#junker racing au
toffiendfee · 5 months
Inital D x Solatorobo Crossover AU
...because I warned you this was going to happen.
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First of all, if you don't know what I'm talking about: Play Solatorobo. If for some reason you don't want to play this amazing 14 years old DS game, you can go watch this video about it. Please. Do it for me 👀
Additional thoughts (and robots) under the cut:
In this AU, the RedSuns are a hunter guild. They've specialised on escorting airships and fighting off sky pirates. The Takahashis are from a wealthy mostly merchant family based in Spinon, and their parents are not entirely thrilled about their occupation... but not un-thrilled enough to not fund the RedSuns, because they're at least quite useful in keeping their cargo ships safe.
Takumi is either from Spinon as well, or from Airedale. The tofu shop remains unchanged, and also the fact that Takumi is constantly being sent on deliveries with his dad's junker of a robot.
I have two different scenarios as to how he meets the brothers. Firstly, the one where he overtakes Keisuke, a lot like in the original. I mean, Solatorobo has a racing minigame, so I had to. It makes perfect sense that Ryousuke has his hunters partake in the Air Robo GP to refine their aerial maneouvering skills for sky pirate combat, so it could happen that Takumi on a delivery out-maneouvers Keisuke, who reacts just as well as he does in the show. Made even better by the fact that there is a cake delivery quest in the actual game using the racing minigame mechanics... but I digress
The second option is that the RedSuns get called to a passenger ferry that's currently under attack... but when they arrive, Takumi, who happened to be a passenger, already took care of the pirates. Ryousuke tries to recruit him on the spot, lol
I started making some robot designs for the brothers as well, but I abandoned that idea after Takumi's Hachiroku-mini-mech already took everything that I had:
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At least for Takumi's robot, I tried to include some design elements from his car. I'm not very good at drawing mechs, let alone designing them... so if you want to see some proper car mechs, I redirect you towards Twi's IniD mech AU!
Anyway, Takumi is a caninu and the brothers are felineko, obviously. It's probably also obvious what cat species Ryousuke and Keisuke are (snow leopard and leopard are just too appropriate for them, lol). Takumi... well, I procrastinated on this for so long (because of the robots) that I forgot what dog breeds I looked at for reference, but I do remember one of them were St. Bernards. Floppy ears and a chill disposition.
This crossover has a grip on me.
Please play Solatorobo 🥺
Thank you.
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lovelyladylavie · 7 months
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Uhhhhh time to Boldly Go?
Years ago, Captain Splinter found 4 young survivors of the extinct Hamatoan race, frozen in a forgotten lab. He raised them on board his ship, adopting them as his sons. Eventually, they all make it into starfleet academy and graduate! (By the skin of their teeth!!)
-During a Klingon attack when they were preteens, Donnie lost his sight as a result of an explosion and has to wear goggles, which connect to his brain, Geordi-style, in order to see.
-Mikey is an Augment, having been incredibly weak when he was found. Splintz found him a blackmarket doctor willing to give him the Augment procedures, which healed his issues and gave him super strength and enhanced senses. He has to keep it a secret, or he'll be drummed out of Starfleet.
In the now, Leo is Captain of a junker of a ship and has Donnie soup it up. He got his command only because Admiral Splinter won a bet from another admiral and they had to let him have a ship, but gave him a bogus one. Doesn't stop them, as Donnie kicks ass at tricking it out with all kinds of ridiculous weaponry and features.
Leo- Captain
Donnie- Chief Engineer
Raph- Chief of Security
Mikey- Helmsman
April- Chief Medical Officer
Cassandra- Weapons Station
Casey Junior- Engineering Assistant
Usagi- Chief Science Officer
Sunita- Medical Assistant
Leatherhead- Lieutenant Science Officer
Splinter- Admiral (who keeps their butts out of the fryer)
Draxum- Diplomat, but also the Augment Scientist who gave Mikey his procedures.
Random stuff:
- Cassandra swears up and down she's 1/4 Klingon, 1/4 Vulcan, and 1/2 human, but DNA tests have come back inconclusive. (She's one of the missing Founder children and has no idea she's a shapeshifter. She blacks out during a fight sometimes and shifts, but remembers nothing)
--April is half-Trill on her Father's side, but isn't allowed to have a symbiont due to her parentage and Trills being buttholes about that. She wants one, but they keep making up excuses not to give her one.
--Due to a wild time/space anomaly, they met Casey Jr, and unfortunately have no way to send him back to his time bc the anomaly disentangled, so they decided to keep him and he works with Donnie in the Warp Core.
--Donnie has a crush on April, and at one point, he defends her from a Klingon attack. The crush becomes mutual at that point, and they become good friends in order to hang out more. There's a Jefferies Tube that connects the Warp Core to the Med Bay and they sneak up there to have little picnic lunches and gossip.
--April is the one to give Donnie the necessary tune-ups for his goggles.
--Raph takes their Hamatoan culture very seriously and studies all he can find about their lost civilization.
--They meet Q at one point, and they drive HIM nuts!
--Draxum bums rides off them all the time and Splinter uses Leo's ship as his own personal chauffer service
--Splinter is an alien and was never human.
--Huginn and Muninn are Draxum’s assistants and always go to talk shit with the dolphins in Cetacean Ops
--Leatherhead wants off this ship and onto a nice, normal Vulcan Science Vessel. 🖖 This reckless crew is gonna raise his blood pressure.
--Piebald is their bartender and gives advice, but it should NOT be followed. She's trying to stir the pot.
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jackalopes-pen · 1 month
Vroom Vroom.
TW: Description of violence, swearing, taking the lord’s name in vain, gay people
Summary: South Park Racing AU, but I focus way too much on one idiot.
Characters: Craig Tucker, Tweak Tweek, Tolkien Black, Clyde Donovan
Word Count: 988
A/N: Brain rot. Just brain rot. Let me write damn it, I have nothing to do.
Craig wouldn’t particularly call himself a ‘street racer’, although if you care about textbook definitions then he is. He just performs for rich idiots who like to bet on poor idiots on shitty motorcycles. Legally, they call that ‘street racing’ and Clyde likes to get on his nerves about it. Craig could almost bet that Clyde had a literal stick shoved so far up his ass that it’s causing his lactose intolerance. 
“Craig, you’re racing tonight, right?” Tolkien said from across the lunch tale, catching his attention. 
“Oh, yeah. It’s duos tonight so me and Tweak are racing.” Craig responded simply. This was his first time in the major circuit so he had to do the duo race to get registered for solo races. If it was his choice, he’d jump straight to a solo race but unfortunately this season is down to team races. 
“Cool, I’ll be watching… like always.” Tolkien smirked. He only supported Craig in this because it meant he got money. If it was a net loss, Tolkien would do anything to pull Craig out.
“You’re both so fucking stupid.” Clyde groaned, “I heard the major circuit is where people get hurt cause the modification rules are non-existent.”
“Yeah? I heard cheese tastes good, but you wouldn’t know, would you?” Craig snapped back.
“Jesus- alright.” Clyde held up his hands and kept eating his lunch.
Craig decided to just keep eating his shitty cafeteria food and give little more than a side glance at Clyde. After all, that idiot had no idea how much money Craig was making and how many Red Racer dvds he was accumulating. He almost had the full movie set, except for Red Racer Vs. Blue Racer: The Ultimate Race. It was a TV movie so it’s hard to find any copies. One day, though, he’ll have them all. All the Red Racer he could ask for. 
“CRAIG!” Tweak’s shaky voice broke through Craig’s fantasy.
“Yeah?” Craig said, annoyed.
“Dude- did you see the line-up? We’re so boned!” Tweak’s constantly shaking hands kept Craig from reading Tweak’s phone screen. It just looked like a jittering box of light.
“Honey- calm down. Lemme see.” Craig took the phone from Tweak’s hand and looked over the list. It wasn’t exactly names, because if any of them got ratted to the police it was over. Instead, what he saw was a list of persona names to hide identities. 
Among the list was “The Junker”, who had a decent reputation as a sure-shot, a clean 54 races won. Although his motorcycle is liable to explode. He also saw some edgelord named “Hook Horror” who currently had a 39 win streak, and a massive hook attached to his motorcycle to grab and destroy. The only other real problem he saw was some idiots named “toolshed” and “human kite”. No fucking way that Stan Marsh and Kyle Broflovski were racers. 
“We’re gonna explode, ribs ripped out, lost by miles!” Tweak was pacing back and forth and shaking. He clearly already thought the absolute worst possibility and was imagining painful deaths. 
“We’re fine. These guys are edgelords.” Craig rolled his eyes and handed Tweak his phone back. It doesn’t matter if they have exploding engines or weird weapons, they have speed. Who gives a fuck about the rest?
__ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___
The night of the race, Craig was making sure everything looked right on his motorcycle. He was that reckless, to not check his stuff and make sure he wouldn’t die tonight.
“Look honey, it’s fine. See, that guy is nervous.” Craig pointed to a different stall with a duo. One of them was freakishly tall and was quietly comforting the shorter one. They couldn’t tell what was being said, but they looked really gay. 
“uRG- WHAT IF IT’S AN ACT?!” Tweak seemed so utterly terrified. He seemed like he was certain he would die tonight.
“It’s probably not. Look over there, that fat fuck will probaby come dead last.’ Craig pointed out a box with one guy who looked like the most money he’d seen was five bucks and the other who looked like he treated eating as an olympic sport.
“It could be padding so he can get back up!” tweak said, still pacing.
“Fuck! I forgot my socket wrench. Gimme a minute.” Craig got up and looked around. He noticed that the gay fucks from earlier had one lying around. He casually got up and walked over to them to ask for it. He could vaguely hear what they were saying.
“You’re fine, love. We practiced a thousand times.” The tall one said.
“I- I dunno… why couldn’t Salem make it?” said the shorter one.
“Salem is betting tonight.”
“Oh yeah… forgot Salem is rich like that.”
“Making fun of racer names, are we Nevermore?”
“You got your name from the D&D Monster Manual, you can’t talk.”
“... touché.”
“Uh, excuse me?” Craig said, “Can I borrow your socket wrench?” He pointed to it on the black toolbox decorated in band stickers. 
“Hm? Sure- just give it back at some point.” The taller one said, nonchalant. “Who.. are you?” 
