#just lmk))
draagu · 7 months
give me your enots!
enot won the 1k follower scug group drawing poll! so! y'know what that means
send me your enots!!!
the theme will most likely be cyberworld! from deltarune! it's the best I could come up with and I think it'll be fun :]
basic premises, submit one design, anthro or feral (alts are okay), and if you want u can include any additional stuff you'd want to see, like the enot doing something specific or being with someone else's enot etc. etc. (w the other persons permission ofc)
also it must be your design. don't submit other people's designs unless it's like for a friend to be included or something and you have their permission. don't claim other people's designs as your own either
submit the designs through reblogs!
you all have 4 days before I will not be taking anymore designs, or if they become too many I might end it early, you'll know if it's closed if the reblogs are closed
and of course, it'll probably take me a while to both get started and get finished, so all I ask in return is your patience
I think that's all, go crazy
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ultrabooob · 4 months
happy pride month
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lesbian flag i made from tones in demoni album art B-)
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xbomboi · 1 month
while y’all wait for the next installment of the charming siblings saga, would anyone be interested in seeing some snippets of what i’ve gotten done on Fairy Queendom Quest?
there’s some good stuff in there that i’m not sure i can keep in the final version lest it detract from the narrative but like idkkkkk i just wanna share it at least. maybe.
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glitchthebitchwitch · 8 months
"Out for love." just total yuri
"And to think someone as worthless as you landed Lilith's little hottie." Adam's words rang through Vaggie's head.
Charlie was going through the streets, helping others who survived the extermination and such. She was walking through the alley way before seeing a person infront of her. The "sinner" was clearly in pain. Charlie walked towards them, noticing the details of her pain. A missing eye. She said nothing as she silently crouched down and bandaged over the eye, after the short moment ended, the sinner smiled. Charlie took in her details, short hair, on the shorter side, as the sinner gave a weak smile. Charlie was caught off guard by this, but for some reason it made her feel warm inside. She quickly looked away, smiling, but then looking back slightly. She held her hand out infront of the sinner, and she took it. "Are you okay to walk?" She asked, only getting a slight nod in return. "I'm Charlie. Daughter of Lucifer! Well, you probably already know that. Heh." Charlie pulled the sinner up by her hand. "Do you have a home I can take you to?" Charlie asked. "No." She answered, not when she was very clearly kicked out of heaven by Adam and Lute. But, she assumed Charlie didn't need to know that. "You can speak! Woah. Anyway! I think it's awesome you managed to survive the extermination looking as well as you do, besides the missing eye. And, you don't have a home? I can take you to my place! My dad has this old castle built for me, and you can crash there! I'm pretty sure it has a guest room." "Thank you.. You're kinder than any demon I've ever hea- met." Vaggie responded, she could put on a sinner facade, right? Just act like she normally does but replace angel terminology with demon terminology, easy! She had learnt alot about hell when training to be an exorcist. "Thanks! I try to be very nice. But, not many people respect me. You're one of the nicer sinners that have let me help them. Most people just tell me to go fuck myself or something like that. I get it though. It's hell!" Charlie responded, walking in the direction of her castle. As they walked up to the castle, the sinner looked in amazement. It was huge. Like, really huge. "This is where you live? Alone?" "Not really alone, I have Razzle and Dazzle with me! And KeeKee." "Who?" "Razzle and Dazzle are my bodyguards, they're tiny goats! KeeKee is a cat that can turn into a key, used for unlocking anything built and locked by my dad or me!" "That's, really, that's a lot." Vaggie smiled, though. She'd always had to endure Adam's basic misogynistic rambles, always talking about some 'bitch' who wouldn't subserve to him, but with Charlie, it felt nice for her to ramble. "So, you never told me your name." Charlie looked at her, she only thought. Vag-Gy, which sounded like "vagina" wasn't an appropriate pronunciation for a sinner, she could change it to the name she was called by Lute and other exorcists, as only Adam called her by that nickname. "Hello?" "D'ah- Sorry. It's.. Vaggie." Vaggie answered, Vag-ee was a better pronunciation, she decided. "That's a nice name! I hope you don't mind living with me, I never really gave you an option, did I?" "No, it's fine. Better than living on the streets." "We've been standing in front of the castle for awhile. Uh, let's go in!" Charlie grabbed Vaggie's hand and dragged her inside. "I'll show you to your room, and I'm pretty sure I have some clothes you can use for the night." "Thanks, again. You're one of the kindest people I've ever met, even when I was human." That was a lie, she was never human. But, the taller girl didn't seem to notice. It was fine. "Really? That's so sad! Maybe I can start a chain of events!" "Maybe you can." "Okay! Here's the guest room, if you want I can get rid of the decorative pillows. Nobody really uses this room. I'll go see if I can find Razzle and Dazzle. They're gonna love you!" Vaggie watched as Charlie walked off to go find her bodyguards. She really thought she was just gonna pass out and die right there in the alley way, but she didn't. Charlie saved her. She was different, much like how she had heard Emily was. She took off the decorative pillows and just laid there, on the bed.
