#just dried meats and berries
therainywriter · 1 year
Protector 18+ (Angst/Smut)
Pairing: Dekvah (Yautja) x F!Reader Request: hi, i was wondering if still you take yautja X reader requests. If so what do you think about protective!predator with shy!human!reader where he saves her and maybe some smut at the end? Sorry if it's stupid
Dekvah was out hunting, he'd left you alone in your hut and told you to stay put, as he does every time he leaves. You'd fully intended on listening, occupying yourself with organizing the various bones he's collected for you over the few years you've been with him.
You now admire them, no longer disturbed by pieces of skeleton. Each skull and vertebra was a symbol of his devoted love, his never-ending adoration for you. You understood that now.
A feeling of longing pulled at your chest, you missed him. He hadn't been gone for more than a few hours and you already missed the overprotective male.
You sighed and stood up, stretching your limbs with a slight wince, muscles sore from sitting crouched for so long.
You paused for a moment, thinking of something else to do before your thoughts were interrupted by the muffled grumble of your stomach.
"Snack break," you mumbled quietly to yourself, looking over at the dried meat hanging along the wall. You tilted your head and decided you wanted fruit instead, but you guys didn't have any fruit.
You glanced at the door and stared at it for a moment, conflicted on what to do, though your internal debate didn't last long.
With a basket in hand, you ventured out. Most Yautja paid no mind to your smaller human form walking among them, but you could feel some staring in disapproval, judging you.
You carried on, smiling when you saw Nak'ii, an elder you and Dekvah knew well. At first, the female disliked you greatly, she saw you as a disgrace to her kind. With time there comes acceptance and with acceptance, she's grown to care for you as she would her own.
You found a clearing in the forest and collected a couple of handfuls of berries from the bush nearest to you. As you turned around to head back home you bumped into something, or rather, someone.
A male you didn't know flared his mandibles wide, angrily, snarling before lunging towards you. You dropped your basket, falling back to the ground with a gasp as his teeth snapped together a mere inch from your face.
Seemingly out of nowhere, Dekvah had pinned the other Yautja down, hand wrapped around his neck as his jaws flared open. Dekvah spoke quickly, furiously to the male. His eyes were dark and his fist closed harder around the throat in his hand.
You were almost certain he was going to rip it out then and there. Your eyes were wide and watery when he looked at you, finished threatening the young male with death. He had fought against killing the fool, though it was so very tempting.
With a vexed grumble, he roughly pushed off the stranger and hurried to you, kneeling in front of you. He gently looked you over before pressing his head against yours. "I'm okay, promise," you whispered shakily.
He opened his eyes and gave you a stern look. "What were you thinking?" he asked, almost scoldingly as he began picking up spilled berries, placing them back in their container before helping you up.
"I didn't think anyone would attack me... I was just getting some fruit," you said quietly, motioning to the basket he held.
He clenched his jaw and pulled you to his side, turning to the other male who now stood with his head low. "Forgive me," he said in English, accent strong over the foreign words.
You simply nodded as Dekvah led you back to the village. "I could have gathered you berries," he stated firmly. "I know, I'm sorry..." you responded, unsure what else to say.
His anger simmered and he shook his head, "You should not apologize, it was not you who was in the wrong."
You cast your eyes down and leaned against him, silent the rest of the way home.
Large fur blankets were soft against your legs as you sat in bed eating a bowl of your problematic snack. Dekvah stood, taking his time peeling off his hunting gear.
You watched him, eyes lingering on his muscled back as he put up his weapons. "I missed you," you admitted, setting your empty bowl to the floor, suddenly feeling shy when he turned to you.
"Did you now, my little troublemaker?" he questioned, making his way to the bed. He sat beside you and pulled you atop his lap so your back was resting against his chest.
"Yes," you replied as you let your head rest on his shoulder. He hummed in response, clicking a few times to himself.
"I missed you too ank'te," he said lowly, his hands slipping under your shirt and over your abdomen.
Your breath caught in your throat as his warm fingers traced patterns along your skin. He caressed up your ribs, pulling you closer, safe against his chest.
He loved you more than you could ever imagine, it was deep, unwavering, and he'd do anything and everything for you. To see his vulnerable little mate in such a helpless position- it scared him.
He moved his hands down, tenderly massaging your thighs as he moved them to rest at either side of his. "You are dear to me, no harm will befall you mei'aki," he whispered against your ear.
You felt warm and fuzzy, skin tingling in the wake of his touch. "Dekvah," you said quietly, nearly pleading as he trailed a hand to your inner thigh, teasing the soft flesh.
His fingers trailed further inward, hiking up the dress he made especially for you. His legs widened, effectively opening yours for him, leaving you entirely at his mercy.
Your breaths grew shorter, quicker as his fingers grazed over your panties. His left hand held your hips down as you lifted them, desperate to feel him against you.
"Patience, ank'te," he purred, tracing circles against your clit over the thin fabric. You mewled against his shoulder, mind foggy, clouded with soft, growing pleasure.
His hand slipped under the delicate cotton, middle finger slipping between your slick folds before pushing slowly into your heat with a groan, "So wet and tight, you squeeze me as though your life depends on it, sweet one."
You moaned, hips pushing down against his hand, "Please.."
His ring finger joined the other, rubbing against that spongy spot inside of you with each thrust, palm hitting your swollen bud as he sped up his pace.
Dekvah drank in your whimpers and pleas, the pretty noises music to his ears. He encouraged you with words of praise, his native language mixing in with English.
"Mei'aki, so good for me. Sa'arut vehk i'na," he rasped and clicked against your ear, mandibles scraping against your neck.
You grabbed his strong forearms as you came on his fingers with a broken moan, blinding pleasure spreading throughout your body. Your walls fluttered around his digits, pulling them deeper as you went limp against him.
He lifted his fingers to his mouth, licking them clean before pulling your dress back down and pulling you up to cradle you against his chest.
"Thank you," you whispered, kissing his bare chest. He hummed, lowering his head to yours.
"This was merely a taste of what's to come little ooman, there will be plenty more thank you's to give," it was an unspoken promise he would happily fulfill.
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frogchiro · 4 months
Bear Andrei who is so soft and cuddly during winter because of hibernation 🥺 bears don't actually just flat out sleep for months, but their activity levels do significantly decrease!! Just a big sleepy bear wanting to snuggle his little wife (and maybe paw at her a bit)! Brings her little treats from his stash so when it's spring, she'll be strong enough to carry his cubs
Bear!Andrei who loves to curl up in his warm, comfy den with you and cuddle as much as he can <33
Lazy, lazy bear who will ask you to feed him dried meats and berries with the smuggest smile while laying like the king of the forest on his back, sprawled with his huge body on all the soft furs in his den with his queen right beside him lazily caressing him and feeding him well <3
He will lazily paw at your soft body, squeeze you in all the right places to have you whining and pawing at him too until he will have you under his heavy body, legs widely sprawled out and his large, thick cock thrusting so so slowly and deliciously inside you, his swollen tip leaking inside you potent cum but the thrusting is so slow it's more like a lazy, lovemaking grind. You're both not really leaving the den anyway with nowhere to go with the cold and snow raging outside so all you spend your time on is eating (feeding each other), talking about everything and nothing in particular, sleeping and cuddling and slowly making love <33
Andrei wants you to be as relaxed, calm and happy as possible because he really really wants to father your cubs and be a daddy and wants you to be strong enough to let him breed you during next spring <33
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winterspiderpurrs · 2 months
Steve stared down at the lunchbox cooler on the counter.
It was filled with three pb&j and three turkey sandwiches, 4 hard boiled eggs, a small block of cheese, a baggy full of almonds, there was a sleeve of crackers, some cans of sardines, a bag of dried jerky meat, a jar full of black and blue berries, a couple of apples. Bottle water, a vitamin water, and a sports drink. And a sticky note on the top.
' Have a GREAT day! - Peter'
He blinks he stares some more, before his shoulder got nudged. He looks up and sees Bucky.
Bucky smirks a little, looks at the packed lunch nodding at it then looks back at Steve.
" That's nice"
"I'm in love with Peter"
Steve freezes right after he blurts it out.
Bucky just raises an eyebrow.
" Yeah we know"
" I can't beli- wait what do you mean we know? Who is we? I didn’t even know!"
Laughing he pulls Steve down the hall of their apartment. He silently opens Steve's bedroom door and point to Steve's bed.
There is Peter Parker, curled up hugging a pillow fast asleep.
" You practically moved him in a month ago Punk... your just slow"
Steve takes in the room, there were trinkets of Peters lining the shelves. A draw with clothes sticking out and it was a bright pink color. Definitely not his. Spider-Man suit charging in the corner.
He starts recalling all the times they spent alone. What could only be considered dates now. The hand holding, the hugging, the cuddles.
" Oh my god. I'm dating Peter."
Bucky snorts.
" Yeah you are."
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vulpixisananimal · 6 days
Hunger: Carrion!Sif
The smell of cooking meat was tantalizing. It made Siffrin’s insides squirm and ache in hunger. It’d been a while since they’d had any good meat on their journey. The last stretch of rocky cliff sides had already frozen in time, any animals that hadn’t escaped had already been picked up by passing birds. Anything that had escaped was smart enough to hide. The group made so on wild berries and dried rations, but the strips of jerky weren’t enough.
He needed fresh meat.
He needed it, craved it, was tempted to shove the chef aside and burn themselves to get it that much faster, but there was no sense in hurting himself, so he waited.
Not a moment too soon, the chicken was served. There were vegetables and stuff on the sides, but those were just garnish so far as he was concerned, flavoring at most. It was put in front of him, a chicken leg quarter, bone-in dark meat, and any remaining decorum was used to keep inside your host’s skin, was used not to bring forth an inner pair of teeth to tear at it directly, was used to keep deluding yourself and everyone else into thinking you were human was forgotten.
Salted umami danced on his tongue, tender flesh giving away easily between teeth. Odile admonished him, but it fell on deaf ears. Isabeau apologized and a chef laughed it off as a compliment. Another chunk of flesh slid down his throat, barely chewed. It’d get dissolved, used, broken down, added to mass. Please, no more waiting, no more. It was enough to not crack your jaw open, to not shove it all in at once. Hungry teeth stripped the bulk of meat from bone in only a few minutes.
“Do you need more chicken, Siffrin?” Isabeau said.
“When I finish this one.” Grease dribbled down his chin only to be reclaimed by finger and tongue. Waste not, want not! And stars, he wanted so desperately.
“Are you not?” Odile said. “There’s basically only bone lef-“
They spit out cartilage end of the drumstick, a small groan escaping as the soft bone beneath gave way. This was the best part of freshly cooked chicken, it made the bones tender, at least at the edges. Marrow filled his mouth, calcium crunching away better than why fried potato could dream. The inner bone was harder to bite through, but it could be splintered, bent, anything to get at the copper-sweet paste of fresh marrow. The drumstick lasted longer than easily cut flesh, but soon only the hardest potions remained. It was strangely tempting to try to swallow that whole, but it was commonly known chicken bone would scratch up your throat. Best to leave it.
There was still more.
Small bones, cartilage, and gristle all lined the inner thigh. Most was more trouble than it was worth, but there were places where blood had once pooled, dark pockets of rich iron. It was even more tender than flesh proper, only solidified by heat; a treat saved for last.