“Blue Racer.. Like the tv series Red Racer. Do you watch Red Racer?” Craig said, his autism showing a bit.
“Oh.. the newbie. Good luck.” The tall man handed over the wrench and kind of shrugged him off.
“Oh yeah, who are you?”
“The Hook Horror… this is Nevermore, my partner.” by the person’s tone it was hard to discern what variety of partner. Although, Craig could take a guess.
“Oh… cool. See you on the line.” Craig walked off to fix his bike and leave the gay idiots alone. Although their voices did sound kind of familiar. Maybe they went to the same High School or something.
Actually, now that he’s really looking around, all these idiots seem to be idiots from his high school. This just got so much easier.
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bombmate · 1 year
💣 Verses 💣
[Jamie's personality and physique changes slightly throughout the different verses. Most of the physical traits remain, but depending on the verse, the personality will change a little in the way of thinking and speaking.]
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🔴⚪ POKÉMON AU: Jamison is a professor specializing in pokemons fire and dark types. He can always be seen traveling in search of new species for his private research. He's a bit too lively, clumsy, and won't stop talking. And more because of his personality for some, he is considered crazy. But he was always very kind to his pokemons and gentle to young trainers who crossed his path.
Pokemons: Blaziken, Ditto, Mimikyu, Duskull and Gengar.
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🤘PUNKRAT AU: Jamie Fawkes is the lead singer and guitarist of an Australian punkrock band. He with his friends Mako/Roadhog (drummer) and Odessa/JunkerQueen (guitarist). They form the Junkers. Their band is not very well known but they are always playing in different places promoting their work. When he's not playing in the band or practicing. He is working part-time as a clerk at a boba tea shop.
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🦸 MY HERO ACADEMIA AU: Jamie Fawkes better known as the infamous hero Junkrat in the past. His career was cut short after a tragic accident that happened on one of his missions. Which he had to sacrifice his leg and his arm in favor of his partner and also hero The Great Roadhog. His friend retired and he, feeling a little guilty about the situation, decides to retire too. Besides the guilt, he ended up having a trauma that left him incapacitated during the missions. So resolve to stay out of the battlefields and hero profession.
However, his friend suggested that he not give up and become a professor at U.A. That way he could help young heroes and perhaps overcome the trauma that still plagues him.
His quirk is that he has mouths spread across his body. That can produce different elements depending on what they eat. He specialized in producing chemical elements to make different types of explosives.
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⚗️ DOCTOR JUNKESTEIN AU: Dr. Jamison Junkenstein was a scientist who served the local Lord of Adlersbrunn. He was known for creating lifelike automatons that the lord was never impressed with, considering them as nothing more than slaves. Upset at this disrespect, Junkenstein intended to prove himself by creating a creature that was truly self aware. His attempts ended in failure, but before he was to give up the Witch of the Wilds and her servant, The Reaper appeared to him with an offer. She offered him the Spark of Life in return for a favor that she will ask of him someday in the future. The doctor agreed, and with the Spark of Life he succeeded in bringing his creation to life. The doctor allowed his monster to ravage the town as revenge against the people there who scorned him.
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️‍🔥 FIRE DEMON AU: The junkrats are the most scarcely seen of the fallen family of demons. Capricious and suspicious to a fault, they prefer to live amongst the ruined war-machines that litter Pandemonium where they scrounge for resources.Jamy is one of those demons. Or nearly so. He is descended from a succubus and a junkrat. But his powers of seduction are almost nil, drawing more on his father's abilities. As a mixed child, he was frowned upon by his parents' races. Their parents wanted to be together so they fled to the human world. And tried to live their lives somehow. However, they ended up being killed by demon hunters. Leaving Jamy alone when he was 6 years old.
A fire demon, Gabriel took pity on him and ended up raising him as his own. He then calls himself a fire demon despite knowing his origins. He has better firebending and uses this along with the powers of his junkrat race. Creating explosive bombs of all kinds. His powers on his mother's side are very few and he rarely uses them. Since he didn't pick up traces of seduction powers. But he can use it as a last resort to escape unexpected situations. What may or may not work.
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🔫 MOBSTER AU: Jamison “The Wiseguy”. Fawkes was responsible for many of the most explosive heists in New York mafia history. Unfortunately, he has a habit of blowing up his loot right along with his targets. It is generally considered the jack of all trades. Doing all sorts of dirty work for your boss. The lively personality makes people call him the gang clown. However, he is smarter, colder, calculating and deadly than most people think.
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❤️ UNDERTALE AU: Jamie is a scarecrow monster who fell into the underground no one knows when or how. He is an entity that was created from the whining of many souls that died in the cornfield where he lived. He is a very shy monster but very kind to others and has always been one of the few monsters who treated humans well. He's one of the few who doesn't want to leave the underground and even if they do, he doesn't want to come back to the surface. He created a small farm on which he manages to grow vegetables, vegetables and some fruits. For some reason he manages to make the entire plantation work even without sunlight.Despite his gentle nature, Jamie can't stand to have his crops touched. Getting to throw bombs if someone approaches without his authorization.
In the pacifist route, he likes Frisk and even lets them choose to take anything from his plantation. Which helps Frisk a lot in the future. Because these items can recover a large amount of HP. If Frisk befriends Jamie and becomes his special mate. Jamie will give a special fruit that can revive Frisk.
In the genocide route, the farm is closed to Frisk. And Jamie always hides from the human. If Frisk somehow manages to get into the farm a angry Scarecrow will appear. and drop multiple bombs on them. If defeated, the scarecrow will cry and say that he only wanted to have a friend to tell stories to him. Just like the kind old man who raised pigs used to do. He will drop the scarecrow mask that protects his eyes from light attacks.
[main theme song - boss theme song]
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🕵️ TALON AU: Jamie was found by Maximilien when he was still a teenager. The blond young man had found an important treasure that became of interest to him. But Maximilien ended up finding interest in the young man and decided to take him with him. At first everyone treated him like Maximilien's pet. The son adopted out of pity. But Jamie was proving to be more and more intelligent. He already had enough skill with machines and bombs. And with proper education he became a hacker, mechanical engineer, chemist. Besides a explosives expert by the time he reached adulthood.
The blonde became known as Junkrat. Who caused waves of terrorism and robberies under Maximilien's orders. He is sarcastic, petty, and somewhat of a jerk when working in a team. Preferring to work alone most of the time. However, he never disobeys when his boss / father sends him on missions with other Talon agents.
Fawkes sometimes abuses the privileges he has. Especially with the doormats Talon uses. Sometimes even being somewhat cruel and dismissive of them most of the time. He doesn't give a shit about Overwatch and just thinks it's a thorn in Talon's side. Not caring at all about killing agents if asked.
He remembers his past very well and hates the Junkers and Junkertown with all his might. If he sees a Junker he prefers to kill without hesitation unless they are useful for something. Taking that off kills them without hesitation. Jamie lost his right arm and leg when he was found. Today he wears the best prostheses money can buy. And he loves wearing suits and long baths in the bathtub.
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🧜 MERFOLK AU: Jamie is a merfolk, eel electric type. He loves exploring the ocean looking for all kinds of treasure. He is a collector and keeps anything he finds valuable in the cave he lives in. He also explored the surface a bit and had good and bad experiences with humans and other species. He even lost half of his right arm when he was hunted by humans. A fisherman named Mako saved him and took care of him. Mako became his best friend. And sometimes he presents him with human treasures. Which Jamie is very fond of. Jamie has never attacked anyone. But if he feels threatened he gives electrical discharges that can kill anyone close by. But usually he tries to control the electricity that emanates to just come as a warning.
If you offer gifts and are polite to Jamie he will want you to become his special mate. And he give gifts to you as proof of friendship. Which can be anything he thinks is treasure. This ranges from trash, shells, and gems.
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🧪 THE WITCHER AU: Jamison Fawkes is a young half-elf who on his road trips to Nilfgaard. When he was captured and almost killed by some vampires. But he was lucky that the famous vampire Emiel Regis saved him. And even though Jamison is on the verge of death, Regis decides to transform him at the last moment. So the young doctor dies to return to life as a creature of the night. Grateful for the second chance, Jamison becomes Regis' apprentice. Follows him on his adventures and research. The new vampire falls in love with alchemy. And specializes in creating varied explosives. Which are very useful in times of battle.
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andimpink · 7 years
Junkyard Jam
A/N: Prepare yourselves for this wonderful Racing AU I came up with for the beloved Junkers. I can just see them being a kick-butt racing team and had to write a fan fiction with them doing just that. Hope someone else besides me enjoys this -.- 
Screams and shouts filled the air, muffling the speedway's advertisements and boisterous music. The stands were packed to the max and people were still filing in from the admission booths. It was the hottest day of the summer but that hadn't stopped people from coming down to see the races. Who would want to miss the biggest race of the year, the 15th Annual Junkyard Jam? While that may be one reason, there was another one that was more likely. Team Junker was in town for the race and I could tell by the number of attendees wearing their merchandise that they were the reason for people braving the unforgiving sun.
Team Junker was a two-man team that had won so many races people who weren't hardcore fans had stopped counting. They were a fearless duo who didn't let anyone get the jump on them. In their sidecar motorcycle, they took the competition to a completely new level. When Mako Rutledge and Jamison Fawkes were in town to race, everyone showed up to compete. No racer in history had gotten the amount of fame they had earned themselves, which is why racers were so eager to beat them. The driver that beat them would forever be known as the racer that beat Team Junker.
Pulling my hat down over my face, I made my way down to the gate to the garage where the races waited. Flashing my badge at the guards posted outside, I entered the crowded room. It was air conditioned in here and I breathed in the cool air that smelled of gasoline, oil, and rubber. It was just as loud in here as it was outside. Drivers and their teams looked over their cars one last time before the first race began. Some had already finished and were blasting music from their home cooked rides. Every driver's anticipation to get out on the course was palpable. It was ten minutes until it was time to leave the garage and line up at the start line.
I walked past everyone to where my baby waited for me. The electric green Hoverscooter was where I had left it. I had come across the hunk of junk in my grandpa's scrap shop. He had stolen a couple parts from it and left the rest of it to rust in a corner. I was shocked when I realized it was a Model 1, the very first of its kind. They were a rare thing and I couldn't let my grandpa use the rest of it for his projects, so I asked him if I could have it. He gave it to me and I started to fix it up. Finding all the parts I needed took about a year and a half. Most of my credits went into buying those parts and I was thankful my grandpa gave me the use of his workshop. 
