snap.
   You leap forward, grabbing a knife from your thigh and aiming for his stomach. Xaden grabs your arm and quickly disarms you, making the knife fly away on the floor.
   “You can’t let your feelings take over,” he says quietly, like he only wants you to hear it.
   You twist your arm from his grasp and step back, massaging the skin absent mindedly.  
   Xaden gestures for you to come at him again with two of his fingers, and you gulp.
   You try again. And again. And again. Finally, you only have one knife left strapped to your right thigh. You’re panting, and your hair has come undone slightly and little strands of it hangs in your eyes.
   “Come on, y/l/n. Try one more time,” Xaden mocks.
   You glare at him, but charge at him again. This time you try to go for his legs to make him loose his balance, but instead of him falling, you end up on your back with Xaden on top of you. You groan when your back hits the mat harder than you expected.
   “Ow,” you mutter.
   “Come on Little One, how can you take advantage of his situation, hm?” Xaden pins his arm against your throat, pressing slightly.
   You consider sticking out your tongue at him but then slowly realize what you could do. You have one knife left. Before he can react, you’ve slid the knife from your thigh and press it against his abdomen. It’s hard to hide the triumphant smirk on your lips.
   “Good, now you’re on the right track,” Xaden says and grabs the knife from you in one swift motion.
   You groan and try to get up. Fine, he won, whatever. The guy is like a damn giant, who thought you had a chance anyways?
   “y/n,” Xaden hiss.
   He never uses your first name, what…?
   “Don’t move like that, I’ll get up,” he says from gritted teeth.
   “Why? What’s wrong-“ and that’s when you feel it.
   Xaden is in a perfect position to… Oh. And he’s thinking it too.
   You move again and Xaden grabs your wrist.
   “No, stay fucking still,” he hisses again and stares at you.
   Oh, this is… fun.
   You move again and shit, you can really feel him against you.
   “y/n, I swear to the gods I’ll take you right here in front of everyone if you don’t stop.”
   Oh. My. God.
   “I uhm…” you stutter.
   Xaden just shakes his head at you and gets up, nods, and leaves the room.
   What the hell just happened??
   The next few days you don’t see Xaden at all, it almost seems like he’s avoiding you. But that can’t be it… right? You on the other hand has had your mind occupied by him every hour of the day. You can´t stop thinking about how close he was, how good he smelled, how he felt…
   Almost as if he can read your thoughts, Xaden appears in the gym where you´re currently training on your own. It´s 11 p.m., perfect for working out if you want to be alone. Well almost perfect apparently, since Xaden just walked in.
   You look up from where you´re standing doing squats with a bar.
   “Oh, it’s you,” you say and continue.
   “Hello to you too, Little One,” Xaden says and walks over to stand beside you.
   “Something you want?” you ask.
   “Nah, just wanted to work out,” he says and starts to take his shirt off.
   Oh fuck.
   He´s so perfectly built it´s unreal, and his rebellion relic looks stunning on top of that amazing body. Omg.
   “Did you hear what I said?” he asks.
   “Uh-huh,” you stare at him.
   “Little One,” he walks up to you and tilts your head up towards him by putting two fingers under your chin, “Eyes up here.”
   You stare at him, unable to answer. He has made you freaking speechless.
   Xaden softly strokes his thumb over your lower lip, making a small electric current run through your body. You part your lips slightly at the touch, which makes Xaden´s eyes fall on your mouth. When he looks up at you again there´s heat in his eyes.
   “Can I kiss you?” he asks in a low voice.
   “Please,” you breath.
   Xaden slowly moves closer, almost painfully slow, and you sigh when you finally meet his lips with yours. He kisses you slow, but hard, making you long for so much more. You put your hands in his hair, his extremely soft hair, and tug him closer. His hands slide from your cheeks, down your curves and rests on your hips. He tugs you against him, and you push your body flush against his. Your heart drums hard in your chest, and you feel how the room seems to turn warmer.
   Xaden pulls away for a second and just looks at you. You look back, in chock from what just happened.
   “I don´t think I´m going to be able to stop kissing you, Little One,” he says.
   “So don´t,” you almost whisper.
   “You sure?” he pulls you towards him again, and gathers your hair in his fist to tilt your head back.
   “Yes,” you breath against his lips.
   He kisses you again, this time hard, and deep. He pushes his tongue into your mouth, and you whimper into his at the feeling. That seems to have an impact on him because he pulls your hair back to be able to kiss you even deeper. His hands squeeze your waist as he backs you against a table. In a moment he has you on top of it and steps to stand between your legs. A little yelp escapes you when he presses against you, fully hard, and squeezes your thighs.
   “Feel that, Little One? That´s what you do to me,” he says and moves to kiss down your jawline.
   “Xaden…” you sigh and hold on to his hair for dear life as he nibbles and bites the skin on your neck.
   “Mhm,” he mumbles and starts sucking a spot just below your ear.
   “Oh… Xaden!” you whimper.
   “Fuck, Little One,” he says and steps back.
   “I don´t think I´m gonna be able to stop, you sure about this?” he says and licks his lips.
   “Yes, I’m sure, Xaden,” you look up at him.
   “Good. Shirt off. Now,” he orders.
   You involuntarily squeeze your thighs together at his tone, and keep eye contact with him as you slowly pull your shirt over your head and drop it on the floor.
   “Beautiful,” he breathes.
   “Pants too,” he says then.
   “Xaden…” you blush.
   “y/n, take off your pants right now so that I can touch you,” he growls.
   You nod, quickly letting your pants fall to the floor as well.
   “Good girl.”
   He walks up to you and kisses you hard again, this time letting his hands gently move over your now naked thighs. You feel goosebumps appear where his fingers touch you, and heat pools in your belly. Xaden slowly strokes his fingers over your panties, making you whine. He moves down to kiss your neck again and gently adds pressure, stroking you in lazy circles. You breath harder, holding onto his shoulders. Oh gosh.
   “That feel good, hm?” Xaden murmurs.
   “Y-yes, more…” you whimper.
   “Oh, someone’s needy,” he chuckles.
   “Shut up and- oh…” you whine when he pulls your panties to the side and continues stroking your now swollen clit.
   “And what?” Xaden breathes into your ear and slowly slides a finger into you.
   “F-fuck,” you moan.
   “Mm, you´re so wet, Little One,” he groans while adding another digit.
   “Xaden!” you moan, clutching his arm when he starts moving his fingers.
   “That´s right, say my name,” he murmurs.
   Xaden speeds up his fingers, and at the same time strokes your clit with his thumb. You see stars, it feels so good. It´s almost embarrassing how close you are already.
   “Xaden… I-, I´m gonna…” you whimper.
   “That´s right, come for me, Little One.”
   You cry out and dig your nails into his arms, coming on his fingers while letting out small moans.
  “Oh my god,” you pant.
   “You okay?” he asks.
   “Yeah,” you smile.
   “Alright good, ´cause I´m gonna fuck you now,” he unzips his pants.
   “Oh, fuck, okay,” you lick your lips when you see how huge he really is.
   “You scared?” he smirks.
   “Never,” you say back.
   He grabs your hips and pulls you towards him, making you whine when you feel him rub against you. He looks at you and you nod, telling him it´s okay. Then he slowly sinks into you, and you hiss in pain when he´s all the way in.
   “Oh fuck, Little One, you’re so warm,” his voice shakes.
   You whine when he starts moving.
   “You´re doing so good, y/n. You can take it. That´s it. Good girl,” he praises, while increasing the movement of his hips.
   Soon the pain has turned into pleasure, and you hold onto his back for dear life while he feverishly drives into you. You can feel him so freaking deep inside you, it feels amazing.
   Suddenly in the middle of it all, you both stop and listen. Footsteps. Someone´s coming.
   “Oh shit,” Xaden grabs you of the table and quickly carries you into the nearest room with a door, which happens to be a cleaning scrub.
   He sets you down and then manages to get your clothes inside as well just before the room to the gym opens.
   You both stare at each other, not making a single noise. Shit.
   Someone´s walking around out there, probably searching for who was in the gym this late.
   You look at Xaden and sees he has a devilish grin on his face.
   But he just smirks and lifts you up, pushes you against the wall and fills you up again.
   “Fu-,” Xaden slams a hand over your mouth.
   “Shhh, Little One,” he hushes and drives into you harder.
   You feel your second orgasm building, and you grip onto Xaden to tell him.
   “I know, y/n. That´s it. Come on my cock,” he whispers, making you come undone.
   You can´t stop yourself from moaning out loud, and Xaden presses his hand hard against your mouth to stifle your sounds. A few seconds later you feel him spill inside of you while he groans in your ear.
   You rest your foreheads against each other, panting, sweating and smiling.
   You sniff the air feel a whiff of… smoke? You look to the left and see a black spot on the floor where you could´ve sworn there had been a wooden stool.
   “Was that…?” you start.
   “Yup, guess we know what your signet is now,” Xaden says and laughs.
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bitchlessdino · 2 years
Thank You, Secretary Lee
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Pairing: chan x f!reader
Genre: smut
Word count: 3.6k
Tags: business au, secretary!chan, CEO!reader, mentions of alcohol, power dynamic, kitchen sex, oral (receiving), unprotected sex
summary: Being a secretary was more than a job to Chan. It was being a right-hand man, a partner, and a dog. To lee Chan, being your secretary is a way of life.
author note: personally requested by and header by @chogiwapadada I love the header and l love the request. And thank you @wonwussy for beta reading and helping make this look complete. It’s been a little bit since i wrote full Chan fic and just to remind you guys the Chanrot never stops!!! This was a little business proposal inspired obviously, title inspired by what’s wrong with secretary Kim. Office tropes are honestly one of my favorites. Enjoy guys and a heads up. In a few weeks from now I’ll be out of the country for a little over two weeks so I’ll be in a semi hiatus. I won’t be as active posting comments but I will occasionally reblog and such. An announcement will be made closer to the date.
Everyone congratulated you as expected, while some wallowed in their obvious envy, assuming your achievement come out from sheer nepotism. That didn’t bother you in the slightest. You knew how you got where you there. You thrived knowing you’re the youngest female CEO in the company’s history, overpassing your brothers and sisters for the position, and dedicating a decade of your life to be where you are now. No one was going to take that feeling away from you.
In your well-tailored pantsuit, the clicking of your heels echoed in the empty halls before entering the familiar cubicle area of your subordinates smiling, fake or not, it didn't matter. You thank them in your own pristinely shaped smile, eyes on only one thing and one thing only: your new private office. Your wide-eyed spectacled secretary follows your every move rhythmically, walking a respectful distance behind you, greeting your subordinates just the same.
Just as you’re about to enter the peace and quiet, you’re surrounded, bombarded on whether you’d be celebrating along with the rest of the company.
You gave a CEO-friendly smile and declined, letting them know you have a business to take care of long after the work day. However, you insist that they can all eat on behalf of you on the Company’s Treat, sure that one of the Executives below you can stand in your place. They all cheered after the sound of free food and alcohol, saying you’d be missed, and graciously roused, shouting your name like an athlete shooting the winning basket. 
You hold your hand up in thanks, reminding them it’s still working hours to return to their duties, and finally are able to seek refuge in your office, your secretary closing the door behind him. You sigh in contentment seeing your plaque. You approach your desk with a genuine smile, dragging your finger over its shiny surface before walking behind the desk and taking a seat in your chair.
Secretary Lee stands to the side from a distance, hands joined politely at your back quietly observing you. “I take it’s to your liking.”
You nod, caressing the leather exterior of your swivel chair. “It’s perfect.”
“Is there anything you need before I return to my desk?” 
You grin at him, “That’ll be all.”
The rest of the work day goes by without a hitch and most of the employees leave to get that free dinner, with a select few heading homes instead, you being one of them. You pack up your things and shut down the desktop. You trod out the door, stuffing documents in your briefcase, and notice that your Secretary is still on standby at his desk while most people are long gone.
“You’re not going to the dinner, Lee?”
He turns to the sound of your voice, an emotionless ‘ah’ leaves his lips in realization, as if he just remembered that was happening, “I was going home today. Wasn’t sure if I wanted to be around a bunch of drunk middle-aged men tonight right before the weekend.”
“Fair,” you chuckle at his honest answer, “We can share a car then. We’re heading to the same building.”
“We both bought a car,” he points out, putting away his important belongings.
“I can leave mine behind, it’s safe here.”
You follow him out to his car, taking the passenger seat naturally, and take on the road quietly. You sit comfortably near each other, your attention on your phone sending emails, and Secretary Lee laser-focused on the road and not a peep from him heard. It stays this way until the end of the car ride, soon reaching the parking lot of your mutual apartment building. You walk out of the car and head to the elevators together to take the lift up to the mutual floor before you separate to go to your respective residences.
“Have a good night,” you tell him, hand on the door handle.
He stands in front of his door, only several feet away from your door, and smiles back at you politely, “You have a good night too.”
You disappear from each other simultaneously, matching even the shutting of the door. You store away your blazer in the hallway closet, loosening up the articles of clothing for a more comfortable and less stuffy fit. Even if it was a successful day at work, it was a day at work.
Your subordinates may have loved the idea of food and drinks all paid for but what did you have to benefit from such an event? You already kissed all the ass you could. You were done impressing, you were riding now your highest high. 
You smile to yourself washing off the lather of the grime you built up over the day. The steam of water flushes your skin, having you sigh from its warmth. When you got out of the shower, relief follows as well as a doorbell. You quickly throw a robe over your wet body, hastily tying the knot around your waist, and you beeline to answer the ring.
On the camera intercom, you see a familiar face, both friendly and bearing gifts. You greet them at the door at once, knowing all too well his gaze couldn’t help but linger. Whether it was on the sliver of cleavage peeking out of your robe, the droplets falling to your soft, wet skin, or even how that robe hugs your body to show off your silhouette. 
