#just my friend caspian) is hot
faaun · 2 months
what draws you back to your country what draws you back to your land when i was a kid i told myself if i ever left iran i'd never go back 2 years into living in the UK i started looking at news on iran again 10 years in and i visited it for the first time again and today i heard an iranian mother talk in farsi to her child on the train to london the way my mother used to and i wanted to cry i wanted to ask her whether they're still cutting the mountaintops whether the lakes are still drying today i showed the person i was with pictures of waterfalls and palaces and forests and snow-white north something odd pulls me back with increasing force i can't ignore it ever again
#i just dont know how else to tell you everything !!! santoor from a different room the large family gathering the black tea with saffron#drank out of delicate glass and gold vessels cold marble on hot nights big stars big rivers big mountains#visible from busy tehran roads the ease of conversation tension eased by sarcasm tall tall cliffsides you drive by#rushing to put on headscarves before the head teacher comes in a rave by the base of damavand massive sun pastel purple skies#disjunct architecture trucks on road sides with fresh fruits pomegranates watermelons oranges everywhere#the smell of golpar on tangerines beautiful girls in tehran holding hands bautiful boys in kermanshah speaking kurdish the janky#cars on the verge of breakdown held together by love caspian sea lighting up in spring staying up into the morning on noruz#my friends uncle sang and played setar his son played the violin a little fear a lot of love remnants of something#grand carved into the cliffside everything feels bigger taller the landscape swallows you it smells like#illegally imported wine and orange blossoms and auntie's tahchin soaking your eyes in warm tea when youre sick#tomatoes and salt concrete and stone something mandmade and something raw new flag old resilience#the anger getting to us bruised eyes big grin all i know is the north i feel sorry my mother asks if id be okay#if they got a place in tajikistan we love each other enough dont we? when we look in the mirror we see each other. theres a love letter#across the border and it says I MISS YOU IM GLAD YOURE DOING BETTER itll never be the same im not okay with it at all there are no more#stars i miss jumping over big fires i miss our fireworks im sorry we cant be happy anymore everyone#leaves the mint and rosewater and sunlight for a reason.#it's not pride it's just generational regret
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livvyofthelake · 1 year
you literally can’t trust anyone on letterboxd. people will literally give prince caspian less than five stars. kill yourselves….. sorry mutuals. but you’re wrong and you need to know this. anyway prince caspian baby nobody gets you like i do don’t let the haters get you down sweetheart you’ll always have me <3
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dotster001 · 4 months
The Dilf Floyderverse!
Took a headache med that had caffeine in it, yesterday, and created the Dilf Floyd Leech family. Enjoy!
*picrew links at the end
CW: toxic family, hot wife (I made her too hot and now my bi ass is like 😍), she's an absolute monster btw, I wanted to make it so I didn't feel bad about killing her
Sirena Leech
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Age 42. Gorgeous. Love her. She's a salmon mer in her true form. She's for sure a rich man's daughter, not satisfied with anything but she can step on me . Will yell at wait staff because the food is "too cold". Lowkey, she was hoping she was betrothed to Jade, because he's the calm one. But joke's on her, he's a master of poisons, it would not go well for her.
Side note: Just like Floyd is planning to kill her, she's been planning to kill him for a year. She's just a little too slow. Perhaps in another lifetime she succeeded, but not in this one. But in that other universe, she is sending the kids off to boarding school the second dad is dead.
I want her to kill me she's so hot
Kai Leech
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The oldest, at age 15. Has his Mama's eyes, and his papa's disposition. He's starting to prep for the NRC entrance exams, but he's definitely a family man, who is not excited for college because it means he'll have to be away from papa and his siblings. He's a protective big brother, despite his eccentricities. He has been known to have a bit of a temper, and has swung at some bullies who went after his cousins or his siblings. Probably will be placed in Savannahclaw. He's very well aware of how often his parents fight about whether he should be betrothed or not, and is crazy grateful that his papa has stood up for him and his free will.
Coral Leech
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Age 13, and angsty. She won't take any bullshit, and she and Sirena are at each other's throats constantly. At age ten, she asked dad, "What happens if mother dies?" With dark eyes. Sometimes she leaves articles about husbands who murdered their wives around. Papa always says it's a joke (he is well aware it is not) but mother wants to ship her off to boarding school. Coral refuses to be the cookie cutter rich girl her mother wants her to be, and is doing everything she can to make herself seem scary enough to not be married off should something happen to papa.
Pearl Leech
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Age eleven. She's cute and sweet, and mother's perfect angel... usually. She has her father's energy levels, and while she is very kind, her kindness is often loud and frenetic. Her kindness usually leaves a mess behind, whether it be a messy kitchen after she makes brownies, or a room full of broken items where she made a craft. But she means well.
Caspian Leech
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Age nine. He's the serious one. Dedicated to his studies, wanting to be a big man so that Papa will let him take over the family business....
Most of the time.
He's close in age to Anemone, which makes them best friends. But it also means they fight constantly. One moment they'll be playing house with some dolls, the next they are breaking each other's dolls because "you aren't playing the game right!"
Mother will be so proud of him one moment, then ripping her hair out the next.
Anemone Leech
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Age 8. Again, best friends with Caspian. Well behaved, until they are wrestling on the ground and destroying a store. Has her mother's eyes, which makes her mother have a little bit of hope, but Leech genes are strong. She is still young, still developing her personality. And with how boring mother is, and how fun papa is, take a wild guess about which direction she is going to go in.
Jade Leech (Jr.)
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Age 5. Floyd begged to name a kid Jade. And the answer was no 6/6 times. But when Jade opened his eyes, Sirena rolled her eyes and said he could name him, but also made sure to note that she was done. Which is so fair after six kids, but the reason isn't the number of kids, or even that she doesn't want anymore. No, she's just lost hope that any will be "civilized". She entertained his desire for a big family because none of the kids so far had been worthy heirs, but she's giving up. A cruel thing to say when you're holding your newborn baby, but hey, rich people, amiright?
He's a good bean, a complete sweetheart. He just enjoys being included! Sure, he has no idea what's going on, and he knows mother is mean, but everyone else is wonderful and he's so happy!
Picrew Links 🥺
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onmyyan · 2 years
Sharing is caring
A/N: Mariah Carey voice* ITS TIIIIME Smut will be in part three and I hope y’all enjoy!!! 17.1 pages, 6,340 words NOT EDITED
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If someone told you a week ago that your childhood best friends were planning some huge conspiracy to kidnap you, You'd of laughed in their faces.
After all, your boys couldn't be capable of something like that.
Sure they were a little more intense than the average person, but that's just how they've always been!
Growing up as the next-door neighbor to the Delmont Family used to be something you'd take great joy in, you would thank the stars you'd gotten lucky enough to be in their presence, how insanely loving they were to you from the second you entered their lives.
The family had taken you in more times than you could remember, whenever your parents fell through- be it picking you up from school hours late or forgetting to leave food money when they left you home alone, you were forced to care for yourself way too young and it didn't go unnoticed by the Delmont's.
Caspian recalls the day he'd first seen you vividly. He was twelve years old at the time and had just gotten into a rather nasty fight with his old man, he'd sulked his way outside to his small garden bed of herbs and veggies, the tiny oasis was a birthday gift from his mother last year, anytime life got too hard for the young boy he found himself kneeling in the dirt, and it's here he spots you.
Your small form sat idly in front of the T.V., a large blanket draped over your shoulders, he was confused, it was early in the day, why were you all alone? He checked your front yard to confirm his suspensions and it only made him sadder to see your parent's car's missing from the driveway.
He watched as you numbly munched on some dry cereal, but what really caught his eye were the tears running down your chubby cheeks, his chest began to ache at the sight, you couldn't have been much older than his youngest brothers, and be it his older brother instincts or the way you looked so sad, he was soon in the kitchen, furiously gathering all he needed to bake his mama's special cookies, the treats always managed to cheer him up, so he hoped they'd do the same for you.
When his mother came down to see her oldest baking as he'd never done before, she asked what the rush was. "I think our neighbor is sad mama- she looks all alone I just thought your cookies would make her feel better." His eyebrows were furrowed in the cutest form of frustration, she mentally cooed over him, how sweet he was, before beginning to wash her hands.
"Well, we better hurry up and give em' to her then." With the two working in tandem, he was bouncing on the balls of his feet outside your door in no time, the plate of warm treats made his hands hot, but he needed to be the one to give these to you. He wanted you to know you had someone in your corner.
His mother knocked on the door, her face twisting as she realized you were truly by yourself. The small pitter-patter of bare feet came closer before the door was swung open.
"Mama's not home." Was the first thing you said as if practiced. Both Delmonts felt their heart clench at the sight of you, you had bags under your eyes, your hair was messy as if you'd done it yourself, and the crumbs from something stuck haphazardly to the sweater you had on.
"Hi Honey, my name is Carla Delmont, I live right there with my family, this is my son Caspian- say hi mijo."
The awestruck boy shook himself from his stupor and thrust the plate forward. "Hi, there! Um. I-we made these for you." You stared at him with that blank look in your eye, at his words warmth seemed to pool into your gaze, the soft gapped tooth smile you gave him had his heart hammering in his chest, gently your small hands reached out to grab it, fingers touching his for a split second, but that's all it took for a bolt to shoot up his arm.
"Thank you! I'm (Y/N), we were supposed to come over and say hi when we moved in but I think mommy forgot."
She didn't want to assume something so harsh so early, but based on the way you looked and spoke, she couldn't help the sinking feeling that said your parents weren't the greatest at caring for you.
"Well how about this, when she gets home tonight you two come over for dinner hm?" Caspian had this hopeful look on his face as if urging you to say agree.
"Sure! I um, I dunno when she's coming home but that sounds fun." Your eyes lost a bit of twinkle at the thought, the older woman leaned down to put her hand on your shoulder, "Well if you get hungry before then come over. I'll even call your mom so she doesn't get worried okay?"
And that's exactly what you did anytime your parents went MIA, they knew they could find you next door.
A few hours later the matriarch heard the smallest knock at the door. She opened it with a warmth you weren't used to, ushering you inside before you could change your mind, she could see how nervous you were.
"Gabriel! Tell your brother to set another plate, we have a guest." The tall red-haired boy seemed to perk up at the request of his mother, nodding so fast you're sure he got whiplash, he took off, not before shooting you a big toothy grin, and soon returned red-faced and out of breath.
"Hi! I'm Gabriel but you can call me Gabe- do you like dogs? We have a dog, her name is Sophie, she's a pitbull and we had to put her outside cuz she bit Father. I thought it was pretty funny but he didn't." He rambled bouncing from either foot.
"Hi, Gabe- I'm (Y/n)." Despite baby, you's poor social skills Gabe didn't skip a beat as he stuck out his hand, grabbing your own in a gentle grip "Can we go play Mama?" The older woman sighed gently brushing fly-away curls from her second oldest's face.
"Yes mijo, just don't let (Y/n) get hurt okay? You boys can be so rough I don't want a single scratch on her understand?" He suddenly looked as serious as he could, nodding sternly to his mother, "Pinkie swear." She had no idea just how long he'd keep that promise.
And just what lengths he'd go to to do so.
He led the way through their comforting home with a gentle grip, careful not to hurt your smaller hand. The second the twins caught sight of you they abandoned whatever they were doing, tripping over themselves to say hello.
The twins looked nearly identical, the only way you could tell the two apart is if you really looked at Manny, the smaller boy had the prettiest eyes you'd ever seen, when you told him this he had to pull his shirt over his face to hide the red hot blush on his cheeks.
Marcos was so excited to meet a new friend, and his age no less! He spent the whole time outside asking you questions and trying to show off, the quiet boy sitting on the porch swing gave you a simple smile, introducing himself as Ricky, "I like your hair! It's so long and pretty!" You gushed over the long locks, he turned cherry red and decided then and there he'd never cut it short.
Time flew by in the sweetest moments, and before you knew it you were about to start High school.
About a week before the mandatory orientation you and the twins were set to attend, the parental unit sat you down in their living room, it felt odd being summoned without any of the boys, it didn't occur to you until that moment that you've never been in their home without one or more of them lingering around you, so to say you felt out of place was an understatement.
The way their Father was staring you down only added to your stress, but then again you learned long ago he just looked like he wanted to murder everyone in the room, he was quite sweet to you, often treating you like the daughter he never had,
"Am I in trouble?" You asked with a nervous laugh, hands wringing themselves ragged under the table.
