pierced-by-eros · 2 years
✰ thank you so much for the tag!!! i loved the text options for this, they’re so unique and fun!!! ✰
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i’m not sure who to tag so!!! ANYONE!!!
found the cutest comic-style picrew and made some versions of helen<33
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yall have fun with it too! @secretarykang @smonie @gingerall @besnella @ayamexe and anyone who wants to try it out
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pierced-by-eros · 2 years
My muse is feeling touch-starved.
Send one of the following touches for my muse’s reaction. Bonus points for a description/context of some kind to make it easier for your partner to respond!
❤ - gentle or loving touch (romantic or platonic!), such as face caressing, holding your muse, rubbing their back, petting their hair, hugging them tightly, etc
ღ - kisses of any kind (romantic or platonic) such as cheek kisses, hair kisses, mouth kisses, kiss to the hand/fingertips or eyelids, etc. feel free to specify a body part!
☕ - reassuring touch, such as holding their hand, gripping their shoulder, guiding them by the arm or by a hand on the small of their back, etc
❥ - rough, violent, or dominant touch, such as gripping the back of their neck, holding them down, shoving them into a wall, digging their nails into them, grabbing their jaw, etc
❣ - add this to any of the above to make it sexual. 
¿ - write your own touches!
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pierced-by-eros · 2 years
✰ a little Juliet picrew because the brainrot has been festering 😭 i even went through the effort to edit his hair color in picsart (left is the og) LMAOO ✰
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pierced-by-eros · 2 years
✰ despite my inactivity juliet has never ever left my mind i love him so much he’s so fun to write and to rp and to just think about and i love how people interact with him and i’m losing my mind i love this little man so much he is a light in my life he is my hyperfixation he is everything ✰
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pierced-by-eros · 2 years
[Juliet let out a guttural gasp, his eyes widening and sparkling as his mouth quickly melts into a sharply curved smile thanks to his fangs pressing on his lips.]
❝ M-me? Dazzling? OHHH, MY STAR~!!! WE MATCH! Though I highly doubt I could ever be level to your beauty~ Your decadence, Estella! Ack, you make me blush~!! ❞
[Juliet brought both his and Estella’s hands up to his face, letting her feel the warmth of the rouge spreading on his cheeks. The soldier, usually standing sleek and stoic, couldn’t seem to stop moving. He was just too exuberant.]
❝ More than one place? MY MY! You’re spoiling me, my star~!! And n-no, I have not had breakfast… I was too excited to come see you! I simply forgot! Why do you ask? OH, does it relate to our date? Then don’t tell me! Let it be a surprise! ❞
❝ Let’s go then! I cannot wait~! ❞
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𝒜𝓃 𝒪𝓅𝑒𝓃-𝐼𝓃𝓉𝑒𝓇𝒶𝒸𝓉𝒾𝑜𝓃
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✧༺ ☾ ༻∞
[The Vibora guard approached with a passion unlike any other, his pace quick yet with small and skippy steps. He held a bouquet of flowers, seeming to have been carefully assorted to match your natural colors, that was even placed in a heart shape. The shoulder shook in anticipation, like he’s been dying to see you his whole life.]
❝ My love~!!! I am so happy to see you!!! ❞
[It was 7:03 on a beautiful Friday evening, the soldier had just been released for his break from his post. He most certainly rushed over here with slews of excitement considering he had only been left off duty 3 minutes again.]
❝ I picked these flowers for you from the royal garden~! D-do you like them? Juliet hopes you like them~!! ❞
[He gave a small hop as he spoke in third person, a strong sign he was extremely elevated with thrill. He quickly straightened his posture, clearing his throat and giving a bow to his darling.]
❝ My love~! Shall our d-d-d..d.. EEK I’m so excited I can barely say it! Shall our… date begin? Y-you said you wanted to take me somewhere?? Or did I mishear?! Oh well, Juliet can’t wait to go anyway! ❞
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pierced-by-eros · 2 years
✰ juju on that beat ✰
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pierced-by-eros · 2 years
✰ ANOTHER RANDOM POST but the picrew i use for Juliet ( and Auren @sincerest-aa ) actually has a lot of outfits! so i thought it’d be fun to put Juju in a few of them 🙌 ✰
this one i can imagine as an alternative uniform for Juliet! maybe a nighttime festival one 🤔 not sure, but i love the hat so i’ll find a way to sneak it into canon somehow MUHEHEHE
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this one i can ABSOLUTELY see him wearing. like. just all comfy and cozy in his apartment with some hot coco in the winter :,) look at him. so cute
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this one is just. adorable. no other words needed.
