#juliet arlington
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babzyz · 6 months ago
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now you got me 💍
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dane-zaboravim · 9 months ago
– Može ostati kod kuće i igrati se mame i tate – nastavio je Matthew. – Ili se može vratiti na posao kod mene onog datuma i u ono vrijeme kad smo se dogovorili. Točka.
– To je protuzakonito – rekla je Juliet.
Zavladala je tišina. Matthew se zagledao u svoje snažne ruke, prekrižene na prsima. Zagasito crvenilo udarilo mu je u vrat i lice.
– Čuj, srce – Matthew se odmah obratio Juliet. – Ne kažem ja da ne poštujem sve te divne stvari koje vi žene radite. Velik je posao brinuti se za obitelj. Teško je to. Znam zato što Lou ne govori ni o čemu drugom, samo o tome kako je teško izaći na kraj s djecom i s kućom, kako je stalno umorna. Ja ću zadnji reći da je to lako; stvoriti dom i odgojiti novi naraštaj. Ali tvrdim da vi katkad ne razmišljate o tome odakle se sve to plaća. Ja plaćam kuću, plaćam aute, školarine, dadilju, čistačicu, praznike, članstvo u teretani, Louinu garderobu...
– Nabrajao je debelim prstima pred Julietinim licem kao da bi mu ona trebala biti zahvalna. – A mene doma uglavnom i nema. Pa kad ta cura nazove i kaže da želi duže ostati sa svojim djetetom i hoće da i to platim, čut će svoje.
– Moraš priznati da ima pravo – rekla je Louisa dok je Matthew potezao dugi ratoborni gutljaj iz vinske čaše.
– Trebala bi vas tužiti – rekla je Juliet.
Malo je podigao glavu poput grabežljivca kad vreba.
– Neće – rekao je odlučno.
– E, pa trebala bi.
I tad je to izgovorio.
– Ti bi se trebala pripaziti – rekao je. Vidjela je koliko se približila njegovoj mržnji: kao da je na milimetar da ga pogodi u živac. – Čuvaj se. U tvojim se godinama žene znaju uzgoropaditi. – Otro je usta zapešćem i pogledao Juliet kao da je gola. – Sa ženama kao što si ti je problem što ne znaju iskoristiti svoje adute.
Arlington Park, Rachel Cusk
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missydurdenknowsbest · 3 years ago
Reading: "Arlington Park" by Rachel Cusk
Reading: "Arlington Park" by Rachel Cusk… Spoiler Alert: I did not like it…
Love the cover (as does Basho, it seems). As always: Spoiler alert—though I don’t think you can spoiler anything when nothing much happens in the first place… That’s what the Blurb says: “Arlington Park is an ordinary English suburb. Over the course of a single day, the story moves from one household to another, revealing its characters: Juliet, enraged at the victory of men over women in family…
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cowperviolet · 4 years ago
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We tend to imagine the Edwardian period in the pastel colours of a Downton Abbey set: white gloves, cricket, young ladies who have the haziest notions of how heirs are made.
While the highborn ladies in question were still on the marriage market, they would have done well to give no one a reason to suspect otherwise about this last part. Violet Manners, the Duchess of Rutland, went so far as to forbid her daughter Diana to hold hands with any young man not her brother (not that it prevented Diana from going on boat excursions with Oxford students when living with her less strait-laced relatives). However, once the wedding bells rang out – more often than not after a match of convenience rather than romance, although not exclusively – the rules of the game changed.
For a beautiful married woman in the Upper Ten Thousand, as the crust of the richest and most influential families in Britain was dubbed, to have a lover was almost always tolerated – provided, of course, all proprieties were observed.
It was whispered often and loudly, for instance, that the Duchess of Rutland’s two daughters, Diana and Letty, were in fact conceived not by her husband, but by two different lovers. Nonetheless, the girls were officially recognized as the Duke’s children, and nothing threatened their inheritance during their lifetime. Admittedly, the fact that they were indeed girls, and thus unable to inherit the dukedom itself, must have helped.