"Oi! That is one sweet ride you got!" Looking up from the gravity modules, I found one-half of the Junker team standing there. Jamison Fawkes walked over with his authentic peg-leg swagger and squatted down next to me. "Mind if I take a look?" Before I could answer, the man was poking his nose into the gravity module compartment. 
"Hey!" I barked. "I didn't say..."
"You got this piece of scrap fixed up good." Shutting the panel, he turned to me with an ear-to-ear grin. "Not every day that you see a Model 1 Hoverscooter in better than tip-top condition, sheila. Where's your hot-shot boyfriend driving it?" Clenching my fists, I glared at the Aussie. "I don't have a boyfriend. I'm..."
"Where's the driver then?" he interrupted and glanced around the room. Pointing at some rugged-looking racer with his bionic hand, he looked to me. "Is it him?"
Grabbing his hand, feeling the cold metal on my palm, I pulled it until he was pointing at me. "I am the driver. Now, if you'd kindly leave me alone.”
"Wait just a second, sheila." he said, letting out a short chuckle. "They're letting a pretty little thing like you race?" 
"Yep." I said, putting my hands on my hips. "And I am going to win."
Jamison laughed the longest and most obnoxious laugh I had ever heard in my life. He sounded crazy and looked just as much. "You... hahaha... racing..." Clutching at his stomach, he keeled over and kept laughing. Anger boiled up inside me and I clenched my fists at my side. I wanted to pick up the nearest tool and knock him over the head with it, but didn't get the chance. His teammate showed up at just the right time and pushed his counterpart to the side with ease.
Mako Rutledge was not a person you wanted to mess with. He was the most intimidating driver in the room despite being the quietest. Very few had heard him speak, but he was capable of speaking his mind when he wished to. Those who had heard the man's voice said they had walked away with at least two broken bones, not to mention countless bruises and missing teeth. His silence wasn't even the most unnerving thing about him. The guy's appearance was the most intimidating thing about him. His large size combined with his iconic gas mask and rugged fashion made him the scariest person in the room.
"Hog, this sheila..." Jamison giggled, leaning against his partner. "She thinks she's got a chance to beat us." The beanpole of a man continued to lose it while Mako looked down at me, or so I thought. I tried not to look at him, but did just that when he motioned to my scooter then pointed at me.
"Uh, yeah. It's mine." I said, hoping that I had guessed what his non-verbal question was. Mako grunted in acknowledgement, but I hadn't the faintest idea what he meant by it. I noticed that the other racers were starting to be directed to leave the garage to go to the starting line. "Well, I better get going. It was nice... uh, talking to the two of you."
"Thanks, haha, for the laugh." Jamison wheezed, finally ending his bout of laughter. He returned to his upright, yet hunched, position and wiped an invisible tear from his eye. Mako had already started for their ride and Jamison followed, tossing a few last words over his shoulder. "Hope to see you at the end of the race after we've won, sheila. Maybe I will buy your Mod. 1 off of you with my winnings."
Anger boiled in my veins. I’d show that good for nothing Aussie that I meant business. He would learn quite quickly that he underestimated my abilities. The many months I spent preparing for this race would not be all for naught. When I had decided to race, I promised myself I would do everything in my ability to win. I was not going to let these big time racers be the reason for losing. I would win or my name wasn't Daisy Dawson. I grabbed my helmet and put it on, pulling the visor down. After I hopped onto my Mod 1., I made my way out to the track with the other racers.
The crowd was as rowdy as ever at the sight of the racers lining up. Not to mention the wickedness of the racecourse. This wasn't called the Junkyard Jam for no reason. The course was covered with obstacles, from mud pits to flaming oil puddles. Rusted vehicles that had been crushed lined the course. Any one of these hazards could mean the end of the race for its victim. If the course wasn't ruthless enough, then the rules sure were. There were no rules. The only real rule was that the first racer to complete all 150 laps or be the last one standing was the winner. The race's motto was 'Anything Goes' because that's how it was. Anything was allowed, no matter how devious or illegal. I could tell just by looking at some of the other contestant's vehicles that it would be a brutal race.
Everyone was finishing lining up and I looked around, feeling the anticipation build. My heart hammered in my chest and I was so much aware of everything around me. Exhaust filled the air with its acrid scent, a scent that only fueled my heightened senses. I wanted nothing more than for the race to start so I would really get a good dose of adrenaline. Team Junker was lined up not very far from where I was and I eyed the two of them. Jamison 'Junkrat' Fawkes eyed the other racers around them, that somewhat insane grin on his face. While his partner, Mako 'Roadhog' Rutledge, remained stoic and focused. The two were polar opposites and I wondered how it was they had become partners. 
It wasn't too much later that the announcer's voice echoed out over the sound system. "Ladies and gentlemen! Welcome to the 15th Annual Junkyard Jam!" The crowd roared with excitement. "We are so glad you could make it out here for the biggest event of the summer. The racers have lined up and here in a moment, they'll be starting. We have a great variety of racers, from experts to newbies. I hope you all enjoy the excitement we've got for you this year." The announcer continued to speak, but the blood rushing in my ears drowned out the sound. My eyes focused on the starting lights and I revved my scooter, feeling it rumble harder beneath me. Any moment now, I told myself. Before I knew it, the first light came on and I could feel the energy of every other racer and vehicle roar to life. Here we go. The lights lit up one by one and seemed to take forever. When they all turned bright green, I smirked under my helmet and turned the throttle. Shooting forward, the race had begun and I was determined to do my best to win.
I was passed by an Omnic on a wicked fast dirt bike before the first mud pit hazard, but managed to pass two racers who had gotten stuck in the mud. I briefly heard the announcer say that someone other than Team Junker was in the lead, but not for long. A sharp turn in the course was coming up and I prepared myself for it. Just before reaching it, I turned and drifted right around the inside of it and drifted. I laughed as I passed another opponent that was caught off guard by me and almost ran off the course. This was only the first lap, but I could easily see myself making it to the head of the pack by the last lap.
"We have newbie Daisy Dawson creeping up on the top 10 slowly but surely." the announcer commented. "That Mod. One Hoverscooter is something we have never seen before. It will be interesting to see how she handles what the competition throws her way."
As I came around another corner, an explosion a ways ahead of me startled me. Startled by the commotion, I slowed and allowed two people to pass me. I knew that there were no rules in this race, but using explosives? Was killing the contestants something racers were actually willing to do? I gulped nervously and sped back up, hoping to get back to where I was. The announcer provided explanation for the explosion. "It was just confirmed that the explosion on the course was caused by Team Junker. It seems their clever trick has knocked two racers out, dropping the number of racers to eighteen."
Of course, those two caused the explosion. I knew I had to buckle down and push forwards. Lap by lap, I made ground and lost it. About halfway through the race, I had to make a pit stop to change the battery in the Hoverscooter. It was something I had practiced so many times that I could do it in less than thirty seconds. It was blistering hot and sweat drenched my body. I took a quick drink of water from one of the bottles provided to all the racers. With the battery changed and some water in my body, I made my way quickly back onto the course. I was only a few places behind where I had been and knew I could get back with ease. 
The Omnic on the zippy dirt bike had taken my place, but I caught up to him after two more laps. Just as I started to pass him, he veered towards me, forcing me close to a burning puddle of oil. I slowed down to avoid it and growled under my breath. Speeding up, I moved closer so that I could try to pass again. This time I was ready for the move he pulled. I sped up suddenly and he went off the course, missing a burning puddle of oil but hitting the edge of the course. He flew off his bike and landed a little ways in front of a stand of spectators. It wasn't like me to play a dirty move like that, but at least he was out of my way now. "Daisy Dawson, ladies and gentlemen! She has just run Zion Prince right out of the race, putting her at the number ten spot." the announcer called out.
Before I knew it, there were only ten laps left. I had made it all the way to the third spot and was catching up to the racer in second and the Junkers. The two-man team had set off about a dozen other explosions. Last I had heard, there were only 14 racers left. Being this close to those two made me a little nervous, but I could only hope that they were out of their explosives. The end was coming up and I wanted to finish this race regardless of whether I came in first or not. An explosion ahead of the Junkers went off and the crowd roared.
 "What's this? Team Junker seems to have set of an explosion in front of themselves and stopped completely." Boos could be heard from a great number of the spectators. "No. It seems Cal Maverick had some explosives as well. He very well may have been responsible for some of the other explosions. His hidden trick has placed him in the top position."
This was my chance to pass Team Junker. I sped my way towards them as they struggled to catch back up to Cal Maverick. Jamison looked back over his shoulder at me, his wild looking eyes widening. He turned back and said something inaudible to Mako. More and more, I gained ground on them until I was going to make a pass. I turned the throttle and sped up, coming up next to them. We were neck and neck when something unexpected happened. I was grabbed by Mako and pulled off my Hoverscooter. A scream pushed itself past my lips and I was surprised to hear the cackling laughter of Jamison. Mako had set me in the sidecar onto of his partner, focusing once again on the course ahead. “What the heck?!" I shouted. "What is going on?!"
"We need your help, sheila". Jamison answered, letting out a short giggle. "Can't win otherwise."
"You just ruined my chance of winning, you stupid man!" I seethed, wanting nothing more than to punch his lights out. "Not to mention what may have happened to my Mod. 1!"
"She'll be right." Mako said, catching me off guard. His voice was gruff and was a definite reflection of his character. "We'll pay for any damages."
"Exactly! We'll... Oi!" Jamison smacked his partner. "What do you mean 'We'll pay for damages' mate? Are you saying we're going to give a share of our winnings to her?" Mako shrugged and Jamison groaned in annoyance. "Whatever. Thing is, we're needing your help.”
“Why should I help you?” I snapped. “You’ve done nothing to convince me I should. Any chance I had at winning is shot thanks to the two of you.” Jamison was moving around beneath me and it made me want to turn around and hit him. I opened my mouth to tell him to stop moving around and something pressed against my back at the exact moment. "Stop... What is pressing into my back, rat?"
