#just feels like something so very important got taken away from me 😭
qu1cks1lversb1tch · 4 months
Hi! I just scrolled through your blog and loved your writing, so I decided to make a request! I was wondering if you could write fem!reader x Lucifer where they're kind of just hanging out but R is kind of grumpy and Luci is subtly (but not subtly cause lord knows he's too awkward to be good at hiding things) trying to figure out what it is. R kind of just dismisses him while scrolling on their phone and Lucifer's like "let me try something..." and just slides a snack to R to which she nibbles on and then becomes normal again. Bonus points if she apologizes when she realizes she was being mean without meaning to. Anyway, this got long. If you decide not to write this, I understand. If you do, you are required to drink water and eat a snack too at some point. Love you and your writing! <3
A/N — OOOOOHHHHHHH anon I love you for requesting this 😭💖 thank you so much! It's just a little short, but I wasn't sure what else to add lol
Hangry | Lucifer x Fem!Reader
Warnings: reader being a little mean, Lucifer being loving and understanding
Word Count: 489
Summary: Luci forces you to eat something after you unintentionally snap at him.
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On a couch, in a palace, in hell, there was you. Glorious you. The very one who kept Lucifer sane — his Heavenly best friend turned perfect stepmother to his beloved daughter, which was a more recent (and super awesome) development. 
He could tell just by looking at you that you weren't exactly feeling the best — it was clear by the present frown and the way your brows furrowed every once in a while, as if you were fighting something. 
For a split second, he thought you were sick. But as he placed his hands all over your face, forcing you to look away from your phone screen, he soon realized that you weren't sick.
“Sorry. . .” He mumbled when you set your darkened glare on him.
You rolled your eyes, looking back to your phone. There was important stuff going on. Meetings to be scheduled. You didn't have time for anything else. 
“Did you sleep?” Lucifer questioned not even five minutes later. 
You sighed, irritated, practically growling out your answer. “Yes.” 
“Okay. . . Well how long did you —”
“GOD! Can you give me five fucking minutes to do my job, Lucifer!?”
He was momentarily taken aback by your harsh tone,  but then it was as if a light bulb went off in his head and he stood from where he had previously planted himself in front of you. 
Guilt began to settle in your being as you nestled yourself further in the couch to continue working. You hadn't expected him to leave — just maybe stop hovering like you were going to spontaneously combust and disappear.
You knew he meant well, but you just weren't feeling it. Any of it.
Five minutes later he returned with a plate that had your favorite sandwich and bag of chips on top, snatching your phone out of your hand and replacing it with the plate and a bottle of your favorite drink. 
You growled. “Luci—” 
“Eat.” He demanded, holding your phone out of your reach. 
And you did. That first bite of the sandwich made you realize that you hadn't eaten breakfast. . . Or lunch. . . You felt better immediately, which showed him instantly what the problem had been. 
Once you finished, you sat in silence, trying to figure our what to say. . . It ended up being a ‘thank you’ that was said so low it was almost missed in the quiet room.
“You feel better?” He asked.
“Yeah. . . I'm sorry I snapped at you — I didn't mean to. . .” You trailed off when he grabbed your face in his hands and forced you to look at him. 
“I forgave you the moment you started eating. Before anything, you're my best friend, and we don't need you being hangry.” 
“Wife.” You corrected with a slight smile.
“Even better.” He grinned, placing sweet kisses all over your face — even the tip of your nose. Yeah. . . You were definitely forgiven. 
So long as you remembered to eat and stay hydrated.
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belit0 · 1 year
HIIIII<3333 How are you and how have you been. First, i need to praise you for such a good work you do, i really am impressed by your writing skills and how you write the characters so realistic and understandable. You truly have my respect especially for writing some characters like Madara or Indra are really complex to write because of their personality and they truly are complicated due their backstory. So thank you dearly for accepting requests and working on them. You truly have an unique writing style wich i do absolutely admire! Please keep up but don’t overwork yourself, rest is important and please remember to drink and eat enough. I love you so much and your blog is literally my favorite. ( You 🔛🔝) So actually i wanted to ask for a request. (A oneshot or a scenario please) About Madara watching his wife giving birth to his baby and how he sees his wife holding their new born in her arms. Please i am too curious cuz i really can’t Assess this man if he would cry at this sight or not😭. I woule appreciate if you would accept my request. But there is no need to. Feel free to ignore it, i still love your blog so much.
I swear your words touched me so much that I took a screenshot and saved the message in my private chat to read it whenever I need motivation, you brought tears to my eyes (literally)!!!
Thank you infinitely for your beautiful company and for supporting my modest work, I love to share what I do, especially if I have people who like it and enjoy it, it fills my soul to read words like that💕🙏💫🛐
I can never explain the appreciation I feel upon receiving this type of messages, it's a very powerful and big feeling, too strong and too deep for words.
Thank you so much, my beautiful nonny, for being around and keeping me company, please never go away, i love u😭💕💫
Now, going back to the request, OF COURSE MADARA CRIES, he's one of those persons who cries out of anger, it bothers him a lot because he feels weak but has a great facility for tears.
Now, what I did to him in this piece is a bit cruel, I apologize🤣🙏
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He can't stop pacing the hallway, anxious and nervous, desperate because of the screams he hears on the other side of the door. The midwives demanded he stay out of the room to avoid creating more chaos, his distress palpable in the air every time he asked "Is she in a lot of pain? Is the baby okay? Is something wrong with (Y/N)?"
He was kicked out of the place to avoid putting more pressure on the poor women assisting with the delivery, and even as the clan leader, he was taken away the choice of whether to be part of the moment or not. It all pushes him so far over the edge he even resorts to taking off his gloves and chewing his nails like he's 15 years old again.
"You look like crap, Aniki." Izuna comments with a smirk on his face, openly mocking his poor older brother. Leaning against the wall with his arms crossed, he looks at him with amusement and even a bit of pity.
As always, his Otouto accompanies him.
"No shit." He snorts in anguish, tearing the skin off his finger and hissing from the burning. He may be the strongest warrior of all his time, but he can't help the little mundane aches and pains of day to day life.
"What's got you so bad? It's just a baby." He reaches out to him as if to lay a hand on his shoulder, but stops before doing so, knowing the outcome, clicking his tongue at how fickle fate is.
Staring at the ground and swapping the tortured finger for a new one, he fails to get out from inside his mind, raise his head, react. Worry consumes him, and (Y/N)'s screams of agony don't help. "Exactly that. I couldn't protect anyone, I couldn't protect you, I won't be a good father, what if-"
"Wowowo, hold your horses, Aniki. You couldn't protect me because I wouldn't let you, if anyone was going to take that idiot down it was me. We talked about it many times, didn't we?" He stands in front of him, unable to get his older brother out of his vicious cycle of insane thoughts, and crouches down to the ground to meet the path of his eyes. He smiles at him again, an act that always manages to get Madara's attention, and he finally listens to him.
"Did you think of a name? That'll be your job if it's a boy." Madara jumps in a startled gasp as (Y/N) screams louder than ever, and looks at the door separating them as if wanting to set it on fire. Respecting the midwives' wishes feels stupid, but neither does he want to get in the way of things he doesn't understand.
"Izuna." He answers without moving his eyes from the spot, walking and avoiding his younger brother like he couldn't just walk right through him. He moves a little closer to the door, waiting.
"What?" The younger Uchiha gets up, and moves back to stand next to him, not understanding.
"Izuna, for the name."
"You want to give your precious baby my terrible name? You'll doom him to be a beautiful mess."
"Tribute, so he'll always remember the uncle he never knew." And at the moment his eyes fill with sadness and melancholy, his brother decides to change the course of the situation.
"If you want to pay tribute to me, take him to visit my grave and drink sake over my remains, you idiot. I say you name him Inari, I always thought it was beautiful."
"Sounds nice doesn't it? It's a good one to scold him after he gets in trouble, which I'll make sure he does."
"Will the baby be able to see you?"
"We'll find out."
"MADARA-SAMA!" the door suddenly opens, one of the midwives coming out agitated "THE BABY IS COMING, SOON!" She demands him to re-enter the room, and Madara looks at his brother for encouragement.
He smiles at him again, and that's all he needs to know that everything will be okay.
The makeshift delivery room, on the other hand, is a mess. Several women run around moving bloody towels and trying to wipe the sweat from (Y/N)'s forehead. One holds her hand tightly as his wife pushes and pushes, legs spread wide and revealing a picture both terrible and wonderful.
