#//my beautiful golden sunshine son
ophelieverse · 2 years
can you just write something fluff with Daemon and pregnant reader?She is Viserys and Aemma youngest daughter and their are naming their first son after her father/Daemon brother(damn Targaryens)
۵A name fit for a king.
Daemon Targaryen x fem!reader.
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I loved this request,especially after the last episode.There’s gonna be some spoilers (but nothing very important)also incest,so if this makes you uncomfortable don’t read and reader gonna have targaryen features.
Thank you for the request,hope you like it and let me know what you think!💕💕
The earth awakes slowly,everything around is quiet,the melodious chirping of the birds out of the window glass and the sweet crashing of the waves on the shore were the most beautiful lullaby.
The sun was rising above the horizon,shining with his golden rays all over Dragon Stone who was still enjoying its peaceful slumber.It would be a beautiful day,no clouds in sight,sky bluer as ever and a comforting warmth touching every living creature on the small island.
A beautiful start for an awaited long summer,the one Y/n wished for.After several months of winter it was time for the cold and dark weather to retire and giving its place to the season of eternal sunshine and development.
Delicate golden light glowed on her skin,immaculate and soft,where he was tracing lines with his fingers,almost to pure to be corrupted.Y/n was still asleep,her cheek pressed on the white pillow and a peaceful expression on her beautiful face.
Her husband laid besides her like every morning,the gods have mercy on whoever will try to have his place and stealing away from the thing he begged on his knees for.Daemon remembered the day,when he and Y/n came back together,hand in hand,after winning the war in the Stepstones,and how after,the same night,he went to his brother chambers.
«You said i could have anything i wanted when i gave you my crown.»he told to the King«I want Y/n,wed her to me.»then his knees touched the cold stone floor,a pure gaze of love and devotion in his eyes was powerful enough to have his wish come true.
Purple orbs scrutinized her angelic face,memorizing and mapping every inch of her skin just like they always did.From the way her soft rosy lips were slightly parted,her silky silver hair,strands of moonlight spread on her pillow,and her closed eyelids the closed the world outside.
Such a beautiful and mesmerizing sight should be forbidden for a man like him,but here she was,laying on her side trying to gather some energy back.She need that,more than anyone at the moment.Daemon hands traveled down her arm,savoring the soft texture of her skin,and landing on the growing belly hidden under her nightgown.
Fortunately this pregnancy had been much easier than the last one,the one that gave them two beautiful daughters,twins, Aemma,named after Y/n mother,and Alyssa,named after Daemon’s one.This time Y/n had enough strength to still be able to ride her dragon and to not spend all of her time laying in bed.
Softly Daemon face disappeared in his wife warm neck,lips ghostly kissing the tender skin in attempt to wake her up.A quiet whine,similar to a light breath,left the back of her throat,a little smile was now present on her face as she titled her head to give him more access to continue.
«Good morning,my little storm.»he greeted her,lips still hovering the sensitive flesh on her neck,his arms wrapped around her waist bringing her closer to him as his hands made their way to her stomach again.
«Morning my love.»Y/n voice was still sleepy,her eyes were adjusting to the light in the room,trying to take in as much as she could of her husband handsome features.
Daemon pale blonde hair tickled her cheek and his warm breath on her skin gave her goosebumps all over.The nickname, “Little storm”,the way he used to call when she was little due to her impetuous behavior,made her giggle while she started to play with his hair.
When Daemon palm met the swollen belly a smile stretched on his lips«How did you two slept?»he asked,callous finger brushing and caressing where his child was growing.
«He didn’t move at all,he must have been very tired.»she informed him,humming sweetly and placing a hand over his.
Daemon chest warmed at her words«He’s already listening to his father.»he chuckled a bit.
Both of them wished and hoped for a boy,it was no secret for anyone at this point.Y/n wanted nothing more than a little boy,a little version of his father with beautiful lavander eyes,to love and protect for the rest of her life.
A few seconds later,just like a magical effect,a little kick was felt against Daemon palm melting his heart«That’s my boy.»he whispered with a stupid grin on his face.
Carefully Y/n brought herself closer to her husband,nuzzling the tip of her nose in his hair,airways filled in his sweet scents«I want our son to be born at the Red Keep.»she stated.
Daemon hand faltered,tiling his head up,concerning eyes meeting his wife hopefully ones«You are to give birth at any moment,it would be too dangerous.»he explained to her.
Y/n smiled a little,a sad and distressing expression as she almost choked on her next words«And my father would most likely to be dead by the time i will be able to travel again.»
A sour taste on her tongue and tears forming in the corner of her eyes,the ache in her heart beating furiously in her chest heavy like a stone as she thought of it.Her father had always been nothing but doting and sweet to her,as his second daughter of his beloved first wife,he didn’t care about anything else but to make sure that she was happy and well satisfied with her life.
With the hours spent working on their little Valyria model together,laughing while he narrated to her the tales of their ancestors.All the times she stood right next to him in the small council or in the throne room,because one day she would have been the hand of the Queen and needed to learn about political issues and how to help her sister ruling the realm.
Daemon closed his eyes for a moment,just yesterday he received a crow from the Queen who informed him about his brother worrying declining health.He understood her,Y/n wanted nothing more for her father to witness the birth of his grandson,and how desperately she wished for her child to be a boy to see the gleaming smile that her father had when he met Rhaenyra children.
She wanted to make him proud,his sweet little daughter,one last time with the desire that her father wished to make come true with her mother.
«To King’s Landing then.»they stood there,fingers intertwined over her belly,enjoying each other presence silently celebrating the future birth of they third child.Their first boy.
The travel to King’s Landing happened the next day,Y/n stood on the boat,her eyes up in the clear warm sky as she watched her two daughters flying above her head on their dragons,a hand caressing her big stomach as her husband brushed the hair off her face.
Daemon insisted to be on her side,with Caraxes and Blackfyre,Y/n dragon,flying along side Aemma and Alyssa.From the horizon,the immense sight of the Red Keep started to make its view as the Targaryen boat plowed the calm sea.
Her father was in his chambers,laying in his bed,as Y/n made her way to visit him as soon as she entered the castle.The room was silent,warm and the smell of milk of the poppy lingered all over the place.
She stepped quietly,her long maroon dress brushing against the cold floor,her hands trembling as she pulled away the white tent of her father bed.The king was there,a pale and ill face,a bald head with just some tufts of hair falling on his shoulders,black teeth and ad a white cloth covering the right side of his old and deterioreted face.
«Aemma?»her father voice came out with a choked breath as he opened his eye and looked at blurred figure.
Y/n heart ached in her chest,the memory of her late mother,the whole she had left behind,was still present after all this years«Father»she addressed him with a sweet voice«It’s me,Y/n.»her warm and young hands took his cold and shivering ones,caressing the skin with her thumbs.
«Oh,my Y/n.»her father eyes watered just like hers,his voice broken with emotions«My beautiful daughter.»he called her close to place a wet kiss on her forehead.
«Where are your girls?»he asked then trying to look around the room in search for his granddaughters.
Y/n wiped the tears in her eyes,smiling«They are with me and they will come to visit you soon with someone new.»she told him.
With her father confused expression,of someone who forgot,Y/n brought his hands to her stomach«Your grandson.»
«A boy?»her father cried out.
She nodded«It will be this time,i promise you.»
Her father let go of her hand,shaking his head with a painful whine coming from his lips«Do not make my same mistakes.All of my life i chased a foul dream when everything that i needed was right there before my eyes.»he told her.
Y/n never realized how persistent had become her wish for a son,her wish to give his father what he didn’t have for years,a boy he would have cared about and loved just like he was his.It felt like she owned him a son,being born with a dead twin brother,Y/n,a daughter,came to the world instead of the heir her father longed for.And right now it felt like it was her duty to give tho world a beautiful Targaryen boy for the one that she stole.
«This boy will not be a mistake,father.He will be our blessing.»
The water in the bathtub was warm,almost boiling,but that was the temperature that a dragon needed.
Y/n was sitting there,her back pressed against her husband naked chest,while his hands were caressing her belly with a wet cloth.Hours after she had visited her father,Daemon ha spoke to the Grand Maester asking him of a way to ease Y/n before her time came.A warm bath seemed like the best option,so the rough prince didn’t waste anytime to prepare one.
She hummed quietly,closing her eyes and tasting the relived sensation«Thank you for letting me having time alone with him.»she whispered.
Daemon kissed the back of her head,where her hair were tied up,the smell of roses and cinnamon and the little babbles tickled his skin«How was he?»he asked with a calm voice.
Different,she wanted to answer him.An empty shell of a man was what there was left behind of her father and it pained her.
«He was happy to see me.»she said,the lump in her throat felt thick as she nuzzled her head in her husband neck to seek comfort.
Daemon forced a smile on his lips,planting them on Y/n warms one«He will be happy to meet his grandson too.»he murmured against them.
Y/n didn’t said anything,at this point she didn’t knew anymore.From the moment she was pregnant again in her bones and in her heart she was sure it was gonna to be a boy,but right now,maybe,it was just her blind desire to speak to her just like it did to her father.
«Viserys.»she has said then all of the sudden,in her mind the vivid imagine of her father.
She felt Daemon confused expression behind her as he was holding her close to him«I want our son to be named Viserys.»
It happened during the first light in the morning,the sun was rising behind the hills of King’s Landing when the Red Keep was awakened by the cries of a new life coming to this earth.
The first day of summer,when the air smelled like sea salt,the weather was warm and the city started to live again,little prince Viserys Targaryen was placed in his mother loving embrace.
Daemon was sitting behind Y/n,holding her back up during the entire labor and caressing her sweaty skin whispering in her ears comforting words«It’s him,it’s our Viserys.»he said,his eyes were sparkling with hot tears.
Y/n heart was hammering into her chest,her vision blurred with tears as she looked down at the small bud in her arms.He was absolutely perfect,from his little nose,white tufts of hair on his head and innocent lilac eyes,her son was everything she dreamed for.But then,just like a horrible memory,she remembered the only time she had the chance to hold her younger brother,Baelon,before his soul would have left this life the next day.
«Is he healthy?»Y/n asked holding her son closer to her.
The midwife nodded«The healthiest boy i’ve ever seen,princess.»she reassured her.
«I’m so proud of you.»her husband whispered to her,kissing the side of her face.
She smiled,handing her son to the midwife that confused took him in her arms.The baby started to cry again,pitching screams filled the room,missing his mother soft touch.
«What are you doing?»Daemon asked,concerns all over his face.
«Help me to get up.»Y/n urged him searching hurriedly for his hands.
Her legs felt like they were about to melt under her,the pain between her legs and her desire to just close her eyes and sleep for the entire day to gain back some strength disappeared completely.Tossed side to her aim,letting her father meet his grandson.
Daemon was on his feet immediately,helping Y/n on hers,holding her tired and trembling form to prevent her to hurt herself«You need to rest.»he told her.
«I have all my life for that.»she said with a strained and hoarse voice«My father doesn’t and i promised him that he would had met his grandson.»two servants girl were called in,one of them drying Y/n sweaty face and the other helping her to dress.
Her husband sighed with sad eyes as he walked slowly besides her,step by step till the King room.
«Y/n?»Alicent surprised voice was the first thing they heard once they entered the room«What are you doing here?You should be resting.»she sounded worried as he hurried in her way,holding her other arm for support.
«That’s what i told her.»Daemon muttered under his breath.
The princess shook her head,holding her son up to her chest as her step mother and husband accompanied her to where her father was.
The King was still laying in his bed,his eyes half closed«Y/n?»he asked confused when he saw his daughter coming closer.
She hissed in pain«Father»she called him«There is someone we wish to introduce to you.»her sweet voice sounded full of happiness.
Her father eyes darted to his daughter husband for a second,relived to see him for the last time«Daemon.»he greeted him.
He did the same,hiding his pained expression to see his brother in that state«Brother,this is your grandson,Viserys.»he announced.
And for him there was nothing more beautiful that the result of an undying love,nothing more perfect that his grandson little face as he looked up at him,nothing warmed his heart more than being able to witness what his daughter promised to him.
«Viserys»he tasted the name on his tongue«a name fit for a king.»
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onskepa · 1 month
Helllooo, could I get a Rapunzel AU fic? In this universe Spider would be the rapunzel of the story, he gets stolen from his family, the Sullies, at a young age (he was adopted by Jake and Neytiri a couple of months after his dad’s death, although he really isn't) Quaritch would be the mother gothel of this AU, keeping Spider in a tower because his magic hair is what is helping him keep being alive. Then Loak would be like Flynn, but in this case a prince going through a rebellious phase, so he stills his older brother crown ( he doesnt really know Spider, cause he was a baby when he was kidnapped) his thief name is “Tulkun” and his partners in crime are Lyle and Z-Dog.
Quite the intersting idea I gotta say, none the less! I hope you enjoy this one!
Our sun
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The sun gives life to all, brings warmth and comfort. With its bright radiant light, it guides everyone to their path. Brings happiness and provides. A great gift humanity has ever gotten. For centuries, humanity has shown their gratitude in many ways. Praising, worshiping, believing the sun is their god. 
A god that is powerful and strong. The Omatikaya kingdom knows that better than anyone in the world. Festivals, sigils, legends, their symbol of the kingdom, all were dedicated to their sun. 
For centuries the kingdom has never wavered their belief in the sun. Remaining strong and true. Always grateful and never greedy. And so, the sun god who was also grateful for the people the sun provides to, believes they deserve a gift. 
A drop of sunlight fallen from the sky has touched the Earth. Gifting the king and queen of the Omatikaya their beautiful sunshine child. 
That is what the story says of course. 
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“He is beautiful…” Jake Sully, King of the Omatikaya kingdom, gently coos at his believed son. Beside him was his queen, his love, and mother of their golden child, neytiri. 
“He is perfect,” Neytiri smiles as she rubs her nose gently against their sons button nose. He gives light giggles in satisfaction. Their son, their beloved child. A gift from the sun. His beautiful golden curly hair, bright blue eyes that can rival the sky. And his smile, so radiant and infectious. Their son, the kingdom's golden prince. 
Wrapped in the finest silk with embroidery intricately designed to that of the sun. The young baby was very much  snuggled in great comfort. 
“My lord, my lady, it is time” tsu’tey, their closest friend and top chief of the Omatikaya army, tells them. 
“Come on, we dont want to keep our people waiting” jake gently leads his wife towards the top balcony that oversees their people. 
“Yes my love, our people shall know of our sunny prince,” Neytiri says while she boops her baby’s nose. 
“Have you chosen a name for him?” tsu’tey asks as he follows closely behind. Neytiri chuckles as she shares a look with jake. 
“Spider, we chose to call our son, spider” 
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The people cheered and roared out in happiness once the royal couple had presented their son. Many were in awe at how such an adorable child could ever exist. Truly a gift blessed from their sun. 
Many threw flower petals, confetti, horns blowing out, little children waving their flags. The crowd was booming with noise. All eyes on the prince. Including one set of icey blue eyes. Glaring at the royal family. 
No one noticed him. All too busy celebrating. A tall menacing man with a dark cloak to hide his face. The man glared with hate. Just how dare they? 
How dare the king and queen lie to their people? How dare they lie that their ‘son’ was a gift from their light above? How dare they lie and say the boy belongs to them? Lies, all lies. 
But Quaritch knows the truth. That baby, the child the royal couple holds is his son. His blood! His ‘wife’ was a foolish woman. Giving away their child to the royals. She is at fault in this mess too! Too bad she is dead otherwise quaritch would have given her a piece of his mind. But it is not too late. Good thing he still remembers the ins and outs of the palace. After all, he used to be their top chief. The king’s once right hand man. Now replaced by that snarky brat. 
Quartich will have his revenge soon enough. He will have his son back one way or another. 
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Night came, and silent as an owl, quaritch entered the royal bedroom without a squeak. Quietly and effortlessly he passed by the couple who were sleeping soundly. Beside them was the cradle where HIS son was sleeping. The cradle was elegantly crafted with golden trims and plush pillows. Only a few days old and he is being spoiled rotten. Cant have that. 
Grabbing his scissors, quaritch goes for the baby’s golden locks. His hair will be a dead give away if anyone finds him. However, just cutting a small strand, the piece of hair turned dark brown and the baby began to cry. 
There was no time. 
When Jake and Neytiri awoke to the cries of their child, they were too late. 
In their eyes, a dark hooded figure stood at the balcony with their baby in his arms. Before Jake can reach him, the hooded figure jumps off and into the dark forest. 
Neytiri cried, not believing what just happened. Jake was quick to call out the night guards. Alarms were sounded, tsu’tey was quick to gather his army to search for the thief who stole their sun.
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18 years later 
“Get your ass over here!” Z-dog, a professional female thief, growls at the little brat who seems to be taking his sweet ass time. Opening the top trap door that led  straight down to the golden crown that was heavily guarded. Lyle, her partner in crime, was also getting impatient. 
“Just a sec….wow……this view is nice, very nice…..guys I want my own castle” a young boy spoke. Age 14 and already making a long list of crimes against the kingdom. This will be the biggest one yet. 
“When we do this job, you can have you own castle” lyle grits his teeth as he yanks lo’ak back to the missions. Tying the rope on his waist, they lower lo’ak down to the crown room. 
Quickly he shoves the gold crown into the satchel until one of the guards sneezes loudly. 
“Ugh, day fever?” lo’ak asks. 
“Yeah” the guard answers casually. Until he realized what just happened. Looking up, he and the other guards saw lo’ak being pulled back up and quickly make a run for it. 
“What a great day to be aliiiiiiiiiiiiive!!” lo’ak shouts as he, z-dog and lyle run across the bride that connects the forest and the kingdom. 
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The three ran fast at top speed. They already knew the royal guards were on their way to hunt them down. Capital punishment awaits them. tulkun might get some leeway. He really only wanted adventure, but for sure he does not want to really suffer the consequences. 
As they ran for it, they halted to a dead end. Hearing the soldiers nearing, acting quick was needed. 
“Give me a boost and I will pull you both up,” Tulkun said in a hurry. 
Z-dog and lyle looked at each other and then at him. 
“Give us the satchel first” z-dog says as she reaches for it. 
Looking quite offended, Tulkun places a hand over his chest, “I cant….after all we have been together, you guys still dont trust me?” 
Dead looks was all he was given. 
He gives the satchel to z-dog and the three were quick to holl up lo’ak. Purposely stepping in z-dogs face as he reaches the top. 
“Now help us up, pretty boy” she demands while reaching her hand up. 
“Sorry, but my hands are full” tulkun smirks while holding the satchel and makes a run for it. 
