#just btw LL team
trutrustories · 11 months
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Since we're only a few days away from the last episode, I decided to COUNT DOWN everything we´ve got so far ( that can be interpreted very easily as romantic ) and discuss what the actual fuck is going on with second season. Because even though I shipped lokius practically from S1E2, I absolutely did NOT expect this kind of development. (Not that I´m complaining) Warning: This is gonna be LONG post, lots of screenshots, lots of SPOILERS, lot of "oh-my-god-they-so-cute" language, and little bit of meta. I originally thought that this post would be everything at once, but since I have just too many screenshots this time around, I´ll have to split it. so every post will be one episode. Color coding means:
IIIIIIIIII = anything, that coud potentialy be just acting choice.
IIIIIIIIII = everything else (tzn.: whatever was written, and/or carefully prepared by filmmakers. )
side note: I already wrote, about how amazing it is, that Mobius is unable to fight but fights anyway and how beautifuly, and ridiculously brave he is HERE. But this is about Loki/Mobius interactions, so I´ll try my best not to talk about THAT. (Even when I´m really happy, that s2 continues with this formula and Mobius is still his completely defenseless while aggressively brave self. I love him, btw.)
Soooo EPISODE 1, le´t go: 1)"Mobius It´s me!" few second in and we have slowmo chasing scene with detail on Loki, and Mobius and then THIS Loki´s heartbreaking look on his face here.
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2) "Tell me, you recognize me!" (Loki trying to desperetly find Mobius, and then running towards him) Also If this Time slipping didn´t triggered anything external, but It´s just his own, unlocked power - I honestly don´t know, how they will explain that - does that mean, that he unknowingly unlocked this power, because he was send by Silvie into the past, and then he was simply desperete and Mobius couldn´t recognized him so his body reacted by time slipping to place and time, where Mobius would know who he is???
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3) this very unexpected exhibition of touches (meaning Mobius practicaly glueing himself to Loki for this entire section)
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I´m sorry, but my man here is like "no, I´m not about to let you have a personal space. NOT. AN. OPTION. let me hold you some more" xD
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4) This scene in in an elevator first of all, that was a second time, he slipped and was RIGHT back with Mobius, the very next second. secondly: Mobius being scared for Loki and insisting he needs immediate help thirdly: Loki reassuring Mobius, It´s not that bad.
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also this "we just had sex in a cabin" shot:
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and lastly...
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Big thanks to the film crew for this shot to give us an idea just HOW MUCH OF AN UNUSED SPACE was in the elevator! 👌
5) Mobius and Loki talking to OB. being perfectly coordinated team and smoothly working together, while standing on a same spot, but in a completely different time.
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poetry... just poetry!
6) Distressed God and his Happy Face just so we know: how long is it, since their reunion? Because I would swear that not even five minutes ago Loki was in state of complete panic, and look at him now:
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Look at him smiling, enjoying view at struggling mobius 💚
few minutes with this man, and HE forgets all about his trauma and just vibing.
me too, Loki. Me too 🥲
btw, this thing over here?!!!!
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7) bickering, like married couple, part 1
8) "Mobius if I don´t make it back" and "You´ll make it back". What was it, what where you about to say Loki? It sounded important! next time TALK FASTER!
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9) Mobius risking his life SKIN for loki and refusing to give up on him.
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10) Loki saves Mobius in an epic fashion and they end up in a hug: also they roll around the floor together
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I mean... this whole scene was absolute TOP! So yeah. That was a first episode. before the premiere I was litteraly hoping, that I will see our Loki and our Mobius together at least ONCE, before first end credits. I actually couldn´t believe my own eyes, holy shit!
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the-somwthing · 5 months
I gotta talk to people so bad so I’m just gonna spout something that’s been on my mind for a while
I see a lot of people always describing Joel and Scott’s rivalry as one sided. Like, Joel just hates Scott and Scott doesn’t care? And while I feel like that statement is technically true, it doesn’t really describe the situation very well.
It sort of implies that Scott’s never out to get Joel, and Joel is just coming after Scott for no reason. I won’t deny that Joel does like to come after Scott without provocation sometimes, but like… we are ignoring the fact that 3/5 Joel final deaths have been at Scott’s hand?
In two seasons, those kills were a result of a deliberate hunt to get rid of Joel specifically. In Last Life, I’ll give him a bit of a pass, since Joel did kind of start the fight with a big explosion and had been the “villain” for the entire season, it makes enough sense to try to end him like that.
But in LIMITED LIFE?? As a Joel viewer I am NEVER getting over the feeling of watching his final episode (not negative, just baffling in a way I find pretty fun lol). Scott randomly says “Joel needs to die” and everyone just agrees I guess? And then Joel is being witch hunted. “Oh but it’s because he was getting so many kills! Duh!” Grian had more. Grian LITERALLY got a quad kill (ON SCOTT FOR THAT MATTER) and Scott’s like “JOEL is the problem, the murderous evil of the server”. LIKE HELLO?? They’re literally allies, Scott could’ve said “we need to get rid of the bad boys” but he was COOL with Grian. He was letting Grian LIVE. Like HELLO??? WHAT DID JOEL DO FR 😭 Joel was literally just trying to survive btw, his fighting back was very defensive rather than offensive, and would back off when not being actively attacked. With the exception of trying to get kills cuz he was on less than ten minutes, of course. But Scott had been hunting him before then.
And then I guess I have to mention Secret Life’s Scott-Killing-Joel. I don’t think that final kill was especially targeted on either of their sides, the battle just turned out that way. I could rewatch to see if there’s more to it but for now this is how I see it.
Okay, I’m turning this into a full analysis of their rivalry, idc, I’m literally obsessed with their dynamic. I’m adding a cut here.
ALRIGHT WHERE WAS I. RIGHT. Finished explaining the final deaths, but there’s stuff before that! Let’s take a look at their rivalry 🥰
Let’s go in order, shall we? 3rd Life!! I am obsessed with them in this season ahahahhaga anyways. Joel comes after Scott unprovoked. Simple, this is how everyone sees their rivalry. HOWEVER. Joel is FULLY WILLING to work with him anyways. Maybe you could excuse the dark oak thing as it was early on and they were just trying to take down a monopoly. But in the finale they reconcile and spend much of the session together. They established early on that Joel had been trying to kill Scott, but they’re both perfectly happy to team up instead (which btw they did because they both happened to be allied with Scar).
Then Last Life. Joel does hate Scott in it, but I’m not sure I would say it’s without reason. Joel being boogey in ep2 was majorly important, and he killed Scott. But that wasn’t targeted. He had attempted multiple times to kill other people. Scott was one of the only (and closest) people who didn’t already know he was boogeyman. Then of course Scott tells Pearl they can fight back and has her kill Joel, sending him to red. Perfectly reasonable for all parties imo, and a good enough reason for Joel to target Scott seeing as being red early on had a huge impact on him.
Of course LL is also where Joel says Scott just looked at him funny one day and that’s why he hates him, which is a great line. I do believe he would bother Scott just for the rivalry, but unlike in 3rd Life, Scott had done things to make Joel never consider stopping.
Then Double Life. Erm. Literally nothing, except that I believe the only reason Scott and Pearl were the last pair is because Joel wasn’t there to kill them, since apparently he’s the only one who can make them lose lives. Wild. They were guaranteed to win ever since the lava portal trap. (obviously I’m joking but like how is he the only outside force to kill that pair). I will clarify for analysis sake that Joel’s first kill on them had nothing to do with Scott, and the second kill was to Scott but it was because of the life colors, not really anything about their rivalry. It was technically targeted at Scott specifically but not cuz he hated him, instead because Pearl had a weird “alliance” with the reds.
Then Limited Life!!! What the heeelll was happening lmao. I already talked about the final moment so before that. Erm. I’m blanking out I’m listening to bad romance it’s distracting me. You know what let’s move on I can’t remember what they did, the final death I explained previously is enough data for now.
Secret Life. Oh boy. I’ll say it again, I was secretly hoping for more Scott/Joel dynamic when it started but I doubted it would happen but we got FED!!! I was so excited when I saw the assassin task (as was Joel). Anyways. Throughout the season Joel was doing the whole hating Scott thing, Scott caught onto the bit and played into it somewhat by talking more about how Joel always hates him for no reason. We SHOULD be able to disregard Joel targeting Scott for the assassin task as it was a task, but to be fair after reading it Joel said “oh my gosh is this my dream?” He was super happy to be assigned to assassinate Scott LMAO. That has to count for something.
I feel like the rivalry was fairly obvious, so I need to point out the outlier moments in SL. While Joel goes on about how Scott should die, he happily trades with him and swapped gifted hearts with zero hesitation. In the final session, he and Scott ended up on the same side. I believe Joel may have been slightly annoyed at being on a team with him but accepts it nonetheless. The only reason Scott ends up killing Joel is because their team won, so they had to turn on each other. As previously stated it wasn’t especially targeted, it was a 2v2.
And then if you noticed from me saying 3/5 games, I’m not counting Real Life, but I’ll bring it up here. Scott literally says “since it’s real life we can be friends now since we’re friends in real life” (one of the many reasons I consider RL noncanon tbh, Scott literally mentions in-universe that this season is different so they can act differently, also what is the in-universe explanation for “friends in real life”). Aside from a reminder that Joel doesn’t actually hate Scott irl and this is just fun game rp stuff, this shows that Scott really did catch onto the rivalry bit, and really does just bring it up more. Joel had just arrived when Scott brought it up. Joel agrees to being friends in Real Life. This holds little relevance to my analysis since I don’t view RL as canon but you can keep it in mind.
Now that I’ve laid out their rivalry in a simplified summary, let me ACTUALLY analyze it! What did I mean all the way back at the start of the post when I said “Scott and Joel’s rivalry being one sided is somewhat accurate but I feel it misrepresents their relationship”?
Well, I believe it’s true that (at least up until Secret Life), Scott didn’t care about the rivalry while Joel did. But that doesn’t mean Scott never targeted Joel, as I said he’s witch-hunted him twice. It’s just it was never personal to Scott. I once saw a post(s) I really enjoyed, an analysis on Scott. Saying that he doesn’t actually value being loyal, he values being fair. Then there was the addition that it’s based on what he thinks is fair. I feel like this is 100% true for his thing with Joel. Scott views Joel as a force that has to be stopped, he’s gone too far, he needs to be stopped, it’s only fair for all the suffering he’s caused. He doesn’t stop to think about how killing is the whole point of this game, how other people are doing the same things, how many times he has killed Joel. Joel hasn’t killed Scott permanently before, he has killed him though, but not as much as Scott has killed Joel. To Scott, that doesn’t matter, Scott kills Joel for a reason, for justice, while Joel kills just for the sake of it. Whether or not that idea is true is up to you to interpret for yourself, but to Scott it’s true. Joel is more of a wildfire that needs to be put out than a rival.
Let’s look at Joel’s side of things. He does hate Scott and target him for no reason. The rivalry is one sided, where Joel sees a rival Scott sees some random danger that needs to be dealt with. I can’t tell you why Joel hates Scott. It’s not really the point of my analysis. I’ve seen ppl say it’s because of previous series they’ve had together (they’ve been rivals for ages!) but for my headcanons they don’t remember those, tho very few feelings from their past lives may linger, so perhaps that does explain it. For the sake of my analysis though we won’t be looking deep into why Joel likes to poke at Scott. It’s cuz he looked at him funny one day remember?
So we establish that Joel needlessly attacks Scott. But if you’ll notice from my summaries, he is fully willing to put aside that hatred. It’s conditional (yes it is the default, but still). If Scott treats Joel kindly, Joel will attempt to reciprocate it. Let’s look at this again:
3L: Joel targets Scott, Scott kind of just gives him a disapproving look every time and doesn’t fight back. Joel ends up feeling somewhat guilty, and in the end has no problems teaming up with Scott.
LL: Scott was the main cause of Joel turning red, Joel targets him constantly. Scott ends up permanently killing Joel to put an end to his madness.
DL: erm. Well it’s worth mentioning Joel never specifically targeted Scott for no reason. ALSO WORTH MENTIONING SCOTT BURNED THE RELATION??? This season was a bit of a switch-up. I need to rewatch to see if Scott had any good reason to do that lmao I don’t really remember, I hardly remembered he was responsible.
LimL: Scott deems Joel to be a server menace who needs to die, Joel (who doesn’t really understand why he needs to die) tries negotiating many times but Scott insists. He kills Joel.
SL: Joel gets task to target Scott, is thrilled. He fails miserably, losing people he cares about in the process. Vows to kill Scott, it’s like his main goal now. Still accepts every peace offering from Scott with little to no hesitation, to the point of eventually teaming with him until they’re forced to go against each other and Scott kills Joel again.
So basically you can see, every time Scott does something to wrong Joel, Joel goes hard on the rivalry, while if he doesn’t and offers peace, Joel will lay off. Secret Life was a weird middle ground, where Scott had done things to wrong Joel, however those things weren’t entirely his fault so when he offered peace to Joel, Joel would still accept. A confusing time for Joel I’m sure.
I will say a disclaimer here, I’m not saying Scott shouldn’t ever fight back against Joel. If he’s targeting you for no reason, it’s your decision if you’ll try to befriend him to make him stop or fight back. I support fighting back. I’m just saying that befriending him is a proven method to work, but I don’t think Scott has exactly noticed that and instead just assumes that Joel will stop at nothing to end him.
Another thing I wanted to talk about but forgot what the natural and intuitive transition into it was gonna be. Scott has permakilled Joel 3 times. Joel has permakilled Scott 0 times.
Joel had started the series off picking on Scott for no reason, and has never succeeded. Scott has won this battle three times. At this point, it’s honestly finally somewhat justified for Joel to come after Scott. That guy has specifically targeted and hunted him out of 2 seasons, and took him out of a 3rd as well. Joel has taken Scott out of 0. At this point, I feel like Joel needs that closure, to finally kill Scott, and who knows if he’ll ever get it. If you look at the fandom, even fans are hoping Joel will kill Scott because of this. So imagine how Joel feels! But obviously Scott wouldn’t just let him (okay. Well. Actually. It’s Scott. He kind of lets people do that all the time. But only allies…). Scott will be waiting for Joel to target him once more, and deal with it the way he always does. But who knows if it’ll turn out different?
