#juliet hugo
pierced-by-eros · 2 years
𝒜𝓃 𝒪𝓅𝑒𝓃-𝐼𝓃𝓉𝑒𝓇𝒶𝒸𝓉𝒾𝑜𝓃
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✧༺ ☾ ༻∞
[The Vibora guard approached with a passion unlike any other, his pace quick yet with small and skippy steps. He held a bouquet of flowers, seeming to have been carefully assorted to match your natural colors, that was even placed in a heart shape. The shoulder shook in anticipation, like he’s been dying to see you his whole life.]
❝ My love~!!! I am so happy to see you!!! ❞
[It was 7:03 on a beautiful Friday evening, the soldier had just been released for his break from his post. He most certainly rushed over here with slews of excitement considering he had only been left off duty 3 minutes ago.]
❝ I picked these flowers for you from the royal garden~! D-do you like them? Juliet hopes you like them~!! ❞
[He gave a small hop as he spoke in third person, a strong sign he was extremely elevated with thrill. He quickly straightened his posture, clearing his throat and giving a bow to his darling.]
❝ My love~! Shall our d-d-d..d.. EEK I’m so excited I can barely say it! Shall our… date begin? Y-you said you wanted to take me somewhere?? Or did I mishear?! Oh well, Juliet can’t wait to go anyway! ❞
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lostfan23 · 3 months
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linusbenjamin · 11 months
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Lost | Miles Straume
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baegentpeggy · 22 days
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Lost memes part 2
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kittiewales · 1 year
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a-map-of-gays · 4 months
I made a lost character quiz and forgor to promote it
It's silly please take it and tell me who you got :p
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w1ng3dw01f · 7 months
Lost’s Solar System of Sadness
The Sun is alone, but it still shines brightly. Yet, when it can no longer hold its weight, it will explode.
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Mercury, the forgotten planet. It’s proximity to the Sun is burning it out.
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Venus planet of love, was destroyed by global warming.
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Earth's worst sin is that it has destroyed itself for nothing.
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The moon doesn’t glow, it’s only light is a reflection, but it is gladly given to the Earth. And the Moon has a dark side it would not like to let the Earth see.
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Even Mars once had water on its surface.
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The Sun took Jupiter’s resources and didn’t leave much in its wake. Jupiter is not a failure, it’s a falsehood of misguided hope. A personification of desperation.
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Saturn is losing it’s rings.
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Uranus was closer to the Sun in the past, but with the arrival of the other planets, it was moved away.
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Neptune is drifting away from our solar system.
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Pluto is considered too small to be part of the solar system.
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r26yz · 1 year
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after school poetry club
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Please read The Push and Pull by @eggmuffinwaffles ! !!! !1 1
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anormalsuki · 22 days
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Romeo y Julieta interpretado por 31 minutos, definitivamente me hubiera encantado verlo en persona
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pierced-by-eros · 2 years
✰ ANOTHER RANDOM POST but the picrew i use for Juliet ( and Auren @sincerest-aa ) actually has a lot of outfits! so i thought it’d be fun to put Juju in a few of them 🙌 ✰
this one i can imagine as an alternative uniform for Juliet! maybe a nighttime festival one 🤔 not sure, but i love the hat so i’ll find a way to sneak it into canon somehow MUHEHEHE
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this one i can ABSOLUTELY see him wearing. like. just all comfy and cozy in his apartment with some hot coco in the winter :,) look at him. so cute
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this one is just. adorable. no other words needed.
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this one. this one i. hm. anyways.
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fun fact: this is actually the outfit i use for Auren! i think. it definitely suits them better BUT JUJU IS ALSO CUTE
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lostfan23 · 18 days
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siennafrxst · 1 year
things we were robbed of in lost
(spoiler warning ahead!)
1. getting to see more of sawyer and juliet’s relationship
2. getting to see more of sawyer and miles’ friendship
3. seeing miles, daniel, and charlotte at the ending of lost
4. seeing claire reuniting with aaron for the first time since they last saw each other
5. seeing how hurley and ben protected the island together
6. getting to see more backstory between alex and ben’s father-daughter relationship
7. getting to see more of the secret-sibling lore between jack and claire
8. seeing what the hell happens to ji yeon
9. seeing what the hell happens to walt
10. a million more that I forgot (I’m still grateful for the show though please don’t kill me)
see you in another life brother
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thepoorlark · 1 year
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hear me out…Olivia Hussey as Cosette 🫶
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kittiewales · 1 year
which lost (2004) characters would go see Barbie vs. Oppenheimer:
Jack: Oppenheimer. He has a bit of a problem with his masculinity (daddy issues) so he low key doesn’t wanna watch a movie for little girls (he’ll probably watch it once it’s not in theatres).
Sawyer: Barbie. He’s not sorry or embarrassed. He’s excited.
Kate: Oppenheimer. She has a thing for violence. Also just kinda wants to piss Sawyer off by refusing to watch “a movie for little girls”
Sun: Barbie, she low key wanted to see Oppenheimer but Jin really wanted to see Barbie so she caved.
Jin: Barbie. Refer above. He spent 20 full minutes convincing Sun it would be the film to bring back cinema. Big Kenergy.
Claire: Barbie. Of course she would see Barbie, she has little interest in Oppenheimer and will probably never watch it.
Hurley: Barbie. He goes to see it with Sawyer. The two of them get a little too high and the whole thing will be slightly traumatizing.
Sayid: Oppenheimer. He has a slightly unnerving interest in the history behind the film. Barbie would probably be better for his mental health, but only slightly.
Juliet: Oppenheimer. She goes to see it with Kate after making fun of Sawyer. She’s one of the only ones who actually knows the history behind the movie.
Ben: Barbie. He knows it will most likely be more terrifying than Oppenheimer. He’s prepared, and yes, that is a threat.
Desmond: Barbie. He has no interest in anything violent anymore, he probably thought it was going to be a kids movie tbh.
Shannon: Barbie. She has no idea what she’s getting into. She just wants to watch a Barbie movie. She should stick to the animated ones.
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