"MADARA-SAMA!" the midwife shoves him from behind to the side of the bed where she attempts to deliver their child, unafraid to be rough with the clan leader. Madara, unable to react, grabs the hand that was previously held by another woman, as he stares at her belly and can do nothing but try to hold back tears.
Paralyzed by inoperability and not knowing what to do, the Uchiha feels useless, incapable of helping or assisting in any way. His expertise is in fighting, combat, violence, he has no idea how to act in sensitive situations or those that require emotional intelligence. He is afraid to say something inappropriate, something that will upset (Y/N), and cannot find the strength to speak without crying.
No one told him he would feel this way, an experience so surreal as to make him break down.
The last time he cried disconsolately was with his brother's death, years ago, but his child's birth seems to challenge him in the same way, the miracle of life and the product of his own dedication coming to reward him, demanding him to pour out all his feelings through tears, no shame for being in front of strangers.
Everything seems to disappear around him, focused only on his wife and the task ahead. The stupor washes away little by little, getting into the game and helping her get through the experience as best he can.
At one point he thinks to be speaking words of encouragement, but has no track of what is going on. The image of (Y/N) suffering, crying, screaming, stirs him to the core of his very being, wishing he could take away her agony and be the one to endure this odyssey.
He holds her hand with both of his, while between his wife's legs two midwives demand further pushing. Everything is chaos, a maelstrom of speed where Madara can only concentrate on her, until he suddenly hears it.
The most beautiful cry he has ever witnessed, a small, high-pitched sound coming from a tiny baby in one of the midwives' arms. (Y/N)'s face automatically relaxes, ready to faint from exertion and exhaustion, yet she whispers "Hold the child" before smiling with genuine joy.
Madara, following orders while being totally out of his comfort zone, receives the newborn in his arms, and what was once silent tears now turns into unrestrained crying.
He crumbles in front of his baby for different reasons, moved and overwhelmed for having been able to produce something so beautiful, so delicate, after destroying and murdering as much as he did. That adorable little human being is proof enough, at least for him, of not being a disastrous person, for there being hope and kindness in his destiny, able to repent for all the lives he stole on the battlefield.
Izuna's death brought him great resentment for the world, condemning him to anger and rage as a way of life, willing to destroy whoever it takes to regain what was lost, yet (Y/N) saved him from an avoidable catastrophe, and showed him he could be more than his grief, giving him the tools to move on.
Holding the result of such pure and generous love in his hands is the mythical demonstration of how the blood on his hands is washable, how his past does not define him, and how his future is not marked by eternal pain.
The thrill of a better life engulfs him completely, as he stares with pure affection at the child he himself created. His son, utterly his, the most beautiful ray of sunshine. "Inari..." he whispers between sobs, and brings him closer to his wife for reconnection with his mother.
Upon reassuring (Y/N) is no longer bleeding and there are no further problems to worry about, the women begin to leave the room, carrying lots of bloody sheets and towels, cleaning the space little by little and giving privacy to the new family.
One of them takes the newborn for close examination, and when the room finishes clearing of people, Madara can see Izuna near his baby, making sure the midwife treats him well and takes proper care of his little Inari.
He can't help but cry again at the image, knowing his son will always have a guardian angel with him.
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obitv · 2 years
i feel like. for the most part, pd fans dont think about the spirit world often. despite the ENTIRE ARC they spent there the ost people take away is mal = big evil guy and.. idk. the wispering woods Exists? but there is SO, SO MUCH going on there thats so much more important than youd think. just for starters
mal? not so important there. his guide, ghoul (who we see a grand total of ONCE, in episode 10, and is mentioned again in episodes 11 and 12), is POTENTIALLY THOUSANDS OF YEARS OLD whereas mal i wouldnt put above 50, and thats even a stretch (i will get to the why later)
domains! those floating islands? all domains! ghoul? technically owns most of the domains! what does that mean? HE KNOWS EVERYTHING THAT HAPPENS THERE AND CAN CONTROL IT.
also i think everyone forgets this but william was, visually, in his wisp form the entire time they were there
oh also ghoul has dozens if not hundreds of paintings of a man who might be jason king (ORIGAMI) in his castle.
so. ive taken the time to compile most of the information i could find on mal, ghoul, the spirit world, the wisps, an more into a handy post because im fucking insane (note: im only up to e13, the smoke samurai fight, in my rewatch. this IS where the majority of spirit world facts come from anyway, but anything i mention that isnt from those episodes wont be in as much detail bc my memory is ass. if you remember more things, let me know!) (also also, im going to avoid bringing up deadwood as much as i can because.... i think ive talked about it enough 😭)
starting with: GHOUL!
lets be honest. theres a very small chance you even remember this guy exists. but he is FASCINATING
to start with, he has a.. symbiotic relationship with mal, from what ive seen. he needs mal to interact with the physical world, mal needs him to go to the spirit world. ill go into this more in mals section
aside from that, mal is NOT the first physical vessel ghoul's taken. its not clear when he began working with mal, or how many forms he had before, but he's one of many
(also just a note because it can definitely be confusing... ghoul and mal seem to share control over the castle, but before seeing that mal is waiting for them in the dining room everyone was focused on ghoul and mal was barely brought up. its not clear if the things they see in the castle before going in to mal were his choice or ghouls but... ill include the paintings here)
on that note: the paintings!
what the fuck is going on in there
so. yeah. ghoul has.. dozens. and i mean DOZENS, hundreds if you count that they repeat over and over, of paintings featuring a man with "blond hair and chiselled jawline" in various important historical events. they line the walls of the upstairs corridor (the one that seems endless) and are never brought up again
do i think this is jason king? well im not convinced they ARENT... i will touch on this again later just keep it in mind
jumping back to domains, ghoul seems to have.. some degree of control over all of them. at least in the part of the spirit world he rules over, which i assume is. why he rules it. going by the king stuff its like. he owns all the land and "rents" it out to other spirits
rent is a nicer word, since he can CURSE PEOPLE to control domains and dictate how they behave
thats why the carnival is evil, if you remember. ghoul cursed the carnival skeleton (the REAL groundskeeper) to rule the domain and attack anyone who entered
what the fuck
also ghoul is a king
when looking for ghoul in ashes book, despite the very low roll they got some VERY important info: ghoul (who, when we see him, is comapred to antivenom from spiderman) -
this guy
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HE WAS A HUMAN KING. his name is mentioned ALL THE WAY through ashes book, from front to back. a picture of a man in royal garb, was labelled with his name
something.. happened. that turned him from that spirit world king to a monstrosity.
its also never made clear if the man in the paintings is ghoul? we dont get a description of the kings face in the book and we dont get a description of the mans clothes
also, finally: when theyre in the physical world, mal and ghoul essentially share a body, with the body turning into That Thing ^^ when ghoul is in control. ghoul HAS to take control to open portals to the spirit world - he does it to william, and cantrip mentions it too when they interrogate her
he also appears separately from mal when they take william to the spirit world, but we dont see him at all in any other domains so thats a small sample size
BUT he Does have a fucking. encyclopedic knowledge of domains (which ill talk about later). he "knows all of these places [domains]"
where do i fucking start.
basic mal facts: asshole, british, very powerful, knows far too much about the spirit world to make any sense
just a basic overview of his powers, btw:
he can create illusions, float/fly (in the spirit world, at least), ghostshape, go intangible, and mayyybe has some sort of connection to earth or gravity powers because theres one point where he makes the ground beneath someone burst up but also that mightve been a weird ghostshaping trick and im honestly too scared to think about that
basically he seems to have most of williams powers + illusions and whatever that ground trick was. the only things we havent seen are invisibilty (which considering mechanically its just a flavouring of an advantage which isnt technically a power, makes sense) and the wisp form, though id consider the ghoul transformation to b the equivalent of that
oh in case you forgot he can also FREEZE. TIME. william isnt affected by this but im not sure if that was because mal wanted him to see what happened or because spirit shenanigans
also little aside but while williams powers manifest as wispy blue flames, mals are always black lightning (his ghostshaping, most noticeably)
the biggest mal question is.. how does he. know all that shit? youd expect ghoul to be the one who actuall has the knowledge but mal is ALWAYS the one they deal with
now you may be wondering: why is this an issue? well the thing is. we dont actually know ANYTHING about mal. we dont know where he comes from, what he wants, how he met ghoul, if his powers are his own or all come from ghoul... none of it
what we can ASSUME: mal was alive when he made some sort of deal with ghoul, because he obviously had a physical body. my personal theory is that mal is (one of?) the previous owner of ashe's book, since so far that's the only thing we've seen that allows you to summon spirits and allow them to possess you, and its full of references to ghoul. and quite honestly the thought that theres MULTIPLE books like that is terrifying. so
ok i actually just came up with that one on the spot but if mal had a better understanding of the language the book is in than ashe and wasnt so afraid to use it then actually him knowing a shitton about the spirit world makes so much sense. what the fuck
bizly bizlychannel youre prying that theory from my fucking corpse im in love with it now.