"Of course not Hun! We were just talking about how you spend so much time here and how you're always bouncing back and forth." Carla sat down at the table to lay her hand palm side up, her silent request was met by you giving her your own, she began rubbing calming circles into the skin, trying to pacify your unease.
The effect of your absence on the boys, no matter how short of a duration, was becoming more and more volatile. Manny had begun acting out the longer you spent out of his reach, he'd be in such a foul mood he'd start snapping at his twin, a feat that unnerved everyone in the house because if Manny was mad enough to actually raise his voice at Marcos, something was very wrong in the universe.
Anytime you were not under the watchful gaze of one of her sons they seemed to deflate, curl into themselves. The clouds hanging over each of their heads, made the whole house feel like a ticking time bomb, she wasn't a dumb woman, she knew exactly who her husband was and exactly how alike her children were.
They were all so loving and kind, most of society couldn't understand the deep, raw, brutally honest way they felt their feelings, but she could, she knew what her sons needed to keep their heads on straight.
It seemed like the most rational course of action to the older woman, the way their heavy mood would instantly dissipate whenever your presence was near, plus she adored you like one of her own.
"We want you to move in you're practically my daughter already and it just is so lovely having you home, where we know you're safe." You felt your eyes widen at the statement, a million things ran through your mind but the strongest feeling was this warmth, your eyes begin to water, opening and closing your mouth in shock at the generous offer, "Oh god- that's the nicest thing anyone's ever offered me but- I don't know how long it'll take me to get a job-" the older woman's usually soft features soured at the words, "What job? You're just a child, don't worry your pretty head about any of that. Besides you stay here so often that nothing would really change." She looked to her husband to continue.
Their father wasn't much of a talker but whenever he did speak to you it was always awkwardly pleasant. "Before you start with that crap- it's nothing and you're already family so quit the yappin' and move your shit in your room already."
Your parents put up a bit of a fight but ultimately relented, knowing you were never as happy as you were when with the Delmonts.
That decision was what truly sealed your fate.
As you grew up alongside them, their toxic behavior seemed like the norm.
As if it was normal for the brothers to be the only friends you had, Marcos isn't proud of it but he'd use his popularity to slander your name, start a rumor here and there- nothing too bad! Just enough lies to keep the general population uninterested in you, if anyone ever dared to hurt you in any way because of these actions they'd be stopped before they got the chance.
In Marco's mind, it was a flawless plan because neither he nor his twin would let anything close enough to even touch you, they never left your side, going so far as to threaten the principal into giving you all the same classes, he was happy to keep lying if it meant you only looked to them for comfort.
It seemed perfectly fine for Ricky to stop you one day and ask you to install a tracking app on your phone, "You never know what kinda' psychos you're dealing with, at least with this I'll always know where you are- just in case." He spoke so confidently and so surely, you never questioned him, Ricky was the smartest person you knew, and he was always watching your back in ways you didn't even know you needed.
Gabe had this habit where he'd hover, like a guard dog, no matter how old you got he never grew out of his habit of looming over your shoulder, ready and waiting for a threat so he could sink his teeth into it, but their grip wasn't always as tight as it was today.
Before the unanimous decision to keep you to themselves, you'd managed to get a crush on some lowlife boy in your class, he'd gotten wind of your feelings and he thought it be funny to ask you out as some kind of cruel joke when you'd inevitably found out, you'd rushed home after school, not having it in you to wait for the twins like always, you felt too embarrassed to face them. Thankfully Gabe had football practice and Caspian had his cooking club, and you knew Ricky went straight to the shop after school so you managed to sneak into the house, undetected.
That is where mama Delmont found you a good two hours later, the boys still weren't home, and she thanked god because when she caught sight of your still sobbing form, buried face first in your pillow, the silent cries soaking into the fabric.
You were all but inconsolable, weeping into her arms as she tried in vain to soothe you. Had you looked up you would have seen the fear on her face. Because she knew something awful would come of this.
It didn't take long for the tale-tell the sound of their front door slamming shut. She heard a distinct set of footsteps running towards the (h/c) haired girl's room. She quickly stood to her feet and intercepted the two troublemakers before they could enter.
"Is she here? She left before us." Manny looked frantic, wide eyes darting from the door behind his mother to his twin. "That isn't like her, sum' wrong I just know it." Marcos placed a comforting hand on his younger brother's shoulder. "What happened Ma?"
She managed to get a few words out of you that summed up the situation. "Some stupid boy hurt her feelings. I think she's feeling a little embarrassed so maybe-" before she could finish Manny's hand gently moved her aside before slinking into your room, Marcos followed after only seconds behind him.
They spent a good hour coaxing the full story from you, sandwiching your sniffling body between them in a bear hug from both sides.
After the older brothers all got home, Marcos took the initiative to fill them in, mostly because Manny refused to leave your side, and Gabe had to leave the room because he needed to hit something, bad.
He was quiet as a ghost that night at dinner, in fact, most of the boys were, as your disheartened face was all too fresh in their minds. Caspian gave Gabe a look before he went to bed, a silent conversation taking place between the two.
In the dead of night Gabe snuck out his window and took off like a bloodhound, it took little to no effort to get the kid's full name from the school's website, and he soon after found his address.
He waited in the shadows, hood pulled up, the facemask he wore concealed the snarl on his face, the baseball cap shrouding his poisonous glare.
Gabe's ruby eyes were like slits as he waited, silent and still as a statue. His all-black outfit blended him seamlessly into the darkness, he forced his trembling hands to remain by his side, feeling himself vibrate in his skin, the rage bubbling under the surface threatening to pour over and consume him, but he made himself be still.
His efforts in self-control were rewarded as the teen who'd made the fatal mistake of breaking your heart walked out his backdoor with a trash bag in hand. He dragged his feet towards the can without a care in the world. Unknowingly delivering himself to his end.
Before he could lift the lid his neck was grabbed in a vice-like grip, Gabe yanked him into the bushes, dragging the scrawny guy by his throat he finally stopped once he found something hard enough to slam him into.
The surprised yelp that left his mouth brought a small sliver of joy to Gabe.
But not nearly as much joy as it brought to knock his skull against the concrete, his hand was so big he only needed one to do it.
He'd only gone out that night with the intention of roughing him up, making him pay for your tears with his blood, but the longer he wailed on the sputtering male, the angrier he got.
"Fucking piece of shit!- you got some kinda' nerve!" He stopped his assault to bring the bloodied face closer to his own. "You fuck with her feelings like that and expect to just walk away?"
To be blessed with your love, to reject it so coldly? The venomous mix of jealousy and anger had him repeating the violent motion until the other male's face turned to unrecognizable mush.
When he made it home, after dumping the body in its own garbage can, of course, Ricky and Caspian were up waiting for him in his room.
"You do it?" The youngest of the three asked chewing his thumb, eyes flickering to and from the door as if he expected his parents to burst in, while Caspian handed Gabe a warm towel, knowing he'd come home covered in gore.
The proud smile on his face was all the reassurance Gabe needed.
"I had to." Gabe began wiping at his soaking hands, the pride in defending your honor had the adrenaline pumping. Ricky gave his older brother a small smile, nodding to himself, "Course you did big guy- c'mon get clean then meet us in the garage."
After tossing his blood-soaked garments in a bag to deal with later, he joined his brothers downstairs. They kept the lights off in order not to arouse suspicion.
"Ricky has an idea," Caspian said as soon as Gabe entered, he was leaning against his father's car, a hand toying with his bottom lip, a look of contemplation.
Ricky made a point to look across each of his siblings before starting.
"We can't let what happened today happen again." The long-haired man spoke leaning on the red workbench with his knuckles.
"She sees the best in everyone which means it falls to us to keep the scum of the world at bay."
"Look what happened when we didn't have our eye on her for one second, she still up there crying, and if we don't do somethin' now we're just as bad as the piece of shit who made her like that." He watched the way each of their faces scrunched in displeasure.
"It's gone on unspoken for years but since we all clearly care about her we need to come to an agreement, here and now."
Their silence told him to continue, "We all want her, and we can either kill each other about it or we can come to a compromise."
"What kind of compromise?" Marcos asked from his seat on the washing machine. His smirk told Ricky he knew exactly what he was talking about.
"We share. Simple."
"Agreed- I know nobody but us would love her the way she deserves, seems rational t'me." Caspian spoke up quickly, making his way to Ricky's side, clapping a supporting hand on the younger man's shoulder.
"What if I-someone gets jealous?" Manny asked toying with the fabric of his sleeves, his eyes darting from sibling to sibling. "Then we talk about it- the only way this works is if the communication is on point. You feel like someone's hoggin' her, tell us okay?" Ricky spoke softly, despite the pain in his ass Manny was on a daily, he had a soft spot for the guy.
"We gotta' make it official! Ooh, what about a blood pact!" Marcos jumped off the machine, wildly gesturing with his hands.
"You dumb fuck we already share the same blood." Ricky rolled his eyes so hard he swore he saw his brain, Gabe snickered at the jab, throwing his obnoxiously large arm over the smaller man's shoulder. "C'mon Rick, baby boy just wants to make it official- let the little weirdo do his blood thing."
From that night on, after a quick cut to each of their palms, they were sworn to you.
Ricky had made it abundantly clear they couldn't move too fast or you'd freak out, so they wait it out, slowly prepping you for the day when they can finally stop hiding their devotion.
But they're not all that good at hiding it, it slipped out in lots of little ways.
Caspian always had you eating, he made a point to make little snack bags for you before school each morning, even if he didn't go to school that day he'd made sure one of his siblings got you your treat, and he left little encouraging notes in each one. The side you didn't get to see was how he intercepted every love note and gift that wasn't from him or his brothers, ripping and tearing at the items like an animal. Only to replace them with his own. Anonymous of course.
The Twins did a pretty good job keeping everyone else away since they were around you the most, one would distract you while the other beat the shit out of anyone who even thought to cause you problems.
By the time of your 22nd birthday, you'd long since moved into your own place, a place they helped you pick out of course, not too far from each of them, Caspian made sure to install some cameras the day he helped you move in.
They'd each fallen so deep into their obsession, there was no hope for you.
But you were none the wiser.
After all, why would you expect any of them to harbor romantic feelings when you've known them nearly all your life? When they treated you like their own family?
Marcos was a lover by nature, he had a different hottie on his arm faster than you could count, it seemed like before you could ask their name he'd replace them. And this was completely on purpose.
He was so terribly afraid you'd see through him, catch on to the truly dark, ever-growing feelings, and turn tail, he made a point to discuss his late-night adventures with you always hanging off your reaction, hoping one day he'd see a flicker of jealousy in your eye, just so he had an excuse to tell you what he so desperately hid.
You have no idea he's imagining your face every time he's intimate with someone, how his dates always had some sort of echo of your being, be it (e/c) eyes or the same haircut, he sought you out in everyone.
Cas and Gabe always tried to take care of you, be it making sure you ate that day or walking on the street side of the sidewalk just in case, they'd been doing these little things for as long as you can remember, the almost possessive way they cared for you had gone on so long you no longer batted an eye when they got in one of their moods, you just assumed that brotherly instinct to provide carried over to adulthood.
You were completely unaware of the darkness in their hearts.
Ricky confided in you much like the way a husband would, he made a point to fall asleep with you whenever he got the chance, he liked to imagine you were his, enjoying the domestic way you snuggled into him, or how you always went to him to unwind from your day, it fueled his deepening obsession.
He often has you over, tucked away in his room, just having you close by relaxes him completely. Funny considering all you do is just exist in the same space and suddenly his migraine is gone and he smiles for the first time that day, you just think you're being a good friend, but to Ricky, you're giving him a space to safely bare his soul and he doesn't take this kindness lightly.
Manny is your self-proclaimed best friend, he spoke to you the most and was at your place so often he had a drawer just for his clothes. He believes the two of you are not only soulmates but twin flames.
The way you sync up is too perfect to not be a love destined for the stars!
It was one of those days where he was lounging around your place like a house cat, sprawled out on your bed, head fuzzy from being surrounded by your heavenly scent. The grin on his face only grew at the sight of your towel-clad form, you were so comfortable around him this was normal, but he never got used to being so fucking close to you like this, he could see the sporadic beads of water falling down the crevice of your chest. His throat tightened as he watched the droplet fall. His tongue flicking out over his canines, his ring-clad fingers gripped the cotton of your sheets in an attempt to calm down.