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That was close, way too close for tulkun’s liking. Tsu’tey was close to seeing his face. If he did then its game over. For now, he will have to lie low, no doubt his family will be worried to death about him. His parents are way too protective. They will be even more once he gets back. Not something he looks forward to. 
For now, he found a little cave that was actually a little entryway to a tower. How long was that there? 
Not giving much thought he was quick to climb the tower and shut the doors[?] windows. Finally being able to be at peace, he opens the satchel to see the golden crown. Sighing in relief. 
“Hello at last-” 
Darkness was all he saw. 
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“Who are you and how did you find me?” 
Miles demanded to know from the young stranger. Tied to the chair, miles made sure his long dreads were enough to make sure the invader didn't escape. Who the hell was he to just climb into someone's tower unannounced? And talking to themselves? 
Father was right, there are crazy people out there. 
“Is this….all hair?” the stranger asked as he looked at his long dreads. 
“Hey! I asked you first! Answer!” miles shouts. Holding the pan tightly, he points it at the stranger. His little friend, payakan climbs on the pan, looking dead in the eyes of the stranger. 
“Is that a blue lizard…?” the stranger asks another question. Do all strangers keep on asking questions? 
“Hey! I get to ask questions here, not you! Got that?” Miles narrows his eyes trying to look as threatening as possible. The stranger rapidly shook his head agreeing. 
Miles starts to walk around the stranger while swinging his pan. 
“So stranger, have you come for my hair? Cut it? Sell it?” he begins to accuse. 
The stranger looks at him confused. 
“What? No! Look, I came here to hide because a horse is on my ass! And now I have to-wait wait! My satchel! Where is my satchel!?” 
Crossing his arms, confidently smiling, miles responds “I’ve hidden in, somewhere where you will never find it” 
The stranger looks to his left, “It's hidden in that pot, isn't it?” 
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Tulkun woke up once again, this time feeling something wet in his ear. Turning he sees the weird blue lizard outstretching his long tongue in his ear. Feeling grossed out, he shouts, “STOP THAT!!” startling the lizard. 
“Now I’ve hidden it somewhere you’ll never find it” the weird boy says. 
“Now back to the main question, how did you find me?” the boy asks again. 
“Look, in all honesty, I was running through the forest ok? I have an army at my ass and a horse! Just give me the crown back and I will leave. Alright?” tulkun replies honestly. 
The weird boy, or guy since he looks older, stares at him confusingly. 
“Wait, you don't want my hair?” he asks. 
“Why on earth would I want your hair? Actually, why do you even want your hair this long? Don't you have a knife or scissors in this place?” 
The weird guy didn't say anything. Walking away at some distance to talk to his blue lizard friend. Whispering some stuff he couldnt make out. However, using that time to try and free himself. No use, the guy tied him up pretty dang good. 
“Alright, it seems you are saying the truth. Now to important matters, look over here” the guy says as he shifts his hair for the chair to move, making him land on his face.
Lifting a curtain aside, the boy reveals a beautiful painting on top of an empty chimney. It showed a dark blue sky with lanterns floating up in the sky. 
“Do you know what these are?” the guy asks. 
“The lanterns? Yeah, they do that for the lost prince” tulkun says automatically. No real emotion behind it. Holding in his indifferent feelings for that specific day. His face is starting to hurt against the floor. Trying to push himself up, he couldn't hear what the guy said. Until suddenly he was being lifted up. 
“I have a deal I want to make,” the weird guy said. 
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Take him to see the lanterns and in return he gets the crown back. No big deal. Seems simple enough. Except for one thing. 
“What have I done?” 
“What if he finds out??” 
“I am horrible” 
“I'm going back, i'm a horrible son” 
Tulkun didn't think he would also be a babysitter. Damn, and he thought his sister was terrible with mood swings. This weird guy clearly is older than him yet acts just like his baby sister who is 3. 
After what felt like centuries, the weird guy calms down but not in high spirits. 
“It seems you seem to be in turmoil. Look, it does seem a lot. But from the bits I heard, it seems you got a protective father, leaving without telling, talking to a stranger whom you never met and now going somewhere that you need to rely on said stranger to get there. This is pretty serious stuff you know” 
The weird guy just stares at him. 
“Part of life you know. Kinda late but it seems you are going through what I like to call “fuck the rules” phase. Personally I hope it's not a phase. Normal stuff” tulkun continues to say while simultaneously shoving the blue lizard off his shoulder. 
“Really…?” the guy asks. 
“Yup, but this might make your dad upset. Hell, break his heart and crush his soul even. But its fine” 
“Wait, you are gaslighting me aren't you” the weird guy was picking up on what tulkun was trying to do. 
“I tried” tulkun answered honestly. 
“No, we are going to see those lights,” the weird guy says, standing up for himself. 
“Oh yeah? What I don't want anymore?” tulkun mocks him. 
“I will use this” the pan was pointing at him again. 
“Ugh, fine” 
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“My name is miles. I forgot to tell you my name earlier” miles says. 
“Oh nice….” 
“What is your name?” miles asks. 
“......its tulkun” 
Miles heard that slight hesitation. Perhaps its not his real name. 
“Cool, this is payakan. My one and only friend” 
Payakan stands on miles’s left shoulder, glaring at tulkun. 
“He really doesnt like me, does he?” tulkun eyes at the reptile. 
“Eh, he will warm up to you. Now, what was that place called again?” miles claps his hands, getting a little hungry. 
“It's called recom port. Best steaks and cold drinks. Hits the spot all the time. And the folks there are super friendly” tulkun says. Smirking inwardly. Surly that place will scare miles back to his little tower. 
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Wherever miles goes, tulkun can't help but notice how it was so easy to bring in people. The recom outcasts were super friendly towards him! And they hated tulkun! The hell?! Even worse, miles managed to have them all sing for hours non-stop. Tulkun is just so done. He wants the crown and go back home. Screw with whatever punishment his dad will give him. He can take it. 
Even worse since miles somehow tamed that demon of a horse. 
“Awe, such a good girl aren't you….zeze!” miles coos at the light blue horse. Reading the collar the fowl beast has. 
Zeze was wagging her tail like some dog. Ready to comply with whatever miles tells her. 
“You cant be serious, that thing is capable of murder!!” tulkun tries to reason with miles. 
“Did she kill?” 
“Umm…no but I wouldn't doubt it!
Miles rolls his eyes and continues to pet zeze. 
“Look, we are tired from walking and zeze seems to have a lot of energy. Why not ride her the rest of the way? It's a win-win. What do you think, big girl? Want to blow off some steam?” Miles suggests to the hell beast who neighs in agreement. 
“Oh you have got to be kidding me” tulkun rolls his eyes. He would rather walk on hot rocks than deal with her. 
“Come on, it will be easier. Look, I can tell you both dont get along but please just until we get to the lights? Please?” miles pleads. 
Zeze seems to side with him, offering her hoof, she and tulkun shake in agreement. 
“Wonderful! Now lets get on!” miles says happily as he climbs on zeze. Payakan sitting on zeze’s head getting a good view and tulkun sits behind miles. 
“Have you ever rode on a horse before?” tulkun asks. 
“Nope, first time! HIYAH!” 
Zeze takes off, letting the winds hit their faces and excitement filling their lungs. 
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It was amazing! Miles has never seen this many people before! And they all live together in smaller yet wider towers? So cool! And the food! So delicious! More books to read, new music to listen to. It was so perfect. 
A kind lady even gifted him a small flat with a sun design and a flower. He admires the pretty flower until he sees other people laying their flowers in front of an interesting mural.
“It's for the lost prince” a child says to their baby sibling. 
Lost prince? 
Miles takes a good look at the mural. There stood two proud looking people. A man and a woman, wearing fancy looking clothing. In the woman's arms was a baby. A child who is smiling and have lovely golden hair and blue eyes. 
“Poor baby…” miles mutters. He places his flower on the base of the mural. Whoever the baby is, hopefully he comes back to his family soon.
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Night came and tulkun managed to get a small boat for them to the surrounding moat. The lanturn festival was about to begin. Tulkun look to see miles not smiling anymore. 
“Hey, you ok..? Feeling excited?” he asks. 
“Feeling kind of terrified actually…” miles confesses. 
Tulkun tilts his head, “how come?” 
“All my life, for as long as I can remember I look at my window and see beautiful stars in the sky. Always wondering what they were. And here I am, about to see the truth….I'm scared to be disappointed” 
Tulkun, understanding his new friend, places an arm over his shoulder. 
“Nothing wrong with being disappointed. In the end, you will get to see what is more than the stars as you call them” 
Miles smiles a bit, “and what if they are? What then?” 
“That is the fun part I guess. It opens a path for a new journey” 
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Neytiri straights jake’s outcoat, making him presentable. Her eyes meet his. Sadness and sorrow are all there is. No words are needed to be said. She knows. What is supposed to be a joyous day has now become a sad tradition for all. 
They meet their children on the balcony, all holding their own lanterns. Yet, neytiri and jake notice their third son is missing. It was just putting more salt on the wound. 
Taking the lead, they light up their lantern and together they let it go. The royal children followed. Moments after, all of the kingdom let go of their lanterns. The darkened sky now filled with lanterns, all goes at their own pace. 
Neytiri and jake hold each other close while holding their children. Their hopes depleting each year. The hope that one day, their first child would return home. That hopefully their son would find these lanterns and use them as a guide back to them. 
But its been 18 years. A grown adult by now. 
They make sure their children know of their big brother, and how he would have loved each and everyone of them. Their children never doubted that. 
“He will come home this time, right mama….?” The first princess asks her mother as she stares at the lanterns. Every year she asks the same question. Every year, neytiri answers the same thing. 
“He must” 
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Miles was in awe. The lanterns were so beautiful! Each one was different yet all burned brightly. 
“I finally know the truth…” he says. 
Tulkun hears this……
“Lo’ak” he speaks. 
“My real name is Lo’ak, tulkun was just a disguise name…” lo’ak admits. 
“Why?” miles asks, curious to know. 
“My family….well my parents to be precise. Are very protective. Like super protective. Cant go anywhere without someone spying on me or my siblings…” lo’ak says with what sounds like defeat in his voice. 
“You see….I have an older brother and two younger sisters. My parents however, had a son before my big brother neteyam. Spider was his name. My parents said he was only 3 months old before a dark cloaked guy took him away. They never knew who he was or why the stranger took him. That night traumatized them for life. Dont get me wrong, it is sad. He would have been 4 or 5 years old by the time I was born. Its just….” lo’ak couldn't continue. 
“So that is why you are rebellious…wanting to get out of their tight hold. Needing to breathe and just take risks for the fun of it” miles finishes for him. 
Lo’ak looks at miles’s long hair. 
“Yeah…but what about you? You never told me why you lived in that tall, isolated tower” lo’ak asks, wanting to change the subject. 
“My dad….he too is overprotective. Growing up, he tells me all of the dangerous things that happen outside of the tower. Baby stealing ghouls, men with sharp teeth, diseases, blood sucking monsters. I was terrified. But in reality…he kept me there because of my hair…” 
Miles moves his dreads to the side to reveal a short dark strand of hair. 
“My hair….is what is keeping me alive. If cut, it affects my health. He doesn't know why, niether do I but…something like that, it has to be protected” 
“So….you never left that tower?” lo’ak was astounded. Miles, a grown adult at this point, has never seen what life has to offer? 
Miles nodded. 
“And you still want to go back…?” 
Miles looked to be contemplating on that question. But before could be said, near the dock was two unpleasantly familiar people.
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“There, it will be just like it never happened” his dad says. 
Miles was back at the tower. Any traces of him being outside was gone. Lo’ak left him and took the crown. Leaving him vulnerable to two dangerous strangers who wanted to cut his hair for higher value. If it wasn't for his dad finding him, who knows what could have happened. 
“Hey, I will make that coup you like so much, that will lift your spirits up” his dad was exiting his room. 
“Look son, I know it seems unfair but you have to understand. Not everything is bright and good. Terrible people who sees any trace of goodness, they will destroy it no matter what” with that, he goes downstairs. 
Leaving miles alone. He stares at the paintings he has done on the ceiling. Why do they look familiar? 
Pulling out the little flag he still kept, he compares the sun to the familiar shapes. 
“What the…?” why do his painting have the sun symbol? 
Suddenly, he got a massive headache. 
Memories of a past he didn't know he had came flooding in. 
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“WAIT WAIT DAD!! YOU DONT GET IT!!” lo’ak shouts as he tries to fight back his uncle figure tsu’tey. The other night he was knocked out by z-dog and lyle, tying him on a canoe with the crown. Now being punished, he was to be sent to a neighboring kingdom as a form of punishment for stealing a royal crown.
Jake, having had enough of his son's lies, false promises, and fake sympathy, didnt want to hear him anymore.
“Hopefully this will teach you a lesson son. You knew how important that crown was. Stealing was the last straw "Jake says. His family beside him, none wanting lo’ak to go but it was necessary.
“NO!! YOU DONT GET IT!! THEY TOLD ME!! HE IS ALIVE!! DAMN IT!! IM SORRY UNCLE!!” with a quick hit with his head, lo’ak managed to free himself from tsu’tey. Acting fast he made a run for it.
“ZEZE!!” he calls out. The majestic yet beastly horse answers his call, he climbed onto her.
Tsu’tey calls his soldiers to follow lo’ak, his family yelling to come back. “HE IS ALIVE!! SPIDER IS ALIVE!!” was all lo’ak said before zeze ran faster, heading straight to the forest. This whole time, this whole time! His big brother is alive!! He has a lot to make up for right now, lo’ak needs to get him out of the tower and away from the stranger miles calls ‘father’.
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There was so much blood. Miles didnt know how to heal him. He wanted to save lo’ak, save him, tell him of his newfound revelation! Yet his dad has him tied to chains like some feral animal. 
“That is enough! You are going somewhere far more hidden! Somewhere where you won't even see the sunlight!” his father says. Miles can hardly recognize him anymore. All he sees is a scary, tall man who sees miles as some golden item rather than a human being. 
Yet miles fought back, as best as he could. Lo’ak is dying,he needs to do something! 
“Let me heal him please!” miles begs. Tears ran down his face. 
“Let me heal him, and you and I will be together. Just like we always have. Please dad, let me save him” 
His dad saw lo’ak laying still, thinking he won't last long. He ties a chain to his ankle, just incase the brat gets any ideas of following them. Miles was quick, panicking but doing his best to close the wound. 
“Miles…” lo’ak whispers weakly, “dont…I can let you…” he tries his hardest to say, 
“I cant let you die…” miles whispers, more tears falling out. 
Lo’ak gets closer as if to tell miles something, however, in a surprise move, he cuts miles hair. 
“Lo’ak!! What did you…!!” his was was quick to turn a dark brown, his dreads also losing their golden color. 
“NO!!! WHAT DID YOU DO?! DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA WHAT YOU HAVE DONE!?” the mad man shrieks. In a hurry he tries to collect the hair, not carrying where he is stepping. He tangles himself in the dreads, unknowingly wrapping himself. In a daze he trips. 
Over the tower’s window. 
Falling to his death. His screams are now silent. 
Miles couldn't comprehend what just happened. Yet he had to focus on lo’ak. 
“Im sorry….brother….” lo’aks arms went limp, his eyes closed. 
“No no no!! Stay with me lo’ak! Please!!” miles cries out loud. Now he truly is alone. No friend, no father, no one. Just himself. He lets his tears fall on lo’aks wound. 
“Please save him…!! I beg you!! Save him!!” miles didnt know to who he was calling to. To himself? To some holy being? Perhaps he was already losing his mind now that he lost his golden hair. Or perhaps, not all is lost…
Bright light flooded the tower from the outside. Its light radiating warmth, reminds miles that of the lanterns. Bright yet gentle. It was like being swaddled in a blanket. The light surrounded him and lo’ak. His hair, although now messy, its golden color returned. The light touches lo’ak’s wound, sealing it, healing him. 
Just as it has appeared, the light has dispersed. As if it never did. 
Holding in his breathe, miles looks over at lo’ak, hoping to see something. 
A cough was heard, more coughs, and a scruff. 
“Oh fuck…did I hit something?” Lo’ak asks as he sits up. 
Miles shouts in happiness. Hugging lo’ak tightly, he says his thanks to the mysterious light that saved his friend. His brother. 
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Quickly, neytiri and jake along with their children make haste to the balcony where tsu’tey said was where he was waiting. 
They all hold hands tightly, reassuring one another that this is real, its not a dream. 
Opening the doors, they see lo’ak. Beside him was someone jake and neytiri thought they would never see. 
A young, tall man with short yet very familiar golden hair stood before them. Wide, sparkly blue eyes that can rival the sky. His familiar smile, his aura radiant of warm happiness. This is him. 
“Spider…” neytiri whispers, getting closer to him. Touching his cheeks, his hands, his ears, hair, everything. 
“It is you…my spider, my son” she confirms. A mother could never mistake her child. 
Hugging him close, she cries out in joy. Jake followed soon after her. Holding his son after so many years. Kissing his head, hearing his heartbeat. Their son has returned. 
“You did find him…” jake says to lo’ak. 
Lo’ak smiles, joining in the hug, not saying much as to let his parents have this moment. 
“Come come my children, meet your big brother! He is home!” neytiri gestures her three other children, neteyam, kiri and tuk. The three join in one massive group hug. 
This is what miles, or now, spider, wanted. To feel truly loved. This is his family, may take some time getting used to, but spider truly felt at home with them. For they are warm and radiant, like that of the sun. 
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Aaaaaaaaaand that is it for this one! Hope you all liked it! Until next time! See ya!
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evilfloralfoolery · 2 months
Daggers and Deception- Part II
Time to learn a little about the guy on the other side of the wall. Lots of absurd snz in this part.
The morning sky is a sight to behold.  Rays of golden orange and the brightest pink peek through the branches of the tree-riddled horizon.  Indigo is, of course, up before the day has broken, but witnessing the splendor of the rising sun never grows old.  If only his contentious body would allow him a moment of reprieve from all of that "natural beauty."
The handkerchief is still clutched in his right hand and for good reason. His body gives little warning before he flinches into a muffled “--ihhEKSSCH!” 
He swats a thick wave of silvery blond hair from his face with the utmost lack of decorum. Must they insist upon assailing him with so little warning each and every time?
The phone in his pocket buzzes and he jerks it free, swiping the "answer" button without so much as a glance at who it might be.
"Solaris," he says.
"Ah, Indigo."  The jovial, familiar voice of his employer is a strange relief amongst all the silence.  "How are you on this fine day?"
