#jungkook zoom a jimin
aricastmblr · 1 month
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jungkook zoom a jimin - antes ahora
22 notes · View notes
tinygoo · 2 years
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16 notes · View notes
2hightocare · 11 days
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Synopsis: It’s Jungkook’s birthday and obviously it couldn’t just be a small get together… according to everyone.
Genre: comedy, found family, established relationships.
Pairing: DILF!jungkook x fem!reader
Warnings: curse words, mentions of sex, alcohol consumption, family oriented, jungkook being sappy, just full on fluff, this is more bts centered than just jungkook and oc, cowboy jungkook YEEEHAW!
a/n: Tupac back! TUPAC BACK! hi im back… i haven’t been writing these pasts months like i used to— school has had me busy with so many papers that the idea of writing for anything outside school literally sends chills down my spine. BUT! i miss writing my very close imaginary family so enjoy🤍
"We're doing the absolute most," Jia sighs, slumping backward and releasing an untied balloon. It zooms across the floor, landing by your feet. "We're talking about the same person, right?" Eunbi asks from her position on the floor, colorful confetti spread out in front of her as she carefully glues a number onto the banner.
"Let’s not bully my man on his birthday," you playfully scold your best friend, giving her blonde hair a gentle tug.
Eunbi looks up at you with a pout. "Ow!" She scrunches her nose, sticking her tongue out before returning to decorating the banner on the ground.
"That ‘happy birthday’ looks crooked as fuck," Taehyung comments, crossing his arms over his chest as he looks down at the colorful banner beside the long-haired blonde. "Ari, permission to clock his shit right now," Eunbi says, looking up to Taehyung’s wife, who is perched on Namjoon’s shoulders, sticking balloons to the wall.
"Permission granted," Ari mumbles around the tape in her mouth. "But stay away from his face; we have an event coming up." Her voice is clearer as she uses the tape to secure a balloon.
"Honey, you did not just—what the actual fuck?" Taehyung gasps dramatically, quickly dodging Eunbi’s attempt to hit him with a pair of confetti poppers.
"Girl, next time, aim for his balls—" Aera begins but is interrupted by the front door slamming open, making everyone freeze in place.
The room goes deathly quiet before everyone exhales in relief as Lora, Jimin, Daeun, Yoongi, and Seokjin come rushing through the door.
"Y/n, I tried to stop them, but they wouldn’t listen," Yoongi says first, rushing to his wife on the floor. He drops a kiss on her cheek before looking up at you, shaking his head in disappointment.
"Don’t even! You helped us pick which one!" Jimin defends himself, placing a hand on his chest as if he’s been mortally wounded. Lora laughs out loud, bouncing with excitement.
"You look too happy for anyone's peace of mind," Hoseok observes, a small smile of amusement on his face.
You raise an eyebrow, confused, both hands on your hips as you wait for someone to start explaining. "Before you get mad..." Lora begins, only to be silenced by your raised hand.
"I’m already mad," you sigh, making everyone burst into laughter.
"Jungkook said he wanted one, so we got it for him," Daeun explains, clicking his tongue and biting her lower lip anxiously. She’s the newest addition to your group—she and Jimin started dating a few months ago. Despite her shy nature, Daeun clicked with everyone quickly, although her personality is much more calm than anyone else’s she fit in perfectly. Still no one could beat Jungkook’s and Eunbi’s track record when it came to the most extroverted of the bunch.
You raised an eyebrow in confusion, waiting for an explanation. At the same time, Seokjin nervously let out a small, low-pitched "giddy up," his voice cracked as he hesitated. He awkwardly mimed cracking a whip, glancing around with a sheepish grin, clearly embarrassed and already regretting it.
"You guys bought him a horse?" you gasp, eyes nearly popping out of your head as you watch everyone else's expressions mirror your shock. Silence fills the room, and it’s almost comedic when one of the balloons that Ari was blowing deflates. As everyone waits for your reaction, you hear the blonde on the ground whisper.
"Wait, he really wanted a horse? I thought he was joking! Babe—we should’ve gotten him the horse first as a thank you gift for giving me bubbles on my birthday," Eunbi whispers to her husband, who gives her a 'not now, baby' look.
Before you know it, you're pulling on Eunbi’s hair again. "The fuck are we going to do with a horse?" you sigh heavily, flailing your arms around.
One thing you learned from everyone is that they all go to great lengths for each other, no matter how ridiculous the idea or situation might be—and you fully participate in the chaos. But right now, the only thought in your mind is how you’re going to murder five people simultaneously.
"How did going for birthday hats end with you guys buying him a horse?" Joon asks, his face scrunched in confusion as Taehyung tries not to laugh while helping his wife off Namjoon’s shoulders.
"We didn’t buy one..." Jimin says, looking around nervously, waiting for someone to step in.
"We rented one!" Lora jumps in happily, clapping her hands. Her long, straight black hair bounces around her face as her deep dimples appear while she shoves her phone into your face.
"Isn’t it so cute? The person renting it out said his name is Rex, but I think he gives off more ‘Goody’ vibes." Lora shrugs happily, showing you multiple pictures of a huge, beautiful black horse.
"Can we talk about how big a horse shits," Seokjin mentions dramatically to the boys that stayed behind at the house. Your mind already making a mental note that the five responsible will be cleaning up after the horse in your backyard later.
"When is it getting here?" you sigh in defeat, making Lora clap excitedly.
"Aww, you didn’t crash out! Maturity looks so good on you, babes!" Eunbi cheers from the ground.
"I am not wearing this shit," Hoseok groans loudly, rolling his head back and stomping his feet like a child. "Why did I get the worst one out of everyone?" His hands flail dramatically as he explains, clearly annoyed that his t-shirt is, in his opinion, the most boring.
"You think yours is wack?" Eunbi side-eyes him, pointing at her own shirt. "I’m wearing a picture of Jungkook's face with the words, ‘Big dick is back in town.’" She reads it out loud before throwing her head back with an overly dramatic sigh.
"I low-key love mine," Jimin chimes in, striking multiple poses to show off his t-shirt, which reads, ‘I wish he was real,’ beneath a large photo of Jungkook giving a thumbs-up while wearing Iseul’s pink tutu.
"That’s because yours is cool! Mine is literally..." Hobi starts, sounding enthusiastic before suddenly clamming up, which causes Jia to burst out laughing beside him.
"Wait, now I wanna see it!" Eunbi’s face lights up, reaching for the shirt bunched up in Hoseok's hands.
"Stop! I love it!" Eunbi bursts into laughter as she reads the large text across the middle of his white shirt. "Show me!" Yoongi nudges his wife, poking her in the hip for her to move aside so he can see.
A grin spreads across his face as his eyes scan the words: ‘Sorry, princess, I only date DILFs who look like this,’ followed by a heart-shaped picture of Jungkook, shirtless, flexing his muscles with a pout on his lips. Yoongi can't hold back his laughter.
"I need to know who came up with these," Yoongi chuckles, dropping his head onto Eunbi’s shoulder, still shaking with amusement.
"I am not wearing this," Hoseok snaps, snatching the shirt back from Eunbi before crossing his arms in front of his chest, pouting like a sulking kid.
"Babe, you’re so cute," Jimin teases as he watches his girlfriend make her way to the small group, whistling as he gives his girlfriend, Daeun, a playful spin. She blushes, biting her lower lip as she reads aloud the words on her own shirt.
"‘Introverted but willing to discuss...’" Daeun pauses and points at the picture of Jungkook dramatically winking beneath the text.
"That one is so cute!" Jia claps happily beside Hoseok, who is still throwing a tantrum while Eunbi laughs and points at his pouty face.
You silently chuckle as you overhear their conversation shifting from shirts to whether they should have gotten a photo booth. You quickly announce that you’re going inside to get Iseul and yourself ready before heading into the house.
The laughter from the backyard fades as you close the sliding door behind you, having spent all morning decorating it. You take a moment to check the kitchen, living room, and walls, ensuring everything looks as you had planned before rushing upstairs to shower before Iseul wakes from her nap.
After showering, blow-drying, and straightening your hair, you start to hear small whines from Iseul as she begins to wake up. You poke your head out of the bathroom and into your and Jungkook’s room, finding Iseul sitting up in bed. Her hair is disheveled, and she’s rubbing her chubby hands over her eyes, surrounded by pillows creating a makeshift barrier.
“Hi, my love,” your voice soars to a higher pitch as you approach her. “How’d you sleep, baby?” You coo, brushing her small light curls away from her face, gently poking her cheeks before planting a kiss on them both.
“I slept good,” Iseul murmurs softly, finally opening her eyes. Her Bambi-like gaze looks up at you. “Is Daddy here yet? It’s his birfday.” Your four-year-old scans the room, only to pout in disappointment when she realizes it’s just you both in the room.
“He’s almost here, so we need to make you look pretty! Okay?” You poke her small side, making her giggle and nod enthusiastically. You wrap your arms around her, holding her tight as you lift her and carry her to her room. You carefully set her down on the bed before heading into her closet to find the outfit you had planned. You also grab a couple of alternative pants options just in case the original choice doesn’t work out.
“Okay, you have two options. Pick,” you say, emerging from the closet with two pairs of bottoms. “Skirt or jeans?” You wave the options as Iseul puts her index finger on her chin and furrows her eyebrows, deep in thought. “What are you wearing?” she asks carefully, making you smile. “A skirt,” you reply, watching her nod several times before pointing at the skirt in your left hand.
"I wanna wear a skirt too!” she exclaims with a beaming smile, her dimples—clearly inherited from her dad—showing prominently.
You nod in approval and quickly help her change and brush her teeth. You also brush her hair, letting it flow down her back.
“Okay, pose for me, princess,” you giggle as you watch your daughter smile and place her hands on her hips, striking a pose.
“Okay, now stand still and look down at your shoes for me.” You ask, as she hums and gazes at her Adidas shoes and white socks with ruffles, while you click away on your camera. “You’re so beautiful,” you coo, finally standing up and reaching for your daughter’s hand to guide her outside so you can finish your makeup and get dressed.
As you open the glass door to the backyard, she finally speaks. “I know, Daddy told me I’m the most beeyootiful girl ever.” She quips before stepping out, where Yejoon—who just got here, after being dropped off by his grandparents from his dad’s side—rushes toward her, and Eunbi and Taehyung quickly start showering her with compliments about her custom-made shirt as if it were a competition.
You laugh as you watch Eunbi’s smile falter when Iseul jumps into Taehyung’s arms first. You shout that you’ll be right back, earning several thumbs up from the group. As you rush back to your room, your phone rings in your back pocket. You quickly pluck it out and see a picture of you smiling at the camera with your husband’s bicep cradling your face, making you smile as you press the green button and click ‘speaker.’
“Baby,” Jungkook’s voice comes through as you place the phone down on the counter and start your makeup.
“Hi,” you reply, tucking your hair back out of your face.
“Hi, my obnoxiously gorgeous wife, I miss you,” Jungkook says, and you smile, hearing the warmth in his voice.
“Are my girls ready? I’m almost home,” he continues. You giggle and reply with a small “yes” as you blend concealer under your eyes.
You had told Jungkook the other night that instead of a party, you wanted to take him out to eat for his birthday, just the three of you. He agreed immediately, not knowing it was a complete lie. Knowing damn well the group chat you just have made the other day with everyone from the already standing “plan b survivors” group chat with the exclusion of Jungkook—obviously—was currently being spammed with multiple suggestions of whether getting a bouncy house was a good idea or not.
“Your mom sent me her GIF not too long ago; it’s the best one she’s sent to date,” Jungkook says, making you burst out laughing, knowing exactly which kind of GIF he means. Your mom has a habit of sending extravagant GIFs with blooming flowers and sparkles, with bold text that reads something completely different depending on the mood, situation or event.
“She edited me into the background this time. You know, the one where I’m flexing my muscles with those pink ribbons you tied on them,” he recounts, and you hum in agreement, knowing exactly what picture he’s talking about since you were the one who took and sent it to your mom.
“I love the way confetti pops the moment you click on it to play,” he chuckles, making you mirror his smile.
As he continues talking about how everyone wished him a happy birthday at the meeting he had to attend—scheduled long ago and unmissable—you listen as he changes topics to how he plans to start taking Iseul to swimming classes while you finish your makeup.
“Okay, baby, I’m around the corner. Can you put an outfit out for me so I can shower and change quickly?” Jungkook asks as you apply the last coat of mascara to your eyelashes.
Humming in agreement, you reply, “Okay, and I already did, baby,” as you twist the mascara cap shut and check yourself one last time in the mirror before grabbing your phone and heading to both your clothes laid out on the bed.
“I love you,” Jungkook says, as you return the sentiment before he disconnects.
You quickly change into your t-shirt, tying a rubber band at the back to create a crop top. You follow up by slipping into your denim mini skirt, not even taking a minute to check if it fits perfectly as you rush to find socks and matching shoes to match Iseul’s. The moment you’re dressed, you hurry downstairs, turning off every light as you make your way to the backyard, where everyone’s eyes turn to you.
“He’s coming, everyone hide!”
The position you were in was uncomfortable as hell, and no one seemed to be enjoying themselves. Iseul started to whine, complaining that her knees hurt from crouching behind the couch, which prompted Ye Joon to comment smugly that “she isn’t as strong as he is,” earning a loud “shhh” from Ari. The twins, Nari and Yeseol, were also not having it. Barely a year old, both blondes were already driving Eunbi and Yoongi crazy—you could hear Yoongi trying to calm down Nari from behind the kitchen counter, as she teetered on the verge of crying.
From your peripheral vision, you caught a glimpse of Aera and Namjoon making funny faces to distract Nari and keep her from crying. You also noticed Jiho texting on his phone, his brows furrowed in concentration. You tried not to laugh when Jia snatched his phone away, scolding him to “pay attention.”
Suddenly, your heart fluttered as you heard the front door open, followed by Jungkook’s familiar voice calling out.
“Baby, where are you?” he called, murmuring under his breath about how dark it was. He moved towards the light switch and flicked it on. Before he could react, everyone shouted, “Surprise!” as colorful confetti burst from poppers, flying everywhere and littering the floor.
“Oh, fuck!” he shrieked, clutching his chest in surprise.
“Happy birthday!” everyone yelled together, rushing forward to hug him. Iseul was the first to reach him, raising her short arms for her dad to pick her up. “Happy birfday, Daddy!” Iseul kissed his cheek as Jungkook smiled brightly, while Lora snapped multiple pictures with her camera. “Your shirt, princess,” your husband beamed, reading the words and poking her side, making her squirm. “You’re a hundred percent ‘Birthday boy favorite girl,’” Jungkook said, pressing a big kiss to her cheek, reading off her shirt.
“Happy birthday, my brother,” Taehyung and Jimin chimed in, launching themselves at Jungkook the moment he set his daughter down to greet everyone else. “Where’s my gift? I don’t think my wife would’ve let anyone in without a gift fee,” Jungkook joked, patting Jimin on the back.
“I was thinking about what to get you, and I realized you don’t need anything—you already have me. I even debated wrapping myself since I’m clearly the biggest gift in your life,” Taehyung said, making everyone burst into laughter. “Exactly what I thought too,” Jimin added, earning a side-eye from Taehyung.
“Just two dumb bitches telling each other ‘exactly!’” Eunbi mocked behind them, scooting in-between the boys to give Jungkook a hug.
“Hi, blondie,” your husband teases, poking your best friend’s side, before laughing at the words on her shirt. “Big dick back in town!” Jungkook guffawed, throwing his head back in laughter.
You watched with a huge smile plastered across your face as your husband finishes hugging everyone and complimenting their shirts. Once he had said his hellos, his eyes finally met yours. His grin widened, and he walked towards you. Feeling playful, you shifted all your weight to one leg and twirled your hair around your index finger, giving him an innocent look that made him burst out laughing.
“Hi,” Jungkook smiles, wrapping his arms around your waist and pulling you closer.
“Hi,” you smile back, tilting your head up to meet his eyes. He gave you a quick wink before leaning down to kiss you. Your eyes fluttered shut as you melted into the kiss, his lips moving against yours in a slow, agonizing pace.
Smiling into the kiss, he finally pulled away as everyone started whistling in the background.
“There are kids here!” Namjoon shouted playfully, watching as Jungkook stuck his tongue out at him like a child.
“You take my breath away every damn time, baby,” Jungkook says, turning back to face you and pressing a soft kiss to your cheek.
“Mhm, really?” you tease, raising an eyebrow at him. He chuckles, his gaze drifting from your shoes back up to your eyes. “Yes, really,” he says, biting his lower lip.
“Okay, we get it. You guys are in love. Can we go eat now?” Jiho interrupted, looking up from his phone with a bored expression, clearly used to this level of PDA, since his own parents were just as bad.
Everyone laughed and agreed, while Jiho earned a light swat on the back of his head from his mom for “interrupting a moment.” Lora shook her head in mock disappointment, quickly passing her camera to Ari to place on the marble table before ushering everyone towards the backyard.
“Happy birthday again,” you whisper to your husband, stopping him before you could join the others who were waiting to show him the bouncy house and decorations.
“Thank you, baby,” he voices out, his voice soft and serious, making your heart clench. “Always,” you reply, standing on your tiptoes to kiss his lips again.
“I like your shirt,” Jungkook murmurs just for you, his voice low and teasing. You bite your lip, meeting his gaze.
“I mean, it’s true,” you shrug playfully, watching the slow smile spread across his face. His thumb and index finger toy with your belly ring that you’ve just put back in, and he tilts his head with a grin. “I’m hoping I got a shirt and it says ‘I heart milfs’ to match yours,” he jokes, his smile faltering when he notices the way your lips press together.
“What does it say?” he sighs, bracing for disappointment.
“‘Birthday boy,’” you reveal, trying not to laugh as his jaw drops in exaggerated shock.