Which reminds me that I pinpoint SL as the season Scott finally notices this “one sided rivalry”. We all know Scott loves drama, so when he finally noticed Joel had been hating him the whole time, he kept bringing it up. And it wasn’t just for SL only, he brought it up the moment he saw Joel in RL. I don’t count RL as canon but it does prove that Scott hasn’t let go of the rivalry now that he’s finally realized it. I don’t know if there will be a 6th season, but if so I wouldn’t be surprised if Scott brings up the rivalry. Idk if he would make it a big deal, but he would surely at least mention it.
Anyways, if you think I’m done with my little analysis, you’re wrong!!! I’m done with the things I see as pretty factual, but now we’re gonna get into more fanon headcanony type of territory!!!
…but, maybe I’ll make that its own post. Stay tuned and thanks for reading!
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megabuild · 5 months
this isnt about the ask game but i need you to tell me more about your take on pausetho. i just binged starblight desert and theyre the worst /aff what do you have to say about them
the fact you've specified starblight desert is really interesting to me because not only it is a team canada series but it's also the most recent team canada series- which isn't a bad thing to be clear, because pausetho is eternal and forever, but it interests me because i think pause and etho's dynamic changes a lot in a way that i wouldn't consider applicable to other ships of his that have that long and ongoing history (eg. ethubs, beeftho).
when i think of pausetho i think. the two of them are fundamentally quite lonely characters. full disclaimer that i'm far from #educated on their respective mindcrack povs because i haven't watched them in a hot minute, but. etho is extremely lonely often through choice, especially imo with the way i interpret his time on mindcrack as being shortly after all the 404 nonsense on the lp (tldr he has just went through the most traumatic experience of his life and learned most of what he remembers prior is probably fabricated). etho is also known for his masks and during mindcrack i think a big one was being this very respected and almost famous guy.. a lot of it was in jest ofc but like he's Thee Etho's Lab! this in addition to the fact that he's sort of intimidating in the same way he was in 3l+ll because his uhc rankings were pretty solid.
meanwhile pause is also lonely but imo in a different way. because etho is a guy who chooses loneliness to avoid the eventual hurt that comes from connection whereas pause is a guy who chooses connection time and time again but never really properly connects. hes a lot harder to analyse so forgive me because i also have to tread the dreaded rpf/fiction line here and start pulling from examples most people wouldn't consider due to it being Too Real (also i dont care because its complicated but anyway) one thing that always sticks out to me is the various mindcrack podcast episodes where he ends up being outspoken? i dont have any actual numbers on hand but i Def remember it in regards to like, discussions of female gamers and gamergate and the like and pause often being the one guy to speak up and be like This is shitty actually. that in addition to some far more complicated things i dont have the words to get into right now eg. being the guy on the gayest straight server ever who is actually bisexual But anyway. my point is that among mindcrackers pause to me is in a weird situation where he certainly fits in very well but simultaneously sticks out like a sore thumb in ways he cant really do anything about without massively compromising himself, so despite not being lonely in the same way etho is, there is a certain Something there.. sorry this makes zero sense but this ask has been sitting in my drafts for like a week and im desperate to get rid of it. PLUS he also deals with this in the form of a mask (he is actually a very anxious and soft hearted guy imo but often plays up and is fiercer and shouts more to get laughs but also to come across as bigger and more intimidating than he actually is. not that he needs to because jesus have you seen this guys uhc stats? frankly i should have skipped this entire essay and just linked the various times that etho and pause have clashed in uhc)
anyway jesus this got long . all of this is literally not real btw the main reason i like pausetho is because theyre funny and pause is one of my favourite guys and i wish there was more content for him. but also generally like.. this is the complicated messy reason to like them but also yeah generally just watching team canada and seeing their dynamic is fun bc they are just really good friends ^_^
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hendrickfw · 2 months
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I´m not sure if I´ll do it, but my mind won´t stop having ideas for a fanfiction of my Dragonborn and his adventures throught my modded playthroughs. I just wanted to write some ideas here, though really doubt I´ll ever write about it.
-My LDB´s named Hendrick. He was borned under a lukiul family in Gideon, Argonia. His family was killed by a group of An-Xileel, leaving him an orphan. Around 4E 183 he was found by a Nordic collectionist that traveled to Gideon to buy some artifacts for the museum he was trying to make in Anvil. When the man found the six-year old Argonian he decided to bring him back to Anvil. He was also married to an Imperial noble family of the city. When they arrived to Anvil his new parents gave him the name of Hendrick. His new mother fought on the Great War alongside her brother.
-Hendrick soon followed the academic life of his family, being interested in the past from young. He helped his father study old artifacts and explore some nearby ruins. He was also trained by his mother and uncle on the sword and bow, fearing the Thalmor would invade again when Hendrick became an adult. His uncle is part of the Fighters Guild btw.
-Despite the peace treaty, his family kept worshipping Talos, so Hendrick also started worshipping him. Hendrick still learned about his culture with other local Argonians, but he follows Talos as his main god.
-When he grew up, Hendrick was sent to the Imperial City to formalize his studies. He started getting interested in the Ayleid history as well as the old Skyrim cultures (Nord, Dwemer and Falmer). While he was on the Imperial City he met Lucien Flavius, Auryen Morellus and Professor Marassi.
-After finishing his studies, Hendrick got back to Anvil and kept working on his father´s museum and collection. I´m still not sure what or how, but Hendrick made an importante discovery for the city´s history.
-After that discovery, Hendrick was contacted by Auryen, who wanted to make a Gallery Museum in Solitude, and wanted Hendrick to be the museum´s relic hunter. He accepted and took the first ship to Skyrim. In the ship he met another Argonian named Lucifer. Lucifer, seeing the opportunity of adventure with Hendrick, decided to go with him.
-When Hendrick and Lucifer arrived on Solitude they witnessed Ulfric´s escape from the city after killing Torygg, and thus the start of the Civil War. A day later they witnessed Roggvir´s execution.
-The first thing Hendrick does for the museum is to organize a donation festival so the people of Solitude could give the museum stuff, help the gallery grow and letting Solitude´s people have a place that represented their history. Tullius and the jarl are the one´s that contribute the most.
-During his firsts expeditions throught Skyrim, Hendrick would expand his team meeting other modded folllowers. The ones I like to include are Xelzaz, Inigo, Caryalind, Kaidan, Khash, Redcap, Taliesin, Lucien, Nebarra and Remiel.
-The only official members that join the Explorer´s Society are Hendrick, Remiel, Lucien and Xelzaz. Despite that, everyone helps one way or another. They all live in the Safehouse and it´s utterly chaos.
-Before starting Skyrim´s main quest Hendrick would fight an Altmer collecting Daedric artifacts for the Thalmor. Hendrick got a few of them (Dawnbreaker, Sanguine Rose and Wabbajack), so the Altmer stole them to deliver them to the Cyrodiil border. Hendrick fights him and, after defeating him, he got separated from his team and caught up on an Imperial ambush and got captured with Ulfric. The Alduin conflict starts.
-Probably Inigo would be the one to get Dawnbreaker with the help of Lucien and Xelzaz. Nebarra, Taliesin and Kaidan made the Sanguine´s mission. Hendrick, Xelzaz and Lucifer did the Sheogorath´s stuff. The evil Altmer did the rest of the Daedric quests. Hermaeus Mora quest is done later during the Elder Scroll fetch to defeat Alduin
-Hendrick would end up with Lydia. Caryalind and Kaidan end together. I´m not sure of other ships.
-Lucifer would be the one to do the Companion´s questline with the help of Nebarra and Inigo. Other members would help during certain quests. Hendrick just helps to get Kodlak to Sovngarde to get something of Ysgramor for the museum.
-Hendrick, besides the Legacy´s stuff, main quest, siding with the Dawnguard and defeating Miraak, also makes the College stuff and ends the Civil War with the imperial, mostly because the Stormcloaks forced him to choose the other side.
-Other quests that add stuff to the museum like Moon and Star, Wyrmstooth and Wheels of Lull happen. Maybe I´ll do something inspired by Lucien´s line at the end of Moon and Star where he suggests a "League of Heroes", or at least more interactions between both Hendrick and the Nerevarine.
-When Odyssey of the Dragonborn happens, everyone follows Xelzaz to his mission to High Rock and help him during his mission. Same happens with Inigo´s prophecy
-Remiel´s quests are done by Hendrick, but the ones that help the most are Xelzaz and Redcap.
-Nebarra, despite never saying a word, loves the mead that Xelzaz makes.
-Nebarra and Taliesin redemption arc before the Second Great War. They´re friends with a Talos worshipper so they need to.
-Khash is adopted by everyone. Caryalind, Xelzaz and Hendrick are the ones that raise her the most.
-Xelzaz is my favorite follower of them all, so I´d definitely reflect that on the friendship.
-And other stuff. Yeah, probably not gonna write a fanfic. After all of this the Second Great War happens, everyone is forced to leave Solitude with the museum´s relics and they start fleeing to High Rock and Hammerfell. They meet Uriel Septim V and then start a new rebellion, as well as some lore-breaking stuff about Hendrick´s family, but I won´t say more. I just wanted to get this off my system. I know it´s dumb, but my mind doesn´t stop
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compressednerve · 1 year
Exploring Zachariah Trench's Office with @parasitefun
So many crazy white boy moments in his office so here's rambling about observations we made together. BTW we haven't finished the game yet (we're at The Prime Candidate Program and just found out who P7 is) so PLEASE DON'T TELL ME IF THESE ARE CORRECT OR IF I THEORIZE THE WRONG THING. I don't wanna be spoiled on anything >:O thank you.
Analysis, headcanons, and observations below!
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What does his diploma say? Lets zoom in
Zachariah Trench
One morning, when Zachariah Trench woke from troubling dreams, he found himself transformed in his bed into a horrible vermin.
..........oh!! oh ok, the Kafka quote about becoming so disabled you can no longer work? And you see yourself as A HORRIBLE VERMIN because you're disabled? And they put that on a diploma and proudly gave it to Trench! Jesus Christ!!! Go listen to some of The Downward Spiral, Zachariah!!! My god I'm so fucking heartbroken over how Zachariah talks about being old and frail and weak and BROKEN!!!!!!!!!!! and useless and-I could go on. I'm a mostly bedridden disabled person myself and I usually find myself relating the most to the older characters in casts of media because they're usually the ones portrayed with the same issues I have as a younghead (arthritis, brain damage/brain fog/amnesia, fatigue and exhaustion, difficulty moving and speaking, just.. yum). And being bedbound myself is something that I feel really deeply in Kafka's work. To realize Trench relates so deeply to Gregor Samsa as well is just such a juicy delicious detail for him. And it's a diploma? My head is spinning! His self-hatred is infinite...
I love that the diploma is tucked away behind the slide projector as well. I'm not sure if this is The Slide Projector that's been hinted at but it'd be neat if it was!
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NOBLE SHERIFF: "There can only be one Sheriff in town" ... :rolling_eyes: ok Mr. The Only Person You Should Fail Is Yourself ok Mr. She Knows I Don't Like Relying On Other People ok Mr. I Need A Team To Clean Up My Horrible Mistakes (k!lls self to avoid taking accountability for his actions and dumps it all in Jesse's lap). He was just drinking straight from the fucking bottle at his desk!! That's so disgusting I love it, no chaser or anything. I love the tasteful rolodex, the smooth marble pen holder (with silver in the black, but, kind of evocative of The Astral Plane hmm?), his stapler, his disgusting jug of booze, and the FRESH PACK OF CIGGIES!!! ARE YOU KIDDING ME!!!!!! God, Trench's addictions and compulsions being literally on his desk, the most intimate and well-frequented area of his general daily life, is just so fun! Remedy does so good with environmental storytelling.
I love how even the brands he uses are manifestations of his inner thoughts. The booze label, the tool that relaxes him and dampens his inhibitions, is of course praising him. The Lone Sheriff. The Director. The Last Line Of Defense. Zachariah Trench sees himself as the sole protector, and The Oldest House his town, his community, his ward. The most likely intentional framing of the documents he was signing being splattered with blood, acting like a barrier of his Work vs his Needs (need to relax, need for a painkiller cuz booze is a great painkiller)
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I got to his documents piles and literally shouted, "HE HAS SO MUCH MORE WORK TO DO!!!!". I love that the OUT pile is more full than the IN pile, Trench is so judicious with his correspondence :pleading_face: he's so tired. I bet he wishes he was still a Field Agent a lot of the time :sobbing: Looking at all the stuff on his desk like the sheer amount of documents and phone calls and other shit he has to do in a day to day as The Director must be sooo overwhelming...
It was during this moment that Paras and I realized that the greater joke of Control is about older people who stay in their jobs and refuse to make room for other workers, and they get Promoted To Incompetence! lmfao because like, Zachariah was so focused on Field Agent Stuff (in one of his Hotline calls he says, "I kept my head down. I worked my ass off." in a classic blue collar way) and being all tragic and putting his life on the line for his squad, then suddenly and forcefully being promoted to The Boss Of Everything. No wonder he has such a complex about Failing The Bureau :O
the same applies to Dr. Darling--! He's been in The Bureau for a 24 years!! He has 22 labs spread across the ever-shifting expanse of The Oldest House. He, mainly, wants to Do Research and Write Essays and all sorts of other shit that mainly revolves around being an isolated scientist with a modest team. And instead he has to make presentations for the laymen of The Bureau and he has to manage all THE ENTIRE RESEARCH SECTOR, who sends him catty memos about how their department deserves more funding (parakineseology department bribing him with his favorite booze???), and interns and junior scientists who don't know the first thing about The Astral Plane, and as Dr. Underhill complained about- The Bureau's ultimate goal is to exploit what they find, rather than actually comprehend what it is they're dealing with. Most Rangers retire due to cognitive collapse because The Bureau just shoves them in the meat grinder of trying to contain/control Everything. Ugh!
So anyways Zachariah Trench isn't a bad Director but then he's literally such a bad Director, the Worst Director Ever at the same time because it just wasn't his archetype. He took it way too seriously with a hammer in hand, seeing every problem as a nail. Dr. Darling fits the opposite of this niche as well in his own archetypical way- going from goofy underling to The Guy In Charge Of Everyone. They're both socially awkward, domineering, prone to pettiness/hostility, and under so so so much pressure for roles they were universally understood to not be able to fulfill.
All of the people we see in Control that are actually useful and agreeable with Jesse (who has been a dropout who mainly ever worked manual labor jobs up to and including janitor) so far are like, Ahti the mid-60yr old janitor who also just so happens to be the first friendly face you see when you enter the FBC and like, Simon? And fucking Langston (who is so hot I gotta write some Jesse/Frederick later)!