"Just some C4." Jamison said with such nonchalance that you would think it wasn't dangerous. I was relieved that it wasn't something else, but still found it just as frightening. Maybe even more frightened. The stupid man chuckled, probably noticing how tense I had become. "You're going to need to drive for Roadie when we get close enough to this guy. We gotta blow this guy right out of the race."
"Uh... Okay." I said, not really sure I could do as he asked. "What exactly are you two going to do?"
"I'm glad you asked!" Jamison responded. He patted the nasty looking hook at Mako's hip. "Roadie here is going to hook this Maverick guy and I'm going to leave a little present once he's behind us. You're going to drive until Hog here can take back over. Got it?"
"I think so." 
"Good." Jamison chuckled. "It looks like we're catching up. Soon, Roadie?"
"Soon." he grunted back. He seemed to glance down at me and I gulped nervously. Was I really willing to help them with this plan? It wouldn't matter in the end. I wasn't going to accomplish what I had come here for. They had promised me part of their winnings, but I hadn't wanted the money in the first place. I suppose I would have had a hard time making it past this Maverick guy with his explosives. Not to mention these two.
I yelped as dirt flew into the air and I was flung to one side of the sidecar violently as Mako swerved to dodge the blast. Jamison cackled then shouted excitedly. "This guy knows his stuff!" I wasn't sure that was something to laugh about. "He doesn't know what we've got in store for him though."
We made another lap before we were close enough to pull off the plan. There was about fifteen to twenty feet between us when Jamison nodded to his partner. "Here we go, sheila. Let's do this!" Mako picked me up once again and plopped me down in front of him, allowing me to replace his hands on the bike's handles where his once were. Focusing on driving now, I allowed the announcer to tell me all that was going on.
"Daisy Dawson has taken over driving for Team Junker while the two-man team seems to be doing something else." I gained some more ground on Maverick and hoped it would help these two with their plan. I heard the clanking of metal as well as the whoosh as something went around over the top of all three of us. "What is this? Mako 'Roadhog' Rutledge is wielding a hook. It looks like he's going to try and..." Before the announcer could say what was happening, the hook shot over the top of me and flew towards Cal Maverick. It curled around the guy and was pulled taught, yanking him clean off his bulky quad. The hulk slipped away from him and he tumbled on the ground. "They've pulled Cal Maverick right off his quad, folks!"
"Get as close to his ride, sheila!" Jamison yelled. "We're going to make sure he can't recover."
I dodged out of the way of the vehicle-less Maverick and turned the throttle to catch up with his runaway quad. It had crashed into the siding at the one sharp turn in the course. The bike was different from my scooter, but I was going to try my best to get Jamison as close to Maverick's ride as I could. We were approaching the turn fast and I readied myself to turn. 
"They're going pretty fast, ladies and gentlemen." the announcer commented. "Let's see if Daisy Dawson can make this turn like she did on her own ride."
"Here we go!" I shouted as we came up on the turn. My hands directed the vehicle into a drift, swinging us around towards Maverick's vehicle and into the turn. The world seemed to slow around us and I glanced back for the few seconds it took for Jamison to toss the C4 at the quad. As it flew through the air towards its target, I pushed the Junkers' bike to the limits and sped away from where the blast would go off. A sudden wave of intense heat hit my back and my ears rang from the loud explosion.
"They've blown Maverick's quad to bits!" the announcer shouted, his voice almost inaudible because of the audiences reaction. Jamison was also celebrating the victory by hollering at the top of his lungs. "He is out of the race!"
Mako settled back into place behind me and I moved my hands so he could take over. "Good job." he said, with a hint of cockiness in his voice. Maybe he is more alike to Jamison than I thought he was.
"Thanks." I responded, smiling unbeknownst to the other two. I would not admit it to them, but I had thoroughly enjoyed being a part of their plan. It made me understand why they were a team instead of going solo. The way they worked so well together and enjoyed what they did made me wish I could have a partner of my own. "Not so bad yourselves. Not bad at all."
Finishing first was a given after knocking Cal Maverick out of the race. The crowd went crazy as we crossed the finish line and the announcer blasted off about our victory. Jamison cheered for both him and his racing partner. As they pulled into the winner's circle and parked, I hopped off the bike and started for where my scooter had been abandoned. Before I knew what was happening, I was picked up off the ground and hoisted onto the broad shoulder of Mako. On his other sat Jamison, beaming over at me. "Thought you could sneak away, eh Sheila?" Jamison laughed. "We weren't going to take all the glory, ya know."
"But..." I started, only to be cut off. 
"Pish-posh!" Jamison flicked his hand back and forth. "We wouldn't have been able to win without you. Besides, Roadie here thought you'd make a great addition to the team."
"Really?" I asked, glancing down at the masked man. He nodded and I smiled down at him. "Thank you?"
Jamison chuckled and punched my shoulder. "Welcome to the team, sheila." 
A/N: And that’s that! Hope you enjoyed it!
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echoes-abound · 3 years
So I have recently heard of a little thing called the 'Space Opera AU'...
(au by @kingtheghast)
...and I have some thoughts.
So every great crash-heavy startup space-racing team needs a good rival, right?
Ren's first thought upon meeting them is 'dear god why are they all so hot'
Their mechanic, some green creature with four arms (two natural, two metallic), a cybernetic eye, and a knack for the electronic catches his eye first, mostly by walking straight up to their own old (Red preferred the term 'classic') junker and declaring "How in hell are you still alive?"
Their gunner made her presence known next, a little pixie spitfire of a young woman with pink hair and a blaster strapped to her back longer than a grown man's leg. She pulled the doctor away, apologizing somewhat. He got like that sometimes, couldn't help himself when he saw a nice ride, or at least one that belonged in a scrapyard. She herself was more interested in the more... explosive side of things.
Their captain, their pilot, came last, a blonde man with an easy smile, a charismatic personality, and a way of leading their oddly patchwork group of three to victory in their very first match against one another.
"What, think that just because you're cute meant we were going to go easy on you?"
So this more or less all started with the thought of 'heh what if the three people Ren's been shipped with a lot recently were his biggest rivals in Space Opera au and every race was a good bought of bisexual panic'. Also I definitely wrote all of this before most of the recent posts bu the au creator, so whoops-
Martyn's the ringleader, he's known Lizzie since they were kids in the middle of nowhere and picked Doc up after an unfortunate crash-land. His team's saved his life more times than he can count in the field, and he's done the same to them. They're like his family.
Martyn drives like a maniac, with a blaster in one hand and a coffee in the other. Man steers with his knees and speeds with his soul, even outside the race courses, but has yet to get into a single wreck (that the authorities know about).
Certified morosexual. Sees this man struggling to make eye contact with a single member of his team and decided 'yes, that's the one I want'
Lizzie's something else entirely. She's not good at leading like Martyn, and she's definitely not the one who keeps the braincell (Doc). She's got raw competitive energy that leads to stupid race-winning clutches with nothing more than a damn-good shot.
Her weapon of choice is a heavily-modified renegade high-power blaster, definitely illegal in most parts of this galaxy and the next, and pleasantly decorated with bedazzled gems and heavy pink and yellow swabs. She calls it Pixie Dust. Cute name for something packing more punch than being hit by a ground-level speeder.
Absolutely adores False, though is inexplicably creepy to most who come across her. Maybe it's the gun. It's probably the gun.
Also a morosexual.
Lizzie: I have very high standards for those I wish to date.
Joel: *almost gets himself killed by seeing if he could clean the mechanic's trash compactor while it's not powered down*
Lizzie: I want that one.
Doc's a little more of an enigma. He doesn't wear his heart on his sleeve and can't instantly charm anyone he meets, but he is smart when it comes to machines. Very smart. He built the ship their team uses from scratch, named Frankenstein, and anyone who knew the technical side of things knew that ship was a beast.
Where he came from, how he lost two of his arms and one of his eyes, how he had such meticulous knowledge of mechanics and machines, why he loved his team so much after just one crash-landing, nobody knew, but they certainly couldn't live without him.
After all, the Doctor's the one with the braincell. If Martyn wants to have a little fun rigging a betting pool in an underground race, Doc's the one who keeps him from getting killed. Lizzie wants to get her weapons packing even more of a punch? He'll be there to make sure she's at least safe about it. They need him.
So that's a cool 3/4 page of a google doc written at 11 at night on a post for you all. Hope you like it! Like I said, I wrote all this down before most of the lore had been put out, so maybe it's not quite Space Opera au, but hell, I'm a sucker for the ascetic. Thank you!
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mickstart · 2 years
i love ur f1 au!! what do you see han and luke doing after leia becomes a team principal? do they move onto other things or do they hang around?
Thank you I owe you my life
Okay so before Leia becomes a team principal but after they're all done with f1 they form a team with Chewie to do le mans together!!!!! Luke ends up getting properly involved with wec with wedge, then with some rallying, even bikes briefly he physically can't stop himself from racing it's what he loves. He also buys a rundown karting track and converts it into a more affordable karting school that he runs with ahsoka. Hes the driver at Han and Leias wedding (because they both wanted to drive and were going to break the engagement off over their fights about it)
But as for Han after that last hurrah at le mans he goes into commentary. He is constantly in trouble for swearing or dishing dirt on the drivers Daniel Abt style. One time he does an entire commentary session with his and Leias son on his knee. He's a mechanic in his spare time working on his ancient junker van that he somehow still has running even though Leia insists it's going to finally crap out one of these days.
They're both always hanging around Leias garage whenever Luke is free to come to a race and Han isn't needed on camera. Plus even if they're busy all year and Han and Luke don't see much of each other they do get together at The Annual Extended Skywalker Family Karting Reunion.
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twilighthomunculus · 3 years
How abt Shingo? or Hojo rin?
<3 <3 <3 Hello!!! Thank you <3 <3 <3 <3
my two murder hobos, how I love them so
So Shingo, my stinky rat man. First impressions where honestly the same as everyone else "evil man, evil, I hate. but hey at least that eurobeat intensifies meme comes from his race. and now,,,well,,,,, :)
Favorite moment-Sayuki's snot nosed Shingo comment in the extra stage. Idk if its different subbed but I think about it sometimes
Idea for a story- As some of you hopefully know, prologue mechaAU Night Kids were once a team(more than a team) but broke up after a devastating loss caused a rift in their ideologies. Rn I've been trying to figure out how write or show off them getting through their differences and rediscovering their passion as a certain junker reminds them of what they once were but I don't like to write too often and comics take too long for me to stay interested in finishing them. Will probably do a single page piece, Might just commission a drabble at this point but my ventures in the fanfiction world is limited.