“That’s not fair! I was expecting something wild like everyone else’s. How does Eunbi get ‘big dick back in town,’ and I get ‘birthday boy’?” He pouts, and you can’t help but laugh.
“Well, aren’t you the birthday boy?” you tease, placing your manicured hand over his, resting on your belly.
“I guess...” He blows out a dramatic sigh, making you giggle.
“I missed your belly piercing,” he says softly, tugging gently on the teardrop ring in your belly button.
“And I miss your lip piercing,” you reply, brushing a finger over his bottom lip. “Please put it back in. Hopefully, Iseul doesn’t tug on it like last time.”
“Ugh, don’t remind me,” he groans, shuddering at the memory. Remembering how his daughter yanked on his lip piercing with all the strength a one-year-old could muster.
“Thank you for everything,” he says, hooking his fingers through the belt loops of your skirt and pulling you into a tight embrace. “I appreciate everything you do and more. I know this whole thing was your idea. Thank you,” he murmurs into the crook of your neck.
“Don’t make me cry,” you sniffle, feeling him press small kisses along your neck. Your hands rub soothing circles on his back, and you stay wrapped in each other’s arms for a minute, though it felt like only seconds. “I love you so much, baby,” he continues, squeezing your cheeks with both hands and forcing your lips into a pout before kissing them.
“I love you,” you reply, kissing his nose, making him chuckle.
“Is it bad that I want everyone to leave already so I can just spend time with you?” he whispers as you both walk towards the glass sliding door. “Lowkey yeah,” you chuckle, stopping at the door and looking up at him, only to find him already gazing at you.
“What?” you giggle, feeling shy under his intense stare.
“Nothing, just one more kiss, please. Count it as my early birthday gift,” he winks, leaning down to capture your lips again. You pull back with a laugh when you felt his tongue start to intrude. “Baby…” Jungkook whines, a goofy grin still on his face as he tugs you closer.
“Jeo—” you start, but he interrupts, kissing you again, this time swirling his tongue with yours. Your shoulders slump as his hands cradle your face, keeping you in place before separating with a small string of saliva connecting you.
“Sorry, it’s my birthday,” he whispers against your lips, before finally opening the sliding glass door and extending an arm to guide you outside. You roll your eyes playfully but let out a small yelp when you felt his hand smack your ass as you walked past him through the door.
“It’s my birthday,” he says with a cheeky grin, raising his hands in defense when you shot him a warning glare.
Everyone is drunk, and things spiral out of control quickly.
The moment Jungkook steps out of the house, freshly showered and changed into his matching t-shirt like everyone else, everything becomes a blur. After countless photos taken on Lora’s camera, you all eat, sing happy birthday, and Jungkook blows out his candles before cutting the cheesecake you made him the night before.
By ten at night, the kids are sent inside to sleep, and that’s when the chaos begins.
“You’re fucking lying!” Jungkook yells, eyes wide as Seokjin and a man lead a huge black horse through the backyard doors.
“Where’s my camera?!” Lora screams, looking around frantically.
“It’s inside!” Ari shouts back. Before you can react, a head of caramel curls dashes into your house.
"That thing is literally humongous," Namjoon mutters, running a hand over his face, his eyes slightly red from all the alcohol.
“You shouldn’t be talking,” Jimin retorts, eyeing Namjoon up and down, causing everyone to burst out laughing.
“You’re just mad you’re short,” Namjoon fires back, but you’ve already tuned them out, watching as Jungkook climbs onto the horse with the help of the owner.
“This is such a bad idea,” you screech, covering your eyes.
“Here!” Ari runs back out, handing Lora her camera. She immediately starts snapping photos of Jungkook, now balanced on the horse.
"Hold on tight, bro!" Yoongi yells as Jungkook wobbles before finding his balance as the horse starts walking.
"Baby, look at me!" Jungkook calls out, taking off his shirt, revealing his flexed muscles as he jokingly cracks an imaginary whip. Your heart skips a beat—stomach flips—half from how ridiculously handsome he looks and half from the fear that he might fall.
Lora, on the other hand, is in her element, snapping photos like her life depends on it.
“I wanna ride next!” Eunbi cheers, jumping up and down.
“I’ve never seen you this excited to ride me before,” Yoongi says nonchalantly, causing everyone to groan.
“Brother, eugh!” Hoseok fake gags, while Jungkook laughs from atop the horse. Eunbi’s face turns pink as she playfully pushes Yoongi, who apologizes profusely for his comment.
"Baby, can we keep it?" Jungkook asks, flashing you his signature doe eyes.
"Fuck no," you respond immediately, leaving no room for negotiation.
"You’ve only got an hour—make the most of it," you shrug, moving closer to the horse.
"An hour only?" Jungkook gasps, glancing at his friends as if they betrayed him. "Y/n didn’t want the horse, we had to compromise, lil bro," Yoongi says matter-of-factly, making Jungkook roll his eyes playfully.
"Come on, baby, let’s ride," Jungkook says, winking as he pats his lap, motioning for you to hop on, which earns a chorus of fake gags from your friends.
The hour passes in a whirlwind of laughter and screaming. Everyone takes turns riding the horse, which ends with Ari nearly face-planting, sending everyone into a panic—except for the owner, who looks like he’s ready to be done with all of you and head home.
"Shot! Shot! Shot!" the group chants as you down a shot of tequila, scrunching your face in disgust, earning more laughter. Jungkook rubs circles on your back as the cold liquor burns its way down your throat. "Fuck!" you exclaim, tapping your chest like it’ll help with the heartburn.
"You did so good, princess," Jungkook praises, tossing back his shot like it’s water, letting out an exaggerated "ah" as he sets the glass down.
It’s nearly two in the morning now. The horse is long gone, and everyone is utterly trashed. The guys, all shirtless, are slumped around the backyard, claiming it’s too hot—likely the alcohol talking.
"Five, six, five, six, seven, eight!" Eunbi shouts as the speaker blasts "Hot to Go," jumping onto a chair and belting out the lyrics.
"Here she goes," Taehyung sighs jokingly, watching Eunbi throw herself into the song.
"You’re her biggest opp," Aera comments with a smile as Jungkook joins Eunbi, copying her arm movements.
"Opp stands for opposite, right?" Taehyung asks, which sends everyone into another round of laughter.
"Opponent, dumbass," Jimin smacks him on the back of the head, snickering at Taehyung's widened eyes.
"Did you guys read the weight limit for the bouncy house?" you ask out of nowhere, standing up, suddenly eager to jump around.
"There’s a weight limit?" Daeun and Seokjin ask simultaneously, then look at each other. "Jinx!" they say in unison, making you laugh.
"Yeah, the person who rents them usually tells you," you explain, kicking off your shoes before climbing into the character-themed bouncy house. You barely stand up before everyone starts piling in.
"If anyone throws up, I’ll kill you—" Lora screeches as Taehyung accidentally shoves her, sending her face-first into the bouncy floor. "I’m so sorry!" he laughs, trying to help her up despite the bouncing of everyone.
"Guys, I think it might pop," Daeun warns, clinging to Jimin for balance. You try reaching for Jungkook but get launched across the bouncy house by the devil herself, Eunbi.
"Ah!” You scream, laughing as you tumble into Lora. The laughter doesn’t last long, though, as a loud pop echoes through the air. Everyone stills before panic sets in as the bouncy house deflates rapidly, and everyone scrambles to the small exit.
You all stand in stunned silence, staring at the flattened bouncy house sprawled across the grass. Despite knowing how much trouble you're in with the renter, you can’t help but laugh.
"Welp, happy birthday to me," Jungkook shrugs with a grin.
🐈‍⬛: @allie-is-a-panda @minghaosimp @nicolepvp8 @blaricee @parkinglot-nights @jmscaffeine @httpjeonlicious @jeonjungkooksbabamomma @army061313 @crazyovayou @thvvcut (idk why some don’t tag😔)
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heartofbusan · 1 month
Best laid plans of stomach bugs and men.
The chemistry is the point.
Some people underestimate the effort and toll it takes on ones body and schedule to fly 14 hours to visit another person. 14 hours to spend 72 hours together means commitment. It means bro's before ho's and I am frankly HERE FOR IT.
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The discourse I am seeing is extremely telling of how fickle people are about their support for jikook. People watch too much scripted reality tv 🙄 bcs they really expected this relationship, this reunion if you will, to play out in multiple angle close ups and medium shots and several wide angle shots with dramatic zooms and heavily directed post-moment recaps with dramatic silences or eye rolls to play up the drama? The lack of moments, the MUNDANITY if you will IS THE POINT. They are so real to me, so life like, so domestic goals!
Being quiet with each other. No uncomfortable silences, but comfortable togetherness.
That's what leads to horny bed fighting, which in my eyes could lead to more if not for the cameras 👀 just me?
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When they said unscripted, this is what they meant. When they said unplanned, this is what they referred to. Not directed, not scripted, not fanservice 🙄 to fit a planned narrative. This is how their relationship plays out. I'd go so far as to call it a documentary instead of a reality series. While documentaries have tons of genres within itself, this genre is one where there's a broad range of planned activities, but where the narrative is constructed in post production: editing. Id know, since im an editor. This tells me that they counted on the natural chemistry between 'JeonJi' (SO CUTE) to 'lead the way' instead of a multitude of directed interactions that they (the producers) would have needed to tick a dramatic narrative box.
So what does that lead to? In my professional opinion as a director/editor the first two episodes lacked a dramatic arc. There was little directing going on to force one
the chemistry is the point
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The flirting, the lulls in conversation, them being together, seeing them have fun, and reconnecting is the point. Instead of what they're doing or what they're talking about. The episodes, therefore, are kinda boring in the sense of entertainment, but wildly exiting in the sense of what we get to see play out. And it's incredibly nuanced. And nuance often flies over people's heads..again, the crowd that expects to be held by the hand when it comes to drama: reality tv.
It's a huge risk to take as a production. Let's not underestimate that! 'Are You Sure' was so unscripted that they didn’t even have a title until halfway into the second or third day. Again: they were banking on JeonJi to build upon their chaos to lead to a narrative and a title, etc. That is so telling to me. That them being together is the raison d'etre of this show. Jimin 'sacrificing' his time to fly to the US, Jeonkook making space in his busy schedule time to spend time unwinding, JeonJi making good on their need to finally spend time together after the booked and busy year they've had.
Jimin enjoying the hell out of Jungkook having fun.
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Because that is who Jimin has always been: his adventurous spirit takes him places because he loves exploring and being in tue moment. He'll willingly travel to have those moments. Jungkook on the other hand doesn’t. He dislikes leaving the comfort of his surroundings because he doesn’t see the pot of gold that being adventurous brings him while he's comfortable in his home. I relate 😩 so much. Just planning trips alone makes me enter a comatose state, so I'd rather not go than sacrifice my rest to plan an adventure. I don't even know I'll get anything out of. That is, until Im actually on that planned trip and having the time of my life! They've always been like that. Jimin had to be the incentive to get Jungkook out on that trip. Take.him.by the hand if you will 😭😭
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And then there's the stomach bug. YOU DAMMNED CURSED THING. It threw a HUGE wrench into their plans, and if anyone doesn’t take that into consideration, then you haven't had a stomachbug EVER while still having to face up to your commitments. Park Jimin will NEVER back down from his commitments, his promises *pinky promises* are sacred to him, and this bug took away the catalyst of this duo. Jungkook suddenly had to be the extrovert of the two, and boy, does he struggle in that role. He was to me his usuall baby elf self. So adorable and cute with his nose focused on food and Jimin’s care. But my man loves to rely on Jimin to lead the way in shenanigans and to make any moment entertaining, and you could just tell Jimin wasn't in his feels enough to overcome his lack of energy. Poor baby. Really, he's the best of us because I would have straight up refused to be filmed in that moment. A whole night of diarrhea and still showing up to film the next day?! NO MA'M NOT ME.
If you've read up to this point, I commend you. It was just supposed to be a short rant, but it became an entire essay because I can not with the overly reactionary nature some people show. Drawing entire conclusions based on two hour long episodes. I know, I might be contradicting myself here but extenuating circumstances and all. Jimin wasn’t on his game, and Jungkook was also recovering. When a show is banking on the chemistry between two people to shoulder the brunt of this show and said people are extremely sick, well then what can I tell you?
We need to sit back and enjoy the fact that we are getting such access to them, so unfiltered. Jikook enjoying each other, come rain or shine, in sickness and in health, whatever the mood brings, because that to me is more valuable than DRAMA or NARRATIVE. We'll probably get a bit more of that once they're going to Jeju, and they're both hopefully healthy. We're even getting a new element for them to play off of: Tete shows up! Like a jack in the box, and Jungkook seems to not be having it, lmao...see..unscripted and natural. I love that for them!
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Idols are people first, and we need to celebrate that, not demand more.
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stormblessed95 · 8 days
Watching Are You Sure?! EP 6
A reminder of how I do these reaction posts as I watch things. I just write my reactions and thoughts down literally they happen. Think more of a bullet point format. I'll include links when I can to videos, thanks to the people who twt who upload clips. And at the end, I'll do a better wrap up of all my opinions. I hope everyone enjoyed the show so far!!
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Flying to Japan on Nov 25, 2023!
Jikook being the rich bitches that they are now, do you think they had the whole plane just for them and their staff? The way they BOTH got to enjoy the window seats and the whole row to themselves for most of the trip. Genuinely wish I could fly that way 😂 it has to make that experience a little less miserable lol
Jungkooks super informal tone, the soft way he spoke, the way he placed his hand over Jimin's nape.... Topped off with talking about how their first ever trip together was to Japan, Tokyo. And that's why he wanted to come back. Excuse me 😭 the romantic in you is escaping!
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JK panning down with his camera and us getting to see Jimin gripping his sweater over his tummy. Such a consistent habit! Both of them! JK randomly panning to film Jimin, and Jimin holding onto JK. They are so sweet and cute. It's giving boyfriend. I can't lie lol
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"We have arrived" they say, while in a moving car, and I'm pretty sure Jimin has to be in JKs lap to film the way they are. Or at least BASICALLY all the way in it. Lol and JKs smug ass little smirk and pouty lips. Bro, chill 😅😂
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The zoom in on Jimins eyes randomly. Another habit consistently consistent!
JK saying yes of course he knew Jimin's album was coming out soon and yes of course he watched the SGMB video. He stays up to date on all Jimin content thank you very much
Not the kids making Jimin feel old by calling him Uncle 😂😂
Jikook hanging out drinking and eating snacks and just chit chatting so normal and regular that Jimin just completely forgets they are filming a show for a brief second there, walking away without his camera. There is something so endearing about that
Not them showing us JK falling on the ice from both Jimin and JKs camera perspectives 😂😂
JK being super whiny and bratty and Jimin going "why are you so angry these days?" With a laugh and JK going "it's for the show" basically to be more entertaining. Lol and Jimin just saying that he can handle all his anger. Handle all of JK. "I can handle you" is what it's giving. And it's giving so so much. Just wow
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They way they reminisced about their first Tokyo trip while eating their midnight snack 🥰 Jimin remembered so many details. JK just remembered being worried about Jimin's feet hurting during their long walk to Shibuya.
JK sharing how special it was for him to get a short letter from RM when he did his showcase. That was so cute!!
Them arguing over the AC with one being hot and the other cold was so relatable for me. It was like watching me and my partner 😂
They went to sleep in separate beds and woke up in front of cameras in separate beds, but you can't convince me that JK didn't end up in Jimins bed for at least part of the night. Lol his sheets are still tucked in all nicely (Jimin's aren't and JK doesn't sleep that neat from what we have seen lol) and his water bottle is moved over to Jimin's side of the nightstand too. But what do I know 🤷‍♀️😂
Has there been an episode where Jikook haven't brushed their teeth together? Lol
JK being all romantic about remember this moment of watching the snow fall together in the morning. And Jimin popping the bubble by saying they'll have to shovel so much snow in the military 😂😂
JK going I want to cut my hair and Jimin immediately coming over to crack jokes with wordplay 😂
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JK just turning to stare at Jimin wanting his compliments over the glasses he picked out to wear. Lol and Jimin immediately giving him said compliment. It was absolutely giving domestic couple vibes. Can't lie won't lie
Bathroom selcas!!
JK wearing a napkin under his glasses because his nose was sweating because of the spice 🤣
The vibes and tones they have when speaking about their service is so drastically different when compared to in the USA. They are about to enter into service together and they have no more doubts or fear of being separated and you can tell in how they talk about it now versus then.
The editors making fun of Jikook ordering in Japanese lmfao "using all the words they know"
The reappearance of "KooKoo-San" 😭😭🥰😍
I love the animated train station 🤣🤣
Jikook sharing air pods and music on the train and roleplaying saying it feels like they are in an anime. They said they were listening to a Japanese song and Jimin was getting really into when he started this role play. Lol what song was it?!!?
Jimin pulled a JK and went from filming scenery to randomly switching his camera view to film Jungkook close up too.
JK snuggling up on Jimin as they watch the scenery go by on the train is the cutest fucking thing. JK was living the dream. You can tell they were so content and happy.
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Finally arriving in Sapporo and walking through the train station seeing an adorable little girl and Jimin getting all sappy about how he would be an emotional mess as a girl dad if he ever had a daughter. JK looked both nervous and excited about that idea 🤣🥰💜
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Jimin saying JKs live vocals on Hate You were so good that he threw his phone. So relatable. The biggest fanboy!
Jikook singing Super Tuna!! So cute!!
Jimin saying he has to be the most normal on a team of weirdos and JK being like nah babe, you are a total weirdo freak just like the rest of us! (Personally, I think to make it as an idol, you can't be normal, you gotta have a little bit of freak going on to be able to handle all of that lol) But yes Jungkook! Speak that truth! "Who sets the standard for 'normal' anyway?" EXACTLY!!!