This web of relationship could be surprisingly amicable: Diana herself later affectionately wrote in her memoirs about the way her father’s mistress, a great American actress Maxine Elliot, introduced her to the world of theatre. During the First World War, the Duchess even asked Maxine to help persuade the Duke to turn their house on Arlington Street into a hospital for wounded officers. Maxine agreed.
Many extramarital liaisons were ignited during country house parties. These Saturday-to-Mondays (no one called them weekends for the fear of being mistaken for the kind of people who have workdays) had scores of men and women gather in their friends’ country houses for several days of shooting, cocktails, and bridge. A good hostess knew her guests well – and that included the sacred knowledge of who is sleeping with who. This information ruled what Vita Sackville-West later delicately termed ‘the disposition of bedrooms’. As she wrote in her novel, The Edwardians,
‘…the name of each guest would be neatly written on a card slipped into a tiny brass frame on the bedroom door … Lord Robert Gore was in the Red Silk Room; Mrs Levison just across the passage. That was as it should be’.
The world of fashion assisted these pastimes as much as any private effort could. The French designer Paul Poiret’s creations took Edwardian England by storm for more reason than one. Their use of brassiere instead of a traditional corset made clothes more comfortable for the wearer, of course; however, it was also much easier to take off or to put on again in the case of an emergency, if someone was to almost discover the lovers. Paul Poiret himself seemed to understand his target audience well: he noted once that ‘undressing a [corseted] woman is an undertaking similar to the capture of a fortress’.
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Of course, both the woman and the one who was doing the undressing had to exercise caution regardless of what they were wearing: poor Lady Londonderry’s story is a good example of that. She had a misfortune to get onto the bad side of Gladys, Marchioness of Ripon, a patron of the opera and a woman of fearsome elegance. When the latter discovered love letters from Lady Londonderry in the house of her lover, Harry Cust, she pinched the correspondence in question without many qualms. Reading it later, she realized with delight that, apart from being shockingly indiscreet, the letters also contained a multitude of disparaging remarks about Lady Londonderry’s own lawful husband. Another person might have thought publication or even blackmail – however, Gladys had a longer game in mind. Besides, Lady Londonderry had nothing she might have wanted – apart, of course, from their common lover.
During her next meeting with her friends over a game of bridge, beneath the warm glow of a silken lamp, Gladys dramatically produced a packet of letters and offered to give a little dramatic reading, since the game came to a standstill anyway. Exchanging bewildered looks, her guests agreed. Whatever it was, it couldn’t have been boring – not coming from Gladys, who made everyone else appear dull and, according to the contemporary writer E.F. Benson, ‘a shade shabby’. The result didn’t disappoint: she read the steamy lines with hilariously exaggerated passion, and had her friends in stitches.
The ‘private readings’ continued for several months, until the last instalment was finished. Then Gladys had the letters delivered to Londonderry House in Park Lane. The bundle, tidily tied with a ribbon, was given to Lord Londonderry. The revelation didn’t lead to divorce – after all, such a thing would have been not so much prohibitively expensive as prohibitively scandalous. The relationship between the couple has cooled somewhat, though.
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If this frankly tabloid-like story could be placed on the more salacious end of the Edwardian adultery scale, then the opposite, respectable one, was firmly occupied by Mrs. Keppel. This lovely woman with creamy skin and chestnut hair became one of the last representatives of the fading tradition of royal mistresses, despite being firmly married. She had been the sole companion of the Prince of Wales, a.k.a. future Edward VII, a.k.a. Bertie, from 1898 and until his death. When their relationship began, he was fifty-eight and she twenty-nine. There were other drawbacks apart from this rather obvious one: Bertie also had an impressive girth – probably stemming from his habit to eat five meals a day and have a whole cake served at tea instead of the traditional light sandwiches and scones – and a past that included a lot of French dancing girls.