The sight had him turning to lay on his stomach, in an attempt to hide his growing hard-on, he pretended to be scrolling on his phone, eyes frantically flicking from your goddess-like form. "Sorry- didn't know you were coming over or I woulda' showered sooner, you don't mind if I get ready right?"
Manny swallowed dryly, not trusting his voice at the moment.
"Mmhm" His bright orange eyes never left your form as you shimmied your underwear on under the towel. You were talking but all the blood from his head was rushing south, so he didn't catch a word until you said,
"-date, I mean I've never been on a real one so I'm nervous ya know? I almost called Marcos up to ask for advice but he'd never let me live it down." You giggled to yourself slipping on the lace bra. Meanwhile, his mind was melting. How could you drop such a bomb on him at a time like this?! he was torn between kissing you and bursting into tears.
"W-uh, date? like with a person?" he tried to keep his tone light, but he could feel himself beginning to unravel at the seams. His hands anxiously wringing themselves in his lap. He'd sat up the second he heard the word date come out of your mouth. His shoulders tense as if he were about to pounce.
"Yeah, you know that cute guy from the cafe we go to? He wrote his number on my receipt yesterday and I dunno," You paused to brush a few stray strands away, "I just guess I thought 'god (y/n) you're a twenty-two-year-old virgin and if you keep being the hermit you are, that will never change'." you said slipping on a knit sweater, "Just feels kinda nice to be wanted you know?" You offered a shrug as you began browsing your clothes for bottoms that satisfied you, completely unaware of the total mental breakdown your bestie was having on your bed.
He made up some half-baked excuse to leave and all but ran to his car. He could hardly close the door from how blurred his vision was, hot, salty tears cascading down his face, his cheeks flushed in unfiltered frustration, You wanted to feel desired? God, he could wring Ricky's neck right now, if Manny had it his way you'd have been theirs ages ago, but nooo, Ricky said to play it cool- now look what happened, he could hardly breathe as he hit his speed dial.
"Yo-" Marcos was interrupted by the loud sob from his younger brother, he immediately brushed the person off his lap and made his way outside, face set in stone, knowing his twin he figured it could be anything that set him off.
"Ya gotta breathe little man- y'know I can't understand you when you get like this." he sighed through his nose, his index and thumb fingers gently massaging the bridge of his nose.
"SHE'S GOING ON A- A DATEEE." Now that Marcos could understand, his eyes widened as he laughed to himself in disbelief.
"No she's not." he shook his head, an empty smile on his face, as he kept waiting for the 'gotcha'
"She is! I-I was at her h-house and she," he cut himself off with another whimper, Marcos, feeling his blood pressure reach a dangerous new high forced his tone to be as calm as he could, "What even- How is that even possible? We're with her 24/7, how in the fuck-" he scoffed cutting himself off. "Look where are you? I'll come with Cas, he'll get your car while you ride back with me and tell me exactly what she said." Manny gave him a shakey 'okay' before sending his location. 
It wasn't rare for all the Delmont boys to be together in one room, in fact, they had weekly meetings just to talk about everything cute you did that week.
This was different.
The air in the room felt dark. Like all their negative emotions had festered into a poison.
Ricky had called them all to his home office since his place was the biggest.
He was the last to arrive as he'd been hard at work in his father's shop- he dropped everything the second he got Caspian's call. Gabe sat in his desk chair, he flipped a pen back and forth between his fingers, the dark look in his eye meant nothing but trouble if Ricky didn't fix this soon. The twins were huddled on the couch he'd put in just so you had somewhere comfy to be when you visited. Marcos had a lit joint between his teeth, his right leg shaking rather aggressively, he made sure to look Ricky in the eye before ashing it on his previously clean floor.
Manny wouldn't even look at him when he entered, so he knew he was pissed.
Caspian was the only one to properly greet him, but even he could see the horrid mood he hid just under the surface.
After a moment of tense silence, Ricky exhaled sharply through his nose.
"Okay I'll say it, I fucked up." his admission of guilt broke Caspian's foul mood immediately, he knew his brother well enough to know pushing you into some random nobody's arms was the very last thing he wanted. The taller man moved closer to rub Ricky's back affectionately.
"We know you were just doing what you thought was best right guys?" It was rare for Caspian to use his 'Big Brother' voice on them so they knew he was serious. Manny's glare had turned into a small pout, finally looking at his older brother.
"What now Ricky? We do everything you say no question, no matter how many times I wanted to just take her in my arms and hold her the way she deserves- you said not yet." He pointed his finger at the older man, "Well now she's on a date with some fuckin' loser and she has no idea how we feel." Manny had stood during his rant, beginning to pace the room, his hands on his hips. "I know bud, look I thought we'd scare her off but clearly I was wrong." He flicked his tongue against his cheek. 
Ricky made his way to his desk, not so gently pushing Gabe and the chair he occupied out of the way. After a few moments under the watchful eye of his kin, he flipped the computer monitor around.
Gabe scooted back over with a sour look on his face, clearly not pleased with his previous removal, his face twisted into pure confusion at the content on the screen.
"You bought a house? This is in the middle of nowhere."
"Exactly." Ricky crossed his arms, anxiously chewing his thumb as the four of them crowded around the desk.
"Is this-" Marcos gaped at the images, his mind running a mile a minute as he realized what it meant.
"Home. Like the forever home ." Ricky then pulled out a manila folder from the drawer to his right. He flipped it open, his heart pounding, as he set it before them. Inside was all the detailed information he'd been collecting over the years, ever the perfectionist he knew he had to pick a place perfect for all of you.
"I've been looking at the land for years, the property is close to a small town but deep enough in the woods that we won't have to worry about strangers. There's a Gym in the basement-" He was cut off by Manny throwing his arms around his shoulders. 
"It's so perfect! She loves the forest oh my god she's gonna be so excited! When can we go?- Wait How are we gonna get her to go if she's too busy dating that asshole?" The speed at which his emotions flipped could be scary, but they wouldn't have him any other way, Ricky awkwardly returned the hug with a few pats on his back.
"Don't worry, I have an idea for that too," He turned to face the hulking blue-haired man still in his seat, Gabe pointed at his chest with his thumb, a goofy smile on his face, "Moi? What can I do for ya squirt?" Ricky ignored the nickname, "You gotta get rid of that guy before she goes on the date, I don't care how you do it, just make sure he doesn't show up." Gabe stood up so fast the chair shot backward, he put two fingers to his forehead and gave them all a wolfish grin. "One dead son'ofa'bitch coming right up."
The long-haired man then turned to his oldest brother, handing him a pair of keys from the same drawer he pulled the file from. "Cas I need you to stock up on about two weeks worth of food and anything else you think we'll need, she's gonna need an adjustment period so we gotta be prepared not to leave for a while." Caspian took the keys with a smile, affectionately rubbing the twin's heads as he all but ran to his car. "Oh! I'll get started on dinner soon as I get there-" The gentle giant trailed off now talking to himself.
"Okay, you two probably got the most important jobs, think you can handle it?"
Both men nodded their heads simultaneously, each looking like a puppy about to get a treat, which in a way, was exactly what they were.
"When that dickhead inevitably stands her up tonight I need you two to be there for her, order some comfort food, and when I text you the signal, give her these." He handed them a small bag of pills. "Gotta make sure she eats or drinks at least two of em', she should be out like a light in no time and when that happens, Marcos will pack everything on this list." Ricky handed him the paper with a stern look, "No extra, just what's on here got it?"
"I'm not gonna steal her panties or somethin'- I'm not Gabe." The older twin scoffed taking the list with a pout. "Considering we're trying to make it look like a voluntary vacation, we can't take any risks okay?" The older twin nodded, happy to be given the task around you.
Before the two buzzing men left for their tasks, the oldest one turned to Ricky with an evil little smirk, "What'r yooou gonna do while we're out doing all the leg work hm?" 
"Somebody's gotta make the world believe she's going, I'm just gonna go on all her socials and leave a long enough trail of evidence that if anyone does come sniffing around, it looks like she's been planning to leave for a while." He shrugged as if it was normal making Marcos laugh so hard he had to lean against the door frame. 
"What an evil genius."
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squoosheez · 10 months
Sweet Relief
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Finnick Odair x Reader
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summary: Yesterday, the reaping took place. Your name was the one picked from thousands—and it was your last year to even be eligible. Being from district four, your mentor is none other than Finnick Odair. Prince of the Capitol. Your relationship is off to a rocky start, but on your second night, he starts to come around.
setting: The 70th Hunger Games. You’re the female tribute from District 4, on your way to the Capitol with your male tribute, Caspian, and your mentor, Finnick Odair.
pairing: Finnick Odair x Fem!Reader
warnings: smut, mentions of death, implied mentions of forced prostitution but not blatantly mentioned ykwim?
notes: I wrote this in two sittings and it’s not proofread and it’s also my first time posting anything on tumblr soooo…
word count: 5.2k
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socials: ao3 (that’s all I have bcuz my cc isn’t working rn 😭
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Thick, humid air circulates through your enormous room. This was not what you expected when they had called your name for the reaping. You still remember it like it’s happening in the present. You find yourself laying on your memory foam bed with satin sheets—courtesy of the capitol. One thousand thoughts race through your mind as you recall the events of this evening.
To start, you almost punched your mentor in the face. You try to convince yourself he deserved it, but he was just trying to lighten up the situation and try to make you feel better. At dinner, he made a comment about the games. His words rang through your mind. “Even if you don’t win, just try not to be killed first.”
It makes your blood boil just thinking about it. You’re appalled by his insensitivity. You know those people aren’t any less smart or skilled as anyone else in that arena. Just because Finnick was the one to kill them off, doesn’t make them any weaker.
District four. Your home, family, friends, everyone you love is there. You can’t imagine not making it home to them. You also can’t believe this just had to be the last year you’re even eligible for the games. The worst luck ever. You groan as you pull the comforter over your body. One of the perks about being a tribute has got to be how well they treat you before you’re sent off to your death. You finally start to drift off into a semi-deep sleep—since real sleep is impossible—when you hear a soft knocking at your door.
You groan again before allowing the person into your room. You watch intently as the figure makes its way further and further towards your bed. You can only assume it’s an avox coming to give you a spa treatment or something else extravagant. But to your surprise, it’s your fatally charming mentor.
“What are you doing here, Finnick? Wanna piss me off some more?” You immediately bark out, not even giving him a chance to look into your eyes. This obviously makes him angry, you can see it on his face.
He bites his lip in frustration. “Listen here, little girl. You should try showing your mentor some respect for a change. I could be the very difference between life and death for you in that arena. I wouldn’t take that for granted if I were you,” his fake smile pierces through your blanket of security. He really knows how to make your spine shiver.
“Here to tell you that we’ll be arriving at 7am tomorrow morning. I suggest you be up and ready before then,” he continues. You watch as he takes a piece of fruit from your nightstand and bites into it. He gives another fake smile and walks out of your room, the automatic door sliding closed behind him. The sound of his voice makes your face grow hot in anger. It’s like everything he says is made to piss you off, but he had a good point. He’s the one who decides what gets sent out. He can help you live or let you die. Maybe you should try and get on his good side.
A good two hours fly by while you lay helplessly trying to grasp onto an ounce of sleep. It’s no use. You’re far too nervous to even close your eyes. The thought of losing everyone creeps into the back of your mind, but you deem the thought selfish. You’re not losing them, they’re losing you. More than they already have. Your mother and sister sitting at home wondering why it was you. Your best friends pondering what life will be like without you. It was your final year.
The good thing about coming from district four was that most oftenly, they were able to form alliances with the main careers, district one and two. Though, you deemed them to be quite arrogant, stuck up, obnoxious.. the list goes on. You were probably the only one in district four that doesn’t wanna prove they can win The Hunger Games.
The boy two doors down from you has been training his whole life for this moment. Technically, it’s illegal to train, but since when does anyone follow the rules when it comes to the games? The little boy whose name was picked at the reaping was only twelve. You thought that maybe they were related, but he just really wanted a chance to win. Foolish. The boy doesn’t know what he’s getting himself into, you think.
When it comes to Finnick, he seems to favor you—which seems peculiar considering the fact you treat him like shit and the boy is nothing but pleasant towards him. You always assume he just acts that way towards the girls, he does seem to be a charmer. Capitol’s prince, some would call him. That warning he gave you earlier, was probably him genuinely trying to be helpful. You find that very hard to believe.