"Spectacularly allergic," Indigo says in his brightest conversational tone.  "And you, sir?"
A chuckle from the other end of the line.  "I had no idea such things plagued you."
"Well, that makes two of us, then," Indigo says.  "Although I did sleep quite well, all things considered."
"Most excellent news."  Reginald 's voice softens just a touch.  "Do try and rest as much as you need to."
Indigo does not tell the other man that his request is akin to torture, that his concerns lie with his work and not so much with his well-being, but given the nature of Reginald’s tone, he dismisses the thought and forces his voice to remain as upbeat as he can manage.
"As you wish, sir."
"Indigo. . ."
He grits his teeth.  "Yes?"
"My son is a grown man.  He should have known better."
Willful ignorance was just as dangerous. And that was the root of the matter at hand.  One would think that a man in his twenties would at least have a modicum of common sense in these circumstances, would perhaps realize that his own idiocy reflected back to his family, but--
"Perhaps,” Indigo says.
"This was not your fault. Surely, you must know that."
Indigo swallows.  Releases a breath he didn't realize he held within the center of his chest.
"Yes, I do realize this."
"Good. I shall check in with you again in a few days.  In the meantime, do try to unwind, won't you?"
"Of course, sir."
A heavy sigh from the other end of the line.  "Indigo. We are not at a formal event.  You may dispense with all of this 'sir' nonsense."
"Understood," Indigo says. 
"Very well."  Reginald  says.  "Enjoy the sunshine and fresh air."
Indigo swipes a finger beneath his glasses and sniffles.  Hmph, indeed.  He bids Reginald goodbye and slips the phone back into his pocket.  What on Earth was one to do in a place such as this?  With nothing to edit and no impetuous youth to chase, Indigo is at a loss.
He tugs a handkerchief from his pocket just in time to smother a violent, unexpected “-EHKTSSSH!’ into its folds.  His breath quivers with a desperate catch. “EKSSCH! –ihhSSCHuh!”  A high, ridiculous hitching inhalation. . . and nothing.
Right, well clearly, that is enough "nature" for one morning.  Or perhaps an entire decade.  And to think he had considered having tea on the front porch earlier.  Not without a cocktail of antihistamines and a stack of handkerchiefs.  The canopy of trees would be best observed from the comfort of his accommodations upstairs, preferably with the window sealed shut.  
He moves to pocket the handkerchief, considers the alternative, and chooses instead to keep clutched between his fingers, an intuition that proves vital the moment he draws breath.  
 The itching, watery eyes are nearly as much of a nuisance as the constant urge to sneeze, neither of which can make up their mind about which is the greater annoyance.  
At least he can remove his glasses once he has made his way up the stairs.  His vision is decent at close range without the glasses, save the hazy discernment when the distance increases.  However, with a profession that demands clarity of both mind and eye, glasses are a dependable necessity.  
After unlocking the protesting door, he gives it a courtesy shove before it deigns to open.  Blessed silence and a lack of blooming splendor greets him and he pockets both the handkerchief and the glasses, stepping into the kitchen to procure a bit of tea in lieu of coffee.  One must learn the art of balancing one's caffeine intake with varying degrees of addiction, of course.
He ties his hair back, sets the kettle upon the stove, and sets about the task of scooping loose tea into the mesh infuser, reaching for a mug and setting it beside the stove.  From the other side of the wall, a crash sounds followed by a colorful array of expletives, some concerning particular family members and others cursing the heavens. 
Well, then.
His neighbor's voice is a rumbling growl of darkness that jumps into a booming bark and it is enough for Indigo to nearly drop the infuser before latching it.  He taps the wall with the handle of his spoon.
"Are you quite alright?"  he asks.
" . . . yeah," the voice grumbles.  "Fucking pots and pans and shit."  
A sniffle. A light cough. More clattering.
Indigo chuckles.  "Under attack, are you?"
A bit of muttering.  "Something like that."
For a moment, his neighbor is quiet. A bit sudden to stop all of that banging. 
But not for long.
“--UHCHSSSH! Huuh-ehhh. . .!”
Indigo freezes. 
Oh. How unexpectedly delightfu--
"Stop that," he hisses to himself.
Softer the time. As if it has been smothered into some manner of cloth.
“Bless you,” Indigo says, but the sentiment is most certainly lost amongst the kitchen chaos.
Cabinets slam.  The oven door springs shut.  Another curse.  Whatever the fellow next door might be attempting to do, he seems to have encountered quite the problem accomplishing it.
The kettle atop the stove begins to whistle and Indigo flicks the gas burner into the "off" position before reaching for the kettle . . . and barely managing to turn away for more allergic nonsense.
He ducks into the crook of his shoulder with a shudder of shoulders. “EKSSCH! EKSSCHuh! EhhKG–SSCHUH!”
"Excuse me," he murmurs, as if the man on the other side of the wall actually witnessed his outburst. 
Well, in a way, he had.
"Hey."  Tapping against the drywall.  "You sick or somethin'?"
"No," Indigo replies as he dabs at the corner of one eye with a napkin.  "Are you?”
A snort.  “The fuck are you talking about.” “Well, my issue is my blasted hayfever, if you must kn-iihh—EKTSCH!”
"Hmn.  You sure about that?"
Indigo sniffles indignantly.  "Of course I am.  It's simply all of this . . . " He pauses, clinking his spoon against the edge of his cup with a thoughtful tinkle of sound.  "Would you perhaps care for a bit of tea?”
Silence.  Indigo leans closer to the wall, hands upon the edges of the counter, waiting.  Well, perhaps that had been a bit too forward.  After all, precious few knew of this particular spot.  It wasn't as if people came to the unpopulated countryside to socialize with perfect strangers. Offering tea to someone through the wall was a most unusual introduction.
Indigo arches an eyebrow.
"Door's open."  
Just like that? Interesting.
(TBC. . . )
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sunny-mercya · 7 months
Sounds like a Melody – Rewind
Apollo x Male Reader
Fandom -> Percy Jackson Series
Requested by -> @r0sep3tal
Masterlist | Part 2 | Related OS | Song
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Give me more tragedy, more harmony and fantasy, my dear
Set it alight, we're head over heels in love
In the darkest hour of Greece's history, when the rotten torture—from Pandora's Box—of sickness, death, despair and destruction rolled through the lands—which mankind wouldn't be able to remember at all, although the evidence being buried deep for the decades of the future—and where doom had being sealed the fates of humanity—there was a minimal ray of sunshine, peeking through the gloomy skies above.
Apollo had been forbidden by Lord Zeus, his own father, to descend down onto earth and giving his help and blessing to the humans—which looked so pitifully and utterly gracelessly, that there certainly was a truth about their bound destiny of doom.
Even so, Apollo did his best to abide by Zeus rules—or at least tried to—but something, someone, seemed to call out to him—a pull of lulling towards the below down of Greece and Apollo just got a little bit too curious.
When Apollo got down from Mount Olympus, in a moment where Zeus—like a scold little boy or more like, fearful husband—tried to appease Hera—after she found out that her dear Husband cheated again—and being unobservant towards his duty of watching over the other gods and goddesses—Apollo looked, in the eyes of humans, like a literal ray of Sunshine touching—like a kiss—the very ground of earth.
Apollo didn't need to roam around and through the lands of Greece too long—ignoring the longing and pleading eyes, infected with pain and suffering despair of tormenting sadness, from pitiful humans—finding the source of such tingly nerve pulling rather quickly.
There you lay—it's you, Demosonos and Son of Nxy, you're the source of it. Apollo hesitated, aware of what you're capable of—knowing from first hand experience, more like watching from afar, how monstrous strong and dangerous you were—in his steps, bow slowly drawn and ready to shoot an arrow through your skull. He didn't though.
Slowly Apollo comes near to you, observant wary as he's a warrior and son of Zeus after all. Though he soon came to realise, that you—besides of who you are or once supposed to be as Zeus's marks of banning, were clear like the stars in the night sky, scarring your skin—weren't a fearsome threat after all. Not anymore at least.
How you laid there, barely—nonexistent—conscious, spasming and withering in pain and gasping for breath, whimpering in between and newborn like cries escaping your blood smeared lips—you're even more pitiful to watch than the humans.
The young god—definitely a child of Zeus, that glint of superiority in his eyes was a trademark all of Zeus children had—looks down on you, with his ocean blue eyes and for moment within your misery of pain, you're lost in his beauty of sun kissed skin and golden locks of hair—but then, with his soft lips—so kissable—he calls you, simply and blunt, pitiful.
You scrunched up your face the best you could, wanting to show this arrogant god just how angry and strong you are. You couldn't, haven't the strength anymore left in you and all you wanted to do was sleep.
Maybe he was right and you're truly are pitiful, worthless even. You're Demosonos—son of Nxy—and couldn't even beat Zeus like Mother, she had such high hopes of exceptions, had asked you to do. Disappointment.
You're Demosonos—son of Nxy—and........who are you again? What's your name? Do you even have one?
Apollo wasn't sure why—or maybe he does know, because when it comes to fates and upon destiny, the inner core of the person always knows—he picked you up and brought you to his own realm of clouds, but he did—fully aware of the upcoming thundering rumbling.
Till the day of trial would come—and it does come as Zeus wouldn't let such disobedience pass so easily—Apollo took care of you—treating your wounds, feeding you ambrosia till you couldn't stomach it anymore and overall letting you heal and recover.
Through that time and process of healing, Apollo got to know you more and the pull of fate and tightened more around his heart.
»How dare you to not only disobey me, but to also grant that shameful excuse of vile monstrosity your protection?!« Zeus voice hollered through the Olympian Senate—voice rich with brewing crackling thundering anger.
Apollo didn't flinched this time, when his father had raised his voice and directed his anger at him. This time Apollo stood his ground, tall and confidently.
»Don't you dare to speak ill of [Name] as if he's nothing but a creature! Not only did I grant him protection but I also vowed it to him as [Name] is my destined partner, the mighty stars themselves said so, for eternity!« Apollo too, could raise his voice in anger just like his father
»Mighty Lord and Father of the Olymp, if I may speak as I have perhaps a–« you begun, but Zeus cut you off with his own voice.
»You vile creature dare to speak in the grace of mine?! I will–«
»Father! Let him speak or I will make it happen that the nights are endless!«
A chaos of voices and discussions broke out. In the end they all do came to an agreement.
Zeus, pleased with the idea—still disgruntled about it, that even though he would rather kill or bann you into something akin to death, but couldn't as it is prophetic fate from the stars of stars themselves and that means, Zeus couldn't do anything about it—that he has you now in his control, had given his blessing to his son.
The agreement was; you pledging endless—for eternity and beyond—loyalty to Zeus and in times of war you're the guard dog—personal demon per se—of the Olymp.
To fully archive this, there had been not only a binding wedding ceremony—to Apollo of course and a pledge of blood vow to Ares, because if you went out of control or go against Zeus, it would be Ares himself who has to kill you—but you were also gifted a new name and personality—[Name], minor god of Tranquility and slumber.
Your old powers are still inside you and could only be released with Zeus permission or in a moment of desperat need—immediately danger for example.
Give me more tragedy, more harmony and fantasy, my dear
The ringing of your laughter, it sounds like a melody
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holdmytesseract · 1 year
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moodboard by @chennqingg <3
Rules To Break
Jotun!Prince!Loki Laufeyson x fem!Æsir!Princess!Reader
Summary: Prince Loki of Jotunheim - son of King Laufey and heir to the throne is assigned to train a bunch of Asgardian men, in order to turn them into warriors. What happens when Odin's daughter, Princess Y/N crosses his paths in ways he would've never expected? While the Prince is completely unaware, the Princess struggles to keep up her several masquerades...
Warnings for this Chapter: Odin being the best father ever *coughs*, swear words, mutual pining?
Word Count: 2k
a/n: Okay... First things first. I split the originally last chapter up in two, so that means there's gonna be another chapter after that! 🥳
Divider by the lovely @fictive-sl0th 💚
Tagging: (Y'all in the comments again!)
Ice Flower Masterlist ❄ Masterlist
Chapter Four / Chapter Six
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Chapter Five
Almost Four Months Later
You sighed, as you sat down on the windowsill with your book in hands, watching the birds fly by and the sun shining down on Asgard. You could see the blooming trees and flowers of the royal gardens from here. It was beautiful - if you were only allowed to go outside.
After what had happened at the training camp almost four months ago, your father was more than just angry. His wrath was so big, that he didn't talk to you for over two weeks. Your punishment was cruel. You weren't allowed to leave the palace - for at least a whole year. You had to stay in your room and were only allowed to come out for breakfast, lunch or dinner. It was horrible - and yet you had no other choice than to accept it. In the time you weren't eating, reading, sleeping or staring aimlessly out of the window, you were thinking... Thinking about the traitorous asshole which called himself prince Loki Laufeyson. You hated him for what he did. At least a part of you did. The other part was still reminiscing about the intimate moments you shared with him at that damn lake. You just weren't able to get him off your mind. He was always present – in some way.
A knock against the door of your chamber brought you back to reality. You looked up, "Yes?" and clapped your book shut. The door opened slowly, revealing your dear friend Estrid. She was carrying a tray with two small golden bowls. In one were nuts, in the other grapes. "I thought you could need something to eat, my princess." Estrid was your saviour. Your ray of sunshine on cloudy days. "Thank you." You smiled up at her, as she placed the delicacies on your desk beside the window. The young woman gave you a nod, and stayed for a moment, looking at you intensely. "What?" You asked, lifting an eyebrow. "Something is on your mind, I can tell. Or rather someone...?" Of course you told Estrid what happened back in the camp and the lake. She was your best friend after all. You sighed, defeated, rubbing the heels of your palms in your eyes. "I just can't forget him, Estrid. Even after four months, he's constantly on my mind, bothering me. I just don't know why..." The maid cocked her head, smiling. "If I may be so bold to say this, but-" "No, no, no. No. We already had this conversation – twice! I told you. I am not in love!" Your friend giggled. "Well, your mind can't seem to forget prince Loki... and the way you are denying it so vehemently, I think it's very clear that you are in love, your highness."
You just scoffed, shaking your head. "Why won't you just admit that you fell in love with him?" "Because I do not love him, Estrid, I-" You cut off your own sentence, averting your eyes; jaw clenching. "You what, my princess?" Estrid asked, stepping closer. "May I?" She gestured to the free space beside you on the little sofa. "You may." You gave her the permission to sit down beside you - what she did. "I understand you, Y/N, but I also don't understand you. Where lies the problem? Loki is everything your father wants as a future husband for you - as far as I'm concerned. He is a prince, future king. He's of status. The son of his closest ally. He's a warrior - a fighter. Why not give in to the love? Marry him." You swallowed at her words. Yes, you asked yourself. What even is the problem? Estrid wasn't wrong, was she?
"I-I don't know, I... I highly doubt that he feels the same." The maid placed a hand on your shoulder, smiling. "I highly doubt that he doesn't feel the same. After what you told me..." She said, standing up. "This sounds like a story of love to me." Her lips curled in another smile, before she left the room; closing the door silently behind her.
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"And therefore, the next hunt is planned to be-" Laufey's eyes landed on his son's, who sat across him at the table. He was staring aimlessly across the dining hall, poking around in his meal. The king frowned. It wasn't the first time his son seemed to be very absent-minded. It happened a lot recently. "Loki." No reaction. The king balled his hand to a fist and slammed his fist on the stoney table, causing the prince to flinch. His gaze landed immediately on his father. "Have you heard a single word I just said?" Loki nodded, eagerly, "Of course, I-" but the critical gaze of Laufey silenced him. He knew. "Haven't, father. Apologies." The king shook his head, crossing his arms over his chest. "What is bothering your mind, son? You've been absent-minded all the time recently. Tell me - and don't say it is nothing!" Loki swallowed hard. He knew exactly what was bothering him. He hoped to hide it from his father, but it was no use. He couldn't. So why deny it longer?
"I..." Loki started, clearing his throat. "I am afraid I fell in love, father... And now I can't stop myself from thinking about her." Laufey looked at Loki like he had just seen a ghost; completely in disbelief. His son falling in love? A thing the king never thought possible. "You are what?" He needed to hear it again to truly believe it. "In love, father... I'm in love." The king blinked, still a bit taken aback. "Well, I'm surprised, but happy for you, son. I do hope she is of royal blood, though. Or well, at least of high status. I won't allow you to court a mere mai-" "She is, father." Loki jumped to interrupt him. "You even know her. Princess Y/N, daughter of Odin." Laufey's eyes widened. He definitely hadn't seen that coming. "Princess Y/N?" The young Jotun nodded. "Did you meet her on your trip to Asgard?" "Yes, but that is a story for another time. I have to go to her. I have to see her; talk to her. My heart is aching; in desperate need to see her." Loki closed his eyes for a moment as he paused, before taking a deep breath. "And... And I wish to marry her. Please, father." Laufey was still kind of shocked, but nevertheless gave his blessings. "You may - but this isn't just my decision. You have to speak to the Allfather; ask for the princess's hand in marriage." The prince nodded. "I will, father, I will. Do I have your permission to leave tomorrow morning for Asgard?" "You have my permission, son."
Loki wasn't able to find sleep that night. A trillion thoughts were running at lighting speed through his head; thinking through every possible scenario. What if Odin rejects me and won't allow me to marry her? What if I'm not enough for her in his eyes? What if she's already promised to someone else? What if she doesn't love me? But the signs have been clear, haven't they? Or did I read them wrong? What if she doesn't want to marry me? What if I screwed it up with rejecting her like I did?
His mind just wasn't able to settle down and rest. So, he tossed and turned; literally waiting for the morning to arrive. When it did, the young prince was up early, of course. Standing up with the sunrise, he prepared everything for his journey and visited his father, before he left.
"I'll be going now, father." Laufey gave him a nod, just having some breakfast. "Good luck, my son. Princess Y/N will be a good future wife and queen." Loki nodded approvingly. "She will. I'm certain of it." Taking a small bow, the prince backed up, on his way to leave, when the king held him back. "And son?" Loki looked over his shoulder, expectantly. "Yes?" "I'm proud of you. After every discussion we have been through… You, finding love is a true blessing." He couldn't help but smile at his father's words. "Thank you."
Not much later, Loki stepped out of the Bifrost, faced with the guard of Asgard - Heimdall. The Æsir gave him a nod and a bow. "I saw you coming, prince Loki." Loki winked at him. "I bet you did. Is the Allfather...?" "In the palace, yes." "Thank you." So, Loki made his way to the palace. After explaining to the guards that he was here to talk with Odin, they let him in and another guard accompanied him to the golden doors of the throne room.