However, this liaison – although such a frivolous word is scarcely suitable for the position that lasted for years, and established Mrs. Keppel as the uncrowned queen of the high society – had its upsides. Admittedly, most of them were monetary. Whatever Bertie spent on her out of his yearly income of £470,000, his financier Sir Ernest Cassel helped her to multiply. When Mrs. Keppel had just met the Prince of Wales, her lifestyle could be described as, at most, respectable. When he died twelve years later, she had shares in the Argentine Great Western railway, the Cordoba Central, the Royal Mail Steam Packet Company, the Transvaal Diamond Mining Company, and others; she travelled by a private train and was a beloved guest at the casinos at Biarritz and Monte Carlo. Despite this long affair and its very visible dividends, Mrs. Keppel managed to avoid greasy whispers and attentions of ill-wishers – mostly by retaining an aura of the utmost propriety. ‘She knew’, said Consuelo Vanderbilt later, ‘how to choose her friends with shrewd appraisal’.
Friends, perhaps; but what about her husband? Well, his private thoughts on the matter remained unknown. What is known, however, is that he vacated the marital bedroom obediently when confronted with the royal desire for his wife. Perhaps, he shared her views that extramarital affairs could be a sound business practice rather than a diversion it was for Lady Londonderry and the others. Mrs. Keppel had once tried to impress this opinion on the young Clementine Churchill. During a Spanish holiday in 1914, she advised Clementine to help her husband’s political career by finding herself a powerful lover. She was dismayed by Clementine’s refusal, and opined that it to be, if anything, selfish.
It must be noted that few extramarital romances among the Upper Ten Thousand featured such disparity of power and wealth as Mrs. Keppel’s did. Indeed, when they did, quite often the sponsorship, financial and political, went in the other direction. This tendency did not remain in the Edwardian age – a generation later, Oswald Mosley derived quite a part of his funding for his young fascist party from his mistresses’ money. However, that is a tale of another time, and for another time.
Diana Cooper, A Rainbow Comes and Goes.
Juliet Nicholson, The Perfect Summer: England 1911, Just Before the Storm.
Diana Souhami, Mrs Keppel and Her Daughter.
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rose-tylers · 5 years ago
To help with self-isolation/quarantine boredom, today through Monday, two of my books are FREE on Amazon across all marketplaces.
The Only One
Sparks fly when Piper Vaughn, a Manhattan real estate agent, meets Richard Spencer, a wealthy English businessman in New York for a year on an extended project and looking for a place to live. She's blonde and beautiful, with a sweet smile and bubbly personality, while he's tall and lean, with bright blue eyes and a laidback demeanor, and also nearly 20 years her senior. Though the attraction is mutual and instantaneous, they try to keep their relationship strictly professional, but as soon as they close on Richard's new apartment, they can't resist each other any longer.
A sweet and passionate romance develops between the two, but before they know it, Richard's project is over and he must return to London. This abrupt wake-up call is compounded by the return of Piper's ex-boyfriend, and she is faced with a life changing decision. Should she stay in New York, the city she never thought she would want to leave, or give everything up to start a new life in London with the man she loves?
A romance that's both sweet and steamy, suitable for readers 18 and older, with a happily-ever-after ending.
Finding Home Again
Hannah Cole, a graduate student living in Arlington, Virginia, led a happy, seemingly charmed life, until she was kidnapped from her home one night. Now, she must try to put her life back together, while spending each day battling her trauma-induced fears, and being awoken each night by terrifying nightmares. Slowly, with the help of her father David, and her friends Juliet Grayson, Chris Tyler, and Madison Cartwright, Hannah's life starts to return to normal. Along the way, old friendships are strengthened, while new ones are formed, and a tender romance begins to develop between Hannah and Eli Shaw, the rookie agent who helped save her life.