so. yeah. presumably, mal and ghoul made some sort of deal, because they work together. its not clear if mal is working to get william on his side by his own volition or if ghoul wants him to, or if its like a "ghoul brought it up and mal decided to go for it because hes better at talking and also isnt a horrifying monster" but whatever. unlike william and the wisps (amazing band name) who fight fucking constantly because william never ASKED for his powers, mal is comfortable with them
another thing mal seems to have control over is ghouls castle. he lays out the red carpet and makes every door lead to the dining room and also makes it impossible to leave
specifically, irt all the doors going to the dining room, bizly said "if he can control this castle and where it goes, thats what he wouldve done"
the corridor upstairs (without the carpet, with the paintings) also goes on literally forever. you cant go back once you walk far enough you have to go through a door. i have no idea if this was mal or ghouls choice
another thing! specifically layed out on the walls next to the carpet ("things he specifically wanted them to see") is an ornate dagger in a glass case. which vyncent with a gun steals but i dont think is brought up again ??? also the wording made me feel like there shouldve been more items listed but since condi immediately started stealing he just didnt include the rest ?? unsure
this is just a weird thing to note but theres like these freaky black tendrils that grab the table and hold it down when dakota tries to flip it. i dont know what to do with this information its just there
when william confronts mal on how much the spirits seem to hate him and ghoul, mal says "that's not what im here for" and, when pressed, says thats "a conversation for another day"
first: basics
the spirit world is, from what we've seen, a collection of floating islands over a void. these islands seem to all be "domains", places that are controlled by special spirits
the spaces between domains is the dead zone! this is where people go when they die, like 99% of the time. going there without special means (the hot air balloon, the carriage) will kill you.
so, how do you get a domain? ah. good... question....
one way is to kill whoever currently owns it. then its yours! congrats! you can alsp give away domains, but the only time we've directly seen this happen was the groundskeeper who was also cursed at the same time and ghoul seems to still have some control over the carnival anyway??? unclear
which leaves. william fucking wisp. because he has a domain! i am not getting into it here because ive said it all already but its there
also a little worth noting that williams domains seems to be shaped subconsciously without him even knowing it was there
i honestly cant speculate much more on williams domain because we just. dont have the answers. i could ask domain questions all fucking day like "did the wisps give william a domain" or "by being a powerful spirit did he just get an empty one or was one created just for him" etc etc we have no way of knowing
domains we know about: williams graveyard, the carnival, ghouls castle, the wispering woods (perhaps a series of domains? unknown), and the tricksters... house thing. do not ask me what the chaos zone is, i dont know and it scares me. if i had to guess itd be a series of. well. chaotic domains perhaps all partially ruled by the trickster but i also dont have ANY trickster lore written down bar "has a domain" so ill come back to that another day
and the obligatory deadwood mention: from what we can gather, the woods surrounding deadwood are where the barriers between the physical and spirit worlds are thinnest. specifically the area william died in was brought up which is totally linked to Everything about him
the wispering woods, in ashes book, is described as a "sanctuary" or "oasis". barely anybody has ever seen it and come back to say what it was like
ok bonus fact time. i dont know where to put these
when they first talk to mal in his domain, he says the phrase "william! be a sport, be a pal, be my friend." its specifically noted that william recognises that phrase as something his dad said to him a lot as a child
mal is also pretty much.. the only person to call william "wisperer" consistantly. but for that phrase he said william
additionally, this entire. interaction between bizly and charlie
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ill go crazy if i dont bring that up. so its here
in williams party city doritos induced fever dream (i am not talking about that ghost. i refuse) he sees the spirit world (floating islands) and he sees a throne made out of paper. this reads very clearly like a reference to origami/jason king, since hes dead at the start of the story
also i just want to say there IS a rolled where they say how jason died but theyre laughing really hard so i have absolutely no idea what theyre saying all i can hear is "dickass" im so sorry
so yeah. with that image in mind, hearing ghoul be described as a king (who HAS A CASTLE), and having so many paintings of a man who sounds similar to jason (am i reaching? maybe. but hes also the only prominent dead figure who already has connections to spirit world royalty and hes blond so let me have this) is just like. insane coincidence
i have nothing i can really prove here, because have o idea HOW jason an ghoul could be connected. but they are. i know it. believe me
thanks for reading this far it took me 2 hours to compile it all. if you have anything to add esp from later episodes PLEASEEEE PLEASE DO also if you wanna discuss anything i mentioned here i am always down.
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thousand-winters · 4 months
Ask game 🛼🍄🍬🥐🧩!
Hello, friend!!! I hope life has been treating you kindly lately 💖
🛼 ⇢ Describe your latest wip with five emojis
Going to use literally the last document I opened for this but: 😟🏃🏰🛌😢
🍄 ⇢ Share a headcanon for one of your favourite ships or pairings
I have a little hc that during the period of time between Path of Radiance and Radiant Dawn, while Ike was kinda getting used to being the leader of the Greil mercenaries in peace times, sometimes he would get too stressed and irritable, so Soren would do something about it.
The "something" in question being going to him like "Ike, I have something very important to report" and while Ike's kinda only half paying attention, immersed as he is in his own head, Soren will just say a shitty joke in a deadpan. "Why did the chicken cross the road?" sort of dumb joke.
He doesn't even think they're funny, but they make Ike snort in disbelief and, since he knows Soren isn't the type to randomly crack jokes all of a sudden, he can tell what he's doing. Those times always end on a smile and a "thank you, Soren".
🍬 ⇢ Post an unpopular opinion about a popular fandom character
I didn't really think this was an unpopular opinion but I see it somewhat often around, the idea that Hunter killed people during his time as Golden Guard and I really don't agree with it. I feel like if Belos had made him do that, Hunter would have cracked so much earlier because his compassionate nature would be at odds with the act itself, even if he had been told they were bad people. He couldn't even get himself to catch Luz in Hunting Palismen, so I think he would have let a shit ton of people go and Belos wouldn't have taken that kindly.
At most, I can see him unfortunately being involved in someone getting killed in the same way he was with the palismen he handed Belos; aka, him possibly capturing people and those people ending up dead or petrified. But I really, really don't think he ever killed someone himself, and in the case of capturing wild witches and such, I feel like that would have to be a very special occasion too (I feel like lowkey Belos probably always had a certain wariness that his grimwalkers would run off with a wild witch or such, especially if Caleb wasn't the only one who did through his messed up story of brotherly murder and clonation)
🥐 ⇢ Name one internet reference that will always make you laugh 
Oh, my god, there was this meme in Spanish (very unsure if it also exists in English because it's from those monkey puppets that are memes but I never watched the source material of that properly so no idea) that went like: student character goes to present their teacher with a medical justification for missing class while saying something like "I got sick but I'm better now", teacher goes "it says here you got hit by a car and died" and then the student says "wow, science really advances, right?"
I don't think it has the same punch with me saying like this as seeing the thing but for some reason it cracked me up so much when I saw it. Now sometimes if someone asked what happened to me for whatever reason, half the time I go "I got hit by a car and died" and then laugh, which is probably not the best thing to say without context lmao 😭 I don't do it unless it's in a silly kind of context tho, don't worry.
My sister also sometimes will explain things by going "science really advances" and I die every fucking time too.
🧩 ⇢ What will make you click away from a fanfiction immediately?
1st person POVs, I'm so sorry, I just can't do it 😔 It causes such a visceral reaction of second hand embarrassment in me even if there's no actual embarrassing content in the description. I just cannot do it, it's even worse for me than paragraphs with no space between them or such, depending on the day I can power through those but the 1st person? Nope.
Thank you for the questions!!! From this ask game
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daengtokki · 10 days
Your story is like the first one I’ve been so deeply captivated by when it comes to serial killer shit, like I can’t explain it. Sure I’ve read yandares and silly ghost face skz story’s, but this one made me feel…disgusted? Like I’ve never had a fictional story about skz make me feel so grossed out. I don’t want you to take it as a negative thing, and if you do i apologize 🩷
I’ve read sooooo many fics through three years and I was a little bit skeptical when I first read the “serial killer! Seungmin” but I’m glad I kept reading cause I’m so excited for the next part.