"Prince Loki, son of Laufey..." Started Odin, as he laid his eyes upon the Jotun prince. "What brings you here on such a beautiful day? I hope nothing bad." Loki shook his head and got down on one knee, taking a deep bow, just like it was taught to him; upholding his good manners. "Rather the opposite, Allfather... I hope to bring good news." The king of Asgard gave the Jotun a nod, "Speak." looking at him expectantly. Loki swallowed and took a deep breath. Was that nervosity he felt? "I wish to marry your daughter, princess Y/N." Odin's expression changed. He couldn't hide that he was more than surprised. "You wish to marry my daughter?" "Yes, your highness." The king looked at the prince for quite a few seconds, literally staring him down, before he spoke up again. "Well... You are a of status - a prince, with good manners. A great leader and warrior, future king and the son of my greatest ally... How could I turn such an offer down? You may marry my daughter, prince." Loki couldn't suppress the bright smile which threatened to cross his face. So, he lowered his head in order to hide it. "Thank you, Allfather. I promise to be a good husband for her - but... I have got one more wish. Am I allowed to speak?" "Speak." "I... I don't want this marriage to be arranged." That was Loki's 'condition'.
Yes, he loved you and yes, his father and your father agreed to this, but he didn't want to force you into marrying him. If you didn't love him and didn't want this, the prince wished to accept your decision. Sure, he would be heartbroken, but forcing you to be his wife - to love him, wouldn't change a thing. Loki wanted you to be happy - even if that was the prize he had to pay. He would pay it in a heartbeat.
An almost high-pitched laugh escaped the Allfather's lips, as if Loki just said something scandalous. "You wish this marriage to not be arranged?!" Loki nodded. "Yes, my king. I beg of you." "Why?" "I want princess Y/N to be happy and not bound to a man she doesn't love, because..." The prince paused for a moment, took another deep breath. "Because I truly love your daughter. With all my heart." Once again, Odin just stared at him for a moment. "I owe you and your father. You trained my people to become excellent warriors. Therefore, I'll agree. If my daughter doesn't wish to marry you, she won't." Odin's answer took a load of Loki's mind. He was definitely relieved; took another bow. "Thank you. May I go and speak to her?" "Of course. After all, she is your future wife - perhaps."
That was, what Loki did. A guard led him all the way to your chambers. "I thank you. Leave now." The guard obeyed, bowed and turned to leave. Loki had to take a few deep breaths, before he was ready to knock on your door. Before he was brave enough to knock on your door. After all, a lot had happened between you and him. Not to mention that it was kind of his fault, that you were trapped in your room. He regretted it, but he also had no other choice back then and was hurt as well... Nevertheless, he had to talk to you and take a chance. Otherwise, Loki feared to die, because his heart was aching so painfully for you. So, he knocked; and when your delicate, sweet voice echoed from the other side of the door and told him to come in, a pleasant shiver ran down his spine. It was almost therapeutic to hear your voice again. Taking a last deep breath, the prince stepped inside.
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romiantic · 1 year
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→ READING: black!fem!reader
→ A/N: earth 42 is prowler miles btw. it’s okay I be getting confused too 🚶🏽‍♀️
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— dating this boy would give grumpy x sunshine, or even black cat x golden retriever. though, it does depend on who you are and your personality. I would say miles has a type but doesn’t at the same time, like he isn’t picky with who he date but he definitely has some standards and they’re high
— I would say miles gravitates towards girls who give him a home type of feeling, reminds him of his mother, or even gives him a great sense of nurture. yes rio is in his life but nurture is greatly important to miles so please show him love him as much as you can
— he refuses to believe but miles was the one that fell for you first, like a love at first sight type of thing. his heart achingly tugged at you after seeing the way you carry yourself, how you treat others, and the way you were so kind and open to him. he was lovestruck and didn’t know what to do, his stone cold presence would melt immediately when you waved at him
— at the time of the crush, he kept going to his mom and uncle for advice, especially his mom. they both gave some good advice each time but always reminded him to follow his heart (corny I know but if word okay). following his heart lead to him asking you to homecoming, then a date to a nearby art show, to asking you to be his girl on new years eve, and now he’s calling your phone to remind you how beautiful and precious you are <3333
— his family is y’all biggest fan (mainly rio), when he brings you to his home, his uncle is always joking about a future wedding. rio adores the way you treat her son and always invites you to a girl’s day out when she’s not busy
— a typical day for you and miles would be a walk around the city, watching y’all favorite show, or playing music and just chillin. miles doesn’t mind going out but it’s not often, too much of a homebody. when he is in the mood to go out, it’s not often a party, usually the movies or the boardwalk that he prefers
— miles will join you on a quick trip to the beauty supply store or the corner store, even if it’s for one item. yes, he is paying for it, no questions asked
— if you too are bored enough, you guys will make tiktoks and I mean a lot of tiktoks. most of them are drafts but you do post some of them and they always do numbers. what can I say? the internet loves y’all <3
— y’all know that sound, “and my man? thank you to my man!” ? that’s y’all FR! every time y’all go out and he pays for you, you’re singing that or posting on your tiktok of buying you stuff with that sound cause thank you milesssss <333
— this boy can be quite stubborn, not gonna lie. he’s willing to put up a fight, especially if he’s in a sour mood and he’ll make it five times worse if you call him “sassy”. miles being sassy? oh he’ll show you sassy, don’t be mad when he starts throwing your sayings back at you or sub dissing with songs on his story (pls him and brent faiyaz can move on somewhere)
— miles doesn’t mind you playing with his hair, it’s his favorite pastime with you actually! the soft voices of rnb singers playing through his tv while you play with curls, slowly turning them with your fingers and watching them bounce back to its original state
— he absolutely loves loves loves when you unbraid his hair and give him a nice scalp massage, it put his whole body into a state of release. your fingers rubbing his thick curls with castor oil brings him comfort and loosens up the tenseness that he holds on a daily
— firm believer that miles will treat you like a princess! he believes that his girl is a princess and deserves princess treatment only. he will take you out to eat (and pay for it), spoil you with small gifts, shower you with compliments, the whole nine yards. anything to bring a smile to his pretty girl’s face, he will consistently do it. your contact name on his phone is “hermosa princesa 💞”, please this boy loves his pretty princess
— miles is more of a facetimer/caller than texter. yes texting is more convenient for the both of you but he can’t help when his heartstrings are pulled at the sight of your pretty face on his phone. he won’t admit but miles gets very excited when you call him first, even if it’s to remind him that you love him
— after your hair or nail appointment, he is immediately calling to see the end results. he do not care if it’s a simple set of box braids or french tips, if miles think you look good, you look GOOD. but if you don’t like the way your nails or hair looks, he will speak up to the person who did it and ask them to fix it for you
— his lockscreen is a picture of you on y’all first date, when you took pictures on his phone while he was using the bathroom. that day was so nerve wracking for both of you but ended up being so much fun, leading to a second date, third date, etc
— for shits and giggles, he’ll throw around Spanish words that you won’t know, especially if y’all are arguing. he enjoys the confused look you give when he says something in Spanish, raising his ego up real bad. speaking of, don’t argue with this boy if you can’t match his energy. when I tell you his pettiness is bad, oh it is BAD and he won’t back down either
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⭑ wow…writing for earth 42 miles was easier than I thought-
⭑ I truly believe this lil boy is so down for y/n, he might be worse than 1610!miles but can easily hide it
⭑ lemme know if y’all want a part 2 cause I highkey have way more hcs for both miles
𝐕𝐎𝐓𝐏 💗: Psalm 139:13-14
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© 𝟤𝟢𝟤𝟥 𝗉𝗇𝗄𝗐𝖾𝖻. 𝖺𝗅𝗅 𝗋𝗂𝗀𝗁𝗍𝗌 𝗋𝖾𝗌𝖾𝗋𝗏𝖾𝖽
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puddle-nerd · 8 months
Golden Afternoon
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Summary: Just two best friends enjoying the sunshine and a good book. (slight Lo’ak/Human Reader)
Prompt #1 for my submission for #𝐂𝐫𝐲𝐛𝐚𝐛𝐢𝐞𝐬𝟏𝟒𝐃𝐎𝐋𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟒
Story Tags: No use of Y/N, Female Reader, Na'vi Language, Na'vi & Human Interactions, Friends, Secret Crush
Na’vi Translation: Iknimaya – (Na’vi for “Stairway to Heaven”) is a treacherous but fundamental rite of passage in which a young Na’vi hunter must select, capture, and successfully bond with one of the ikran who nest in the Hallelujah Mountains
Ikran – also called “Mountain Banshees”, they are large, dragon-like aerial predators often tamed by tribes of Na’vi for thousands of years for traveling long distances, for hunting from the air, or even during times of war
Uniltìranyu – translated to dream-walker in the Na’vi language, it is another term meaning for genetically engineered human/Na’vi-hybrid bodies, designed to serve as a remotely controlled vessel for a human mind
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“Hey, ready to go, Mamas?”
You looked away from your self-appointed art project of redecorating the walls of your private bunk within the human compound and grinned up at the younger son of Jake Sully who was – unfortunately for him – grounded once again for going out with Spider and doing something stupid and reckless. So, with no flying and no access to his best male friend for the next two weeks, that meant you more or less had him all to yourself. Not that you were complaining in the slightest. You had had a crush on him for the last three years since you turned eleven and it didn’t look to be going away any time soon. “Yeah,” you agreed, putting your paintbrush into the dirty cup of water so it wouldn’t solidify. Again. He squinted, stepping into your bedroom and peered closely at the scene you were painting on your metallic wall just for the hell of it. “Am I dressed okay?”
The Na’vi hybrid glanced over your outfit of light blue overall shorts and a white tee shirt and nodded. Then turned his gaze back onto what you had been working on. “You’re getting good,” he complimented and you beamed up at him, your cheeks turning rosy as you muttered back a shy ‘thank you’. You shuffled off your messy bed and located your boots and the socks you wanted to wear with them and slid them on – not in that order, though. “Oh, hey, bring the book.”
You grabbed the old novel that had been republished about some sixty years prior back on Earth and followed him out of your room and to the nearest exit of the compound, grabbing a mask in the airtight antechamber as he put his nitrogen mask back on the proper hook. Once it was secured in place upon your face, he opened the vestibule door and you stepped outside into the beautiful world of Pandora. You were always in awe of the world you had been born on and sometimes wished that you could breathe its air as easily as Lo’ak could. Alas, you were fully human and Norm had told you creating you an Avatar was out of the question until you were at least eighteen years of age. Hormones, he cited, which was bull shit but since you were just a kid, then there wasn’t really anything you could do about it until then. Besides, it was only another three years, seven months, and five days away. But who was counting?
The Na’vi hybrid rolled his golden eyes as he looked back over his shoulder and took in your expected look of awe. He reached down and scooped you up, laughing as you squeaked. Expertly, he moved you to sit on his shoulders while you carefully handled his neural queue so you didn’t accidentally sit on it.
“Careful, Mamas,” he cautioned you, as he did every time. “Sensitive, remember?”
You hummed your agreement, carefully draping the black braid over his shoulder to rest down his lean chest. With you now settled upon his shoulders, he took off, being able to move much faster than he would have if he had let you walk. You were nowhere near as fast as Spider was who was now reaching six feet tall at sixteen years of age so it made sense for Lo’ak to carry you. Plus, without you struggling to keep up, you could take in the scenery a lot better. Just like you liked to do.
Thinking of ages led you to consider upcoming birthdays.
“Hey, Lo,” you inquired, running your fingers idly through his braids as you continued to gaze at Eywa’s beautiful world. He grunted, letting go one of your calves briefly so he could get himself over a log that was surely your height. “Your birthday’s coming up, right? Have you thought about what you wanted? For your birthday?”
He paused and his ears twitched, tickling the insides of your knees as they did so. Then he shrugged, chuckling as you yelped as the movement threatened to topple you. His firm grip on your calves proved he had you steady, though. “I really just want to pass my Iknimaya,” he muttered, voice going flat. “It’s so embarrassing that I got thrown off the cliff. Neteyam did it his first try! Heck, even Dad did it his first try and he was a uniltìranyu at the time!” You shushed your best friend gently and laid your cheek atop his head, rubbing your face soothingly over his braids. He calmed, adding a quiet, “Sorry. It’s just… I’m not perfect like him and I swear Dad just constantly looks at me in disappointment.” He sighed and sniffed, going quiet for a while, just allowing you to continue petting him comfortingly. Then his ears twitched and he paused, asking, “Could you make those chocolate chip cookies again? A whole batch just for me?” You grinned, retorting, “As long as you don’t eat them all in one sitting and complain about a stomach ache later.” He huffed and nuzzled his temple into your knee, replying, “Yeah, yeah, whatever, nag.” “I nag because I care,” you countered. He squeezed your calves in a silent acknowledgement of your words and finally decided to stop next to a pond. Drawing you up and off his shoulders, he let you settle on the lush grass before he flopped onto his back and smiled up at you. Drawing out the ragged book, you settled yourself against his side and opened it to where the bookmark lay. Clearing your throat, you open my mouth and begin to read aloud as you have every day since Lo’ak’s most recent grounding, silently thinking to yourself that Lo’ak enjoyed the main character (despite her being a human female) because she was secretly just as much as an outcast as he felt most days, being “Divergent” and all. “Chapter twenty-one: the door to the Pit closes behind me, and I am alone. I have not walked this tunnel since the day of the Choosing Ceremony…” You continued to read through the chapter in the golden afternoon sunlight and was about to start the next one when Lo’ak suddenly let out a yawn behind you and you realized he was starting to fall asleep. You put the bookmark back into place and turned against Lo’ak’s stomach, leaning against him and just admiring his sleepy face. He mumbled, “I’m awake.” He immediately yawned widely, revealing his sharp canines. “Uh huh,” you teased. “Don’t fall asleep out here. You’ll be thanator chow in no time.” He snorted but pushed himself up and rubbed at his face. “Guess I should get you back,” he commented. “Can we do this again tomorrow?” You smiled and nodded, secretly hoping he was enjoying spending all the time he did with you as you did with him.
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Originally Posted: 03 February 2024 Word Count: 1,147
@crybabies-heart, @cryingwhilereading, @ikeyniofthetayrangi, @erenjaegerwifee, @bambithewriter, @lloreya
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wingsofhcpe · 1 year
Mar's BBC vs Book Canon Musketeers Assession: a Short Yet Comprehensive Guide
(read under the cut!)
bbc d'Artagnan: baby. has not done anything wrong in his life ever, actual angel, just very stupid.
book d'Artagnan: has the power of god and anime on his side, most annoying little bitch you'll ever meet, broke, has a stupid horse, perpetually single.
bbc Athos: depressed older brother figure that's not-so-secretly very soft and loving of his found family and would die to protect them, also still horny for one Milady de Winter. Carries the communal garrison braincell.
book Athos: drunk misogynist who yearns for death and whose only reason to live is his son Raoul. All his braincells have committed self-murder.
bbc Porthos: feisty ray of sunshine who has never had a single evil thought in that silly head of his, actually quite clever, complicated and emotional, deserves the world.
book Porthos: vainest person you'll ever meet, doesn't know when to shut up, sugar baby who cares only about himself (and maybe Aramis), has not had a single intelligent thought in his entire existence.
bbc Aramis: cinnamon roll, golden retriever, actually quite clever, troublemaker who can't keep it in his pants, lovable self-sacrificial idiot who would get himself killed in a heartbeat to save his loved ones, brightest smile in all of Paris. Invented bisexuality.
book Aramis: mean, edgy, probably secretly a vampire, would sell you to satan for one (1) corn chip, one bad day away from going on a murder spree. Also invented bisexuality.
bbc Treville: exasperated dad.
book Treville: extremely exasperated dad.
bbc Cardinal: genius evil mastermind played by Peter Capaldi.
book Cardinal: genius evil mastermind sadly not played by Peter Capaldi.
bbc Rochefort: worst person you'll ever fucking meet, arguably the only downgrade in the show.
book Rochefort: sneaky lil bastard that's also the bestieTM, we stan.
bbc Constance: feminist icon, beautiful queen I'd kill and die for, gaslight gatekeep girlboss.
book Constance: she's just there and then she dies ig.
bbc Milady: my cunning evil murderwife, would die for her, deserves the world.
book Milady: actually I believe Athos should have strangled her with his own hands, fuck her.
bbc Bonacieux: evil greasy little man, fuck him.
book Bonacieux: he's just... kinda... there I guess? Idk man Dumas looked at the Bonacieuxs and went "nah".
bbc Louis: annoying little shit but he's kinda cute and nice sometimes
book Louis: manchild, just There ig.
bbc Anne: radiant angel who has done nothing wrong in her life ever and she's also perfection itself.
book Anne: literal drama queen.
bbc Grimaud: hot evil emo dude, idk what his problem was tho
book Grimaud: actually he just doesn't get paid enough for this shit so if he wanted to murder Athos like in the show I'd understand that lmao
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drchenquill · 10 days
The Prince and His Brave... Maid?
Trigger Warning: Violence and Blood
Here is the short story @satohqbanana 😊
Once upon a time in a land before our time. No, that’s dinosaurs. Again.
Once upon a time, in a kingdom far, far away, there was a young prince. He was the only son of the old royal couple. The whole kingdom rejoiced when they heard of the child’s birth. Finally, after years of trying, they finally had an heir.
As you can imagine, the boy grew up spoiled. He was allowed to do everything. He only had to look at his mother with his beautiful green eyes once, and every wish was granted. The only thing he never got was his father’s love. The king was convinced that his son should grow up to be a strong man, and strong men were not hugged. Strong men were not praised, because it was taken for granted that they did the right thing.
The prince therefore grew up very conflicted. Overwhelmed with love and suffocated by coldness. Then, on his eighteenth birthday, the queen became ill. The entire kingdom was devastated when she passed away a few days later.
She fell ill with a very rare disease. It was called, “I bet my left leg she was poisoned by the jealous lady-in-waiting, but no one believes me.” It was a terrible disease, very prevalent among the queens.
Be that as it may, the king mourned for a few days, forgot his son’s existence, and everyone lived in sorrow and misery.
Years passed and the prince grew up to be a handsome man. He had his quirks, such as a fear of showing weakness or terror of his own father, but otherwise he lived well. And he owed that only to his loyal maid. Me.
Humming and with an energetic swing in my walk, I walked down the long hallway of the royal palace. Destination: the prince’s room.