You turn on your side and click on the bedside lamp. The light brightens up the room more than a lamp probably should. The Capitol needs to stop sucking up to us, you think as you sit up and tread off to your bathroom. The bathroom is huge, a big shower that could fit any toiletries you could imagine. There’s a vanity full of makeup and hair products that you have never even seen before in your life. Red velvet robes that look incredibly soft and inviting. Last but not least, it smells of roses. The whole bathroom smells like you just walked into a florist.
You stretch and look at yourself in the huge wall mirror. You don’t look like yourself. Your features seem distorted and different. You know that you really do look the same, but you don’t feel like yourself. It’s definitely the Capitol. You turn on the water in the shower and wait for it to reach your desired temperature. You discard yourself of your clothes, realizing that you had never changed into your pajamas. When you finish undoing your hair and undressing, you step into the hot water.
Ten minutes pass and you’re rinsing some rose scented conditioner out of the ends of your hair. Everything here seems to be rose scented. Do we smell that bad? You laugh to yourself as you step out of the shower and grab onto a towel. You quickly dry off your body and hair, wrapping the towel around your hair and slipping into one of the velvet robes. Soft doesn’t even begin to describe it.
You open the door to your bedroom and begin to walk into it before you realize there’s a figure sitting on your bed. You assume it’s the boy from your district, probably couldn’t sleep either. Wants to talk strategy with you, pretend to be in love or helpless or siblings, or something even more ridiculous. To your surprise, it’s not the tribute boy at all. Quite the opposite.
You take a few steps closer, examining everything you can in the dark before you come to a conclusion. It’s Finnick. His golden-brown curls falling on his forehead paired with his sea green eyes, it’s obvious.
“What are you doing here?” You snarl, earning a laugh on his end.
“Well, you’re very welcoming,” Finnick says in return. He yawns and stretches before completely spreading himself out on your bed. “I went to check on your friend, Caspian, but he was dead asleep. Just thought I’d make sure you're sleeping.”
I knew he had a name. You roll your eyes and give Finnick an annoyed expression. “It’s impossible to sleep knowing I’m about to be sent off to my inevitable death.”
Finnick smiles. It makes you angry. He sits up to look you in the eyes. “It’s stuff like this that makes me think you really do have a chance. Definitely more than your friend down the hall, hate to say it.” He gives a fake disappointed look and it makes you chuckle to yourself.
“I’m not so sure about that,” you say. You slowly approach the bed and sit down beside Finnick despite how wrong it feels. Finnick rolls his eyes and grabs your hand.
“I think you have the drive. If you really wanted it—which you will in the arena—I definitely think you have a good chance of surviving. We’re district four. Make some allies, I know deep down you can push that cold heart and face of yours out of the way.” He gives your hand a squeeze of encouragement.
It makes you think. Just two hours ago you were sulking about losing everyone and everything, when in reality you don’t have to. You breathe out slowly, taking in everything Finnick said. He’s still there, staring at you with his green eyes. For once, his face doesn’t fill you with rage. His voice doesn’t infuriate you. He looks gentle. Compassionate. Charming. Finnick.
“Thanks,” is the only word you can mutter out. He looks at you with an endearing smile and kind eyes. You didn’t think he was capable of being nice. He looks actually sincere for once. Wow.
Finnick stands up and starts to make his way towards the door when your voice cuts through his action. “Finnick—” He turns around to face you, curiosity plastered on his face. He mumbles a quiet ‘hm?’ and you freeze. It’s like your words aren’t yours anymore.
“Will you stay?”
Finnick’s breath hitches in the back of his throat at your words. Immediately, you regret saying it. You want to hide underneath the comforter and never show your face to him ever again. Your face lights up a bright red, and you hope he doesn’t notice this.
A smirk creeps up on Finnick’s face. He doesn’t even give you a straight answer, he just climbs back into bed with you—which in most circumstances is very inappropriate for a mentor to do with a tribute. It’s fine, he’s only twenty.
Finnick wraps his arm around you, it's only then you remember you haven’t put on pajamas yet. You’re laying there in the robe from your bath, and your towel is still wrapped around your hair. You pull the towel off and let your still somewhat wet hair free to fall onto the sides of your face. Finnick looks over at you and gives your shoulder another squeeze of encouragement. Him and his squeezes of encouragement.
You reach around for the remote before finding it and turning on some show you’ve never seen before. In the districts, you only really get Capitol news. It’s definitely nice for a change. You and Finnick watch whatever drama is unfolding on the screen, holding each other as tightly as possibly.
“What’s it like?” You mutter out against Finnick’s shoulder. His head perks up as he registers what you said. He stays quiet, probably because you weren’t specific enough. “As a victor, I mean.”
He takes a deep breath, his eyes closing as if he doesn’t want to tell you. Like it’s some sort of bad news your parents tell you when you’re ten. “It’s not as great as I make it seem.”
Your eyebrows raise. He always makes it seem like he’s living the dream out here. Money, jewels, fame, glory. He has it all. What could possibly be bad about being a victor?
“I want you to win. I really do, and I think you’re very capable of doing so but..” his words catch in the back of his throat. “I don’t want you to go through what I did.”
His expression is cold. He’s not even looking at you anymore, his gaze is fixated on the screen, but you know he’s not watching. It’s like watching him hold back tears with no tears to hold back. This time you give his shoulder a squeeze of encouragement. This makes him smile softly and return his stare towards you.
“It’s wonderful.. now. I do have money and jewels, fame and glory. But nothing in life is free.” His smile fades, and he brushes a piece of your wet hair behind your ear. He is so good at keeping you oblivious. It’s frustrating.
He pulls you in closer, his grip on your shoulder tightens. Your breathing grows faster. You can hear his heart beating in his chest, and it makes yours beat even faster. His hand starts to move towards your hair. He runs his fingers through your slowly, making sure not to tug too hard. Just three hours ago, you could’ve sworn he hated your guts. What is wrong with him?
All you can do is look over at him. You realize he’s staring at you, but he doesn’t look away. The look in his eyes is something to fear, that’s for sure. He has to be zoning out.. But he’s not. He turns his body to face yours, resting his free hand on your side. You’re dumbfounded. Star struck, even. You open your mouth as if to say something, but nothing comes out. Finnick smiles and caresses your jaw with his thumb. This seems oddly intimate, and you have zero experience in being intimate.
You want to pull away. You think. You’re frozen, a slave to his touch. You want to move, but you don’t. His fingertips dance across your hips and jaw. You start to believe he’s playing a trick on you. He wants to see how far you’re willing to go. Well, you’re not a quitter. That’s for sure.
Instead of your typical surprised expression, your face morphs into a confident smirk. You bite your lip hard enough to draw blood, in fact it does. Before you can wipe it away, Finnick presses his lips eagerly against your own. His tongue runs over the drop of blood, tasting the metallic substance mixed with your saliva. Jesus Christ.
His hands pull your face even closer, along with your body. Your robe is becoming loose, you feel the knot slipping slowly. Your hands are entangled in his golden hair, your eyes are closed so tightly. All you can focus on is how good he’s making you feel.
This is definitely wrong on some level, but when he’s touching and kissing you in all the right places, it seems to not matter. His lips begin to move downward. He places soft kisses on your jaw and neck. Once he reaches your collarbones, the kisses get more intense. He starts sucking dark purple hickeys and leaving discreet teeth marks on your fragile skin. He’s eager, but careful. As if your body is a porcelain doll and he’s the only one allowed to hold it. He’s so gentle yet abrasive.
Your muscles tense as you feel his hands travel down your waist and resting on your hips. You know his intentions. He’s not just kissing you in your bed while practically laying on top of you for nothing. He looks up at you, his sea green eyes pleading for you.
“Can I take off your robe?” He says softly. His voice seems safe now. Not infuriating. You give him a nod, but it’s not good enough for him. “I need to hear a yes.”
“Yes,” you say. And with that, he unties your robe in one swift motion. The sides of the robe fall off onto each side of your body, completely revealing everything. Obviously, since you just got out of the shower, there was nothing else underneath. Finnick observes every inch of your body before continuing to attack your chest with kisses.
It makes you smile. He’s so eager to make you feel good, and it makes you forget how you hated him moments before this. You feel his tongue trace the shape of your breasts, slowly making its way to your nipples. You’re quickly reminded just how bare you really are when Finnick licks a stripe up your nipple, his teeth catching on the bud. Your body tenses, and a chill runs down your spine. His hands move to your lower back, making you arch for him. You notice his smile at your helplessness.
You squeeze your legs together in a desperate attempt for any sort of relief. Your mouth drapes open as Finnick continues to tease you. Kissing everywhere, touching everywhere except the place you desire it most. Back to frustrating. You pull his head up by his hair to look him in the eyes. You’re pretty much begging with the look you’re giving, but Finnick still doesn’t think it’s enough.
He places another gentle kiss on your upper thigh, leaving his tongue to linger slightly longer. “Is there something you want, honey?” His voice was condescending yet so sweet to hear.
His words make you squirm, but the grip he has on your hips prevents you from going very far. You attempt to speak but all that escapes is a strangled moan you didn’t know was lurking in your throat. Finnick chuckles against your abdomen, causing your muscles to tense up. You realize quickly that he’s not going to resume his work until you give him an answer.
You roll your eyes at him to hide your embarrassment, like usual. He knows exactly what you want him to do. He knows exactly where you want to be touched. He just wants to hear you say it. “I wanna feel you, Finnick.”
Not good enough. He immediately refutes your statement.
“What do you want to feel, baby?” He places another kiss on your inner thigh. You can feel the throbbing sensation between your legs grow even more prominent when he calls you ‘baby.’ You can’t even form words; he just laughs at your struggling attempt.
“What about..” he begins. His fingers trail down the sides of your waist and stop at your hips. His calloused hands move forward to the front of your thighs, giving them a squeeze for good measure. “My tongue? You seem to be enjoying that so far.”
Fuck yes.
You throw your head back at the proposal. You would be laughing like a maniac if it weren’t for your inability to form words, which once again is not going too great for you. Finnick awaits an answer and the only thing coming out of your mouth is drool and moans.
Luckily, he starts to ease up on you. His hands find their way to your knees, spreading your legs apart as far as you’ll allow him. You feel so exposed in the best way possible. Finnick continues to leave sweet kisses on your inner thighs, teasing you on and on. You physically cannot take it anymore.
You grab Finnick by his hair, once again, and yank him forward. “If you don’t eat me out right now, you may never get the chance to. I would make your choice wisely and quickly.”
His eyes widen at your words, clearly surprised, but not unhappy. His sly smile creeps back onto his face as he licks a stripe between your folds. Your back immediately arches against his tongue. He takes the opportunity to grab the back of your thighs, allowing himself full control of your position.
You don’t resist whatsoever. As soon as his tongue is back inside you, tracing circles around your clit, everything fades away. He flicks his tongue over the same spot and a sharp moan echoes through the room. You come to the conclusion that it’s from you. Finnick chuckles softly. The cool air against your wet heat just makes you feel like you’re floating. And if he can’t tell how much you’re enjoying this by your body’s reaction, he can tell by the look on your face.
Finnick’s tongue continues to work its magic as your hands flail around for something to hold onto it. They end up grabbing onto the pillow and you’re surprised the whole train car can’t hear how loud you’re being. You swear no one else could make you feel this way. His tongue knows exactly where to go and what to do. You feel his hand move closer to your heat and it drives you crazy. His thumb moves slowly towards your clit, rubbing soft circles on it. Meanwhile, his tongue is prodding at your entrance. A loud moan escapes your lips as you attempt to focus on one thing at a time.
“Finn..” you whimper out. He pulls away from in between your legs, a mixture of juices dripping down his chin. He looks up at you, his chest heaving. He looks so good. Something about him looking so fucked out just manages to turn you on. “You look so fucking hot.”
A smile creeps up on his face at your words. He licks his lips and climbs up to meet your face. He places a soft kiss on your lips as a ‘thank you.’ You smile back and take the opportunity to give the obvious bulge in his pants a gentle squeeze. A groan leaves Finnick’s mouth and his hand makes its way back down to your pussy. He slips a finger in between your lips, flicking it over your clit again. Now you’re even.
You squeeze your legs together, making the pressure ten times more intense. You let out a soft whimper that seems to just push Finnick over the edge. He immediately pulls down his grey sweats, revealing his erection underneath a pair of black boxer briefs. You don’t even have to look twice to determine that’s gonna hurt.
You sit up and cross your legs to be face to face with him. You watch as he runs his fingers through his hair trying to determine what he wants to do next. His eyes flick back and forth between you and his dick before coming to a consensus.