Not Jimin pulling up Christmas Day by Jikook circa 2014 to listen to on their snowy drive in Sapporo Japan?! The sentimentality and romance in the air that has to be happening?! Lol even with their younger voices 🤣 the cringe over hearing his 19 year old voice say merry Christmas 🤣😂😂
Impromptu self photoshoot in the snow!
The way they giggle together is one of my favorite things. Over anything and everything
Jikook roleplaying at the museum bar lol that was inherently flirty. So flirty. What the heck. That was first time meeting at a bar with cheesy pick up lines roleplay. That's like kinky foreplay for some people 😂😂 JK getting all flustered over it too and ending it with the "you're ridiculous" lol
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JK this thing is cute, Jimin buy it then. Ah, rich people 😅😂
Their embarrassed faces when the staff told them as they were walking away that they didn't pay for their drinks 😂😂😂 Jimin running up to go pay but with JKs black card! Lol not even his own! But that's before they said Cash only, so JK comes to pay for it in cash lol I too, would've felt very embarrassed over forgetting to pay 😂
Jimin galloping through the snow. Lmao he is such a little weirdo 🤣😂 love him so much
Their cute little snowball fight with JK picking up just massive clumps of snow to throw lol
Not them calling ARMY out for just enjoying watching them just sit around and eat. They know we are down bad lol
What kind of carrots is Jimin eating that they are bitter??! 😂
Jikook constantly memeing together too lmao!
Them saying they would've been such trouble together as same age friends. They already don't have a normal hyung/dongsaeng relationship at all. Can you imagine if those lines that they already pretend don't exist actually never existed at all? Already attached at the hip. If vminkook were ALL same age friends, they would be even crazier together I bet! Lol
Jimin once again talking about the dumpling fight. The way he was actually ready to beat Tae up during that is still so crazy to me 😂😂 the way he Knows they (Vmin) were both being petty AF back then and they can laugh now.
Lmfao not them talking about JK kissing RM for his birthday and RM telling him he went too far and crossing the line. They wore him down to accepting their kisses eventually. Birthday kisses must've turned into tradition since then for Joonie 😂😂
They've come so so far. I'm so proud of all my members. I too can't wait to see the 7 back together again!
Shall we head to the hot springs?? Can't wait!
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Wrap Up Thoughts:
Please ignore any and all typos in this post. My brain is so fried and I'm so sleepy. Lol
Anyone else notice they spent almost this entire episode in matching and/or coordinated outfits? Yeah, me too! How very adorable of them. It's so obvious and clear in this episode than it has been in any other. The thing I noticed most about their dynamics in this episode was the consistency in all their little sweet and cute habits together. Things they've done around each other for years and years. And they are still doing it!
JK spent the entire episode randomly filming Jimin. And he said "I love it" or "I'm so happy" over 30 times in just the one episode. Traveling with Jimin and just chilling together brings him so much joy. Everyone should rejoice in that. And Jimin spent the entire episode randomly bursting out into song, but specifically SNTY 🥰 the support!
And the way JK was filming Jimin, it's still that consistency man.
I said most of my "analysis" moments in all that stuff above, I don't really feel the need to repeat myself but if someone wants or needs clarification on my thoughts, please ask/let me know! This was a beautiful and very sweet episode. They were just purely enjoying each other's company! They were so happy together. Good food, good beer, good company, beautiful atmosphere. I'm so happy for them. And it reeks of domestic bliss so often in this episode too. Lol love that for them as well!
If anyone in Brazil wants to know what video from Twitter is under any of my purple links, please let me know which one and I'll try and download and post that specific video for you. Just send an ask. Sorry for the inconvenience!
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not-goldy · 5 months
Fanservice. Every single one of them.
I wanna eat it. * Points camera at Jimin *
so why did jimin get embarrassed and jk changed the subject "i meant the cake"?? commit to the joke boys 😡
Arrest me.
god give bts some acting lessons.
bc why tf did they leave jk hanging like that??? that wasn't cute or funny, it was awkward as hell. someone, ANYONE, pls just laugh and save me and jungkook 😭😭
Do you want Rameyon?
yet it was portrayed as "jungkook is still hungry" and jimin's insane ass responded with "i'm sleepy"..... just to go spend more of the morning (bc they're STILL awake at 6 AM 😐) with jk and bam....
ok sure.
Rabbit spit is spicy.
a convo between hobi and jimin
said rabbit with spicy spit was in the way back of the room.....
at least make it front and center if you're going to "play gay" smh
I will give him a kiss.
pls explain why joon looks like he's going to have a panic attack and slap both of jikook and tae changes jimin's answer to "50 white shirts" instead of "playing along" 🎤
You liked being tied up, don't lie.
meanwhile hobi looks disgusted with them
Runs fingers through hair, breathes heavily, licks lips before wishing his bro a happy birthday.
so why add the bro?
and why didn't bts make fun of it the same way as jimin's message for tae??
and where is jimin's response? seems like a lot just to not have said birthday boy respond 😔
was jk's mom also in on the fanservice with the seaweed soup?
interesting 🤔
Hickeys/Neck Biting
was not aware there was footage of said hickeys being made? anon where did you get that 👀 ???
why was jin not allowed to touch said mark? but jimin could rub all over it? why are the best two actors (jin and tae) in the group horrible at playing along with said "fanservice" for jikook??
why did jin not know what was going on with the picture that made jimin stay and continue the jinjikook live?
ear sucking
special shout out to the goosebumps on jk's arms for playing along
the lil head kiss and screaming i love you was a nice touch
tiddy slapping, thigh pinching, hand licking
you mean normal things between friends?? 😭
crotch footsie
just giving your bestie boners for fanservice 🥰
hands all up on each other's asses at every opportunity.
yes bc jimin damn near fingering jk is normal
You like me that much?
another awkward moment jk inserted himself into lol
I'm shameless, so is that why you like me more?
will actually pay for bts to learn to act bc what tf 😭😭
Jk starring Jimin down when he tied his own hands up and was being walked around on a leash.
jk once again all the way in the back
it'd make more sense for tae to be the one doing fanservice as he was the one pulling jimin around, but ok let's go with bs that i have to zoom in on to notice.....
Both getting in each other's face & lip space inching closer and closer til one backs off
so why does jin and hobi freak tf out and wipe their mouths?
do they (hybe) not have any new material for jikook? bc it's going on 11 years with the same damn bit 😓
actually i think we jikookers deserve better than this
also where is my travel show hybe? i'm not being serviced 😔
It's the way they call it fan service but every one's uncomfortable with it for me😩😩😩
Some fan service 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
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kooktrash · 2 years
love lies | jeon jungkook [2]
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summary: an arrogant womanizer who’s spent his life numb to love. an unlovable romantic who’s been hurt one too many times. he’s your friend’s ex boyfriend and soon everyone will find out about your lies.
warnings: 14.9k. angst. smut. yandere jungkook. college student au. rich kid jungkook. f!reader. unhealthy attachment. manipulation. gaslighting. slutshaming. toxic friendships. implied emotional trauma from both ends. daddy issues/mommy issues. jungkook dated your friend. stalking. strange behavior in relationship. oral [both receiving] and probs a lot more warnings. series.
song inspo: tv — billie eilish
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Something dark was dancing its way into him. He’s never considered himself a good guy but now he feels that’s even further than the truth. He wants to be a good guy for you and he’d do anything to achieve that but you can’t forget his true character. You’re making him work for it after he thought it’d be smooth sailing. After sleeping with you, he didn’t want to leave your bed. He was ready to ditch classes the next day and keep you all to himself. The only reason he rushed out the next morning is because you missed your alarm and needed to get to class. He drove you to your campus and begged to see you yesterday but you had work and refused to call in for him. Today you had plans with your stupid ass friends.
Now he’s stuck at some strip club with friends while his eyes stayed glued to his phone. He was waiting for a text from you telling him when he could come over but he knows it’ll be some time before that happens. For now he’s stuck here with these guys.
“You know, Kook, you’re starting to worry me,” Jimin said as he leaned over the table to wave a hand in front of Jungkook’s face, “Who’s got you so focused on your phone tonight that you can’t pay attention to the dancers?” Jimin was sandwiched between two exotic dancers in lingerie who wrinkled his Givenchy suit. He motioned for the one closest to Jungkook to pay him attention but Jungkook didn’t even react. Instead, he zoomed in on your location on Find My IPhone.
He convinced you to share locations with him since he’d be picking you up from campus and work now. Technically, you’ve only been dating a couple days but Jungkook doesn’t know how to take things slow. He copied the address it showed you were at and went to Safari to paste it. You were currently at some restaurant probably sitting across the table from that mystery guy Yeonwoo was trying to set you up with. He could easily show up and announce the two of you were dating but you told him if he did that then you’d end things right there. Apparently you needed time before admitting your relationship with him.
Too focused on letting his mind conjure up worst case scenarios, a cold liquid was drenching his designer jeans. His eyes narrowed looking over to the dancer who knocked over his drink all over his lap. Her eyes widened, “I’m so sorry sir, I—“
“Go,” was all he said before the girl was scurrying away. Fuck he didn’t even want to be here, he wanted to be with you. The only reason he came out tonight is because he didn’t want to be home alone. Since the only person he wanted to sleep with was busy and not a single girl on his phone interested him, he didn’t have anyone else to be with but his friends. He even asked them to go somewhere else but they said no.
It’s not like he hasn’t been to a strip club while in a relationship. Hell, half the time when Soomin would annoy the fuck out of him, he’d leave with his friends to one. He’d let girls give him lap dances and whisper dirty things in his ear all while his girlfriend was crying because of the things he told her. The only tears he wanted to make you shed would be from how good he’s fucking you. Three rounds, that’s how much you went at it the other day and it still wasn’t enough for him. He needed more.
“You’ve got a new play thing or something?” Hoseok asked trying to peak at Jungkook’s phone but he just turned it away as he began texting you. He shook his head, “My girlfriend’s not a play thing.”
“That’s a first,” Jin chuckled earning a glare from the younger that had him smiling, “I’m just saying. You don’t have a good track record when it comes to relationships. You break more hearts than Jimin here.”
“We’re different though. I’m at least considerate,” Jimin joked but didn’t deny the notion that he was equally as much of a womanizer as Jungkook, “He’ll treat a girl like shit then ghost her without an explanation.” Jungkook rolled his eyes reading over his text waiting to see when you’d open it. You had your read receipts off and he didn’t like that. He had to know if you were ignoring him or not.
“Who’s the new one this time?” Hoseok asked trying to get Jungkook’s attention again but you had responded and he was focusing on that instead as he muttered, “Y/n.”
“Why does that name sound familiar?” Jin asked looking at the other two for answers but they both seemed equally confused. You met his friends only one time when Soomin invited you to a party with him and her at Hoseok’s place. He was very happy to have you as a plus one to him and Soomin that night. He had an excuse to pay attention to you since Soomin told him he had to make you feel comfortable because they were his friends. God, he really never realized how much you meant to him until just a week ago when he saw you after months of thinking about you. He didn’t even care if you had had a boyfriend, he would’ve worked his way around that.
“Wait a damn minute, is that Soomin’s friend? That girl you used to date?” Jimin cut in with an amused smile, “You dog. You broke the girl’s heart and now you’ve gotta break her friend’s too?” Jungkook rolled his eyes, leg bouncing anxiously watching the three dots appear in your gray text bubble waiting for your response. Jin’s brows furrowed observing his friend’s strange behavior. Usually when a girl is blowing up Jungkook’s phone he blocks them without another word. He says he doesn’t have the patience for someone clingy and yet here he is only thinking about wanting to see you. And he’s getting annoyed that you keep telling him not tonight. He wants to see you now while you’re out having lunch with two guys, Yeonwoo’s boyfriend or not, he’s still another guy Jungkook has to worry about. If he had a small crush on you while dating Soomin, who knows what other guy in a relationship feels the same. He couldn’t take his chances.
He tilted his neck in a stretch to rid the tension in his muscles. Your most recent text was bothering him.
jungkook: what are you doing rn
you: just got to the bar with Soomin
jungkook: barely? who’s all there
you: me, yeonwoo, soomin, namjoon and taehyung
jungkook: who’s taehyung
you: namjoon’s friend
jungkook: the guy yeonwoo wants to set you up with?
jungkook: where are you
jungkook: I’m picking you up
“Earth to Y/n,” Soomin said as the five of you sat around a table all with drinks in your hands. You just finished dinner with the others and Soomin met up with you all at the bar. Like usual, you hugged and said the typical ‘omg I missed you’ before moving on. During dinner you actually enjoyed talking to Taehyung. He was charming and attractive so you understood why Yeonwoo kept pushing you toward him but things were complicated. You looked up at Soomin setting your phone facing down on the table, “What happened?”
“Who’s blowing up your phone?” She asked with an amused smile but you could feel Yeonwoo’s stare toward you. You blinked in thought, “My coworker. He’s trying to switch shifts but I don’t want to.”
“Where do you work?” Taehyung asked and you were thankful he was stopping anymore questions Soomin or Yeonwoo might have. You turned to look at him with a smile, “I work at this clothing store by my apartment. It’s small but pretty popular.”
“How many people work there?” He asked clearly interested. You had a feeling he was a little interested in you but there was nothing you could do. You cleared your throat, “Three of us aside from the owners.” Your phone buzzed once more and everyone heard the echo of the vibration on the table.
jungkook: or should I just show up and see for myself?
you: :( can you just come over later? no need to come get me
jungkook: you don’t want to see me?
you: I do but I’m busy
jungkook: too busy for me? :( and with another guy
you: fine come get me
jungkook: perfect. be there in ten
Your brows furrowed, where was he that he was so close? You looked up, your eyes meeting Yeonwoo’s who smiled, “Come with me to get another drink.” You bit your lips nervously nodding your head and following after her. The two of you got to the bar and waiting for her to put her order in was giving you anxiety because you knew she wanted to talk. She looked over to you, “You’ve been acting weirder than usual.”
“How?” You asked looking down at your phone and checking the time. She gave a shrug of her shoulders stopping to pay for her drink and turned to you again, “You’re acting like you’re in another relationship with another asshole.”
“I know how you get when you’re seeing someone. You get antsy and suspicious like you’re doing something wrong—which you are,” Yeonwoo said firmly, “Not that getting in relationships is wrong obviously but it’s the guys you tend to go for who are. I don’t want you to tell me who you’re seeing but I have my own suspicions. I won’t tell anyone but just don’t leave us—me—out. I’m looking out for you, I know I can be hard on you sometimes but it’s because you’re my best friend now.”
“I’m not shutting anyone out,” you tried focusing on one thing she said at a time. You had to be careful with your responses and not expose yourself. You already know how she’d react if she found out you were seeing Jungkook.
“Yeah, whenever you’re in a relationship you act different. Just two weeks ago you were crying your eyes out because of Doyoung, and now you’re completely fine?” Yeonwoo said , “What is wrong with you?”
You didn’t say anything. It’s easy for you to come off as weak and that’s the way everyone saw you. You’re the one too stupid, too naive, too weak, too wrong. It’s pretty much all you heard for a very long time so hearing that sort of thing from your friend didn’t really phase you. You knew that nothing you did would make them happy and you know she only kept you around because she pitied you. It’s why she spends so much time derailing you on everything you do being wrong. Even if majority of the time she was a bitch to you, you cherished the small times you actually had a good time together. And maybe it’s your fault by clinging onto the good to ignore how bad the bad was.
You just really didn’t want to lose people in your life because then what would you become? You’re pretty much useless in your own eyes so what’s wrong with letting the people around use you too? Hell, Jungkook was probably using you too and you were letting him, and why?
Because it means you’re wanted.
For a long time you strived for perfection in relationships. Any form of relationship actual. The perfect child. Perfect student. Perfect friend. Perfect girlfriend. You’d given up on the first two long ago when nothing you did meant shit to your mother and it had just gotten too exhausting. Then you were too stupid depressed to focus on your grades and there went your imagination as the perfect student. You knew long before fucking Jungkook that you weren’t a good friend so what was all that was left? Being the perfect girlfriend. So would you really care about your friend’s judging your dating history when you’re determined to find the right one?
You’re not saying it’s Jungkook but what if it is? Maybe it was just bad luck that he was Soomin’s ex. From the way you saw him act with Soomin, he hasn’t done with you. Maybe you’re in the honeymoon phase but you wouldn’t know until you stuck it out. Plus, you kind of really liked him and how interested in you he seemed to be.
“And I’m a little upset you won’t even give Taehyung a chance. He’s a great guy,” Yeonwoo said ignoring your silence, used to your disassociating and just moved on. You began walking back to where the others were. You knew Taehyung was great, you figured that out tonight for yourself but you’re not thinking about him right now. You’re supposed to be in a new relationship with Jungkook. The only reason you agreed on the double date before Soomin came by was because you had already said yes to it before Jungkook asked you out.
Just as you got to the table, your phone buzzed with a text from Jungkook saying he was outside. You looked to all the others as Yeonwoo took her seat, “I think I’m gonna go. I’ll see you in class?”
Your cold eyes met hers as you started gathering your things. Soomin looked to you worried, “How are you getting home? The last bus passed already.”
“I’ll get a cab,” you said as you smiled letting it light your whole face but it was forced. “Well, bye.”
You weren’t even ten feet away from the table when you could hear Soomin ask, “Does Y/n have another boyfriend?” You didn’t hear Yeonwoo’s response but frankly you didn’t care. You understood where she’s coming from but it’s unfair and total bullshit to you. You were younger than the others so they always tried ‘looking out for you’ but in reality it was just an excuse they used to try and get you to do what they want. Like, Yeonwoo complains about the fact that you’re always in a new relationship meanwhile she’s trying to get you to go out with Taehyung. The way you two talked was like old friends, not people sexually attracted to each other.