“Good morning, Mona,” called another servant girl as we passed each other at the same brisk pace. “Good morning,” I called back. I continued humming as another lady carrying a bucket and broom came out of one of the rooms. “The prince went to bed late last night, so be careful,” she called after me. I turned around with a grin and said: “Don’t worry about me, he’s more harmless than he looks.” She laughed and then went on with her work.
I stepped in front of the wooden door and took a deep breath. With a hairpin that I carried with me, I tied my brown curls into a bun and stepped inside.
The bedroom was spacious, which in my opinion was unnecessary for just one person. The large four-poster bed took up far too much space. The wardrobe took up an entire wall. What did he have a wardrobe for anyway? His clothes were all on the floor.
Two nightstands for one man? A waste of money and space.
I stepped over to the bed and ripped open the curtains. There he lay. The disappointment of the whole kingdom, or rather, the disappointment of his father.
His silky blanket had been pulled off him in his sleep, exposing his muscular back. The prince liked to sleep naked, so the blanket, which was only millimeters above his hips, was the only protection I had.
His dark skin shone in the shy sunshine. His right arm hung off the bed, near his clothes, which he had simply torn off yesterday. His jet-black hair was braided into many long braids, spread out on the soft pillows.
A few golden rings had been woven into it, a little royal tradition. With each new year of life, a new ring was added. Now there were twenty golden rings, but they were nothing compared to his father’s eighty-nine rings.
Don’t look at me like that, I told you that the royal couple had the prince in their senior years.
I went to the window and pulled open the curtains so that the beautiful sun could shine in.
“Good morning, Your Highness! Time to get up.”
Like every day, my words were followed by royal grunts and groans as the prince’s sleepy eyes finally opened. “Morning already?” he grumbled. “I don’t want to scare you, but… It happens every day. Every day starts with a morning.” I replied with a pointed smile.
His apple green eyes, the only thing he had inherited from the queen, looked into my dark ones.
“I see you still haven’t choked on your tongue.”
I gave a short laugh and turned to the window, opening it to let in some fresh air. The prince had managed to roll over on his back, with a groan, of course.
”Why are you wearing that stupid hairpin?” he suddenly asked.
”Because you gave it to me.”
“When I was drunk,” he grunted as he slowly sat up. I started picking up his clothes from the floor. “Oh yes, I remember.”
I started to pretend to sob as I mimicked the prince. ”Mona, you’re my only friend. You’re so nice to me. You have-” As red as a tomato, he leaped out of bed in an attempt to grab me.
“Shut up!”
Unfortunately, he tripped over the clothes I hadn’t picked up yet and fell to the ground butt naked.
Tears came to my eyes as I couldn’t stop laughing. “The royal moon is shining,” I managed to say through my laughter.
Before you accuse me of bullying the prince, I just wanted to make it clear that we are great friends. We went through thick and thin and would do anything for each other. Since my mother had also worked here as a maid and the queen wanted children of the same age around her son, we practically grew up together. He was the brother I never had, and I was the sister he never wanted.
Finally back on his feet, he swung his braids back and tried to hide the fact that he had gotten out of bed in a very unceremonious manner.
“So, what’s on the schedule today?” he asked, picking out a pair of pants from the pile on the floor. I shrugged. “I don’t know.” I knew exactly.
“Very funny. I know that my father has set up a schedule for me. That old fart does everything to...” My ears switched off, my bored gaze wandered to the window as he continued to rant about the king.
I got big eyes when I saw a young man in the courtyard of the palace who was just bringing a dark horse back to the stables. The boy was two years younger than us and had recently started working in the royal stables. He had tied his almost black strands of hair in a small bun. His equally dark cat-shaped eyes were gentle and tender as always as he looked at the horse. His porcelain-white skin stood out under his dark clothes.
“Florian, Florian, shut up,“ I said hastily to the prince, beckoning him over to me. Annoyed, he stepped to the window. “What is it?” he hissed. I pointed down. “Parsifal, there’s Parsifal.”
”What?!” The prince almost catapulted himself out the window to stare at the courtyard, where the stable boy was just walking around. A dreamy smile played around his lips, while his dark skin blushed slightly. You see, our dear prince preferred playing with swords to playing with shields.
Unfortunately, this was a fact that would further alienate the king from his son. That’s why no one knew about it except me. No one was allowed to know about his affection for the same sex. But this secrecy was not reason enough not to tease him a little.
“Shall we call him a good morning?” I asked. Florian turned to me in horror, as if I had just gone mad. “No! I’m not dressed, my hair still needs to be fixed. I haven’t even washed my fa-.” “Parsifal! Good morning!” I shouted down. The prince slapped me on the shoulder and the stable boy looked up.
“Good morning, Mona.“ His eyes then met the prince’s gaze and I recognized the same sparkle as in Florian’s eyes. “Your Highness. It’s a beautiful morning, isn’t it?” the boy asked enthusiastically. The prince cleared his throat. “Quite pleasant,” he said. I jabbed him in the side with my elbow.
”It became beautiful after I saw you.”
After these cheesy words from his mouth, all three of us stood rooted to the spot. Parsifal blushed, the prince blushed, and I had to stifle a laugh.
“Have a nice day!“ Florian shouted and slammed the window shut. We stood silently in his room. I heard the horse’s hooves, which meant that the stable boy had left, which in turn meant that I could now laugh out loud without any problems.
”‘It became beautiful after I saw you’? That was terrible,” I said, laughing. Florian grumbled and murmured as he got dressed. I’ve known about his affection for the stable boy for quite some time, but our prince is so clumsy when it comes to flirting that I doubt anything will ever happen between the two of them. “Instead of laughing, help me get dressed.” “Coming, your Highness.” Good old Mona had to take the reins.
The prince went about his royal duties, and I went about mine. It was my turn to scrub the floor today, but my duties as a friend called me. Grinning and quick of step, I approached the stables. If Florian couldn’t manage it, then I would inevitably have to do it. I greeted the other stable boys and set out in search of a particular stable boy who held the heart of my prince in his hands. The same stable boy who would probably be found slit open and bleeding to death on the banks of a river if he broke Florian’s heart.
And there he was.
“Parsifal! What a coincidence, running into you here.”
He looked up from the hay he was gathering and looked at me in confusion. “I work here...” With a small smile, I put my arm around his shoulders and pushed him down to my eye level. “Parsifal, Parsifal... just out of curiosity... are your nights cold?” I then raised an eyebrow, hoping he’d get the real question. But his pretty face contorted in confusion. “Not really, the blankets they distribute here are nice and warm.”
Damn. They’re both hopeless. Then I’ll have to work harder.
Still with him under my arm and probably with creeping back pain, I walked a few steps with him. “We are among friends, aren’t we?” I said to him. He nodded thoughtfully. “I think so...” “Good. Friends help each other, don’t they?” He stopped and looked at me with concern. “I have no idea what you’re getting at, Mona, but you’re scaring me.”
I held back from rolling my eyes and explained, “Don’t get all worked up, I’m not up to anything bad.” Now it was him who raised his eyebrow. ”You’re not up to anything bad? You only do bad stuff. You were the one who made Court Lady Marianne leave the court because you took her dog-» I put my hand in front of his mouth.
You don’t need to know that.
«I just wanted to know if you were interested in a blind date.» Parsifal’s lips pressed together as my words slowly sunk into his mind. He didn’t like the idea, which, believe me or don’t, was a good thing. “What’s the matter? Not interested?” I asked. His dark eyes flicked up briefly to the window of Florian’s bedroom.
“I don’t know...” Perfect. “Now, now, Parsifal. Think of it as a little distraction. I can feel your heart aching.” He looked thoughtful, which was good, of course. I gave him a gentle shake. “Say yes, Parsifal. You won’t regret it.” He finally nodded, even if it was with a heavy heart.
I slapped him on the chest and stepped back slightly. “Tonight, after dusk, at the “Cat’s Eye”,” I said to him as I started to walk backwards. He nodded with a forced smile. “If you don’t show up, I’ll make sure you end up with Lady Marianne’s dog.” He turned pale and nodded vigorously. Satisfied, I turned away and went about my work.
Don’t look at me like that, I won’t tell you anything. That was between Lady Marianne and me, it’s none of your business.
Humming and singing, I wiped the long hallway that connected the royal family’s rooms. Well, it wasn’t a family anymore, more of a royal duo. Be that as it may, I felt great because I could, maybe, give my only friend a chance at love. He deserved it after all his father had done to him. When I thought about it, wouldn’t it be easier to overthrow the king? I mean, it wouldn’t be my first-
I looked up and saw a raging prince. In a matter of seconds, I went through my entire day, wondering if I had done something to deserve this royal anger. I couldn’t find anything, so a smile grew on my lips as I held out my hand in greeting.
“Hello, Your High-” The word was replaced by a squeak as Florian grabbed my outstretched hand to pull me along. The broom fell and I stumbled after him like a fawn that had just started walking. He took me to his room, where he loudly closed the door behind us, and then groaned loudly. I opened my mouth, but Florian let out a loud, hateful scream. I froze and pressed my lips together.
“I hate him! That old, wrinkled excuse of a father!” he continued to yell. He grabbed a pillow and screamed into it. This time it was bad, worse than usual. Unfortunately, there was nothing I could do except wait for a sign that he wanted me to be involved in this outburst, which, to my surprise, came quickly.
He dropped the pillow and turned to me with large, manic eyes. “I’m going to kill him...” I grimaced and tilted my head slightly back and forth. “Unfortunately, that doesn’t fit into your schedule.”
He ignored my words and started pacing the room. “I’ll sneak into his room tonight and suffocate him.” He looked up and pointed at me. “And you’ll keep watch,” I grimaced but didn’t say anything. “Right! We’ll sneak in and I’ll suffocate him with his own stupid braids. Or I’ll beat him to death with his walking stick.”
He mumbled to himself and paced back and forth. This time he was serious, but unfortunately I had to admit that his plan was terrible. He had to memorize the times of the guards, he had to have a plan B ready, an escape route had to be in place as well. Don’t even get me started on the blood. It’s so hard to get out of clothes.
“Am I a bad son?”
I smiled a little as I looked at the desperate expression. “You do realize you’re asking me this after you planned his death, right?” I tried to joke, but he groaned and dropped face first onto the bed.
I stepped up to him, my hand caressing his broad back. “You’re a frustrated and neglected son, which makes you do bad things, but you’re not bad.”
He removed his face from the blanket and looked up at me. “You’re just saying that because you want to kiss my ass.” I had to smirk. Florian’s way of saying thank you had always been something that amused me.
“Of course, why else?” I countered. He laughed and rolled over onto his back. The room fell silent until he finally came out with the problem.
“He wants me to get engaged... to some chick.”
“And you don’t like chicks.”
Silence. This room suddenly felt so small. I stared out, up at the bright sun. Florian rolled onto his side, clasped my hip and pressed himself against me. Not a word was spoken as I ran my hand up and down his back. Another problem for me to deal with. But first there was something else I had to take care of.
“Tell me, do you feel like forgetting everything and having some fun tonight?“ I asked him, but only got a grunt in response. “You’ll have a good time, I promise.”
”I don’t care. I just want to stay in my room and wallow in self-pity...” ”I got you a date with Parsifal.”
He sat up abruptly and looked at me with wide-open eyes. He didn’t believe me, I could see that very well from his horrified yet delighted expression. “You-What? Wait... seriously?” Nodding, I stood up and went over to his closet. “I asked him. I didn’t mention who he’ll be going out with, though,” I explained, taking out his best clothes. “He... he has no idea that he’s going to meet me?“ he asked, puzzled.
”Of course he doesn’t. Do you think he would have said yes if he knew he was meeting the prince? You know him as well as I do. The boy has some self-esteem issues.” I turned back to him, smiling, and threw his clothes on the bed.
“But tonight you’ll be able to show him that you’re a great catch.“ Pleased with myself, I put my hands on my hips and expected words of delight, if not applause, but all I got was his smile slowly fading away and being replaced by a sad expression.
”It won’t work... My father.”
Sighing, I stepped in front of him. He was worried about an old bag who, when he was little, liked to hit him with his walking stick because he had missed sword training. He wasted his thoughts on a pathetic old man who would achieve much more under the ground.
“Your father won’t interfere, I promise. I’ll make sure he doesn’t notice.”
Florian’s face showed me that he didn’t believe my words. “He has guards everywhere, and now that he’s desperate to get me engaged, he’ll certainly not let me out of his sight.”
He could be right about that, but I wouldn’t let it happen. I took his face in my hands and said softly, ”I’ll take care of everything. You go on that date and spend time with that boy you’ve been making eyes at since he started here. Got it?”
He swallowed hard and nodded. “Okay... if you say so.”
I kissed his forehead contentedly and said, “Good boy.” Chuckling slightly, he asked me, ”Say, are you mothering me?”
“No, I’m protecting you.”
Evening came and after I had managed to get the prince out of the castle safely so that he could have a nice date, I prepared for my second plan. Humming, I strode through the long, dark hallway. The guards knew me and barely flinched as I brushed past them. I loved it when the castle was shrouded in darkness. Darkness, blackness, silence. That was how I liked it best.
Finally, I saw the door I wanted, but of course there were two guards in front of it. With a slight turn of my head, I realized that there were no others nearby. Smirking, I stepped in front of them. I didn’t have the time or the inclination to memorize what they looked like, because I was pressed for time. I had to get everything done before Florian came back.
They looked down at me, confused and curious at the same time. They were both taller than me and wrapped in armor. Stupid metallic stuff, I never liked it. It was so loud and clattered with every movement.
“Can we help you?“
One of the knights asked me. His face was almost unrecognizable. The light was dim, as was my interest. But interest was not something that mattered here. My gaze wandered back and forth as I had to make a choice. The knight grew impatient and didn’t take my calmness well.
”Miss, if you have something to...”
A quick twisting hand movement and the loud sound of breaking bones echoed through the dark hallway as the knight crashed to the ground with his head twisted. “I don’t need you,” I said, humming, and turned to the other one, whose mouth hung open. He pulled himself out of his panic when our eyes met. “Don’t move, witch!” he shouted.
I rolled my eyes. Always the same with these humans. With a swift movement, I leaped forward and pushed him against the wall. The clatter of the fallen sword suppressed his pleas as I slowly dozed him off with a gentle hand movement. I then lowered him and looked at my work.
The knight with the broken neck was now useless, so the other had to be taken. I closed my eyes, took a deep breath and slipped with ease into the knight’s lifeless body.
When I opened my eyes, I stumbled slightly as I had to get used to the weight of the armor. I shook my body, got to know the muscles by stretching my arms slightly and then smiled contentedly.
I stepped over the body and opened the wooden door.
There he lay, Florian’s personal hell. The king himself. When I saw him sleeping like this, his thick braids circling his wrinkled face, all the memories came back. All the times Florian had cried himself to sleep, all the times he came to me with bleeding calves after a failed sword training session because not even his mother wanted to take care of him.
Getting rid of the mother was a breeze. A little poison, a jealous and impressionable court lady, and the matter was settled.
I was more indulgent with Lady Marianne. I only wanted to warn her after she dared to insult Florian’s skin color. "It would stain the pure green of his eyes" she said. I forced her to eat her dog. Not my best work, as some saw me when I took the dog, but it was worth it. The stupid bitch hardly dared to open her mouth again as she left the court.
Well, I was now standing there planning my revenge when he slowly opened his eyes. Oh, that’s also a way.
I was standing at his feet when he slowly managed to sit up. The moon shone in and illuminated the body of the knight I had borrowed.
“What? How dare you enter your king’s chamber?” he spat at me, irritated. My whole body shuddered just at the thought that I would be allowed to watch as life drained from him once I was done with him.
“Speak,“ he said louder.
Those dark eyes regarded me with suspicion. His thick beard, which adorned his round and wrinkled face, trembled as I drew closer. His fat body could hardly hold him upright as he tried to get out of bed.
”Your Majesty, I have come to deliver an important message.”
He was confused, but I didn’t give him time to think. I swung the sword with all my might. His scream echoed through the entire castle, followed by the impact of his severed arm, which now stained the marble floor with its dirty blood. The king fell to the ground, clutching the stump where his arm had been.
“You used your arm to beat Florian,“ I explained to the sobbing and whimpering wreck. With the strength of my current body, I kicked him in the leg and chuckled at the sound of breaking bones.
”With these legs, you hunted him when you had nothing else to vent your anger.”
He could hardly scream, and I had already turned him on his back. I took the sword, pressed it between his teeth and pushed it down until I could see the tearing of his cheeks.
“And with this mouth, you destroyed his dream of love.”
He gargled as the blood flowed down his throat. The once elegant king now lay beneath me, trying to pull himself away with an arm like the worm he was.
“I’m not done yet, I’ll save the best for last.“ I made myself comfortable on his chest while he whimpered and cried and prayed to some god.
”Stop it, your deity won’t hear you. Your prayers are worth as much as the dirt under my shoes.”
Ah. There it was, that look. The fading hope, the emerging sorrow. I loved it. But as promised, the best was yet to come at the end of the show. My hand stroked over his raging chest. I felt the slow beating of his heart, but unfortunately I wanted it to be pulsating.
I stabbed into it, my hand breaking through skin, muscle and rib. The warm embrace of his flesh made me feel at home. I grabbed the heart and tore it out. The body twitched one last time and then the king was gone. Whatever, everyone has their time and at eighty-nine, he was overdue.
The heart pounded in my hand, which was doused with fresh, warm blood. I stood up and stepped away from the corpse. God, it felt good to do good.
I tilted my head back, opened my mouth wide and swallowed the heart in one bite. I had had better ones, but this was good enough. My eyes closed again and like a breath of wind I slipped out of the knight’s body, which fell to the ground loudly. Now I had to set up the scene.
The knight, tired of suffering under the king’s tyranny, killed his comrade, who would otherwise have gotten in his way, and broke into the ruler’s chamber. There he was seized by so much rage that he fell into a frenzy. Like an animal, he attacked his king and even ate his heart.
Good heavens, what a monster.
I stroked the knight’s mouth with my blood-covered hand to make it more credible. Then I took the sword and cut the knight’s throat.
Horrified by his actions, the poor boy then fell over himself.
What a sad story, I almost cried.
I slipped out, took a few steps away from the body outside the room and cleared my throat slightly. The muscles were slightly relaxed before I pinched my cheeks to make tears roll. Everything was perfect, the only thing missing was a witness. And that’s where I came in.
Take a deep breath.
Then, I started screaming.
The whole kingdom was in turmoil. In one night, two people had passed away. Our king and a poor knight who had only tried to do justice. My poor Florian was devastated. His hatred for his father left him cold about his death, but something in him felt obliged to grieve.