With only the barely-edible at best parts of chicken left on the plate and vegetables untouched, Siffrin looked up to find the rest of the group staring, their food barely touched. His innards squirmed uncomfortably. “Um… sorry. I, uh…” He squeaked, hiding under his hat. “I was hungry.”
“We can see that!” Isabeau said, trying to say it playfully, but clearly unsettled.
Mirabelle’s expression was hard to read. Nervous, certainly, but almost in the way one would be while watching a tense moment in a show. Enraptured, but horrified all the same.
Odile gave him a long stare and then sighed. “You are awfully pale, and you don’t take hits too well, and seeing you go after those bones… Gems, are you anemic? Here.” She handed her his plate, moving the chicken with a fork—a utensil he’d forgotten to use. “Too much fat is bad for someone my age anyways, and I’d rather you not end up fainting. But gems alive, use the cutlery.”
“Yes madame.”
He reeled it in better for the second course, sneaking his vegetables to everyone else’s plates. For however long it would last, he was not hungry.
This is AMAZING!!! Thank you so much for this, like, genuinely!! I haven't thought about pre-Dormont era at ALL and WOW!!! I'm defiantly tagging @traumaboyexo with this for Carrion stuff!!
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layla4567 · 1 year
In the meadows
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Loki x fem!reader
Summary: You lived near Asgard in a cabin near the forest, you went to get fresh ingredients for the next meal you would prepare when you met a black-haired prince Warnings: p in v, sub reader, oral sex both receiving, smut, stimulation word count: 3K
You're done eating your stir-fried vegetables with your mashed potatoes and nutmeg. The mushrooms were just right, as were the carrots and other vegetables, finely cut and seasoned to taste. Everything you ate was harvested and prepared by your own delicate hands, it was almost always bread, fruit, vegetables or pasta. No meat, you hated it. Your lifestyle was simple and quiet, not enviable, but you didn't complain either. You preferred the simplicity of your home than being surrounded by luxurious palace servants who did everything for you, it was much more satisfying to do things on your own.
You left the wooden cutlery on the clay plate and took it to the sink to wash it. To tell the truth, most of the things you had in your cabin were handmade. Among your many hobbies were botany, pottery, writing, painting, etc. You just loved everything you could create with your hands, it was art for you. You continued to carefully wash the dishes that you had accumulated. Despite the arduous tasks that you did and that sometimes left your hands dirty, now you looked at them shiny, you enjoyed a beautiful and soft complexion. Your nails were well cut and polished and your fingers were long and thin, sometimes they seemed fragile but you well knew that with them you could create wonderful things and they also had enough strength to carry heavy things like the bags of soil and fertilizer that you had in your garden.
Your little house was comfortable, and baby-blue curtains were hung from all the windows, tied with a satin bow of the same color but darker blue. On the walls hung paintings that you painted yourself, some of them were quite similar copies of famous paintings, or simple replicas of drawings that you saw in your favorite books in your library, always full of them. You dried your hands on the apron that you were wearing over your long brown skirt that ended in a pretty white lace trim and your light pink tulle-sleeved blouse that revealed your shoulders. It was still noon outside so you decided to cook some bread for the afternoon.
You mixed all the ingredients in a bowl and you started to mix the ingredients with your clean and bare hands, the dough was a bit sticky at first but little by little it came off your fingers. You put a little flour on the counter so that the dough doesn't stick and you began to knead it slowly and patiently, you knew that the key to a good bread was to do it calmly and with love. The delicacy of your palms and your fingertips did the sourdough good. Your arms came and went with measured movements as you stretched the dough and put it back together. In the end you made a large ball and put it in a clean dish. You were going to add the final touch: a few sprigs of thyme on top of the bread, but when you wanted to grab the spices that you reserved in a jar in the cupboard, you realized that there weren't any. How can that be possible? Have you finished them so quickly and you didn't realize it? Anyway, resigned, you covered the bread with a clean dish towel and headed towards the forest to collect what you needed.
With your hooded cloak, a corset and your wicker basket on your arm, you headed towards the bowels of the little forest. Luckily it wasn't as fresh as you thought. Full spring and the flowers did nothing but grow around you, their soft aroma came off and remained floating in the air just for you and your nose that wrinkled happily every time you walked through the trees. Thanks to your books on botany and herbalism you knew what things were toxic and what weren't, you had learned that, in general, plants that came in clusters of three or gave white berries should not be eaten. At last you found the species you were looking for, not only did you pick thyme but you had also found rosemary and bay leaves. Perfect.
You were going to return to your home when out of the corner of your eye you saw a tall man with black hair from behind sitting in front of the lake that ran from the left side. His broad back was covered by an elegant suit with shades of emerald green and gold. You couldn't see his face but something about him was familiar to you, he seemed to contemplate the crystalline water with a peaceful air as if he was thinking about something important. You approached carefully and hid behind the trunk of a wide tree making sure he didn't see you. You didn't like spying on people but something inside you insisted that you knew that person. Now the man had turned his head a bit, leaving his face in 3/4 profile, and boy did he have a nice profile. His straight and somewhat prominent nose highlighted his divine and marked jaw, so sharp that it could cut steel. It was like a living painting, it seemed to come out of those portraits that you enjoyed painting so much.
Suddenly something in the gesture of his body gave you the clue that perhaps he had seen you after all, his shoulders had moved abnormally and although his eyes kept looking at the horizon, you almost sensed that they were making a great effort not to look at you with the corner of his eye, after that he lowered his gaze along with his head… suppressing a smile? You didn't want to be nosier than you already are, so you grabbed the basket near the tree trunk and gently turned to walk away when a voice chilled your blood.
"Why are you hiding like a little mouse?"
You did not know what to do, you remained rigid in the place and since you had not answered anything, he returned to the charge with another question
"Can't I have a little privacy once in a while?"
You looked down in embarrassment as you came out of hiding and approached the mysterious figure stammering an apology.
"I-I'm so sorry sir, I didn't want-"
When you looked up you found the most beautiful eyes you have ever seen, they were blue but they had a greenish streak and a hint of mischief in them. He was looking at you with a mocking smile. If before you didn't know what to say to apologize, now you had been completely speechless and not only because of its beauty but because now you remembered who that individual was. Loki, the prince of Asgard. Your eyes had widened and your lips had parted a few inches trying to utter a word.
Loki lowered his head and let out a soft laugh, you didn't imagine that a person could create such a beautiful and peaceful sound.
"Yes? What were you going to say? Please continue"
He asked with a raised eyebrow, still smiling.
You swallowed hard and stammered an "Uhmm." God, why was it so difficult to speak in the presence of a prince like Loki?
"Well.. I was just collecting some spices as usual and then I saw him sitting there and uhm sorry if I interrupted his meditation Sir Loki"
You were so nervous you couldn't make eye contact, you tucked a lock of hair behind your ear even though it wasn't really bothering you, and you gripped the basket handle so tightly your knuckles turned white.
"I wasn't really meditating"- he chuckled - "And please just call me Loki"
Loki threatened to get up and come to your side but you took a step back scared, you didn't know his intentions and you didn't think it was right for a simple commoner to talk to a prince
"Don't be scared little mouse, I don't bite"
He raised his hands as a sign of redemption while smiling broadly, he liked to see you amazed by his presence.
"It's just... I'm not used to talking to someone from royalty"-you laughed nervously
Loki got even closer to your side and offered his arm so that you could rest your hand on it.
"Let's walk a bit so I can get to know you better, shall we?"
Timidly you rested your hand on his beefy forearm barely touching him, he was being more gentle than usual
"Why would you want to meet a girl like me? I'm not a princess or queen"
"Life in the palace can be very monotonous at times, it's good to see new faces"
Loki adored how helpless and small you looked squashed next to him, it made him look taller and more imposing than he already was.
"Well I'm afraid I'm not that interesting"
"Oh I bet that you are, tell me what were you collecting those spices for?"-he said pointing to the basket
"Oh they are for a bread that I am about to bake, I am always looking for new ingredients. I collect them myself almost every day"
"Mmh, really? interesting…"
Now more relaxed you began to tell Loki all your favorite hobbies, he was impressed to hear you talk and tell him everything you know how to do. You found out that both you and he really liked to read and that he had a huge library in his room, you wished you could see it. He marveled at the passion in your voice as you recounted the pictures you had painted or how you grew your own food.
You two kept walking towards the meadow that led to your cabin. It was full of blue flowers, they were forget-me-nots, your favorites. The grass was quite high and made it difficult for you to walk. Suddenly Loki wanted to stop and sit down to contemplate the view.
"You seem to like looking at things a lot"
You knelt next to Loki in a comfortable pose.
"Never underestimate the power and peace that comes from sitting quietly looking at the world and around you."
You looked at him with admiration, Loki could have very deep thoughts and an enriching philosophy
"I know.. I also go for a walk without having to collect ingredients. Listening to the birds, watching the clouds travel from here to there, there is nothing better than that."
Loki searched you from top to bottom with his eyes while you were absorbed watching the clouds go by with your head back. The Asgardian delighted in your innocence, he felt a playful and childish vibe and that turned him on somehow. He was wondering how naive you would be
You noticed Loki's gaze and you looked at him blushing, that made the prince more flirtatious and he made sure to bother you a little more to make you nervous. Loki took your hand and looked at it for a long time as if he were looking at a map of his next journey.
"I wonder what else these hands know how to do?"
You started to get hot even though it wasn't the hottest day and you felt your palms sweat. Even so, Loki didn't seem to care since he caressed every inch of the skin of your hands, your knuckles, your nails, your back and palm. He did it with a delicacy and patience as if he were enjoying that moment, and he was. You withdrew your hand, sliding it politely out of his, feeling self-conscious by all these displays of affection. You didn't understand why Loki was being so affectionate with you, you couldn't even imagine that from the way he looked at you he was about to devour you.
"Excuse me, Prince Loki, but it's already late. I think we should go back to our homes"
With a worried gesture you made a gesture to get up but Loki gave you a look like a slaughtered lamb that broke your heart in two, you didn't want to be rude to him but you didn't understand what he was getting at.
"Do you want to leave so quickly? I was having a great time"
Loki found your ankle that was peeking out of the hem of your skirt and began to caress it from top to bottom and from time to time passing the nail almost scratching you but in a provocative way. You felt your legs weaken and you had to support your hands on the grass to avoid falling and you sat down resignedly next to Loki
"That's how I like it, now where were we going?
Loki had raised his hand under your skirt and now he was no longer touching your ankle but your calf, his cold touch made you shudder and tense up, the fine and delicate hand of the Asgardian caressed the upper part of your calf almost reaching the bottom behind your knee. Seeing his hand under your skirt doing something so intimate made you feverish and you couldn't do anything but watch trying not to let out gasps.