Langston, who is what I imagine is a direct parallel in a positive light compared to Dr. Darling and Director Trench, as in, how he entered The Bureau (he worked in the Postal Service of all places and an uncle at The FBC got him a job there), and Langston, like Trench, worked his ass off, kept his head down, but schmoozed enough to get a nice promotion, and then continued to work at a slow, steady incline for 15 years until he became Panopticon supervisor. He's like one of the only dudes in a high ranking spot who actually respects his position.
And of course who could forget dear Emily Pope :pleading_face: she's been Dr. Darling's underling for idk how long but clearly a while and she's so so ambitious like Darling is ambitious but she's so so so inhibited and held back by Darling's misogyny and higher ranking and having to be ordered to research shit but not actually be able to ask the real questions. You can really get a feel for how passionate Emily is in her work by like, not just how she talks to Jesse but in her correspondence and especially her research papers. The way she words documents ordered by Dr. Darling vs how she words documents ordered by Director Jesse Faden is literally night and day, but not for lack of enthusiasm. You can tell under Darling's mentorship she's soooo stifled, and with Jesse's lax permission "please just do whatever you want so long as it advances my (and The Bureau's) understanding of things". Emily's like a kid in a candy store and it's exactly what she needs to flourish.... Oh to bask in the light of a manual laborer :heart_eyes:
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Another angle of his documents which I find titillating. The majority of his blood splatter landing on the IN pile... efflorescent....
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THE FUCKING. BLACK ROCK PRISM ON HIS DESK. Paras has something to say about that later in a fic or some art. The other pack of ciggies that he was in the process of smoking (I counted the cigarettes. He has 8 ciggies left which means he's smoked 12 already. There are 4 in the ashtray which means at some point after opening the pack, he smoked 8 and then dumped the ashtray. This shows he keeps his ashtray relatively clean, which is a specific kind of character quirk about Tidiness and Cleanliness for Trench because chainsmokers like me and Paras are disgusting and our ashtray is overflowing by like, three packs and it smells horrible). The way it sits atop all his other shit he needs to sign, he's just drowning in documents (sort of like how I imagine Alan is drowning in manuscripts? WHO SAID THAT?)
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*looks over Jesse's shoulder and realizes Trench's body is gone* *nearly shouting to Paras, who is sitting right next to me* WHERE IS TRENCH'S BODY? WHERE DID HIS BODY GO? WHY IS HIS BLOOD ON THE FLOOR BUT NOT HIS BODY? DID THE FUCKING BOARD TAKE HIM? DID THEY EAT HIM? WHO ATE TRENCH?
I've been likening Zachariah Trench a lot to Rorschach in his perpetual death-wish (he wants to die so bad but he'll fight everything that tries to kill him to the bloody end because he feels he can only die when he's ready to die ugh yum). The empty blood splatter after you come back from The Hotline Chamber for the first time (and realizing that The Hotline Chamber is DIRECTLY CONNECTED TO TRENCH'S OFFICE? HELLO?) is soooo fucking reminiscent of Rorschach's final death scene, where the blood splatter is the shape of his mask :hand_over_mouth: soooo symbolic sooo iconic. Note to self: Paras and I need to write/draw something about different people devouring Trench's corpse (yum).
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I wanna lick the blood off his desk and phone. Oohhhhhhn n the way it drips down the edge of the desk. I want to give him so many head wounds here. He spilled his final blood all over his classified documents and telephone and finished work and desk that he sat at a lot :pleading_face: and he was only 64 years old wah. He was so tragic and so sad and what if there was a dude who was so sad he DIED because his boss was like "put the gun to your head and see if we still like you" and Trench was like "oh good, finally, an opportunity to see if I'm still worthy" AND HE FUCKIN. WAS PROVED. UNWORTHY? OUCH, DUDE!!! HARSH!!!
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Zachariah's Personal Signature Rubber Stamp (CUMS UNCONTROLLABLY)
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Dude I had no fucking clue he had a picture of himself when he was younger (and healthier, and happier, and) with his kid that he accidentally killed. Like what??? He's so miserable and he sits at his desk with TWO packs of cigarettes and a giant bottle of like i'm guessing whiskey or scotch, and he just sits there and gets nosebleeds from using The Hotline and chainsmokes and stares at his Former Glory. MY GOD!
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...............pistachios :pleading_face: he eats pistachios. he has pistachio snack. he enjoys pistachios. there is a bag of pistachios at his desk. he had to have gotten that at a vending machine. zachariah trench had to either ask someone to get him some pistachios (vulnerable) or he had to get up and go to a vending machine and put his money into the vending machine because he wanted a snack and he chose to get pistachios and he had to bend over and get the pistachios out of the bottom of the vending machine. zachariah trench eating pistachios. he has to crack the shells open and dispose of them somehow. pistachios are green. he eats pistachios. he wants a snack. i am literally a shell of a human being.
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Imagine the smell of his nice leather briefcase. The weight of it in your hand. The privilege to watch Trench open it up and rifle through the papers, or *gets lightheaded* being able to hand him a document that he then has to place in his briefcase. I can't breathe. I like the pneumos in the background too. He has a very natural gentle clutter to his desk, like I imagine how he perceives the clutter of his mind. There's so many things to keep track of, and he's so tired... :weeping:
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I'm so utterly enraged that he didn't finish two of his cigarettes. He didn't even finish his ciggie before he died!! are you fucking kidding me?! I was somewhat bewildered because the texture of the inside of the ashtray (the ashtray) looks... wet? and the two finished cigarette butts are visibly wet (distorted color, swollen cotton) and Paras said that the ashtray probably has a sort of perpetually wet sand inside it. Works for me!
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Did you know if you shoot the Prism, it's breakable? I didn't know that. Makes the screenie a bit goofy but I don't care. Look at his over half-finished pack of ciggies. I would pay. kind of a lot of money. for like a collectors edition of real Black Pyramid Cigarettes are you kidding me? What kind of nightmare dimension tobacco do they put in those things?
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He looks so moe here receiving his gay little medals or whatever's happening (idk if this has story relevance and gets revealed later or not). His hairdo is so cute??? Did he... did he bleach his hair? It looks like his roots are showing thru old bleach... is... Yung Trench a bleached hair baddie? I'm gonna pass out.
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Me: look at that! Trench is watching the presentation! Paras: LOOK AT HOW SMOKY THE ROOM IS! HE'S HOTBOXING HIS OFFICE WITH NICOTINE! Both of us: *gagging*
So first of all this is such a big moment in terms of setting up Zachariah and Casper's relationship to each other, and how they interact with each other. Jesse uses The Hotline, and then we're treated to an interdimensional 3D Memory Flashback of observing Trench. He's sitting in his office, which is dimmed so the projector can play. He's chainsmoking so much that the ENTIRE VOLUME of his MODESTLY LARGE OFFICE is FILLED with CIGARETTE SMOKE. I genuinely am so disgusted and enamored by Trench's hardcore nicotine addiction, his.... dedication to the Ritual of Smoking. So anyways, engaging in his comfort ritual of Smoking, sitting in his nice chair and watching Darling's presentation. Imagine him ordering Darling to put together research on The Hotline immediately after his first call with The Board... and he's the only one who can communicate about what the experience is like... and then when Dr. Darling is done he delivers the video to Trench and then Trench sets aside specific dark-room-and-smoking time JUST to watch The Presentation? CAN IT GET ANY MORE HOMOSEXUAL THAN THIS? I *will* be writing about this later.
Sidenote the perspective of viewing behind his head like this is so intimate. I feel so voyeuristic, I want to hover closer to the back of Trench's neck and feel/see the hairs rise up in extrasensory response to my presence. I want to nibble on his ear.
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I need him. to blow smoke in my face.
Well that's all the screenshots I have at the moment! Thank you for reading my post and please feel free to contribute your own ideas and observations to this because I LOVE META!! And I love hearing other people discuss it too >:3
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storm-breaker7 · 2 years
🌟 The Guide 🌟
If you do want to request then your in the right place. This is just some yeahs and nahs about what I'm willing to write.
Also, All my works can be found here (finished and in-progress work). Or you can use a tag I made to find them (#Storm7breaker posts OR #FishyMasterlists)!
* = I will only write this if someone requests it
Characters (I can/will write)
🌌Star Wars🌌
-Qui-Gon Jinn
-Obi-wan Kenobi
-Anakin Skywalker *
-Kanan Jarrus
-Luke Skywalker
-Darth Maul
-Cody, Fox, Wolffe, Howzer, Colt, Mayday
-Rex, Fives, Jesse, Hardcase, Kix, Tup
-Echo (Pre and post citadel)
-Hunter, Crosshair, Wrecker, Tech, Omega
(Not smut, spice or anything remotely close for omega.)
-Han Solo
-Din Djarin
-Alexsandr Kallus
-Thrawn *
G1 ⛰️
-Optimus, Ironhide, Ratchet, Jazz, Wheeljack, Hound, Bumblebee, Sunstreaker, Sideswipe, Bluestreak, Mirage, Prowl, Grimlock, Skyfire
-Optimus Prime (& Orion Pax), Ratchet, Bumblebee, Cliffjumper, Arcee, Ultra Magnus, Wheeljack
-Soundwave, Knockout, Breakdown, Dreadwing, Predaking
Bayverse🌎 *
-Optimus Prime, Jazz, Ratchet, Ironhide, Bumblebee, Sideswipe
-Bumblebee, Hot rod, Cheetor, Grimlock, Wheeljack, Perceptor, Chromia, Arcee, Kup
-Soundwave, Shockwave, Dead end
-Rodimus, Ultra Magnus, Megatron, Ratchet, First Aid, Swerve, Skids, Tailgate, Chromedome, Rewind, Brainstorm, Perceptor, Fortress Maximus
-Soundwave, Cyclonus, Crankcase, Krok, Misfire, Spinister
Beast Wars 🏞️
-Optimus Primal, Rhinox, Cheetor, Dinobot, Rattrap, Tigatron, Airazor
(No smut for Rhinox or Rattrap)
Rise of the Beasts 🏕️
-Optimus Prime, Arcee, Bumblebee, Mirage
-Optimus Primal, Airazor, Cheetor, Rhinox
War for Cybertron 🌀
-Optimus Prime, Bumblebee, Ironhide, Prowl, Mirage, Sideswipe, Red Alert, Wheeljack, Jetfire
-Optimus Primal, Rhinox, Cheetor, Dinobot, Rattrap, Tigatron, Airazor
(Again no smut for Rhinox or Rattrap)
(I put them all in list format of; Autobot / Maximal, Factionless then Decepticon / Predicons) Btw if any soundwave is mentioned, his minibots count aswell 🧍
👔Criminal Minds👔
-Aaron Hotchner
-Derek Morgan
-Spencer Reid
🌋Pacific Rim🌋
-Chuck Hansen
-Raleigh Beckett
🌄Red Dead Redemption 2 🌄
-Arthur Morgan
-John Marston
-Charles Smith
-Javier Escuella
-Sean Mcguire
-Kieran Duffy
-Hosea Matthews
-Josiah Trelawny
(Strictly no smut for Kieran or Hosea.)
Rise 2018-2022
-Leonardo, Raphael, Donatello, Mikealangelo
-April O'Neil, Casey Jones
Rise 2012-2017
-Leonardo, Raphael, Donatello, Mikealangelo
📜🔦 Supernatural 🔦📜
-Dean Winchester
-Sam Winchester
-Castial (what's his last name...)
🥪🕊️ Team Fortress 2 🕊️🥪
(No smut or spice for pyro)
🗡️ Kingsman 🗡️
-Gary 'Eggsy' Unwin
-Harry Hart
(Strictly no smut for Merlin or Harry. Yea Sorry not sorry)
🪶 Assassin's Creed 🪶
-Ezio Auditore da Firenze
-Haytham Kenway
-Edward James Kenway
-Shay Patrick Cormac
-Arno Victor Dorian
-Jacob Frye
-Evie Frye
(No smut for Evie)
😵‍💫 Marvel 😵‍💫
Spider people 🕸️
-Miles Morales (1610 & 42)
-Hobie Brown
-Spiderman Noir
-Miguel O'Hara *
(I'll only write smut for e42 & e1610 miles if they are aged up (And Hobie if we assume he's 19. Google his age))
The Avengers 🦾 *
-Steve Rogers/Captain America
-Bucky Barnes/The Winter Soldier
-Tony Stark/Iron man
-Clint Barton/Hawkeye
-Sam Wilson/The Falcon
Others 🌃 *
-Matt Murdock/The Daredevil
💙 Detroit: Become Human 💙
-Hank Anderson
-Connor (RK800)
-Markus (RK200)
-Luther (TR400)
🍷 Stardew Valley 🍷
-Magnus (The Wizard)
(I can do anyone else in vanilla sdv but no smut for them)
📦🧩 Miscellaneous 👾📦
-Owen Grandy (From Juarrsic Park)
-John wick (From John Wick)
-Neo/Thomas Anderson (From The Matrix)
-Marty Mcfly (From Back to the Future)
-Ratchet (From Ratchet & Clank)
-Crash (From Crash Bandicoot)
-Graham Calloway/Gray aka Crackle (From Carmen Sandiego)
-Maximus Decimus Meridius (From Gladiator)
-Joel Miller (From The Last Of Us)
-Martin Riggs (From Lethal Weapon)
-Deacon st John (From Days Gone)
Do's & Don'ts
✅Do's ✅
-Sfw & Nsfw 💅
-Head canons, oneshots & twoshots I can do. I can do a series but I'd need time for that.
-Can do OCs (but I need a good description or I might have to make some shit up. OR if your really good to me, you'll link your OC if you've made a post ab them)
-I can do Gn, Male (tho I haven't done one yet), and Female Reader inserts
-Any Character from the universes above I can do plantonic fics if I know them
-I can do relativity Gorey stuff as long as it's for character development (Realistic situations (for said universe))... Nothing too graphic tho 🫣🥲
-I can do poly relationships it don't phase me.
-There is no way in hell I'm doing yandere. Nuh uh.
-Im not comfy with rape but I can mention it. Maybe touch on it but no scene. Hell nah.
-Im not doing pregnancy or pregnant inserts or OCs so say goodbye to that.