His head on my lap, while my hand gently stroked his shoulder. Not a word had been exchanged since the news had reached him. I could only be a support, a shoulder, an ear.
There was a knock at the door. Florian whispered with a trembling voice: “I don’t want to see anyone.” Slowly I got up to pass on the message. On the other side of the door stood a certain stable boy who shyly asked: “May I...”
I let him in.
He approached Florian, who straightened up to look up at Parsifal. They spoke to each other with their eyes. They understood each other, they felt each other. Without saying a word, Florian wrapped his arms around Parsifal’s hips. He pulled him close and cuddled his face in his stomach.
I stepped out slowly. My heart blossomed with happiness and contentment. My prince had found his love; the kingdom had lost its king, but gained one with a big heart. Florian would become a great ruler and with me and Parsifal at his side, this kingdom would turn a new leaf.
It felt good to do good.
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nicoline1998enilocin · 10 months
Up to snow good! 🎄 | Christmas Special
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Pairing | Husband!Dad!Young!Tony Stark x Wife!Mom!Fem!Reader
Word count | 4.5K
Summary | This year, you're spending Christmas at Howard and Maria's house, and it is bound to be a Christmas you'll never forget. From unexpected guests to snowball fights, and from some spicy moments to cuddles with your Munchkins, it'll have everything and more you could (or couldn't) want out of a Christmas at your in-laws.
Rating | Teen (T)
Warning(s) | Established relationship ~ Husband/Wife, use of nicknames ~ Sunshine, Love/My Love, Little One, Munchkins, references to breastfeeding
A/n | I want to wish everyone a very Merry Christmas this year, and I will celebrate it by gifting you all this gift in the form of Young!Tony and his family. This fic is dedicated to my best friend @ccbsrmsf1! Carol, I want to sincerely thank you for everything you have done in the lead-up to not only this fic, but everything else you do for me and my blog! I love you 3000 ❤️
Events Masterlist | ''You're my one-in-a-lifetime-person | @marvel-smash-bingo
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Banners: @vase-of-lilies | Divider: @firefly-graphics | GIF: Owner
Main Masterlist | Tony Stark Masterlist | AU Masterlist | Part 2
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It's the day before Christmas, and outside is a layer of snow that has fallen overnight, transforming the surroundings of your house into a true winter wonderland. The sun shines through the window, casting a golden hue over the entire room, Tony and yourself. He has pulled you against him for much-needed cuddles and soft kisses in the morning, his favorite way to wake up.
"You're beautiful this morning, Sunshine. Even more than usual," Tony whispers between soft kisses peppered over your cheek and jaw, his hand gliding over your waist and hip before softly caressing the big scar on your tummy. It will always be a reminder of one of the scariest yet happiest moments of your life: the emergency c-section that brought your beautiful son Paxton into this world. He also lets his fingers glide over the tattoo on your thigh with all the names of your little family: Tony, Hudson, Orion, and Paxton, surrounded by beautiful flowers. It's one of his favorite pieces that you have on your body, and he can spend hours telling you what he loves about every tattoo that found its home on your skin.
Your hand is threaded in his long locks, gliding through the silky strands as your fingernails rub softly over his scalp, making him feel utterly relaxed. Mornings like these are a godsend, and you are eternally grateful for every morning you wake up next to one another.
"I may be beautiful, but you're my one-in-a-lifetime person, Tony. I'm so grateful to have had the privilege of falling in love with you and building this amazing life with you," you tell him, and you see tears forming in the corners of his eyes. Those deep, dark brown eyes always look at you with pure adoration. The eyes that always look at your kids with proudness and a love that goes deeper than any other love you will ever know. The eyes that have you falling in love with him every single day, again and again, day in and day out. You can always get lost in his deep, dark brown eyes.
"I love you so much, Sunshine." "I love you too, My Love," you tell him as you wipe his tears away, followed by a small, lingering kiss on his forehead before he pulls you impossibly closer. His nose buried in your neck as he let out a deep sigh, melting into your embrace.
No words are shared between you for a while, and it's okay. Tony's hand is rubbing circles over your lower back while your fingers are scratching his scalp softly again until it's finally time to get up and get started with the day. Tony wiggles out of your grasp before giving one more kiss and getting up to get your youngest son, Paxton, for his morning breastfeeding.
"I'll be right back, Sunshine; you can just stay in bed for a little longer," he says before he gets up, and since he's only in a pair of boxer briefs, you can't help but look at him in all his glory. Broad shoulders, a small waist, a plump, round butt, and legs for miles. When he turns around, you can see every ridge and muscle of his chest and abdomen and your not-so-secret favorite part, his delicious and prominent bulge in his underwear. You're very thankful he's been attending the gym for an upcoming movie.
"Don't drool too much, Sunshine, or you'll get dehydrated," he says with a wink after he puts on his glasses and runs a hand through his messy hair. He bends over to put on a pair of sweatpants, and after, he walks out of the bedroom, leaving you to squeeze your thighs together for just the slightest bit of friction and relief. You sit up against the headboard to get comfortable and ready for the alone time with your son.
Meanwhile, Tony finds a sleepy but happy Paxton in the other room, who is always excited to see his Dad. Even though Hudson and Orion have a clear preference over who their favorite parent is, Paxton has no preference and will always be equally happy to see you both.
"Good morning, Little One! How did you sleep?" Tony asks with a big smile as his son happily swings his arms at the sight of his Dad. A big smile is on his face when Tony reaches into the crib to get him out for some cuddles.
"Look at you, you're growing up so fast! Before we know it, you will be just as big as your brother and sister," he says as he places some big kisses on Paxton's cheek, making him giggle uncontrollably, which you can hear in the main bedroom.
"Alright, let's take you to Mommy so you can have breakfast; how does that sound? Are you excited for cuddles with Mommy?" and with another happy wiggle, Tony takes him to you, his happy noises carrying through the hall and over to the bedroom, making you smile widely at the sounds.
"Look who's here?! It's Mommy!" Tony says excitedly as he hops Paxton carefully up and down on his hip. As he walks through the door, the smile you have is only growing wider. Paxton is already a morning person; you will never get enough of his antics. His enthusiasm is infectious and never fails to seep into every fiber of your being.
"Hi, Little One! Did you have a good sleep last night? You're such a big boy now that you're sleeping in your room," you tell him as Tony hands him to you, and you hold Paxton close for some cuddles, too. It's your standard routine in the morning: first, some cuddles as you're both waking up, and after about 5-10 minutes, it's time for his breakfast, though sometimes you skip the cuddles if you're very uncomfortable from the night before.
He doesn't always seem to drink as much each time, so it's always a surprise how he will do it, but lately, he has been drinking a lot, and he is growing rapidly as a result. Not just in height, but he's also getting a lot chubbier as time passes.
Paxton has his arms wrapped around your neck as he cuddles you, and Tony gives one last kiss to both of you before getting the twins out of bed and ready for breakfast. Paxton latches on this morning without a problem, and you get to read a bit while he has breakfast. It's some simple quality time, but you will cherish it for as long as it will last because you won't have moments like these for much longer.
"How are my two favorite Munchkins doing this morning?" Tony asks as he swings the door to their shared bedroom open. They're already awake and playing with their stuffed animals together.
"We're good, Daddy; we're playing Doctor with our stuffed animals," Hudson tells him as he rubs some sleep out of his eye. Tony sits down on the bed next to them, and they both crawl onto his lap for their daily session of cuddles in the morning, and he peppers both their heads with a generous amount of kisses.
"Shall we get ready to go to Grampa and Glamma?" After a few minutes, he asks, albeit reluctantly; they pull themselves away from Tony to get themselves dressed, and he lets them do their thing as he is going to get ready, too.
When he walks into the bedroom, you look up at him with a small smile and push your glasses back to the top of your nose as they tend to slide down while reading. Paxton is still having his breakfast when Tony bends over to capture your lips with his, biting your bottom lip playfully before pulling away, leaving you wanting more.
"You shouldn't tease your breastfeeding wife like that, My Love; it's not fair," you say with a slight pout, and Tony chuckles before he kisses it away and walks over to the walk-in closet to find his outfit for the day. He's opting for a simple outfit since you'll spend a lot of time in the car, first to drive to Howard and Maria's house, and after you have dropped off the kids, it will be time to pick up your Mom and her boyfriend, Jackson.
Paxton appears to have impeccable timing today because as soon as Tony is dressed and ready to go, he is done with his breakfast, and you're burping him before he can change his outfit. When that's done, Tony is taking him for his change, and it's time for you to shower and get dressed. You wear a comfy outfit, your hair loose around your shoulders, and your glasses to finish it off.
''Oh wow, look at you this morning! You look gorgeous,'' he says before pulling you in for a kiss, which you happily reciprocate. Not long after, everything is ready to go, and you're on your way to Tony's parents, where you will be staying for the next two weeks. The drive is longer than usual with all the snow outside, but the kids are kept busy in the backseat, and Tony's hand is lying on your thigh as you read some more. You've found a thrilling book and are looking forward to finishing it.
''Alright! Who's ready to see Grampa and Glamma?!'' Tony asks excitedly as he turns into the driveway of their house, and the twins cheer excitedly. Paxton coos in excitement, even though he doesn't know what's happening. You can't help but chuckle at their happiness, and when the house comes into view, you instantly feel like you're coming home. They have taken you in as their daughter from the moment you met them, and you wouldn't have been where you are today without their support. You are nothing short of grateful for it.
''It's nice to get the blood flowing in my legs again! I love to be here, but I honestly wish they lived much closer,'' you tell Tony. Your leg had fallen asleep several times, and no matter what you did, you couldn't prevent it from happening repeatedly. The snow sounds crispy under your boots, and the endorphins flow rapidly, especially when you see the twins run through it before throwing snowballs at one another.
Maria hugs everyone as soon as everyone is inside, but she hugs you a little longer each time. You have spent many nights discussing motherhood and how difficult it can be, especially while your Mom lives in California. Each time she sees you, she hugs you for a few more seconds, gives you an extra reassuring squeeze, or gives you a small to let you know everything will be okay. You love her like you love your own Mom, and even though she will never replace her, you treat her like she very well could be.
''How're you doing, Sweetheart? Especially seeing what happened last year,'' she says, referencing the fact you were about to go into labor around this time but eventually had to have the c-section.
''It's a lot harder than I thought it would be, but Tony is taking excellent care of me, and all three of the Munchkins are keeping me busy too, so I have enough distractions,'' you say with a smile and a chuckle. You love them to bits, but they can sometimes be a handful or two. It's a good thing you have someone like Tony as your husband because he's willing and able to help you whenever and with whatever you need at any given time.
''Are you ready to pick up your Mom and Jackson, Sunshine? The twins are playing hide and seek with Dad, and I just put Paxton down for a nap; he was almost sleeping in the car, so I figured I'd put him down for an extra one today,'' he tells you before standing next to you and pulling you close by your waist. A tender kiss is placed on your temple as you nod, letting him know you're ready to go.
After you let your Mom and Dad know you were pregnant with your little twins, Hudson and Orion, your parents have practically no contact with you. Not that your Mom wanted that, but because your Dad thought it was very stupid of you to be pregnant at such a young age and while you're still in college as well.
You did not know that Tony contacted Virginia to let her know how the pregnancy was progressing. It was about three months before you gave birth that she finally got the courage to leave her husband and start over again. She has always kept in close contact with Tony, and when you were nearing your due date, Virginia flew to New York to be close.
After the divorce, she was alone for nearly five years until she met her new colleague at work, Jackson. They hit it off instantly and were practically inseparable from day one. When they eventually started dating, you were over the moon and couldn't be happier for her.
Today will be the first time everyone will meet Jackson, and even though you've seen him and talked to him on video calls countless times, it's still a big hurdle for you to overcome. He's the complete opposite of your Dad, and even though that does reassure you a lot, you're still nervous, and Tony can pick up on that.
''Everything will be fine, Sunshine. I'm with you the entire time,'' he says as he rubs your thigh with his thumb, effectively calming you down. The drive to the airport is long, but with each mile, you're getting closer, and you're also getting increasingly anxious and nervous.
There's so much Tony wants to do and say, but he knows all he can do is be there by your side. It pains him to see you like this, but you have gone through much worse and come out stronger on the other side, so this won't be any different. When you arrive at the airport, Tony can find a parking spot close to the entrance, and now it's all about playing the waiting game.
''Can we get a pastry and some tea before we head to the pick-up terminal? I'm feeling a little nauseous, so I hope it'll help the feeling go away,'' you ask him, and that's precisely what you do. You have opted for a simple but delicious-looking croissant and your favorite tea while Tony sips some black coffee. You still don't know how he can stomach that stuff, but as long as he likes it, you will let him do his thing.
Between small bites of the pastry and even smaller sips of tea, you're starting to feel a little better, and the color that had previously almost disappeared from your face is slowly returning, the healthy flush on your cheeks making Tony feel better, too. He's always worried about you, but this eases his worry and makes him more relaxed.
''You're doing better already, aren't you?'' he asks between the sips of coffee, and you nod as you start to feel like yourself again. The feeling of a stone in your stomach has lifted, and even though you're still nervous, you're doing much better than before.
Before you know it, it's time to head to the pick-up terminal, and your gaze is fixed tightly on the sliding doors. Tony is standing behind you as he pulls you close to him, his hands resting on your hips while yours are in your pockets to stop you from fidgeting too much. Your eyes are trained on the glass doors, and as soon as you see your Mom, Tony lets you go, and you fling yourself into her arms while sobs leave your chest.
''Oh, Buttercup, everything's okay! We're here, Sweetheart,'' she says, rubbing her hands over your back to calm you down. While you and your Mom are having your moment, Jackson has made his way over to Tony to introduce himself, and the two men are already starting to get to know each other a little.
''Hey, it's so good to meet you. I'm Jackson, Virginia's boyfriend,'' he says with an outstretched hand, which Tony takes in his, and they share a firm handshake as he introduces himself as your husband, and he can't help but let the warm feeling envelop his chest as he talks about himself that way.
Once it's finally time to head back to Howard and Maria's house, you're in the backseat catching up with your Mom, and Jackson has taken the passenger seat next to Tony. They're already talking about everything, nothing like the two have known each other for years.
It didn't take long for the twins to warm up to him, and eventually, they managed to drag him outside and into a snowball fight, which everyone joined except for you. Paxton was just about to have his second feeding of the day, so you opted to sit in a rocking chair in front of the window to oversee everything and still enjoy what was going on.
Tony constantly glanced your way and even shot you a wink, making you melt. Eventually, he came in to check up on you and prepare the soup for dinner.
''How're my beautiful wife and adorable son doing?'' he asks as he's crouching next to you, his thumb rubbing softly over Paxton's head as he looks at both of you with pure adoration.
''We're doing great, and I'm pleased the twins are getting along with Jackson. He's so sweet with them; it's honestly like they're his grandkids,'' you say as you look at how he interacts with them now that they're both hanging on one of his legs. Tony agrees before getting the dinner ready for everyone, and the rest of the evening is spent eating dinner, cuddling on the couch while watching Christmas movies, and drinking hot chocolate.
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The following day couldn't arrive quickly enough for your liking because it's officially your son Paxton's first birthday. You and Tony started the morning off in each other's arms and between your thighs while sharing memories of your son and thinking about how they always grow up so fast.
''Are you getting the birthday boy out of bed or-'' but before you could even finish your sentence, you could hear Maria over the baby monitor. You should have known she would be the one to wake him up on his birthday, and you shake your head as a chuckle escapes.
''We should have known,'' you say as you glide out of bed before putting on a pair of panties and one of Tony's shirts. He has worn it recently, so his scent is still heavily embedded into the fabric, and you feel happy as the soft fabric envelops your body. You put on your glasses and go over to his room, too, already hearing his happy babbling on the other side of the hallway.
''Good morning, Birthday Boy!'' you say excitedly as you walk in, and Maria is dancing with him as she softly sings for him. He's laughing and babbling excitedly, and when you walk into the room, you take him from Maria's arms for some much-needed cuddles. You sit down in the big armchair in the corner to be comfortable while you feed him, and that's when Maria is going to finish the cake and prepare breakfast for everyone.
By the time you're finally going downstairs after feeding and changing Paxton before getting changed yourself, everyone is already having breakfast. When you're about to pull back a chair to sit down, Tony pulls you onto his lap instead.
''It may be Paxton's birthday today, but I am going to take extra good care of you today too, Sunshine,'' he says before popping a juicy strawberry in your mouth, and you let yourself happily melt into his embrace. He feeds you your breakfast, and no one even bats an eye at the sight; they're used to both of you being practically conjoined at the hip.
''I love you so much, and thank you for thinking of me as well today,'' you whisper as your head is on his shoulder. He turns his head to brush his lips over your forehead lovingly.
The celebration is, of course, entirely over the top because Maria can never do anything halfway, and when it's time for Paxton to do his cake smash, you can't help but tear up at the sight. There's a number one written on the cake with icing, and that's when you realize your youngest son is finally one year old and growing up far quicker than you'd like him to. A tight feeling in your chest clutches you onto Tony, who pulls you tighter against him.
Before you know it, the cake is smashed, and everyone has a piece of it, which everyone happily gobbles up, though Tony can't resist feeding you. He has always enjoyed caring for you in every way imaginable, and this isn't an exception. He's ensuring that even though today is all about your son, no one forgets the tough time you've gone through.
After this, it's time for more Christmas movies, and Tony has situated himself in one of the corners of the couch so that he can stretch his legs out in front of him, ready for you to sit on his lap to get some cuddles in. His hands are splayed out over your stomach under your shirt, and his thumbs are softly rubbing over the scar. It has always been your biggest insecurity, but you have learned that you don't need to hide it from anyone over time.
''You're magnificent, Sunshine, the scar on your belly doesn't suddenly make that go away,'' is just one of the things Tony tells you daily, and over time, you have started to appreciate his words and the scar adorning your body. It has become just as big a part of your body as every one of your tattoos, and there are many of them.
After a little while of sitting like this, you even fall asleep, which is more than welcome since you had an awful night. You had a terrible nightmare that kept reoccurring every once in a while, and you sat up straight with a scream, and Tony was instantly there to calm you down and ground you.
''Hey, it's okay, Sunshine, nothing will happen to you. I'm here with you,'' he whispers as he grabs your hands, squeezing them reassuringly to show you that it's not real and that he's there with you now. You managed to have a dreamless sleep after that, but you didn't have many more hours of it, so you're glad to be able to take a nap in the safety of your husband's arms.