“Wine, Mr. Lee? How thoughtful.”
The visitor chuckles, pushing up his glasses to the highest point of his nose, “We’re out of the office now. Please, call me Chan.”
“Come in…Chan.”
You leave room for him to enter, not without his eyes briefly scanning your body until he hears the shut of your door. “Let me get dressed. You can drop the wine off in the kitchen. I’ll be right there.”
“As you wish.”
You get ready in a timely manner, drying most of your hair and covering what was important and leaving out what wasn’t, before taking a calm stride to the kitchen to see Chan’s back towards you pouring glasses of wine enough for just the two of you. He hears your footsteps, holding one glass out to you. “Cheers to your new position, Ms. CEO.”
“Now you’re the one formal with me,” You smile, accepting the glass graciously, clinking it with his, and letting its bittersweet taste hit your tongue as Chan did the same.
“I like the sound of it. Ms. L/n. It’s…sexy.”
He swirls his wine by the stem, flitting his gaze in at your body in a thin, little camisole and shorts, a single silk robe covering your arms and shoulders that tied loosely from your body, coordinated in red; the most powerful of colors. He feels tension in his trousers, shifting the space inside so it's just a little less noticeable. “Women in power are truly amazing.”
He finishes his wine to the last drop and is quick to pour himself another glass and helpful in refilling yours. You reach out to grasp the hem of his dress shirt, although he had removed his blazer, he failed to free himself from the restraints of the buttons. One plastic piece at a time, you begin to reveal the toned, and smooth surface of his pectorals, practically bursting through the thin cotton fabric.
“So excited to see me, you couldn’t even change out of your work clothes? At least loosen up your shirt here.”
He takes a step closer to make it easier for you, staring through his lenses at the eyes fixated on his clothes before they quickly lock with his, ruffling his shirt until it pleased you. A hint of a smile on his face, gregariously accepting your attention. “That’s better.”
“Don’t think it'd be better off? Like how things were back then when you had all the time in the world for me?” He sly suggests.
You scoff, lightly shoving him off and taking a sip from your wine, that cocky smile on Chan’s face showing no sign of faltering. “You hoped I’d come over, didn’t you?”
Your secretary was proud to be reminding you of your past. Despite having broken up the more times that the number of fingers you have, he stuck in the history you have. From college students, to interns, to the executive positions you now hold, he’s found several ways to come back to you. He’s worked just as hard, if not more, just to keep you in his line of vision. You’ve watched him climb the ranks, surpassing you in every way until now with you topping him in the highest rank possible. He was a thorn in your side, and that made him the most diligent and loyal person you knew. Lee Chan is the perfect secretary.
“Have you not eaten,” you decidedly change the subject, “we hadn’t gotten home that long ago.”
“I like working up an appetite before I eat,” he answers, his hands settling on your hips, “I know you’d agree.”
Your breathing makes an uneven shift, letting yourself drag your feet closer to him, “You like it.”
There's evident pride on his face, “‘It’ as in what’s happening? Yes. Yes, I do.”
“I mean the roleplay, being a good, helpful, efficient little righthand man to me,” You find purchase back on his shirt, thumbing over its cool material, “So you come back to me and treat me however you want after a hard day’s work?”
“It’s part of the fun, but, I like being by your side.”
He directs you to the presence of a kitchen counter, digging your backside into the edge of the counter, and instead of drinking the rest of his wine, he drinks your lips. Languidly, he kisses you with vigor, his teeth occasionally catching your bottom lip. Your arms rest on the structure of his shoulders, eyes shutting as you clench the arousal between your legs. He parts only briefly, the transparent lenses fogging up and the metal frame grazing the tip of your nose. “But that’s second to having to do whatever I want with you.”
He seamlessly reconnects, hiking up your bare legs to his hip, and the stiffness of his bulge pokes your stomach. A hand runs up his hair, tongue tasting the fermented grapes, admittedly sweeter on your secretary. He pulls you up from the ground to place you on the kitchen counter, your thighs bracing its cool marble surface. His pretty hands fingering along your inner thigh, his index and middle digits pressing on the wet spot of your shorts.
“How ‘bout it?” His shallow breaths against your lips, “Should I stuff you until you’re crying my name? Or should I let the wet, glossy cunt answer for you?”
A grin spreads wide across your face and you shake your head no. Instead, you grip the back of his head, tugging him inches away from you, a soft whine leaves his lips. You push him down by his shoulder and he falls limply to his knee. Both your hands play with the tips of his hair, angling you at your clothed cunt, butterflies zooming in his stomach. He watches you with wide eyes like a helpless puppy.
You stare back domineering, “You almost forgot that it’s my day, hmm? I’m in charge now, Lee, and I say you get to eat.”
You tug him at the center of your core, watching him lick his lips. He pulls up his sleeves, pushes up his glasses, and parts your legs wide enough just for his head. He fingers at the hem of your shorts, snapping his elastic.
“Hey!” You exclaimed.
“I should at least get to play with my food, right?” His head dives to the center of your stomach, pulling apart the robe strap from his mouth, pulling at its end, and watching it fall loose around your sides. He does the same with your shorts. His breathing tickles the patch of your abdomen, and he catches the top hem expertly between his teeth, dragging over your thighs and past your calves agonizingly slow. If there was a time to kick him, it’d be now.
He makes up for his teasing by pinning your thighs on the marble, planting his tongue flat against your panties, and running a thick stripe against the fabric. He lets out a deep chuckle when you whimper, smiling up at you knowingly because although you tower over him, he had the manual to pushing your buttons.
He kisses your wet spot, lips pressed against you, groaning between your thighs. He engorges on you like there isn't a silk wall in between, digging his face deeper, breathing hot breaths until he could feel squirm.
“Chan,” you call out achingly, “eat me out, jerk.”
“But I am,” he retorts in a sinister tone.
Your hands go on to grip the counter in frustration, “You know what I mean…I want your mouth on my pussy…please.”
He obliges, not without rewarding himself that is, slipping your panties down normally before stuffing them in his trousers, “I’ll consider this your white flag.”
He thumbs over your folds, your arousal glistening and seeping out of your cunt so scrumptious. “This pretty pussy looks good enough to eat.”
He takes a sample, licking inside your walls like it’s what's left of a yogurt cup. You were thick as honey. His tongue flicks up your clit, his spit streaming down your slit before his mouth devours with all he has in him. “So sweet…”
Laughing maniacally, you feel the hot pressure of his latched in mouth clash with the cool metal of his frames pushing against your clit. You hold him there by his hair, once molded by wax in perfection to be ruined by your ungraceful control, rutting yourself with his face.
Your eyes flutter open and shut, the tension in your stomach builds up with every lick, and you feel yourself slouch down the cabinet behind you to hug him closer. Your whines never-ending, you grip his strands harsher, his high-pitched gasps slip through and tickle your entrance.
“Mmh, like that. Doing…so…good.” 
Chan could feel his frames smush up against your warmth, losing oxygen but relentless to feel the gush of your nectar coat the inside of his mouth and swallow what couldn’t fit down his throat.
Moaning out when he flicks his tongue at three times its previous speed, you clutch him against you, ankles crossed behind his head, hips thrusting in his mouth. “Fuck, fuck, fuck-”
Ivory honey fills the insides of his cheeks as your thighs hug their outside perimeter. In a few moments, you have none left in you to cum and you loosen your grip. Chan detaches himself from you, gasping for air, breathing against your heat, but not for long as he reconnects with another pair of lips. His wet cheeks are covered in a mess of his salvia and your climax as he stamps against your face, meanwhile, his tongue lets that same concoction fall in your mouth, generous with sharing.
He parts from you and thick translucent ribbons stretch from both your faces, Chan is proud to see the vicious liquid dribble down your chin as it does his. “Well, aren't you a good little mess?”
You snicker, “Speak for yourself. How do you even see with those on?”
You refer to the glasses kept on the entire time, stained with tonight's recent events: fog, cum, and all. No wet cloth could wipe away that. He lets out an amused laugh, quick to toss it away in the sink, finally revealing those pretty brown eyes. “Happy?”
“As much as I like seeing covered in my cum, you need to be cleaned up a little bit more.”
You tear away a paper towel from the wall, dampening it from the sink, and use it to wipe up the rest of his face. He smiles through your gesture, keeping a piece of your robe between the pads of his fingers. “Not too thorough, I’m not done with you.”
He has you tossing the wet napkin away, distracting you with a kiss, taking your hands, and guiding them to the opening of his shirt. “Take it off for me.”
You follow through, dropping it to the floor with ease. You gingerly trail your hands over his tight body, flushed in anticipation and lust. You admire his build without looking, involuntarily drooling as your lips ghost over his. Your legs hook around this torso, pulling him against you before whispering, “Your turn.”
One arm at a time, he drops your robe down the counter. He feels up the skin under your camisole before he slides it above your head and it hits the floor with his dress shirt. He lets himself get lost in the surface of your skin, smoothing down your curves and edges. Hands falling to your breasts, reminiscing in their weight, bounce, sensation. He bends his head to kiss a bud while thumbing over another, eyes turned up at your gaze. “You look nice in pants suits, but I think seeing you naked comes a close second.”
His tongue drags around your textured skin, perking up your nipples, and feeling the tension in your eyes that stares back at him in anticipation. “When will you be naked then?”
A corner of his lips raise, dropping from reaching down to his belt buckle, slipping them out of the loops, playfully wrapping around your torso for a quick tug so your chest could make contact with his. A giggle emits from you, kisses peppering over your cheeks, admiring you up close from his poor vision. “I missed you.”
Your arms rest over his shoulders, your chuckles raising hairs on his back. “We live next door to each other, we work together. You’re gonna be seeing me every day.”
“As your secretary,” He answers promptly, dropping his belt before cupping your cheek and holding on to the small of your back, “or your creepy neighbor.”
“I wouldn’t be doing all this if you were only those things to me…I want you, Chan. Every side of you.”
“I want you too. I’ll be sure to be the loyal dog you want me to be.” He jokes with genuine intentions.
You thumb over his cheek, a chaste kiss on the top of his nose, “then take me on the floor.”
Your legs stiffen around him, giving him the strength to lift you from the counter and gently let your body reach the ground. The cool tiles startle you initially, but the warmth of Chan's presence overwhelms you to the point you forget the cold. He quickly tears away his bottoms, his cock revealed hard in his hands. He kisses your lips, gazing at you with a familiar glint of love in his eyes. “Protection?”
You run your fingers through his hair and allow him to part your legs away from each other. “I said I want all sides of you, didn’t I?”
“Yes ma’am.” His lip quivers.
You feel the raw tip of his cock, tease along your ready slit. Like they never left, your lips together follow a familiar pace and his cock eases into you like a missing puzzle piece. Your arousal welcomes him, coating his length deliciously as he takes your legs and presses them against his sides. Your faces as close as they possibly could be, he grinds into you, letting your walls hug his girth. Your erecting nipples roll between his fingers, teasing you at the perfect pressure.
His tongue fights back yours with gumption, rutting in you to the sounds of his own grunts, your moans following shortly.
“Your pussy feels so good…taking my cock…so good…”
“Mmh…Lee…fuck me like that,” he sees you bite your lips before you lightly knock your head back on the time, back slightly arched.
“Yeah, you like that?” He eggs, “my cock fucking nice and full.”
“Yes, Lee…god…more…more…”
“More…all for you.”
The back of your thighs clashes against his hips repeatedly like cymbals, sporadically twitching at the sensation of him fucking you in and out. Your forearms stay grounded on the tile, head banging in the air and you clench possessively, confident with every praise leaving your secretary swollen pink lips.
“You’re so fucking beautiful. Come here.”
He pulls you up from the cold ground and presses you against him, his legs folded at the knees, which touch the ground, and his arms hold you up. He proves himself reliable as always, pushing his hips up in you as your legs latched on him like a leech. You swallow down your drool, you feel one of his hands squeezing your ass as the other handle your waist.
“I’d…fuck you…all night if I…could…Perfect for…me…”
You lose your sense of reality limply following Chan’s lead. You push your hips deeper in anguish, the heat of your breath meshing to become one and he feels you shake uncontrollably, obviously holding back another climax. “Chan…Lee…Please…”
“Wanna cum…Again…” A hint of pretension was fresh on his tongue.
“I want…please…cock so…mmp–Good…” Tears swelled up in your eyes, overstimulated but unsatisfied. “Cum in me…fill me…I’m–”
“I promise to you, I will.”
He muffles your cries, hand in your hair, pumping his load deep and full inside you until you’re practically dripping down his thighs. Inside you is warm; it's perfection. With a final fully extorted thrust, he stays inside you, wiping away your tears and stroking your back. “So good for me…Do you want me to draw you a bath?”
You weakly nod, “Please, and maybe help me clean in here?”
He softly smiles. “I’ll make sure to do so. Anything else?”
You shake your head.
“Ms. L/n,” He speaks with clear anticipation, “You know I respond well to positive feedback.”
You roll your eyes before scoffing, combing through his rat nest of hair.
“Thank you, Secretary Lee.”
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reincrimination · 8 days
did i make you blush?
9-1-1 | eddie diaz x evan buckley
content warning: minor injury
collection: buddie week 2021 (reposting sept. '24)
read on archive of our own
When Buck looks up at Eddie with a playful gleam in his eyes, he's not expecting to see a redness that isn't just a reflection of the siren lights. Eddie pours hydrogen peroxide over Buck's gash just as the latter says, "Ooh, Diaz, did I make you blush?" "For that, you're getting stitches." "Hey, hey- no- what about butterfly bandages, yeah? Please?"