-No pale OCs or inserts. Ok no. I'll do any coloured insert but no inserts that are pale as a ghost. (Go touch some grass. This isn't twilight)
-Im sorry but no marriages or married insert X Character. Just no. (the exception being sdv)
-Im not doing Canon X Canon. I'm just not your guy for those requests
-I suck at writing gay smut soooo.... (My bad, I just don't want to horrify people with; my writing + gay smut)
⚠️Please follow these small tips, It will make my life easier⚠️
When requesting;
-I would like if you please be specific. I don't care if you write a whole paragraph, If I dunno what your going on about then I will probably decide what to do myself.
-If your not requesting and your just asking something, please mention that.
-Please be clear with what your asking. I'm not being mean just please make sure I can read it so I get your request right.
-You can keep your request open ended so I have most the reign, I don't mind as long as your good with what comes from it :)
I may add stuff later on if I come across something. Ty my lil goofy silly baba grills 🫶😘🧍💅
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spitefulfemme · 6 months
please explain the plot of glee to me pretty girl 😚
(squeals through your phone!!!!!)
(this is basically me giving u a very chaotic rundown and trying to implement all of my opinions on it. i started this at 5am and i'm finishing it at 11pm 😭. i basically am just writing down the pilot episode...)
it starts with the old glee director getting fired for sexual harassment because rachel berry, an absolute insufferable yet disturbingly talented teenager for only being a sophomore in hs at this point in time, reported him- NOT BECAUSE HE WAS INAPPROPRIATELY TOUCHING A STUDENT, NO!- but because sandy (old glee coach) gave someone else a solo instead of her 🤗🤗 . I HATE HER!!!! (she only gets worse from this point on too btw!!)
so, sandy gets fired and the principal of wiliam mckinley high school was like, "well since we don't have someone to take control of the glee cub and we also don't have the money for it, we'll just cut the program😁!" (although he paid for the cheer team's (the cheerios) new dietitian...)
... sigh.
This is where W*ll Sch*ester comes in...
(i hate w*ll sch*ester!!!!)
will is a sad old middle aged man with an uptight wife (terri schuester<3) who is basically living his high school glory days through the glee club. (this man is a menace. he needs to be put down!)
will is like to figgins (the principal) , "no! you can't take away the glee club! you're taking away these kids' will to live!" (his will to live)
so figgins is like, "fine but ur paying out of pocket to support it🙄🙄."
so there's tina, a goth whose faking a stutter so she doesn't have to talk to people she doesn't like, artie, a kid whose in a wheelchair and sings like he's not a white boy from the midwest, mercedes (MY BELOVED!!!!) , whose amazing but of course they portrayed her as the token angry black girl because what ELSE could she POSSIBLY bring to the table except that, kurt (MY BELOVED PT.2!!!!) , a closeted gay whose closet is made out of glass, and then... fucking rachel.
anyway, will then gets notified by sue sylvester, cheerios coach and the MOST AMAZING CHARACTER IN THIS GODFORSAKEN SHOW, that the glee club needs 12 people in order to compete in competitions and keep the club afloat.
so, he tries to talk to the football team about signing up for glee club after rachel tells him that artie isn't good enough to keep up with her vocally. he fails, and the sign-up sheet gets vandalized with penises and a bunch of ridiculous fake names!
and then there's this whole monologue like, "i was just about to give up until i heard his voice..."
and this poor kid finn is in the bathroom, just peacefully singing to himself while this CREEPY ASS MIDDLE AGED MAN is listening to him.
... and then he plants weed in his locker and tells him to sign up for the glee club or else he'd get expelled and lose his (nonexistent) football scholarship.
anyway, a little while after that his wife terri is like, "hey! i'm pregnant! 🤗" (spoiler alert! it was a hysterical pregnancy... and after that she then tries to hide the fact that she is in fact, NOT pregnant by wearing this fake pregnant stomach thing and trying to bribe finn's girlfriend for her child since she doesn't want to keep it.) and then will is thinking, "damn, i'm really gonna hate life now... time to be an accountant so i can support my (cunty af) lying wife and our fake baby!"
so he then puts in his two weeks but not without emma (his love interest and william mckinley's guidance counselor.) going, "pls go to the careers center tomorrow so you don't make the biggest mistake of your life and inevitably kill yourself." in much kinder words than how i phrased it. she basically shows him an old video of his time in glee club and i guess that inspires him... or something idk.
so the episode ends with the glee club performing don't stop believin by journey (i've heard this song so many goddamn times in this show that i HATE it now!) and the cheerios (quinn, santana, brittany.) and sue (best character in television history) are watching them as well as puck, finn's best friend who totally thinks finn is a bitch for joining jew directions.
also, will is in one of the auditorium seats and he comes back on the stage like, "good job, guys! btw i'm back! sorry for quitting on you for like ten seconds😝."
anyway, there's so much more that i left out but i don't feel like going back and editing this. thank you for asking me about glee and letting me go insane about my worst special interest ever!!!! - asteria<3 .
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harry is a mainstream artist tho so how is that just branding...? can someone's team fake sales and streams? Im not attacking you btw just genuinely curious I didnt get what u mean
he's a mainstream artist now
u need some backup history for this but basically hshq's strategy has been to sell him as a mega star before he became one and that was really the key, his first album was everywhere he had a week on LLS national TV ads snl etc that were already positioning way above the others. BUT even with all that he had less monthly listeners than zayn, liam AND LOUIS! at the start 2018 louis only had the pre walls singles (only 2 of them that actually got promo) and harry had all that and he was doing worse on Spotify! but do u think anyone is aware of that in the gp? hell even among fans? no! and it doesn't matter bc who was being described by rolling stone as the new Rockstar of the century? who was in every campaign ads and Victoria secret show? who won awards and was on red carpets? it wasn't liam or louis and zayn's moment was already dwindling down. meanwhile louis was being mocked by radio interviewers and being asked why didn't he just quit music.
thats what I mean when I say that branding is crucial, bc it was that approach that lead to the construction of the pedestal harry stands on today, the actual history is forgotten and unnecessary, the mega 1d star/only talented one out of 1d prophecy became reality and everyone is convinced that this was all organic and "meant to be" bc they made sure that it appeared that way, that's also why harry is trying to sell the underdog narrative even now (the Grammy speech was an attempt at that) bc it's important that this seems like an organic progression not something that he has been given on a silver platter and that was built from illusions and pr strategies
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6okuto · 3 years
rime fluff alphabet? 🙏
— rime fluff alphabet
hello it's me O7 affection is longer than expected but alas. alphabets r long did u know that? I Didn't...wahrhgh.....26 whole letters...why can't we have like. 10. 🤨
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Affection - How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?
not Subtle,, just more nonchalant unless you're alone
a lot of his affection comes through with his actions rather than words. it's the hand on the small of your back or arm around your waist while you're standing together. pulling you to sit in between his legs or vice versa . resting his head on yours . hand on your thigh and fingers tapping against your skin
it's bringing you drinks silently or with a remark about needing to take care of yourself better, pulling you out of the way before bumping into something and keeping you tucked into him for the rest of the walk, knowing what you'd enjoy as a gift, pulling the blanket over you while you're sleeping and brushing stray hair out of your face, watching you almost give up on a task and making you look at him while he reassures you that you can do it, he knows you can so let's get up now, one more time.
It's letting you do whatever you want. he'll do his little act of squinting at you with a pout, or looking away as if he's bothered and bored, smirking and teasing you,, but he won't move away while you braid the front strands of his hair. he'll smile as you try putting on his clothes or messing with his weapon. he even helps you along the way. you're the only one who gets those privileges
Beauty - What do they admire about their s/o? What do they think is beautiful about them?
i don't want to say everything. i'll just say he thinks your kindness and willingness to help/forgive others is admirable because it inevitably played a role in getting you two together. but he really thinks you should work on it before you get into trouble
physically ? smh you're hot to him idk what to tell you. perhaps likes your hands and thighs a lot ┐( ̄ヮ ̄)┌
less beauty related,, more just that he has a thing for specific looks. that doesn't make sense. like the look you give him before teasing him, the look you have when you want something from him, the look you flash him from across the room that shows how exasperated you are with who's in front of you,, gets him all [stares at you intently] because they're for him only
Comfort - How would they help their s/o when they feel down/have a panic attack etc.?
eye twitches vaguely at sage chapter 13. fists clench. screams into my pillow and kicks my feet
might be the rime fan club member in me but i actually think he'd be? pretty good at calming/talking someone down? like he'd figure out which methods work best for you and has a calming voice while trying to ground and reassure you .
if you want him to touch you he'll cup your face or hold your hand until you let him get closer and hug you. if you don't enjoy being touched he'll sit near you and just talk or ask questions depending on if you become nonverbal or not
if it's less panic attack more general sadness he pulls you into his chest and hugs/cuddles you ( ;__ ;) or he'll distract you as long as you need (if you try to suppress/hide anything he Will start asking you to talk to him)
Dreams - How do they picture their future with their s/o?
i don't think,, he thinks about his future too often before he's with you just because ? everything seemed so ? set with the whole LoS, missing what made him human things going on. he usually focuses more on the present so now that he has someone to have a future with it's a little. [BONK] . you get it.
might need to actually talk about it and find out what you think because he isn't too sure himself,, the one thing he is sure about is that no matter what happens he's going to make sure he's there beside you (╯︵╰,)
Equal - Are they the dominant one in the relationship, or rather passive?
lol SNBFSJHB naturally dominant. never really passive, he'll always speak his mind and stand his ground (and tease you) even if you find yourself the 'more dominant' one/on equal standing
by more dominant i mean somehow multiplying his energy and throwing it 100km/h at his face regularly . and i don't think he'd really get into a relationship with someone who makes him feel lesser than which is why i put on equal standing :kiss:
Fight - Would they be easy to forgive their s/o? How are they fighting?
ouaghhh don't get into fights with this guy
he's already very honest about his feelings and he might be blunter than intended. at the beginning of your relationship his words get sharper as he gets more frustrated especially if you're trying to dodge questions/being honest. might rile you up even more on purpose or by accident mgnrgnhhnghh.... would eventually learn to communicate better though i swear
if you were the one that was in the wrong, he'll take a while to come around but a sincere apology goes a long way . won't let it go completely before making you embarrass yourself a little. du moins,, c'est mon opinion ┐( ̄ー ̄)┌
Gratitude - How grateful are they in general? Are they aware of what their s/o is doing for them?
rime knows very well. you don't deal with this guy enough to date just for him to not realize how much you do for/with him
like,, in such a bizarre situation where he's lost the connections he had before he died and is now alone,, for you to let him near you and build a relationship was sooo important to him. especially after the whole wanting to kill you thing. life truly is crazy and he's never been more grateful for that fact
Honesty - Do they have secrets they hide from their s/o? Or do they share everything?
always very honest about his opinions to,, everyone. you are not an exception. in fact he'll probably spill more to you than anyone else once he's comfortable
doesn't necessarily hide things, more so that he struggles being vulnerable in the first place. give him time, space, and reassurance and he'll open up more eventually. the only things he might keep from you for a long time are his #worsecrimes
Inspiration - Did their s/o change them somehow, or the other way around? Like trying out new things or helped them overcome personal problems?
please if you're dating rime you were a principle character in him getting better. his s/o would have kept him in check and helped him decide what he really wanted to do, what path he wanted to walk down
depending on his s/o's personality, he'd definitely help them be more confident and focus on themselves !! even without trying to, he just kinda compliments you and his confidence rubs off on you. he's really willing to help you feel better with anything to show how appreciative he is
Jealousy - Do they get jealous easily? How do they deal with it?
you guys have seen my hcs. protective jealous rime protective slightly possessive rime
rime's arm slipping around your waist when he sees someone talking to you . putting his face next to yours to ask "and who's this?" rime waiting for (pushing) them to leave while nibbling at your ear and making eye contact so they know you're with him
if the other person is getting way too close for comfort he's going to grab your face and kiss you long enough to make it awkward and then some
stays near you for the rest of the day with a pout/grimace on his face and acts a little salty until you kiss him :headinhands:
Kiss - Are they a good kisser? What was the first kiss like?
bitch...i would do anything to kiss this guy. rime is such a good kisser he makes me SICK. "i taught [felix] everything he knows" source? proof? citations? prove it right now?
ohhh the built up tension during the enemies to lovers arc where you're finally getting along and you both realize you like the other but don't confess and Hey We Are Alone And I Keep Looking At Your Lips And Oh? Oh We're Kissing Again OK
Love Confession - How would they confess to their s/o?