"You are very tense, I can fix that"
Loki came closer to you and put an arm on the other side of your body, cornering you between his torso, you felt him so close that in an involuntary gesture you closed your eyes tightly and tried to lean back but you couldn't, he was leaning too far
"N-no Loki, I don't think this is correct"
You turned your head a little to the side so as not to look at him, his eyes were very intimidating and penetrating but he took advantage of this to get close to your ear and bury his nose in your hair, inhaling your intoxicating perfume as he closed his eyes, his head was tickling you. close in your ear Loki took a moment and then whispered
"Relax little mouse"
The heat of his breath in your ear was more than you could bear, you rubbed your ear on your shoulder to undo that tickle that his mouth had left you close to your skin. You had never been so close to a boy, it was not usual to have male contact in your life so this revolutionized your hormones. When you looked into Loki's eyes he smiled mischievously and couldn't resist taking your lips between his. You closed your eyes instinctively but with your eyebrows raised in amazement and you let a sigh escape into his mouth. Loki's lips were warm as opposed to his cold hands, his tongue exploring yours and the rest of your mouth gently.
Suddenly he stopped and looked at you deeply until his eyes slowly traveled up your neck until they reached your cleavage.
"Mmh?"- you looked at him confused
"Your corset is very pretty but it prevents me from eating your skin"
The way he said it made you think that he was the wolf and you were the poor sheep. Nervously you untied the laces that tied your corset with straps in front, but you couldn't untie almost anything in your hurry so Loki's light hands helped you in the process. He tossed the corset aside and continued his kissing path to your neck, brushing your strands of hair aside. Loki sank his mouth into the space between your shoulder and neck like a vampire about to bite you. His mouth forcefully kissed your skin while you tilted your head to the opposite side to make room for him. You didn't understand how all this was happening so fast but you just closed your eyes feeling the pleasure that Loki gave you with his lips.
Without warning, Loki's hand that was on your left, still cornering you, went up to your waist and placed itself on the sleeve of your blouse, his finger pulled the sleeve down more than it already was and gently ran over your skin near your armpit. until reaching your chest and going down towards your breasts that were still covered by the cloth. You let out a surprised gasp. The prince interrupted his kisses on your neck to direct his gaze to where your bust was without stopping to even look at you. Loki was breathing noisily and his jaw was tilted slightly forward, he really looked like a wild animal hunting its prey.
"Let me see you well, please"
Despite his feverish and hormonal rush Loki was still a gentleman even to ask you to undress for him
Now if you lay down completely on the green grass and grabbing Loki's hand you guided it towards your chest where you began to lower the fabric of your blouse little by little until your breast was exposed, Loki wasted no time in grabbing it with one hand and with the thumb begin to stimulate your nipple. Your mouth fell open letting out a high-pitched moan as you threw your head back. Loki seeing you and knowing that he was doing his job well did not stop kneading your nipple along with your entire breast, he fervently wanted to hear you moan again. But you were very concentrated holding on to Loki's arm and squeezing your legs to not let another sound escape, luckily they were alone and the grasses were high enough to cover both of them and not be seen.
But the Asgardian was satisfied hearing his companions moan for him so he took your nipple in his mouth and took a bite. You let out the moan that you had been holding back for a while, it was almost a scream. Realizing that you covered your mouth with your hand wishing no one had heard you, you were too embarrassing for these things. But Loki just looked at you funny laughing
"C'mon pet, no one is watching. But now do something for me, will you?"
He grinned and rolled off me to lie down long and hard on the grass as well. You looked at him blankly until he slid his hand to his groin, you could see that it was tight and he seemed to have the real Mjolnir in his pants. Loki with his thumb began to lower his pants and underwear a little to reveal his pelvis. You wrung your hands trying to control your anxiety. It was your first time doing an oral and you weren't sure where to start. You timidly approached Loki and, asking for permission, you gently lowered the Asgardian's pants and boxer a little until you saw his great attribute. You didn't know how to start so you looked at Loki.
"Don't worry, I'll return the favor"- he said winking
You took his member in your hands and began to caress the trunk slowly from top to bottom, it was like making clay vases. Just like in pottery, your fingers ran smoothly along the entire length of Loki's member. The Asgardian seemed delighted with your hands as he looked up at the sky as his mouth fell open letting out hoarse moans and exhaling loudly. You decided to try putting Loki's attribute in your mouth, first it was the tip and surprised Loki let out another moan. Then more confidently you decided to go deeper but not so much as to hurt your throat. Prince Loki was delighted with your abilities and your tongue made him clench his fists. He didn't want to cum so as not to bother you since Loki could sense that it was your first time, but it was costing him great efforts. You realized that Loki wanted to cum, his penis was getting more swollen and hard so as a precaution you stopped.
You wiped your mouth with the back of your hand, while Loki was catching his breath he was ready to make you touch the heaven. He quickly raised your skirt and without giving you time to protest he caressed your thighs without abandoning his frenzy. He slipped your underwear and sticking his head into the fabric of your skirt being fully covered began to work wonders. How come Loki had so much energy to continue giving you pleasure? You arched your back letting out tender moans. Loki squeezed your thighs as he entertained himself by passing his tongue over your clit. Loki devoured everything in his path no matter how wet you were, he liked it that way. Your breathing was fast, you were very agitated and you felt your intimacy throbbing
"L-loki nggh"-you gasped- "I want-.."
Your high-pitched moans didn't let you finish the sentence, but Loki understood perfectly.
He came up to your face panting
"Turn around"
You obeyed impatiently like a girl at Christmas. Loki loved to see you so needy
You leaned forward and arched your back, raising your rear like a cat, just for Loki. But you turned your head towards him biting your lip worriedly and asked
"It will hurt me?"
Loki couldn't suppress a smile as he adjusted his hands on your buttocks but he became serious and told you gently
"Maybe a little but don't worry I'll be careful"
A little more relaxed, you let one side of your face rest on the grass full of flowers while Loki raised your skirt, revealing your beautiful butt perfectly contoured. Still with his pants down, the Asgardian searched for your pussy with his cock and when he found it, he asked if you were ready. When he heard you nod weakly, Loki inserted the tip of his glans inside you. You closed your eyes exhaling through your mouth and when the Asgardian fully entered you, you buried your face in the soft grass, stifling a cry, your hands clenched into fists and scratched the earth causing it to enter your nails. Loki was quite gentle with his thrusts but his member was so big for you that you couldn't control the moans that came out of your mouth, like pitiful and hoarse moans. Loki had found his ideal prey. Both bodies collided with each other forming one, skin with skin. The heartbeat of both rose. Loki's thrusts were increasing and made your whole body move from front to back as if a force was pushing you forward.
It went on like this for a while longer until Loki and you came at the same time, your fluids ran down your legs and you were both exhausted. You lay on the grass catching your breath and letting the flowers caress your hands, Loki lay down next to you with the grass tickling his face. They both hugged, he caressed your hair and you smiled affectionately at him, even after everything they had done you kept blushing shyly before him. The sun had gone down enough and had been on the horizon, the sky was dyed a radiant orange.
"Loki I'm cold"-you said shaking slightly, you were almost naked
Despite the fact that the prince of Asgard did not feel cold, he conjured a blanket for both of us, you snuggled up happily while giggling.
"I think that now we can go home, don't you think?"-you whispered resting your head on his chest
"Yes, you are free for today my little one"-he mumbled laughing
By the way this was inspired by a story of @clandestineloki
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what do you think the chains favorite breakfast foods are (if they eat breakfast)
Okay I'm good now.
ANYWAYS, I split you ask into two sections: first, their favorite food ever if they can get their hands on it, the second what they like to eat on the road. And then a final unhinged rant at the bottom about the one thing about teenage boys/young men and their food that I'll never understand: Bacon.
Legend--I have a feeling that he likes sweets. Specifically, waffles with whipped cream and berries. They're a little burnt, but Ravio made them for him, so he'll pretend he doesn't notice (and grows to like them better that way). On the road, he'll go for coffee/tea (he's not picky) if one of the others make it, or nothing at all.
Hyrule--does he have a favorite breakfast food? Food isn't very stable where he comes from--Legend and Wild would spoil him so much in regard of expanding his palate. But I imagine that something like a fried mixture of beef/sausage, vegetables, and a starch (perhaps an even poorer version of an already poor person food Shepherd's Pie, perhaps? it could be a breakfast food) would be a sort of filling, tasty, and easy to procure/make/preserve food that he'd like. On that note, I would say something simple, easy to get and preserve, and hardy would be his go to breakfast on the road--maybe meat jerky.
Wild--Also a sweets person. Fruit cake, cinnamon rolls, frosted cupcakes, basically all the little delicacies he could get at a dumb party 100 years ago, he ain't picky, it's for breakfast and it's fueling a day long sugar high. On the road he, unlike the other Links, can be pretty creative with his breakfasts, and he likes his spice as well. So, I think he'd like Meaty rice balls.
Four--direct this question to someone else please. He has four voices in his head fighting to answer right now, and none of them agree. I surely dont know if he doesn't.
Time--Pancakes and farm-fresh scrambled eggs and toast with jam. Malon makes it for him. What can I say. On the road he is a habitual coffee drinker, he wouldn't be functioning in the mornings without it. But he'll also take a poached egg if he has the time (heh).
Warrior--unlike Time who is a habitual coffee drinker, he is a coffee connoisseur. He likes the breakfasts they serve at the castle--a lot of meats and fruits, expensive, and on top of it all, well plated. Not to say that he can't eat simply--he was in a war, mind you--just that he prefers not to. On the road, he strikes me as the kind that would drink those tasteless quick oats (y'know you just add water, shake and go?) and also be very vocal about much time (heh) it's saving him (being none). I don't know what the Hyrule equivalent of those are.
Twilight--our favorite country boy. I think he likes a true southern breakfast. Ham and pan-fried potatoes and eggs over-easy, with a side of cheesy grits and sausage biscuits and gravy like Uli used to make for him (I HC this man has a black hole of a stomach, out of all the Links). On the road he'll inhale a boiled egg or two (salted and peppered if he's feeling fancy) that Wild made for him. I also head canon that Twilight likes tea with an intensity. And not only sweet tea, but like, ALL of the teas. He gets obsessive. I literally have in my detail/subplot tracking documents for BDOR the following entry underneath chapter 8--Tea: "Twilight’s cure to Wild’s voice is tea. His cure to life’s woes is tea."
Wind--whatever his grandma is making, probably with seafood involved. I've had a crab-spinach-egg casserole for breakfast before, it was good, so I'll give him that. On the road, I can see him packing a lot of bread and some meat (dried fish if he can get it).
Sky--This guy honestly has me stumped. Do those on Skyloft eat Loftwing eggs, or are they considered taboo? They have a lot of pumpkins around--do they incorporate them into their meals?@needfantasticstories you know a lot of Skyward Sword lore, bequeath me your wisdom. Anyways on the road he's a meat and bread person like Wind. Practical.
Now, for my rant about young men and their food quirks:
Bacon. Bacon, as I have witnessed, drives the most reasonable of men insane.