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this one. this one i. hm. anyways.
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fun fact: this is actually the outfit i use for Auren! i think. it definitely suits them better BUT JUJU IS ALSO CUTE
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pierced-by-eros · 2 years
✰ okay hear me out… Yandere!Juliet AU except… it’s kinda reversed from a usual yandere 🤔 ✰
✰ like his obsession with his darling would be him wanting to belong to them. he wants to be kept for his own darling’s pleasure, he wants to dedicate his whole existence to them and shut the rest of the world out. he’d beg his darling for it, never leaving their side. he doesn’t see himself as a person without his darling; without them, he is nothing. his darling gives him purpose. ✰
✰ but i mean a genuine yandere au could also be cool 👀 ✰
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pierced-by-eros · 2 years
❝ Ah! My beautiful star, you’re here~!! Goodness… You look… ❞
[Juliet had only ever seen Estella in her dark, monochrome clothing. Of course he adored it, but he was so taken aback at the bright color. She was so beautiful.]
❝ E-Estella.. Gods, you are beautiful! OH YOU ARE ALWAYS BEAUTIFUL but… wow~… You are radiating, my love~ My star-speckled sky~! ❞
[Juliet nuzzled into the short lived headpat, his eyes squinting and his mouth upturning in a loving smile. He was happy to see Estella taking the flowers, now his hands were free. He placed them on Estella’s cheeks, a featherlight but oh so loving touch, looking into her ocean eyes with utmost purpose.]
❝ Oh my love, I’m so happy you enjoy them! Oh oh oh, I’m so excited for our date! ❞ He moved his hands down now, taking her hands into his own and intertwining their fingers as he looked into her eyes. ❝ Oh, hm! A surprise! Please, will you take me now? Juliet is so excited~! ❞
𝒜𝓃 𝒪𝓅𝑒𝓃-𝐼𝓃𝓉𝑒𝓇𝒶𝒸𝓉𝒾𝑜𝓃
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✧༺ ☾ ༻∞
[The Vibora guard approached with a passion unlike any other, his pace quick yet with small and skippy steps. He held a bouquet of flowers, seeming to have been carefully assorted to match your natural colors, that was even placed in a heart shape. The shoulder shook in anticipation, like he’s been dying to see you his whole life.]
❝ My love~!!! I am so happy to see you!!! ❞
[It was 7:03 on a beautiful Friday evening, the soldier had just been released for his break from his post. He most certainly rushed over here with slews of excitement considering he had only been left off duty 3 minutes again.]
❝ I picked these flowers for you from the royal garden~! D-do you like them? Juliet hopes you like them~!! ❞
[He gave a small hop as he spoke in third person, a strong sign he was extremely elevated with thrill. He quickly straightened his posture, clearing his throat and giving a bow to his darling.]
❝ My love~! Shall our d-d-d..d.. EEK I’m so excited I can barely say it! Shall our… date begin? Y-you said you wanted to take me somewhere?? Or did I mishear?! Oh well, Juliet can’t wait to go anyway! ❞
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pierced-by-eros · 2 years
🖌 I'll have you know that Julia is the cutest ship name 😤 Juliet is so cute I have no doubts that those two could get along splendidly even if Caria is hesitant to love 🤲🏻😭 🖌
✰ OH YOU ALREADY KNOW IT 💪💪💪 im living for the “hesitant to love X helpless romantic” dynamic they got goin on! I think it could be especially interesting when Juliet’s curse comes into play 🤔 ✰
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pierced-by-eros · 2 years
[Juliet melted into the hug on impact, keeping the bouquet of flowers on the outside so they remained intact even with Juliet’s joy. He made small squeaks in the hug, rocking them around briefly before pulling away a bit with an excited exhale so he could look at her.]
❝ Pwaah~! Meee~? Adorable! You flatter me, Caria! My dear dazzling Caria! O-oh wonderful! You like them! Ohhh Juliet was so nervous… but is now so happy you like them! ❞
[It’s a miracle Juliet hasn’t flown off into the sky based on how hyper he is, he was always like this when getting to see Caria. No matter how shortly they have parted, Juliet will always meet her again with the excitement as if he hasn’t seen her in decades. His love for her was infinite, he could never run out for as long as he lived.]