“On your knees,” he smiles. You quickly scurry off the bed and onto your knees in front of him. You pull your hair into a tight ponytail and wetten your mouth, a smirk plastering your face. You allow him to pull down his boxers, his erection springing up towards his abdomen. The sight makes you ten times wetter.
You take Finnick’s cock into your hand, giving it a few strokes as beads of precum run down your hand. You can feel him throb in your hand and it makes you let out a small chuckle. He laughs too, not really understanding why.
You give the head a small kitten lick and watch as his face scrunches up in pleasure. You take the tip entirely into your mouth and Finnick lets out a loud groan. His hips begin to move slowly into your mouth. He makes sure not to go too fast or deep in case you can’t take it. You take at least two more inches to assure him you can.
You continue to bob your head up and down as his hips fuck the back of your throat. Whatever you can’t fit in your mouth, you stroke eagerly with the hand that’s not grabbing onto Finnick’s thigh.
Tears well up in your eyes and drool drips down your mouth as he fucks deeper into it. His little groans and whimpers are all the encouragement you need. You just sit back and let him have his way with you, every now and then you hum, sending the most pleasurable vibrations through his body.
You can feel his climax near when his hips start to stutter and his movements become faster and more desperate. You move your hands to rest on his chest, rolling his nipples in between your fingers. This throws him completely over the edge, because quickly after, he’s cumming down your throat. You take him out of your mouth and swallow what’s left of his cum before standing up to give him a sweaty, teary, drooly, cummy kiss. His tongue explores your mouth tasting what remains of his cum and you can see a string of your saliva when the kiss is over.
Despite your incredible blowjob skills, he’s still eager to make you feel as amazing as he possibly can. He moves his hands down to cup your ass, giving it a squeeze of encouragement. You giggle and fall back onto the bed. The satin sheets feel so good underneath your hot skin, and Finnick looks so inviting.
You close your eyes and suddenly he’s gone. You search around for a moment until realizing he’s gone to get condoms. Smart man. Not giving me a choice. When he comes back, he slips on the condom with ease and gives his hand a small squirt of lubricant.
“Don’t think I’ll need much,” he says smirking. “You’re already soaking wet for me. Yes?”
You feel yourself throb in between your legs at his words. He is seriously driving you insane. You watch as he coats his cock with the lubricant and gives himself a couple lazy strokes.
You can’t even think of a response, so instead you just pull him down to kiss you. After a few moments you break the kiss. “Finnick..”
“Don’t wear it out,” he speaks slowly. You just can’t take your eyes off of how big he is. “You’ll be screaming it in a minute.”
You smile at his cocky response. You feel him line-up with your entrance. One of your hands is resting on his bicep, the other is tracing circles on your clit. You let out a soft moan as you feel his tip slowly slipping into you. You don’t understand how he could be this slow. He wants this just as bad as you do, why is he being such a tease?
Instead of pushing deeper, Finnick decides to just use the tip for now. You’re squirming and writhing underneath him, desperate for something more. Every time you look at his face, he looks like he’s in heaven. Finally, he slowly slides more into you. You can feel every vein pulsating inside you. It makes you clench around him, which earns a very strong moan from Finnick’s mouth.
Your thoughts are being clouded with Finnick. Every touch he makes, every breath he breathes. Everything is Finnick. He’s murmuring something under his breath, but you have zero clue what. Probably something along the lines of ‘you’re so fucking hot,’ or ‘I’ve been waiting so long for this.’
You watch as beads of sweat drip off his forehead and onto your stomach. You realize very quickly why he wanted to take it slow. As soon as he tries to push completely into you, he bottoms out. You tense up, surprised by the feeling. Finnick looks at you and back down at his dick once again. By the look on his face, you can tell he is not all the way in.
“Fuck, Finnick. I didn’t realize you were that big!” You groan partially in frustration and partially in pleasure as he rolls his hips in a circular motion. He just smirks in response. Despite the little bump in the road, Finnick continues his shallow thrusts. He’s more careful now, he doesn't want to hurt you and now it’s become very easy to do so. You let out a loud whimper at his movements, angled to hit your g-spot with every little movement. Unfortunately for you, he’s still taking his sweet time.
He can sense your neediness. It’s driving him crazy. He starts to move slightly faster, but he’s still trying to savor the moment. Your back arches whenever he hits your sweet spot, which is pretty often. Your legs start to shake from using them to keep yourself up. Finnick notices and immediately pulls out and picks you up. This takes you by surprise and you flush a bright pink color.
“I wanna make sure you’re comfortable, how do you wanna lay?” His voice is soft and sweet. It’s crazy how fast his tone can switch between dominant and demanding to soft and caring.
You bite your lip and wrap your arms around his neck. “Can I ride you?”
That’s not the answer Finnick was expecting. He nods eagerly and flips the two of you around. Now he’s laying on the bed, and you're sitting on top of him. You line him up with your hole and sink down slowly onto him once again. Once he bottoms out, you start to move your hips in a circle. Finnick’s hands fly to your waist, guiding your movement. He watches as you ride him, tits bouncing directly in his face. He is surely the luckiest man alive.
His groans grow louder and more frequent, and your movements become faster and harder. His hands move to cup your ass, giving it a couple slaps as you bounce on his cock. You clench around him every time and it makes him so horny it hurts.
Finnick flips you over once more, wrapping your legs around his neck. His thrusts are much more powerful now. They’re aiming to hit your spot and it’s so good. His hands are fondling with your tits, pinching your nipples as his thrusts grow faster. His other hand is fixated on your clit, rubbing it just hard enough to make your back arch and leave scratch marks on Finnick’s biceps.
You can hear his breath faltering and his thrusts become sloppy. He’s whispering words to you, but you can’t quite comprehend exactly what he’s saying. Loud moans are leaving your mouth, but you can’t hear anything besides the slaps of your ass against Finnick’s hips, and his groans.
You feel his hand get faster, giving your clit just the right amount of attention it needs to feel your climax bubbling up in your lower stomach. You clench around him in response, and that’s what pushes him over the edge.
He pounds into you relentlessly, hitting your g-spot over and over again until you can’t take it. Your moans have become broken cries as tears flow from your eyes. The only words you can form are ‘Finnick’ and ‘faster.’ It doesn’t take much longer for your orgasm to reach its peak. Your body tightens completely, causing Finnick to release with you. He cums with a loud moan, even though your senses are still clouded from seeing stars, you can assume it was probably a drawn out ‘fuck.’
You pull him closer as his body collapses into yours. You give him another kiss before pulling the used condom off of him and tossing it into the trash bin. He gives you a weak smile as he breathes in your scent.
“You were amazing,” he mumbles against the crook of your neck. You pull the comforter over the two of you and close your eyes.
“You were perfect,” you respond smiling. He gives you another kiss on the cheek since he can’t stand not having his lips on you. The reality of your situation sets in very quickly. You’re about to be in the Hunger Games and you’ve just accidentally fucked your mentor. Accidentally may be a stretch.
You look over at Finnick, somehow putting your emotions aside. You give him a sad smile and place a soft kiss directly onto his lips. It confuses him, but he doesn’t question it. You’re clearly in a vulnerable state and he doesn’t want to pry too much.
You look into his eyes for far too long. The beautiful sea-green color that completely encapsulates the beauty of the ocean. You realize far too late how you really feel about Finnick Odair. The worst part is…
The clock just struck seven.
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feralwetcat · 4 months
I haven't been very sappy on main so *throws sad shit at you* (aka me thanking the fable community and cast again, cuz goddammit you guys are so neat and cool)
Fable smp was, and is probably one of my favorite things I've discovered, i clicked on one of heyhays vods one day on a whim and gods im so glad i did, the way Fable has shaped me as a person and helped me improve is honestly crazy, its how i got into doing art, how i improved, how i met most of my friends, its genuinely been an amazing journey.
For me as a person, my home has always been an odd environment, without getting into too much detail my family has lots of trauma circling around, my brother and dad especially, so the way Fable comforted me through bad days, or when my dad would burst out at me or my mum, its genuinely such a crazy thing that these little block guys have helped me through so fucking much, the way they've helped me discover who i am, to feel represented through so many characters, heck even just hyperfixating with others, its amazing
Its helped me become more confident in my own skin, able to accept my body and how fucked up it is, from the rep with disabilities to identities, seeing something like "hey i have that!" Or "i experience that!", even the small pieces, its so fuckin awesome to see such cool people that are honestly like me
To all the cast: thank you, if not for making Fable, but for representing people, for showing us how much of an outlet being creative can be, and everything in between, all of this is so crazy how cool and detailed it is, truly.
To the fandom: you all are so fuckin cool, the way i get so excited when you guys interact with my stuff, art, silly posts, or just jokes, it's just so cool to interact with y'all, I've made so many friends and i know I'll make more, especially with all the smps y'all promote, keep doin that, i love your stuff guys<3
(now for specifics that have made me feel seen ayo)
To Athena: thank you, genuinely, for making a space that i feel seen in, i feel welcome in, the rep with C!Athenas disability and still having a great time, having a fulfilling life, which I've been told so many times I can't have due to my disabilities, its so amazing, even if its sleepy stardew, lore, or anything in-between, your community and self is so inviting and comforting. Your voice has always been so comforting (like a chill pink mixed with a light coffee brown feel:]), and i genuinely can't thank you enough, if not for representing me, but for becoming a comfort streamer for me
To Ghosty: Caspian as a character was so cool to see, his story was like a good book really, one you could pull up and watch with some tea or hot coco and a blanket, one that was so interesting, I've experienced some of the issues he worked through and it felt so amazing to see, especially a trans character whos entire personality wasn't that he was trans, or a character who struggled with grief but was still happy and able to be *alright* sometimes, thank you.
To Sherb: the way you did lore, and continue to do lore, always excited me, got me feeling genuine emotions, which I've always struggled with, it made me get into storytelling, something I've always enjoyed, it made me get into telling my own stories, its been so enjoyable, and will continue to be ! Icarus as a character made me feel seen in the way that you can care for someone, trust them fully, but they can still be a good person, but the way they treat you makes you believe they're a good person, and thats really important to me. Thank you Sherbert
To Connor: gods your writing is so cool, your fics motivated me to start writing again, and Ulysses as a character as well is such an interesting character, his writing is so neat and his story again made me feel so seen in many ways, and your writing is so good
Finally, To Beck: Arisanna was and continues to be a character i resonate with, always working for someone, never for yourself, feeling alone at times even with many people, having to or feeling like you have to provide for your friends and family, i grew up feeling like i had to protect my older brother, make sure he was alright, and Ari made me feel seen in that way, thanks for that, really
Thank you everyone, for supporting me, through my art, pickup lines, or just dumb jokes
Signed, FeralWetCat (Kai)
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arcanusarchieves-if · 6 months
Helping us with our condition…protecting us from Solaine…is Alistair on the table 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺??????
Anon I have a piece of horrible news for you…well two pieces actually…
“Aw MC! Alas despite our limitless love for one another and fantastic chemistry, it was just not to be. My heart lies with another - my dear wife Helena. Luckily my wonderful baby brother Caspian is still on the table so if you could get to working on that…”
“Alistair has a point. The sooner you and Caspian are wed, the sooner you can have hot in-law sex with my husband. That type of video will make a killing in the porno world, you know?”
“Wha- Helena!”
Oracle Translation: Alistair loves you very much as a friend but he is happily married (and as of the main story he’s erm…dead) but luckily his wife is very supportive of your relationship.
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kudzuoath · 1 year
Wretched Things
Nothing lives in the shadow cursed lands. Even the trees are undead. This is a problem when you need to drink blood to survive.  Thankfully, Caspian is a giving sort.
Try as he might, Astarion’s focus kept sliding away from his book. The wretched burning in his throat, the sandpaper feel of his tongue, the emptiness of his stomach. All served to sever what little attention he had. 
He grit his teeth and stared holes into the page of diagrams. One of several books regarding undead that they’d recovered since finding Moonrise. Caspian seemed to be collecting the things for him. 
The gesture flayed him. 
“Horrid, pink thing,” he grumbled under his breath. “Wretchedly pastel tiefling.”
Maybe he’d be flattered if she didn’t also help just about everyone they came across. Oh she never made any promises – but nevertheless they always ended up in a bloody hag’s lair, or fetching a bard from a cage. 
Astarion’s gaze drifted over to Volo, who was scribbling away, not a care in the world. Surely no one would mind if he indulged in a little snack...
If nothing else with Volo as a victim, he could talk the rest of the party around when they found his corpse. 