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nihongoseito · 1 year
quantifier floating and differential object marking in japanese!! (??)
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ok ok ok before you say sasha, not everyone has multiple degrees in linguistics, let ME just say, i bet you already know something about what i’m going to talk about here! so don’t be scared!! 全然怖くないから行こう!!
what is quantifier floating?
well, before we get to quantifier floating, let’s take a short detour to quantifiers themselves. you probably already know what these are even if you don’t know this particular name for them: it’s words like 二人 (ふたり), 1匹 (いっぴき), and 5冊 (ごさつ). you may have also heard these words referred to by the name classifiers (especially if you’ve studied a language like mandarin before). anyway, quantifiers are just words that specify an amount of something—in english, they’re words like “some” or “every.” easy!
ok, so what is japanese quantifier floating? compare these two sentences:
if you had to guess, in which one of these sentences is 二人 “floating”? the first one, right? it’s just sort of sitting between を and the verb without any particle indicating what it’s doing there. so this is the phenomenon known as quantifier floating, and there is actually a slight difference between a floating quantifier and a quantifier attached pre-nominally with の, like in the second sentence.
what is differential object marking?
do you speak any spanish? how about hebrew? in these languages and others, there is a grammatical strategy available to speakers that allows them to distinguish between any old noun and nouns that are personally known or familiar to them. compare these two spanish sentences:
busco un profesor de japonés. = i’m looking for a japanese professor.
busco a un profesor de japonés. = i’m looking for this japanese professor...
in sentence 2, the preposition a has been inserted before the object un profesor, ‘a teacher.’ the function of this preposition is to indicate that the speaker already knows this particular professor, almost like saying “i’m looking for my japanese professor.” sentence 1, on the other hand, has no such implication, and the sense is that you are looking for just any professor who would be able to teach you japanese. so, there’s the difference: familiar nouns get “differentially marked” in object position in these kinds of languages.
what do these things have to do with each other in japanese?
now, you probably already know that japanese does not have the kind of differential object marking used in spanish, mostly because there are no articles, definite or indefinite, in japanese. so why am i bringing it up? as it turns out, even though there is no grammatical differential object marking in japanese, there are still strategies available to get a similar semantic idea across. let’s return to the first two example sentences and now translate them:
先生を二人探しています。 = i’m looking for two teachers.
二人の先生を探しています。 = i’m looking for these two teachers...
notice the difference? in japanese, when a quantifier is not floated (i.e., when it’s attached pre-nominally with の), it gives the implication that the speaker is already familiar with the noun being quantified. in other words, quantifier floating reduces quantifiers to their most basic function: as a marker of amount. in sentence 1, it doesn’t really matter who the two teachers are—the speaker is probably just looking to hire any two teachers, so long as they can teach the necessary subject. but in sentence 2, the implication is that the speaker is looking for two particular teachers, maybe who co-teach a class together or who always get coffee after school together. so, while this is not differential object marking in the strict, grammatical sense, japanese uses this quantifier-placement strategy to produce a similar semantic result.