I just a few things to say about this. I have younger brothers, and I born witness to many male sleepover parties. I--as the resident nasty fe-male XD--have been (forced) to cook for them in the mornings. Set a pile of bacon in front of them (or really any meat, but I have found that bacon has the strongest affect) and they turn into WOLVES. They start to crowd around and stare as soon as they begin to smell it (which hey, give me space in the kitchen, please!), snatch it up before the grease even cools, and then retreat into their separate corners of the living room/kitchen and scarf it down, all while avoiding eye contact and projecting just how much they don't care about the bacon they're eating (perhaps so one of the others don't take notice and try to steal it). There's an odd little ritual/rules to the thing, too: for example, it's frowned upon to take more than three or four pieces at a time, there has to be enough for everyone, obviously; but if you finish a second and third serving before some poor sod stumbles in and gets himself a piece--why that is acceptable, even encouraged. But at all times, you could feel them watching each other, judging whether each person had taken acceptable amounts. 6 at once, I have determined, is veritably considered too much, as I have watched an entire group of mid-late teenage boys chase another through the house and outside for this crime of greed. Another thing was the presence of literally any other edible food. If there was anything else--eggs, fruit, even something like a few slices of unbuttered toast or coffee or juice sitting out, this reaction was largely tempered--even if none of the boys took the other foods, they would take a meager one or two pieces of bacon and be satisfied, perhaps reassured that other food was present and their hope of a filling breakfast was not in vain. Most, at that point they would restrain themselves from eating anything (other than their bacon tax) and wait so that everyone could eat together. But the mad scramble that occurs when there is bacon and only bacon in the kitchen (even if other things are cooking, nearly done, and visible to them) is otherworldly.
I never saw it with anything else, not eggs, not fruit, not even sausage or any other breakfast food. And it must be noted that I was exempt from their little ritual of judgement--perhaps as the only woman, or perhaps as the cook, I was allowed to take as much bacon as I liked from the pile, once the initial wave had attacked and retreated with their bounty (and the strips of bacon had cooled enough that mortal human hands such as my own could pick them up). And while they behaved like beasts, I was always very politely thanked for making breakfast once it was over and the frenzy had abated.
Anyways, your ask got me thinking about Malon making a pile of bacon for the boys, activating the beforehand undiscovered "PANIC! BACON!" mode in their brains, and just being utterly confused as they turn into animals. Just the boys descend, and then a few shouts of "Thanks, Malon!" drift in on the wind as they scatter like racoons with treasure, leaving an empty plate spinning behind them.
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kedreeva · 10 months
I work in a whole foods supply store, and one of our customers is a lovely old lady who lives out on a rural property, way beyond the city limits.
A pair of peacocks have nested and made babies at the edge of her land (two clutches so far this year), and she has taken it upon herself to feed them, so she comes to us to buy food - seeds, chopped nuts and dried fruits.
I know she means well, but she says the babies now come to her door to 'beg' for food, which means they're habituating, so I feel like she's doing them more harm than good.
If you knew of someone doing this, would you leave them to it, or try to dissuade them? Also, is the food I described above actually okay for peacocks?
She says the peahen is a bright, beautiful, unblemished white, which I thought was quite rare? She is going to bring me photos on her next visit...
Unless you're in India, they're not habituating because they're not wild animals, they're feral domestics. If they're hanging around and being fed, congrats, she's got free range peafowl. It's free birds!
As for the mix, I would cut out the nuts. Fruits are fine but they don't really like citrus and they shouldn't have avocado. Fresh fruits are better than dried, dried concentrates the sugars and doesn't provide any hydration. If she'll listen to you, tell her you have a friend that breeds peafowl and that they suggested better treats would be live mealworms or superworms, dubia roaches, farm-raised hornworms, or mouse pinkies. They also like fish (at least feeder fish, but possibly also larger fish they can pick apart) and meats. They can be given veggies, but they don't rip things apart the way chickens do their beaks are not as able to tear into hard things, so veggies should be chopped small. They will happily rip up greens or melons that are cut open though. Banana too! They love banana and berries.
Black oil sunflower seed and safflower are good seeds, limit corn intake. No beans allowed except refried ones. Planting clover in her yard will be a good source of nutrient-rich greens (and good for bees!).
But honestly, a good high-protein dry chow with some water added fresh to it will provide a lot of benefit, just as much attention, and probably be cheaper since you can get 50lb for like $20. I use Belstra 28% turkey starter crumble from a local feed mill. It may not look as interesting but my birds get a LOT of varied treats and chow mash is one they'll eat every day without any hesitation, and leave nothing behind. The only other treats that is true for are bugs and farmer's helper golden egg nugget treats. Even peanuts they have turned their noses up at a couple of times.
As for the white color, it's not that rare. A lot of people don't like to keep them because they get dirty easily and because colored birds often HATE them. Hens often won't mate with them if they can see other males, and males often attack or attempt to chase off white hens. In the wild, a white animal draws attention and opens the flock to predation.
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lord-amaranth-12 · 1 year
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(Almost) every food/drink etc. mentioned in obey me nightbringer and shall we date
I'll update with links to the sources soon just bare with me. Also please tell if the link arent working
Update: ill stop linking stuff for now
Update: i alphabetized everything (using https://onlinetoolz.net/alphabetical-order) and removed the ingredients for potions cause i will be moving it to another list. I also edited the layout abit to make it more readable
Update: ill start linking stuff now, have to get all out of my storage and posted here before i get full storage again
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• Abyss crimson bee honey
• Abyss crimson wasp honey
• Alla death cream
• Artic butterfly scales
• Ash fall chocolate brownies
• Assam
• Backstabbing sandwich
• Barely cooked black tapir steak
• Bat leaves
• Bavarian cream
• Bell peppers
• Black cloud chocolate gâteau
• Black coffee of melancholy
• Black shark flavored gummies
• Black tapir casserole
• Bloody marmalade
• Bloody rice omelets
• Bloody soda
• blood-red velvet cupcakes
• BLT devil sandwich
• Blue rose crystal pickles
• Blue rose petals candied in crystal syrup
• Bufo egg milk tea
• Bufo egg milk tea hell poison honey flavored
• Bufo toad
• Bufo toad sushi
• Bulbul bird eggs
• Butter pancakes
• Castella
• Cat cookies
• Colossal jumbo surprise parfait
• Comfort candy
• Crazy ghoul hamburger
• Crimson bonito flake
• Crimson bonito flake dressing
• Crimson dogwood
• Crimson tea
• Crispy chicken nugget LXXXIII
• Crushed millefeuille
• Dark star fruit sandwich
• Death maggot sauce
• Death mask bat chips
• Deaths door sauce
• Deep-fried devil zebra skewers
• Demi-glace sause
• Demon salmon
• Demonic Sausage
• demon silk moth-flavored gummies
• Demonkiller remora
• Demonkiller remora sauté
• Demonus-infused chocolate
• Demon-luring seaweed salt kalbi chips
• Devil cabbage
• Devil cacao bean
• Devil canelé
• Devil chocolate
• Devil chocolate canelé
• Devil duck confit
• Devil flower fruit trifle
• Devil ham
• Devil lohas milk tea
• Devil moray sushi
• Devil salmon meunière sandwiches
• Devil salmon rolled sushi
• Devil salmon terrine
• Devil zebra bacon
• Devil zebra meat sushi
• Devilbee popcorn
• Devildom gummy Horror house flavored
• Devildom-style boneless pararucu
• Devildom-style vampire bat sandwich
• Devils soft serve
• Dragons mark pie crust
• Dreamfeather cookies
• Dreamfeather meringue cookies
• Dried bufo egg
• Earl grey cookies
• Eternal night herbal tea
• Family pack sushi
• Fish meunière
• flaming hot mushrooms
• Flaming toad
• Fluffy egg pancakes
• Fluorescent rich yogurt
• fried devil chicken
• Fruit of wisdom jelly
• Galaxy burger
• Galaxy fries
• Garlic anchovy dip
• Giant shadow sea cucumber cream pasta
• Glazed Shadow chestnut
• gold demonus
• Gold hellfire newt syrup
• grilled vampire bat
• Hamburger gummies
• Hamburger stake
• Hamburger steak
• Haunted hamburgers
• Havoc devil
• Havoc devil ribs
• Hawthorn berry powder
• Hell demon salmon
• Hell pudding
• Hell velvet parfait
• Hellfire chocolate pie
• hellfire curry rice
• Hellfire mushroom rooled cigar
• Hellfire mushrooms
• Hellfire rose
• Hells kitchen hamburger combo
• Heros herbal tea
• Horror's horror cheesecake
• Hunter sandwich
• Instant noodles (hell-sauce flavor)
• Juicy shadow hog rice bowl
• King-sized fried devil chicken
• King-sized hellfire curry rice
• King-sized poison bleu cheese hamburger
• King-sized shadow hog ramen
• Laughingshroom powder
• Little devils white sauce
• Madam scream's super sweet scones
• Magma butter
• Magma butter pasta
• Magma butter scone
• Mandragora powder
• Marinated bufo toad
• Melted cheese
• Mimic latte
• Mint chocolate chip
• Mont blanc
• Nightshade cream
• Ocean of cloud cake-parfait
• Ocean of Clouds cake
• Ordeal orange fondae
• paradise blue
• Pasta alla death cream
• Pickled vampire bat
• poison bleu cheese hamburger
• Poison strawberry
• Poison veggie juice box
• Poison viper worm al ajiilo
• Poison worm sauce
• Poisonous cheese burgers
• Poisonous cheesecake
• Poisonous marsh pudding
• Princess poison apple
• Promised glory donut (?)
• Purgatory mustard
• Quattro Hungry Pizza
• Quetzalcoatl brains
• Quetzalcoatl brains soup
• Rainbow paw print chocolate
• Red riding hood sandwich
• RedxRed apple pie
• Region exclusive Devildom gummy
• RIP burger
• Ruby chocolate éclair
• Sabbat salad
• Salted hell rose petals
• Salt-grilled black goat bat
• Scorpion syrup
• Shadow caramel
• Shadow chestnut
• Shadow chestnut paste
• Shadow chocolate
• Shadow chocolate brownies
• Shadow hof stir fry in demi-glance sauce
• Shadow hog
• Shadow hog buns
• Shadow hog dumplings
• shadow hog ramen
• Shadow hog soup
• Shadow hog steamed bun
• Shadow hog stir fry
• Shadow pork ragu pasta
• Shadow tuna sashimi
• Silver birch sap
• Simeons special BLT devil sandwiches
• Siren bench caviar
• Smoked cocktraice glizzard
• Smoky black loco moco
• Spicy rainbow pizza
• spiderweb powder
• Sponge cake
• Stardust soda
• Starry-sky waffle
• Stonefish Meunière
• Strawberry shortcake
• Super-sized limited-edition beef
• Sweet and salty canned kraken assortment
• Sweet milk tea
• Sweet tears donut
• thick-cut giant devildom slug sauté
• Thunder sparkle flavored gummies
• Toe bean stamp salad
• Troll coffee
• Ultra D
• Unhappy Mega Combo
• Vampire bat
• Venti brashberry frappuccino with double whipped cream and extra berry powder
• Whole roast shadow hog
• Wicked cupcake
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Not in devildom
• Camping meal (Witch camp)
• Cursed goat cheese tartar sandwich (TSL)
• Ema datshi (human world)
• Ginger ale (human world)
• Hamburger (mama's cooking) (levis animes)
• Herbal tea (celestial realm)
• Huckleberry (human world)
• Hyper chili dog (human world)
• Japanese giant salamander (human world)
• Mapo tofu (human world)
• Tornado tomato (human world)
• White mochi balls in syrup (march comes in like a Panda)
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• Barbatos's homemade cake
• Barbatos's homemade pudding
• Celestial tea
• Demon lords castle edition premium demonus
• Demonus with scorpion syrup and spiderweb powder
• Devilcats favorite food
• Leviathans homemade granola
• Lobster
• marshmallow
• Moryo Town's special demonus
• multi colored Jelly
• Popcorn Deaths door flavored
• Popcorn lava salt flavored
• Popcorn magma butter flavored
• Popcorn Tree sap caramel flavored
• Pudding from devilmart
• Ramen infernal bahamit flavor
• Rare flower used in baking as a sweetener
• Really big chocolate bar
• Really big chocolate coin
• Salad from Sound Off, Symphony! Summer band camp storyline
• Sheep cake
• Star-shaped chocolate
• Sun and moon cookies by simeon
• "Little cake thingies"
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• Chocolate mold
• Devildom miso
• Egg berry whole mil
• Marinated bufo toad
• Marzipan
• Meunièr
• Newt
• Surströmming
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solriccino · 1 month
WuWa Special Dishes
Jiyan, Lingyang, Encore, Calcharo, Danjin, Yuanwu, Yangyang, Baizhi, and Aalto
Just remembered the existence of special dishes after I got Jiyan's and thought of showing most of the others' special dishes. I don't have all the recipes unlocked so I can't do all of them! (Guys I killed so much poor animals for this I feel like a murderer but at least my Uncle Mahe made bank today)
See Jiyan's here: Jiyan's Special Dish: Yesterday in Jinzhou (yeah he had his own blog I'm a Jiyan hyperfixator)
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Lingyang: Liondance Companion
How to obtain: Cook Jinzhou Skewers with Lingyang as the assistant.