The fog is hanging heavy in the air by the time the 118 roll up onto the overpass. The moon does her best to cut through the layer of haze and give them some light to work with, but her attempts are futile. The strobing red and blue of the first responders' lights do nothing to increase visibility, instead painting long streaks of color through the fog as they reflect and bounce off of droplets of moisture.
The bumper-to-bumper traffic creates a cacophony of horns and rumbling engines that is all-too-familiar to Buck. The hiss of the fire engine's brakes means go time, and Buck is up and putting boots to pavement before the truck even stills.
He stands at a vantage point between two police cars to access the scene. Beside him, he clocks a familiar silhouette come to do to the same.
"What do we got?" Bobbie yells over the noise of traffic, both below and beside them.
From here, Buck can see over the edge of the overpass, and notices an aura of red and blue rising up from below, as well. A chunk of the barrier is missing, and what is left is blackened with rubber and metal. He shares a glance with Eddie.
"Two cars went over! One is still hanging on! We secured the vehicle to our rig, and the driver is conscious and needs an extraction."
Buck and Eddie are moving before Bobby says anything. With practiced ease, they click open the lockers on the side of the truck and dig out the rappelling gear.
"You going down?" Eddie asks, already looping the rope through the belaying device attached to his own harness.
"Only if you're topside," Buck quips, stepping into his harness and pulling it tight. He ignores the fond, exasperated shake of the head Eddie gives in return.
Buck fastens all the buckles he can reach, and then turns so Eddie can finish them for him. He feels the click of the final buckles more than he hears them, and then comes the sensation of Eddie running his hands underneath the straps to check them. His whole upper body jostles as Eddie yanks a few of them as tight as they go, and then gives Buck a final, teasing tug before clapping his hands on his shoulders; his way of saying, Good to go.
Buck's back is still radiating with warmth when he turns to double-check Eddie's ropes. He gives the knot by the belay a cursory tightening, forearms straining against the material of his undershirt, and then they're off, jogging to the cliff of the overpass.
Hen has just finished setting up the attachments for the ropes, and goes to hook Eddie in while Buck snags the loose end and fastens it into his own harness. With practiced ease he winds, clips, and tightens before waiting for Eddie's tug on his end. He gets it, and gives one tug back before looking over his shoulder and backing up towards the ledge.
The rope goes taut and he strains against it, leaning back more than he's upright as he plants his feet against the crumbling cement. The car is nearly hanging loose, one crooked wheel all that's snagged on the rebar from the overpass. Through the tinted windows, reflecting red and blue, he can see a lock of blonde hair.
"Be smart," comes Eddie's voice in his headset, but he's too focused on inching down towards the car to give a reply.
He kicks off the edge of the overpass and Eddie lets him down just far enough to be eye-level with the backseat. Through the blur of cracked glass and what he hopes isn't blood, he's able to confirm there isn't anyone in the backseat.
He yanks the rope once, and Eddie lowers him farther. When Buck is in a good spot to assess the driver, he tugs twice sharply, but Eddie's already stopped lowering him by that point. He always knows just how far Buck will want to go.
The window is rolled up, so Buck takes the glass breaker from his pocket and smashes in the window. He reaches a gloved hand in and smacks away the shards, checking to make sure they haven't hurt the driver, but she's still unconscious and leaning away from the window.
He fumbles with the lock and then the handle, and the door to the car creaks open. He stops it before it can shift the weight of the car too dramatically, and radios up: "Opening the door!"
"Copy," Hen says, and he lets the door swing open.
The car rocks and creaks ominously, and there's a bit of shouting from above Buck. He waits for someone to say something through the headset, but nothing comes, and so he braces himself in the doorway and leans in to check the driver.
Her pulse is strong, but her breathing is labored and she's still unconscious. Her collarbones are already blue from where the airbag had crushed her, and Buck suspects a broken rib at least- hopefully not a punctured lung.
She's starting to gain consciousness as Buck reaches around to secure a harness in case the whole thing goes south- literally.
"Whe- what the fuck-?" she screams, startling, and the entire car moves about two feet father down. "Fuck!"
"Hey, hey," Buck says, quickly doing the buckles on the harness and then reaching behind him for the backboard he knows should be dangling nearby. "I'm a firefighter, we're gonna get you out, but you've gotta be still."
"Buck?" Eddie asks, "How we doing?"
"She's conscious, assessing for spinal injury then extracting," he radios back, before turning to the girl. "Are you hurt anywhere?"
"My chest," she wheezes. "Can't breathe."
"Crush injury," Buck spouts off to his team topside, then, "Can you feel your legs?"
"Yeah," she breathes, and then a gust of wind buffets the car like its a kite. "Jesus Christ!"
"Get her out of there, Buck!" Bobby yells, "We're losing the car, it's going to be hanging from the rig any minute."
"Grab onto me," he instructs, slicing her seatbelt off with his knife and clipping her harness to him. "Hang onto my neck, I've got you."
"Now, Buck!" Eddie yells, his voice crackling over the radio- and there's an edge to it that Buck isn't sure has always been there, but maybe that's just because the-.
The car is falling.
It's slipping, then there's an echoing snap, and it's falling. Buck's rope is pulled upward just in time, and he's able to pull the woman out of the way of the car enough that only her shins knock against the frame as it whizzes past. The door catches Buck in the temple, and he feels the hot sting of blood as it rolls down the planes of his face.
There's a sickening crunch below them, and a plume of smoke rises. Then, a tinny, broken car alarm sounds, just in case no one had noticed there was a bit of trouble.
"Buckley, report."
"Made it out just in time," he radios back to Bobby, a little breathless. "Thanks, Diaz."
"Dumbass," Eddie shoots off, and then he's being pulled upwards.
A few short moments later he's handing the girl off to Hen, and then he's breathing a sigh of relief as his feet hit solid ground. Well, as solid as any ground can be when it's really chunks of cement suspended fifty feet above the earth.
"Didn't have time to get her on the backboard," Buck pants as Bobby strides over to him. He's digging his fingers underneath the now impossibly-tight harness, trying to undo the knots.
Bobby claps him on the shoulder, "I know. Good work. Get that head checked out, okay?"
"What head?" Eddie's asking, standing at Buck's other side as if he'd just materialized. "What did you do?"
"I didn't do anything," Buck defends, giving up on getting the knot undone with his gloved fingers. "Someone pulled me up right into the corner of a door."
"Would you prefer he'd have let you get taken down with the car?" Eddie mutters, before stepping close and deftly undoing the first of the knots on Buck's harness.
With the straps loosened enough to be comfortable, Eddie guides Buck to the bumper of an ambulance and shoves him into a sitting position. Nearby, the girl is laying on a stretcher, conscious and conversing with police while Hen tends to her.
The sting of gauze being pressed to his head jerks Buck's attention back, and he winces before he can think about it.
"Sorry," Eddie murmurs, looking underneath the gauze to assess the amount of blood. "I'll be quick."
"Hey, are you alright?" the girl yells, looking over her shoulder at Buck.
"Me?" he puts a hand on his chest, looks behind him-, "Uh, yeah. Are- are you?"
Eddie huffs a laugh as he trades the gauze pad for a clean one, wiping the edge of the wound as his blood begins to clot- a minor miracle, when Buck is concerned.
"You know," the girl shrugs, which earns her a grimace as her broken collarbone jostles in the sling Hen had fit it with. "Been better. Hey, you're pretty good at that rope shit."
"Can't do it without this guy," he tilts his head to Eddie, who smacks him on the shoulder (gently) in retaliation. "It's all him."
"Well, you did smack my legs into the ca- ow-," she cuts off as Hen begins loading the stretcher into the ambulance. "Just kidding. Thank you both!"
When Buck looks up at Eddie with a playful gleam in his eyes, he's not expecting to see a redness that isn't just a reflection of the siren lights. Eddie pours hydrogen peroxide over Buck's gash just as the latter says, "Ooh, Diaz, did I make you blush?"
"For that, you're getting stitches."
"Hey, hey- no- what about butterfly bandages, yeah? Please?"
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deadbeat-motel · 5 months
Deadbeat Motel: Lucifer
"You've come to seek the end have you?" a figure stands in its lonesome greeting his visitor.
The King of Hell as he once was called, it had been some centuries since anyone had addressed him by that title. The number of sinners who still knew him by that monicker dwindled as time marched on. Now the only ones who call him by that are prideful Overlords seeking to find an end to their long afterlives but would never let another claim the glory of being their executioner.
The Overlord before him didn't say much, opting to avert their gaze.
"The time to have shown shame was long before you came to my realm. If you truly wished to find an end, then look me in the eye."
When the overlord finally grew the courage to do so, they felt something pass through their body. Lucifer's arm had pierced them with the tips of those clawed fingers glittering like white angelic steel. The overlord looked at their torso, Lucifer's fingers definitely passed through their body but it left no mark. They were almost doubtful he did anything to them... but that's when they finally felt it. Its origin on their torso, small and focused like a snake's bite, radiated such an imense pain bringing the overlord to their hands and knees shaking.
"I never promised a painless death..." The overlord's body shakes and trembles as they choke through screams
"... toughen through the pain. You earned your place in hell, you need to earn your death."
That's where Lucifer comes in, being the only other angelic being in this place, he can offer the same end that these angels do with the sinners.
There always comes a time in every Overlord's afterlife where their mortal soul can no longer stand an eternal life of hell. Despite the angels overpassing these souls during the extermination, they are not free from other overlords. Paranoia seeps into their mind as the fear of who would eventually toture them never leaves their mind.
Zestiel, being the only mortal soul that has reached 700, has impressed Lucifer with how long he's kept clinging to his sanity. Though he assumes that once Carmilla is gone, he should soon be seeing him come through his doors.
Lucifer in the show shows disdain for sinners but I feel like they had to brush through it with their 8-episode limit. Which sucks so I amped it up to 11 here where he sees every human as disgusting for forsaking his gift of free will. He is quite hostile and antagonistic when interacting with sinners.
Lucifer has NOT seen Charlie since her birth, he was an absent father. Ever since he left, Lilith has broken all ties with him. Theres a deep pit of guilt and shame inside him that festers from his regrets.
While I am aware that Lucifer and the 7 sins have a circus motif going on. The execution is so bad I don't really want to attempt salvaging it. I'm scrapping his entire ringmaster vibe.
This was an interesting idea i just wanted to get out in writing before I forgot.
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smashboxgirl26 · 1 year
in another life — i knew you were mine.
ph! bakugou x reader / soulmates au! for @klamydia423 as a part of 900 follower event!! hope you enjoy it!!
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You weren’t really thinking of anything specific when the cement cracked under you. It was more of a rush of adrenaline than anything else — the shock as you clutched your torn messenger bag close to your chest.
However, the only lingering thought that you could remember, even after you’d fallen and your knees were scraped and bruised, was that you hoped your heels hadn’t scuffed in the process. You had a job interview: and while you being late could be accepted under your current circumstances, for some reason your mind couldn’t justify walking into that huge office with scuffed, dirty shoes.
There were people screaming in the distance — it was something you could hear, but not really register; even the sounds of blasts and shouting from the distance had no meaning in your ringing ears. Instead you sat, layered in the dust and rubble of the fallen overpass, thinking about your shoes.
The teetering sound of concrete above you was lost, and it was only at the last second that you looked up: helplessly watching as a chunk of concrete broke off just above your head, mouth open wide and staring.
For a second you closed your eyes, perhaps just as a last ditch attempt of your brain trying to protect you from your emptying mind — but instead of feeling the weight of the world press you deep into the ground, a different sensation overtook you: hands, around your waist; hot hands.
When you opened your eyes once more, your breath came out staggered and ragged — almost like you couldn’t believe you were still able to breathe; though they were nothing compared to the those of the hero who’d saved you — short, puffs of air stumbling from his nose as the both of you tumbled into the grass of the park on the other side. 
Blonde hair and furious eyes appeared into your view as you laid there on the grass, and you suddenly regretted being saved. Great Explosion Murder God Dynamight wasn’t exactly known for his kindness towards the civilians he saved. 
And yet, though his eyes were scrunched and his lips were pursed in an anger that was clearly directed towards you as he picked himself off the ground, no obscenities were hurled at you for not paying attention and moving out of the way. Instead, his eyes wandered over your face: slowly, methodically, thoughtfully.
“Yer okay?” he asked, a husked, quieted voice instead of the shouts you were used to hearing on the TV.
His gloved hand came up to press against your temple, and for a minute you weren’t even sure what he was looking at until you spotted the knotted concern in his tinged eyebrows and maroon eyes.
“Yer bleeding.”
With that, he’d scooped you up in his arms once more, quickly blasting towards the other side of the park (where you’d guessed the medical help was laying) while you clutched to his costume, face buried into his chest while air whirled past your ears.
When you got there, you’d noticed the three other heroes that had joined the fight — though they were moving too fast (or you were too out of it) to tell who they were as they whizzed over the treetops of the park trading blasts and punches. You did realize that the villain had some sort of earthquake type quirk, which he’d obviously used in order to distract the heroes from fighting him with the need to save civilians, such as yourself. 
But even after Dynamight had handed you off towards one of the paramedics stationed, and you were ushered to one of the ambulances — you looked back to see him still standing there, watching you with unsure eyes; though he eventually shook his head and propelled himself back up into the fight, it was enough that you could suspect something brewing beneath the surface. 
It took a little less than an hour for the fight to end, and you watched from where you were huddled in the ambulance as the heroes successfully captured and reprimanded the villain before handing him off to the police. You were feeling slightly better by then, after having all your wounds bandaged and being force-fed water and small crackers by the paramedic who’d taken care of you. He explained you’d probably suffered a minor concussion from hitting your head on the concrete when you fell — which explained the bleeding and the fogginess you’d experienced immediately afterwards.