❝ Wahaa! My hair! ❞ [Juliet exclaimed at her ruffling it, but his remaining smile showed he didn’t mind at all.] ❝ I tried to make it extra fluffy for you, I asked the girls in my division for help in the locker rooms! I-is it good? I h- WHA-!! OHO ARE WE GOING? I’m so so excited! ❞
[Juliet followed along with her religiously, but didn’t join her at her side. He quite enjoyed getting to watch her from behind, seeing her hair flow in the wind and taking in her presence. It made him smile, his blush a bright crimson.]
𝒜𝓃 𝒪𝓅𝑒𝓃-𝐼𝓃𝓉𝑒𝓇𝒶𝒸𝓉𝒾𝑜𝓃
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✧༺ ☾ ༻∞
[The Vibora guard approached with a passion unlike any other, his pace quick yet with small and skippy steps. He held a bouquet of flowers, seeming to have been carefully assorted to match your natural colors, that was even placed in a heart shape. The shoulder shook in anticipation, like he’s been dying to see you his whole life.]
❝ My love~!!! I am so happy to see you!!! ❞
[It was 7:03 on a beautiful Friday evening, the soldier had just been released for his break from his post. He most certainly rushed over here with slews of excitement considering he had only been left off duty 3 minutes ago.]
❝ I picked these flowers for you from the royal garden~! D-do you like them? Juliet hopes you like them~!! ❞
[He gave a small hop as he spoke in third person, a strong sign he was extremely elevated with thrill. He quickly straightened his posture, clearing his throat and giving a bow to his darling.]
❝ My love~! Shall our d-d-d..d.. EEK I’m so excited I can barely say it! Shall our… date begin? Y-you said you wanted to take me somewhere?? Or did I mishear?! Oh well, Juliet can’t wait to go anyway! ❞
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pierced-by-eros · 2 years
✰ WAHHH SUCH SWEET RESPONSES 😭 imma respond on this blog but i’ll give both replies! ✰
❝ Oh yes, my dear Carousel of a friend~ I find you quite exciting! Oh, just by meeting you I have found you take me on a little adventure of emotions, a fun ride you could say! Just like a carousel~ ❞ he finished with a small heightening of his voice, expressing the light and curious feelings Caria brought. So infrequently did people respond so… willingly to his loving remarks.
❝ Though if I am to give more names, I would like to get to know you a bit more~ ❞
  ✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
❝ Y-you do?! Oh my goodness! I like flowers too! Oh oh oh how exciting! What are your favorites, I must know! Ah, just my short time with you is convincing me my favorites must be those which compliment you~ My Cara Lilly! My Carnation! ❞
Juliet was extremely excitable, but especially now. His feet tapped on the ground as his hands held his face in excitement, shaking it around as he blushes. His little ramble on flowers ended quickly, however, when he heard what Caria had called him…
❝ M-m-me? Me?? Y-you think I’m cute? ❞ pointing at himself shyly, as if not believing she were talking to him. ❝ A-ahh thats… that’s so very kind of you! Hmmgh you make me blush… like a rose, you are! A romantic rose, Caria! ❞
✰ DREHGEGSSG IM SOREY I JUST HAD TO GIVE THEIR LITTLE RESPONSES 😭 i loved getting to write two VERY different characters who are also helpless little romantics. and Carias responses WHOOOOFODDHDHDOFJDODHS AWOOOGA i adore her so much i’m so happy i get to interact! i be getting excited like juliet fr 😭😭😭 ✰
from this post! i thought it’d be fun and do a little twist by saying what my muses would call her 🤔
Caria Carousel 🎠 if definitely what Meito ( @existing-on-command ) would say 💪
Juliet ( @pierced-by-eros ) would call her after a flower 🤔 like “My Carnation” or “Cara Lilly” based on Calla Lillies!
hope this was okay!!!
🖌 it was definitely okay! 😭 I love this so much 🖌
»»————- ⚜ ————-««
❝ Caria Carousel... Am I that exciting? ❞ The girl let out a breath, a smile slowly spreading on her face. She was only teasing. The nickname sure was amusing.