Increase all party members' ATK by 120, lasting for 15m. (This effect only applies to your own Resonator(s) in Co-op Mode)
Snacks Lingyang made for the Liondance audience. The treats were a perfect combination of fatty and lean meats, complemented by fruits and vegetables to balance out the heaviness. Ideal for enjoying while watching the performance.
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Encore: Baa Baa Crisp
How to obtain: Cook Star Flakes with Encore as the assistant.
Increases all party members' DEF by 40%, lasting for 30m. (This effect only applies to your own Resonator(s) in Co-op Mode)
After multiple attempts, Encore triumphantly created a dish she was pleased with. Golden and crunchy, each bite resembled a miniature lamb. And after indulging, one would surely dream of frolicking among sheep. With this culinary masterpiece, there's no need to fret - it can be savored without hesitation.
(This took me like 12 attempts to finally get in comparison to everyone else who took me like around 3 attempts so they're not lying when it took Encore multiple attempts to make her dish 😭😭 If that was intentional that is such a great detail)
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Calcharo: Ration Bar
How to obtain: Cook Food Ration Bar with Calcharo as the assistant.
Increases the DEF of all Resonators in the team by 36% for 15 minutes. In multiplayer games, it only affects your own characters.
Calcharo has a fondness for Huanglong's Food Ration Bar. He believes it efficiently satisfies basic energy needs in the wild and has a unique taste. To cater to some of the younger merc's preferences, Calcharo has enhanced the bar by adding dried fruits, sugar beans, and various seasonings, creating a variety of flavors.
(Idk about u guys but something about Calcharo liking the food ration bars is so weirdly cute or I'm just a girl)
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Danjin: Loong Whiskers Crisp
How to obtain: Cook Loong Whiskers Crisp with Danjin as the assistant.
Restore 50 points of Stamina.
The delicious scent of Loong Whiskers Crisp enveloped Danjin as she bit into the perfectly crisp exterior, her teeth sinking into the dreamy floss coating. Despite her love for this sweet treat, she always wished for more. The kind stall owner suggested adding extra ingredients to enhance the sweetness even further, a tempting offer that Danjin couldn't resist.
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Yuanwu: Sanqing Tea
How to obtain: Cook Angelica Tea with Yuanwu as the assistant.
Increases all party members' max HP by 28%, lasting for 30m. (This effect only applies to your own Resonator(s) in Co-op Mode)
The Sanqing tea from Yuanwu Boxing Gym has healing properties, aiding the spleen, lungs, and alleviating worries. A cup after a boxing session boosts blood flow and circulation while soothing the mind. The perfect combination of exercise and tea brings a sense of inner peace, momentarily freeing one from mundane concerns and desires.
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Yangyang: Fluffy Wuthercake
How to obtain: Cook Wuthercake with Yangyang as the assistant.
Increases all party members' ATK bu 33%, lasting for 30m. (This effect only applies to your own Resonator(s) in Co-op Mode)
A Wuthercake made with Yangyang's special formula. It incorporates whipped egg whites instead of the usual yolks. The result? A fluffy and tender treat that is both delicious and nutritious, thanks to the addition of berry jam. This revamped recipe caters to all ages, from seniors to picky kids, making it a satisfying indulgence for everyone.
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Baizhi: Iced Perilla
How to obtain: Cook Perilla Salad with Baizhi as the assistant.
Increases all party members' Crit. Rate by 12%, lasting for 15m. (This effect only applies to your own Resonator(s) in Co-op Mode)
In moments of research block, Baizhi turns to the chilled Perilla she always has on hand for a refreshing pause. The cool, herbal flavor soothes her senses and helps calm her racing thoughts. As she finishes her plate, her mind clears and she's able to refocus on her work with renewed determination.
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Sanhua: Crystal Clear Buns
How to obtain: Cook Loong Buns with Sanhua as the assistant.
Increases all party members' DEF by 28%, lasting for 30m. (This effect only applies to your own Resonator(s) in Co-op Mode)
Sanhua revamped the traditional ingredients used in Loong Buns, creating a refreshing and translucent treat perfect for cooling down during hot summers. This delicacy quickly became a staple on the City Hall's tables, winning over the hearts of all visitors... and the Jinzhou Magistrate herself.
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Aalto: Misty Tea
How to obtain: Cook Happiness Tea (the recipe is named Xi Ling Tea) with Aalto as the assistant.
Increases all party members' DEF by 14% and max HP by 12%, lasting for 30m. (This effect only applies to your own Resonator(s) in Co-op Mode)
The tea is a favorite of Aalto. As the water in the pot turns to mist and then back into water in the cup, the aroma of the tea is coupled with the soothing mist. "Now, let's get down to business." It seems Aalto's mastery of tea-making is just one of his many skills in the business world.
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Notes on the special dishes of those who I haven't included here
Mortefi: Crispy Squab (Recipe obtained at Casket Delivery level 10 aka you have to get all Sonance Caskets)
Chixia: Jinzhou Maocai (Recipe obtained at Chef level 4)
Taoqi: Kudzu Congee (???)
Verina: Morri Pot (???)
Jianxin: ??? (She's the only one I don't have asjsj)
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Bonus pics of my Jiyan <33
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mayhemscorner · 1 year
You’re in my spot
Shikamaru x reader
Summary: reader finds someone in their favorite napping spot (Shikamaru fanfic because he’s one of my favorites? Yes please)
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“Hey yourself, I’m trying to nap here.” Shikamaru grumbles, not even bothering to open his eyes.
“You’re in my spot.” The stranger huffs, kicking the outer part of Shikamaru’s leg.
“Get lost, I was here first.” Shikamaru yawns.
“And you’re on my property.” The stranger giggles,” but if you’re insistent, at least scoot over.”
Shikamaru cracks an eyelid open, he didn’t notice he had walked off his own property but the girl was right. The Nara compound was almost half a mile away. He stretches and gets up to move as she pipes up,” you don’t have to leave. Just don’t disturb the wildlife.” 
“Forget it.” Shikamaru huffs, starting to walk off and down to the road. She only shrugs before laying down in the ghostly warm spot that Shikamaru had given up. 
“What a drag, to think I’d get some peace and quiet.” He mumbles.
“You’re telling me, it’s not everyday you find someone already napping where you wanted to. I offered to share, but your loss.” She calls out to him. Shikamaru stops in his tracks, turning back to the spot he was at,” you don’t snore do you?”
“How should I know? I can’t exactly watch myself when I sleep. Are you going to keep asking bothersome questions or are you going to lay down?” She grumbles back to him.
“I guess. Not like I have anywhere else to go.” Shikamaru rolls his eyes, plopping down in the plush moss. That was what made the spot perfect. This whole area was moss instead of prickly grass, it was almost a phenomenon compared to the dirt and grassy fields on the Nara compound, even the rest of the leaf village. The two spent hours in silence, napping on and off. Thankfully, she didn’t snore. But, the two were still complete strangers. She finally sits up and stretches out as the sun sinks lower in the sky. 
“Great, I have to head home for dinner. You should probably go too, the bears are nocturnal.” The strange girl throws out over her shoulder. 
“Bears?” Shikamaru asks. 
“You are on Kuma compound land. Bears are pretty common here since we… work with them.” The sigh she lets off makes it seem like it’s a known fact.
“You’re an animal handler, Like the Inuzukas.” Shikamaru questions, finally intrigued.
“You’re half right. We can’t train bears like dogs, that’s just cruel. We have a contract with them. We offer them solace and safety on our land and in turn we inherit bear like qualities and can summon them in battle. It’s not that hard to grasp. What’s your name anyway?” She rambles on, deciding it was her turn to get a question in.
“Y/N. Now get off my property, I want to go eat.” Y/N smirks, showing it was at least half banter. 
Y/N knew he was a Nara, she wasn’t stupid. It just threw her off with always being told the Nara’s had a genius kid, when the one she met seemed like a dunce. Maybe he had an older brother. As she watches his figure grow smaller Y/N decides to shout out,” you’re more than welcome to come back in daylight, just don’t show up after dark and don’t take my spot.” 
The next day, he was there in the same spot. Only this time he had a basket full of random things.
“My dad made me bring this, just some useless stuff.” Shikamaru huffs, stretching his hand out to give her the basket. She looks down noticing berries and dried meat, as well as a few jars of what seemed to be ointments or some medical remedies.
“That’s crazy, my mom made me bring a basket to give to you instead of saying I had tell you to get the hell off the property.” Y/N chuckles, remembering how her mom was excited to hear a Nara had graced the compounds presence. The crazy woman filled the basket with acorns and apples as well as some preserved fruits and jellies she made. Then lastly a fancy scroll offering the Nara family to dinner and explaining the acorns and apples were for the deer. The two exchanged baskets, looking confused.
“I guess, do you want to feed a bear?” Y/N pipes up, reaching at the hide necklace around her neck and blowing at the trinket attached to make a sound. Three bears soon come lazily trudging from the tree line, already sniffing at the basket. Shikamaru could see the resemblance in laziness, maybe he should work with bears. Napping all day and eating whenever seemed like the perfect dream. One bear nudges him forward and crashing in towards Y/N, sending them both plummeting to the ground.
“Gure, stop pushing.” Y/N groans from underneath Shikamaru who winces himself. 
“Your face is pink.” She points out, reaching a hand up to poke at Shikamaru’s cheek, causing his eyebrow to twitch and face flush hotter.
“That happens when all the blood rushes to my head, damnit.” Shikamaru quickly defends, rolling off to hide his face from reddening anymore. 
“Anyways these are the triplets, Gure, Kuro, and Chairo. We work together.” Y/N explains nonchalantly while dropping a handful of berries in Shikamaru’s hand. 