Just outside the bar you found Jungkook. He was looking down at his phone and part of you wished he would’ve just waited in the car. You’re not embarrassed to be with him, the contrary actually. Girls turned their heads left and right to see him and yet you’re the one with him no matter how new everything was. You just didn’t want to risk your friends knowing more. Plus, right now you’re not even sure if he wants you. For all you know, he can dump you in a week because you’re too needy. Then everyone would hate you for even dating him and that’s why you think you should keep it on the low till you know he actually wants to be with you. The only way to find that out is by expecting the most show of affection from him.
Jungkook looked to his left at the exact moment you’d gotten to the sidewalk heading in his direction. He couldn’t help the way his tongue poked against his cheek in irritation at the sight. You wore a pretty little dress that he adored on you but you weren’t wearing it for Jungkook. You were wearing it for that guy Yeonwoo was trying to set you up with. He forced his rising jealous down as he attempted a smile to brighten his appearance. He put his phone away moving to meet you halfway and though you went for a small hug, he crouched down so his arms could wrap around your thighs lifting you up as he leaned upward for a kiss. You met him with half-assed effort practically leaning away from him and he let you go softly, looking down at you in confusion.
So you’re ignoring him now? Did that guy charm you so much that you’re over Jungkook before you actually gave him a real chance? All these thoughts raised through his head and it was driving him insane. You’re not leaving him, right? He doesn’t like to be left. He likes to do the leaving. But he doesn’t want to leave you just because you’re over him. He’s going to give you whatever you want as long as you know he should be the more important one to you.
Every girl he’s been with, he’s left because they aren’t worth staying over. All women do is use you and then leave you. He’s seen it firsthand as a kid. His hatred toward women probably had to deal with his mom. Or his dad but that was still up for debate. On one hand, he had a mother who abandoned him when he was seven. On the other, he has a piece of shit father who will degrade him for not being ‘man enough’. So, do you think he really gives a fuck about leaving a girl just because he’s sick of her?
He doesn’t. What he does give a fuck about is being left. So if you try and leave him right now, he’s not sure what he’l— “Are we going to leave or just sit in this parking lot the entire night?”
“If we stay will you be sitting on my dick all night?” He asked teasingly, all thoughts in his head vanishing the second he had to put on an act. You rolled your eyes, “So I’m just for sex?”
“That’s not how I meant it,” his voice dropped, not a single hint of teasing now. What was wrong with you. He clearly doesn’t think that. “Well how was I supposed to know that?”
He’s not sure how to respond. He knew that he was clearly no gentleman and he has used way too many girls for sex [all consensual] so in reality he understood why you felt that way. He’s never cared about it before, in fact he’s actually boasted about it. There was nothing Jungkook couldn’t have if he wanted it. So did you really think he cared about using people for his own desires? No, he didn’t. But now you’re trying to paint him as the bad guy like he’s going to do it to you and it’s bullshit.
He’s used to being confronted like this but he’s not used to actually caring so what is he supposed to do? “I’m not using you for sex,” he muttered, “Is it hard to believe I’m really just into you.”
“It is,” you said and he sighed. “Alright, what do I have to do to prove to you that I’m serious.”
“I don’t know, when you show it, I’ll know.”
Jungkook’s been overthinking things lately. He doesn’t like that. He doesn’t like having to worry about things he never used to and it’s all your fault. Sometimes, you don’t answer his texts, other times you blow up his phone. He never knows what mood you’ll be in and though you usually go with whatever he says, sometimes you do the complete opposite. He’s not sure what you want from him. He loves you but you don’t believe him. You still think he’s going to leave you and that pisses him off. What’s he supposed to do to show you he won’t? That’s why you don’t open up to him. You’re fine letting him take control but then when he wants more from you, you can’t. You’re an emotional person and he knows that, why you won’t be that way around him? He’s not sure. He knows he’s changed, since when has he ever cared for his girlfriends emotions.
November 16th, 2021
“Baby, are you mad at me?” Soomin had asked. It was close to the end of their relationship and Jungkook just couldn’t stand her. She was getting too clingy, too needy and he didn’t like that. He didn’t want her all up on him unless he asks her to. What’s worse is that she’s acting like this in front of her friends. She’s on his lap, touching his hair, laughing too loud in his ear. It was overwhelming his senses and he hated every second of it. He couldn’t resist the roll of his eyes as he tried scooting away from her so he could have space. She was in his personal bubble and he didn’t want her there. He didn’t want to talk to her, hell he didn’t even want to look at her. Instead, he looked at you. You were smiling over something on your phone and when Yeonwoo asked you what it was you just said it was some guy you were talking to.
He’s already felt on edge today and he’s tried distancing himself but Soomin doesn’t give him space. She thinks he’s mad at her. Of course she thinks it’s about her. Everything is about her apparently.
“Why do you always ask me the same damn thing? Do you want me to be? Cause you’re really annoying the fuck out of me right now,” he muttered under his breath in fear that you would hear him. Soomin looked hurt but she just nodded instead of arguing with him. He had a headache and he wanted to leave. He’s supposed to sleep over tonight but he doesn’t know if he wants to anymore. He’s not sure he can spend another night with Soomin. She’s driving him crazy, just completely fed up. What’s up with her being so damn needy? Give him his space, please. He’ll call her when he wants to, she doesn’t need to be bothering him all the fucking time.
They sat in silence, listening to what Yoongi was saying as he sat between you and Yeonwoo. Jungkook was actually happy with the peace and quiet now, finally he didn’t have to hear her voice. Fuck, he was annoyed now. He stood up suddenly, pushing her foot out of the way as he left to her room. He just needed a moment by himself. Clearly he wasn’t going to get that though because just two minutes later, Soomin was following. He took a deep breath as she entered the room, “What do you want?”
This is why he hates relationships. He can’t even get a minute to himself. Soomin sat on the edge of her bed next to him, “What’s wrong? Why are you upset?”
“Because you keep bothering me,” he said when in truth he was upset before she badgered him. His eyes were on hers seeing the flash of hurt cross them at his harsh tone. Yes, get upset, can’t she see he can’t even pretend to care about her right now? He decided to keep going, “You’re so fucking clingy, you know that? You can’t just leave me alone for one minute? You just had to follow me. Your friends are out there so go worry about them and leave me alone. I don’t want to deal with you right now.”
“Why are you being such a dick right now?” She asked close to tears but he didn’t care. He scoffed in disbelief, already feeling a hint of a tantrum before of the fact that she wouldn’t just stop. He groaned loudly, “Because I’m telling you that I want some space and you’re too fucking stupid to listen!”
“Oh my god,” he huffed in annoyance as he looked over at her catching her wiping tears away, “Are you seriously crying right now? You’re gonna walk out there and make me look like the bad guy because you’re crying. You’re so fucking selfish Soomin. If you would’ve just left me alone when I asked you to then I wouldn’t have yelled at you but clearly you’ve got nothing inside that little head of yours.”
“I get that you’re mad over who knows what but you don’t have to take it out on me. I’m just trying to talk to you an—“ “That’s the God damn problem! I don’t want to talk to you, isn’t that fucking obvious? There’s a reason I came in here and you had to follow. Now you’re playing victim and making me out to be the bad guy because you can’t get the hint that you’re what’s pissing me off right now? Give me a break,” Jungkook was standing now, he was ready to just go home. He picked up his backpack of things as he looked up at her, “And stop crying, you look so dumb.”
“Fuck you Jungkook,” she cried making him laugh. “You already do.” She glared at him, “Just leave.” “I already am.”
He didn’t bother saying goodbye to anyone. He was already fed up and he was done talking to her. Everyone must’ve heard their argument because they were all dead silent but he didn’t care. He hated today and he was ready to leave. Yeah whatever, he’s been on edge all day and now he’s taking it out on Soomin, who the fuck cares. If she didn’t like it then she could leave him. He’d gladly let her. But he knows she won’t and that’s what he takes advantage of. He just needed someone to be his emotional punching bag because he hated today. When he got to his car he looked at his phone, a text from his older brother that only made him more annoyed than ever.
junghyun: todays the day mom left
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November 16th, 2022
You felt like you couldn’t breathe, your body aches and you can’t do anything about it. A warm body laid over yours forcing you on your back the last two hours. Jungkook just wouldn’t wake up, he’s completely knocked out crushing you under him. It was cute kind of, he came over when you got off work and the first thing he did was crawl into your bed and rest his head on your chest. You fell asleep for a while but after being tired of laying in the same position, you woke up. It was no use though, Jungkook was still fast asleep clearly exhausted about something but you’re not sure what. He didn’t even go to class today and it’s not like he has a job with the monthly allowance of a few grand his dad gave him, he had nothing better to do than wait for you to have time for him.
It was still strange to think of how gentle Jungkook was with you. You remember all the screaming matches him and Soomin used to have and now you’re wondering if you’re living on borrowed time. If soon enough he’ll be yelling and degrading you the same way he used to do with Soomin. Even knowing all that you’re still letting yourself fall for him. You’re still going out with him and letting him hold you when you should be disgusted with him. He’s an arrogant asshole and you’re the stupid fool slowly falling in love with him. You just didn’t want him to leave when he’s telling you he loves you like nobody else can—and yet deep down you don’t believe it. You still want more. You want him to mean it. To prove it.
His body seemed to shiver and for a second you thought he was waking up. But instead, he was shoving his face into your neck, fluffy bed hair tickling your face. You felt needed at the moment and you kind of like that.
It was only a moment later that your phone was lighting up the dark room. You reached out for it making Jungkook shift a little and as you read the name of the caller, you visibly dejected. The phone landed on your pillow hoping to let it ring and finally the call ended. Good.
You let your eyes shut hoping to go back to sleep when it was going off again. With a small groan you took a deep breath in preparation before answering the phone as quietly as possible. “Hello?”
“It’s nice of you to finally answer, did you not see my first call?”
You let your eyes roll bring the phone away from your phone to see if Jungkook was still sleeping. He was, cheek squished on your collarbone, lips slightly parted, and legs pinning yours down. He was clinging onto you pressing you between him and the bed. You had to make this call quick unless you wanted to wake him up, “I was sleeping.”
“You know, I really wish you’d call more, I’m your mother, I wonder how you’re doing,” she said through the phone and it only seemed to bother you even more. “I’m sorry.”
“Yeah that’s hard to believe Y/n, all you’ve done since you moved is shut me out, it’s like my little girl isn’t here anymore,” she said, “Oh, and I was looking at one of your posts, and—now, this might just be me—but have you been eating differently? Your body looks different and I know how you get about your looks so I just had to tell you. Maybe try and diet better, get more sleep because you look tired an—“
You were ready to hang up the phone just now. Jungkook was starting to move around more and you just wanted to hang up. You don’t think you could put up with her tonight. If she wants to talk about your body and how you should strive for perfection instead of letting yourself go then she could bring it up another day. Jungkook released a soft groan right into the ear the phone was pressed again, your mom stop mid-sentence. “Is that a man?” She asked now, “When are you going to settle down? This soon? Well, I guess nows the chance to find a man who can take over you since you can’t do it yourself. I’m just thinking about you’re future. You’re pretty and young but you’re not all there honey. I know you don’t like getting hurt but sometimes you have to go through those things to find love. Nows your chance. Do you think anyone’s going to want you when you’re my age? I’d kill to have the body I had at your age.”
“I’ve given up so much for you,” she said now, “You know how hard it was to raise you when your father walked out? All I ask from you is to call me, and settle down. I just worry that you’ll never find anyone, or nobody would want you. You used to be so perfect.”
“Is this what you called for?” “What’s got you in a mood? Is it that gu—“
“Hang up the phone,” a voice murmured and as you looked down, Jungkook’s eyes were on yours. You didn’t do it quick enough because he was hanging it up for you. He rolled off you, stretching his limbs as he laid next to you now. You had a text from your mom saying you were rude but you ignored it moving to stand up when his hand reached for your arm. You looked back at him as his brows furrowed, “Where are you going?”
“To the bathroom, you’ve been laying on me for hours,” you said standing up. He checked the time and date on his phone, great. It was still November 16th. He watched you walk away and for some reason that made him anxious so he was sitting up to go after you. “Who was that on the phone?” Your bathroom door was slightly open so you could hear him just fine but you acted like you didn’t. Once you were done you were at the sink washing your hands. Jungkook was at the door now, arms crossed over his chest, “Who was it?”
“My mother,” you walked past him, missing the way his jaw tensed following you to your bed again. You looked at your vanity mirror off to the side of the bed. She’s right, you do look different and nobody will want you if you look like this. Jungkook wouldn’t. Maybe you just needed to put effort into yourself, he was crazy to want to have sex with you when you looked like this. You know, it’d be really nice to talk to someone who wouldn’t constantly bash on literally anything about you but seems like those are the only people you attract. Your mother and friends were perfect examples of people calling out every single mistake you make.
Maybe that’s why you run to a relationship for an escape. Men don’t question you because they only want one thing and that’s better than being judged for everything you do. It’s like, after your dad left all that your mother did was tear you down. Constantly reminding you how nobody would want you if you’re not perfect because that’s how she felt about your dad leaving. If she would’ve been prettier, thinner, younger, he wouldn’t have left to start a new family. Then, you wouldn’t have been stuck with your mother running to a man and begging him to stay for you like your father didn’t. What made it worse was the close relationship with your dad only for him to walk out on you. That’s why you tried being a perfect girlfriend, so men don’t leave but they still do. Even when you play the naive and gullible girlfriend, your lies begin to unravel.
“What are you thinking about?” A kiss was placed on your shoulder from behind you. You forced a smile on your face. Your dad used to say your mother was too emotional. It’s what drove him away, so instead of confiding, you ignored it. You tried to flip the script, “Nothing, just noticed you’re really tired today.”
He made a grumbled sound as he moved away, neither one of you wanted to talk about anything yet. Though, if he’s being honest. He’s never talked to anyone about his childhood memories. Not his brother, his father, his friends, teachers, girlfriends, nothing. Instead he lets his father bribe him with money and takes advantage of the people around him because he thinks they don’t genuinely care about him enough to ask. And why would he confide in a girl who won’t even stay? Maybe, in the future if you don’t leave him, he’ll be honest.
You sensed his down mood as well. You’re not sure if it had anything to do with you or something else but you knew that your job was to make him feel better. That’s what you should do, don’t think about your feelings, think about his. You turned to sit on his lap, his legs over the edge of the bed making him sit and his hands immediately went to your waist. “Will a kiss make you feel better?” He smiled nodding his head as he leaned into you capture your lips with his pulling you flush against him by your hips and cradled you in his arms. You pressed your hips further down onto his groin as his tongue swiped along your mouth lapping at your own. Heads turned in opposite direction to further your depths into each others mouths. You rocked your hips a bit, a groan spilling from his lips to yours, gripping your hips tighter to help aid your movements. Your hands were on his torso now, pulling on his shirt wanting to get to the fun part much quicker.
A part of him wanted to talk to you, ask why you were upset and why you wouldn’t tell him. That’s how he knew you were different than the others. He found himself actually caring about what you had to say, but when you lifted his shirt off him, hands roaming his bare skin he couldn’t think. Maybe when the lust haze went away he’d think clearly on how to elevate the relationship from just sexual acts. He has to show you how intense he could get in loving you because it’s what you wanted. You wanted to make him stay and you’re so stupid for that. He wouldn’t leave even if you begged him to. He’s gonna be the one you attach yourself to, he swears it and right now you’re just so perfect. But part of him knows it’s all an act and he’s not sure if he’s ready to see the real you just yet.
He's already half hard, the head of his cock pulsing as he rapidly grows in his briefs that were beginning to tighten over his member. He couldn’t stop kissing you, not even when your hands trailed up from the ridges of his six-pack. It made him moan into your mouth at the feel of your hands on him, running over his nipple buds making him jump in surprise.
He makes a move to pull on your shirt but you tell him no. It makes him annoyed but when you shimmy back on his lap, pulling on the button of his jeans, any protest he had went out the door. His hands were still loosely on your waist despite the gap you put between you two that had him pulling back from the kiss to look.
Your fingers now lightly touch the line between muscle on his abs, trailing it toward his happy trail and just over the hem of his brief. Jungkook’s warm and a flush begins to creep around his neck and chest as your fingers continue their journey. You lean back into him, kissing at his neck and collarbone feeling him clench your shirt with his fists in anticipation. You add in teeth, softly scraping and nipping and biting, before shooting your tongue out to soothe the spots you’ve turned red all over his neck.
He licked his dry lips when you pulled back, ready to chase after yours but he couldn’t. Not when you got off his lap and onto the floor between his legs. You were quick, tugging at his jeans and underwear making him stand to kick them off before sitting back down on the edge of the bed. You don’t wait, your palm teases the head of his cock, and a trail of drool escapes hie mushroom tip leaking onto your palm.
"Fuck," Jungkook groans as you palm his cock, your fingers closing around his length in a grip that had his loose skin shifting with each pulse.The weight and width of him in your hand never fails to amaze you. He reacted so easily to your touch and he felt heavy in your hand. This is the first time you’re sucking his dick. You’ve only had sex that one time since you’ve only been together for a week and don’t have that much time to see each other. You had to make it worth his while if you want him to stay, or so you think.
You squeeze and pull his cock in alternating turns, taking in the way his stomach muscles tighten, how his thighs jump, the way he spreads his toes out against the floor. His head was tilted to the side, eyes glazed over with lust. A hand loosely in your hair while the other supported his sitting position against the bed.
Your eyes met his was a handful of cock being jerked with a twist of your wrist. The intense nature of his gaze nearly startled you. His pupils are blown, his brown eyes have gone dark, his mouth hangs open as harsh breath hisses through his teeth. Loving the look in his eyes, you took the chance to move your lips to the head of his cock.
You grip tightens to trace the weeping head across your lips practically coating them like it was lip gloss. Your tongue sneaks out to lick at the sticky residue before going back again, tracing his head with your full lips. You sink the head of his cock into your mouth between passes over your lip, sucking just enough to make his thighs tense.