Once dinner time rolls around, you're already awake, and you have helped Maria out in the kitchen with your Mom, making it a lovely afternoon with the girls while Tony, Howard, and Jackson are having some alone time with all three of the kids. Tony is feeding Paxton a bottle this time while Hudson is playing with Jackson, and Orion is busy teaching Howard a trick she learned at school.
''Is everyone ready for dinner?'' you eventually ask, and everyone almost runs to the table as they're drooling over everything the three of you have made. The entire table is filled with delicious food, from homemade bread to different varieties of meat and salads, but before everyone can start, you want to give a small speech.
''Before we all eat this delicious food, I want to tell you all how thankful I am for all of you. Hudson and Orion, you are the two best twins I could have ever wished for, and you make each day just a little brighter with your happiness. I love you both with all my heart. Paxton, the little birthday boy, you're the light of my life, and I can't believe we've gotten so lucky to have you as our son, though you can stop growing up now!'' you say, and everyone bursts out into laughter at this.
''Mom and Jackson, thank you both for being here for me no matter what. I know it's not easy to live on the other side of the country, but seeing you two find love after everything you have both gone through has me believing in true love and soulmates. I found mine a long time ago, and I want both of you to know how proud and happy I am for you two to find your way to one another finally, and I can't wait to see what your future holds.''
''Now, it's time for the people who took me in like their daughter: Howard and Maria. From the moment I set foot into this house, you have welcomed me with open arms, and there aren't enough words in the universe to express my gratitude. Life may not have been easy for any of us, but I do know that without your love and support, none of us would have been where we are today. So thank you, and I love you both deeply.''
Then it's time for the last person, your husband Tony, the man you love more than anyone in the entire universe.
''My Love, my rock, my dearest husband, I want to start by saying how much I love you. You have shown me what true love is after everything that happened to me, and for that, I cannot thank you enough. You have helped me learn to love myself again and to be proud of myself and what I do. You have helped me to rediscover myself, and I am so happy to have done that with you by my side,'' you say as you start to tear up a little.
''From the moment we first kissed during the spring dance, I knew we were destined for each other, and my god, I'm so glad to have found you. I get to kiss those lips every day and look into those eyes as well. You're the love of my life, my soulmate, you're my lobster!'' you say as you wipe your tears away, and everyone laughs at the FRIENDS reference you just made.
''Thank you for all the beautiful moments we have had together and for being by my side during the not-so-beautiful moments. I couldn't have gotten through them without you, and I love you, Tony. I can't wait to see what the future has in store for us, but I'm willing to find out with you by my side. I love you, and I can't wait to grow old with you,'' you finish and he gets up to capture your lips with his, leaving you breathless.
''I love you so much, Sunshine; thank you for being the best wife, mother, and best friend I could ever wish for,'' Tony says, and after a few more kisses, it is finally time to eat dinner, surrounded by the people you love most.
Christmas has turned into your favorite time of the year, and it's all thanks to the people around you. What you don't know, however, is that your favorite holiday might quickly be replaced by another one that will be unforgettable.
To be continued...
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thatharringrovehoe · 2 years
Okay I know it's been discussed but like. I do love me some role reversal. Just, season 1 Steve Harrington moving to California and stealing King Billy's crown without even trying.
- Steve's dad transfers to California at the behest of Mrs. Harrington. Affair after affair has left her Hawkins reputation in tatters. Nothing but pittying stares and snide comments from the locals everywhere she went. So she demands Steve's father move them out to San Diego. A fresh start, a beautiful city. Steve is devastated.
- They purchase a beach house. It's massive and bright with their very own section of the ocean all to themselves. It's beautiful and so very very empty. Because now Steve really does have no one. No friends, no hangers on. Nothing familiar or comforting. The only constant is his parents. They never stayed for more than a week at a time in Hawkins. California is no different. They leave after only five days.
- Steve ends up going to Billy's school by accident actually. His dad has never been very interested in his sons life, always brushed off with a wave or a crisp $100 to go entertain himself because I'm working Steven. So when the subject of school comes up Mr. Harrington picks at random. Just a quick signature and it's done. Unbeknownst to him this is the best thing he has ever done for Steve.
- Because here's the thing. The girls of San Diego do love Billy. But Billy grew up here. You can only fake it till you make it for so long and there has been many an instance where it was obvious Billy just could not give a shit about getting his dick wet with his date. People talk. And sure, anyone says something to Billy he'll rearrange their face. But highschool gossip is savage. California is very much more liberal than Hawkins Indiana but it's still the 80's. Billy still hides. And while he's 100% the golden skin Greek god we see in season 2, he's also less angry. Softer. Hasn't been uprooted to move cross country to bum fuck nowhere where he was something new. Something exotic. Cue Steve Harrington.
- Steve is wholesome country boy charm with a pretty face and a fat wallet. He's big warm brown doe eyes and "I'll have her home by 9 sir". Drives a swanky ass car and has a big empty beach house to throw parties in. Combine all that with a huge dick and the experience of a teen who grew up in a town where there was nothing to do other than party and fuck around? Yeah, the girls at Billy's school are not ready. And neither is Billy.
- Steve Harrington walks through the doors of Billy's highschool Monday morning wearing a crop top and dolphin shorts because he's an Indiana boy born and bred so his body is conditioned to the cold crisp fall days of September in Hawkins, not this sweltering HELL. He has NOT acclimated to the heat of Cali so my boy wears very little clothing whenever he can get away with it. Plays skins in basketball practice, takes his shirt off outside. And he's got SO MANY MORE FRECKLES. The California sunshine is doing him right and Billy Hargrove is NOT OKAY™
- The girls LOVE Steve. Something about the "aw shucks" Midwest charm he brings combined with how genuinely sweet he is. Because Tommy H. and Carol Perkins are thousands of miles away. Steve is given the chance to relax and be more comfortable in his own skin in a place like San Diego. There's no small town gossip chain here. Just the anonymity of a big city. Which also means Steve is given free rein to flirt with all the cute suffer boys at the beach. Let's his gaze linger on toned abs and chiseled jaws when he walks down the boardwalk. Winks when they linger right back.
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kuragesil · 11 months
o potatus et molassus
grow, tiny seed. you are called to the trees.
WARNINGS: book 7 spoilers, inspired by over the garden wall (you don't need to see it to understand this fic, but i highly recommend! but be warned i did take inspiration so it might be slight spoilers for the show), a bit of body horror?
NOTES: hi! so, i had this fic in the works before i watched otgw, but i watched it all yesterday and it is amazing. please listen to potatus et molassus before/while reading (here!), as it's the main inspiration behind this fic. but anyways, i wanted this to be longer but my writing blog is still under construction & i wanted to get this out before halloween was over so it's a bit brief and the ending is pretty abrupt! it's highly possible that i'll come back to this to revamp it & my blog theme.
AND FINALLY: this fic was also inspired by @llondonfog & @serenescribe 's diasomnia fics! both of their works are lovely & they both have wonderful writing styles, and their works have inspired me to try to branch out into horror (despite being scared of Everything Ever). please go check out their fics!
my main blog: @valleyofliyue
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The swaying of the leaves, the dancing of the flowers and the rushing of the waters—all of it is Her body, just as any typical fae has blood running through their veins and organs pumping throughout their being.
The Valley remembers everything. Every footstep set upon Her soil, every house built upon Her land and every tree torn from Her roots—every blessing and transgression is etched and carved into Her skin and memory, only to dull with Time Himself.
She is greater than any book or scroll — for when it comes to history, She is history.
Every fae knows this. He knew this. Lilia knew this.
As he ran through that dark and dense wood, he cursed himself thoroughly, wondering why he pretended as if he didn’t possess such basic knowledge.
Clutching a beautiful, wondrous bracelet made of acorns, he ran and ran—ignoring the burning sensation in his legs yelling at him to stop; to give up this human.
He reckons it’s the General, still humiliated and scarred from events 400 years ago—it’s ironic, how the spirit haunting him the most was a pathetic soldier he loathed to remember.
The rain came down hard and cold, pricking his flesh, trying to draw blood from his skin. He ignored it, he didn’t care. He had no time to care—when Silver, his son—!
Lilia stopped in his tracks abruptly, hands shaking at the sight before him.
A boy—his boy—being hugged to death by the branches of the Yew trees; sticky black sap dripped from wounds where blood should be bled. Silver’s once soft and pale flesh was turning a dull, muted brown that was bumpy and rough. Gentle, kind aurora colored eyes—more gorgeous and glittering than the biggest gemstones—had lost their light, losing their innocent sparkle.
But the most eye-catching part of this horrifying display was his hair.
His moonlit white locks were transforming back to their original state—that golden sunshine spreading throughout the whole head. Lilia has his own bias, preferring the moonlight as Silver’s crown instead of the sunshine.
(For the moon crown is a clear sign that this boy is his own, his son.)
However, Lilia isn’t one to reject all other options when laid out before him, he admits that the golden locks were not a bad look for Silver, either. If Silver had a normal childhood as Prince of the Land of Swords, he would never have become a Blessed Child of the Night—something Lilia often wonders if that would have been better for the boy in the long run.
A wonder that has his heart tighten at the reality before him. For Lilia knows this has cemented his long and deep-seated fear.
She knew.
The Valley knew. She knew that Silver was of the same blood that had ravaged Her lands and ransacked Her flora and fauna—actions that left Her barren and violated, actions that were deemed unforgivable. Never mind the fact that Silver was innocent to all of that, never mind the fact that he was not his family.
No, Silver was a remnant of evil, and must be taken care of; his crown of moonlight reverting back to his crown of sunshine was just a reminder of his wretched lineage.
The ground below Silver lowered deeper, capturing his limbs and sinking him underneath the surface. Lilia panicked, using all of his strength and magic to tear away at the branches and pull his son out of this trap.
“Silver…! SILVER! SAY SOMETHING!” he roared with desperation.
The boy squinted at his father, trying to open his lips ever so slightly; tiredly trying to think of something to say to him.
“... t… F….” he rasped. He took a sharp intake of breath all of a sudden, and Lilia thought his heart would burst.
He could see a branch growing bigger and bigger inside of his son’s mouth, twisting and curling as it rose up the surface, as if to taunt Lilia. As if to punish him for taking in the son of the enemy.
Still ripping the branches off of the boy’s body and attempting to pull him out of the soil, he looks around in desperation, as if She would set Silver free from this undeserved judgment.
“Please… PLEASE! He… he’s been a babe for four centuries, but he’s only been a boy for so long! Don’t punish the innocent!” Lilia pleads, lungs being pushed to their limit; the retired general thought he would start coughing up blood.
Lilia hoped that The Valley would relent, releasing Silver from Her grasp and returning him to Lilia’s—the place where he belongs.
The Valley looks down upon the two traitors.
She makes her final decision.
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elise-51-blog · 6 months
Gary Neville is a REF
So inspired by this. Working on a WIP, another which may it see the light of day someday. An AU where Gary gets kicked out the the United youth academy and becomes a referee instead. Carra has his Liverpool career.
[[Absolutely inspired by this marvelous fic here as well, where both of them became refs instead of footballers, please give it love: PLAY THE WHISTLE by saltstreets ]] credit: @zevons
Snippet of my WIP here.....
“It’s a fuckin’ shambles, Gaz.”
Gary should’ve known better than to answer his phone. It’s a beautiful day for football. Which has fuck all to do with Gary. Gary’s on holiday. At home maybe, but it still counts. He’d even had a lie-in ‘til nearly half seven.
He doesn’t, won’t, can’t hold back a weary sigh, soul-deep. He’s got a headache already. Worse, he already knows he won’t say no in the end.
“I can’t fuckin’ do it, Stuart. I’m on holiday.”
“What, in fuckin’ Bury?”
“How d’you know I’m still in Bury? Maybe I’m in Ibiza!”
“Fuck you are, you boring cunt. You’ve probably been in the back garden, tellin’ the daisies which way to grow.”
“Fuck off.” They both laugh, it’s fucking true innit.
“Fuck me.” He can’t do it. He will do it.
“Already got me lad on the way, son. He’ll scoop you up, you’ll be on the pitch in thirty. Lovely day for it.”
“They’ll not go for it, Stu.” For fucking obvious reasons. “Raffa won’t, anyways.”
“Already had it out with ‘em, you mong, ‘course I have. Sir Alex and Raffa are well up for it. Talked you up, didn’t I? No one I’d trust to do the job right. Sterling lad, absolutely professional he is, our Gary Neville, no one else for it.”
“No one else stupid enough to take it on, you mean.”
“Right you are, son!”
Stuart laughs some more at Gary’s pain. It’s a thing they do. “It don’t hurt you’re a short taxi ride away, either.”
“This is mad, this is.” Gary shakes his head. “If the scousers even let me off the pitch in one piece, I’m gonna get absolutely killed by the fans, no matter the result. Both sides, probably.”
“Yeah. But you’ll be golden in my books, Nev, don’t you worry about that.”
Gary feels a bit sick. “This is me fucked, you understand that, right?”
“Listen,” Stuart actually sounds worryingly sincere. “I wouldn’t ask it if we didn’t need you, Gaz. Really. I know it’s unorthodox, but I’ve made everything absolutely crystal with the managers. The press is being made aware. It’s the wrong time of year for a re-play, innit. Everyone wants to play today. I’ll protect you, lad, I swear it. It’ll be alright.”
He can see it now: Ex-Academy Player Officiates Derby Match, Ripped to Pieces By Former Teammates and Blood-Thirsty Scousers Alike!!
Gary tries to grasp at anything to make the situation better in his mind. “It’ll be Keane and Gerrard to captain, I assume?”
There’s a suspicious pause. Stuart sounds mildly apologetic. 
“Err, well. Gerrard’s out today, actually, knee’s acting up again. It’ll be Carragher in his place.”
Oh, well, fuck Gary Neville then. Just fuck him all day long.
“Oh, well, that’s more good news then, Stuart. The only moderately sane man in Liverpool is out on injury, in his stead an Actual Fucking Lunatic.” He is absolutely insane is Carragher. “Between him and Keane, it’s gonna be sunshine and fucking daisies. I can’t wait to be spoken to with nothing but dignity and respect for ninety minutes.”
Suddenly, Gary hears the desperate honks of a car horn idling impatiently just outside the kitchen window. Stuart must hear it over the phone, he sounds absolutely elated to ring off.
“That’ll be our Dave, then. Off you go, Gaz, that’s a good lad! Don’t forget your whistle, you’re gonna need it today, sure!”
It’s gonna be a fuckin’ shambles.
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billkaulitzwife · 2 years
can you please do hc for dating johnny? (sfw + nsfw) thank you!
Yall are tiring me out I HAVE SCHOO-
ofc, non!! tysm for the request, golden <33
Dating Johnny Cade. (SFW + NSFW)
swearing, ed, cuts, sh, mentions of sêx, etc.
Now Playing: Rosemary
johnny is definitely a deftones guy.
He calls you doll, darlin, sunshine, baby, etc..
He's not much of a sexual guy, he loves romance
Johnny wouldn't trade you for the world
omg he smells like orange peels im js putting it out there.
The moment he finds out you're getting picked on or flirted with
he packs a punch.
like say bob was trying sum w u, POW RIGHT IN THE KISSER
He's so lovable and sweet
he writes you notes on gum wrappers and sticks them in your locker
hes good at persuading the teachers to let him sit next to you
valentine's and ur birthday
he has money set aside for flowers
him and pony wld work at DQ together and you and dally would pull to the drivethru like
u and dallas: "YURR"
johnny: "hey, babe! 10.57 at the window."
dally: "i didnt even order yet"
Hes actually so sweet tho
Dallas keeps his eye on you
makes sure you're good enough for his son
im so serious when i say dallas would take you in as his child but u and his son are dating so thatd be weird
he'd definitely be all kissy and soft when hes tired
he believes communication is key unlike COUGHCOUGHMYEXCOUGHCOUGH
johnny is always by your side
even when ur pissing
hes outside the door
"can i hug you yet"
"sorry mi amor"
idk why but i think he'd hate pop and country
js like me fr
when he bottoms he knows how bad you love his moans and whines so he lets them all out
hed 10/10 let you ride
and 10/10 wld smash
i mean he does both
when youre giving him head, this man tenses up so much and squirms
he doesnt like hurting you so he'll always thrust slow (at first).
if he ever found out you had an ed, he wouldn't be willing to do anything bc he wants you to be healthy
if you had sh scars, he wouldnt grab your wrists
hed be gentle on your thighs
he wouldnt grab your waist
he would hold your hand.
johnny would do anything to kiss you while fucking.
i swear on my life
he would beg you to kiss him
when you kiss his scar when shits heated
1-10 wld u let him hit, answer in the comm-
this kid loves sloppy makeout sessions that turn out to be sex
like if saliva is all kinda running down your chins he'd get turned on
wait did i just fucking say he has a spit kink.
he def like hickeys
giving and receiving
he loves being called baby or something
guys im so tired. I LOVE YOU GOLDENS AND TY AGAIN NON!!🫶🫶
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moonlightazriel · 1 year
Son of the Darkness XV /// Azriel X F!Reader
Summary: Hidden for so long The court of shadows thrived, and things were great until the high lord's death, now the next in line should assume the crown of high lord of shadows, will he accept his duties?
Warnings: None
Word Count: 3,5K
Notes: Okay, the new chapter is finally here, but before you read, pay attention here. I used the book as a base for this chapter, but the thing is, I haven’t read it in English, so all the dialogues are completely made up in my mind as I translated as whatever the voices in my head said. That being said, if you feel like “Hey, this is not what happened!” It’s cuz you’re right and it didn’t really happen, or at least not like I’m describing it.
Son of the Darkness Masterlist
Main Masterlist
Azriel sighed annoyed as they walked through the halls of the Dawn Court, the bright colours made his eyes hurt, being used to Tornan by now and the Night Court in general. Y/N walked on his right and Evanore on his left, the golden crown atop his head weirdly heavy as he thought that months ago, he was getting ready for this meeting as the Spymaster from the Night Court, and now, as he pushed through the double doors, he was a High Lord himself.
He was the last one to arrive, as Rhys had suggested, one by one the High Lords had arrived, with those selected to accompany them. Thesan waited for them with a friendly smile, trying to ease the already tense atmosphere, Tamlin was nowhere to be found. The others noticed the absence of the Shadowsinger and how three seats remained empty, some hushed whispers were shared among them as they wondered what was happening.
The sound of the doors opening brought all the eyes to Azriel, he had a smirk as he watched the room fall silent, the looks of disbelief on their faces, especially the Vanserras. Evanore walked in smiling and waving towards the Night Court group, Feyre waved back, she was the joyful and colourful ray of sunshine among them, she was wearing a deep green dress, that reached her feet, a huge slit on one of the legs, her hair in a braid, she didn't looked like a soldier, not like Y/N.