“You say that like you work an office job with them. It’s cool I guess.” Shikamaru yawns out while Kuro nuzzles in to him, knocking the poor guy down again before robbing the berries from his hand. 
“You get used to that.” Y/N laughs laying down next to him and giving in to the pile of lazy bears for a mid morning nap. 
“Well, You all look like you got in to some fermented fruit. And Y/N, what did I tell you about napping?” Y/N’s mom comes down the clearing laughing at the sight. 
“I’m an adult now, and I don’t have another mission for three days. I can afford a nap.” Y/N reluctantly grumbles before getting knocked upside the head by the back of her mothers hand. 
“If you’re an adult why don’t you find love and move out already?” Her mom recoils quickly back as Shikamaru rises from under Kuros giant paw. She blushes slightly,”I didn’t realize that’s what you were working on out here.” 
Both Y/N and Shikamaru have to pick their jaws up from the forest floor from the off guard comment. 
“Mom, disgusting. Take this basket and get out of here!” Y/N pushes the basket from the Nara’s to her mother and groans in embarrassment. 
“Oh my, how thoughtful! A basket from the Nara clan. I can’t wait to rub this in Tsume’s face.” The older lady tilts her head back in laughter at the thought of the slim possibility seeing her favorite rival becoming jealous. It was common to have dinner with the Inuzuka’s, listening to the two mothers argue and try anything in their will to get any of the siblings together so the clans could finally unite. Kiba unfortunately was too much of a brotherly figure to Y/N, and Hana didn’t care much for Y/N’s brothers. Regardless, they still attempted. And it was annoying. 
“I would apologize for her, but she’s not my responsibility.” Y/N mutters quietly to Shikamaru while standing and brushing off the stray pieces of moss from her hair. Shikamaru only shrugs, then crawls his way out of the mess of the still sleeping bears.
“Wait until you meet my mom, this is nothing.” Shikamaru groans as he gathers the basket to take home. Before leaving, he picks one last piece of moss from Y/N’s hair, letting his hand hover by the side of her face for maybe a moment too long as they both look at each other, refusing to blink.
The following days, it was the same routine.
Wake up, nap in the field, tend to the bear’s, eat dinner, train at dark, go to bed. Y/N couldn’t complain, but dinner with the Nara family before leaving on a mission loomed over her. 
“This blows, why are we having dinner right before I leave?” Y/N groans, grabbing plates to set the table.
“It’s not like it’s any different than when we have dinner with the Inuzuka’s before a mission Y/N. You act like you actually like the boy.” She chuckles, grabbing the nice silverware. Y/N’s cheeks flush red as she becomes flustered,” stop trying to marry me off, you’re being nice to someone who trespassed on our property.”
“You remind me so much of your father.” Her mother groans, looking at the picture on the living room wall boasting a tall man sprawled over the same couch that still sits with four kids on top of him as he takes a nap without a care in the world,” lazy at home. Hated settling down. Always complaining… but still a stand up shinobi of the leaf.”
She pats Y/N’s head, messing up her freshly washed hair as the doorbell rings. Her eyes light up in realization as she whispers,” you even showered and put makeup on!”
Y/N groans as she opens the door, revealing Shikamaru and his own family. Shikamaru had even cleaned up a bit, tossing away his usual shirt for a dressier black one. 
“These are for your family.” Shikaku grumbles out from behind, extended a bouquet of wildflowers as the two younger adults sigh. 
“Charming… mom these are for you.” Y/N groans, passing the flowers to her excited mom,” go get your brothers it’s time to eat!”
“Hey, get down here and get some food before I possibly die on my mission.” She screams from the bottom of the stairs, unleashing three grown men tumbling down in a frenzy, only halting at the realization they have guests.
“Kyokuchi, Kawa, Mori, these are the Nara’s. Try to chew with your mouth closed, these people aren’t the Inuzuka’s”
“Figured that much out when ma busted out the fine china. These those fancy shadow people she always rambles about and your new boyfriend?” Mori chuckles out. Kawa is quick to slap him upside the head,” she’s an adult it’s called a potential suitor at this age, Mori. Can’t wait till you catch slack for bringing a girl home and Y/N gets to be an absolute asshole to you.”
“Language!” Their mom calls out in unison with the level headed of the triplets, Kyokuchi.
“Don’t chastise them on our account, swearing is shown to be beneficial in the traumatic life of a shinobi.” Shikaku sighs out, sitting at the table and unceremoniously taking his ratted deer skin shawl off to reveal a nice button down shirt. 
“And you must be Yoshino. I’m Kuroi Kuma. It’s an honor for you to have dinner with us!” Y/N’s mom gushes, leading Yoshino to a chair before setting food on the table. The three brothers slide in next to each other leaving to seats next to each other for Shikamaru and Y/N. Shikaku glares at Shikamaru’s hand on the back of the seat before meeting his eyes,” such a gentleman I raised.”
“Yeah. Sure.” Shikamaru drones, pulling the chair out and motioning with his other hand towards a confused Y/N,” uhm, thanks?”
They awkwardly sit, blushing in the silence of everyone eating, save for the three rambunctious brothers gnawing loudly on their food. It was so quiet, it almost drove Y/N crazy listening to the old clock tick away,” I’m going to go eat on the back porch, it’s pretty stuffy in here.”
“Y/N, we have guests. Why don’t you tell us a little about your mission tonight?” Kuroi seethes out, motioning a threatening finger downwards. Y/N drops her plate back down and begrudgingly slams back in to her chair,” it’s a lousy mission. We’re just being sent as support to help track a rouge that’s trying to reinstate the Akatsuki.”
“That’s some dangerous stuff. Good thing Shikamaru is going as well.” Shikaku chuckles out with a sideways smile, egging on the mass humiliation of the two.
“It’s a drag is what it is. Some idiot thinks anyone other than Naruto is strong enough to reinstate an organization that leveled villages. No one is strong enough in these days.” Shikamaru groans, shoveling a spoonful of food in his mouth and talking.
“We said the same during previous wars. Someone in the academy will be stronger than you all one day. Surpass you with flying colors even. New Jutsus are invented everyday, Shikamaru. I figured you were smart enough to put that together.” Shikaku shoots back.
“It is pretty stuffy in here, I think I’ll join Y/N outside where there isn’t any nagging.” Shikamaru says in finality. He looks over to Y/N, waiting to be ushered to the porch. Her realization sets in, quickly jumping to the door with her plate as her mother calls out,” don’t forget to bring your plates in!”
“I’m sorry about them.” They both say as the door shuts.
“No I-“
“Oh sorry you g-“
“Ah, damnit.” Y/N mutters out as they both stumble over each others words.
“I guess it’s a universal parent thing to embarrass us.” Shikamaru finally smiles, taking a stewed miniature potato between his teeth as they sit across each other on the porch. Y/N smiles back, continuing to eat as they turn their attention to the moss covered land that stretches on. She can’t help but laugh,” I think it’s stupid really.”
“What is?” Shikamaru asks in confusion.
“Can I be honest for a minute? My mom thinks she can rope me in to these dinners to set me up with a man or try to tie in to another family. I think love is stupid. Why should I have to depend on another person?” She babbles out, dropping her fork and lounging on her forearms to soak in the high sun.
“Tell me about it. Look how vulnerable it’s made my parents. My dad would die for the woman without blinking an eye.” Shikamaru sighs, following suit in the same position as Y/N.
She lays fully back, smacking her head lightly against the rough wood beneath them,” at least someone finally gets it. Now convince my mother.”
Shikamaru lays on his side to look at her,” only if you convince mine first.”
They both laugh, and Shikamaru watched as she bared sharp canine teeth, how the sun bounced off her eyelashes and down to her irises. How her hair glistened. He became silent, realizing what his mind had just processed, she was a decent looking woman. They could have two kids, first a girl. Than a boy. He’d retire after their daughter was married and their son successful, and spend the rest of his days playing shogi or go before dying of old age before her. He quickly sits up, snatching his plate,” I’m going to go take care of this. I’ll take yours too.”
“Good luck, my moms going to pressure you in to a slice of her triple berry pie and talk your ear off for half an hour.” She fires back, curling in on herself to try for a quick nap. Shikamaru smiles, slipping back inside, and immediately bombarded by the two mothers,” I seen the spark Kuroi.”
“I seen it, I seen it Yoshino!” Kuroi fans out as they clutch each others hands, already showing a close bond. 
“You two stop staring at them through the door like it’s a soap opera and leave them be.” Shikaku grumbles from the table, slicing a piece of pie before continuing,” now go share a slice of pie with her and get out of here before they start rattling off baby names.”
“You’re feeding in to this nonsense too?” Shikamaru asks defeatedly, grabbing the single slice of pie. Shikaku only smirks,” I’m thinking Shikainu.”
Shikamaru scoffs, leaving the possibly intoxicated parents, and quickly handing Y/N the slice of pie,” here. You can have it.”
“You should try a bite first if you aren’t having a slice to yourself. It is pretty good.” She confusedly suggests, sliding the plate back to him. He slides it back, causing a chess match with the small plate of pie before Y/N forcefully grabs the fork and his shirt collar,” one bite damnit!”
His mouth clamps against the fork harshly, quickly becoming intoxicated with the sweet taste against his mouth and the questionable sensation of her forcefully feeding him. His face once again reddens before turning away,” it’s alright I guess.”
“Oh don’t tell me you’re allergic to berries, your face is going red again.” She says dumbfounded.
“It’s not the damn berries. It’s just hot out here.” He defends trying his best to look away.
“…you’re blushing?” She asks, sitting against her knees in front of him,” you fell in to their trap!”
“You just looked kind of pretty, I’m not in love with your or anything so calm down.” He quickly utters out, glancing quickly at her own blushing face. 
“Why are you blushing? Did you fall in to their trap?” He shoots back, smirking at the small win. She turns away, trying to cross her arms but falls quickly over on top of him. She gasps at the closeness before scrambling backwards,” absolutely not! Are you crazy?”
“You’re the one throwing yourself at me, Y/N. And you said love was stupid.” He eggs her on, somewhat enjoying he caught her unable to hide her feelings as he keeps hold of her arms to prevent her from climbing away.
“It was-is! Let go of me before our parents get the wrong idea, damnit!” Y/N yells out, tugging against his grip. Shikamaru bravely leans closer,” or we could get them off our backs and pretend.”
“Pretend? How do you pretend to love someone?” Y/N shrieks out in a whisper, finally meeting his gaze and realizing how close he had leaned in,” like this.”
Shikamaru leans in, connecting their lips for a brief moment before mumbling against hers,” you don’t have to like it. But this should get them off our backs. They were starting to discuss baby names in there and I like my freedo-“
He’s cut off by Y/N reconnecting their lips and her hands sliding down to grasp his. 
“At least make it convincing since this was your bright idea.” She grumbles between his lips. He kisses back, not for show, but for his own guilty pleasure. It felt kind of nice. Plus the scene of future memories flashes across his mind every time her lips touched his. A life he wanted, a life he maybe even craved. She pulls away,” we can stop now, they walked away from the door.”
“Or we could keep doing this.” He offers coyly, smirking dumbly towards her.