You were grateful, of course: for being saved, for being alive — but your mind wandered back to your job interview. They’d be understanding and all, but now your heels were all scuffed.
Even worse, your messenger bag had gotten lost in the fray of chaos — containing your laptop and phone — but you knew better than to go back and try to look for it again.
After a couple minutes, when the paramedic finally decided that you seemed well enough to be able to go home (and it was also safe), he handed you another cup of water for your walk and ordered you to rest for the next day or so.
What you hadn’t expected though, was to see Dynamight, again, standing near the edge of the medical era while on his phone with your messenger bag in hand. Your eyes widened when you recognized the (now cracked) bunny keychain your roommate had given you hanging from its side — and you approached him gently, still taking small sips from your water cup.
“You found my bag,” was all that came out of your mouth, and his head whipped towards you, his eyes softening instantly.
“Yeah,” he looked down toward your bag, like he was checking it was still in his hands before handing it off to you. After a second or two, (and gaping and closing his mouth a couple of times like a fish) he started to walk off — which you took as him leaving, until he turned back around and gestured for you to follow him. 
“M’walking you home,” he said simply when you caught up to him. “Don’t think it’s right to let you leave alone with your injury.”
You nodded silently, leading him towards the edge of the park back towards the city — but your mind was buried with questions. If Lord Explosion Murder God Dynamight was actually normal in real life, what was up with the persona? From all the years you’d seen him on TV, you’d never seen him act like this. Did he do it to differentiate himself? 
He walked beside you, hands shoved in his pockets, basically looking at everything around him but you — but you were pulled in for a surprise when you both stopped at a crosswalk and he finally turned to you.
“We’re soulmates,” he grunted.
“What?” You gaped up at him, almost dropping your bag completely.
“We’re soulmates,” he repeated. “You might’ve forgotten in this life, but I can tell. I can always tell.”
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ethelcain-songs · 3 months
Powerline Valley (Piano Demo) Ethel Cain
When I met you there underneath the powerlines, I’d start to cry To wash you away 'Cause I’m a goddamn fool and I knew you’d ruin my life In the fever dream Of a summer haze
I was 19 You were 21 My mama said she loved you She wasn’t the only one You lost yours back When you were 15 You forgot softness And what the word means
But I’ve come to know you like you forgot You knew yourself
Gave you my virginity under the overpass Static tearing up your daddy’s stereo You were pouring sweat and I was bleeding out on your seats But we just laughed to death and held each other close
Valleys of powerlines We drive by day and night Stretching for miles away from here We talk of runnin’ Straight shot, just gunnin’ Until we’re out there in the clear
It’s been hard here for you But I know, I’m trying too All alone in this town In this Alabama wild Nothing stops if not for you But I’ll always love you and you know I will
We spent September on the backroads Shotgunnin’ warm bud lights down a sinner’s rabbit hole By the fire, taking off my dirty blouse I let your hands do things that no one needs to know
And I love you like you won’t ever know 'cause you get too caught up in what they tell you to
I’ll never forget the night or the paper in his hand When you found your daddy there swinging from the ceiling fan By that belt you fucking hated That left the marks I don’t ask about All I know is I’ve never seen you hurt as bad as you do right now
Now you crush up pills to forget And you crush up more to sleep You crushed yourself into a ghost That I can’t reach when you’re inside me And I take each blow you give me And I keep it as a gift At least you can still stand to touch me And when you throw, you never miss
It’s been hard here for you But I know, I’m trying too All alone in this town In this Alabama wild Nothing stops if not for you But I’ll always love you and you know I will
You’d been gone for days when I Heard the news that you’d been found Shotgun in hand in your daddy’s field Sprayed out all over the ground one last time I wish we’d have left while we still could But I’ll do what I promised you I would And let those powerlines take me somewhere
It’s been hard here for you But I know, I’m trying too All alone in this town In this Alabama wild Nothing stops if not for you But I’ll always love you and you know I will But I’ll always love you and you know I will
And when I met you there underneath the powerlines, I’d start to cry And then I’d let you in 'Cause I’m a goddamn fool and I let you ruin my life But if I had the chance I’d do it all again
13 notes · View notes
layce2015 · 1 year
Supernatural (Dean Winchester x Female!Reader)
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Abandon All Hope...
Masterlist pt 1
Masterlist pt 2
Underneath the lowest of the highway overpass, an old man gets out of an expensive car, digs a hole in the dirt and gravel, buries a box, and stands up. "Mr. Pendleton, I presume." A British voice said and Pendleton turns around to see a man who wasn't there before.
"Name's Crowley." The man introduced. "In my negotiations I was, uh, dealing with a very young, attractive, uh, lady." Pendleton said. "Yes. I know. But you, piggy bank, you are a big fish, and I wanted to do you the honor of sealing this deal personally." Crowley said. "She said the deal would be sealed with a kiss." Pendleton said, nervously. "That's right." Crowley said and Pendleton stares at him.
Crowley grins. "No, I mean, she said—I don't—" Pendleton stammers. "Your choice. You can cling to six decades of deep-seated homophobia, or give it up and get a complete bailout for your bank's ridiculous incompetence." Crowley said as he gets up in Pendleton's personal space.
"There are just things that I—" Pendleton said.
"Going once." Crowley said.
"I don't think so—"
"Going twice."
"All right! All right." Pendleton shouts and Crowley pulls him in. "No—" Pendleton pleads but Crowley kisses him anyway. Meanwhile Castiel is observing from a distance, on the phone. "Got him." Castiel said then a moment later, Crowley releases Pendleton. 
"The demon Crowley is making a deal; even as we speak, it's—going—down." Castiel said to Dean. "Going down? Right. Okay, Huggy Bear, just don't lose him." Dean tells him and Sam and (y/n), who were leaning against the Impala, turn to look at him. "I won't lose him." Castiel assures.
"Damn you." Pendleton growls at Crowley once he's released. Then he turns to walk back to his car. "Enjoy the obscene wealth. See you in ten years." Crowley said then he fiddles with a cell phone while he walks, then vanishes. Castiel follows him, vanishing as well.
"I followed him. It's not far, but—it's layered in Enochian warding magic." Castiel said but then he sees that the wall is covered in blue-white geometric designs. "I can't get in." He tells Dean. "That's okay, you did great. We'll take it from here." Dean assures him and he hangs up, then they load up and drive off.
That night, a young woman in evening dress approaches the gate and presses a button on the intercom. "Hello?" The voice said. "Hello. My car broke down. I—I need some help." The woman said. "I'll be down in a minute." The male voice said and the woman turns around to wait, it's Jo.
The gates swing open and two men approach her. "Evening, pretty lady. Get yourself on in here." One of the men said. "I just need to make a call." Jo tells them. "You don't need to call anyone, baby." The man said then he glances back at his partner. "We're the only help you're ever gonna need." He said. 
"You know what? I think I should wait by my car." Jo said and she turns to go. The first man grabs her shoulder; his eyes go black. "We said, get your ass in here." He demanded and Jo shakes him loose and flattens him. The second man is stabbed through the neck with Ruby's knife, held by Sam. He stabs the first man too.
"Nice work, Jo." Dean tells her. "Thanks." She said and (y/n) hands her a bag. Then Jo pulls out wire cutters. "Okay. Shall we?" She asked and they nod.
Crowley is watching his film when the electricity cuts out. He leaves the room. "It's Crowley, right?" (y/n) said and he turns to see Sam, Dean and (y/n) standing in a room. "So. The Hardy Boys and Nancy Drew finally found me. Took you long enough." Crowley said as Sam holds Ruby's knife and Dean and (y/n) hold a shotgun each.
Crowley approaches, stopping when he sees his rug is rumpled. He looks underneath and sees a devil's trap has been drawn on the bottom of the rug. "Do you have any idea how much this rug cost?" Crowley asked them, angrily, then three men grab Sam, Dean and (y/n) from behind, disarming them and pinning their arms.
Crowley holds up the Colt. "This is it, right? This is what it's all about." Crowley said then he aims the gun at Dean, then adjusts his aim and shoots the three men. "We need to talk. Privately." Crowley said then he leads the trio into another room.
"What the hell is this?" Dean asked him. "Do you know how deep I could have buried this thing?" Crowley asked as he waves a hand; the door slams shut. "There's no reason you or anyone should know this even exists, except that I told you." Crowley said. "You told us." Sam said, raising a questioning eyebrow. "Rumors, innuendo, sent out on the grapevine." Crowley said.
"Why? Why tell us anything?" (Y/n) asked and Crowley aims at Dean again. "I want you to take this thing to Lucifer and empty it into his face." Crowley said. "Uh-huh, okay, and why exactly would you want the devil dead?" Dean asked him, confused. "It's called—" Crowley said as he puts the gun down. "Survival. Well, I forgot you three at best are functioning morons—" 
"You're functioning...morons..." Dean said, weakly. "Nice comeback, Dean." (Y/n) mutters but loud enough for Dean to hear. "Lucifer isn't a demon, remember? He's an angel. An angel famous for his hatred of humankind. To him, you're just filthy bags of pus. If that's the way he feels about you, what can he think about us?" Crowley asked. "But he created you." Sam said.
"To him, we're just servants. Cannon fodder. If Lucifer manages to exterminate humankind, we're next. So, help me, huh? Let's all go back to simpler, better times, back to when we could all follow our natures. I'm in sales, dammit! So what do you say if I give you this thing, and you go kill the devil?" Crowley said as he holds out the Colt, handle first. The boys and (y/n) glance at each other as Crowley wiggles the gun.
Sam hesitantly reaches out to take it. "Great." Sam said. "Great." Crowley said. "You wouldn't happen to know where the devil is, by chance, would you?" (Y/n) asked him. "Thursday, birdies tell me, there's an appointment in Carthage, Missouri." Crowley replied and Sam and (y/n) glance at each other then at Dean, who nods.
"Great." Sam said then he puts the barrel between Crowley's eyes and pulls the trigger. It clicks. Sam stares, surprised; Crowley stares back, impassive. "Oh, yeah, right, you'll probably need some more ammunition." Crowley said and he goes into his desk.
"Oh, uh, excuse me for asking, but aren't you kind of signing your own death warrant? I mean, what happens to you if we go up against the devil and lose?" Dean asked him. "Number one, he's going to wipe us all out anyway. Two, after you leave here, I go on an extended vacation to all points nowhere. And three, how about you don't miss, okay! Morons!" Crowley shouts and he throws a box at Dean, who catches it. It's the bullets for the Colt. 
Dean looks up only to see Crowley was gone. "Nice guy." (Y/n) said, sarcastically, as Sam sighs.
On a table, there was five full shot glasses in a row next to a row of three upside-down shot glasses, a gap, and a full shot glass. Another glass is placed upside-down in the gap. JO drinks from a beer bottle while Ellen drains the fifth and puts it back upside-down.
"All right, big boy." She said to Castiel. "Well." Castiel said as he sits in front of the shot glasses. Then he begins to drain all five of his in a row. Ellen stares. "I think I'm starting to feel something." Castiel said. Jo gawks and grins while Ellen pours five more shot glasses then looks over at Ariel, who was sitting next to Castiel.
"Okay, girlie. Your turn." Ellen said as Ariel looks at the shotglasses with worry. "Uh...what is this again?" Ariel asked Ellen. "Whiskey." Ellen replied and Ariel stares at the glasses for a moment then takes the first shot glass and downs the drink. Her face scrunches up at the taste of the drink, making Jo and Ellen laugh, before she takes the next four shots.
Sam, (y/n) and Dean are sitting at opposite sides of Bobby's desk, all of them with beer bottles. "It's gotta be a trap, right?" Sam asked. "Sam Winchester, having trust issues with a demon. Well, better late than never." Dean said and (y/n) giggles. "Thank you again for your continued support." Sam said, sarcastically. "You're welcome." Dean said and the trio clink their bottles and drink.
"You know, trap or no trap, we got a snowball's chance, we gotta take it, right?" (Y/n) said to the boys. "Yeah, I suppose." Sam said. "Besides, I'm not sure it is a trap. Check it out. I mean, Carthage is lit up like a Christmas tree with Revelation omens. And look at this." (Y/n) said as she pushes some papers at the boys. "There's been six missing persons reported, in town, since Sunday. I think the devil's there." She said. "Okay." Sam said and Dean looks up at him.
"Look, when you think about it...you can't come with." Dean said and Sam rolls his eyes. "Dean." He groans. "Look, (y/n) and I go against Satan and screw the pooch, okay. We've lost two game pieces. That we can take. But if you're there, then we are handing the devil's vessel right over to him. That's not smart." Dean said.
"Since when have we ever done anything smart?" Sam asked. "I'm serious, Sam." Dean argues. "So am I." Sam said, firmly. "He's right, Dean. Haven't we learned a damn thing? If we're gonna do this, we're gonna do it together." (Y/n) said and the trio share a look for a long moment before Dean looks away first. "Okay. But it's a stupid frigging idea." Dean grumbles.
Then he looks past Sam, his attention caught by Castiel, Ariel, Ellen, and Jo. Sam and (y/n) look too. "Boy, talk about stupid ideas." Sam said. "Good God. True, that." (Y/n) said and she looks down at her hands then back up towards Jo, who got up to the refrigerator. "Excuse me, boys." (Y/n) said as she gets up and goes over to Jo.
"Hey, Jo." (Y/n) said as she meets up with Jo. "Hey, (y/n)." Jo greets as she turns to her. "Hey...I-I wanted to say...I know the last time we really met was...when I was possessed..." (y/n) said and Jo waves her hand, vaguely. "Hey, like you said, you were possessed. You couldn't help it." Jo said. “I know. But sometimes I can still see myself. See my hands around you as Meg assaulted you. That’s a memory that’s impossible to forget. (y/n) said.