Unfortunately I can’t offer No Safe Place for free as it was free just last month, but it is available to borrow through Kindle Unlimited, as are these two books, so check them out if you haven’t already, and maybe give this a reblog to both help out an indie author and give your followers something to read during this time 😁
The Only One | No Safe Place | Finding Home Again
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bosooka · 6 years ago
flowers for algernon, romeo and juliet, lord of the flies and the giver for the asks!
flowers for algernon: how much potential do you think you have?
once i figure out a healthy way to manage my depression and ptsd...it’s over for u bitches
romeo and juliet: have you ever done anything ridiculous for love? what?
climbed out of a second story arlington window so girl’s parents wouldn’t catch me covered in hickies in their house.
lord of the flies: what motivates you best?
the giver: talk about a favorite memory
my fondest memory is fifth grade after a girl scouts meeting, fucking around on the playground with the sun already set, with the girls who are to this day my best friends.
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makistar2018 · 6 years ago
Taylor Swift’s ‘Reputation’ Film Shows Why She’s One of the All-Time Greats The Netflix concert film immortalizes her best tour yet
By ROB SHEFFIELD December 31, 2018
Taylor Swift’s triumphant Reputation tour gets immortalized the way it deserves in her new Netflixconcert film, which premieres on the streaming service on New Year’s Eve. (Just in time for “New Year’s Day”: that’s our Taylor, always thinking conceptually.) It shows off the biggest and best tour yet from one of pop’s all-time great live performers — Swift goes for stadium-rocking spectacle, without toning down any of her songs’ one-on-one emotional intimacy. Nobody else is in this girl’s zone. The Reputation doc was shot on the final night of the U.S. run, at AT&T Stadium in Arlington, Texas, with 60,000 fans singing along with every word, right down to every last “isn’t it?” in “Delicate.”
Swift is an artist who knows she doesn’t need special effects — she can get up there with just her acoustic guitar and slay, any night she chooses. All she needs is her songs, and she’s sitting on a songbook full of classics. But if she’s going to do a mega-pop show, she’s going to go all the way, because that’s what she does. So Reputation is a tribute to her epic ambition, with a dazzling battalion of dancers, pyro explosions, video screens and giant inflatable snakes, including a 63-foot cobra named Karyn. As her secret soul sister Courtney Love would say, Taylor wants to be the girl with the most snake.
It’s a New Year’s Eve victory toast to top off her historic 2018. Reputation was the year’s best-selling album, according to Billboard, even topping Drake’s Scorpion. She also had the biggest-selling U.S. tour in history, according to Pollstar. Has any female solo artist done an all-stadium tour before? With two female opening acts, Charli XCX and Camila Cabello? Swift took her tour to seven countries on four continents, selling nearly three million tickets. (The only artist who outgrossed her globally? Her old protegee Ed Sheeran, with whom she co-wrote “Everything Has Changed” while they were both bouncing on a trampoline.)
I saw the tour’s first night — in Arizona, back in May — and it blew the wheels off my getaway car. But as the film proves, this tour got more legendary as it rolled on. She makes “Delicate” so theatrically splendid (she glides above the crowd in a golden basket) and yet so personal and vulnerable. “Delicate” was my favorite song of 2017, before it was a hit, but I love it twice as much after hearing it constantly on the radio all year — I recently passed my millionth “isn’t it?” and I plan to keep over-isn’t-it-ing my way through 2019.
Swift turns “Shake It Off” into a serpentine throwdown with Camila and Charli. “Getaway Car,” the Rep gem that really should have been a hit, begins with a dramatic poetry recital: “And in the death of her reputation, she felt truly alive.” She sits at the piano for a medley combining two of her best deep cuts, “Long Live” (from 2010’s Speak Now) and “New Year’s Day,” showing how far she’s traveled as a songwriter. “New Year’s Day” is the surprise ending to Reputation — a quiet piano ballad after so many synth jams. She sings about cleaning up the morning after the party, sweeping glitter off the floor with somebody who makes her look forward to the year ahead. Only Taylor could focus on the least glamorous, most boring holiday in the calendar and find some romance in it. (Maybe next year she’ll do Arbor Day?)
