#jump over the age
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fancypantsrecords · 8 months ago
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Amos Roddy - Citizen Sleeper | Stumpy Frog Records | 2024 | Blue-in-Black + Purple-in-Black
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rookfeatherrambles · 1 month ago
The high I just felt....
The tension that finally released.
all my struggles and suffering and the setbacks I endured...
Watching everything go wrong before my eyes and not being able to do anything about it?
And then just SQUEAKING a victory by and it being exactly, no, more than I was hoping for!!!!!!
Good. Very good.
Citizen Sleeper is the only game I've played in a LONG TIME that can give me this rush, and I cannot wait for the sequel in 7 days.
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zelloxerif · 8 months ago
I have been working hard on the Thumbnails for the next video. Finished the 3rd one just in time for artfight. Really proud of how these turned out. The next series is 3 part for a game called:
In Other Waters
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I wanted to make pieces that brought to life all of the cool creatures you see in that game as it is very minimalist visually and its all in the writing. It is basically playing as the high tech dive suit of a marine biologist on another planets ocean. You help Dr Ellery Vas search for her missing partner who called her to this mysterious ocean world where you find the first alien life outside of earth.
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savingcontent · 1 month ago
Dice role-playing game Citizen Sleeper 2: Starward Vector has taken to the stars today
Continue reading Dice role-playing game Citizen Sleeper 2: Starward Vector has taken to the stars today
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readingtoinfinity · 1 month ago
Citizen Sleeper (Project NoBa24)
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I was first aware of this game from a review by yakkocmn, and I was further made aware of it when the game's creative lead, Gareth Damian Martin, played a TTRPG set in that world with the good folks at Quinn's Quest. So I thought "Well, these folks have fine tastes, might as well put it on the list." I am glad I did.
Citizen Sleeper is a game set in a world of grinding space capitalism, and you are a sleeper, a robot with the consciousness of a real person layered onto it, to be guided from a distance, but severed and cut away, left to suffer under the cruelest kind of planned obsolescence and eke out a living on the Eye, an old space station set to independence after the collapse of its founding corporation.
The gameplay consists of received a number of dice rolls per cycle (since days don't exist on the spinning station, you tell time by a rotation) that you spend at tasks, with higher dice rolls guaranteeing better results, but lower rolls being capable of giving you something for your trouble. You have to spend this on a variety of tasks and resources, from money to food to personal tasks to getting stabilizer, something designed to keep sleepers' bodies going. The balance of these tasks makes up the bulk of the gameplay, and you often have to choose between eating or getting paid.
It's also a game that's not afraid to let you fail. Thrice I failed to complete a Drive (this game's name for quests): first, when I was afraid of being suspicious and left my past buried; second, when I was so focused on work that I failed to help a welder and his daughter; and third, when I saw I had been screwed over and left to wallow in disappointment. If I hadn't managed those systems I get the feeling the game would've had no qualms about letting me die completely.
But while the early gameplay is tense and difficult, it eases up as you level up, to the point that I stopped struggling once I could add +1 to my die results on every skill and I stopped caring what those were. The third quarter, I would say, is the easiest, because as you get into the habits of staying alive and thriving you've built up a plethora of resources to get going. The extra patched-in missions do really put the kick back into the difficulty, however, and I will refrain from talking about them because they do have some of the best writing in the game, and also some of the worst typos.
I could talk about many things; the vibe of doing odd jobs and meeting interesting people; the worldbuilding, the utter crushing reality of living under capitalism; the characters, all of whom are more complicated than they at first appear, for better and for worse; and the sheer number of non-binary characters, including the main character, courtesy of its likewise non-binary developer. Hell, I could talk about how utterly hypnotic this game is: I sat down to play at 5:00 pm on Sunday and didn't stop playing until 11:00 pm when I needed to go to bed for work. If you're interested in playing this game, I recommend choosing a Friday or Saturday to just sit and absorb everything, lest your sleep schedule be fucked! The game nags at the back of your head when you're not playing it, or at least it did for me.
But I keep coming back to the idea of progress and ultimate success on the Eye: as you get better at things you learn to live and thrive in the constraints placed on you, and it feels so... I don't know. I feel relief at seeing a game that can imagine peeking out from those constraints, and it feels nice to manage your circumstances, and it also feels weird that a game about soul-crushing capitalism can be made easier by consistent hard work. I don't know how much that plays into the bootstrap myth, but it is strange. Some things in the early game happened that made me absolutely furious with how unfair they were, and less of that happened as the game continued. Is it because Sleeper stopped being someone easily taken advantage of? Is it because we had a reputation? I don't know. This, too, nagged at the back of my head.
The story feels complete, however. One resident's struggles to survive that turned into thriving that led into making positive changes. There's two endings you can get with the extra missions, and even though I went back and saw the one I didn't choose, I almost didn't want to, because it felt like one cohesive whole, and I knew if I started looking at alternate routes I would start seeing the holes. It's a beautiful game, a tragic game, a game about carrying on despite everything. Something I really needed right now, the kind of thing that doesn't hit in the moment, but sits in the back of your head, nagging at you to think about these things. I don't think I'll stop thinking about it for awhile.