"Oh fuck!" Jungkook's hand lands on your jaw when you flick your tongue just below the head. You circle your thumb and forefinger just below there and squeeze in time with each movement of your tongue which lapped up his cock drool.
You grip his thigh with your free hand your nails scratch and clutch at the tense muscles.
“So good to me,” he moans as he lets his head tip back in pleasure, eyes blinking away the sense of tears as he forced his gaze on the ceiling instead of on you. You’ll make him cum too fast if he keeps looking at your eyes. He slowly started fucking more of his cock into your wanting mouth, hearing the slush of spit and precum being pushed in and out of your tight throat. His mouth drew open in a silent moan when a hand of yours reached down, your index finger and thumb making a ring around his balls, and squeezing. All while you bobbed your head to meet the thrusts of his hips forcing more cock into your mouth. His breaths were raspy, feeling your tongue lick at his tight balls practically edging him.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck,” he collapse onto the bed, feet against the bed frame edge, hips lifted off the bed. Muscles on his body protruding as you sucked his cock and balls like nobody ever has. He was so close. So so so so so cl—
“I’m cu—“ his forearm covered his eyes, hips bucking beautifully into your mouth, cock twitching with every pulse of thick cum that just wouldn’t stop. After two spurts of the creamy liquid he was still on his high. Then another came, and another twitch, and another, another, another. You gagged, finally lifting off his cock with a line of drool and cum connecting your mouth to his dick. It twitched only your hands and you couldn’t help but laugh in pleasure to how you’ve left him. Sweat down his body, veins on his v-line twitching, cock convulsing.
His eyes were squeezed shut when your tongue began licking all the excess cum off his cock, swallowing every drop and he felt paralyzed. God, you’re so fucking perfect. If the two of you could just stay in the bubble where you only focused on each other; he’d be at peace. It took him a second to reel himself back in before he was licking his lips, “Get up here.” You nodded moving to the space between his legs ready to crawl but he stopped you on the edge. His hands found their way to your shorts as he began slipping them down your legs with your underwear too.
“Hey, this is about you,” you whined letting him slide them down your legs throwing them onto the floor as he kissed your hip quickly. Jungkook lied back down on his back motioning for you to keep crawling, “It’s still about me then, I want you riding my face.” You didn’t argue with that as you finally got close enough to let your thighs press against the sides of his head. You were too far from the headboard to use it for support and you didn’t want to force all your weight down on him. You had gotten too aroused sucking him off that you already felt sensitive but you didn’t want to seem too needy.
Jungkook’s hands wrapped around your thighs as he looked up at you, “Take your shirt off,” he muttered between kisses on the insides of your thigh. You didn’t waste another second, nodding your head as you began to do as told feeling Jungkook leave small suctioning sensation on your tender thighs, you’re core was wet and he could practically taste it but he won’t. Not until you’re ready. You began undoing your bra letting it slide off your arms and tossed it to the side. Jungkook’s eyes met yours for one quick moment before pulling down at your thighs making you sink onto him.
Before you could even think of saying anything, your mouth drew open with a moan. Jungkook had gripped your butt with both hands moving your cunt as he licked a fat strip up to your clit. Your hand flew down to his hair instantly for support and if only made him groan in pleasure, your taste on his tongue. His eyes fell shut, tongue licking up your slit as it flicked at your clit. Jungkook’s lips wrapped around your aroused clit and he kissed it. A soft kiss that was tender like he’d done to your lips so many times. A slurping sound was heard as he tugged on your labia pulling both sides out.
“Oh…” you moaned, the hand tightening his hair in your hole. The hands on your ass began guiding you to move, making growing on his face as he released your clit from his mouth traveling down again to let his tongue swallow more of your slick. His eyes rolled at the taste, hungry for more so he went faster. His tongue flicking back and forth in your hole as his nose tip hit your clit.
“Fuck, Jungkook baby, fuck,” you babbled, panting as a full body tremble girated you on top of him. Finally, you had gotten more comfortable letting him pleasure you from below and you found yourself adding rhythm to your hips feeling his head move with you. The vibration of his answering groans made you gasp, even closer to that sweet edge that blowing him had brought you just moments before. The delicate skin of your inner thighs was pressing against his ears his earmuffs and he loved every second of it. You looked down and meet his opening eyes, darkened with his own desire, and he took your clit back into his mouth forcing your hips to grind against his chin too. You watched him suck on your clit like it was a nipple, eyes on your chest as your exposed breasts bounced with each moment. Without another thought, you took your hand off his head bringing both up to your breasts.
He sucked harder at that, pulling and nipping at it with a soft touch of his teeth, tongue wrapping around it and pleasuring your labia with each flick. Your hands cupped your tits, squeezing them in tiny fists as you moaned silently, adding a bounce to your hips.
His hands kept you upright as the pleasure spread through you and your fingers pinched at your hardening buds as he sucked on your clit, chin rutting against your folds, your moans turning to a scream of his name. “Jungkook!”
He groaned into your cunt, a hand leaving to his hardening cock feeling it twitch against his happy trail. He took it in a fist, slowly pumping himself in rhythm with your hips, eyes focused on the pinch and pull of your pretty nipples. He wanted them in his mouth but he wanted your pussy even more.
The room was dark, only lighting up with a white hue as his phone began to ring. His older brother’s name displayed to do his annual check in on November 16th. He didn’t care though, he was too busy taking his girlfriend’s pretty pussy, drinking up everything like it was his last feast. You looked over to the ringing phone distracted but still riding his face and he didn’t like that. He wanted your attention on him as he brought you to orgasm. His cock was being jerked off roughly by his own hand and you had the nerve to look at his ringing phone.
He wants you to cum wetly and completely over his frantically working mouth so he can drink it all up, swallowing the taste of you down like you did him. You feel yourself begin to clench around him, and Jungkook pulls back to tilt his head up making you finally look at him when the phone stopped ringing. He was breathing heavy trying to catch his breath while a hand came around to rubbing at your clit, "Cum for me, baby, wanna feel you cum on my tongue"
At that, he attached his mouth to your cunt again, tongue pressing into your folds pushing out more and more slick. His thumb worked harder, circling around your clit every which way while your hands kneaded your breasts roughly and his cock twitched with the need to cum again.
“Jung—Jungk—“ Your orgasm hits you hard and so fucking good that your thighs shake as you tried lifting yourself up, but Jungkook keeps a hard grip on your around your thigh now, forcing you to take all of touches. His tongue worked feverishly to lick up your essence. His eyes were shut, pumping his cock faster, more messy as he drank up your cum. Your hand was in his hair again trying to pull him away but it only egged him on to finish having you unravel completely. With a final, rough yank of his hair, his cock was creaming. His hand getting drenched in his own cum in the process as he finally allowed you to move.
Your legs trembled as you attempted to swing one leg over him and he helped you. His abdomen sticky with his own cum and yours all over his chin but he didn’t care. He had no plans to leave this bed with you.
You were nervous, more than you needed to be because in reality there was no need to be worried. You’re just with your friends in the courtyard listening to them make plans for later. Lately anytime you see them you only find yourself feeling guilty—a little annoyed too but you’re pretty sure you shouldn’t feel that way. You shouldn’t be annoyed that Soomin was hanging out with you more regularly but you were. She ignored the two of you for months simply because Jungkook ghosted her. It’s not like she was nice about it either when you saw each other on campus and she’d purposely avoid you. It got to the point where Yeonwoo didn’t want to see her either and that’s the last time you had worried about it.
Now, all of a sudden she’s interested in being friends again. Since she’s had time to herself she’s ready to hang out with friends and to you that was total bullshit. Sure, you loved hanging out with her and being friends but you can’t just do what Soomin did and be welcomed back with open arms. It has nothing to do with her wanting time for herself after Jungkook but it had everything to do with the way she handled things. If she hadn’t gone out of her way to avoid seeing you two in person it’d be different. You understand wanting time to yourself but you don’t drop your friends out of nowhere and suddenly come back like nothing happened with no apology. It’s not like it was yours or Yeonwoo’s fault that Jungkook ghosted her. You have get to ask him despite being curious about it. You’re worried that if you bring it up Jungkook won’t be happy.
So that’s what made you feel annoyed. What made you feel guilty—for very obvious reasons—is that you were dating her ex boyfriend behind her back and being friendly to her face. That was very bitchy of you but you weren’t doing anything about it. You just let yourself play the friend and the girlfriend like it wasn’t taking a toll on you making you nervous.
“Are we still on for tonight?” Soomin asked looking between you and Yeonwoo. Your mind blanked. You know there was something planned between you all but you completely forgot it was tonight. You and Jungkook had gone shopping just yesterday and despite telling him not to buy you all this nice stuff he did it anyway. Then, he said he wanted you wearing a certain skirt for a date tonight. He was supposed to be picking you up straight from campus and that’s why you’d been dressed so nicely tonight.
“It’s been planned for over a month, I hope so,” Yeonwoo said with a small laugh. God, you really are stupid. You remembered what was the original plan now. A month ago, you all — minus Soomin — made plans to treat yourselves to an expensive dinner. Since you and all your friends had been focused on exams and work you all figured you needed a break. After days of trying to find the right time you quickly realized it had to be a planned outing instead of just whenever. Since you all had conflicting schedules you took a day off weeks in advance so you could all go. Soomin just started talking with you again a couple weeks ago but Taehyung asked if she was going and that’s how she’d been invited. It was supposed to be a nice outing that all the friends could just hang out and drink. It wasn’t a party or school environment, just a chance for everyone to get together and do something different than just hang around someone’s place and eat cheap food. Now it made so much sense why Yeonwoo hadn’t questioned your nice clothes today which you’d been so nervous would be noticed.
She had a tendency to sniff out your plans and even catch on quickly to the way your appearance changed like every friend happened to notice. It’s why you noticed her makeup today and her styled hair but you didn’t question it because you didn’t want her to question you. Now you understood that you were all dressed up for later and if you would have seen Namjoon and Taehyung, you would’ve noticed that their appearance was cleaner today. Wow, you really are stupid and that makes you want to laugh. Soomin nudged your foot, “I like your skirt, I’ve never seen you in Chanel, hell I didn’t even know you could afford it.”
Yeonwoo pushed Soomin lightly telling her something you couldn’t understand but Soomin just smiled, “You know what I mean, like, you don’t normally wear designer.”
You just shrugged, “Now I do.” You didn’t want to answer more questions because you wouldn’t be able to answer without having to think up a lie. You had gone out shopping yesterday to specifically find a winter coat. Jungkook obviously drove you around and what was supposed to be a quick trip turned into him taking you to any store you even looked at. You ended up in Chanel and when you told him you couldn’t afford it he shushed you and began showing you outfits. Such as the one you were currently wearing, the one he had asked you to wear tonight for dinner. Fuck. You had to either cancel on Jungkook or cancel on everyone else.
Though you would rather hang out with Jungkook you know it would be suspicious. Yeonwoo was already suspicious of you as it was and you commend her for not pushing you to respond despite still being openly rude about your choice in relationships. You knew that not going out tonight despite having it planned for weeks what make you look suspicious and with everyone asking if you’re seeing someone it just wouldn’t look right. On the other hand you didn’t want Jungkook mad at you. You could already hear him on the phone with you sulking about it. Yeonwoo sighed, “I’ve gotta get to class, I’ll meet with you guys later?”
“I’ll walk with you,” Soomin rushed out already getting up to follow her, “I’ve got class that way too. See ya Y/n.” You let them leave you behind as you gathered your things too leaving the library to your next two hour lecture. You brought your phone out already trying to figure out what to tell Jungkook. You knew he’d hate this but you kept thinking about your friends. You didn’t want them all to turn against you because you kept choosing to be with Jungkook. You’ve already ditched out in plans three times and you just couldn’t do it again, especially after they knew you were dressed up for a reason. You know he really won’t be happy but you can’t just think about him. You can go on a date another time, you’ll fit it into your busy schedule that he also complains about. Fuck there’s no easy way to go about this and it’s 100% your fault for being so damn forgetful and avoidant.
When Jungkook’s phone rang in the middle of his studies, he had absolutely no problem leaving his friends to go and answer it. He leaned against the wall of the building waiting g outside so he could answer, “Hey.” A warm smile was on his face already and he hadn’t even heard you speak yet. He kept thinking about the other night. Each night he spent with you there was something knew he liked or didn’t expect.
He can’t lie and says he’s changed because in reality he hasn’t. He still acts the way he wants to other but with you he feels like he could actually relax. Before it used to feel like a chore having to date and the only reason he’d do it is for convenience. Too many girls wanted something more serious than sex and he figured with a couple dinners here and there he could say they’re dating without actually having feelings. He was a very distant boyfriend and yet every single girl he dated loved him—even when he didn’t even act like he felt the same. It’s because they liked the thought of being with Jeon Jungkook, the son of a CEO, the popular and rich guy. He wouldn’t have to try hard, all he had to do was smile sweetly at someone and ask if they wanted to go out. It made it easier to never be alone when someone like him felt so lonely.
Everything about those relationships had always been so shallow to him. He’d make the calls and demands. Everything was always on his time, when he wanted and he didn’t care how the other felt because they never left him. They let him make all the decisions following him around just happy to be there. He’d fell them what they wanted to hear even if it wasn’t the truth and when they’d try and get closer he’d be mean. It’s what happened with Soomin way too many.
And he’s not like that with you. You haven’t shared deep conversation yet but he feels a lot more open to letting you in. There’s just something about you that drives him to feel these intense emotions and all he wants to do is stay with you so he could feel them more. He could hear you take a breath as you spoke, “Hey, is this a good time? Or are you busy?”
“I’ve got time, why? Did you miss me?” He asked even though he should be doing his work. He’s already put off a lot of his assignments to have time for you when you weren’t busy and even without a job in the way he felt way too occupied with you alone. You smiled a little, “I did, but uh, I just wanted to talk to you about something.”
He nodded as though you could see him, “What’s up?” He’s been thinking about you all day. He hasn’t seen you since he went back to his place yesterday and he keeps picturing you in the light pink skirt he bought you yesterday. He has planned the perfect dinner tonight in hopes of officiating your relationship more than just sex in your apartment, and movies in the living room. That didn’t feel like a real relationship despite how strong he felt about you so he wants to show you the kind of boyfriend he could be. He knows he’ll be good to you. You cleared your throat, “So about tonight…Ican’tmakeittonight.”
“I’m sorry, mind repeating that? I don’t think I heard right. You can’t what?” His breath was already turning uneven. After everything he did so that tonight would be perfect and you’re telling him what exactly? You bit your lip nervously, your pace to your next class had slowed while you talked, “So, um, it’s all my fault, okay? I forgot that tonight was supposed to be a big dinner with everyone and I had even taken the day off work for it. I think that’s why I was free tonight for our date and I just forgot it’s cause I scheduled it off. I would miss the dinner but everyone’s already suspicious that I’m seeing someone an—“
“You are seeing someone,” Jungkook tried hard to even his voice out so he could remain calm but his heart was beating too fast in irritation, “Do you expect me to keep wanting to keep it hidden? We’re not doing anything wrong, what happened with Soomin was months ago and if they tell you anything about it then they can talk to me because it’s not your fault. And it’s not up to anyone else what we do.”
You took a deep breath, “You’re righ—“ “Then why can’t you just go on this date with me? Who cares if they find out we’re dating. Who cares if you ditch them and they get ma—“
“I care Jungkook, not everything is about you, I’m sorry, but I’m not ditching on them tonight. We’ve been hanging out every chance I’m free and I’ve flaked on plans with Yeonwoo three times because of it.” You answered honestly. Jungkook scoffed, he doesn’t care if they’re your friends. Soomin always had something to say about you when they dated plus she ditched you. Yeonwoo always has to act like you’re stupid and don’t know how to do anything right and that pisses him off. He doesn’t know much about Yoongi but he doesn’t care. He’s as much friends with the other two as he is with you and that’s enough for Jungkook to dislike him. It only adds onto the more people he has to fight for your attention. He couldn’t help but ask, “Who’s going?”
He had a good feeling about who would be with you tonight and he didn’t like it at all. The second he heard Yeonwoo’s boyfriend was going then he knew Taehyung would too. And though he hasn’t met Taehyung, he still remembers Yeonwoo going on about him to you and he didn’t like that you were friends with him. He wanted to tell you you wouldn’t be going out with them tonight but he couldn’t. He didn’t like the way you talked to him but he couldn’t argue with you right now so instead he reluctantly let you go with the promise of making plans another night. He hated it and the more he spent his evening thinking about it, the more he wanted to show you how much he hated that you ditched him for other people. You couldn’t just do that to him and change his plans.
You know when you just can’t feel at ease? Like since the moment you woke up you know something is already off with the day? Yeah, that’s how you felt this morning and at first you brushed it off as nerves for your date tonight. Then, you thought it was because your dumbass forgot about dinner and had to tell Jungkook. But now that you’re at dinner with the others, the feeling doesn’t go away and you don’t know why.
“Where have you been lately? I feel like any time I try and hang out with you, you’re busy, you bitch,” Yoongi said faking an annoyed pout as he rolled his eyes, “You tired of me?” You rolled your eyes as well nudging him playfully to stop talking like that. Yoongi was one of the few people you felt like you didn’t have to play a part with. He was the in between for you where you could talk to him about anything without worry that he’d judge you or tell the others. With Yeonwoo it felt like you had to agree with what ever she said and you knew that what you said others would find out. You do feel bad that you haven’t hung out with them since you’ve been with Jungkook mostly.
“I think she’s seeing someone,” Soomin said with a smirk as she sat sandwiched between Yeonwoo and Taehyung who looked at you too, “I don’t think I’ve ever seen you not in a relationship and plus, you’re always busy apparently. Isn’t that suspicious? Oh! And you’re wearing new clothes and it’s brand name.”