Swift made every show different by picking a surprise for the B-stage wild-card slot — an oldie from her songbook, played on acoustic guitar. Part of the fun was waiting to see what she’d bust out every night. Seattle got “Holy Ground,” Dublin got “Mean,” Atlanta got “The Lucky One.” Chicago got “Our Song.” Nashville got “Tim McGraw,” joined by McGraw and Faith Hill. New Jersey got “Enchanted,” timed perfectly so the rain storm hit the crowd right at the “please don’t be in love with someone else,” proof she’s in cahoots with the weather. It’s a tribute to her vast catalog — but also to her fans, who stand ready to sing all 129 of her songs at a moment’s notice. For this show, she ends the U.S. tour with the B-stage surprise she picked the first night: “All Too Well,” the mightiest song she’s ever written. She hadn’t sung it live since 2014 — but she delivers this majestic scarf-core ballad with a voice full of adult regret.
Reputation was a risky move — after the Number One hit “Look What You Made Me Do,” the world was primed for her to sing about celebrity score-settling, but instead, it turned out to be an album full of deeply personal love songs. It didn’t fit the “narrative” of what people thought she was about. People predicted that she was killing her career, alienating fans, etc., but people have been saying that ever since she had the gall to change the plot of Romeo and Juliet. It turned out to be a lot more than just another great Swift album — it was a statement about how far she’s willing to go as an artist, starting over from scratch every time. Even when she started as a kid, she had her own scholarly sense of pop history and a brash notion of her place in it. But with this tour and the whole 2018 she’s had, she shows why she’s making history. She’s never willing to rest on her reputation — but in the death of her reputation, she feels truly alive. Long live.
Rolling Stone
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rabbitcruiser · 7 years ago
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Public Garden, Boston
The Public Garden, also known as Boston Public Garden, is a large park in the heart of Boston, Massachusetts, adjacent to Boston Common. It is a part of the Emerald Necklace system of parks, and is bounded by Charles Street and Boston Common to the east, Beacon Street to the north, Arlington Street and Back Bay to the west, and Boylston Street to the south. The Public Garden was the first public botanical garden in America. 
Together with the Boston Common, the parks form the northern terminus of the Emerald Necklace, a long string of parks designed by Frederick Law Olmsted. While the Common is primarily unstructured open space, the Public Garden contains a pond and a large series of formal plantings that are maintained by the city and others and vary from season to season. Mostly flat and varying in elevation by less than five feet, the garden is designed in the style of an English landscape garden. A straight pathway, including a bridge that crosses over its pond, spans the two main entrances of Charles and Arlington streets; but its pathways are otherwise winding and asymmetrical.
The Public Garden is rectangular in shape and is bounded on the south by Boylston Street, on the west by Arlington Street, and on the north by Beacon Street where it faces Beacon Hill. On its east side, Charles Street divides the Public Garden from the Common. The greenway connecting the Public Garden with the rest of the Emerald Necklace is the strip of park that runs west down the center of Commonwealth Avenue towards the Back Bay Fens and the Muddy River.
During the warmer seasons, the 4 acres (16,000 m2) pond is the home of a great many ducks, as well as of one or more swans. A popular tourist attraction is the Swan Boats, which began operating in 1877. For a small fee, tourists can sit on a boat ornamented with a white swan at the rear. The boat is then pedaled around the pond by a tour guide sitting within the swan.
The current pair of swans are mute swans named Romeo and Juliet after the Shakespearian couple, however, it was found that both are female.
Being no more than three feet deep at its deepest point, the pond easily freezes during the colder months. In 1879, the Boston City Council passed an order to maintain the pond for skating during the winter;today, there is an official skating rink maintained at Frog Pond on the Common, instead.
The pond represented a significant health concern shortly after it was constructed, as it was fed by a combination of salt water from the Charles River, sewer water, and fresh water from Frog Pond in the Common. As a result, there was often a thick slime present in the pond, and an accompanying stench. Consequently, the caretakers of the garden drain and clean the pond annually.