❝ Do you have any more names for me then? ❞
»»————- ⚜ ————-««
❝ My Carnation... Cara Lilly... ❞ This time she didn't bother hiding the pleased expression on her face as she laughed softly. Caria ran her fingers through her hair before continuing.
❝ How did you know I liked flowers, hm? How cute. ❞
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pierced-by-eros · 2 years
𝒜𝓃 𝒪𝓅𝑒𝓃-𝐼𝓃𝓉𝑒𝓇𝒶𝒸𝓉𝒾𝑜𝓃
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✧༺ ☾ ༻∞
[The Vibora guard approached with a passion unlike any other, his pace quick yet with small and skippy steps. He held a bouquet of flowers, seeming to have been carefully assorted to match your natural colors, that was even placed in a heart shape. The shoulder shook in anticipation, like he’s been dying to see you his whole life.]
❝ My love~!!! I am so happy to see you!!! ❞
[It was 7:03 on a beautiful Friday evening, the soldier had just been released for his break from his post. He most certainly rushed over here with slews of excitement considering he had only been left off duty 3 minutes ago.]
❝ I picked these flowers for you from the royal garden~! D-do you like them? Juliet hopes you like them~!! ❞
[He gave a small hop as he spoke in third person, a strong sign he was extremely elevated with thrill. He quickly straightened his posture, clearing his throat and giving a bow to his darling.]
❝ My love~! Shall our d-d-d..d.. EEK I’m so excited I can barely say it! Shall our… date begin? Y-you said you wanted to take me somewhere?? Or did I mishear?! Oh well, Juliet can’t wait to go anyway! ❞
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pierced-by-eros · 2 years
✰ I’ve made an important change to Juliet’s introduction page regarding how this blog will be run! You can see the original post below, but I’ll also include a screenshot of the change specifically —
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— So yeah! I just thought it’d be cool to let people REALLY insert their muses into Juliet’s story! Not sure if ‘open story’ is the best way to describe it, but it’s the best I could think of with my tiny pea brain 🚶‍♂️ but yeah!! I’m so excited to see if you guys like this idea :)) I hope it’s fun for everyone! ✰
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pierced-by-eros · 2 years
✰ guys…. guys pls look at this i am.. HGRHHDHSHS……….
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this is absolutely stunning and so well done. we’re all sad to see juju suffering but THE WRITING ARGHRHDHHD 😭😭😭 IM MOVED. IM TOUCHED. THIS IS SO WELL DONE PLS GO HAVE A LOOK !! ✰
「 spoilers for gwen’s story under the cut 」 — click for better quality
「 cw: blood 」
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【 Romeo & Juliet 】 — Juliet’s POV — @pierced-by-eros
❝ You are incapable of love, I’ve realised. Here in these final moments, as your hand pierces my chest. Heh… I guess you never really were one for mediocrity. A fitting end, for someone like me. For the one who’s chased you around all this time… Been at your side… At your beck and call.. Almost like a puppy… But even now, as you look at me with those eyes… Eyes so full of hatred, and hurt… I can’t help but feel thankful…
That’s a bit mean, isnt it? Hah… I’m sorry… You’re hurting… Shouldering so much. Humans sure are funny huh..? Holding it in until they explode… Heh, I guess I was the final straw for you then? That’s okay, I’m not mad…. In a way, you’ve done me a favour… It was quite painful, you know… Chasing after you so. Having no choice but to devote myself to you… At some point, I guess I forgot when it stopped being real… It hurt. It hurt so much… To know I’ll never be the object of your affection. To know I’d be stuck in this existence forever… In a constant state of longing, for someone without the ability to feel… I was afraid the after life would shut it’s doors on me… That I would never get to have a peaceful existence. I’m free now, thanks to you… I’ll be forever grateful… For what you’ve done… So…
Thank you for hating me, Gwen… Thank you… for providing me with something more than the words I so desperately chased after… Perhaps in the next life… No… Never mind… ❞
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pierced-by-eros · 2 years
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🌸 look at the little german boy. 🌸
original character: juliet hugo ( @pierced-by-eros)
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pierced-by-eros · 2 years
✰ me when @retelling-of-ragnarok writes up the most downtrodding hope destroying happiness erasing soul crushing juliwen angst i’ll ever encounter /lh ✰
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