Though it wouldn’t be that hard to hide the body. All he had to do was toss it into the lake. With the shadow curse no one would even question it. They all knew the little idiot had the self preservation of a gnat. 
His mouth was watering over Volo. Terrible. 
His gaze slid over to the wretchedly pastel tiefling herself. She’d apparently found somewhere to bathe – probably at the inn – because her hair was pale lavender again, rather than the sort of muddy brownish black it had turned from all the blood. 
Not, mind you, living blood. Of course not. The black, congealed jelly-like substance of the dead held by the shadow curse. 
“Well don’t you look a treat this evening,” he said. “Unfortunately I’m rather busy at the moment –”
She ignored his attempt to brush her off. 
“There aren’t any animals here.”
“Really?” he said, looking around in feigned shock. “I hardly noticed. Perhaps next you might tell me what color the sky is?”
Again she ignored his goading. Though those black and indigo eyes narrowed. A laser focus. “And the only people we’ve fought in days are dead already.”
“Your skills of observation are truly something to behold,” he said, fighting not to bristle. What, was she going to start making threats? He was still going to eat Volo. 
“When was the last time you fed?”
“Why?” he asked, lowering his voice into a pur that usually made her blush. “Thinking of inviting me to dine with you?” 
Caspian put her hands on her hips and tilted her head. He was too aware of the bared expanse of her throat. The way her pulse jumped. 
For a split second he was confused. Why? What did she get out of it? Then he realized he didn’t care. He would take what she gave him. And then take still more. 
“You have such a generous soul,” he said, slipping closer so he could coil a lock of her hair around one of his fingers. This time she blushed. Far more appealing than Volo, really. He still remembered the hot, honeyed taste of her blood sliding down his throat all those nights ago. Did all tieflings burn like that? “I’ll see you tonight, my sweet.”
Even redder, Caspian shook her head. 
“It’s been at least a week, hasn’t it? Just – drink, Astarion.”
“How kind of you to notice…”
He was hardly going to turn her down. The thirst strangled him. He’d been much, much worse off over the centuries. But after so many weeks of being truly sated, starvation sawed at him like a stranger rather than the old friend it was. 
“--  for not thinking of it sooner,” she said. Had she still been talking?
Astarion slid his hand into her hair and tilted her head. Caspian allowed it, still practically glowing from the amount of blood in her face.
Cute. You would think she’d fluster less after the times they’d slept together. 
“Sit, dear,” he said. “I would hate for you to fall.”
Caspian did so. And the moment she was settled he leaned in close, and bit her. 
Her gasp was drowned out by the sudden rush of relief that poured into him. Blood touched his tongue, slid down his throat, and it was like waking. Hot, spiced, honeyed – and none of those things. Her blood – like the last time – burned all the way down. But pleasantly. Like expensive alcohol. 
Astarion tightened his grip in her hair, and drank deeply. Drowning that starving feeling. Luxuriating in the sensation of satiation. The creeping numbness in his fingers faded. The weakened woozy feeling in the center of his chest shriveled. 
More. He needed more. 
“If you don’t… stop… you’re going to have… a very awkward conversation… with Shadowheart.”
Caspian’s hand, on the back of his head. Fingers twining through his hair. 
Her heart beat stuttered. 
With a gasp of his own he forced himself to let go, to draw back. Though not too far this time because as soon as he stopped drinking, Caspian half collapsed against him. She was breathing hard, as if she’d been running for hours.
There was an ashen quality to her skin, her lips were pale and her eyes heavy lidded. 
“Shit,” he swore. 
“Shouldn’t have… left it so long,” she mumbled, head nodding forward. A long sigh. Then, she started to hum. 
From anyone else he would assume this was related to the blood loss. But Caspian drew magic from music. Sometimes from rhymes. Too still, he held her up as she hummed and coaxed the weave around them. He felt the spell gathering around her – and then felt it take. 
She sat up, looking marginally better. There was some color in her lips, at least. 
“Well,” he said. Awkwardness clawed at him. Though not as hard as it might have. For the first time in days he felt himself. “No need to talk to our resident Sharran.”
Caspian laughed. “I think she’d be more annoyed at me than you. Feel better?”
He did. 
“I’m positively brimming with energy, darling.”
“And you’re in a much better mood,” she pointed out. There was a flash of fang in her smile. Maybe he had been rather… prickly of late. But no one was happy here anyway, so it shouldn’t have been all that noticeable. 
He sniffed. “I miss the sun. This whole cursed place smells like a tomb. And –”
“You were hungry,” she said. Her smile faded, replaced by a knit brow as she looked up at him. He realized he was still supporting most of her weight and – when had he put his arm around her? The warmth and presence of her body was… nice. 
“Did you drink enough?” 
“I nearly drain you and you ask if i’ve drank enough, Cas?” An eyebrow lifted. “I did hope you had better self preservation instincts. Not too much better, of course…”
“I doubt the others are going to invite you to dinner,” she deadpanned. “Our options out here are bloody limited. And I don’t know how much longer it's going to take to get to Ketheric. You need to eat and…” she sighed. “And I don’t think I can give like this every night. I’ll get someone killed out there if I’m too weak to swing a sword or too slow to react with a spell.”
A terrible sticky warmth was building in his chest. It was foreign and insidiously… pleasant.
She was concerned. About him.
His eyes drifted to where one of her hands was gripping the front of his shirt. Caspian would have been so easy to lure to Cazador. The sympathetic always were. And she was nothing if not that. He could have stumbled into her on the streets, playing at a more mortal starvation. 
Help me, he imagined saying. And she would. All the way to Cazador’s teeth. 
“Should we dine again tomorrow, I won't need as much.” All she had to give, and more. It was his for the taking.
Caspian’s head dropped against his chest and she let out a longer sigh. Relief? Perhaps? 
“Okay. Okay. This is doable.” 
He waited for her hands to drift lower, or her lips to touch his skin. He was resigned to it. It was the most natural sort of payment in the world. And he knew she enjoyed his touch.
But instead Caspian sat up and yawned. “Right. I need to sleep. And probably eat something. In the reverse order.”
“What, no desert?” he whined.
“Ha! If by desert you mean sex, I’d fall asleep before you got your shirt off. I’m afraid I can’t feed both hungers tonight.”
“Pity,” he said, stretching. The way her eyes tracked his movements softened the blow of rejection. “I’m certainly feeling invigorated.”
“Alas,” she deadpanned. There was a spark in her eye and a slight curl to her lips. “You'll just have to invite you hands into bed tonight instead.”
Caspian stood, sketched a theatrical little curtsy, and sauntered off toward the campfire. Almost immediately she fell on the bowl of stew Gale handed her like a ravening wolf. The wizard laughed at her and said something that earned him a smack with her tail. Shadowheart made a dry comment about the puncture wounds on her neck. Caspian fired back, but made no move to hide them. 
And Astation watched her with a faint smile. 
“Wretched thing.”
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Astra Inclinant, Sed Non Obligant
Posting 16th October 2023!
Fic by Spreadyourwings Art by adromelke
Rating: Explicit
Summary: Dean just wants to be happy, something which seems so simple in theory, but so painfully out of reach in reality. The secrets he carried weighed on him constantly, and it's hard to feel loved when he never even feels seen.
After a beautiful omega saves him from an alpha who believes having an alpha voice makes him king, Dean's inner omega is left swooning. The college is so big though, and he has no idea who the other omega is, so he assumes that is going to just be the end of that and he'll never get another chance to talk to the omega, who for a moment made him feel so safe.
A little bit of friendly meddling, and a thank you dinner turned date later, and Dean is starting to think his inner omega might be onto something with the swooning.
In a land where Omegas who love other omegas are seen as wrong and taboo, some things, and some people, are worth risking everything he knows for.
Tags: Omega Dean/Omega Cas, Dom Cas/Sub Dean, Dean in panties, shibari, Attempted Rape/non-con, Protective Cas, Nesting, Cuddly Destiel, First Kiss, Family Issues, Taboo Relationships, Nightmares, Hurt Dean Winchester, Switching, First Date, Getting together, Secret Relationships, Awkward Family Dinners, Coming out, supportive friends, Messed up society, College AU, Thanksgiving, Dean's Birthday, Stargazing, Dating, Anti-True Mates, Fuck Fate, Alpha voice, Mating Cycles/In Heat, Domestic Destiel, baking, Dean and Cas in love.
Excerpt: Below the readmore
"Oh, hello again," a familiar voice said, the silky gravel sending a shiver of pleasure down Dean's spine.
"Hey," he said, somewhat breathlessly, once again face to face with the omega who had saved him. He was frozen in place, his thoughts spinning uselessly. His inner omega was swooning, like an omega in a fairy tale seeing their knight in shining armor, while the logical part of Dean was trying to decide if he was thankful about getting a chance to see the other omega again, or pissed about Charlie meddling.
"I'm glad to see you're okay," the other omega—what had Charlie called him? Casper? It was definitely Cas- something. Caspian?—said with a smile that was fond and kind and enough to send butterflies spiraling through Dean's stomach. This was insane. He'd barely had one conversation with the guy, he should not be being this pathetic around him, even if he was the most beautiful guy Dean had ever seen, with a scent that Dean wanted to drown in to boot.
"Yeah, I'm glad about that too. And that you're okay too. I was a bit worried. Though clearly you can look after yourself." He paused awkwardly, trying to remember where that sentence had been supposed to go. "I can look after myself too, normally. When biology isn't fucking me over." He rubbed the back of his neck, hoping that if he laughed a little bit no one would think he was going insane. "What I'm trying to say is thank you. You didn't need to put yourself in danger for me, but you really saved my bacon."
He always got tongue tied around hot omegas. He was just lucky enough that no one had picked up on it yet.
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marveloustimestwo · 1 year
Hi sweetheart! Do you like The Chronicles of Narnia? If yes, would you write for the characters or at least for the Pevensie's + Caspian?
I love your work, and about your last post take the time you need to write 😊
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It's been a hot minute since I've watched these movies, but I am fond of them. Upon rewatching them, I can definitely write for them! Given the choice, I had to write for my boy Caspian first.
Warnings: Yandere themes, one implication of murder
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First and foremost, I believe Caspian would be mainly obsessive and protective, but can occasionally be delusional.
He wouldn't be one to grow obsessed instantly, instead falling over the course of a couple of months or so.
When he does, he'd be pretty tame overall. Caspian grew up as a proper prince. He was taught to be chivalrous and noble, so how he would approach his darling is quite similar.
He'd go about courting you in quite an old-fashioned way, as that's the world they live in. He'll ask you to go on walks with him, brings you flowers, and give you other gifts as a token of his affection.
With you, Caspian's rather soft. He wants you to feel safe and comfortable with him, and he'll pour every ounce of charm he has into making that happen.
Oftentimes, Reepicheep will intrude on Caspian's time with you, trying to hype Caspian up. After a minute or two, Caspian would have to shoo him away once he became too much to deal with.
But still, the talking mouse is Caspian's wingman, successfully making the prince look better in unusual ways.
Considering how soft he is around you, it wouldn't be too hard for him to win over his darling. Nine times out of ten, you wouldn't have any idea about how obsessive and protective he is.
Occasionally, you will see his protectiveness come out. Such as when he assigns you a few more guards than necessary, or when he gets a bit jealous of some overconfident Lord.
And there is absolutely no chance you're ever allowed near a battle. It doesn't matter if you're good with a weapon or are a field medic, the most you'll do is help strategize before staying far away and safe.
As for everyone else, anyone with eyes can see how absolutely adoring he is of you. Some unfortunate souls who tried to hurt you or win your heart will see how truly obsessed Caspian is, but you'll never hear about that.
If asked, all Caspian will say on the matter is that he was simply protecting you. He'll always have your best intentions at heart, it's just that he has the guts to ensure they happen at any cost.
As long as he can help it, all you'll know Caspian as is your dear friend and later lover.
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leavingautumn13 · 5 months
hot chocolate!
[wip ask game]
"autumn, are you still on your bullshit about may and maxie being friends?" have been since i was 10 and i've showed no sign of stopping. thanks for asking!
this is a later chapter of my pokemon emerald fic eye of the storm. hot chocolate is a placeholder title--no idea what the actual thing is going to be called yet.
the central scene of the chapter is a conversation between may and maxie about the events surrounding team rocket's actions in johto and ethan's partnership with lugia. ethan's influence on may is something that also gets brought up in my omega ruby oneshot, sunlight:
It had been all over the news, about a year before her family had moved to Hoenn: Lugia had appeared in the Whirl Islands, just off the coast near Olivine, to partner with that boy from New Bark who bested Team Rocket for what was hopefully the final time. May had compared herself to that boy a lot over the course of the last two years...
may's from johto, and lived in goldenrod and then olivine during the height of team rocket's activity in the region, so naturally when she gets involved with the main plot of eots she thinks she's dealing with a similar situation. that initial assumption is what starts in earnest her internal comparisons between herself and ethan.
maxie, for his part, is more than a little offended at being compared to team rocket.