Source: Wikipedia
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officialjpyro84 · 3 years ago
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Where it all started: R.E.I.G.N. (2012) I graduated #houseofdisciples & purchased beats & verses with dope artists/family and made an LP about my testimony. Pandora's Box (2018) I became the prodigal son & moved to Arlington & here began my downward spiral, but got help with the talents of @real_virgo_ @chaos36five to further tell my story as I became apart of the @bandlab family. RAW (2018) I met @paradox_flow_2020 who got back on my feet & introduced to the industry side and my fame began to grow more as we independently caused ruckus to the game. Capricorn (2018) was when I reunited with @kajan_musik & with the @raidahkhalid interview, the world witnessed a young goat in the making from the prison to palace. Wonderworld (2019) was the final book in this sage where the underdog became the Alpha wolf in this Romeo and Juliet type story thus King Pyro was later crowned 🤴🏿. #allplatforms #music #allgenres #singer #battlerap #artist #musician https://www.instagram.com/p/CZVyJRiupz1/?utm_medium=tumblr
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babzyz · 8 months ago
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it was the first day of summer, and marlene & isla invited juliet out to the local pool ✹
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dane-zaboravim · 9 months ago
Što je ono rekao? Što je ono Matthew rekao, dok je onako sjedio za stolom kao aga, kao bik, crveni, gnjevni bik što frkće kroz nozdrve? Ti bi se trebala pripaziti. On je njoj rekao da bi se trebala pripaziti. Glava mu je bila tako ćelava da se na svjetlu svijeća presijavala kao štit. Ti bi se trebala pripaziti, rekao je on, s naglaskom na ti. Obratio se Juliet kao da je nije pozvao u svoju kuću, nego kao da ju je zaposlio kao gošću i sada joj dijeli ukore. Taj tip ljudi djeluje upravo tako: kao da tvoje pravo da postojiš proistječe iz njegova autoriteta. Gledao je nju, ženu od 36 godina, s poslom, kućom, mužem i dvoje vlastite djece, i odlučivao treba li joj dopustiti da postoji ili ne.
Arlington Park, Rachel Cusk
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marcel334 · 4 years ago
AP By MARTHA MENDOZA and JULIET LINDERMAN 2 hours ago -----------------------------------
Law enforcement agents were “being pulled into the crowd and trampled, assaulted with scaffolding materials, and/or bear maced by protesters,” wrote Arlington County firefighter Taylor Blunt in an after-action memo. Some couldn’t walk, and had to be dragged to safety.
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rose-tylers · 5 years ago
For the first time ever, my novel No Safe Place is currently free on Amazon, across all markets. This novel is my baby, and I really want more people to read it and love these characters like I do, so if you’re interested, check it out and download it for freeeeeee this week only (until midnight PST on Friday, February 14), and maybe leave a review once you’d read it ;)
Hannah Cole, a young graduate student attending George Washington University, and her father David Cole, a senior FBI agent, enjoy a happy life together in Arlington, Virginia. Due to the nature of his job, and having been a single father for most of Hannah's life, David has always been fiercely protective of his daughter and has taken great strides to keep her safe. But when Hannah is kidnapped from their home one night, their world is turned upside down.
With the force of the FBI behind him, including his best friend Juliet Grayson, trusted partner Chris Tyler, and rookie agent Eli Shaw, David rushes to find his daughter, while Hannah struggles to stay alive, both of them racing against a deadline that could mean the end of Hannah's life.
Check it out on Amazon
(International readers, just change the “.com” to whatever your country’s Amazon domain is and it should work; if it doesn’t, just message me and I’ll give you a link.)