👁️👁️ i don't know how many times i should bring up enemies to lovers mc getting seriously injured and rime finally being vulnerable because he can't lose them but i'm saying it again
it doesn't really matter which enemies to lovers scene they get tbh. he's very direct about it as if he can't believe they haven't figured it out already (and also because he's a little embarrassed). blurting it out situation y'know
Marriage - Do they want to get married? How do they propose? What would the marriage be like?
marriage doesn't seem...like a very important thing to him, if even something he wants. he'd probably be content never officially getting married or anything. if he gets to be with you he doesn't see a big difference, really
he isn't against it per se though, if you brought it up as something you wanted he'd probably agree after discussion just because,, ohh commitment ohh big step in you relationship. something something rime is scared of and shocked at the reality of truly being wanted in such a serious way but also ? letting people know you're his and he's yours (Official and Real?)
if you wanted a wedding just for the experience and excuse to be a little extravagant though i think he'd be up for it (♡ ὅ ◡ ὅ )ʃ♡
Nicknames - What do they call their s/o?
y'know how vi calls caitlyn cupcake. :woozy_face: rime loves teasing with nicknames like that, sweetheart, darling, baby
he also just likes whispering your name into your ear . bastard
On Cloud Nine - What are they like when they are in love? Is it obvious for others? How do they express their feelings?
kind of (very) hard to spot if you don't know him or what to look for
not very verbal until later in the relationship, he makes sure to make up for it with his actions [cue Affection section]. i think it'd really happen when you're alone and it's late and he really thinks about how he gets to Be With You or when you're upset. he'd feel more confident in his words. he lets himself be more vulnerable and open up to you while you're alone
in general his eyes and smile soften a little and he'll get closer. his teasing not just of you but everyone else dies down a little (he's Preoccupied.)
rime not listening to anybody or caring about their opinions unless it's his s/o. ok.
slight nsfw// i also see him being more verbal during/after sex ? like thanking you for being with and trusting him y'know
PDA - Are they upfront about their relationship? Do they brag with their s/o in front of others? Or are they rather shy to kiss etc. when others are watching?
rime could not care who sees him kissing unless his s/o does. even when he does things to tease them he respects their boundaries and knows when to stop
he's so annoying about it . "can you two stay a meter away from each other ever" "just because you aren't in a relationship doesn't mean you have to be jealous :)"
wouldn't even introduce himself if you were talking to people he didn't know. he'd just come up and kiss you oh my god i hate him i want him i hate him so much i need him i
Quizzes - How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?
he might not remember every small detail with precision but he always remembers the general topics you talk about. he takes note of things that really get you excited so he can bring them up later and also find things to get you
remembers big dates and events for sure. doesn't even need a calendar when it's related to you smh </3
Romance - How romantic are they? What would they do to make their s/o happy? Cliché or rather creative?
naturally romantic,, teasing asshole (said affectionately in pain)
would be creative in ways you could never imagine. out of pocket, even,, just because he hates feeling cliché or boring. it's all to make you happy though fr
rime figuring out what anyone did for you before him and trying to one up them. "yeah my ex got me this locket" No They Didn't because i just got you a Better one
rime figuring out what you've always wanted someone to do for you if no one has already and making sure he's the first and only one to do so . leave a LIKE if you agree /j
Support - Are they helping their s/o achieve their goals? Do they believe in them?
yes !! rime believes his s/o is capable of doing whatever they want to do. he supports you wholeheartedly with advice and acts of service as always fr.
anytime you're struggling or doubting yourself he's one step ahead reminding you of how far you've come and how much you can do. he says it's the least he can do after all you've done for him and also,, y'know,,, as your boyfriend
Try - How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?
everyday tasks don't take a lot of effort on his part it's just? normal? he might not cook you your favourite breakfast every morning but he'll bring you a drink from the kitchen and split chores 🤨
dates are usually pretty casual,, anniversaries or big things like birthdays are where rime gets to Shine! you might not expect it at first but suddenly he is at your door telling you to get ready and once the day is over you are sitting with gifts you adore and have wanted for months from the deer man in your arms
Understanding - How well do they know their partner? Are they empathetic?
rime knows you so well it's scary sometimes. why are u watching me! he'll know your go-to orders without being told, what compliments fluster you, what to look for to know when you're lying...when you secretly feel uncomfortable or annoyed or happy...ouagh
it's (a little) difficult for him to really empathize because. yeah. i'd guess cognitive empathy is the easiest. he really does try to understand where you're coming from and why you feel the way you do,, you might just need to communicate a little more
Value - How important is the relationship to them? What is it’s worth in comparison to other things in their life?
[that clip of rosa from b99 with a dog where she says if anything happened to it she'd kill everyone in the room and just that part]
there isn't much else or anyone else around rime that's exactly bringing a lot of meaning and love . sorry that's like. sorry. depending on when you're together and what's happening with the M3 (Felix.) you're one of if not his only honest and good connections. whenever he's going somewhere or planning things you're always in the back of his mind. if it's a choice between you and something or someone else,, there's very little that would ever make him hesitate to choose you
Wild Card - A random Fluff Headcanon.
you're the second person to ever see his tail (Real) but also,, his tail is sensitive and the first time you reach for it he yelps a little
it says one but idc. he will lay all of his weight on top of you and fall asleep on your chest with an iron grip . expects you to play with his hair or he stares at you until you do
Xylophone - What song reminds them of their partner / relationship?
doja cat enthusiast rime solano varela? Streets? Addiction?
sorry. moving on
tricky tricky . mmnrgnm.,..,, the only exception - paramore because i choose Happiness.
this is turned towards a fem reader bc of the she/her pronouns but something about you by eyedress and r u mine? by arctic monkeys. if you ignore them ,, the idea stands
Yearning - How will they cope when they’re missing their partner?
you think this guy copes? 🤨 he won't admit it but you're very important to his regular schedule and emotional stability /hj
he gets quieter and (somehow) snarkier than usual,, then deny it.
it's easier to find him in your room instead of his own or not paying attention to what everyone is doing and in his head
Zeal - Are they willing to go to great lengths for the relationship? If so, what kind?
will Quite Literally kill somebody.
something something i would set the world on fire if it meant i'd keep you warm uhhhhhh
fr i think one of if not the only thing he would really struggle with the idea of is ever going back to earth with you. perhaps we'll learn how to switch between worlds easily so I Do Not Have To Think.
alas other than that. free reign my baby my sweet deer man ╮(─▽─)╭
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pffbts · 3 years
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↬genre: slice of life; fluff ; crack; hint of a love triangle ; loads of tension.
↬characters: jealous!wen junhui x reader | support: kim mingyu (plays a big role)
↬w.c: 4K
↬author`s note: sorry for the delay but this is basically junhui making your knees weak or you just want to beat his ass. this fic can go two ways―it`s yours to decide. also this is a re-write because the last attempt wasn`t reaching my heart. so i`m writing this again :) hope you enjoy this read! (btw i would strongly suggest you to read mingyu`s version before you jump onto this)
↬synopsis: there are 13 boys who lives in your town where each of them have each of their own colours. some you know in person & some from afar so one day you sat down deciding to describe each of their colours absorbing all of their goodness and all of their flaws. you wondered what if someone in some other town ever thought of questioning when they looked at these boys, that―what if we lived in the same town?
☍ seungcheol | jeonghan | joshua | junhui | soonyoung | wonwoo | jihoon | seokmin | mingyu | minghao | seungkwan | vernon | chan
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[03:37 PM] [meet him at the dawn & he`ll take you to places you`ve never seen]
―standing opposite of the road, that day you saw him getting out of the newly opened chinese restaurant of the town. he was wearing a white shirt with two of the top buttons undone, the edges carelessly tucked in a freshly washed denim jeans to wind up with it. dashing as always, junhui had spared a listless glance at you and with his shoulders wide, he tucked his palms into both of his jean`s pockets.
you, on the other hand, didn`t smile at him but rather let your eyes widen a bit unconsciously. in split second, when you realized what had happened, you retreated back from keeping any kind of eye contact with him.
from the corner of your eyes, you could somehow make out that he was clearly smirking on his own. his little smirk was so palpable that it traverse through the air stirring up something in you along with the sudden heat splashing across your cheeks & neck. that feeling didn`t leave your body and waited a long time to fade until you finally reached back home.
you didn`t know much about junhui, as a matter of fact. surely you`ve seen him once in a while but that was it. you didn`t know what kind of person he was exactly apart from the fact that he was extremely beautiful. he was, if you weren`t mistaken, quite a silent heartthrob of the town.
he also, isn`t the type to talk much. that is to say, you have never seen him talk whenever you`ve spotted him on the street or anywhere in the local market. he didn`t study at your school and his place too, was far from your own so spotting him at your street wasn`t a regular thing until one fine day it happened out of nowhere.
you were out to go rent some dvd because the dvd player had been sitting under dust for a long time at your place. it was one of those day when iconic black and white movies which both you and your mother were equally fond of clenches you two in its tight hold so she gave you a little push to go grab some mutual favourites from the dvd rent shop down the street.
wearing a soft pink shorts and a white shirt typically bigger for your built, you walked out of your place to the dvd rent shop. swinging both of your arms on your side, you did a few little skips while walking. it was quite evident that you were in good spirit and why shouldn`t you be? a movie night and your mother was making your favourite dish tonight being the combo treat is not something of a regular thing in this household.
long after walking, you stood in front of the shop. keeping your eyes on the open sign, you push the door inside and soon you heard a peal of laughter already filling up the shop to the brim of it.
the laughter was as if it welcomed you to the shop but for some reason, you could recognize a single voice among the two.
you stop for a second, slowing down the motion of you closing the door and kept on listening to the laughters. in the slip of a quick second, you recognized it to be mingyu`s but you couldn`t see him right away.
whipping your head around, you tried detecting the direction from which it came until you heard a cough from the part-timer and the growing string of your attention rips right then.
bowing a bit to the part-timer who worked at the cash counter, you slowly walked through the shelves filled with all kind of dvds. your ears were perked up at the sound of giggles and laughter now a little bit on a lower note.
the part-timer probably sent the owner of those laughters a warning glance to maintain the silence.
you, on the other hand, still couldn`t find the movie you were looking for. walking listlessly, your eyes staring up and down the rows of shelves soon your back makes a sudden contact with something hard and warm.
for a moment you thought it would be mingyu and a lift at the corner of your mouth surfaces.
turning your neck around, you had to crane it up a bit to look at whom you stumbled upon considering in your head you thought it would be mingyu probably playing around with you and with his gigantic height your actions were sort of a reflex.
but as soon as you realized whom you stumbled onto, you quickly turned around and jumped three feet away from him.
“oh?”, with wide eyes junhui watches you jump back and then as he leans a bit by putting up one of his palm, he finally greets you, “hi.” the wide of his eyes cease within seconds replacing them into soft creases around the corners.
his voice carried an essence of mirth and from the looks of it, he clearly recognized you considering he has seen you quite a few times ― sometimes even when you`re not aware of his presence.
you bow a bit and give him a crooked smile although your eyes were so nervous, it couldn`t keep a single second of contact with his own until your eyes fixated on something familiar―it was the head peaking from behind junhui―of mingyu`s.
a wave of relief ran through your system as you, instead of returning junhui`s wave, put up your own palm and greeted mingyu. your friend`s eyes turn into crescents as he comes from behind the boy you just met and places his own palm against yours. you smiled up at him and he returns it as always.
seeing how junhui was left behind, mingyu turned around and stood next to you while placing his arm around your shoulder. a very familiar act. nothing you should be surprised of at this point.
“jun, meet_____, she lives across my street.”
you bow at junhui again. but in your head, you were wondering how did mingyu know him. at school, you`ve not really seen him around your friend and you, yourself haven`t really seen him that much. but without any further wait, mingyu answers the said question in your head.
“_____ meet wen junhui. he got transferred to our school few weeks ago and has newly joined the basketball team last week! have you seen him?”
“ah no―i think?” you answer back very unsure of your fading memory.
“mingyu said that you are quite a regular at the bleachers cheering for this buddy right here,” junhui speaks up for a first time after all this while. he pointed at mingyu while he utters those last words.
you flushed a bit at the mention of you being at the bleachers while you watch mingyu play. but it`s just, you are always there to support your friend. you don`t really make any sound while you`re at it though. most days, you just sit back and watch mingyu play. it`s not a secret that you very much adore his basketball skills.
“it`s nothing really..,” you squeeze out a carefree laughter although it ended up sounding like a nervous one, “i just…watch and,” with a shrug you continue, “maybe clap sometimes.”
junhui only chuckles as you finish. it looked like as if he caught you in your act. it really wasn`t looking nice for you now but at least you had mingyu`s arm around you so you stopped feeling a bit out of place, plus junhui was clearly a stranger. why must you care so much for what he thought?
“but even that bit is enough. after all, ______ & me, we`ve been friends since childhood. our mothers are best friends too! we even get to have weekly get-togethers every sundays.”
as new information for junhui`s ear comes to surface, you quickly looked over at him who now wore an indifferent expression as if somewhat a spark of jealousy lay across his chest. but when he saw you looking at him, he caught your gaze with his warm ones with that very recognizable smirk climbing onto his mouth making you think that he is clearly skilled at hiding his sudden change of emotions.
you stare at him for a good few seconds, feeling yourself getting braver as you have already caught him slip his cool awhile ago. clearly, in junhui`s head, he really didn`t want mingyu to continue so he spoke up.
“that`s good to know. but the question is will i get an invite someday?” he was asking mingyu the question but his eyes were all on you and at the same time he was observing how mingyu`s attention never faltered from upon your face.
you finally looked up to meet with your friend`s eyes on you and with one of his brows perked up, mingyu asked you as you did so, “that sounds good, doesn`t it? we should talk to our mothers for a permission though?”
you nod and add, “sure, that doesn`t sound bad. the more the merrier.”
absolutely not, you think back in your head, you definitely don`t like lots of people around you. no offense to junhui but you`re not exactly good with strangers or people in general.
“and what about cheering for me sometimes at the bleachers sometimes?” junhui leans against the shelf lightly and breaks the on-going conversation between you and mingyu with a sudden heated question.
“ayyyy that she will do of course. every friend of mine is _____`s friend so of course she`ll cheer for you, jun. although i`m a little special so i`ll get more cheers, right?” mingyu bent down and moved his face infront of you with the silliest smile on his face.
this boy, you thought, you`re really enjoying this, aren’t you?
you wanted mingyu to read your eyes but you were unsure if he was just putting up an act or simply being oblivious.
you close your eyes a bit and put up a pressed smile on your face as you thought about how mingyu clearly didn`t understand what junhui was trying to do here and on top of all that, he didn`t even let you speak before jumping onto answering the question for you.
you thought, maybe that`s what friends do. clearly, you were wrong in this.
“hahaha, sure, i mean why not―although i don`t know how much me cheering will help. i don`t even cheer, i just, like i said,” you huffed and leaned a bit to your side after turning your attention from mingyu`s child-like expression to junhui`s attentive ones, “i only sit and watch.”
junhui mirrors your act of leaning and replies.
“that`s very much enough.”
the line that forms on his lips gives his cheeks a lift. his eyes looks pure and yet with that built, you couldn`t really pinpoint what you should be feeling.
you didn`t know if you wanted to laugh or cry right at that moment. he was clearly copying mingyu right there but he added a little bit of his own spice in it.
you only nodded and smiled through the dilemma and made sure there`s nothing on your face that would give you how hot and bothered you were with just the presence of junhui infront of you.
“anyway,” gently pushing mingyu by his shoulders who was previously bending down to look at you face to face, “i need to get some dvds. so can i….look for them now?” raising your brows, you trail off looking at both of the boys as they nod and give you the space to choose.
but mingyu`s arm remained on your shoulder as you walked towards the shelf and junhui―he only moved away from his previous spot a bit. so now that you were standing in front of the shelf of dvds, you were stuck in-between two clearly much taller for their age boys.
sighing microscopically, you reached out your arm and pulled out a dvd of a sleeper-hit movie from decades ago―one of yours and your mother`s favorite.
“_____ you like this movie too?” junhui asks suddenly. his voice sounded slightly different this time. also, the sudden slip of your name from his mouth caught you by surprise for a moment. this was actually the first time he called you by your name if you could recall every interaction with him.
eventually, this particular moment resurfaces once in a while when junhui crosses your head sometimes.