Y/N walked in, her face a cold mask, her dress reached the middle of her leg, the thin straps and the deep v cut showed too much skin, showing the pink scar and the beautiful tattoo, the handle of her sword was poking from her back, she only looked to her seat, not even acknowledging anyone in the room, Eris watched her with a smirk.
Azriel's shadows covered the whole ground as he moved to his seat, anyone present could feel how he reeked of primal magic, the type of magic the tales talked about, ancient magic coming from the Mother, the bold ones would dare to say that he was more powerful than the High Lord of the Night. Even Beron had the sense of seeming disturbed by his presence, flinching away as he felt the touch of his shadows in his ankles. Rhys smiled brightly at him, feeling a sense of proudness fill his chest, Cassian could only agree that he felt proud of his brother.
"Shall we begin?" His voice was low and sensual as he took the middle seat, with the two females graciously and dead silent sitting by his side.
⋆˙⟡☾𖤓☽ ⟡˙⋆
Y/N sipped on the peach juice she was served, it felt like this conversation was leading nowhere, they couldn't agree on a single thing, the High Lord from the Autumn Court was the hardest one to deal with. Evanore's voice caught her attention and she turned her head, Eva was staring straight to the autumn heir, her eyes glazed as she repeated the words.
"Fajro kaj naturo, naskitaj unu por la alia” (Fire and nature, born for each other) Again and again.
"Kion vi faras?” (What are you doing?) She whispered, leaning behind Azriel, too bored to care about manners, like she was woken up from a trance, her blue eyes pierced her soul as Eva replied.
"Iu diris al mi, ke en sonĝo, antaŭ jarcentoj, nun mi pensas, ke mi finfine komprenas, kion ĝi signifas.” (Someone told me that in a dream, centuries ago, now I think I finally understand what it means.) She looked at the heir again, and it was like she could feel it.
“Li estas via amiko?" (He's your mate?) She raised an eyebrow towards the blonde.
“Jes!” (Yes!) It was all that she said before she turned to him again.
The room fell silent again as the doors opened for the last time, a blonde male entered, smirking like the devil, green colours adorned his clothes and the annoying smell of spring told her that it was Tamlin, the last High Lord. The soft glow of his ring caught Azriel's attention and he averted his gaze from Tamlin to the circle around them on the floor, Y/N's magic worked as a barrier, every High Lord had its own protection, but that was all it was. His protection could be deadly to anyone who dared to step closer to them, Eva was also smiling as her bracelet shone brighter.
"We weren't expecting you, Tamlin." Thesan spoke in a calm voice, nodding to one of the servants so they could get a chair for him, which was quickly attended and Tamlin sat by the table, his gaze filled with hatred for the Night Court switched to curiosity as he laid his eyes on the trio from the Shadows.
"I was told this was a High Lords meeting, didn't know you let everyone enter in here." His sarcastic tone made Y/N growl at him, his mockery to her High Lord could not end well.
"I must admit that I'm also surprised." Beron spoke. " As we also were told that your loyalty belongs to someone else." His tone wasn't gentle. Tamlin kept looking at Feyre like he wanted to jump at her throat, Y/N kept watching his every move. After all, he was a traitor.
"We should keep going." Helion suggested nicely.
"I don't have the habit of discussing my plans with the enemy." Feyre replied and Tamlin scoffed.
"You only have the habit of fucking them." Everyone from the night court held their breaths at his comment.
"Should I intervene?" Y/N whispered in Azriel's ear and he shook his head in denial.
"Not yet." She looked at the male again.
"Seems like an option better than war." Rhys answered after a minute of silence and Tamlin lifted his chin.
"And here you are, after starting it." Rhys lifted an eyebrow, hand splayed across his chest as he pretended to be hurt. The other High Lords watched quietly as the two fought like children, a banter that wouldn't take them any closer to winning this war.
"If you hadn't stolen my bride in the dead of the night, i wouldn't have to take such desperate measures to get her back."
"It was daylight when I left you." Evanore tried hard, but the loud chuckle escaped her lips and all the heads turned to her, Eris covered his mouth as he hid his own laughter, his eyes watching her attentively, maybe he felt it too.
"Why are you here, Tamlin?" Kallias said, and Y/N almost thanked him, they were there for a reason and not to discuss how Rhysand and Feyre got together.
"I made a deal, conceiving access to my lands with a sadist to get the woman I love back, I was going to fight him, try to find a way to break the deal after i had her back, but Rhysand and his people had transformed her into a different person, and she was more than happy to tear my court apart and let Hybern go through." His smirk was vile.
"You cannot erase what you did and try to pretend you're the victim here." Feyre said, she sounded hurt.
His disgusted grin only grew wider as he looked at Rhysand again. "Have you ever noticed the little whimpers that leave her mouth right before she cums."
Azriel's fingers were shaking but his voice was firm, and deadly as he said. "Be careful how you speak about the High Lady of the Night Court." Tamlin looked at him surprised and his confidence faltered for a moment.
"Like he knows how to make a woman cum." Y/N whispered to her friends and Azriel had to hold back a smile. Rhysand shook his head and Feyre seemed like she was going to explode. They had certainly heard her, the expression on Feyre's face, clearly not bothered by his comment only enraged him more.
"Thank you, that's what I needed to hear now." Feyre's voice sounded in her head and Y/N gave a small smile to her direction. Tamlin kept throwing accusations around, Azriel had to hold her wrist a couple of times to prevent her from taking away his ability to talk.
"They offer us stories about defending our land and bringing us peace, but SHE.." he pointed to Feyre. " Came to my lands and exposed it to Hybern. She took my High Priestess and broke her mind, after breaking her bones for pure envy. And if you're wondering what happened to that girl that went Under the Mountain to save us, look at her and the male by her side. Will we fight against Hybern together only to be ruled by a King and a Queen after? She already proved her ambition, and he was more than happy to serve Amarantha."
"Oh by the love of the Mother, do you have any illness that prevent you from ever telling the truth?" Y/N spoke, having enough of that fucking conversation. The blonde looked at her with disdain.
"Who are you, Azriel's little whore?" Azriel felt his blood boil and he knew Tamlin was just messing with him, the blonde prepared to speak again but nothing came, not a single word left his lips, he choked and breathed, his nails scraping his throat, everyone looked at him with puzzled expressions. Eris had a growing smirk as he knew what was happening, Rhysand and Cassian tried hard to keep their composure but Eva just didn't care, her hands covering her mouth as she giggled.
"She's my general, and should be treated as such, with respect, after all some of us know how to actually take care of women." The irony in his voice almost stung, he watched with a predatory gaze as Tamlin kept struggling to talk, Y/N's hand was hidden under the table as the mist came from her palm. His large hand squeezed her thigh, and she stopped, the shadows retrieving back to her and Tamlin gasped and breathed loudly, looking everywhere to see what the hell had just happened to him.
"Why are you here, Tamlin?" Kallias asked again and the male decided to go straight to the point this time.
"I'm here to help fight against Hybern."
"Liar." Cassian growled.
"You need to understand why we are not comfortable with sharing our plans with you." Thesan said, trying to ease the tension once again.
"Even when I have information against him?" He retorted, smiling at Feyre once again. "Why do you think i invited them to my home? I told you once that I would fight against tyranny, not even you was enough to prevent me from doing it. It was easy for you to call me a monster even with everything I did for you, for your family. " He looked at Nesta and not even Y/N wanted to be at the receiving end of the glare she sent his way.
"You witnessed everything that he did Under the Mountain, and yet you opened your legs for him. He whored himself to Amarantha for decades, guess it was easy for you to do the same."
"Careful." Morrigan warned but he ignored her.
"Tamlin, this is getting boring, take all this lovers drama elsewhere and let the rest of us discuss the war." Helion said, his voice monotone as he waved his hand in dismiss.
"You will enjoy the war, considering how good the last one was for you." Tamlin kept going.
"No one said that the war cannot be lucrative for some." He simply said, not letting the childish behaviour get to him.
"Enough!" Kallias yelled. "We have different opinions about how this conflict with Hybern should be approached." Eva nodded, agreeing with him.
"I'm against Hybern." He finally stated a serious tone.
"Prove it." Helion challenged.
Tamlin flicked his hand and stacks of paper appeared in front of him. "Letters from the army, weaponry, faebane supplies and everything we need to know." Cassian scoffed.
"As noble as this might seem." Helion scratched his chin, looking at him with a fierce gaze. "Who can guarantee that this isn't false information to get us to trust you?"
"Who guarantees that Rhysand and his followers aren't Hybern's agents, and this isn't a way of making us surrender without noticing?" He replied back and even Vivianne groaned in frustration.
"You cannot be serious." Nesta finally spoke, her piercing blue eyes throwing daggers at him.
"If we need to unite against Hybern, you're doing a terrible job to bring us together, Tamlin." Thesan spoke again, rubbing his temples in exhaustion.
"I'm just warning that they might seem like your friends, but the truth is, he warmed Amarantha's sheets for 50 years, and just worked against her when things changed. I'm just saying that, even if he claimed his city was attacked by Hybern, they did very well, like they were waiting for the attack. Don't think they wouldn't sacrifice some building and some lesser fae to make it seem like we have an enemy in common. Why was the Night Court the only one to know about the attack in Adriata and were the only ones getting there in time to play saviour?" The smug in his face, like he had won the argument, quickly vanished as Varian opened his mouth.
"They knew." He looked at Tamlin. "Cuz I told them."
"Maybe you're also working with them, you're the next in line for the crown anyways." The whole room huffed in annoyance.
"Maybe.." the eyes fell on Y/N. "This is a fucking conspiracy, all of us work with Hybern and we are trying to convince you to surrender." She mocked and even Beron let out a scoff in his direction.
"Next time choose only one target, it's more convincing than just pretend that everyone is working with the real enemy just cuz things don't go your way." Evanore adviced and Eris paid attention to her once more.
She was the other female alongside Y/N that time in the Winter Court, she was beautiful, a type of beauty that not everyone achieved, it was like the Mother took her time to sculpt her beautiful face and the bright blue eyes. He couldn't keep his eyes away from her.
"You're insane." Feyre rolled her eyes. "Are you even hearing what you're saying? Hybern turned my sisters into fae after your pristress sold them."
"Maybe Ianthe's mind was already in Rhysand's control. And what a tragedy, be beautiful and young forever. You're a good actress, I'm sure it's a family thing." He spoke directly to Nesta. She let out a low chuckle.
"If you want to blame someone for all of this, try to look in the mirror." Tamin growled at her.
"Don't even think about it." Cassian said to him through gritted teeth. Tamlin looked from Nesta to Cassian and scoffed.
"Looks like other preferences run in the Archeron family." He mocked and Feyre sighed.
"What do you want? An apology? Or that I crawl back to your bed and play the happy dutiful wife?"
"Why would I want spoiled things back? After you let him fuck you like.." Once again the words stopped abruptly and Azriel looked to his right side, Y/N lifted her hands and whispered a "Not me." The male opened his mouth once, twice but nothing came.
"You are a poet when you're quiet, Tamlin." Everyone looked at Rhysand, the flicker of doubt and fear in their eyes. Tamlin was as powerful as any of them, but when Rhys took away his ability to speak, they remembered that they weren't equals. "If you want us to prove that we are not working with Hybern, just remember that it would be much easier to just invade your minds and force you all to do as I wish.”
Beron was the only one dumb enough to let out a sarcastic laugh, and Eris just leaned closer to his mother to protect her.
“Even if Varian told you all, when he wasn’t supposed to.” Tarquin finally spoke. “You came, bringing another powerful High Lord that ended with everything in minutes.” He pointed to Azriel. “You were the only one to come, and not asked anything in return, why?”
“That’s not what friends are for?” Rhys simply said.
“I take back the blood ruby, not a single debt between us.” Tarquin said again.
“Don’t expect Amren to give hers back, she liked it a lot.” Cassian blurted and a shadow of a smile spread across Tarquin’s face.
“The war is here.” Azriel spoke, his throat dry from not using his voice. “We shouldn’t waste time fighting with each other.”
“The Shadowsinger is right.” Beron agreed.
“It’s High Lord of the Court of Shadows for you.” Y/N replied. And all the attention was on the three again.
“Which brings us to an interesting question.” Kallias started. “You call yourself a High Lord, but from which court?”
“The Court of Shadows was destroyed in the war.” Helion casually remembered.
“My Court needed to recover after the war, but now we’re ready to fight for our land. Hybern won’t take what’s ours, no one will, ever again.” Y/N’s voice was a warning, a reminder that no one knew what they were capable of, let alone their High Lord.
“Who guarantees you’re telling the truth?” Beron asked like a stubborn child and Evanore got up. She showed them, the court, her home, Thera and everything they needed to see to believe.
“It’s just like I remember.” It was all Helion said. “Well, going back to what’s important.” He flickered his hands and more papers appeared on the table. “Copies.” He motioned to them. “If Tamlin is telling the truth, we should focus on getting rid of the faebane.” He pointed to the male that crossed his arms and kept his face in a frown.
“How do you suggest we do it?” Kallias inquired.
“We can take care of this.” Tarquin replied. “We owe that to them, for Adriata.”
“There’s no need.” Thesan intervened. “I have someone I want you all to meet.” A High fae entered the room, she had long black hair and brown skin.
“My lord.” She bowed to him.
“Nuan is one of my best craftsmen.” He pointed at her and she gave him a shy smile. “Maybe you all know her as the person that allowed Lucien to use his left eye again after Amarantha removed it.”
“And what does it have to do with the faebane?” Helion, straight to the point as ever.
“I found a solution.” She stated.
“We heard rumours of faebane being used in this war. Used in the attack against your city, Rhysand.” Thesan gesticulated. “We thought that it was better to investigate this before it became a great weakness for us all. She’s also a great alchemist.”
“The mother provides us everything we need in nature.” Eva clapped and whispered that's right, which made Nuan blush. “It was just a matter of time to find what in Prythian was able to stop Hybern’s venom that was able to prevent us from using our power.”
Eva looked at Y/N “Ĉu mi diru ion?” (Should I say anything?)
“Ne, mi ne fidas al tiu aĉulo.“(No, I don’t trust that asshole.) She shrugged.
“Can you two stop talking in your witchling language? I don’t understand.” Azriel whispered back.
“It's a private conversation.” Y/N winked at him, turning her attention back to the other female.
“Nuan has made a powder, it should be used with our drinks and food and guarantee immunity against the faebane, we have it ready to be distributed among our unified armies.” Thesan concluded and Nuan smiled proudly.
“And what about their weapons? They wore gloves to destroy our shields.” Tarquin stated.
“I’m afraid we only have our abilities against it, the powder only protects you against your powers being taken from you, if someone stabs you with it it might help as well.” She shifted her weight from one foot to another.
“And we should just trust you? With this thing?” Beron’s voice sounded bitter.
“I will take your antidote.” Y/N and Feyre said in unison. And Beron huffed in annoyance.
“I won’t risk my armies and my family with this theory.” He replied.
“It’s not a theory.” Nuan argued.
Eris looked at Evanore once again, when he said. “I will take it.” Beron didn't say a thing, but even if he did, Eris wouldn’t care as he was staring at the big smile Eva was giving him.
The High Lord from autumn looked like he was going to burst into flames as his oldest son agreed with that, Eris tried to keep the composure, but the way his father was looking at him, made him shiver.
“That’s enough!” Nesta's voice sounded. “This meeting should be about you all protecting your people, and those who need it. You’re the last thing standing between Hybern and all the things that are good in this world.” No one dared to interrupt her. “You fought against Hybern in the last war! Why do you refuse to do the same now?” Beron just kept quiet.
“You can hate us all you want, I don’t care, but I do care that you’re allowing innocent people to suffer, you must protect your land, your people, Hybern will make an example out of you.”
“How do you know that?” Beron inquired again.
“I was thrown in the cauldron, it showed me the King’s heart, he will take the wall down and slay those on both sides.” No one knew if Nesta was telling the truth, but they all knew what the King was capable of.
“You were chosen to protect this land, how can you not fight for it?” She finished.
“I’ll consider.” Beron replied, waving his hand to his family and they all vanished, the smell of burned wood was the last thing left behind.
“We will fight, with all we have and how we can to protect everything we know and love. I don’t care if you will help us, the Night Court will stand against Hybern.” Feyre concluded.
“You have our support.” Y/N winked at her.
“I will fight with you.” Viv got up, nodding her head.
“Me too.” Cresseida, the princess from Adriata also stood, four powerful females looking at each other, the males just smiled, not daring to go against them.
Helion only nodded and lastly, Thesan, and Tamlin, for everyone’s surprise, agreed. Seven High Lords out of eight, this wasn’t bad at all.
⋆˙⟡☾𖤓☽ ⟡˙⋆
Taglist: @allison-rosewood-maximoff @devilsfoodcake22 @fieldofdaisiies @brekkershadowsinger @valeridarkness @margssstuff
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darkmatter-nebula · 6 days
Colli has a nightmare and Hunter (along with the rest of the family) comfort him
Greetings, my dear @strawberryshortcake1495! 👋😊
Thanks for the request!
Drabble: Colli's Loving Family
A certain small starboy with otherwordly fluffy lavender hair and a heart of gold was crying his eyes out after a terrible nightmare. His big brother Hunter held him in his arms and kissed lovingly his beloved little brother's tears away.
It didn't take long for the rest of Colli's family, except for his grandparents, to comfort him. "Shhh, shhh. We're here, Little Star. We're not going to let anyone hurt you!" Eda said softly as she caressed lovingly Colli's freckled cheek.
King nuzzled softly his darling little brother's cheek. Luz and Vee cuddled the kindhearted eternal little boy close. Camila, Darius and Raine were brainstorming about what they could do to help their son. Eberwolf rubbed Colli's back.
Lilith cupped Colli's adorable multi-colored face with both of her hands. She pressed with infinite tenderness her forehead against Colli's. Colli meant a lot to her. Hooty wrapped himself around Colli for a tight yet soft embrace.
Hunter took Colli's tiny hand and intertwined his fingers with Colli's. The former Golden Guard with silky blonde hair whispered soothing words into the immortal celestial boy's ear. Colli's family truly loved him dearly.
Fortunately, Colli began to feel better. "Thank you." Colli couldn't surpress a tiny smile. "Anything for you, my beautiful little Sunshine." Hunter said, his magenta eyes were filled with endless love and adoration for Colli.
The End
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