What I meant by the “it grossed me out” part, is the scene where he killed the man? I don’t know why but I dead ass almost threw up, might be cause I’m sick and the only thing I’ve been consuming are medications. But holy fuck dude, I had to step away😭
But I think that’s what makes a story good! The minute a fic I’m reading is making me feel some kind of emotions, better bet I’m reading until the fkn end.
Anyway, pardon my rant, and again I really hope you don’t take it as offensive, but if you do I’d totally get it tbh.
Stay safe and healthy! Lots of love🩷🌺
Sorry I took so long responding, but I really had to gather my thoughts for this one. Apologies for it being so long and for me basically taking an opportunity to unload.
All of the "negative" parts popped out because I was so tired and out of it. And I was like “oh no please don’t hate please don’t hate the story” 😭 ㅋㅋ ㅋ I'm out of it today, too, so hopefully I type this up properly.
But I don’t take your comments negatively! My job as a writer is to make you feel all of the emotions my characters are dealing with.
So thank you for taking the time to write all of this out! Seriously. I'm a little floored anyone (this goes for everyone who has sent a message or left a long comment about the fic) has been reading thoughtfully enough to catch everything l've been putting into the story. We’ll be getting more into readers fucked up head very soon, since you mentioned that!
I’m glad these not so pretty parts have gotten a reaction out of you, because I’ll take that as me writing the scenes well! That’s very important to me as a writer, and as someone who has always taken writing seriously. I love writing simple fanfic that you guys can lose yourself in, because that’s why I picked up ff again after stopping for many years. And because of Seungmin, ofc. But this is also why I was very nervous about posting DEITY even though I’ve been wanting to do serial killer!Seungmin for months now. I knew it couldn’t be simple, but I had no idea it would already be this long halfway through (almost 50k words). After writing the intro and getting into the first part, I decided to just write an entire novel. I already had the plot in my head.
I don’t see many stories like this on tumblr, but I also don’t read much (I’m not exaggerating when I say all of my free time is spent writing) so putting something darker out there that wasn’t just oneshot smut was a little scary. I’m aware that’s what get most of the attention on here (short stuff, ott smut, ~imagines, etc) and why even though I have readers like you, I don’t have much in the way of likes and reblogs. It does get discouraging, but I’m pushed forward when I think about all of you reading each part.
So ANYWAY. Sorry this got so long. Thank you so much for your reblogs and your comments on those reblogs. It’s so important to me and the other writers on tumblr.
And thank you Seungmin for being my muse. I wouldn’t be writing every day again without you making me so delusional.
Again, sorry if this is too much and none of it makes sense. I took too much of one of my meds today and I’m very dizzy and lethargic from it.
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julietasgf · 8 months
You see the vision... Honestly as a snowjanus fan I kinda love and hate the change of the picture in the movie, like ofc I love its snowjanus an all, its perfect for drama but MARCUS BE IN THAT PICTURE IT MADE SO MORE SENSE for Sejanus character and all, also it made in certain way a very powerfu statement from Sejanus part, one that I like to believe really hit Coryo where it hurt and torture him from time to time <3
if we go to the Sejarcus perspective specifically, well that is a definitive proof that Sejanus will always love Marcus. How he missed his presence, how he missed everything that was taken from him, not only his childhood but his adolescence and possibly the first real and genuine and reciprocated love he could have had.
And how in spite of everything he still longs and misses Marcus, who even in death continues to guide him with his gentleness to navigate in a cruel world but Sejanus 😭 was already terribly suicidal so he already wants to die making a big change, wants to sacrifice himself AHHH
Alsooo: I give you other caifanes sejanus coded songs
Caifanes - amanece
Caifanes - nada
I adore the tbosas movie, but there are two main things I'll never forgive it for: the first one is for leaving out so much of ma plinth's character, the second one is the change regarding marcus' pic (not only the pic, but cutting a lot of his relationship with sejanus).
the pic with coriolanus in the movie gives another impact: I mean, the fact that coriolanus just got someone killed, someone who consided him sm to the point of travelling with a pic of them?? ouch. but at the same time, I feel a bit conflicted, because we don't need this information to know that sejanus adored and admired coriolanus, and that coriolanus KNEW that, and got him killed anyway.
now, when the pic is with marcus (a pic from 10 years ago he kept with him after so many time), I think the impact is much harder.
first, I think marcus and sejanus' relationship is one of the most interesting ones in the book for a number of reasons. it's been 10 years and sejanus holds the memory of that boy dearly to the point he kept a pic with him after so many years. when coriolanus calls sejanus dramatic for the way he reacted after marcus died, sejanus acted as if coriolanus slapped him or something, he was extremely offended. when marcus dies, sejanus was willing to take his own life, it was his last straw. we know sejanus' character is a lot about him valuing life, he thinks district people's lives are as important as capitol's, but with marcus is just different. and at that point, marcus wasn't even talking to him anymore.
marcus died (probably) thinking of sejanus as a traitor and refusing to talk to him, to associate with him. and still, even after his death, sejanus tried to bring dignity to his death and kept his memory alive. I think you hit the nail when you said that missing marcus is not only missing his childhood, but also his adolescence, what it could've been. marcus showed him a gentleness that marked sejanus so much that it became a core trait of his beliefs and that not even the capitol's cruelty could take away from him.
(also, again about the pic, it's so funny to me the idea of coriolanus expecting to see a pic of himself with sejanus, bc ofc he's sejanus' only friend, and him being there like 💀 when he sees marcus' pic instead helpp)
about the caifanes songs: OUCH. NOT AMANECE BEING LITERALLY HIS WHOLE CHARACTER (the fact that he found hope in D12 and chose to keep going 😭) plus, nada being abt him in his post-death (also, thanks anon for the songs that now certainly are going to get into the spotify playlist I made for his character <3)
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txemptress · 1 year
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When you are young, they assume you know nothing...
That is true, and you of all people should know.
Every night, you hear them. The screams of fury from your parents during their endless and slowly draining fights, the whispers of the servants gossiping about your parents and even yourself.
You find yourself now fifteen, no longer a child thus everyone assumed you know how to do hard tasks like this. You are expected to find a mature fiancee. Yes, this means at the very least twice your age.
You were against it, but had no choice. You've been talking with the suitors these past few weeks. None could grab your attention, only drift it further away from them.
It was not because you were bored and rebelling against your parents’ wishes. It was just that the topics they chose were either too formal for your taste or vulgar for your age. Some conversations were extremely inappropriate despite talking to a minor. It made you shudder at the mere memory of them.
They assumed you didn't know this was illegal. Of course they would. You are young. You know nothing of the laws. But you know all too well that this is wrong. Everything about this is wrong.
“When are you going to pick?! Useless brat...” Your mother shouts at you, striking you across the face. The night is young so you go to the garden. The side of your cheek burning from her force. It is red, you know so. They had taken you to your room to clean your cheek, but you ran away too fast. Your father and mother’s argument is still fresh in your mind.
Your fingers caress the spot to comfort yourself, but to no avail. It hurt worse at the feeling of being touched. Your tears pricked as you tuck your knees towards your chest and simply hide in the trees, crying.
“Is something wrong?” You look up to see a hooded person. The voice belonged to this figure.
“Huh?” You are surprised. No one spoke of a guest this late... Perhaps you misunderstood the voices?
The figure kneels down and the gloved fingers move, coming to contact with your cheek. You flinch at the touch, causing the person to retract their hand. “Oh, sorry.”
“It’s okay...” Your voice falters as you see the person's face. Your eyes widen with surprise. It was the late Marquess’ son, Helio Niccolo.
“He...lio? They said you died!” You couldn't believe it. “How? Why?”
“So you've heard.” Helio smiles simply. “But that isn't important right now, what's more important is asking how you got that.” He points at your reddening swollen cheek.
“It’s nothing...” “That’s a lie.” He countered. “ Please tell me.”
There is a silence that indicated you'd rather not talk about it , this makes Helio nod as he takes something from his coat. “Would you like some?” It was a few warm muffins. Your stomach grumbles at the sight as he hands you one without you making a response. You knew you wouldn't be allowed to have dinner if they found you now so you eat the muffin.
That's how you two spent your moments together...
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─────── NOTES?!