Jo looks at (y/n), turns away to grab a beer and offers it to her. “Let’s make some new memories then.” She said, smirking. (Y/n) looks at the beer and smiles, accepting it.
“I know it might sound strange, but that night was the best thing that could have happen to me.” Jo said, as she takes another beer for herself. “How?” (Y/n) asked, very puzzled on how that horrible night could be a good thing. “It helped me take this life more seriously. I’m not that amateur with a bunch of half-baked romantic notions anymore.” Jo said and (y/n) nodded. “Yeah, I noticed.” She said. 
“I could have sat around, feeling sorry for myself and let other feel pity for me. But that’s not what my Dad would do. He wouldn’t let that horrible experience label him for the rest of his life. He would do his best to stop it from happening to anyone else. I guess in a way, it also made me feel closer to him.” Jo explained.
(Y/n) nodded as she starts thinking of her own father. “I’ll drink that.” She said, holding her beer out to Jo. Jo smiles and they tap their beers together for a toast and swig them. The two girls talk and laugh amongst each other then Jo goes to join Ellen, Castiel and Ariel and (y/n) smiles, feeling like a weight was lifted off of her shoulders.
She leans against the counter and, mindlessly, drinks her beer when she felt a presence next to her. She turns her head to see Dean next to her. "Hey." he greets. "Hey." She greets back. "What were you and Jo talking about?" Dean asked her. "Oh, I just...needed to talk to her about some stuff. Something to get off of my chest." (Y/n) replied. "Oh...okay." Dean mutters and he grabs another beer bottle, opens it and drinks it.
"So. Dangerous mission tomorrow. Guess it's time to eat, drink, and, you know, make merry." Dean said and (y/n) raises her eyes, suspiciously, to him. "Are you giving me the last-night-on-earth speech?" She asked him.
"What?" Dean asked.
"What?" (y/n) asked back.
"No." Dean said then the two share a laugh and (y/n) looks away from him, taking another swig of beer. "If I was, would, uh, would that work?" Dean asked her and (y/n) scoffs out a small laugh then she looks back at Dean, a suggestive glint in her eyes. Dean raises an eyebrow at her as she sets her beer bottle down on the counter, on her left, and takes a few small steps towards him.
She then wraps her arms around his neck and he sets his bottle on the counter and places his hands on her waist, a smile on his face. She leans up and kisses him, but this kiss was a bit different. It was slow and sensual. It was also loving.
Dean wraps his arms around her waist and pulls her closer to him as they deepen the kiss. Then (y/n), slowly and reluctantly, pulls away from the kiss and cups his face in her hands. "There's more where that came from, big guy. But...you're just gonna have to wait til later tonight." She whispered, seductively, to him.
Dean felt a pleasurable chill go down his spine as she said these words. "You really know how to mess with me, you know that?" Dean growls, lowly, to her and she giggles. "Well, I gotta keep you on your toes, Winchester." She said and she winks at him. Dean stares into her (e/c) eyes and gives her a loving smile before he leans down and gives her another kiss.
"Everybody get in here! It's time for the lineup. Usual suspects in the corner." Bobby calls out and Dean and (y/n) break the kiss then their embrace and they walk over to the walkway door to the study room, where everyone was standing.
"Oh come on, Bobby. Nobody wants their picture taken." Ellen groans. "Hear, hear." Sam said. "Shut up. You're drinking my beer." Bobby said as he finishes fiddling with a camera on a tripod.
Then he rolls his wheelchair back. "Anyway, I'm gonna need something to remember your sorry asses by." Bobby said as everyone is in the room and getting into position. Castiel stands, then Ariel next to him and then Sam, Dean and (y/n). Ellen and Jo stand in front of Sam and Bobby rolls up next to Jo. 
"Ha! Always good to have an optimist around." Ellen jokes as Sam places his right arm around Ariel's shoulder and his left arm around Dean. Dean places his right hand on Sam's shoulder and wraps his left arm around (y/n)'s waist and (y/n) places her left hand on Bobby's shoulder and her right arm around Dean's waist. All of them begin to smile.
"Bobby's right. Tomorrow we hunt the devil. This is our last night on Earth." Castiel said and all the smiles disappear. "Way to bring down the mood, Cas." (Y/n) snarks just before the camera flashes, taking their picture.
The next day, the Impala drives in the town, followed by another car. Behind them were billboards that said Anti-God is Anti-American on an American flag back ground. Many missing posters are tacked on some poles. Sam and (y/n) both have hands out the windows, phones in hand.
"You getting a signal?" Sam asked (y/n) as Dean drives. "No, nothing. Nice and spooky." (y/n) said and Dean waves the other car up next to him, Ellen is driving, Jo shotgun. "Place seem a little empty to you?" Ellen asked Dean. "We're gonna go check out the PD. You guys stay here, see if you can find anybody." Dean tells them. "Okay." Ellen said and Dean drives off.
Ellen parks and Jo gets out then turns to look at Castiel and Ariel in the back seat. "Ever heard of a door handle?" Jo asked them. "Of course we have." Ariel said then her and Castiel stand outside the car. They look around; the street is deserted except for the four of them.
"What is it, guys?" Ellen asked Cas and Ariel. "This town's not empty." Castiel said as he and Ariel could see that the town is filled with dozens of old white men in suits, all standing still, attention fixed on something in the distance. "Reapers." Castiel said.
"Reapers? As in more than one?" Ellen asked them. "They only gather like this at times of great catastrophe. Chicago Fire, San Francisco Quake, Pompeii." Ariel said and Castiel looks around. "Excuse us, we need to find out why they're here." Castiel said and he and Ariel walk off, pausing to look at the nearest reaper, who ignores them.
Jo and Ellen look at each other as Castiel's and Ariel’s attention is caught by a Reaper inside a building who turns away from the window, the first of the dozens to show any signs of life. The building's marquee reads "JESUS SAVES".
Castiel and Ariel appear inside the building at that window. They come down the corridor and enter a room. "Hello, brother and sister." A voice said and then there was a white light.
Ellen and Jo are back in their car and they come to a stop next to Dean, Sam and (y/n). "Station's empty." Dean said. "So's everything else." Jo said. "Have you seen Cas and Ariel?" Ellen asked the trio. "What? They were with you." Sam said, confused. "Nope. They went after the reapers." Ellen said.
"Reapers?" Dean said, shocked.
"They saw reapers? Where?" (Y/n) asked the girls. "Well, kind of everywhere." Jo said and Dean, Sam and (y/n) look at each other with worry and concern.
The room is dark, lit mostly by firelight. Castiel and Ariel are standing in the center of a ring of fire. Then they notice the other person in the room. "Lucifer." Castiel and Ariel said as he walks up to them. "So I take it you two are here with the Winchesters and (l/n)." Lucifer said. "We came alone." Ariel said and Lucifer smiles at her.
"Loyalty. Such a nice quality to see in this day and age." Lucifer said and he stares at Ariel. "My dear sister. It is so good to see you." Lucifer said. "Likewise." Ariel growls as she glares at her older brother. "I'm told you and...Castiel, right?" Lucifer said as he looks at Cas, who glares at him. 
"Anyway, I'm told that you and Castiel came here in an automobile." Lucifer said. "Yes." Cas and Ariel said. "What was that like?" Lucifer asked them. "Um. Slow. Confining." Castiel explains. "What a peculiar thing you are." Lucifer said as he stares at Castiel but Ariel stares at her brother and noticed that he doesn't look healthy. It looked like he had burns on his face.
"What's wrong with your vessel?" Ariel asked him. "Yes. Um. Nick is wearing a bit thin, I'm afraid. He can't contain me forever, so—" Lucifer said. "You—" Castiel said and he steps forward but Ariel stops him so he doesn't step into the fire. "You are not taking Sam Winchester. We won't let you." Castiel said, firmly. "Castiel. Ariel. I don't understand why you two are fighting me, of all the angels." Lucifer said.
"You really have to ask?" Castiel asked him. "I rebelled, I was cast out. You, Castiel, rebelled, you were cast out. Almost all of heaven wants to see me dead, and if they succeed, guess what? You're their new public enemy number one. We're on the same side, like it or not, so why not just serve your own best interests? Which in this case just happen to be mine?" Lucifer asked. "I'll die first." Castiel said. "I suppose you will." Lucifer said then he looks at his sister.
“Ariel. I have to say I’m a little curious about your story. From what I remember you were always such a good little sister. Staying quite and in your place like Dad and Michael wanted.” Lucifer said, almost mockingly. “I grew up. Got tired of all the family drama and went sightseeing instead.” Ariel replied. “But then you came back from what I’ve heard. You rebelled against heaven and against dear Michael. And all for three of the most broke humans on the planet.” Lucifer said.
“Broken is not the word I would use to describe them. They are rough around the edges and have made mistake. But they learn from them and grow. Micheal and the rest of heaven are so close minded, that they won’t stop to question their actions. Believing whatever sacrifices they make will be justified in the end. Sam, Dean, (y/n), I’ve gotten to know them, hear their stories, see what drives them. They’ve each taught me valuable lessons.” Ariel explained.
Lucifer scoffs at this. “What could these humans possibly teach you?” He asked. “Many wonderful things actually. (Y/n), she stood by the brothers side through all the good and bad. Her loyalty is remarkable and her faith in both of them is inspiring. Most humans or even angels for that matter, wouldn’t have the brothers’ back after the gates of hell or breaking the final seal. I’m honored to be considered her friend.” Ariel explained.
Lucifer continued listening, with a bored expression. “Her lover, Dean, is one of the most resilient fighters I’ve seen. He has truly been through terrible things that would make any other human bitter and hateful. And yet, he’s fighting for this whole world. For billions of people he doesn’t even know. It’s extraordinary.” Ariel continues and Lucifer fake yawns, not really seeming to care.
“Finally your vessel, Sam, the boy with the demon blood. He’s taught me the most important lesson of all. Him being your vessel, the demon blood, everything that doesn’t make him normal. It’s all considered evil and yet he chooses to do good instead. Even after freeing you from the cage and dooming the world, he fights. He’s doing everything in his power to stop you and make up for the terrible mistake he has done. The angels say he is evil but his choices show he is truly good. They all are.” Ariel finishes.
“Are you done?” Lucifer asked, unfazed by everything she has just said. “You won’t win, Lucifer. Not when the Winchesters and (l/n) are still on the board. Love is what drives them and that will be you’re downfall.” Ariel said, passionately.
Lucifer stares at her for a few moments before smirking, almost reminisce to her talk with Gabriel. “Have to say sis, it’s good that you found your voice. When the time comes, I’ll look forward to putting your theory to the test. Even if it’s delusional.” He said.
Ellen, Dean, (y/n), Sam, and Jo are walking, shotguns in hands and looking around for trouble. "Well, this is great, been in town twenty minutes and already lost the two angels up our sleeve." Dean said. "You think, uh, you think Lucifer got them?" (y/n) asked him, worried. "I don't know what else to think." Dean said, honestly.
"There you are." a female voice said and they all turn to see a familiar woman. "Meg." Sam said. "Shouldn't have come here, boys." Meg said. "Hell, I could say the same thing for you." Dean said and he aims the Colt at Meg. "Didn't come here alone, Deano." Meg said and something splashes in a puddle near Meg's feet; the sounds of dogs growling and barking.
Sam, Ellen, (y/n), and Jo glance around for the source of the noise; so does Dean, but he pretends he's not afraid. "Hellhounds." Dean grumbles. "Yeah, Dean. Your favorite. Come on, boys. My father wants to see you." Meg said to the gang. "I think we'll pass, thanks." (Y/n) said, glaring at the woman. "Your call. You can make this easy or you can make it really, really hard." Meg said.
Dean looks back and Ellen nods. "When have you known us to ever make anything easy?" Dean asked Meg. She shakes her head but Dean shifts his aim and fires; blood spurts from the hellhound next to Meg's feet. "Run!" Sam shouts and they take off.
But then a hellhound tackles Dean and (y/n) and Jo look back. "Dean!" (Y/n) screams, fearfully. "Girls, stay back!" Dean shouts at her and Jo but the two girls raise their shotguns and fire in Dean’s direction. Ellen and Sam stop running as Jo and (y/n) keep firing, knocking the hellhound further and further back.
That is until another hellhound knocks Jo down. "No!" Ellen shouts, as her and Sam run back to them, and (y/n) turns and goes to fire at the hellhound on Jo but not before it shreds Jo's side, making her scream in pain. Sam and Ellen help (y/n) firing at the hellhound while Dean scoops Jo up and runs past Sam, Ellen and (y/n).
Dean heads for one of the nearest stores, Ellen goes ahead to open the door, and Sam and (y/n) stay back to keep shooting. Inside the store, Dena leans Jo against the counter and she begins to whimper. "Okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, breathe now—" Ellen said to Jo as Sam and (y/n) get inside and Sam chains the doors shut. "Okay." Sam said. "Guys, need some help here!" Ellen cries as the boys and (y/n) grab bags of rock salt.
"Go go go—" (y/n) said and they slit the bags open and frantically line the doorway and windows. Ellen peels Jo's hand away from the injury and it spurts out blood. Sam, (y/n) and Dean stare and Ellen looks over her shoulder at them, horrified.
"Gonna be all right." Ellen assures Jo as (y/n) finished bandaging Jo up. Sam then hands a bowl to Ellen. "Thank you." Ellen said and (y/n) stands up then her and Sam go over to Dean, who is fiddling with something electronic. "How's she holding up?" Dean asked the two and (y/n) gives him a look of worry while Sam clears his throat.