Unpopular opinion-The only opinions I've seen of him are HATE or hehe stinky rat man so idk what to say here
Favorite relationship-I mean Takeshin is otp, but I also really enjoy the idea of He, Mako, and Sayuki all being a chaos trio in high school getting into racing with each other and being that lesbian/pure of heart, dumb of ass dynamic
Favorite headcanon-lets seeeee I mean I've got so many HCs for him, especially AU version, where I could probably pull a WattPad original movie, give him a different name, and make him my own OC but i will not. Some favorites include-He owns pet rats, his wound from his race v Takumi never heals properly, trans shingo, he does graphic art sometimes(designed the team logo and half of his tattoos in AU ver).
Now for Rin, gonna be a little short cause unfortunately there's not as much
First impression- stinky old man(derogatory)
Impression now- stinky old man(affectionate) ah yes the 20 y/o calling the 30 y/o old man, classic
Favorite moment-Shinigami Race(derogatory) dude I laughed out loud with this one because I'm a sick bastard ig, but its the only race I remember from 5th stage, and the only one I feel gives the same amount of characterization to the race as the ones from 1st and 2nd stage i need to read the manga
Idea for a story- Still working on White Comet v Grim Reaper, in which I'm rewriting the backstory to be Rin, Kaori, Ryosuke, and Fumihiro were once a team until a mech designed by Ryosuke failed killing Kaori and damaging Rin to the point where he's an angry cyborg now
Unpopular opinion- hard to have unpopular opinions on the guy when I know only ~4 other people in the english speaking fandom who actively have opinions on him
Favorite relationship- Him being a cursed uncle to Shinji is the best one, him having cartoonishly unbridled hatred for Ryosuke is also fun.
Favorite headcanon(s)- He was kinda a jerk older brother in a Rodrick Hefley kind of way and he's also the one who started the goth/punk boy trend for Gou(and eventually Shinji), he's the embodiment of wrath for a more less light hearted HC
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sorcererinthestars · 5 years
The Stars Above [Firefly AU]
Did I cough and write a small Mavin firefly ficlet because I listened to Ballad of Serenity and felt nostalgic? Yeah. I did do that. Sorry not sorry.
Oversight Day was always Gavin’s favorite day of the year. As soon as the suns ducked beyond the horizon and the darkness scattered across the skies, he was ducking out his window and climbing the wall to get to the roof.
Thank god for his antigravity boots he had purchased from the back alley vendor a few years back - he would have never been able to reach the roof without them.
On the roof, he could easily make out the thousands of cruisers racing through the sky. Oversight Day was the celebration of the Federation’s triumph over the Outer Planets. In his city - one of the core Fed planets - it was a day everyone got off work to party, to drink, and to celebrate. It was the best day in the three systems, everyone knew that.  But for Gavin, it was the day his pirate would come to steal him away.  In the dead of night, with all the other cruisers about, no one would notice the two man dingy scoot a bit closer to the Residences than was technically legal. Nor would they investigate the Junker his Pirate piloted. This was the one day in all the rest of the year his Pirate could swoop down, put his Junker on Hover, and bring him to the stars. Gavin scans the horizon, heart beating in his chest, his cybernetic eye scanning the horizon for the signal that would alert him to his Junker’s arrival. But as the minutes ticked away, he didn’t see it.  There was such a small window of freedom that Gavin had the briefest moment of worry - he’d waited all year for this day, for his Pirate - that the man wouldn’t come. And then there was a touch on his shoulder. Whipping around, Gavin was greeted by the sight of a young man, scarred and freckled, a mop of reddish-brown hair curled around his grinning face. He had a stitched wound on one cheek, but it just made him look more rakish. Gavin’s stomach flipped as his Pirate held out a hand to him, gesturing for him to grab onto the rope ladder that descended from a ship... not the Junker he was used to, but a full goddamn Cruiser. Another face looked down from above. It was grinning, bald but full smile, and gestured for him to take his Pirate’s hand. “You have company,” Gavin says breathlessly. “But this is our night.” “Still be our night,” his Pirate smirks, pulling Gavin into a wicked kiss, all teeth and sharpness and everything Gavin dreams of in his loneliest nights. A kiss he couldn’t get from the pampered girls and boys of the Fed town, a kiss he had stolen once a few years back from a man he had met in the streets, a wild romance before the man disappeared back into the stars. A romance rekindled for one brief night on Oversight Day. Gavin knew company didn’t matter as soon as they were breaking apart. “I have a years’ worth of tricks to teach you,” his Pirate purrs as they break apart, taking Gavin around the waist so he could grab onto the rope ladder and start to be pulled back into his Cruiser. The arm around his waist is strong and secure and Gavin leans back into his touch, nuzzling under his chin as they lift into the air. His Pirate doesn’t shrink back as they leave the safety of the rooftop, just confidently holds on, and Gavin has to try not to lose his lunch as they get higher and higher into the air. “You came back,” he whispers. “Every year I wonder if you will.” “My heart is here on Oasis-6,” his Pirate grins down at him, stealing another softer kiss. “And my dick gets hard every time I think of this stupid planet. You think I’d miss this night? Yeah fuckin’ right.” Gavin just chuckles, shaking his head. “Pirates. You all never think of anything but sex, do you?” “You want to know the truth?” His Pirate’s eyes sparkle as they look down at him, slightly farther down the ladder as he clings to his strong form. “I was going to offer for you to come away with me. I’ve finally gotten a crew. They’re a ragtag bunch, but I’ve got my own bunk - no more sleepin’ on a hammock in the crew deck.” His teeth are very sharp as he grins. “Come away with me.” Gavin looks out over the city he grew up in. Gazes down as they become smaller and smaller as the Cruiser rises and the man he loves so deeply holds him close against his chest. The town he doesn’t give two shits about, really. The family who stopped caring about him the moment he turned sixteen and didn’t enroll in Academy the way the rest of them did. “Yeah,” he breathes, looking up at Michael, his beautiful Pirate, and nods. “Yeah. Take me away.” The stars, when he saw them, seemed to sparkle a bit more. This time, with adventure. And maybe a little bit of destiny. And when Michael kisses his neck, worrying a mark on it as they both fall onto the deck of the Cruiser as the rope ladder finally gets them to the top, Gavin realizes he doesn’t give a rats’ ass what he’s leaving behind. Only looking at what he has to gain... in the soft eyes and playful smile of his own little Pirate.
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TAZ Zombie AU
Me, raising from the dead to crank out another taz au. Sorta based off of Zombieland but not really.
Seven survivors of the apocalypse drive around the new wasteland-world in Davenport’s van: the Starblaster. What started out as just a way to survive has devolved into a race to either find a cure or blow all the zombies to hell.
Magnus Burnsides was out of town for business when the virus hit, which Kalen had basically set on fire to try to save himself from the zombies, killing Julia and Stephen in the process. He met the other Horny Bois after saving them from some zombies.
Magnus is the Muscle of the group, wielding his axe, a clock hand he tied a rope to, and sword he bought from Garfield
He found a fish in a closed pet shop and keeps him in the Starblaster. No one knows how the fish is still alive.
Really likes cutting off zombie arms for some reason
Merle Highchurch was a retired medic and worked as a youth pastor before the virus hit, and lost his arms while fighting zombies
He originally joined the Starblaster for a ride to see his kids, whom Hecuba had got in a safe place, and decided to stick around as a medic
He grows little plants in the back of Starblaster
His Weapon is Bible? They try to give him an actual weapon but no, His Weapon is Bible.
Taako owned a food-truck that his sous-chef Sazed stole from him when the virus hit. He was separated from Lup when the apocalypse started and trying to find her on his motorcycle he named Garyl when he found Merle and offered to give him a ride.
His early life on the road gave him junker skills, he’s weirdly dextrous, and he actually studied chemistry in college so he can do sum Chemistry Things (Nerd Taako is a hill I shall die on)
He carries a Weaponized Umbrella (umbrella with a sharp thing attached to the end)
--Taako: oh i can sorta cook --Everyone on the Starblaster, who has been eating protein bars for the past month: y o u r e  h i r e d
The Tres Horny Bois and Barry Bluejeans are picked up by Lucretia and Davenport in the Starblaster after failing to stop Merle’s cousin to blow up a whole town
Barry Bluejeans was a mild-mannered bio-chemist before the virus with a near-amazing ability to not die while attempting to study zombies for a cure
The Bois found him while he was trying to help Gundren for a specific component he thought could help the cure
He and Taako make chemical bombs sometimes (for funsies)
Does some questionable science things with zombies sometimes
Figured out if you’re bit in the right way you get immune to being zombified. No one really wants to risk being bit the wrong way (except Lup when she comes along)
Lucretia was a journalist that only escaped because she was in her friend Davenport’s van when the apocalypse started. She started a network of communication across the wasteland called the Bureau of Balance.
After an incident where she was left alone for a month, she trained with a bo staff until she evolved from Nerd to Buff Nerd
Instead of living on the moon, the Bureau headquarters is a caravan of trailers and cars
There is a weird mutated Land-Fish Thing??? that was probably made as a result of the virus (now named Fisher). Lucretia found it, Magnus tamed it, and Johann takes care of it, and it guards them
Davenport is an ex-pilot with slight memory issues and an old friend of Lucretia. He is the only one allowed to drive his Souped-Up Van, named the Starblaster. 
He drives like he is in a Fast and Furious movie. No one knows how Magnus’ fish is still alive.
He’s really good at visual illusions and magic tricks and no one knows why
He is the Team Dad, despite literally being shorter than everyone
Lup was an explosives expert (usually helped with special effects) that was out on a work trip when the apocalypse happened and got separated from Taako. The Starblaster Crew found her after following the source of A Lot of Fire.