and there you have it!! that wasn’t actually that scary, right? linguistics is not as crazy as everyone says it is, we just have a “terminology problem” that makes stuff sound 10x more complicated than it really is. (seriously, this is an actual issue in the field. people can’t understand each other bc they were trained on different sets of terminology lol. #academia)
anyways, i hope this was clear and helpful, and feel free to send me any asks about grammar or semantics or whatever!! 週末を楽しんでね!!✌️
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enha-stars · 4 months
quick! dom!jungwon or sub!jungwon 🤔🤔🤔
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barleyo · 2 months
i hate how i go through giant phases with the characters and fandoms i write for :c i used to be so obsessed with avatar and writing for the na'vi, but then i moved to resident evil n random stuff and now i feel myself shifting to haikyuu and mha!! i feel like i'm disappointing everyone who followed me for other specific fandoms in the first place ໒( •́ ∧ •̀ )७
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falandosozin · 6 months
i have no idea if it's something on purpose or if tumblr is just being it's broken self again, but ive tried to reblog this post by @drowsyradfem like twelve times since last night and every time it gives me an error message and i cant find any reblog on my own blog so im assuming it keeps not working
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so im just gonna reply here now
yeah, that's cool. let people be people! i agree 100% obviously! femininity and masculinity are both subjective and therefore mean different things to different people! true and cool! but also, some people want to medicalize themselves for whatever reason it may be. why not? let people be people, right?
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luwupercal · 2 years
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"within or above the order of magnitude of 10,000 years"
Trauth, K.M.; Hora, S.C.; Guzowski, R.V. (1 November 1993). "Expert judgment on markers to deter inadvertent human intrusion into the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant" / warhammer40k.fandom.com
full transcript and sources under cut.
[ image id: a series of pieced-together screenshots from wikipedia and warhammer 40k's fandom wiki. in totality, they read thus:
We considered ourselves to be a powerful culture.
The Imperium of Man, also called simply the Imperium, is a galaxy-spanning, interstellar Human empire, the ultimate authority for the majority of the Human species in the Milky Way Galaxy in the 41st Millennium A.D. It is ruled by the living god who is known as the Emperor of Mankind.
This place is not a place of honor...
It spreads across the whole of what used to be the Himalayan Mountains (now called the Himalazians) of Old Earth and is primarily defended by the Adeptus Custodes, although Space Marine, Collegia Titanica, and Adepta Sororitas forces are also known to protect the massive, city-like complex.
no highly esteemed deed is commemorated here...
Poor, brave Malcador the Hero. He reserved a fragment of his strength for me. It gives me little time to pass final orders to you. If you do as I ask then I shall not wholly die, my spirit at least will survive.
nothing valued is here.
The Astronomican requires the sacrifice of large numbers of psykers daily for it to continue to function, and also for the Emperor to be kept alive on the Golden Throne.
What is here was dangerous and repulsive to us.
He has sat immobile, His body slowly crumbling, within the Golden Throne of Terra for over 10,000 standard years. Although once a living man, His shattered, decaying body can no longer support life, and it is kept intact only by the cybernetic mechanisms of the Golden Throne and a potent mind itself sustained by the daily sacrifice of thousands of lives.
This message is a warning about danger.
Imperium of Man / Imperial Truth / Unification Wars / Great Crusade / Imperial Compliance / Space Marines / Primarch
The danger is in a particular location...
Terra is effectively a globe-straddling temple dedicated to the worship of the Emperor of Mankind.
it increases towards a center...
The heart of the Inner Palace contains the Sanctum Imperialis,
the center of danger is here...
The Imperial Palace is as heavily populated and just as active as any hive city of the Imperium. In fact, it probably has a higher density of population per square kilometre than most hive cities. Billions of adepts from all branches of the Adeptus Terra work in the Imperial Palace complex overseeing the affairs of Mankind.
of a particular size and shape, and
The levels and byways of the Palace can take a lifetime to learn, and only the Adeptus Custodes know them all. From the rails of high balconies are artificial ravines 500 storeys deep, filled with lights and teeming with people. Some of the great domes in the Precinct, especially the Hegemon, are so vast, they contain their own miniature weather systems. Microclimate clouds drift under painted vaults. Rain in the Hegemon is said to be a portent of good fortune.