"Salt lines are holding up?" He asked Dean. "Safe for now." Dean said. "Safer. Trapped like rats." Sam grumbles. "Hey, you heard Meg. Her father's here. This is our one shot, Sammy. We gotta take it, no matter what." Dean said and there was a long pause.
"Here we go." Dean said. "Sam, some help here, please?" Ellen asked and Sam goes to help as Dean's gadget squeals. (Y/n) looks over at Ellen, Sam and Jo and couldn't help but feel her heart breaking as she sees the state that Jo is in.
"The number you dialed is unavailable. Please try your call again." The automated voice said through Bobby's phone. "Damn it, boys." Bobby growls as he sits in the kitchen area of his home. But then he hears static coming from the study room. He wheels over and moves a book off a CB radio.
"K C 5 Fox Delta Oscar, come in." Dean's voice said through the radio and Bobby picks up the mouthpiece. "K C 5 Fox Delta Oscar, go ahead." Bobby said. "Bobby, it's Dean. We got problems." Dean said and Bobby sighs and looks heavenward. "It's okay, boy. That's why I'm here." He assures.
"Is everyone all right?" Bobby asked. "No. It's—it's—it's Jo. Bobby, it's pretty bad." Dean said, upset. "Okay. Copy that. So now we figure out what we do next." Bobby said. "Bobby, I don't think she's—" Dean stops and lets out a heavy sigh while (y/n) had her arms wrapped around herself, looking down at her feet.
"I said, what do we do next, Dean?" Bobby asked, trying to get his mind straight. Dean leans his head on his hand for a moment. "Right. Okay, right." Dean said. "Now, tell me what you got." Bobby said and Dean explains all of what happened.
"Before they went missing, did Cas and Ariel say how many reapers?" Bobby asked after a few minutes. "I don't—he said a lot of things, I guess. Does the number matter?" Dean asked, annoyed. "Devil's in the details, Dean." Bobby replied and then Ellen taps Dean on the shoulder with one bloody hand. Dean then holds up the microphone to her. "Bobby, it's Ellen. The way they were looking, the number of places Castiel's and Ariel’s eyes went, I'd say we're talking over a dozen reapers, probably more." Ellen informed.
"I don't like the sound of that." Bobby mutters. "Nobody likes the sound of that, Bobby, but what—wh—what does that sound like?" Dean asked him. "It sounds like death, son. I think Satan's in town to work a ritual." Bobby said as he turns pages in his book to one marked with a Post-it that reads Seventh Seal. "I think he's planning to unleash Death." Bobby said.
"You mean, like, as in this dude and taxes are the only sure thing?" Dean asked, jokingly. "As in Death. The horseman. The pale rider in the flesh." Bobby said. "Unleash? I mean, hasn't Death been tromping all over the place? Hell, I've died several times myself." Dean said. "Not this guy. This is—this is the angel of death. Big daddy reaper. They keep this guy chained in a box six hundred feet under. Last time they hauled him up, Noah was building a boat. That's why the place is crawling with reapers. They're waiting on the big boss to show." Bobby said and Dean rolls his head, in annoyance, as if they didn't have enough on their plates.
"You have any other good news?" Dean asks him. "In a manner of speaking." Bobby said as he closes the book, a large leather-bound Holy Bible, and turns to another one that's already open to a page headed The Battle of Carthage. "I been researching Carthage since you've been gone, trying to suss out what the devil might want there. What you just said drops the last piece of the puzzle in place. The angel of death must be brought into this world at midnight through a place of awful carnage. Now, back during the Civil War, there was a battle in Carthage. A battle so intense the soldiers called it the Battle of Hellhole." Bobby said.
"Where'd the massacre go down?" Dean asks. "On the land of William Jasper's farm." Bobby said.
Meanwhile, Castiel and Ariel are still in the ring of fire and Lucifer is still watching them until Meg enters. "I got the Winchesters and (l/n) pinned down. For now, at least. What should I do with them?" Meg asked Lucifer. "Leave them alone." He tells her and Meg looks at him, surprised.
"I—I'm sorry, but are you sure? Shouldn't we—" Meg stammers but Lucifer walks up to Meg. "Trust me, child. Everything happens for a reason." He tells her as he strokes Mef's face. Castiel and Ariel look around until Castiel sees a pipe bolted to the wall, he nudges Ariel and does a small nod to the pipe and Ariel looks up at it then nods at him.
Then Lucifer turns to the angels. "Well, Castiel, Ariel you two have some time. Time to change your mind?" Lucifer asked them.
"That's my girl, you're okay, honey—" Ellen whispers to Jo as she kneels down to her. Sam, Dean and (y/n) were several feet away. "Now we know where the devil's gonna be, we know when, and we have the Colt." Dean said. "Yeah. We just have to get past eight or so hellhounds and get to the farm by midnight." Sam said. "Yeah, and that's after we get Jo and Ellen the hell out of town." said Dean. "Won't be easy." (Y/n) said as she looks between the boys.
"Stretcher?" Dean asked them. "I'll see what we got." Sam said and he turns to go look but then Jo speaks up. "Stop. Guys, stop." She said and Ellen looks between Sam, Dean, (y/n) and Jo. "Can we, uh, be realistic about this, please?" Jo said as the trio walk over to her. "Uh! I can't move my legs. I can't be moved. My guts are being held in by an ace bandage. We gotta—we gotta get our priorities straight here." Jo said and the boys and (y/n) share a look then back at Jo.
"Number one, I'm not going anywhere." Jo said and Ellen shakes her head. "Joanna Beth, you stop talking like that." She demanded. "Mom. I can't fight. I can't walk. But I can do something. We got propane, wiring, rock salt, iron nails, everything we need." Jo tells her.
"Everything we need?" Sam asked. "To build a bomb, Sam." Jo said and (y/n)'s eyes widen at this. "No. Jo, no." (Y/n) said, shaking her head. "You got another plan? You got any other plan? Those are hellhounds out there, (y/n). They've got all of our scents. Those bitches will never stop coming after you. We let the dogs in, you guys hit the roof, make a break for the building next over. I can wait here with my finger on the button, rip those mutts a new one. Or at least get you a few minutes' head start, anyway." Jo said.
"No, I—I won't let you." Ellen said, shaking with tears. "This is why we're here, right?" Jo asked and Ellen shakes her head, crying. "If I can get us a shot on the devil—Guys, we have to take it." Jo said. "No!" Ellen shouts and she looks up at Dean and (y/n).
"That's not—" she cries. "Mom. This might literally be your last chance to treat me like an adult. Might wanna take it?" Jo said, smiling, and Ellen starts sobbing. "You heard her. Get to work." Ellen said to the trio and they grab their materials and assemble the bombs, filling them with nails and rock salt for shrapnel.
Night had fallen when Sam take Jo's hand for a minute while Dean strings the wire to the button Jo will hold. "Okay, this is it. I'll see you on the other side. Probably sooner than later." Dean said. "Make it later." Jo said, smiling, and Dean puts the button in Jo's hand as Jo cries. He then gives a quick kiss on the top of her head and he stands up while (y/n) kneels down to her.
"Guess, we gotta put a hold on making new memories." Jo jokes as (y/n) gives her a look of sympathy. "Jo...I'm..." (y/n) said and Jo shakes her head. "Don't...don't apologize..." Jo said to her and (Y/n) frowns. “You know what you can do?” Jo asked. “What?“ (Y/n) asked. “You can get out of here and kick this apocalypse in the ass for me. And after that you go on to live a full life, alright?” Jo said.
(Y/n) scoffs. “You know in this line of work, there’s a high likely chance that won’t happen.” She said. “Be the exception then.” Jo said and (Y/n) smiles, tearfully. “I’ll try my best.” She said. Jo smiles and, weakly, held up her free hand, which (Y/n) takes. “You and Dean take care of each other, okay?” Jo said, faintly. (Y/n) nodded, tears falling down her face. “We will. I promise.” She said and Jo smiles, weakly, and (y/n) stands up.
Then Ellen comes back to sit by Jo. They watch each other for a moment and Ellen smiles. "Mom, no." Jo said to her. "Somebody's gotta let them in. Like you said, you're not moving. You got me, Jo. And you're right, this is important." Ellen said and Jo nods.
"But I will not leave you here alone." Ellen said then she looks up at the trio. "Get going now, you three." She said. "Ellen—" (y/n) said, tearfully, to her but Ellen shakes her head. "I said go." Ellen said and the trio exchange looks before they start to walk away.
"And like Jo said." Ellen said and they turn back to them. "Kick it in the ass. Don't miss." Ellen said and Dean and (y/n) nod before them and Sam head for their exit. Ellen unchains the doors, sweeps away the salt line, opens the propane tanks, and sits back down with Jo, hugging her.
"I will always love you, baby." She whispers to her then she looks back at Jo, who had stopped moving. "Honey?" She asked but no response. "Jo—" Ellen whispers, devastated, then she begins to sob. "It's okay, it's okay." She cries and she kisses Jo on the head. "That's my good girl." She whispers then the doors burst open. Ellen looks as two hellhounds slam into the open doors.
Sam runs across the fire escape, Dean and (y/n) right behind, then Sam goes down the ladder and Dean follows then he stops and wait for (y/n), who jumps down next to him from the ladder. They hurry down the alley.
A hellhound blows Ellen's hair as she hold Jo's finger against the button and forces a grin. "You can go straight back to hell, you ugly bitch!" she yells, savagely.
The hardware store explodes which makes Sam, Dean and (y/n) stop to watch it blow. (Y/n) places a hand over her mouth as tears build up in her eyes as the fire engulfs the building. Dean places a hand on her shoulder and she turns her head to look at him, lowering her hand from her mouth. He strokes her cheek as she closes her eyes, tears falling down, then he takes her hand and they begin to run, Sam right next to them.
The trio sneak through bushes and sees dozens of men stand in the field, attention on something out of sight. "Guess we know what happened to some of the townspeople." Dean said. "Okay." Sam said. "Okay." Dean and (y/n) said, in unison.
"Last words?" Sam asked the two. "I think I'm good." Dean said. "Yeah. Me too." Sam said. "Well, I'll say this real quick." (Y/n) said and the boys look at her. "No matter how this turns out...I love you guys." She said and the boys look at her. "Love you too." Dean and Sam said and she smiles.
"I guess I do have one thing to say. And that is...Thanks for always being here, (y/n)." Sam said and (y/n) nods. "Don't mention it." She said and she looks over at Dean, who looks down and takes a deep breath. "Well...if there was anyone I was gonna a go down with, I'm glad it's you two." Dean said and Sam and (y/n) smile and they share a look before Dean clears his throat. "Here goes nothing." He said and they begin to walk.
Lucifer was filling a hole up when Sam comes up behind him. "Hey!" he shouts, readying a shotgun. Lucifer turns and drops the shovel. "You wanted to see me?" Sam yells. "Oh, Sam, you don't need that gun here. You know I'd never hurt you. Not really." Lucifer said. "Yeah? Well, I'd hurt you." Dean said as he and (y/n) come up.
Dean then points the Colt at Lucifer, point-blank to the forehead. "So suck it." Dean growls and he fires the gun and Lucifer collapses. None of the men do anything as Dean, Sam and (y/n) watch the corpse for a minute.
But then Lucifer inhales and shifts position. "Owww..." he groans as he stands up and Sam looks on, horrified. "Where did you get that?" Lucifer asked before he punches Dean, who flies into a tree. "DEAN!" (Y/n) screams as her and Sam watch Dean land on the ground. 
"Now, where were we?" Lucifer asked as he turns to Sam while (y/n) runs over to Dean, checking his pulse. "Don't feel too bad, Sam. There's only five things in all of creation that that gun can't kill, and I just happen to be one of them. But if you give me a minute, I'm almost done." Lucifer said, leaning against his shovel, as Sam runs over to (y/n).
"You know, I don't suppose you'd just say yes here and now?" Lucifer asked and Sam turns to glare at him. "End this whole tiresome discussion? That's crazy, right?" Lucifer asked. "It's never gonna happen!" Sam spat as Lucifer goes back to filling his hole. "Oh, I don't know, Sam. I think it will. I think it'll happen soon. Within six months. And I think it'll happen in Detroit." Lucifer said.
"You listen to me, you son of a bitch. I'm gonna kill you myself, you understand me? I'm going to rip your heart out!" Sam yells at him, angrily. "That's good, Sam. You keep fanning that fire in your belly. All that pent-up rage. I'm gonna need it." Lucifer informs and Sam calms down, looks down at (y/n), who looked worried and horrified, before he turns to look around at the men, who are still doing nothing. 
"What did you do? What did you do to this town?" Sam asked him. "Oh, I was very generous with this town. One demon for every able-bodied man." Lucifer replied. "And the rest of them?" Sam asked and Lucifer pauses. "In there. I know, it's awful, but these horsemen are so demanding. So it was women and children first. I know what you must think of me, Sam. But I have to do this. I have to. You of all people should understand." He said.
"What's that supposed to mean?" Sam asked and Lucifer drops the shovel. "I was a son. A brother, like you, a younger brother, and I had an older brother who I loved. Idolized, in fact. And one day I went to him and I begged him to stand with me, and Michael—Michael turned on me. Called me a freak. A monster. And then he beat me down. All because I was different. Because I had a mind of my own. Tell me something, Sam. Any of this sound familiar?" Lucifer asked. Sam glares at him while (y/n) was looking back and forth between them, as she cradled Dean in her arms.
"Anyway. You'll have to excuse me. Midnight is calling and I have a ritual to finish. Don't go anywhere. Not that you could if you would." Lucifer said and Sam goes over to (y/n) and Dean. "Is he..?" Sam started to ask when Dean starts to stir. "Oh thank God." (Y/n) said as she buries her face in his short hair while Lucifer turns to his hole and chants, then turns to his demons.