Maxie rolled his eyes. “Typical Kantan bullshit,” he said. “Steamrolling everyone and everything in the pursuit of profit. You’re Johtoni, right?” May hesitated and he shook his head. “That’s rhetorical. It’s not every day the League flies someone in to take over a gym.” She tensed. Was their move really that high profile? He must’ve noticed her sudden discomfort, because when he continued, his voice was softer. “You may not get it, but you could. Look. I’m sorry you went through that. I really am. But this isn’t Johto, and we’re not Team Rocket. If you’re in danger here, it’s not from us.” He tapped one finger on the table. “And, as loathe as I am to say anything charitable about Archer Caspian, you don’t have to worry about him, either.” He smiled thinly. “But you didn’t hear that from me.” She stared at him. “Why are you telling me this?” “Because it’s important,” he shot back. “I’m not interested in being misunderstood.”
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jessmalia · 2 years
Cast ur mutuals as narnia characters
Oooh I love this so much! 💞❄️
My immediate thought was @mais-e as Mr. Tumnus! She's everyone's friend. We'd walk home together arm in arm and I don't like tea but I'd love to sit in front of her fireplace with some biscuits and hot chocolate!
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@clarasamelia is my Peter in all his labyrinth.mp3 coded annoying oldest sibling glory (affectionate) (derogatory). Everyone loves her and I don’t get why but also I love her most of all. She’s a nerd but I’m the only one allowed to be mean to her. 
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@itsybitsybookworm and I are both Edmund and Lucy at the same time. Does that make sense? Probably not but I can’t arrange it any other way. We’re literally just the essence of this gif: 
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@lovesickxmelody​ is Caspian! That's my sweet bestie! ❤️
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And @madwoman14 is Susan because she’s the least annoying one and whenever one of us fights with Jo (Peter) the other one joins in ✊
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Finally @freakwiththeknifecollection is Reepicheep! I have trouble explaining why sorry <3 she just makes sense as an anthropomorphic animal 
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littlewitty · 2 years
Alairie Persu
I was writing this story in my spare time since Ikepri came out so I may as well post it here cos why not lol
Chapter 1
‘Desperation will lead a good man, bad.’
Those were words I’d held onto. Perhaps it gave me a sense of comfort? It made me feel better knowing that one is never truely born fucked up. Yet again, that’s assuming the man in question was good to begin with. That was another well- known flaw of mine, finding excuses for the inexcusable. When you make your bed, you lay in it and you lay bloody low. But still, I don’t think I’ll ever really know why I was pushed over the edge.
‘Arrogence is suicide, ignorance is bliss.’
Perhaps it was just that, the arrogance itself. Then, in regards to the suicide mentionned, I wasn’t that far off. Ignorance would always be a luxury. If people could afford it, it would be bought in bucket loads. Almost like alcohol, too much and it’d kill you, but a decent tasting would leave you on the cusp of a hallucinogenic, diverting haze.
“Did you hear? They've opened up the borders now the pandemic is over.”
“Which ones?”
“Jade to Rhodolite.” Jade had been plagued with a pandemic for at least a decade. When I was 14, it had started. It led to a sharp decline in our ways of life. Everyone had lost someone. Many children were orphaned and rural villages were wiped out.
“I know that look on your face, Alairie…You’re not planning on crossing them are you?” His eyes encaptured mine. “What will you get out of it?”
“Do you not think the prospect of a new country is exciting? I was always told stories of Rhodolite as a child and it always intrigued me,” I said as he sighed. He was probably already aware that I had made my mind up. ‘A new country could be a new life.’ That idea was only flattery. Rhodolite had it rich. A cooler climate, yes, but they got to see the changes in all four seasons. Jade was dry, hot and dull. They had a revolutionary government which aided people who needed it. Oh and the main reason I wanted to go of course: “The opium trade is better.”
He simply laughed and finally lit the cigarette which had been resting in his hand for a while now. “Always the woman with the plan. It has been this way since we were kids. It was us against the world, partners in crime, you remember, Alairie Persu?”
“I remember that the only reason I met you was because you threw me in a ditch when we were seven, Caspian Sharpe.” My old friend smiled to himself as he handed out the cigarette to me. One small drag and a wave of tranquillity cleansed my mind. “I won’t miss it here.”
“You’ll miss the heat.”
“I won’t miss the disaster that the heat causes. At least when it snows people aren’t out of water and spitting feathers.”
“You’re sure about this?”
“...No. But – I’m going. Come with me.”
“... You know I won’t. I don’t even speak Rhodolitian.,”after a comfortable silence, he stubbed out his cigarette. Whilst looking around and stretching, “but have fun. I’m always here if you get bored. When do you want to leave?” he commented.
“You’re not even gonna try and stop me? Great friend you are.” I playfully sneered. “ I want to be one of the first Jadians there.”
“The border opens next week. I guess I can take you there.” He remarked dryly. He knew defeat faster than anyone.
I was barely on my own feet. It had only been two weeks in Rhodolite after passing the borders, after saying goodbye to the longest friend I had known, but I wasn’t allowing myself to nurture regrets. I had made this choice.
I didn’t know anyone and they were weary of my accent. They most likely thought that I would pass onto them the virus that halved Jade’s population. It was surprisingly difficult to adapt. I hated the cold. I hated the food. I hated the people. The only thing I didn’t hate so far was the collectables I had nicked off people. Gold-plated watches, leather-bound notebooks and sleeve cuffs all pawned off for a glittering coin. I hadn’t managed to find any housing yet, but for leaving the country on a curious whim, that was bound to happen. Like I was once told, the opium trade was elite. Even better than what I had expected. It was definitely the business to go into. My old job in a new country. Maybe it was boring, against the prospect of a new adventure, but to me it was the one sense of comfort.
The city was bustling. I had gone from village to town before reaching the kingdom centre. All the stories I recalled about this place could be rewritten by me. It was honestly nothing like the city centre in Jade. Tall buildings with specific characteristics, vastly extravagant fashion with the smell of baked bread and sugar toasting the crisp morning air. There was always a cloud tsunami coating the floors every morning, however. From the casual eavesdropping I had learnt that it was ‘mist’. We weren’t humid enough in South-Jade to have that so-called ‘mist’. The spider's webs would glisten in the dawn light. Nests of glass-like dew woven up delicately. I had begun to admire the wispy world of early spring.
Amongst the many stalls of jewellry and the latest ‘fashion’ trends (Jadian fashion is better) there were also food vendors protecting their exquisite pastries from the damp-air with cheesecloth. So early yet so many people. Who should I pickpocket today? The tempting smell in the air along with the elaborate displays encouraged my eyes to gaze longingly at the food. The vendor tried to converse, his accent stronger than the north mountains. I just smiled instead.
“Licht, you should really try one of these. They are splendid!”
“...Stop making me try everything. I don’t even know why we’re here. We just had breakfast.” Three men were standing next to me also admiring the treats. Their clothes were divine. Their accents were proper and clean. These men had money.
“Indeed, they are delightful.” The third one chirped up. His tone sounded different, unnerving, but I couldn’t quite place on why.
“Who said you could come along?” The first one said. He had honey-blonde hair cut to perfection and was adorned with a pink dress-suit. He resembled a porcelain doll but the scowl on his face was rather unbecoming.
“Why, I needed some entertainment, of course! I think you should have these, they are lush. I bought them from another stall.” Laughter erupted from the third. Wrapped in a cloak and a purple coat, his white trousers were victims to the addition of belts. Rhodolitian fashion really was something else. He held out a small wooden box filled with – what I assumed – were biscuits. He met my eyes and I zapped back to the table of sweets.
“Hey, you there! Try one of these and tell my brothers that they are fine.” He waltzed up to me, arms outstretched presenting the box. “Come on, don’t be shy. Can you hear me with that hood on?” He jeered. The only thing that kept me warm was my long-felt coat with a thick hood. It did a good job in covering my clothes, face and hair. It made me fit in more. No one had to see my very obviously Jadian clothes.
“Don’t involve innocent civilians,” Blondie walked over and turned to me, “don’t eat those.” Still with the scowl but it had somewhat softened a bit. I kept my eyes fixed on him. He was almost too close for my liking. Close enough to see my face, that is. “How dare you glare at me. I’m trying to save you from whatever Clavis has put in those biscuits. Give me your name.” Clavis… That was the purple-hair’s name.
‘Arrogance is suicide, ignorance is bliss’
“Don’t ignore me. What’s your na- Hey!” He shouted as I started to walk past him. My head down, I kept walking. The final man, now in my view, was painted with a nonchalant but rather painful expression. Not having enough time to divert, I walked straight into his shoulder. Seeing my chance, I slipped my hand into his back pocket.
‘Desperation will lead a good man, bad’ Yes, always. However, a hand snagged on my wrist. It held me back.
.“Give it back.” Shit, he noticed. His hand tightened, strangling my bones. I squared up to him gingerly. His ruby eyes were cold. The colour now more resembled blood. My heart ricocheted in my head. “Give. It. Back…Now.” The others had stopped bickering and tuned in.
“Licht? What happened?” So ‘Licht’ would be the one to get me thrown into prison. ‘Clavis’ caught on quickly.
“Did she try to pickpocket you?”
“What?! She tried to pickpocket our precious Licht? A prince!” Blondie was furious. The singing of a sharpened sword caught me off-guard. He was armed? Soon enough, a blade pointed at me. “Take the hood off. Now.” Stern and hardy as concrete, his tone left no room for defiance… But I didn’t move. All I focused on was the lit point of the metal. . The blade eventually pushed my hood off and the cold air rushed to my face. My cheeks were cold and my eyes watered with the thick shockwave. “What are you waiting for?! Give it back to him now!” I didn’t want to when a sword was at my throat… I was going to have to speak to them… They would hear my accent. With a deep breath, I used the best voice I could muster.
“... sword… down…”
“Speak up!”
I hesitantly replied, “Put the sword down. Then I give it back.” Blondie’s face dropped to the sound of my demand. After a while of tormentingly feeling my body bounce with my heart, he spoke up.
“You’re Jadian? B-But the border only just opened, how are you already… here?” His stance faltered. I didn’t waste it. I yanked my hand back and ran.
‘Desperation will lead a good man, bad’ Again and again, the phrase never left my mind.
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onmyyan · 6 months
hello, i LOVE your writing and style and i took a social media break and came back and HOLY SHIT what a time to be alive
i got to thinking about your guys and i do love a reluctant darling, so ignore this if it makes you uncomfortable, so sorry if it does. but the guys doing the absolute m o s t to get this girl to like them. someone who maybe got a couple of rough exes and either knows what to look for and isn't looking for love. and the boys are just like :) oh :) to bad 💐 for you. they get her heart racing and she's a little nervous about it. shes got a mouth on her and aren't afraid to pop off on a rant about how she knows what they are (she doesn't)
Marcos? psh you'll cheat and laugh about it with your friends at some party. you think you can get away with it just cuz you're good looking? go find another person to piss off. and he's all like ☺️you think i'm hot😊😚 love the idea of her being a snarky bar tender at his favorite bar and they have a will they won't they sitcommy type relationship
manny? just buy the book and leave, girlies on the clock, no she doesn't care how good he looks on the motor cycle. totally not. definitely, definitely not. she doesn't worry when he goes really fast on it, it doesn't make her scared. girls just trying to get paid and get peace.
ricky? oh big strong man trying to boss her around? she doesn't need all that. she sees through that tough exterior and her rbf is worse than his. but it ain't resting. she's just loving life with her friends (who aren't as available anymore?? i wonder why??) and she doesn't care when he runs his fingers through his hair. she doesn't want to do that. she'll get her car fixed there- sure- but she won't like it.
gabe? sure he seems fun but ultimately she views him like a movie sequel, seems fun until about halfway through when you see it's the same plot as last time. no way is she falling for that old trick again. yeah he's nice, and and he helps her with groceries when he sees her walking with all those bags. bare minimum raise it, gabriel.
caspian? when's that other shoe drop? when does the sweet charming teddy bear end? (never)and yeah his pastries are delicious. and he's nice. and smells like cookies. and- oh fuck she's in love, better avoid him but SOMEHOW the man is everywhere. doesn't matter. she needs a night in, and yeah she misses him when she's in her place alone. little does she know how close he is. she won't be lonely anymore ☺️
ashley? she can fix up her own house, thank you very much. she's not interested in some old fashion cowboy and his old fashion values. or his arms. or the way he checks in on her, making sure she's settled in ok, finding her way around town, if she's eating alright and if she needs anything and woah- what's wrong with this door? he'll fix it and no. he doesn't want money. she doesn't owe him anything but, if she wants to grab a drink she's always welcome to join him. she won't be thinking about what would've happened if she took him up on that late that night. or how she made fun of his accent.
diego? WHY is there chickens on her door, and WHY is it w o r k i n g? and where is the shirt she was wearing yesterday? it's laundry day. feral fella makes sure everything's going alright and she's got everything she needs. she doesn't want some man following her around like an over grown puppy. or does she?
imagine them giving her they're number and getting a drunk text like
"you don't suck anymore ❤️" and they go feral
anyways hope you like that and are having a good day/night. i do wonder if any of them kidnap darling like in sharing is caring (my guess is ricky, ash, and manny in no particular order) and how they'd deal with a darling like this. have a wonderful day/night.