The Inner Palace is also the seat of the Senatorum Imperialis, the twelve High Lords of Terra, who are charged with divining the Emperor's will and ruling the Imperium in His name.
below us.
The danger is still present, in your time,
1.6. Great Scouring 1.7. Imperial Stagnation 1.8. Era Indomitus
In response to the emerging forces of Chaos throughout the galaxy, the recently resurrected Roboute Guilliman, primarch of the Ultramarines, and now once more the lord commander of the Imperium
as it was in ours.
Unification Wars / Great Crusade / Horus Heresy.
The danger is to the body,
the people forget their duty they are no longer Human
Cults dedicated to flagellation and penance seek to prepare Mankind for the return of the Emperor.
5.2. Gene-Seed 5.3. Implantation of Astartes Organs 5.4. Primaris Gene-Seed and Organs 5.5. Conditioning
and it can kill.
can suffer wounds that would kill a lesser being several times over, and live to fight again. Clad in ancient power armour and wielding the most potent weapons known to man, the Space Marines are terrifying foes and their devotion to the Emperor and the Imperium of Man is unyielding.
it is honourable -- a reward and can be no failure
a Perpetual like the Emperor, one of a strange group of Human mutants who possess the ability to be resurrected
the bleeding wounds he sustained still visible upon his neck and chest.
The form of danger is an emanation of energy.
the awe-inspiring sight of one of the Emperor's own sons,
"the Anathema" for He is the greatest embodiment of universal order in the galaxy today and the most potent foe of Chaos
psychic beacon that is the Astronomican within the Warp.
The danger is unleashed
mortally wounded,
1.2. Rise of the Emperor
Casualties (defenders): High, many xenos species were driven to extinction
Horus was slain,
only if you substantially disturb this place
Things have only been made worse with the birth of the Great Rift or Cicatrix Maledictum in ca. 999.M41.
Age of Strife / Eye of Terror
Aeldari Empire / War in Heaven
This place
Milky Way / or just "the galaxy,"
is best shunned
See Also: Atmospheric Incinerator Torpedo / Virus Bomb / Cyclonic Torpedo
( you have no right to let them live )
and left uninhabited.
end id. ]
pages from en.wikipedia.org used: Long-term nuclear waste warning messages
pages from warhammer40k.fandom.com used: Imperium of Man / Imperial Palace / Golden Throne / Emperor of Mankind / Imperial Truth / Unification Wars / Great Crusade / Imperial Compliance / Space Marines / Primarch / Terra / Horus Heresy / Imperial Cult / Age of Strife / Eye of Terror / Aeldari Empire / War in Heaven (Necron) / Milky Way Galaxy / Exterminatus
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sock-kaleidoscope · 3 months
Yes i have seen it, and i must say
I always more a dog person
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swirlzberry · 2 months
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calxia · 1 year
Weather really is something. I love the rain but I also hate the cold. I somewhat like the sun but also hate the heat. I used to be able to deal with the heat and now I can't. Can't even get used to cold as fuck weather when it snows. Sometimes it'll go into the negatives. At one point I had snow up till March/April.
Speaking of weather. What are thoughts on the Ghouls favorite type of weather? I'm kind of putting a little thought into it. I feel Rain loves when it pours but hates when it pouring down and freezing cold. While Mountain is more for a cloudy day with the sun peaking out.
- 🎸 Anon
I live for the cold weather. I wait for when it gets cold enough I can wear my leather jacket and hoodies everywhere without question. When we got really bad snow here earlier this year I jumped on the opportunity to walk to work in it. the crunch and coldness is just perf.
here's some lil thoughts on what weather I think the ghouls will like. I got very carried away again while writing these, but really what's new there?