I don't really have that much to say. This is just a random thing I wrote 😭
@primordixl , @shiverisms
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cinamun · 1 year
Eeeepppp!! I’m so happy for Jay and Hope!! I think Hope will be okay as long as she sticks to therapy and is very open about how she’s feeling and any fears she has. Being open is soooo important because PPD/PPA is very real and most women don’t even realize they have it because their feelings/fears during pregnancy were never realized or acknowledged as valid, which isn’t necessarily anyone’s fault. It’s hard enough to talk about feelings and when you’re carrying a baby you feel guilt at the slightest things because everyone tells you how magical and fulfilling pregnancy is (the good) and you’ll rarely hear about the bad and the ugly. My first trimester was ROUGH and I hated being asked how I was feeling because the answer was never good. I felt like my gift would be taken away because I wasn’t being grateful but that wasn’t fair to myself to degrade my own feelings like that because they were valid and didn’t mean I didn’t want my baby. Jay is an extremely supportive partner and they have two amazing mothers and an amazing father. Jerri and Gabby probably have hella advice too. She just has to remind herself that her feelings are valid every step of the way. And the emotions will definitely start emotioning. I’m in my second trimester now and feeling much better physically (aside from my daughter constantly somersaulting on my bladder) but I will still cry if I don’t receive a crisp Baja blast with my Taco Bell! Or if I watch a funny video I will transition from cackling to sobbing uncontrollably in .25 secondsz
Also, to other people I got pregnant at an “unideal” time because I was in nursing school and had been married 6 months but to me and my husband the timing didn’t matter, as someone said before you can never truly be ready for something like that but also someone else’s ready isn’t the same as your ready. We’re ecstatic and it can be kinda tiring being questioned on if it was a mistake or if we should have waited. I know everyone meant well and all that but it’s like…a congratulations will suffice 😂 I’m 25 so the same age as Jay and it’s a choice my husband and I talked out extensively before committing to the decision. Idk how much they’ve discussed but we only see bits and pieces of their simulated life. They may very well have already had some therapy sessions regarding this and came up with a game plan.
Anyway, that’s just MY experience so far. It could be totally different for Hope! Congrats to them regardless! I remember when Indya and Darren first found out they were expecting Hope and when Jay was just a deco sim 😭 can’t wait for this new chapter!
I have been fighting the urge to buy onesies all morning but I digress lmfao! I've actually been meaning to be a fly on the wall at one of those thrice-weekly therapy sessions so y'all stay tuned now, ya'hear?
Also this is adorable friend!! As they say, everything ain't for everybody!
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yunwooz · 10 months
Damn, saw that apparently Sakura also talked about watching the show 😭 I'm not surprised considering its popularity. People are shocked, because she's a woman, while it can feel more bizarre it's definitely not uncommon for women to enjoy dark media. Take all the women who love problematic shojo with toxic leads and uncomfortable age gaps. I was also taken aback by my female uni friend calling the series interesting and engaging, but we have to remember that women can be problematic too or at least have questionable tastes and interests. This is not the time for misogyny though. Bg stans need to understand this isn't a gotcha moment, and gg stans got a reality check, because guess what "that's why you should stan women not men" isn't the gag they think it is. The truth is TONS of people read/watched that shit, famous people, people we know, so acting superior is just dumb as fuck 🤡
yeah atp now that i know the popularity of the show, i wouldn't be surprised if tons more have also watched it and are just being intelligent and somewhat doing the right thing in not talking about it to their impressionable fanbases. i'm surprised that people are shocked tbh bc like you said it's very common for women to enjoy darker media, which is why problematic shojo is so incredibly popular. i keep going all sorts of different ways in trying to find a firm opinion on it but as i'm learning more and reading more from people who both disliked the show heavily and people who enjoyed the show, it seems to me like a good chunk of those who critically engaged with the show were disturbed by it. not all, but many (if not all) of the people i read posts and such from who found issue with the show are ones who were critically engaged with it. those that seemed to sort of just watch it for the sake of watching something and not to really think about it beyond it being a dark fantasy adventure did not seem to find issue in it.
i agree, this certainly isn't a gatcha moment and it's not about trying to conduct a witch hunt to find the next idol who said something about the show, and gender shouldn't even be part of the conversation because that only serves to push the conversation further away from what's important which is the conversation about the blind consumption of dark media and where a line needs to be drawn for it
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dotster001 · 2 years
hello congrats on 1.5k!! may I request a type 1 matchup? for twisted wonderland please.
- I'd like to believe I'm funny, I'm someone who laughs a lot (?) even at the most dumbest things as long I get it and I actually find it funny lol. I don't like being alone outside but at home I'd like to have some alone time, I just like to surround myself with people (ex. family) I like and I'm comfortable with outside of home (doesn't have to be a large group of friends either). I get super excited if I found someone who share the same interests as me (cause rarely all my friends do), I like otome games, story games, manhwa, manga, anime, music, fanfics, cats, and etc
- I can probably talk for hours about my interests. But I'm also someone who gets bored easily (mostly toward games doe), and I get over things easily (like I could dislike this person's persona one moment and the next I wouldn't feel anything about them). I smile a lot around my friends but some say I have a rbf. I'm quite blunt and sometimes my mouth works faster than my brain. I find myself having a hard time trusting people with my more private worries but it's not that big of a deal.
- I'd like to think I'm someone who doesn't have a lot of worries (but ofc there's some days where it just hits but rarely), I just go with the flow. I'm pretty open-minded and is okay with trying out new things, I love having fun (doe I get scared by bungee jumping and stuff, I'd still try it out at least once). Although I'm not very open and chatty with strangers, I open up more if we have smth in common or we talk often. But I'd try to start some small talk if none of us says anything or just sit in silence fiddling with something (either my phone or anything I can touch) 😭
thank you in advance!! ❤️
- ☀️
Event Closed
(I hope you enjoy this! I just got the vibes that you two would get along amazingly 😁)
I match you with Lilia Vanrouge.
Ah, the beloved trickster. He loves to make you laugh. He doesn't even really need a joke, he just pranks people and watches your expressions. He loves your laugh.  If the only thing he could hear for the rest of his life was your laughter, he'd be so happy!
He's taken you to cat cafes before, just to watch you interact with one of the things you love the most. Don't worry too much about it. He also enjoys cats, and is partially using you as an excuse to visit the cafe more often. He has three cats that are his favorites, and sit with him every time…they kind of act like people you know, but you can't quite put your finger on who…
He's a man who likes a good story. He is totally ready to listen to you discussing your interests. He hopes in return you'll listen to one or two of his. Did you hear about the time he stole a tart from the queen of hearts? Well, have a sit down, cause about 400 years ago…
He's willing to try bungee jumping with you. He'll try anything once. If it's clear you hate hit, he'll just ditch the jump and fly you away from everything, holding you close and calming you down. If you enjoy it though, he wants to do it all the time. He's an excitable little guy, that's for sure.
He's ready to be your buffer with strangers you have nothing in common with.  You can small talk if you like, but Lilia can figure things out about people remarkably quickly, so he'll find something you both like, and it'll suddenly be like you three have always been best friends. And if not, well, you can always just talk to him or fiddle with his hands while he talks the stranger into a circle.
"Oh that one's a hunk, pick him!"
Lilia was very willing to "help" you play the new otome game you found. He'd already told you the character that was exactly like him was "riddled with red flags and clearly no good for a boyfriend". And now he had settled on a dark brooding character for you.
"Lilia, I'm not sure if that's the character I want…"
"Maybe, but he's definitely the hottest one. And that's what's important."
"Look, I'm just gonna go with this one," you said, indicating the character like Lilia. "His character arc is probably gonna be way more unique than the dark brooding arc. I've played a lot of these kinds of games. I know what I'm talking about."
Lilia stared at you blankly, before pulling out his own phone. You thought maybe he'd gotten bored, or had to answer some messages from his boys. But after about an hour of you playing your game, you heard him giggle.
"Oh Samsonius, you are too much!"
Startled, you looked over at his phone, and saw him playing the dark character's route.
"I'm sorry, what the heck?" You asked.
Lilia turned to you with a pout. "Look, I have better taste in men than you, I'm sorry. Now go back to your "trickster" route."
And so the war to passive aggressively seduce fictional characters had begun.
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andypantsx3 · 2 years
hi andy! i hope you don’t mind if i ask for advice. i have this ongoing fic i am working on. and it is my first fic that ever got traction, with consistent readers showering the comments section with their love. i adore writing it and i have kept a consistent update schedule for a couple of months now that i barely broke.
but i am so uninspired lately and want to take a break so that i can write it the best way i can (life is also getting busier). I have this crippling fear and insecurities that I will lose those readers if i take a break (which i already did when i uploaded a little too late). I feel so guilty. It’s also not that big of a fic with just a couple hundred kudos. i dont want to keep writing for that external validation but i cant help it. do you have any wisdom u can share? 😭
Hello my love!! Omg you have so neatly encapsulated some of my fears before I took my first ever hiatus!!