“Thanks for your input,” you cleared your throat awkwardly, “But I’ve really just been busy with work and school, you know the usual.” The conversation carried from topic to topic and honestly it felt good to do this with your friends. Though you all might disagree or not see each often it’s easy to feel comfortable around each other. You loved being with Jungkook but it was different than this.
The night you saw him at the club you had already been in a mood. Seeing him hadn’t made you feel better and even though you kissed, it had been just that. You let him tell you all the words you’ve wanted to hear and even though you shouldn’t you go out with him. You have very strong feelings toward him but you still felt like it was an act. Either you were playing into the vision of you he had created or vise versa. You were using him to play the ideal type you always dreamed of because you knew he’d act the part. So you were selfish, you’d let this guy [who broke your friend’s heart] get with you and possibly use you, or even worse, be the right one for you.
Everyone was feeling the high of conversation, the mood was good and relaxed. You said something every now and then but mostly you listened with everyone talking at once. You’re the only one to clearly hear Soomin when she excused herself to the restroom and tried listening to everyone talking. So, because you were observing, you began to notice a change in the mood. Voices seemed to have lowered, eyes glanced behind you and heads turning. And if you were only a moment sooner you would’ve had more time to disappear.
You turned your head wanting to see what had everyone so distracted now but all you caught sigh of was a black button up shirt tucked into a Gucci belt. Your heart seemed to drop, looking up as a hand landed on your shoulder gently
There was a sudden tension in the air as your eyes met a familiar dark pair with silver on the brow. Everyone stares either in confusion or anger, maybe a mix of both but you couldn’t even think of what to say. You felt like the air was suffocating you and the look on his face only seemed to annoy you.
He was smirking, like this was all just so amusing. Like he expected this response as he motioned for Yoongi to move over and the guy, clearly just as confused, moved without a word. He took the seat next to you planting a kiss on your forehead when you yanked his hand off, “What are you doing?”
“Yeah, what are you doing?” You turned quickly like everyone else did but Jungkook as your eyes locked with Soomin’s. She looked confused at first by her ex just sitting at her table when he wasn’t minutes ago. Then she looked annoyed when she saw the placement of his hand on your shoulder close to your neck softly. Nobody said anything as she came by and you wanted to react but it’s like you froze when everyone’s eyes fell on you. Jungkook didn’t even flinch, “I’m here to see who my girlfriend ditched me for tonight.”
“Your what?” Yeonwoo asked glaring at you and rightfully so. She knew, from the moment she you two at the bar, one of you was going to fuck up. She wasn’t disappointed because you fell for another guy. She knew that’s what you’d do. That’s what you always did but with Jungkook? After knowing how he treated and dumped Soomin. Jungkook reached across your plate for a bite of what ever you were eating, “My girlfriend.” He looked around at everyone focusing on one person in particular.
“This the guy you wanted to introduce to Y/n?” Jungkook asked her as he looked Taehyung over. Your hands were shaking and though you wanted to speak, Soomin beat you to it, “What the fuck is going on here? After literally disappearing on me and treating me like absolute shit you’re saying… you’re saying Y/n is your girlfriend?”
“Well someone had to say it,” Jungkook said ignoring everything but the last thing she said. You turned to Soomin, “Liste—I don’t—“ “You don’t what? You don’t think? You don’t care? What is it Y/n because right now I’m thinking you just don’t realize how fucking stupid you are for getting yourself involved with him.”
“Soomin, just take a minute and relax. People are staring,” Yoongi offered up trying to ease the tension but it was no use. Jungkook didn’t care how any of them felt. Namjoon cleared his throat, “We need the damn check.” It was awkward but nobody could say anything about it. “No, what we need is an explanation from Y/n.”
“You didn’t stop talking to him since the night of the club, right? When you were supposed to be getting over your last ex,” Yeonwoo pointed out. Jungkook groaned, “What does it matter? Why does it matter? Why are you always trying to tell Y/n what to do. All you do is bash on her an—“
“Oh this is rich,” Soomin scoffed in disbelief, “You’re one to fucking talk Jungkook. You know, the funny thing is that this is actually really expected from the two of you. We’ve got the slut and the player, match made in heaven.”
“Soomin, I was going to tell you I just—“ “You’re a slut Y/n, we all know it so just stop. I don’t want to hear your excuses, you wanted my ex and you took him but that’s fine.” You weren’t even surprised by her name calling but you also couldn’t find anything to say. Maybe you were even though you didn’t cheat on anyone and he didn’t either. It’s not like you two had just fucked other people before each other. And yes, you get into relationships easily but it’s not like you sleep around with anyone you weren’t dating.
“Look you can say whatever you want about me, I don’t give a fuck but don’t start calling Y/n names that aren’t true,” Jungkook said to her, “You weren’t even fucking speaking to any of them when I approached her—“
“I wasn’t speaking to anyone because of you, you fucking asshole,” Soomin said but he just laughed, “What did your friends have to do with me? I told you I wasn’t in it anymore and you ignored me so I left you. It wasn’t because of anyone else but me so why’d you do that? And I’m the one who wanted Y/n not the other way around so don’t act like she was out to get you.”
“And your so-called best friend Yeonwoo knew there was something between us since the first night and she never told you either,” Jungkook added in the final blow letting some attention drift away from you. Yeonwoo looked at Soomin, “I tried telling he—“ “But you didn’t tell me.”
Suddenly, a chair was pushed back. Jungkook looked over quickly to catch you taking your purse and standing. It’s not that you didn’t want to talk to her but not at this moment and not in front of everyone. Even strangers from other tables were staring and you understood she was upset with you but right now you just wanted to disappear. “Bab—uh oh, she’s mad,” Jungkook mumbled as he took his wallet out. He took out some money and put it down on the table, “This should cover what ever Y/n ordered.” Without another word he left, chasing after you with his tail between his legs acting completely different than the Jungkook she knew.
“What just happened?” Taehyung asked now that you were gone and so was Jungkook. Yeonwoo sighed, “Y/n is apparently seeing Jungkook.” Soomin scoffed, “My ex who ditched me out of the blue and treated me like complete shit. Now Y/n ran away because she’s scared to talk to me.”
“Maybe Y/n just didn’t want to do it in front of everyone, she seemed just as confused with Jungkook being here as everyone else,” Yoongi said making her turn to glare at him, “I’m not taking sides, I’m just saying, you yelled out that she was a slut for everyone to hear. I wouldn’t want to talk things out with you either when you’re this mad.”
“So you’re saying I’m the problem right now?” Soomin asked making Yeonwoo shake her head. “Nobody is saying that Soomin, but… I mean… you wouldn’t even let Y/n try and explain. I know it hurt your feelings especially because of how things ended with Jungkook but, I don’t know, you did stop talking to us for months and that’s when he came along.”
Jungkook was a few yards behind you. You were walking too fast and he didn’t want to chase you in front of everyone. Once outside instead of walking toward the parking garage where he parked you walked straight toward the street, a hand stretched out looking down the road, “What are you doing?”
“Going home,” you said not turning back to look at him. Jungkook scoffed, “Alright so let’s go to mine—“ “No, I’m going to my place, alone.” His eyes narrowed, you’re what? Tonight was supposed to be the first night you came over to his place after what was supposed to be a date. He stepped closer to you, a hand on your lower back, “Come on, don’t be like that.” “No Jungkook, I told you I’d be done with you, if you did this so stop. I’m done.”
His breath stopped as his pace slowed, were you really doing this to him in front of the restaurant you just ate at? “No you’re not,” Jungkook shook his head in disbelief, “They were gonna find out anyway, Y/n. We didn’t do anything wrong so can you please just look at me? We were supposed to go on a date tonight. We were supposed to be the ones together and you just ditched me for them. How is that fair to me? I came because I wanted to spend time with you—“
“No, you came so you could make a scene in front of everyone because you can’t stand the thought of being told no,” you said harshly, the Y/n he met at the club who didn’t want anything to do with him was back and Jungkook didn’t like that. He wanted the Y/n who was sweet and caring to him. You kept going when he was silent, watching his eyes begin to redden, “I am with you every single time I’m free and it’s still not enough? What do you want me to do Jungkook? I have school. I have work. I have friends, or I did.”
“They’re not your friends if all they do is look down on you!” Jungkook shouted now, not caring about the people passing, “And you don’t make time for me. Every time I want to be with you, you have something else to do—“ “Yes, because I’m not free all day! Unlike you, some of us actually need jobs to make money. I don’t get everything handed to me so sorry if I can’t be with you every second of the day.”
“And if you can’t respect my wishes then I’m done. I don’t want to see you, I don’t want to be with you or talk to you. I asked you for one night, I know we had plans but I’d spent every day with you this week and you couldn’t give me just one day with others? Do you realize how fucking selfish you are?” You asked. Jungkook didn’t deny anything, “That’s cause I love you, and I want to spend all my time with you. I’m sorry th—“
“No Jungkook, you don’t love me so just don’t even say that,” you finally said looking back to him clearly upset, “I don’t even think you know how to love someone, I’ve just been going along with it until you decide to drop me like a fucking idiot thinking you might just change.”
You don’t think he knows how to love someone? After trying so hard to show you he does and yet you tell him it’s not it. This isn’t fair. You can’t do this to him just because he wanted to have dinner with you. You think that just because he comes from money, he’s just selfish? Fine, he might be but it’s not fair for you to say he doesn’t know how to love someone when it’s the first time he’s ever felt it. How is he supposed to know an emotion he never received genuinely? Not from his neglectful father or his mother’s abandonment. All he’s ever known is his older brother and even that wasn’t anything like what he felt for you. None of the girls he’d been with were genuine. They didn’t like him for him. And it’s not like he didn’t see that, so obviously he never acted like he loved them. With you he’s trying, and he’ll admit he’s doing it all wrong but you can’t just leave him after one mistake when he’s tried being good to you. Were you always this cruel because he didn’t expect it. Were you putting on an act too? His sad eyes stared into your own as he tried holding you. You let him but you wouldn’t let him pull you into him. His arms remained around your waist with space between you that felt miles long, “Please… just give me a chance. I promise I’ll change.”
“You won’t,” you said simply, “And honestly this is for the best. I don’t know what it is you want with me, but you and I just aren’t relationship types, okay? You know it and so do I. There’s a reason why we were quick to get together, and now look, it’s ending already and do you want to know why? Because you don’t care for relationships and I don’t know how to keep one. Don’t try and tell me that’s not why you wanted me because it is. You knew that I wouldn’t last with anyone and you’re not the type to want a relationship to last. You want it to be quick and easy so you can get what you want and be done. I gave it to you, so I’m fine ending things here.”
“I don’t believe that bullshit because I know that what I feel for you is different than what I’ve ever felt for anyone else,” Jungkook said in a hurry now as a cab finally pulled up to the curb for you, tears threatening to spill and he couldn’t explain why. This is not how he wanted the night to go. He knew you’d be a little mad but not this mad, “I am selfish, you’re right, and clearly I need to work on that but you can’t just leave me before I prove it to you. Please Y/n, please just don’t leave me okay? I don’t want to be left behind.” He tried stopping you from opening the door but you did it anyway. “You can’t just quit on me the first time it gets hard. You can’t run away from your feeling—“
“I can, I’ve done it before and if it stops me from getting hurt by men like you I’ll do it again,” you admitted to him, “My problem isn’t that everyone found out. My problem is that I told you to let me tell everyone when I was ready and what did you do? You showed up, caused a scene, and ignored what I want. I’m not going to lose everyone else around me because you don’t think I’ve given you enough. I’ve been left too many times to have to go through it again because of you.”
“I won’t, I swear I won’t, pleas—“ the door slammed shut in his face. You were quitting. You know you are but you just can’t believe a word he says even as tears stream down his face. You don’t doubt he has strong feelings for you and you don’t want to leave him but he isn’t giving you enough. He isn’t showing you that he really loves you. Tonight he proved that he doesn’t care what you have to say. He’ll do it anyway and that’s not what you envisioned as a perfect partner. You’re not even sure what he could do to show you he actually loves you but this wasn’t it. And maybe you wanted the extreme but he just wasn’t giving it yet, all he was doing was finding ways to keep you to himself.
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He turned, Soomin standing there just feet away from the door with her things. He’s not sure how long she was standing there or what she wanted but he didn’t care. He wouldn’t give her an apology for what he did because he doesn’t regret it. He looked back to the cab that had already left and the first thing he did was check his phone and see if he should text you. He walked right past Soomin to the parking garage. He doesn’t care, he’s driving straight to your place. “Jungkook wait.”
“What do you want Soomin?” he grumbled hearing her follow after him. He wiped away his stupid tears keeping his head down. Soomin was right behind him, “I just want to talk, give me five minutes.”
“We talked enough, don’t you think?” Jungkook said turning his head to her for a quick moment, “Where’s everyone else?”
“I ran out, look I just want to talk about us—“ “For fuck’s sake Soomin, if you want me to apologize I won’t,” Jungkook said clearly upset and she was just pushing his buttons, “I don’t care if you cried. I don’t care if you were confused. I don’t give a fuck how you felt and if you want an explanation, there isn’t one.”
“I can tell you right now that I’d do it again and leave you without a single word because I just couldn’t fucking stand you,” Jungkook said harshly. He was letting some of his anger out on her but it was better than going to you and screaming at you. Plus, Soomin called you a slut and a handful of other things because of him so why can’t she just tell him instead of going to you. She was crying now, “Why? Why were you with me then?”
He sighed deeply, pinching the space between his brows in annoyance. He laughed, a soft yet bitter laugh as he looked back to her, “At first, because you were easy and very gullible. Then, because of Y/n. I liked her and I didn’t even realize it, isn’t that fucked up? That I used you to stay around Y/n even though there was something about you that I just couldn’t stand? I put myself through torture more than what I did to you. You should’ve been happy I disappeared on you. It’s not like I acted like I cared about you.”
“So whose fault is it for being so damn stupid and blind to our relationship? It definitely wasn’t me,” Jungkook said as he began walking back to the parking garage now that he was done talking to her.
“The same way you’re blind to your relationship with Y/n?” Soomin shouted from a distance making him stop again. His jaw clenched as he turned back to her watching her come over to him toward the crosswalk. She smiled now, “Because if you think she actually cares about you, you’re dead wrong. Y/n is more fucked up than you are, y’know? She cries and cries about everyone hurting her feelings but what’s the first thing she does? She leaves you the second things get hard and she doesn’t give a single shit about how you feel. That’s why you’re crying, right? Because she left? Yeah, what did you expect? You wanted Y/n to be happy when you randomly show up? Y/n likes her secrets and you were one of them until you ruined it. Now she’s got no reason to be with you so look what happened, she left, told you off and made you cry.”
“Why do you care what Y/n does to me?” Jungkook asked. Soomin sighed, “Because I’ve never seen you cry. I’ve never seen you beg someone to stay with you like you just did with Y/n. I saw it, and I also saw her not give a single care about it and leave like you meant nothing at all.”
He’s only ever begged one other time for someone to stay and that was his mother when he was seven. What happened in the end? She left, just like you just did. Clearly there was something wrong with him if the people he tried to love kept leaving. He didn’t think you’d leave him like that and not give him a chance to fix things. But he wasn’t mad about that, he was hurt. He was mad that Soomin would bring it up like she knew the real him when she didn’t. He was mad that she would try and tell him these things about you like his mind would change. Soomin sighed, “You think Y/n loves you because she acted like she did? She didn’t. She doesn’t love any single guy she’s with. She loves the idea of having the perfect person because her life is so fucking shitty, her only way out is to be in a relationship no matter how awful the person is. So I’m not surprised she chose you, and look what happened. Once she saw how you behaved tonight, she was done and I promise you she’ll find someone new to replace you by the following week. Sounds like karma to me.”
“Goodbye Soomin,” he said as the light turned for him to walk, “And you should be happy I said goodbye this time.” He doesn’t understand why he doesn’t care about what she said. He doesn’t care if it’s true. He doesn’t care if it’s not. Clearly whatever happened between you started with lies. It seemed like you two got together naturally. That it just happened and that he was too enamored to care that he was changing. That you would just easily agree with him so you could seem perfect. It was all fucking lies and yet he doesn’t care. What you told him just now was nothing of what Soomin was saying. You didn’t lead him on, you didn’t act in love, you didn’t even fucking care that he was the opposite of perfect. So even if you two were lying about how you portrayed a relationship, real feelings were there buried down below and he showed it more than you did.
You’re not naive or innocent. You’re calculating even if you don’t show it and you wouldn’t have gone out with him if you didn’t feel something for him. The only thing you lied about was him having the control. You made him feel like he had the say when clearly he didn’t. He doesn’t, because right now he thinks you dumped him and he wasn’t expecting that. He was expecting you to be mad but let it go and clearly that’s not what happened. Everything you said might be true, but he knows that you feel something for him deep down even if you lied and said you didn’t.