"Now repeat after me. We offer up our lives, blood, souls—" he said. "We offer up our lives, blood, souls—" the demons recite. "To complete this tribute." Lucifer said. "To complete this tribute." The demons said and one by one the demons flash gold and fall over, dead. Sam, (y/n) and Dean stare and Lucifer looks at them. "What? They're just demons." He said, shrugging.
Back at the abandoned building, a bolt on the pipe in the wall is spinning. Castiel and Ariel are still in the fire ring while Meg watches them. "You seem pleased." Castiel said. "We're gonna win. Can you feel it? You cloud-hopping pansies lost the whole damn universe. Lucifer's gonna take over heaven. We're going to heaven, Clarence." Meg said. "Strange, because we heard a different theory from a demon named Crowley." Castiel said and Meg frowns
"You don't know Crowley." Meg growls. "He believes Lucifer is just using demons to achieve an end, and that, once he does, he'll destroy you all." Ariel said. "You're wrong. Lucifer is the father of our race. Our creator. Your god may be a deadbeat. Mine—mine walks the earth." Meg said.
At that moment, Castiel gets the bolt loose and pulls the pipe free of the wall. It slams Meg through the fire int Castiel's arms. He presses his palm to Meg's forehead but nothing happens and Meg laughs. "You can't gank demons, can you? You're cut off from the home office and you ain't got the juice. So what can you do, you impotent sap?" Meg sneers and before Ariel could do anything, Castiel says. "I can do this."
He leans closer as if to kiss Meg, then throws her down across the fire. She screams, in pain, and Cas and Ariel walk out across her back.
Lucifer stares at the mass grave while Sam stares at Lucifer. Dean and (y/n) glances between them just as the ground rumbles. Castiel and Ariel appear next to Sam, Dean and (y/n) and both of them hold a finger to their lips. Lucifer turns and to see all of them are gone. Then he walks forward. "Oh, hello, Death." He greets.
Back at Bobby's house, the glasses from Ellen, Ariel’s and Castiel's drinking competition were still on the table. The TV was on, showing a tornado; the captions read STATE OF EMERGENCY, Paulding County and KOUA 16. "Just received an update that the governor has declared a state of emergency for Paulding County, including the towns of Marion, Fetterville, and Carthage. The storm system has reportedly touched off a number of tornadoes in the area." The news reporter said while Sam, Dean, (y/n) and Bobby are gathered around the fireplace.
Bobby holds a copy of the photograph taken the night before as the news reporter continues. "Death tolls have yet to be estimated, but state officials expect the loss of life and property to be staggering."
Bobby leans forward and drops the picture into the flames and they all watch it burn.
@rach5ive @kitsun369 @itzabbyxx @cevans-winchester @ellie-andthemachine
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flowergirlmiwa · 7 months
jsr tips/paths vol 2 Love Trap
time for me to give more tips on my favorite video game the original jet set radio!!!! this time it's all about love trap, which you can play as the second level in the game
As the level starts, you want to ignore what's in front of you. Turn around, collect the cans and walk up the stairs. At this point you're standing on the under construction highway and looking over the playground. This along with the overpasses on the street make up one of my favorite places in the game to infinite grind, since you can vary it up and find fun new ways to link up combos. Right now the only cop in the level is Onishima, and we're not going to get tricked by the abundance of small tags here. Either hit the Love Shocker and tag the medium point there or leave it for later. The difference is when the poison gas cops will show up, if you want to play it safe leave this tag for later, usually I just hit it and have them spawn once we're done with the next section. Moving on.
At this point you want to go down the trafficked road away from the playground and the overpasses. Tag the two here and mind the cops on motorcycles that are scripted to spawn just to rush you as soon as you start tagging them. If you're quick you can tag it before the cops hit you, otherwise you can go to tag, then dodge the cops and return to tag it once the coast is clear. Like do you babe I'm sure you know what you're doing by now. I forgot I'm not supposed to actually be giving a walkthrough for the game but more just give my route. Whatever
At the end of the road on the left are the two tags that are left. If you didn't tag the playground yet, you're going to just go back the way you came (through the trafficked road, not jumping down to the stairs), and if you did then that except now there's police cars to jump over and cops to avoid.
At this point all the tags are in the playground or on the (not empty anymore) under construction highway. Hit everything in the playground and the first big tag on the under construction highway (use the elephant slide to go back up there). Presumably you're playing as Gum and will need to stock up on cans before tackling the final two tags.
You have to wall jump over to the other side of the under construction highway. Technically you can grind on the crane but don't worry about it. You need 14 cans to do the final two tags, so as Gum you have one shot to mess up before you have to retreat to get more cans.
The only thing getting in your way in this level are the poison gas cops. With my route you get all the big tags besides the ones on the under construction highway before they have a chance to get in your way, and they aren't a threat to you while you tag the ones on the under construction highway because they aren't near you. That only leaves the playground and wall jump as concern areas. Just try to be as quick as you can and do your best to avoid the clouds of poison. Consider practicing with that pivotal wall jump so you can do it under pressure
Pretty easy level still so with Gum and solid execution you should be well on your way to a simple JET rating for this level. If you can't do it on your first try, just spend a little time doing an infinite grind on the overpasses or in the playground.
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orionares · 2 years
Distress Call, Part 2
A/N: Part 1 can be found here
A/N #2: Was 20 when I joined this fandom (season 3) and now I turned 32 this past weekend. Time flies and it's been fantastic. =]
"You want to talk about what happened down there?"
Of course he doesn't but Sam knows better.
He takes a slow inhale, taking in the smell of cinnamon buns from a bakery two doors down and the feel of dampness still lingering after a downpour the day before. Sam pushes himself off the rail and turns to see Deeks standing a few feet away with two cold beers in hand and a look that says- are you okay?
"Did that little punk complain about me?" Sam snaps unintentionally. He huffs in frustration and then sighs at Deeks' unchanging expression.
"Considering that you rightfully tore into a Master Chief Petty Officer," Deeks replies while approaching Sam's side and extending out one of the beers. "I doubt Valez will complain since you were technically correct. "
"Doesn't matter," Sam grunts. He twists off the cap of the beer and stares down at the frothy drink in his hands. He can't bring himself to look at Deeks so he opts to focus on the beer as the younger man sighs heavily. 
"Sam, what happened back there?" Deeks asks. The question tears at Sam, eating away at the already self critical, angry state he's still in. He takes a sip of his own beer and finally tears his eyes off the bottle and over to the Investigator. 
And when he does, Sam sees the eyes of twenty-six year old eager Petty Officer Jamal Holliday. 
The twenty-six year old bright and eager Marine who'd been bullied and assaulted, allegedly, by a trio of arrogant, high ranking Marines during a training session. He replays the broken look in the young man's eyes as he sat bloodied and bruised in a hospital bed, interviewed by Sam and Callen as a part of the investigation. 
He also feels the need to punch the agitator, Master Chief Valez. "Holliday doesn't belong here, sir. Whatever happened during the sparring match was all by his own doing."
"You with me, Sam?" Deeks asks. His head is cocked slightly to the right as the Investigator eyes him suspiciously from head to toe. Sam turns his head away, grumbles, “Let it go, Deeks,” before looking away again. 
"My spidey senses are telling me that this isn't about Velez." The Investigator takes a sip of his own beer, letting another silence fall between them for a moment before adding, "Not all Marines are good, honorable men, Sam. They aren't like you."
Aren't like you- the words echo in his head, bringing a rush of memories proving otherwise.
"You're just a temp."
"Didn't mean to bug you, Sam."
"I'm Navy, straight up. Everything you do is different. The way you dress, your jokes. Your hair-"
Sam winces at the last memory and takes a large gulp of his beer to fight off the growing tightness in his chest.
The guilt, eleven years strong, eating at him.
"Velez and his group of cronies or whatever will get what they deserved," Deeks mutters. "And Petty Officer Holliday will transfer to another unit or squad or whatever the Navy calls-"
Deeks narrows his eyes at Sam. "Why what?"
Sam shakes his head and looks over to the pattering of passing headlights on the overpass a mile away. "Velez being…what made Velez think that he could do those things to Holliday? Why did he think he was so much better over someone that he'd..he'd-"
He stops himself before the words he wants to say tumble out- I thought I was better than you because I'm a SEAL. Please tell me that my stupid, selfish reasons were different from his.
In the corner of his eye, Sam can see Deeks, in the middle of lifting his bottle, suddenly freeze. He lowers the bottle before his expression shifts to confusion. Deeks' blue eyes stare at Sam for a long beat before the Investigator steps back, cocks his head and asks incredulously,  "You think you're like Velez? Wait- you think what Velez did to Holliday and what you did to me are the same thing?"
Sam straightens up and fully faces Deeks. He oddly feels calmer than he'd ever expected when ever having this conversation.
 Deeks, on the other hand-
"Why would you- Sam, you honestly think you are the same as the psychopath who essentially used a rookie for target practice?" Deeks exclaims. He shakes his head and scoffs. "Did you try and use me for target practice?"
Sam steps back from Deeks, actually a touch insulted at the question. "I'd never-"
Deeks jabs a finger in the direction of the roof door. "Did you take pleasure in knowing that I was miles behind you  and leave me hanging or did you help me to be better, moaning and bitching the whole time?"
Sam opens his mouth to respond but stops at the look in Deeks' eyes. 
Anger. Disappointment. Disbelief. 
The Investigator shakes his head and sighs heavily, "Most importantly- why- I thought after Sidarov and everything that we'd moved past-"
"Do you remember calling me when you'd been stabbed?" Sam blurts out. He catches himself, takes a breath and continues, "Petty Officer Holliday was assaulted and then tried to call one of his team members for help and…you called me once when you'd been stabbed during a LAPD op, instead of Kensi or Hetty or anyone else."
Deeks' eyes flicker down for a moment as he tries to think back. When the memory clicks, his eyes widen. "I remember…that was uhm…I was in an alley and then it went blank until I woke up. I called you?"
Sam shakes his head and looks back to the beer sitting on the ledge. "You apologized," he explains with a sniffle. "You thought that calling me while you were bleeding in an alley was such an inconvenience."
The older agent can feel tears forming in his eyes."You would've died thinking that and I don't- that wouldn't have been true. Not even close."
Deeks walks over to the ledge and leans back against it. Sam can feel him watching him for a few seconds, this time with a little less confusion than before. "Sam, what was the last non- work conversation we had before today?"
Deeks smirks a little and repeats the question, "What was the last non- work conversation you and I had?"
"I need you to talk me out of doing something stupid. Probably not too stupid, considering..."
The memory triggers a small smile on Sam. "About the ethical ways to do a background check on one of Rosa's friends. And how I should buy my own golden shark to put on my boat."
Deeks nods. "Which would be awesome by the way. And why do you think  a year and a half into my time on the team, bleeding and delirious and well- aware of you and Callen's dislike of having me on the team, that I called you for help?"
Sam's conscience screams in the back of his mind the answers he's afraid to hear.
Because I was delirious.
Because I made a mistake.
Because I was naive. 
What he doesn't expect is Deeks' answer.
"Because I trusted you to get help."
He doesn't remember the immediate emotions as he had after directing Eric and Kensi to get help but he remembers the automatic instinct to rescue the team's liaison.
Deeks' expression softens as Sam's realization rises. "I knew you didn't like me," he admits softly, "but I knew you, Callen, Kensalina, Hetty- I had to have known you'd come help me, at the minimum. I trusted you even when you were at your worst and was right."
Sam watches Deeks clink his beer against Sam's before he nods. "That's the difference between me and Velez and Holliday- you changed. He hasn't and probably never will."
"You're a good man, Deeks." Sam says. "If I didn't tell you."
Deeks takes a final large gulp of his beer and stands. "And so are you. So let what happened between us go, alright? Promise me."
"I'll try." His answer to the request is as honest as it can be. The guilt still remains but feels different.
And in time, Sam realizes, it'll heal. 
The end. 
Thanks for reading!
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nickgerlich · 1 year
On A Roll
One of the joys of getting older is reminiscing about the days of my youth, reeling in the years and relishing all the fond memories. While things probably get distorted just a tad, it’s fun to ponder how much better things were in the good old days. If that isn’t a formula for nostalgia, then I don’t know what is.
I have many recollections of my family either traveling down US 41 from Chicago to Kentucky, my mother’s home state, or down US 66 to points west. Those were great days before the interstate, which, while it beckoned us with unfettered access to high-speed travel, could not have produced a more banal result if the federal government wanted to. Those old roads, even though most were four-lanes by the 60s, still had intersections at-grade and small towns to dissect. This is where life happened, where real people lived.
I miss those days. And real people don’t live by the overpass.
One of my most vivid—and recurring—memories is of when we would pull in to the familiar white building with the pitched blue roof. Stuckey’s was to gas, snacks, and restrooms then as Buc-ee’s is today. Oh, and if you have never experienced a Buc-ee’s, you must. That’s a whole separate blog right there.
The diamond in the rough at Stuckey’s was always their self-branded candies, most notably the pecan log roll. My mother especially loved these. If sin were edible and came wrapped in clear cellophane, this would be it. They’re that good.
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Stuckey’s was founded in 1937 by Sylvester Stuckey. It all started as just an innocent pecan stand, but blossomed into a full roadside business. The company grew exponentially, particularly in the 1950s and 1960s, when Americans were taking road trips with great fervor. Stuckey’s peaked in the early-1970s at 368 stores in more than 30 states. They even owned more than 4000 billboards across the nation to promote themselves.