She upgraded Taako’s umbrella to An Actual Weapon
She and Barry Bluejeans bond over making bombs and other stuff that probably shouldn’t be made in a moving vehicle
She has made so many flamethrowers it would be funny if it wasn’t so scary
Angus McDonald is a small child they find (and keep) after almost being killed by one of his zombie traps 
Now he lives in one of the trailers in the Bureau caravan
Taako is his mentor/cool uncle-figure
Kravitz was a classical musician that just so happened to be low-key buff, so when he was attacked by zombies, he picked up the closest thing to him (which was a scythe for some fucking reason) and started to fight them
he ended up being really good at it, and since he’s a goth theater nerd, he made the whole Grim Reaper thing
He met Taako while the Tres Horny Bois were fighting some zombie-robot things that Lucas created and they hit it off
Their first date was in an abandoned Pottery and Wine place and involved not a lot of pottery and a lot of wine
Avi was an engineer that joined the Bureau, and he fixes any vehicle problems that they have
Johann was a musician, and he’s the head of communications and Avi’s boyfriend
Carey Fangbattle is one of the Bureau’s members. She was a lock breaker before the apocalypse, and her specialty is helping them get into locked places
Killian Fangbattle is Carey’s now-wife (they met after the apocalypse) and one of the Bureau members. Her specialty is she’s Very Strong
Noelle Redcheek is a girl that got blown up in the Gundren Incident and was fixed up by Lucas Miller with a lot of prosthetics and joined the Bureau
Lucas Miller is the son of a famous tech-lady and is the main tech guy for the Bureau
He does some Unethical Science
As in A Lot of Unethical Science
His lab is a bunker in the middle of a lake
Refuge is a giant tour bus or smt that people (including Roswell and June) live on
Cassidy is the leader and a demolitions expert
Ren is the cook and also was obsessed with Taako’s food truck
The Starblaster Crew saves them from an earthquake or something
Garfield the Deals Warlock is this guy in a van that shows up at random times and has an endless amount of really weirdly useful stuff
Hurley and Sloan lead a group of people that use giant trucks as weapons against the Zombies
The Hogsbottom Three Crew is a traveling band/mercs that play music/do some dangerous stuff for cash money
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rheyninwrites · 5 years
Old Friends Part 2
f!OC Modern AU
I knew the ride with Arthur might be awkward, but not as awkward as having to tell a complete stranger that my boyfriend had left me stranded at a party where I knew no one. As I paced, the minutes ticked by faster than I expected, and soon I felt a buzzing from my back pocket, and checked the screen. Arthur. My stomach began tying itself in knots while my heart decided to flutter off into the night.
Gee thanks, body. As if I didn’t already know that the ride would be nerve wracking.
“So you just got on Whiteacre?”
Ah yes, let’s avoid “Hello” and all that other nonsense. No one needs politeness anyway!
I may joke to myself, but I knew if anyone would be okay with leaving off small talk, it would be Arthur. Like I said- a man of few words, usually only the essential ones.
And swearing.
“Yep. You see my headlights yet?”
“No. Wait! Yes. I think. You still got that bigass redneck truck? With the tilted left headlight?”
“Yeah. But I told you, it ain’t a redneck truck.”
“Darlin’, if it’s big and rusty or big and chrome, it’s a redneck truck.”
Why the fuck did I just call him Darlin’? And why the FUCK do I always go into that Deep South accent to match his when we talk? Is it some bizarre version of Hanahaki disease, where I’m cursed to talk in the same accent as the guy I’ve had a practically lifetime crush on? If that’s the case, it’s a good thing it wasn’t Sean. I’ve lived my whole life in the south, so the accent is bound to pop up occasionally. I think people might notice if I suddenly developed a thick Irish brogue.
About then Arthur pulled up in that big cream truck of his. As old and rusty as it was, he seemed to have a soft spot for it, and treated that old junker better than lots of guys treat brand new trucks. It was kinda sweet to see how well he treated it, even talked to it sometimes. Still, I couldn’t resist ribbing him about it a little as he hopped out to let me into the passenger side.
“You still got this old thing?”
“Woman, the day I get rid of Boadicea is the day she leaves me sitting by the road with no hope of repair.”
I laughed the first real laugh I had in weeks as he stood beside me, lending me his shoulder for balance as I climbed into the beast.
“Yeah, well, I’m bettin’ on that being sooner rather than later.”
He gave the front end a dramatic hug as he made his way around. I couldn’t help but take him in, those broad, strong shoulders, tight beneath his t-shirt. The way his thick brown hair fell against his forehead. The familiar stubble on his chin. The blue eyes that always seemed to look straight through me, tucked beneath the eyebrows that seemed to be always a little furrowed. Still as handsome as ever, making my heart race.
“Aw, girl, she didn’t mean that. You and I are gone be together forever.”
Another laugh out of me as I reached to put the seatbelt on, but he stopped me with a shake of his head.
“Seatbelt there’s broke. Been meaning to fix it, but I ain’t had the chance yet. Wasn’t really too worried about it as I usually don’t have passengers.”
“Well just how do you plan on guaranteeing my safety in this dangerous giant machine?” I asked dramatically, throwing out my arms.
“Jesus, woman, you allergic to me or something? I smell that bad? Just sit in the middle, that belt works. I promise you I took a bath this week.”
Oh. The middle seat. Right beside him. When I’ve just dumped my boyfriend. In the middle of the night. When he’s basically just rescued me, looking practically good enough to eat.
This was like the beginning of a really cliche porn film. I slid over to the middle and went to buckle the belt, but, hey, wouldn’t you know it, it’s trapped under his ass.
A really bad cliche porn film.
“Shit. Sorry about that.”
He worked the latch out from under himself, then grabbed the buckle from me and fastened me in, making me feel much more like a child than I was comfortable with. With that, he turned the truck around and began the drive back toward civilization.The drive went on in complete silence for several minutes. He didn’t usually like to listen to music when he was driving because it gave him some time to work out the thoughts in his head. While I am usually a music listener, for once, I enjoyed having nothing to distract myself. I just zoned out and considered exactly where I was in life, which wasn’t exactly great. A decent job, but not really a career, no house, not kids or pets. Not much of anything but myself. Suddenly I was pulled from my thoughts by Arthur calling my name.
“So, uh, this guy you’re datin’, he just up and left you in the middle of the woods?”
“Yep. Not the first time, either.”
“Jesus, why do you stand for it?”
“Well, I’m not anymore. He’s history. I just gotta make it official and let him know.”
“Bastard like that don’t deserve to know nothing. Leaving his goddamn woman in some shithole in the middle of the woods . . . .” His knuckles were practically white from gripping the steering wheel in his fury.
“Easy, Tiger. You’re gonna break your precious girl, handling her like that.”
“Well it ain’t right! You deserve better. Someone like you, . . . .”
I don’t know what it was, something about the way he said it, and what he didn’t say. He’d been protective of me since we were kids, but this, somehow, felt a little different. I was probably being foolish as hell, but I felt a little coil of hope unfurling in my stomach.
“Just where am I taking you, anyway?”
Where indeed.
“ Uh, honestly, I’m not exactly sure. I mean, I used to live over in Oak Park. My car’s there, some of my stuff, too, though not much- he never was willing to give up room in his space for my stuff. But, to tell the truth, I can’t stand the thought of heading over there right now, and I definitely don’t know what I’m gonna do once I get my stuff.”
I folded my hands in my lap, suddenly feeling ashamed of myself. I’d let some idiot come into my life and make it something I never wanted. He told me what to do, where to go, and when to be there. I had made myself so much smaller, just for him. I had stopped being myself. The realization of exactly what I had done my my eyes burn with tears.
Arthur pulled the truck over on the side of the road and wrapped his arms around me. He just held me for a long time without saying anything, letting my tears fall down his shirt and into his lap. It was a warm and wonderful comfort, one that I felt I didn’t deserve at all. What happened to the strong girl he used to know? The one that nearly broke a guy’s arm in high school when he tried to grab her tits as she walked down the hall? How could she turn into this sobbing mess?
He rubbed slow circles between my shoulder blades, gently soothing me. When he finally spoke it was in a deep, quiet voice that sounded tinged with tears of his own.
“We’ve all been fools for love, sweetheart. At one time or another, we all have.”
Great. Just what I needed on this wonderful evening. More sadness.
The hope that I had felt unfurling earlier shriveled up and hid. I knew exactly what he meant and who he was talking about. Who else could it be?
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@twilight-secret-gift-exchange for @isabellaswanns who requested a no pregnancy au where Bella stays human and she and Edward get to spend christmas with Charlie and Jacob and it’s all soft and happy. I hope you like it! Happy holidays!
Charlie was sitting at home surrounded by a bare minimum of Christmas decorations, reading the latest email Bella just sent him. He smiled to himself, seeing pictures of Bella’s new apartment with Edward. Edward even set him a few pics of Bella falling asleep at her computer, which he appreciated. He needed to ask her what her dissertation was on.
Already working on another email to Bella, his phone buzzed. “Hey, Bells!”
“Hey, Dad. Merry Christmas!”
“Merry Christmas! Did you get the package I sent?”
“Yeah, it came in the mail last week. Did you get mine?”
“Sure did, kiddo. I have it under my Christmas tree right now. Was going to open it later.”
“Great, so I guess we can open ours together.”
“Together? You mean on skype.” Charlie squinted as he checked the internet connection on his junker Dell laptop. “Yeah, we can do that, but remember I don’t have the best internet connection.”
“Well, I was thinking more in person.”
“What?” Charlie immediately stood up, staring at the door. He hesitated, afraid to get his hopes up.
“I know we haven’t been able to spend the last few Christmas together because of school and work, but I finally was able to find some time to visit.”
Charlie turned around, racing to the door as he opened it to see Bella, Edward, and even Jacob. Before Bella could get a word in, he hugged her. “Oh, I missed you Bells.”
She hugged him back. “I missed you too.”
“Can I get some love too?” Jake asked, already hugging Bella and Charlie, lifting them off the ground leaving their feet dangling. “Come on Edward, join the fun.”
Edward smiled giving them a quick hug. “Okay, Jake, I think they need to breathe now.”
Jacob gently put them on the ground.
“You’re stronger than you look Jake,” Charlie remarked stretching. “Well, come inside, don’t want you guys to freeze to death.”
“Yeah, Edward, get inside. We don’t want you to freeze,” Jake joked, playfully punching Edward’s shoulder.
“I have to admit, I don’t have much food-wise.” Charlie rubbed his head, kicking the ground a little. “I honestly didn’t expect any company.” He grimaced at how sub-par his house looked. The Christmas decorations didn’t look that bad earlier.