This is amazing and made me smile like a fool the whole time I read it!! Like wowiewowie you totally nailed the characterization of the guys and I love how sweet and nervous the reader is about this seemingly perfect dude ugh thank you for sending this baby in I adore it
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ang3l0fde4th4ndd0gs · 11 days
This Little Life Of Mine Chapter One:
Words: 1779
TW: Some violence, some swearing
“Coming in hot on your left.”my dad, Sam calls over the radio into the headset that sits in my ears.
“Had no clue, Pops.”I retort as I slam the gas pedal at my feet, making my motorcycle lerch backwards as the number on the dashboard climbs quickly from a steady 28mph to nearly 90.
“No need for sass today, kid.”Steve reminds me gently.
“Sorry. Didn't realize you were the one-”a gust of wind passes me as the car Sam warned me about speeds past, bringing my remark to an early stop.
It takes one hell of a hail Mary maneuver to dodge the car on my motorcycle. I barely manage to pull into a side street as my heart pounds in my throat and my hearing reduces to a loud screeching ring.
How the hell does this always happen? I wanted to go see some friends of mine in Queens but as always, I got caught up in some high speed chase.
The bike makes a loud metal clang on the concrete as I get off of it and catch my breath. I didn't exactly intend to let go of it so carelessly but my hands had begun to shake from the adrenaline rush of nearly being pancaked between two trucks.
“Looks like they've passed you by for now, AJ. But it won't be long before they're itching for a round two.”Bucky says over the radio, the sound of my dad's voice bringing me back to the moment.
“What do they want from me this time? Blood, some sacrifice? Liquor? Money?”I reply, annoyed and still breathless as I pick my bike up and prop it up on the kickstand.
“Always to weaponize you. You know that.”
“Lucky me then.”I groan.
If it were to ever cross your mind that a life like this is fun, I implore you to think twice about it. It isn't fun to be the child of six of the most sought after men in the world.
HYDRA on my ass twenty four seven is the least of the violent shit unfortunately. I also have Jedi who follow me around and get a tad bloodthirsty when I'm near them. Comes with the title of being a Mandalorian. They believe you exist to get revenge on them for their travesties against my people. Being the son of the Green Arrow seems to bring more gold diggers than problems. At least Oliver can hide his identity a little better.
It's the Avenger part of my blood that seems to be the exact middle ground. Bringing nerve-wracking bike chases and lots of trouble you never expected to see.
Hello, my name is Sirius Caspian Andrew James. Or AJ. This is my wild ride. As you may have noticed, I said the six most sought after people. I have ten parents total. So you may be thinking “What gives?”
To tell you how I ended up in this shit show, you’ll need to open your mind to one thing:
My life is no picture of perfection. It's one great big joke of a broke down mess.
My biological parents are Tony Stark and Steve Rogers. You may be thinking “Well that isn't possible. They're both men.”
I repeat. Reality isn't real.
Tony was born a female and raised as a male because my grandfather was a bit of a power hungry lunatic. Steve always knew that having worked rather closely with Grandpa Stark. So Steve and Bucky protected Tony when it mattered the most and eleven months later, they had their worst nightmare.
When I was three, Steve and Tony married Sam Wilson and Bucky Barnes, as well as each other of course. They're my favourite little polycule. I had a good life until I was 8. That's when all hell began to break loose.
Quite literally.
September 12th, 1998, just under a month after my 8th birthday. The world is crashing. It always was. But to conspiracy theorists, this was worse.
Which brings us to parent number five. Lucifer Morningstar. Satan, Lucifer, Lightbringer, The Fallen Angel. The Devil.
Really, Luci is a trip. He owns this strip club in LA called the Luxx. He accidentally let me into the building that September 12th while my family was on a vacation to California.
He freaked out of course. “Oh my god how could I even be a fad- Who’s is it??? Who didn't tell me??” Kind of freak out.
Turns out he had some sort of deal with my dad Tony that if he could keep me safe for a month, Tony would finally consider and offer that Lucifer made him before I was born.
To all of LA I was the Devil’s son for 2 years.
My little sibling Bugs has always called me “Dick Bait” because of that stupid deal.
Long story short about that little deal. Lucifer wanted a date, Tony said no because he was pregnant with me and knew that Lucifer would probably be an awful influence. But I suppose it worked out. Lucifer turned out to be a great dad. They had Bugs when I was ten and Lucifer was over the moon.
Finally after four years of being in LA so Bugs could remember where they came from and Lucifer had time to wrap a few things up, it was suddenly 2002.
Back to New York we went. I'm 14 years old just starting high school with my two childhood best friends Gwen Stacy and Peter Parker.
Life was good. Before I fucked it up again.
I got bored at the Avenger's tower while my parents were in a meeting and fucked around with one of Tony’s gadgets. Some sort of transportation device that took people to other dimensions that the TVA uses today.
Enter Oliver Queen. The hellish, brooding, grumpy, Tony Stark doppelganger who wanted revenge for his father's death and wanted me to help. What a pain in the ass, right?
I was with him for ten years, posing as his only son before Tony came and got me. Oliver fucking Queen made me into a celebrity. And of course, a menace. Everyone was enamoured with me by the time I was 21 years old. I was an actor and a vigilante alongside my dad Oliver. Under the alias Silver Sage, I did more crime than saving. But Tony stopped at nothing to bring me back home. Turned back time, even, but forgot to wipe my memory when he did.
Being 24 and famous to being 14 and a highschool nobody would give anyone whiplash.
Most of my other parents seemed to show up with no warning or even any huge event. Jack Sparrow was a washed up pirate that showed up at my aunt Sarah’s doorstep which my parents took in and rehabilitated. John Price was an ex-marine who raised me for 3 years to be a soldier before he was drafted again after I had become an avenger, May Parker was my best friend Peter's aunt who took me in after declaring that I needed some female influence in my life.
The last three are far more recent. Last 4 years or so.
My last parent is the most recent, however. Din Djarrin. The infamous Mandalorian. Child of the Watch, fugitive of the Bounty Hunter’s guild, Saviour Of My Ass.
He was certainly a special case. He rescued the child I had sworn to protect after I jumped universes again during my junior year in Oliver’s world. I nearly burnt down the cantina he was in trying to save him and Grogu from one wild attack and an attempt to kill the child.
As gratitude, he was stupid enough to take me under his wing and train me. He’s out doing his bounty hunter shit with my little brother Grogu more often than not now but we’ve stayed in touch since everything happened but he comes back every few months to say hello and give me some weapon that was made for me in the armory.
But enough of my rambling. Back to your regularly scheduled shit show.
A bullet whizzes past my ear as I turn my head to look which street I brought hell to.
“Cheap shot.” I laugh dryly as I look down the alleyway to see a group of knock-off TVA soldiers standing at the end of it.
“Sirius Caspian Andrew James, you’re under arrest.”the most dressed up soldier says, clearly trying hard to sound authoritative.
“Oh come ON.”I laugh. “You guys seeing this shit? God, the Trojan Horse would have been more subtle. Neon orange on retired SWAT suits? What are you? Broke 20 year olds trying to pay your tuitions to art school? At least be a bit more discreet.”
“This is no time for games, young man. I said you're under arrest.”
“What for?” I give the group of soldiers a playful smirk. “Did someone tell you they'd pay millions if you got a bite of a super soldier?”
“We are the TVA.”the same soldier says, sounding slightly annoyed with me now. “You have violated the rules of the sacred timeline.”
I can't help the god-awful snorting laughter that escapes me. “First off. No you are NOT. The TVA doesn't carry guns. I should know I used to be an employee.”I take one of the small daggers and a small coin-sized detinator from my belt holster and spin the knife around by the ring on the end of it. “You are a group of idiots who were paid off to grab me. Hmm. Sounds fun. But I've got things to do.”
With that, I set the small detinator on the blade of my knife and toss it toward the six wannabe soldiers.
“Bye, bye, bye.”I giggle as I hop back on my bike, release the kickstand and take off, the explosion going off behind me.
“What the hell were you thinking?!”Sam scolds me over the radio, the sound blasting in my ear.
“I was thinking that I hate posers and that I would like to take Gwen and Peter to lunch before we start school tomorrow.”
“We're superheroes. Heroes don't kill, Sirius.”
“Heroes don't kill heroes, Sammy. Heroes kill idiots who try to fill their skulls with bullets.” I take a sharp turn toward the restaurant I told my friends we should meet at. “I’ll see you all when I get home. Love ya.”
I turn off my radio with a simple click of the headset in my ear and park my bike out by the front door of the small cafe.
Author's Note: I kinda wanted to play around with my alter ego here lmao. I had fun with this chapter but I wanted to know what others thought is all.
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coralsgrimes · 4 months
The best parts of the Narnia movies are the scores imo, in particular from the first two movies, with the music composed by Harry Gregson-Williams.
I haven't seen these fuckers in ages so I don't remember BUT since Imma in a good mood lemme tell ye all a story about how I got to see prince caspian in cinema, and it involves music too and also the first instance of a fancam from youtube
So, years and years ago when Prince Caspian was in cinemas and that was fucking summer, my cousins came for a visit. Three of them and they were all younger, two boys and a girl. Anyways I was not as much older than them but still I was THE BITCH. Anyways so there was nothing to do and it was hot as fuck so we ended up going to the cinema, and there were like two big things playing - the second narnia film or wall-e. A friend whatever said that wall-e is cool and ye know the kids were kids so that was my choice and my bestie that was going with us, and the boys wanted wall-e too. But not that little bitch my cousin like she wanted to see NARNIA SHE NEEDS TO SEE PRINCE CASPIAN. We told her no, cuz it's a fucking democracy and we going to see wall-e. So that little cunt goes full on crying mode that she won't be going to the movies to look at a robot beeping for two hours. Like that little viper is like 7 or something mind ye, and she gets her twin brother to change his mind too so now it's two kids crying and it's a whole fucking deal with her...... Yeah we ended up seeing Prince Caspian. Funny story, that little cousin of mine (the boy one) was actually really fucking scared of the film and the animal beasty thingies in it. And the little cunt? She was happy cuz first of all she won, second she liked it. She like cried cuz fantastic love story oh caspian my heart she had tears in her eyes. And if me remembers correctly, there was an original song at the end of the film and she loved it and she was watching caspian/susan (?? that was her name???) videos with that song on youtube. I swear to fucking god I don't have as many childhood memories as clear as this one and believe it or not, I still have the old movie tickets. I was a hoarder don't judge me like I even kept bus ticket stubs back then and boxes of my shite are still in my parents basement storage thing x.x
yeah I feel like I have mentioned this once before or told this story before but that was my first encounter with Benjamin. I was forced to see him, his bad tan and overachieving accent. It all stayed with me till the present day muffins x.x and as for me little bitch of a cousin what became of her... yeah I still hate her guts and the feeling is mutual like I was home for christams this time around and I got to see her again and she's as bad as ever I don't like her bitch ass x.x I like her brothers, it's just that bitch that I can't stomach lol she's actually engaged with intent to marry and her fiancé comes from a stuck up rich family of snobs who wouldn't even look in our direction during a dinner party so kinda like she found her perfect crowd lol
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