“hmm, i do! you….” you reply.
“same, i do like it too―actually, it`s my mother`s favourite and―”
“mine too! it`s my mother`s favourite too!” you cut him off, declaring right away with an excitement in your tone with a sudden sense of familiarity very loud in the air between both of you.
junhui only blinks. his eyes a little bit wide and the smile which was now less smirk-like climbs on his mouth.
“ohhh junhui, both you & _____ have some similar taste, huh?” mingyu and his annoying self chirped in, which you obviously didn`t pay any heed to. you only replied with a “is that something very interesting to you?” but only in your head.
as if mingyu was about to reply, you turned around to look up at jun and let him continue clearly ignoring mingyu and his big mouth.
seeing how now your attention is all on him, junhui skipped the previous act of smile and giggled and if you could clearly remember it`s been a long time you`ve heard such a sweet giggle in a while.
“ah well i`ve watched it once with her when it was on television one day. i love the story of the leads and how even though they had to face all those hurdles, they didn`t falter in their discipline and way of life. it was…uplifting to me, i guess? staying grounded. loved that.”
“i understand. the feelings are mutual.”
this time the smile was genuine. you were glad that this time you weren`t nervous, that you could smile without stuttering through your thoughts although everything about junhui was distracting you. from his handsome built, his face to now having been discovered his soft giggle (it kept on replaying on your head for some unknown reason) and him, being this close to you right now wasn`t helping at all.
“that sounds very deep.” mingyu states. this time both you and junhui hum at the same time at him, not ignoring him.
“so did your mother tell you to rent it or….?” junhui asks.
“no, well, actually yes―both me and my mother thought of having a movie night. the dvd player at home is gathering only dust so we thought to have some good use of it.”
“oh so auntie must be making some good foods too, right?” this time mingyu joins in.
“ah yes, she `s making my favourite dish,” you spare him a glance before replying back.
“ah then what should i pick up…now that _____ has already picked up one from my bucket list today.”
junhui gifted you a look from the corner of his eyes while the well-known smirk adorned the corner of his mouth and he strolls across the makeshift corridor in-between the two large shelves softly drumming his fingertips on each of the spines of dvds placed in order.
“ah i`m sorry if you want you can keep it,” you brush off mingyu`s arm around your shoulder and walk a little bit towards junhui, “i can take some others, it`s not like this is the only one i needed anyway.”
the boy whom you just got to know spun on his heels with his arms now behind him crossed and he leans in to come closer to your face. a little bit closer and you could feel his breathe over you.
“same goes for me but _____what if we make a deal?”
“a deal?” you question him, curiosity hitting you from behind.
junhui hums.
“tell me about it.”
“what if you give me the dvd after you & auntie,” junhui looks at mingyu for a second, his eyes mischievous as he uses your friend`s addressing term for your mother and continues after placing his gaze upon you once again, “finish watching the movie and i pay for both of our rentals.” his focus on you remained until the end, or maybe a little bit after that. his eyes burned into you and you felt like you couldn`t run away from them, yet.
you were not going to lie but this proposal came like a shock. the giving of  the said dvd in question to junhui after you`ll be done with it wasn`t the main shocker at all―it was the fact that he was offering to pay for both his and yours rental for this dvd.
suddenly, you heard mingyu`s footsteps from behind you. junhui straightens his back and watches your friend coming close to you. he only shrugs when he looks down at you. you didn`t know what kind of expression mingyu wore but you wish it was nothing major.
“oi jun―” you close your eyes right then and exhale before turning around your body to face your friend but mingyu cut you off, although you don`t know if it was intentional or just simple coincidence, “are you hitting on ______? dude you just met her.”
there you go. that`s it. just what you were fearing.
clearly, his voice had a certain strain at the back of his throat but he covered it up with his playful voice. a voice which carried a laughter which could be both mockery or sound as fake as possible. you didn`t know if junhui noticed it but being grown up with mingyu since toddler days, you could make it out very well.
you put your palms on top the denim clad chest of your friend, calming down whatever you wanted to calm down.
at the same time, you only heard junhui chuckle behind you. you couldn`t make out if it was an evil one or a natural one but the smug on his face was evident in his voice.
“hey it`s fine.” you say, your voice wasn`t reaching the octave you intended.
“looks like big boy`s a little jealous that me & ____ are hitting it off as good friends already?”
“it`s not about being good friends….hitting on someone and being good friends is different.”
“i was just trying to put on a good impression on her, gyu.” junhui, this guy , he was clearly enjoying this. but if his intentions were good then you didn`t see any problem with it.
“i don`t mind that at all but just so you know, _____ isn`t someone who`ll sway that easily. she`s a tough nut to crack.”
you almost laughed at mingyu`s words―it looked as if he was speaking from experience but you just shook your head and turned around. both of your arms now raised up in the air stopping both boys from having a fight here solely because of you for some stupid reason.
“it`s okay, it`s all fine.”
you looked up at junhui and continued in a calm voice “thank you for the offer, junhui, but i`ll pay for my own rent or else my mother will question about it and i`m really not in a mood to explain such stuff to her and about giving the dvd to you―” you give him a soft smile and said further, “i`ll send it to you through mingyu considering you hang out with him these days, okay?”
you nod up at mingyu who was previously looking at junhui. but when he saw you were looking at him, he switched from his squinting eyes combined with a sour pout to a completely different expression, the kind he gives you as if it`s only reserved for you―typically a warm one.
mingyu closes his eyes for a second and nods.
“i hope we`re clear now?”
“i was just playing around, _____, don`t worry,” junhui raised both of his arms up as if surrendering and continued “there`s no bad intentions here.”
in junhui`s head he was obviously being a good person and so was mingyu. junhui walked over to mingyu and playfully circled his arms around your friend and puts his other hand on top of his chest rubbing it playfully.
you let out a small laugh and saw mingyu lowering his eyes to stare up at junhui through his lashes and rolled his eyes before elbowing his new buddy in his sternum. junhui only yelps letting out a wheeze.
and, with that the dvd rental shop got filled up to laughters yet again until the sudden intentional cough from the part-timer made both of these playful boys shush down with each of their forefingers on top of their individual lips.
rolling your eyes and shaking your head, you walked across the shelves and picked another two old classics and went to the counter to pay for the rents.
mingyu picked up a newly released movie he was looking forward to last spring and junhui picked out two recent but a little older movies.
after you were done with the payment and all, you were about to walk out of the shop and waved a goodbye to the boys who were still paying. mingyu ran a bit to the door to hold it for you.
but before the door would completely close on you, your eyes moved over at junhui who was still standing at the counter―he was waiting for the changes but his face was turned towards you and he was looking at you with a now unknown gaze. you couldn`t really make out what it was but for some reason it made you a little bit sad.
but before he could witness the curve of your mouth for him, he closed his eyes for a second and smiled at you. your eyes widen at this and instantly without knowing you smiled back at him fully.
and that was it.
that was the last time you met junhui at that close proximity. you had seen him at the basketball court, you had seen him at random street. some day or night your eyes have met with each other and sometimes they didn`t, but his smile had burned through the surface of mind. some time, at some random time, you`ll suddenly get a flash back of his smirk or that fleeting smile he gave you before you closed the door on both of your first meet.
also you knew that mingyu probably made sure junhui never gets to have any closure with you. there`s been couple of times when you`ve found jun across the corridors of the school, simply hanging around and before anything can happen mingyu had circled his arm around junhui dragging his focus away from you who`d just be passing by to deliver some copies of homework to the teacher`s rooms.
you didn`t question this.
afterall, mingyu himself was in a dilemma of sorting out his feelings for you. he would probably do anything until you accept him in your life as something more than just childhood friends but even junhui never made sure to take any attempt, other than casual glances.
well, that`s what you know. it not like you know everything that the future holds. maybe one day you`ll meet him again when mingyu`s not around and you both will have conversations that never happened or waited for the right moment to have anything grow out of the seeds sown in this new friendship.
but for now, it`s okay. maybe someone from another town will catch feelings for him better, it`s not like you`ve him bounded by some string of fate.
it`s okay wherever you stand now when it comes to your relationship with junhui.
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Valentinesday Headcanons
Happy Valentinesday my loves ❤
If you want, I can write some Valentines hc's for some other characters the coming weeks as well. My Navigation is here. However, because exam season starts now, it might take some time/I might take breaks every once in a while.
Note: I´ve written for one character per fandom I write for (majority of my fandoms)
Warnings: None. It´s very, very fluffy
Characters: Remus Lupin, Peter Maximoff, Richard Grayson, Sugawara Koushi, L Lawliet, Furuya Rei, Edmund Pevensie, Edogawa Ranpo
Remus Lupin
🐺 Staying in bed as long as possible
🐺 Cuddling
🐺 Standing up at around eleven or twelve to make brunch together
🐺 Him hugging you whilst you stir or cut ingredients
🐺 Eating on the couch whilst listening to an audiobook and mocking the characters every once in a while
🐺 Going on a walk, hand in hand. Kudos if the shops are closed. Standing in front of the shop windows and looking at all the stuff there
🐺 Back on the couch and reading. At times together, at times cuddled up, everyone with their own book. Taking turns reading out loud (or maybe you get really lucky and he reads for you)
🐺 Not really any presents, just spending time together. Maybe chocolate or a book/audiobook you both enjoy or the other wanted, but that´s about it.
🐺 Cooking dinner together
🐺 Watching a movie you both enjoy
🐺 Overall very cozy and quiet (as long as the others don´t come over. Though honestly that would be a lot of fun as well. Just a lot more exploring outside)
Peter Maximoff
🎶 It depends, I guess
🎶 Maybe you go to arcades
🎶 The cinema
🎶 But I think he would enjoy a lot of cuddling as well.
🎶 A pillowfort and a movie marathon
🎶 If you´re like me and start feeling dizzy after like three movies, get in breaks where you cook whilst Peter entertains you (it´s really funny actually, also kisses you every few seconds. Either on the cheek or he dramatically swoops you up in his arms. There is no in between)
🎶 Also, breaks where you go on a walk. He´ll be running around a lot and getting (stealing) you lots of different things, but it´s really sweet.
🎶 Maybe also invite his little sister over for a movie or two.
🎶 Whenever he sees you two cuddled up together he just melts
🎶 It´s similar to Remus´, just a lot louder, wilder and way more laughing
🎶 Also: tickle and pillow fights are going to happen. I don´t make the rules
🎶 (You get him a game, he get´s you either a sweet little necklace/bracelet or just something he thinks you will enjoy like a book, movie or a videogame)
Richard Grayson
🦇 If there´s a carnival in town, you´re going
🦇 If there´s a festival, you´re going
🦇 If there´s anything to explore outside
🦇 You´re going
🦇 It´s a lot of fun and a lot of him tugging you with him
🦇 His eyes are going to be big and excited, a bright smile on his lips, nonstop
🦇 You get an unhealthy amount of ice cream and other sweets
🦇 It´s overall going to be very fun and a beautiful day
🦇 In the end you´ll probably eat dinner at home, depending on how you´re feeling selfmade or takeout and watch a movie
🦇 You bought all the food, he bought all the tickets. (He tried to pay everything, but you probably did too. Just always arguing over who gets to pay. That was your solution)
🦇 Btw he´ll win you so much junk omg
Sugawara Koushi
🥇 Similarly to Richard, you will spend a lot of time outside, if there´s a carnival, you might visit it, but if not you´ll just take a walk through the entire city.
🥇 You go to a café and just talk a lot (he´ll tell you about the latest nonsense the kids pulled) or have a cute little picnic in the park
🥇 You´re also holding hands the entire time
🥇 It will be very wholesome and sweet
🥇 He´ll give you your favourite flowers when he picks you up
🥇 Because he insists on picking you up.
🥇 You´ll get him a picture of you both
🥇 P.S. Someone from the team will see you. At the end of the day, all of them are stalking you two. They think they are slick. They are not. Suga is very sorry, you find it hilarious.
L Lawliet
🍰 Honestly, it depends on the case (quite literally)
🍰 If anyone around him should mention Valentinesday an awful lot (read Watari, Matsuda, Misa), he´ll do something
🍰 Without the Kira case he´d (make Watari) get a lot of sweets and cake into the main area
🍰 Did you watch the Drama? In the background there is some sort of pillowfort
🍰 It´s now decorated with lots of fairy lights.
🍰 Your favourite book will be there and so will be a laptop for movies
🍰 You´ll cuddle a lot and he´ll probably fall asleep on either your lap or your chest
🍰 That´s why there´s the book and Laptop
🍰 He´ll probably sleep and cuddle you the entire time (he looks so cute please protect him omg I want this)
🍰 Honestly, he might get you a book you have wanted or something that´s on an account wishlist (which of course he didn´t hack into. He´s a detective remember. That one day your sleeve looked a bit different, that´s how he knew)
🍰 He might get you some very expensive jewelry as well, especially in the beginning of your relationship
🍰 It´s the first thing about Valentinesday you´ll see and he´s got money. Also, he doesn´t have any experience with love. This will, for a very long time be, how he shows love
🍰 Now during the Kira case you won´t expect anything to begin with. You don´t really do any year, because he´s, you know, L. But that´s okay.
🍰 You spend your time alone in your room, because he wants you safe, maybe a quick walk, but that´s about it.
🍰 He´ll send everyone home earlier because: “You should spend time with your family, I guess. Misa has been going on and on about it.” Whilst waving them away. Not even sparing them a glance
🍰 Shortly before midnight then he´ll come into your room to join you in bed
🍰 He´ll lay his head on you chest, maybe you´ll talk in hushed voices for a bit, but all in all you´ll just cuddle and sleep
Furuya Rei
🥃 Usually, I would say, he´ll take you out to a fancy restaurant
🥃 But it´s currently dangerous so he´ll invite you over to his (living together would also be pretty dangerous) and prepare a candlelight dinner.
🥃 You´ll still wear elegant clothes and so will he (dress shirt and suit pants)
🥃 He´ll gift you a pretty necklace, bracelet or even a ring
🥃 Overall very classy and traditional I guess
🥃 He´ll drive you home to make sure you get there safely.