“Don’t worry we got you covered. On our way here, we hit up the grocery store,” Bella explained with a bright smile.  Her face was flushed from the cold, the other two boys didn’t seem nearly as bothered.
“We almost died too. It was survival of the fittest out there,” Jake said. “Man, you missed it, Charlie. I snatched the turkey so fast and then threw it like a football at Edward and he caught it too!”
“I wasn’t prepared at first, so I instinctively threw it back,” Edward explained with a shrug.
Bella rolled her eyes. “They were basically playing a game of hot potato with the turkey until an employee reprimanded them.”
After Jacob explained in full detail the grocery store chaos, they were all in the kitchen preparing the dinner. Charlie was left on mash potato duty which Bella thought would be the easiest job, but it wasn’t. He almost caught them on fire, miraculously.
“Man, you got a real knack for cooking, I think you chose the wrong career path,” Jake teased Charlie.
“I didn’t think boiling potatoes could cause a fire,” Edward remarked in awe.
“There’s a reason I don’t do a lot of cooking,” Charlie explained.
“Not friends with any firemen?” Jake asked.
“Funny.  Anyways, I’m glad you guys had the time to spend Christmas with me.” Charlie cleared his throat, turning away from them as he started to tear up a little. “I appreciate it.”
“It’s nice to visit for a while and I was thinking that maybe for the rest of my winter break I could spend some time with you,” Bella explained. She picked out her gift for Charlie under the Christmas tree and handed it to him. “I hope you like it.”
“Of course I will.” He opened the gift and he saw two Disney land tickets. “What’s this?”
“My present. I wanted to go to Disney with you. Have a nice father-daughter family vacation.”
“Edward isn’t going?” Charlie asked confused, looking at Bella and then Edward.
“I have plans with my family,” Edward answered.
Bella tossed her gift to Jake who caught it. “Drats, I was trying to catch you off guard.”
Jake chuckled. He opened his gift and saw five Disney land tickets. Surprised, he double-checked his tickets to see if they were real. “Holy shit.”
“Surprise!” She lifted her arms in the air. “Your family is coming with us. I already called your sisters just so I know when they have time off.”
“Billy can come,” Charlie smiled. “He’ll like that, he’s never been to Disney.”
“Shit neither have I.” Jake hugged Bella. “Thanks, Jingle Bells.”
“Thank Edward too,” she said gesturing toward him, “he helped pay for them.”
Jake hugged Edward, which caught him off guard. “Thanks, man.”
“No problem.”
They spent the rest of Christmas night discussing what they wanted to do at Disney since none of them ever went before.
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steve-keychain · 6 years
yall listen................. au where trixie is a race car/drag race driver................ and she has a pink shiny car that she love love loves and katya drives junkers in demolition derbys and they....... yeah............. i guess im gonna have to write it
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nitewrighter · 6 years
Fic titles: "Our Bot Is Better Than Yours", "A Hot Skid In The Dump", "Numbani Forever!" "Life and Death and Love Reborn"
“Our Bot Is Better Than Yours”/ “Numbani Forever!” (A two-part fic)
Not wanting to be outdone by an 11 year old, Helix securities is attempting to re-vamp its security drone series, attempting to come up with more mass-produced security bots. Since Efi and Orisa are kind of local celebrities around Numbani, Helix politely asks Orisa to test her capabilities against their drones. It’s nothing like Junkertown bot fights–more like a boxing match than anything. But things really take a turn when Doomfist shows up.
“A Hot Skid in The Dump”
Basically a Mad Max ripoff featuring Junker D.Va, who, with help from Junkrat and Roadhog, has stolen an important piece Omnic tech out from under the Junker Queen’s nose. But the Queen doesn’t like people messing with her stuff, obviously, so she and her champion Wrecking Ball are in hot pursuit of a Meka and a motorcycle. The race is on!!
“Life and Death and Love Reborn”
R76 AU where Gabe and Jack live a fairly normal slice-of-live domestic existence (As normal as you can get being former super-soldiers, at least), however Gabe becomes conscious of the events of every other AU via vivid dreams. He knows he and Jack have a falling out in pretty much every other AU. He knows sometimes that ends in disaster. He knows there are more than a few AU’s where he ends up a monster. He’s terrified it’s going to happen to them.
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portraitsofivy · 6 years
i wanna hear about it!
ok here we go
first off, it started as a newsies au but its evolving more into an original idea with a few newsies characters in it? so idk what the end product will be but right now its a fanfic. 
It’s called Primus Lumus, and its set in the year 3,899. Spot, Race, Albert and a few OC’s live on a junker/diplomat spaceship called the XV-375 Brooklyn (original, I know). Spot is the captain and Race is the second/Greaser (mechanic). Idk what Albert does. Probably navigation. Also, Race sucks at navigation. He got lost for the first two months on the ship.
There’s some government plot that they join the rebellion to fix, but idk what it is. It definitely involves Pulitzer, though. Also, Jack and Kath are married and Pulitzer high key hates it.
Race joined the exploration guild because the thought of staying in one place too long terrifies him, and he wants to explore the universe. His parents were con artists, and when they were arrested he went into the galactic foster system, which is even worse than the U.S. one. He ran away from nearly every house, and never stayed in one home (or even one planet) for more than a month.
He started engineering school at 13, one year after he went into the system. He got the required credits for his field by age 17, and joined a luxury cruise ship as a low-level Greaser. He hated it and quit as soon as he could. Now he’s 19, and head Greaser of the Brooklyn.
Spot was unexpected, and the youngest of five. He’s also the only boy. He went  to flight school to get out of the house, and because he put so much time and effort into it he also graduated at 17. He joined the military and climbed the ranks quickly, now the captain of his own tiny diplomatic ship.
Albert is half-Alturan, a cat/human species (don’t y’all come in here and call me a furry, it’s a classic alien creature. also they’re cute, fight me). He hides his ears under his hat, along with his red hair that’s always slicked back. If it weren’t for his eyes and short whiskers, no one would be able to tell he was Alturan at all. He works on the Brooklyn too, doing God-knows-what.
putting the rest under a read more
If I had to pick a genre, it would be Dieselpunk/Deco punk. 
They live in a very political environment, but none of them give a shit. Like I said, there’s some sort of political scheme that they get involved in in some way.
Uhhhh Kath is kinda like the leia of the revolution. Jack is her supportive af husband who will follow her to the ends of the earth. 
I could go on about Race’s design and backstory for daaaays y’all. He has a little level necklace that’s a gift from his last foster mom (who tried to adopt him, but the paperwork fell through just before his eighteenth) which is featured in the mood board. He took their last name and goes by Higgins instead of his birth parent’s last names. The goggles are a gift from his little sister, and he always has them either on his head, over his eyes, or around his neck.
I made a playlist for it:  https://open.spotify.com/user/blackflowercrowns/playlist/1kUTc2L8kLSErJSnWaoVee?si=gZcmhkjCT1OV1Asgct_3xA
A mood board/aesthetic for Race
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And also a little sketch:
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And yeah that’s a lot of information so im gonna cut it off there lmao
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yeomangamer · 6 years
After My Father’s Funeral Chapter 3
Summary: Funerals can be stressful, but so can weddings–especially with a family as effed up as theirs. Unfortunately for Leia, she has both to attend in one go. So much for repression. Modern AU
Pairings: Leia/Han, Mara/Luke, Jyn/Cassian, Leia&Han&Luke&Mara&Cassian&Jyn, Uncle Owen/Aunt Beru
Chapter summary: Leia and Han continue to butt heads. How many times does she have to meet this prick?
Chapter Pairings: Mara/Luke, Jyn/Cassian, Mara&Leia, Han/Leia
A/N: Thanks for all the support, please check out the FFN and Ao3 versions for full author’s notes.
The wedding was going to take place on Uncle Owen's farm, and Mara wanted to show Leia where everything was going to be. Leia wasn't too perturbed by the tour taking place quite early on a Friday morning, she was an early riser anyway. Every morning at 6:30 she got up for a run, got her breakfast, and headed to work. The latter was replaced on her vacation with either lounging around the Lars' residence or working on the small amount of work she'd been able to bring with her. She'd found early on that a steadfast routine—while monotonous to some—was one of her only anchors in a turbulent world. She'd found very little in the way of permanent closure, but dammit if she couldn't get through a day.
That day she'd gotten a bit of a late start, but it didn't matter; she didn't have anything else to do but wish she was spending her (probably only) vacation someplace with beaches and hotter guys—at least ones that don't race. Mara was waiting for her when she got back from her run, along with Luke and someone she had hoped to file away under "bad encounters." She wasn't sure what Han Solo was doing here, but she knew it wasn't good.
"Leia, care for some eggs?" Aunt Beru asked her, and she politely declined.
That smirk was back as Solo eyed her up and down. "Couldn't help but notice you're driving a 2017 TIE, not bad."
Leia set her hands on her hips and stared at him for a second, at a loss for words. "Its a rental. I don't have a car."
Solo seemed shocked by this. "Really, how do you get around in that big city then?"
Leia shrugged. "Walk, take the bus. Sometimes Uber or I carpool."
Solo shook his head. "You should get a car. Now, I know a guy selling-"
"If I wanted a car, I would go to my local dealership and buy one, not buy some junker off of a random." Leia was not in the mood for this, her routine was off and she had not anticipated this encounter.
Solo shook his head. "This car is not a junker, far from it. I admit it might need some work done, but-"
"Let me guess, you know a guy."
"Yeah, me. I'd help you with any of your car troubles, sweetheart." His grin was back.
Leia winced at the nickname. "This is the problem with you Naboo guys, you're obsessed. You only look at girls because your cars don't have tits. I'm surprised some sucker hasn't done that yet, or maybe he's just worried you'll stick it in the tailpipe!" A noise made her glance over and she realized that Mara and Luke were barely holding back their laughter.
"What's so funny‽" She demanded.
"You two," Mara said, wiping her eyes. "C'mon, Leia."
"Why is he even here?" Leia demanded.
Luke cleared his throat. "He's- he's my best man."
Leia's whole body went rigid as she stared incredulously at her brother, already dreading every single encounter she was going to have with this man.