First I'd like to reassure you that, in my experience, people will still be there for your fic.
I'm not saying you won't lose a couple people--a handful of impatient people will unfollow/unsubscribe for sure, as you have seen. But those people are the lesser-attached ones who might have unfollowed anyway--a small fluctuation in schedule, shorter chapter, minor detail they did not like, all of those things would have lost them over the course of the fic anyway.
But it sounds like the quality of your fic is absolutely there, and the average person is so willing to wait for high quality fanfic. (Also hundreds of kudos is huge, please don't downplay that!!) People wait years between books in a book series and still an author's readership generally continues to grow, and it's kind of the same with fic.
Sometimes it seems to get people even more enthusiastic & excited when it's been a long while, and that results in the kind of wave effect of more excitement -> more chatter/reblogs -> more visibility -> higher overall readership. So there's that to consider as well.
External validation aside, though, I can't even begin to emphasize how important it is to be able to take a break.
I've been writing fic for less than three years, and in that time I've taken two hiatuses where I wrote absolutely nothing for months at a time. And I've also taken months long breaks from fics before to work on something else (right now I'm quite literally 7 months into a break from incendiary and almost 3 from fingerprints).
The distance from the work itself, I think, gives you better perspective on it. You'll come back to it with fresh eyes and a renewed sense of purpose, and the fic itself will be so much the better for it.
But you will also be better for it!! It's so important to keep your love for writing alive, your love for the fandom alive, etc, because those things bring you happiness. And if you keep attaching pressure to those things, you will eventually begin to lose your love for them. Continuing to work on something when you know you're burnt out can only hurt in the long run.
Anyway I hope these thoughts help! I imagine you'll continue to feel pressure about the choice until you make it, and I'm sending you my absolute best vibes in hopes that you walk away from things happy with the outcome you've settled on.
(And lastly, please send me your fic!! At least this way you know you'll have one very staunch supporter!!)
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septembersghost · 1 year
Jess, hey, darling. I'm sorry I still haven't replied to your message (please forgive me), just something quick I wanted to say. I wish I could give you a hug and I'm sorry for the struggles you're going through. I hardly know anything and staying away from all the drama but I KNOW how important it is to have your safe, comfort place, and when it gets taken away it can feel crushing and very painful. I think I understand why you're missing Dean. There was a time in my life when I THOUGHT I'd recovered, but then some painful, or confusing/disorienting, or otherwise overwhelming situation hit and I'd start missing him like crazy, because I needed comfort and rest and I tried to reconnect. We need our safe place and our comfort characters when we are in pain, when we are tired, when the world isn't making sense anymore. It's not something I talked about, but recently I had a series of anxiety attacks and crying fits at night, and on Friday night during one of those I also accidentally flipped over a cup of scalding water over my hand. What helped me with the pain and helped me fall asleep was… listening to my comfort character's voice. Didn't even matter what he was saying, it was just simply hearing his voice and imagining he's there (thank god it's a podcast and he can talk for hours.) I'm doing a lot better now, but I remembered how I used to do the same thing with Dean. There was once a whole audio file I made which was literally just him talking, it lasted like an hour and a half and consisted of hundreds tiny moments which I collected throughout the show. Sadly, it's gone now, but there was a time it used to help. What I want to say, things like this ARE important and your connection to your faves IS important and valuable, it's totally okay to miss them, it's okay to love them and to need them, it's okay to wish they were here right now. I understand your pain, I wish I knew how to help. But no matter what, he'd always be there for you, because that's what comfort characters do: they're here for us. Always, as long as we need them. And nothing can take that away. And no matter what, I hope you can find solace and comfort and a bit of peace. I'm giving you a hug but I'm ALSO encouraging you to imagine that Dean is giving you a hug, because he absolutely would and because he'll always be there for you.
hi Ellie my dearheart!!! 💕 please don't apologize, considering i still have the message from you, on one of my favorite topics!, that i intended to answer within a week and now TWO MONTHS have passed! the amount of times i've gone to reply to it properly and instead *waves hand around* there are constant happenings and situations. 😭 i NEED to get to it because it will make me happy to focus on tbh!
there's a bemusing irony to the fact that i proclaimed i was doing #better in regards to dean and other various sadnesses, and then the moment an entirely different pillar got kicked out from under me, the hurt came rushing back in. i've been playing a bit of a (useless, i know) blame game with myself, like, this is somehow my fault for being overly invested or caring as deeply as i do or relying on art for my escape and joy, but it's difficult because it's the primary thing i have. and dean is the constant, the longest lasting source of comfort of all of them, so at any point when anything else has been painful or confusing, the needle of my heart's compass spins back to him. except i'd intentionally been trying to rely on that less due to the existing wound of it, which means over the past week, there's been this weight of the absence, which lead to that feeling of missing him terribly.
I KNOW how important it is to have your safe, comfort place, and when it gets taken away it can feel crushing and very painful. I think I understand why you're missing Dean. There was a time in my life when I THOUGHT I'd recovered, but then some painful, or confusing/disorienting, or otherwise overwhelming situation hit and I'd start missing him like crazy, because I needed comfort and rest and I tried to reconnect. We need our safe place and our comfort characters when we are in pain, when we are tired, when the world isn't making sense anymore. this is it exactly, and i can't express my gratitude for your kindness and for the sense of understanding you share in this. those safe spaces and comforts and lights through the darkness ARE profoundly valuable and we carry them with us, and it hurts when any of that feels stolen or diminished. it makes you just want the soul of it back.
*hugs you tight* i am so sorry you've been struggling with anxiety and tears (i understand, i have NOT been able to stop crying at the most unexpected moments lately. i wept over my dog this past weekend and she's been gone for years. it's like every ache i have is a raw nerve at the surface. anxiety makes you feel more fragile too). the scalding water omg honey :((( i'm glad you're okay! and i'm happy your comfort character was there for you and helped carry you through it. you deserve to feel safe and held, and that very much exists within the characters we love and the stories we call home and the art/music that resonates within us.
What I want to say, things like this ARE important and your connection to your faves IS important and valuable, it's totally okay to miss them, it's okay to love them and to need them, it's okay to wish they were here right now. thank you very much for this reminder and for understanding this, i really do believe this is true. our faves impact us and are important and loved for a reason. just sending me this helps, truly.
I'm giving you a hug but I'm ALSO encouraging you to imagine that Dean is giving you a hug, because he absolutely would and because he'll always be there for you. 🥺 this message is beautiful and now i'm crying at it, but only for warm reasons! he's always shown up in some way to remind me of this (and still did in a way this morning!), so i KNOW he's right here and remains with me no matter what and that the span of that time and amount of that love is always real and always alive and exists right in my heart, and if it didn't, i wouldn't also experience that pain of missing him along with it. the ache itself is a sign of how strongly that love remains. thank you for the hugs and for listening and for being here for me, and for reminding me he's here at every moment too. you are such a wonder and i love you. 💖💖💖
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lyranova · 1 year
Finally!!! Finally I got to read Chapter 7!!
Oh the beginning was so painful because... it was so understandable. He does have a good opportunity in becoming the King of Spade. It is a good "deal" as well as a chance to find his roots, but it means having to leave Neva behind.
And quite honestly Ciel being focused on getting Yuno married is... a very mother -thing to do, as well as being oblivious to some things. Especially since Neva and Yuno are both very private people.
And Neva... she doesn't want to stop him from achieving his dream, even if it's through a bit different route than what they both initially thought. So, she loves him enough to see him go.
While he's also trying to respect her dreams and wishes. He doesn't want to take them away from her.
I think they're very human in this chapter. They're very understandable, while also, as they agreed, they're "excellent at communication" XD
But it's so important that they had that talk.
Especially because HE PROPOSED!!!! It was so spontaneous and sweet and genuine!!! He really does love her and she loves him.
She really made that, quite literal, leap of fate for him XD
Oh this was such a lovely chapter~
Love you lots
Lauraaaa!!! I’m so sorry it’s taken me so long to answer this, things have just been crazy IRL so I’m only now able to answer 😭!
It really was painful, even as I was writing it I was like “Gosh I can just imagine the conflicting emotions Yuno’s feeling rn 😭!” because it’s a really good opportunity for him to learn things, but it also means he has to give up something too *cough* Neva *cough* 💔!
Yeah Ciel is very much…scatter brained in this 😅. She’s juggling so much with the Nobles pressuring her into choosing an heir and trying to keep them from being able to find any “flaws” with Yuno (which is partially why she is trying to find him a wife since, it’ll not only secure the Grinberryall line to the throne, but it’ll also keep the Nobles mouths shut for a little bit). And unfortunately due to being distracted by all of that she kind of missed the most obvious thing which is YuNeva being together already 😔😅.