🥃 Waits until the light is turned on in your apartment and you wave at him through the window
Edmund Pevensie
🔦 Whether you´re in Narnia or not doesn´t matter
🔦 You´ll explore a forest
🔦 Or rather, you´ll run around
🔦 He will mostly run in front of you and
🔦 Will you look at that
🔦 Someone must have prepared a picnic
🔦 Well I guess it can´t be helped, we´ll have to picnic now
🔦 You will talk and laugh the entire time
🔦 You´ll have a cute moment where he tugs flowers behind your ear
🔦 And then he will tackle and tickle you
🔦 It will be very sweet and a lot of fun
🔦 You´ll come home dishelved, panting and with massive smiles on your faces (not because of what you might think though!)
Edogawa Ranpo
🔍 Honestly, there´s not much to say
🍭 He´s clingy and loves sweets
🔍 So…
🍭 Cuddles and sweets
🔍 If you´re lucky you can get him to go on a walk with you (tell him you´ll go to a bakery)
🍭 You´ll hold hands the entire time (both because you don´t want to let go and because you don´t want to loose him)
🔍 Maybe he´ll solve a case along the way
🍭 Praise him
🔍 Please do.
🍭 I know I´ve said this before, but it´s very sweet and cozy.
🔍 A lot of surprise hugs, unless you´re already cuddling. In that case it´s a lot of sudden squeezes
🍭 I want this as well
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of course, my dear. from the vast mountains of liyue and the endless seas of mondstadt, i shall bring you this epic ring to signify my undying devotion.
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ohhh, i am curious. AND the way you choose my favourite characters - tsukishima my love <3
(my favorite team is karasuno, im basic)
btw i don't want to spam your inbox or anything because this is your writing blog after all, so just let me know if you want me to go back to being a professional lurker. or limit the amount of times i send asks.
awww, the ring is so cute >///< we´ll ignore the fact that i don´t like pancakes all that much
it´s so good please, you gotta watch it <33 i thought about rewatching it for the millionth time this morning (i´ve never seen any show as often as haikyuu, it´s not even funny anymore)
tsukki!! i live for his sassy comebacks and character growth, i do relate to him on a certain level, too; what is it with me and always choosing your faves though?
karasuno´s not a bad choice though, bby!! there are so many gems on that team, such lovable dorks ♡
there´s no such thing as "too many asks" and if you go now, i´ll be heartbroken, so don´t do it ₍⑅ᐢ..ᐢ₎
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ayzrules · 4 years
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✶ 𝐇𝐗𝐇 𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐌𝐄𝐒: 𝐋𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐓 & 𝐇𝐎𝐋𝐈𝐍𝐄𝐒𝐒, 𝐃𝐄𝐀𝐓𝐇 & 𝐃𝐀𝐌𝐍𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍   Long story short, I have been thinking about this for wayyyyy too long now and wanted to get some ~thoughts~ & analysis written down! This post is going to be...fairly long, lol. Apologies in advance :D
  Also, if you can’t see the last gif (the one for ‘holy’), click here. Tumblr keeps fucking up the image when i try to upload it :////
  This post is probably going to be about 2/3 yorknew & phantom troupe/kurapika focused, 1/3 chimera ants, maybe with some references to other arcs (including manga-only arcs) mixed in. so, ofc, tons of spoilers ahead! also, i realize that my blog theme is hard to read (and i’m p sure clicking ‘keep reading’ sends you to the og post itself), so i’m linking the post w/ full text copy/pasted in on my art backup side blog (which has a more legible font) here. 
✶ 𝐃𝐄𝐀𝐓𝐇   I’m sure absolutely nobody is surprised with me starting here - there is just. SO. MUCH. DEATH. in hxh. & right from the start, one thing I noticed that togashi really emphasized was the #4 and its connection to death. in japanese, chinese, and im p sure some other asian cultures the number 4 is pronounced like the word for death so it’s associated with death in general, and boy oh boy does the ‘deadly number 4′ thing show up E V E R Y W H E R E. we get to the hunter exam, and hisoka is applicant #44. kurapika is #404. i didn’t notice it at first, but this was so intentional holy shit. togashi is NOT SUBTLE.
  So pika & hisoka are, right off the bat, associated with death. okay. and then there are even more clues to drive the point home: hisoka is member #4 in the phantom troupe, kurapika’s birthday is april 4th (aka 4/4). 100% not a coincidence (!!). with hisoka, it’s pretty obvious why togashi’s throwing all this death 444444 stuff around - dude is a psycho murder pedo clown, literally gets off on killing people (and there’s also the fact that judas sits 4th from the left in the last supper painting, and he’s sort of the judas equivalent for the phantom troupe). with kurapika, though, it’s a bit more subtle and woven deeper into his characterization, which i LOVE. togashi puts the mans in blue & gold & white (traditionally ‘pure’ or ‘heavenly’ colors), makes him so fucking kind & so good-hearted.....when he’s not relentlessly pursuing his revenge, ofc. more on this in the next section, but pika = death. togashi has made that v v v clear.
  Backtracking a bit to hisoka, though, I also just wanted to point out the 4 is death symbolism in the fortunes too (GOD i love the fortunes): in one translation, he’s the false fourth moon, and in the og japanese (i think), he’s the false hare (4th in the lunar zodiac or w/e it’s called. i don’t know the japanese cultural influences here, but in the chinese legend that established the zodiac animals, they race across the heavenly river & the top 12 animals got zodiac slots. the hare finished 4th, so it’s #4 in the cycle). 
  And just as a final note, Tserriednich is the fourth prince of the kakin empire, and also another dude who has a hard-on for murder & other gory shit. again: togashi is not subtle with this, lmfao
✶ 𝐇𝐎𝐋𝐘, 𝐔𝐍𝐇𝐎𝐋𝐘   As probably everyone who’s gotten to yorknew knows, togashi is so 0 fucks given when he wants to be. I mean there’s the whole thing where he just. took New York and decided, Yorknew. LMFAO, but also, he made the main antag of that arc be named chrollo lucilfer, sit around in a ruined church, have a reversed cross coat, pale & dark-haired/dark-eyed, generally dressed in dark colors, very terrible murder guy. liiiike......chrollo x devil symbolism game is 1000/10 at this point lmaooo
  And i know absolutely nothing about christianity in general, but pt/kurapika & yorknew arc is just so full of christian imagery/symbolism! one thing that i L O O O O O O V E though is how togashi really blurs the traditional christian-coded good/evil, holy/damned boundaries.
  Back to kurapika: he wears gold and blue, his coloring is very stereotypically ‘angelic’, he’s precious and good and kind. his chains are all about ~judgment~ and ~healing~ - some of the chains are also in literal cross shapes, aren’t they? And the chain dagger in his own heart...the imagery is very startlingly similar to the immaculate heart of mary, where the swords stabbing thru the heart apparently represent seven sorrows. IDK much about this stuff other than the visual similarities; literally had to google ‘daggers through heart christianity?’ to even get the name of that thing LOL. anyway, at first, it seems like togashi establishes him as the ‘angel’, the ‘good’, the ‘holy’ in the angel/devil, good/evil, holy/damned dichotomy between him and chrollo.
  But that’s not the end of the story. his entire storyline is driven by a huuuuuuuge giant desire for vengeance, first of all, and then there’s the scarlet eyes, which canonically are seen as demonic/cursed/what have you (according to one of the movies or smth? where they show pika as a 10 y/o?), and then we also have red eyes in modern culture being associated w pretty much the same thing (vampires, anyone?). the fight scene with uvo has everything in b&w besides the blood on his face & his red eyes & the moon (<<< more fortune foreshadowing & symbolism, i love to see it), and there are tonssss of scenes where he has to suppress his rage. so all of that is obviously not very angelic of him i would say LOL. in fact, what i find super interesting is that the scarlet/red eyes (which are ‘demonic’) is actually the driving factor behind his super powerful nen abilities; this ties in so well with the fortunes & death associations imo! the fortunes call him the ‘death-bringer’ in one translation, or ‘half-angel, half-death’, so that’s one side of pika = red eyes = death, but there’s also the fact that emperor time is literally draining his life force. so pika = death for both himself and others namely the pt, question mark?
  Now for chrollo: togashi’s devil symbolism is EXTREMELY overt with him, but i love the subtler jesus references too. the church thing, obviously, and the st. peters cross which is cuz st peter respected jesus too much & didn’t think he was worthy to die in the same way as him (or something like that, i am the most atheist person in the world & hxh is literally my entire christian education pls) but is also used as an anti-christianity symbol these days. bandit’s secret looks like a bible, lbr, and mans has a cross tattoo.
  Other things beyond visuals - 12 spiders, 12 apostles; hisoka’s betrayal, where member #4 can be thought to correspond to judas sitting 4th from left at last supper. and this miiiiight be a bit of a stretch, but i think the meteor city being the place of origin may also play into the blurred line between angel/devil and holy/damned here; meteors are defined as space rocks that are in earth’s atmosphere, becoming incandescent in the process. meteorites are for the kinds that actually reach the ground. and idk, lucifer was cast out of heaven / sky too right? so i think there might be some subtle fallen angel imagery/symbolism playing into the pt as well
✶ 𝐋𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐓 (𝐀𝐍𝐃 𝐃𝐀𝐑𝐊𝐍𝐄𝐒𝐒)   Last section yay! i don’t have as much to say about this, besides when i was making chimera ant arc edits & realized that there might have been some subtle gon/meruem parallels???
  So obviously, everyone knows that line killua says to gon - “you are light” - and then i was just remembering that meruem’s name means.... “light that illuminates all” (!!!!). maybe it’s a coincidence, but knowing togashi, i’m leaning towards nahhhh. there HAS TO be some kinda meaning there (!!).
  Going back to the events of the chimera ant arc....ooh boy. let’s see: gon is optimistic & hopeful even in the face of kite potentially being dead, killua says he’s light, they find kite & dude is fucked up, gon is pissed. gets all angry & ~dark~, especially during the palace invasion when he’s staring pitou down as she fixes up komugi. then the actual fight against pitou: more darkness, more anger, but through it all there’s still light, namely his jajanken being very orange & fiery lookin.....and that final sequence, where he puts all his possible nen he’d ever have into his ~final form~ or wahtever & turns into a male version of true form!bisky but dressed in a crop top & short-shorts (i am SCARRED, btw. s c a r r e d !). there’s just huuuge flashes of light as that’s going on, and it reminded me of supernovas or dying stars when i was thinking about it, where the star is like, collapsing under its own weight? & burning thru its own fuel, until there’s nothing left except a dwarf or black hole or what have you. one final, extremely deadly burst of light & energy before death.
  On the meruem side of things: born into a dark cave, exhibits a traditionally evil/cruel/wicked/whatever personality/traits so that has ppl associating him with darkness. then he gets to know komugi, starts to appreciate other aspects of humanity, seems like he could have actually turned into a decent person who doesn’t want to eat everyone - so that’s a ‘path to light’, maybe? - and then the extermination team yeets themselves into the palace, netero takes him out to bumfuck nowhere, they fight. netero’s fighting is just ALL light, from his giant ass golden 100-type guanyin bodhisattva to the poor man’s rose. again, there’s the sense of finality to it all, in a similar vein to dying stars: netero comes in determined to kill meruem no matter what, and we all know netero doesn’t flake. then we see netero get destroyed after the zero hand, and he triggers the rose, and everything is burning & on fire before the flames are put out and all turns dark again.
  But wait!!! pouf & youpi revive meruem and all he does is play gungi with komugi, even with the poison of the rose. he eventually dies, and the gungi pieces in that final shot of them together (i am BAWLING just thinking about it holy shit) has one that’s all white, one that’s a black ring and white inside. i assume all white is for komugi, who has never done ANYTHING wrong in her LIFE, so i like to think that the 2nd one is for meruem - born “into darkness”, literally & figuratively, but he turns something like ‘good’ by the end. it’s interesting how togashi has sort of gone for a bit of a subversion here: the hero going from light to darkness, and the main antag from darkness to light.
✶ 𝐂𝐎𝐍𝐂𝐋𝐔𝐒𝐈𝐎𝐍   AahhhhHHHHHhhh so if you read all the way down here through my LONG rambles, tysm! i would LOVE LOVE LOVE to hear what other people think about all this, and i’ve FOR SURE missed tons and tons of stuff - chimera ants is just. SO MUCH. and i don’t know it as well as yorknew eeek.
  I’m not sure if i’m really ~knowledgeable~ in any other areas relating to hxh, so this might be the only one of these that i do, but i definitely think about some of this - esp all the religious symbolism & #4 stuff - a ton! so in the meantime, if it’s of any interest, i’m just going to shamelessly plug my hxh x religious beliefs/superstitions edit series :D lots of love to all!!!
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kaypeace21 · 4 years
Do you think that the hellfire club is a D&D group or some sport team or what do you think it is? (BTW big fan of your theories)
I think it’s a d&d club. I talked about it in past posts.I think being about d&d makes sense since the game would foreshadow future plot points- like it did in prior seasons . And the “hellfire club” is even an X-men group relating to the dark Phoenix which was referenced in s1 by Will . And I think they’ll take inspiration from that comic book arc for future seasons too . (So it’s an eastergg) . But, also , being called “the hellfire club” is probably an inside joke with the club members- since in the 80s, adults claimed d&d was about devil worship.)
In Bts photos- one of the members has a ‘Wasp’ pin which is a heavy metal band formed in 1982 -so the club is not so shockingly confirmed to be into rock.Along with d&d (if the leaks are legit) . Makes sense since both things are part of counter culture that was demonized by the “satanic panic” in the 80s. In the 80s. D&d (similar to rock music) was believed to be satanic - so the club name (for the club members)is a joke making fun of these people who think that’s true . But also (as a show is) another dark Phoenix ref . One of the s4 movies ‘paradise lost’  (was about a real life case) of small town teens   who were into punk music, horror movies, stephen king, wore black,  into wicca, and accused of being gay. They were unfairly blamed for ‘ satanic child m**ders (in the woods & near a river). They weren’t guilty . But, because ‘satanic panic’ was still alive and well ...the town’s people used their hobbies/ punk look/ and perceived sexualities as ‘proof” they were guilty. The case was later described as a ‘witch hunt’. Meanwhile the other (more likely suspect) at the time was John “Mark” Byers- who was a hunter, had a thing for hunting knives, religious, admitted to hitting his kids, and was  accused of s**ually abusing his son, shot pumpkins (s2 ref), and sang a song about creating a portal to another world without light , that you could enter via a tree (s1 ref). Years later-after the doc- it’s implied he wasn’t guilty either. But, one of the other victims’ fathers - Terry was assumed to be guilty - he was also was accused of m***esting his son and daughter (by his own family members). Admitted to hitting his wife and kids. And had a police report filed on him - describing breaking into a women’s house , while she was in a tub and trying to attack her. He was also formerly charged for m*rdering one of his wife’s family members- but got away with it claiming self defense). Heck if the names John byers/Terry being in the film/st wasn’t crazy enough- the victims were named Steve, Michael, and Chris byers (luckily ours don’t have that same horrible fate/back stories).