"You've rendered her speechless, kid," Solo said, still smirking, causing her to redirect her icy gaze to him. He didn't even flinch.
"C'mon, Leia," Mara said again, and Leia turned to follow her.
"Oh, princess, before you go." Leia stopped but refused to look back. "You may be right about 'Naboo guys'-"
"Hey!" Luke protested.
"-but I'm from Corellia. Nice to see you again." He sounded like this small distinction meant a world of difference, but it did little to sway her opinion. Leia stormed out after Mara, catching up with her just outside of the house.
"He's always been like that, ever since I've known him," Mara said, catching Leia's look.
"How do you stand him?"
"He's better once you get to know him. He can be a real great guy." Mara chuckled at her groan. "Just don't let him know he's getting to you, he'll only pick on you if it bothers you."
Mara showed her the place where the pavilion where they'd be having the ceremony as well as where they'd have the reception. "The old barn is the rain plan, but we're hoping it won't come to that. You can only get those places so clean. And sorry again for not having you as a bridesmaid, we decided simpler was better and I figured you'd want to be on Luke's side anyway."
"Don't worry about it. So long as I'm sitting by someone nice, I'll be fine." When Mara didn't say anything, Leia groaned. "Not him, anyone but him."
"Sorry, but we want the same number of people on both sides, for pictures, you know? And Han doesn't have a date and Jyn is sitting with Cassian."
"Is there an open bar at least?"
Mara laughed, and nodded. "It was Luke's one request for the reception. He said he didn't care where it would be or how many people would be there, he just wanted you to be there and an open bar." The two walked side by side back to the house. Leia was dreading another encounter with Solo, but she hoped that maybe he'd left.
"You're back," Luke commented from the couch. He and Solo seemed to be drinking coffee and watching a race.
Leia avoided Solo's gaze, and made to go back to her room.
"The offer for that car still stands, sweetheart," Solo called to her, and she stopped in her tracks.
Don't let me know he's getting to you. She let out a breath and turned around.
"What is it?" she asked.
He smirked and sat up. "An old 1974 Tantive, the 4th in its series."
She crossed her arms. "I thought you said it wasn't a junker."
He chuckled. "It isn't. Its from my pal Lando, he doesn't buy junkers."
Mara scoffed. "He's right, Leia. But Lando also wouldn't tell you about any fatal flaws in the cars either."
Solo assured them that he'd checked out the car himself. That it maybe need some bodywork and a fresh coat of paint, but was, overall, a good buy.
"Isn't that car huge?" Leia asked. "I'd need something more compact. No, I think I'll be fine, thank you anyway, Mr. Solo."
He looked amused. "Mr. Solo is my deadbeat dad, Ms. Skywalker-"
She flinched and snapped. "Organa, my name is Organa, not Skywalker."
He blinked, but barely missed a beat. "My apologies, call me Han."
"Alright, Han. You may call me Leia."
"Oh, may I?"
"Can you two give it a rest?" Mara asked, rubbing her temples.
Leia slipped away to her room, intending to call the office. Maybe they'd had some work they could send over.
She was on the phone with Mothma when Mara poked her head into her room.
"Hold on one second, yeah?" She said to Montha.
"Would you like to go out tonight?" Mara whispered.
"With who? Where?"
"The six of us, you, me, Luke, Jyn, Cassian, and Han. To Jabba's."
Leia sighed. "Yeah, yeah."
"Ok, sorry to bother you." Mara ducked out.
Leia sighed inwardly and went back to talking on the phone.
Leia had remembered the first time she'd gone to Jabba's Hut when she was 19. It had seemed so cool to get past the bouncer with a fake ID Cassian had gotten for her. She'd gotten drunk for the first time there, and had puked in Cassian's car when he brought her home. Things had definitely changed since then. What was once a 21-up bar that sometimes had shows was now a full on club with a DJ, dance floor, and laser light show. Nearly as soon as they had ordered drinks and sat down, the two couples had paired off to go dancing, leaving the two singles behind. Leia expected S- Han to ditch her and start hitting on the locals, which she told him. He shook his head.
"I don't mess around at Jabba's anymore. I'm lucky I was able to get in," he shouted over the music.
"What? Why?" Surprising, to be honest. She straightened her dress over her legs. It wasn't necessarily like what she would've worn to a club in Coruscant, but she had limited options living out of her suitcase. Besides, who was she trying to impress in this town.
"Jabba and I had a- let's say a disagreement awhile back over a sponsorship. It's all smoothed out now, but at the time it was pretty serious." He wasn't looking at her, but staring out at the dance floor. She wasn't sure if he was scouting out potential trouble.
"I didn't even know there was a 'Jabba.'"
"Well of course there's a Jabba, who else would come up with that name?" Leia shrugged at him and sipped her drink. "I'm surprised you're not dancing or looking for a date yourself," Han said.
Leia shook her head. "I thought I made it clear what I thought about Naboo guys. I grew up with some of these people, as far as I'm concerned, they're lucky I even showed up."
Han seemed to laugh. "You graduated with Luke?"
She nodded. "Yeah, I went to Alderaan High up until my junior year, and moved to Tattooine when I was a senior."
Han shook his head. "Alderaan, wow, that's a name I haven't heard of in a while. Tore it down, didn't they?"
She nodded. "Yeah, they claimed structural flaws, but I'm convinced it was bullshit. They just wanted to build that strip mall."
"Must've been hard, moving in your senior year."
She shrugged. "Everyone had to, so I wasn't alone. And after-…well, the Ruling, there wasn't much worse that could be done." She took another sip of her drink. "Besides, I met Cassian, and we dated for a while. Got to spend my senior year with Luke, wasn't all bad."
"You dated Cassian?"
"Yeah, for maybe four or five years."
Han looked shocked. "I never would've thought- huh."
She narrowed her eyes and crossed her arms across her chest. "What?"
"Nothing, I just-"
"Never would've thought a princess like me would be willing to date someone who relies on DACA?"
"Well, when you say it like that-"
She shook her head. "I might have been like that when I was younger, but things have changed. People change. Now I want to make the world better. Make sure people get their just desserts, might run for DA someday, even."
"Alright, alright, no need to convince me, I might just be some lowly tailpipe fucker, but I wasn't born yesterday." Leia laughed.
"Well, well, well, what do we have here, you two getting along?" Luke shouted as he and Mara slid into the booth next to the two of them.
"A moment of weakness, I assure you," Leia said, not looking at Han.
"C'mon Leia, dance with me," Mara said. "Luke's pussying out."
"Not surprising," Leia said as she moved to get out. "I was shocked he was even willing to come here, it cuts into his usual time of reflection and contemplation."
Luke scoffed, drinking, and she laughed. The two of them danced and even ran into Jyn and Cassian. Cassian went to go get another drink so the three women all danced together. Leia conceded that this was indeed a good time, if it wasn't for the lights flashing and the loud music beginning to give her a migraine. She tried to muscle through it and focus on how Jyn—for the first time since she'd met her—looked like she was having the time of her life. After a few songs, Leia was hot and exhausted. She got some water from the bar and was just about to head back when she felt a strong arm around her.
"Fuck off," she said without thinking.
The intruder laughed. "Maybe, if you buy me a drink first, but how 'bout a dance instead?" She turned to see Han, one arm draped over her shoulder.
"You drunk?" She asked.
He shook his head. "I told you I don't mess around at Jabba's."
"Dancing counts as 'messing around.'"
He shrugged. "I'm not good at following rules, even my own."
"Why is that not surprising? I'd really rather sit down, I'm starting to get a headache."
He followed her back to the booth where Mara and Luke were swaying to the rhythm in their seats. The song playing was one of the slower songs that night.
"Oh, Leia, Han, will you sit with the table so we can dance? Its our song," Mara asked emphatically.
"Yeah of course." The two of them sat down as the couple got up to dance.
Han and Leia sat in relative silence until the song was over, and there was a small reprieve from the music.
"I should show you my car," Han said.
"What?" Leia asked, even though she'd heard what he'd said. He took out his phone, an older smartphone with a screen cracked nearly beyond repair. He showed her some pictures flipping through some before and afters, and telling her about the history of the '63 Falcon. It was hard to tell what Leia was looking at exactly with the cracked screen, and it was hard to hear over the music and her pounding head. She merely nodded and said "yeah" whenever seemed necessary, hoping this conversation wouldn't go on forever.
"So you'll come tomorrow?" He asked and she blinked.
Leia had no idea what he was talking about. "Sure, where at? What time?"
He gave her the address and she put it into her calendar under "Solo Thing" at 8 am. She could barely think of Han getting up before 11, but she could barely think at all at this moment.
"You weren't kidding about that headache, you look awful," Han said.
"I bet you say that to all the girls."
"Only the cute ones." Leia was pretty sure he winked, but she couldn't tell at this point.
"I think I need to go home." She rubbed her temples, not sure if she should surrender her fate into the hands of a man who she'd only recently become on speaking terms with.
"Say no more, sweetheart." He stood and made his way over to the dance floor, hopefully to find Luke so he could take her home. She felt bad to ruin her brother's good time, but she was beginning to feel sick.
It was Jyn and Cassian who came to the table, not Luke.
"Sorry you're not feeling well." Cassian sounded about as remorseful as he could over the music, which was quite a bit considering. "Do you need a ride home?"
"Taken care of," Han said. "I already texted Luke, but I couldn't find him. Tell him I'm taking her home."
"Ok, but make sure it's her own, ok?" Cassian asked. "I don't think you want to know what'll happen if its not."
"Guys, I'm having a migraine, he didn't roofie me," Leia protested. Cassian held up both his hands in surrender
Han led her out of the building and over to the parking lot where an old black sedan sat.
"Is this the Falcon?" Leia asked.
Han gave her a look, but didn't call her out for not paying attention to his small spiel. "No, this is a 2005 TIE, a commercial car, alegally drivable on the roads. The Falcon is for racing."
"Oh, that's disappointing." Leia got into the passenger seat, curling up under her seatbelt.
"Don't worry, you'll see the Falcon tomorrow. That is, if you're feeling up to it." He got into the driver's seat, turning on the car and turning down the radio to a soft hum.
Leia waved it off. "I'll be fine. I'll be there." As they headed towards Uncle Owen's farm, Leia added the note to the event in her calendar: "See the Falcon?"
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