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taglist: @jub-jub @moonfaery @hoseoksluv89 @jeonzll @kookieaddicted96 @darkuni63 @btspurplesky
sorry y’all I had to repost cause I forgot tags lol
wow Jungkook ain’t shit highkey 🤡 but also idc bc he’s Jungkook 🤒 also yall best not think this is the end cause you can’t have a toxic couple without making sure they break up a couple times lmao. this was more jk focused and how he’s an ass but who what the next chapterrrr will focus us
but I’m letting y’all know rn that if it gets tagged as mature again I might not continue it cuz it blocks my fics for some readers even they’re not minors cause of how the settings are
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Weekly Jungkook Fanfic Recs
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Some fine JK fics for your reading pleasure. 🔞 Please show your appreciation to all the wonderful authors :) Gravity Check: This really wasn’t what you’d had in mind when you’d agreed to spend a weekend in the arse end of nowhere.  You don’t even really know the bride that well, for Christ’s sake, but here you are stood amongst a group of her very best ‘gal pals’ with a poorly concealed look of horror on your face as the young woman in front bounces on the balls of her feet, petite frame brimming over with enthusiasm.  https://gimmesumsuga.tumblr.com/post/171775180603/gravity-check By It's Cover: The one where Jungkook makes a horrifically bad first impression. https://gimmesumsuga.tumblr.com/post/178121026378/by-its-cover-m Hand-On-Learning: You have - most inconveniently - become obsessed with your dissertation partner’s hands. In an effort to relieve some stress about it, you begin sending texts to your best friend detailing - explicitly - what you want those hands to do to you. Perhaps you should have checked the number a bit more carefully. https://ladyartemesia.tumblr.com/post/619327581330784256/hands-on-learning Once Upon A Bracelet: You were born to nothing, but your powerful craft caught the eye of a charming prince. However, his distinctly un-charming younger brother challenged your betrothal and is routinely challenging you. Jeon Jungkook is (probably) a former necromancer and (definitely) the wrong prince… But the bracelets tell a different story. https://ladyartemesia.tumblr.com/post/646287201408352256/once-upon-a-bracelet Freak-Quency: Rockstar au. https://gukslut.tumblr.com/post/190127844851/freak-quency-m-jjk Boots: Rockstar au. Established relationship. https://gukslut.tumblr.com/post/613752356101816320/this-is-a-companion-piece-to-freak-quency-but-can Koopid: The sight of his shit-eating grin leaves Namjoon with a prickle of hot frustration that hurts when the video rolls to an end, with no flashy end credits or promotion. Just a black screen with his own idiot reflection staring back at him. Pornstar au. https://gwoongi.tumblr.com/post/184496918409/%F0%9D%97%84%F0%9D%97%88%F0%9D%97%88%F0%9D%97%89%F0%9D%97%82%F0%9D%96%BD-jeongguk-ft-namjoon Lana: This position is particularly ambiguous; your face is almost gone, only slightly in frame, with the lens zoomed further into your ass and Jeongguk’s thighs, his ass there but moving as he leans for the lube across the bed. If he wanted, Jimin could pretend the figure beneath Jeongguk was a boy- could be him, if he wanted. He does not want. https://gwoongi.tumblr.com/post/184658542171/%F0%9D%97%85%F0%9D%96%BA%F0%9D%97%87%F0%9D%96%BA-jeongguk-ft-jimin The Art Of Revenge: Sometimes, getting even can be hot. https://archiveofourown.org/works/47776474 Crimson Park: Mafia au. https://heartbeatan.tumblr.com/post/188847613935/crimson-park-return-to-desperado-series-return-to
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taekooktimeline · 27 days
Recap 1 of 2 of Episode 4 -
This episode begins with the three going to an omakase restaurant for some fine dining. At the end of their meal, Tae and Jk act out a skit (from “three meals a day in mountain village), something the two have done since they were younger. 
🐻: this humidity, this ambiance, everything is just perfect right now
🐰: What's the humidity level now?
🐻: .....
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Timestamp 12:15 https://x.com/dinilovesart/status/1821859157248516207?s=46&t=StSwHjW0_Domk_lHUFMaCg  https://x.com/taegukkielover/status/1821900802946167045?s=46&t=StSwHjW0_Domk_lHUFMaCg 
When they get back to the rental, we once again see how close Taekook are and how much time they spend together. They performe the “because of you” challenge together, with Tae dancing while the duo harmonize. 
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Timestamp 17:50 https://x.com/cupvaketk/status/1826603151971287362?s=46&t=StSwHjW0_Domk_lHUFMaCg  https://x.com/newbuns/status/1826615151392686132?s=46&t=StSwHjW0_Domk_lHUFMaCg 
Tae opted out of joining the others in the pool, citing feeling too full from dinner. Meanwhile, Jk and Jm went ahead and started swimming. It was apparent that Jk, with an anticipatory air, was waiting for Tae to change his mind. During a fleeting moment, Jm was spotted leisurely swimming across the pool in a colorful floatie, while Jk stood at the pool's edge, casting a longing glance toward the house.
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Timestamp 19:15
Even though Jk says he’s having fun, Tae isn’t far from his mind, as he mentions audibly he wishes Tae would join.
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Timestamp 20:00
Eventually, Taehyung emerges from the house, curious to see what Jungkook and Jimin are up to. Jungkook, with evident enthusiasm, tries to persuade Taehyung to join them and even demonstrates their underwater rock, paper, scissors game, but he still doesn't seem interested and returns inside to prepare for bed. JK is disappointed and cranes his neck to keep Tae in his line of sight as he leaves, informing JM that Tae is going to bed.
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He removes his goggles to better watch Tae get ready from the second floor. He tells JM that Tae is combing his hair, and says Tae should look pretty (forever complimenting his good looks). 
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Timestamp starts around 20:05 https://x.com/ging_kth/status/1826537233257820345?s=46&t=StSwHjW0_Domk_lHUFMaCg https://x.com/tcnckclnsmaek/status/1826541115161596231?s=46&t=StSwHjW0_Domk_lHUFMaCg  https://x.com/kookvtwins/status/1826539915783397591?s=46&t=StSwHjW0_Domk_lHUFMaCg  https://x.com/kvtwins/status/1826539430988984778?s=46&t=StSwHjW0_Domk_lHUFMaCg 
After a refreshing swim, Jk and Jm engaged in a lighthearted discussion about whether to prepare some delicious ramen. They opted to freshen up with a shower before finalizing their decision. Jk playfully suggested that if they decided to make ramen, they should enjoy it alongside "Taehyungie Hyung," humorously musing that sharing a meal with a sick person might be a way to perk them up and aid their recovery.
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Timestamp 23:42
The next morning, the first thing Jk does upon waking is to take a photo of Tae as he sleeps, even zooming in.
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Timestamp 26:45 https://x.com/e8youth/status/1826533494723674332?s=46&t=StSwHjW0_Domk_lHUFMaCg  https://x.com/tcnckclnsmaek/status/1826542835245691144?s=46&t=StSwHjW0_Domk_lHUFMaCg https://x.com/jungkovtae/status/1826523244289007900?s=46&t=StSwHjW0_Domk_lHUFMaCg  https://x.com/jjkofvante/status/1826624523908907258?s=46&t=StSwHjW0_Domk_lHUFMaCg 
Tae wakes up still experiencing neck pains from Taekook’s enthusiastic head banging. He asks for Jk to massage his neck, to which Jk initially doesn’t hear so asks gently, “Hmm?” As soon as he hears Tae have a cramp, he immediately gets up to massage him. This is sweet in itself because Jk didn’t hear Tae request for a massage, but as soon as he heard Tae say he has a cramp, he was up to massage him. They speak softly through this conversation. As Jk massages him, Tae says, “No more head banging for me,” which causes Jk to gently smile (pic 2, harder to see in a still). 
Conversation -
🐯can you massage my neck
🐰what did you say?
🐯I have a muscle cramp
🐰*coming right away to massage his neck*
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Timestamp 27:16 https://x.com/bonito_xin/status/1826525743029125341?s=46&t=StSwHjW0_Domk_lHUFMaCg  https://x.com/ging_kth/status/1826539962617266625?s=46&t=StSwHjW0_Domk_lHUFMaCg  https://x.com/kookieantae4eva/status/1826634768630641062?s=46&t=StSwHjW0_Domk_lHUFMaCg  https://x.com/vkkvonly/status/1826881582071738802?s=46&t=StSwHjW0_Domk_lHUFMaCg  Close up - https://x.com/flirtaeguk/status/1826666008486314428?s=46&t=StSwHjW0_Domk_lHUFMaCg 
I always love hearing Jk call Tae “Taehyungie Hyung” so I want to archive him saying this adorable nickname as he talks to his mom.
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Timestamp 28:51 https://x.com/jeonives/status/1826521440683802941?s=46&t=StSwHjW0_Domk_lHUFMaCg
As they embark on their next adventure, the three of them set off with Jk confidently back on the bike, and Tae skillfully maneuvering the scooter. The sound of music fills their headsets, causing Jk to signal with a raised hand, prompting Tae to imitate the gesture. Together, they sway in unison to the rhythm of the music.
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While they were at a stop during their bike ride, Taekook couldn't help but break into an adorably synchronized dance. Jk's clapping caused the music to momentarily stop, but as soon as it resumed, they enthusiastically continued dancing. Jk's second round of clapping was followed by a quick glance back at Tae, accompanied by an apology. Tae, with a knowing look, commented on this being a habitual occurrence, hinting that it wasn't the first time this had happened between them.
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Timestamp 33:25 https://x.com/jungkovtae/status/1826526204939161644?s=46&t=StSwHjW0_Domk_lHUFMaCg https://x.com/tcnckclnsmaek/status/1826543026539561118?s=46&t=StSwHjW0_Domk_lHUFMaCg  https://x.com/recorder331/status/1826645544393150570?s=46&t=StSwHjW0_Domk_lHUFMaCg  https://x.com/flirtaeguk/status/1826637255144079483?s=46&t=StSwHjW0_Domk_lHUFMaCg 
They ride in silence to listen to music, but realize the music isn’t working in their Bluetooth helmets, so Tae proposes a word game, praising Jk at one point for his quick wit, which makes Jk grin. Jk wins, and Tae compliments his quick thinking again. Tae teases they should be quiet and just listen to music, which makes Jk laugh. 
The full conversation:
🐻 Jungkook's final word game
🐰 bike
🐻 Christmas
🐰 Sweden
🐻 Denmark
🐰 Crayon
🐻 Yong-uh... Yong-gary!
🐰 Retire
🐻 Go… . Variable
🐰 Energy
🐻 Weightlifting
🐰 Theft
🐻 Wallpaper
🐰 Endurance
🐻 Force? Force
🐰 Energy
🐻 Oh, you're attacking? Reverse attack
🐰 What is imagination?
🐻 Uh… power… power…
🐰 Eliminated!
🐻 Wow, you're so good. How can you stop the imagination and effort of human resources...
🐰 It's nothing!
🐻 Let's be quiet and listen to music.
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Timestamp 33:45 CT to this account for the translation - https://x.com/eri_purpledream/status/1826538468853645554?s=46&t=StSwHjW0_Domk_lHUFMaCg Helmet info - https://x.com/tcnckclnsmaek/status/1826551791414378594?s=46&t=StSwHjW0_Domk_lHUFMaCg 
Seeing them really enjoy their ride brings a smile to my face so I felt compelled to capture this moment, as they walked side by side into the restaurant, inseparable. Jk entered the restaurant with an air of excitement, urging Tae to join him in taking a photo. As they seated themselves, Jk carefully arranged the dipping dishes, indicating his desire for Tae to sit next to him.
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https://x.com/recorder331/status/1826651354011763153?s=46&t=StSwHjW0_Domk_lHUFMaCg https://x.com/vt111111/status/1826652848748462306?s=46&t=StSwHjW0_Domk_lHUFMaCg  https://x.com/kookieantae4eva/status/1826685727616499811?s=46&t=StSwHjW0_Domk_lHUFMaCg  https://x.com/winterkoobear/status/1826678329711460831?s=46&t=StSwHjW0_Domk_lHUFMaCg 
Jk and JM talk about Tae’s “Layover” shirt, with Jk knowingly pointing out that the red hat on Tan is the one Tae always wears. He also praises Tannie’s adorable debut during M Countdown, with Tae and JM agreeing he’s cute. 
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JM mused about the remarkable memory retention of dogs, remarking on how they remember individuals who interact with them in their youth. He expressed wistfulness to Tae and JK, sharing his disappointment that Tannie doesn't seem to recall him. JK promptly interjected, suggesting that Tannie would have been too young when he initially lived with the members. Tae chimed in, noting that it would have only been a matter of weeks, to which JM readily concurred. However, Tae quickly revised this to a few days, which JM also acknowledged. Tae offered solace, mentioning that Tannie is now 7 years old, so it would be unfair to expect him to remember. The depth of understanding exhibited by JK and Tae regarding Tannie's behavior further underscores the close bond between JK and Tae. 
The conversation (please note, I’m going off subtitles for this bit as I didn’t see a translation for this, so some nuances may be missed):
🐥 You know, dogs usually remember the people who played with them when they were young, but Tan doesn’t remember at all.  
🐰What do you mean? But Tan was too young then, when we were living in Hannam
🐥But i practically raised him back then. I put him to sleep and all.
🐯That was only a few weeks
🐥Yes a few weeks
🐯A few days actually, not a few weeks
🐥 yes, it was about a week, but you should still be thankful for that week
🐯 Tan is already seven years old, he can’t remember that one week
🐥 I’m just sad
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https://x.com/ging_kth/status/1826618526293262450?s=46&t=StSwHjW0_Domk_lHUFMaCg https://x.com/firewaterkv/status/1826547607965237604?s=46&t=StSwHjW0_Domk_lHUFMaCg  https://x.com/kookvtwins/status/1826545519247675694?s=46&t=StSwHjW0_Domk_lHUFMaCg  https://x.com/tkk_pics/status/1827099632041951266?s=46&t=StSwHjW0_Domk_lHUFMaCg  https://x.com/kvtwins/status/1826545425295228969?s=46&t=StSwHjW0_Domk_lHUFMaCg  https://x.com/mymarkookie0104/status/1827237836032241722?s=46&t=StSwHjW0_Domk_lHUFMaCg Tannie’s Fan Cam - https://youtu.be/GcE6hQOviE4?si=svj14nq5QDADL6yl
I found this lighthearted skit between Taekook, in which they acted out a scene, resonated with me. It brought back memories of similar situations where I found myself nudging my partner to remind them that we needed to settle a bill with cash instead of a card. In the skit, Jk turns to Tae and gently reminds him that the restaurant only accepts cash. Tae playfully teases Jk, asking if he has an app to handle his share of the payment. They engage in cheerful banter about the payment method, exchanging soft smiles as they do so. It’s simultaneously playful and domestic. 
🐰: we have to pay in cash 
🐻: all right i understand. 
🐻: thank you, do you take kakao pay? 
🐰: no i don't. just wire me the money.
🐻: wire you?
🐰: yes wire me the money 
🐻: ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
🐰: do you want my banking information? 
🐻: ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
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Timestamp 43:50 https://x.com/kookvtwins/status/1826547562448372160?s=46&t=StSwHjW0_Domk_lHUFMaCg 
No space magnets - 
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Speaking to the level of trust they have with one another (and this isn’t the first time they’ve done this), Tae passes his phone to Jk. You can see he does this because Jk’s hands are originally free, but then we can see his hands grasping a phone.
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https://x.com/jungkovtae/status/1826991282163487134?s=46&t=StSwHjW0_Domk_lHUFMaCg https://x.com/myyoukv/status/1826870753918070852?s=46&t=StSwHjW0_Domk_lHUFMaCg  Other instances of phone sharing -  https://x.com/taekookibae/status/1826916090959536292?s=46&t=StSwHjW0_Domk_lHUFMaCg  https://x.com/jiratekoo/status/1826918593768112457?s=46&t=StSwHjW0_Domk_lHUFMaCg
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aricastmblr · 27 days
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JiminxJungKook Are You Sure?! Jeju Disney+ Season2 Episode 4
Sigue viaje el 26 Sept 2023
jk mostrándonos su comida y la carita de jimin
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bangtanhoneys · 7 months
just gimme them babies - grace chu
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Big Hit had been teasing something for the past few weeks. Cute images were posted across their social media and everyone started to expect that there was another Grace album coming, even though BTS were amid a comeback. Twitter was aflame with all the ideas and ARMY were trying to see if anything could be hidden in the images by zooming in. 
Then on a Friday night, a link was uploaded. 
It was a YouTube video which was going to premiere on Sunday afternoon in South Korea. The title of the video: ‘Grace Chu - Here In My Arms Mini-Album (Official Live Performance).’ This puzzled ARMY and the rest of the world even more as it had been a while since the mini album had been released, on the seven-year anniversary of Seokjin and Grace’s relationship. 
For Grace, the whole performance was giving her a mixed bag of emotions. 
Unbeknownst to everyone, it was the first of many ‘last’ performances from Grace until she went on maternity leave. Eighteen weeks pregnant and the bump was now full on display, though cleverly hidden by style choices in the early days, but it was getting harder to conceal. It was getting harder to sing and dance, unable to pull off the choreography like she used to. 
A meeting had been called to put a plan in motion for BTS to continue their comeback, with Grace still present, but not doing the performances. Her voice would be there, she would still do the interviews and the press conferences and a doctor would be on hand at all times. When 25 weeks came around, she would be put on rest. But for now, while she could still perform, she was going to give ARMY a treat.
A ‘see you later’ treat and a way to announce her pregnancy. 
HYBE’s top floor had been cleared and re-done, back to the very basics but hints of pastel colours - ivory, pink, purple, green, yellow, blues, etc. The band that had played with Yoongi during his D-Day tour was drafted in and they, along with Grace, had come up with a small set-list that would do what it needed to do - say goodbye but oh, pregnant!
She was nervous as the hours to the premiere ticked down. The K-Pop world could be unpredictable when it came to idols and their private relationships. Their reaction to her and Seokjin had been more than favourable, but this was something different altogether. They weren’t married and the pregnancy had been kind of wanted but also a major surprise. 
It had been a major surprise to all the boys when they were given their uncle hoodies. 
Grace had banned them from being at HYBE on the day of the performance. It wasn’t that she didn’t want them there but they were a distraction, having already seen the set the day before and were causing chaos with the flowers that had been brought in. Well, Jimin, Taehyung, Jungkook and Hobi had been causing chaos. Namjoon, Yoongi and Seokjin had been causing chaos by going over the lyrics. 
There were a few swear words and obviously, the lyrics were sexually suggestive but that’s why this would be a one-off and never done again. 
The minutes were ticking by and Grace let out a deep breath, putting a hand on her stomach where there was a slight fluttering. She was standing in the middle of the set, the band behind her with a small orchestra, all dressed in various colours while she was dressed in a pink sparkly dress. 