So true 😭, Neva loving Yuno so much that she’s willing to let him go was just ahwkwjhe aaaahhh it broke my heart to write 🤧! Because they both thought they knew where they were going, but life threw them a curveball and they both had hard decisions to make 😔.
Wgjwjwh aaahhh thank you, I’m so glad you felt they were very human in this chapter that’s exactly what I was going for do I’m very happy it translated into this chapter 😁! They are very “excellent” at communication 😆, I see YuNeva as being that couple who know each other so well and yet they still have trouble communicating at times 😂!
YESSS HE PROPOSED 🥳🥳!!! I don’t know why I always imagined it being spontaneous with YuNeva (other then they always plan things and are very serious and meticulous IMO 🤔). But this is how I always imagined it going and it came out better than I expected and I’m so glad you loved it 🥺💕!
Neva: They always said if you really love someone you should take a leap of faith for them.
Yuno: I don’t think they meant it literally Neva…
Thank you so much Laura I’m so glad you enjoyed the chapter and thank you for sending this lovely comment, reading this and thinking about YuNeva really helped my mood today so thank you so much dear and I love you lots 🥺🥰💕!!
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bsaka7 · 2 years
i did finish the fic!!!! gave me the like “omg what do i even do with these feelings now” hahaha it really is such a masterpiece!
the character foils were everything!!! obviously pierre and esteban at the core but even the relationship of pierre and charles compared to his with esteban, pierres career compared to estebans, pierres family etc etc it all interacts to create such a wonderful picture of who they are and how they have… become who they are??? like even from the beginning, when theyre karting together and estebans first feelings are “i want to win and i want to be in the kart but hes going first :(“ and that… changes but never really goes away because its important to him and the little moments that show their diff upbringing too like… pierre asking for like. snacks for instance, and not having that fear of being rude and having something taken away from him that esteban has, like his interactions with pierres family made me want to scream because like. the cautiousness and politeness like so so so real
estebans ENTIRE relationship with crying. AGGHHHH!!!!!
and pierre not understanding why he cant separate on and off track but like. estebans put his whole self into it in a different way to what pierre has, and just exactly what its like to be kind of. insular and awkward as a kid because that DOES follow you, his difficulties fitting in with his peer group etc etc
the playing COD together made me 😭😭😭 😭 ESPECIALLY when pierre was like dude was that ur mum??? and its like. in my head ratatouille flashback pierre and estebans parents. AND ESTEBAN ADDED TO THE GROUP CHAT AND HES LIKE… im inside now :) UGHRJFJ SOBBING
omfg and all the unsent texts when pierre got demoted… esteban im literally reaching thru the screen to make u press send sorry anyway. beautiful beautiful beautiful fic thank u so much!!!! mwah!!! <3
Thank u!! This is long so under the cut haha
ahhh that's amazing to hear 😭😭 I love when writing makes me feel like that so it's an honor to be able to do it for u!!! I'm really glad I was able to flesh out that world in a way that felt real!!! I was sort of debating whether to tag this fic as a bildungsroman or not (obv I didn't) because I didn't know if there was enough character change/on loss/psychological focus... like they grow up but i wanted to keep that raw competitive core and also keep the elements of - Pierre's parents saying they tried to protect his childhood, but he moved away so young. Esteban saying he grew up quick. Etc. like you said - 'insular and awkward'. the stuff about crying (este talking about crying after getting scratched from Australia 2019 testing with merc. It destroys me). It sneaks up on u. You never escape that!!! And if you do, you have to work for it!!!!
the triangulation of Charles/pierre/esteban is like. Everything to me. I need a proper messy love triangle. i need Charles pov on the whole thing. the way Charles is. he's in a different league than them and he knows it but he wants to be loved anyway...
i think also capturing how people interact with each other online is - hard. i literally just sketched out a Cinderella story au with @nicotineteeth lmao and i keep thinking about it like. about the idiot by batuman. how can you know someone so well online and not know how it will flesh out when you meet each other. can you talk past each other without realizing it. obv here - and in most of my fic - i try to stay in the present but even with relationships like that. i feel like saying things you mean in text is. almost even worse. that was the only scene in this whole fic where both pierre and esteban weren't there and i was honestly debating it but like that's a connection too. ok sorry to ramble about something so tangential haha.
I really appreciate ur message haha. Screenshotted and saved!! I'm very glad you enjoyed my little fic and I really enjoyed hearing ur comments!!! ❤️❤️
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🔥 🔥
I have no idea if this would count as an unpopular opinion but it's also something that's not talked about often since like... it's such a small and trivial thing that feels more personal to me if anything so I'm gonna talk about it!
There's a really small thing in Xenoverse two that really grinds my gears every time I notice it. like... its such a stupid thing but I can't help noticing it and just getting a Lil salty. I remember in one of the DLC we find out by Debura that Fu Is made from the cells of Towa and Mira. so like... that makes him his uncle right? there's at least a Lil bit of interaction between him and Fu but I don't fully remember if the two of them have a special quote if you put them on a team or in a battle against each other.
I notice Fu has special quotes with a lot of the characters, Vegeta, Trunks, maybe even Goku?? I can't quite remember how many. He has special interactions with almost everyone but Towa and Mira. his freaken parents. when i learned this i was maybe just a little disappointed at the time, but as time went by it became something that really annoyed me. because how? you allowed interaction between one family member; why not the others?? his parents for that matter! you'd think that was something they would include but they didn't, and it sucks. and they do nothing with it after the fact is revealed. nothing from Towa nothing from Mira, nothing from Fu. It was a small piece of lore that was just there, and it's so disappointing. I wish they did something with it; a parallel quest, a special interaction, Something man.
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Ok so something like this happened to me recently 😭. Can you do a scenario where y/n has a professor that doesn’t like her, cause she’s a little behind on her subject (With taking care of Tsumiki and newborn Gumi) he’s super passive aggressive and it hurts her feelings. Without her knowing Toji does a drive by and scares the living shit out of him.
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Fandom: Jujutsu Kaisen
Pairing: Toji x F!reader
Word count: 2k~
AN: I’m so sorry I’m answering this months after you sent the request ;;; I hope you’re doing well with your academics anon <3 Remember folks C’s get degrees
Warnings: mentions of childbirth/postpartum depression | misogyny (towards reader) | mentions of murder | intimidation
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This can’t be happening to you. You swear on your life that your paper was in your binder like it always is. It wouldn’t be as much of an issue as you’re making it out to be if that one flimsy piece of paper wasn’t worth a large chunk of your grade. Does it help that your professor is such an uptight asshole when it comes to punctuality?
No, it doesn’t.
“We can’t keep doing this, (Y/N),” your professor grumbles with unwanted disappointment. “I’ve made it clear in the syllabus that I make no exceptions for late work unless the circumstances are dire.”
“Please,” you beg. Your body is still recovering from your agonizing labor two months prior. Nevertheless, you bow your head down to a respectable angle. It feels strange to do so now that you no longer have a bulging belly. Yet despite how nice it is to have your body to yourself again, it didn’t stop the birthing blues from taking hold of you. “My apartment isn’t far. I can head over there and bring back my assignment before your office hours end.”
“Very well,” he relents. “But this truly is the only exception I’m going to make, understand?”
“Yes!” you elate. “Thank you so much!”
It’s only when the professor leaves the lecture hall that you put away your materials and bolt out the doors yourself. Normally, you like to grab a meal and study in the library before heading back to your shared apartment with Toji, but finding and turning in that stupid piece of paper is far more important.
“I’m on my way back home.”
“I figured you would,” Toji says on the other line. “You left your paper on the kitchen counter.”
“What?!” you gasp. “Why didn’t you text me earlier?”
“Because I have a newborn son who needs to be taken care of?” He laughs like it’s the most obvious thing in the world. “Also, Tsumiki came down with a fever, so I’m dealing with two dependent little shitheads.”
“Papa, that’s a bad word,” Tsumiki’s nasally voice scolds him in the background. “No bad words.”
“Right, sorry.”
“Put her on the phone,” you demand. He happily obliges, if only to spare him from your hectic attitude for a moment.
After a worrisome coughing fit, Tsumiki says, “I’m sick.”
“I’ll make you some soup when I get home, okay?”
“Okay,” she says with tired enthusiasm. “Can baby ‘Gumi sleep with ‘Miki?”