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orbemnews · 4 years ago
Twins with Covid Assist Scientists Untangle the Illness’s Genetic Roots What Ms. Burkett and Ms. Miller skilled wasn’t the norm. Lots of the circumstances that may elevate an individual’s danger for extreme Covid — extra weight, coronary heart illness, diabetes, smoking — are extremely influenced by setting and habits, not simply genetics. An individual’s historical past of combating off different coronaviruses, like people who result in frequent colds, may also have an effect on their chance of creating a severe case of Covid. Some researchers have additionally floated the concept that the quantity of coronavirus an individual takes in could have an effect on the severity of illness, a pattern that has been documented with different infections. Up to date  Jan. 17, 2021, 10:48 p.m. ET “It’s the distinction between having your immune system being truly capable of squash the an infection, or having a a lot more durable time combating it if all of your cells turn into contaminated on the identical time,” stated Juliet Morrison, a virologist on the College of California, Riverside. Michael Russell, 29, says he wonders if he sniffed up extra of the virus than his twin brother, Steven, did this summer season, within the days after they gathered with their household for the Fourth of July. Each brothers started experiencing signs shortly after the celebrations ended, across the time Steven headed again to his house in Arlington, Va. The virus saddled Steven with a scratchy throat and a headache — a “gentle, cold-like” sickness, he stated. Just a few days later, Michael, who was residing at house along with his mother and father, got here down with way more extreme signs: a sore throat, chills, shortness of breath and fatigue that relegated him to his mattress for a complete day. About two weeks handed earlier than he might odor or style the cinnamon-dusted popcorn he recurrently snacks on. The twins’ mother and father got here down with dangerous Covid signs as effectively, so Michael needed to isolate with two different contaminated adults. Hunkering collectively in the identical home could have uncovered him to a bigger dose of the virus, the brothers stated. However, they added, that’s only a guess. Supply hyperlink #Covid #diseases #Genetic #Roots #Scientists #twins #Untangle
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automaticvr · 5 years ago
2020 Arlington Rd Lebanon TN 37087 | Michael Smith Classic Contemporary Colonial home on 0.46 acre lot. 5 BR, 3.5 Baths perfect for large or extended families. Convenient West side location in Richmond Hills Subdivision with easy commute to Nashville Airport and beyond. Seller providing exceptional Buyer incentives to allow for upgrades and changes, if desired. Michael Smith Broker, GRI, e-Pro Tennessee License #261611 Benchmark Realty, LLC, Mt Juliet, TN 37122 Kentucky License #251101 United Real Estate, Louisville Elizabethtown, KY 42701 [email protected] (615) 202-2739 (MOBILE) (270) 986-7234 (OFFICE) https://ift.tt/2Biwhiv https://ift.tt/31sFz6a https://ift.tt/2ZkWyEG 2020 Arlington Rd Lebanon TN 37087 | Michael Smith Why Choose Real 3d space? When you power your business with interactive 3D media, the possibilities are endless. No matter what industry you're in, you can enable deeply immersive virtual exploration that can be delivered to anyone, anywhere with Matterport's technology. Via Real 3d space our Matterport Service Partners, it's quick and easy to add professional, quality, and complete 3D scanning services to any space you have in mind, for any industry. Real 3D Space | 615 243 2891 Real 3d Space - 360 Degree Virtual Tours | Video | Photography Phone: (615) 615-243-2891 Facebook: https://ift.tt/2V5AFFR 305160393246475/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/real3dspace Google+: https://ift.tt/2pLtkzK Pinterest: https://ift.tt/2qsDFwI Instagram: https://ift.tt/2pLmdY5 What is 3D Scanning & Interior Mapping In Nashville TN ? https://ift.tt/2qswVPp Virtual Reality https://ift.tt/1I3M8wD Restaurant 3d Photography Real Estate Photography Real Estate Photography Nashville TN Virtual Realty Virtual Realty Nashville TN 3d Room Scanning 3d Room Scanning Nashville TN This Video: https://ift.tt/2BmbA58 2020 Arlington Rd Lebanon TN 37087 | Michael Smith Real 3D Space | 615 243 2891
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