It had been designed to be loose, to hide the bump until she was ready to reveal it. Any camera on her wouldn’t be able to tell that she was 18 weeks pregnant, ready to tell the world what she was expecting. 
As the premiere ended and the official performance began, ARMY was shocked to see Bang-PD pop up in a recording that had been filmed the day before. 
“I’m pleased to introduce to you all, Grace Chu, our female member of Bangtan Sonyeondan. We hope you all enjoy the performance of this amazing album even if we’re a bit behind and I hope to see you all in the comments.”
It was puzzling and anyone translating had commented that it was such an odd thing to say. Some were beginning to worry that it was going to spell the end of BTS as they knew it.
Finally, the cameras switched for ARMY to see Grace standing here, microphone in hand as the band and orchestra started the intro notes to Positions. The comments started going crazy with everyone watching, each trying to get Grace’s attention, not realising she couldn’t exactly see them. 
The boys, however, in Namjoon’s apartment had the performance on his wide-screen TV and could see the comments coming in real-time. Jimin was running a commentary as he held his phone in his hand, his screen showing the comments only as the rest watched along. 
They were just as nervous, Seokjin more so. This was going to be a big day with the world knowing their most private news and it was either going to be bad or it was going to be very good. In this idol/K-Pop world, it was hard to know. 
So far the comments had been exploding over her voice, how she was glowing and there had been one or two comments who had already suspected what was happening.
“Ah ARMY aren’t stupid,” Jimin laughed as he pointed out the comment he had quickly screenshotted before it disappeared. “They said this is giving baby vibes and then the other comment said she’s going to announce she’s pregnant, putting money on it.”
“Is there a reason she picked a pink dress?” Yoongi asked, already making note of the particular colour.
Seokjin shrugged, accepting the bowl of food from Hobi who had been sorting out their takeaway food. “I have no idea, we haven’t had a gender scan yet. I think the stylists said it was the only material they had which would hide her bump.”
Yoongi didn’t quite believe it, nor did Seokjin who knew the exact reasoning behind it all.
It was then the most important song came, the boys and everyone holding their breath because it was going to happen within seconds. Staff were ready to start banning, and even lawyers were on standby to start suing. 
34+35 started playing, all eyes on the screen as Grace took a breath and stood from the chair she had been sitting in from the previous performance of Safety Net. 
“You might think I'm crazy, the way I've been cravin.' If I put it quite plainly,” she turned sideways to the camera and smoothed the dress to the now obvious eighteen week bump, “just gimme them babies.”
The internet went into utter melt down. Grace carried on with the song, completely unaware of what was happening across various social media pages. All she saw was a thumbs up from Sejin. 
Pink confetti started raining down as she got towards the end of the song, finally revealing to the world and to the boys what gender it was. 
“You liar!” Yoongi yelled, pointing a finger at a grinning Seokjin.
“Ah I technically wasn’t lying, the stylist did pick that material for a reason,” the father of a soon-to-be baby girl pointed out, ignoring the rest as they clamoured around him for hugs. Jungkook was crying into Namjoon’s chest, blubbering how he was going to be the best big brother ever. 
At the end of the performance, at the end of the video, Grace gave the camera finger hearts and patted her stomach with a smile on her face. The screen faded to black with pink wording: Bangtan Baby. Coming April. See you soon.
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beautifulpersonpeach · 8 months
This first video of Jungkook doing an interview with Jin and Joon only to simply walk off when he noticed Jimin passing by and stare at him with a smile for a second is cute. You can tell they all heartedly enjoy spending infinite time together because despite knowing Jungkook adores all of his hyungs, he only reacts like that to Jimin and I don't think he's even aware of it at times. He just acts
Your link, anon.
I wish the clip wasn't cropped just when it zooms into JK's face, because if I recall correctly, in the og clip you can see very clearly that Jungkook is looking behind Joon and towards Jimin.
In the original material, it's even more clear how Jungkook literally pauses when he notices Jimin has walked by, then leaves Namjin mid-convo to serve as Jimin's walker, mule, kind bandmate who generously offers piggyback rides after a grueling performance.
You're right that there's a way Jungkook is with only Jimin. And yeah back then I don't think Jungkook had a clue how he reacted to him either. That clip is from late 2017 or early 2018 I think, which was an interesting time because it was just after GCF in Tokyo and just before the insanity that was 2018 BTS where jikook became even closer. I'd argue he's more aware of his actions now, and Jimin is also more conscious about their antics now.
But yeah, back then.... goodness.
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floradinterlunium · 1 year
Times Jungkook Debunked Every Other Ship
People love to ship Jungkook with every woman that breathes next to him and well, Tae. Really, they love to ship him with everyone and anyone that has a name that doesn’t start with Jim and end with In. However, Jungkook has time and time again shown us where his affections lie. It’s not like he’s always doing it intentionally or to always prove a point. He, like anyone in a relationship, is exclusive when it comes to his partner. He does things for only Jimin that debunks any theories that involve him being with anyone other than Jimin. Let’s take a look at his “exclusivity.”
Birthday Gifts
Giving Birthday gifts in and of itself doesn’t scream relationship. However, giving a birthday present to only one member out of a 7 person group does raise a few red flags. 
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This moment doesn’t necessarily debunk the notion that Jungkook is dating someone outside the group but it 100% debunks the notion that he’s dating Tae or anyone else in BTS.  Because let’s be real...if JK gave Jimin his supposed non boyfriend a gift for his birthday and not Tae, his supposed boyfriend then JK is a crappy boyfriend!
Also, let’s not forget the most romantic birthday gift of all...the all expense paid trip to Tokyo with the complimentary romantic Vlog dedicated to none other than Jimin--GCF Tokyo. 
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Jungkook has never featured another member in his GCF’s the way in which he did and continued to do for Jimin. Even when it was suggested that he make one with Tae JK refused and kept making and featuring Jimin. With this Birthday gift Jungkook debunked every rumor that he was dating anyone other than Jimin. 
Some people like to play the “friends do this for friends” card and that earns them the biggest eye roll known to man kind because...really? Do friends take friends on vacation? Yes. Do friends create travel vlogs with their friends? Yes! But let’s not pretend that’s all that happened here. JK took Jimin on an all expense paid trip to Tokyo...he legit paid for everything--airfare, lodging, food, shopping and excursions--he later talked about how broke he was after that trip. He then documented that trip but for “some reason” forgot to include himself in that documentation. He made a 4 minute video highlighting just Jimin’s experience, zooming in on his features and made the audio a freaking love song! Don’t play the “it was a friend trip” card because there isn’t a person alive that if gifted with that trip and that vlog wouldn’t see it as romantic. And there isn’t a person alive that wouldn’t break up with/Kill their partner if they did that for their “just friend.” Jungkook debunked every other ship with this gift. Point, blank, period!
I want to preface by saying giving people compliments doesn’t in itself mean anything. Friends give and should give each other compliments all the time. However, there is a boundary. Calling your friend “sexy” is a lot different than calling your friend “handsome.” This is especially true when you are in a relationship. Even in a relationship I am allowed to say people are handsome...but if I were to call my “just friend” sexy...that would hold a whole new meaning and I’d be in hot water. Handsome is just a general observation of attractiveness. Sexy implies desire! It’s saying you evoke sensuality and often times make “me” horny! 
Jungkook calls Jimin sexy...A LOT! And he Uwus over how cute Jimin is All the time. Not to mention he does it right in front of everyone’s salad. . . 
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With the amount of times JK calls JM sexy and cute in front of members there’s no way he’s dating anyone else in BTS or in the world other than JM. It would be very cruel for JK to be dating Tae but constantly call Jimin Sexy in front of him.
Some might say he’s just being funny when he says it...it’s very clear that many times JK is more than joking...he gets choked up. Also...he is constantly calling Jimin cute. He thinks everything about Jimin is cute...even his toes.
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And his eyes
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And his whole body
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  When JK was asked what his favorite part of members was JK  responded with a picture of Suga’s wrist, Jin’s finger, Tae’s ear, RM’s hand, J-Hope’s eye, and drum roll please. . . . . JM’s entire body. 
Now again this alone doesn’t debunk JK dating someone outside of BTS. I can imagine someone making an argument that this only proves JK is closest with JM. Now while this argument is weak it’s at the very least logical. An illogical argument would be that in light of this, JK is dating Tae (or any other member of BTS that isn’t JM). This is illogical because why would JK say he likes all of Jimin but only a part of his supposed boyfriend Tae? 
With this post JK completely destroyed the notion that taekook is real. He also destroyed the notion that he’s dating anyone other than JM!
There’s a reason satellite Jeon became JK’s honorary name. There’s also a reason why JM constantly jokes that JK is always copying him. When you are with someone all the time you start to adopt their habits...it’s natural and can’t be helped. 
Jungkook is always with Jimin. A Staff member even said “he never saw Jimin and Jungkook separated backstage.” Jimin has said “Jungkookie and I tend to stick together so often.” And JK said, “All the time, it’s just the two of us doing something at night.
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I mean they are together so much that even members confuse their rooms.
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The first pic Tae thinks JM’s room is JK’s (this in itself should prove Taekook aren’t a couple...the boy doesn’t even know where his apparent boyfriends room is lol). The last two pics you have Vmin choosing to share a room together and Hobi by impulse saying JM and JK will take this room. It was his knee jerk response because it’s what’s common.
Just the sheer amount of time Jikook spend together at odd hours disproves every other ship...because why wouldn’t JK be spending that time with his significant other...why would he choose to spend that time with JM ? What girl friend wouldn’t feel insecure about this?
Last but certainly not least...SKINSHIP. I know I know...Jungkook doesn’t only engage in skinship with JM. He does it with Jin, Hobi, and Tae also. The difference is the way in which JK allows JM to touch him and the way in which he only touches JM. 
JK will hug, sit on other members laps, and even somewhat cuddle with other members. I say somewhat because typically he’s on the receiving end or not even aware (I.e. asleep). The only times he has been aware and has actively chosen to cuddle is typically with JM and sometimes Hobi also. JK however, has only ever sucked JM’s ear and allow JM to to suck his neck and rub up all on his chest. 
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All in All...Jungkook consistently debunk Taekook, or any other ship he’s included in. Sometimes (More recently it seems) it’s intentional...most of the time it’s just him engaging with his partner how partners engage...exclusively. 
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stormblessed95 · 8 months
Gcf Tokyo is one thing but do you know the GCF that floored me? GCF in Saipan. I mean tbh, some people might be able to find ways to explain GCFT away but how do u explain the fact that Jungkook chose to footage of Jimin whenever the lyrics “i don’t lie no more, i don’t wanna fight no more, what i found in you is so real (2x) ima let you get the best of me” and it was just Jimin’s image that appeared everytime this lyrics came up.
I dunno but u can’t tell me Jk didn’t know what he was doing. Plus the way he videod Jimin. Jimin looked so beautiful and ethereal and the way Jk zoomed in on Jimin’s smile🥹😩. Someome commented and said “the person behind the camera must be in love with the little blond guy”. Stormy, even regular pple who don’t know bts watched that video and could feel the love. I don’t know what jikook have man, but i want what they have.
I have like essay length posts over GCT Tokyo, Saipan, Osaka and Helsinki here if y'all haven't seen those posts yet. Scroll to the bottom and they are there! Actually my longest posts are about Osaka and Helsinki. Lol I think because Tokyo and Saipan feel so dang obvious to me I didn't feel the need to explain my reasons for my opinions on those ones as much I guess 😂
GCF as a series is everything to me. I'd kill for JK to give us more!
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just-orbiting-you · 1 month
Before you judge me I would like to clear it I’m a JK biased army and have loved seeing jikook since 2017. 3 episodes in, I realised this is the most detached jikook interactions I have ever seen. Some would say they are meeting after a long time (which is terrible imo if I see them as a couple) and there’s cameras so it’s obvious there might be awkwardness amongst the two but THIS also isn’t their first rodeo so all of it is pretty saddening. All that skinship doesn’t faze me anymore cause how JK was treating JM was something I wouldn’t even treat a friend (and never a LOVER) that I have met after years. Especially if that friend is sick and suffering. I tried to explain myself that maybe he tried to lighten the atmosphere by giving JM time to rest while entertaining us thru other ways but apart from jokes, there wasn’t a hint of reassurance from his side. And you could say he built a stone shrine but i just that’s how JK is. He’s spontaneous, saw some stones and built it. We don’t even see him wishing for JM as everyone says. And this is so opposite of the JK I have always seen with JM. Sure I got to see his caring side with how he shared food and drinks with the staff. That’s the considerate JK I love and have seen through years. But I couldn’t locate this JK in any way with his interactions with JM. Again they were meeting after a time… okay yes they were but in this same period that they haven’t allegedly met we saw JK giggling and asking JM to meet multiple times in his Weverse lives in 2023, watching compilations of JM related content and I thought it’s so obvious that this guy is missing JM and loves & cares for him and that’s what is the blatant difference in Wlives and AYS JK like it’s two different people.
I have never really been threatened by Tae’s presence in Jikook matters cause I simply never saw any thing romantic like in their interactions but Jikook has been a different story to me with all the growth in their dynamics, GCF tokyo, rose bowl and so much more. Through all this period, I have only seen the soft loving dynamic between the two so AYS has been a huge shock for me. Even if they weren’t together it would be sad but definitely okay for me but even in last episode JK said hope you get a bad stomach again this time or saying why didn’t his boat flip and trying to push the kayak and all of it was a no-no for me because it was surprising to see him say these things when I know he’s always been a considerate and respectful guy every time. Is this only me?
i understand this conversation was happening last week, but it is coming back again i believe. i hope my answer to this illuminates that i am sort of over this level of scrutiny of their words and actions, because it gets us nowhere and i am often left feeling a little sad. id rather let us enjoy this content for what it is right now and see what the hell comes out of it. also please be respectful if anyone chooses to add on to this conversation thanks.
my immediate reaction to the show was a similar level of confusion and slight disappointment at the perceived difference in ays' jikook. the bickering over the parking, the crude bathroom humor, and jungkook's comments about jimin's kayak like you mentioned all were also shocks to me too. but as time went on, i tried to let go of it. i needed the reality check that we will truly never fully understand jikook's bond.
we are used to finding small crumbs in larger scale pieces of content - sort of like ays ep 3. and oddly enough those are the softer moments. little little small things like jungkook's hand on his knee and his concern after jimin got hurt. that's the jungkook i am used to. but you zoom out of those moments and they feel different - why? we've never seen them just exist. this may be a regular part of their friendship dynamic that we have just never seen. i do think jungkook growing up does play a part as well. i found him to be much more loud, talkative, and brash then i previously assumed. but the reminder that they are people who will change overtime is very needed and valid.
i don't really know what to make of it, but i don't want to make inferences. yes, it is jarring in places, but i don't exactly know what it means for their friendship because... i am not apart of their relationship. the only thing i know is jimin still decided to spend time with him, keep the show going, and eventually enlist with him. jimin hasn't had problems speaking with jungkook about his actions in the past (rainy day fight call out), so i truly think if jungkook did something to hurt him, he would say so. i trust them to manage their relationships themselves.
i know this gets into speculation territory, but i feel like the camera may play a bigger difference then we think. jungkook says at the end of ep 2 that "we should become entertainers so good we can do this til we're 50." jungkook is also the one concerned with the theme of the show and are you sure?! as a whole. jimin just seems to be trying to make the most of his bad fortune on these trips. i think if anything, jungkook is turning to joking and silliness for the sake of the show's entertainment factor. also, we are only seeing select, edited clips from a 72 hour-long trip. jungkook does check in with jimin verbally a few times across the first two eps and i'm hoping he did help jimin out as much as he could, but that all could very well be cut out. from the editing point of view, it's not about those tender moments. why include jimin getting continuously sprayed with water guns and a bunch of poop jokes (aka embarrassing him on camera), but seemingly none of these quieter conversations and intimate moments that most likely did happen? it's for the sake of the show and its narrative. it would be really funny if a lot of this pops up in the behind the scenes footage. there's always a grain of salt you need to take while watching these contents, since we sincerely will never have a full glimpse into their relationship.
thank you for your ask anon! i appreciate your honesty on this show.
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not-goldy · 2 months
I agree with all that you said about Jimin and Jung Kook's natural chemistry and Hybe's use of it. I would add that they were doing dance collab.'s (Own It) and singing duets (Christmas Day) on their own, outside of company time or projects since early on. I was wondering, since money is the issue, why Hybe didn't use them more by creating more projects, but more so, why they didn't use Jung Kook and Tae more (Singing or dancing subunits, etc.) since it is said to be the largest ship of the group?
A. That would imply Tae Kook have that much chemistry to begin with and more so that that chemistry was consistent. But that hasn't been the case. At some point those two couldn't be in the same room without throwing shade or have we forgotten Tae remarking Jungkook ignores him so he had gotten used to it and couldn't tell he was doing it as part of a game or him saying Jungkook refused to treat him as a friend or whatever or him saying he hadn't been availing himself to Kook to hang out etc during their Soop conversation??
Not to say they were enemies or anything but also nothing to boost off here in terms of chemistry. However, not to get it twisted, when they are on they are ON- their chemistry if it exists at all just hasnt been as consistent as Jikook have been and so I don't think hybe could do much with them. Hybe can't manufacture chemistry between them if it's not organically there. Unless they turn into Tuktukkers and zoom and stretch 7 seconds eye contact between them for hours🥴.
B. Just because Jikook are here now doesn't mean they were mentally prepared all those years to be used by hybe in that way. It's been a long time coming for those two. I mean at some point camera crew were prying into their personal time on set, setting up cameras to catch them off guard and I'm sure there's a lot more tape of them they refused to greenlight for airing. It goes into the bigger conversation we have of them on showing and their varying levels of comfort with exhibiting what they have. Remember when we talked about them going private acting professional and railing it a bit back???
Don't look at the growth they have now and assume it's always been there. Solos make that mistake often, we are better than that💜
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