Rain loves those misty summer mornings where the grass glitters with beaded dew and the air is heavy with the cloying taste of the humid day yet to come. The air is crisp but not cold, and everything is still, waiting for the warmth the steadily rising sun will bring. Rain likes summer showers. The refreshing brush of cold rain on sticky skin. The sort of rain that leaves you soaked, but revitalises you for the day. He breathes easier when it's humid, his lungs not having to work as hard as his moist gills help pick up the slack.
Dew likes the scorching sun. The sort which burns your skin at the slightest brush. That drives most to try to seek shelter in the shade, but even the shade is still dangerously warm. The heat that brings a period of drought with it and risks starting a blazing inferno from the frazzled dead grass it creates. He recharges in the dry air and basks like a lizard in the powerful rays of the sun. Dew also likes the feeling of the first rain after a period without. The warm humidity energizes him and calls forth the remnants of his water past.
Mountain likes cloudy mornings in the spring. Where the air is still chased by the bitter nip of frost but you can almost feel how everything is waking up for the season of new beginnings. When the sun is starting to rise earlier and earlier as the days lengthen. The weather is perfect for the work that a new season brings and the clouds provide cover from harsh UV rays. He rises with the sun to work his gardens as the sun plays peekaboo with the clouds.
Swiss enjoys the heat of early summer when the earth is still trying to shake off the frosts of spring. He likes a gentle breeze that carries dandelion seeds and the smells of summer with it. It is warm but still cool enough that you can do things freely. He likes staying up late when dusk is beginning to spread and night insects emerge. A chill starts to spread but it's chased away by firepits and good company. A wind stokes the bonfire, yet it is early enough in the season that the damp ground easily contains the blaze.
Cirrus is partial to a cool autumn evening, perfect for snuggling up in front of the hearth to fight off the cold. The sort of weather that is perfect for a dusk stroll through the woods all bundled up. The crisp air nipping at unprotected noses and fingers. There's nothing better than being able to snuggle up with those you love and watch the twilight drawing in.
Both Aurora and Cumulus love the snow. They almost become kits again when they wake up to a thick sheet of white across the abbey grounds. They always try to rush outside in their pyjamas only to be stopped by Cirrus, who forces them to wrap up warm. They love the crunch of snow and the way snowflakes drift down from above to cling to eyelashes and hair. They will stay outside for as long as possible before they get called in for hot chocolate and pack cuddles in front of a roaring fire. If it was up to them, they would stay out all day playing.
Phantom likes the bitter cold of an icy winter night. He’s enthralled with the way frost sparkles beneath a cloudless night. He always feels the cold down to his bones but it's easily thwarted by thick clothes and heaped blankets. He’s never seen snow before, but he’s sure that if it glitters anything like an iced-over pond and crunches like frost, he will love it.
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bbluejoseph · 5 months
from now through saturday, if you can show proof of donating at least $20 (within the tues-sat time limit) to a palestinian charity or gofundme, i'll write 1000 words of whatever you want
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rawcherrycake · 2 months
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My dumb son
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i-am-a-chair · 7 months
I’m going to start posting more on tumblr so should anyone have any ideas about what i should post, let me know.
I’ll post anything about The Beatles, Queen, Led Zeppelin, The Marauders, 19th-20th fashion and history, dead poets society, Withnail and I and the love of my life, George Harrison.
I won’t post any fanart (because I can’t draw for shit) or anything that might upset people.
And most definitely no NSFW. Thats just dead grotty (see what I did there, Beatles fans?)
I’ll do ships and stuff.
Sorry this is utterly random.
But Please do let me know
I got this one from pinterest:
I can’t remember who the account was so apologies but if you see this and it’s yours lmk and I’ll put the credits in.
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phantomjumpcare · 7 months
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(sorry I haven't posted smth like this in a while I've had no motivation and I got lazy sorry 💀)
Anyways here's today's accomplishments!
1. Painted and glued the clay pieces of the kitchen!
2. Made a bed for Gwen an miles (glues the shelf)
3. Added photos to both rooms
And little more adds if you can see em!!!
(Btw lmk if u want me to @ u if you want more updates!)
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