Time played: 10.5 hours
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virtualcamelselfies · 4 months ago
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In Other Waters 💦🤿
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butternutape · 2 days ago
Citizen Sleeper 2: Starward Vector Review
Space, cash, and consequences. My review of Citizen Sleeper 2: Starward Vector. #CitizenSleeper2 #GameReview #VideoGames #GamePass
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pelikaista · 4 months ago
Arvostelussa: Citizen Sleeper
Syvenny futuristiseen maailmaan, jossa moraaliset valinnat määrittävät kohtalosi.
Citizen Sleeper on indie-peli, joka on herättänyt huomiota omaperäisellä tarinankerronnallaan, strategisilla pelimekaniikoillaan ja kiehtovalla visuaalisella ilmeellään. Peli on kehitetty meritoituneen, sekä suositun indie-studion, Jump Over the Age, toimesta, se vie pelaajat eloonjäämisen ja identiteetin etsinnän syvyyksiin avaruuden äärettömyydessä. Tarina ja Teemat Pelin juoni sijoittuu…
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catastrophic-crisis · 5 months ago
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Citizen Sleeper 2: Starward Vector (Hexport Demo)
Press Kit | Steam Next Fest
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sillyarbiterdragon · 5 months ago
How much do you care about the visuals? Because if a description of an environment is enough, I can recommend In Other Waters by Jump Over The Age. It's about a xenobiologist exploring an ocean on an alien planet, and has a map, a UI, and illustrations of Creatures. Also a really nice soundtrack.
types of games tagged "exploration" on Steam
colonialism simulator 93
Don't Get Killed In The House Where You Get Killed
Chop low-poly wood in the generic forest
Appleton Grove Farm Nauseatingly Cutesy Small Business Sim
After The Event (zombies killed everyone and now you have to chop low-poly wood in the generic forest)
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bangpuddingmuffin · 2 years ago
Citizen Sleeper
Citizen Sleeper was fine. The writing was serviceable, and the setting was moderately interesting. The gameplay concept was where it had the most promise, but even when I was low on resources, I never had to sacrifice anything or make hard choices. I did everything I wanted to and neither money nor condition nor energy ever were a huge problem.
And then eventually it was me being more or less flush with resources as I had to wait for things to move at a glacial pace, whether it was putting mushrooms in one by one or waiting six days for the next in a quest chain to trigger.
Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLMOeTsMoezKYbHvIpjS0by5GYDrEpnsT9
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theresa-draws · 2 months ago
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ar ghilas vir banal
tel'banal arama, vir shiral ma lasa... bellanaris
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savingcontent · 2 years ago
First anniversary celebration kicks off for Citizen Sleeper with discounts, live streams, and more
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sad-endings-suck · 25 days ago
People want tall buff game accurate Abby in the HBO show until they remember that Bella Ramsey is all of five foot one with the softest face and build known to man.
If game Abby and show Ellie fought it would look like a special OPS marine seal beating a child to death.
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qbebou · 1 year ago
i understand why ppl don’t believe quackity rlly didnt know abt the working conditions with the admins, it’s his server, he should be overseeing everything, etc etc. but i think many ppl aren’t taking into consideration how massive of a project the qsmp is and how big the team is. on top of the roleplaying admins (eggs, capys, bunnies) there’s likely lots of offscreen admins, builders, mod devs, writers, artists working on the project as well. it makes total sense to me for q to have hired and trusted ppl to handle parts of quackity studios that he a. didn’t have time for b. didn’t have the experience to make the best decisions for or c. that he just didn’t want to do. at the end of the day q is a content creator and yes that means he also is a businessman and yes he owns quackity studios but he’s also shown himself to be INCREDIBLY busy and things like managing finances, vetting, hiring, and paying out employees takes a lot of time and can go super wrong if he didn’t have the knowledge or experience regarding how to do such things. he’s also shown himself to be pretty hands off with a lot of the server administration stuff, afaik he still isn’t op’d on his own server which makes sense bc he does have a team running things behind the scenes. i worked administration in a small office a while back and we had plenty of miscommunication issues bc my boss didn’t handle every part of his business. he didn’t even know how much i was being paid bc he had hired someone else to do the onboarding, offboarding, and payment for employees. even tho our team consisted of like 13 ppl at any given time, there were still miscommunications. and we were all seeing each other in person! we weren’t even dealing with differing time zones or different languages.
at the end of the day, q is young and inexperienced. he trusted the wrong ppl to handle parts of his business. all we can hope for is that things change for the better, the whole quackity studios team gets paid fair wages, have stress loads taken off of them, and feel safe and comfortable continuing with the project. i rlly hope pommes admin comes back bc the qsmp wouldn’t be the same without her even if another admin took the place of pommes character. idk if lea would want to come back but i feel like the door should be open for her too and she still deserves compensation for the work she did in her time working on the team. i have high hopes that things will get taken care of and some restructuring happens within the company
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vaguely-concerned · 4 months ago
directing davrin and lucanis to attack a target and hearing them both go 'done' in exactly the same low growly tone of voice at the same time 😭😭😭😭😭 my boys my most excellent boys my precious best lads.....
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