“Of course, but only when ‘Miki gets better, otherwise she’ll get baby ‘Gumi sick,” you tell her. “Put your father back on the phone.”
There’s some shuffling on the other end. “Can you pick up some medicine on the way back?”
You look down at your watch. There should be enough time for a quick detour. “I’m on it.”
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With a tight minute to spare, you make it just in time to hand in your assignment to your professor, who has begun to quietly pack up his belongings before your arrival.
“I was starting to think you wouldn’t come.”
“I’m so sorry,” you profusely apologize. “My daughter got sick, and nearly every corner store I went into was out of the medicine she needed. Traffic was also a nightmare.”
“The roads tend to get busy at this hour,” he idles. Your professor skims the front page of your assignment before carefully tucking it away in his briefcase. “I’ll have grades out by the end of the week.”
You smile, relieved that he took it. “Thank you again for granting me this exception. It won’t happen again, I promise.”
“Fushiguro,” he starts. “I hope you do not take this the wrong way, but how important is your education to you?”
A bit caught off guard by his sudden line of question, you carefully answer back with, “It means everything to me.”
“Good,” he nods, but it doesn’t bring you any reassurance. “I suggest you sort out your priorities and stop making light of your academics.” He straightens up the cufflinks of his dress shirt. “I understand that it’s not easy, but being a parent is no excuse to fall behind.”
Your eyes flutter with utter confusion. “Excuse me?”
“Now, don’t take this the wrong way.” He has the audacity to put his hands up in a defensive manner. “Plenty of women find themselves with children at inconvenient times-”
“My children are not inconveniences,” you cut in. You have half a mind to rip off those brooches of his and stick them in his eyeballs.
“All I’m saying is that you need to think things more carefully in the future. You may be excelling fine in your classes now, but if you continue to make careless decisions, you’ll wind up another drop out.” He adjusts those god damn cufflinks again. “I’ve seen many women in your situation. It never ends well for them. Try not to become just another statistic.”
“I see,” is all you can think of saying. “I will be sure to keep your words in mind.” 
You bow your head once more, mostly out of habit, bidding him a final farewell and a word of caution about the sudden downpour that happened earlier before exiting his office and making your way back to the bus stop. You’re utterly silent the entire way back home. You’re not even inclined to listen to music while counting the raindrops sliding down the glass windows.
Your arrival back to your home is met with a deafening silence. The TV isn’t on to fill the house with the idle noise of some cheesy late-night drama that Toji swears he isn’t into (he is) and hates with a burning passion (he loves it). Normally, Tsumiki likes to run towards you at full force and either tell you about her day or show you a new drawing she made, looking at you eagerly for feedback and watching you pin it to the fridge with all her other works of art with stars in her eyes. 
Her absence easily has you on the verge of tears. Really, after all those backhanded, unnecessary comments from your professor, all you want is to hold Tsumiki in your arms and listen to her tell you about her day. And then there’s your sweet little Megumi. He’s only a few months old, but boy does he love to cuddle and cling to you in those few hours he’s awake. His gummy smile completely expunges all those worries and blues eating at you throughout the day. Megumi and Tsumiki are your little pieces of heaven on earth, not an inconvenience.
Toji comes out to the living room and looks towards your strewed figure, laying face first on the couch. “Long day?”
You turn and look at him. “I hate that guy,” you grumble.
“Oh. I know,” he knowingly says. “You complain about him all the time.”
“Well, I hate him even more now.”
“What happened? Did he get on your ass again?”
You recount every word spoken to you by your professor to Toji with perfection. How could you not? They kept replaying in your head over and over the entire trip back. With each word, the creases between his eyes grew harsher and harsher. If looks could kill, you would have been utterly slaughtered beyond recognition by now. Though, his shared frustration with you doesn’t make you feel better as you had hoped.
“The hell? All that shit ‘cause you forgot some homework?”
“He’s right,” you agree, begrudgingly. “I haven’t got my priorities straight, and it’s making me lag behind.”
“Yeah, well raising kids isn’t a fucking walk in the park.”
“Toji.” You look up at him with wobbling eyes. “Am I doing enough?”
He’s taken aback by your sudden dejection. Your emotions have been like a light switch with how easily they flip. Just the other day, a vaguely melancholic commercial had you in tears. He would be lying if he said it wasn’t exhausting having to deal with your fluctuating attitude after having Megumi, yet he can’t find it within himself to let you deal with it all on your own. He hates how much seeing you cry has him on edge.
“It’s gonna be alright.” He  crouches down next to you and carefully pats your head. Even touch is enough to set you off. “You’re doing more than enough. Just focus on your studies and leave the rest to me.”
He takes it as a good sign when you reach behind and gently grabs his hand, holding onto him like he’s your last saving grace (he is). After quietly sulking to yourself for a couple more minutes you push yourself up and make your way to Tsumiki’s room for some much needed cuddles. Toji tries to warn you against it given how bad her fever is, but his words go in one ear and out the other.
Unsurprisingly, you end up catching a fever too. Now Toji is stuck taking care of little shitheads
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What room was it again? 211? 212? No, that doesn’t sound right. It was room 2….something. 
“His office is in room 214,” your tired voice says over the phone. “It’s in building B.”
Shit, he’s in building C.
After consulting a campus directory (your instructions made no sense to him), he manages to find the right building and the right room in no time. Your professor sits comfortably at his desk, marking off on assignments with a pen. Toji’s knocking is met with a curt “come in” and he shuts the door behind him when prompted.
“You don’t look familiar,” your professor notices. “Can I help you?”
“I’m here to drop off some papers for my wife.” Toji says “She’s in one of your classes.”
“Ah,” the old man nods his head with understanding. He sets his pen down and takes the paper away from Toji. “May I get your name?”
“Fushiguro. Fushiguro Toji.”
That makes the professor jump. “You’re her husband?”
“I am.”
The man hums with intrigue. He gives Toji a rather judgemental once-over. “How is she?”
“Fine,” Toji answers. “Sick, but fine.”
“That’s unfortunate,” your professor glooms. “Hopefully she’ll get better soon. Midterms are in a few weeks.”
Oh, he knows that well enough. You wouldn’t shut up about them since the semester started. It hasn't been easy juggling your responsibilities as a parent and a student. He often blames himself for adding more onto your plate with your unplanned pregnancy with Megumi. That’s why he’s here dropping off these damn papers to this piece of shit professor of yours. If the guy wants to talk shit, then let it be directed at him instead of you. Toji is familiar with people like your professor. He’s the kind of guy who doesn’t want to acknowledge all the hard work and lengths you put into your education and your family’s future. All this wrinkly asshole wants to do is cherry-pick all your faults and make you feel bad they even exist. 
Fuck that. That doesn’t fly with Toji. No one gets to put you down like that without having to deal with your faithful husband. He’s not stupid enough to seriously hurt the guy. Offing him when there isn’t a price tag on his head wouldn’t help either. Scaring the guy will have to do…for now. “Hey,” Toji roughly demands your professor's attention. “What’s your name?” 
“Mr. Takahashi.”
“You got any kids?”
Before the man could protest Toji’s line of invasive questioning, he’s thrown off guard by the deadly glare being aimed at him. If there’s one thing Toji knows how to do, it’s how to get grown men to cower like children under his gaze.
“How many?” he asks again.
“T-Three,” professor Takahashi mutters. “Two boys and a girl.”
Toji notices the unsteady bobbing of his adam’s apple. “How ‘bout a wife?”
“Yes,” he answers, nodding his head to further convince the man starring daggers at him. “We’re in the middle of getting a divorce.”
“Shame,” Toji offers half-hearted condolences. “Hope that sorts itself out.” With his chin, he gestures towards the reasonably sized stack of ungraded paper the professor was going through before his arrival. “Wouldn’t want you to fall behind on all that grading.”
He profusely shakes his head. “No, of c-course not. I’ll have everything sorted before the weekend.”
Toji nods his head, satisfied by the results of his little shake down. “Good.”
He turns around and makes his way out of the office. Before he shuts the door behind him, he gives one final look at the professor. He’s back to scribbling down brief corrections on his assignments, but with an increased speed and unsteady hands.
Serves him right.
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“Papa, I’m hungry!” Tsumiki shouts into the phone. She’s loud enough to cause the audio to peak uncomfortably into his ear. 
He can hear you turn the phone back towards you. “Do you think you can grab something on your way back?”
“What does she want?”
You ask Tsumiki what she’s in the mood for. “Soup!” she demands and then lets out a big sneeze.
“I’ll see what I can do.”
“You’re the best,” you praise. “Love you”
He smiles into the phone. “Love you too.”
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