But the seeds of their eventual demise had been planted back in 1964, when they merged with Pet Milk Company, a move designed to provide access to the cash needed to fuel that growth. As in many stories of family businesses sold to large corporations, Stuckey’s lost its sense of direction as just another division under a corporate umbrella. The number of stores started to decline. In 1977, Sylvester passed away, about the same time that Illinois Central Industries bought Pet Milk. They then shuttered scores of Stuckey’s stores, nearly killing the business in the process.
In 1984, Bill Stuckey, son of Sylvester, bought back the company to try to bring about a turnaround, but the company languished for decades until his daughter, Stephanie, bought the company in 2019. By then, Stuckey’s was down to only 13 original locations, and they were licensed entities not owned by the company.
Now this is where it gets good. Stephanie, who is now nearing her 58th birthday, an attorney, and former Georgia legislator, took the pecan—I mean bull—by the horns and decided she would revive the company by focusing on its core strength, candy. In just a few years she has grown the chain to 65 licensed Stuckey’s outlets as well as a couple of hundred other retailers, and…drumroll, please…seen sales grow from $2 million annually to $14 million.
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Not bad for such a short time. She did so by buying a couple of pecan companies and doubling down on production of their candies, especially their signature pecan log roll. Today, Stephanie is an icon among businesswomen, and hustles her brand deep in the trenches of retail.
If she sleeps at all, I would be surprised. I follow her on social media, and am amazed at how far and wide she travels to promote the Stuckey’s brand, not to mention appear at a growing list of speaking engagements. The company’s success is the result of her tireless efforts, as well as clear thinking. She’s not in the retail business, even though she works it. No, she is in the candy business, committed to also being the face of her namesake brand.
And at the core is the fact that inside those cellophane wrappers is a tasty serving of nostalgia. You know, that warm fuzzy feeling you get when your mind goes back to an earlier time and place.
She is quick to boast that her grandfather’s company pre-dated Buc-ee’s, Love’s, Flying J, and all the big modern travel centers. But she is wise not to try to compete with them, because they would crush her. Instead, she wants to sell to them and anyone else along the way. In a recent podcast episode out of Atlanta, Stephanie told her story one more time, and in succinct fashion. It’s a story she loves to tell, and has gotten it down to the point that it could be an elevator speech. I encourage you to give a quick listen.
Meanwhile, when I see those familiar log rolls at retail, I am whisked back to the 60s, when we were taking those family trips. I have also been to four of those original stores, the best of which is no doubt the one in Hattiesburg Mississippi (pictured above), a busy shop and gas station that just so happens to be on my route to Florida.
There is much to be said about figuring out who you really are, your strengths, your limitations. That’s the essence of strategy. But it is sheer genius when you leverage the intangible, in this case nostalgia. You can’t put a price on those feelings, but you can sure see them on the bottom line. And in the smile on Stephanie’s face.
Dr “I’ll Let You Debate How To Say Pecan” Gerlich
Audio Blog
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black-kitties · 2 years
Chapter 1
Jaz yawned and wiped the sleep from her eyes. Her face was moist from the morning dew that always settled over everything, dampening her sleeping back and settling a chill deep in her bones. Her breath puffed little clouds in front of her sleepy face. Fall was sinking its claws into this new world around her. Soon the simple set up of a sleeping bag and gas stove under an overpass bridge wouldn’t be enough to keep her sustained. She’d need actual shelter… Maybe a tent?
While lost to her thoughts she hadn’t noted the border collie approach. She jumped and yelped, startling it as well. As she caught her breath she called out. “Hey boy. You lost too?” The dog took a couple steps forward again, cocking its head in question. “You seem friendly enough though.” She glanced around, straining her ears to listen for the yelling of an owner calling back their dog. The morning was silent.
Turning back to the puppy she reached out her hand offering it to the dog. “Here boy.” She cooed at it until she felt its wet nose graze the back of her fingers. Gently and slowly, she patted the dog watching as its tail raised from between its legs to a wag in a few moments. “There there… Where’s your owner boy? Did you get separated?” She unzipped herself out of her sleeping bag to better reach the dogs neck. “No collar, eh? But you look so well fed. Ain’t no way you’re not someone’s pet.” She ruffled his fur, “You’ve got too much meat on you!” She laughed, especially with the dirty look it seemed to give her. “Don’t worry though. We’ll find your parents, yeah. Lemme pack up my things and we’ll take you to the pound or something. Must be someone looking for you out there.”
Her things were few and easily packed in minutes. She rolled up her sleeping bag tight as she could, stuffing it to the bottom of her backpack. On top of it she put her only set of spare clothes she owned, all slightly damp after hanging to dry all night. The last thing she packed was the small camping stove and the half full butane tank it used. Glancing back at where she’d set up camp, the only evidence that she’d ever been there was a cleaner spot in the dust where she’d laid out her sleeping bag and cooked her food last night. She’d even packed up the empty can and plastic cutlery in a plastic bag.
She had no collar, nor any leash to control the dog but it followed her when she called it. “What’s your name anyways?” She picked her way through the brush until she’d emerged back onto the sidewalk. No one stopped to question why she’d just emerged from seemingly nowhere under a bridge. When you looked like you might be homeless, you gained your own superpower. Invisibility. People gave her and her dog a good berth. The dog just cocked its head up at her again. “Right. No collar, no name, eh? Hmm.” She thought for a moment letting her feet carry her along the unfamiliar streets. “Then why not… Nah that is way to generic… You know, naming a dog is really hard. You don’t want to pick something too common ‘cus then its like, everyone knows you’re just lazy, but also you can pick something way to extra, ya know?” The dog sneezed, as if agreeing. “Yeah…”
Jaz was brought out of her thoughts as she approached a news stand. In her world, stands selling newspapers were relics that you wouldn’t find anymore, except in mention in the movies maybe. Here though, the pop-up cart was manned by an overweight man in a ball cap smoking and watching the news on his tiny TV he had set up in the corner of the stand. She flipped two dollars through the air, marvelling at how he caught it without breaking his attention from the TV. She grabbed a paper and paused for a moment to catch up on what was going on in this world.
“Super man missed the opening ceremony of the new library donated to metro city… The spokesperson for the justice league says there is no concern that Super man is missing but offered no explanation for his absence at the ceremony…” The TV news caster was really trying to sensationalize the fact that he’d ghosted the opening ceremony; it was this month's big narrative. Superman… Missing! Jaz shook her head.
“You really think he’s actually missing, or you think he just snubbed the library funded by Lex Luther?” She always tried to make friendly conversation with anyone she could meet. The dog’s ears perked at her mention of Lex Luther. They always fell into one of three camps though. The super fans, the super ignorers…
“In my opinion, I don’t care what Superman does.” And the super haters. “Or any of them for that matter.” He shook his head, flicking his attention from the tv screen to Jaz for the first time. “What’s your story anyways. The dogs new.”
“Meh, just passing through. You know where the pound is around here? Think he’s lost.”
He nodded his head. “Yeah, let me just write you down the instructions.” Jaz nodded and waited. Stands like this didn’t have free wifi, and her blessed phone had died last night anyways.
“Say, you got a charge I could snag for a bit?” He shook his head without looking up. “Ah. Fair.” He tossed her the note.
“Keep your head low, you got it? Don’t know why I’m telling you this, but you look like you gotta hear it. Keep your nose clean. You don’t want to meet the likes of Superman.” She nodded and turned to leave… But on a whim, she found the word slipping out of her mouth.
“Why?” The man levelled a hard stare back at her again. “I mean… Why do you hate them? The supers I mean.” She almost regretted asking, seeing the sheer rage build in his eyes.
“Because they’re loved. They’re hero’s,” He practically spat the word, “For destroying our cities, tearing up our homes. You know what the media doesn’t report on? While they’re all focused on, ‘oh Superman isn’t at the library today,’ they ignore how many dead are pulled from the buildings destroyed next to Gotham's docks last weekend. No one should have that much power, child. No one.” Jaz just nodded and walked away.
When Jaz had first come to this world, she’d quickly lost the excitement she’d held for coming here. She’d always imagined that if she did travel one the universes they supported, that she’d be counted among the super powerful; instead, she was weaker than a regular human here. Because her coming here was an accident, she’d never taken the drugs or gone through the procedures they took to prepare one for such a trip. That meant her body still worked on the rules and laws of the physics from her world, not the world of the supers she’d come too. Any normal human on the street could technically be slammed into a wall and, while bloody and bruised, they’d still be living. You slam a regular person into a cement wall hard enough that it cracks or crumbles around you and that person is dead. Broken back, internal haemorrhaging, no pulse; dead. There’s no walking away from that, and that was the constitution she was walking around with in a world full of superheroes and villains. She could almost relate to the wariness that man held for the supers.
“I think this is the place bud…” She glanced down at the border collie. It looked almost sad and took a step back when she opened the door for both of them. “Oh come on. Don’t worry, these people will help you find your way home.” The dog made a motion that eerily resembled someone shaking its head no. “Come on. You’ve been so good this far, just come in.” Hesitantly, the dog stepped through the door. She let it close behind them, walking towards the unmanned desk. “See? No biggie.” The bell rang clearly in the room. She waited but didn’t hear anyone call saying they were coming. She didn’t hear anything.
“Huh.” Jaz dinged the bell again, straining her ears. A loud crash caught her attention. The collie dashed behind the counter, slamming into the door. The sound of wood cracking rang out as the door slammed to the ground from the force of the dog, wood splinters flying from where its hinges were ripped out of it. The collie disappeared down the call chasing after the noise. “Wow… Even dogs can just break through doors like that here.” She quickly followed after it, hoping whoever was the cause of that noice wasn’t hurt.
Beyond the door she passed through a vet office, through another door and down some stairs to the second floor. She quickly began descending the stairs when she heard another crash and some voices. She made to call out when her mouth instinctively clamped shut. They sounded angry, though she couldn’t make out what they were saying over the sound of dozens of barking dogs. Down the hall from the stairs she spotted the border collie, oddly hunkering against the wall as if it was knowingly hiding from the commotion and eavesdropping. Jaz dashed towards it, slowing down as it noticed her approach. The dog almost… Motioned for her to join it, hiding against the wall? We’re dogs more intelligent in this world too? She shook her head, dispelling the thought as she pressed her back against the wall and listened in.
“Are these all the dogs.” A metallic voice growled.
“Yes!” The shrill voice of a terrified woman answered, “Don’t hurt me, please.”
“These are ALL the dogs?” The… Villain? Sounded frustrated.
“Yes! I swear, these are all the dogs we rounded up last night!” For a moment there was no answer.
“Sir, none of these match the description.” A different voice spoke.
“Damn! You stay behind, deal with this loose end. He can’t get far in his condition… And shut them up!” They were both yelling over the dogs barking. Even the dogs in other rooms were barking, They could sense the promise of violence in these peoples voices. Even Jaz could feel it. The hairs on the back of her neck stood on edge and her heart was racing as she racked her brain over what to do. She just wanted to take the dog to the pound, do a good deed. Why was there some sort of robbery at the pound?
“I can’t! They’re just dogs, they’re freaked out. Don’t hurt them! NOOOO.” Gunshots rang out, causing Jaz to grip her hands to her ears. The border collie sprang into action, leaping into the room. Jaz fell where it was, her hand reaching for empty air as she moved to try and stop it. She followed it around the corner in time to see it leap through the air and attack the weird looking metal dinosaur man. The dog bit into his shoulder, causing them to thrash and fight. The Dino man slammed the dog into one of the many cages lining the room, but the dog didn’t let go. On the floor was the woman who was shrilly yelling. She was currently crawling towards one of the dogs that was slumped on the floor in a growing pool of blood.
Jaz quickly glanced around the room looking for anything she could use. A comically large red wrench was laying against one of the cages near the door, she took her chance and dashed towards it, gripping it hard as she reared up and swung it against the Dino man's head. It made a loud clang and the metal piece vibrate fiercely causing Jaz to fumble the makeshift weapon.  It clattered too the floor as the Dino man, having caught purchase of one of the dogs hind legs, ripped it from his shoulder throwing it into Jaz’s chest flinging her across the room. Her head cracked hard against the cement wall she crashed into. Dimly she could feel the dog leave her shoulders, springing right back against the metal Dino again, but this time he was ready for it, with the wrench Jaz had dented his metal cranium with in hand he began swinging wildly. Through a blurred vision Jaz watched the scene. The woman was screaming, scrambling all the way down to the other end of the hall with the dogs pressed behind her. Some bravely barking, but most whimpering in corners of the room. A metal pipe above the Dino’s head broke from the force of the wrench smashing into it and it sprayed water all over the Dino covering the ground beneath him with it too. More things were broken or knocked loose. A cage crumpled under the force of him slamming the poor dog into it. Jaz was sure it would be dead after that, but it limply got back up, standing fiercely between the woman at the end of the hall and the Dino man. The metallic voice was taunting the dog too, odd. Why taunt it, its not like it could understand you… But Jaz was too far gone to make out what was being said. Something about finally finding you… If this was the poor dogs owner, she could understand why it was so hesitant to come here…
Something red caught her eye. Two dangling cables, snapped in the middle were touching the growing pool of water. Jaz’s eyes followed them to the large breaker in the wall above her head where a large red switch was flipped open. She wondered what would happen if she flipped it, limply raising her hand above her head. She managed to fumble the circuit closed in-spite the piercing headache moving caused her. The lights in the room all went out as the sound of electricity and rushing current connected arc’d through the pool of water electrocuting the Dino man. The only light in the room was cast by the sight of electicity burning its way through its metal body. Realizing it wasn’t going to stop after several minutes, Jaz winced and forced herself to flip the switch again. The room was cast in black as Jaz’s hand hit her lap.
Chapter 2
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