I kind of assume - the d&d club will be looked at suspiciously as teens go missing/ kidnapped/ or maybe found k*lled in the woods/quarry. And the cops/others think they’re “satanic k*llings” and rumors about the d&d club insue. And maybe our teens suspect it’s the demogorgan again. But as a subversion- it isn’t and it’s a human . A human that by ab*sing Will- caused Will to unconsciously create many things including the demogorgan (which in d&d is called the “deep father”) . Also, in s3 they called Will “the devil’s baby” (Aka lonnie is the real “devil” ).And such incidents in the woods/ near the quarry would connect back to s1 demogorgan & Will being found in the quarry. And if paying attention you already noticed s1 demogorgan paralleled Lonnie a lot! So s4 would start bringing things to the surface- in regards to how evil Lonnie really is.Not to mention more hints (I previously posted) that hinted they’ll go with this “ch*ld serial ki##er plot line...
But then again I think it may not be literally Lonnie. My guess: Brenner (who I think was created/based on lonnie) is possibly doing failed experiments of teens to open portals (in the basement of pethurst -like in hellraiser 2) . And dumping failed experiments in the woods/water. A few movies had the d*ad victims have numbers carved in them. And then El/kali team up and maybe sneak into the facility (like in ace Ventura people posing as siblings investigate a m*rder and one fakes being ‘crazy’ to sneak in and find a murderer) . In ‘peanut butter solution’ 2 kids - 1 of them is goth/not american teams up with a girl to find a man named ‘senior ‘who is kidnapping kids. 1 of them also sneaks in and is captured on purpose to investigate. Kali already busted Dottie out of a psych hospital and lucas referenced El being there in s1. Alexi (like el-another alter of Will) watches roadrunner- in that papa bear throws him in a psych facility. And assasains creed/dream warriors - the psychiatric facility was similar to the lab with sensory deprivation tanks, cameras, solitary confinement in dark rooms. We already know 1 new character is against the mistreatment of people at the facility. Also the real pethurst (in Pennsylvania) -known for human rights a*use issues- wasn’t a psych facility (but a place for people with intellectual disabilities). So El being at the psych hospital version in Indianna (and maybe having id herself like I mentioned before -would be a nice ref). And in assasains creed- when the character starts sneaking around investigating - the dr reveals how the character is actual the reincarnation of their ancestor ( brenner tells el she’s an alter of Will’s ). And before that the dr was making that person relive the traumatic past of their past life/other person -which they couldn’t change (sort of like el seeing Billy’s past in s3). Also kali said her and El should team up to face their father- which I think they’ll do. And I’m excited about it!
I still think brenner was created by Will and based on Lonnie so he could be responsible and connected to Will/Jon’s backstory with Lonnie/the Woods. In an abstract way. Like how brenner/Lonnie forced their kids to k*ll animals. Brenner threw El in a dark room/ Lonnie threw Will in a trunk. Brenner’s name being associated with the woods and Lonnie being a hunter , etc.
Also we know s4 involves this dark-storyline involving c**ld m*rders cause of foreshadowing
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* Also, mentioned here how in s4 rolling a 11 isn’t actually a good thing and that it’s a callback to Will rolling a 7- in s1. Before things go array.In “paradise lost” when blaming the innocent goth boys someone asks the chief “on a scale 1 to 10 how confident are you? You have the right men?” And he laughs and says “11.”
*And , just for historical context of how ‘metal ‘ and ‘scary ‘ d&d was to nonplayers (in the 80s).
“In 1985, 60 Minutes dedicated a full hour to the supposed connection between D&D, Satanic rites, murders and su*cides . 2 years earlier, Patricia Pulling formed Bothered About Dungeons and Dragons (BADD) . She described D&D as ‘a fantasy role-playing game which leads to demonology, witchcraft, voodoo, murder, r*pe, blasphemy, suicide, assassination, insanity, sex perversion, homosexuality, pr*stitution, satanic type rituals, gambling, barbarism, cannibalism, sadism, desecration, demon summoning, necromantics, divination and other teachings.’ In 1987, Peter Leithart and George Grant published The Catechism of the New Age, a pamphlet where they introduced the idea that D&D was immoral because roleplaying allowed too much freedom for critical thinking, which might lead to heretical ideas. That same year, Chris Pritchard and two friends conspired to murder Pritchard’s stepfather in his sleep, the media ignored the obvious financial motivation and instead focused on the men being in the same D&D group.”
( I think quite a few of those themes will come up in s4/5 - although d&d isn’t the actual cause). It’ll just be a subversion.
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feminaexlux · 4 years
5 Minutes
Part 2 of Miraculous Leap
Btw I'm heavily referencing We Have a Problem by @verfound 'cuz I can take partial ownership of Dewey hehehe. Ages are fudged around for convenience
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As soon as he left the bedroom and was out of sight Luka felt his knees start to buckle and he let himself slump to the floor. Hopefully she didn't hear that. A minute ago he'd been reaching for his bracelet to set Second Chance but then Ladybug collided into him and they were sent tumbling to the ground. When he had opened his eyes he found…
He was almost dead certain that it was Marinette propping herself up over him. Even if she looked older he wouldn't have mistaken those eyes for anyone else's. Those eyes looked as surprised as he was. While she had moved over to his side to sit up he had taken a quick scan of the room and of her. She looked… very curvy? … And pregnant. It was incredibly… well. There'd been a mix of feelings he couldn't put words to.
But the room? Deep down inside, he had an odd sense of being at home. And as he took some deep, meditative breaths to control his heartrate he knew whatever this was, it wasn't a dream. It had too much… certainty and realness to it.
Marinette was looking panicked, so he had offered to get some water. He needed some water himself. He also needed to leave the room so he could freak out in private and not upset her any more than she was already, and that was why he was more or less faceplanted on the floor out of view right now.
What was the akuma? It had some ability to see the future, which was why Viperion was called out to help Ladybug and Chat Noir in the first place. No one on the Miraculous team had known that it had the power to send people into the future, however. Luka was sure that was what had happened. Ladybug and Viperion got hit with the akuma's blast and… now Marinette and Luka were here, in their future. ONE future, he should say.
It wasn't necessarily set in stone. Luka knew how much could change in just 5 minutes.
He knew Marinette was Ladybug. Marinette might try to convince him she wasn't Ladybug if it ever came up. He'd have to roll with it and make her as comfortable as he could. Or maybe he could steer the conversation away from that in the first place. She might never call on him to be Viperion again if he told her that he knew and had known for a while.
Because even if Marinette had always looked over Luka for Adrien, Luka wanted to spend whatever time he could with her, in her super Miraculous suit or in her normal everyday clothes.
He got back up on his feet and sighed to himself, looking into the different rooms he passed as he meandered his way blindly toward a kitchen. There were a few rooms that had been for kids, he thought. He walked by what looked like Marinette's crafting workshop, full of partially dressed mannequins and half-finished projects and colorful children's drawings. A hallway he passed through was full of pictures of kids he didn't recognize, but they all had a strong familiarity.
Probably because they were his kids. His and Marinette's. He could hardly believe it, but his older self and Marinette's older self were there throughout most of the pictures too.
One thing caught his attention outside of the kids' pictures: a flatscreen in a large ornate frame playing a soundless video in the center of the hallway wall. It was of him and Marinette on what looked like their wedding day. He had swept her up off her feet in her wedding dress and she had her arms wrapped around his shoulders. She had been laughing and then had leaned in to kiss him.
Luka watched that replay a few times. They looked happy. He hoped that future Marinette didn't have any regrets.
After the replays he realized that they didn't look that old in the clip. Well, not much older than they were… now? Before the akuma? Definitely not teenagers anymore, but not more than a few years after they both left their teens.
So how did he manage to get all this? What happened that let Marinette finally see him? Did his future self leave any hints?
Last he knew of anything, Marinette had come back to the Liberty from her class' New York trip and admitted to the GirlSquad™️ (while Luka was within earshot) that she was still in love with Adrien. "I-I mean there's plenty of reasons to love him… he's so cute and talented and smart and--and… and I think everyone keeps saying we were made for each other but… but it's so hard," Marinette had groaned. "Why is it so hard?"
Luka had made his presence known so he wouldn't be unintentionally eavesdropping something he wasn't supposed to. Any more than was already said, anyway. He had started to leave when Rose stopped him then. "Luka! You're a boy! You know what boys think! What do you think is going on with Adrien?"
Luka had laughed and said he didn't know. "What I know is that it isn't supposed to be easy. It's something you have to keep working on. But it's supposed to lift you up and make you feel stronger." He then left the girls in their plotting/scheming/arguing to lounge back in his room. He had been surprised when a few minutes later Marinette came to join him.
"It doesn't make me feel stronger. I just feel dumb," Marinette said then, quietly. He had let her stay with him while he played random songs on his guitar, trying to cheer her up. She had finally started smiling again when he played her song, except with a little bit more flare and bubblegum pop. It was what he heard in his head when she was happy. "Thank you. You know, I feel less dumb being here with you."
He finally reached something like a kitchen. It'd been huge and there were clear boxy canisters of different types of flours and sugars and mix-ins… He saw a high end mixer and maybe 30 different types of baking sheets. Looked like Marinette still put her baking knowledge to use.
Alright enough being distracted, he shouldn't leave Marinette alone too long. He grabbed two clean glasses and got water from the fridge's built in dispenser and headed back the way he came.
"I brought some water for you." He was a little worried when he saw her on the floor. He had no idea what it was like being pregnant but it couldn't have been easy… "Hey, are you doing okay?"
Marinette took the water gratefully. "I don't know… Are… are you Luka Couffaine?" He nodded. "Huh, just a few minutes ago I was 14, and now it looks like I'm 34. And your wife."
There was something to her voice… she wasn't horrified, which was good news. There'd still been some confusion, maybe? And a little disbelief. That was as much as could be expected from Marinette, Luka supposed.
He was pretty sure she was Marinette, but it would be all kinds of messed up if he just found someone who looked a lot like her. It'd been her art, her designs, her baking… right? No one else could just… be all that she was. He had to be sure. "Are you Marinette?"
She looked up at him with her light blue eyes. It had to be Marinette. There'd been a wave of relief that washed over him when she nodded.
"I think this is our future," she said.
Luka blinked and… all of a sudden his wife had a Ladybug mask on. He hadn't seen that on her for months now (he had the Ladybug Miraculous since she was pregnant) which was the first clue that something had rudely interrupted them. He groaned internally and tried to mentally ping Sass or Tikki to see if there was anything to worry about. Marinette looked as bewildered as he was. He took her shoulders and gently pressed them both up to sitting.
Okay, well, she was… she was definitely not pregnant and therefore not his Marinette. Then he noticed he was suited up as Viperion. Ah, it ssseemsss you have been… regressssed, Massster, Sass said in his head. God, Marinette looked… what, 15? And Sass hadn't called him "Master" in forever.
Do you know what happened? Luka asked Sass.
There is an akuma who controlsss time. Well, of course. Their power has ssswapped you with your younger ssself, Sass answered.
Luka had to stop himself from laughing. His younger self was in for one hell of a surprise. That aside, he had to check on this Marinette. "Hey, are you okay?"
Ladybug looked up at him and brushed through his hair with her fingers. "Viperion? Your hair… It's so short…? Wait… wait wh--where's…" She looked down at herself and patted her stomach. "D-D-Dew--"
Oh, Dewey. Viperion pulled Ladybug in for a hug as she started crying. She was his Marinette and… and their son was in the future, not here with them. "He's alright. He's waiting for us. We're somehow in the past, but we'll get back home."
Well, shit, that meant that the younger Marinette was in the future as well.
"I-I-I thought I had l-lost him," Ladybug said quietly, her voice breaking.
"Hey… guys…" Chat said awkwardly after landing nearby. "Milady! What's wrong?!"
Right. Chat Noir. At 15. This was going to be annoying as fuck.
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folks, the prologue for the prank war is officially finished! lmk if this is smthn anyone is interested in-- (btw here's the link to thw original idwa and info https://shepards-stars.tumblr.com/post/666953112648597504/so-um-a-friend-and-i-have-decided-to-make-an-spn)
The Great War Of Winchesters (and you know like 16 of their friends)
Dean trudged down the hallway, groggy and half dazed. The night before, the bunker was filled with the merry band of misfits the Winchesters called friends. There were easily about 20 people in the bunker, including those that lived there. The weirdest part about it was there wasn't any pressing matter. They just got together to be together. No end-of-the-world brainstorming session. There wasn't one last drink before the apocalypse. It was just- Hanging out together. And of course there were many, many drinks. So. Many. Drinks. He stepped into the kitchen, his feet heavy on the tile floor. He moved to grab the coffee pot, filling it with water and setting up the coffee machine. “Dean!” His head snapped up in alert. “Cas?” He called. He looked around, his head on a tight swivel. After no response, Dean jogged out of the kitchen back down the hallway. “Cas?” Again, nothing. “Sh*t, Castiel!” His heart beginning to race, Dean started to run down the hall. He rounded a sharp corner. “Jesus Christ, Casti-” A sheet of cling wrap hit him like a brick wall. Dean's frame thudded on the concrete floor. Gabriel's childish cackle rang through the hall. By this time, the other guests had crept into the hall, laughing as they saw the eldest Winchester laid flat on the floor. He pulled himself up, grunted, and stepped up to Gabriel. The hall got quiet. Dean huffed. “Alright.” He looked around for a second before turning back to the archangel. “This is war. Charlie, Claire, Ellen, Cas; let's go.” He trudged off, turning to face them. “Come on.” They looked at each other before collectively, and silently, complying and following his lead. “Sorry, war?” Lucifer chimed.
“Alrighty then.”
“Lucifer, where the h*ll do you think you're going?”
“I'm on your team.”
“No, you are definitely not on my team.”
“Please, please, please, please. I'll be a good boy. 🥺”
“Jesus, fine. Just don't ever say that to me ever.”
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