“You’re losing oxygen and brain cells.” She scoffs, placing another quick kiss against his lips regardless.
“You aren’t saying no.” Shikamaru points out.
“Love is stupid because it makes you stupid. But I guess if I have to go stupid for anyone… I could always settle with you.” She fires back, laying fully down against his side as he huffs a silent laugh,” I’m not dying for you though.”
“I wouldn’t expect you to, but we should get ready for our mission.” Y/N croaks out between a yawn.
“What a drag. I forgot all about it.” He sighs.
“I told you, you lost too much oxygen.” She giggles back.
“Give me some motivation and I’ll make sure you live through this mission.” He smugly offers. She punches his shoulder,” not killing you should be motivation enough.”
He looks down to her toothy smile and threatening eyes in horror,” you got me there.”
She wraps an arm around his neck, placing one last kiss on his lips and sighing,” but that’s for making sure I live.”
“And one more to make sure you don’t get hurt?”
“Don’t push your luck, I can handle getting hurt.”
“Got it, I’ll see you in an hour.”
The Nara’s favored stronger women. Ones that could defend themselves. Ones that could become leaders on their own. And Shikamaru fell in to the fickle trap clueless men before him called love. It was a drag, but less of a drag than facing future events alone. Maybe it wasn’t such a drag after all…
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echo-goes-mmm · 2 months
Silas and Wren 2.0 #6
Warnings: eating disorder
It was only a few days later when Wren realized what was wrong with him.
He was hungry, and it was lunch time, and Wren was staring at the fresh strawberries. He’d never had fresh fruit before; usually it was canned or dried, or jam if he was lucky.
But fresh strawberries were right there. 
He licked his lips before plucking one from the container. He bit into the berry, and it was delicious. Juicy and sweet and tart. 
He ate more and more of them, sucking the juice off his fingers, and soon the half-pint was gone.
Delicious, but… wrong.
He shouldn’t have eaten so much.
Wren put the container away and went upstairs. He pulled up his shirt and looked in the mirror.
He had gained weight. Fuck. Why hadn’t he noticed earlier? It was so obvious.
Wren had never had access to so much food, and it was showing. Tears pricked at the corners of his eyes. No wonder Silas was turned off. He probably noticed Wren eating like a pig.
Wren turned in the mirror, checking his profile. His full stomach stared at him accusingly. 
He’d been eating eggs, cheese, meat, and all that fruit. Things that would have been considered wasted on slaves, and Wren was so greedy. He wanted to try everything, and look where that got him. Selfish.
He sat on his bed, head in his hands. At least he caught himself before it was too late. Losing five pounds was much easier than fifteen, or heaven forbid, more.
Luckily, he had experience getting rid of excess weight.
All masters wanted thin, attractive slaves. One of his old masters in particular had him lose ten pounds before he was good enough.
Surely he could manage five.
The scale in the bathroom was very helpful; a tool he didn’t really have before. He weighed himself twice a day to keep track. 
Wren mixed up porridge for breakfast, just like the way he used to at his old masters’ houses. Oats, water, a pinch of salt.
Half a sandwich for lunch. Salad for dinner.
The number on the scale slowly went down. Half a pound, then one. Two. Two and a half.
It wasn’t happening fast enough for him. 
Three days in, he broke. 
Wren stuffed himself with food; blackberries and toast and spoonfuls of peanut butter.
Guilt swirled in his gut. He quietly put the dishes away and put the remaining bread and peanut butter away.
He checked himself on the scale. He’d gained a pound.
Wren began to cry.
He reduced his meals even more.
Dinner was only some vegetables. Fresh ones, as a treat. They were a lot better than what he was used to, so he carefully portioned them out to avoid eating too much at once. 
A handful of broccoli, cooked to reduce the calories. He didn’t season them, forgoing salt and pepper.
If it didn’t taste that good, he could manage to eat less.
“Are you alright?” Master asked later that week. “You seem a bit tired.”
“I’m okay, Master Silas. I’ll go to bed early.”
Silas eyed him, but to his relief didn’t say anything more. 
Wren checked himself on the scale before bed. His stomach pained him, but he ignored it. He caught his reflection in the mirror, and he did look a bit tired.
His body just needed to get used to it, and then he’d be fine.
Finally. Finally, he was five pounds lighter. He nearly wept with relief.
He didn’t feel good; the world went dark when he stood up too fast, and his stomach screamed at him at all hours.
It didn’t matter. Now all he had to do was maintain his weight, and Silas would be happy, and he’d be pretty, and he’d feel better once he stopped being so strict.
He went upstairs to change out of his pajamas. 
Wren glanced in the mirror, expecting to see his old body again.
To his horror, he didn’t look any different.
He still had a stomach, still had that chub on his thighs. It wasn’t enough.
It wasn’t enough.
Five more pounds, he told himself, just five more.
Silas knew something was wrong when he came downstairs.
Wren sat at the table, a bowl empty in front of him. He looked pale, and there were dark circles under his eyes.
He’d asked about it, but Wren insisted he was only tired.
Well, Wren would know his body best.
“Finished breakfast?” asked Silas lightly.
“Yes, Master,” Wren said, muted.
“Then do you mind if I-?” Silas gestured, and Wren tilted his head to the side, his eyes closed.
Silas brushed his lips over the usual spot, numbing the skin. Wren’s pulse was slower than usual, but maybe he had just woken up.
Silas bit down, warmth blossoming over his tongue.
It tasted… off. Like it was missing something.
He drank slowly. 
Suddenly, Wren’s heartbeat dropped like a stone.
Silas pulled off, and Wren slumped in his chair.
Oh god, he thought. I’ve killed him!
Silas scooped him up and ran up to Wren’s room. He put Wren in his bed, and his skin was so stark against the dark sheets.
Silas laid his head on his chest, listening for his heart. It was there, barely, along with the sound of his slow breathing.
Silas stood up, and sighed in relief. He was alive; he’d only fainted.
He tilted Wren’s head. The wound had clotted, and Silas wiped away the stray drops of blood.
God, he was so cold.
Silas grabbed a blanket and tucked Wren in. He sat heavily in the chair next to the bed, and waited for him to wake up. He looked so thin on the bed, his cheeks devoid of color.
How had he not noticed that Wren was sick? The evidence was right in front of him, and yet he’d done nothing.
How could he let this happen?
taglist: @just-a-whumping-racoon-with-wifi @secretwhumplair @freefallingup13 @mylovelyme @whumpzone
@paintedpigeon1 @haro-whumps @whumpthisway @fanastyfinder @extemporary-whump
@susiequaz12 @keepingwhumpwiththekardashians @the-cyrulik @morning-star-whump @writereleaserepeat
@annablogsposts @tobiaslut @starfields08000 @ghost-whump @bitchaknso
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🧚‍♀️ Anon
I have spiders on the brain, help (I’m thinking about Driders, lots and LOTS of them) 😭
Drider Johnathan would be so scary, mating season is coming and he’s busy with preparations as he wants everything to be perfect only to be surprised to see a Human! (He’s only ever seen Males) So he begins to quietly stalk until he gets the chance to pounce his next prey!
Only to be surprised that this human is a Woman! (He becomes embarrassed and begins to apologize as he’s never encountered a ‘Young Lady’, showing his gentleman side)
He ignores Darlings struggles as he takes her to his den to make it up to her with some supper and to check to see if he accidentally harmed her (He becomes fascinated by how small and dainty she is compared to him and his kind, as Females are known for being bigger, but he’s an exception since he’s as big as a female *Real Spider Biology, in most species the Females are mainly bigger than the males*)
Darling and Drider Johnathan met when they were children?
Darling got lost in the woods, only to be found by Johnathan (Who was only a bit bigger than her) who wants to help her because he’s trying to become a Gentleman!
Darling was fascinated by his appearance as she’s never met a someone with so many legs! (They’re covered in blue fluff)
Darling and Johnathan became friends during the years, with JoJo getting big and strong as an Ox (Keeping their friendship a secret) as he gifted her many animal pelts during the years as well as offerings of food like meat and berries (As part of a mating ritual)
However when Johnathan learns Darling is engaged and getting married he becomes upset (No doubt thinking she’s being married against her will) so he intends to find the man and get rid of him (Turn him into his dinner) and take Darling away and off into his Burrow (A big cave) where they can start a family together!
I can see Johnathan be a Goliath Birdeater as a Drider (As well as Joseph and Jotaro being Goliath Birdeaters too because of their size)
I’m having another weird idea for a Drider Johnathan or Risotto (I’m picturing Risotto as a Great Huntsman Spider for a Drider)
Oh boy, one thing about. I hate spiders, too many close calls with spiders. And huntsmans, don't even get me started with those bastards who just like to drop right in front of you for no reason.
But I love my monsters!
I can't say much on species as even looking at pictures gives me goosebumps.
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Warnings: NSFWish, non con elements, Somnophilia
I like the first idea of him seeing darling in the middle of the forrest. Now I propose a language barrier. He sees that darling has already been injured and takes her back with him. He's trying to calm her down as he takes her back to his den but she doesn't understand a word he's saying and vice versa.
Only when he uses his webbing to close up a big cut does she somewhat understand what's going on. Still she's terrified.
She does through her hiking bag to grab her phone only to find it smashed beyond function. Eventually she offers dried berries to try and gauge his temperament. Unfortunately he takes this as a sign of courtship. He denys them as darling needs them to heal up, but inside he's a giddy mess to have such a cute human propose to him. He's working like crazy on preparing his den for her as well as making sure she's healthy.
Then one night he undresses her and wraps her tightly into his web while she sleeps, something that was customary due to how aggressive female driders could be, not that he was afraid of her hurting him.
He takes his time to trail his hands over her, admiring her form. If any of his kind found out about this he'd be labeled a creep but he didn't care.
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tightwadspoonies · 4 months
I am allergic to all nightshades (tomato, potato, peppers, eggplant) as well as shellfish. I'm also physically disabled, so standing at the stove or counter for long periods of time is painful. My food options are so limited as a result, and I end up relying on frozen foods more than I'd like. Any ideas?
Trail mix: Lots of things can be purchased in pre-sized pieces from bulk stores and mixed in zipper bags. I recommend dried fruit or berries without added sugar, seeds (pumpkin, sunflower, etc..), nuts, and puffed grain or cereal pieces. Making your own mix is usually a healthier and more customizable option than buying pre-made, so you can expand it out to a meal or just eat as a snack.
Meal shakes- Combine a regular smoothie recipe with some heavy cream or nut butter for more calories. These are much easier to clean up after if you use a stick blender and rinse it off immediately.
The following recipes minimize prep, or allow prep to be done at a different time than the meal will be consumed:
Sheet pan meals: Cut pieces of 2 different vegetables (sweet potato, onion, broccoli, green beans, cauliflower, etc...) and a meat (chicken, sausage links, beef, pork, etc...) into 1-inch cubes, toss in oil of choice with spices of choice (I like garlic, onion, salt, and black pepper), lay on a sheet pan, and bake until the meat is cooked through (30-45mins at 350F).
The chopping can be done seated and/or done ahead on a good day (or even purchased pre-cut at some supermarkets) and frozen (lay on a baking tray in the freezer for an hour, then put in a zipper bag) for a quick meal on a bad day. You can cut down on dishes by lining the pan you freeze or cook with in parchment paper.
Instant Pot or slow cooker meals: Put some meat, roughly chopped onions, spices of choice, oil of choice, and broth in a slow cooker or instant pot, set to appropriate settings and wait.
Make rice or other starch ahead of time and freeze in portions. Then all you have to do is microwave it to go with a sheet pan dinner or instant pot dinner.
Non-nightshade sauces can be tricky, but here is a relatively easy one that doesn't require sautee-ing. It does require an instant pot or slow cooker and blender or immersion blender.
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pillowspace · 8 months
A warmth seeps into your bones, mid-autumn air dispelled by a large fireplace. The flames in the hearth crackled, spitting embers into the air, shooting up the chimney to die off. Sat upon a long-backed chair, you lounge, normally quite content to relax after the craziness of the past. This time, however, you can't help a small fidget, a deep-rooted desire to do something, even if you're not sure what.
Getting up, your gaze sweeps your abode, littered with pieces of furniture and trinkets gifted to you by the deities, mostly Eclipse. Your eyes alight upon the kitchen, and an old pull tugs you forward, searching cabinet contents to see what you still have stocked. Flour, eggs, oats, dried meat, cheese, raspberry-
You pause at the last one, a faint memory surfacing in the back of your mind. Reaching into the container which stores the ripe red berries, an idea comes to mind. Gathering what you need, you start the fire in the oven before reaching up on tiptoe to try and obtain a pie tin, which had been tucked out of the way and forgotten. Not intentionally, of course, but you'd been a bit…distracted, for a long time, and hadn't gotten to moving it to your level again.
Your fingers brush the metal, starting to curl and pull, when your ankle decided that would be a great time to fold out from under you. A gasp slips out, tin jerked forward as you start to fall, pan following after, coming directly towards your face-
Large, bright hands catch both you and the tin. Startled, you look up into a gold and flaxen yellow face, framed by marigold rays. "Careful, sunshine," he admonishes, setting the tray aside while still holding you in an awkward dip. Flushing, you scramble to regain your footing, brushing imaginary dirt off your pants. "Thanks, Sunny," you mumble, embarrassed. The deity smiles, hand flapping back to his side now that he no longer holds you.
"Of course, sunshine. Any time," he promises. It brings an odd, not entirely pleasant, tingle to fuzz your mind, ghosts attempting to haunt you. You dismiss them with a mental flick. "What are you doing?" Sun asks, helping you break from your stupor.
Waving at your ingredients, you shrug. "Thought I might cook, for old time's sake," you inform, moving to do just that. You start with the flour, scooping water from a bucket you'd brought in earlier in the day, beginning to shape the dough. It takes a minute for the proper thickness to set in, caught off guard when Sun's hands enter from your periphery, moving to assist, making sure the tin was clean and prepped before hesitantly hovering his hands over yours. The fact he cools preceding entering your home on instinct nowadays is something to be thankful for, recalling the first time you accidentally burned your hand on him.
Everything about this moment drips with nostalgia, really. You, making raspberries pies, while Sun lingers in the room. This time, however, your hands entwine with his as you flatten and roll the dough, a gentle rhythm that chases away your earlier dis-at-ease. Once fully shaped, run over by a rolling pin, you place the dough in the tin, making sure it fits right, removing excess. You both pour in the raspberries, accompanied by a jam for extra sweet stickiness. Studying your work proudly, you glance up at Sun when he hums, contemplating. Reaching onto the shelves in front of you, he check through jars of spices and herbs, before locating his objective with a small, "Aha!"
You stare at the cinnamon, the memories playing out in a pleasant sense of deja vu. He must be feeling quite sentimental as well, not to mention the fact it was still a bit funny to you, thinking back on it now, how he offered to settle the debt he never had by giving you more of the sharp spice. In the end, he had gotten his wish, kinda, a fact that makes you chuckle.
Sprinkling it in, you fold everything in place, allow Sun to slide it into the oven. Lowered closer to your height, you dart forward to give him a kiss on the cheek. Stunned, he nearly drops the pie, barely managing to collect himself, securing it in place before turning to you with twinkling eyes.
"Sunshine," he nearly sings. You play innocent, smiling. "Yes, Sunny?" you playfully answer back. He quirks a brow, unimpressed, but beaming all the same when he moves forward to plant his lips to yours. A warmth far greater than the one provided by the fireplace earlier seeps into your veins, and you tenderly hold his face, enraptured by bright ivory orbs.
It felt so nice to have this again, after everything, and you wouldn't trade it for the world.
Annnnd part 2!
If you couldn't tell, they're all meant to take place after CSD ends. I know there's no real way for us readers to know how things pan out, but felt it more fun for the open relationship stuff.
Thought about how it might feel for Y/N to go back to the mundane after all the craziness. At least their gods are there for them :)
I hope you'll be satisfied to know that absolutely none of this clashes with the fic canon whatsoever, Y/N would have so many things from Eclipse. And with every hint of something having been a struggle, it's such a delight personally knowing for myself what those struggles were. It's such a lovely glimpse into the future, especially knowing where in the future this would be
I am holding this soooo gently, thank you. KISS KISS KISS KISS ARGRHRGRHRGRGRRGRG
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musical-chan · 2 months
Oops, I missed WIP Wednesday
But OH WELL! This is the start of my fic "Link and the Deity" which covers early moments after chapter 1 of Father Of Time!. I'll be releasing the first chapter on my birthday! May 17th!
The new house was a little creepy. 
Link thought about going back to the forest to sleep. At least he had a bed there. But it was so exciting to have a house! To have someone tell him that they were his father and that they weren't going to leave. And he didn't really want to leave this place they had claimed, not yet. Not on the first day! 
Out one of the windows, Link could see the deity gathering logs and branches from the ground around the house. Oh, a fire was a good idea, wasn't it? The nights were still cool and the house was probably really drafty. The boy eyed the old fireplace and took a look inside. Petrified remains of the last fire sat sadly in the firebox but when he glanced up the chimney, it was clear.  That was some good luck! They could safely have a fire tonight. 
For a moment, he spun around looking at the large room in the fading light. It was big and open and the far corner had an old, stone stove he had seen in other Hylian houses. They'd have to repair the bricks around it but the stone seemed in good condition. Link left dusty footprints on the floor as he inspected the counters and looked into the lower chamber where the fire would go; just an abandoned mouse nest amongst old logs. Anything wooden had been chewed on and would probably need to be replaced anyway.
As he wandered away from that corner, running a hand along the grimy walls, Link wondered about the people who lived there before, thinking about the things they had left behind and the absence of the items they didn't. Sure, there were old, ruined pieces of furniture here and there but not as much as there should be. Maybe they had moved out on their own instead of going off to die in the war. He would never really know, would he? 
Suddenly Link's stomach grumbled. Oh man! How long had it been since he ate anything? He rummaged in his bag, pushing past the hookshot and the lens, old masks from Castle Town, the transformation masks from Termina, deku seeds and sticks, until he found his carefully hoarded supply of food. It was still late spring so there weren't many berries around yet but he usually had a cache of nuts for emergencies.  A little digging found those and some dried meat that Talon had given him recently. Nice! And a few bottles of milk from Lon Lon. This was great! Lots of food. 
When the deity came back inside, he found the boy on the dusty floor, sorting out his supplies into piles as he idly chewed on the meat. The god kept his eyes trained on his new child for a moment, unnoticed, then began making a fire in the large fireplace. Link looked up at the noises and shoved everything back into his bag with reckless abandon. By the time the fire was going, he had come over and was holding out a bottle of milk and a piece of dried meat. 
"I bet you're hungry."  The god stared and Link pushed the items at him gently. "You were a mask for a long time, right? You probably need to eat. Here." 
The deity, crouched from his efforts with the fire, sat heavily. Many of his movements were slightly awkward, too weighty, as if he didn't realise the strength or effort involved in doing them. Link didn't remember the deity having those problems when he was wearing the mask but maybe having his real body back changed things.  Always before it had been Link's body borrowing the deity's power and experience. He had been in charge, at least most of the time, and for those moments they had shared thoughts.  Now that the deity was alone and had his real body back, surely the muscle memory would return.  Link gently put the food into the god's hands then looked up into the white eyes. 
"Eat, okay?" 
"You…need food. Children need food."
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beesneedswords · 3 months
The Camp Mystery
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A quick little story of camp and some of its happenings. (Idea from @alonelybeemakingart )
Sorry guys, I've been kinda out of it recently. Trying to get caught up and restarted on a lot of things.
You notice camp supplies dwindling. You still have several large bottles of wine and various ales and many potatoes growing eyes. Every time Gale grabs some cheese, you see him whittling away, getting as much mold as can can off of it. The bread he served is stale and starting to get blue and black spots on it. As far as meat goes, you and your companions have been holding onto one dried sausage for weeks now.
You look in the chest and see two wheels of cheese completely molded through and half of the potatoes are soft and covered in roots and eyes. You toss the rotten food into the trees and look at the remaining food: half a loaf of bread, 20 bottles of wine, 3 potatoes, a courgette, a wedge of cheese, and the dried sausage. You gather the food and two bottles of wine and head over to Gale.
He looks at the assortment and smiles sadly, "This is all?"
"We only have wine left." You shrug and place the food in a heap next to the campfire.
"Soup it is." He tries to muster a smile, but it's weak and finicky.
He takes his time cutting the vegetables into bite size pieces. The sausage he makes into such small pieces, it doesn't really resemble the meat at all. Gale toasts and cuts the bread until there's only one inch slices for everyone. When he's done with the meal he dishes out an equal serving for everyone.
Everyone seems to take their time, savoring every bite before it's gone. All too soon the bowls are empty and the cups are dry. As you all head to your tents and bedrolls, you see Astarion and Halsin retreat into the forest. You shrug it off assuming the vampire is looking for his next meal, the druid, however, is a mystery.
In the morning you go to the chest and find a rag full of raspberries, another full of honey comb, and another with various mushrooms and other edible plants. In several jars you see thin slices of meat. You turn to see Halsin, Astarion, and surprisingly Gale asleep next to the now smoldering fire.
You decide to grab a few sticks and make a makeshift drying rack hoping to make the meat last longer. You set out some berries and wait for the others to wake. You set Wyll and Lae'zel on protecting the meat from various wildlife before waking Astarion.
"I'm sorry to wake you, but we need to get going." You say.
Astarion stretches and gets himself ready for the day. As the days continue you notice more and more meat and berries in the chest. And every morning the three men are asleep next to a dead fire. One night you finally decide to stay up to see what they're up to. You already have a theory, the boys are going out to hunt and gather, but you just want to be sure.
After dinner, you head back to your tent to wait. You must've dozed off because the next thing you know the sounds of heavy feet and breathless gasps send your eyes flying open. You see Halsin with a cloth soaked in red and purple and Astarion dragging a small boar behind him. Just what you'd expected. They set everything down by the fire before making their way to Gale. He's the only piece you've never been able to figure out. They wake him gently and he quickly grabs a knife.
You watch as they each begin to separate and put away everything they found. They laugh and joke and tell stories as they do so. You never thought you'd see the day Astarion and Gale get along. You decide it's best not to say anything. They're getting along too well to ruin it.
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